between the
Los Angeles Community
College District
and the
Los Angeles College
Faculty Guild
Local 1521, CFT-AFT 1521, AFL-CIO
July 1, 2023, through June 30
, 2026
Table of Contents
- ii -
Article 1: Preamble
Article 2: Exclusive Representative
Article 3: The Faculty Unit
Article 4: Academic Freedom
Article 5: Non-Discrimination and Workplace Collegiality 5
Article 6: General Provisions 6
Article 7: Board of Trustees Rights and Responsibilities 7
e 8: AFT 1521 Rights 8
Article 9: Work Environment 12
Article 10: Calendar 21
Article 11: Holidays and Vacation Days 25
Article 12: Class Size 27
Article 13: Assignment 31
Table A 45
Table B 51
Article 14: Coaching and Other Additional Assignments 52
Article 15: Assignment, Summer, a
inter Intercessions 58
Article 16: Faculty with Adjunct Rate Assignments, Retention, and S
eniority 68
Article 17: Department Chairs,
Directors, and Representatives
Article 18: Reassigned o
r Released Time
Article 19: Evaluation 90
Article 20: Resignation 102
Article 21: Faculty Service Area 104
Article 22: Retirement 105
Article 23: Professional Training and Growth 108
Article 24: Personnel Files 111
Article 25: Leaves 112
A. G
eneral Policy on Leaves of Absence 112
B. Bereavement Leave (Mandatory) 114
C. Exchange Leave (Optional) 115
D. Governmental Order Leave including Jury Duty (Mandatory) 116
Table of Contents
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E. Illness Leave (Mandatory) 117
F. Industrial Accident Leave (Mandatory) 124
G. Assault and Battery Leave (Mandatory) 125
H. Organization Leave (Optional-Mandatory) 127
I. Personal Necessity Leave (Optional) 127
Load Credit Leave (Mandatory) 129
K. F
amily And Medical Leave (Mandatory) 130
L. Maternity o
r Pater
nity Leave (Mandatory) 133
M. Pregnancy Disability Leave 134
N. Military Leave (Mandatory) 134
O. Work Experience Leave (Optional) 135
atical Leave (Mandatory) 137
Q. Unpaid Leaves of Absence 139
R. Leave Reports 140
ticle 26: Pre-R
etirement Reduction in Workload Program 141
Article 27: Master Benefits Agreement 145
Article 28: Grievance Procedure 1
icle 29: Salary 172
Article 30: Wage-Step Placement 182
icle 31: Column Placement 183
icle 32: Committees 184
Article 33: Replacement and New Faculty Positions 187
Article 34: Transfers 189
Article 35: Reassignment Including Position Leave 195
icle 36: Other Benefits 196
icle 37: Maintenance of Due Checkoff 198
Article 38: Faculty with Noncredit Assignmen
ts 199
Article 39: Load Banking 200
Article 40: Distance Learning 203
Article 41: Intellectual Property 207
Article 42: Tenure Review and Evaluation of Contract (Probationary) Faculty 213
Table of Contents
- iv -
Article 43: Temporary Adjunct Faculty Pay Principles and Ancillary Activities 224
Article 44: Clerical and Technical Support 227
Article 45: Agreement, Conditions and Duration 228
Appendices 231
ex 395
Preamble: Article 1
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Article 1 (Return to Table of Contents)
The Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees (Here
after referred to as the Board), and the Los Angeles College
Faculty Guild, Local 1521, AFT/AFL-CIO (Hereafter referred to as the
AFT 1521), Join in dedication to the students and community they serve
and hereby enter into this Agreement in a spirit of mutual commitment to
the enhanced welfare, excellence, and prestige of The Los Angeles
Community College District (Hereafter referred to as the District).
Exclusive Representative: Article 2
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Article 2 (Return to Table of Contents)
Exclusive Representative
The Board of Trustees hereby recognizes that the AFT 1521 was
fied by the Public Employment Relations Board as the exclusive
representative for the Faculty Unit in accordance with the California
Educational Employment Relations Act, Government Code Section
The Faculty Unit: Article 3
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Article 3 (Return to Table of Contents)
The Faculty Unit
The Faculty Unit shall include all full-time and part-time faculty employees including,
but not limited to, those categories listed below and all persons serving as
substitutes in those categories. For a complete list of class codes and titles in the
Faculty Unit see Appendix H. The Faculty Unit may be modified in accordance with
the rules and regulations of PERB. Any such approved modification automatically
becomes a part of this Agreement.
Disabilities Specialist
Learning Disability Specialist Instructor
Athletic Director
Child Development Center Teacher
Coach, Head Walk-On
Director, Child Development Center
Director, Nursing Program
Department Chair
Instructor Special Assignment
Consulting Instructor
Faculty Representative
Academic Freedom: Article 4
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Article 4 (Return to Table of Contents)
Academic Freedom
The Faculty shall have the academic freedom to seek the truth and
ee freedom of learning to the students.
Non-Discrimination and Workplace Collegiality: Article 5
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Article 5 (Return to Table of Contents)
Non-Discrimination and Workplace Collegiality
The Board and the AFT 1521 agree not to discriminate against any faculty member
on an unlawful basis. The Board and the AFT 1521 agree to comply with all federal
and state laws regarding non-discrimination.
Reprisals of any nature shall not be taken against faculty members for exercising
their union rights.
In addition, the Board and the AFT 1521 shall strive to promote a collegial and non-
hostile workplace for all District employees. A collegial workplace is one of respect
between employees; it is a cooperative environment for educating our students.
Unlawful Discrimination Concerns:
Faculty with concerns regarding unlawful discrimination and harassment, retaliation,
and or sexual harassment should contact the local Title IX Coordinator,
Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (DHR) coordinator, and or the District’s
Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI).
Non-Collegiality Concerns (Appendix O):
Department or division chairs as part of their Article 17 D duties have an obligation to
facilitate strong collegial relationships and teamwork among the full and part-time
faculty and staff and to facilitate adherence to applicable professional standards.
Faculty with concerns regarding non-collegiality issues not resolved informally or that
are not appropriate for resolution at the department or division level shall report
those concerns to the appropriate college Vice President for consideration,
resolution, or referral by submitting an incident report form. See Appendix O.
Appendix O complaints are those where employees are exposed to hostile acts that
are severe and pervasive. The college Vice President or designee will initiate an
inquiry to make an initial determination as to whether the conduct identified in the
complaint (Appendix O) is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment
that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive.
The results of the initial inquiry shall be provided to the complainant within 15
working days of the submission of the original Appendix O form to prevent the
escalation of the issue reported. The final response shall be provided to the
complainant within 45 working days of the initial Appendix O submission date. The
final report shall include the initial inquiry and any subsequent investigation results.
The response shall be provided to the complainant utilizing Appendix P.
Appendix O issues are the responsibility of the administration to investigate and
resolve. Violations of this article are not grievable except for management's failure to
complete an inquiry or investigative process and report back to the complainant
within the specified timeline. Timelines may be extended due to availability of the
relevant parties or witnesses associated with the complaint.
General Provisions: Article 6
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Article 6 (Return to Table of Contents)
General Provisions
A. This Agreement may be altered, changed, added to, deleted from, or modified
only through the voluntary and mutual consent of the parties in a written and
signed amendment to this Agreement.
B. All public, non-confidential written information of the District provided in reports to
management, or the Board of Trustees shall be provided to the AFT 1521 upon
issuance without specific request, provided such report is on a standing request
list maintained by the AFT 1521. All public, non-confidential written information
given general distribution to management necessary for the enforcement of the
contract shall be provided to the AFT 1521 upon issuance and or distribution. In
compliance with Government Code Section 54957.5, all Board agendas and
other writings of the District distributed to the Board of Trustees in connection
with a matter subject to discussion or consideration at a public meeting of the
Board, except for those writings exempt from public disclosure under
Government Code Sections 6253.5, 6254, or 6254.7, shall be made available to
the AFT 1521 pursuant to Government Code Sections 6253 and 6256 without
C. The Board shall not discriminate against faculty members or applicants for faculty
positions because of their membership in the AFT 1521 or because of their
exercise of other rights to meeting and negotiating as provided by law.
D. This Agreement shall modify, replace, or add to any policies, rules, regulations, or
procedures of the Board and the District which shall be contrary to or inconsistent
with any provisions of this Agreement. The Board or its representatives shall take
no action to adopt or modify any written policy, rule, regulation, or procedure
governing conditions of employment in effect at the time of this Agreements
execution and which is not super-ceded by this Agreement without consulting
with the AFT 1521 in a good faith effort to reach agreement.
E. This Agreement is not intended to modify or replace by any of its terms the rights
of every faculty member in the bargaining unit under the law. Both parties agree
to comply with state and or federal laws.
F. In the event that any provisions of this Agreement are or shall be at any time
determined to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction, all other
provisions of this Agreement shall continue in effect.
G. Rights and benefits of faculty members as set forth in this Agreement shall be
made part of any individual contract of employment when and if issued to any
faculty member.
Board of Trustees Rights and Responsibilities: Article 7
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Article 7 (Return to Table of Contents)
Board of Trustees Rights and Responsibilities
The Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District has all the
customary and usual rights, powers, functions, and authority established in California
Government Code Sections 3540-3549.3. Except to the extent limited by the specific
and express terms and conditions of this Agreement, the management, direction,
supervision (including the right to observe classroom activity after prior notice is
given to the instructor in writing at any time during the semester or term of the
observation), and control of the Los Angeles Community College District operations,
working force and facilities are vested in the Board of Trustees. The Board of
Trustees delegates authority to the District for the right of assignment and will assign
contract and regular faculty members to a schedule of classes or other scheduled
duties that fall within the normal academic workday, work week, and conforming to
any limitation as collectively bargained while retaining the discretion to assign faculty
to other reasonable schedules as necessary to meet the needs of students, the
colleges, and their programs. Except to the extent limited by the specific and express
terms and conditions of this Agreement, the right to select, direct and control the
District business operations and working force; to hire, transfer, and lay off
employees, and to suspend employees in accordance with Education Code Section
87668 or discharge employees for the just causes listed in Education Code Section
87732; and the right to require employees to observe written rules and regulations
not inconsistent with this Agreement, are all vested in the Board of Trustees of the
Los Angeles Community College District.
The Board of Trustees may legally delegate or assign any Board rights or
responsibilities to management or to such other official persons, divisions,
departments, and committees as it shall determine appropriate.
AFT Rights: Article 8
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Article 8 (Return to Table of Contents)
AFT 1521 Rights
A. Each member of the AFT 1521 shall be entitled to payroll deduction for
membership dues to the AFT 1521. Any unit member who is paying dues through
payroll deduction may stop making payments by giving written notice to the Guild
pursuant to the Authorization for Dues Withholding from Earnings section of the
membership form. The District will honor the employee’s dues authorization
unless the AFT 1521 notifies the Human Resources Division in writing that the
employee has revoked such authorization. The District will not stop the dues
deduction until notified by the Guild.
The AFT 1521 shall determine the percentage amount to be deducted and advise
the District percentage to be withheld in each particular case. Such deductions
shall be effectuated as soon as it is administratively feasible. Additional
deductions shall be remitted by the District in accordance with law or mutual
agreement of the parties. Such deductions shall include 403(b), 457(b), COPE,
legal defense, IRC-125 accounts, and insurance.
B. In the event this Article becomes inoperative by operation of law or by a court or
other tribunal of competent jurisdiction, any employee who has completed an
AFT 1521 dues deduction authorization may stop making those payments by
giving written notice to both the employer and the Union during the period not
less than thirty (30) and not more than forty-five (45) days before the expiration
C. The District shall not be liable to the AFT 1521 by reason of the requirements of
this Article for the remittance or payment of any sum other than that constituting
actual deductions made from the wages earned by the employee. The AFT 1521
agrees that it shall pay reasonable attorney fees, indemnify, and save harmless
the District, its officers, employees, and agents against any and all claims,
demands, actions, or proceedings for any liability arising from compliance with
this Article, or in reliance of any list, notice, certification, or authorization furnished
under this Article. The AFT 1521, in addition, agrees it should refund to District
any sums paid to it in error.
D. The AFT 1521 shall have the right of access at reasonable times to areas in
which faculty members work, the right to have the District use secure web-based
pages such as “Share Point” to refer employees to AFT 1521 digital presences,
and institutional bulletin boards, mailboxes, faculty college-wide email, and other
means of communication, subject to reasonable regulation, and the right to use
institutional facilities and equipment provided that such use or access shall not
interfere with nor interrupt normal District or campus operations nor shall such
use cause an additional or an increased maintenance cost to the District. In
cases of use or access that will result in additional costs to the District,
AFT Rights: Article 8
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arrangements shall be made prior to use for reimbursement to the District by the
AFT 1521. Rules relating to civic center permits shall apply to AFT 1521
meetings except AFT 1521 is not required to have a civic center permit and is not
required to pay for the permit except as indicated above if additional costs to the
District are incurred. Meetings which could include political rallies may be
sponsored by AFT 1521 provided that all advertisements are clearly identified
that AFT 1521 is the sponsoring organization.
E. The AFT 1521 shall be entitled to representatives at all Board meetings and shall
be allowed to speak on any item on any agenda in accordance with existing
Board policies. AFT 1521 shall be furnished Board agendas and minutes at the
same time as such are made available to the public.
F. Subsequent to mutual agreement on the format, preliminary copies of this
Agreement shall be available in electronic form within thirty (30) days and final
versions printed at the shared expense of the parties within ninety (90) days after
it is ratified by the faculty and approved by the Board. A copy shall be distributed
by the AFT 1521 to each faculty member now employed. The District shall
distribute a copy to all new full-time and adjunct faculty members as part of the
faculty hiring process.
G. Upon written request of AFT 1521, the Board shall furnish to the AFT 1521 all
available information that is available to the public concerning items affecting the
bargaining unit, including but not limited to financial reports and audits, rosters of
all personnel, tentative budgetary requirements, allocation of State and Federal
funds, student enrollment data, and such other information as will assist the AFT
1521 in developing intelligent, accurate, informed, and constructive programs on
behalf of the faculty and students, together with information which may be
necessary for the AFT 1521 to process any grievance or complaint. The Board
shall also furnish to the AFT 1521 all names, telephone numbers, and addresses
of employees assigned to the Faculty Unit based on current information in District
computer files. The District shall provide the AFT 1521 a copy of the database
documentation maintained by its technical staff. Corrected documentation shall
be provided to the AFT 1521 as it becomes available.
H. The District shall provide the AFT 1521, the “exclusive representative”, with the
name, job title, department, work location, work, home, and personal cellular
telephone numbers, personal email addresses on file with the employer, and
home address of newly hired employees within thirty (30) days of hire or by the
second day period of the month following hire. For all new faculty hires who have
never worked in LACCD before that were not reported after sixty (60) working
days, LACCD shall pay to the Guild on the actual documented membership dues
lost, as determined pursuant to the grievance process.
The District shall provide this information for all employees in the bargaining unit
by the 5
week of each fall term and every 120 days thereafter, except as
specified for certain provisions regarding the privacy of public records. At the
AFT Rights: Article 8
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close of each pay period, the District shall provide the AFT 1521 with a list of all
newly employed and newly terminated faculty members. Name, job title,
department, work location, work, home and personal cellular telephone numbers,
personal email addresses, addresses, telephone numbers and location shall be
provided in electronic form to the AFT 1521 by the District as soon as possible,
but no later than the 5
week of each fall term and every 120 days thereafter. All
AFT 1521 access to District data in electronic form shall be via extract files. In
addition, within thirty (30) days of the separation the District shall provide the AFT
1521, the “exclusive representative,” with the name, job title, department, work
location, work, home, and personal cellular telephone numbers, personal email
addresses, and reason for separation, of all full-time faculty that have separated
from the district for any reason. The AFT 1521 shall, at its request be provided
access to the LACCD network to include use of E-mail as an addressee, Internet
Access, and limited file transfer, but not including timesharing, or other services
such as word processing. Access to the appropriate District administrative
systems shall bear the cost of one-time (startup) charges and monthly charges
associated with implementing and maintaining such network access. In
accordance with Government Code Section 6254.3(c), an employee can request
that the District refrain from disclosing the above information to AFT 1521 upon
written request to the Human Resources Division.
I. The District shall provide AFT 1521 mandatory access to all new District or
college-sponsored new employee orientations. Employee orientation is voluntary
for all new faculty and shall be conducted prior to the start of their initial
assignment. All faculty who attend orientation shall receive flex credit or, be
compensated at their hourly non-teaching rate for time in attendance if their flex
credit obligation is fulfilled.
AFT 1521 shall receive no less than 10 days’ notice in advance of any District or
college new employee orientation meetings. New employee orientation means
the on-boarding process of a newly hired employee, whether in person, online or
through other means or mediums, in which employees are advised of their
employment status, rights, benefits, duties, and responsibilities, or any other
employment-related matters. During new employee orientation, AFT 1521
representatives shall be entitled to one 30-minute period to make a presentation,
present written materials, and meet with new hires. An AFT 1521 membership
application will be distributed and collected by the AFT 1521 representatives.
J. If the District or College has not conducted a new employee orientation within 30
days of a newly hired faculty member’s start date, the exclusive representative
shall be entitled to schedule an in-person meeting at the faculty members’
worksite during employment hours, during which the newly hired faculty member
shall have the opportunity to attend and shall be relieved of other duties for the
purpose of attending the meeting. During this meeting, the AFT 1521 shall be
permitted to communicate directly with newly hired faculty for up to 30 minutes of
paid time. The District shall provide appropriate on-site meeting space within
seven calendar days of receiving a request from the AFT 1521.
AFT Rights: Article 8
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K. Designated representatives of the Board and the AFT 1521 shall meet on a
mutually agreed upon date, place, and time at least once every month for the
purpose of reviewing the administration of the Agreement in force and attempting
to resolve any other problems that may arise. Both parties may submit an agenda
for discussion.
L. The College President, or designee, and the designated campus AFT 1521
representative shall meet on a mutually agreed-upon date, place, and time at
least once a month for the purpose of reviewing the administration of the
Agreement articles relating solely to campus matters. Both parties may submit an
agenda for discussion.
M. Upon written request of the AFT 1521 at least six (6) weeks in advance of the
beginning of any semester, the District shall grant a maximum of 12.2 FTE of D-
basis released time and 1.8 FTE of D-basis released time (for participation on the
WEC) with pay as designated by the AFT 1521 at District expense. AFT 1521
may request and the District shall approve up to an additional 1.0 FTE release
time at each work site, which shall be reimbursed to the District by AFT 1521.
N. Any adjunct faculty member may be elected or appointed as an officer,
representative, or delegate to a bargaining agent AFT 1521 position that normally
carries released time (and or compensation by the AFT 1521) when held by a
full-time faculty member. When this occurs, the adjunct faculty member shall be
assigned the agreed upon number of hours in a non-classroom adjunct rate or
supplemental instructor assignment and equivalent benefits including crediting of
illness days. This assignment shall be separate from any adjunct rate teaching
assignments under Ed. Code 87482.5(a) may have and shall be considered
ancillary service as per Education Code Section 87482.5(c). The elected and or
appointed adjunct faculty member shall be assigned a schedule that, to the
extent possible, allows them to carry out duties and responsibilities as a
bargaining unit representative and an adjunct faculty member. The college
administration shall work with the AFT 1521 representatives to coordinate the
assignment of the elected or appointed adjunct instructor in a reasonable
Work Environment: Article 9
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Article 9 (Return to Table of Contents)
Work Environment
This Article covers all faculty work environments on campus. For off campus
locations that are not owned by the District, the Faculty Guild shall have an
opportunity to review Memorandums of Understanding for College and Career
Access Pathway (CCAP) agreements and negotiate over any effects that have an
impact on matters within the scope of bargaining prior to the District signing any
(CCAP) agreements with outside entities.
A. Faculty Office Space
Whenever private office space is available it shall be provided. Faculty office
space shall be assigned as follows:
1. Within ninety (90) days of an assignment on District property, all Full-time
faculty shall be provided with safe, secure, and accessible office workspace
that includes a desk, a chair, access to a computer with internet and intranet
(including Portal or ESS) access, web camera with microphone and speaker,
access to a printer, accessible and operational wireless technology, and a
telephone with voicemail. The District will not initiate the search and seizure of
a faculty member’s assigned desk, file cabinets or other materials, or other
personal effects located on District property, without giving written notice to
the employee, or the employee’s authorized representative in the event that
the employee cannot be contacted, prior to the search and seizure.
2. Department Chairs, directors, and all full-time faculty shall be assigned office
workspace that provide both visual and auditory privacy, in addition to the
items in B.1.
3. AFT 1521 Chapter Presidents and Grievance Representatives shall be
assigned visually and auditorily private offices if they do not already have an
assigned office pursuant to their regular assignment.
4. True Adjunct faculty working in person shall have access to safe, secure, and
accessible office workspace that is conducive to fulfilling their job duties,
including office hours i.e., and when meeting with students, they must also
have access to workspaces that provide visual and auditory privacy. This
space shall include a desk, a chair, a computer with internet and intranet
(including Portal or ESS) access, access to a web camera with microphone
and speaker, access to a printer, accessible and operational wireless
technology, a telephone with voicemail, and secure storage space. The
appropriate College Vice President shall take action to fulfill the District’s
responsibility to provide such office workspaces.
5. If individual departments cannot provide private or semi-private office space,
the college shall provide faculty with access to space on campus as close as
Work Environment: Article 9
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possible to the faculty member’s primary department that meets the
requirements in A.1 through A.4.
a. Office workspace must be available during all college operational hours.
b. Faculty shall be provided access to a room on campus suitable for video
conferencing, audio, and video recording.
c. Each faculty member shall have access to safe and secure parking at their
District worksite(s). Parking spaces shall be provided for faculty with
disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. All
necessary parking shall be provided by the District at no cost throughout
the term of this agreement. The District shall provide Electric Vehicle
charging at each college. As new facilities are being planned and
upgraded, plans shall include electric charging stations. As these stations
become more available, the District shall provide access to electric Vehicle
charging at each location. Designated parking shall be available for faculty
working at off-site locations at no cost to the employee throughout the term
of this agreement.
B. Instructional and Technical Support
1. The District and college shall provide the following at all workspace locations
including evening, weekend, satellite, and outreach locations, with the
equipment, instructional supplies, computer, software, equipment,
technologies, and services necessary for the purpose of facilitating their
current assignment, as approved by the District, including but not limited to:
a. Athletic equipment for use by registered students and student athletes
b. Required laboratory materials and equipment
c. Required instructional software
d. District standards of smart classroom (Per District Innovation and
Technology Plan or DITP).
e. Classroom phone (also safety issue)
f. Reprographic, copying, duplicating, and multimedia services including:
i. Ability to email or securely upload work-related materials to
reprographic services
ii. Access to multi-page scanner copier
iii. Access to graphic design services
iv. Access to copier codes
v. Access to Large format or poster printing
g. Employee ID number and card
h. Access to Campus Mail service (USPS, intra-campus mail)
Work Environment: Article 9
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i. Computer services:
i. District approved minimum software and hardware specifications
necessary for teaching, student success, and achievement of
student learning outcomes
ii. Functional computer, not cloud-based
iii. Access to teleconferencing
j. Internet and intranet access
k. Available and functional wireless connectivity
l. Portal or ESS (Employee Self Service through SAP or equivalent)
m. E-mail access: District email access prior to the beginning of the first
active assignment (required for official communications and access to
operational and instructional software programs such as Office 365 and
n. Technical support
o. District shall conduct all aspects of software accessibility research and
VPAT (or equivalent) verification
2. The District and college shall provide all faculty with access to assigned
classroom space, regardless of assignment location, by issuing appropriate
keys or making provisions for unlocking doors by the first-class meeting (or
first day of the assignment for non-classroom faculty) and continuing to
ensure the door is unlocked before the class meeting time until a key is
3. The District and college shall provide all faculty with access to safe, secure,
reliable, and accessible virtual classroom space, Learning Management
System, and or virtual meeting and collaboration tools prior to the start of the
4. Mileage Reimbursement: Instructors shall receive mileage reimbursement as
provided for by LACCD Board Policy.
C. Health, Safety, and Security
The District and the faculty who conduct activities on campus shall conduct
themselves in accordance with established health, safety, fire, and applicable
OSHA and ADA regulations. The District shall provide conditions for a safe,
healthful, and sanitary work environment conducive to effective teaching and
1. Health
a. Sanitary and adequately maintained restrooms, including toilet paper, hot
water, soap, paper towels, and hand sanitizer.
Work Environment: Article 9
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b. Faculty shall have access to District-provided personal protective
equipment including appropriate face masks and hand sanitizer upon
c. Temperature
i. Notwithstanding power outages at the college or central plant,
regular maintenance and or repairs or other emergency situations
which might impact the HVAC system, the District shall provide
temperature-controlled environments.
ii. In the range of 66-75 degrees Fahrenheit in winter and 75-82
degrees Fahrenheit in summer in classrooms, offices, and other
indoor spaces for the performance of work duties.
iii. If indoor temperatures reach below 61 degrees Fahrenheit or above
87 degrees Fahrenheit, workspaces will be relocated to a
temperature-controlled environment.
iv. Indoor classes and activities that cannot be relocated to a
temperature-controlled environment shall be canceled.
d. Shade and hydration stations for faculty engaged in work-related outdoor
activities or assigned outdoor work settings shall be present when the
outside temperature exceeds 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Where the District
can demonstrate that it is infeasible or unsafe to have a shade structure,
or otherwise to have shade present on a continuous basis, the District may
utilize alternative procedures for providing access to shade if the
alternative procedures provide equivalent protection.
e. Public Health Notices: the District shall notify faculty of any public health
advisories from the county in a timely manner and shall bargain with AFT
1521 regarding any negotiable effects on matters within the scope of the
union’s representation.
f. Trauma Counseling: the District shall provide on-site trauma counseling
and other resources provided by the District’s Employee Assistance
Program immediately following the request of AFT 1521 Chapter President
and approval of the appropriate District administrator.
g. Faculty work environments shall be maintained with scheduled inspections
at a minimum goal of Association of Physical Plant Administrators (APPA)
cleaning standards level 2 and routine maintenance. Within four (4)
months of signing this agreement the District shall provide a detailed
written plan with timelines for this goal.
h. College facilities will be maintained to meet the District’s cleaning
initiatives. These include restrooms, classrooms, common areas, pool
areas, showers, locker rooms, and food service areas.
i. All smoking (including vapor-inducing devices) and the use of tobacco
products shall be prohibited in all buildings occupied for District use
according to District and State policies.
Work Environment: Article 9
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2. Disability and Lactation Support
The District shall maintain compliance with all relevant federal and state laws
and regulations regarding disability and lactation support (AP 7348 and AP
a. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
i. The District will comply with all relevant federal and state laws, and
regulations for providing reasonable accommodations to qualified
individuals with disabilities. The District shall ensure that
Administrative Procedure 7348, which outlines the District’s
procedures for reasonable accommodation for qualified individuals
with disabilities, remains in compliance with the law.
ii. To be eligible for reasonable accommodation, an individual must
either have a physical or mental impairment that limits a major life
activity or must have a documented record of a physical or mental
impairment that limited a major life activity. An individual who is only
regarded as having a disability is not entitled to reasonable
accommodation. Determination of disability will comply with the
requirements of the ADA which requires a broad interpretation of
the term and generally does not require an extensive analysis.
b. Lactation Support
i. In accordance with California Labor Code Section 1030 and District
Administrative Procedure 7349, the District shall provide a
reasonable amount of break time to accommodate an employee
desiring to express breast milk for the employee’s infant child each
time the employee has a need to express milk. The break time
shall, if possible, run concurrently with any break time already
provided to the employee. Break time for an employee that does not
run concurrently with the rest time authorized for the employee by
the applicable wage order of the Industrial Welfare Commission
shall be unpaid.
ii. The District will make reasonable efforts to accommodate employee
by providing an appropriate location to express milk in private. The
District will attempt to find a location in close proximity to the
employee’s work area, and the location will be other than a
bathroom. The location shall contain a surface to place a breast
bump and personal items, a place to sit, and have access to
electricity or alternative devices, including, but not limited to,
extension cords or charging stations, needed to operate an electric
or battery-powered breast pump. Access to a sink with running
water and a refrigerator or other suitable cooling device suitable for
storing milk in close proximity to the employee’s workspace will also
be provided.
Work Environment: Article 9
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iii. Employees occupying such private areas shall either secure the
door or otherwise make it clear to others through signage that the
area is occupied and should not be disturbed. All other employees
should avoid interrupting an employee during an authorized break
under this section, except to announce an emergency or other
urgent circumstance.
iv. Employees may file a complaint with the Labor Commissioner for
any alleged violation of Labor Code Sections 1030 et seq., which
governs lactations accommodations.
v. Any employee storing expressed milk in any authorized refrigerated
area within the work area shall clearly label it as such. No
expressed milk shall be stored at the work area beyond the
employee’s workday.
3. Safety and Security
a. Ensure adequate lighting with an emphasis on safety and walkability
throughout the college with special attention paid to time changes.
b. Assign instructional support to departments for classrooms and
laboratories where specialized expertise is essential for safety and
instruction as deemed appropriate by the Vice President or designee.
c. Lab equipment shall be inspected and maintained regularly by the
appropriate staff.
d. Athletic equipment and facilities may be inspected by the appropriate
governing body and maintained to the required specifications.
e. An LACCD or college identification card shall be made available to faculty.
f. Functional and monitored security cameras shall be placed in outdoor and
public spaces.
g. The colleges shall secure the campus buildings and perimeter gates at the
close of each business day.
h. The District shall ensure that all worksite offices and classrooms can be
secured from the inside to protect our students and faculty when
circumstances require the need to shelter in place.
i. The District shall ensure campus community members and faculty are
alerted to any threat via an emergency notification system, including text
messaging, and provided with updates, as the incident and or situation
4. Emergency Preparedness and Response
a. An emergency preparedness plan shall be maintained. This plan shall be
made available to the campus community and updated annually.
b. Earthquake, fire, active shooter, and threat assessment operational plans
shall be updated annually. At least once every two years, the college will
Work Environment: Article 9
- 18 -
provide Emergency Preparedness training, which will include how to
respond in the event of an earthquake, fire, “active shooter,” or other major
c. A minimum of one day and one evening drill shall be held twice a year,
notwithstanding any unforeseen circumstances. Participation of faculty is
mandatory for those on campus at the time.
d. Participation in training is encouraged and may be used for professional
development credit.
e. The District shall provide each college with an effective emergency
notification system.
f. The college will provide emergency kits.
g. The Colleges will plan for emergency solutions for individuals with
disabilities in order to ensure evacuation devices are readily available as
specified on the District’s evacuation plan.
h. Funds allocated for safety shall not be used for any other purpose.
i. Voluntary “trauma informed” training shall be provided by the District
through the California Community Colleges Vision Resource Center and
available annually.
j. Voluntary suicide prevention training shall be provided through the District
through the California Community Colleges Vision Resource Center
available annually.
k. When an emergency that affects the campus or surrounding community
occurs, the District shall provide access to trauma counseling by the
District’s Employee Assistance provider immediately following the
emergency upon request and approval of the appropriate District
5. Information Security Awareness: Faculty will participate in annual
information security awareness training.
D. Work Environment Committee (WEC) and District WEC (DWEC)
1. WEC: Each campus shall establish a Work Environment Committee (WEC)
composed of faculty members designated by the AFT 1521 Chapter
President, administrators designated by the College President and other
employees as designated by their contracts with the District. Time served
under this article as WEC Chair shall be credited one discipline, one class
seniority. Time served under this article as WEC Chair shall not be used to
establish seniority in any discipline.
a. Faculty members shall comprise the majority of the committee.
Membership shall include at least four (4) faculty members. Administration
shall be limited to two (2) voting members.
Work Environment: Article 9
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b. The chairperson of the College WEC shall be one of the faculty members
and shall be elected by the committee. The chairperson shall be
compensated by the District at 0.2 (D-basis). The WEC Chair or their
designee shall serve as the DWEC representative (see D.2.b. below). The
term of office shall be two (2) years.
c. Training in safety and risk management shall be provided by the District to
assist committee members.
d. The WEC shall recommend policy and monitor all work environment
matters including, but not limited to:
i. grounds and facilities
ii. parking
iii. classroom and instructional laboratory conditions
iv. restroom facilities
v. allocation and conditions of faculty office space
vi. air quality
vii. temperature control
viii. day and night lighting
ix. health
x. sanitation and safety (including visible presence of sheriffs and
adequate response rates to emergency situations)
xi. progress toward the District’s sustainable building efforts and other
green” practices
a) To promote the goal of improving the quality of the work
environment, the WEC shall develop recommendations. Such
recommendations shall be considered for implementation in
the development of the annual college budget.
b) The Work Environment Committee shall track its
recommendations and report the results to the faculty.
c) The College President or designee shall provide the following:
(1) A monthly report on projects including bond and
construction projects underway.
(2) Reports on progress and status of WEC recommendations.
(3) A District comprehensive emergency plan annually with
college appendices, including disaster preparedness,
active shooter, and emergency notification plans.
(4) Information related to OSHA and ADA compliance.
Work Environment: Article 9
- 20 -
(5) Classroom occupancy and hazardous materials information
and signage.
(6) Campus, garden, and facilities beautification projects.
2. The chairperson of the College WEC shall serve as liaison and mediator
between the College President or designee and faculty on work environment
issues, problems, and conflicts. The chairperson, with the assistance of the
other committee members, will be responsible for performing the following
a. Organizing WEC meetings, establishing meeting agendas, and keeping
meeting records.
b. Conducting periodic examinations of college facilities to identify any issues
related to the WEC’s role and to assist in monitoring the quality of the work
c. Assisting the college administration’s efforts to implement policies or
procedures recommended by the WEC.
d. Participating on committees or tasks groups established to help program
or design new facilities, or to develop plans regarding the renovation of
existing facilities, including plans for office and storage space.
e. Coordinating or directing the college’s procedure for allocating faculty
office space.
3. In addition to its other responsibilities, the WEC shall develop and recommend
standards regarding the provision of faculty office space and storage, which
shall be applicable when new buildings are designed for construction on
campus or existing buildings are substantially renovated.
4. Within seven (7) working days of receipt of any WEC recommendation, the
College President or designee shall review the recommendation and initiate
appropriate corrective action. The College President or designee shall
indicate in writing how the WEC concern is being addressed within thirty (30)
working days. The response shall be sent to the WEC Chair who shall
subsequently share it with the entire committee.
5. Faculty Districtwide Work Environment Committee (DWEC)
a. The District shall recognize and fund a Faculty Districtwide Work
Environment Committee (DWEC) to ensure and oversee work
environment policies, equity, and parity, and to share successful practices
across the district.
b. Each current College Faculty WEC Chair shall serve as a member of the
Districtwide Faculty WEC on behalf of the AFT 1521.
c. The WEC Chair or their designee shall serve as the DWEC representative.
However, each college WEC Chair may designate a DWEC
representative, other than themselves, and allocate 0.1 of the campus
WEC compensation paid by the District to this representative.
Academic Calendar and Flexible Calendar Program: Article 10
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Article 10 (Return to Table of Contents)
Academic Calendar and Flexible Calendar Program
The academic calendar shall serve the educational and workplace needs of the
students and the district community service areas that comprise the Los Angeles
Community College District. A myriad of factors contribute to enrollment demands at
each of the colleges. These factors include, but are not limited to, differences in
student population, service area needs, feeder high school calendars, customized
articulation and transfer agreements with local baccalaureate granting institutions
and competition from neighboring community colleges.
A. The default academic calendars for the 2023-2024, 2024-2025 and 2025-2026
academic years are those set forth in Appendix M. If a college wishes to establish
a calendar other than those contained in Appendix M, it may do so subject to
meeting all legal requirements, the approval of the College Calendar Committee
(see below), the AFT 1521, and the District.
B. Colleges desiring to change to a different calendar shall follow these steps:
1. A college may begin the process of selecting a different calendar option by
forming a Campus Calendar Committee. This committee shall be composed
of equal representation from the AFT 1521, Academic Senate, and
administration. Representatives from the Associated Student Organization,
staff, and community may be invited to participate.
2. The Calendar Committee shall conduct an assessment of the educational and
workplace needs of the college’s students and local community service area.
This assessment shall serve as the basis for recommending a calendar option
that meets the college’s needs.
3. The recommendation of the Calendar Committee and assessment of needs
report shall be submitted to the College President and the AFT 1521 Chapter
President for final approval or disapproval. A decision shall be made no later
than fifteen (15) days from the date the Calendar Committee’s
recommendation and report were submitted.
4. Timeline: The calendar selection process must be completed no later than
the start of the spring semester in order to be implemented in the fall of the
next academic year. Whichever calendar option is selected and approved; it
shall always be implemented in the fall of the next academic year.
5. Restrictions: No more than one calendar change in a three (3) year period
commencing with the first year of change shall be permitted.
C. Compressed Calendar Protocols and Guidelines. (As used in this section, the
term “compressed calendar” refers to any calendar for the primary fall or spring
terms that is fewer than eighteen (18) weeks in length.)
Academic Calendar and Flexible Calendar Program: Article 10
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1. The following general principle applies to compressed calendar assignments:
working on a compressed calendar shall not result in a classroom or non-
classroom faculty member receiving either higher or lower pay during the
primary fall and spring terms than that faculty member would receive if they
were working on a regular 18-week calendar.
2. Classes offered during a compressed calendar will conform to Administrative
Procedure (AP) 4010.
3. Unless otherwise agreed by the college, the default calendar for C-basis
librarians shall be the same as the classroom faculty at their college. At
colleges where librarians follow the compressed calendar, winter intersession
librarian assignments shall be considered extra or adjunct assignments, and
Article 15 shall apply. C-basis counselors, child development center teachers,
and other C-basis non-classroom faculty will work on either the applicable
compressed calendar (with scaling) set forth in Appendix M or the non-
classroom academic year calendar (without scaling) set forth in that appendix,
as agreed to at the college. To effect such an agreement, the faculty in a non-
classroom department may propose (with the concurrence of the Department
Chair) that the C-basis department members shall all work on the compressed
calendar or all work on a “traditional” calendar. The Department Chair will
notify the AFT 1521 Chapter President of the department’s calendar proposal.
If the Department Chair, the AFT 1521 Chapter President, and the College
President agree, the department’s proposal will be honored. The default for
that year, if there is no agreement, will be the non-classroom academic year
calendar. The process shall be concluded before the start of the fall semester.
D. Professional Development
1. Classroom Faculty: Classroom faculty will participate in staff, student, and
instructional improvement activities in lieu of part of regular classroom
instruction for the number of Professional Development days specified in the
academic calendars set forth in Appendix M. Flexible calendar hours may be
conducted at any time during the fiscal year (Title 5, section 55720 (a)). This
requirement prohibits flexible calendar hours to be carried over or “banked” by
individual faculty from year-to-year. Classroom temporary adjunct faculty also
have a professional development obligation. And, although not required to
attend the on-campus opening day meeting, their participation at that meeting
does qualify toward their professional development (flex) obligation; they
should be invited and encouraged to participate.
2. Professional Development Rules and Practices: In the implementation of
professional development days the following will apply:
a. For full-time faculty teaching on a compressed calendar, the academic
workday is 6.7 hours per day, and for the duration of this Agreement, the
professional development obligation is 33.5 hours of professional
development activity per academic year.
Academic Calendar and Flexible Calendar Program: Article 10
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b. For all classroom faculty with adjunct teaching assignments (temporary
adjuncts and fulltime faculty with additional assignments), the adjunct
teaching professional development obligation for an academic year equals
half the sum of the standard-hours value of the fall assignment and the
standard-hours value of the spring assignment. The adjunct professional
development obligation is not related to the days a class meets or the
dates of the assignment, applying equally to all whose assignments have
the same standard hours.
c. The professional development obligation applies to nontraditional
instruction such as Program for Accelerated College of Education (PACE),
To Be Arranged (TBA), Distance Learning (DL) and noncredit, and
regardless of whether the class is full semester or short-term.
d. The professional development schedule will run from July 1 to June 30
each year, reporting once a year. Reports on professional development
activity are due from faculty the day after the last professional
development day of the spring, and final reporting will be completed by
June 30.
e. The professional development obligation remains even though the
designated professional development days shown on the calendar may
occur outside of the payroll assignment. The faculty member is paid for the
obligation as part of the total level pay issued over the term of the
assignment for the class. Accurate reporting of mandatory professional
development flexible calendar hours by all faculty members is required.
3. Non-classroom faculty. Non-classroom faculty working on the compressed
calendar shall fulfill their required hours by either working or participating in
professional development activities. The College President or designee, in
consultation with the Department Chair and the faculty member, may require
non-classroom faculty to participate in the fall mandatory on campus day in
lieu of performing their normal duties. Non-classroom faculty departments’
representation at the fall mandatory on-campus day is expected as long as
adequate staffing for student needs is provided. Non-classroom faculty,
including non-classroom temporary adjuncts, are entitled, and encouraged to
and should not be unreasonably denied the opportunity to participate in
professional development activities as part of their regular assignment with
approval of their Department Chair.
Attendance at conferences related to the performance of one’s duties is
encouraged and should be permitted as long as the department’s duty
obligations have been met. For non-classroom faculty, whenever possible,
professional development activities shall be scheduled in a manner that will
avoid conflicting with the periods during which adequate staffing is required
under Article 11.D.2.b. Denial of attendance at conferences related to the
performance of one’s duties shall only be made for compelling reasons. When
such denials are made, alternate methods of acquiring the conference
information shall be provided whenever possible.
Academic Calendar and Flexible Calendar Program: ARTICLE 10
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If non-classroom faculty participate in approved professional development
activities at times other than their assigned hours, they may take an
equivalent amount of compensatory time off, up to the number of professional
development days set forth in the academic calendar. Furthermore, any
compensatory time off for approved professional development activities
completed at times other than assigned hours shall be at the discretion of and
subject to the approval of the Department Chair and the Vice President or
4. Planning Activities: The activities for the Professional Development days will
be determined by the College Academic Senate in consultation with the
College President.
a. Each college shall ensure that sufficient, high-quality enrichment activities
are offered for faculty to fulfill their professional development obligation.
The college will follow the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s
Office Guidelines for the Flexible Calendar Program.
b. The date of the fall mandatory flex day should be one of the last two
weekdays (Thursday or Friday) of the week before the start of the fall
semester. The colleges will notify faculty of the selected date by
September 30 of the preceding year.
E. Non-Classroom Faculty Non-Duty D-Basis Days
Each non-classroom faculty member’s non-duty D-basis days shall be scheduled
in a manner that will avoid conflicting with the periods during which adequate
staffing is required under Article 11.D.2.b.
The college, in consultation with the Department Chair, shall provide reasonable
parameters for adequate staffing and accommodations for non-duty, holiday,
vacation, and leave requests.
Holidays and Vacation Days: Article 11
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Article 11 (Return to Table of Contents)
Holidays and Vacation Days
A. Authorized Holidays: Holidays are indicated by open circles on the calendars in
Appendix M. They include: January 1, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Lincoln’s
Birthday Day, Washington’s Birthday Day, Cesar Chavez Day, Genocide
Remembrance Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, July 4, Labor Day, California
Admissions Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Friday,
December 24, December 25, and December 31. (California Admissions Day to
be observed between December 26th and December 30th. Genocide
Remembrance Day shall be observed on April 24th. In addition, all faculty shall
receive two (2) additional floating holidays in recognition of culturally significant
State and federal holidays such as Lunar New Year or Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
Non-classroom faculty on D-basis can take California Admissions Day as a
floating holiday subject to the provisions of D.2 and E, below.)
B. Authorized Vacation Days: Vacation days are indicated by open squares on the
calendars in Appendix M. They include: Saturday and Sunday following
Thanksgiving, any Saturday or Sunday following a Friday holiday or vacation day
and preceding a Monday holiday or vacation day, Winter Vacation, Spring
Vacation, and at least one other day as indicated on the college calendar. Spring
Vacation shall be a week not including the day on which Cesar Chavez Day is
C. Commemorative Days. The Board and AFT 1521 jointly agree to recognize and
observe commemorative days for individuals and or groups who have historical
or cultural importance.
D. Faculty
1. Classroom Faculty
a. For classroom faculty paid at full or appropriate adjunct rate by assignment
or by courses taught, the concept of “paid holiday” does not apply.
b. For classroom faculty paid on the substitute schedule the concept of “paid
holiday” does not apply.
2. Non-Classroom Faculty
a. Compensatory Time Off. Any non-classroom faculty member assigned by
the College President or designee, who agrees to perform necessary
services during a holiday, vacation day, or day that is not part of their
assignment basis, will be allowed compensatory time off after the service
has been rendered. Such time off must be during the same academic year
in which the service was rendered and must be at a time approved by the
President or Vice Chancellor; no substitute will be provided during the
period of compensatory time off for non-classroom employees. The
Holidays and Vacation Days: Article 11
- 26 -
employee requested to work by administrator, supervisor or management
may receive cash payment at the employee’s discretion in lieu of taking
compensatory time for working on a holiday or vacation day.
b. Counselors shall provide adequate staffing, on days other than holidays,
for the first two weeks of classes of the fall and spring semesters, for one
week before the start of classes of the spring semester, and, if on D-basis,
for two weeks before the start of the fall semester.
The college administration, in consultation with the Department Chair,
shall provide reasonable parameters for adequate staffing
c. Non-classroom adjunct faculty assigned a regular work schedule for a full
semester or term are entitled to holiday and or vacation pay when those
days fall within their assigned regular work schedule. A regular work
schedule is one such that:
i. the assignment begins at the start of a semester or term and ends
at the end of a semester or term, and
ii. the work pattern is consistent throughout the semester or term; i.e.
the faculty member will provide service to the District in a regular
work schedule (e.g., M-W-F, 9am to 10am).
E. D-Basis Calendar Vacation Days(s). All full-time employees assigned to non-
classroom teaching duties may elect, subject to the approval of the College
President or designee, to take D-Basis Calendar vacation days at a time other
than when the vacation day is scheduled. These vacation days must be taken
during the period of time such an employee is normally assigned.
F. Holidays and Vacation Days During an illness Leave. Employees on illness
leave on either side of a holiday or vacation day will not have the holiday or
vacation time charged to illness pay allowances.
Class Size: Article 12
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Article 12 (Return to Table of Contents)
Class Size
A. In order to ensure student success, at enrollment, the class size limit at the time
of schedule development shall not exceed 40 students.
Class size limits can be raised after consultation with the Department Chair,
proposed faculty member, and the appropriate Vice President or designee. When
class limits are raised the rationale shall be documented in writing.
B. Large Class Stipends
1. Faculty who teach a course above the class size limit shall receive the large
class stipend.
a. If the large class has an enrollment of 50 to 59 at census (or the
appropriate apportionment date), the instructor will receive a Large Class
Stipend of $800 per Standard Hour for that semester or academic term.
b. If the large class has an enrollment of 60 to 69 at census (or the
appropriate apportionment date), the instructor will receive a Large Class
Stipend of $1300 per Standard Hour for that semester or academic term.
c. If the large class has an enrollment of 70 to 80 at census (or the
appropriate apportionment date), the instructor will receive a Large Class
Stipend of $1800 per Standard Hour for that semester or academic term.
d. Any large classes still count as one class for 67% limit purposes. The
retirement contributions for the amounts of the stipends reported to
CalSTRS would go into the DBS account for full time faculty and for
adjunct faculty participating in the CalSTRS DB retirement system (as
opposed to adjunct faculty members in CalSTRS CB or Social Security or
2. Before a large course is planned within a discipline, it will be assured that full-
time faculty have made their full load and each faculty member on the
seniority list is made an assignment offer in accordance with Article 16.D.1.
3. Large classes will be assigned on a voluntary basis only. Class size limits
may be raised with the prior agreement of the assigned faculty member in
consultation with the department or division chair and the appropriate Vice
President or designee.
4. Faculty members may receive no more than two (2) large class stipends per
calendar year.
C. Wait-lists for classes shall be determined by the department or division chair
under reasonable parameters approved by Vice President or designee.
Class Size: Article 12
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D. For hands-on, inquiry, and process-based laboratory classes, class size shall be
limited as described in G.2 (below).
E. If two or more courses are offered at the same time by the same instructor, they
are counted as one class for the purpose of calculating class size, assignment,
seniority, and compensation. Combined courses may not exceed the enrollment
limits as defined in section A above.
F. Each department shall, as a goal, maintain an average class size of 34 students
at census.
1. If a class is at its enrollment limits, students may only be added with the
permission of the faculty member.
2. Beginning with the first day of the term, if a class is not at its enrollment limit,
students may self-enroll before the second-class meeting of the term.
3. In no way is this goal intended as a device for calculations related to a
reduction of class offerings. Class offerings are determined by an array of
data including but not limited to student demand, articulation agreements,
graduation requirements, facility limitations, equipment limitations, and others.
G. The average class size shall be set at a reduced number under the following
1. State or Federal laws or regulations, or accrediting agencies restrict the
teacher-student ratio for classes offered by the department; or
2. The facilities of the department or number of workstations, or where
equipment, supervision or safety requirements restrict the size of the classes;
3. The Chancellor grants an exception based upon the recommendation of the
College President or their designee.
H. Departments exempted from the average class size under Section C. shall have
their new average class size approved by the College President or designee with
written notice to the AFT 1521 Chapter President that provides an opportunity to
meet regarding the exemption within ten (10) days.
I. To ensure compliance with this Article, the College President must take such
steps as are reasonable and consistent with the terms and conditions of this
J. The College President or designee, in consultation with the Department Chair,
shall establish class section enrollment limits in excess of the average class size
goal to ensure compliance with this article and provide the information to the
Office of Academic Affairs.
K. Responsibility for canceling classes because of low enrollment or low attendance
shall rest with the appropriate Vice President or designee, in consultation with the
department or division chair and the faculty members assigned. The Vice
Class Size: Article 12
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President or their designee shall notify the affected faculty member within ten
(10) days of any decision made. The Vice President or designee may not cancel
a class for low enrollment any earlier than three (3) weeks prior to the scheduled
start date of the class. Classes with at least thirteen (13) students enrolled during
this three (3) week period shall not be cancelled at any time before the end of the
first-class session.
If the number of students enrolled or attending is fewer than fifteen (15) at the
end of the first-class session, the Vice President or designee may cancel the
class for low enrollment or low attendance. Similarly, the Vice President or
designee may cancel the class for low attendance at any time during the first two
weeks of the academic semester (or the first 10% of the term-length for a class
scheduled for a period that is shorter than the academic semester), if the number
of students actually attending is fewer than fifteen (15). Notice of cancellation due
to low attendance shall be provided to the faculty member at the time of the
If an asynchronous DL class is canceled in the first week, the faculty member will
be paid for the number of TBA hours worked up to the number of hours
scheduled for the week (Article 40).
L. Responsibility for canceling classes having “advanced class” status because of
low enrollment or low attendance shall rest with the appropriate Vice President or
designee in consultation with the department or division chair, and the faculty
members assigned. The appropriate Vice President or designee shall notify the
affected faculty member within ten (10) days of any decision. After schedule
development and offer letters have been accepted by the assigned faculty
members, the Vice President or designee may not cancel an “advanced class” for
low enrollment any earlier than the three (3) week period prior to the scheduled
start of the class. Advanced classes with at least six (6) students enrolled during
this three (3) week period shall not be canceled before the first-class session. If
the number of students enrolled is fewer than eight (8) at the end of the first-class
session, the Vice President or designee may cancel the advanced class for low
enrollment. Similarly, the Vice President or designee may cancel the advanced
class for low attendance any time during the first two (2) weeks of the academic
semester (or the first 10% of the term-length for a class scheduled for a period
that is shorter than the academic semester) if the number of students actually
attending is fewer than eight (8). Notice of cancellation shall be provided to the
faculty member.
M. The College President or designee and the Academic Senate, with notice given
to the College’s AFT 1521 Chapter President, shall identify which classes are
“advanced classes” subject to section L of this article. The appropriate Vice
President or designee shall maintain a list of all “advanced classes” per
discipline. The lists must be updated annually and published online.
N. Departments currently meeting or exceeding class size goals have the right to
schedule their own classes within reasonable parameters established by the
Class Size: Article 12
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appropriate Vice President or designee, in consultation with the Department
Chair. (Examples of such parameters include, but are not limited to, the need to
strike an appropriate balance between day and evening class offerings, modality,
and the need to coordinate schedules among departments, where appropriate).
Scheduling in departments not meeting class size goals shall be done with the
approval of the appropriate Vice President or designee.
Assignment: Article 13
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Article 13 (Return to Table of Contents)
A. Assignment, Full-Time
1. Definitions
Standard Hour for Classroom Faculty. A Standard Hour is equivalent to
one hour per week for a standard semester of eighteen weeks. For shorter
academic terms, actual hours of teaching or service (including, but not limited
to, office hours) shall be appropriately compressed to conform to AP 4010
requirements. The following are illustrative examples:
Weeks in
Days of
Days of
Total Days of
Total Duty
18 85 86 171 4 175
15 7577
152 5 157
Sum of fall and spring days must equal 152 instructional days.
Compression for a 15-week term:
= 1.11
30 hours per week x 1.11
33.3 = 33 hours 20 minutes → 33.5 hours
35 hours per week x 1.11
38.9 → 39 hours
5 office hours per week x 1.11
5.6 = 5 hours 35 minutes
Standard Hours for Non-Classroom Faculty schedules shall include a
minimum of 0.20 FTE of the regular assignment (Table B of this article) for
Professional Time to allow for flexibility within a scheduled work plan. This
flexibility is needed to meet the dynamic needs of students as well as time
needed for other faculty obligations and activities as listed in Appendix Q.
Professional Time is defined as non-student contact time allocated to
facilitate campus and other Faculty Duties, Obligations, and or Activities
consistent with Appendix Q. Professional time shall be scheduled prior to the
beginning of each academic term. Professional time cannot be accrued and
carried over week to week.
Professional time allows faculty to follow up on emails, engage in student
follow up, attend meetings, work on recommendations letters, complete data-
related entry (e.g. MIS input), complete forms, as well as engage in other
campus and Appendix Q duties and activities.
Scheduling of professional time will be done by the faculty in consultation with
the Department Chair and within reasonable parameters established by the
appropriate Vice President or designee based on student needs but can be
adjusted in accordance with Article 13. D.1.
- 32 -
Academic Year. The academic year begins on July 1 and ends on the
following June 30. An academic year includes the fall and spring semesters,
any winter intersession scheduled during the year, and any summer sessions
associated with the year for attendance accounting purposes.
For the purposes of this Article, any course, or any Standard Hour of non-
classroom work, that is assigned to a faculty member and explicitly
designated as a part of their regular load shall be included in calculating the
portion of a Standard Teaching Load or Standard Workload the faculty
member has served for the academic year in which the assignment was
Annual Load. The annual load is the number of standard teaching hours or
standard workload hours considered to be full-time for one year (two
semesters). A faculty member’s Annual Load obligation (as shown on the
District Annual Load Form, Appendix N) to the District shall be met as defined
Standard Annual Load. Complete half of the annual assignment during the
fall semester and the other half during the spring semester, with any extra
assignments receiving extra pay. Unless a 10-month (C basis) faculty
member requests and is authorized to serve a portion of their annual
obligation during an intersession and or as an overload, the faculty member’s
annual obligation will be fulfilled during the fall and spring semesters.
Non-Standard Annual Load. Complete the annual load with a combination of
assignments (including overload or underload) in any term, fall, winter, spring,
or summer, with required advance approval by both the Department Chair and
the Vice President of Academic Affairs. A non-standard ‘annual load’
assignment must also be completed during one academic year, from July 1
through June 30 of the following year. See Appendix N for the Annual Load
Form. Faculty with non-standard annual load assignments are also subject to
all the related duties specified in section D.8 of this article.
Assignment. The duties, hours, and or courses assigned to a given faculty
member by the District. Faculty are eligible for illness benefits and receive pay
for holidays. Faculty do not earn vacation (Appendix D).
C-Basis Faculty work 10 months (175 workdays) beginning with the
opening day of the fall semester and ending with the closing day of the
spring semester (Appendix D).
D-Basis Faculty work 240 payroll days, between July 1 and June 30.
Employees are eligible for illness benefits and receive pay for holidays.
Faculty must take a sufficient number of non-duty days, as directed, and
approved by their College President or designee, to ensure that not more
than 240 days of pay are received. The number of non-duty days (20, 21,
or 22) is determined by first calculating the total number of calendar
workdays and then subtracting the number 240 (Appendix D).
- 33 -
D-Basis Faculty shall be granted non-duty days when requests are made
at least two (2) weeks in advance and in accordance with Articles 10.E
and 17.D.3.
2. Classroom Faculty Members. Each course in a college catalog shall be
assigned a Standard Load Factor (SLF) which shall be calculated by dividing
the Standard Hours for the course by the appropriate teaching load specified
in Table A. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, full-time
classroom faculty members paid on a monthly rate basis on the Preparation
Salary Schedule shall be assigned 100% of the applicable Standard Teaching
Load for their disciplines each academic year.
3. Library Faculty. Each Standard Hour of work as a librarian shall be assigned
a Standard Load Factor (SLF) calculated by dividing one Standard Hour by
the appropriate workload specified in Table B. Except as otherwise provided
in this Agreement, full-time librarians paid on a monthly rate basis on the
Preparation Salary Schedule shall be assigned 100% of the applicable
Standard Workload for librarians each academic year.
a. Library staffing levels shall be reviewed as part of the regular deliberations
of the Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee and in conjunction with the
regular program review process to determine department progress toward
meeting library staffing standards as stipulated in the California Code of
Regulations Title 5 Section 58724.
b. Whenever libraries are open to provide library services to students, they
shall be under the supervision of academic personnel as stated in the
Education Code Section 78103.
4. Counseling Faculty. Each Standard Hour of work as a counselor shall be
assigned a Standard Load Factor (SLF) calculated by dividing one Standard
Hour by the appropriate workload specified in Table B. Except as otherwise
provided in this Agreement, full-time counselors paid on a monthly rate basis
on the Preparation Salary Schedule shall be assigned 100% of the applicable
Standard Workload for counselors each academic year. Counseling staffing
levels shall be reviewed as part of the regular deliberations of the Faculty
Hiring Prioritization Committee and in conjunction with the regular program
review process to determine department progress toward meeting the
minimum counselor staffing standards contained in the California Code of
Regulations Title 5 Section 58732, and other professional resources.
5. College Nurses. Each Standard Hour of work as a college nurse shall be
assigned a Standard Load Factor (SLF) calculated by dividing one Standard
Hour by the appropriate workload specified in Table B. Except as otherwise
provided in this Agreement, full-time college nurses paid on a monthly rate
basis on the Preparation Salary Schedule shall be assigned 100% of the
applicable Standard Workload for college nurses each academic year.
- 34 -
6. Consulting Instructors. Each Standard Hour of work as a consulting
instructor shall be assigned a Standard Load Factor (SLF) calculated by
dividing one Standard Hour by the appropriate workload specified in Table B.
Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, full-time consulting
instructors paid on a monthly rate basis on the Preparation Salary Schedule
shall be assigned 100% of the applicable Standard Workload for consulting
instructors each academic year.
7. Instructor Special Assignment. Each Standard Hour of work as an
instructor special assignment shall be assigned a Standard Load Factor (SLF)
calculated by dividing one Standard Hour by the appropriate workload
specified in Table B. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, full-time
instructors special assignment paid on a monthly rate basis on the
Preparation Salary Schedule shall be assigned 100% of the applicable
Standard Workload for instructor special assignment each academic year.
8. Faculty Members Assigned to Teach in the Campus Learning Skills
Center. Each Standard Hour of teaching in the campus learning skills center,
or elsewhere following a similar mode of instruction, shall be assigned a
Standard Load Factor (SLF) calculated by dividing one Standard Hour of
learning skills center teaching by the appropriate workload specified in Table
A. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, full-time campus learning
skills center faculty members paid on a monthly rate basis on the Preparation
Salary Schedule shall be assigned 100% of the applicable Standard Workload
for campus learning skills center faculty members each academic year.
9. Nursing Department Chairs or Directors. Nursing Department Chair or
Director must retain competency and recency (to maintain eligibility) for return
to a full-time teaching position in nursing.
a. Chair Election Process. The Nursing Department Chair is an elected
position and earns the responsibility differential under the Article 17.
Regardless of the size of the Nursing Department, the Nursing Department
Chair or director is reassigned 100% on D-basis to departmental duties.
To qualify as a candidate for Nursing Department Chair or director, a
nursing faculty member must provide a statement of candidacy, which
should clearly list State mandated qualifications required for the position.
The candidate(s) shall attach proof of these qualifications to the statement
of candidacy.
b. Director Selection Process. If no nursing faculty member in the Nursing
Department at the College possesses the State mandated qualifications
for the position, or if no qualified candidate expresses the desire to run for
the position of Nursing Department Chair, or an election does not result in
a chair being elected, a formal selection process to select a Nursing
Director in lieu of a Department Chair shall be conducted following the
same procedure used to select full-time faculty.
c. To be considered as a Nursing Director, the candidate must possess
the State mandated qualifications for the position.
- 35 -
d. Length of Term for Elected or Selected Position. The selected director
shall serve as a Consulting Instructor beginning July 1 of the next year for
a period of three years. By May 1
of the third year, if at least one qualified
(see above) nursing faculty member (including the Nursing Director)
expresses the desire to run as a Department Chair by a statement of
candidacy, a departmental election shall be conducted.
e. If the departmental election results in a chair being elected, the
Nursing Department Chair shall assume their role as a chair for a three-
year period in the same manner as any other elected Department Chair
and the former Nursing Director shall retreat to the Nursing Department as
nursing faculty, effective July 1st.
f. If no nursing faculty expresses the desire to run as a Department
Chair or if the departmental election does not result in a chair being
elected, the Nursing Director shall continue in their position for another
three-year term. The process described above shall be repeated every
three years. In case a former Nursing Director becomes elected
Department Chair in a subsequent second three-year term and the faculty
member is a candidate for a Department Chair position for a third three-
year term, any previous three-year term served as Director shall count as
a term, for purposes of counting consecutive terms. (See Article 17.B.6 d-
e: To be elected to a third consecutive term, a Department Chair must
receive 2/3 or more of the votes on the first ballot of those present and
voting. If the faculty member does not receive 2/3 or more of the votes of
those present and voting on the first ballot, their name shall be removed
from the ballot).
10. Nursing Vice Chair or Assistant Director. The Vice Chair or Assistant
Director shall be rotated every three (3) years, so that each tenured nursing
faculty has the opportunity to obtain the administrative experience required to
serve as a Nursing Chair or Director. Once all eligible and interested nursing
faculty within the department have had the opportunity to serve as Vice Chair
or Assistant Director, the Chairperson may then appoint any interested faculty
member consistent with Article 17.
11. Information Management Department Chair or Director. To be eligible to
run for Health Information Management Department Chair or Director a faculty
member must meet all applicable accreditation standard and licensing
requirements. The program Chair or Director may be assigned other
institutional duties.
12. Child Development Center Directors and Teachers. Each Standard Hour
of work as a Child Development Center Director or teacher shall be assigned
a Standard Load Factor (SLF) calculated by dividing one Standard Hour of
Child Development Center directing or teaching by the appropriate workload
specified in Table B. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, full-time
Child Development Center Directors and faculty members paid on a monthly
rate basis on the Preparation Salary Schedule shall be assigned 100% of the
applicable Standard Workload for Child Development Center Directors and
- 36 -
faculty members each academic year. Child Development Center Directors
shall be assigned as 12-month D-basis employees.
13. Disability Specialists. Each Standard Hour of work as a Disability Specialist
shall be assigned a Standard Load Factor (SLF) calculated by dividing one
Standard Hour of disability specialist service by the appropriate workload
specified in Table B. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, full-time
disability specialists paid on a monthly rate basis on the Preparation Salary
Schedule shall be assigned 100% of the applicable Standard Workload for
disability specialists each academic year.
14. Program for Accelerated College Education (PACE)
a. PACE Program. The PACE program is an accelerated interdisciplinary
program designed for working adults which presents a group of
interrelated courses organized around a core theme each term. Curriculum
is taught in an integrated manner with faculty collaboration across
disciplines. Methods may include but are not limited to team teaching,
instructional television, distance learning modalities, weekly discussion
seminars and weekend experiential conferences. In each course where an
instructor does not use team teaching, the faculty member will incorporate
individual and group tutoring.
The PACE curriculum is presented in such a manner that students may
complete an AA and seek a BA with seamless transfer to a university
PACE program. The development of new interdisciplinary programs
offered through PACE shall be done in cooperation with the involved
Changes in and updates of the PACE curriculum and its delivery modes
may evolve through the curriculum committee process as the need or
demand arises.
b. PACE Faculty. Faculty assigned to PACE courses shall be monthly rate
employees (including limited contract). Any portion of a faculty member’s
PACE assignment that is in excess of a full-time assignment shall be paid
at the adjunct rate consistent with Article 29. Such adjunct assignments
shall not be considered as adjunct assignments with respect to Article 16.
Faculty may also be employed under Article 16 in assignments
supplementing the PACE program, but only with the permission of the
College President and AFT 1521 Chapter President; this does not
authorize staffing the basic full-time positions in PACE with adjunct faculty.
Employees once hired as contract employees in the PACE program are
not eligible for reassignment outside the PACE program unless the
College President identifies compelling reasons for the reassignment and,
on that basis, authorizes a reassignment outside the PACE program.
Assignments in a winter intersession or summer PACE program shall not
be considered intersession assignments for the purposes of Article 15, and
work assigned in excess of a full-time assignment shall be paid at the
adjunct rate consistent with Article 29, as described above.
- 37 -
c. PACE Faculty Selection. A college may elect to use the PACE Faculty
Roster Selection Procedure (see H.R. Guide R-124) to select its temporary
PACE faculty in lieu of the standard selection process. The determination
to use this process in lieu of the standard selection process shall be made
in consultation with the PACE program director, the relevant discipline or
Department Chair, and the Vice President of Academic Affairs (or their
designee). All three must agree. In doing so, the college adopts this
alternate selection procedure, which complies with Administrative
Procedure 7120 and any relevant concomitant local processes.
d. PACE Directors. Each PACE director shall be given reassigned time
equal to at least 60% of their normal teaching duties during all terms when
PACE classes are in session. Directors who are responsible for multiple
tracks shall be given 100% reassigned time during all terms when PACE
classes are in session. If the College President or their designee
determines that the size, complexity, and scheduling pattern of the
college’s PACE program warrant it, the PACE director may be given an
appropriate D-basis assignment to perform their director duties.
The PACE director shall serve as the chair and as a voting member in all
PACE faculty evaluation and hiring committees, both full time and
temporary. The majority of members on these committees shall be faculty
in the disciplines involved. PACE directors shall be selected through
applicable college faculty selection procedures, provided that the faculty
members on the selection committee established under those procedures
shall include representatives of the full-time PACE faculty, if any, and
relevant Department Chairs based on the disciplines taught in the PACE
program. Any evaluation of a director under Article 19 shall review both the
director’s performance as a faculty member in the PACE program and
their fulfillment of the responsibilities of the director assignment.
Each college shall provide clerical assistance to its PACE program.
e. Relationship of PACE Program Faculty to Academic Departments.
Selection and evaluation of PACE Program faculty is a shared
responsibility between the PACE director and the relevant discipline or
Department Chair who also collaborates with the PACE director in the
operation of the PACE Program. Chairs (and Vice Chairs where
applicable) shall receive FTEP credit proportional to the PACE faculty
member’s assignment for PACE faculty teaching courses in their
department’s disciplines as provided for in Article 17.C.
f. Chairs (and Vice Chairs where applicable) shall receive supervision pay
if they supervise and evaluate adjunct PACE faculty teaching courses in
their department’s disciplines as provided in Article 17.F.6.
g. Implementation and or Elimination of PACE Programs. PACE program
implementation and or elimination decisions shall be addressed in the
same manner as any instructional program viability review process at the
College. See Article 32.
- 38 -
h. Bridge Courses. Bridge courses used as a prerequisite to PACE courses
are not PACE courses and staffing for them is handled by the Department
Chairs in whose departments the bridge course is offered. Bridge courses
may be taught by full-time faculty members as part of their regular load in
the department, or adjunct faculty members may be hired under the terms
and conditions of Article 16 to teach bridge courses.
15. Faculty with offsite assignments. Faculty with offsite assignments shall
follow the instructional calendar of the location, including but not limited to K-
12 school calendars for faculty teaching Dual Enrollment classes. Faculty with
off-site assignments shall be notified of the alternate instructional calendar
when they receive the offer of assignment.
a. When assigned to a dual enrollment course or an offsite location for the
first time, the college may provide an onboarding or orientation to the
faculty member. Any faculty who attends shall receive flex credit for time in
b. When faculty are first assigned a dual enrollment class, the college shall
provide training consistent with Education Code Sections 48800; 48800.5;
76001 on the specific rules and regulations unique to K-12 students. Any
required training hours shall be compensated at the faculty member’s
hourly rate.
c. When faculty are assigned to an offsite location that has special
requirements for entry, faculty shall receive a $100 per day stipend to
attend any training mandated by the location.
16. Assignments or Scheduling for Weekend College, Offsite, Bridge, and
PACE Courses. Weekend College, Offsite, Bridge, and PACE course
scheduling is to be done by the program director (or appropriate
administrator) in consultation with the Department Chairs in whose
departments such courses are offered. Staffing of those courses should be
arranged by the Department Chairs (in consultation with the directors of
programs that have them).
B. Assignments, Fractional. Monthly rate employees who are assigned for less
than full-time shall be assigned an appropriate percentage of a full-time Standard
Teaching Load or Standard Workload based upon the proportion that their
fractional assignment is to a full assignment.
C. Adjunct-Rate Assignments
1. An adjunct-rate assignment shall not exceed 67% of a full-time equivalent
load (FTE) assignment when averaged over the semester and the District
shall have the authority to adjust or terminate assignments if the workload
exceeds this limit. Beginning Spring semester 2009, faculty who hold only
adjunct status may be assigned up to 67% of a full-time load when averaged
over the semester and the District shall have the authority to adjust or
terminate assignments if the workload exceeds this limit.
- 39 -
2. True Adjunct Faculty may be assigned to a non-classroom adjunct rate or
supplemental instructor assignment for the purpose of carrying out ancillary
service as per Education Code Section 87482.5(c).
3. Adjunct-rate faculty will be paid for teaching assignments on a “pay-by-
course” basis using the Standard Teaching Hours associated with the
assignment, rather than the actual hours served during the semester.
4. Each adjunct-rate faculty member assigned to teaching duties and receiving a
salary differential for office hours under this Article shall maintain office hours
each week at a reasonable time for student consultation. Office hours may be
conducted in an online synchronous format. The faculty member shall inform
their students of the day, time, and place or modality of the weekly office
hours by including the schedule in the syllabus for each class. Upon request
from the Department Chair or supervising administrator, the faculty member
shall also furnish that person with a copy of the schedule. The schedule shall
include ten minutes of office hours for each Standard Hour that is a part of the
faculty member’s adjunct assignment.
Illustration of compression of the office hour obligation during a compressed 15-week
3 standard hours per week x 1.11 = 3.33 = 3 hours 20 minutes → 3.5 hours
3.5 x 10 minutes per hour = 35 minutes of office hour per week
Note: The salary schedule for adjunct classroom teachers shall include a salary differential
for office hours that is payable to all adjunct faculty members who are assigned to
teaching duties including adjunct faculty members who are also regular contract or
monthly rate classified employees of the District but not regular or contract monthly
rate faculty and administrator with adjunct assignments.
Office hour obligation during a compressed 15-week term per number of standard hours
assigned: (including monthly rate classified employees with an adjunct teaching assignment)
Standard hours
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
* in minutes
10 20 35 45 55 65 80 90 100 110
numbers rounded to closest 5 minutes
5. Compensation for Class Cancellation. When a class assigned to an adjunct
instructor is cancelled after the start of the semester, the faculty member shall
be paid for any time worked.
D. Assignments, Conditions, and or Exceptions
1. Normal Academic Workday and Workweek. There are two typical
academic workday schedules: Day schedule extends from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00
p.m., and Evening schedule extends from 1:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m., with a
- 40 -
typical academic workweek being Monday through Friday. (see also “Limits
on Scheduling Rules” in D.3. below).
The District has the right of assignment and will assign contract and regular
faculty members to a schedule of classes or other scheduled duties that fall
within the normal academic workday and workweek. The District recognizes
its agreement to rely primarily upon the advice and recommendations of the
Department Chairs when staffing instructional and non-instructional faculty but
retains the discretion to assign faculty to other reasonable schedules
necessary to meet the needs of the colleges and their programs. Depending
on the faculty member’s terms of employment at the time of hire, the District
may assign new faculty to assignments to offsite, alternative assignments,
online courses, or online support services (in alignment with Article 40).
As schedules are developed and approved that include in-person, evening,
weekend, hybrid, or online faculty duty hours, faculty shall be scheduled in an
efficient manner to limit online and in-person assignments on the same day,
whenever possible.
2. Compensation for Assignments Beyond the typical Academic Workdays
and Workweek. If the District assigns a faculty member to a schedule that
regularly requires the faculty member to be actively engaged in scheduled
duties outside of the typical Workdays or Workweek, each hour assigned to
the faculty member shall (except for hours that are a part of an adjunct or
additional assignment) be weighted by a factor of 1.5 for the purposes of
calculating the faculty member’s load.
3. Limits on Scheduling Rules. Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the
contrary, no faculty member shall, without their agreement, be assigned:
a. with a break of more than two (2) hours in a given workday;
b. to a schedule that provides a gap of fewer than twelve (12) hours between
the end of an assignment on one day and the beginning of the next
assignment on the following day;
c. to a schedule that requires the faculty member to be on campus, or
otherwise actively engaged in scheduled duties, during more than five
workdays per week, or more than six (6) hours for classroom faculty or
seven (7) hours for non-classroom faculty in one day. The hours shall be
adjusted for compressed calendar schedules. A faculty member may
request in writing an assignment beyond the typical workday or workweek
and agree to waive their right to the additional load credit described in
Section D.2 above with the written concurrence of the AFT 1521 Chapter
d. If, however, an instructor’s class is cancelled and fulfilling their schedule
obligation results in an assignment that is outside of the typical workday,
the faculty member may choose one of the following:
i. Bump according to the procedures in Article 16.G.
- 41 -
ii. Exercise the option of underloading for that semester and
overloading the next semester.
iii. Exercise their option to spread their load out over intersessions as
per the annual load provision of Section A.1.
4. Teaching and Workload Tables. Tables A and B list the Standard Teaching
Loads and Standard Workloads that full-time faculty members shall be
a. Overload or underload limits. A faculty member’s Standard Teaching
Load or Standard Workload may be averaged as part of an annual work
plan, except as provided in Article 39 (Load Banking for regular faculty),
may never vary by more than an accumulated total of 16.667% (5 divided
by 30) of an annual Standard Teaching Load or 5% of an annual Standard
i. In the event that a faculty member is underloaded it shall be made
up as soon as possible.
ii. In the event that a faculty member is overloaded, the faculty
member may choose:
a) to be paid at the adjunct rate in effect at the conclusion of their
annual load plan; or
b) to be paid upon retirement or separation from service, if that
occurs prior to the end of their annual load plan; or
c) to utilize the overload in the next annual work plan.
In the event a faculty member with a teaching assignment to be averaged
goes on leave, the substitute, if any, may be assigned the teaching hours
which would have been assigned to the faculty member on leave.
b. Overload Exemptions. Notwithstanding the above provisions limiting
overload and underload, a faculty member with an overload equal to a
portion of a class, the faculty may elect to be paid at their adjunct rate for
that portion of a class provided that the AFT 1521 Chapter President and
the College President or their designee, agrees to such overpayment
before the assignment begins. In the event a Chapter President and
College President cannot agree one week prior to the start of the
assignment, the College President may appeal the decision to the AFT
1521 President. Said payment shall be exempt from the provisions of
Article 16, and the payment shall be made during the pay period in which
the partial class was taught. Such exemptions should be limited and made
at the campus level on a case-by-case basis. Such payment shall be
exempt from the percentage limitation provided in Article 13.C.1.
5. Contract Courses. All faculty members assigned in programs for which the
costs are fully or partially paid under contracts between the District and
another party shall be assigned and compensated in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement. Article 15, summer and winter intersessions,
- 42 -
and Article 16, Faculty with Adjunct Rate Assignments, Retention, and
Seniority, shall not apply to contract courses except that, if a permanent or
probationary faculty member is assigned to teach a contract course as part of
an extra-duty assignment, or if any other faculty member who has seniority
rights under Article 16 is assigned a contract class, the faculty member shall
be granted credit for the course as if it were an assignment offered under
Article 16, as applicable. If an employee is assigned to a contract course at
the adjunct rate which extends into the summer intersession for more than
five (5) weeks or the summer intersession portion is more than one half the
time that such course occurs, the faculty member shall be paid according to
the Summer Salary Schedule, if the faculty member is a regular employee.
When selecting a faculty member to teach a contract education course, the
existing seniority lists shall initially be used, not necessarily in seniority order,
in an effort to find a candidate that best meets the specific criteria in the
proposed contract. The collective bargaining agreement shall not apply to
contracts for military education except for those individuals who gained
contract or regular status with the District prior to their military education
6. Teaching Hours in New Disciplines. The Standard Teaching Loads in
disciplines not listed in Table A, or Standard Workloads for services not listed
in Table B, shall be established as a result of mutual agreement in
consultation between the Board and the AFT 1521.
7. Related Duties
a. All monthly rate classroom faculty shall inform their students of the day,
time, and place or modality of their weekly office hours for student
consultation based on the following table. A copy of the office hours shall
be given to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. (See Article 15 for
office hour obligations during intersessions.)
Standard Teaching Load
From Table A
Standard Office Hours
Per Week
Office Hours Per Week on
Compressed 15-Week
12 to 15
5 hr. 35 min
18 and over 2 2 hr. 15 min
Illustration of compression of the office hour obligation during a 15-week term:
5 office hours per week x 1.11 = 5.6 hours = 35 minutes
b. All monthly rate classroom faculty shall be available for student
consultation by appointment, upon request by the student.
c. It is the responsibility of all monthly rate faculty assigned under the
provisions of this Article to be involved in college activities. These activities
may include, but are not limited to, evaluation of student performance,
curriculum development, sponsorship of co-curricular groups, college or
- 43 -
District committee work, faculty meetings, or in-service training or
professional development.
d. All monthly rate faculty should participate in the college’s annual
commencement ceremony. True adjunct faculty are encouraged to attend
as well.
e. All faculty shall maintain accurate records in accordance with District
policy, rules, regulations, and procedures.
f. For faculty with classroom assignments, rosters, grade report forms, and
exclusion rosters shall be submitted on or before the due dates
established by state requirements. All grade report forms must be turned
in no later than five (5) college workdays (days the college is open for
business) after the last day of the final period.
g. All faculty shall review DSPS Accommodation Forms for students with
disabilities sent by the Disability Services Office on their campus within
five (5) business days of being notified by email and having the
Accommodation Form posted to the class roster, or within five (5) business
days from the start of the semester or intersession if the letter is sent
before the start of semester or intersession in order to promptly facilitate
academic accommodations, or the discussion of concerns related to
approved accommodations.
i. The District shall provide the necessary support, as approved by
the Disability Services Office in consultation with the faculty
member, including but not limited to, equipment, technology, limited
specialty support staffing, and training, so faculty members can
support the accommodations identified by the Disability Services
8. Contract Faculty Members. Contract faculty members hired from specific
eligible lists shall be assigned in their eligible subject fields only.
9. Regular Faculty Members. A regular faculty member may be assigned to
serve in a discipline other than the one in which such faculty member was
hired provided the faculty member has the qualifications and is competent to
serve in that discipline.
10. Consulting Instructor and Instructor Special Assignment. Only regular
faculty members, contract faculty members, and True Adjunct faculty
members on a seniority list shall be eligible for assignment as Consulting
Instructor or Instructor Special Assignment. First year contract faculty
members may be so assigned only up to forty (40) percent of a full-time
assignment; second year contract faculty members may be so assigned only
up to sixty (60) percent of a full-time assignment; third and fourth-year
contract faculty members may be so assigned only up to eighty (80) percent
of a full-time assignment. Adjunct faculty members shall not exceed a total of
0.67 FTE including any assignments as Consulting Instructor or ISA, except
for assignments in programs and projects conducted under contract with
- 44 -
public or private agencies, or other categorically funded projects of
indeterminate duration.
The provisions of the preceding paragraph can be waived in special
circumstances with the written authorization of the AFT 1521 Chapter
President at the college and of the President of the Guild. In the event such a
waiver is agreed to, the following conditions must be met:
a. An announcement of the position shall be sent to all faculty via email when
the position is posted online. Any contract or Regular Faculty member in
the District or any True Adjunct Faculty member on a seniority list in the
District who meets the qualifications and applies for the position should be
considered for an interview.
b. The selection or interview procedure must conform to the process defined
for the college through collegial consultation with the college’s Academic
Senate and as defined in Human Resource (HR) Guide R-120 and R-121.
c. The evaluation or tenure process must be in accordance with the
appropriate process as outlined in Article 19, Evaluation, or Article 42,
Tenure Review and Evaluation of Contract (Probationary) Faculty.
d. Except as otherwise provided by law, nothing in this section shall be
construed as extending to a contract or regular faculty member who was
initially hired as a Consulting Instructor or Instructor Special Assignment
any right to reassignment to a department.
11. Regular faculty members, second year contract faculty members, and true
adjunct faculty on a seniority list shall be eligible for assignment as Consulting
Instructor or Instructor Special Assignment in Specially Funded Programs.
12. Regular Faculty and True Adjunct Faculty on a seniority list may be initially
hired and assigned as Consulting Instructor or Instructor Special Assignment
in Specially Funded Programs. No faculty member so initially hired and
assigned shall be granted contract status based upon service in such a
13. The college should list the actual names of all assigned full-time and adjunct
faculty in the class schedule rather than using the notation of “staff.” The
college website and printed directories should list the names, departments,
voicemail extensions, and District e-mail addresses of all full-time and adjunct
faculty. Whenever possible, the college catalog shall list the names,
disciplines, and degrees of all fulltime and temporary adjunct faculty with
seniority at the time of each catalog production cycle.
14. Mileage reimbursement. Faculty shall receive mileage reimbursement as
provided for by LACCD Administrative Procedure 7400 (available at
- 45 -
Table A
Within four (4) months of execution of the Agreement, this table shall be updated by
the procedure as required by AP 4020.
Each of the following subjects and the courses within them is placed within a faculty
discipline by the District Academic Senate. (See the appendix to “Administrative
Procedure 4020 Curriculum Development Course-Discipline Crosswalk.”)
Faculty Standard Teaching Loads
Contract Load
Standard Teaching Hours
Per Semester
Per Year
Addiction Studies
Administration of Justice
Aerospace Production Technology
African-American Studies
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Technology
Air Conditioning Techniques-Basic
Aircraft Electronics Technology
Allied Health
American Sign Language
Animal Husbandry
Architectural Interior
Architectural Technology
Art History
Asian StudiesAmerican Studies
Athletic Training
Automobile Technology
Automotive and Related Technologies
Automotive Collision Repair
Automotive Service Technology
Aviation Maintenance Technician
Baking Professional
- 46 -
Building Construction Techniques
Cabinet Millwork - Apprentice
Cabinetmaking and Millwork
Carpentry Apprentice
Chemical Technology
Chicano Studies
Child Development
College Studies
Communications Studies
Community Planning and Economic Development
Computer Applications Office Technologies
Computer Information Systems
Computer Science
Computer Technology
Consumer Electronics Technician
Cooperative Education
Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts-Apprentice
Dance Techniques
Dance Studies
Dance Specialties
Dental Assisting
Dental Hygiene
Dental Technology
Developmental Communication
Diesel and Related Technologies
Digital Media
Drafting Room Assistant
Drywall Apprentice
Earth Science
Electrical Cable Splicer for Apprentices
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
- 47 -
Electrical Construction Engineering
Electrical Lineman
Electrical Lineman Apprentice
Electro-mechanical Technology
Electron Microscopy
Electronics Assistant
Electronics Communications
Electronics Engineering Technician
Electronics Technology
Emergency Department Assistant
Emergency Medical Services
Engineer Operation Maintenance
Engineer Operation Maintenance - Apprentice
Engineering Technician
Engineering, Civil Technology
Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Electrical Technology
Engineering, General
Engineering, General Technology
English as a Second Language (ESL)
English as a Second Language (E.S.L.)
Environmental Design
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Equine Science
Family and Consumer Studies
Fashion Merchandising
Fashion Design
Fire Technology
Food Services Management
Game Art and Design
Geographic Information Systems
Health Information Technology
Health Occupations
- 48 -
Home Economics (noncredit)
Import Automobile Technology
Instructor Special Assignment
Interior Design
International Business
Jewish Studies
Kinesiology Major
Labor Studies
Learning Foundations
Learning Skills
Learning Skills Center
Learning Skills Center Director
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies
Library Science
Library and Media Technology
Machine Shop - Computer Numerical Control
Machine Tools Technology
Manufacturing and Industrial Technology
Mathematics Noncredit
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Media Arts
Microcomputer Technician
Motorcycle Repair Mechanic
Native American Studies
Noncredit Basic Skills
- 49 -
Noncredit Academic Preparation
Noncredit Citizenship
Noncredit English as a Second Language
Noncredit Health and Safety
Noncredit Older Adults
Noncredit Vocational Education
Numerical Control
Nursing Science
Nursing - Certified Home Health Aide (Credit)
Nursing - Certified Nurse Assistant (Credit)
Nursing - Health Care Ancillaries
Nursing, Registered
Office Machines
Ornamental Horticulture
Painting Apprentice
Parenting (noncredit)
Pharmacy Technician
Photography-Trade Tech
Physical Fitness
Physical Science
Physical Therapist Assistant
Piping Technology
Plant Science
Political Science
Printing Graphic Arts Composition
Printing-Graphic Arts Management
Printing-Graphic Arts Presswork
Printing-Printing Technology
Process Plant Technology
Public Relations
Radiologic Technology
Real Estate
- 50 -
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mechanics
Respiratory Therapy
Restaurant Management
Service Learning
Sheet Metal Work
Sheet Metal Work - Apprentice
Solid Waste Management Technology
Street Maintenance
Supply Water Technology
Tool and Manufacturing Technology
Truck Mechanic Apprentice
Veterinary Technology
Visual Communications
Wastewater Technology
Welding Gas and Electric
- 51 -
Table B
Non-Classroom Faculty Assignments
Expressed in Standard Hour
Assignment Per Semester Per Year
Child Development Center Director 35 70
Child Development Center Teacher 35 70
College Nurse 35 70
Consulting Instructor 35 70
Counselor 35 70
Disability Specialist 35 70
Instructor Special Assignment 35 70
Learning Skills Center Director 30 60
Librarian 30 60
Nursing Director 35 70
Service Learning (Field Work) 35 70
Coaching and Other Additional Assignments: Article 14
- 52 -
Article 14 (Return to Table of Contents)
Coaching and Other Additional Assignments
A. An additional assignment is an assignment given to a faculty member in addition
to the employee members basic assignment.
B. Full-time faculty members may accept or reject the offer of an additional
C. Pay for additional assignments shall be in accordance with the appropriate
District salary schedule for additional assignments.
D. Athletic Coaching
Athletic coaching assignments pursuant to D.1 and D.3 below shall not be
considered additional assignments. Contract regular faculty members initially
hired as athletic coaches (under the coaching minimum qualification area) are not
eligible for reassignment from their coaching assignment to one in any discipline
for which they meet minimum qualifications without the approval of the College
President. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to those faculty
members who were contract or regular on or before March 30, 1994.
1. Regular (permanent) and contract (probationary) faculty members assigned to
Athletic Coaching as Head Coaches shall be assigned in accordance with the
conditions listed below.
Regular (permanent) and contract (probationary) faculty members assigned to
Athletic Coaching as head coaches who were assigned D-basis under the
Plan “B” option from the prior Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) shall
continue to maintain that Plan “B” D- basis option.
a. A head coach shall be eligible to have the class that is scheduled for the
team sport to be counted as ten (10) hours of kinesiology athletics (“KIN
ATH”) or 5/9 FTE, whichever is greater, towards their teaching load. Each
sport is limited to one assignment per academic year.
b. A head coach shall receive a coaching stipend, paid out according to the
level pay concept, for the particular sports listed in Appendix A (Faculty
Salary Schedules and Rates). The coaching stipend shall constitute the
amount of compensation for head coaching duties, including pre-season
coaching duties and activities for the sport that are conducted outside the
KIN ATH classes. These activities include, but are not limited to, student-
athlete recruitment, coordinating travel arrangements for away contests,
film study and fundraising, etc. Head coaches who have a second
coaching assignment shall receive both stipends including during any
period in which the two coaching assignments overlap. Separate play-off
stipends for head coaches will be compensated every week of playoffs
and are found in Appendix A (Faculty Salary Schedules and Rates).
Coaching and Other Additional Assignments: Article 14
- 53 -
c. All head coaches are eligible for a non-classroom hourly assignment
during the year at the recommendation of the athletic director and with the
approval of the College President.
2. Walk-on head athletic coaches who are not regular (permanent) or contract
(probationary) faculty members shall be compensated as adjunct instructors
and shall be assigned in accordance with the conditions listed below.
a. A walk-on head coach shall have the class that is scheduled for the team
sport counted as ten (10) hours of KIN ATH towards their adjunct teaching
load within one academic year for each sport. Walk-on head coaches are
not entitled to seniority under Article 16.
b. A walk-on head coach shall receive a coaching stipend, paid out according
to the level pay concept, for the particular sports listed in Appendix A
(Faculty Salary Schedules and Rates). The coaching stipend shall
constitute the amount of compensation for head coaching duties, including
pre-season coaching duties and activities for the sport that are conducted
outside the KIN ATH classes. These activities include, but are not limited
to, student-athlete recruitment, coordinating travel arrangements for away
contests, film study and fundraising, etc. Walk-on head coaches who have
a second coaching assignment shall receive both stipends including during
any period in which the two coaching assignments overlap. Separate play-
off stipends for walk-on head coaches will be compensated every week of
playoffs and are found in Appendix A (Faculty Salary Schedules and
c. All walk-on head coaches are eligible for a non-classroom hourly
assignment during the year at the recommendation of the athletic director
and with the approval of the College President.
The District and the AFT 1521 agree to consult with CaISTRS concerning
appropriate retirement credit for these assignments.
3. Assistant Coaches may be regular (permanent) or contract (probationary)
faculty members, and if assigned to Athletic Coaching as assistant coaches
shall receive an assistant coaching stipend, paid out according to the level
pay concept, for the particular sports listed in Appendix A (Faculty Salary
Schedules and Rates). An assistant coaching stipend shall constitute the
amount of compensation for assistant coaching duties, including pre-season
coaching duties and activities for the sport that are conducted outside the KIN
ATH classes. These activities include, but are not limited to, student-athlete
recruitment, coordinating travel arrangements for away contests, film study
and fundraising, etc. Assistant coaches who have a second coaching
assignment shall receive both stipends including during any period in which
the two coaching assignments overlap. Separate play-off stipends for
assistant coaches will be compensated every week of playoffs and are found
in Appendix A (Faculty Salary Schedules and Rates).
Regular (permanent) and contract (probationary) faculty members assigned to
Athletic Coaching as assistant coaches who were assigned with a 5/18
Coaching and Other Additional Assignments: Article 14
- 54 -
reassign time of their teaching load from the prior Collective Bargaining
Agreement (CBA) shall continue to maintain that reassign time.
Notwithstanding this section, all other provisions of this contract apply.
All assistant coaches who are regular (permanent) and or contract
(probationary) faculty members and assigned to Athletic Coaching as an
assistant coach are eligible for a non-classroom hourly assignment during the
year at the recommendation of the athletic director and with the approval of
the College President.
4. Walk on assistant coaches who are not regular (permanent) or contract
(probationary) faculty members are not represented by the Faculty Guild. As a
courtesy (informational only): Assistant coaches who have a second coaching
assignment shall receive both stipends including during any period in which
the two coaching assignments overlap. Separate play-off stipends for
assistant coaches will be compensated every week of playoffs and are found
in Appendix A (Faculty Salary Schedules and Rates).
All assistant coaches who are not regular (permanent) and or contract
(probationary) faculty members and assigned to Athletic Coaching as an
assistant coach are eligible for an unclassified hourly assignment during the
year at the recommendation of the athletic director and with the approval of
the College President.
5. Each team shall have one head coach. Up to the maximum number of
assistant coaches may be recommended by the athletic director to the
College President for approval. The athletic director may not select assistant
coaches exceeding the maximum number below without the approval of the
College President.
a. Football up to eight (8)
b. Basketball up to three (3)
c. Track up to three (3)
d. Baseball up to three (3)
e. Softball up to three (3)
f. Volleyball up to two (2)
g. Soccer up to three (3)
h. Swimming & Diving - up to two (2)
i. Tennis - one (1)
j. Cross country - one (1)
k. Water polo up to two (2)
l. Golf - one (1)
m. Badminton - one (1)
n. Wrestling - up to two (2)
o. Beach Volleyball one (1)
Coaching and Other Additional Assignments: Article 14
- 55 -
6. Coaching and assistant coaching assignments are temporary assignments
recommended by the athletic director subject to the approval of the College
President and may be terminated at any time by the College President. The
College President shall state reason(s) for termination in writing.
7. The following chart summarizes athletic coaching compensation for the
various types of coaching assignments described above.
Type of Coaching
Assignment in All Sports
Head Coach
5/9 Load per academic year per sport
Every-week length of playoff stipend
Eligible for hourly rate assignment
Walk-On Head Coach
Pay at the adjunct rate per class
Every-week length of playoff stipend
Eligible for hourly rate assignment
Adjunct status (no seniority)
STRS (DBS or CB) or PARS or Social
Assistant Coach
Pay at the adjunct rate per class, if
assigned as instructor of record for
the class. Stipend
Eligible for hourly rate assignment
Every-week length of playoff stipend
Walk-On Assistant Coach
Eligible for hourly rate assignment
Every-week length of playoff stipend
Unclassified status
8. Athletic Coaching Stipends
a. Athletic Director Stipend. All faculty with an Athletic Director Assignment
shall be paid a $2687 stipend per intercollegiate sport offered at the college,
except if the college offers football, which counts for two stipends.
b. Head coaches and walk-on head coaches who are assigned to coach a
college-approved sport shall receive a stipend equal to 20% of Column C,
Row 4 equivalent to the annual 10-month pay of the faculty salary schedule.
This stipend will be paid on the level-pay system.
c. Assistant Coaching Stipends. Assistant coaches for an athletic sports
team who are regular (permanent) or contract (probationary) employees will
be paid a stipend equal to $3455 per month for the duration of each sport
season as noted in the chart below. The coaching duties and activities that
are included in the duration of the season are described in D.3, above.
Coaching and Other Additional Assignments: Article 14
- 56 -
Assistant Coaching Stipends and Payment Months
Monthly Stipend Payments
Payment Months
Football 4 Sept to Dec
M and W Cross Country
Sept to Dec
M and W Water Polo
Sept to Dec
M and W Soccer
Sept to Dec
M and W Volleyball 4
Sept to Dec (W)
Feb to May (M)
M and W Basketball
Oct to Feb
Feb to May
Feb to May
M and W Swim and Dive
Feb to May
M and W Track Field
Feb to May
M and W Tennis
Feb to May
Sept to Dec
Feb to May
Golf 4
Sept to Dec (W)
Feb to May (M)
Beach Volleyball
Jan to Apr
The Faculty unit does not represent these employees (Walk-On Assistant
Coaches). These stipend amounts are listed as a courtesy.
E. Athletic Directors
1. Colleges with an intercollegiate athletic program of one or more teams are
entitled to an athletic director who:
a. Shall be reassigned a proportional 12-month (D-basis) assignment
according to the following table:
# of Intercollegiate teams
Reassigned time
1 to 3
4 to 6
7 to 9
10 to 12
13 or more
The College President has the discretion to appoint an associate director
based on the operational needs of the program.
Coaching and Other Additional Assignments: Article 14
- 57 -
b. Intercollegiate Football is calculated as two (2) teams when determining
reassigned time.
2. Athletic directors may also be athletic coaches, if approved by the College
President, provided the meeting and training times for the team, including but
are not limited to, student-athlete recruitment, coordinating travel
arrangements for away contests, film study and fundraising, etc. does not
overlap with the hours of service as the athletic director. If the college makes
such an assignment, the athletic director shall:
a. Receive the appropriate coaching stipend, 8 a. thru c. above as an Athletic
Coach, or
b. Have the athletic team scheduled as part of the employee members
teaching load.
3. Athletic directors may be an ISA and reassigned to the athletic director
responsibilities. Athletic director assignments are temporary assignments
made by the College President and may be terminated at any time by the
College President. The College President shall state the reason(s) for
termination and assignment end date in writing.
4. The College President may grant reassigned time pursuant to Article 18 for
the development of new athletic programs if the athletic director is not
currently receiving any reassigned time.
5. Athletic Directors shall be supported with adequate staffing.
F. Performance Coaches (Non-Athletic). Performance coaches (non-athletic)
include, but are not limited to, forensic coaches, publication advisors, choral
directors, orchestra or band directors, theater arts directors, dance directors, and
fashion show directors. Compensation for faculty instructional time as
performance coaches shall be addressed via the appropriate load designation for
lecture-lab-activity hours as stated in the course outline of record. Performance
coaches (non-athletic) not compensated through the appropriate load designation
for lecture-lab-activity hours shall receive a $100 stipend per the day of
performance(s) listed in Appendix A (Faculty Salary Schedules and Rates).
G. Supplementary Pay. The College President may make additional assignments
for supplementary pay for activities other than athletics. The supplementary pay
rate shall be in accordance with the District’s salary schedule for supplementary
H. Additional assignments compensated by coaching stipends shall be limited to no
more than two stipends per semester.
I. Instructors hired by semester to teach individual Applied Music Instruction (Music
180), shall be compensated at the adjunct rate for the semester the instructor is
employed. The provisions of Article 16 shall not apply to such assignment.
Assignment, Summer, and Winter intersessions: Article 15
- 58 -
Article 15 (Return to Table of Contents)
Assignment, Summer, and Winter Intersessions
A. Definition and Conditions of Assignment
1. An intersession assignment consists of the duties, hours, and or courses
assigned to a given faculty member by the District during the summer or
winter intersession periods.
2. An intersession assignment is generally an extra or temporary assignment of
a qualified candidate to serve during a summer or winter intersession. But if it
is assigned to a faculty member as, and explicitly designated a part of their
regular load, it shall be included in calculating the portion of a Standard
Teaching Load or Standard Workload they have served for the academic year
in which the assignment was completed. Dates, durations, and number of
intersessions may vary among colleges depending on the calendar under
which the college is operating. The winter intersession period is between the
last day of the fall semester and the first day of the spring semester. The
summer intersession period is between the last day of the spring semester
and the first day of the following fall semester. For the purposes of this article,
assignments in a PACE program during an intersession period shall not be
considered intersession assignments and shall be paid at the preparation
schedule rate consistent with Article 29, as described in Article 13.A.10. Hours
assigned in excess of a full-time assignment shall be paid at the appropriate
adjunct rate.
3. Colleges shall attempt to fill all available intersession assignments no later
than the end of the 12th week of the semester prior to the intersession being
planned. The following timelines should be adhered to in order to meet this
End of 3rd week: Notices to faculty to determine availability
End of 4th week:
Chairs establish and submit to the supervising dean priority lists by
End of 8th week: Initial offers of employment made to faculty
End of 10th week: Response from faculty due to chairs
End of 12th week: All assignments filled by this date
Faculty members who receive an offer of employment for an intersession shall
accept or decline within two weeks of the date the offer was made. Refusals
subsequent to an acceptance that occur after the deadlines will be counted as
though they had been assigned in calculating subsequent intersession
priorities unless adequate reasons for the refusal are submitted in writing and
approved by the Intersession Committee. These reasons would include
emergencies or circumstances the faculty member could not have known
about at an earlier date.
Assignment, Summer, and Winter intersessions: Article 15
- 59 -
4. Time served on intersession assignments does not count toward tenure,
salary advancement or service requirements before or after a leave of
absence unless the assignment was assigned to the faculty member, and
explicitly designated as a part of, their regular load.
5. For the purposes of this article, a “full assignment” during an intersession shall
be determined as follows:
a. Summer. For summer assignments, a “full assignment” is 5 or 6 standard
hours. For a probationary or tenured faculty member, the total pay for a full
assignment is at the same salary factor as was used in the 1999-2002
Contract (80%). Beginning summer intercession 2009, instructors teaching
their entire summer assignment in the first summer session will receive
one paycheck at the end of that session corresponding to the July pay
period; instructors teaching all other summer assignments will receive two
level paychecks, one during the July pay period and one in the August pay
period. If a probationary or tenured faculty member teaches in excess of
the 5 or 6 standard hours during a summer session, they shall be paid at
their adjunct teaching rate for the hours above the maximum listed for a
“full assignment.” For C-basis non-classroom faculty, a “full assignment”
shall be 6 hours per day when the standard workload in Article 13, Table B
is 30 and 7 hours per day when that standard workload is 35. Non-
classroom faculty shall be paid for these summer assignments using
Standard Work Hours at their non-classroom adjunct rate. All faculty
members who are not probationary or tenured shall be paid for summer
credit classroom assignments at their regular adjunct rate, including the
office hour differential. Classroom faculty paid at the adjunct teaching rate
shall be paid for teaching assignments on a “pay-by-course” basis using
the Standard Teaching Hours associated with the assignment rather than
the actual hours served during the intersession. Classroom faculty who
receives the office hour differential shall also be obliged to hold office
If a probationary or tenured faculty member teaches a fractional
assignment of fewer than 6 standard hours (other than a class with value
of 5 standard hours), they shall be paid for a fractional assignment with the
total pay equal to the same fraction that the standard teaching hours bears
to 6.
b. Winter. For winter assignments, a “full assignment” is 5 or 6 standard
hours. For C-basis non-classroom faculty, a “full assignment” shall be 6
hours per day when the standard workload in Article 13, Table B is 30 and
7 hours per day when that standard workload is 35. Non-classroom faculty
shall be paid for these winter assignments using Standard Work Hours at
their non-classroom adjunct rate. Classroom faculty shall be paid for winter
credit classroom assignments at their regular adjunct rate, including the
office hour differential. Classroom faculty shall be paid for teaching
Assignment, Summer, and Winter intersessions: Article 15
- 60 -
assignments on a “pay-by-course” basis using the Standard Teaching
Hours associated with the assignment rather than the actual hours served
during the intersession.
c. Intersession Office Hours. The office hour requirement for intersession
varies depending on the number of standard hours taught as follows:
5 Week Winter or Summer Intercession Office Hours
Applies to all classroom faculty in any five (5) week intersession.
(except full-time faculty in summer only)
Number of Standard Hours
Number of Office Hours Per Week
(rounded to closest 5 minutes)
35 minutes
1 hour 5 minutes
1 hour 40 minutes
2 hours 15 minutes
5 or 6
3 hours 20 minutes
d. Full-time faculty who are not required to maintain scheduled summer office
hours shall be available to students for questions and assistance
throughout the term, as needed. Faculty members working during
intersession as part of an annual load balancing plan are still required to
maintain office hours.
6. The above rules regarding classroom faculty teaching loads will apply during
intersessions unless the assignment is a part of:
a. the faculty member’s regular annual load; or
b. an approved load banking plan pursuant to Article 39. Classroom faculty
who receives the office hour differential shall also be obliged to hold office
7. Intersession assignments for travel and study programs shall be made for
classes in which 15 students or more are enrolled. An enrolled student is one
who has registered for a travel or study course and paid in full all travel and
other charges. The administrator in charge of travel and study programs shall
have the right to cancel at any time prior to the starting date of the class.
8. Intersession class size should be set at a level that promotes both sound
learning and efficiency in the operation of the instructional program (see
Article 12, Class Size).
9. For the purposes of this article, priority refers to a number on the Priority
Calculation Table in B.5. Department Chairs will maintain three Priority
Number Lists for each department discipline; a list for monthly rate contract
and regular faculty for winter, a list for monthly rate contract and regular
faculty for summer, and a single list for summer and winter intersessions for
temporary adjunct faculty who have seniority at the college under Article 16.
Assignment, Summer, and Winter intersessions: Article 15
- 61 -
10. The eligibility for assignment to an intersession immediately after retirement
will be postponed to the next subsequent corresponding intersession, subject
to the availability of the assignment and placement of the retiree on the
intersession priority list (see also Article 22.D). Their priority date is the first
day of the semester in which their retirement date falls, or if not during a
semester, the semester immediately preceding the retirement date. Once
granted priority placement, the right to continue as adjunct rate faculty is
governed by the terms of this Article.
B. Priority. Each discipline has its own priority list for contract and regular faculty
that is, one list for winter and one list for summer, even though summer may have
multiple sessions. Monthly rate contract and regular faculty at the college shall
have their winter intersession assignments made separately from their summer
intersession assignments.
Assignments shall be made to the following groups in hierarchical order and shall
provide each person assigned with an opportunity for a full assignment (as
defined in A.4 of this article) in priority number order:
1. Monthly rate contract and regular faculty at the college in a given discipline
(from Table A of Article 13), teaching a portion of their regular fall or spring
semester load during an intersession.
2. Monthly rate contract and regular faculty at the college including regular
faculty at the college performing duties under an approved load-banking plan,
as long as they are eligible according to the priority chart rules in Section B.5
3. Temporary adjunct faculty who have seniority at the college under Article 16
(the relative priority within this category shall be determined as specified in
Section B.6 below).
4. All others.
5. Except for adjunct faculty in category B.3 above, the priority rank of the
individual faculty member will be determined as follows:
a. Any assignment (except one made under Section B.1, above) anywhere in
the District during an intersession that is between 0.4 and 0.6 of a “full
assignment” for an intersession shall be deemed to be one-half of an
intersession assignment in computing priority. Any such assignment which
is less than 0.4 but more than zero percent shall be deemed to be one
fourth of an intersession assignment in computing priority. When the
assignment is more than 0.6 of a “full assignment,” the faculty member will
be credited with a full assignment for the purposes of computing priority.
An assignment in the District wholly or in part at another campus or
location, an assignment outside of the faculty member’s regular teaching
field, or a non-teaching assignment shall be treated in the same manner
as an assignment on campus, except as noted in d.(i).
Assignment, Summer, and Winter intersessions: Article 15
- 62 -
b. In establishing eligibility for intersession assignments, priority positions
shall be given to those faculty members who have been without an
intersession assignment for the greatest number of years, according to the
Priority Calculation Table.
Examples Of Intercession Priority
Indicates faculty member is charged with having taught full-time according to
the above policy.
½ Indicates faculty member is charged with having taught one-half time.
¼ Indicates faculty member is charged with having taught one-fourth time.
0 Indicates faculty member is not charged with having taught.
Priority Calculation Table
Three Years Ago
Two Years Ago
One year Ago
Priority Position Number
Assignment, Summer, and Winter intersessions: Article 15
- 63 -
The above chart shall be projected backward until priorities are in
accordance with B.5.c.
c. Calculating Priority for Contract Faculty Members. Any contract faculty
member with less than one academic year of service as of March 1 for
summer intersession and November 1 for winter intersession will be
placed at the bottom of the priority list. If there is more than one faculty
member in this category in a given department, the tie will be broken in the
following sequence: If there are any intersession assignments as a
probationary, conditional or substitute, these can be first compared on a
three-year basis as to number and then to recency. If this fails to break the
tie, then the standard procedure used in Priority Rank will be applied. After
having taught one full academic year, any contract faculty member will be
assigned a priority number 52. After having taught two full academic years,
and if no intersession assignment was served, the contract faculty member
will be advanced to priority number 18. After having taught three full
academic years, and if no intersession assignment was served, the
contract faculty member will be advanced to priority number 1.
Irrespective of the number of years of probationary service, once an
assignment has been served, the faculty member will be placed on a
priority position as determined by the respective intersession (summer or
winter) Priority Position Chart.
Assignment, Summer, and Winter intersessions: Article 15
- 64 -
Probationary Instructor Intersession Priority Calculation Table
Full Academic Years Taught as Contract Faculty
as of March 1 for Summer and Nov. 1 for Winter
d. If the above criteria fail to determine priority in a discipline, priority rank will
be awarded by applying the following rules in the order listed:
i. The faculty member who accepted an assignment at another
location in the District shall have priority over one assigned at their
own College for the next three years only.
ii. The faculty member who did not have an assignment when
compared on a year-to-year basis beyond three years shall have
priority over the one having an assignment the same year. If this
procedure reaches the point where one of the instructors was not
an employee of the District, the decision is made using the following
step (iii.) if needed.
iii. The faculty member with the greater length of service in the District
shall have priority.
iv. In case of an irresolvable tie, a drawing will be held by an
appropriate administrator and the AFT 1521 Chapter President or
designee and the faculty members concerned will be present.
e. Priority Considerations. Priorityas used in this Section applies to the
right of a faculty member to choose the class or classes from the
established intersession schedule which are to constitute their intersession
assignment; “priority” as used in this Section does not include the right of a
faculty member to “bump” or replace another faculty member who has a
lower priority.
A qualified faculty member may choose the assignment from among those
offered, in order of respective intersession priority, but may not choose a
full assignment in more than one session when there are multiple
sessions. When a college offers multiple summer sessions, the maximum
total assignment allowed in any summer session shall be a full assignment
in one session unless no other faculty are available after faculty described
in B.1B.4 have been provided opportunity for an assignment. The person
with the highest priority has the first choice, the person with second priority
has the second choice, etc. If a faculty member is eligible for up to a full
assignment in a second summer session but would be barred due to the
total assignment exceeding 1.0 FTE monthly rate in the overlap period
between the sessions, and the overlap does not exceed two weeks, the
faculty member may be assigned and the excess beyond 1.0 FTE paid
Assignment, Summer, and Winter intersessions: Article 15
- 65 -
adjunct-rate during the overlap. No such overlapping assignments may be
made when one of the assignments is in summer PACE.
Computation of classroom intersession priority for Department Chairs or
other faculty on D or partial D-basis is as follows:
The phrase “any assignment” referred to in Section B above includes D-
basis for Department Chairs. Then a chair with less than 0.4 D would be
deemed ¼ an assignment in computing priority; one with between 0.4 and
0.6 would be ½ an assignment; one with greater than 0.6 would be
counted as a full assignment in computing priority. If the chair also has the
opportunity to teach, the combination of D and teaching will determine the
Compensation for the intersession if a chair’s priority order permits an
opportunity for a full assignment is determined in the following way:
Use the actual fraction of D-basis assigned and allow the teaching portion
of intersession assignment to be added to the D-basis up to a balance of
1.0. The D-basis portion of the assignment would be paid at the D-basis
rate, the teaching portion of the balance up to 1.0 would be paid at the
“80%” rate, for a summer intersession assignment, or at the adjunct rate if
the teaching portion is a winter intersession assignment. If the teaching
unit value of the class causes the total assignment to exceed 1.0, the
amount over 1.0 would be paid at the adjunct rate.
6. Priority for Temporary Adjunct Faculty Members. In carrying out their
chairperson duties (see Article 17), Department Chairs will maintain one
priority intersession list for all intersessions (winter and summer). Only
temporary adjunct faculty on a seniority list are eligible for the intersession
priority list. Adjunct faculty who are assigned and complete an intersession
assignment (regardless of the number of hours) will then be below all those
who did not have an assignment in the subsequent intersession. The priority
list will be maintained in a true rotation.
C. Eligibility for Assignment for Faculty
By the end of the fourth week of the fall and spring semesters for winter
intersession and summer intersession(s) faculty priority number lists will be
established for each discipline by the Department Chair. A copy will be forwarded
by the Department Chair to the appropriate Vice President or designee. The
appropriate Vice President or designee shall review and approve the lists. Within
ten (10) working days of the above dates, the appropriate Vice President shall
forward electronic copies (or upload them to the website) of all approved
intersession priority number lists to the Department Chair, all faculty on the
discipline lists, the AFT 1521 Chapter President, and the Grievance
Assignment, Summer, and Winter intersessions: Article 15
- 66 -
Notices to eligible faculty to determine availability for intersession assignments
will be made by the end of the third week of the preceding fall or spring. Initial
offers of employment will be made to eligible faculty by the end of the sixth week
of the preceding fall or spring. Each faculty member will have the opportunity to
accept or refuse an assignment as their priority rank is reached. The faculty
member will be expected to accept or refuse an assignment by the end of the
eighth week.
1. In those departments which have distinct disciplines (under Table A of Article
13), faculty members are eligible for placement on the priority number lists for
only one discipline. A faculty member who has been reassigned for the
majority of their load may elect to be placed on the intersession priority
number list of the new discipline the intersession following the reassignment.
For the purpose of determining priority, counselors and librarians shall be
considered as members of the Counseling Department and Library
Department, respectively.
a. If an assignment is available for which no one is available from the
discipline priority number list, the assignment will be made on the basis of
the individual qualifications of those desiring the assignment.
b. Any such assignment which is accepted shall be counted for subsequent
priority purposes in the same manner as those made to faculty members
on the regular priority lists.
2. A faculty member who refuses an intersession assignment in their discipline
shall be placed in the same category as those for whom no assignment is
available, regardless of their reason for such refusal. (This includes faculty
members on leave of absence.)
3. No faculty member shall be eligible to teach a course in an intersession if they
refused, on the basis of subject matter within the discipline, to teach the same
course in regular session (assuming that they were eligible and qualified to do
4. Retiring Faculty. A faculty member who retires by the end of the fall
semester is eligible to accept a winter intersession assignment during the
winter intersession immediately following that fall semester, subject to the
availability of an assignment and their placement on the intersession priority
number list. A faculty member who retires by the end of the academic year
and who has taught the full year is eligible to accept a summer assignment
during the summer immediately following that academic year subject to the
availability of an assignment and their placement on the summer intersession
priority number list. Retirees on a priority list will not be adversely affected by
the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013. If a retiree opts for the
180-day “sit-out” period, the retiree will be eligible for an assignment in the
subsequent intersession after the 180-day “sit-out” period.
Assignment, Summer, and Winter intersessions: Article 15
- 67 -
5. Faculty on Leave. A faculty member on sabbatical or other leave of absence
is eligible for intersession assignments based on their position on the priority
number list. In other words, a faculty member on leave shall be given the
same priority rank that they would have received had they been serving in a
regular assignment at their college during the same period of the leave
namely a “0” if they do not get an assignment or a “1” or “½” or “¼” if they do.
6. Appointed Faculty. A faculty member appointed to a college within the year
preceding the intersession concerned (other than a transfer from another
college in the District) will be placed on the bottom of the appropriate priority
number list (as indicated in Section B.5.c of this Article).
7. Faculty Transferring From Another College. A faculty member who
transfers to a college from another college in the District shall be subject to
the same priority calculation procedures as though their community college
teaching had been all at their current assignment.
D. Intersession Committees. A college Intersession Committee shall be
established on each campus, for every intersession. It shall consist of no less
than two (2) faculty members as determined by campus representatives of the
bargaining agent and no less than three (3) administrators as determined by the
College President. The college Intersession Committee shall serve as an appeals
committee to hear and rule upon assignment priority matters.
E. Miscellaneous
1. Colleges that have elected to use a compressed calendar which includes a
winter intersession may assign C and or D-basis counselors to work on
specified days during the week before the start of the session and during the
session to enable adequate counseling services to students. The schedule
and scope of the staffing for such service will be developed by the
administration and shared with the C and D-basis counselors before the start
of the intersession. When such assignments require service that is not
regularly a part of the C or D-basis, respectively, then the C or D-basis
counselor(s) assigned during this time will be eligible for either adjunct pay or
compensatory time off as defined in Article 11, Section D.2 Colleges may also
apply these provisions to other non-classroom C and D-basis faculty to
ensure adequate services to students.
2. Intersession work for temporary adjunct faculty is not subject to the 67% load
limitation as provided in Education Code 87474.
Faculty with Adjunct Rate Assignments, Retention, and Seniority: Article 16
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Article 16 (Return to Table of Contents)
Faculty with Adjunct Rate Assignments, Retention, and Seniority
Adjunct seniority is a method of determining seniority order to receive an assignment
paid at the adjunct rate. Any qualified faculty member employed by the District may
be given appropriate assignments at the adjunct rate, including:
Temporary adjunct faculty (or True Adjunct Faculty) employed pursuant to
Education Code Section 87482.5 for no more than 67% of the full time
equivalent (FTE) load of scheduled duties for a full-time regular faculty
member having comparable duties averaged over the semester.
Contract and regular faculty, staff, or administrators who are also employed
on an adjunct rate basis for additional assignments.
For the purposes of this article, such employees will be referred to as “adjunct rate
faculty.” A seniority assignment for classroom faculty is defined as one class offered
per B.1 below, lecture or lab (or combination thereof), at least three (3) standard
hours (STD), when available, (including noncredit), of at least the same number of
standard hours up to 67% FTE. For non-classroom faculty, an assignment is defined
as a minimum of 0.2 FTE. The assignment should be on the same day(s) of the
week and at the same time as the previous semester for classroom teaching
assignments or the same number of hours on the same days of the week and at the
same time as the previous semester for non-classroom assignments, when feasible,
as outlined in Section A of this article.
Adjunct rate assignments are based on student needs and contingent upon available
adequate fiscal resources. Pursuant to Education Code Section 87482.3 this
contract establishes the terms of reemployment preference for part-time, temporary
faculty assignments based on the minimum standards up to the range of 60 to 67
percent of a full-time equivalent (FTE) load.
Adjunct assignment rates of pay shall be based on the salary tables in Appendix A. A
discipline is defined as a Faculty Service Area (FSA) as listed in Appendix E.
A. Obtaining and Calculating Seniority
1. Classroom and non-classroom adjunct rate faculty gain a semester towards
placement on a seniority list when they accept and complete an adjunct rate
assignment. Classroom and non-classroom adjunct rate faculty shall be
placed on that list if they complete an adjunct rate assignment in the discipline
for three semesters and begin service for a fourth semester, all four
semesters occurring within a period of eight consecutive semesters.
2. An adjunct rate faculty member’s seniority date for assignment in a discipline
is determined by the beginning date of the fourth semester that qualifies the
employee member for placement on the seniority list for that discipline,
Faculty with Adjunct Rate Assignments, Retention, and Seniority: Article 16
- 69 -
including short-term classes offered within a semester. There shall be no ties
on the seniority list. If a tie in seniority dates exists, the tie shall be broken by
lot by the appropriate Vice President or designee and the AFT 1521 Chapter
President or designee prior to the deadline for posting seniority lists.
3. Seniority is set at the highest number of standard hours assigned based on
two or more of the four semesters. If the number of standard hours differs in
each of the four semesters, then the number used will be the average of the
four semesters, rounded to the nearest standard hour. Standard hours for
seniority are determined at the time seniority is granted and will not be
modified even if assigned standard hours vary in subsequent semesters.
4. In some circumstances, classroom and non-classroom adjunct rate faculty
may be assigned a different number of standard work hours in a given
semester than their seniority assignment. Nevertheless, in future semesters,
their seniority rights would continue to be for an assignment with the same
number of standard hours for which they originally attained seniority.
B. Offers of Assignment
1. Adjunct rate classroom and non-classroom faculty members on the seniority
list shall be offered an assignment that equals the standard hours for which
they originally attained seniority. Whenever additional assignments are
available through growth and attrition, they will be offered following the
process described in section C.2 of this Article. Whenever feasible, the
assignment shall be on the same day or at the same time, and of the same
modality as the previous semester worked.
If a program or schedule is changed, adjunct rate assignments shall be
offered in the following order:
a. comparable assignments with the same number of standard hours for
classroom teaching or the same number of hours for non-classroom
assignments or
b. assignments that are as close as possible to the number of standard hours
for which the faculty member has attained seniority.
C. Seniority Lists
Seniority lists indicate the order in which adjunct rate assignments are offered in
a discipline, based on the date a faculty member is placed on the list by having
completed an assignment for three semesters and begun service for a fourth
semester, as specified in A.1. In addition to the numbered ranking, seniority lists
specify the number of standard hours for which the faculty member has attained
seniority, the number of total hours assigned each semester, and a code
indicating whether the assignment was accepted, refused, withdrawn, bumped,
canceled, or not offered. See Appendix R for a seniority list template.
1. Seniority lists shall be updated each semester for each discipline after any
bumping or other changes have occurred and whenever new names are
added to the lists. No new names shall be added to the existing second
Faculty with Adjunct Rate Assignments, Retention, and Seniority: Article 16
- 70 -
seniority list. No LACCD regular or contract faculty member, staff, or
administrator shall be entitled to have their name added to a seniority list if
that addition would result in the faculty member acquiring seniority on more
than one seniority list at a college.
2. Prioritization of classroom and non-classroom hourly rate assignments shall
be made in the following order:
Step 1 Use the first seniority list in order of rank.
Step 2 Use the second assignment seniority list if one exists
Step 3 Once the first and second seniority lists are exhausted, additional
assignments shall be given to temporary adjunct faculty who are on
the first seniority list and who are not full-time LACCD employees.
These additional assignments shall be offered to those on the
seniority list as a pool, not necessarily in seniority order. CTE
disciplines as identified by TOP code (CCCCO.EDU) are exempt
from step 3 and should proceed to step 4.
Step 4 Consideration for any remaining assignments should be offered to
all faculty on the first seniority list as a pool or to unranked faculty.
During the time of schedule planning and construction, a faculty member who
does not want an assignment shall communicate this decision in writing to
their chair.
3. A faculty member not on a seniority list will be limited to one assignment.
However, a department or division chair may request an exception, which
must be approved by the Vice President or designee in consultation with the
AFT 1521 Chapter President.
4. Colleges may create integrated seniority lists in disciplines that offer courses
or specialized areas that require additional training, coursework,
demonstrated special expertise, or certification in order to teach the course.
Faculty teaching hourly who are on a seniority list will continue to be assigned
in seniority order as described in this article. Faculty who have completed the
required training, coursework, or certification will have a designation on the
seniority list. Only instructors with such designations shall be offered the
corresponding course(s). If the faculty member so designated declines the
assignment, that decline is counted as a refusal for the purposes of calculated
seniority as described in this article. Should a faculty member no longer desire
to teach the designated course(s) or have an assignment in a specialized
area, the employee may request in writing that such designation be removed
from the seniority list. The request to change one’s designation will be
effective the next term, and declining designated assignments in the next and
subsequent terms will not be counted as a refusal.
The designation can be restored by written request of the faculty member and
approval of the College President or designee, effective the next term.
Faculty with Adjunct Rate Assignments, Retention, and Seniority: Article 16
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5. A new seniority list may be created or an existing seniority list may be divided
into more than one seniority list by the mutual consent of the Guild President
and Chancellor or designee. Before a college begins to offer adjunct rate
assignments for which the college does not currently have a seniority list and
or for which a seniority list already exists at another college (or at multiple
colleges), as shown in Appendix E, the college’s appropriate Department
Chair shall consult with the department faculty, AFT 1521 Chapter President,
and appropriate Vice President(s) before creating or splitting a seniority list(s)
for those faculty service areas and notify all parties so that Appendix E can be
6. The Department Chair shall provide (in electronic format) the department’s
updated seniority list or lists to the appropriate college Vice President. The
Vice President or designee shall review the list(s) for accuracy. Seniority lists
shall be posted by the appropriate college Vice President or designee on the
college website, and faculty will be notified that lists are ready for viewing by
the eighth week of the fall and spring semesters.
D. Assignment Rights
1. The right to continue receiving adjunct rate assignments is extended to each
adjunct rate faculty member in the appropriate discipline, in seniority order, for
the hours they have achieved seniority and at the college or location the
faculty member is assigned. Faculty in all credit and noncredit, contract
education, and specially funded programs shall be assigned consistent with
Article 13.D.5. Seniority applies within each discipline at a college and is not
transferable to other colleges.
2. After all individuals on the first seniority list have accepted or refused an
assignment and additional assignments are available, assignments shall be
offered in seniority order to individuals currently on the second seniority list
when a second list exists. Remaining assignments shall be offered in the
manner described in Section C.2 of this Article.
3. Contract, regular, and temporary full-time faculty shall be eligible to be
assigned up to 40% FTE in adjunct rate assignments during the fall and
spring semesters. An adjunct load up to 67% FTE may be assigned upon the
faculty member’s written verification to their Department Chair that the
employee is meeting all full-time faculty obligations as listed in Appendix Q.
4. Contract faculty, regular faculty, staff, or administrators in the LACCD may
have seniority in only one discipline at the same college. Faculty who have
established seniority in multiple disciplines or on two seniority lists in the same
discipline prior to Fall 2001 shall retain their seniority rights. Administrators
may receive an adjunct rate assignment in the department that they supervise
with the approval of the College President.
5. True adjuncts employed pursuant to Education Code Section 87482.5 may
have the right to more than one seniority assignment (i.e., be assigned at
more than one college or in more than one discipline or in more than one
Faculty with Adjunct Rate Assignments, Retention, and Seniority: Article 16
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seniority list as long as the total is not more than 67% of a full load in regular
6. A temporary adjunct rate faculty member at a given college (including any
satellite or offsite location assignment affiliated with that college) on a given
discipline’s seniority list shall be continued in their assignment as long as the
need for assignments in that discipline continues as determined by the
College President.
7. Faculty who have been teaching for at least four semesters in the PACE
program, and whose assignment ends due to reduction in course offerings or
the elimination of the program, may request and shall be granted placement
on the bottom of the seniority list in their discipline.
8. Temporary adjunct faculty on a seniority list(s) may, upon retirement, indicate
on their resignation form that they wish to continue teaching on an adjunct-
rate basis and shall retain their position on the list(s).
9. As specified in Article 22.D, retired full-time faculty who are in good standing
at the time of retirement and are not already on a seniority list may request
and shall be granted placement at the bottom of the first seniority list in their
discipline at the college from which they retired only if they have served as a
regular employee for at least 15 years before retirement and submit a written
request to their Department Chair and appropriate Vice President within thirty
(30) calendar days after the effective date of retirement.
The eligibility for assignment to an intersession immediately after retirement
will be postponed to the next subsequent corresponding intersession, subject
to the availability of the assignment and placement of the retiree on the
intersession priority list (see also Article 22.D). Their seniority date is the first
day of the semester in which their retirement date falls, or if not during a
semester, the semester immediately preceding the retirement date. Once
granted seniority placement, the right to continue as adjunct rate faculty is
governed by the terms of this Article.
E. Planning and Offers of Assignment
1. Department chairs shall plan adjunct rate assignments and notify faculty of
their initial proposed assignment and any subsequent changes in a timely
manner. In an effort to ensure accuracy and have sufficient time to correct
errors, the appropriate Vice President or designee shall make available for
review by faculty, in electronic form, the proposed schedule for the following
semester before it is finalized for printing or uploading.
2. Official offers of an adjunct rate assignment shall be made in accordance with
this Article to individuals in seniority order based on the discipline seniority list.
The appropriate Vice Presidents or designee shall notify adjunct rate faculty of
their assignment offers via email to their college or LACCD email address by
the end of the 10
week of the preceding fall or spring semester, whenever
possible. Acceptance or refusal of the offer shall be made within ten (10)
Faculty with Adjunct Rate Assignments, Retention, and Seniority: Article 16
- 73 -
working days of receipt of the offer. Failure to respond by the deadline shall
be considered a refusal of the offer.
3. Faculty not offered an assignment shall be informed in writing via email to
their college email address by the appropriate Vice President or designee at
the earliest possible time in the planning process.
F. Refusals, Withdrawals, and Breaks in Service for Leaves and Temporary
1. An adjunct rate faculty member shall lose all seniority rights and their name
shall be removed from the seniority list(s) if the employee has refused to
accept an assignment for three consecutive semesters or for four semesters
out of five consecutive semesters. When an adjunct rate faculty member is
unable to accept an offer of an assignment that is on a different day or at a
different time, or a different modality, than the previous semester worked, this
will not be counted as a refusal, but as a withdrawal with respect to calculation
of seniority for a limit of one semester. If an adjunct rate faculty member is
ineligible for assignments totaling more than 67% of a full load in regular
funds and the instructor has received assignments which together with the
offered adjunct rate assignment would exceed the 67% limit in regular funds,
the inability to accept will be counted as a withdrawal and not as a refusal with
respect to the calculation of seniority. Adjunct rate faculty members with a
break in service whose names are removed from the list(s) due to a break in
service shall not recapture their past seniority date if rehired. Time on illness
leave does not affect a faculty member’s seniority. However, a faculty
member may not begin a new assignment offered under Article 16 unless the
employee is able to begin performing the duties of the assignment when it
commences. If there are circumstances preventing the adjunct rate faculty
member from performing the assignment when it commences, such
circumstances may be reviewed by the College President in consultation with
the Department Chair and the AFT 1521 Chapter President to determine the
effect on the continuation of the assignment (Article 25.E.8).
2. An adjunct-rate faculty member, upon receipt of an offer for a non-
instructional discipline, may request and accept a standard hour assignment
of three (3) or four (4) and it shall not be considered a refusal of the
assignment if less than the required 0.2 FTE offer.
3. Paid Leaves. An adjunct faculty member who meets the eligibility
requirements for a paid leave or unpaid Pregnancy-Disability, FMLA,
Maternity or Paternity Leave shall receive a withdrawalduring the semester
on leave.
4. Temporary Assignment. When, during a given semester, an adjunct rate
faculty member who holds seniority is assigned as a PACE Instructor,
Consulting Instructor, or Instructor Special Assignment (ISA) at the same
college where the employee holds seniority and therefore is unable to accept
an adjunct-rate assignment due to schedule conflicts or the 67% limitation, a
refusal to accept the adjunct rate assignment shall be considered a
Faculty with Adjunct Rate Assignments, Retention, and Seniority: Article 16
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withdrawal and not be considered as a refusal for purposes of seniority
standing within a department at that college.
5. Notwithstanding anything in this article to the contrary, any semester during
which an adjunct rate faculty member has received released time pursuant to
Article 8.N. for service as an AFT 1521 officer, Chapter President, Grievance
Representative, or member of the AFT 1521 negotiating team shall be
disregarded in determining the existence of a break in service even though
the employee declined or was not offered an assignment at the college during
that semester.
6. Time of chairs or Vice Chairs compensated under Article 17.C and 17.F.6
shall be credited toward one discipline, one class seniority. In addition,
released time under Article 8.M granted to a faculty member for service as an
AFT 1521 officer, Chapter President, Grievance Representative, or member
of the AFT 1521 negotiating team shall be credited toward one discipline, one
class seniority.
7. Disputes relating to the seniority list(s) shall be resolved by the appropriate
Vice President or designee and AFT 1521 Chapter President or designee.
G. Bumping
1. Bumping may begin three weeks before classes start and shall be limited to
the first two weeks of the class or the first 10% of instructional hours for short
term classes. Notification and changes due to bumping must be completed
before the class meets during the third week. There is no bumping during
intersessions. Any short term classes added to the schedule after the initial
bumping period that are not assigned to contract or regular faculty as part of
their standard load shall be first offered to those that lost their seniority
2. Any monthly rate employee may bump a temporary, adjunct rate faculty
member if the monthly rate employee must teach an adjunct rate class in
order to obtain a full load. The monthly rate faculty member should bump in
the following order:
a. faculty who are not on a seniority list and have been given one or more
assignments at the discretion of the Department Chair;
b. faculty with the most assignments above their seniority;
c. faculty on the second seniority list, starting at the bottom of that list, when
one exists;
d. faculty on the first seniority list, starting at the bottom of that list.
3. Before a monthly rate employee exercises their right to bump, the employee
should discuss the following options with their Department Chair, in an effort
to eliminate the need to bump:
a. teaching a class during a summer or winter inter session as part of the
annual load obligation; or
Faculty with Adjunct Rate Assignments, Retention, and Seniority: Article 16
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b. accepting an underload with the understanding that an overload will be
required to balance the annual load obligation within the next semester.
4. If an adjunct rate faculty member on a seniority list loses their assignment, the
employee shall have a right to bump another adjunct rate faculty member in
the order specified in Article 16.G.2. An adjunct rate faculty member who
loses their assignment due to bumping shall remain on the seniority list and
shall be paid for service rendered prior to the bumping.
5. The appropriate Vice President shall maintain records of all bumps on the
seniority list(s), and those records may be viewed by the AFT 1521.
H. Termination: Reduction in Force, Program Discontinuance, Cuts in
Assignments, and Dismissal
1. Whenever a college must reduce the number of adjunct rate assignments in a
discipline between semesters or years or within a given semester, the adjunct
rate faculty member’s seniority position shall determine which employee(s)
shall continue to be offered adjunct rate assignments, with the most senior
employees receiving assignments first. In addition, all employees with two
assignments shall be reduced to one before the college fails to offer the least
senior person on the seniority list an adjunct rate assignment.
2. An adjunct rate faculty member shall be notified in writing by the appropriate
Vice President of the reasons for termination due to reduction in force or
cancellation of a program.
3. An adjunct rate faculty member already on a seniority list and not offered an
assignment due to reduction in assignments shall remain on the seniority list
and shall retain the right to be continued on the list for six consecutive
semesters (spring or fall).
4. If an adjunct rate faculty member is removed from the seniority list and is
subsequently rehired, the employee shall not recover their past seniority
position and must re-qualify for placement on the list according to the rules in
section A of this Article.
5. An adjunct rate faculty member may be removed from a seniority list if the
College President concludes that the adjunct rate faculty member does not
meet the standards of performance required of academic employees at the
college. The conclusion of the College President shall be based upon two
evaluations under Article 19 indicating an overall evaluation of “needs to
improve” or “unsatisfactory,” with the most recent evaluation indicating an
overall evaluation of “unsatisfactory,unless the faculty member is subject to
dismissal as outlined in Education Code Section 87732. An action removing
an adjunct rate faculty member from a seniority list who would otherwise be
subject to dismissal under Ed Code section 87732 shall be final and shall not
be subject to review pursuant to the grievance procedure contained in Article
28 except on the grounds that the procedure specified in this section was not
followed or that the conclusion of the College President was arbitrary or
Faculty with Adjunct Rate Assignments, Retention, and Seniority: Article 16
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6. Faculty members may be dismissed from employment and removed from a
seniority list for one or more of the causes listed in Education Code Section
87732. Before an employee is dismissed pursuant to this section, the College
President or designee shall give the employee the following:
a. written notice of the cause for dismissal, including a statement of the
events upon which the cause is based with a copy of the notice and the
statement given to the AFT 1521 President;
b. an opportunity to inspect the documents or other materials that are
relevant to the matter, if any;
c. an opportunity to meet with the College President or designee to discuss
the matter and present any reasons why the dismissal should not occur,
d. if the adjunct rate faculty member being dismissed pursuant to this section
has seniority, the action of the College President shall be subject to review
pursuant to the grievance procedure contained in Article 28. If the adjunct
rate faculty member does not have seniority, the action of the College
President shall be final and shall not be subject to review pursuant to the
grievance procedure contained in Article 28.
7. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, the District shall have the
authority to make and terminate assignments in a manner that will ensure that
the workload of each temporary adjunct rate faculty member does not exceed
67% of the load of scheduled duties for a full-time regular faculty member
having comparable duties averaged over the semester. However, if there are
a sufficient number of available assignments, temporary adjunct rate faculty
members may be offered more than one assignment during a semester,
provided they do not exceed 67% of a full-time load of scheduled duties
averaged over the semester.
8. Under rare circumstances, and only when the appropriate Vice President,
AFT 1521 Chapter President, Department Chair, and AFT 1521 Faculty Guild
President all agree and sign the official waiver, a temporary adjunct rate
faculty member may exceed the 67% maximum load. Adjuncts who are
approved for this exemption to the load limitation may not exceed the 67%
workload for more than two semesters in three consecutive academic years
as per Education Code Section 87482. In the event that the adjunct rate
assignment of over 67% load is not approved, the chairperson shall adjust the
temporary adjunct faculty member’s schedule accordingly.
I. In filling contract monthly-rate vacancies in the Faculty Unit in which there is a
selection process, if there are at least two (2) temporary adjunct rate faculty
members who apply, are on a seniority list in that discipline in the LACCD and
also meet any local additional requirements adopted for the position and other
criteria established by the committee, they must be invited to the selection
Department Chairs, Directors, and Representatives: Article 17
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Article 17 (Return to Table of Contents)
Department Chairs, Directors, and Representatives
A. Department or Division Structure
1. A department or division (hereinafter referred to as a department) is an
instructional or service unit composed of faculty members assigned to one or
more disciplines or service areas that share common academic or
professional interests, concerns, or objectives.
2. All faculty members shall be assigned to departments except those assigned
as instructors’ special assignment, consulting instructors, college nurse, and
those assigned exclusively in specially funded or categorical programs
external to a department. The exclusion of instructors’ special assignment,
consulting instructors, and college nurses from departments shall apply to
those fully assigned to such positions or assigned in combination with other
positions external to a department so that no portion of their monthly rate
assignment is within a department.
Noncredit faculty, Counselors in EOPS, DSPS, CalWORKs, and other
specially funded programs shall not be considered external to a department.
Each faculty member shall be assigned to the department of their plurality of
assignment. Plurality provisions apply to the portion of the monthly rate
assignment which is within one or more departments and exclude those
portions of the monthly rate assignment which are external to a department.
Each monthly rate faculty member assigned 50% each in two departments or
in more than two departments where no plurality is established shall select
their department. (Example: An individual assigned 0.4 in Department A, 0.4
in Department B, and 0.2 in Department C shall select either Department A or
Department B as their department.) Once that selection has been made, it
may not be changed unless the proportion of assignment changes. A faculty
member may be considered a member of only one department.
Subject to the limitations specified in this article, departments shall be
established and may be modified by the College President or designee in
consultation with the President of the Academic Senate and the AFT 1521
Chapter President. Each college shall establish a procedure under which such
decisions are considered and made at the college, but in every case the
procedure shall provide some means by which faculty can petition for the
establishment of a new department or modification of existing departments.
Any modification to the existing departmental structure of a college that
results in one or more disciplines moving from one department to another
shall be implemented at the beginning of an academic year and, whenever
practicable, at a time that coincides with the expiration of the terms of the
Department Chairs involved.
Department Chairs, Directors, and Representatives: Article 17
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3. The Vice President or designee assigned the responsibility for a department
that is temporarily without a Department Chair position will ensure the
responsibilities assigned to the Department Chair are maintained.
4. The Child Development Center Director assumes the responsibilities for the
Child Development Center, including Child Development Center teachers.
B. Selection, Term, and Removal of Department Chairs
A Department Chair is a faculty member elected by their peers within the
department to represent the department as an instructional or service unit in its
relations with the college administration, students, and other segments of the
college community. During their term of office, a Department Chair shall also be
accountable for fulfilling the leadership responsibilities and performing the
operational duties assigned by the college administration, which are more fully
described in Section D.1, below. In circumstances where a Chair begins a term
after July 1 of the fiscal year, their district CalSTRS contribution will be prorated.
1. Eligibility for Department Chair. Department Chairs shall be elected from
the regular faculty of the department for a term of three years commencing on
the first day of July following the election.
Except as provided below, to qualify as a candidate for Department Chair a
faculty member must be tenured faculty and must be assigned 50% or greater
within a department at the time the office is assumed. If a faculty member is
not assigned to that department at the time of a chair election but will be
assigned to that department on the date the Department Chair term begins,
the employee is eligible to become a candidate for chair in the receiving
department but is ineligible to become a candidate for the chair of the sending
department. Faculty planning sabbatical or load banked leave during the
proposed term shall be ineligible to become a candidate for the chair. In
addition, each candidate for Department Chair shall complete a statement of
candidacy on a form prescribed by the college and submit the statement to
the College President or designee and AFT 1521 Chapter President so that it
can be made available to the faculty of the department at the time of the
All Department Chairs or program directors, whether appointed or elected,
must meet all required and applicable licensing requirements and
accreditation standards for the program.
Notwithstanding the tenured status requirement specified above, a contract
faculty member may seek to become a candidate for Department Chair by
requesting a waiver of the tenured status rule. If the waiver is approved by the
College President or designee and by the AFT 1521 Chapter President, the
contract faculty member may run for Department Chair and, if elected, serve
in that capacity.
Department Chairs, Directors, and Representatives: Article 17
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2. Eligibility for Voting for Department Chair
a. All regular and contract faculty members regularly assigned to a
department as defined in Section A.2 of this article are eligible to vote for
Department Chair. If a regular or contract faculty member is not assigned
to that department at the time of a chair election but will be assigned to
that department on the date the Department Chair term begins, the
employee is eligible to vote for chair in the receiving department but is
ineligible to vote for the chair of the sending department.
b. Adjunct Faculty Department Representatives. The elected Adjunct
Faculty Department Representative must be a True Adjunct Faculty and
have seniority in the department at the time of the election to be eligible to
vote for Department Chair.
3. Adjunct Faculty Department Representative
a. The Adjunct Faculty Department Representative is an elected position to
allow for true adjunct faculty participation in decision-making along with
regular and contract faculty on all matters within the department. Only
True Adjunct Faculty members vote for the Department Adjunct Faculty
Representative(s). With the prior approval of the College President or
designee and the AFT 1521 Chapter President Adjunct Faculty
Department Representatives shall receive compensation as stated in the
provisions of Article 13.C.2 and Appendix J regarding adjunct
compensation for ancillary duties.
b. Eligibility: Adjunct Faculty Department Representatives must have
seniority in the department and not have a contract or regular position in
the District.
c. Duties: The Adjunct Faculty Department Representative may fulfill the
following duties which include but are not limited to:
i. Eligible to vote for Department Chair
ii. attend and participate in department meetings
iii. work with the Department Chair on matters related to adjunct
faculty within the department
iv. eligible to be appointed by the department to serve on academic
and college committees, task forces, and shared governance
v. meet and report to the adjunct faculty within the department
4. Adjunct Faculty Department Representative Election and Office Term.
If the conditions of Article 17.B.2.b above are met, the Adjunct Faculty
Department Representative will be elected during the spring term of an even
year. The term of service shall be for two years, beginning July 1st and ending
June 30th, as long as the adjunct representative maintains eligibility. The
electorate will consist of all True Adjunct faculty who have seniority in a
Department Chairs, Directors, and Representatives: Article 17
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discipline within the department. The AFT 1521 Chapter President and the
College President or designee shall agree on the manner in which the election
for Adjunct Faculty Department Representatives takes place, ensuring all
eligible adjunct faculty are given the opportunity to vote. The elected Adjunct
Faculty Department Representative must be present to vote during the
Department Chair election.
Should an Adjunct Faculty Department Representative be unable to complete
their term, the AFT 1521 Chapter President and the College President or
designee shall agree on the manner in which a replacement election for an
Adjunct Faculty Department Representative to complete the term of the
existing representative. This will take place no later than the following primary
academic term. Refer to Article 43 for provisions regarding Ancillary Duties.
If there are no candidates for Adjunct Faculty Department Representative in a
given spring term ending in an even year, the department will hold an election
the following spring for an Adjunct Faculty Department Representative to
serve a one-year term.
5. Former members of a department currently serving in an administrative
position are not eligible to vote in Department Chair elections, nor may they
become candidates for Department Chair unless they relinquish their
administrative positions, return to faculty status, and resume their
membership in the department. An individual on a leave of absence may
become a candidate for Department Chair, but only if the employee is
scheduled to return from the leave in time to assume the chair’s duties at the
beginning of the chair’s term.
6. Voting for a First and Second Term Department Chair
a. The ballot will include only the names of those eligible department
members (no write-ins) who confirm their candidacy, in writing, by 4 p.m.
on the third working day before the election to the College President or
b. The ballots shall be prepared and brought to the election by the College
President or designee.
c. The election shall be conducted by the AFT 1521 Chapter President and
the office of the College President or designee at a special meeting
scheduled fifteen (15) working days in advance for the purpose of
selecting a Department Chair. If the scheduled meeting time is changed, at
least an additional five (5) working daytime frame will be initiated before
the election.
d. All voting shall be by secret ballot. The ballot shall have the name(s) of the
candidate(s) with a space provided for the voters to mark their selection.
e. To be elected, a candidate must receive a majority (more than 50%) of the
votes of the eligible voters in the department present and voting. A vote of
no or against a candidate by a voter will render the voter ineligible and that
vote shall not be considered. If a candidate is running unopposed the
Department Chairs, Directors, and Representatives: Article 17
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candidate will be considered the winner of the election with a minimum of
one vote.
f. The candidate, or, in the case of a tie, candidates, receiving the fewest
votes shall be eliminated and voting shall continue until one candidate
receives a majority of the votes. If there is a tie for second place between
persons receiving the fewest number of votes and no candidate has
received a majority of the votes cast, then an election shall be held
between the persons tied for second to determine who shall appear on the
final ballot against the leading vote getter.
g. In the event that the two final candidates tie, and the college tie cannot be
broken, selection shall be determined by lot at that election.
7. Voting for Third and Subsequent Consecutive Term Department Chair
a. The ballot will include only the names of those eligible department
members (no write-ins) who confirm their candidacy, in writing, by 4 p.m.
on the third working day before the election to the College President or
b. The ballots shall be prepared and brought to the election by the College
President or designee.
c. The election shall be conducted by the AFT 1521 Chapter President and
the office of the College President or designee at a special meeting
scheduled fifteen (15) working days in advance for the purpose of
selecting a Department Chair. If the scheduled meeting time is changed, at
least an additional five (5) working daytime frame will be initiated before
the election.
d. If a chair is running unopposed for a third or subsequent consecutive term,
the ballot should state, “Should (name) be reelected as Department
Chair?” and the vote shall be “Yes” or “No.” If the Department Chair does
not receive 2/3 or more of the votes of those present and voting on the first
ballot, their name shall be removed, and the ballot shall be open to all
eligible candidates confirming their candidacy before 4:00 p.m. two (2)
working days before the newly scheduled election. A new election date will
be scheduled five (5) working days after the original election.
e. If there are more than one candidate for the position, then the initial ballot
shall contain the names of all candidates. All voting shall be by secret
ballot of those present and voting. The ballot shall have the name(s) of the
candidate(s) with a space provided for the voters to mark their selection.
i. If the incumbent receives 2/3 or more of the vote, the incumbent
candidate shall be reelected.
ii. If the incumbent does not receive 2/3 or more of the vote and
another candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, the
candidate with more than 50% of the vote shall be elected.
Department Chairs, Directors, and Representatives: Article 17
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iii. If the incumbent does not receive 2/3 or more of the vote and no
other candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, the incumbent
will not appear on future ballots in this election cycle and the
process in 17.B.6. above will be followed.
8. Selection
The tally shall be recorded and signed by the College President or designee
and AFT 1521 Chapter President. The name of the department member
elected shall be forwarded to the College President.
The College President shall appoint the elected department member as
Department Chair. If the department is unable or refuses to elect a
Department Chair, the College President shall appoint a Department Chair to
serve for the normal three-year term or the balance of the existing term,
whichever occurs first. Such an appointed Department Chair shall be
reassigned by the College President based on the FTEP load for Department
Chairs as stated in Section C of this article.
9. Non-completion of Term of Office
In the event a Department Chair vacancy occurs, the AFT 1521 Chapter
President and the College President or designee shall schedule an election to
fill the vacancy within 30 calendar days. If this election fails to determine a
Department Chair, the option in B.6. above applies. In instances when the
unexpired term is one half (1/2) or more of a full term, it shall be counted as a
first term for the new chair.
10. Department Chair Removal or Recall
A Department Chair may be removed from their assignment as chair for one
of the following reasons:
a. by the College President for failure or refusal to perform the normal and
reasonable duties of Department Chair, or for any of the formal causes for
discipline specified in the Education Code Section 87732, provided the
chair has been given written notice of the allegations supporting the
removal and an opportunity to respond,
b. by the College President for unsatisfactory service as Department Chair as
reflected in two evaluations of the chair’s performance in that capacity
conducted pursuant to Article 19, or
c. by a recall election.
i. Such recall election may be instituted by a petition signed by 40%
of the department and filed with the Office of the College President.
The reasons for recall must be stated in writing.
ii. The Department Chair shall be notified of recall petition within five
(5) working days.
iii. The Vice President or designee shall schedule and convene a
department meeting within five (5) working days following
Department Chairs, Directors, and Representatives: Article 17
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notification of the recall petition to give the chair an opportunity to
iv. The vote shall be conducted by the AFT 1521 Chapter President
and the Office of the College President or designee within five (5)
working days after the department meeting.
v. For a chair to be recalled, two thirds (2/3) of the eligible department
members present and voting must support the recall (abstentions
are not considered votes).
vi. Recall or removal may be instituted any time after the chair takes
d. A Department Chair who has been removed from their assignment as
chair shall remain ineligible to serve as Department Chair for a period of
three years following the end of the academic year during which the
removal became effective.
C. Reassigned Time for Department Chairs. Each Department Chair shall be
given reassigned time equal to the amount specified in the following table. To
calculate the total Full-time Equivalent Personnel (FTEP) in a department, each
full-time academic and classified employee assigned to the department shall be
given a value of one FTEP, each temporary adjunct faculty member (including
contract or regular faculty retained to perform extra-duty assignments, Extra, or
Contractual Overload status within the department) shall be given an FTEP value
that equals the proportion of a full-time assignment their extra-duty assignments
represent in the aggregate, and each part-time classified employee shall be given
an FTEP value that equals the fraction of a full-time assignment that their position
represents. The calculation shall be made annually as of the first day of the fall
semester. The fall semester FTEP calculation in a given year will determine the
reassigned time for the following academic year; thus, each Fall FTEP calculation
determines the subsequent academic year’s reassigned time.
The following table shows Full-time Equivalent Personnel in the Department, the
chair’s reassigned time based on FTEP, and the equivalent number of service
hours the chair is expected to commit to carrying out their responsibilities given
the reassigned time the employee receives:
Full-time Equivalent Personnel
in the Department as of the
Beginning of the Prior Fall
Reassigned Time for
Equivalent Service Std.
Hours per Week
Less than 6* Up to 0.1 FTE 3.50 hours
6 and up to 10 0.2 FTE 7.0 hours
more than 10 and up to 14 0.4 FTE 14.0 hours
more than 14 and up to 18 0.5 FTE 17.5 hours
more than 18 and up to 22 0.6 FTE 21.0 hours
more than 22 and up to 26 0.7 FTE 24.5 hours
Department Chairs, Directors, and Representatives: Article 17
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more than 26 0.8 FTE 28.0 hours
Additional Time for
Designated Vice Chairs only
more than 34 and up to 42
0.2 FTE
7.0 hours
more than 42
See Sec. F.5
*Departments with less than six (6) FTEP may request up to 0.1 FTE of
reassigned time in consultation with the College participatory process and the
approval of the College President.
Each Department Chair with reassigned time specified in the foregoing table will,
during their term of office only, be shifted from a C-basis to a proportional D-basis
schedule, with the proportion of D-basis pay based on the FTE value of the
reassigned time the employee receives.
Notwithstanding anything in this article to the contrary, under special
circumstances, and at the request of the department, the College President in
consultation with the AFT 1521 Chapter President may, for a renewable period of
no more than three years, grant 1.0 reassigned time to a Department Chair of a
department with more than 34 FTEP by reallocating to the chair the first 0.2 FTE
reassigned time normally reserved for a designated Vice Chair.
Library Department Chairs and Nursing Department Chairs shall be paid and
assigned on the D-basis. Nursing Department Chairs must take actions
necessary to retain competency and recency for return to a full-time teaching
position in nursing.
Contract and regular full-time faculty Department Chairs shall be eligible to be
assigned up to 0.4 FTE in adjunct assignments during the fall and spring
semesters. An adjunct rate load of 0.6 FTE may only be assigned upon the
Department Chair’s written verification to their supervising administrator that the
employee is meeting all of their full-time faculty obligations as listed in Appendix
Q and is meeting their obligations as Department Chair.
D. Department Chair Duties
1. The reassigned time for chairs indicated in Section C is granted so that the
Department Chair will be able to fulfill the chair’s leadership responsibilities
and perform the operational duties assigned by the college administration.
The college administration shall rely upon the advice and recommendations of
the elected chairs whether or not the chair is entitled to receive reassigned
time under Section C. The chair shall fulfill the following responsibilities and
duties which include but are not limited to completing tasks, advising, and
making recommendations on the following:
a. preparing budgets, monitoring, and recommending approval of
expenditures, initiating requisitions, submitting work orders, preparing HR
forms, and other forms and requests.
Department Chairs, Directors, and Representatives: Article 17
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b. preparing schedules, reminding faculty of their obligation to submit
textbook orders in a timely manner; maintaining course outlines; facilitating
the development of new or revised courses and programs; assisting in
efforts to articulate courses and programs with other schools and colleges;
monitoring the development of SLOs, PLOs, SAOs, Dual Enrollment and
offsite classes, and assessments; facilitating reasonable disability
accommodations for students and faculty in the department; when
appropriate, participating in advisory committee meetings; coordination
with other programs (e.g., student equity and achievement programs) and
ensuring completion of program reviews based on the college’s
c. consulting with faculty in the various disciplines, appropriate experts,
college officials, and others to coordinate curriculum development or
service improvement efforts within the department and with other
d. recruiting, selecting, evaluating (per Articles 19 and 42), and staffing of
faculty assignments and student workers in the department, and
monitoring their performance.
e. representing the department as an academic or service unit within the
college, on college committees, task groups, or other governance bodies,
and serving as are liable intermediary between the department and the
college administration.
f. being regularly available to students who enroll in the department’s
courses or make use of the department’s services, to facilitate their
success, respond to their inquiries and concerns, explore their
suggestions, and monitor their complaints.
g. facilitating strong collegial relationships and teamwork among the
department’s full and part-time faculty and staff and facilitating adherence
to applicable professional standards.
h. mandatory attendance at the annual Department Chair Workshop provided
by the AFT 1521 and the District.
i. attending to all matters related to temporary non-contract faculty, including
regular communication.
2. Additional duties for hazardous materials reporting mandated by state or
federal regulation shall be compensated by the college upon recommendation
of the supervising administrator, in consultation with the chair and the AFT
1521 Chapter President, by payment at non-classroom adjunct rate, not
subject to the 67% limit of Article 13.C.
3. Each Department Chair shall, in consultation with the appropriate Vice
President or designee, establish a flexible work plan that will minimize
conflicts between the chair’s teaching or other duties and their performance of
the duties of Department Chair, including sufficient time for student
consultations on department issues. Additionally, each Department Chair,
Department Chairs, Directors, and Representatives: Article 17
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proportional to the amount of reassigned time provided, shall ensure their
availability for required meetings, consultations, and other activities or events
where the chair’s presence is essential. And each Department Chair shall limit
their acceptance of additional assignments or other commitments to the
extent necessary to ensure that the employee will remain fully accountable for
the quality, completeness, and timeliness of their performance of the duties of
Department Chair.
4. At the beginning of each academic year, each Department Chair shall, in
consultation with their departmental colleagues and the appropriate Vice
President or designee, establish annual goals for the department. Any
evaluation of a Department Chair under Article 19 shall review both the chair’s
fulfillment of the responsibilities of the Department Chair assignment, and
their contribution towards the attainment of or progress toward achieving
those goals.
E. Salary Differential
Each Department Chair who is paid and assigned on the D-basis under Section
C shall also receive a responsibility differential (per Appendix A A.1.) in addition
to any other differential the employee already receives.
A Department Chair on any leave during which the employee does not continue
to perform the duties of the Department Chair assignment shall not receive the
responsibility differential for the duration of the leave.
F. Department Vice Chairs, Designated and Appointed
1. During any year in which the full-time equivalent personnel in a department
totals more than 34, the department shall have at least one designated Vice
Chair. Regular faculty members, second, third, and fourth-year contract
faculty members are eligible to serve as designated Vice Chairs. The
designated Vice Chairs shall be selected by the department and may be
removed at any time by the Department Chair following consultation with the
appropriate Vice President or designee. The term of each designated Vice
Chair shall be the same as that of the chair as long as the department size
warrants having one or more designated Vice Chairs. To be eligible all
department Vice Chairs or assistant directors, whether appointed or elected,
must meet all required and applicable licensing requirements and
accreditation standards for the program.
2. In any department with adjunct faculty assignments the Department Chair,
after consultation with the appropriate Vice President or designee, may
appoint or remove one or more non-designated Vice Chairs.
3. The role of a designated or appointed Vice Chair is to assist the chair in
performing specific duties normally assigned to the chair but instead
delegated to the Vice Chair. In every case, however, the Department Chair
shall remain responsible for the overall quality, completeness, and timeliness
of the work performed.
Department Chairs, Directors, and Representatives: Article 17
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4. Each nursing department shall designate a Vice Chair or assistant director.
The Vice Chair or assistant director shall receive a 1/9 FTE reassigned time
per semester to function in the role of Vice Chair or assistant director as
defined by the Board of Registered Nursing. In departments where there are
limitations on available faculty, and sections would need to be reduced to
allow for the reassigning, then a stipend equal to the dollar amount of a1/9
FTE shall be paid.
5. In addition to the reassigned time specified in the table set forth in Section C,
0.2 FTE reassigned time shall be made available to each department that has
more than 34 FTEP, and a further 0.2 FTE reassigned time shall be made
available for each additional 8 FTEP in department size thereafter (i.e., at
more than 42 FTEP, 50 FTEP, etc.). The additional reassigned time provided
under this section shall be used exclusively to enable any designated Vice
Chairs in the department to perform specific duties that have been delegated
to the Vice Chair pursuant to Section F.2., above. The reassigned time
granted to designated Vice Chairs shall be on the C-basis, and designated
Vice Chairs shall not receive a responsibility differential.
6. Each college shall provide each department offering adjunct rate assignments
to faculty with funding to enable the department to compensate the
Department Chair and or designated or appointed Vice Chairs for the
monitoring of these assignments. Monitoring duties include but not limited to
recruiting and recommending the selection of faculty members; initiating and
monitoring the timely completion of administrative actions needed so the
administration may officially employ and properly assign the faculty members;
providing the administration with scheduling documentation relating to the
recommended staffing of assignments including any instructor refusals to
accept an assignment offer that become known at the informal stages of
schedule development; assisting the faculty members in securing necessary
and appropriate forms, supplies, tools, keys, and other relevant materials, as
well as any available faculty services and resources (e.g., library services,
office space, telephone and computer access, etc.); advising the faculty
members about the requirements of their jobs and the expectations to which
they will be held; monitoring the performance of the faculty members and,
when needed, formally evaluating them as specified in Article 19.
The Department Chair is responsible for monitoring adjunct and other
temporary faculty or may delegate monitoring duties to the designated or
appointed Vice Chairs. Department Chairs and Vice Chairs who assume
responsibility for monitoring adjunct work, and evaluating adjunct and other
temporary faculty shall receive non-classroom adjunct rate pay as calculated
according to the number of adjunct or other temporary faculty members they
are assigned to monitor as of the first census week as indicated below:
a. allows 0.5 hours for each regular or contract faculty member the chair or
Vice Chair is assigned to monitor.
Department Chairs, Directors, and Representatives: Article 17
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b. allows 2.5 hours for each temporary faculty member the chair or Vice
Chair is assigned to monitor.
c. combine the amounts in a. and b.
Vice Chairs who perform the evaluation of adjunct faculty shall be paid the
appropriate compensation outlined in 6.a.b. above.
G. Student Workers
Whenever possible, the college shall provide each department with student
workers within the limits established by the Work Study and or E.O.P.S. budgets,
or any other appropriate funding resources.
H. Acting Department Chair
1. Whenever a Department Chair is on leave for twenty (20) or more days, or
otherwise unavailable to perform the duties of Department Chair for a period
of that duration, their duties, reassigned time, and Department Chair
compensation shall be temporarily transferred to an acting Department Chair.
a. For a department with one designated Vice Chair, the designated Vice
Chair shall be designated as the acting chair.
b. For a department with more than one designated Vice Chair, the acting
chair will be elected from among the designated Vice Chairs by the
members of the department.
c. For a department without a designated Vice Chair, the acting chair will be
designated by the chair in consultation with the members of the
department and the Vice President or designee.
2. Whenever a Department Chair is on leave for fewer than twenty (20) days, the
chair shall designate a member of the department as a temporary chair
without additional compensation.
I. Clerical Assistance. The parties agree that adequate clerical support is
important and contributes significantly to the effective operation of departments.
The college should include a regular review of departmental clerical support
needs in its classified staffing plans. The College President or designee, in
consultation with the Department Chair, has the option of using an approach
where Clerical and Technical support staff is shared among academic
departments (see also Article 44). If this option is exercised, the departments
must collectively meet the minimum twenty (20) FTEF to qualify for at least one
FTE clerical support staff. If a department has laboratory spaces, technical
components, or special credentialing that requires support staff, the minimum
FTEF may be waived. The qualification or need for clerical support staff does not
guarantee that a position will be approved, filled, or funded by the District.
Reassigned or Released Time: Article 18
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Article 18 (Return to Table of Contents)
Reassigned or Release Time
A. The College President, subject to the approval of the Chancellor or their
designee, may release, pursuant to Article 8, or reassign a faculty member from a
part or all of their assignment to perform other assigned duties.
B. All released or reassigned time referred to in this Agreement as a fractional
portion of an FTE shall be granted as follows:
1. The faculty member receiving the released or reassigned time shall have their
scheduled assignment adjusted so that the amount of released or reassigned
time computed by the fractional portion of a FTE, as indicated in this
Agreement, and the remaining time of their assignment are equal to one full-
time assignment.
2. If B.1 above cannot be accommodated, the released or reassigned time shall
be adjusted over two consecutive semesters so that the number of hours
released or reassigned and the classroom or non-classroom hours are
adjusted to the nearest hour that completes a full-time assignment for a one-
year period. The faculty member on reassignment may also adjust their
classroom or non-classroom hours using the process in Article 13.D.4.
3. Reassigned time shall be scheduled by the faculty member and approved by
the administration so the faculty member reassigned is available to perform
the duties of the reassignment without schedule conflict and at times and
modality consistent with the requirements of the position.
Evaluation: Article 19
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Article 19 (Return to Table of Contents)
Purpose of Evaluation
The excellence of the institution depends on the quality of its faculty members.
Faculty evaluation is a method of addressing faculty performance. Meaningful
evaluations can enhance faculty performance and promote excellence by providing
positive reinforcement, constructive advice, and specific recommendations for
improvement and professional growth. The evaluation process will follow the
suggested evaluation plan timetable and worksheet in Appendix C.
A. General Provision
1. Formal evaluations have several purposes. They include the following:
a. recognizing outstanding performance;
b. improving satisfactory performance and furthering the growth of faculty
members who are performing well;
c. identifying weak performance and assisting faculty members in achieving
required improvement; and
d. documenting unsatisfactory performance.
e. Formal evaluations review a faculty member’s performance of their
scheduled duties as well as all of their contractual and professional
2. Formal evaluations shall be conducted and documented as prescribed in this
article. They shall occur at intervals that are at least as frequent as those
prescribed throughout this Article and can take the form of a basic evaluation,
a comprehensive evaluation, an administrative evaluation, or a specialized
evaluation, for example, a Department Chair evaluation.
a. A basic evaluation is an evaluation that reviews a faculty member’s
performance with limited structured data gathering and without the
establishment of a peer review committee.
b. A comprehensive evaluation is an evaluation that reviews a faculty
member’s performance based on information derived from considerable
structured data gathering under the supervision of a peer review
c. An administrative evaluation is a review of a faculty member’s
performance conducted by an appropriate Vice President or designee.
3. As used in this article, the terms tenured or regular faculty, probationary or
contract faculty, and temporary faculty shall be defined as follows:
Evaluation: Article 19
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a. Tenured or regular faculty are those faculty members who have completed
their probationary period and obtained permanent status.
b. Probationary or contract faculty are those faculty members who are
employed under an annual contract in a probationary assignment, but who
have not completed their probationary period.
c. Temporary faculty are those faculty members who are neither tenured nor
probationary and are employed under provisions of the Education Code
87482.5 that authorize their service as temporary employees. They may
be either adjunct faculty or temporary “monthly rate” faculty.
4. Mandatory Evaluation Training
During the spring semester in preparation for the next academic year, training
shall be provided for all evaluators. This training will be mandatory once every
three (3) years after initial training. The purpose of the training is to give the
evaluators the skills and knowledge necessary to provide the evaluee with
positive reinforcement, consistent constructive advice, and specific
recommendations for improvement or professional growth during the next
evaluation cycle. Training is developed and provided by the AFT 1521 and the
District in order to review best practices, procedural evaluation steps, and due
5. Departments Without Faculty Chairs
The administrator assigned the supervisory responsibility for a department
without a faculty Department Chair shall assume the responsibilities
delegated to the Department Chair by this article, except for serving as the
Department Chair on the peer review committee under Section H.1.a of this
article and in Article 42. A faculty member must serve in the role of
Department Chair on the review committee. In appointing are placement, the
Vice President or designee will select an appropriate faculty member to serve
on the evaluation committee. The Child Development Center Director shall
assume the responsibilities delegated to the Department Chair or Vice Chair
per Article 17.F.6. By this article for the evaluation of Child Development
Center teachers. The PACE Director shall assume the responsibilities
delegated to the Department Chair or Vice Chair per Article 17.F.6 for
evaluation of faculty teaching in the PACE program.
6. Mandatory Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
The evaluation of faculty shall must include consideration of a faculty
members demonstrated, or progress toward, proficiency in diversity, equity,
inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) related competencies (Appendix F).
B. Evaluation of Tenured Faculty
1. Tenured faculty members shall be evaluated every three academic years
during the fall or spring semester. Disregarding those instances in which an
administrative evaluation or specialized evaluation is appropriate, the form of
Evaluation: Article 19
- 92 -
the evaluation shall alternate between a basic evaluation and a
comprehensive evaluation, beginning with the basic evaluation, unless the
following occurs:
a. the faculty member elects to receive a comprehensive evaluation; or
b. the faculty member’s Department Chair, with the concurrence of the
appropriate Vice President or designee, calls for a comprehensive
2. To initiate a formal evaluation, the appropriate Vice President or designee
shall send the tenured faculty member, and their Department Chair, a notice
informing them that the faculty member will be evaluated as provided in this
article and, if a comprehensive evaluation is not already required by this
section, describing how the form of the evaluation will be determined.
3. Tenured faculty who received a basic or comprehensive evaluation indicating
unsatisfactory or needs improvement may receive an administrative
evaluation during the next academic year following the unsatisfactory or
needs improvement rating.
4. If a faculty member has a tenured position and also has an extra hourly rate
assignment, the evaluation shall cover both their tenured and hourly rate
assignments at the same time and reported on a single evaluation report
C. Evaluation of Tenured Faculty Serving as Directors, Instructors Special
Assignment, Consulting Instructors, Disability Specialists, College Nurses
or in Similar Assignments
1. Tenured faculty members who are serving as directors, instructors special
assignment, consulting instructors, disability specialists, college nurses or in
similar assignments shall be evaluated every three years in accordance with
this article; however, if the faculty member is not a member of a department
(counselors in EOPS, DSPS, Matriculation, and CalWORKs are not external
to a department) and reports directly to a supervisor, the evaluation shall
instead be conducted as specified in Sections G through J with the following
a. for a basic evaluation, the evaluation shall be recorded on an appropriate
specialized evaluation form in Appendix C, completed by the faculty
member’s supervisor; and
b. for a comprehensive evaluation, in place of the peer review committee
described in Section H.1, the College President or designee shall appoint
a committee consisting of the following:
i. the faculty member’s supervisor or their designee; and
ii. two tenured faculty members, one of whom shall be selected by the
evaluee and one of whom shall be chosen jointly by the appropriate
Vice President and the AFT 1521 Chapter President.
Evaluation: Article 19
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Rather than recording the evaluation on a standard comprehensive
evaluation form, the committee shall record the evaluation on an
appropriate specialized evaluation form found in Appendix C.
D. Evaluation of Department Chairs and Directors
1. During a faculty member’s service as a Department Chair, their performance
of the Department Chair’s duties and responsibilities shall be evaluated at the
end of their first year of service as Department Chair and at least once every
other academic year thereafter.
2. The evaluation of a Department Chair shall be conducted by the appropriate
Vice President or designee in the following manner:
a. the appropriate Vice President or designee shall solicit information about
the Department Chair’s performance of their duties and responsibilities as
chair. The Evaluation of Department Chair, CDC Director, and Nursing
Director Form found in Appendix C shall be distributed to the faculty and
staff in the evaluee’s department as well as any others the Vice President
or designee believes should have relevant information about the evaluee’s
performance as Department Chair. Faculty shall have ten (10) working
days to return the forms to the appropriate Vice President or designee.
b. the Vice President or designee shall record the evaluation results on the
Department Chair, CDC Director, or Nursing Director Form (see Appendix
c. the Department Chair may submit written comments on the evaluation
within ten (10) working days, which will be appended to the evaluation.
3. The evaluation of a Department Chair is a specialized evaluation that is
separate from and in addition to the normal evaluation of the Department
Chair as a faculty member.
E. Evaluation of Temporary Adjunct Faculty
1. Temporary adjunct faculty shall receive a basic evaluation before the end of
their second semester of employment and once every six semesters
thereafter. In each instance, other than those in which an administrative
evaluation is applicable, the evaluation shall be a basic evaluation conducted
in the manner specified in Section G, below.
2. Any temporary adjunct faculty member with seniority rights may request a
comprehensive evaluation following a basic evaluation, and that request shall
be granted if it follows an evaluation in which the temporary adjunct faculty
member’s performance was rated “needs to improve” or “unsatisfactory.”
3. Temporary adjunct faculty members without seniority shall not be eligible to
receive a comprehensive evaluation following a basic evaluation.
Evaluation: Article 19
- 94 -
4. To initiate a formal evaluation, the appropriate Vice President or designee
shall send the temporary faculty member and their Department Chair a notice
informing them that the faculty member will be evaluated as provided in this
article and specifying the time by which the evaluation should be completed.
F. Evaluation of Probationary Faculty
Probationary faculty shall be evaluated as specified in Article 42, Tenure Review
and Evaluation of Contract (Probationary) Faculty.
G. Basic Evaluations of Tenured and Temporary Faculty
1. The evaluation shall be recorded on the appropriate basic evaluation form
(see Appendix C) completed by the faculty member’s Department Chair or a
tenured faculty member designated by the Department Chair in consultation
with the appropriate Vice President or designee. Once completed, the
evaluation shall be given to the faculty member and a copy shall be placed in
the faculty member’s personnel file.
2. The completed evaluation will be provided to the faculty member, no later
than the 14
week of the semester. The evaluation form shall state that the
faculty member has the right to submit a written comment regarding the
evaluation within ten (10) working days. If the faculty member chooses to
submit a comment, it shall be appended to the copy of the evaluation
contained in the faculty member’s personnel file.
3. The evaluator shall rely on available information but only to the extent that it is
relevant and obtained from appropriate sources (for example, information
derived from: personal observation or experience with the evaluee; the
evaluee’s peers or other co-workers; student evaluations, if any; self-
evaluative material prepared by the evaluee or prior evaluations).
4. Student evaluations shall be completed for all faculty (see Education Code
section 87663). The appropriate forms for student evaluations found in
Appendix C shall be used. The process for student evaluations shall follow the
format as described in G.4.a. through G.4.c. below. For the basic evaluation,
the term “evaluator” used in the following format shall mean the “Department
Chair or designee.”
a. Student Evaluations. For face-to-face courses, student evaluations shall
be conducted in a hard copy or online format at the discretion of the
evaluee. For distance learning (DL) or hybrid courses, student evaluations
shall be conducted in the online format.
i. Hard Copy Option: Distribution of classroom faculty student
evaluations. The evaluator shall be responsible for distributing the
necessary student evaluation forms to the class(es), and the
process shall be conducted with no faculty or administrators
present. A student shall be selected to whom the evaluator shall
give the forms for distribution. The selected student will collect the
completed forms and place them in an envelope. The selected
Evaluation: Article 19
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student will seal, sign, and date across the sealed portion of the
envelope and return it only to the evaluator.
ii. Online Option: Student evaluations for DL courses will be
conducted using appropriate form in Appendix C.
a) Online Survey. The Department Chair or designee and the
appropriate Vice President or designee will collect the data
virtually for the completion of the appropriate student
evaluation forms found in Appendix C.
b) Students shall be given a minimum of one week to complete
the online student evaluation form with the time frame mutually
agreed upon by the evaluator and the evaluee. Once the time
frame for the student evaluation has expired, the evaluator will
meet with the evaluee to review the student evaluations
consistent with G.4.3a. above.
b. Non-classroom faculty student evaluations. Student evaluations will be
conducted using the appropriate form in Appendix C in hard copy or online
format at the discretion of the evaluee. The evaluator will be responsible
for collecting student evaluations. The process for collecting the student
evaluations will be agreed upon by the evaluee and the evaluator and shall
be consistent with G.4.a. above.
c. Reviewing of student evaluations. Unless the evaluator and evaluee
mutually agreed upon to a different process, the evaluator or the
evaluation committee chair shall unseal the paper copy or open for the first
time the electronic file, depending on the evaluation method used, and
review the student evaluations with the evaluee present in person or by
remote means and share those evaluations with the evaluee in a manner
that preserves the students’ anonymity. If the evaluee does not make
themselves available for the review within five (5) working days of the
request to meet, the evaluator shall proceed with the review of the
evaluations. The evaluator shall retain and review the student evaluation
forms for the evaluation report. Only student evaluation forms collected for
the current evaluation process shall be reviewed by the evaluator. At the
completion of the evaluation process and after grades have been
submitted by the evaluee, the original student evaluation forms will be
given to the evaluee.
5. Process for Observation of Faculty
The evaluators in consultation with the evaluee shall set a mutually agreed
upon observation time frame for all course modalities.
6. The evaluation summary will indicate the rating of a faculty member’s
performance. If the overall rating is a “needs to improve” or “unsatisfactory,”
the evaluator shall prepare a written improvement plan which should include
appropriate professional growth activities to address those specific issues
(see Appendix C).
Evaluation: Article 19
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7. If a faculty member’s overall performance on their basic evaluation is rated
“needs to improve” or “unsatisfactory,” the faculty member shall be informed
in writing by the Department Chair or designee that the employee has the
right to a comprehensive evaluation and asked if the employee wants one.
The faculty member must respond, in writing, within ten (10) working days. If a
comprehensive evaluation is requested, it shall commence no later than the
next academic semester.
8. Following a basic evaluation, a tenured faculty member may request, and if
requested, shall receive a comprehensive evaluation, which shall commence
no later than the next regular semester.
H. Comprehensive Evaluations of Tenured and Temporary Faculty
1. The President or designee shall appoint a peer review committee to conduct
the evaluation. The committee shall consist of the following:
a. the appropriate Vice President or designee, who shall ensure adherence
to the evaluation process, provide relevant materials, and may serve as a
participating, non-voting member of the committee;
b. a peer review committee comprised of:
i. the appropriate Department Chair or designee
ii. two tenured faculty members, one of whom shall be selected by the
evaluee and one of whom shall be chosen by the department. If the
evaluee fails to select a representative in five (5) working days, the
committee shall appoint a faculty member.
c. The appropriate Vice President may name a non-voting academic
administrator or designee from any community college in California to
serve on the committee. A Department Chair may name a voting tenured
faculty member from any community college in California to serve on the
d. The faculty member has the option of submitting a timely challenge to the
appointment of anyone voting member from the peer review committee. To
be timely, the challenge must be received in writing by the College
President or their designee on or before the date of the peer review
committee’s first meeting. Whenever a committee member needs to be
replaced because of the receipt of a timely, substantiated challenge, the
College President or designee shall promptly appoint a replacement by
following the appointment process applicable to the replacement
member’s predecessor.
2. Once appointed, the peer review committee shall elect one of its members to
serve as its chairperson. The role of the committee chairperson shall be to
convene committee meetings, prepare meeting agendas, preside at those
meetings, and maintain an evaluation file consisting of all of the documents
and other materials that are relevant to the evaluation and that need to be
preserved as a part of the process.
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3. Before commencing any structured data, excluding monitoring data from
software, such as Cranium Cafe, gathering or engaging in any other
substantive business, the peer review committee shall prepare a plan to be
followed by the evaluators and evaluee for the current evaluation that
considers the following:
a. a review of the written improvement plan or the evaluee’s professional
growth plan if either one exists;
b. the materials it intends to request from the faculty member being
evaluated (for example: observations consistent with H.6. below, self-
evaluation materials; representative course syllabi; sample class
assignments, tests, or exercises; selected course handouts; student
evaluations, or other relevant work products.);
c. the extent to which it intends to collect data from students, peers,
administrators or other individuals using the data collection instruments set
forth in Appendix C;
d. the timeframe for when student evaluations will be administered and for
which course section(s);
e. how it intends to inquire into the nature and extent of the faculty member’s
response to recommendations contained in any of their prior evaluations;
f. whom it intends to charge with the responsibility of collecting the data,
whether a member of the committee or not; and
g. a general schedule indicating a timeframe for when the committee intends
to complete its work.
4. Before adopting a final version of its plan, the committee shall share a draft of
the plan with the faculty member being evaluated and solicit their comments.
Once it adopts a final plan, the committee shall send a copy of the plan to the
evaluee and the appropriate Vice President.
5. Student evaluations shall be completed for all faculty both online and face-to-
face (see Ed Code section 87663). The appropriate forms for student
evaluations found in Appendix C shall be used. The process for student
evaluations shall follow the format as described in G.4.a. through G.4.c. of this
Article. For the comprehensive evaluation, the term “evaluator” used in the
above referenced format shall mean the “peer review committee” or the “chair
of the peer review committee,” however such committee to delegate such
responsibility amongst the committee members.
6. Process for Observation of Faculty
a. The peer review committee must inform the faculty member of a timeframe
for being observed.
b. Each modality used by the instructor, class type, will be observed by the
evaluator at least once to ensure that all modalities are evaluated during
the process.
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7. At the conclusion of its data gathering, the peer review committee shall review
all of the data collected as part of the evaluation plan, and any formal
recommendations to the faculty member contained in their past evaluations.
Based on that information, the committee shall complete a comprehensive
evaluation summary using an appropriate summary form (see Appendix C).
For each applicable performance category listed on the form, the committee
shall do the following:
a. Prepare a brief narrative assessment of the faculty member’s performance
that reflects the committee’s analysis of the data it collected; and
b. Assign one of the following ratings: “meets or exceeds expectations” or
“needs to improve,” or unsatisfactory.” The committee may also include
as a part of the comprehensive evaluation summary any formal
recommendations to the faculty member being evaluated it believes are
c. Ratings for “exceeds expectationsor “unsatisfactory” must be supported
by comments in the appropriate summaries section on the evaluation form.
8. As a part of the comprehensive evaluation summary, the peer review
committee shall also include its recommendation as to whether the faculty
member’s overall performance should be rated as “meets or exceeds
expectations,” “needs to improve,” or “unsatisfactory.”
9. Formal recommendations of the peer review committee shall be taken by
majority vote of the committee, but if the members of the committee do not
agree on the content of the comprehensive evaluation summary, the
committee shall provide for dissenting views to be documented and shall be
included as part of the summary.
10. In addition to completing a comprehensive evaluation summary, if the overall
rating is a “needs to improve” or “unsatisfactory,” the peer review committee
shall also prepare a written improvement plan, which should include
appropriate professional growth activities to address those specific issues.
(See Appendix C). The peer review committee will hold a final evaluation
meeting with the faculty member to discuss the committee’s findings.
11. The peer review committee shall forward the comprehensive evaluation
summary to the faculty member being evaluated for their comment. If the
faculty member submits written comments within ten (10) working days, the
committee shall review them and take any additional action it determines to
be appropriate in light of the comments. Thereafter, it shall forward the
completed evaluation file (including the evaluation plan, the data collection
instruments the committee relied upon in preparing the evaluation, the
comprehensive evaluation summary, any written comments provided by the
evaluee, and any other relevant documents) to the appropriate Vice President
or designee.
Evaluation: Article 19
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12. Based solely on the comprehensive evaluation summary and the
accompanying materials in the evaluation file, the appropriate Vice President
or designee shall do either one of the following:
a. completes the evaluation by formally accepting and signing the peer
review committee’s evaluation summary; or
b. returns the evaluation to the peer review committee with a written
explanation of the reasons the employee declined to accept the evaluation
and comments regarding proposed steps the committee should take to
remedy the problems the employee perceived.
13. If the appropriate Vice President or designee declined to accept the
evaluation and instead returned it to the peer review committee, the following
shall occur:
a. The peer review committee shall review the explanation of the reasons the
evaluation was not accepted and consider the proposed steps to remedy
the problems the appropriate Vice President or designee perceived with
the evaluation. If the committee determines that additional actions are
necessary to enhance or improve the evaluation in light of the explanation
and comments from the appropriate Vice President or designee, it shall
take those actions. It may also revise, correct, or amend the evaluation
summary in any way it determines is appropriate or leave it unchanged.
b. Once the peer review committee has completed any actions it determined
to be necessary to enhance or improve the evaluation and made any
revisions, corrections, or amendments to the evaluation summary that it
determined to be appropriate, it shall again forward the evaluation
summary (with a written statement of the actions it took, if any) to the
evaluee for their comment. If the faculty member declines to comment or
fails to comment within ten (10) working days of the date on which the
committee sent the summary to the faculty member, the peer review
committee shall forward the evaluation summary to the appropriate Vice
President or designee.
c. Upon receiving the evaluation summary, the appropriate Vice President or
designee shall complete the evaluation by formally accepting and signing
the peer review committee’s evaluation summary.
14. Once the appropriate Vice President or designee has completed the
evaluation by formally accepting the peer review committee’s evaluation
summary, they shall deliver the evaluation summary to the faculty member
and place a copy of it in the faculty member’s personnel file (see Article 24).
15. The completed evaluation, when delivered to the faculty member by the
appropriate Vice President or designee, shall be accompanied by written
advice that the faculty member has the right to submit a written comment
regarding the evaluation. If the faculty member chooses to submit a comment,
it shall be appended to the copy of the evaluation contained in the faculty
member’s personnel file.
Evaluation: Article 19
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I. Administrative Evaluation
The College President or designee may initiate an administrative evaluation if
one of the following conditions exists:
1. a faculty member’s overall performance on their comprehensive evaluation is
rated “needs to improve” or “unsatisfactory;” or
2. the College President or designee cites identifiable issues about the faculty
member’s performance that are disclosed by the faculty member’s basic
evaluation, the faculty member declines the opportunity to receive a
comprehensive evaluation, and the Department Chair concurs that the issues
cited by the College President or designee warrant further review and
documentation through an administrative evaluation; or
3. the College President or designee cites identifiable issues about the faculty
member’s performance that are disclosed by the faculty member’s
comprehensive evaluation, and the peer review committee concurs that those
issues warrant further review and documentation through an administrative
evaluation; or
4. the College President or designee determines that an administrative
evaluation is appropriate to review events or circumstances that could lead to
formal disciplinary action under Education Code Section 87732 (in which case
the evaluation, once completed, shall be deemed to have served the
purposes specified in Education Code Section 87671).
5. The College President or designee shall inform the faculty member of the
exact reason(s), including the contractual article or District policy, if any, and
specific activity for initiating an administrative evaluation. Any administrative
evaluation initiated under Subsection 1, 2 or 3 of this section, absent exigent
circumstances, shall be commenced within (30) thirty working days of the
completion of the basic or comprehensive evaluation. All administrative
evaluations shall be concluded within forty-five (45) of the faculty member’s
working days based on the faculty member’s assigned schedule.
J. Administrative evaluations shall be conducted as follows:
1. If the administrative evaluation follows a basic or comprehensive peer review
evaluation, the appropriate Vice President or designee shall solicit input from
the following:
a. the individual who completed the evaluation (in the case of a basic
evaluation) or the peer review committee (in the case of a comprehensive
b. appropriate individuals the faculty member identifies as having relevant
information about their performance; and
c. any others the appropriate Vice President or designee believes should
have relevant information about the performance of the faculty member.
All such input shall be considered by the appropriate Vice President or
designee before they complete the administrative evaluation.
Evaluation: Article 19
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2. The appropriate Vice President or designee may, if it is appropriate to the
evaluation, observe the faculty member as they teach or perform their other
duties, conduct student evaluations with prior notification to the faculty
member as to when such student evaluations would occur, and collect
relevant data through other appropriate data collection methods.
a. If the Vice President or designee chooses to observe the faculty member,
the process described in G.5 shall be used.
b. If the Vice President or designee chooses to collect student evaluations,
the process described in G.4 shall be used.
3. The administrative evaluation shall be recorded on the appropriate
administrative evaluation form (see Appendix C). Once the appropriate Vice
President or designee has completed the form, they shall deliver the
evaluation, including any appropriate documents that support the evaluation
results, to the faculty member and place a copy of the form in the faculty
member’s personnel file.
4. The completed administrative evaluation, when delivered to the faculty
member by the appropriate Vice President, shall be accompanied by written
advice that the faculty member has the right to submit a written comment
within ten (10) working days regarding the evaluation. If the faculty member
chooses to submit a comment, it shall be appended to the copy of the
administrative evaluation contained in the faculty member’s personnel file.
Resignation: Article 20
- 102 -
Article 20 (Return to Table of Contents)
A. Definition. A resignation is a voluntary statement on the part of a faculty member
that they wish to terminate employment with the District.
B. Procedure. The resignation should be submitted in writing and given to the
faculty member’s immediate supervisor for forwarding to the College President or
Vice Chancellor who, in turn, will forward it to the Human Resources Division. In
cases where a faculty member does not file a written resignation, but does give
oral notice of resignation, every effort should be made to obtain a written
statement from the faculty member. If only an oral statement can be obtained, the
College President or Vice Chancellor should fill out as much information as
possible on the District’s resignation form. “Oral Resignation” should be indicated
on the “signature” line and the form signed by the College President or Vice
Chancellor and forwarded as listed above. If “oral notice” is given by telephone,
the receiver must be certain of the identity of the caller.
C. Effective Date. A faculty member may resign at any time, effective on the date
the faculty member designates.
D. Withdrawal of Resignation
1. The College President or Vice Chancellor shall immediately forward a copy of
all resignations to the Human Resources Division.
2. Resignations are withheld from processing to the Board of Trustees for five
(5) days after receipt. Receipt is the earliest date of verified receipt by any
office, whether college, division, or Human Resources Division. If a request to
withdraw a resignation is postmarked and received within five (5) days of
receipt of resignation or otherwise received within the five (5) day period, the
resignation will be rescinded.
3. If, within the five (5) day period, no request to withdraw a resignation is
received by the Human Resources Division, the resignation will be processed.
If a request to withdraw a resignation is received within the five (5) day period,
the resignation is considered to be rescinded and will not be processed.
4. After the five (5) day period has passed and before acceptance of the
resignation by the Board of Trustees, a verbal or written request to withdraw
the resignation will be considered if it is in the best interest of the District.
Such request must be made in writing and, if made orally, must be followed by
a written request within five (5) days. If no written request is received by the
end of the five (5) days, the resignation will be processed to the Board of
Resignation: Article 20
- 103 -
E. Cancellation. Resignations which have been approved by the Board of Trustees
may be cancelled by the Board before the effective date if approved by the
College President or Vice Chancellor. If the effective date has passed, a faculty
member can be returned to service only through the selection process.
F. Resignations to Avoid Dismissal. In cases for which Board policy allows
resignation in lieu of dismissal, a person against whom a dismissal action has
been started may submit their resignation at any time prior to dismissal by the
Board. However, a resignation to avoid dismissal cannot be withdrawn.
Faculty Service Areas: Article 21
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Article 21 (Return to Table of Contents)
Faculty Service Areas
A. For purposes of Education Code Section 87743.1, the list of “Faculty Service
Areas” (FSA) in the Los Angeles Community College District shall include the
state discipline list as defined by the Board of Governors. A faculty member will
be considered “competent” in an FSA if, for that discipline, the faculty member
satisfies the state minimum qualifications for hire, including the equivalence
provision or holds the appropriate credential.
B. An employee may petition for recognition of competence in an FSA by filing a
petition for such recognition with the District. It shall be the responsibility of the
employee to provide the District with all records necessary to substantiate the
claim of competence.
C. For new employees, initial screening for FSA status eligibility shall be performed
by the Human Resources Division as part of the salary rating-in process. The
District shall notify the faculty member of the screening results. New employees
may petition as in section B. above.
D. Refusal to grant recognition in an FSA, after filing a petition as in B. above, is
grievable under Article 28, Grievance Procedure, with the following modification:
1. the grievant shall be represented by the AFT 1521 in all steps of the
grievance procedure;
2. the Step 1 meeting will be held with the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources
or their designee, and;
3. step II of the grievance procedure shall be omitted.
E. The last day to apply for recognition of an FSA for use in any academic year is
February 15
of that academic year.
Retirement: Article 22
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Article 22 (Return to Table of Contents)
A. The AFT 1521 and the District agree to reopen negotiations on a retirement
incentive at any time at the request of either party.
B. Resignation and Retirement Dates
It is the responsibility of the faculty member to carefully choose their resignation
and retirement dates. Based on clarification from CalSTRS, an eligible member
can resign or retire as described below even though they may still be owed a final
district level pay warrant at the end of January or June.
Based only on the paragraph above, the earliest resignation and retirement dates
are as follows:
1. C-Basis Classroom (and C-Basis Non-Classroom Faculty who are on the
15-Week Pattern Compressed Calendar)
The earliest resignation and retirement dates for C-basis classroom and C-
basis non-classroom faculty on the 15-week pattern compressed calendar
retiree candidates shall be the following:
Resignthe last day of finals of the fall semester as indicated by the
bracket, ], marking the end of fall classes on the 15 week pattern
calendars in Appendix M.
Retirethe calendar day immediately following the resignation date
(even if it falls on a holiday or weekend).
(Note fall semester retirements may result in diminished pension
benefits from CalSTRS Contact your CalSTRS counselor).
Resign the last day of finals of the spring semester as indicated by
the bracket, ], marking the end of spring classes on the 15 week
pattern calendars in Appendix M.
Retire the calendar day following the resignation date (even if it falls
on a holiday or weekend).
Retirement: Article 22
- 106 -
2. C-Basis Non-Classroom Faculty
The earliest resignation and retirement dates for C-basis non-classroom
faculty retiree candidates shall be the following:
Resign the last day of duty in the fall semester as indicated by the
bracket, ], on the C-basis non-classroom calendars in Appendix M.
Retire the calendar day immediately following the resignation date
(even if it falls on a holiday or weekend).
Resign the last day of duty in the spring semester as indicated by the
bracket, ] , on the C-basis non-classroom calendars in Appendix M.
Retire the calendar day immediately following the resignation date
(even if it falls on a holiday or weekend).
3. D-Basis Faculty (Including Partial D-Basis)
The earliest resignation and retirement dates for D-basis faculty retiree
candidates shall be the following:
Resign June 30
Retire July 1
(D-basis retiree candidates wishing to retire at any other time in the year will
have to have their CalSTRS service credit adjusted appropriately.)
C. Regular faculty members who retire from service with the District shall not, by
virtue of their retirement, be deemed to have relinquished their placement on a
seniority list in a discipline under Article 16.
D. Notwithstanding anything in Article 16 to the contrary (but subject to all of the
limitations and conditions specified below), every newly retired faculty member
who is not already on a seniority list in a discipline under Article 16 may request
and shall be granted placement on a seniority list in a discipline under Article 16.
Retirees placed on a seniority list will not be adversely affected by the California
Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013. Throughout the 180-day “sit-out”
period, seniority lists will reflect a Withdrawal (W) and will not count as a refusal
in determining seniority rights.
A newly retired faculty member’s placement on a seniority list under this section
shall be subject to the following limitations and conditions:
1. To be eligible to receive placement on a seniority list under this section, the
faculty member must have served the District as a contract or regular
employee for fifteen (15) or more years before their retirement.
2. The opportunity to receive placement on a seniority list under this section
shall only be available to those faculty members who submit a written request
Retirement: Article 22
- 107 -
for placement on a seniority list to their Department Chair and Vice President
of Academic Affairs. All such requests must be received within thirty (30)
calendar days after the effective date of the faculty member’s retirement and
at least forty-five (45) days before the beginning of the term, during which the
faculty member wishes to receive their first adjunct assignment under this
3. Under this section, the only seniority list on which a faculty member can be
placed is the list for an appropriate discipline at the college from which the
faculty member retired.
4. For the purposes of determining the faculty member’s seniority under Article
16, the faculty member’s “first semester of employment as an adjunct
employee” shall be deemed to be the semester during which the faculty
member’s retirement date falls or (if their retirement date falls outside of a
semester) the semester immediately preceding their retirement date. Once
granted placement on a seniority list pursuant to this Article, the faculty
member’s right to continue as an adjunct faculty member and to receive
adjunct assignments shall be governed exclusively by the terms of Article 16.
Professional Training and Growth: Article 23
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Article 23 (Return to Table of Contents)
Professional Training and Growth
Professional Growth Committee
A. Each college shall maintain a Professional Conference and Tuition
Reimbursement Fund. The Professional Conference and Tuition Reimbursement
Fund shall be administered by AFT 1521 under procedures adopted by a
Professional Growth Committee composed of one academic administrator
selected by the College President as a resource, at least two faculty members
selected by the AFT 1521 Chapter President, and two faculty members selected
by the Academic Senate to serve as voting members.
B. The Professional Growth Committee shall select a faculty member as chair,
prescribe the chair’s duties and authority, determine its own procedures, and take
all other actions by majority vote.
C. The Professional Growth Committee shall do the following:
1. recommend the award of reimbursements or other authorized disbursements
from the Professional Conference and Tuition Reimbursement Fund of the
college on the basis of legitimate criteria listed in the college procedures
including, but not limited to, the professional merit of the conferences,
workshops, institutes, conventions, seminars, courses, or programs attended,
and the extent to which they are likely to enhance the performance of faculty
or otherwise contribute to their professional development;
2. publicize funding opportunities and deadlines;
3. ensure all funds are awarded equitably and impartially to regular, contract,
and temporary faculty (true adjunct faculty) members who have an active
assignment in the academic year that funds are requested;
4. award reimbursements or other authorized disbursements from the
Professional Conference and Tuition Reimbursement Fund in an appropriate
manner (without clear evidence to the contrary as to the appropriateness,
such disbursements shall be accepted);
5. distribute, each primary term, an accounting of all funds under the
committee’s jurisdiction to all faculty at the college and publicize
disbursements in a manner agreed upon by the committee.
6. maintain records of all applications approved, denied, as well as unused
funds, and submit a report within ten (10) working days of the end of each
primary term to the AFT 1521 Chapter President with a copy to the academic
senate and college administration. Records shall be made available online to
all faculty.
Professional Training and Growth: Article 23
- 109 -
Professional Conferences
D. Each college shall use its Professional Conference and Tuition Reimbursement
Fund to defray, in whole or in part, the cost of attendance by faculty members at
professional conferences, workshops, and seminars, including all necessary and
reasonable costs for fees, travel, board, and lodging, not to exceed $3,000 per
faculty member per academic year for any conference, workshop, or seminar.
Whether or not a particular cost qualifies as being “necessary and reasonable”
shall be determined by reference to Board Policies (or any regulations adopted
pursuant to them) applicable to all District employees that govern reimbursement
of expenses incurred in the course and scope of employment.
E. A faculty member who wishes to receive funding for attendance at a professional
conference, workshop, or seminar shall file a written application as prescribed in
the college procedures governing the administration of the college’s Professional
Conference and Tuition Reimbursement Fund. The form of the application shall
be specified in the college procedures but shall include, at a minimum, the nature
and purpose of the conference, workshop, or seminar, an itemization of the
estimated costs to be incurred, and the amount of funding requested.
F. If a college directs a faculty member to attend a conference or meeting, all of
their necessary and reasonable costs for fees, travel, board, and lodging shall be
reimbursed by the college. If the Professional Growth Committee does not
recommend funding the faculty member’s attendance at the conference or
meeting or if there are insufficient funds available from the Professional
Conference and Tuition Reimbursement Fund for any other reason, the college
shall allocate the funds needed from other sources.
Tuition Reimbursement
G. Each college shall use its Professional Conference and Tuition Reimbursement
Fund to reimburse faculty members for the cost of tuition paid for enrollment in
credit courses at accredited colleges or universities or participation in workshops,
institutes, or other organized activities that are similar programs of formal training
and instruction such as those offered by recognized business, industry,
governmental, professional, and occupational organizations, or associations.
H. To be eligible to receive reimbursement, a faculty member must be employed as
a contract or regular faculty member or as an adjunct faculty member who is on a
seniority list under Article 16. In addition, they must comply with all of the
requirements set forth in the procedures governing the administration of the
college’s Professional Conference and Tuition Reimbursement Fund. At a
minimum, those procedures shall require the faculty member to do the following:
1. explain the reasons the faculty member wishes to complete the course or
program, as well as the benefits the faculty member and the college should
derive from that completion; and specify the amount of tuition reimbursement
Professional Training and Growth: Article 23
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2. successfully complete the course or program for which reimbursement is
sought; and
3. submit acceptable evidence of successful completion of the course or
program as well as valid proof of the tuition paid by the faculty member within
sixty (60) calendar days after the course or program ends.
Unless otherwise expressly provided for in a college’s Professional
Conference and Tuition Reimbursement Fund procedures, the amount of
tuition reimbursement a faculty member can receive for tuition paid during a
single academic year shall be one hundred percent of the tuition paid or
$3,000 per faculty member per academic year, whichever is less.
I. Funding Amount & Timeline
To provide funding at each college for the purposes described in this article, the
District shall appropriate a minimum of $350,000 each fiscal year. The amount
appropriated shall be allocated among the colleges in proportion to each
college’s full-time equivalent faculty (FTEF) compared to the total FTEF for all of
the District’s colleges. The allocation shall be placed in each college’s
Professional Conference and Tuition Reimbursement Fund. For the 2022-2023
academic year, any undisbursed funds remaining in the accounts shall be rolled
over to augment the 2023-24 allocation to the colleges. Any undisbursed funds at
the end of the 2023-24 fiscal year will not be rolled over to any subsequent fiscal
J. Off-site or non-traditional education or training locations
For faculty who were hired without the expectation of an offsite, alternative, or
non-traditional assignment or location (see Article 13.D.1.) and who voluntarily
make themselves available and are assigned to dual enrollment classes or other
types of offsite or non-traditional assignment locations, the District shall provide
the following:
1. training to prepare faculty to address the variances in student populations and
settings (such as high school, middle school, correctional facilities, etc.);
2. services to assist faculty with the logistics of various sites (such as parking,
access, keys, technology, registration, and safety).
K. Training provided at the expense of the District
All faculty will be required to participate in “Implicit Bias and Culturally
Responsive” training every three years. This training will be conducted during the
fall or spring semesters. The training time may be credited to the faculty
members “Flexible Calendar” obligation (flex time).
Personnel Files: Article 24
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Article 24 (Return to Table of Contents)
Personnel Files
A. Definition
1. A personnel file is the personnel file compiled on an employee and maintained
in the Human Resources Division at the District. The materials in these files
may include, but are not limited to, employment and evaluation reports;
evaluations, counseling memos, and adverse material shall be those
personnel records that may be used by the District in any proceedings that
affect the status of the employee. These files shall not include a supervisor’s
personal notes or the records relating to grievances and arbitrations.
2. Adverse or “derogatory” (Education Code 87031 [b.1]) material shall mean an
alleged violation of any LACCD Board Policy, legislative statute, or civil or
criminal law.
B. Placing Materials in the File
1. A faculty member shall be provided a copy of all written material in A.1 above
prior to the time it is placed in their personnel file. No material may become a
part of a faculty member’s record, for example, being placed in their personnel
file, until they have been provided a copy of such material and had an
opportunity to respond. Such material shall be provided to the faculty member
within ten (10) working days after the appropriate administrator’s receipt of
said material.
2. Material, listed in A.1 above, that has been placed or will be placed in an
employee’s personnel file in the Human Resources Division shall not be used
in proceedings for cause at the end of four years after original receipt of the
materials. Nothing in this section should preclude the District from referencing
prior employee history in proceedings.
C. Viewing the File
1. A faculty member shall have the right at any reasonable time to inspect their
personnel file.
2. The faculty member may be accompanied by a representative of the AFT
3. The faculty member’s AFT 1521 representative shall have the right, with the
written consent of the faculty member, to inspect their personnel file at a
reasonable time.
Leaves: Article 25
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Article 25 (Return to Table of Contents)
A. General Policy on Leaves of Absence
1. Definition. A leave of absence is an authorized absence from duty, for a
specific period of time and for an approved purpose, with the right to return to
a position in the same classification at the conclusion of the leave.
2. Leave Categories
a. Mandatory Leaves. The District shall grant certain mandatory leaves
requested by faculty members if requirements have been met and reasons
suitably documented. Such leaves are: Bereavement, Illness, Industrial
Accident, Family and Medical Leave, Maternity or Paternity, Rest,
Pregnancy Disability, Assault and Battery, Military, Government Service,
Governmental Order, Parental (mandatory in those instances defined in
Section Q.1.d. below; otherwise optional), and Sabbatical Leave.
b. Optional Leaves. All other leaves requested by faculty members may or
may not be granted, depending on the status and service of the faculty
member, reasons given for the leave, documentation of these reasons,
and effect of the leave upon the work of the particular college or division. If
an optional leave is denied, reasons must be specified on an appropriate
c. Pre-Retirement Reduced Workload Programpursuant to Article 26.
3. Requirements. Each leave category has specific requirements which must be
met before the leave can be granted. When a faculty member requests a
leave comprised of more than one category, the combined leave must be
approved in advance and must still comply with the minimum or maximum
4. Length of Leave. The minimum and maximum length of leave (including
extension) depends on the type of leave. Except as otherwise provided by this
Agreement, in determining eligibility for extension of leaves, a major portion of
a semester counts as a semester and part-time leaves are considered the
same as full-time leaves. A particular leave may be extended by the
Chancellor or designee beyond the length of time stated in this Article for that
leave. Any combination of consecutive leaves is limited to six (6) semesters
unless extended by the Chancellor or designee. Leaves are consecutive if not
separated by regular service for at least 130 days.
5. Compensation and Benefits. Faculty members on leave may receive full
pay, partial pay, or no pay depending upon the type of leave. Unless
otherwise indicated, a faculty member without health and related benefits due
to being on leave shall be eligible to retain health and related benefits by
paying the cost of their health and related benefits. Each faculty member
Leaves: Article 25
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granted leave shall, at the time notification of leave approval is given, receive
written indication of this right and a timetable and schedule for health and
related benefits package payment. Faculty members not electing to pay
health and related benefits shall have their coverage rescinded until return
from leave. Each faculty member granted leave shall, at the time notification
of leave approval is given, be so informed. A faculty member on leave whose
health and related benefits have been rescinded, shall have those benefits
automatically reinstated on the date of official return to service in accordance
with the reenrollment provision of Article 27, Benefits.
6. Request Procedure
a. Leaves for fewer than 21 working days shall be requested orally and
granted orally by the College President or Vice Chancellor.
b. Leaves for more than 20 working days shall be requested in writing on the
proper forms (Form C131 and any necessary supplements). If the College
President or Vice Chancellor approves the release of the faculty member
and the Human Resources Division approves the eligibility of the faculty
member the leave shall be granted.
Leave requests must be filed no later than 60 days prior to the start of the
semester in which the leave will begin. Faculty members, College
Presidents and Department Chairs shall receive notification of leave
request disposition within 30 days of filing leave request. If leave request is
denied, the reason(s) must be indicated. Exceptions to the filing
requirements may be granted by the Vice Chancellor of the Human
Resources Division.
7. Effect on Step Advance. Time spent on the following leaves counts as
service toward step advance: All paid leaves, Exchange, Government
Service, Military, and Organization leaves. Time spent on other types of leave
does not count toward step advancement.
8. Effect on Retirement. Time on the following leaves counts as service toward
retirement in the same proportion as the salary received: Illness (if paid),
Industrial Accident, Military, Sabbatical, and Exchange (if paid by the Los
Angeles Community College District).
9. Effect on Leave Privileges. Most leaves require at least two consecutive
semesters or the hourly equivalent of 130 days of full-time actual service
immediately preceding the leave. A Sabbatical, Exchange, or Government
Service Leave meets this requirement. Time on other leaves does not meet
this requirement.
10. Effect on Sabbatical. Time on Exchange or paid Military leaves counts
toward the service requirement for Sabbatical leave. Time on other leaves
does not count. Leaves do not break time service continuity for Sabbatical but
may reduce the days served in a year below the minimum required.
11. Effect on Points. Faculty members on leave may earn points without
limitation (except for educational travel) but may use them for column
Leaves: Article 25
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advance only under the same limitations that apply to faculty members in
active service.
12. Effect on Assignment. A faculty member returning from leave is reassigned
to the college or division from which leave was taken unless a transfer would
have been made if the faculty member had been on duty.
13. Return to Service. Request to cancel an approved leave or to return to
service prior to the expiration date of the leave will be considered by the
College President or Vice Chancellor on the basis of convenience to the
District. There is no obligation to permit such cancellation or early return.
Even though a request to cancel a leave is made before the effective date,
there is no obligation to approve such a request.
14. Failure to Return. Failure to report for duty at the expiration of leave may be
adequate cause for dismissal.
Paid Leaves
B. Bereavement Leave (Mandatory)
1. Definitions. A bereavement leave is an approved absence due to the loss by
death of a family member, or person(s) who lived in the same domicile as the
faculty member at the time of death. For the purposes of bereavement leave,
“family member” is defined as the employee’s spouse, child (including
biological, adopted, foster child, a stepchild, a legal ward, a child of a
domestic partner, or a person to whom the employee stands in loco parentis),
parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, domestic partner, or parent-in-law
(the parent of a spouse or domestic partner).
Bereavement leave is also granted for absence due to:
a. Official notice in time of war that a family member is “missing inaction;”
b. Official notice that a deceased family member is being returned by the
armed forces for interment in this country; or
c. A close friend or fiancée that was not a cohabitant.
2. Requirements
a. Status: All faculty members are eligible for a bereavement leave except a
day-to-day substitute.
b. Service: Faculty members must be in active service (not on leave) at the
time of the leave.
3. Length and Time of Leave
Up to five (5) days of paid leave shall be granted to the employee for the
death of a family member or cohabitant lost. One allotment of up to five (5)
days of unpaid bereavement leave per fiscal year may be used to attend the
funeral of a close friend or fiancée that was not a cohabitant. Bereavement
leave can be used intermittently for up to three (3) months following a family
member, close friend, fiancée, or cohabitant’s death. Such leaves do not need
Leaves: Article 25
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to be consecutive and may run adjacent to other leaves, including illness
4. Compensation
a. Regular salary shall be paid for a maximum of five (5) days absence for
each instance of absence due to bereavement for each qualifying family
member or cohabitant lost.
b. Faculty may use personal necessity leave, if available, to receive
compensation for the bereavement of a close friend or fiancée that was
not a cohabitant.
c. Salary payment must be authorized by the College President or Vice
Chancellor and reported on the appropriate District designated form.
5. Effect on Benefits. Bereavement absence with pay counts toward benefits
as paid service.
6. Request Procedure. Make a request to the College President or Vice
Chancellor or their designee and furnish documentation that verifies the death
as soon as available. Appropriate documentation includes, but is not limited
to, a death certificate, a published obituary, or written verification of death,
burial, or memorial services from a mortuary, funeral home, burial society,
crematorium, religious institution, or governmental agency.
C. Exchange Leave (Optional)
1. Definition. An exchange leave is a leave granted to permit a faculty member
to serve as an exchange faculty member in any foreign country or in any
state, territory, or possession of the United States.
2. Status Requirement. The faculty member must have regular status on the
effective date of the leave.
3. Length of Leave. The exchange is for one academic year only, unless
extended for one additional year by consent of the Chancellor and faculty
member concerned.
4. Compensation. The compensation is determined by the exchange
5. Effects on Benefits
a. Leave of Absence. One year on an exchange leave counts toward the
service requirement for a sabbatical leave. At the completion of any
exchange, the faculty member shall serve at least two (2) consecutive
years with a minimum of 130 days of full-time service each year before
being eligible for another exchange assignment.
b. Step Advance. Credit for service on an exchange leave counts toward
step advance as if service was in the District. A faculty member on such
an exchange must have served a minimum of 130 days for which salary is
paid, other than for illness or quarantine, while in the employ of the outside
Leaves: Article 25
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organization, in order to receive step advance upon return to the District.
An affidavit of this experience completed by a representative of the
employing organization must be filed with the Human Resources Division
verifying this service.
c. Retirement. Service on an exchange leave counts toward retirement if
approved by CalSTRS. If retirement contributions are not deducted from
compensation, the faculty member must personally arrange for payment of
required contributions.
D. Governmental Order Leave Including Jury Duty (Mandatory)
1. Definition. A governmental order leave is granted to a faculty member to
appear as a witness in court other than as a litigant or to respond to an official
order from another governmental jurisdiction for reasons not brought about
through the connivance or misconduct of the faculty member. A jury duty
leave is a form of governmental leave granted to a faculty member for the
actual time they need to be absent to comply with a summons for jury duty.
2. Requirements
a. Status: All faculty members except day-to-day substitutes.
b. Service: The faculty member must be in active service (not on leave) at
the time of the leave.
3. Length of Leave. The date or dates specified in the order, andin the case
of jury dutythe time actually needed to comply with the summons for jury
duty. Absence for dates in addition to those specified must be certified by an
authorized officer of the governmental jurisdiction.
4. Compensation
a. Regular salary is allowed for period of leave if evidence of governmental
order is provided.
b. If any compensation is received for responding to governmental order,
other than mileage and or subsistence or compensation for District non-
working days, such compensation shall be remitted to the District or, by
arrangement with the faculty member, deducted from their regular
5. If a faculty member is compelled to miss two or more class sessions because
of a governmental order or summons to jury duty, or if they believe there is a
significant likelihood that that will happen, they should consult with their
Department Chair or Dean, if appropriate, to assist in determining any action
(e.g., procurement of a substitute) that needs to be taken under the
circumstances and how best to attend to the instructional needs of the faculty
member’s students while they are absent.
6. If the responsible committee of the Academic Senate determines it is
appropriate, a faculty member who actually serves as a juror during a period
in which their assignment does not normally require their presence on campus
Leaves: Article 25
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they may use the jury service to fulfill part of their professional development
obligation, up to a limit of six hours.
E. Illness Leave (Mandatory)
1. Definition. Illness leave is granted to a faculty member if they are:
a. incapacitated by illness or injury;
b. absent from duty because of a quarantine occasioned by their own or
another’s illness;
c. required to care for a family member who is incapacitated by illness or
For the purposes of illness leave, “family member” is defined consistent with
current state and federal law (as provided in FMLA and CFRA) as the
employee’s child (including biological, adopted, foster child, a step child, a
legal ward, a child of a domestic partner, or a person to whom the employee
stands in loco parentis), spouse, domestic partner, parent, parent-in-law (the
parent of a spouse or domestic partner), grandparent, grandchild, sibling, or
someone else related by blood or in a family-like relationship (“designated
2. Full-pay Illness Leave. Faculty members shall be credited with full-pay
illness days as follows:
a. Monthly Rate Faculty (for the purposes of this section, “Monthly Rate
Faculty” means Contract faculty, Regular faculty, and temporary faculty
who are assigned and paid on a monthly rate basis).
i. On July 1 of each year, each Monthly Rate Faculty Member
assigned on “A” or “D” basis shall be credited with twelve (12)
illness days and those assigned on “B” or “C” basis shall be
credited with ten (10) illness days. A Monthly Rate Faculty Member
employed less than full-time shall be entitled to a proportionate
number of days granted a full-time faculty member that is most
nearly equal to the percent of a fulltime assignment for which they
are employed, not to exceed 100%.
ii. Notwithstanding Section 2.a.i., a full-time Monthly Rate Faculty
Member on unpaid leave of absence shall have their entitlement to
illness days reduced by one day for each month the faculty member
is on a leave of absence without pay. A Monthly Rate Faculty
Member employed less than full-time shall have their entitlement to
illness days reduced on a pro rata basis.
b. Temporary Adjunct Faculty. Temporary adjunct faculty are credited with
illness days based on the number of days per week assigned as per the
intent of Education Code Section 87781. For instance, if temporary adjunct
faculty member works two days per week in both fall and spring semesters
(such as one (1) TTH class) they shall have been credited with four (4)
Leaves: Article 25
- 118 -
illness days. If they worked MTWTh in fall and MW and S in spring, the
illness credit would be seven (7) days for that academic year.
c. Non-Classroom Temporary Adjunct Faculty Assigned a Regular Work
Non-classroom adjunct faculty assigned a regular work schedule for a full
semester or term and those with irregular schedule assignments, are
credited with illness days as in section E.2.b.
i. A regular work schedule is one such that:
a) the assignment begins at the start of a semester or term and
ends at the end of a semester or term, and
b) the work pattern is consistent throughout the semester or term;
i.e., the faculty member will provide service to the District in a
regular work schedule (e.g., M-W-F, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.).
d. Irregular schedule assignments shall not preclude an employee from
earning illness days (minimum one) or receiving holiday pay if the
assignment includes the holiday itself.
e. Adjunct faculty who teach Distance Learning (DL) courses or
courses scheduled as “To be Arranged(TBA)”
The crediting of illness days for true adjunct faculty teaching DL or TBA
courses will be based on the number of classes taught per semester. One
illness day will be accrued for each class taught.
A faculty member who is teaching a DL or TBA course shall report illness
absence if they are notable to have regular and substantive interaction, as
defined in 5 CCR Section 55204, with students on a predictable and
scheduled basis commensurate with the length of time and the amount of
content in the course or competency.
f. Other Faculty (including on-call day-to-day substitutes). Other faculty do
not earn illness days, but on-call day-to-day substitutes who have acquired
an accumulated full-pay illness leave balance because of prior
assignments as a Monthly Rate Faculty Member or a temporary adjunct
faculty member may use that accumulated leave balance in on-call day-
to-day substitute service.
g. Additional Full-Pay Leave Credit for Intersession Service. The
maximum number of days of full-pay illness leave credit any faculty
member can earn during any fiscal year shall be limited to twelve (12)
days. Subject to that limit, however, every faculty member who is entitled
to be credited with full-pay illness leave under this Section E.2, and who
completes an assignment that extends over a term of twenty (20) or more
working days during any intersession, shall be credited with an additional
one (1) day of full-pay illness leave as added compensation for that
service. All unused full-pay illness leave shall accumulate from year to
Leaves: Article 25
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3. Online Absentee Policy
“Instructor Contact.” Absence of regular and substantive interaction, as
defined in 5 CCR Section 55204, shall be considered an "absence."
4. Compensation During Illness Leave and Deduction of Leave Hours
a. When a faculty member is absent on illness leave and such absence has
been properly reported and verified, the faculty member will be paid their
full salary for the days of absence up to the total number of days of full-pay
illness leave they have accumulated (or, for temporary adjunct faculty, until
the end of the semester, whichever is first). Thereafter, they may be
eligible for extended illness leave as provided in Sections 4 and 5, below.
b. One day of leave shall be deducted for each whole day of absence during
the term of an illness leave. The term of an illness leave begins on the first
working day during which the faculty member requires illness leave and
extends through the last day on which the faculty requires illness leave. As
provided in Section 7, below, illness leave shall not be deducted for
holidays that fall within the term of an illness leave, nor shall it be deducted
for any faculty vacation day or other day on which the faculty member is
not required to be available for duty.
c. If a faculty member is absent for less than a whole day, full-pay illness
leave shall be deducted as specified in the following table:
Hours of Scheduled Duties Per Day (Including Office Hours)
Hours Absent
5. Extended Illness Leave. When a faculty member is incapacitated by illness
or injury, or absent from duty because of a quarantine, and after having
exhausted all accumulated full-pay illness leave, the faculty member shall be
eligible for extended illness leave as follows:
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a. Monthly Rate Faculty
i. Extended illness leave shall commence if the Monthly Rate Faculty
Member is unable to work because of illness, injury, or quarantine,
and after they have exhausted all of their accumulated full-pay
illness leave. Once commenced, the extended illness leave can
continue until 100 days have elapsed since the first day the faculty
member was absent because of illness, injury, or quarantine,
including the days that were covered by full pay illness leave.
ii. When a Monthly Rate Faculty Member is absent on extended
illness leave and such absence has been properly reported and
verified, the faculty member will be paid one-half of their full salary
for the days of absence up to the total number of days specified in
Section 5.a.i. Extended illness leave shall be granted in increments
of not less than one (1) full day for each working day of absence.
b. Temporary Adjunct Faculty
i. A temporary adjunct faculty is eligible for extended illness leave if
they are unable to complete an assignment during a semester
because of illness, injury, or quarantine, and after they have
exhausted all accumulated full-pay illness leave. Once commenced,
the extended illness leave can continue until fifty (50) days have
elapsed since the first day the faculty member was absent because
of illness, injury, or quarantine (including the days that were
covered by full-pay illness leave), or the end to the semester,
whichever is first.
ii. When a temporary adjunct faculty member is absent on extended
illness leave and such absence has been properly reported and
verified, the faculty member will be paid one-half of their full salary
for the days of absence up to the total number of days specified in
Section 5.b.i. Extended illness leave shall be granted in increments
of not less than one (1) full day for each scheduled working day of
c. Other Faculty: Other faculty are not eligible for extended illness leave.
6. Exhaustion of Illness Leaves. After a faculty member exhausts all
accumulated illness leave and any available extended illness leave, the
following shall occur:
a. Monthly Rate Faculty
i. After the exhaustion of all accumulated and extended illness leave,
a Monthly Rate Faculty Member may return to work, resign, retire if
eligible, or apply for an unpaid leave of absence under Section P. If
the Monthly Rate Faculty Member applies for an unpaid leave, an
initial leave of up to one year shall be granted.
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ii. If the Monthly Rate Faculty Member fails to return to work, resign,
retire, or apply for an unpaid leave (or if a subsequent extension of
an initial unpaid leave is denied) the faculty member shall be
separated from service with the District and placed on a thirty-nine
(39) month reemployment list.
b. Temporary Adjunct Faculty and Other Faculty
i. After the exhaustion of all accumulated and extended illness leave,
a temporary adjunct faculty member may return to work, resign, or
apply for an unpaid leave of absence under Section P for the
remainder of the term. If the faculty member applies for an unpaid
leave for the remainder of the term, it shall be granted. If the faculty
member fails to return to work, resign, or apply for an unpaid leave,
their assignment shall be terminated and, notwithstanding anything
in Article 16 to the contrary, they shall remain ineligible to receive
any new assignments until they submit one of the following:
a) The completed appropriate District-designated form signed by
the physician or other licensed practitioner.
b) If the physician’s signature cannot be secured on the District-
designated form, the employee shall complete the form and
attach supporting documentation signed by licensed physician
or other licensed practitioner certifying that they are able to
perform faculty duties.
ii. After the exhaustion of all accumulated illness leave, a faculty
member who is not a Monthly Rate Faculty Member or a temporary
adjunct faculty member shall return to work or resign. If the faculty
member fails to return to work or resign, their assignment shall be
terminated, and they shall remain ineligible to receive any new
assignments until they submit one of the following:
a) The completed appropriate District designated form signed by
the physician or other licensed practitioner.
b) If the physician’s signature cannot be secured on the District
designated form, the employee shall complete the form and
attach supporting documentation signed by their licensed
physician or other licensed practitioner certifying that they are
able to perform faculty duties.
7. Effect of Illness Leave on Holiday Pay. If a faculty member who is eligible
for illness payment as indicated above receives pay because of illness, injury,
or quarantine on either side of a holiday period for which they are qualified for
holiday pay, they shall receive holiday pay for the holiday period and the days
of the holiday period shall not be considered as days of illness or injury leave.
If a holiday occurs on the first day of the faculty member’s assignment, and
they receive pay because of illness, injury or quarantine on the first day of
their assignment following the holiday, the holiday shall not be considered as
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a day of illness or injury leave. If a holiday occurs on the last day of the faculty
member’s assignment, and they receive pay because of illness, injury, or
quarantine on the last day of their assignment preceding the holiday, the
holiday shall not be considered as a day of illness or injury leave.
8. Effect of Illness Leave on Benefits. Time on illness leave with pay counts
for step advancement, retirement, and vacation (credit in full for step
advancement and vacation, and full or half credit, according to the pay
allowed, for retirement). Time on illness leave does not count as active
service in meeting requirements for other types of leaves.
9. Effect of Illness Leave on Seniority. Except as otherwise provided in Article
16, time on illness leave does not affect a faculty member’s seniority.
However, a faculty member may not begin a new assignment offered under
Article 16 unless they are able to begin performing the duties of the
assignment when it commences. If there are circumstances preventing the
adjunct rate faculty member from performing the assignment when it
commences, such circumstances may be reviewed by the College President
in consultation with the Department Chair and the AFT 1521 Chapter
President to determine the effect on the continuation of the assignment.
10. Notification and Request Procedure
a. Whenever the use of illness leave is appropriate, it is the responsibility of
the faculty member to notify an appropriate college official of the need to
use illness leave. Notification must occur either sufficiently in advance of
the start of any scheduled duties the faculty member will miss to permit the
appropriate Vice President or designee to notify the students and or
arrange a substitute to be assigned (if the college determines one is
required) or, if advance notice is impractical, as soon as reasonably
possible thereafter.
b. Whenever a faculty member has reasonable cause to believe that they will
need to be absent on illness leave during twenty (20) or more consecutive
working days, they shall submit a completed written Leave of Absence
Request Form accompanied by supporting documentation from their
licensed physician or other licensed practitioner verifying the fact that the
faculty member cannot work because of illness or injury or to care for a
family member who is incapacitated by illness or injury.
11. Reporting of Illness Leaves. In the manner required by Section Q of this
Article, faculty shall submit timely reports of all illness leave taken.
12. Employment While on Leave. The term of an illness leave begins on the first
working day during which the faculty member requires illness leave and
extends through the last day on which the faculty requires illness leave. If, at
any time during that term, the faculty member is engaged in any gainful
employment, they will be required to forfeit any illness pay claimed during the
period of employment.
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13. Return to Service
a. Each faculty member who has been absent because of illness or injury for
five (5) consecutive workdays or more, shall, at the request of the District,
submit a statement from physician or other licensed practitioner stating the
reason for the absence and certifying the faculty member’s ability to return
to work.
b. Each faculty member who has been absent because of illness or injury for
twenty (20) consecutive workdays or more, shall not return to work until
they have submitted one of the following:
i. The completed appropriate District designated form signed by the
physician or other licensed practitioner.
ii. If the physician’s signature cannot be secured on the District
designated form, the employee shall complete the form and attach
supporting documentation signed by licensed physician or other
licensed practitioner certifying that they are able to perform faculty
At the request of the District the faculty" member shall also submit to a
health examination by a physician retained by the District.
14. Donation of Illness Leave. Faculty members may donate full-pay illness
leave credit as follows:
a. A full-time faculty member who wishes to donate illness leave shall be
employed as a regular or contract faculty member.
b. To be eligible to receive donated illness leave, a full-time faculty member
i. be employed as a contract or regular faculty member;
ii. have exhausted all of their accumulated full-paid illness days, and
any available extended illness leave; and
iii. be entitled to illness leave as defined in E.1. of this article.
c. A Part-Time “True Adjunct” faculty member who wishes to donate illness
leave shall be employed as a Part-Time “True Adjunct” faculty member
and be on a LACCD seniority list(s).
d. To be eligible to receive donated illness leave, a Part-Time “True Adjunct”
Faculty member must:
i. be on a seniority list;
ii. have exhausted all of their accumulated full-paid illness days, and
any available extended illness leave; and
iii. be entitled to illness leave as defined in E.1. of this article.
e. Full-time faculty members may donate up to five (5) days of illness leave
per year (in one day increments) if they maintain a balance of at least 100
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f. Part-Time “True Adjunct” Faculty members may donate up to five (5) days
of illness leave per year (in one day increments) if they maintain a balance
of at least 16 days.
g. To initiate the donation of illness, leave a faculty member shall sign and
submit an illness leave donation form provided by the District.
(Catastrophic Leave Donation Form HR W-301).
15. Transfer of Illness Leave from Another District. Illness leaves accumulated
in other California school districts shall be credited to a faculty member upon
request and certification as provided in Education Code Section 87782 and
87783 if the application for transfer is made within six (6) months after the
faculty member became an employee of the District.
16. Details of illness day accrual and expenditure may be found in the appropriate
District policy. Illness balances may be checked via the Employee Self-
Service (ESS) portal.
F. Industrial Accident Leave (Mandatory)
1. Definition. An industrial accident leave is one granted for absence because
of occupational illness or injury which arose out of and in the course of District
employment, and which qualifies under Worker’s Compensation, in order to
preserve illness benefits for subsequent illness or injury which is not job
2. Length of Leave
a. Leave shall be granted from the first day of absence resulting from
industrial accident or illness but shall not exceed sixty (60) working days
(when the faculty member would have been performing their duties) for
one accident and shall not extend beyond the last day for which temporary
disability indemnity is received. The allowance is reduced by one day for
each day of authorized absence regardless of the amount of a temporary
disability indemnity award.
b. The sixty (60) days is not accumulative from year to year. If the absence
extends into the following year, only the unused amount of leave for the
same accident is available.
3. Extension of Leave. A faculty member who is unable to return after sixty (60)
days shall be continued on industrial accident leave but may be paid from
accumulated illness benefits. At the exhaustion of regular illness leave
benefits, if still unable to return, the faculty member shall be placed on unpaid
industrial accident leave.
4. Compensation. Before salary payments can be made, the required accident
report must be on file in the Business Services Division.
a. The District will issue appropriate salary warrants, including the amount of
the temporary disability payments, but not exceeding the faculty member’s
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full salary. Such warrants are subject to normal retirement and other
authorized deductions.
b. During the initial sixty (60) day absence, the faculty member shall receive
the difference between their regular salary and the compensation received
from the Compensation Fund; such payment is not charged against the
faculty member’s accumulated illness balance. If the sixty (60) day
maximum is exceeded, the faculty member may start drawing the regular
illness compensation to which they may be entitled.
c. A full day’s salary for a faculty member is the salary for one-twentieth
(1/20) of the average number of hours for which pay was received for the
pay periods within their assignment code basis during the year
immediately preceding the beginning of the leave.
d. When vacation or any paid leave, except an industrial injury or industrial
illness leave, is used in conjunction with temporary disability benefits
derived from workers’ compensation, the vacation or leave shall be
reduced by not more than the amount necessary to provide a full day’s
salary when added to the temporary disability benefits.
e. If a faculty member has received a final settlement for permanent industrial
disability and, after the final settlement, is absent because of illness arising
from the industrial accident or because of the continuation of the industrial
illness, they may be entitled to regular illness or injury leave benefits. The
allowance made in a final settlement is not subject to deductions under
this rule.
5. Effect on Benefits. Time on industrial accident leave does not constitute a
break in service; the first sixty (60) days is not charged against illness pay
balance; time does count toward salary advance and retirement credit but
does not count as service for faculty tenure or eligibility for other leaves.
6. Activities While on Leave
a. An industrial accident leave period begins on the first day for which injury
is claimed at the hour the faculty member usually reports for work and
extends through the last day for which injury is claimed until the hour the
faculty member is engaged in any gainful employment. The faculty
member will be required to forfeit any injury pay received from the District
during any period of employment.
b. A faculty member on industrial accident leave shall remain within the State
unless the governing board authorizes travel outside the State.
G. Assault and Battery Leave (Mandatory)
1. Definition. An assault or battery leave is a type of industrial accident leave; it
is granted for absence because of an injury resulting from an assault and or
battery that was directly related to the performance of duties. The
determination of whether or not the absence is due to an assault or battery is
the responsibility of the Human Resources Division.
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2. Length of Leave. Leave shall be granted from the first day of absence
resulting from assault and or battery, but paid leave shall not exceed one
calendar year.
3. Extension of Leave. If unable to return at end of calendar year, the faculty
member may be placed on some other type of paid or unpaid leave for which
they meet eligibility requirements.
4. Compensation. When a faculty member is absent because of such assault
and or battery, the faculty member will be paid their full salary (for the
assignment in which serving when injured) for a maximum of one calendar
year. Except for the one-year provision, compensation is paid under the same
provisions as apply to other industrial accidents (See L.A.C.C.D. Personnel
Guide Industrial Accident Procedures).
5. Multiple Assignments. Faculty members who have multiple assignments will
be given assault and battery leave from the assignment in which the injury
occurred and from any other assignments in which the faculty member is
eligible for illness absence pay.
6. Additional Provisions. For additional provisions relating to industrial
accidents see L.A.C.C.D. Personnel Guide Industrial Accident Procedures.
7. Report to Law Enforcement Agency. It is the duty of any faculty member
who is attacked, assaulted, or menaced by any person, and the duty of any
person under whose direction or supervision such a faculty member is
employed who has knowledge of such incident, to promptly report the incident
to the appropriate law enforcement authorities of the County or City in which
the incident occurred. If the attack, assault, or menace was by a student,
failure to make such a report is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not
more than $200 and any action designed to influence the faculty member not
to make such a report is also a misdemeanor subject to a fine of not less than
$100 or more than $200 (Education Code 87014).
8. Request Procedure. The faculty member shall submit one of the following:
a. The completed appropriate District designated form signed by the
physician or other licensed practitioner, and a copy of the appropriate law
enforcement agency report.
b. If the physician's signature cannot be secured on the District designated
form, the employee shall complete the form and attach supporting
documentation signed by their licensed physician or other licensed
practitioner certifying that they cannot perform faculty duties because of
injury, and a copy of appropriate law enforcement agency report.
9. Return to Service. A medical release form signed by a licensed physician or
other licensed practitioner certifying the faculty member is able to return to
work shall be provided by submitting one of the following:
a. The completed appropriate District designated form signed by the
physician or other licensed practitioner.
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b. If the physician's signature cannot be secured on the District designated
form, the employee shall complete the form and attach supporting
documentation signed by their licensed physician or other licensed
H. Organization Leave (Optional or Mandatory)
1. Definition. An organization leave is a leave granted to enable a faculty
member to serve as an elected officer in any officially recognized Los Angeles
Community College District professional educational organization. AFT 1521
Organization leaves shall be mandatory; all others are optional.
2. Requirements
a. Status: The faculty member must have contract or regular status on the
effective date of the leave.
b. Service: No prior service is required.
3. Length of Leave. Leave may be granted to the end of the academic year in
which the incumbency begins and may be renewed annually during
4. Compensation. Salary and benefits will be paid by the District for the period
of service covered by the leave, provided the District is reimbursed by the
organization within ten (10) days of receipt of certification of payment of
compensation as provided in Education Code 87768.5.
5. Effect on Benefits. Time spent on organization leave counts as service for
salary step advance and for sabbatical leave. "Points" may be earned while
on leave. No credit for salary step advance shall be allowed for time spent on
organization leave outside the District.
I. Personal Necessity Leave (Optional)
1. Definition. Personal Necessity Leave of Absence is a paid leave granted to
permit a faculty member to be absent without loss of pay when the specific
conditions or events (see below) require the personal attention of the faculty
member during their assigned hours of service and involve circumstances the
faculty member cannot reasonably be expected to disregard.
2. Requirements
a. Status: The faculty member must hold other than temporary or substitute
status only at the time of the leave or be in a status that qualifies the
faculty member for illness pay.
b. Service: No prior service is required for those with contract or regular
status. Service in prior status is required for substitutes.
3. Length of Leave. Leave may be requested for one or more hours of absence.
The total paid hours allowed in any one academic year shall not exceed the
equivalent of six (6) days.
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4. Compensation. Full salary will be paid upon approval for all hours of absence
for which proper certification is made which do not exceed the above limits
and which do not exceed the total full-pay illness balance of the faculty
member. All hours paid will be deducted from the full- pay illness balance of
the faculty member.
5. Qualifying Events. The following are those events, which may be used as a
basis for requesting personal necessity leave:
a. (1*) Bereavement. The death of a family member, close friend, fiancée, or
person(s) who lived in the faculty member’s same domicile at the time of
death, or absence due to (1) official notice in time of war that a member of
the family member or cohabitant is "missing in action," or (2) official notice
that a deceased family member or cohabitant is being returned by the
armed forces for interment in this country. This benefit is in addition to any
days of paid leave granted under Bereavement Leave.
b. (2*) Accident (Faculty Member). An accident to any faculty member's
person (not covered by illness leave or industrial accident leave), or to the
faculty member's property which is serious and requires the attention of
the faculty member during their assigned hours of service.
c. (3*) Accident (Family). An accident involving the person or property of a
faculty member's family (see I.5.a.) which is serious and requires the
attention of the faculty member during their assigned hours of service.
d. (4*) Court Appearance. Appearance in court as a litigant. (The faculty
member must return to work in cases where it is not necessary for them to
be absent the entire day.)
e. (5*) Witness. Appearance as a witness under an official governmental
i. Each date of necessary attendance under such order, other than
the date specified in a subpoena, shall be certified by the clerk or
authorized officer of a court or other government jurisdiction; and
ii. In any case in which a witness fee is payable, such fee shall be
collected by the faculty member and remitted to the District Payroll
Services Division; and
iii. The faculty member must return to work in cases where it is not
necessary for them to be absent the entire day.
f. (6*) Family Illness. Illness of a member of the faculty member's family
(see "a" above).
g. (7*) Paternity. Birth of a biological child, the adoption of a child, or
receiving a foster child under eighteen (18) years of age.
h. (8*) Home Protection. Necessary action taken by the faculty member to
protect their domicile occasioned by a natural event such as a flood or fire.
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i. (9*) Any other significant event, personal to the faculty member, for
which other paid leave of absence is not authorized, which, under the
circumstances, the faculty member cannot reasonably be expected to
disregard, and which requires the immediate attention of the faculty
member during their assigned hours of service.
6. Limitations
a. The days allowed shall be deducted from and may not exceed the number
of full pay days of illness or injury leave to which the faculty member is
entitled. However for a Qualifying Event as described in item i.(9*) above,
up to one day per year designated as "Personal Annual Leave" shall be
available to a faculty member without being deducted from the number of
full pay days allocated to the faculty member; if unused, such days shall
not accumulate from year to year.
b. Personal necessity leave shall not be granted during a scheduled leave of
c. Personal necessity leave shall not be granted for a faculty member
organization meeting, or faculty organization activity unless the leave is
approved by the Chancellor or designee.
d. Personal necessity leave shall not be granted for work stoppage activities.
e. The faculty member is to return to work whenever it is not necessary for
them to be absent for the entire day.
7. Request Procedure. The faculty member must fill out the appropriate District
designated form indicating the specific reason for absence and file it with the
appropriate college Vice President or district office division head. For any
anticipated absence known in advance for reasons covered by 5.d.(4*),
5.e.(5*), and 5.i.(9*), the request is to be submitted prior to the absence. For
all other qualifying events the request must be submitted immediately upon
return to service.
8. Administrator Approval. Payment for personal necessity absence shall be
made only upon certification by the faculty member's administrator that the
absence was due to a situation designated as a personal necessity within the
limits described above. The administrator shall take whatever steps are
necessary to satisfy themselves that a personal necessity did exist. Requests
approved and signed by the administrator are to be retained with the payroll
records of the college or district office division.
J. Load Credit Leave (Mandatory)
1. Definition. A Load Credit Leave is an earned leave to which a faculty
member becomes entitled under the provisions contained in Article 39, Load
Banking. The District does not require a faculty member who is on a Load
Credit Leave to engage in any prescribed set of activities, but Load Credit
Leaves are intended to provide faculty members with an opportunity for
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professional growth, development and renewal that benefits the faculty
members themselves and, ultimately, their students.
2. Requirements. Only tenured faculty members who meet the requirements
contained in Article 39, Load Banking, are eligible for a Load Credit Leave. A
Load Credit Leave is either a half-time leave of absence or a full-time leave of
absence. A half-time Load Credit Leave may be combined with a half-pay
sabbatical leave of absence.
3. Length of Leave. A Load Credit Leave is a leave of absence for one
academic term.
4. Compensation. During a Load Credit Leave a faculty member will receive full
pay and benefits.
Partial Pay or Unpaid Leaves
K. Family and Medical Leave (Mandatory)
1. Definition. Pursuant to the Family Medical Leave Act ("FMLA") and California
Family Rights Act ("CFRA"), a Family and Medical Leave is one granted to a
faculty member who is compelled to be absent from duty because of the
faculty member's own serious health condition (as serious health condition is
defined in the FMLA and CFRA) which makes it impossible to perform
essential job functions; the birth or adoption of a child, or receiving a child for
foster care; or leave to care for a child (including biological, adopted, foster
child, a step child, a legal ward, a child of a domestic partner, or a person to
whom the employee stands in loco parentis), spouse, registered domestic
partner, parent, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, an employee’s designated
person (as defined below), and parent-in law (the parent of a spouse or
domestic partner) with a serious health condition; or "next of kin" who is a
covered service member of the U.S. Armed Forces who has a serious injury
or illness incurred in the line of duty or was aggravated by service in the line
of duty on active duty in the Armed Forces; or a qualifying exigency arising
from a faculty member's family member being on active military duty or called
to active military duty.
For purposes of this section, a “designated person” means a person identified
by the employee at the time the employee requests paid sick leave.
Employees are limited to one designated person per 12-month period.
In addition to those family members defined above, eligible family members
for the purpose of this leave are limited to:
a. biological, adopted, step and foster children of any age
b. anyone under eighteen (18) years of age who is treated as the faculty
member's child
c. disabled children of any age those who have a physical or mental
impairment that would qualify as a disability under the Americans with
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Disabilities Act, and who require supervision or active help in performing
several activities of daily living
d. biological parents, and or custodial parents and anybody who treated the
faculty member as a son or daughter when the faculty member was under
eighteen (18) years of age or disabled.
2. Requirements
Status: The faculty member must have been employed by the District for at
least one year and must have provided 1,250 hours of service in the 12-month
period immediately preceding the commencement of the leave.
3. Certification
a. Time for Certification: The employee must provide a medical certification
of their own serious health condition or the serious health condition of a
family member from a health care provider. The employee must provide
this certification 30 days prior to the need for leave if the need for leave is
reasonably foreseeable. When this is not possible, the employee must
provide the medical certification to the District within 15 calendar days,
unless it is not practicable under the particular circumstances to do so
despite the employee's diligent, good faith efforts.
b. Requirements for Certification: For the employee's own serious health
condition, the employee must provide written certification that contains: the
date, if known, on which the serious health condition commenced; the
probable duration of the condition; and a statement that, due to the serious
health condition, the employee is unable to work at all or is unable to
perform any one or more of the essential functions of their position.
For the serious health condition of a family member, the employee must
provide written certification that contains: the date, if known, on which the
serious health condition commenced; the probable duration of the
condition; an estimate of the amount of time which the health care provider
believes the employee needs to care for the family member, and a
statement that the serious health condition warrants the participation of the
employee to provide care during a period of treatment or supervision of the
family member. The term "warrants the participation of the employee"
includes, but is not limited to, providing psychological comfort, and
arranging third party care for the covered family member, as well as
directly providing, or participating in, the medical care.
For a covered service member with a serious injury or illness, the
employee must provide written certification that contains information from
a health care provider with information regarding the servicemember's
serious injury or illness.
For a qualifying exigency, the employee may be required to provide a copy
of the military member's active duty orders or other documentation issued
by the military that indicates that the military member is on covered active
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duty or call to active duty status in a foreign country, and the dates of the
military member's active duty service.
c. Recertification: If the employee requests additional leave upon expiration
of the time period initially estimated by the health care provider, the
employee must obtain recertification from the health care provider.
d. Deficient Certification: If the employee provides an incomplete medical
certification, the District must give the employee a reasonable opportunity
to cure any such deficiency. However, if the employee fails to provide a
timely medical certification, the District may delay the employee's Family
and Medical Leave until the employee provides the required certification.
e. Second and Third Opinions: The District may seek a medical opinion of
a second health care provider chosen and paid for by the District if the
District has a good faith, objective reason to doubt the validity of a
certification for the employee's serious health condition. If the second
opinion is different from the first, the District may require the opinion of a
third health care provider jointly approved by the District and the employee
and paid for by the District.
4. Length of Leave. Leave shall be granted for a maximum of twelve (12)
weeks per calendar year, taken continuously or intermittently or on a reduced
leave schedule, except that leave shall be granted for a maximum of twenty-
six (26) weeks for leave to care for a covered service member. It cannot be
carried over from year to year.
For a new child, Family and Medical Leave must be completed within twelve
(12) months after the birth, adoption, or placement for foster care.
If two spouses both work for the District, and are both eligible for leave, they
can each have up to twelve (12) weeks of leave for birth, adoption, foster care
or caring for a family member with a serious health condition.
If an employee takes a leave of absence for any purpose that also qualifies
under both the FMLA and CFRA, the District will designate that leave as
running concurrently with the employee's 12-week FMLA or CFRA leave
If an employee requests leave intermittently (a few days or hours at a time) or
on a reduced leave schedule for their own serious health condition, or to care
for a family member with serious health condition, the employee must provide
medical certification that such leave is medically necessary. "Medically
necessary" means there must be a medical need for the leave and that the
leave can best be accomplished through an intermittent or reduced leave
schedule. The District may require an employee who certifies the need for a
reduced schedule or intermittent leave to temporarily transfer to an alternate
position of equivalent pay and benefits that better accommodates the leave
Related leaves include Family Illness, Illness, Pregnancy Disability, Personal
Necessity or Paternity, Maternity or Paternity and Parental. Benefits under this
Leaves: Article 25
- 133 -
leave section run concurrently with leave benefits allowed under Family
Illness, Illness, Pregnancy Disability, Personal Necessity or Paternity,
Parental, and Rest Leaves.
5. Compensation. No salary will be paid by the District for the period of the
leave. The faculty member may elect substitute other paid leaves such as
Illness Leave.
6. Effect on Benefits
a. Faculty members on Family and Medical Leave shall be covered by
District Hospital-Medical, Dental, Vision Group Coverage, and Group Life
Insurance as though they were in active service.
b. Time on Family and Medical Leave counts as service in meeting
requirements for other types of leaves.
7. Reinstatement from Leave
a. Upon expiration of leave, an employee is entitled to be reinstated to the
position of employment held when the leave commenced, or to an
equivalent position with equivalent benefits and pay. Employees have no
greater rights to reinstatement, benefits, and other conditions of
employment than if the employee had been continuously employed during
the Family and Medical Leave Act period.
b. If the employee and District have agreed upon a date of reinstatement at
the beginning of the leave, the District will reinstate the employee on the
date agreed upon. If the reinstatement date differs from the original
agreed-upon date, the District will reinstate the employee within two
business days of the employee's clearance to return to work, where
c. Employees may be required to periodically report on their status and intent
to return to work. This will avoid any delays to reinstatement when the
employee is ready to return.
d. As a condition of reinstatement of an employee whose leave was due to
the employee's own serious health condition that made the employee
unable to perform their job the employee must obtain and present a
fitness-for-duty certification from the health care provider stating that the
employee is able to resume work. Failure to provide such certification will
result in denial of reinstatement.
L. Maternity or Paternity Leave (Mandatory)
1. Definition. A Maternity or Paternity Leave is a leave of absence for any
faculty member who is required to absent from their duties due to the birth or
impending birth of a child or arrival of an adopted child.
2. Requirements
Status: All faculty members other than day-to-day substitutes who have at
least a minimum of one (1) year of service in the District.
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3. Length of Leave. The duration of such leave of absence shall be for a period
not to exceed twelve (12) weeks, which is consistent with the provisions under
Section K, Family and Medical Leave.
4. Compensation. A faculty member granted Maternity or Paternity Leave shall
receive 50% of their pay for a period up to twelve (12) weeks. Paid Maternity
or Paternity Leave shall be granted to contract and regular employees who
have a minimum of one year of service in the District. Additional time and or
100% pay, up to a maximum of twelve (12) weeks, shall be granted if the
eligible faculty member uses existing illness leave and or elects to use any
other approved leave option such as load banking and or an annual load
assignment in a pattern that permits time off. Additional unpaid time is
possible as a Parental Leave. See Section Q.1.d.
5. Effect on Benefits
a. Faculty members on Maternity or Paternity Leave shall be covered by
District Hospital-Medical, Dental, Vision Group Coverage, and Group Life
Insurance as though they were in active service.
b. Time on Maternity or Paternity Leave does count as service in meeting
requirements for other types of leaves.
M. Pregnancy Disability Leave
1. Definition. A Pregnancy Disability Leave is a type of illness leave of absence
for a prescribed period of time granted because of pregnancy of the faculty
member and is generally the period of time during which the faculty member
is physically disabled and unable to perform their regular duties due to
pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth, and recovery there from.
2. Requirements
Status: All faculty members other than day-to-day substitutes.
3. Length of Leave. See Art. 25. E.4.
4. Compensation. The faculty member shall be permitted to utilize their illness
absence pursuant to Section E. Illness Leave, of this Article (moved from Art.
25. L.4).
N. Military Leave (Mandatory)
1. Indefinite Military Leave
Definition. An indefinite military leave of absence is one granted to a faculty
member ordered to active military duty, for a period of more than 180 calendar
days as provided in the Education Code, and the Military and Veterans
2. Temporary Military Leave
Definition. A temporary military leave of absence is one granted to a faculty
member ordered to active military duty for a period of not more than 180
calendar days (including travel time and required training) as provided in the
Leaves: Article 25
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Education Code, and the Military and Veterans Codes. Faculty members on
Military Leave shall be compensated in accordance with the appropriate
Board Policy.
O. Work Experience Leave (Optional)
1. Definition. A work experience leave is designed to allow a faculty member to
accept employment outside the field of education in an occupation directly
related to their District assignment.
Such employment must be:
a. Approved in advance,
b. With an established organization or business enterprise, and
c. Must provide a substantial increase in the faculty member's skill,
knowledge, and understanding of their regular assignment.
2. Requirement. A contract or regular faculty member may be granted a work
experience leave of absence based upon the same standards as those
required for a sabbatical leave. Service requirements and eligibility for either a
work experience leave, or a sabbatical leave shall be counted from the date of
return to duty from the last work experience leave or sabbatical leave,
whichever is later.
3. Compensation. Any faculty member who has been granted a work
experience leave of absence and who has complied with the provisions under
which such leave was granted shall receive fifty (50) percent of their regular
salary for the period of time for which such leave is granted, computed on a
monthly basis; provided that, during the work experience leave period,
compensation for new employment in excess of fifty (50) percent of the
regular salary of the faculty member shall be deducted from allowable salary
while on such leave of absence.
Compensation for new employment during a work experience leave must be
verified in writing by the employer. Allowable compensation for employment
accepted during each semester of a work experience leave shall not include
compensation from a continuation of any extra employment which the faculty
member has had for the entire previous semester.
The required number of hours of post-work leave service may consist of full-
time and part-time service provided the total amount of the time for which
salary is received is equivalent to twice the period of the leave.
For the purpose of this leave, the use of the one semester to describe a
period of time is to be understood for faculty members on various assignment
bases to be the actual length of the work experience leave. If a work
experience leave of absence is taken in two separate periods, one-half of the
service, as herein defined, must occur after the second period of the leave is
Compensation may be requested under Plan A or Plan B:
Leaves: Article 25
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a. Plan A. Salary for work experience leave shall be paid in two equal
payments. The first payment shall be paid at the end of the semester
during which the faculty member has completed one-half of the required
post-work experience leave service. The second payment shall be paid at
the end of the semester during which the faculty member completes the
second one-half of the required post-work experience leave service.
b. Plan B. Salary for work experience leave shall be paid in the same
manner as if the faculty member were rendering service in the District if
such payment is requested by the faculty member.
Payment of work experience salary as described under Plan B shall be
contingent upon the execution of a written indemnity agreement by which the
faculty member pledges their assets as security for their compliance with the
work experience leave requirements.
If the requirements under which the work experience leave was granted are
not satisfactorily completed, if a significant portion of requirements is not
completed, or if the work experience leave report is not approved, then either
no compensation under Plan A shall be made, or there shall be a restitution to
the District of funds received under Plan B.
4. Work Experience Leave Reports to be Filed. Each faculty member who has
been granted work experience leave shall file, together with the appropriate
verifications, the following reports:
a. During the period of the work experience leave, a monthly report showing
compliance with the conditions of the leave.
b. After the period of the leave, but prior to the end of the second pay period
following their return to active service, a written report describing their
work experience leave activities. Until such report has been submitted and
approved by the Chancellor, an amount equal to the work experience
leave salary received by the faculty member shall be withheld from any
salary due the faculty member for service after the second pay period
following their return to active service.
5. Incomplete Work Experience Leave
a. Failure to Complete Requirements Due to Accident or Illness.
Interruption of the program of employment caused by serious accident or
illness during a work experience leave shall not be considered a failure to
fulfill the conditions upon which such leave was granted, nor shall such
interruption affect the amount of compensation to be paid such faculty
member under the terms of the leave agreement; provided, however, that
the Chancellor or designated representative had been notified as soon as
practicable, of such accident or illness.
b. Failure to Complete Requirements Due to Other Causes. A faculty
member who has been approved for a work experience leave of absence
who fails to complete all of the requirements of the work experience leave
due to serious illness in the family or other causes beyond their control
Leaves: Article 25
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may receive compensation on a prorated basis if a significant portion of
the requirements is completed.
For an incomplete work experience leave originally approved for one-year,
fractional portions of requirements completed may be one-fourth, one-half,
or three-fourths.
For an incomplete work experience leave originally approved for less than
a full year the fractional portion of requirements completed shall be at least
The completion of the fractional portion of the requirements must have
been accomplished during the particular period for which the work
experience leave was authorized and prior to return to active service or
prior to the beginning of a leave immediately following the work experience
P. Sabbatical Leave (Mandatory)
1. Sabbatical leaves of absence shall be granted to eligible applicants according
to the following conditions:
a. The faculty member must have regular status in the District at the time the
leave begins.
b. The faculty member must have rendered service in the District for at least
six consecutive two-semester periods preceding the beginning of the
leave. Only service rendered subsequent to return from the most recent
sabbatical leave and subsequent to the most recent break in service is
counted except that all time served between the two periods of a split
sabbatical leave counts for a subsequent sabbatical leave.
c. A faculty member may engage in travel, formal study, or independent
study activities while on sabbatical leave, or combination of the three. The
purpose(s) of the sabbatical shall be clearly stated in the faculty member’s
sabbatical application and plan and indicate the relevance to the faculty
member’s discipline or pedagogy as well as the intended outcomes or
products of the sabbatical leave. A travel plan shall include proposed
dates and locations of travel and indicate absence from the Los Angeles
area for a minimum of 50% of the sabbatical leave period. Applicants
submitting a formal study plan shall agree to undertake upper division
undergraduate study, graduate work of at least 5 units per semester or 8
units per quarter as defined by the institution being attended. The
applicant shall submit evidence that the proposed professional study shall
be designed to enlarge the applicant’s understanding of educational
psychology, to improve facility in teaching techniques, and or to broaden
experience in special fields directly related to the current assignment.
Evidence of the successful completion of this work shall be certified by the
approved institution. An independent study plan shall indicate the faculty
member’s proposed schedule for generating research or publication(s)
relevant to their discipline or pedagogy. A sabbatical leave plan may
Leaves: Article 25
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combine elements of travel, formal study, and independent study in ratio
so as to meet the minimum requirements.
d. Applications for sabbatical leave shall be submitted no later than the
eighth week of the primary term one year prior to the proposed term in
which the sabbatical leave will begin with notification of intent to take
sabbatical leave provided by the applicant in writing to the Department or
Division Chair and appropriate Vice President or designee.
e. The leave may be taken for one or two semesters. The second semester
of a two-semester leave may be taken immediately following the first
semester or may be taken at a later time on a split basis provided the
second semester of leave is completed within three years of the beginning
date of the first leave.
f. A faculty member shall be paid one-half of their regular salary for the
period of the leave.
g. A faculty member must render service in the District after return from a
sabbatical leave which is equal to twice the period of the leave.
h. A Sabbatical Leave may be combined with a Load Credit Leave. If taken
on a split basis, the second semester of a Sabbatical Leave combined with
a Load Credit Leave must be completed within three years of the
beginning date of the first leave. An extension may be requested if unusual
circumstances would prevent this time frame from being met.
2. Limitations on Sabbaticals
a. Except as provided in subsection 2.b below, the Board may delegate to
the Chancellor, or designee, the authority to limit sabbatical leaves in such
a way that:
i. no more than one faculty member, or 20% of the contract and
regular faculty in a given discipline (whichever is more) is
simultaneously on leave during any single academic term; or
ii. the number of faculty members on sabbatical leave at any one
college does not exceed 3% of the contract and regular faculty
assigned to that college.
b. Notwithstanding subsection 2.a. above, the Chancellor or designee, shall
exercise any authority designated under the subsection in such a way that
no faculty member who has requested a sabbatical leave, but who has not
asked for a concurrent Load Credit Leave, is denied their sabbatical leave.
3. Within three months following their return from a sabbatical leave, a faculty
member shall submit to LACCD Human Resources Division, with a copy to
the College President or designee, a comprehensive report identifying the
manner in which the faculty member accomplished their travel, formal study,
or independent study plan as well as the outcomes or products of the
sabbatical leave. Faculty members returning from sabbatical leave shall share
the outcomes of their travel, study, or research plans with department or
Leaves: Article 25
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division colleagues and be offered the opportunity to present their sabbatical
findings or product to the college community.
4. Every faculty member shall, as a condition of being granted a sabbatical
leave, agree in writing to adhere to the travel or study plan they prepared, to
submit a timely report about the leave as required by paragraph 3, above, and
to render a period of service in the District after returning from the leave as
required in paragraph 1.g. above.
Q. Unpaid Leaves of Absence
1. Definition. An unpaid leave of absence is one that is granted to a faculty
member for rest, personal travel or study, the pursuit of professional or similar
opportunities requiring absence from service, or other reasons deemed
appropriate by the College President or designee. An unpaid leave may take
many forms, including for example, the following:
a. Government Service leave (Mandatory for regular faculty; Optional for
others)a leave to serve in some elected or appointed capacity in local,
state, or national government, for example, as an elected public official or
Peace Corps volunteer.
b. Grant leave (Optional) a leave to permit a faculty member to teach,
lecture, or engage in research under a grant.
c. Opportunity leave (Optional) a leave to permit a faculty member to
engage in activities that are likely to enhance their ability to render
valuable service to the District.
d. Parental leave (Mandatory if due to the birth of a child or arrival of an
adopted infant; otherwise, Optional)a leave granted to a faculty
member to enable them to remain at home with a newborn child or to
attend to other parental responsibilities.
e. Personal leave (Optional) a leave to enable a faculty member to be
absent from work for personal reasons.
f. Rest leave (Mandatory for contract and regular faculty; Optional for
others) a leave granted to a faculty member who, in the opinion of a
physician or other licensed practitioner, requires a prescribed period of
rest but is not sufficiently incapacitated to qualify for illness leave.
g. Study Leave (Optional) a leave to enable a faculty member to pursue a
program of study.
h. Travel leave (Optional) a leave to enable a faculty member to travel.
2. Requirements
a. Status: The faculty member must hold other than day-to-day substitute
Status on the effective date of the leave.
b. Service: No prior service is required.
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c. Documentation: A faculty member who wishes to apply for an unpaid
leave of absence must submit a written request for the leave with the
College President or designee at least three (3) months before the desired
commencement of the leave unless they cannot file a timely request
because the leave is needed to meet an unforeseen emergency, or the
leave is for a period of fewer than twenty (20) working days.
3. Length of Leave. A faculty member may request a full-time or partial leave of
absence without pay for any period not exceeding two years. Thereafter, the
leave (or any extension thereof) may, with the approval of the College
President, be extended for an additional period that does not exceed one
4. Compensation. For a full-time leave of absence without pay, no salary will be
paid by the District for the period of the leave. During a partial unpaid leave, a
full-time faculty member shall receive the appropriate pro rata share of the
salary they would have received had they continued to serve as a full-time
faculty member.
5. Effect on Salary Points. If a regular faculty member who has requested a
full-time unpaid leave of absence submits appropriate documentation that the
leave is for the purpose of pursuing substantial study or travel for professional
development purposes, they may earn points for the approved study or travel
in conformance with established procedures.
6. Effect on Benefits. If during an unpaid leave a faculty member continues to
meet the eligibility requirements contained in Article 27 (Benefits) for
entitlement to the District's contribution towards the premium costs of health
benefit plans, they shall continue to receive that contribution. If the faculty
member does not meet those requirements, they may continue to receive
benefits under the Health Benefits Program by reimbursing the District in
advance for the full premium of the benefits as specified in Article 27.
R. Leave Reports
It shall be the responsibility of every faculty member to notify their Department
Chair or Dean when a leave is needed, and every faculty member shall sign and
file a leave report for each absence on the appropriate District designated form.
In addition, the College President or designee may periodically require every
faculty member to file a statement on a form specified by the District affirming
that they have fulfilled the obligation to report all absences and has not neglected
or overlooked the need to file any leave reports.
Pre-Retirement Reduction in Workload Program: Article 26
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Article 26 (Return to Table of Contents)
Pre-Retirement Reduction in Workload Program
This Article describes the District's Pre-Retirement Reduction in Workload Program
as authorized by Education Code Section 87483. Faculty members who participate
in the Program may reduce their workload from full-time to a percent of full-time, but
still maintain full-time retirement benefits pursuant to Education Code Section 22713
(for STRS members) or Government Code Section 20900 (for PERS members). The
District and the AFT 1521 agree to consult on a level pay plan for the pre-retirement
reduction in workload program.
A. Eligibility Requirements for Reduced Workload Programs (Option I and
Option II): To be eligible to participate in the Pre-Retirement Reduction in
Workload Program a faculty member must meet all of the following requirements:
1. The faculty member must have reached the age of 55 by the beginning of the
academic year in which the participation in the program begins;
2. The faculty member must have been employed full-time in an academic
position requiring membership in STRS or PERS for at least ten (10) years;
3. During the period immediately preceding the reduction in workload, the faculty
member must have been employed full-time in an academic position for a
total of at least five (5) years without a break in service. A leave of absence
does not constitute a break in service for that purpose, but neither does time
spent on any leave of absence count towards the required five (5) years of
full-time uninterrupted service.
B. If a faculty member meets all of the eligibility requirements for participation in the
Pre-Retirement Reduction in Workload Program and the faculty member is
currently participating in one option and would like to switch to the other option,
the faculty member may do so under the following conditions:
1. Changing from Option I to II. A faculty member may convert their
participation to Option II if they have completed less than four (4) years under
Option I at the time the change would take effect. The time accrued under
Option I also counts toward Option II so that retirement is required no later
than four (4) years from the start of their participation in the program.
2. Changing from Option II to I. A faculty member may convert their
participation to Option I if they have completed less than four years under
Option II at the time the change would take effect. The time accrued under
Option II also counts toward Option I so that retirement is required no later
than 10 years from the start of their participation in the program. The faculty
Pre-Retirement Reduction in Workload Program: Article 26
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member will also be required to reimburse the District for any additional funds
that were received from the District as a result of enrollment in Option II.
Reduced Workload Options
A. Option I
1. For a faculty member who is subject to Education Code Section 22713 (STRS
members), participation in the Pre-retirement Reduction in Workload Program
shall end no later than ten years after the faculty member first began to
participate in the program, whether or not their participation was continuous.
For a faculty member who is subject to Government Code 20900 (PERS
members), the maximum cumulative lifetime period during which the faculty
member can serve in part-time Status as a participant in the Pre-Retirement
Reduction in Workload Program shall not exceed five (5) years, whether or
not the years are continuous. Furthermore, for PERS members, participation
in the Program shall not continue beyond the end of the academic year during
which the faculty member reaches their 70th birthday.
2. Unless the faculty member's participation in the Pre-Retirement Reduction in
Workload Program is terminated as provided in Sections 7 and 8, the faculty
member shall retire when their participation in the Program concludes.
3. A faculty member whose workload has been reduced under this article shall
retain paid benefits as if the faculty member were a full-time faculty member
and shall receive a pro rata share of the salary the faculty member would
have earned had the faculty member continued full-time. The faculty member
shall also fulfill the appropriate pro rata share of the duties the faculty member
would have been required to perform had the faculty member continued full-
4. In compliance with Education Code Section 22713 and Government Code
Section 20900, as appropriate, a faculty member whose workload has been
reduced under this article shall contribute to the appropriate retirement system
by payroll deduction the amount the faculty member would have contributed
had the faculty member continued full-time. Similarly, the Board shall
contribute to the appropriate retirement system the amount it would have
been required to pay had the faculty member continued full-time.
5. To initiate participation in the Pre-Retirement Reduction in Workload Program,
a faculty member shall complete form C814-8, Reduced Workload Program
Leave Form (Faculty) and submit the form to the President (or to the Vice
Chancellor if at the District office) or designee, by April 1 of the academic year
preceding the academic year during which the reduced workload is to become
effective. The form will specify:
Pre-Retirement Reduction in Workload Program: Article 26
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a. that the request is pursuant to this article;
b. The percent of a full-time workload the faculty member desires under
this article, provided it is not less than fifty percent of a full load; and
c. The number of years during which the faculty member wishes their
workload to be reduced under this article, provided the number of years
does not exceed five (5) for PERS members (or extend beyond the end
of the academic year during which the faculty member reaches their
70th birthday), or ten (10) for STRS members.
6. Before the faculty member's request to participate in the Pre-Retirement
Reduction in Workload Program is approved, the District in conjunction with
the administrative staff of STRS shall verify the faculty member's eligibility to
participate in the Program. (Verification of eligibility for PERS members is
conducted by the District.) If the faculty member's eligibility is verified,
participation in the program and the reduction in workload shall take effect
during the next academic year.
7. Once in effect, participation in the Pre-Retirement Reduction in Workload
Program may be terminated only with the mutual consent of the faculty
member and the District or by the retirement of the faculty member.
Nevertheless, the District shall approve a faculty member's request to
terminate participation in the Program if the faculty member submits the
request on or before April 1 of their first year of participation in the Program.
8. If a faculty member's participation in the Pre-Retirement Reduction in
Workload Program is terminated, either by mutual consent or following receipt
of the faculty member's timely request to terminate during their first year of
participation, the faculty member shall return to full-time employment at the
beginning of the next academic year.
9. If a faculty member wishes to change the percent of a full-time workload, the
faculty member performs under the Program, the faculty member must submit
a new C814-8 form for a change with the College President or Vice
Chancellor or designee on or before April 1. The request must specify the new
percent of a full-time workload the faculty member proposes to render and, if
approved, it shall take effect during the next academic year.
10. The schedule under which a participating faculty member shall fulfill their
reduced workload shall conform to the program and staffing needs of the
college while, to the extent practicable, meeting the preference of the faculty
member. Ordinarily, the schedule for each academic year shall be mutually
agreed upon by the College President or designee and the faculty member by
April 1 of the preceding academic year and, thereafter, promptly documented
in writing. Under the schedule, the faculty member may work any appropriate
percentage of full-time during any single term or combination of terms,
Pre-Retirement Reduction in Workload Program: Article 26
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provided that the total time served during each year amounts to at least one-
half of a full-time assignment for the year.
11. Nothing in this article shall prohibit a faculty member from requesting a
reduction in contract outside of the provisions of this article or prohibit the
District from granting such a request.
12. Reduced Workload participation will not be approved for members whose
participation date does not coincide with the beginning of the academic year.
13. A participant in the Reduced Workload Program is in violation of the program
if the faculty member retires or separated from employment prior to
completing the academic year and will not earn a full year of service credit.
B. Option II
In addition to the conditions listed for Option I, the following additional
conditions apply for Option II:
1. The faculty member shall reduce their workload under the Pre-Retirement
Reduction in Workload Program by at least 40% of a full-time workload,
thereby retaining a workload of 50% to 60% of full-time averaged over each
academic year.
2. For the first two years during which the faculty member participates in the Pre-
Retirement Reduction in Workload Program, the District will pay the faculty
member an annual stipend of $4,000 in addition to the other compensation
the faculty member earns under the program. However, if the faculty member
terminates their participation in the Option II Pre-Retirement Reduction in
Workload Program (except by retirement or resignation), the faculty member
must reimburse the District for the full amount of the stipends the faculty
member received under this option.
3. Notwithstanding anything in Section 2 to the contrary, participation in the Pre-
Retirement Reduction in Workload Program shall end no later than four (4)
years after the faculty member began to participate in the program under this
option, at which time the faculty member shall retire.
Master Benefits Agreement: ARTICLE 27
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Article 27 (Return to Table of Contents)
Master Benefits Agreement
The Los Angeles Community College District
The Los Angeles College Faculty Guild, AFT Local 1521,
The AFT College Staff Guild, Los Angeles, AFT Local 1521A,
The Los Angeles City and Counties School Employees Union, SEIU Local 99,
The Los Angeles and Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council,
The Los Angeles Community College District Administrators' Unit Represented by
California Teamsters Public, Professional & Medical Employees Union Local 911
and the Supervisory Employees Union, SEIU Local 721
Hospital-Medical, Dental, Vision Group Coverage, Group Life Insurance Coverage,
and the District's Employee Assistance Program/Wellness Services
The Los Angeles Community College District (the "District") and the exclusive
representatives of the District's employees (the Los Angeles College Faculty Guild,
AFT Local 1521; the AFT College Staff Guild, Los Angeles, AFT Local 1521A; the
Los Angeles City and County School Employees Union, SEIU Local 99; the Los
Angeles and Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council; The Los
Angeles Community College District Administrators' Unit Represented by California
Teamsters Public, Professional & Medical Employees Union Local 911, and the
Supervisory Employees Union, SEIU Local 721 hereinafter collectively referred to as
the District's "Exclusive Representatives") agree to the following provisions regarding
the District's Health Benefits Program, group life insurance coverage and employee
assistance program. This agreement is intended to replace all existing agreements
between the parties on the subject of the District's Health Benefits Program as
defined in this agreement, as well as the District's group life insurance coverage and
employee assistance program/wellness services, and for that reason shall,
notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any of the individual agreements between
the District and its Exclusive Representatives, entirely supersede all previously
negotiated agreements between the parties with respect to those subjects.
For this section ‘Active Employees’ does not include less than half time (0.5) part-time temporary faculty and temporary
adjunct faculty. They are covered in section II
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I. Health and Related Benefits Program for Active Employees
and their
Dependents and Survivors
A. Health Benefits Program. The District's "Health Benefits Program" consists
of group benefit plans recommended by the Joint Labor Management Benefits
Committee (JLMBC) and approved by the District's Board of Trustees (the
"Board) under which eligible District employees (and their eligible dependents)
may receive hospital, medical, dental, and vision care coverage. Effective
beginning the 2010 plan year, as a result of JLMBC recommended and
bargained among the parties, the hospital and medical coverage shall be
administered by the California Public Employees' Retirement System
(CalPERS) Health Care Program in accordance with the Public Employees
Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA). The purpose of the Health
Benefits Program is to provide quality health care to the District's employees,
retirees, and their eligible dependents and survivors.
1. Eligibility. Each of the following employees and their dependents and
survivors are eligible to receive benefits and enroll in plans under the
Health Benefits Program upon the District’s verification of the employee's,
dependent's, or survivor's eligibility under this Agreement:
a. Every member of a classified bargaining unit who is employed for at
least half time as either a probationary or regular classified employee.
b. Every faculty member who is employed for at least half-time in one or
more monthly rate assignments. "Limited term" academic appointments
must have a duration of at least a semester.
c. Every member of the administrators' bargaining unit employed at least
half time.
d. Part-time temporary adjunct faculty as outlined in Section II.
e. Faculty serving in a 0.50 (or higher) FTE temporary monthly rate
assignment as a limited or long-term substitute instructor are eligible
for full benefits for the duration of that assignment and should refer to
Section I of this agreement regarding their eligibility requirement.
2. Dependents. Dependents eligible to enroll in plans under the Health
Benefits Programs include an eligible employee’s:
a. Spouse. Marriage certificate and social security number of spouse
must be on file.
b. Qualified domestic partner as specified in Appendix I.
c. Child (including biological, adopted, foster child, a stepchild, a legal
ward, a child of a domestic partner, or a person to whom the employee
stands in loco parentis) up to age 26 unmarried. Coverage will
terminate at the end of the month in which dependent turns age 26 or
is married.
147 -
d. Economically Dependent Children. Children up to age 26 (not
otherwise eligible under subsection 2.c or 2.d, above) unmarried, who
are economically dependent (as being claimed as dependents on the
employee's federal income tax returns) upon the subscriber (eligible
employee or retiree). The subscriber must have been granted legal or
joint legal custody of the child; or the child resides with the subscriber
(generally in the absence of natural or adoptive parents).
e. Disabled Children Over Age 26. Children (not otherwise eligible
under subsection 2.c or 2.d, above) unmarried, without regard to age,
who are physically or mentally incapacitated (and therefore incapable
of self-support), and who are being claimed as dependents on the
employee's federal income tax returns. The mental or physical
condition must have existed prior to age 26 and continuously since age
3. Survivors. Upon the death of an active employee, the District shall deem
the employee to have resigned from District employment on the date of
their death and to have begun receiving a retirement allowance whether or
not the employee was in fact old enough to retire. If, based on that
premise, the employee would have been eligible to continue their
participation in the hospital and medical plans available to active
employees under Section III below, Section III of this Agreement shall be
applicable to the employee's survivors as if they were survivors of a
retiree. For that purpose, references to survivors of retirees in Section III
shall be deemed to refer to those individuals.
4. Enrollment. Verification of eligibility, and enrollment or re-enrollment in
plans shall be administered as follows:
a. Initial Enrollment. Upon employment, each new employee who is
eligible to enroll in plans under the Health Benefits Program shall
receive complete information regarding the District's Health Benefits
Program and may enroll in hospital, medical, dental, and vision care
plans. The employee's hire date will establish an event date by which
the employee will need to enroll all eligible family members into an
eligible health plan within sixty (60) days.
b. Coverage begins on the first day of the month following the month in
which complete enrollment forms are received during the initial
enrollment period. If the District receives the employee's enrollment
forms at any time during the calendar month, the District shall process
the forms so as to make coverage effective on the first day of the
following calendar month. If the District receives the employee's
enrollment forms after the 60
day of eligibility for enrollment, this will
be considered a Late Enrollment. Under this situation, the employee
will either have to wait a 90-day period or until the next CalPERS Open
Enrollment period. The earliest effective date of enrollment will be the
148 -
first of the month following the 90-day waiting period or the January 1
following the Open Enrollment period.
c. Re-enrollment Following a Break in Coverage. Following a break in
coverage an eligible employee may re-enroll in hospital, medical,
dental, and vision care plans. The employee can re-enroll at any time
where the break in coverage was due to an error by the District or if
there is a qualifying life event. If the District receives the employee's re-
enrollment forms at any time during the calendar month, the District
shall process the forms so as to make coverage effective on the first
day of the following calendar month.
d. Open Enrollment. There shall be an open enrollment period each
enrollment year during which eligible employees may change plans.
The District shall announce the dates of such open enrollment period
and shall publish and web-post open enrollment materials fourteen or
more days before the beginning of the open enrollment period. If an
eligible employee requests a change of plan, they shall continue to be
covered under their existing plan until January 1 of the following year
when the new plan can become effective.
e. Changes in Enrollment Other Than During Open Enrollment. Once
enrolled in a plan, employees are generally barred from changing their
enrollment except during an open enrollment period. Nevertheless,
changes may be made under the following circumstances:
i. Any employee who is enrolled in a closed panel plan and who
changes their permanent residence to a location that is outside
the service area of the plan may, by submitting a timely
application to CalPERS, via the District, change their enrollment to
a plan that provides service in the area of their new permanent
residence without a break in coverage. To be timely, the
application for a change in enrollment must be received by the
District within sixty (60) days after the employee established their
new permanent residence.
ii. Any employee who is enrolled in a closed panel plan and who,
during an approved study, retraining or sabbatical leave of
absence of sixty (60) days or more, temporarily relocates to a
location that is outside the service area of the plan may, by
submitting a timely application to CalPERS, via the District,
temporarily change their enrollment to a plan that provides service
in the area in which they will be temporarily located. To be timely,
the application for a temporary change in enrollment must be
received by the date on which the employee's leave commences.
iii. Any employee whose enrollment in a plan is terminated at the
request or option of the plan provider for any reason other than
non-payment of premium may enroll in another plan without a
break in coverage by submitting a timely application to CalPERS,
149 -
via the District. To be timely, the application for a change in
enrollment must be received by the District within sixty (60) days
after the employee's enrollment was terminated. Qualified,
covered individuals will not have their health plans terminated due
to claims or increased utilization.
iv. Finally, any employee who has had a "qualified life event" as
defined by Sections 125 and 129 of the Internal Revenue Code
may change their eligible dependents by submitting a timely
application to CalPERS, via the District. To be timely, the
application for a permissible "qualified life event" change must be
received by CalPERS via the District within thirty-one (31) days of
the qualifying event. Refer to CalPERS'" Health Enrollment
Reason Codes" for specific qualifying events and effective dates
for coverage. Contact the District Benefits Office for this
f. Mandatory Re-enrollment During Open Enrollment. Under normal
circumstances CalPERS does not require mandatory re-enrollment
each year in its health plans. They will notify current participating active
employees of their options to change health plans or add and or
remove dependents during open enrollment. If the employee does not
elect any changes, their hospital and medical coverage will continue
with the same plan and dependents (pending eligibility). If the
employee does not elect any changes to the dental, vision, and life
insurance benefits during open enrollment, coverage will continue with
the same plans and dependents.
5. District Contribution Towards Premiums. Eligible employees shall be
entitled to a contribution from the District towards the premium costs of the
plan in which they and their dependents are enrolled. Depending on the
selected plan in which the employee and their dependents are enrolled,
and the limitations set forth in the LACCD/CalPERS resolutions, the
District's contribution may or may not cover 100% of the premiums of all
available CalPERS plans in which the employee and their dependents
may select. Employees will be entitled to the benefit if:
a. the eligible employee was in paid status during the calendar month
preceding the month during which benefit coverage is effective and
received at least one-half of the pay they would have earned had they
received pay for full-time work; or
b. the eligible employee, even though not in paid status, is on a formal
illness leave of absence for a period of not more than eighteen months;
c. a specific section of the collective bargaining agreement applicable to
the employee (for example, a section specifying compensation during
certain leaves) explicitly provides for their entitlement to the District's
contribution. For the purposes of Section 5.a, every eligible employee,
150 -
other than a temporary monthly-rate faculty member, shall be deemed
to be in paid status during any recess or intersession if they are
scheduled to return to paid status in their position at the end of the
recess or intersession. A temporary monthly-rate faculty member shall
be deemed to be in paid status during any recess or intersession if,
before the beginning of the recess or intersession, they are assigned to
a position at any district location that will render them eligible for
benefits and is scheduled to return to paid status in that position at the
end of the recess or intersession.
6. Payment of Premiums During Unpaid Leaves. Eligible employees who
have been granted an unpaid leave of absence and thus are not entitled to
the District's contribution towards the premium costs of the plans in which
they and their dependents are enrolled can continue to receive benefits
under the Health Benefits Program by establishing a direct payment
between the employee and the health plan provider for the period of the
Should an employee fail to make a payment required by this section,
coverage shall terminate at the end of the month for which the last
payment was received.
Should the District terminate an employee's coverage in error, it shall
reinstate the employee's coverage as soon as the error is discovered and,
at the employee's option, either issue the employee a refund of the amount
they paid for the months during which they did not receive coverage or
extend the employee's coverage for an equivalent period.
7. Continued Eligibility and Payment of Premiums Following Layoff or
Furlough. Notwithstanding anything in Sections I.A.1 and I.A.6 to the
contrary, employees who have been furloughed (a furlough is a temporary
lay-off for a specified period with a definite return date) shall remain
eligible to receive benefits under the Health Benefits Program and shall
continue to be entitled to the District's contribution towards the premium
costs of the plans in which they and their dependents are enrolled during
the period of their furlough. When an employee is laid off (a layoff is a
separation from regular service for lack of work or lack of funds, or
because of a reduction in force) CalPERS' business rules stipulate
termination of coverage for layoff beginning the next month after
separation date.
Employees who have been laid-off shall, upon applying and qualifying for
COBRA (see section I.A.9 below), continue to be entitled to the District's
contribution towards the COBRA premium costs of their plans, according
to the following table:
151 -
Years of Service
Months of Continuation Following Layoff
2 months
4 months
11 or more
6 months
These rules for furlough and lay-off do not apply to employees who are in
temporary or limited status.
8. Conditions of and Limitations on Eligibility and Coverage
a. Dual Coverage. Employees and their dependents may not be enrolled
in more than one CalPERS plan at any one time. For that reason, an
employee may be enrolled in a plan in their own capacity as an
employee, or as a dependent of another employee, but not
simultaneously in one plan as an employee and in another plan as a
b. Split Enrollment. Children or other individuals who qualify as
dependents may be enrolled in a plan only once as a dependent, not
simultaneously in one plan as a dependent of one employee and in
another plan as a dependent of another employee.
c. Every employee (or in the event of their incapacity, the employee's
representative, or agent) shall report any event or change of
circumstance that has an effect on the administration of coverage
under the Health Benefits Program. Such events or changes include,
but are not limited to, change of address or telephone number,
marriage, divorce, dependent's loss of eligibility, death of the
employee, or death of a dependent.
9. COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985).
Once an employee who has enrolled in a plan under the Health Benefits
Program becomes qualified for COBRA benefits, the District shall ensure
that they are given the opportunity to continue coverage under the Health
Benefits Program pursuant to COBRA in the manner prescribed by federal
law. CalPERS does not administer payments to COBRA.
10. If the internal responsibility for the administration of the Health Benefits
Program is changed because responsibilities among the administrative
units of the District are reorganized, notice of that change shall be given to
the exclusive representatives within thirty (30) days.
11. Health Care Legislation. In the event that new health care legislation is
enacted, and the District is required to implement a plan pursuant to such
legislation, the District and the exclusive representatives shall consult in
order to assess the effects of such legislation.
12. The District has established and will maintain a Trust with (CalPERS) to
prefund retiree health benefit costs for all eligible full-time employees. The
Trust is funded with annual contributions to the trust of 1.92% of the total
152 -
full-time salary expenditures in the District. Additionally, the District will
direct an amount equivalent to all of the Federal Medicare Part D subsidy
returned to the District each year into the trust fund. Funding from both of
these sources commenced with fiscal year 2006-07. An annual Trust
Status report will be made to the JLMBC and to the District Budget
Committee at their first meetings of the fiscal year. Annual funding of the
Trust from both these sources shall continue until or unless then parties
agree otherwise due to changes in the healthcare landscape which make
pre-funding no longer necessary. Should that prove to be the case, the
1.92% of the total full-time salary expenditures will be placed on the salary
schedules of all full-time employees, effective the end of the payroll month
that the decision is made to no longer fund the trust.
B. Group Life Insurance Program. The District's group term life insurance
program shall be continued for the duration of this Agreement subject to
modification based on the recommendations of the Joint Labor Management
Benefits Committee and approval of the Board.
1. All active employees eligible for benefits under Section I.A.1 of this
Agreement shall be eligible for group term life insurance benefits under the
2. The limits of coverage under the program shall be $50,000; however,
employees age 70 or above shall receive coverage equal to an amount
equal to the greater of the minimum amount required by Federal Law or
50% of the amount in force immediately prior to their 70th birthday. This
reduction shall take place on the premium date coincident with or
immediately following their 70th birthday.
C. Employee Assistance Program and Wellness Services. The District shall
make available to all active employees (including those who are not eligible
for benefits under Section I.A.1 of this Agreement) employee assistance and
wellness services. The services shall help employees deal with problems that
might adversely impact their work performance, health, and well-being and
shall include assessment, short-term counseling, informational resources, and
referral services. Such services hold the same level of privacy and
confidentiality as other medical services. Modification to the employee
assistance and wellness services may be recommended by the Joint Labor
Management Benefits Committee to the Board.
D. Tax Sheltered Retirement Plans. The District shall continue its voluntary
salary reduction agreement program under which employees may contribute
to tax sheltered retirement plans under Internal Revenue Code Sections
403(b) and 457. The process for selecting third-party administrators (TPAs)
for these plans shall include the issuance of a formal request for proposals by
the District, review of the responses by a task group consisting of
representatives of the District and the exclusive representatives, and selection
of TPAs based on the recommendation of the task group.
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E. Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs). The District shall continue
its HRAs under IRC Section 105 for eligible, benefited active employees and
early retirees (under age 65). The District's contributions will be plan year
2024, $1500, for plan year 2025, $1500, and for plan year 2026, $1500. The
District and Joint Labor Caucus agree that the HRA will be subject to
negotiations in subsequent contracts. The process for selecting a TPA for
these HRAs shall include the issuance of a formal request for proposals by
the District, review of the responses by a task group consisting of
representatives of the District and the Exclusive Representatives, and
selection of a TPA based on the recommendation of the task group.
Part-time temporary faculty, survivors of eligible employees or retirees, are
not eligible for this benefit.
F. IRC 125 and 129 Plans (Flexible Spending Accounts). The District shall
continue its voluntary Flexible Spending Account (FSA) plan covering medical
and dependent care expenses under Internal Revenue Code Sections 125
and 129. The process for selecting a TPA for FSAs shall include the issuance
of a formal request for proposals by the District, review of the responses by a
task group consisting of representatives of the District and the exclusive
representatives, and selection of a TPA based on the recommendation of the
task group.
G. Ordering Rules for HRAs and Medical FSAs. In compliance with internal
Revenue Code Sections 125 and 129 employees shall be informed at the time
of enrollment amounts available under an HRA must be exhausted before
reimbursements may be made from the medical FSA.
II. Health Benefits Program for Part-time Temporary Adjunct Faculty and
Temporary Adjunct Faculty
A. The District shall provide eligible part-time temporary faculty and temporary
adjunct faculty member's access to its hospital, medical, vision, and dental
group coverage plans as provided in this Section. Access to the District life
insurance plan is not included. Within sixty (60) days of hire the employee will
have access.
1. Eligibility. A part-time temporary faculty member or temporary adjunct
faculty member is eligible to receive access to the CalPERS hospital and
medical group coverage, except the District life insurance plan. Under this
section if they have been assigned and working as a part-time temporary
faculty member or temporary adjunct faculty member in the District and
meet the eligibility requirements below, they are deemed to effectively be
in a position lasting a full semester term or greater than six months as
required by the Public Employees Medical and Health Care Act
- AND-
154 -
they are a member of the CALSTRS DB or CB retirement plans or the
CalPERS retirement plan or the PARS, but not Social Security).
Dependent Eligibility is the same as indicated in Section I.A.2.
2. Specific Eligibility Requirements
a. In accordance with the terms specified in the PEHMCA, all part-time
faculty employees who have an appointment of at least one semester
and whose teaching assignment with one or more community college
districts equals or exceeds two courses (defined as six (6) noncredit or
credit teaching hours) or 40 percent of the cumulative equivalent of a
minimum full-time teaching assignment.
All part-time faculty employees that wish to enroll in the District’s
medical plans must provide documentation of any employment within
another community college district. Documentation shall be provided
per instructions communicated by the District prior to adjunct faculty
benefits enrollment. Such instructions will be communicated to adjunct
faculty at time of their hire or their eligibility for enrollment in a LACCD
or ACA compliant health plan.
b. Open but inactive assignments - no work, no pay - do not constitute
employment in this context.
c. Participate in the District's plans under the terms of Internal Revenue
Code Section 125, so that the employee's contribution to the District
sponsored hospital, medical, vision, and dental group plans will be
deducted, pre-tax, from salary warrants. The amounts of the
employee's contribution toward the premiums, for the hospital and
medical plans, along with any possible premiums for vision, and dental
group plans paid for by the employee, must not exceed their net take-
home pay each month; otherwise, the employee is not eligible to
participate in or continue to participate in the plans.
d. District Contribution. If criteria above is met, the District will
contribute as follows:
Medical. For plan years 2024, 2025 and 2026, the District's monthly
contribution will be as outlined in the District’s CalPERS Resolution:
i. True Adjunct Faculty working an adjunct rate load of 0.4 FTE or
higher at one or more community college districts may enroll in
the LACCD CalPERS plans and will receive a district contribution
equal to the contribution rate received by full-time district
ii. Part-time Temporary Adjunct Faculty assigned an adjunct faculty
load of 0.4 FTE or more currently enrolled in the District’s medical
plan may seek reimbursement from the District for medical plan
premiums paid to another community college district.
155 -
iii. Part-time Temporary Adjunct Faculty not meeting the
requirements of II.A.2.a above and assigned an adjunct rate load
of 0.33 FTE, but less than 0.4 FTE, without access to any other
Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliant health care coverage, may
not enroll in District plans thru CalPERS but may receive an
annual district reimbursement up to the contribution rate received
by full-time district employees. LACCD will reimburse for ACA
compliant Medical Plans obtained and paid for directly by the
faculty member from other than CalPERS sources.
Vision. In addition to being eligible for the above medical benefits, a
temporary adjunct faculty member who satisfies the criteria in II.A.2.a
through II.A.2.c and, further, who is assigned to a 0.50 or higher FTE
temporary adjunct faculty load in the District is eligible for a District
contribution towards vision care benefits. The District will pay the full
amount of the VSP single-party premium, for each eligible temporary
adjunct faculty member. For plan years, 2024, 2025, and 2026, the
District's contribution will be equal to the VSP single-party premium for
the respective plan year but shall not exceed 110% of the prior year's
contribution. If the District's contribution does not fully pay for the
required monthly premium, the balance shall be paid by the
participating adjunct as condition of receiving the District's contribution
towards the vision benefit.
Dental. In addition to being eligible for the above medical and vision
benefits, a part-time temporary faculty member or temporary adjunct
faculty member who satisfies the criteria in II.A.2.a through II.A.2.c and,
further, who is assigned to a 0.50 or higher FTE temporary adjunct
faculty load in the District is eligible for a District contribution towards
dental benefits.
The District will pay 50% of the full amounts of the dental single-party
premium, for each eligible temporary adjunct faculty member. For plan
years 2024, 2025, and 2026, the District's contribution will be 50% of
the full amounts of the dental single-party premium for the respective
plan year but shall not exceed 110% of the prior year's contribution. If
the District's contribution does not fully pay for the required monthly
premium, the balance shall be paid by the participating adjunct faculty
member as a condition of receiving the District's contribution towards
the dental benefit.
e. Term and Conditions of Coverage. A part-time temporary faculty
member or temporary adjunct faculty member who was eligible for
coverage for the entire spring and fall semesters of any plan year shall
remain eligible for coverage during the time between the end of that
spring semester and the beginning of the subsequent fall semester
contingent upon verification of continued eligibility. The premium
payments, if any, shall equate to twelve months' coverage and shall be
156 -
deducted from ten monthly pay periods for each twelve-month
coverage period.
f. Enrollment. Eligible employees must enroll within sixty (60) calendar
days of employment or reemployment following a break in service of at
least one full monthly pay period, unless a qualifying event occurs
which falls under the conditions set by the IRC 125 plan year rules.
(See Plan Description Los Angeles Community College District)
g. For plan years 2024, 2025, and 2026, when an adjunct faculty member
gains eligibility and buys in to a plan, that years' medical premium
district payment will be maintained for the remainder of that plan year
regardless of any subsequent loss of eligibility. In the event that the
adjunct faculty member has an insufficient salary warrant to cover the
employee portion of the premium costs the employee shall pay the
District the remaining premium amount including a 2% administrative
fee to continue to participate in the plan. Failure by the faculty member
to pay any of the monthly premiums will result in loss of eligibility and
h. If any provision herein conflicts with the Internal Revenue Code or
California law, the latter will prevail, and the conflicting provision will be
3. Premiums
a. To receive medical or vision plan coverage under this Agreement, an
eligible part-time temporary faculty member or temporary adjunct
faculty member must, in advance and in accordance with applicable
District procedures, agree to participate in the plan for a period of a
plan year, contingent upon verification of continued eligibility, and pay
the balance of the premium, minus the District contribution (if any) as
defined in section II.A.2.e of this article.
b. To participate in the District's dental plans, the eligible part-time
temporary faculty member or temporary adjunct faculty member will
agree to participate in the plan and pay all of the premium(s). The
participant agrees that premiums will be deducted, pre- tax, from their
monthly salary warrants as described in section II.A.2.e above or post-
tax and considered as taxable income as described in Section II.A.2.h
c. A part-time temporary faculty member or temporary adjunct faculty
member's coverage (with a District contribution) shall cease
immediately upon their failure to pay the balance of the required
insurance premium(s) in accordance with District procedures. The
faculty member's deductions for the required payments will be made for
the last working day of each month preceding the month in which
coverage will be effective.
157 -
d. The District will conduct limited "open enrollment" periods in August
and in January for part-time temporary faculty member or temporary
4. Extension of Coverage. Any extension of coverage, at the adjunct faculty
member's own expense, subsequent to termination (non-retirement) of
employment with the District, shall be in accordance with applicable state
and or federal law COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation
Act of 1985). Once an employee who has enrolled in a plan under the
Health Benefits Program becomes qualified for COBRA benefits, the
District shall ensure that they are given the opportunity to continue
coverage under the Health Benefits Program pursuant to COBRA in the
manner prescribed by federal law (CalPERS does not administer
payments to COBRA.
5. Colleges will make every effort to report information regarding adjunct
faculty assignments to the District's Benefits Section by the deadline for
enrollment. If an eligible adjunct is denied coverage in error, the District
will cover its portion of the premium costs retroactive to the date of the
adjunct's eligibility up to the start of the plan year.
III. Health Benefits for Part-time Temporary Faculty Retirees & Temporary
Adjunct Faculty Retirees under CalPERS Heath Care Plans.
AB 528 Health Plans: Rights of retired certificated employees to enroll in health
and dental plans offered to active certificated employees; Education Code
Section: 7000 - 7008. The following guidelines sets forth the requirements of
eligibility, enrollment, and limitations of the District "AB 528" health plans.
A. Eligible part-time temporary faculty retirees & temporary adjunct retirees and
their eligible dependents and survivors, not otherwise eligible for District-paid
retiree health benefit coverage, shall have the right to participate in the
CalPERS Health Care Program available to them as active part-time
employees, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and
CalPERS resolutions. Nothing in this Agreement, however, shall be construed
as conveying any vested right to any particular plan, plan design, or plan
component. The terms of the CalPERS Health Care Program, as well as the
plans available under the Program remain subject to alteration by action of
CalPERS, or the JLMBC any future agreement between the District and its
Exclusive Representatives.
1. Eligibility Certificated retirees of the Los Angeles Community College
District who have retired from any public employee retirement system may
be covered.
a. Retirees and their spouse, or the surviving spouse of a retiree, shall be
eligible for participation. Children are not eligible for coverage. A new
spouse, upon remarriage of a surviving spouse, is not eligible for this
158 -
b. Retirees are eligible for participation in health and dental plans offered
by the District.
c. Retirees must enroll within 30 days of retirement from the District.
Retirees who fail to enroll in the AB 528 plan upon retirement shall not
be eligible to enroll at a later date, except as follows: Should a retiree
have health coverage elsewhere, and subsequently lose that coverage,
they may enroll in the AB 528 plan within 31 days of losing said
coverage. The retiree must provide documentation to substantiate loss
of coverage.
2. Guidelines
a. Upon retirement and notification of discontinuance of benefits, retirees
may contact the Health Benefits Unit (HBU) and complete appropriate
enrollment documents for health care, no later than 30 days after
b. Retiree shall remit premium payments to the Accounting Department at
least one month in advance. Payments shall be made monthly. Failure
to pay premium by the due date shall result in immediate cancellation
on the last day of the month for which coverage has been paid.
c. Each year there shall be held an open enrollment period during which
the retiree and or surviving spouse may change health plans. Retirees
shall be notified by mail of the open enrollment period and new plan
rates by the HBU.
d. Coverage will continue indefinitely as long as full premiums are paid.
3. Limitations
a. Retirees may select medical with vision and dental coverage, or they
may select medical coverage only. A retiree may not select dental or
vision coverage only.
b. A retiree will not be allowed to re-enroll in the AB 528 plan once
coverage has been terminated. If a retiree has other coverage upon
retirement and later loses that coverage, then they may enroll in AB
528 within 30 days of losing said other coverage.
c. Children of a retiree are not eligible for coverage in the AB 528 plan. A
new spouse, upon remarriage of a surviving spouse, is not eligible for
coverage in the AB 528 plan.
4. A part-time faculty retiree who continues to be employed in active service
for the District is eligible for the District health premium contribution
detailed in II.A.2.d as long as they continue to meet the eligibility criteria
for health benefits coverage as specified in II.A.2.a through II.A.2.c and is
not eligible for District coverage under a different status. An eligible part-
time faculty retiree is one who has retired from District service under the
rules of the California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS) DB
or CB plans, the California Public Employees Retirement System
159 -
(CalPERS), or the Public Agency Retirement System (PARS) and who is
receiving a retirement allowance from that system and who will have
rendered "paid service" to the District in a "qualifying position" for thirty-five
(35) years. For the purposes of this section, a "qualifying position" is any
position that made the employee eligible to enroll in plans under this
Section (II). A year of "paid service" is attained by having had any faculty
assignment in the District for two (primary fall and spring) semesters.
5. A part-time faculty who retires from LACCD and is not yet eligible for
Medicare and is 60 years of age or older and continues to be employed for
the District is eligible for the District health premium contribution detailed in
II.A.2.d as long as the faculty member continues to meet the eligibility
criteria for health benefits coverage as specified in II.A.2.a through II.A.2.c.
Once the faculty member becomes eligible for Medicare Part B they will no
longer be eligible for the basic plan but they must enroll in Medicare Part B
as their primary plan. The retiree will be reimbursed once per year for the
same contributions made by the District for active part-time employees as
outlined in II.A.2.d.
IV. Health Benefits for Retirees (retiring from a "qualifying position" Section),
their Dependents and Survivors
A. Hospital-Medical, Dental and Vision Benefits. Eligible retirees and their
eligible dependents and survivors shall have the right to continue their
participation in the Health Benefits plans available to active employees,
subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Nothing in this
Agreement, however, shall be construed as conveying any vested right to any
particular plan, plan design, or plan component. The terms of the District's
Health Benefits Program (CalPERS Health Care Program), as well as the
plans available under the Program, remain subject to alteration by action of
CalPERS, the Joint Labor Management Benefits Committee or any future
agreement between the District and its exclusive representatives.
B. Eligibility. A retiree who is eligible to continue their participation in the health
benefits plans which are available to active employees is one who has retired
from District service under the rules of the California Public Employees
Retirement System (CalPERS) or the California State Teachers Retirement
System (CalSTRS), who is receiving a retirement allowance from that system,
and who:
1. for employees whose most recent uninterrupted District employment
began before February 11, 1992has rendered continuous paid service to
the District in a "qualifying position" for three (3) or more years
immediately preceding their retirement; andfor employees whose most
recent uninterrupted District Employment began before July 1, 1998has
rendered continuous paid service to the District in a "qualifying position"
for seven (7) or more years immediately preceding their retirement; or
160 -
2. for employees whose most recent uninterrupted District employment
began on or after July 1, 1998has rendered continuous paid service to
the District in a "qualifying position" for ten (10) or more years immediately
preceding their retirement. For the purposes of this section, a "qualifying
position" is any position that made the employee eligible to enroll in plans
under Section I above (See section IV.F. for district contribution toward
premiums.) An individual shall be deemed to have "retired from District
service" if the effective date of their retirement under CalPERS or
CalSTRS is no later than 120 days after their resignation from District
employment. Retirees do not have to be enrolled in health benefits at the
time of their retirement; they just need to have been eligible as indicated
Employees who have been assigned in a specially funded program (SFP)
shall vest in the retiree benefits provided they meet the eligibility requirements
in IV.B.1. or IV.B.2 above. In addition, no absence from the service of the
District under any paid leave of absence, or any unpaid leave of absence, or
layoff of thirty-nine (39) months or less, shall be deemed a break in the
continuity of service required by this section. See section IV.B.
C. Dependents and Survivors. To qualify as a dependent or survivor who is
eligible to continue their participation in the hospital and medical plans
available to active employees
1. A dependent or survivor must be an eligible retiree's:
a. Spouse. A spouse married anytime less one year before retirement
only qualifies as a survivor to continue to receive health benefits if the
retiree left a survivor's allowance under CalPERS or CalSTRS at the
time of retirement.
b. qualified domestic partner as specified in Appendix I, on the date of
retirement from District service;
c. child (natural, adopted, foster, domestic partner children, or
stepchildren) up to age 26 (coverage will terminate at the end of the
month in which dependent turns age 26); or
d. a child up to age 26 (not otherwise eligible under subsection 1.c,
above) who is economically dependent upon the retiree (as being
claimed as dependents on the retiree's federal income tax returns) and
for whom the retiree must have been granted legal or joint legal
custody, or, in the absence of natural or adoptive parents, the child
resides with the retiree; or
e. a disabled child (not otherwise eligible under subsection 1.c or 1.d,
above) without regard to age, who is physically or mentally
incapacitated (and therefore incapable of self-support), and who is
being claimed as a dependent on the retiree's federal income tax
returns. The mental or physical condition must have existed prior to
age 26 and continuously since age 26.
161 -
2. A dependent may not be enrolled in any plans other than those under
which the retiree is covered.
D. Limitations on Survivor Eligibility. A survivor's eligibility to continue their
participation in the Health Benefits Program depends on whether they are an
annuitant under the employee's retirement system. The eligibility of a
surviving child receiving a survivor's benefit continues until the end of the
month in which they turn age 26.
E. Enrollment. Enrollment and re-enrollment in plans shall be administered as
1. Initial Enrollment. Upon retirement, each new retiree who is eligible to
enroll in plans under the Health Benefits Program shall receive
uninterrupted coverage under the plan in which they were enrolled as an
active employee, provided the employee submits all necessary
applications and other required documentation in a timely fashion.
2. Open Enrollment. There shall be an open enrollment period each
enrollment year during which eligible retirees may change plans. The
CalPERS Health Care Program shall establish and announce the dates of
such open enrollment period. If an eligible retiree requests a change of
plan, they shall continue to be covered under their existing plan until
coverage under the new plan can be instituted.
3. Changes in Enrollment Other Than During Open Enrollment. Once
enrolled in a plan, retirees are generally barred from changing their
enrollment except during an open enrollment period. Nevertheless,
changes may be made under the following circumstances:
a. Any retiree who is enrolled in a closed panel plan and who changes
their permanent residence to a location that is outside the service area
of the plan may, by submitting a timely application to CalPERS via the
District, change their enrollment to a plan that provides service in the
area of their new permanent residence. To be timely, the application for
a change in enrollment must be received by CalPERS via the District
within ninety (90) days after the retiree established their new
permanent residence.
b. Any retiree whose enrollment in a plan is terminated at the request or
option of the plan provider for any reason other than non-payment of
premium may enroll in another plan by submitting a timely application
to the District. To be timely, the application for a change in enrollment
must be received by CalPERS via the District within ninety (90) days
after the retiree's enrollment was terminated.
4. Mandatory Re-enrollment During Open Enrollment. Upon
recommendation of the JLMBC the District may designate any open
enrollment period as a mandatory enrollment period during which every
162 -
eligible retiree or survivor must re-enroll for themselves and for each of
their eligible dependents. If a retiree or survivor fails to re-enroll during any
such mandatory enrollment period, their enrollment in hospital, medical,
dental, and vision care plans shall end at the beginning of the next plan
year. In that event, a retiree or survivor (and their eligible dependents)
may, if they remain eligible, re-enroll in plans. The retiree or survivor may
re-enroll in plans at any time and the District shall verify their eligibility to
CalPERS so that it can process the retiree's or survivor's re- enrollment
forms as if they were initial enrollment formsi.e., if CalPERS, via the
District, receives the reenrollment forms at any time during the calendar
month, it shall process them so as to make coverage effective on the first
day of the calendar month following receipt of the forms.
F. District Contribution Towards Premiums. Eligible retirees and their eligible
dependents and survivors enrolled shall be entitled to a contribution from the
District towards the premium costs of the plans in which they and their
dependents and survivors are enrolled. Depending on the selected plan in
which the retiree and their dependents and survivors are enrolled, and the
limitations set forth in the LACCD CalPERS resolutions, the District's
contribution may or may not cover 100% of the premiums of all available
CalPERS plans in which the retiree and their dependents and survivors may
select. The retiree will be entitled to the benefit if:
1. For retirees (and their eligible dependents and survivors) hired on or after
July 1, 1998, who became eligible under Section IV.B.1, the District will
pay 100% of the District's contribution towards premiums subject to any
plan limitations as set forth in LACCD CalPERS resolutions.
2. For retirees (and their eligible dependents and survivors) who became
eligible under Section IV.B.2, the District will contribute towards the
retiree's premiums in a "qualifying position" as follows:
% of District Contribution
Rendered Toward
Years of Service
At least ten (10) years but fewer than
fifteen (15) years.
At least fifteen years but fewer than
twenty (20) years.
At least twenty (20) years.
G. Conditions of and Limitations on Eligibility and Coverage
1. Active employees who become eligible retirees under this Agreement are
entitled to uninterrupted coverage under the Health Benefits Program
provided they submit all necessary applications and other required
documentation in a timely fashion.
163 -
2. Dual Coverage. Retirees, their dependents, and survivors may not be
enrolled in more than one CalPERS sponsored plan at any one time. For
that reason, a retiree may be enrolled in a plan in their own capacity as a
retiree, or as a dependent of another retiree, but not simultaneously in one
plan as a retiree and in another plan as a dependent.
3. Split Enrollment. Children or other individuals who qualify as dependents
may be enrolled in a plan only once as a dependent or survivor, not
simultaneously in one plan as a dependent or survivor of one retiree and in
another plan as a dependent or survivor of another retiree.
4. To the extent allowed by law, benefits provided under the District's Health
Benefits Program shall be secondary to the benefits provided to a retiree
or their dependents or survivors under Medicare. Furthermore, as a
condition of continued enrollment in any hospital or medical plan available
under the Health Benefits Program, each retiree and every eligible
dependent and survivor aged 65 and older must (unless exempted from
this requirement under Board Rule 101701.16C) apply for and obtain
coverage under Part A (Hospital benefits) - either paid or premium free -
and Part B (medical benefits) of Medicare. The district shall pay the Part A
Medicare premium, if required, and Part B Medicare premiums. It shall be
the sole responsibility of the employee or survivor to provide the district
with verification of enrollment in Medicare. The District shall acknowledge
receipt of verification of Medicare enrollment upon a retiree's request. The
retiree shall submit evidence of Medicare premium payments annually and
will be reimbursed once per year for the costs.
5. Every retiree (or in the event of their incapacity, the retiree's representative
or agent) shall report, by telephone, e-mail, or written correspondence, any
event or change of circumstance that has an effect on the administration of
coverage under the Health Benefits Program. Such events or changes
include, but are not limited to, change of address or telephone number,
marriage, divorce, dependent's loss of eligibility, death of the retiree, or
death of a dependent.
6. A retiree's or survivor's eligibility (and that of their dependents) under this
Agreement shall terminate whenever the retiree or survivor accepts
employment in a position covered by CalSTRS or CalPERS and becomes
eligible for health benefits by virtue of that employment.
V. Joint Labor Management Benefits Committee
A. The District shall convene, and the exclusive representatives shall all
participate in, a Joint Labor Management Benefits Committee (JLMBC). The
role of the Committee is to contain the costs of the District's Health Benefits
Program while maintaining and, when feasible, improving the quality of the
benefits available to employees.
164 -
B. The Committee shall be composed as follows:
1. District: one voting and one non-voting District Member appointed by the
Chancellor (If one member is absent, the member present shall be the
voting member);
2. Employees: six Employee Members, one appointed by each of the
exclusive representatives (If the one member from any unit is absent, a
substitute member from the unit who is present shall be the voting
3. Committee Chair: an additional voting faculty member who shall serve as
chair, nominated by the president of the Los Angeles College Faculty
Guild and confirmed by a simple majority of the regular voting members of
the Committee. The chair shall work jointly with the management member
or designee to develop the monthly JLMBC agenda. The agenda will be
posted and made available to JLMBC members at least three days prior to
each JLMBC meeting. The District shall grant the chair of the committee at
least 0.2 FTE reassigned time to perform the duties of that assignment.
The faculty chair may make an annual request to the District for an
additional 0.2 FTE reassigned time to complete specified projects
recommended by the JLMBC.
4. Additional Members. Although each exclusive representative will appoint
one regular voting member on the Committee, the Committee shall adopt
rules under which each exclusive representative may appoint additional
non-voting members in proportion to the size of each unit.
C. The Committee shall have the authority to:
1. review the District's Health Benefits Program and effect any changes to
the program it deems necessary to contain costs while maintaining the
quality of the benefits available to employees (this includes, but is not
limited to, the authority to recommend substitution of other plans for the
District's existing health benefits plans, including reviewing and providing
input on the management of the District's participation in the CalPERS
Health Care Plans);
2. recommend the selection, replacement, and evaluation of benefits
consultants when deemed necessary;
3. recommend the selection, replacement, and evaluation of benefit plan
4. review and make recommendations regarding communications to faculty
and staff regarding the health benefits program and their use of health
care services under it;
5. review and make recommendations regarding benefit booklets, descriptive
literature, and enrollment forms as necessary, beyond those provided by
165 -
6. study recurring enrollee concerns and complaints and make
recommendations for their resolution;
7. anticipate in an annual review of the District's employee health benefits
program to include the CalPERS hospital and medical program, the dental
and vision benefits, and EAP, wellness, HRA and FSA benefits;
8. review and make recommendations about the District's health benefit
budget; and
9. if health care legislation that necessitates modification of the District's
Health Benefits Program is enacted before the termination of this
Agreement, assess the effects of such legislation and make
recommendations to the District and the exclusive representatives about
appropriate action to take.
D. Any action of the Committee must be approved by the affirmative vote of the
voting District member and all but one of the voting Employee Members at a
meeting of the Committee at which a quorum is present. A quorum shall
consist of the voting District member and any four voting Employee Members.
E. Any changes proposed by the Committee in the benefit program, providers,
and consultants shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees for its
F. The District shall provide the Committee with relevant financial data including,
for example, data regarding money received from providers (as a refund,
return of premium, or similar credit), and all expenditures the District
considers to be part of the "overall cost to the District of maintaining the
Health Benefits Program."
VI. Managing the Health Benefits Program
By September 1 of each year, the JLMBC shall report to the Board of Trustees on
the committee's actions and activities to mitigate increases to the cost of the
Health Benefits Program so that it continues to provide quality health care to the
District's employees, retirees, and their eligible dependents at a reasonable and
sustainable cost to the District.
VII. Term of Agreement
This agreement shall cover the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2026.
Grievance Procedure: Article 28
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Article 28 (Return to Table of Contents)
Grievance Procedure
A. Definitions
1. Grievance. A grievance is the procedure to remedy a misinterpretation,
misapplication, or violation of a specific item of this Agreement or of a written
rule or regulation of the Los Angeles Community College District. The
grievance procedure is initiated with a formal written complaint citing the
specific item alleged to have been violated. The written complaint is given to
the college grievance representative. The complaint, however, cannot ask for
an adjustment to, and the grievance process does not address a remedy for,
any of the following:
a. Another employee represented by any bargaining unit or any other faculty
b. Any and all matters relating to the selection and or hiring of employees,
except adjunct seniority and intersession priority.
c. Suspensions and dismissals for which review procedures are provided by
the Education Code.
d. The review of final Peer Evaluation Reports or final Administrative
Evaluation Reports in which the overall evaluation indicates that the
employee is "Satisfactory."
e. The review of a written open non-confidential reference submitted in
conjunction with a selection or evaluation for a position.
f. Accusatory statements or charges relating to the professional fitness or
moral fitness of an employee. However, a Notice of Unsatisfactory Service
which is not a basis for further disciplinary action may be grieved.
2. Grievant. A grievant is a member or group of members of the Faculty Unit.
3. Respondent. The respondent in any grievance is the administrator with the
authority to adjust the complaint as determined by the campus or District.
4. Working Days. Working days means calendar days exclusive of Saturdays,
Sundays, legal holidays, and District holidays.
5. College President. College President means the chief administrative officer
of a college.
6. Vice Chancellor. Vice Chancellor means a management employee assigned
the administrative responsibility for a division in the District office.
7. Administrator. Any employee designated by the Board as management
consistent with the provisions of Government Code Section 3540 et seq.
Grievance Procedure: Article 28
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8. Representative. Any employee of the Los Angeles Community College
District designated by:
a. AFT 1521 to represent a grievant.
b. The College President or Vice Chancellor to represent a respondent.
B. Rights and Responsibilities
1. The grievant may elect to be represented by the AFT 1521 at Step One or
Two of the Grievance Procedure or may have the grievance adjusted without
the intervention of the AFT 1521 so long as the adjustment is not inconsistent
with the terms of this Agreement provided that there shall be no resolution of
the grievance until the AFT 1521 has received a copy of the grievance and
the proposed resolution and has been given the opportunity to file a response.
The grievant and or the grievant's representative may be present at all
meetings. The representative as defined in this Article may present the case
for the grievant or respondent or serve as an advisor.
2. An employee of the Los Angeles Community College District who is
designated may serve as a Representative for the grievant or respondent
without loss of salary. Absence from regular duties shall be granted to the
grievant, the respondent, and their representative, if any, when such regular
duties conflict with attendance at conferences or hearings in the Grievance
3. Any rights granted to one party to the complaint shall be granted to the other.
4. Both parties to the complaint have a professional obligation to act in a
cooperative and respectful manner for an early adjustment of the complaint.
5. The immediate administrator shall inform the grievant of any limitation upon
their authority which prevents full resolution of the grievance and shall direct
the grievant(s) to the administrator with the authority to fully resolve the
6. Any investigation or other handling or processing of any grievance by the
grieving employee shall be conducted so as to result in minimal interference
with, or interruption of, the instructional program and related work activities of
the grieving employee or of the staff.
7. The grievant and respondent shall have equal access to any documents and
District records which will assist in adjusting the grievance.
8. Grievances of a similar or like nature may be joined as a single grievance
upon the written consent of the grievants involved. Should the grievants so
consolidate, the final grievance decision shall be binding upon all parties to
the consolidated grievance.
9. Copies of all documents and communications related to the process of the
grievance shall be filed in the Office of Employer and Labor Relations and
shall be kept separate from the personnel files of all the participating parties.
Grievance Procedure: Article 28
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C. Waivers and Time Limits
1. Failure of the grievant(s) to act on any grievance within the prescribed time
limits, unless mutual agreement to extend the time has been reached, shall
conclude the grievance.
2. Failure by an administrator or designee to respond to the employee's
grievance within the specified time limits shall permit the grievant to proceed
to the next step unless mutual agreement to extend time has been reached.
3. Any level of review may be waived by mutual agreement of the parties to the
grievance. Any time limits established in this procedure may be extended by
mutual agreement of the parties to the grievance.
4. The day following actual service of written decision by either of the parties
shall be counted as Day One for any deadline.
5. By mutual agreement, the grievance may revert to a prior level for
6. Once a formal written grievance has been filed, the grievant or the grievance
representative may request that further processing of the grievance be
suspended during any summer or winter intersession with all subsequent time
limits extended accordingly. Unless the District cites a compelling reason
requiring the grievance to proceed without interruption, it shall agree to the
D. Step One
1. Within twenty (20) working days after the grievant knew, or by reasonable
diligence could have known, of the condition upon which the grievance is
based, the parties should attempt at the college to resolve the issue before a
grievance is filed. If an informal resolution is not reached, the grievant shall
file a formal written grievance. Three (3) copies of the District Grievance Form
(Appendix B) shall be completed by the grievant. The written grievance shall
contain a clear and concise statement of the alleged misinterpretation,
misapplication, or violation of a specific item of this Agreement or of a written
rule or regulation of the District, the remedy sought and the name of the
employee's representative, if any. The grievant shall submit two (2) copies to
the appropriate administrator and retain the third copy.
2. The administrator or designee shall schedule a conference with the grievant
within five (5) working days after receipt of the written grievance.
3. Within ten (10) working days from the date of the conference, the
administrator shall communicate their decision in writing to the grievant on the
submitted grievance form. The written decision shall contain a clear and
concise statement as to the reason(s) for said decision.
Grievance Procedure: Article 28
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E. Step Two
1. Within ten (10) working days from receipt of the decision in Step One, the
grievant may appeal to the College President or Vice Chancellor. The appeal
shall contain the information described in Step One, Section 1; copies of the
decision rendered by the administrator; and reasons for the appeal.
2. Within ten (10) working days after the receipt of the Step One appeal, the
College President or Vice Chancellor or designee shall schedule a
conference(s) with the grievant and other persons whose assistance the
College President or designee deems necessary to adjust the grievance.
3. Within ten (10) working days after the conference (see E.2), the College
President or Vice Chancellor or designee shall communicate their decision
and the reasons for the decision in writing to the grievant and the Step One
authority. The written decision shall contain a clear and concise statement as
to the reason(s) for said decision.
F. Step Three
Following a Step 2 denial, and if the grievant elects to move forward, they have
ten (10) working days to request to proceed to a hearing before the AFT 1521
Grievance Review Committee. The committee is comprised of the grievance
representative from each campus, the AFT 1521 Chief Grievance Officer, and a
representative(s) of the AFT 1521 Executive Board; the committee will review all
evidence of the grievance and have the following option(s):
1. Not pursue the grievance further.
2. Meet with Human Resources. If the committee votes to proceed to a
meeting with Human Resources, the chief grievance officer will, within five (5)
working days, contact the District's Human Resources Division to schedule a
Step 3 meeting with the District's Vice Chancellor of Human Resources or
designee in an effort to resolve the issue. Once requested, the meeting shall
be scheduled to occur within ten (10) working days of the initial request,
unless otherwise scheduled by mutual agreement. The AFT 1521 and the
District will seek to resolve grievances amicably and in advance of arbitration
whenever feasible.
3. Mediation. If the AFT 1521 Grievance Review Committee votes to go to
mediation, and the AFT 1521 Representative and the District Representative
conclude that mediation might be helpful in resolving the grievance, the AFT
1521 and the District will select a mediator from a mutually agreed upon list of
professional mediators and bring the parties to the issue together in an effort
to resolve the issue. The mediation shall not exceed two (2) days in duration.
The District and the AFT 1521 shall jointly agree upon a means of appointing
mediators for this purpose. No action shall be required as a result of the
mediation unless mutually agreed to by both the District and the AFT 1521. If
mediation is attempted, evidence of either party's conduct or statements
during the mediation shall be inadmissible in any subsequent arbitration
Grievance Procedure: Article 28
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proceeding. Furthermore, the District and AFT 1521 shall share equally the
cost of the mediation.
4. Arbitration. If either meeting with Human Resources or mediation was not a
chosen option or was unsuccessful in resolving the issue, the grievance shall
proceed, after a vote to do so by the Grievance Review Committee, to
The following procedure shall apply for selecting an arbitrator:
a. Within fifteen (15) working days, the District and the AFT 1521 shall jointly
agree on a means of appointing an arbitrator.
The list shall be arranged by lot and rotated with each arbitration. The list
shall be in force for the duration of this Agreement unless there is mutual
agreement by the parties to modify the list. If one or more of the arbitrators
on the panel no longer wish to serve, or is no longer able to serve, such
person(s) shall be replaced by mutual agreement of the parties. Arbitrators
shall be experienced in labor arbitration, preferably in higher education or
a closely related field.
b. Within ten (10) working days of receipt of the filing for arbitration, the
Office of Employer and Labor Relations shall contact the first arbitrator on
the rotated list for appointment as arbitrator. Should they not be available
to hold a hearing within thirty (30) working days of the selection, the Office
of Employee and Labor Relations (ELR) shall contact the next arbitrator on
the list and go through the same process. The process shall be repeated
until an arbitrator is obtained who is available within the thirty (30) working
days. If no member of the panel is available within the prescribed time
limits, the arbitrator available at the earliest date shall be chosen.
c. The arbitrator shall convene a hearing at the earliest practicable date after
their appointment. The hearing shall be under the direction of the arbitrator
who shall, unless the parties stipulate to the use of other rules and
procedures, conduct the hearing in accordance with the rules and
procedure prescribed in Section 11513 of the Government Code of the
State of California. No other Section of the California Government Code
shall apply to this grievance procedure. The Office of Employee and Labor
Relations (ELR) shall be responsible for the arrangements of the hearing,
the recording of the procedures, the maintenance of records, and such
other services required to assist the arbitrator in fulfilling their
responsibilities. Neither party shall communicate with the arbitrator without
first contacting the other party to explain the purpose of the intended
d. The hearing shall be tape recorded. A transcript of the record shall be
prepared at the request of either party or the hearing officer. The cost of
the transcript shall be borne by the party requesting the transcript, except
that the parties shall share the cost of the transcript if requested by the
Grievance Procedure: Article 28
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hearing officer. If no request for a transcript is made, the parties shall have
access to the tapes.
e. The arbitrator shall review the written statements submitted by the parties
to the grievance. The appellant and the respondent may request the
presence of witnesses and shall supply the arbitrator with a list of the
witnesses to be called at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing. The
arbitrator shall be empowered to direct the attendance of any District
employee to attend the hearing without loss of salary to the employee. If
the employee refuses to attend the hearing, the arbitrator shall have the
power to subpoena the employee.
f. All documents and communications related to the process of the grievance
shall be filed with the Chancellor or their designee and shall be kept
separate from the personnel files of the participating parties. Advocates for
parties shall exchange all documentary material to be entered as evidence
at least ten (10) working days before the first day of the hearing. The
names of witnesses shall be exchanged at least five (5) working days
before the first day of the hearing.
g. The arbitrator's decision shall be based solely and exclusively on the
evidence and arguments presented by the parties to the grievance and the
record in the case. The arbitrator's decision shall be limited to a specific
finding regarding the alleged misinterpretation, misapplication, or violation
of a specific item of this Agreement or of a written rule or regulation of the
h. The arbitrator shall have no power to add to, subtract from, disregard,
alter, or modify any of the terms of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall
have the authority to grant or recommend the payment of salary if it is
proven that the grievant has rendered service and has not been paid for
that service; the arbitrator may require the District to pay the salary due for
such service. Other monetary awards may be granted in accordance with
the principle of arbitration to make the injured party whole. If a monetary
award, other than salary for services rendered, is made in excess of
$2,500, the Board of Trustees shall review the arbitrator's decision and
render a final decision as to the amount of the award to be granted. The
arbitrator shall have no power to grant a remedy exceeding that sought by
the grievant.
i. The arbitrator shall render written findings, conclusions, and
recommendations within sixty (60) days of the termination of the hearing.
The findings, conclusions, and recommendations shall be final and binding
on both parties.
j. The Board and AFT 1521 will share equally the payment of the services
and expenses of the hearing officer.
Salary: Article 29
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Article 29 (Return to Table of Contents)
Salary for 2023-24, 2024-25, 2025-26
The LACCD Board of Trustees (The District) and the AFT 1521 Faculty Guild ("The
AFT 1521”) agree to a three-year salary agreement for fiscal years 2023-24, 2024-
25, and 2025-26. Effective July 1 of each year (2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26), the
augmentation of all elements of the faculty salary schedule will be determined by the
For the purpose of this agreement, the phrase “the AFT 1521’s proportionate share”
is defined as that portion of the unrestricted general fund total salaries applied to
faculty salaries. Growth funding portion shall be applied from the 40% of the total
growth funding from the (FTES) component of the Student-Centered Funding
A. Reserve Requirement
The District and the AFT 1521 agree that before the salary augmentation is
implemented, a 10% reserve requirement (which is comprised of the Contingency
Reserve, the General Reserve, ESC IT ending balances, Districtwide ending
balances, and any additional undesignated balances) must be identified within
the District’s projected ending balance by June 30th of each year.
Representatives from the District and the Faculty will meet on or about June 30th
of each year (2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26) to agree on the projected dollar
amount necessary to secure a 10% reserve. Based on the Governor’s final
budget, the total projected dollar amounts necessary to secure a 10% reserve will
be the result of the total projected revenue (2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26)
multiplied by 10%.
If the reserve on July 1st is equal to or greater than the required reserve the
salary augmentation will be implemented without adjustment to the elements of
the formula.
In the event that the reserve on July 1st does not meet the reserve requirement
for the fiscal year, the District and AFT 1521 agree that the application of funds
received from the State Cost of Living Adjustment, any Growth funding, and any
additional salary increase, shall be used to meet the reserve requirement. Funds
remaining after the reserve requirement is met will be distributed proportionately
to employees using the salary augmentation scheme below.
Example calculation: For a given fiscal year, the total projected unrestricted
general fund revenue is $XXXm.
($XXXm) x (0.10) = $XXm
The projected amount necessary to secure the required 10% reserve for
the following fiscal year totals was $XXm
The projected ending reserve amount is $XXm (as described in A).
Salary: Article 29
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B. Salary Augmentation
1. Part I: Cost of Living Adjustment
When the District receives COLA above zero percent (0%), approved, funded,
and provided by the State for fiscal years 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26, the
District will allocate 100% towards salary. COLA will apply to all elements of
the salary schedule including steps, columns, certificates and degree career
increments, differentials, differential salary rates, supplemental instructor
rates, faculty mentor, over-base differential, coaching and AD stipends,
adjunct schedules (DESK, EESK, GESK, FESK), office hour differential, and
equity 2.
2. Part II: Salary Increases
The District will allocate a percentage equaling 2%for fiscal year 2023-24 and
1% for 2024-25, and 1% for fiscal year 2025-26 as increases to the base
salary. This will apply to all elements of the salary schedule including steps,
columns, certificates and degree career increments, differentials, differential
salary rates, supplemental instructor rates, faculty mentor, over-base
differential, coaching and AD stipends, adjunct schedules (DESK, EESK,
GESK, FESK), office hour differential, and equity 2.
3. Part III: Growth
For Growth funding on the FTES component of the SCFF that is approved,
funded, and received from the State, the District will set aside 40 percent for
salary increases. The Faculty will receive a proportionate share of the 40
percent allocated for salary increases.
This amount will be applied to all elements of the salary schedule including
steps, columns, certificates and degree career increments, differentials,
differential salary rates, supplemental instructor rates, faculty mentor, over-
base differential, coaching and AD stipends, adjunct schedules (DESK,
EESK, GESK, FESK), office hour differential, and equity 2. These increases
will be effective July 1st, 2024, 2025, and 2026.
C. Annual Salary Disbursement
At the start of each fall term full-time faculty may elect to have their regular
annual salary be paid out over the following 12 months.
D. Monthly Rate. (See Appendix “A” for Salary Schedules)
Amounts listed in the salary schedules are effective July 1, 2023, following the
application of agreed upon salary increases. Salary schedules shall be updated
and posted to the LACCD Human Resources site as subsequent increases are
1. Rating In for Faculty. All new faculty members shall provide transcripts and
verification of prior related professional or occupational experience after a job
offer is made. Upon receipt of verification related materials, the District shall
complete the rating-in process, using standardized criteria, within forty-five
Salary: Article 29
174 -
(45) working days. If the District does not meet this timeline, the applicant
shall be moved to Step 2 until the rating in process is completed. The
appropriate salary determined by rating in shall be effective as of the date of
hire. District shall provide the employee a written receipt (electronic receipt
acceptable) containing the results of the rating-in process (i.e., which step and
column) when the process is completed.
a. Column Placement
New employees are initially placed on the first step in the salary column
consistent with the minimum requirements of the position for which the
employee has been hired. Academic achievement (course work completed
or degrees obtained) beyond the minimum requirements of the position is
used to advance column placement.
i. Positions which require a bachelor's degree + 2 years of vocational
experience in the subject area, or an associate degree + 6 years of
vocational experience in the subject area, will be placed on column
A, step 1.
ii. Positions which require a master's degree will result in initial
placement in column B, step 1.
iii. Faculty members who demonstrate the following will be placed on
column C, step 1:
a) completion of a master’s degree + 20 semester units of course
work (or the equivalent quarter units) toward the completion of
a more advanced degree related to their discipline, or
b) completion of 50 semester units (or the equivalent quarter
units) of course work in pursuit of a more advanced degree
related to their discipline.
iv. Faculty members who demonstrate the following will be placed on
column D, step 1:
a) completion of a master’s degree + 40 semester units of course
work (or the equivalent quarter units) toward the completion of
a more advanced degree related to their discipline, or
b) completion of 70 semester units (or the equivalent quarter
units) of course work in pursuit of a more advanced degree
related to their discipline.
v. Faculty members who demonstrate the following will be placed on
column E, step 1:
a) completion of a Doctoral degree reasonably related to the
discipline in which they were hired will be placed on column E,
step 1, or
b) completion of 90 semester units (or the equivalent quarter
units) of course work in pursuit of a more advanced degree
related to their discipline.
Salary: Article 29
175 -
b. Step Placement
i. Experience in Higher Education: Experience beyond the
minimum qualifications for the position as a faculty member in an
accredited community college, college, or university is considered
for advancing step placement on the salary schedule. Each year of
full-time employment, or the accrual of part-time employment to the
equivalent of full-time (FTE), beyond the minimum requirements of
the position will result in the initial placement advancing one step on
the salary column.
ii. Professional or Vocational Experience: Experience applicable to
the position for which the faculty member is hired shall be
considered for advancing initial step placement. Each 2 years of
full-time employment, or the accrual of part-time employment to the
equivalent of full-time (FTE), beyond the minimum requirements for
the position, will result in one step advancement on the salary
New employees may be allocated up to and including the highest step
listed on the column.
c. Doctoral Degree Differential
Upon demonstration of a completed doctoral degree, regular faculty
members shall be eligible to receive a differential of $461 per month. The
differential shall be paid out without regard to the specific assignment of
the faculty member. The differential is earned based on individual
educational accomplishment and is not contingent on a particular
assignment. Furthermore, it is paid in full in situations where the faculty
member is working 1.0 FTE but is fractionally assigned (e.g., a
Department Chair assigned 0.6 during the summer receives the full
doctoral differential) or where the faculty member is on a full paid leave.
Eligible faculty members who are working less than 1.0 FTE (all monthly
assignments combined) as faculty or are on a partial paid leave or reduced
workload leave receive a pro-rated doctoral differential.
d. Certificate Differentials
Upon demonstration of a completed certification or licensure listed on the
table below, regular faculty members shall be eligible to receive a
differential of $216 per month. Certificate differentials shall be paid out at
the full amount as long as the faculty member is working 1.0 FTE and is
assigned in a field covered by professional certificate, licensure, or
membership or is available for such an assignment or where the faculty
member is on a full paid leave. Eligible faculty members who are working
less than 1.0 FTE (all monthly assignments combined) as faculty or are on
a partial paid leave or reduced workload leave receive a pro-rated
certificate differential. The list of eligible fields is:
Salary: Article 29
176 -
Certificate or Membership Field Authorizing Entity
Airframe and Powerplant
Mechanic (A&P) License
Aircraft Maintenance
Federal Aviation
ASE-Certified Automobile
Technician (A series)
Automotive Technology
National Institute for
Automotive Service
Excellence (ASE)
ASE-Certified Master
Collision Repair Technician
(B series)
Automotive Technology
National Institute for
Automotive Service
Excellence (ASE)
ASE-Certified Master
Medium- Heavy Truck
Technician (T series)
Automotive Technology
National Institute for
Automotive Service
Excellence (ASE)
Certified Genetic Counselor
CA Dept. of Public Health
Certified Public Accountant
Business (Accounting)
California Board of
- General
- Air Conditioning and
- Carpentry
- Electrical
- Plumbing
Construction, Maintenance
& Utilities
Contractors State License
- Civil
- Chemical
- Electrical
- Land Surveyor
- Mechanical
- Metallurgical
- Petroleum
All-Engineering All
- Chemistry, Chem. Tech.
- Electrical & Electronics
- Mechanical Drafting
- Metallurgy
Board for Professional
Engineers, Land
Surveyors, and Geologists
Board for Professional
Engineers, Land
Surveyors, and Geologists
Landscape Architect
Architecture, Architectural
- Ornamental Horticulture,
Architectural Drafting
Landscape Architects
Technical Committee
Licensed Clinical Social
Worker (LCSW)
California Board of
Behavioral Sciences
Licensed Marriage and
Family Therapist (LMFT)
California Board of
Behavioral Sciences
Licensed Professional
Clinical Counselor (LPCC)
California Board of
Behavioral Sciences
Licensed Psychologist
Licensed Educational
Psychologist (LEP)
California Board of
California Board of
Behavioral Sciences
Medical Assistant
American Association of
Medical Assistants,
American Medical
Certification Association,
American Medical
Salary: Article 29
177 -
Technologists, California
Certifying Board of
Medical Assistants,
Multiskilled Medical
Certification Institute, Inc.
Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy Technician
Certification Board,
National Pharmacy
Technician Association
Phlebotomy Technician
California Department of
Public Health, American
Certification Agency,
American Medical
Technologist, National
Healthcare Association,
American Society of
Clinical Pathology,
National Center for
Competency Testing
Physical Therapist
Handicapped, Physical
Education, Occupational
Physical Therapy Board of
Medical Board of
Physician Assistant,
Physician Assistant
- Health
- Health Occupations
Physician Assistant Board
of California
Registered Dental Assistant
Dental Assisting
Dental Board of California
Registered Dental Hygienist
Dental Hygiene
Dental Hygiene Board of
Registered Dietician
Dietetics, Nutrition
Commission on Dietetic
Registered Health
Information Technician
Health Information
Technology and Health
Information Management
American Health
Information Management
Association (AHIMA)
Commission on
Accreditation for Health
Informatics and
Information Management
(CAHIIM) Education
Registered Nurse
Nurse, Nursing
Board of Registered
Nursing California
Registered Radiologist
Radiological Technology
American Registry of
Radiologic Technologists.
Registered Respiratory
Respiratory Therapy
Respiratory Care Board
Registered Veterinary
American Veterinary
Medical Association
Veterinary Medical Board
State Bar of California
State Bar of California
(See LACCD Personnel Guide B308 for details as to eligibility rules).
Salary: Article 29
178 -
e. Career Increments
Full-time faculty will receive base salary increases of 2.4% for each 3
years at Step 13, up to a maximum of 5 career increments. See salary
schedule in Appendix A.
f. Employees in Service
After initial allocation to the salary schedule, employees are limited to one
column advance per year. Employees may earn one step advance per
year either at the beginning of the first pay period within their regular
assignment basis or at the beginning of their first pay period which
commences on or after the beginning of the spring semester. Active
service for 130 days is required for step advance.
g. Differential Salary Rates
Regular, temporary, and substitute employees serving in the classes of
counselor, DSPS specialist, consulting instructor, college nurse, and Child
Development Center Director, and working 1.0 FTE (or on a full-paid
leave) shall receive the salary rates to which they are entitled on the
preparation schedule plus a salary differential of six hundred seventy-nine
dollars ($679) per pay period. When receiving a salary differential, the
differential shall be paid proportional to the assignment for which the
differential applies. For example, an individual who is assigned 0.5 as a
counselor and 0.5 as a classroom instructor will receive the counseling
salary differential for 0.5 of their assignment.
A Department Chair shall receive a responsibility differential of six hundred
seventy-nine dollars ($679) per pay period year-round, if eligible,
according to the provisions of Article 17. Faculty members will receive a
full chair responsibility differential for the length of that assignment
regardless of the amount of FTE reassigned time allotted for the particular
department. This requires that the faculty member work year-round to
carry out the chair duties as defined in Article 17. Department Chairs shall
receive the full responsibility differential when on full-paid leave and shall
receive a pro-rated differential when on a partial paid leave.
Faculty members receiving differentials who are on released or reassigned
time or organizational leave for the AFT 1521 or for service as college
Academic Senate Presidents or as District Academic Senate President
shall receive the same differential they would have received if they were
not released.
h. Supplemental Instructor Rate. Supplemental Instructor rate is a flat rate
of $73.31 per hour.
i. Faculty Mentor. $813.42 per year.
j. Over-base Differential (Credit or Noncredit)
Salary: Article 29
179 -
The District shall augment campus budgets to fund the over-base
differential for faculty members assigned to disciplines listed in Table A,
Article 13, with a Standard Teaching Load of more than 18 Teaching
Hours per semester. The Over-base Differential (Credit or Noncredit):
$424 per pay period for 1 standard hour beyond 18, $849 per pay period
for 2 standard hours beyond 18, and $1,273 per pay period for 3 or more
standard hours beyond 18.
k. Non-English Instructional Programs
Faculty not typically required by minimum qualifications for their
assignment to provide instruction in a language other than English and
who are subsequently assigned to provide instruction in a language other
than English are eligible for a non-English pay differential. Faculty shall be
compensated with a differential of $134 per calendar month of the
l. Dual Enrollment Instruction
Faculty assigned dual enrollment courses or teaching on-site at a high
school shall receive a Dual Enrollment differential of $134 per calendar
month of the assignment.
m. Clinical Facility Requirements
Faculty shall be compensated at $100.00 per day for their attendance at
any training or orientation required by clinical or hospital facilities prior to
faculty admittance to their facility.
E. Adjunct Rate: (See Appendix "A” for Salary Schedules).
All term-length adjunct assignments will be paid following the 5/1/5/1 or 2 level
payroll patterns for assignments in fall/winter/spring/summer. Substitute
assignments will receive pay at the end of the payroll month(s) during which the
assignment occurred.
1. Rating In: Step Placement
New employees are placed on the first step of the relevant column of the
schedule until evidence of experience is submitted and evaluated. The District
shall complete the rating-in process, using standardized criteria, within forty-
five (45) working days. If the District does not meet this timeline, the applicant
shall be moved to Step 2 of the relevant faculty salary schedule pertaining to
their assignment until the rating in process is completed.
a. Experience as a faculty member beyond the minimum qualifications for the
position in an accredited college or university or a certificated employee in
a community college is considered for advancing initial step placement on
the salary schedule. Each year of full-time experience, or the accrual of
employment to full-time equivalency (FTE), will result in initial placement
advancing one step. New employees may be allocated up to the highest
step listed on the column.
Salary: Article 29
180 -
b. Professional or Vocational Experience
Experience applicable to the position for which the faculty member is hired
shall be considered for advancing initial step placement. Each 2 years of
full-time employment, or the accrual of part-time employment to the
equivalent of full-time (FTE), beyond the minimum requirements for the
position, will result in initial placement advancing one step New employees
may be allocated up to the highest step listed on the column.
2. Monthly rate faculty members with probationary or tenured status and an
additional hourly rate assignment are placed on column M for the additional
assignment. An employee with permanent District status as an educational
administrator is placed on column M when assigned as an adjunct rate faculty
member. An employee with permanent District status as a classified
employee is placed on column L when assigned as an adjunct rate faculty
3. Career Increment
True Adjunct Faculty who have received pay at the highest step on the hourly
rate schedule(s) for three consecutive (3) years are eligible to receive a base
salary increase of 3.2%. True Adjunct Faculty who have been so paid for six
(6) years are eligible to receive an additional base salary increase of 3.2%.
F. Pay by Course
The total salary per term for one standard hour of credit or noncredit teaching,
using the pay by course method, is equal to 20 times the rate shown in the
(DESK or FESK) schedule (See appendix "A"). For all schedules, column K has
3.2% between steps. DESK is for credit teaching in fall, winter, spring and
summer. For noncredit teaching in column K, the office hour differential per
standard hour is 20 times the rate shown above. Regular classified with adjunct
credit is on column L.
G. Equity
1. As of July 1,2023, the $xxx hourly equity allocation from the State will, if
continued, result in continued payment of an equity payment to credit adjunct
teachers in disciplines with fulltime Standard Teaching Hours from 12 to 18
inclusive, as shown in Table A of Article 13, in Fall, Winter, Spring and
2. The method for this equity payment distribution has been agreed to be a
differential on the adjunct credit teaching schedule DESK, contingent upon
3. The equity 1 differential is calculated in accordance with Appendix L (2008-03
Appendix A State Part-time Equity Differential). Any applicable percent
increase will then be applied to the equity 1 differential for the 2023-24, 2024-
25, and 2025-26 academic years. The total spent for all of equity 1 for a
particular academic year constitutes the “funds spent” (FS), as used in
Appendix L (2008-03). Appendix A State Part-time Equity Differential.
Salary: Article 29
181 -
H. Schedules for Adjunct Rate Employees (See Appendix A)
1. (DESK) Adjunct Schedule for Part-Time For-Credit Instructional assignments.
2. (EESK) Adjunct Schedule for Part-Time Non-Instructional assignments, Non-
Classroom replacement assignments, and substitute service assignments.
3. (GESK) Adjunct Schedule for For-Credit Instructional Day to Day Substitute
4. (FESK) Adjunct Schedule for Part-Time Noncredit Instructional assignments
and substitute Part-Time Noncredit Instructional assignments.
5. An employee serving as an adjunct substitute instructor shall be paid at their
regular adjunct step for such substitute assignment.
I. Athletic Coaching Stipends: (See Appendix "A” for Stipend Amounts)
1. Athletic Coaching Stipends are determined by Article 14.D.8.
2. Athletic Coaching Stipend for Playoffs as of July 1, 2023. All amounts
herein are subject to increases as described in section B of this Article: (all
coaching assignments, except walk-on assistant coach).
a. $839 per week for up to three weeks in a single payment at the end of the
month during which the last playoff week concludes.
b. Athletic Director Stipend. $2687per intercollegiate sport offered at the
college, except if the college offers football, which counts for two stipends.
3. Coaching stipends will be paid in two or three or four level payments at
regular monthly pay dates, and depending on the activity in question, the last
level payment will occur at the end of the month during which the regular
season concludes.
Wage-Step Placement: Article 30
182 -
Article 30 (Return to Table of Contents)
Wage-Step Placement
A. Upon initial employment full-time faculty shall be granted salary credit for full-time
paid experience in a capacity which directly relates to their assignment in the
academic (classroom and non-classroom) and vocational disciplines listed in
Tables A and B in Article 13 and for the service position of College Nurse (listed
in Table B).
B. Experience credit for rating in purposes shall be granted in the following manner
as indicated in Appendix A, one additional step for every two years of experience
up to the limit set by the column placement, except that new employee
experience as a faculty member in an accredited college or university, or as an
academic employee in a public or private school shall be granted on the basis of
one year of experience for each step on the salary schedule.
Academic Institution
14 or more
7 or more
C. Step advance shall be granted each year in accordance with Administrative
Procedure 7130, Compensation.
Column Placement: Article 31
183 -
Article 31 (Return to Table of Contents)
Column Placement
A. All newly hired monthly rate members of the bargaining unit shall be placed on
the salary schedule in accordance with evaluation of preparation. New faculty
members may be allocated up to and including Column E in accordance with
District rules and regulations. (See Appendix A. A 1.)
B. For column advancement after employment, point credit for lower division
courses will be granted in accordance with District rules and regulations. For
courses taken in the Los Angeles Community College District after employment,
column advancement credit shall be granted in accordance with District rules and
regulations only when the proposed course(s) is (are) approved by the College
President as being appropriate for the development of the faculty member.
Committees: Article 32
184 -
Article 32 (Return to Table of Contents)
A. The District and the AFT 1521 recognize that decision-making in an academic
environment is generally made via committee. Committees may address union
issues of wages, hours, and working conditions, or shared governance concerns
such as facilities oversight, educational planning, resource allocation, and long-
term strategic goal setting. Committees that are negotiated as part of this
Agreement shall include AFT 1521 and Academic Senate participation as
designated. All committees should operate under the principles of participatory
decision-making. In each instance where AFT 1521 committee membership is
designated; the AFT 1521 Chapter President shall select those faculty member(s)
to serve. In each instance where Academic Senate committee membership is
designated, the Academic Senate President shall select those faculty member(s)
to serve.
B. Committee Participation. Every full-time monthly rate faculty member shall
serve on at least one departmental, college, or District-wide committee or
equivalent. Temporary adjunct faculty are eligible to serve on department and
college-wide committees. Temporary adjunct faculty, elected, selected, or
appointed to committee membership shall receive compensation for committee
service, the provisions of Article 13.C.2 regarding adjunct compensation for
ancillary duties shall apply.
C. College Committees. Each college shall establish the committees required by
the Agreement. Recommended committees may be established to address local
college governance needs and issues. In practice, committees at specific
colleges may vary from the guidelines provided below.
1. Budget Committee (required). Each college shall establish a budget
committee, which includes representation from the faculty. The number of
AFT 1521 faculty representatives in such a budget committee shall be equal
to the number of Academic Senate faculty representatives.
2. Calendar Committee (required) (see Article 10).
3. Curriculum Committee (required). Each college shall establish a curriculum
committee under the auspices of the Academic Senate. The majority of the
committee's members are faculty members selected by the faculty. At least
one member of this committee shall be chosen by the AFT 1521 to represent
the AFT 1521. The chair of this committee shall be a faculty member.
4. Distance Learning (DL) Committee (required) (see Article 40).
5. Educational Planning Committee or equivalent (required). A college
should establish an educational planning committee or equivalent under the
auspices of the Academic Senate as defined in Title 5 (academic and
Committees: Article 32
185 -
professional matters) to address issues related to its educational program,
including academic programs and enrollment issues, such as strategies to
manage enrollment during active enrollment periods. When such a committee
exists, AFT 1521 representation shall be included.
6. Facilities Planning Committee (recommended). A college may establish a
facilities’ planning committee to address issues regarding the college’s
facilities planning. When such a committee exists, equal AFT 1521 and
Academic Senate faculty representation shall be included.
7. Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee or equivalent (required). A college
shall establish a faculty position hiring prioritization committee or equivalent
a. the auspices of its Academic Senate; or
b. its participatory governance committee with the consent of its Academic
Senate to recommend hiring prioritization for tenure track faculty positions
and temporary replacement faculty positions.
AFT 1521 representation shall be included (see also Article 33).
8. Information Technology Committee (recommended). A college should
establish an information technology committee to address issues regarding
the college's use of technology. Equal AFT 1521 and Academic Senate
faculty representation should be included on this committee.
9. Intersession Committees (required) (see Article 15 D).
10. Peer Evaluation Committees (required). Faculty performance is evaluated
by a peer review process, which generally entails the formation of a peer
review committee (see Articles 19 and 42).
11. Professional Growth Committee (required) (see Article 23).
12. Satellite or Offsite Oversight Committee (recommended). A college may
establish a satellite or offsite oversight committee to address issues regarding
the operation of college satellite or offsite locations. When such a committee
exists, equal AFT 1521 and Academic Senate faculty representation shall be
13. Shared Governance Committee (required). A college shall establish a
shared governance committee to address issues regarding the college's
shared governance activities. Equal AFT 1521 and Academic Senate faculty
representation shall be included on this committee.
14. Work Environment Committee (required) (see Article 9).
D. Compensation for Committee Chairs. The terms and conditions of
compensation, if any, for Committee Chairs (other than Work Environment
Committee see Article 9) shall be determined by the College President in
consultation with the AFT 1521 Chapter President, and the Academic Senate
President at the beginning of each academic year.
Committees: Article 32
186 -
E. District Committees
1. The District Budget Committee (DBC). The DBC shall address issues of
district-wide concern regarding revenue, enrollment targets and expenditures
and shall include representation from the faculty. The number of AFT 1521
faculty representatives in the DBC shall be equal to the number of Academic
Senate faculty representatives.
2. Joint Labor Management Benefits Committee (JLMBC) (See Article 27).
3. Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee. The District shall
establish an Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee as
described in Title 5 Section 53005. The committee shall include
representation from the faculty. At least one member of the committee shall
be chosen by the AFT 1521. The committee shall assist the District in
developing and implementing an equal employment opportunity plan (Title 5
Section 53003).
F. Formation of Committees. Any time the parties agree to establish a joint
committee or committees to meet on a regular basis, discussing areas of
mutual interest, such as contractual issues and improved efficiencies in
District operations, conducting discussions using interest-based-bargaining
(IBB), or other mutual problem-solving methods, the District shall provide the
training and support (which may include compensation or reassigned time as
agreed to by the AFT 1521 and the District) necessary for this effort.
Replacement and New Faculty Positions: Article 33
187 -
Article 33 (Return to Table of Contents)
Replacement and New Faculty Positions
A. Hiring Prioritization Process for Replacements and New Faculty Positions.
Whenever a faculty member is on long term leave or reassignment, or separates
from the District for any reason, the College President will seek input from the
faculty with regard to replacement of the faculty member. A Faculty Hiring
Prioritization Committee or its equivalent as described in Article 32 is required to
make a recommendation if the College President has not made a decision with
regard to replacement of the faculty member within 30 working days. This
committee shall also recommend hiring prioritization for new tenure track faculty
positions and temporary replacement faculty positions.
B. Prioritization Criteria for Replacements and New Faculty Positions.
The following criteria shall be considered by the Faculty Hiring Prioritization
Committee or its equivalent (and ultimately by the College President) in making
replacement and new faculty position decisions:
1. the Educational Master Plan
2. program viability
3. staffing needs (including the goal of maintaining or increasing the college's
ratio of full-time to part-time faculty)
4. program needs
5. enrollment
6. financial resources
7. assignments in a discipline where the load consistently staffed by adjunct
faculty for more than three years exceeds two (2) full time positions.
C. Recommendation for Replacements
In the absence of a recommendation from the Faculty Hiring Prioritization
Committee to the contrary, the following default recommendation for
replacements applies:
Faculty positions vacated, for any reason, for any length of time, should be
replaced with temporary or new contract faculty. Any full-time faculty position
permanently vacated should be filled with a regular or contract (tenure track)
faculty member within, whenever possible, two (2) years.
D. Response to Committee Recommendations.
Should the College President determine not to replace the employee or
otherwise deviate from recommendations for the hiring of new faculty positions,
Replacement and New Faculty Positions: Article 33
188 -
the reasons for the decision(s) shall be in writing to the Faculty Hiring
Prioritization Committee (or equivalent) with a copy to the affected Department
Chair(s), the AFT 1521, and the Academic Senate.
Should the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources determine not to replace the
employee, the reasons for the decision shall be in writing to the College
President, who will then notify the appropriate College representatives.
E. Hiring Adjuncts as Faculty Replacements.
When a college assigns classes to adjunct faculty in a discipline in lieu of
replacing a regular full-time faculty position, the Faculty Hiring Prioritization
Committee (or equivalent), the affected Department Chair, and the AFT 1521
Chapter President shall be notified in writing within ten (10) working days of the
number of hours or classes assigned.
Transfers: Article 34
189 -
Article 34 (Return to Table of Contents)
A. Voluntary Permanent Transfers by Selection
1. Definition. A voluntary transfer is one requested by the faculty member and is
a permanent change of location (from one campus to another). In addition,
a. A faculty member may request a change of subject field with transfer.
b. A faculty member may change from one class code to another with
c. All transfers under Article 34.A are subject to the selection process.
2. Basic Policy
a. Tenure rights do not extend to any particular assignment or location.
Requests for transfer of location shall be considered when vacancies
occur, but there is no obligation to select faculty members who have
requested transfer over other eligible candidates when filling vacancies.
b. The filing of a Request for Transfer is without prejudice to the faculty
member. It does not jeopardize their present assignment. A Request for
Transfer may be withdrawn by the faculty member at any time prior to the
official confirmation that the requested transfer has been affected.
c. Voluntary transfers shall be limited to faculty members with permanent
status. Faculty members in their final probationary year who have served
that complete school year, by having served at least 75 percent of the
maintained days or 75 percent of the full-time hours, may submit a
Request for Transfer for the following academic year. (See EC87468,
3. Transfer Requests
a. An eligible faculty member has the privilege of requesting a transfer to
another college, subject to the following conditions:
i. The faculty member shall submit to the Human Resources Division
an official form, Request for Transfer, Form C287. Transfer requests
shall be accepted on a continuous filing basis. Request for Transfer
forms are available at each college and from the Human Resources
Division. Faculty members submitting a Request for Transfer form
should attach an updated resume to the form.
ii. The Human Resources Division shall issue an acknowledgement to
the applicant and, if the applicant is eligible, file a copy of the Request
for Transfer (and a copy of the resume if submitted) along with the
applications of the other applicants in the eligible pool.
Transfers: Article 34
190 -
b. Each hiring committee shall be provided with a list of eligible applicants
which includes transfer applicants.
c. Transfer applicants shall be considered with candidates in eligible pools.
Transfer applicants shall be offered an interview each time interviews are
scheduled to fill a permanent position at a location where they have
requested a transfer.
d. Requests for transfers properly submitted and approved shall be given
consideration. Except under special circumstances, consideration shall not
be given to the transfer request of any faculty member until they have
served a minimum of two (2) years at any college to which they were
transferred at their own request.
e. Requests for transfer are valid until June 30 of the second academic year
immediately following the academic year in which the application is filed. A
new application must be filed in order to be considered after this period.
f. A master list of faculty members who have requested a permanent transfer
(as well as faculty members who have requested a temporary transfer
under Section B of this Article) shall be provided to the AFT 1521 by May 1
of each year. Form letter notification shall be sent at the same time to all
faculty members on the list.
B. Temporary Transfer of Employees (Voluntary)
1. Definition. A temporary transfer is a change of location to serve during the
absence of a faculty member on leave or to fill a temporary vacancy. In
a. A faculty member may request a change of subject field with temporary
b. A faculty member may change from one class code to another with
temporary transfer.
c. All temporary transfers under Article 34.B are subject to the selection
2. Basic Policy
a. Temporary transfers shall be limited to faculty members with permanent
status. Faculty members in their final probationary year who have served
that complete year, by having served at least 75 percent of the maintained
days or 75 percent of the full-time hours, may submit a Request for
Transfer for the following academic year. (See Education Code 87468,
b. Requesting a temporary transfer is without prejudice to the faculty
c. Temporary transfers are limited to periods not to exceed one year.
Transfers: Article 34
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d. Temporary transfers may be extended on a yearly basis upon agreement
of all parties to the initial transfer or exchange (see 3. e and f).
3. Temporary Transfer Request Procedure
a. A request for temporary transfer shall be submitted as indicated on Form
C774, Request for Temporary Transfer or Exchange-Faculty. Temporary
transfer requests shall be accepted on a continuous filing basis. The
Request for Temporary Transfer or Exchange form is available at each
college and from the Human Resources Division.
b. The request shall include the acknowledgment signature of the College
President or Vice Chancellor where the faculty member is currently
c. The College President or Vice Chancellor shall forward the Request for
Temporary Transfer or Exchange form to the Human Resources Division.
d. The Human Resources Division shall issue an acknowledgment to the
applicant and, if the applicant is eligible for consideration, send copies of
the request to each of the colleges included in the request.
e. No temporary transfer can be made without the approval of the Presidents
of both colleges or vice chancellors and the persons involved at the time a
specific temporary transfer is proposed.
f. Temporary transfer applicants shall be considered along with other
candidates in the eligible pool when filling the position of a faculty member
on leave. Transfer applicants shall be offered interviews for each opening
as it occurs at a college to which a temporary transfer is requested.
g. Approved requests for temporary transfer shall be eligible for consideration
for two academic years following the academic year in which the
application is filed.
C. Voluntary Exchange
1. Definition. A temporary voluntary exchange is a voluntary transfer of two
faculty members each to the other's position.
2. Basic Policy
a. Temporary exchanges shall be limited to faculty members with permanent
b. Temporary exchanges are limited to periods not to exceed one year.
c. Temporary exchanges may be extended on a yearly basis upon
agreement of all parties to the initial exchange (see 3. e).
3. Temporary Exchange Request Procedure
a. A request for temporary exchange shall be submitted as indicated on Form
C774, Request for Temporary Transfer or Exchange-Faculty. Temporary
exchange requests shall be accepted on a continuous filing basis. The
Transfers: Article 34
192 -
Request for Temporary Transfer or Exchange form is available at each
college and from the Human Resources Division.
b. The request shall include the acknowledgment signature of the College
President or Vice Chancellor where the faculty member is currently
c. The College President or Vice Chancellor shall forward the Request for
Temporary Transfer or Exchange form to the Human Resources Division.
d. The Human Resources Division shall issue an acknowledgment to the
applicant and, if the applicant is eligible for consideration, send copies of
the request to each of the colleges included in the request.
e. A voluntary temporary exchange of two persons requires the mutual
consent of both persons and the approval of the Presidents of both
colleges or vice chancellors after consultation with the departments
affected and does not require the faculty selection process.
f. Approved requests for temporary exchange shall be eligible for
consideration for two academic years following the academic year in which
the application is filed.
g. After a temporary exchange has been in place for two years, it may be
made permanent by the consent of both persons and the approval of the
Presidents of both colleges or vice chancellors, after consultation with and
consent of the departments affected.
D. Administrative Transfer (Voluntary or Involuntary)
1. Definition. An administrative transfer is a change of location of a faculty
member which was initiated by the administration; such transfer may be
involuntary or voluntary.
2. An administrative transfer may be made for one or more of the following
a. Enrollment increase or decrease
b. Comparative staffing
c. Establishment or elimination of programs
d. Interpersonal conflicts within a department that negatively affect the
educational program or the functioning of the department
e. Compelling reasons of personal safety
f. Conflicts of interest
3. Whenever the District proposes such a transfer it shall:
a. Identify the need for additional faculty members by discipline and college,
when reasons 2.a, 2.b or 2.c above are cited.
Transfers: Article 34
193 -
b. Identify one or more colleges from which such a transfer could occur with
limited adverse effect, when reasons 2.a, 2.b, or 2.c above are cited.
c. Provide the AFT 1521 with the name and the reason for the proposed
d. Provide in writing to the faculty member being transferred the reason for
the transfer.
4. When reasons 2.a, 2.b or 2.c above are cited, such involuntary administrative
transfers for classroom teachers may only be made at the start of the fall
semester or the start of the spring semester and with a four (4) week prior
notice. Non-classroom faculty members shall receive a minimum 45-day
notice prior to such transfer.
5. The District’s Human Resources Division will take the following actions when
an involuntary administrative transfer is to be made and reasons 2.a, 2.b or
2.c above are cited.
a. Review the voluntary transfer list to determine if anyone serving at one of
the colleges identified for possible reduction in an appropriate subject or
service area has a request on file to transfer to the college where an
additional staff member is needed. A faculty member who has been
reassigned out of a discipline and who prefers transfer to reassignment
shall be allowed to enter their name on the voluntary transfer list for the
discipline from which they were reassigned.
i. If only one voluntary transfer is available* whose transfer would
have limited adverse effect, that faculty member will be
administratively transferred.
ii. If two or more voluntary transfers are available* whose transfer
would have limited adverse effect, the campus where the need
exists shall interview those faculty members and submit a
recommendation according to the selection process (Personnel
Guide B 473).
iii. If no voluntary transfers are available* as described above, proceed
to step b.
* Those person(s) on the transfer list who are currently at colleges
identified in Section D.3.b. above.
b. Identify the faculty member with the least district seniority serving at each
of the locations identified for possible reduction in the subject or service
area (as defined in Appendix E, Discipline Lists) needed for transfer. If
only one location has been identified for possible reduction, the faculty
member with the least district seniority in the identified subject or service
area shall be administratively transferred to the new location. Whenever
more than one location has been identified for possible reduction, the least
senior faculty member in the identified subject or service area shall be
transferred. If faculty members in the identified subject or service area
Transfers: Article 34
194 -
have the same seniority date, the administrative transfer shall be
determined by assigned random number.
6. No person involuntarily transferred shall be involuntarily transferred again until
all faculty members in the discipline at the receiving college or location have
been involuntarily transferred.
7. In all instances except D.2.d, D.2.e, or D.2.f above, any person involuntarily
transferred shall have the right to return to their discipline on the campus from
which they have been transferred should a vacancy occur at the location. The
vacancy cannot be filled by other candidates until the involuntarily transferred
person has been offered the position.
8. The person being involuntarily transferred may appeal to the Chancellor or
designee only on the basis of physical disability or medical condition. If the
appeal is denied, the transfer shall be made. If the appeal is granted, the next
least senior person shall be transferred. That person shall also have appeal
9. In cases of involuntary transfer under D.2.d, D.2.e, or D.2.f, if the transferred
faculty member wishes to maintain their adjunct assignment at the location
from which the transfer is initiated and has adjunct seniority at that location,
they shall file a timely request in writing to the administration at that location
that the adjunct assignment be maintained. The administration shall, after
receiving such a request from such a faculty member, consult with the
department involved and the campus AFT 1521 and make a good faith effort
to establish suitable arrangements for maintaining the adjunct assignment,
consistent with the obligation to avoid conflict and preserve safety. If, after
such process the administration and the campus AFT 1521 agree that the
adjunct assignment can be maintained, the assignment shall be maintained.
Otherwise, written notice of the reason for non-maintenance of the
assignment shall be provided to the faculty member by the administration and
the AFT 1521.
Reassignment Including Position Leave: Article 35
195 -
Article 35 (Return to Table of Contents)
Reassignment Including Position Leave
A. Definition. A reassignment is an assignment at the same location of a faculty
member to a discipline in which the faculty member is qualified and competent to
serve but a majority of which is in a different department or discipline than that to
which the faculty member is usually assigned.
B. Reassignment (Voluntary)
1. A faculty member may request a reassignment to a department or discipline in
which a vacancy exists. Such request shall be made in writing to the College
President with a copy to the Department Chair of the department or discipline
to which the faculty member requests reassignment.
2. If the reassignment is approved by the College President and the department
or discipline to which it has been requested, it shall be made. If the
reassignment is not so approved, the reasons for non-approval shall be
provided in writing to the faculty member.
C. Reassignment, Administrative (Involuntary)
1. An administrative reassignment may be made for one or more of the following
a. Enrollment increase or decrease.
b. Establishment or elimination of programs.
c. Interpersonal conflicts within a department that negatively affect the
educational program or the functioning of the department.
2. Involuntary Administrative reassignments for classroom teachers may be
made only at the start of the fall semester or the start of the spring semester.
Non-classroom unit members may be reassigned at any time as needed.
3. An involuntary reassignment shall be made by the College President or their
designee only after meeting and conferring with the faculty member, the
faculty member's current Department Chair, and the faculty member's
proposed new Department Chair. Prior to this meeting, the College President
or their designee shall provide to the parties the reasons for the reassignment
and the reasons for the selection of the new assignment.
4. In all instances except 1.c. above in which a reassignment is required,
reassignment shall be in reverse discipline seniority.
5. Whenever possible, notice of an involuntary reassignment shall be given at
least six weeks prior to the start of the semester in which the faculty member
is scheduled to assume the new assignment.
6. Whenever possible, an involuntary reassignment shall not be made unless the
employee has been afforded the right to transfer to another college in the field
of their current discipline or department assignment.
Other Benefits: Article 36
196 -
Article 36 (Return to Table of Contents)
Other Benefits
A. Retirement Plan Options for Faculty Who Are Not Mandatory STRS DB Plan
Members. The District shall provide every faculty member who is not a
mandatory STRS Defined Benefit Plan member with the option of participating in
one of the following retirement savings plans:
1. The STRS Cash Balance Plan with the employee contributing 4% of their
creditable earnings and the District contributing 4% of the employee's
creditable earnings. This plan is the default plan option for all faculty
represented by the AFT 1521 who are not mandatory STRS Defined Benefit
Plan members, according to statute; or
2. The STRS Defined Benefit Plan, if the employee is eligible, with the employee
and the District each contributing a percent of the faculty member's creditable
earnings as prescribed by law (currently 8.15%for the employee and 8.88%
for the District), and with the District using 600 Standard Teaching Hours per
year (fifteen per week times forty weeks per year) as the basis for determining
a classroom faculty member's full year of service credit when teaching in a 15
hour (per semester) contractual load. For all other contractual loads, the
parties will proportionately adjust the annual standard working hours as
indicated in Table A below. However, the number of hours reported annually
for service credit will not fall below 525 standard teaching hours.
Table A
Load or Semester
Annual Standard Teaching Hours
Reported to CalSTRS
Should be 480 hours but minimum required by Education Code is 525 hours
Unused Illness Leave Days which temporary adjunct faculty accrue will apply
toward their retirement if they are participating in the STRS DB plan; or
3. Social Security with the employee contributing 6.2% of their creditable
earnings and the District contributing 6.2% of the employee's creditable
earnings; or
Other Benefits: Article 36
197 -
4. Public Agency Retirement System (PARS) with the employee contributing
3.5% of their creditable earnings and the District contributing 4.0% of the
employee's creditable earnings.
B. Retirement Information. The District will maintain staff to serve as a resource on
retirement system issues. The District will maintain a section on its website to
provide up-to-date information on its retirement options.
Maintenance of Dues Checkoff: Article 37
198 -
Article 37 (Return to Table of Contents)
Maintenance of Dues Checkoff
A. The District shall deduct and make appropriate remittance to AFT 1521 all dues
as regulated by the dues structure of AFT 1521, within thirty (30) days of the
deduction, in accordance with the following:
1. The District shall deduct AFT 1521 dues in accordance with Article 8, Section
2. Any unit member who is paying dues through payroll deduction may stop
making payments by giving written notice to AFT 1521 pursuant to the
Authorization for Dues Withholding from Earnings section of the AFT 1521
membership form. The District will honor the employee's dues authorization
unless the AFT 1521 notifies the District in writing that the employee has
revoked such authorization. The District will not stop the dues deduction until
notified by AFT 1521.
3. For each payroll period, the District shall provide the AFT 1521 a list of unit
members for whom dues deductions have been made. The list shall include
deductions for dues and indicate the amount withheld from each unit member.
4. The District shall not be liable to the AFT 1521 by reason of the requirements
of this Article for the remittance or payment of any sum other than that
constituting actual deductions made from the wages earned by the employee.
The AFT 1521 agrees that it shall pay reasonable attorney fees, indemnify,
and save harmless the District, its officers, employees and agents against any
and all claims, demands, actions, or proceedings for any liability arising from
compliance with this Article, or, in reliance on any list, notice, certification or
authorization furnished under this Article. The AFT 1521, in addition, agrees it
should refund to District any sums paid to it in error.
Faculty with Noncredit Assignments: Article 38
199 -
Article 38 (Return to Table of Contents)
Faculty with Noncredit Assignments
A. This article applies to faculty teaching noncredit classes. Faculty teaching
noncredit classes are those employees in the bargaining unit who are employed
or assigned to teach noncredit classes approved by the State Chancellor in
accordance with Section 55100 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations,
and for which the District receives funding under Education Code Section 84757
and related statutory and regulatory provisions.
Individuals who are employed to perform services in connection with community
service and other not-for-credit classes, or whose assignments do not require
them to meet the minimum qualifications specified in Section 53412 of Title 5 of
the California Code of Regulations, are not faculty teaching noncredit classes.
B. Faculty teaching noncredit classes shall be responsible for meeting their
assigned classes on time and regularly. They shall also be responsible for class
preparation, the timely submission of all required records, including daily and final
positive attendance rosters, grade rosters (P, SP, NP, or*), and all required
district, federal, and state records and reports. Each full-time faculty member
assigned to teach noncredit classes shall maintain a schedule of office hours
each week at a reasonable time for student consultation. The faculty member
shall inform their students of the time and place of the office hours by including
the schedule in the syllabus for each class that is a part of the faculty member's
assignment. Upon request from the Department Chair or supervising
administrator, the faculty member shall furnish that person with a copy of the
schedule. The schedule shall include 10 minutes of office hours for each
standard hour that is a part of the faculty members assignment.
Compensation for Noncredit Class Cancellation. When a noncredit class
assigned to a faculty member is cancelled after the start of the semester, the
faculty member shall be paid for any time worked.
C. full-time load for faculty teaching noncredit classes shall be twenty-four standard
class hours per week (See chart in Article 13).
D. Adjunct Rate Assignment, Retention and Seniority for faculty teaching noncredit
classes shall be determined in the same manner as faculty teaching credit
classes, as stated in Article 16.
E. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, or any references to
"all salary schedules" (or words of similar import) in any subsequent agreement
between the parties regarding compensation, adjunct faculty teaching noncredit
classes shall be paid according to the Adjunct Schedules for Part-time Noncredit
Faculty set forth in Appendix A.
F. Temporary (True) Adjunct Faculty teaching noncredit classes shall receive the
office hour differential as described in Article 13.C.4.
G. Assignments to teach noncredit classes are coded as listed in Appendix H.
Load Banking: Article 39
200 -
Article 39 (Return to Table of Contents)
Load Banking
A. Load banking is a means by which tenured faculty members may earn load credit
instead of salary for assignments that are beyond their standard assignment
under Article 13, "bank" that credit so that it is retained over time and use it
during a future academic term to receive a reduced assignment without loss of
pay or a paid Load Credit Leave.
1. Eligible Participants. Eligibility to participate in load banking under this
Article is limited to faculty members who are regular employees and who are
not consulting instructors, instructors’ special assignment, or Child
Development Center Directors or teachers. No faculty member shall be
entitled to an assignment merely because they are participating in load
banking, nor shall anything in this Article be construed as providing any right
to an assignment not otherwise provided by some other provision of this
2. Assignment Banking. The phrase "assignments that are beyond their
standard assignment" may include:
a. Adjunct assignments that are completed in addition to the annual load
obligation; and or
b. Intersession assignments that are completed in addition to the annual load
obligation; and or
c. For full D basis non-classroom faculty, adjunct assignments worked during
non-duty days, vacation, and holiday days on which they agree ahead of
time to work and for which they receive no compensatory time; and or
d. For C basis counselors, extra assignments during the two weeks prior to
the start of the fall semester for which no compensatory time is received.
3. A single term Load Credit Leave may be combined with a Sabbatical Leave
subject to the stipulations in B.3. below.
B. An eligible faculty member who wishes to participate in load banking under this
Article shall consult with their Department Chair to develop a Load Banking Plan
1. The assignments for which the faculty member intends to receive load credit
in lieu of pay;
2. The academic term during which the faculty member intends to apply their
accumulated load credit to receive a reduced assignment or Load Credit
Leave; and
3. Other terms, conditions and commitments that need to be established to
ensure the least amount of disruption to the college's programs and services.
Load Banking: Article 39
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4. The plan shall be submitted to the appropriate Vice President in writing for
final approval.
C. Any tenured faculty member who has an approved Load Banking Plan and who
accepts an eligible additional assignment during any academic term may choose
to receive load credit for the assignment in lieu of pay. The amount of load credit
the faculty member receives shall be determined by calculating the portion of a
full load the additional assignment represents.
D. During any single term a faculty member may bank no less than one Standard
Hour nor more than the number of Standard Hours listed in the table below:
Standard Load in the Discipline
Maximum Number Standard hours that
may be banked during one single term
12 5*
15 6
18 7
21 8
30 12
* May bank full load 6 Standard Hours in an intersession
E. The maximum amount of load credit a faculty member may accumulate under
this Article is the number of hours of load credit needed to permit the faculty
member to receive a full-time Load Credit Leave for one academic term.
F. When a faculty member has accumulated sufficient load credit, they may request
a reduced assignment for one academic term or a Load Credit Leave. The
request must be submitted to the faculty member's Department Chair (with a
copy to the Vice President) in writing at least four months before the start of the
academic term during which the faculty member proposes to take the reduced
assignment or Load Credit Leave.
1. If the faculty member requests to schedule the reduced assignment or Load
Credit Leave for an academic term other than the academic term specified in
the faculty member's approved Load Banking Plan, the request must be
approved by the appropriate Vice President at least four months before the
start of the academic term during which the faculty member proposes to take
the reduced assignment or Load Credit Leave.
- 202 -
2. If the faculty member requests a reduced assignment, they may ask for a
reduction of up to five (standard) hours per week (but not less than a whole
course or equivalent whole assignment) at a rate of one (standard) hour of
load credit for each (standard) hour per week of reduction in assignment.
3. If the faculty member requests a Load Credit Leave, they shall ask for either a
half-time leave of absence or a full-time leave of absence at a rate of one
(standard) hour of load credit for each hour per week of leave plus an
additional number of (standard) hours of load credit as follows:
Full-time Assignment
(standard hours per week)
Additional Standard Hours or Week
of Load Credit
teaching faculty 3
librarians and others with an
assignment of 30 hours
counselors and others with an
assignment of 35 hours
Note: The additional standard hours obligation entitles the faculty member to
one full-time load credit leave of absence for one academic term or up to two
half-time load credit leaves of absence for two academic terms, as specified in
the faculty member’s Load Banking Plan.
G. A faculty member's request for a reduced assignment or a Load Credit Leave
shall, if it conforms to the requirements of Section F, above, be approved unless
the Vice President, in consultation with the program or Department Chairperson,
determines that approving the request will seriously impair the operation of the
faculty member's program or department because too many faculty members will
be on leave or otherwise absent during the academic term, or a suitable
replacement for the faculty member cannot be retained for the academic term. In
that event the Vice President may delay the effective date of the leave for up to
one year and shall provide the faculty member with a written explanation for that
H. Each Standard Hour of load credit earned under this Article shall expire if it is not
used to receive a reduced assignment or Load Credit Leave within seven years
following the end of the academic term during which it was earned.
1. The District shall redeem all expired standard hours of load credit by paying
the faculty member for the expired (standard) hours at the appropriate adjunct
rate of pay in effect at the time.
2. If a faculty member resigns, retires, dies, or is otherwise separated from
employment with the District, all of their accumulated standard hours of load
credit shall immediately expire and the District shall redeem them as specified
in this section.
Distance Learning: Article 40
203 -
Article 40 (Return to Table of Contents)
Distance Learning
A. Definitions
1. For the purpose of this Article, Distance Learning (DL) is defined as follows:
Distance learning is a formal mode of interaction which uses one or more
technologies to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the
faculty member and which supports regular and substantive interaction
between the students and faculty member, and student-to- student if
described in the course outline of record or distance education addendum,
either synchronously or asynchronously.
2. Course development includes creating a new course or adapting an existing
course to use distance learning as the primary delivery mode.
3. The same quality standards applied to face-to-face courses shall also apply to
DL courses.
B. Colleges Offering DL and web enhanced courses shall:
1. Form a DL committee that serves the function of communicating with and
advising the college on its decision-making regarding distance learning
issues. It shall report to the college's shared governance committee or its
equivalent and shall include an equal number of AFT 1521 and Senate faculty
representatives, including a faculty member who is not currently teaching a
DL course, one administrator, and one Information technology staff member.
Each DL Committee shall have the responsibility of determining learning
management system (LMS) proficiency. Faculty being offered or seeking to
teach DL courses shall demonstrate their proficiency by fulfilling at least one
of the following:
a. Training or certification or direct demonstration of skills with the college's
b. Evidence of prior online teaching or experience using the college's LMS.
c. Faculty with a State approved CVC-OEI Course will be deemed approved.
2. Follow agreed upon curricular development, quality standards and approval
processes as developed by the college academic senate in consultation with
the administration. The DL committee may serve as a resource to the
curriculum committee in its decisions regarding online course delivery.
3. Be supported with up to 2.0 FTE faculty (full-time faculty on reassign time or
true adjunct faculty on ancillary assignment) DL Coordinators as well as up to
1.0 FTE technical support staff at each campus.
Distance Learning: Article 40
204 -
4. Experienced DL faculty selected to mentor or train others shall be
compensated at their non-teaching hourly rate.
5. Provide, as necessary, ongoing training, technical instructional assistance
regarding the college’s learning management system (LMS), services and
equipment to assure successful delivery of the course in the college’s DL
mode, including principles and practices of accessibility and universal course
design. When faculty are required to undertake additional DL or accessibility
training in the teaching and learning of a new DL platform in order to receive
an assignment, the District will provide such training. Faculty shall receive flex
hours for their participation or compensation in agreement with AFT 1521 if
the faculty member’s flex obligation at the time of training has already been
6. Be funded by the District for software required for online courses, whenever
the software is implemented districtwide. In addition, Districtwide DL
committee recommendations, when accepted by the District, will be funded by
the District.
Access to course content created by a faculty member shall be granted to
another faculty only with the express written consent of the original author. An
emergency exception can be made when a faculty member is replacing
another faculty member who is unavailable due to illness, incapacitation, or
other leave in order to preserve continuity of instruction for students. In this
emergency exception, the content may be used for the remainder of the term.
The content owned by faculty members remains the intellectual property of
the original faculty member, unless the work was created under the
circumstances described under article 41.D.2.a. The faculty shall be given a
reasonable time to backup and or archive their course content before the
course is transferred or if unavailable the College’s Distance Learning
Coordinators or staff shall create the backup.
C. DL Assignments
1. Department or division chairs shall plan and assign per reasonable
parameters provided by the Vice President or designee DL course
assignments in the same manner as other course offerings.
2. Evaluating faculty is the responsibility of the department or division chairs or
designees as specified in Articles 19 or 42 and Appendix C.
D. Class Size
1. DL class size shall be consistent with Article 12. DL class size shall not
exceed 40.
If a class is not at its enrollment limit, students may enroll through the second
day of the term. If a class is at its enrollment limits, students may only be
added with the permission of the course’s assigned faculty member consistent
with Article 12.B.
Distance Learning: Article 40
205 -
E. Large Class Stipends
1. Faculty who teach a course above the class size limit shall receive the large
class stipend.
a. If the large class has an enrollment of 50 to 59 at census (or the
appropriate apportionment date), the instructor will receive a Large Class
Stipend of $800 per Standard Hour for that semester or academic term.
b. If the large class has an enrollment of 60 to 69 at census (or the
appropriate apportionment date), the instructor will receive a Large Class
Stipend of $1300 per Standard Hour for that semester or academic term.
c. If the large DL class has an enrollment of 70 to 80 at census (or the
appropriate apportionment date), the instructor will receive a Large Class
Stipend of $1800 per Standard Hour for that semester or academic term.
d. Any large classes still count as one class for 67% limit purposes. The
retirement contributions for the amounts of the stipends reported to
CalSTRS would go into the DBS account for full time faculty and for
adjunct faculty participating in the CalSTRS DB retirement system (as
opposed to adjunct faculty members in CalSTRS CB or Social Security or
2. Before a large DL course is planned within a discipline, it will be assured that
full-time faculty have made their full load and each faculty member on the
seniority list is made an assignment offer in accordance with Article 16.D.1.
3. Large classes will be assigned on a voluntary basis only. Class size limits
may be raised with the prior agreement of the assigned faculty member in
consultation with the department or division chair and the appropriate Vice
President or designee.
4. Faculty members may receive no more than two (2) large class stipends per
calendar year.
5. Article 13, Table A, applies to DL classes.
6. Assignment to DL classes and or online non-classroom assignments shall be
voluntary except for those faculty hired with the expectation to teach DL.
Faculty hired without the expectation to teach DL but who have voluntarily
become qualified, certified, or trained for DL may indicate their preference for
DL assignments. The District retains the discretion to assign faculty to other
reasonable schedules necessary to meet the needs of the colleges and their
programs including online non-classroom assignments.
7. The DL faculty member may meet their DL class office hour obligation in part
or whole by internet consultation with students informed of the scheduled
days, times, and internet location for the office hours consistent with Articles
13.D.4 and 13.D.8.
8. Any faculty member who is assigned a DL class as an adjunct rate
assignment shall be assigned in seniority order as described in Article 16
Distance Learning: Article 40
206 -
including same day, same time, and same modality if available, except that
the DL proficiency requirement shall also be met. To assure that both DL
proficiency or training and adjunct rate seniority requirements are met, faculty
with DL proficiency or training shall be noted on all seniority lists. Only faculty
with such notation shall be offered DL classes. If the faculty member so
designated declines the DL assignment, that decline is counted as a refusal
for the purposes of calculating seniority as described in Article 16.
9. Regular and contract faculty members fulfilling their full-time faculty
obligations as listed in Appendix Q may be assigned one or more DL courses
based on department and college needs.
Intellectual Property: Article 41
207 -
Article 41 (Return to Table of Contents)
Intellectual Property
A. Purpose. The District and the AFT 1521 have a mutual interest in establishing an
environment that fosters and encourages the creativity of individual faculty
members. In accordance with that mutual goal, the purpose of this Article is to
identify the owners of the copyrights to certain works that may be created by
faculty members, and to identify the uses that may be made of those works by
faculty members and the District.
B. Definitions. As used in this Article:
1. "Works" means any material that is eligible for copyright protection including
(but not limited to) books, articles, dramatic and musical compositions, poetry,
instructional materials (e.g., syllabi, lectures, student exercises, multimedia
programs, and tests), fictional and non-fictional narratives, analyses (e.g.,
scientific, logical, opinion or criticism), works of art and design, photographs,
films, video and audio recordings, computer software, architectural and
engineering drawings, and choreography.
2. "License" means permission to use a work. A "non-exclusive license" is one
that gives permission to use a work while that same work may also be used
by the party who gave the permission and by others to whom permission is
also given.
C. Works Covered
1. Types of Works Whose Ownership and Use Are Covered by This Article.
This Article identifies the copyright ownership of works created by faculty
members in connection with the courses they teach, or other duties they
perform as faculty members, while they are employed by the District and in
connection with their employment; and it addresses the use of those works by
faculty members and the District.
2. Types of Works Not Covered by This Article, and Consequences of Not
Being Covered. This Article does not cover all works created by faculty
members, even if those works are in some sense related to their duties. For
example, it does not cover works created primarily for purposes that are
separate from a faculty member's teaching or other duties as a faculty
member, such as novels, even if written by faculty members who teach
literature; business books, even if written by faculty members who teach
business; art works, even if created by faculty members who teach art; or
music, even if composed by faculty members who teach music.
Also, this Article does not cover works created by faculty members for their
own personal use that are not intended to be distributed to others, even if
Intellectual Property: Article 41
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created in connection with their duties, such as a faculty member's personal
lecture notes.
The copyrights to works that are not covered by this Article shall not be owned
by the District under paragraph D.2.a below, and the District is not authorized
to use such works under paragraph E.1.b below.
D. Copyright Ownership
1. Ownership by Faculty Members. The copyrights to works created by faculty
members will be owned by them, even if those works are created in
connection with courses they teach, or other duties they perform as faculty
members, while they are employed by the District and in connection with their
employment, unless the work is created under the circumstances described in
paragraph D.2.a. below.
2. Ownership by District. The District will own the copyright to works under the
following circumstances:
a. Circumstances Relating to Substantial Support by the District. The
District will own the copyright to any work created with substantial support
from the District. As used in this Article, "substantial support" means
financial support over and above the cost of the faculty member's normal
compensation, office space, office computer, local telephone use, minimal
office supplies and copy services. Substantial support would include extra
compensation or the provision of reassigned time to create a work, the
cost of providing secretarial, technical, legal, or creative services
specifically for the creation of a work, as well as the cost or value of the
use of expensive District equipment or facilities (such as professional film
or recording studios). Grant funds obtained by faculty members for the
creation of works shall be considered substantial support provided by the
District only if the District is involved in the fiscal administration of the
b. Circumstances Relating to the Nature of the Work. The District will also
own the copyright to any work, such as a course outline, administrative
policy, or information brochure, that is formally reviewed by the District and
becomes part of its curriculum, policies, or administrative or promotional
3. Faculty Member's Option to Acquire Copyright. If the District is to be the
owner of the copyright to a work because it provided substantial support for its
creation, the faculty member who created the work shall have an option to
acquire the work's copyright by paying the District an amount of money that
shall be agreed upon in writing by the faculty member and the District at the
time the District provides (or agrees to provide) that support. To exercise this
option, the faculty member shall pay the District the agreed-upon amount, and
the District shall immediately assign the work's copyright to the faculty
Intellectual Property: Article 41
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4. Process for Documenting District Ownership and Faculty Member's
a. If the District is to be the owner of the copyright to a work, the faculty
member and the District should sign an agreement that contains the
following clauses:
"Faculty member and District agree that the work identified below shall be
a work made for hire whose copyright shall be owned by the District. If the
work is not a 'work made for hire' as a matter of copyright law, then faculty
member hereby assigns their copyright in the work to the District.
"The work to which this Agreement pertains is one that will be created by
faculty member with substantial support from the District or is a work that
will be formally reviewed by the District and will become part of its
curriculum, policies, or administrative or promotional literature. The work is
titled or described as follows:
b. If such an agreement has not been signed, the absence of a signed
agreement means the faculty member is the copyright owner rather than
the District, unless the District proves in arbitration (as provided in
paragraph H below) that it did provide substantial support for the work or
that the work became part of its curriculum, policies, or administrative or
promotional literature.
c. If the District is to be the owner of the copyright to a work because it
contributed substantial support, the agreement signed by the faculty
member and District also should contain the following clause:
"To exercise their option to acquire the copyright to the work identified
above, the faculty member shall pay the District the sum of $__________."
d. The amount to be paid by the faculty member to exercise their option to
acquire a work's copyright may be adjusted from time to time, if for
example the amount of the District's support increases (or decreases), but
only if the faculty member and District both sign a new clause containing
the agreed-upon adjusted amount.
E. Permitted Uses
1. Use of Work When Copyright is Owned by Faculty Member
a. Uses by Faculty Member. The District acknowledges that faculty
members may use works whose copyrights they own in any and all ways
they may wish, including, for example, authorizing the for-profit publication
of such works in return for royalties paid solely to faculty members, subject
only to the District's non-exclusive license to use those works (set forth in
paragraph E.1.b below), without any further authorization from the District.
Intellectual Property: Article 41
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b. Uses by District and College. The District shall have a non-exclusive
license to use works whose copyrights are owned by faculty members in
the following ways:
i. to reproduce such works (for example, by photocopying them, by
duplicating computer disks on which they have been saved, or by
installing them on computer networks);
ii. to distribute such works (for example, to students in classes);
iii. to perform such works (for example, in classroom teaching, by
webcasting, or by broadcasting);
iv. to display such works (for example, over the web); and
v. to create derivative works (for example, companion materials or
updated versions).
The District and its Colleges may do these things themselves, but neither
the District nor its Colleges may authorize others to do them, unless the
District first obtains the written consent of the faculty member who owns
the work's copyright.
2. Use of Work When Copyright is Owned by District
a. Uses by District. Faculty members acknowledge that the District may use
works whose copyrights the District owns in any and all ways it may wish,
including, for example, authorizing the for-profit publication of such works
in return for royalties paid solely to the District, subject only to the non-
exclusive license of the faculty member who created the work to use it (in
the manner set forth in paragraph E.2.b. below), without any further
authorization from the faculty members who created those works.
b. Uses by Faculty Member. Faculty members shall have a non-exclusive
license to use works they created, whose copyrights are owned by the
District, in the following ways:
i. to reproduce such works (for example, by photocopying them, by
duplicating computer disks on which they have been saved, or by
installing them on computer networks);
ii. to distribute such works (for example, to students in classes);
iii. to perform such works (for example, in classroom teaching, by
webcasting, or by broadcasting);
iv. to display such works (for example, over the web); and
v. to create derivative works (for example, companion materials or
updated versions).
Faculty members may do these things themselves but may not authorize
them to be done by others unless they first obtain the written consent of the
Intellectual Property: Article 41
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3. Use of Names of Faculty Members, District and Colleges
a. District's and College's Use of Faculty Member's Name. The District
agrees that when it uses a work created by a faculty member (regardless
of who owns the work's copyright), the District will identify the faculty
member who created the work, for as long as the work continues to be
used by the District.
If, for any reason, the District does not wish to identify the faculty member,
the District may ask the faculty member for authorization not to do so; and
the faculty member has the option but not the obligation to release the
District from this obligation.
If for any reason the faculty member does not wish their name to be used
in this manner, the faculty member has the right to require the District not
to identify them; and in such a case, the District agrees not to do so or to
stop doing so as soon as reasonably possible.
If the District fails to identify a faculty member under circumstances when it
should have, or identifies a faculty member under circumstances when it
should not have, the faculty member shall be entitled only to a reasonable
remedy that takes into account the seriousness of the violation, and will
not automatically be entitled in all cases to a remedy that requires the
District to recall and destroy all existing copies of works that fail to include
or omit the faculty member's identification.
b. Faculty Member's Use of Name of District or College. Faculty members
agree that when they use works they have created (regardless of who
owns the works' copyrights), those works will identify their creators'
relationships with the District or College, for as long as they continue to be
employed by the District. (For example, if a faculty member creates an
online course that identifies the faculty member as its author, the faculty
member's name shall be followed by the name of the College at which the
faculty member teaches.)
If for any reason a faculty member does not wish to identify their
relationship with the District or College, the faculty member may ask the
District for authorization not to do so; and the District has the option but
not the obligation to release the faculty member from this obligation.
If for any reason the District does not wish its name or the College's name
to be used in this manner, the District has the right to require the faculty
member not to identify their relationship with the District; and in such a
case, the faculty member agrees not to do so, or to stop doing so as soon
as reasonably possible.
If the faculty member fails to identify the District or College under
circumstances when they should have, or identifies the District or College
under circumstances when they should not have, the District shall be
entitled only to a reasonable remedy that takes into account the
Intellectual Property: Article 41
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seriousness of the violation, and will not automatically be entitled in all
cases to a remedy that requires the faculty member to recall and destroy
all existing copies of works that fail to include or omit the District's or
College's identification.
F. Responsibilities
1. Registration of Copyright. It shall be the responsibility of the party who
owns the copyright to each work to register that copyright with the United
States Copyright Office.
2. Acquiring and Paying for Necessary Rights From Third Parties. If the
creation or use of a work requires rights to be acquired from third parties,
such rights shall be acquired and paid for by the party (i.e., the faculty
member or the District) who owns the copyright to that work. Faculty members
acknowledge that in some cases, the cost of acquiring necessary rights from
third parties, if paid by the District, may itself constitute "substantial support"
from the District, so the District would become the owner of the copyright to
such works simply because it paid to acquire those rights.
3. Determining and Documenting Copyright Ownership When Two or More
Faculty Members Create and Own the Copyright to a Work. If a work
whose copyright would be owned by a faculty member (rather than by the
District) is created by two or more faculty members, it is the responsibility of
those faculty members to determine the manner in which they share
ownership of the copyright to that work, and it is their responsibility to prepare
(or have prepared at their own expense) a written agreement between them
documenting their determination. No grievance against the District may be
asserted by faculty members arising out of any consequences of their failure
to make or document an agreement concerning the manner in which they
share ownership of the copyright to such a work.
G. Authorization of Individual Agreements the Terms of Which Differ From
Those Described Above.
Faculty members and the District may, if they wish, enter into individual
agreements with one another concerning copyright ownership and usage rights to
specific works, the terms of which differ from those set forth above. The terms of
any such individual agreement will supersede the terms of this Article, once such
an agreement is signed by the faculty member and an authorized representative
of the District. Any such agreement will be provided to the AFT 1521.
H. Dispute Resolution. Disputes between faculty members and the District
concerning this Article shall be resolved pursuant to the grievance procedures
contained in Article 28, except that an arbitrator who is expert in copyright law
shall be chosen by the parties, or, if the parties are unable to agree on an
arbitrator, chosen in accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of the
American Arbitration Association.
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Article 42 (Return to Table of Contents)
Tenure Review and Evaluation of Contract (Probationary) Faculty
A. The Purpose of Tenure Review
The purpose of a probationary period is to give contract faculty members who are
candidates for tenure the opportunity to demonstrate that they meet or exceed
the needs and expectations of the college and are performing at a level that
warrants the granting of tenure. As a consequence, tenure review is, in a sense,
the conclusion of the selection process: continued review and rigorous evaluation
leading to a recommendation to the Board of Trustees on whether to employ an
individual as a permanent, tenured member of the faculty.
1. Mentors. All Contract (Probationary) Faculty shall be informed by the
Department Chair of the faculty mentor option (see H.1) and shall participate
in a new faculty orientation. See Appendix C for the Suggested Timetable and
Work Sheet.
2. Mandatory Evaluation Training. During the spring semester in preparation
for the next academic year, training shall be provided for all evaluators. This
training will be mandatory once every three (3) years after initial training. The
purpose of the training is to give the evaluators the skills and knowledge
necessary to provide the evaluee with positive reinforcement, consistent
constructive advice, and specific recommendations for improvement or
professional growth during the next evaluation cycle. Training is developed
and provided by the AFT 1521 and the District in order to review best
practices, procedural evaluation steps and due process.
B. Tenure Review Committee
1. Within twenty (20) working days of a contract faculty member's first day of
service at the college in a probationary position, the College President or
designee shall initiate the formation of a tenure review committee by the
department to conduct the contract faculty member's tenure review and to
evaluate their performance. Except as provided in Section B.2 and B.3, the
committee shall consist of the following:
a. the appropriate Department Chair who, if they are not tenured, shall be a
non-voting member of the committee;
b. the appropriate Department Chair's designee, but only in the case where
the chair is not tenured;
c. two tenured faculty members, one of whom shall be selected by the
contract faculty member, and one of whom shall be chosen by the
department (if neither of these faculty members is in the contract faculty
member's discipline, a third tenured faculty member from the contract
faculty member's discipline or from a reasonably related or agreed upon
Tenure Review and Evaluation of Contract (Probationary) Faculty: Article 42
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discipline shall be chosen by the department. In such cases, the original
committee member chosen by the department shall be a non-voting
d. a tenured faculty member from a department other than the contract
faculty member's department selected by the Academic Senate, who shall
ensure the evaluation process includes Senate input on academic and
professional matters, and shall be a participating non-voting member of
the committee; and
e. the appropriate Vice President or designee, who shall ensure adherence
to the evaluation process, provide relevant materials, and is a participating
non-voting member of the committee.
The Vice President or Department Chair may name as a designee to serve
on the committee anyone who is an academic administrator or tenured
faculty member at the college.
2. If the Department Chair is the contract faculty member being reviewed for
tenure, the tenure committee shall consist of the following:
a. a chair from a reasonably related department;
b. two tenured faculty members, one of whom shall be selected by the
evaluee and one of whom shall be chosen by the department. The faculty
member chosen by the department should be from the contract faculty
member's discipline;
c. a tenured faculty member from a department other than the Department
Chair’s department selected by the Academic Senate, who shall be a non-
voting member of the committee; and
d. the appropriate Vice President or designee, who shall be a non-voting
member of the committee.
3. For a contract faculty member who is an ISA, Consulting Instructor,
Disability Specialist, or College Nurse, the College President shall initiate
the formation of the tenure review committee, which shall consist of the
a. an appropriate supervisor selected by the President in place of the
Department Chair;
b. two tenured faculty members from reasonably related disciplines, one
of whom shall be selected by the contract faculty member, and one of
whom shall be jointly selected by the appropriate Vice President and
the AFT 1521 Chapter President;
c. a tenured faculty member from a department other than the contract
faculty member's department selected by the Academic Senate, who
shall be a non-voting member of the committee; and
Tenure Review and Evaluation of Contract (Probationary) Faculty: Article 42
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d. the appropriate Vice President or designee, who shall be a non-voting
member of the committee.
4. To the extent practicable, the membership of the tenure review committee
shall remain constant throughout the contract faculty member's
probationary period. However, a committee member shall be replaced if
one of the following occur:
a. they resign, retire, or become unavailable for continued service on the
committee for any other reason;
b. they will be on a leave of absence for one semester or more; or
c. in the case of the Department Chair or Vice President vacates their
assignment as Department Chair or Vice President.
Whenever a committee member needs to be replaced, the College
President or designee shall promptly appoint a replacement by following
the appointment process applicable to the replacement member's
5. Once appointed, the tenure review committee shall elect one of the
tenured faculty members on the committee to serve as its chairperson.
The role of the committee chairperson shall be to convene meetings of the
committee, prepare meeting agendas, preside at its meetings, and
maintain a tenure review file consisting of all of the documents and other
materials that are relevant to the process and that need to be preserved.
6. As one of its initial acts, the tenure review committee will meet with the
contract faculty member to review the tenure review process and to
discuss, in general terms, how it will be conducted.
C. First-Year Evaluation and Recommendation
1. As provided in Education Code Section 87605, "a faculty member shall be
deemed to have completed their first contract year if they provide service for
75 percent of the first academic year." As a consequence, if a contract faculty
member's service as a probationary employee begins during the spring
semester, their service during that academic year does not count as their first
contract year for the purposes of tenure review, and they shall receive a first-
year evaluation during the following fall semester. All other contract faculty
members shall receive their first-year evaluation during the fall semester of
the academic year during which they first served as a probationary employee.
2. Before commencing the first-year evaluation, the tenure review committee
shall prepare a recommended plan for the evaluation that anticipates the need
to submit all required recommendations and supporting materials in a timely
fashion so that the Board can act before March 15, and that specifies the
a. the materials it intends to request from the contract faculty member (for
example: self-evaluation materials; representative course syllabi; sample
Tenure Review and Evaluation of Contract (Probationary) Faculty: Article 42
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class assignments, tests, or exercises; selected course handouts; or other
relevant work products);
b. the extent to which it intends to collect data from students, peers,
administrators, or other individuals using the data collection instruments
set forth in Appendix C;
c. whom it intends to charge with the responsibility of collecting the data,
whether a member of the committee or not; and
d. a general schedule under which the committee intends to complete its
work, including a time frame for classroom observations and student
evaluations of the faculty member.
3. Notwithstanding anything in Section C.2 to the contrary, the evaluation plan
shall provide for appropriate peer observation of the contract faculty member,
student evaluations, and preparation of a tenure review portfolio by the
contract faculty member, which shall be maintained and built upon by the
faculty member throughout their probationary period. The portfolio shall
include relevant materials specified by the tenure review committee, such as
course syllabi; class handouts; exams, tests and quizzes; and other materials
that document curriculum development or service improvement activities,
professional development or research activities, professional contributions to
the department or college, participation in department, college, or district
committees, successful completion of a faculty orientation, publications,
community service, awards and honors, etc.
4. Before adopting a final version of its recommended evaluation plan, the
committee shall share a draft of the plan with the contract faculty member and
solicit their comments. Once it adopts a final recommended plan, the
committee shall send a copy of the recommended plan to the Vice President
for review and approval. If the Vice President does not approve the plan, they
shall return it to the tenure review committee with an explanation of the
revisions needed to obtain approval. When the Vice President does approve
the recommended plan, they shall indicate their approval on the plan and
return it to the committee with a copy to the contract employee.
5. Student evaluations shall be completed for all faculty (see Education Code
section 87663). The appropriate forms for student evaluations found in
Appendix C shall be used. The process for student evaluations shall follow the
format as described in Article 19 G.4.a through G.4.c. For tenure review
evaluation, the term "evaluator" used in the above referenced format shall
mean the "tenure review committee" or the "chair of the tenure review
committee," however such committee wants to delegate such responsibility
amongst the committee members. The appropriate Vice President shall retain
originals of all four years of such student evaluations.
a. Reviewing student evaluations, the tenure review committee chair shall
open the paper copy or electronic file depending on the evaluation method
used and review the student evaluations with the evaluee present and
Tenure Review and Evaluation of Contract (Probationary) Faculty: Article 42
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share those evaluations with the evaluee in a manner that preserves the
students' anonymity. The tenure review committee shall retain the student
evaluation forms for the evaluation report.
b. At the completion of the annual evaluation process, the tenure review
committee shall deliver the original student evaluations to the appropriate
Vice President and copies to the evaluee once grades have been
submitted. The appropriate Vice President shall retain the original student
evaluations for the duration of the tenure review process.
c. At the conclusion of the tenure review process, all original student
evaluations shall be returned to the evaluee.
6. Process for observation of faculty
a. The evaluator(s) in consultation with the evaluee shall set a mutually
agreed upon observation time frame for all course modalities.
b. Each class type (Face-to-Face or Distance Learning) will be observed by
the evaluator at least once to ensure that all modalities are evaluated
during the process.
7. At the conclusion of its data gathering, the tenure review committee shall
review all of the data collected as part of the evaluation plan. Based on that
information, the committee shall complete an appropriate comprehensive
evaluation summary using an appropriate summary form (see Appendix C).
For each applicable performance category listed on the form, the committee
shall do the following:
a. prepare a brief narrative assessment of the contract faculty member's
performance that reflects the committee's analysis of the data it collected;
b. assign one of the following ratings: meets or exceeds expectations or
needs to improve. The committee shall also include its recommendation as
to whether the faculty member's overall performance should be rated as
meets or exceeds expectations, needs to improve, or unsatisfactory.
8. As a part of the comprehensive evaluation summary, the tenure review
committee shall also include recommendations to the contract faculty member
regarding actions they should consider to maintain or improve their progress
towards achieving tenure. If the overall rating is a "needs to improve," the
committee shall prepare a written improvement plan that should include
appropriate professional growth activities to address those specific issues
(See Appendix C).
9. If the members of the committee do not agree on the content of the
comprehensive evaluation summary, the tenure review committee shall
provide for dissenting views to be documented and shall be included as a part
of the summary.
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10. The tenure review committee chair shall convene a meeting to present the
comprehensive evaluation summary and to review the student evaluations
with the contract faculty member for their comment. If the faculty member
submits written comments within ten (10) working days, the committee shall
review them and take any additional action it determines to be appropriate in
light of the comments. Thereafter, it shall forward the completed evaluation
file (including the evaluation plan, the data collection instruments the
committee relied upon in preparing the evaluation, the comprehensive
evaluation summary, any written comments provided by the evaluee, and any
other relevant documents) to the Vice President or designee.
11. Based solely on the comprehensive evaluation summary and the
accompanying materials in the evaluation file, the appropriate Vice President
or designee shall do one of the following:
a. complete the evaluation by formally accepting and signing the tenure
review committee's evaluation summary, or
b. return the evaluation to the tenure review committee with a written
explanation of the reasons they declined to accept the evaluation and
comments regarding proposed steps the committee should take to remedy
the problems they perceived.
12. If the appropriate Vice President or designee declined to accept the
evaluation and instead returned it to the tenure review committee, the
following shall occur:
a. The tenure review committee shall review the explanation of the reasons
the evaluation was not accepted and consider the proposed steps to
remedy the problems the Vice President or designee perceived with the
evaluation. If the committee determines that additional actions are
necessary to enhance or improve the evaluation in light of the explanation
and comments from the Vice President or designee, it shall take those
actions. It may also revise, correct, or amend the evaluation summary in
any way it determines is appropriate.
b. Once the tenure review committee has completed any actions it
determined to be necessary to enhance or improve the evaluation and
made any revisions, corrections, or amendments to the evaluation
summary it determined to be appropriate, it shall again forward the
evaluation summary (with a written statement of the actions it took, if any)
to the contract faculty member for their comment. If the faculty member
declines to comment or fails to comment within five (5) working days of the
date on which the committee sent the summary to the faculty member, the
tenure review committee shall forward the evaluation summary to the
appropriate Vice President or designee.
c. Upon receiving the evaluation summary, the appropriate Vice President or
designee shall complete the evaluation by formally accepting and signing
the tenure review committee's evaluation summary.
Tenure Review and Evaluation of Contract (Probationary) Faculty: Article 42
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13. Once the appropriate Vice President or designee has completed the
evaluation by formally accepting the tenure review committee's evaluation
summary, they shall deliver the evaluation summary to the contract faculty
member and place a copy of it in the faculty member's tenure review file.
14. The completed evaluation, when delivered to the contract faculty member by
the appropriate Vice President or designee, shall be accompanied by written
advice that the faculty member has the right to submit a written comment
within ten (10) working days regarding the evaluation. If the faculty member
chooses to submit a comment, it shall be appended to the copy of the
evaluation contained in the faculty member's tenure review file. The
completed evaluation, when delivered to the contract faculty member by the
appropriate Vice President or designee, shall be accompanied by written
advice that the faculty member has the right to submit a written comment
within ten (10) working days regarding the evaluation. If the faculty member
chooses to submit a comment, it shall be appended to the copy of the
evaluation contained in the faculty member's tenure review file.
15. At the same time, it forwards the completed first-year evaluation file to the
appropriate Vice President or designee, the tenure review committee shall
forward its recommendation regarding the contract faculty member's
continued service. Based solely on the comprehensive evaluation summary
and the accompanying materials in the evaluation file, the tenure review
committee shall, except under the circumstances described in Section G.4,
recommend one of the following two actions: that the contract faculty member
be given notice by the Board that they will be employed for the following
academic year as a second-year contract faculty member or that the contract
faculty member be given notice they will not be employed for the following
academic year.
D. Second-Year Evaluation and Recommendation
1. Each contract faculty member shall be evaluated during the fall semester of
their second contract year. A faculty member shall be deemed to have
completed their second contract year if they provide service for 75 percent of
the second academic year. As a continuation of the tenure review process,
the evaluation shall cover the entire period since the contract faculty
member's last evaluation, not just their performance during the fall semester.
2. The second-year evaluation shall be conducted in the manner specified in
Sections C.2 through C.14, with the addition that, as a part of the evaluation,
the tenure review committee shall review the contract faculty member's prior
evaluations and inquire into the nature and extent of the faculty member's
progress toward meeting evaluation recommendations, improvement plan
goals, and or professional growth activities.
Tenure Review and Evaluation of Contract (Probationary) Faculty: Article 42
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3. At the same time, it forwards the completed second-year evaluation file to the
appropriate Vice President or designee, the tenure review committee shall
forward its recommendation regarding the contract faculty member's
continued service. Based solely on the comprehensive evaluation summary
and the accompanying materials in the evaluation file, the tenure review
committee shall, except under the circumstances described in Section G.4,
recommend one of the following two actions: that the contract faculty member
be given notice by the Board that they will be employed for the following two
academic years as a contract faculty member, or that the contract faculty
member be given notice they will not be employed for the following academic
E. Third and Fourth Year Evaluations and Recommendation
1. Each contract faculty member shall be evaluated during the fall semester of
their third contract year and again during the fall semester of their fourth
contract year. A faculty member shall be deemed to have completed their
third and fourth contract years if they provide service for 75 percent of each of
the third and fourth academic years. As a continuation of the tenure review
process, each evaluation shall cover the entire period since the contract
faculty member's last evaluation, not just their performance during the
semester in which the evaluation is conducted.
2. The third- and fourth-year evaluation shall be conducted in the manner
specified in Sections C.2 through C.15, with the addition that, as a part of the
evaluation, the tenure review committee shall review the contract faculty
member's prior evaluations and inquire into the nature and extent of the
faculty member's progress toward meeting evaluation recommendations,
improvement plan goals, and or professional growth activities.
3. During the third contract year the tenure review committee shall not forward
any recommendation regarding the contract faculty member's continued
service, but during the fourth contract year, at the same time it forwards the
completed fourth-year evaluation file to the appropriate Vice President or
designee, the tenure review committee shall forward its recommendation as to
whether the Board should notify the faculty member that they will be
employed for all subsequent academic years as a tenured faculty member, or
that they will not be employed for the following academic year.
F. Administrative Evaluations
1. At any time during a contract faculty member's probationary period, the
College President or designee may initiate an administrative evaluation if one
of the following occurs:
a. the contract faculty member requests an administrative evaluation; or
b. an evaluation conducted pursuant to Sections C.2 through C.15 discloses
identifiable issues about the contract faculty member's performance that
Tenure Review and Evaluation of Contract (Probationary) Faculty: Article 42
221 -
the College President reasonably determines warrants further review and
documentation through an administrative evaluation; or
c. the contract faculty member's tenure review committee recommends an
administrative evaluation (which the committee may do at any time it
determines such a recommendation to be appropriate); or
d. the College President or designee determines that an administrative
evaluation is appropriate to review events or circumstances that could lead
to formal disciplinary action under Education Code Section 87732 (in
which case the evaluation, once completed, shall be deemed to have
served the purposes specified in Education Code Section 87671).
Any administrative evaluation initiated under Subsection F.1.a or F.1.b,
absent exigent circumstances, shall be commenced within thirty (30)
working days of the completion of the evaluation, or receipt of the tenure
review committee's recommendation to conduct the evaluation, whichever
is relevant. Furthermore, it shall be concluded within forty-five (45) working
days after it was commenced.
2. If the administrative evaluation follows an evaluation conducted pursuant to
Sections C.2 through C.15, or was initiated upon the recommendation of the
tenure review committee, the appropriate Vice President or designee shall
solicit input from the following:
a. the tenure review committee;
b. appropriate individuals the contract faculty member identifies as having
relevant information about their performance; and
c. any others the Vice President or designee believes should have relevant
information about the performance of the faculty member.
All such input shall be considered by the appropriate Vice President or
designee before they complete the administrative evaluation.
3. The appropriate Vice President or designee may, if it is appropriate to the
evaluation, observe the contract faculty member as they teach or perform
their other duties, conduct student evaluations, and collect relevant data
through other appropriate data collection methods.
4. The administrative evaluation shall be recorded on the appropriate
administrative evaluation form (see Appendix C). Once the appropriate Vice
President or designee has completed the form, they shall deliver the
evaluation, including any appropriate documents that support the evaluation
results, to the contract faculty member and place a copy of the form in the
faculty member's personnel file.
5. The completed administrative evaluation, when delivered to the faculty
member by the appropriate Vice President or designee, shall be accompanied
by written advice that the faculty member has the right to submit a written
comment within ten (10) working days regarding the evaluation. If the faculty
Tenure Review and Evaluation of Contract (Probationary) Faculty: Article 42
222 -
member chooses to submit a comment, it shall be appended to the copy of
the administrative evaluation contained in the faculty member's personnel file.
G. Recommendations to the Board
1. Before March 15 of each contract faculty member's first, second, and fourth
contract years, the College President shall forward the recommendation of the
faculty member's tenure review committee regarding the contract faculty
member's continued service, along with the President's recommendation
regarding that matter. The College President's recommendation shall be
based solely on the tenure review committee's comprehensive evaluation
summaries, accompanying materials in the evaluation file, and any
administrative evaluations that were performed.
2. Except as provided in Section G.4, below, any recommendation forwarded
during a contract faculty member's first contract year shall be a
recommendation to notify the faculty member of one of the following:
a. they will be employed for the following academic year as a second-year
contract faculty member, or that
b. they will not be employed for the following academic year.
3. Except as provided in Section G.4, below, any recommendation forwarded
during a contract faculty member's second contract year shall be a
recommendation to notify the faculty member of one of the following:
a. they will be employed for the following two academic years as a contract
faculty member, or that
b. they will not be employed for the following academic year.
4. Notwithstanding Sections G.2 and G.3, the College President may, during a
contract faculty member's first or second contract year, recommend that the
faculty member be employed for all subsequent academic years as a tenured
faculty member, but only in extraordinary circumstances where that
recommendation has been initiated by the tenure review committee on the
basis of documented evidence that the contract faculty member is performing
at a level that warrants the granting of early tenure and the President finds
that there are clear and compelling reasons to conclude that the action will be
in the best interests of the college. No recommendation made pursuant to this
section, and no action accepting or rejecting any such recommendation, shall
be grievable.
5. Any recommendation forwarded during a contract faculty member's fourth
contract year shall be a recommendation to notify the faculty member that:
a. they will be employed for all subsequent academic years as a tenured
faculty member, or that
b. they will not be employed for the following academic year.
Tenure Review and Evaluation of Contract (Probationary) Faculty: Article 42
223 -
H. Mentors
1. A mentor shall be designated for any contract faculty member who requests
one. The contract faculty member shall be notified by the appropriate Vice
President or designee within the first 20 days of employment of this
opportunity with a copy of this notification given to the AFT 1521 Chapter
President. When a contract faculty member identifies and requests a mentor,
the mentor shall be assigned. The mentor may be any tenured faculty
member who is employed at any of the colleges within the District.
2. A tenured faculty member may serve as a mentor to more than one contract
faculty member, but since effective mentoring often requires the investment of
an extensive amount of time and effort, a single faculty member should not
generally be designated as a mentor for more than two contract faculty
members at any time.
3. Service as a mentor shall not be considered an adjunct assignment under
Article 16.A or Article 16.B, nor shall it be counted towards the limitation on
adjunct assignments specified in Article 13.C. Nevertheless, for each full year
that the mentoring relationship continues, each mentor shall receive
compensation for their service as a mentor at the rate identified in Article 29.
4. During the period of mentoring, the mentor shall consult and interact with the
contract faculty member for the purposes of enhancing the contract faculty
member's effectiveness and ability to perform their basic duties and
encouraging the contract faculty member's professional growth. All mentors
shall adhere to any mentoring guidelines, should they exist, adopted by the
Temporary Adjunct Faculty Pay Principles and Ancillary Activities: Article 43
224 -
Article 43 (Return to Table of Contents)
Temporary Adjunct Faculty Pay Principles and Ancillary Activities
A. Temporary Adjunct Faculty Pro-Rata Pay
The Parties reaffirm the following principles regarding the implementation of pro-
rata pay.
1. To provide a means for determining the pay value of each assignment, every
course (or other relevant assignment) will be given a "load factor" which
represents the percentage share of a full load of scheduled duties the course
or assignment represents. For example, a typical history course (five of which
constitute a full assignment for a semester) would be given a load factor of
0.20 of a semester load or 0.10 of an annual load.
2. For each course or other appropriate unit of work, the District will pay a
temporary adjunct faculty member according to the following formula:
PAY = X% (schedule placement multiplied by the load factor)
WHERE: X = a value negotiated by the parties as
approximating the proportion of a full-time
faculty member's pay that is attributable to their
scheduled duties;
SCHEDULE PLACEMENT = the temporary adjunct faculty member's step
and column placement on the preparation
LOAD FACTOR = the load factor of the course or assignment for
which the temporary adjunct faculty member is
being paid.
B. Temporary Adjunct Faculty Ancillary Activities
Full-time faculty are expected to perform a wide range of professional duties and
tasks associated with their full-time status. However, when there are not enough
full-time faculty members qualified or are no longer available because they have
met their full-time obligations to perform these tasks or when the expertise and
knowledge of a temporary adjunct faculty member is required, as per Education
Code section 87482.5, a temporary adjunct faculty may choose to perform similar
duties and tasks beyond the scope of their primary adjunct assignment without
impacting applicable limited eligibility requirements.
Temporary Adjunct Faculty Pay Principles and Ancillary Activities: Article 43
225 -
1. Ancillary duties may include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. curriculum development and course outline revision,
b. division or department activities (not used for flex) including service as
adjunct, representative and participation in SLO activities (e.g., writing
SLOs, creating or norming rubrics, holistic scoring as a discipline,
excluding assessment of SLOs in their own class);
c. service on college or district committees;
d. grant writing or working on grants;
e. testing coordination, examination scoring, ESL book leveling;
f. advising student organizations;
g. preparation and presentation of workshops for professional development;
h. editing department, college, or district newsletters; and or
i. editing or writing accreditation reports or planning documents.
2. All colleges will use the appended application form, Request For Approval
and Payment For Temporary Adjunct Ancillary Activities. See Appendix J
to initiate and process ancillary activity assignment requests. Prior to the offer
of any such assignment, selection criteria shall be determined by mutual
consent between the College President or designee, the requesting
administrator or Department or Division Chair, and the AFT 1521 Chapter
Selection criteria may include the following:
a. relationship or relevance to the college priorities as determined through
the shared governance process;
b. lack of number of full-time faculty members available to perform the tasks
as part of their professional or institutional obligations;
c. special ability, expertise, knowledge, and experience of the temporary
adjunct faculty member that precludes full-time faculty from performing the
tasks as part of their professional or institutional obligations; and or
d. appropriateness of the funding request.
The requesting Department or Division Chair or an administrator will seek
and receive approval from the College President or designee to offer the
temporary adjunct ancillary duty assignment before any work may begin.
The parties shall agree on the tasks and hours to be assigned.
The initiator referred to on the request form may be the requesting
Department or Division Chair or an administrator requesting these
activities to be accomplished. The project lead may be the same person as
the initiator or may be a faculty member, such as an SLO coordinator, a
Department or Division Committee Chair, or an instructor seeking grant
funding for a special project.
Temporary Adjunct Faculty Pay Principles and Ancillary Activities: Article 43
226 -
The temporary adjunct faculty member will be paid at their non-classroom
adjunct rate for completing the assigned duties.
3. Within ten (10) working days after submission, requests will be approved or
denied by the College President or designee and the AFT 1521 Chapter
President after consultation and then provided to the academic senate
president. When a Request for an Ancillary Duty assignment is denied, the
College President shall provide a written rationale for this decision.
4. Professional ancillary activities do not count towards eligibility for contract or
regular status. The AFT 1521 will not pursue tenure claims on behalf of
employees based upon their acceptance of professional ancillary activity
assignments as defined in this Article.
5. Upon completion of work, the requestor will sign the form verifying that the
work was completed and submit it to the appropriate college division (e.g.,
Academic Affairs, Student Services) for payment to be processed. Requests
may be submitted at any time during the fiscal year.
6. At least 45 working days before the start of each term, the campus President
or designee shall provide a written list identifying all faculty members currently
on an ancillary assignment. A list of any newly proposed ancillary
assignments will be sent to the AFT 1521 Chapter President after Flex Day.
Clerical and Technical Support: Article 44
227 -
Article 44 (Return to Table of Contents)
Clerical and Technical Support
The parties agree that appropriate Clerical and Technical support should be
considered in the context of the operation of the college as it strives to meet its
mission to deliver its instructional and student services programs. The level of
support should be determined through the shared governance process and should
be in keeping with sound educational practices and fiscal management and with
consideration of legal statutes and regulations (such as California Code of
Regulations Title 5, Section 58724).
In considering whether or not the appropriate level of Clerical and Technical support
exists at the departmental or unit level, the College President or designee shall
develop a method to assess the overall function and purpose of each department
and assess whether or not the current level of Clerical and Technical support is
adequate. Any increases to the level of Clerical and Technical support must be
submitted and reviewed through the applicable participatory governance process.
The College President or designee, in consultation with the Department Chair, has
the option of using an approach where Clerical and Technical support staff is shared
among academic departments (see also Article 17). If this option is exercised, the
departments must collectively meet the minimum twenty (20) FTEF to qualify for at
least one FTE clerical support staff. If a department has laboratory spaces, technical
components, or special credentialing that requires support staff, the minimum FTEF
may be waived. The qualification or need for Clerical and Technical support staff
does not guarantee that a position will be approved, filled, or funded by the District.
Agreement, Conditions and Duration: Article 45
228 -
Article 45 (Return to Table of Contents)
Agreement, Conditions and Duration
The AFT shall submit this Agreement to a ratification vote of its active members by
mail ballot as soon as practicable. The Agreement shall also be presented to the Board
of Trustees for its approval. Once both parties have ratified or approved the
Agreement, it shall become effective and shall remain in effect through June 30, 2026.
The parties agree that bargaining for a successor Agreement should begin no later
than the start of the Fall 2025 semester. In Witness Whereof the parties execute the
Agreement on the 5th day of October 20.
Agreement, Conditions and Duration: Article 45
- 229 -
Page 1 of 2
In witness whereof, the parties execute this Agreement on the 18
day of October, 2023.
By: __________________________________________
David Vela, President
Board of Trustees
By: __________________________________________
Francisco C. Rodriguez, Ph.D.
By: __________________________________________
Teyanna Williams, Chief Negotiator
Vice Chancellor of Human Resources
By: __________________________________________
Rick von Kolen
Director Employee and Labor Relations
By: ____________________________________________
Nicole Albo-Lopez
Vice Chancellor, Educational Programs & Institutional
Effectiveness (EPIE)
By: ___________________________________________
Aracely Aguiar
Interim President, Los Angeles Pierce College
By: ___________________________________________
Albert Roman
President, East Los Angeles College
By: ___________________________________________
James Lancaster
Vice Chancellor, Economic and Workforce Development
By: ___________________________________________
Leisa Biggers
Director of Human Resources
By: ___________________________________________
Jeanette Gordon
Vice Chancellor, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer
By: _______________________________________________
Dr. James McKeever, President
AFT 1521 Faculty Guild
By: _______________________________________________
William Elarton-Selig, Chief Negotiator
Executive Vice President, AFT 1521 Faculty Guild
By: _______________________________________________
Dr. Angela Belden, Chapter President
Los Angeles Pierce College
By: _______________________________________________
Chris Cofer, Adjunct Faculty Representative
Los Angeles Mission College
By: _______________________________________________
Dr. Christine Park, Chapter President
Los Angeles City College
By: _______________________________________________
Clive Gordon, Counseling Representative
Los Angeles Valley College
By: _______________________________________________
Cynthia Orozco, Adjunct Faculty Representative
East Los Angeles College
By: _______________________________________________
Darrell Eckersley, Chief Grievance Officer
AFT 1521 Faculty Guild
By: _______________________________________________
Grace Chee, Chapter President
West Los Angeles College
By: _______________________________________________
Hale Savard, Faculty Representative
Los Angeles Harbor College
DocuSign Envelope ID: D65A934F-D25B-4FC6-B841-7E6B24394C12
Agreement, Conditions and Duration: Article 45
- 230 -
Page 2 of 2
By: ___________________________________________
Albert Saryan
Applications and Programming Manager
By: ___________________________________________
Florentino Manzano
Vice President of Student Services
By: ___________________________________________
Emmy Stovall
Division Operations Specialist (Conf.)
By: _______________________________________________
Dr. Iris Zelaya, Adjunct Faculty Representative
Los Angeles Trade-Tech College
By: _______________________________________________
Jeff Bohn, Faculty Representative
Los Angeles Southwest College
By: _______________________________________________
Dr. Jenny Galvez, Secretary
AFT 1521 Faculty Guild
By: _______________________________________________
Dr. Jessica Saint-Paul, AFAC Co-Chair
AFT 1521 Faculty Guild
By: _______________________________________________
Joseph Guerrieri, Chapter President,
Los Angeles Trade-Tech College
By: _______________________________________________
Dr. Kathleen Addison, Adjunct Faculty Representative
Los Angeles Valley College
By: _______________________________________________
Lou Siegel, Barganing Communications
Los Angeles Trade-Tech College
By: _______________________________________________
Martha Clayton, Noncredit Representative
Los Angeles City College
By: _______________________________________________
Dr. Ruby Christian-Brougham, Chapter President
Los Angeles Valley College
By: _______________________________________________
Dr. Stuart Souki, Chapter President
East Los Angeles College
By: _______________________________________________
Vilma Bernal, Chapter President
Los Angeles Mission College
DocuSign Envelope ID: D65A934F-D25B-4FC6-B841-7E6B24394C12
231 -
Appendix A: Salary Schedules 232
Appendix B: Employee Grievance Form 239
Appendix C: Evaluation Forms 242
Appendix D: Def
initions 305
Appendix E: Senior
ity Lists 313
Appendix F:
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Evaluation Form 320
Appendix G:
Formally Appendix G: Page Intentionally Left Blank 328
Appendix H: Class Codes 329
Appendix I: Domestic Partner Coverage Under Health Plans 331
Appendix J-1: R
equest for Approval and Payment for Adjunct Ancillary Activities 338
Appendix J-2:
Completion Report of Ancillary Activities 341
Appendix K: Load Ban
king Form 343
Appendix L: Selected MOU’s 346
Appendix M: Cal
endars 2024-25, 2025-26, 2026-27 365
Appendix N: Annual
Load Form 375
Appendix O: Non-C
ollegiality Incident Report Form 378
Appendix P: Admi
nistrative Resolution to Appendix O 380
Appendix Q: Facul
ty Duties, Obligations, and Activities 382
Appendix R: Senior
ity and Priority Lists Templates 383
Appendix S:
Reserved” Page Intentionally Left Blank
Appendix T: Requ
est to Waive ISA, CI Contract Provision 389
Appendix U-1: WEC Recommendations for the College President 393
Appendix U-
2: College Presidents Response to WEC Recommendations 395
Appendix A
232 -
Appendix A (Return to Table of Contents)
2023-24 Faculty Salary Schedules and Rates
Access the latest salary schedules at:
AFT 1521 website:
LACCD website:
Page 1 of 6
Effective July 1, 2023, to continue until June-30,-2024.
(Total Change 10.22%; Equity 12.82
; Added PTOH differential to FESK & FESL)
Normal D-Basis and C-Basis Assignments
Preparation Salary Schedule In Dollars ($): rates per month for all steps and increments.^
Appendix A
^Schedule is fully aligned, 5% between columns and 3.6% between rows.
New employees may be allocated up to and including the highest step listed on the column.
Career Increments (CI) & Doctoral Differential (per month)
CI #1 after 3 years (16-18) at E13:
additional (2.387% of E13);
Total monthly amount:
CI #2 after 6 years (19-21) at E13:
additional (2.387% of CI#1);
Total monthly amount:
CI #3 after 9 years (22-24) at E13:
additional (2.387% of CI#2);
Total monthly amount:
CI #4 after 12 years (25-27) at E13:
additional (2.387% of CI#3);
Total monthly amount:
CI #5 after 15 years (28 +) at E13:
additional (2.387% of CI#4);
Total monthly amount:
Doctoral differential: 461 additional; Maximum total monthly salary for doctoral differential plus CI#5 = 15720
Other Differentials:
Certificate differential: 216 per month
Responsibility differential (Chair, CDC Director, Counselor, Consulting Instructor, Nurse, DSPS specialist): 679 per month
Overbase differential per month for standard hours beyond 18:
1 hour (19): 424;
2 hours (20); 849;
3 hours (21 and above) 1273
Supplemental instructor: 73.31 per hour
Faculty mentor: 813.42 per year
Non-English Instructional Differential: 134 per calendar month of the assignment
Dual Enrollment Differential: 134 per calendar month of the assignment
Clinical Facility Requirement: 100 per day of required training
233 -
Page 2 of 6
C-Basis Assignments Paid over 12 Months
Preparation Salary Schedule In Dollars ($): rates per month for all steps and increments.^
^Schedule is fully aligned, 5% between columns and 3.6% between rows.
New employees may be allocated up to and including the highest step listed on the column.
Career Increments (CI) & Doctoral Differential (per month)
CI #1 after 3 years (16-18) at E13:
additional (2.387% of E13);
Total monthly amount:
CI #2 after 6 years (19-21) at E13:
additional (2.387% of CI#1);
Total monthly amount:
CI #3 after 9 years (22-24) at E13:
additional (2.387% of CI#2);
Total monthly amount:
CI #4 after 12 years (25-27) at E13:
additional (2.387% of CI#3);
Total monthly amount:
CI #5 after 15 years (28 +) at E13:
additional (2.387% of CI#4);
Total monthly amount:
Doctoral differential: 384.17 additional; Maximum total monthly salary for doctoral differential plus CI#5 = 13,100.00
Other Differentials:
Certificate differential: 180.00 per month
Responsibility differential (Chair, CDC Director, Counselor, Consulting Instructor, Nurse, DSPS specialist): 565.83 per
erbase differential per month for st
andard hours beyond 18:
1 hour (19): 353.33;
2 hours (20): 707.50;
3 hours (21): 1060.83.
Supplemental instructor: 73.31 per hour
Faculty mentor: 813.42 per year
Non-English Instructional Differential: 111.67 per calendar month of the assignment
Dual Enrollment Differential: 111.67 per calendar month of the assignment
Clinical Facility Requirement: 100 per day of required training
All other amounts listed above on page 2 are monthly amounts. As these are per hour, per day or per year rates, the value should and does match the normal C-Basis
Appendix A
234 -
Page 3 of 6
Large Class Stipends
Faculty who teach a properly approved course above the class size limit shall receive the large-class
stipend (see Article 12 and Article 40 for further details).
1. If the large class has an enrollment of 50 to 59 at census (or the appropriate apportionment date),
the instructor will receive a Large Class Stipend of $800 per Standard Hour
for that
semester/academic term.
2. If the large class has an enrollment of 60 to 69 at census (or the appropriate apportionment date),
the instructor will receive a Large Class Stipend of $1300 per Standard Hour
for that semester or
academic term.
3. If the large class has an enrollment of 70 to 80 at census (or the appropriate apportionment date),
the instructor will receive a Large Class Stipend of $1800 per Standard Hour
for that semester or
academic term.
Newly negotiated rates listed in Article 40 Tentative Agreement.
Appendix A
235 -
Page 4 of 6
Adjunct schedules ($ per payroll hour):
--Credit Teaching-
-- Nonclassroom -- --
or sub
Sub cred teaching
or sub
Adjunct Career Increments^
CAREER INCR #1: 3 YEARS AT TOP STEP FOR PAYSCALE (EFFECTIVE July 1, 2023) (additional 3.2%)
Rate with one career increment (DESK K): 116.59
Rate with one career increment (EESK K): 103.33
Rate with one career increment (GESK K): 122.39
Rate with one career increment (FESK K): 103.03
CAREER INCR #2: 3 YEARS AT CAREER INCR #1 FOR PAYSCALE (EFFECTIVE July 1, 2023) (additional 3.2%)
Rate with one career increment (DESK K): 120.32
Rate with one career increment (EESK K): 106.64
Rate with one career increment (GESK K): 126.30
Rate with one career increment (FESK K): 106.32
For posted doctoral degree add $2.70 for DESK, $1.37 for EESK, and $1.61 for FESK.
* Plus $19.91 office hour differential
Plus $2.82
equity differential for loads 1218
Plus $4.54 equity differential for loads 12 15.
^ Available only to adjunct employees, with no full-time assignment i
n the LACCD and are not retirees from the
LACCD with hourly assignments, and who have received pay at the highest step on the hourly rate schedule(s).
The total salary per term for one standard hour of credit or noncredit teaching, using the pay by course method,
is 20 times the rate shown in the (DESK or FESK) schedule. For all schedules, column K has 3.2% between steps.
DESK is for credit teaching in Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. For credit teaching in Column K, the office hour
differential per standard hour is 20 times the rate shown above. Regular classified with adjunct credit are on Column L.
The $2.82
hourly equity allocation from the State will, if continued, result in continued payment of an equity payment to
credit adj
unct teachers in disciplines with fulltime Standard Teaching Hours from 12 to 18 inclusive, as shown in Table A
of Article 13, in Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. The method for this equity payment distribution has been agreed to be
a differential on the adjunct credit teaching schedule DESK, contingent upon funding.
Assumes all paragraphs within MOU 2018-02, dated August 2018, are still valid.
Appendix A
236 -
Page 5 of 6
Coaching stipends in Dollars ($) - payable to a single person (may not be split)
23-24 Athletic Head Coaching Stipends
Athletic Coaching Stipends^ (Total Amount Per Sport Per Year and Monthly)
Total Annual
Total Months
of Scheduled
Period Monthly Sitpend Paid
Head Coach
Head Coach
(Full Time)
4 Sept-Dec 4,475
M/W Cross Country
4 Sept-Dec 4,475
M/W Water Polo
4 Sept-Dec 4,475
M/W Soccer
4 Sept-Dec 4,475
M/W Volleyball
4 Sept-Dec (W) Feb-May (M) 4,475
M/W Basketball
5 Oct-Feb 3,580
4 Feb-May 4,475
4 Feb-May 4,475
M/W Swim/Dive
4 Feb-May 4,475
M/W Track/Field
4 Feb-May 4,475
M/W Tennis
4 Feb-May 4,475
4 Sept-Dec 4,475
4 Feb-May 4,475
4 Sept-Dec (W) Feb-May (M) 4,475
Sand Volleyball
4 Jan-Apr 4,475
Playoff Stipends
Athletic Coaching Stipend for Playoffs (all coaching assignments): per week for up to three weeks in a
single payment at the end of the month during which the last playoff week concludes:
^Amounts listed are effective July 1, 2023. Differentials.aspx
* Salary amount derived from Column C, Row 4 (8948) of the Abbreviated Faculty Salary Elements chart as per directed in
Faculty Contract Article 14, Section 8 (a). increased by 23-24 negotiated amount of 10.22%.
Appendix A
237 -
Page 6 of 6
23-24 Athletic Assistant Coach Stipends
As of Aug 17, 2023
Athletic Assistant Coaching Stipends* (Total Amount Per Sport Per Year)
Total Months of
Payment Months
Total Walk -
On Assistant
Total Assistant
Coach (Full
Time) (0741)
4 Sept-Dec
13,820 13,820
M/W Cross Country
4 Sept-Dec
13,820 13,820
M/W Water Polo
4 Sept-Dec
13,820 13,820
M/W Soccer
4 Sept-Dec
13,820 13,820
M.W Volleyball
4 Sept-Dec (W) Feb-May (M)
13,820 13,820
M/W Basketball
5 Oct-Feb
17,275 17,275
4 Feb-May
13,820 13,820
4 Feb-May
13,820 13,820
M/W Swim/Dive
4 Feb-May
13,820 13,820
M/W Track/Field
4 Feb-May
13,820 13,820
M/W Tennis
4 Feb-May
13,820 13,820
4 Sept-Dec
13,820 13,820
4 Feb-May
13,820 13,820
4 Sept-Dec (W) Feb-May (M)
13,820 13,820
Sand Volleyball
4 Jan-Apr
13,820 13,820
^ The Faculty unit does not represent these employees (Walk-in Assistant Coaches). These stipend amounts are listed as a courtesy
* Stipend amount was derived from contract language in Faculty Contract Article 14 Section 8(b), increased by
23-24 negotiated amount of:. 10.22%
Playoff and Athletic Director Stipends
Athletic Coaching Stipend for Playoffs (all coaching assignments): per week for up to three
weeks in a single payment at the end of the month during which the last playoff week concludes:
Athletic Director Stipend, per intercollegiate sport offered at the college, except if the college
offers football, which counts for two stipends:
Appendix A
238 -
Appendix B
239 -
Appendix B (Return to Table of Contents)
Employee Grievance Form
Actual Employee Grievance Form is available in the following places:
Access an Accessible Fillable PDF Form of Employee Grievance Form at LACCD ELR
ePoint site (requires employee SSO Log In):
AFT 1521 web site:
AFT 1521 Chapter President Office at each college
AFT 1521 Grievance Representative Office at each college
AFT 1521 Faculty Guild Office
Los Angeles Community College District Office, Human Resources Division
ice President of Academic Affairs office at each college
Employee Grievance Form
through 9 must be completed by the grievant (please type or print).
One copy of this form must be submitted to the respondent. The appropriate grievance
procedure as outlined in your collective bargaining agreement must be followed.
1. Grievant (Full Name):
2. Work Site:
3. Job Title (Position):
4. Employee Number:
5. Names of Union Representatives if any.
6. Office or Department:
7. Grievance Step:
Authority Name:
Authority Job Title:
Page 1 of 2, Form HR C2024 10/05/2023 (AI)
Appendix B
- 240 -
8. Clearly and concisely state your grievance: indicate the alleged misinterpretation,
misapplication, or violation of specific provisions of the Agreement and or any other applicable
provisions, statutory and constitutional rights, and rules, regulations, policies and procedures
of the LACCD, and or the Personnel Commission (Attach additional sheets if necessary.)
9. Clearly and concisely state your remedy: (Attach additional sheets if necessary.)
Signature of Grievant:
Respondent: Clearly and concisely state the reason for your decision on a separate sheet and
send copy with this form to the Office of Employee and Labor Relations.
Page 1 of 2, Form HR C2024 10/05/2023 (AI)
Appendix B
- 241 -
Appendix C
242 -
Appendix C (Return to Table of Contents)
Evaluation Forms and Tools (Articles 19 and 42)
Actual evaluation forms and tools are available in the following places:
Access Accessible Fillable PDF Forms at LACCD SharePoint site (requires employee SSO Lo
AFT 1521 Chapter President Office at each college
AFT 1521 Faculty Guild Office
AFT 1521 web site:
Los Angeles Community College District Office, Human Resources Division
Vice President of Academic Affairs office at each colleg
Table of Contents
Section I
Suggested Evaluation Plan Timetable
nd Worksheet for Article 19 Evaluation 243 to 246
Suggested Evaluation Plan Timetabl
nd Worksheet for Article 42 - Tenure Review 247 to 250
Section II
Basic and Comprehensive
1.* Evaluation Summary Form for All Faculty Sections A, C and D 251
2. Evaluation Summary Form for Classroom InstructorSection B 255
3. Eva
luation Summary Form for CounselorSection B 257
4. Eva
luation Summary Form for Librarian—Section B 258
5. Ev
aluation Summary Form for ISA/Consulting InstructorSection B 259
6. Evaluation Summary Form for College NurseSection B 260
7. Evaluation Summary Form for Disabilities Specialist/ Instructor 2
8. Evaluation
Summary Form for Child Development Center Instructor 264
9. Evaluation Sum
mary Form for Dental and Clinical Laboratory Instructor 266
10. Administrat
ive Evaluation Form for Classroom Faculty 268
11. Administrative Evaluation Form for Library Faculty 272
. Administrative Evaluation Form for Counseling Faculty 276
13. Administrative Evaluation Form for Dept. Chair, CDC, and Nursing Directors 28
14. Evaluation of Department Chair, CDC Director, Nursing Director 284
15. Evaluation of Faculty EOPS or DSPS Director 288
16. Student Evaluation of Classroom
Instructor 291
17. Student Evaluation of Child Development Center Instructor
18. Student Evaluation of Counselor
19. Student Evaluation of Disability Specialist
20. Student Evaluation of Librarian
21. Student Evaluation of Online Instructor
*Evaluation Summary Form for All Faculty use: Sections A, C and D
Appendix C Section I
243 -
Article 19: Evaluation
Suggested Evaluation Plan Timetable and Worksheet
Comprehensive Evaluation of Tenured Faculty Member
Name of Evaluee:
Employee Number:
Evaluation Process Start Date:
Evaluation Committee Chair:
Fall or
Spring Term
Start Date
Tasks & Responsible Party
1 1
First Day
Begin Comprehensive
Evaluation Process as per
Article 19.
Faculty member evaluation cycle, request, or chair
request initiates comprehensive evaluation process
2 4
President or designee
appoints peer review
committee (Art. 19.H.1)
Committee Composition:
Department Chair or
designee (tenured) - voting
Department designee
(tenured) - voting
Faculty member’s designee
(tenured) - voting
VP Designee non-voting
President or Designee Appoints Committee:
Department Chair (tenured):
(Voting) ____
artment Designee (tenured):
(Voting) __________________________________
aluee Designee (tenured):
oting) __________________________________
inistrative Designee:
* Recommended Timeline
Appendix C Section I
244 -
Article 19: Evaluation (Continued)
Fall or
Spring Term
Start Date
Tasks Responsible Party
3 5
Committee convenes to:
1. Elect a chair from tenured
faculty reps.
(Art. 19.H.2)
2. Develop plan for
evaluation process.
3. Determine needed
materials from faculty
member, e.g. syllabi,
sample assignments,
handouts, and exams.
Determine what data to be
collected, such as student
evaluations, classroom
observations, etc.
5. Determine how and who
will collect data.
6. Agree on timeline to
conduct process.
Committee Chair Elected: (name)
Plan developed set dates.
Material requested for Portfolio:
Syllabi all classes
Sample assignments
Sample handouts
Sample exams
Other items, if any (describe)
□ _____________________
□ _____________________
Data to be collected: (Excluding data from work monitoring
Student evaluations (Required- Article 19.G.4)
Classroom observations (Required- Article 19.G.5)
Other) data, if any (describe)
□ _____________________
□ _____________________
Timeline and Tasks
Who will collect data: ________________________
How will data be collected: __
* Recommended Timeline
Appendix C Section I
245 -
Article 19: Evaluation (Continued)
Fall or
Spring Term
Start Date
Tasks Responsible Party
4 6
Committee meets with faculty
member to review process as
outlined in step 3.
Meeting with Evaluee to review plan:
Date: _
Signed: _____
(Committee chair)
5 6
Committee finalizes plan after
review by faculty member.
Plan sent by committee chair to faculty member:
_________________________________________ Date:
6 7
Committee sends final plan to
Vice President.
Plan sent by committee chair to Vice President:
_________________________________________ Date:
7 8
Data gathering commences.
Committee completes data gathering:
_________________________________________ Date:
8 12
Committee compiles all data
and completes summary then
shares it with the faculty
member in a final evaluation
committee meeting. The
faculty member has 10 days
to comment before all is
forwarded to the Vice
Committee shares summary with Evaluee:
__________________________________ Date: _
Evaluee signs review:
Date: (10 days max.):
9 14
Vice President reviews and
signs off after comments and
changes, if any, addressed by
die committee. All evaluation
materials filed with VP or
Vice President
_____________________________________ Approval:
* Recommended Timeline
Appendix C Section I
246 -
Article 19: Evaluation (Continued)
Fall or
Tasks Responsible Party
10 15
VP forwards completed
evaluation to faculty
member who may elect to
add a written statement.
Final Evaluation sent to Evaluee:
11 16
VP adds completed
evaluation to faculty
member’s official
personnel file (district
Final Evaluation sent to Evaluee's personnel file:
If Administrative
Evaluation is needed it
should commence no later
than the 3rd week of die
following semester,
pending outcome of due
process, be presented to
Board of Trustees prior to
March 15.
Further action:
12 Spring Mar. 15
Board of Trustees action
on faculty status for next
BOT action:
* Recommended Timeline
Appendix C Section I
247 -
Article 42: Tenure Review
Suggested Evaluation Plan Timetable and Worksheet
Name of Evaluee:
Employee Number:
Evaluation Process Start Date:
Evaluation Committee Chair:
Fall Term
Start Date
Tasks & Responsible Party
1 1
First Day of
New Probationary Contract
Employee begins first full year of
full-time work (see Art. 42.C.1).
Faculty member evaluation cycle, request or chair request
initiates comprehensive evaluation process
2 4
Within 20 working days of start
date (Art 42.B.2) President or
designee appoints tenure review
Committee Composition:
Department Chair or designee
(tenured) - voting
Department designee (tenured)-
Faculty member’s designee
(tenured) - voting
VP Designee non-voting
President or Designee Appoints Committee:
Department Chair (tenured):
(Voting) __________________________________
Department Designee (tenured):
Evaluee Designee (tenured):
(Voting) __________________________________
Senate Representative:
Administrative Designee:
* Recommended Timeline
Appendix C Section I
248 -
Article 42: Tenure Review (Continued)
Fall Term
Start Date
Tasks Responsible Party
3 5
Committee convenes to:
1. Elect a chair from tenured
faculty reps.
(Art. 42.B.5)
2. Develop plan for evaluation
3. Determine needed materials
from faculty member, e.g.:
syllabi, sample assignments,
handouts, and exams.
4. Determine what data to be
collected, such as student
evaluations, classroom
observations, etc.
5. Determine how and who will
collect data.
6. Agree on timeline to conduct
Committee Chair Elected: (name)
Plan developed set dates.
Material requested for Portfolio:
Syllabi all classes
Sample assignments
Sample handouts
Sample exams
Other items, if any (describe)
□ _____________________
□ _____________________
□ _____________________
Data to be collected: (Excluding data from work monitoring software)
Student evaluations (Required- Article 19.G.4)
Classroom observations (Required- Article 19.G.5)
Other) data, if any (describe)
□ _____________________
□ _____________________
□ _____________________
Timeline and Tasks
Who will collect data: ___________________________
How will data be collected:
* Recommended Timeline
Appendix C Section I
249 -
Article 42: Tenure Review (Continued)
Fall Term
Start Date
Tasks Responsible Party
4 6
Committee meets with contract
faculty member to review
process as outlined in step 3.
Meeting with Evaluee to review plan:
Date: _________________________________________
(Committee chair)
5 6
Committee sends plan, reviewed
by contract faculty member, to
Vice President.
Plan sent by committee chair to faculty member:
6 7
After Vice President approves
plan and returns it to the
committee, the evaluation
Plan sent by committee chair to Vice President:
7 8
Data gathering commences.
Committee completes data gathering:
8 12
Committee compiles all data and
completes summary then shares
it with the faculty member in a
final evaluation committee
meeting. The faculty member
has 10 days to comment before
all is forwarded to the vice
Committee shares summary with Evaluee:
Evaluee signs review:
Date: (10 days max.):
9 14
Vice President signs off and
completes evaluation.
Comments and changes, if any,
addressed by the committee.
Portfolio with all data established
to be carried through all 4 prob,
Vice President
* Recommended Timeline
Appendix C Section I
250 -
Article 42: Tenure Review (Continued)
Fall Term
Start Date
Tasks & Responsible Party
10 15
Completed evaluation
forwarded to the
contract faculty member
who may elect to add a
written statement within
10 days.
Final Evaluation sent to Evaluee:
Date: _
11 16
Process is complete
and recommendation is
made as to status of
next probationary
Contract Offered: Year _____ 2 _____ 3-4 _____tenure
Contract Not offered: Year____ 2 ____ 3-4 ____ tenure
Fall, Winter, or
If Administrative
Evaluation is needed it
should commence
immediately following
die tenure review,
pending outcome of the
process, be presented
to Board of Trustees
prior to March 15.
Further action:
12 Spring Mar. 15
Board of Trustees
action on faculty
contract status for next
BOT action:
* Recommended Timeline
Appendix C Section II
251 -
Basic and Comprehensive Evaluation Summary Form For All Faculty
Name of Faculty
Evaluation Type:
Full time regular faculty
Check all that
Tenure track contract faculty
3 or
Limited (including PACE) or long-term substitute
Adjunct faculty
This evaluation applies to, check all that
Face to Face Class
A. Professional Qualities
Meets or Exceeds
Needs to Improve
Keeps current in discipline.
Interacts or communicates with peers.
Accepts constructive criticism well.
Maintains adequate and appropriate
Submits grades and or other required
information on time.
Attends required meetings.
Is regularly available to students.
Fulfills professional development
Participates in culturally responsive training.
Sources: (state sources of data)
Professional Contributions
Meets or Exceeds
Needs to Improve
Faculty includes SLOs on class syllabi.
(For Full Time Faculty Only) Makes
appropriate contribution to the college by
serving effectively on a committee, projects,
special assignments, etc.
(For Full Time Faculty Only) Makes
appropriate contributions to the
discipline/department and assumes an
appropriate share of faculty responsibilities
Appendix C Section II
252 -
(For All Faculty) Develops and disseminates
course syllabi consistent with appropriate
Board Policies.
Sources: (state sources of data)
Appendix C Section II
253 -
B. Attach appropriate form for Section B. Complete Sections C and D.
Overall Evaluation:
Needs to improve
D. Comments, Recommendations, and Improvement Plans where applicable:
Insert comments in text box or attach a separate piece of paper:
E. Faculty Professional Growth Goals and Plan for next evaluation period: (Evaluee Generated)
Insert comments in text box or attach a separate piece of paper:
(Select signature section below based on the type of evaluation completed)
Tenure Review
Peer Review Committee Signatures
Required as per Article 19 and 42
Print Name (Chair)
Print Name (Dept. Rep)
Print Name (Selected Rep)
Print Name (Admin Rep)
Print Name (Senate Rep)
Basic Evaluation for full-time or adjunct faculty Evaluator Signature (Department Chair or
Print Name (Chair)
Evaluee Signature Required for Basic and Comprehensive Evaluations
I have received a copy of this evaluation, but my signature does not necessarily indicate my
agreement. I understand that I have ten (10) working days to have a written statement
attached to this evaluation before it is sent to my personnel file in the Human Resources
Print Name Signature Date
Appendix C Section II
254 -
Accepted by appropriate Vice President or designee
Print Name:
Appendix C Section II
255 -
Name of Faculty
B. Knowledge, Skill, and Ability as a Classroom Instructor
Meets or Exceeds
Needs Improvement
Establishes a student-instructor relationship conducive to learning
Communicates ideas clearly and effectively
Stimulates students' interest and desire to learn
Promotes active involvement of students in learning activities
Assesses students’ progress regularly
Uses class time efficiently
Demonstrates sensitivity in working with students with diverse backgrounds
and needs
Meets classes at appointed hour for scheduled duration
Ensures that course content is current and appropriate
Teaches course content that is appropriate to the official course outline of
record congruent with standards set by the discipline
Uses materials that are accurate and that are pertinent to the subject matter
and course outline
Maintains an appropriate pace during each class session and over the duration
of the academic term
Has appropriate command of the subject matter to be able to respond to
student needs
Evaluates student achievement according to stated course grading criteria
Provides a positive learning environment for all student populations
Initiates regular, systematic and substantive student contact.
Appendix C Section II
256 -
Sources: (State sources of
Narrative assessment: (insert comments here or attach separate
Appendix C Section II
257 -
Name of Faculty
B. Knowledge, Skill, and Ability as a Counselor
Meets or Exceeds
Needs Improvement
Demonstrates knowledge of counseling processes
Demonstrates knowledge of current trends in counseling
Demonstrates knowledge in counseling resources
Demonstrates knowledge of policies and requirements affecting students
Communicates clearly and effectively with students
Actively listens to students
Fulfills professional obligations and delivers scheduled services to students and
works cooperatively as a member of the counseling team.
Respects students as individuals
Maintains student confidentiality
Fosters an environment of trust and sensitivity
Gives students an opportunity for follow up
Adheres to a publicized schedule of work and office hours
Is on time for scheduled appointments and for "drop in"
Submits required records and reports in timely manner
Functions as an effective counselor with a minimum of supervision
Actively contributes to college community and fulfills committee responsibility
Seeks solutions to students concerns with faculty and administration
Continually works to improve professional effectiveness
Sources: (State sources of
Narrative assessment: (insert comments here or attach separate
Appendix C Section II
258 -
Name of Faculty
B. Knowledge, Skill, and Ability as a Librarian
Meets or Exceeds
Needs Improvement
Demonstrates knowledge of library science and service
Demonstrates knowledge of current trends and technology in library science
Demonstrates knowledge of research methods and resources
Assists members of the college community in reaching reference and research
Communicates clearly and effectively
Creates and maintains an environment conducive to learning
Demonstrates knowledge of resources and opportunities available to special
needs students
Demonstrates ability to work with students one to one and in groups
Actively consults with librarians, and other departments to provide students
with up-to-date information about changes and new programs
Effectively plans and implements department programs and services
Facilitates self-reliance in library usage
Maintains work schedule
Maintains required records and submits reports in a timely manner
Functions effectively with a minimum of supervision
Demonstrates sensitivity in working with students, faculty, and staff with
diverse backgrounds and needs
Demonstrates ability to work with colleagues within the library including the
Department Chair
Uses good judgment.
Sources: (State sources of
Narrative assessment: (insert comments here or attach separate
Appendix C Section II
259 -
Name of Faculty
B. Knowledge, Skill, and Ability as an ISA or Consulting Instructor
Meets or Exceeds
Needs Improvement
Demonstrates depth and breadth of knowledge relevant to the position
Effectively promotes the program and helps recruit the students and or faculty
as applicable to the position.
Accomplishes tasks as specified in the job duties of the assignment.
Maintains working relationships with all constituencies
Continually works to improve professional effectiveness
Actively contributes to the college community and shares in faculty
Effectively and appropriately responds to challenges requiring immediate
Acts decisively and takes responsibility for outcomes
Achieves measurable program success
Provides leadership and organizational support for faculty, staff, and students in
the program
Reviews the curriculum and plans a balanced program to meet current and future
Uses good judgment
Sources: (State sources of
Narrative assessment: (insert comments here or attach separate
Appendix C Section II
260 -
Name of Faculty
B. Knowledge, Skill, and Ability as a College Nurse
or Exceeds
Demonstrates depth and breadth of knowledge relevant to the position
Demonstrates current knowledge of health care, services, and resources
including but not limited to
a. Current CPR, AED, and First Aid card
b. Phlebotomy techniques
c. Vaccine administration
d. TB testing
e. Handling of pathogens
Contributes to solutions of Health Services related problems
Assists individuals in defining their problems
Adheres to the principle of confidentiality
Practices appropriate referral of clients to another agency or specialist for
Provides a non-judgmental environment
Respects students as individuals
Demonstrates competency in dealing with emotional needs and crises of clients
Maintains a regular work schedule
Maintains scheduled office hours
Communicates clearly and effectively with clients
Communicates clearly and effectively with faculty, staff, and administration
Continually works to improve professional effectiveness
Plans and implements an ongoing health education program
Submits required records and reports in a timely manner
Documents charts through completed SOAP notes
Functions as an effective nurse with a minimum of supervision
Actively contributes to college community and fulfills committee and other
institutional obligations
Conforms to District and college policies affecting the delivery of health services
Appendix C Section II
261 -
Sources: (State sources of
Narrative assessment: (insert comments here or attach separate
Appendix C Section II
262 -
Name of Faculty
B. Knowledge, Skill, and Ability as a Disabilities Specialist
Meets or Exceeds
Needs Improvement
Demonstrates knowledge of discipline
Demonstrates knowledge of current trends, laws, and regulations
Maintains regular work schedule and office hours
Is on time for appointments
Is available to confer with students
Provides needed services to eligible students
Fosters an environment of trust and sensitivity
Maintains student confidentiality.
Fulfills professional obligations and delivers scheduled services to students
Communicates clearly and effectively
Establishes a student-teacher relationship conducive to learning
Seeks resolutions to student concerns with faculty and administration
Maintains required records and submits reports in a timely manner
Effectively plans and implements department programs and services
Promotes active involvement of student's learning activities
Functions effectively with a minimum of supervision
Demonstrates sensitivity in working with students, faculty, and staff of diverse
backgrounds and needs
Appendix C Section II
263 -
Sources: (State sources of
Narrative assessment: (insert comments here or attach separate
Appendix C Section II
264 -
Name of Faculty
B. Knowledge, Skill, and Ability as a Child Development Center Instructor
Meets or Exceeds
Needs Improvement
Demonstrates ability to design and implement a broadly-based curriculum
Assesses individual developmental level of each child
Creates and maintains an environment conducive to growth and development
for children
Interacts with children in a positive manner
Demonstrates knowledge of a wide variety of teaching methods
Helps children develop social skills, better communication, and relationships
Remains calm in startling or difficult situations
Assists children in gaining self-esteem
Shows tact, compassion and empathy for children and families
Is tolerant and considerate of differences in children and in adults
Utilizes conflict resolution skills
Maintains ongoing records of children's progress
Communicates effectively in parent conferences
Supervises and evaluates practicum students
Provides direction and training of student workers
Works effectively as a member of a developmental team with children, parents,
students, and staff members
Attends and actively participates in staff meetings
Appendix C Section II
265 -
Sources: (State sources of
Narrative assessment: (insert comments here or attach separate
Appendix C Section II
266 -
Name of Faculty Member:
B. Knowledge, Skill and Ability as a Dental Clinical and Laboratory Instructor
Meets or Exceeds
Needs Improvement
1. Establishes a student-instructor relationship conducive to learning
2. Communicates ideas clearly and effectively
3. Stimulates students' interest and desire to learn
4. Promotes active involvement of students in learning activities
5. Assesses students’ progress regularly
6. Uses clinical/laboratory time efficiently
Demonstrates sensitivity in working with students with diverse backgrounds and
8. Meets classes at appointed hour for scheduled duration
9. Ensures that course content is current and appropriate
Teaches course content that is appropriate to the official course outline of record
congruent with standards set by the discipline
Uses clinical skills and materials that are accurate and that are pertinent to the
subject matter and course outline.
Has appropriate command of the subject matter to be able to respond and
train student needs
Evaluates student achievement according to stated course grading criteria
Provides a positive learning environment for all student populations
Initiates regular, systematic, and substantive student contact.
Monitors patient safety and follows the regulations and policies of standard
Maintains HIPAA regulations.
Appendix C Section II
267 -
Demonstrate required hours of teaching methodology in the area of subject
Appendix C Section II
268 -
Administrative Evaluation Form for Classroom Faculty
Faculty Name
Employee Number
Department Name
Date of Evaluation
Date of Conference(s)
Attach additional sheet(s) if needed
1. Knowledge Of Subject Area:
This category addresses the instructor’s subject matter knowledge as evidenced in their
classroom presentations. It includes knowledge of current trends in the field and the ability
to teach the course as presented in the college’s official course outline.
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Need to Improve
No Basis for Judgment
Describe and summarize input from Peer Evaluation, appropriate individuals as designated by
the faculty member
and or administrator, any other data collected, and how the input was
Goals and
timeline for improvement:
This category includes retaining students, keeping student confidences, demonstrating respect
for students in general, creating a learning environment that is conducive to learning, setting
an atmosphere of trust and sensitivity, and motivating students to
learn. It also includes
contributing to faculty committees and interacting effectively with peers.
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Need to Improve
No Basis for Judgment
Describe and summarize input from Peer Evaluation, appropriate individuals as designated by
the faculty member
and or administrator, any other data collected, and how the input was
Goals and
timeline for improvement:
Appendix C Section II
269 -
Performance Of Responsibilities:
This category includes issues such as providing students with a written syllabus that includes
grading standards and course expectations, evaluating students according to the stated
criteria. It also includes the
instructor’s ability to meet class for the full-designated time,
submit required grades and rosters on time, and maintain office hours.
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Need to Improve
No Basis for Judgment
Describe and summarize input from Peer Evaluation, appropriate individuals as designated by
the faculty member
and or administrator, any other data collected, and how the input was
Goals and
timeline for improvement:
Participation In Professional Growth Activities:
This category includes a demonstration of the instructor's willingness to continue to improve
their professional effectiveness and participate in professional growth activities. Suggestions
for Professional Development are included if relevant.
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Need to Improve
No Basis for Judgment
Describe and summarize input from Peer Evaluation, appropriate individuals as designated by
the faculty member
and or administrator, any other data collected, and how the input was
Appendix C Section II
270 -
Goals and
timeline for improvement:
Overall Evaluation: (Use Additional Sheet If Necessary)
Describe special abilities warranting exceptional recognition in detail. Describe specific
examples that support a rating of Unsatisfactory or Needs to Improve.
or Exceeds Expectations
Need to Improve
I recommend this employee:
be continued in service
be continued in service contingent upon needed improvements as noted.
Date for follow-up to the Administrative
not be continued in service
Dean signature:
Vice President or
President Signature:
Appendix C Section II
271 -
I have received a copy of this evaluation but my signature does not necessarily indicate my
agreement. I understand that I have ten (10) working days from the date of this report to have
a written statement attached to this evaluation before it is sent to my personnel file in the
Human Resources Division.
Faculty signature:
Witness signature:
Appendix C Section II
272 -
Administrative Evaluation Form for Library Faculty
Faculty Name
Employee Number
Department Name
Date of Evaluation
Date of Conference(s)
Attach additional sheet(s) if needed
1. Knowledge Of Subject Area:
This category addresses the librarian’s knowledge of library service, research methods, and
resources. It includes knowledge of current trends in the field of librarianship, and the ability
to assist members of the college community in reaching research objectives.
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Need to Improve
No Basis for Judgment
Describe and summarize input from Peer Evaluation, appropriate individuals as designated by
the faculty member
and or administrator, any other data collected, and how the input was
Goals and
timeline for improvement:
This category includes communicating clearly and effectively with students, maintaining
student confidentiality, demonstrating respect for students in general, creating a learning
environment that is conducive to learning, setting an atmosphere of trust an
d sensitivity, and
motivating students to learn. It also includes contributing to faculty committees and
interacting effectively with peers.
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Need to Improve
No Basis for Judgment
Describe and summarize input from Peer Evaluation, appropriate individuals as designated by
the faculty member
and or administrator, any other data collected, and how the input was
Goals and
timeline for improvement:
Appendix C Section II
273 -
Performance of Responsibilities:
This category includes issues such as demonstrating the ability to work cooperatively with
colleagues and staff within the department, functioning effectively with a minimum of
planning, and implementing department programs and services, adhering to
established work hours, accepting constructive criticism, and submitting required records and
reports in a timely manner.
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Need to Improve
No Basis for Judgment
Describe and summarize input from Peer Evaluation, appropriate individuals as designated by
the faculty member
and or administrator, any other data collected, and how the input was
Goals and
timeline for improvement:
Participation In Professional Growth Activities:
This category includes a demonstration of the instructor's willingness to continue to improve
their professional effectiveness and participate in professional growth activities. Suggestions
for Professional Development are included if relevant.
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Need to Improve
No Basis for Judgment
Describe and summarize input from Peer Evaluation, appropriate individuals as designated by
the faculty member
and or administrator, any other data collected, and how the input was
Appendix C Section II
274 -
Goals and
timeline for improvement:
Overall Evaluation: (use additional sheet if necessary)
Describe special abilities warranting exceptional recognition in detail. Describe specific
examples that support a rating of Unsatisfactory or Needs to Improve.
or Exceeds Expectations
Need to Improve
I recommend this employee:
be continued in service
be continued in service contingent upon needed improvements as noted.
Date for follow-up to the Administrative
not be continued in service
Dean signature:
Vice President or
Appendix C Section II
275 -
I have received a copy of this evaluation but my signature does not necessarily indicate my
agreement. I understand that I have ten (10) working days from the date of this report to
have a written statement attached to this evaluation before it is sent to my personnel file in
the Human Resources Division.
Faculty signature:
Appendix C Section II
276 -
Administrative Evaluation Form for Counseling Faculty
Faculty Name
Employee Number
Department Name
Date of Evaluation
Date of Conference(s)
Attach additional sheet(s) if needed
1. Knowledge Of Subject Area:
This category addresses the counselor’s knowledge of the counseling process. It includes
knowledge of current trends in the field of counseling, policies and requirements affecting
students, and current counseling resources.
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Need to Improve
No Basis for Judgment
Describe and summarize input from Peer Evaluation, appropriate individuals as designated by
the faculty member
and or administrator, any other data collected, and how the input was
Goals and
timeline for improvement:
This category includes communicating clearly and effectively with students, maintaining
student confidentiality, demonstrating respect for students in general, setting an atmosphere
of trust and sensitivity, and motivating students to persevere, while prov
iding tools for
student success. It also includes contributing to faculty committees and interacting
effectively with peers.
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Need to Improve
No Basis for Judgment
Describe and summarize input from Peer Evaluation, appropriate individuals as designated by
the faculty member
and or administrator, any other data collected, and how the input was
Goals and
timeline for improvement:
Appendix C Section II
277 -
Performance Of Responsibilities:
This category includes issues such as demonstrating the ability to work cooperatively with
colleagues and staff within the department,
adhering to established work hours, accepting
constructive criticism, and submitting required records and reports in a timely manner.
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Need to Improve
No Basis for Judgment
Describe and summarize input from Peer Evaluation, appropriate individuals as designated by
the faculty member
and or administrator, any other data collected, and how the input was
Goals and
timeline for improvement:
Participation In
Professional Growth Activities:
This category includes a demonstration of the
counselor’s willingness to continue to improve
their professional effectiveness and participate in professional growth activities. Suggestions
for Professional Development are included if relevant.
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Need to Improve
No Basis for Judgment
Describe and summarize input from Peer Evaluation, appropriate individuals as designated by
the faculty member
and or administrator, any other data collected, and how the input was
Goals and
timeline for improvement:
Appendix C Section II
278 -
Overall Evaluation: (use additional sheet if necessary)
Describe special abilities warranting exceptional recognition in detail. Describe specific
examples that support a rating of Unsatisfactory or Needs to Improve.
or Exceeds Expectations
Need to Improve
I recommend this employee:
be continued in service
be continued in service contingent upon needed improvements as noted.
Date for follow-up to the Administrative
not be continued in service
Dean signature:
Vice President
or designee:
I have received a copy of this evaluation but my signature does not necessarily indicate my
agreement. I understand that I have ten (10) working days from the date of this report to
Appendix C Section II
279 -
have a written statement attached to this evaluation before it is sent to my personnel file in
the Human Resources Division.
Faculty signature:
Appendix C Section II
280 -
Administrative Evaluation of Department Chair, CDC Director, or Nursing Director
Name of Chair or Director: Assignment or Department:
Article 17, Section C defines the reassigned time granted so that the Department Chair is able to fulfill
responsibilities assigned by the appropriate administrator and conduct departmental business whether or not
the Chair is entitled to receive reassigned time. A Department Chair's responsibilities are described in full in
Article 17, section D. In particular, section D.4 states: At the beginning of each academic year, each
Department Chair shall, in consultation with their departmental colleagues and the appropriate Vice
President or their designee, establish annual goals for the Department. Any evaluation of a Department Chair
under Article 19 shall review both the Chair's fulfillment of the responsibilities of the Department Chair
assignment, and their contribution towards the attainment of or progress toward achieving those goals.
Article 19 Section D defines the process for the Evaluation of Department Chairs as follows:
Evaluation of Department Chairs
During a faculty member’s service as a Department Chair, their performance of the department
chair’s duties and responsibilities shall be evaluated at the end of their first year of service as
Department Chair and at least once every other academic year thereafter.
The evaluation of a department chair shall be conducted by the appropriate Vice President or
designee in the following manner:
The appropriate Vice President or designee shall solicit information about the Department
Chair’s performance of their duties and responsibilities as chair. The Evaluation of Department
Chair, CDC Director, or Nursing Director Form found in Appendix C shall be distributed to the
faculty and staff in the evaluee’s department as well as any others the Vice President or designee
believes should have relevant information about the evaluee’s performance as Department
Chair. Faculty shall have ten (10) working days to return the forms to the appropriate Vice
President or designee.
The Vice President or designee shall record the evaluation results on the Department Chair. CDC
Director, or Nursing Director Form (see Appendix C).
The Department Chair may submit written comments on the evaluation within ten (10) working
days, which will be appended to the evaluation.
The evaluation of a Department Chair is a specialized evaluation that is separate from and in addition
to the normal evaluation of the Department Chair as a faculty member.
Steps to completing the Department Chair evaluation process:
Schedule a time to meet with your supervisor during your second semester of service as
Department Chair and at least once every other academic year thereafter.
Provide your supervisor with:
A copy of your department’s annual goals statement from the previous year and attach an
update about the status of each goal.
A copy of the proposed annual goals statement for the next year.
Any suggested data sources to assist with the evaluation categories as stated in sections A
d B of this form.
Appendix C Section II
281 -
A. Professional Qualities
Meets or Exceeds
Interacts or communicates with peers
Accepts constructive criticism well
Maintains adequate and appropriate records
Submits required information on time
Attends required meetings
Is regularly available to students
Professional Contributions
Makes appropriate contributions to the discipline
or department and assumes an appropriate share
of faculty responsibilities
Makes appropriate contributions to the college by
serving effectively on committees, projects, special
assignments, etc.
As provided for in Article 19.D.2.a, describe data and sources used to assess performance on these
qualities (Goals set by department, input from department faculty and others, any additional
Narrative assessment:
Appendix C Section II
282 -
Areas where performance exceeds expectations or where improved performance is needed:
B. Knowledge, Skill, and Ability As A Department Chair, CDC Director, Or Nursing Director
Meets or Exceeds
Demonstrates understanding of budget matters
including preparing budgets and monitoring
Demonstrates knowledge of district, college, and
contractual requirements in scheduling, staffing,
revising programs, and developing new programs
and courses as appropriate
Consults with administration and with other
departments as needed
Recruits, hires, evaluates, and assigns faculty,
classified workers, and student workers effectively
Communicates clearly, concisely, and effectively
Is available to students who enroll in the
department’s courses and is responsive to their
Involves faculty members in department decisions
Maintains professional standards
Is regularly available on campus
Maintains required department records and
submits department paperwork in a timely manner
Functions effectively with a minimum of
Demonstrates sensitivity in working with students,
faculty, and staff with diverse backgrounds and
As provided for in Article 19.D.2.a, describe data and sources used to assess performance on these
qualities (Goals set by department, input from department faculty and others, any additional
Appendix C Section II
283 -
Narrative assessment:
Areas where performance exceeds expectations or where improved performance is needed:
C. Overall Evaluation
Meets or Exceeds
Needs to improve
D. Commendations and Recommendations (may attach additional sheet)
Appropriate Vice President or Designee Date
I have received a copy of this evaluation, but my signature does not necessarily indicate my
agreement. I understand that I have ten (10) working days from the date of this report to have a
written statement attached to this evaluation before it is sent to my personnel file in the Human
Resources Division.
Director Date
Appendix C Section II
284 -
Evaluation of Department Chair, CDC Director, or Nursing Director
Name of Chair or Director: ___________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ Assignment or Depart
Article 17, Section C defines the reassigned time granted so that the Department Chair is able to
fulfill responsibilities assigned by the appropriate administrator and conduct departmental business
whether or not the Chair is entitled to receive reassigned time. A Department Chair's responsibilities
are described in full in Article 17, section D. In particular, section D.4 states: At the beginning of each
academic year, each Department Chair shall, in consultation with their departmental colleagues and
the appropriate Vice President or designee, establish annual goals for the department. Any
evaluation of a Department Chair under Article 19 shall review both the Chair's fulfillment of the
responsibilities of the Department Chair assignment, and their contribution towards the attainment
of or progress toward achieving those goals.
Article 19 Section D defines the process for the Evaluation of Department Chairs as follows:
D. Evaluation of Department Chairs
1. During a faculty member’s service as a Departmen
t Chair, their performance of the
Department Chair’s duties and responsibilities shall be evaluated at the end of their first
year of service as Department Chair and at least once every other academic year thereafter.
2. The evaluation of a Department Chair shall be conducted by the appropriate Vice Presi
or designee in the following manner:
a. The appropriate Vice President or designee shall solicit information about the
artment Chair’s performance of their duties and responsibilities as chair. The
Evaluation of Department Chair, CDC Director, or Nursing Director Form found in
Appendix C shall be distributed to the faculty and staff in the evaluee’s department as
well as any others the Vice President or designee believes should have relevant
information about the evaluee’s performance as Department Chair. Faculty shall have
ten (10) working days to return the forms to the appropriate Vice President or designee.
b. The Vice President or designee shall record the evaluation results on the Department
r, CDC Director, or Nursing Director Form (see Appendix C).
c. The Department Chair may submit written comments on the evaluation within ten (10)
rking days, which will be appended to the evaluation.
3. The evaluation of a Department Chair is a specialized evaluation that is separate from and in
dition to the normal evaluation of the Department Chair as a faculty member.
Steps to completing the Department Chair evaluation process:
Schedule a time to meet with your supervisor during your second semester of service as
Department Chair and at least once every other academic year thereafter.
Provide your supervisor with:
A copy of your department’s annual goals statement from the previous year and attach an
update about the status of each goal.
A copy of the proposed annual goals statement for the next year.
Any suggested data sources to assist with the evaluation categories as stated in sections A
and B of this form.
Appendix C Section II
285 -
A. Professional Qualities
Meets or Exceeds
1. Interacts or communicates with peers
2. Accepts constructive criticism well
3. Maintains adequate and appropriate records
4. Submits required information on time
5. Attends required meetings
6. Is regularly available to students
Professional Contributions
Makes appropriate contributions to the discipline
or department and assumes an appropriate share
of faculty responsibilities
Makes appropriate contributions to the college by
serving effectively on committees, projects,
special assignments, e tc.
As provided for in Article 19.D.2.a, describe data and sources used to assess performance on these
qualities (Goals set by department, input from department faculty and others, any additional
Narrative assessment:
Appendix C Section II
286 -
Areas where performance exceeds expectations or where improved performance is needed:
B. Knowledge, Skill, and Ability As A Department Chair, CDC Director, Or Nursing Director
Meets or Exceeds
Demonstrates understanding of budget matters
including preparing budgets and monitoring
Demonstrates knowledge of district, college, and
contractual requirements in scheduling, staffing,
revising programs, and developing new programs
and courses as appropriate
Consults with administration and with other
departments as needed
Recruits, hires, evaluates, and assigns faculty,
classified workers, and student workers effectively
Communicates clearly, concisely, and effectively
Is available to students who enroll in the
department’s courses and is responsive to their
Involves faculty members in department decisions
Maintains professional standards
Is regularly available on campus
Maintains required department records and
submits department paperwork in a timely manner
Functions effectively with a minimum of
Demonstrates sensitivity in working with students,
faculty, and staff with diverse backgrounds and
As provided for in Article 19.D.2.a, describe data and sources used to assess performance on these
qualities (Goals set by department, input from department faculty and others, any additional
Appendix C Section II
287 -
Narrative assessment:
Areas where performance exceeds expectations or where improved performance is needed:
C. Overall Evaluation
Meets or Exceeds
Needs to improve
D. Commendations and Recommendations (may attach additional sheet)
Appropriate Vice President or Designee Date
I have received a copy of this evaluation, but my signature does not necessarily indicate my
agreement. I understand that I have ten (10) working days from the date of this report to have a
written statement attached to this evaluation before it is sent to my personnel file in the Human
Resources Division.
Director Date
Appendix C Section II
288 -
Evaluation of Faculty EOPS or DSPS Director
A. Professional Qualities
Meets or Exceeds
Interacts or communicates with peers
Accepts constructive criticism well
Maintains adequate and appropriate records
Submits required information on time
18. Attends required meetings
Is regularly available to students
Professional Contributions
Makes appropriate contributions to the discipline or
department and assumes an appropriate share of
faculty responsibilities
Makes appropriate contributions to the college by
serving effectively on committees, projects, special
assignments, etc.
As provided for in Article 19.D.2.a, describe data and sources used to assess performance on these
qualities (Goals set by department, input from department faculty and others, any additional
Narrative assessment:
Appendix C Section II
289 -
Areas where performance exceeds expectations or where improved performance is needed:
B. Knowledge, Skill, and Ability As A Faculty EOPS Or DSPS DIRECTOR
Meets or Exceeds
Demonstrates knowledge of area of responsibility
including current trends, laws and regulations as
related to the program and the position.
Understands the requirements, services, and
recruitment needs of the student population and
program vitality.
Communicates clearly and effectively.
Provides needed services to eligible students.
Understands budget matters relevant to the
position that include preparing, budgets monitoring
expenses and communicating budget concerns in a
timely manner.
Demonstrates sensitivity in working with and
meeting the needs of a diverse student population
and campus community.
Is available to students in the program and is
responsive to their concerns in a timely manner.
Maintains regular work schedule and office hours.
Recruits, hires, evaluates, and assigns faculty,
classified staff, and student workers effectively.
Involves relevant faculty members in program
Maintains accurate records and submits reports in a
timely manner.
Effectively plans and implements programs and
Effectively promotes the program and helps recruit
students from diverse backgrounds.
Provides leadership and organizational support for
faculty, staff, and students in the program.
Achieves measurable program success.
Effectively and appropriately responds to challenges
requiring immediate attention.
Appendix C Section II
290 -
Acts decisively and takes responsibility for
Develops and maintains working relationships with
all constituencies.
Maintains professional standards.
Consults with administration and any other
departments when needed concerning program
Participates in professional growth activities.
Makes appropriate contributions to the department
and to the college while keeping the
implementation of the program as the top priority.
C. Overall Evaluation
Meets or Exceeds
Needs to improve
D. Commendations or Recommendations (may attach additional sheet)
Appropriate Vice President or Designee Date
I have received a copy of this evaluation, but my signature does not necessarily indicate my
agreement. I understand that I have ten (10) working days from the date of this report to have a
written statement attached to this evaluation before it is sent to my personnel file in the Human
Resources Division.
Director Date
Student Evaluation of Classroom Instructor
Los Angeles Community College District
Trade Tech
Section Number
Course Title
Term and Year
The Classroom instructor shall leave the room for the duration of the
A student from the class is to pass out and collect each survey.
Once the surveys are completed, they are to be sealed, signed across
the seal, and returned to the department of the instructor being
surveyed by the student.
Students should mark out only one answer per question by
completely filling out the appropriate circle.
Erase completely any answer changes and stray marks; the other side
is for written comments.
Part A Overall Rating of Instructor
Very Poor
How would you rate the instructor’s overall teaching ability?
Part B- General Questions
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Do not know or
1. The instructor clearly defined the course
2. A syllabus, which clearly outlined the course
objectives, SLOs, and grading criteria was distributed
by the first week of the term.
3. The instructor is prepared and organized.
4. The instructor relates to the course objectives.
Appendix C Section II
291 -
5. I now feel able to communicate course material to
6. The class meets for the specified amount of time.
7. The instructor regularly grades and evaluates or
provides feedback on my performance.
8. The instructor is available during posted office hours.
9. The instructor interacts with students in ways that are
free of discrimination.
10. I would recommend this instructor to others.
11. The instructor motivates me and encourages my
interest in the subject.
12. The instructor creates an environment in which it is
safe to seek help, ask questions, or express opinions,
which differ from those of the faculty member.
13. The instructor is knowledgeable in the subject area.
14. The instructor points out where the course material is
relevant to daily life.
15. The instructor treats students with respect.
16. The instructor maintains good class control.
Part C Additional Questions
(added by the department for all departmental evaluations)
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Do not know or
Part D Communication to the Instructor
Use the space below for written comments:
Appendix C Section II
292 -
Appendix C Section II
293 -
Student Evaluation of Child Development Center Instructor
Los Angeles Community College District
Trade Tech
Instructor Term and Year
Students will complete survey in the Child Development Center Office
A student from the class is to pass out and collect each survey.
Once the surveys are completed, they are to be sealed, signed across the
seal, and returned to the department of the instructor being surveyed by
the student.
Students should mark out only one answer per question by completely
filling out the appropriate circle.
Erase completely any answer changes and stray marks; the other side is
for written comments.
Part A Overall Rating of Child Development Center Instructor
Very Poor
How would you rate the instructor’s overall teaching ability?
Part B- General Questions
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Do not know
or N/A
The instructor clearly defined the Child Development
Center lab classroom expectations.
The instructor provides and implements developmentally
appropriate weekly lesson plans that include the physical,
emotional, social and cognitive needs of the children.
The instructor was prepared and organized.
The instructor interacts with children during indoor and
outdoor activities.
Appendix C Section II
294 -
The Instructor communicates with staff, students, and
families in a positive, compassionate and professional
The instructor regularly evaluates or provides feedback on
my performance.
The instructor is available to meet during work hours.
The instructor interacts with staff, students and families in
ways that are free of discrimination.
I would recommend this instructor to others.
The instructor motivates me and encourages my interest
in Child Development.
The instructor creates an environment in which it is safe
to seek help, ask questions, or express opinions, which
differ from those of the faculty member.
The instructor is knowledgeable in the subject area.
The instructor points out where the course material is
relevant to daily life.
The instructor treats staff, students, and families with
The instructor maintains good class control.
The instructor is supportive in my growth and
development in Child Development.
Part C Additional Questions
(added by the department for all departmental evaluations)
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Do not know / N/A
Part D Communication to the Instructor
Use the space below for written comments:
Appendix C Section II
295 -
Student Evaluation of Counselor
Los Angeles Community College District
Trade Tech
Instructor Term and Year
The counselor must leave the room for the duration of the survey.
Students should mark out only one answer per question by completely
filling out the appropriate circle.
Erase completely any answer changes and stray marks; the other side is
for written comments.
Part A Overall Rating of Counselor
Very Poor
How would you rate the counselor’s overall counseling ability?
Part B- General Questions
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Do not know / N/A
I felt comfortable with the counselor.
The counselor was helpful to me in seeking solutions to
my problems.
The counselor was clear about my options and suggested
ways to get additional information, if needed.
The counselor provided me with clear and concise
information regarding transfer requirements to colleges
and universities.
The counselor provided me with clear and concise
information regarding entrance and graduation
requirements for career and certification requirements.
Appendix C Section II
296 -
I was given clear and concise information regarding my
class selection and educational plan.
The counselor was available to assist me at convenient
The counselor kept their appointment with me.
I felt the counselor would keep personal matters
I would see the counselor again and recommend them to
Part C Additional Questions
(added by the department for all departmental evaluations)
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Do not know / N/A
Part D Communication to the Counselor
Use the space below for written comments:
Student Evaluation Disability Specialist
Los Angeles Community College District
Trade Tech
Disability Specialist
Term and Year
The Disability Specialist must leave the room for the duration of the
Students should mark out only one answer per question by
completely filling out the appropriate circle.
Erase completely any answer changes and stray marks; the other
side is for written comments.
Part A Overall Rating of Disability Specialist
Very Poor
How would you rate the Disability Specialist’s overall
teaching ability?
Part B Disability Specialist General Questions
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Do not know / N/A
1. I felt comfortable with the Disability Specialist.
2. The Disability Specialist was helpful with identifying
practical strategies regarding my disability related
3. The Disability Specialist was clear about my options
and suggested ways to get additional information, if
4. The Disability Specialist was helpful in connecting me
with resources on campus that may be helpful to me.
Appendix C Section II
297 -
5. The Disability Specialist helped me see what my
academic strengths and weaknesses are.
6. The Disability Specialist was patient & listened actively
to my struggles and needs.
7. The Disability Specialist was clear and concise
regarding services available to me in the Student
Services Division.
8. The Disability Specialist was available to assist me at
convenient times.
9. The Disability Specialist kept their appointment with
10. I felt the Disability Specialist would keep personal
matters confidential.
11. I would see the Disability Specialist again and
recommend them to others.
Part C Additional Questions
(added by the department for all departmental evaluations)
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Do not know / N/A
Part D Communication to the Disability Specialist
Use the space below for written comments:
Appendix C Section II
298 -
Student Evaluation of Librarian
Los Angeles Community College District
Trade Tech
Term and Year
Put completed evaluation in a box for surveys at the Circulation
Students should mark out only one answer per question by
completely filling out the appropriate circle.
Erase completely any answer changes and stray marks; the other
side is for written comments.
Part A Overall Rating of Librarian
Very Poor
How would you rate the librarian’s overall teaching ability?
Part B General Questions
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Do not know / N/A
1. The librarian treated me with respect.
2. The librarian showed a genuine interest in assisting me.
3. The librarian made me feel comfortable in seeking
4. The librarian understood my request and had an
understanding of what I wanted.
5. The librarian helped me find the information I needed.
6. The librarian was knowledgeable regarding appropriate
information resources.
Appendix C Section II
299 -
7. The librarian taught me how to find the library’s
materials and resources.
8. The librarian assisted me so that I could work
9. The librarian’s explanation was communicated clearly
and understandably to me.
10. If needed, the librarian referred me to other libraries or
sources of information.
11. The librarian took enough time to help me.
12. The librarian interacted with me in a way that was free of
13. I would want this librarian to assist me again and would
recommend them to other students.
Part C Additional Questions
(added by the department for all departmental evaluations)
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Do not know / N/A
Part D Communication to the Librarian
Use the space below for written comments:
Appendix C Section II
300 -
Student Evaluation of Online Instructor
Los Angeles Community College District
Trade Tech
Section Number
Course Title
Term and Year
Students shall be given at least one week to complete the evaluation
Students should mark out only one answer per question by
completely filling out the appropriate circle.
Part A Overall Rating of Online Instructor
Very Poor
How would you rate the instructor’s overall teaching ability?
Part B General Questions
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Do not know / N/A
1. The instructor clearly defined the course requirements
and posted them on the web.
2. A syllabus, which clearly outlined the course
objectives, SLOs and grading criteria was posted on the
web by the first week of the term.
The instructor web site is well prepared and organized.
4. The online instruction related to the course objectives.
5. I now feel able to communicate course material to
6. The instructor regularly informs me of my grades and
provides feedback on my performance.
Appendix C Section II
301 -
7. The instructor responds to email in a timely manner.
8. The instructor interacts with students in ways that are
free of discrimination.
9. I would recommend this instructor to others.
10. The instructor motivates me and encourages my
interest in the subject.
11. The instructor creates an environment in which it is safe
to seek help, ask questions, or express opinions, which
differ from those of the faculty member.
12. The instructor is knowledgeable in the subject area.
13. The instructor points out where the course material is
relevant to daily life.
14. The instructor treats students with respect.
Part C Additional Questions
(added by the department for all departmental evaluations)
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Do not know / N/A
Part D Communication to the Instructor
Use the space below for written comments:
Appendix C Section II
302 -
Appendix D
303 -
Appendix D (Return to Table of Contents)
10-month employee: See C Basis.
12-month Employee: See D Basis.
Academic Year: For tenure purposes, the first day of the Fall Semester to the last day of the
sequent Spring semester, excluding winter intersession. Although the college operates year-
round from July 1 to June 30, no tenure rights extend to the summer and winter intersessions.
Absence Certification: A form used to account for missed working hours, including but not limited to
illness days, floating holidays, Personal Annual Leave (PAL) days, etc.
Adjunct: Any employee paid from an adjunct salary schedule.
Adjunct Employee: See Adjunct.
Adjunct Faculty Member: See Adjunct.
Adjunct Rate: The pay rates indicated on the adjunct salary schedules.
Adjunct Faculty Department Representative: An adjunct in a department, who holds seniority in the
artment and does not have a contract or regular position in the district, and who was elected for
a 2 year term the week after census of each spring semester by other similar adjuncts in the
department to participate fully in department affairs.
Administrator: "Administrator" means any person employed by the governing board of a community
llege district in a supervisory or management position. Education Code 87002 (a). Administrators
include but are not limited to Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Deans.
Advanced Class Status: Advanced class Status is an academic senate curriculum issue. Contact your
local academic senate for a definition (parameters, criteria, etc.).
A.F.T. College Guild: See Los Angeles College Faculty Guild.
Agreement: A negotiated and typically legally binding arrangement between two or more parties as
to a
course of action.
Ancillary Activity: A wide range of professional duties and tasks associated with a full-time faculty
s' total work obligation. Adjunct faculty may perform similar duties and tasks beyond the
scope of their primary adjunct assignment without impacting applicable limited eligibility
Ancillary Pay: Pay received for performing approved ancillary activities.
Ancillary Service: Service performing ancillary activities.
Annual Load: The number of standard teaching hours or standard workload hours considered to be
ll time for one year (two semesters). Also, a plan whereby the standard hours may be served in a
Appendix D
304 -
combination of semesters and intersessions, rather than exclusively in fall and spring. See also
Standard Annual Load and Non-Standard Annual Load.
Appointed Vice Chair: A department Vice Chair appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the chair
but receiving no reassigned time.
Assignment: Duties, hours, and or courses assigned to a given faculty member by the District.
B Basis: 10.85 months with dates to be determined yearly. Applies to some non-classroom faculty
and clas
sified positions. Employees are eligible for illness benefits and receive pay for holidays. B
basis faculty employees do not earn vacation. Classified employees earn vacation and receive pay for
Board: Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees.
Board Policies: Any policy adopted by the Board.
Bridge Course: Course used as a prerequisite to PACE courses, but which is not a PACE course.
C Basis: 10 months beginning with the opening day of the Fall semester and ending with the closing
day of t
he Spring semester. Applies to faculty and classified positions. Benefits are the same as for
"B" basis above.
Campus: Any one of the nine Los Angeles Community Colleges and its constituent parts.
Campus Bargaining Agent Representative: See Los Angeles College Faculty Guild.
Carnegie Unit: A unit of credit representing how much time a typical student is expected to devote
to learning per week of study, and the minimum is one unit for three hours of student work per
week in the traditional 18-week calendar. Classes offered during a compressed calendar are
managed to conform to Carnegie Unit requirements.
Cash Balance (CB) Plan: STRS Cash Balance retirement plan for adjuncts.
Chancellor: The chief executive officer of the District.
Chapter President: The AFT Chapter President at each campus plus one emeritus chapter president.
College: See Campus.
College District: See District.
College President: The chief administrative officer of a college.
Consulting Instructor (CI): A faculty position responsible for a significant academic or Student service
am or function that requires relating to faculty as peers and may include the supervision of
Contract Employee: An employee of a district who is employed on the basis of a contract in
rdance with the provisions of Education Code Section 87605, 87608(b) or 87608.5(b). (Also
referred to as a probationary employee.)
Appendix D
305 -
Contract Education: Services that must be performed by faculty members and that are provided by
the District for remuneration under a contract to provide educational services to a business or other
agency. There are two kinds of contract instruction: contract instruction that is supported in part by
state apportionment; and contract instruction that is supported entirely by the remuneration
specified in the contract with the business or other agency receiving the services.
Consultation: The act of exchanging information and ideas regarding issues or concerns prior to
a decision.
D Basis: D Basis employees work 240 payroll days, between July 1 and June 30. Employees are
eligible for illness benefits and receive pay for holidays. Employees do not earn vacation. Employees
must take a sufficient number of non-duty days, as directed by their College President or Vice
Chancellor, to ensure that not more than 240 days of pay are received. The number of non-duty days
(20, 21, or 22) is determined by first calculating the total number of calendar weekdays and then
subtracting the number 240.
Fiscal Year
# Calendar Days
# Calendar Weekdays
# D Basis Non-Duty Days
DB Plan: STRS Defined Benefit Retirement Plan.
DBS: STRS Defined Benefit Supplemental Retirement Plan.
DL: Distance Learning.
Dean: An educational administrator normally reporting to a Vice President and normally responsible
for supervision of one or more units of the college. Deans are considered supervisors but not
Department: An instructional or service unit composed of faculty members assigned to one or more
disciplines or service areas, who share common academic or professional interests, concerns or
Department or Division Chair: A department member selected by the department to represent the
Division or department to the administration and the administration to the department. Faculty are
not managers or supervisors.
Appendix D
306 -
Designated Person: A person identified by the employee at the time the employee requests paid sick
leave. Employees are limited to one designated person per 12-month period.
Designated Vice Chair: A department Vice Chair selected by the department (mandatory in
departments with more than 34 FTEP), receiving reassigned time.
DESK: Credit teaching salary schedule.
Discipline: A body of knowledge taught by persons with certification qualifications; also referred to
as a s
ubject matter field.
District: The Los Angeles Community College District and or any of its constituent parts.
Division Head: A management employee assigned the administrative responsibility for a division in
the Di
strict Office.
EESK: Non-classroom or substitute salary schedule.
ELR: Employee and Labor Relations.
Employee: Any member of the bargaining unit.
Employee self-directed time: See contract interpretation Appendix L.
Employer: See Board.
ESS: Employee Self Service.
Exclusive Representative: See Los Angeles College Faculty Guild.
Facility: For purposes of this Agreement, facility shall mean any campus physical resource, site,
ding, or other structure utilized for instructional purposes or otherwise used by faculty in the
performance of their jobs or as part of their daily life on campus; any other physical resource, site,
building or other structure that directly affects the satisfactory environment of the above.
Faculty: See Employee.
FESK: Noncredit teaching or substitute salary schedule
Flex Day: Professional Development Day.
Flexible Spending Account: (See IRC 125 account).
Floating Holiday: A District-paid day off in lieu of culturally significant State or federal holidays.
Fractional Assignment: A monthly rate assignment less than full-time. Service, service credit for
ement, and pay shall be proportional to the fraction the assignment bears to a full-time
assignment in the class.
FTEF: Full Time Equivalent Faculty.
FTEP: Full Time Equivalent Personnel.
Appendix D
307 -
GESK: Substitute credit teaching salary schedule.
Guild: See Los Angeles Faculty College Guild.
Holiday: a day, other than Saturday or Sunday, on which colleges will be closed for business as
ided by law or authorized by the Board of Trustees.
Hourly Rate: See Adjunct.
HRD: Human Resources Division.
Instructor Special (ISA) : A faculty position responsible for an academic or Student service program
or function that requires relating to faculty as peers.
IRC 125 Account: A Medical and dependent-care tax-deferred "flexible spending" account for full-
time employees; a medical premium only tax-deferred plan for eligible adjunct employees.
JLMBC: Joint Labor Management Benefits Committee.
Level Pay: A payroll method which divides the hours of pay for a course evenly across the pay
associated with the semester or intersession. See also Pay by Course.
Load: See Standard Teaching Load or Standard Workload.
Load Banking: A plan in which pay for faculty service for an assignment normally paid adjunct or in
an in
tersession (or working non-duty days and or vacation and or comp. time for non-classroom
faculty) a is deferred and tracked to result in a later "load credit leave" with reduced or zero service.
Los Angeles College Faculty Guild, Local 1521, AFL/CIO: The employee organization certified as the
ive Representative of the employees in the Faculty Unit.
Los Angeles Community College District: See District.
Manager: "Managerial employee" means any employee having significant responsibilities for
lating or administering college or district policies and programs. Managers include but are not
limited to Presidents and Vice Presidents.
Monthly Rate: Any employee paid from the preparation salary schedule.
MOU: Memorandum of Understanding.
Noncredit Classes: college classes (continuing education) taught by faculty (unit members) which
earn a
pportionment (at a reduced rate) for the District. Students do not earn credit for these classes
but are enrolled through the class schedule system.
Non-Standard Annual Load: The faculty member's annual load obligation will be fulfilled with a
combination of assignments (including overload/underload) in any term, fall, winter, spring or
summer. See also Annual Load and Standard Annual Load.
Not for Credit Classes: activities arranged by the District which are not college instruction under the
Ed Cod
e and Title 5. They do not earn apportionment from the State and are not taught by unit
members (or if taught by such persons, it is not in their role as faculty and it does not count toward
Appendix D
308 -
the 60% limit). These classes are not part of the class schedule system. Compensation to the
instructor may be by personal services contract or employment as an unclassified employee.
Outreach Location: Off campus location for Outreach classes, usually at high school campuses.
PACE: Project for Adult College Education (Art. 13.A.12).
PAL day: “Personal Annual Leave” day.
PARS: Public Agency Retirement System.
Parties: The parties to this Agreement...the Los Angeles Community College District Board of
es and the Los Angeles College Faculty Guild.
Pay by Class: See Pay by Course.
Pay by Course: The total pay for a course or session, equal to 20 times the standard hours times the
rate of
pay per standard hour. Also, the method of payment of this total pay as agreed by the
Part-Time: Any employee paid from an adjunct salary schedule.
Permanent Employee: See Regular Employee.
President: Chief administrative officer of a College.
Probationary Employee: See Contract Employee.
Proportional Basis: A multiple assignment in which a faculty member has a fractional assignment
n one basis and an additional fractional assignment within another basis, the sum of which is
generally full-time. The service, service credit for retirement, and salary for each assignment shall be
proportional to the ratio that the assignment bears to a full-time assignment in that class.
Quota Statement: A monthly statement of faculty members’ available time for use as Floating
n Days, Illness Days, Personal Necessity Leave Days, and (D-basis only) Non-Duty Days.
Reassigned Time: Under District rules, time for a faculty member paid by the District during which
the faculty member is not required to provide the services ordinarily associated with the faculty
member's assignment, but during which the faculty member is expected to provide other specific
services to the District, which may include, but are not limited to, some of the activities of the
Academic Senate, shared governance and/ or accreditation; services to the AFT are specifically
Regular Employee: An employee of a District who is employed in accordance with the provisions of
tion Code Section 87608(c), 87608.5(c), or 87609(a). (Also referred to as a Permanent
Regular Session: A Fall Semester or Spring Semester.
Released Time: Under the provisions of Article 8 or otherwise, time for a faculty member paid by the
t during which the faculty member is not required to provide services to the District, but
Appendix D
309 -
during which the faculty member is expected to provide services to the AFT including, but not
limited to, facilitating the AFT's processing of grievances and the implementation of the Agreement.
SLF: Standard Load Factor.
SLO: Student Learning Outcomes.
SLOAC: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Cycle.
Standard Annual Load: The faculty member's annual load obligation will be fulfilled during the fall
and spr
ing semesters.
Standard Hour: The number of hours per week a class would meet in a traditional Fall or Spring
semester, or the number of non-classroom work hours per week in a traditional Fall or Spring
Standard Load Factor: A number representing the ratio of the Standard Hours for a course by the
appropriate teaching load of the faculty member; e.g. 3/15 = 0.2.
Standard Teaching Load: The number of standard teaching hours considered to be a full load for one
Standard Workload: The number of standard work hours considered to be a full load for one
STRS: State Teachers' Retirement System.
Supervisor: Supervisors include but are not limited to all managers and Deans, Associate Deans,
Deans, Senior Analysts and Analysts.
Temporary Employee: A faculty member serving as a substitute or ISA who is not a Regular or
ct Employee.
Tenured: See Regular Employee.
True Adjunct Faculty: Part-time temporary faculty that do not have a full-time faculty, classified, or
esented assignment within LACCD.
TSA: Tax Sheltered Annuity.
Union: See Los Angeles College Faculty Guild.
Vacation Day: a day on which colleges will be open but no classes will be held, and faculty need not
be prese
nt on campus.
VDT (Monitor): Video Display Terminal.
Vice Chancellor: A management employee assigned the administrative responsibility for certain
ions in the District Office. In the context of this agreement, approval by the College President or
Vice Chancellor means that the College President provides approval for faculty employed at a college
and the Vice Chancellor provides approval for faculty employed in a division of the District Office.
Appendix D
310 -
Vice President: An educational administrator reporting to the College President and responsible for
one of the major subdivisions of the college, e.g. academic affairs, student services, administrative
WEC: Work Environment Committee.
Workday and Workweek: In the normal academic workday and workweek there are two typical
emic workday schedules: Day schedule extends from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., and Evening
schedule extends from 1:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m., with a typical academic workweek being Monday
through Friday.
Working Days: Working days means calendar days exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays,
and Dist
rict holidays.
Workspace: Designated non-classroom spaces or areas where faculty are assigned or approved to
while on an LACCD campus.
Z Basis: Faculty assignments which are short term in nature (less than a semester) such as during
intersession (but not the intersession assignments as described in Art 15).
Appendix E
311 -
Appendix E (Return to Table of Contents)
Seniority Lists
Seniority Lists
A. Classroom Faculty
Seniority Lists
Trade Tech
Addiction Studies
Administration of Justice
Afro-African American Studies
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Allied Health
American Sign Language
American Sign Language Interpreting
Animal Husbandry
Animal Science, General
Architecture, Transportation
Art - History, Appreciation
Art (Ceramics, Sculpture, 3D Design)
Art (Drawing, Painting, 2D Design)
Art (Photography, Graphics)
Art (Printmaking)
Art Advertising Illustration
Art Graphic Design
Art, Computer Graphics
Asian-American Studies
Automobile Technology Mechanics
Automotive and Related Technologies
Automotive Collision Repair
Automotive Technology
Aviation Maintenance Technician
Appendix E
312 -
Baking Professional
Biological Science
Biotechnology and Biomedical Technology
Broadcasting (Radio & TV)
Broadcasting-Radio Production
Building Construction Techniques
Business Law
Cabinet Millwork Apprentice
Cabinetmaking and Millwork
Cable Splicing Apprentice
Carpentry Apprentice
Certified Nurse Assistant/Certified Home Health
Aide - Non Credit
Chemical Technology
Chemistry (Physical)
Chicano Studies
Child Development
Citizenship (Noncredit)
Communication Studies
Community Planning/Economic Development
Computer Applications Office Technologies
Computer Applications Office Technology-
Computer Applications Office Technology-Legal
Computer Applications Office Technology
Computer Applications Office Technology-Non-
Computer Information Systems
Computer Science Information Technology
Computer Technology
Cooperative Education
Counseling (Instruction)
Crime Analyst
Culinary Arts
Dance Specialties
Dance Studies
Appendix E
313 -
Dance Techniques
Dental Hygiene
Dental Technology
Developmental Communications
Diesel and Related Technology
Digital Media
Earth Science
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Engineering & Electronics
Electrical Lineman
Electrical Lineman Apprentice
Electron Microscopy
Electronic Communications
Electronics Technology
Emergency Department Assistant
Emergency Medical Technology
Engineering, General
Engineering Operation & Maintenance
Engineering Tool Manufacturing
Engineering, Support
Environmental Design
Environmental Science
Equestrian (Horseback Riding)
ESL Civics
Family & Consumer Studies-Dietetics
Family and Consumer Studies
Fashion Design
Fashion Merchandising
Film Production
Fire Technology
Food Services Management
Health (Men)
Appendix E
314 -
Health (Women)
Health Information Technology
Health Occupations
Heavy Duty Truck & Diesel Mechanics
Horse Science
Interior Design
International Business
Jewish Studies
Labor Studies
Landscape Designed Maintenance
Law History
Learning Foundation
Learning Skills
Learning Skills (English)
Learning Skills (Mathematics)
Learning Skills (Speech)
Library Science
Library/Media Technology - Non-Teaching
Machine Shop -- Computer Numerical Control
Management and Supervision
Manufacturing & Industrial Technology
Marketing and Finance
Media Arts
Mortgage Finance
Motorcycle Repair Mechanics
Multimedia - Animation
Multimedia - Digital Video
Music Seniority Lists
Appendix E
315 -
Guitar/Guitar Ensemble
Percussion/Percussion Ensemble
Orchestra/String Ensembles
Band/Wind Ensembles
Chamber Music
Commercial Theory
Commercial Business
Commercial Guitar
Commercial Voice
Commercial Piano
Jazz Band
Commercial Ensembles
Music Technology
Applied Music
Applied Music -Flute
Applied Music -Oboe
Applied Music -Saxophone
Applied Music - Clarinet
Applied Music -Bassoon
Applied Music - French Horn
Applied Music - Trumpet
Applied Music -Trombone
Applied Music -Tuba/Low Brass
Applied Music - Timpani
Applied Music - Percussion
Applied Music - Violin
Applied Music - Viola
Applied Music - Cello
Applied Music - Bass
Applied Music - Piano
Applied Music -Voice
Applied Music - Guitar
Applied Music -Woodwind Jazz/Commercial
Applied Music -Trumpet Jazz/Commercial
Applied Music -Trombone Jazz/Commercial
Applied Music -Piano Jazz/Commercial
Applied Music -Guitar Jazz/Commercial
Applied Music -Bass Jazz/Commercial
Appendix E
316 -
Applied Music -Drums/Percussion
Applied Music -Voice Jazz/Commercial
Noncredit Basic Skills
Noncredit Basic Skills (English)
Noncredit Basic Skills (Math)
Noncredit ESL (Survival Level)
Noncredit Parenting
Noncredit Voc. Ed. Computer Literacy
Noncredit Voc. Ed. Customer Service
Noncredit Vocational Education
Numerical Control
Nursing - Certified Home Health Aide (Credit)
Nursing - Certified Nurse Assistant (Credit)
Nursing, Registered
Nursing, Vocational
Office Machines
Operation & Maintenance Apprentice
Paralegal Studies
Photography (Vocational)
Physical Science
Political Science
Powerline Mechanic Trainee
Process Plant Technology
Public Relations
Radiologic Technology
Real Estate
Registered Veterinary Technology (Advanced)
Registered Veterinary Technology (Basic)
Respiratory Therapy
Restaurant Management
Sheet Metal Apprentice
Sign Graphics
Solid Waste Management Technology
Appendix E
317 -
Special Reading - English
Street Maintenance
Supervised Learning Assistance
Supply Water Technology
Theater Arts
Theater Arts, Acting
Theater Arts, Technical Theater
Travel Tourism
Visual Communications
Wastewater Technology
Welding Gas and Electric
Word Processing
B. Non-classroom Faculty/Service Position:
Seniority Lists
Trade Tech
Director, Child Development Center
Disability Specialist
Teacher, Child Development Center
Appendix F
318 -
Appendix F (Return to Table of Contents)
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Evaluation Form
Access Accessible Fillable PDF Forms at LACCD SharePoint site (requires employee SSO Log
Appendix F
319 -
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left blank
Appendix F
320 -
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left blank
Appendix F
321 -
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Appendix F
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left blank
Appendix F
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Appendix F
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Appendix F
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Appendix G
326 -
Formerly Appendix G (Return to Table of Contents)
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left blank
Appendix H
327 -
Appendix H (Return to Table of Contents)
Class Codes
Consulting Instructor, LSC
Consulting Instructor
Consulting Instructor (SFP)
0467 Nurse
0468 Nurse (SFP)
Director, Child Development Center
Vice Director, Child Development
0553 Child Development Center Teacher
Child Development Center Teacher
0555 Dir, Child Development Center (SFP)
0706 Counselor
Counselor, Collective Bargaining
Department Chair
Department Chair, 7 Hr. Duty (.2D)
Department Chair, 14 Hr. Duty (.4D)
Department Chair, 17.5 Hr. Duty
Department Chair, 21 Hr. Duty (.6D)
Department Chair, 24.5 Hr. Duty (.7D)
Department Chair, 28 Hr. Duty (.8D)
Department Chair, 35 Hr. Duty (1.0D)
0712 Department Chair, Counseling
Department Chair, Library, Chair
Counselor (SFP)
0721 Vice Department Chair
Instructor, Special Assignment
Bargaining Unit Representative
Academic Senate Officer
Instructor, Special Assignment, LSC
Instructor, Special Assignment
Officer of Organization
0790 Department Chair (Mixed Duties)
Department Chair, Library,
Librarian Duties
0798 Department Chair, Teaching
Instructor, Special Assignment,
Adjunct, Sub
Instructor, Special Assignment,
Adjunct, Sub (SFP)
0753 Instructor, Special Assignment
Instructor, Special Assignment,
Instructor, Special Assignment,
Adjunct (SFP)
Instructor, Adjunct, On-Site
0811 Instructor, Adjunct
0811 Noncredit Teacher, Adjunct*
0811 Noncredit Teacher, Adjunct, Sub*
0811 Noncredit Teacher, Adjunct (SFP)*
Noncredit Teacher, Adjunct, Sub
Walk-On Head Athletic Coach
Child Development Center Teacher,
Instructor, Adjunct, Sub
Instructor, Adjunct, Collective
Bargaining Replacement
Appendix H
328 -
0722 Vice Department Chair, Counseling
0723 Vice Department Chair, Library
0730 Librarian
0731 Librarian (SFP)
Disability Specialist
Disability Specialist (SFP)
Instructor, Coach
Instructor, Collective Bargaining
Pace Instructor
Instructor, SFP
Athletic Director
Instructor, Special Assignment, LSC
Counselor, Adjunct, Collective
Bargaining Replacement
Counselor, Adjunct, Sub
Counselor, Adjunct (SFP)
Counselor, Adjunct, Sub (SFP)
Librarian, Adjunct
Librarian, Adjunct, Sub
Librarian, Adjunct (SFP)
Instructor, Adjunct (SFP) (Over 18
Librarian, Adjunct, Sub (SFP)
Nurse, Adjunct
Nurse, Adjunct, Sub
Nurse, Adjunct (SFP)
Nurse, Adjunct, Sub (SFP)
Bargaining Unit Rep, Adjunct
Bargaining Unit Rep, Adjunct (60% or
67% exempt)
Academic Development Grantee
Walk-on Assistant Athletic Coach
Stipend (not represented)
Instructor, Special Assignment,
Adjunct, Collective Bargaining
Child Development Center Teacher,
Adjunct (SFP)
Child Development Center Teacher,
Adjunct, Sub
Child Development Center Teacher,
Adjunct, Sub (SFP)
Instructor, Adjunct, Sub (SFP)
Disability Specialist Adjunct
Disability Specialist Adjunct Sub
Counselor, Adjunct
Ancillary Adjunct Service (60% or
67% exempt)
Athletic Coach
SFP: Specially Funded Program
Sub: Substitute
LSC: Learning Skills Center
* Paid at the Noncredit Teaching Rate
Appendix I
329 -
Appendix I (Return to Table of Contents)
Regulations For Domestic Partner Coverage Under Health Plans
In order to qualify for domestic partner coverage under the Health Benefits Program, an active
employee or retiree must comply with the following:
1. The employee or retire
e, and their domestic partner, must satisfy the eligibility requirements of
a domestic partnership established by the State of California, register with the State of California
as a domestic partnership and present proof of such registration, or submit a completed,
notarized copy of the Affidavit of Domestic Partnership form to the Health Benefits Section,
Human Resources Division.
2. Application for Coverage
a. Once an employee has registered their domestic partnership with the District, such domestic
partners have the same rights, protections, and benefits, and are subject to the same
responsibilities, obligations, and duties under law as are granted to and imposed upon a
licensed marriage.
b. The employee may enroll a domestic partner and or their children into health, dental, vision,
and any other applicable benefit.
3. Change in Domestic Partnership
a. Terminations of domestic partnerships must comply with State regulations, including but not
ed to Family Code, Section 299(a).
b. In the event of the termination of the domestic partnership, the employee must show proof
of having filed the Notice of Termination of Domestic Partnership with the California
Secretary of State or, if applicable, providing proof of dissolution of domestic partnership
through a court, or submit a subsequent affidavit affirming the dissolution of the domestic
c. The employee must notify the Health Benefits Section in
writing within 31 calendar days of
any change in the status of a domestic partner relationship as attested to in the Declaration
of Domestic Partnership, such as termination of the relationship, change of circumstances,
death of the domestic partner, marriage to the domestic partner or any other cause, and the
employee must file a Declaration of Termination of Domestic Partnership with the Health
Benefits Section for adjustment in coverage.
4. COBRA Coverage: Domestic partners are not considered “qualified beneficiaries” under federal
RA regulations but are eligible for COBRA-like continuation coverage if offered and provided
by the insurance carrier(s), and under the terms and conditions of the insurance carrier(s). As
such, the District retains the right to modify or terminate this continuation of coverage benefit
at any time.
Appendix I
330 -
Access an Accessible Fillable PDF Form of Domestic Partnership Affidavit Form at the following
Access an Accessible Fillable PDF Form of Domestic Partnership Termination Form at the following
Domestic Partnership Affidavit Form
Health Benefits Unit
Los Angeles Community College District
770 Wilshire Boulevard, Sixth Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Print Employee Name:
Employee Social Security Number “SSN”:
Print Domestic Partner Name:
Domestic Partner Social Security Number “SSN”:
declare that
and I are domestic partners.
Employees are advised that unless the domestic partner is also considered the employees dependent
for tax purposes under Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code, the Internal Revenue Service
currently treats as imputed income to the employee the value of the health coverage provided to
domestic partners and their dependents, if any. Employees are advised to review the consequences of
electing this benefit with their own tax advisors.
It is understood that:
1. This declaration shall be terminated upon the death of the domestic partner of the employee or
by a change of the circumstances attested to in this Affidavit.
2. We agree to notify the Health Benefits Unit of the LACCD if the domestic partnership no longer
meets all of the criteria attested to in this declaration within thirty-one (31) calendar days of the
change by filing a Declaration of Termination of Domestic Partnership.
Page 1 of 3, Domestic Partnership Affidavit 10/20/2023 (AI)
Appendix I
331 -
3. Following filing of a Declaration of Termination of Domestic Partnership, I understand that I may
not file a subsequent Affidavit of Domestic Partnership for a period of at least 12 months; except,
however, there is no waiting period for filing a second Affidavit of Domestic Partnership with
respect to a partner as to whom I previously filed both an Affidavit of Domestic Partnership and a
Declaration of Termination of Domestic Partnership.
1. We understand that any person, employer, or company who suffers any loss due to any false
statement contained in this Affidavit, or failure of the employee to notify LACCD Health Benefits
Unit of any changes resulting in the partnership no longer meeting the criteria herein or in
Appendix D of the Agreement, within the time limit provided, may bring a civil action against
either both of us to recover their losses, including reasonable attorney’s fees.
2. We have provided the information in the Affidavit for use by the LACCD Health Benefits Unit for
the sole purposes of determining our eligibility for domestic partner health benefits.
3. We affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the assertions in the Affidavit are true to the best of our
Employee or Retiree Signature:
Employee Address:
City: State: Zip code:
Domestic Partner Signature:
Domestic Partner Address:
City: State Zip code:
Page 2 of 3, Domestic Partnership Affidavit 10/20/2023 (AI)
Appendix I
332 -
Signature Notary Public:
Date Commission Expires:
Page 3 of 3, Domestic Partnership Affidavit 10/20/2023 (AI)
Appendix I
333 -
Domestic Partnership Declaration of
Health Benefits Unit
Los Angeles Community College District
770 Wilshire Boulevard, Sixth Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017 017
Print Employee Name:
Employee Social Security Number “SSN”:
Date of Declaration:
declare, under penalty of perjury, that the Affidavit of Domestic Partnership attested to and signed by
me on is terminated as specified below:
Name of Domestic Partner:
Reason for Termination
Termination of the Affidavit of Domestic Partnership is due to (Choose one.):
change of circumstances attested to in the Affidavit of Domestic Partnership
termination of domestic partnership. Date of termination:
death of domestic partner. Date of death:
marriage to domestic partner. Date of marriage:
I shall mail a copy of this signed statement to my surviving former Domestic Partner within 14 days of
signing this notice.
Page 1 of 2, Domestic Partnership Termination 10/20/2023 (AI)
Appendix I
334 -
I understand that I may not file a subsequent Affidavit of Domestic Partnership for a period of at least
12 months; except, however, there is no waiting period for filing a second Affidavit of Domestic
Partnership with respect to a partner as to whom I previously filed both an Affidavit of Domestic
Partnership and a Declaration of Termination of Domestic Partnership.
I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Employee Printed Name:
Employee Signature:
Witness Printed Name:
Witness Signature:
Page 2 of 2, Domestic Partnership Termination 10/20/2023 (AI)
Appendix I
335 -
Appendix J-1
336 -
Appendix J-1 (Return to Table of Contents)
Request For Approval & Payment For Adjunct Ancillary Activities
Access Accessible Fillable PDF Forms at LACCD SharePoint site (requires employee SSO Log In):
Request for Approval and Payment for Adjunct
Ancillary Activities
The initiator, the Department or Division Chair, and the AFT 1521 Chapter President will consult to
develop the assignment plan prior to request submission.
Submit completed request form and relevant attachments to the College President or designee.
Requests will be approved or denied by the College President or designee within ten (10) working
days after submission.
Upon approval or denial, the College President or designee shall send copies of this form to the
initiator, the Department or Division Chair, the AFT 1521 Chapter President, the college academic
senate president, and the adjunct faculty member. The receipt of an approved project assignment
is required before work may begin.
I, Initiator:
Type of Request (Choose one):
Department Adjunct Representative
Appointed Committee Participant
Ancillary Activity Assignment
Date of request:
Phone: Email:
Division or Department:
Project Lead (if applicable):
Phone: E-mail:
Page 1 of 2, Ancillary Activities Request Form Appendix J 01/18/2024 (AI)
Appendix J-
337 -
Project Description (attach statement)
1. Describe the assignment and why it is important to the college.
2. State the rationale for hiring an adjunct instructor to perform these ancillary duties. For department
projects, include the Full-Time or Part-Time ratio.
3. State the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities of a successful applicant for this assignment.
4. State the agreed upon hours as noted in the plan above.
5. Identify the assignment completion date.
Acknowledgement of Consultation
Initiator Name:
Initiator Signature:
Department or Division Chair Name:
Department or Division Chair Signature:
AFT 1521 Chapter President Name:
AFT 1521 Chapter Signature:
College President Processing Status (Choose one):
Approved. Assignment start date:
Denied. Rationale for denial (required):
College President Name:
College President Signature:
Page 2 of 2, Ancillary Activities Request Form Appendix J 01/18/2024 (AI)
Appendix J-
338 -
Appendix J-2
339 -
Appendix J-2 (Return to Table of Contents)
Request For Approval & Payment For Adjunct Ancillary Activities
Access Accessible Fillable PDF Forms at LACCD SharePoint site (requires employee SSO Log In):
Completion Report of Ancillary Activities
Complete this form and attach evidence of project completion. Submit form and materials to the
College President or designee with copies to the project lead and AFT 1521 Chapter President.
Upon sign off, the College President or designee shall send copies of this form to the initiator, the
Department or Division Chair, the AFT 1521 Chapter President, the college academic senate
president, and the adjunct faculty member.
Faculty Name:
Type of Assignment (Choose one):
Department Adjunct Representative
Appointed Committee Participant
Ancillary Activity Assignment
Date of report:
Ancillary Assignment Completion Sign Off
Assignment was:
Completed Not Completed
Comments (Required if not completed):
College President Name:
College President Signature:
Page 1 of 1, Ancillary Activities Report Form Appendix J-R 01/18/2024 (AI)
Appendix J-
340 -
Appendix K
341 -
Appendix K (Return to Table of Contents)
Load Banking Form
(Application For Load Banking and Credit Leave)
Access Accessible Fillable PDF Forms at LACCD SharePoint site (requires employee SSO Log In):
Load Banking Form
(Application for Load Banking and
Credit Leave)
The request must be submitted to the faculty member’s Department Chair (with a copy to the Vice
President) in writing at least four months before the start of the Academic term during which the
faculty member proposes to take the reduced assignment or Load Credit Leave.
Courses to be Banked: An instructor may only bank assignments that are beyond their standard
assignment. Credits are banked in lieu of pay. During any term, no less than 1 standard hour nor
more than the maximum listed in the table in Art. 39D may be banked.
Total Load Bank Credits to be Earned: The maximum amount of Load Credit that may be
accumulated is equal to the number of hours of load credit needed to permit the faculty member to
receive a full-time Load Credit Leave for one academic term.
Load Bank Sabbatical Combination: The Vice President in consultation with the program or
Department Chairperson will determine if the approval of the request will seriously impair the
operation of the faculty members program or department. If so, a delay in approving the leave may be
made for up to one year.
Half-time of Full-time Load Credit Leave: A faculty member’s request for Load Credit will include a
leave (half-time or full-time) of one hour of load credit for each hour per week of leave plus an
additional number of load credits as defined in Article 39, F.3.
Eligibility: As per Article 39, F3.
Expiration of Load Banking Credit: Each hour of load credit earned under Article 39 shall expire if it
is not used to receive a reduced assignment or load credit within seven years following the end of the
academic term during which it was earned.
Load Banking Plan – Courses to be Banked:
Semester or
Session Date for
Course Name
and Number
Number of Units or
Hours for Banking
Completed (date)
Comment Sheets
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Appendix K
342 -
Semester or
Session Date for
Course Name
and Number
Number of Units or
Hours for Banking
Completed (date)
Comment Sheets
Total Load Bank Credits to be earned:
From Semester Year: To Semester Year:
Will this Load Credit Leave be combined with a Sabbatical Leave:
Will this be a half-time or full-time Load Credit Leave:
Half-time Full-time
Additional Hours of Load Credit Earned to be eligible:
Date this Application for Load Banking Credit expires:
Employee Name:
Employee Signature:
Vice President Processing Status (Choose one):
Not Approved
If not approved, provide Comments:
Vice President Name:
Vice President Signature:
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Appendix K
343 -
Appendix L
344 -
Appendix L (Return to Table of Contents)
Selected MOUs
1980-03 Art. 12
Class Size
1984-04 Art. 13
Load 15 Classes in Physical Education
1992-01 Art. 13
Day-to-day Substitute Service
1992-02 Art. 13
Interpretation of EC 87482.5.
1992-03 Art. 13
Meaning of “Consecutive Years
1992-05 Art. 13, 25
Exclusion of Absence Time
1992-08 Art. 13
Payment for Partial Overload
1993-01 Art. 13, 35
Order of Employment
1998-01 Art. 12
Cancellation of PACE Classes
2002-04 Art. 13
PACE Assignments
2002-07 Art. 13
Pay by Class Process Agreement
2002-08 Art. 16, 29, 43
Pay Equity for Part-time Instructors
2002-09 Appendix A
Definition/Meaning of “Accreditation”
2003-01 Art. 17
Calculation of FTEP and Chair Reassigned
2003-07 Art. 17
Contract Interpretation On Evaluation Of
Adjuncts By Vice-Chairs
2008-03 Appendix A
State Part-time Equity Differential
2009-04 Art. 19, 43
Contract Interpretation: Clarification of the
Meaning of “Participates in the Student
Learning Outcomes Assessment Cycle”
2009-05 Appendix A
Differential for Faculty on
Released/Reassigned Time
2014-02 Article 16
Seniority Rights for Adjunct Faculty Teaching
Art History
Appendix L
345 -
2014-03 Article 13
Regular and Contract Faculty Teaching Art
2014-04 SB 1456
Development and Implementation of LACCD
College SB 1456 Plans
2014-05 Article 16
Noncredit Encore Program, Pierce College
2014-06 Article 25
Accrual of Illness days for teaching DL or
TBA course
2014-07 Article 36
Calculation of CalSTRS Service Credit for
Adjunct Faculty
2016-01 Article 17
Department Chair and Deans Duties in
Relation to Classified Support Staff
2020-06 Side Letter
Regarding Implementation of Various
Successor Agreement Related Concerns
2020-02 Article 13 …………… Contract Interpretation: Non-Classroom
Professional Time
Appendix L
346 -
1980-03 Art. 12: Class Size
Question: If two courses are offered in the same classroom at the same time by the same
instructor, are they counted as one class for purposes of class size or are they counted as two
Answer: They are counted as one class for purposes of class size, (for instance, if Office
ministration 31 and Business 31 are a combined class taught in the same classroom at the
same time by the same instructor, the combined class size constitutes the size of one class,
despite the fact that the classes may have separate ticket numbers.)
(If Spanish 5 and Spanish 6 are taught at the same time and if the same classroom by the same
structor, the combined class size constitutes the size of one class, despite the fact that the
classes may have separate ticket numbers.)
1984-04 Art. 13: Load 15 Classes in Physical Education
Article 13, Assignment and Load, Table A, indicates Physical Education to be a 15-hour load and
Physical Education Activity to be a 20-hour load. The parties agree that the following Physical
Education classes shall be counted as Physical Education (15).
Advanced Lifesaving
Water Safety Instruction
Officiating Competitive Sports I
Officiating Competitive Sports II
Introduction to Physical Education
Introduction to Coaching Athletics
Coaching Team Sports
Coaching Individual Sports
Games and Rhythms/Elementary School I
Games and Rhythms/Elementary School II
Fundamentals of Athletic Training
Advanced Athletic Training
Modern Dance 1
Modern Dance II
Modern Dance III
Modern Dance IV
Ballet I
Ballet II
Ballet III
Ballet IV
810 Folk Dance
Music Analysis and Modern Dance
Dance Production
Concepts of Human Movement
Fundamental Rhythms
Dance Choreography
1992-01 Art. 13: Day-to-day Substitute Service
1. Employment on a day-to-day substitute basis, against a continuous absence and or non-
continuous absence pattern of a particular instructor for a particular cause of absence, is limited
to a period of 20 working days for the substitute instructor (Education Code Section 87480).
During this absence event, the count of days toward the 20-day maximum continues to increase
for each day the substitute actually works, without being reset to zero due to weekends,
holidays, or days of absence of the substitute. Should the absent instructor return to service
from the continuous absence, or terminate their absence pattern, and later be absent again, the
new absence shall be considered a new event, and the count of days shall start again from zero,
with respect to this 20-day rule.
2. Service as a day-to-day substitute within the 20-day limit shall not be included in any service
necessary to reclassify to contract Status pursuant to other Education Code sections. Should
substitute service occur beyond the limits of 20 days described in 1. above, then the first 20 days
shall be regarded and compensated as day-to-day substitute service under Education Code
Appendix L
347 -
Section 87480 and such service shall not be included in any service necessary to reclassify to
contract Status pursuant to other Education Code sections. Service beyond the 20-day limit shall
be reassigned and paid in a class other than day-to-day substitute. Substitute service against
monthly-rate absence shall be converted to monthly-rate temporary (long-term- sub) service,
full-time or fractional according to the workload. Substitute service against adjunct absence shall
be converted to ordinary adjunct service.
Justification: to clarify the operation of the “20-day rule” for day to day substitutes so as not to
essarily restrict their opportunity to serve as replacements for absent instructors.
1992-02 Art. 13: Interpretation of Education Code 87482.5
When all regularly funded certificated teaching assignments of an employee, when averaged and
totaled over a semester, do not exceed 67 percent of a full-time assignment, as compared to
that of a full-time instructor for the semester, such assignment shall be construed as authorized
by Education Code Section 87482.5.
Service authorized by Education Code Section 87482.5 shall not be included in any service
necessary to reclassify to contract Status pursuant to other Education Code sections.
Justification: to clarify the implementation for other cases of an arbitrator’s decision, in which,
er careful analysis of applicable sections of the Education Code and relevant case law, it was
decided that the average over the semester was properly to be used in deciding whether 67
percent of a full-time load had or had not been exceeded.
1992-03 Art. 13: Meaning of "Consecutive Years”
The phrase “more than two semesters or three quarters within any period of three consecutive
years” found in Education Code Section 87482 (b) shall be interpreted as meaning “more than
two semesters or three quarters within any period of three consecutive academic years.”
Justification: to change a prior interpretation which is now agreed by the parties to be incorrect.
the Code, “year” and “school year” are used interchangeably, in particular in EC 87482(a).
Clearly the intent is not to consider “year” to mean “calendar year.” The prior interpretation was
to track temporary faculty so as not only to not allow service exceeding 67% of full-time within
three semesters within three consecutive academic years, but also not to allow such service
within three semesters within three consecutive calendar years. The latter exclusion is now not
1992-05 Art. 13, 25: Exclusion of Absence Time
Time absent from an assignment, due to paid or unpaid leave or unauthorized absence, shall not
be included in computing the service required as a prerequisite to attainment of, or eligibility to,
classification as a regular or contract employee of the District.
Justification: to clarify that absence time will not be counted toward the 67% rule, nor toward
vice leading to tenure. A temporary faculty member with active assignments exceeding 67%
but who is absent sufficiently that actual service does not exceed 67% will not have that
semester counted as exceeding 67%. Also, a contract faculty member who due to absence does
not provide service for at least 75% of the academic year will not advance to the next contract
year and will have the opportunity to reach the required 75% in the following year.
Appendix L
348 -
1992-08 Art. 13: Payment for Partial Overload
If as provided in Article 13.D.3, an instructor elects to be paid at hourly rate for that portion of a
class which causes an overload beyond the standard teaching hours provided in Table A, and
agreement is reached to pay for such partial overload, such payment shall be exempt from the
provisions of Article 13.C regarding the maximum of 67% of a full assignment. Such exemptions
should be rare and made (1) at the campus level, (2) on a case-by-case basis, and (3) with the
approval of the College President and the Guild.
Justification: to clarify the agreed interpretation regarding when contract overload payments
be made and their exemption from the 67% rule for hourly assignments.
1993-01 Art. 13, 35: Order of Employment
Pursuant to Education Code Sections 87413, 87414, and 87415, the order of employment by lots
of employees with identical seniority dates shall be determined by assignment of a six¬digit
random number to such employees, with a random number of lesser value conferring a prior
order of employment as compared to a random number of greater value for an employee with
the same seniority date. Such a random number shall be determined for all probationary and
permanent employees who do not already have such a number assigned, as needed, as follows:
The District shall employ an independent auditing firm to certify the process and the results
ere from.
The parties shall meet for the purpose of determining random numbers to be assigned, or may
conduct the determination at any consultation or negotiation session of the parties, as needed
and mutually agreed to by the parties; the auditing firm may have a representative in
attendance at its discretion.
A printout of employees shall be prepared by the Division of Human Resources of those
obationary and permanent employees who at that time do not have a random number
assigned; the printout shall list name, employee number and seniority date, and shall be sorted
by seniority date. The number of employees on the list shall be counted.
A random number that generates programs with program code agreed to by the parties (copy of
ogram attached), shall be used. A value of the random number seed, acceptable to both
parties, shall be entered into the program. The number of random numbers needed, equal to
the number of employees on the list, shall be entered into the program. The program shall print
out the required list of random numbers, which shall be assigned to the employees on the
employee list, in the order provided on both lists. The random number lists shall be affixed to
the employee lists, aligning random numbers to employee numbers; the parties shall initial each
page, and photocopies shall be made for both parties and the auditing firm. If any duplicate
random numbers are detected for employees with the same seniority date, new numbers shall
be generated for all employees who have that seniority date and who have duplicate random
The random numbers determined in 4. above for employees in 3. above shall be entered into
personnel database by staff in the Division of Human Resources; a letter shall be sent to
each employee assigned a random number of the fact that they have been assigned a random
number, and the value of that number.
Appendix L
349 -
Justification: to clarify the method of assigning random numbers to contract and regular faculty,
as required under the Education Code, for use in breaking a tie when two or more such faculty
have the same seniority date.
1998-01 Art. 12: Cancellation of PACE Classes
The provision in Article 12.F permitting cancellation of a class with 14 or fewer enrollment
during the first two weeks of the semester is understood, in the case of PACE program blocks of
classes, to apply to the entire block rather than individual classes. The enrollment figure which
shall be used is the average enrollment in the classes in the block and either all classes shall
remain uncancelled or all may be cancelled depending on the value of the average enrollment.
Justification: to clarify the conditions for cancellation, due to insufficient enrollment, of classes
thin a PACE block, which are planned and offered in a group rather than as single classes.
2002-04 Art. 13: PACE Assignments
Article 13.A.10 shall be interpreted, for summer PACE assignments, as granting a contract or
regular faculty member regularly assigned to a PACE program at a college with a summer PACE
program the right of first refusal for a summer PACE assignment for which the person qualifies at
that college, provided such a person has not been granted approval of eligibility for
reassignment outside the PACE program by the College President or designee. Where more than
one such is qualified, priority under Article 15 shall be used. Summer PACE assignments
remaining unstaffed after being offered to such persons are to be staffed through a selection
Justification: to clarify the appropriate method of staffing assignments in summer PACE at
lleges where contract or regular faculty are restricted to the PACE program.
2002-07 Art. 13: Pay by Class Process Agreement
To improve the accuracy and timeliness of the District’s current payroll system, and as an initial
step towards realizing longer term objectives regarding modernization of the District’s
processes, procedures and administrative systems, the Los Angeles Community College District
(District) and the Los Angeles College Faculty Guild, Local 1521(AFT) agree that the District shall
implement the recommendation described in the attached Recommendation Summary
regarding Pay Basis Simplification-Pay By Class. That recommendation calls for the District to:
adopt a “shifted C” pay basis for all faculty (eliminating the T and V pay bases); calculate pay
using Standard Curriculum Hours for courses rather than actual meeting time; and issue pay to
faculty in equal installments.
These changes shall become effective for assignments for the fall semester, 2002.
The AFT shall cooperate with the District’s effort to implement the Pay Basis Simplification “Pay
By Cl
ass” recommendation and render appropriate assistance when asked to do so.
2002-08 Art. 16, 29, 43: Pay Equity for Part-time Instructors
In implementing the provisions of Attachment A, “Pay Equity,” attached to the MOU of
December 6, 2001, dealing with implementation of pro-rata pay for part-time faculty, the
payment for Fall and Spring semesters for adjunct faculty teaching in disciplines with full-time
Standard Teaching Hours Per Semester, as shown in Table A of Article 13, from 12 to 18 inclusive
shall, beginning with Spring 2003, be extended to include Winter and Summer intersessions, and
Appendix L
350 -
be made with a differential added to the salary schedule, rather than a manual lump sum bonus
payment. The amount to be paid as a differential, including statutory benefits, will be computed
periodically based on data drawn from active assignments and information on the load
associated with the assignments, in view of the amounts available each term from the fiscal
year’s equity allocation from the State, less amounts reserved as agreed for doctoral differential
payments, normalization of the adjunct non-classroom schedule, and marginal cost of pay by
course for intersessions.
Justification: to provide for a method of applying the part-time equity payment, for adjunct
culty teaching in disciplines with full-time Standard Teaching Hours from 12 to 18, using a
differential added to the salary schedule instead of a manually applied lump sum bonus, and to
extend the equity adjustment to Winter and Summer intersessions.
2002-09 Appendix A: Definition and Meaning of "Accreditation"
The AFT and the District agree to the following regarding the definition/meaning of
“accreditation”. In implementing the provisions of Attachment A. “Pay Equity,” attached to the
MOU of December 6, 2001, dealing with implementation of pro-rata pay for part-time faculty,
the meaning of “an earned doctor’s degree from an accredited institution” shall be understood
to require an earned doctorate from an institution which is accredited according to the
provisions of Title 5, section 53406, which establishes accrediting standards for institutions
whose degrees are acceptable for establishment of minimum qualifications for faculty service;
the same standard is recognized by the parties as valid for degree differentials for faculty paid
on the preparation salary schedule. This interpretation is declaratory of existing policy and not a
new standard. This interpretation will continue until and unless contradicted by future
agreement and may be incorporated in future Agreement language.
Justification: This MOU is needed to clarify what the parties mean by “accreditation” and
ccredited institution” as it applies to faculty degree differentials, and to reiterate the
application of that meaning to degree differentials for full-time as applied in the past.
Appendix L
351 -
2003-01 Art. 17: Calculation of FTEP and Chair Reassigned Time
In order to clarify and standardize practice among the colleges in implementation of Department
Chair reassigned time and tallying the Full-Time Equivalent Personnel (FTEP) calculation, which is
described in Article 17, Department Chairs and Departments, the following chart has been
developed to show the range of assignments and how to count FTEP.
Sample Department Roster Calculating FTEP
Department Name: Apple
Chairperson: Johnny Appleseed
Term: 7/1/03-6/30/06
Fall Term Start Date: Sept. 1, 2003
Total FTEP:
Chair Reassigned:
Name Faculty or
Employee’s Status
FTE Load Assigned to Department
Office Assistant
assigned .5 to two departments-
selected Apple Department as
Permanent Lab tech.
assigned to labs
teaching, SFP project
Tenured in
Apple Department
assigned as an ISA SFP outside
the Apple Department as
Long term
substitute Adjunct
assigned to department other
than Apple
non-teaching SFP project
Tenured-chair Extra
assigned as chair and instructor
teaching-Apple Department
teaching-Orange Department
teaching-Apple Department
teaching-Orange Department
teaching-Apple Department
0.6 ISA-non-teaching-not in
0.6 Apple Department teaching
Adjunct-Apple Department
teaching-Apple Department
non-teaching-AFT chapter
teaching-Apple Department
non-teaching-Academic Senate
on leave (released) from district
(not serving as ISA or CI)
on leave (released) from district
(not serving as ISA or CI)
Appendix L
352 -
Justification: to clarify and standardize concepts relating to the Full-Time Equivalent (FTEP)
calculation for Department Chair reassigned time throughout the District, applying the same
standards to those who serve as Department chairs will assure consistent application of this
contract provision.
2003-07 Article 17: Contract Interpretation On Evaluation Of Adjuncts By Vice-Chairs
The following contract interpretation clarifies the role of Designated or Appointed Department
Vice-Chairs with regard to the evaluation of adjunct faculty, as described in Article 17,
Department Chairs and Departments, and Article 19, Evaluation.
Question: Is a Vice- Chair who is not a tenured faculty member able to complete an evaluation of
a t
emporary faculty member?
Conclusion: Any Designated or Appointed Vice-Chair, even one who is not tenured, may
complete an evaluation of a temporary faculty member.
Analysis: Pursuant to Article 19, Section O, temporary faculty receive a basic evaluation,
“conducted in the manner specified in Section F....” Among other things, Section F provides that
basic evaluations “shall be completed by the faculty member’s Department Chair, or a tenured
faculty member designated by the Department Chair in consultation with the Vice President or
their designee.” While this language could be interpreted as barring a non-tenured faculty
member from completing a basic evaluation unless they are a Department Chair, that
interpretation is contradicted by a careful reading of Article 17 and the language that authorizes
Designated and Appointed Department Chairs and specifies their roles.
At least one Designated Vice-Chair is required in each department in which the full-time
ivalent personnel totals more than 34 (Art. 17, Sec. F.1), and a Department Chair may select
one or more Appointed Vice-Chairs in “any department with scheduled classes taught by adjunct
faculty.” (Art.17, Sec. F.2) As specified in Article 17, Sec. F.3:
The role of a Designated or Appointed Vice Chair is to assist the
air in performing specific duties normally assigned to the Chair
but instead delegated to the Vice Chair. In every case, however, the
Department Chair shall remain responsible for the overall quality,
completeness, and timeliness of the work performed.
Finally, Article 17, Sec. F6, requires the colleges to provide each department that offers classes
ught by adjunct faculty with funding, “to compensate the Department Chair and or Designated
or Appointed Vice Chairs for the supervision (including evaluation) of adjunct and other
temporary faculty members in the department. The Department Chair is responsible for and has
the authority to assign the supervision of adjunct and other temporary faculty to their self, or to
the Designated or Appointed Vice Chairs” (emphasis added).
It is clear from the explicit language of Article 17, that one of the principal roles of a Vice-chair is
ervision and evaluation of adjunct and other temporary faculty under delegated authority
from the Department Chair. In carrying out that role, the Vice-Chair takes the place of the
Department Chair who nevertheless remains “responsible for the overall quality, completeness,
and timeliness of the work performed.” For the purposes of Article 19, therefore, a basic
evaluation completed by a Designated or Appointed Vice-Chair is the equivalent of an evaluation
that has been “completed by the faculty member’s Department Chair.” Since tenured or
probationary faculty members are equally eligible to serve as Vice-Chairs (Article 17, Secs. F.1
Appendix L
353 -
and 2), it follows that a faculty member who does not have tenure, but who has been selected
as a Designated or Appointed Vice-Chair, is able to complete an evaluation of a temporary
faculty member under Article 19, Section O and Section F.
Justification: This contract interpretation is needed to assure consistent application of these
ntract provisions and to clarify and standardize practices relating to evaluation of adjunct
faculty by non-tenured Designated or Appointed Vice Chairs.
2008-03 Appendix A: State Part-time Equity Differential
The parties agree that, for the 2008-09 academic year, the funds available for the calculation of
the State Equity Differential will be reduced by 10% of the cost of salary and statutory benefits
(less the part-time office hours reimbursed by the state) for adjunct classroom assignments in
summer intersession rather than by 20% as was the previous method of covering the cost of
going to Pay by Class for Summer.
The parties agree that effective with the 2009-10 academic year, and, if continued in future
ars, any State allocation for part-time equity which comes to the LACCD will be applied solely
toward the State Equity Differential identified in the Adjunct DESK Schedule in Appendix A of the
Contract in disciplines with full-time Standard Teaching Hours from 12 to 18 inclusive, as shown
in Table A of Article 13, in Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer.
This differential will be calculated as follows:
ED = (SA - OS) ÷ FS • PED
Where: ED = new equity differential for current academic year
SA = State allocation for current academic year
OS = any funds overspent in the allocation of the equity differential for
12-18 in the previous academic year.
FS = funds spent in previous academic year
PED = previous academic year equity differential
Justification: The Parties agreed, effective with the 2009-10 academic year to no longer use a
tion of the State Part-time Equity Allocation to cover the formerly “marginal” cost of going to
Pay by Class for Summer, which is no longer a marginal cost. The full value of any State
allocation for part-time equity will be applied to the yearly recalculation (if the program is
continued) of the State Equity differential for adjunct credit teaching on the DESK adjunct
schedule for loads 12 to 18 inclusive as per the formula above.
This approach will be phased in for the 2008-09 academic year with half the cost of going to pay
by cl
ass being charged against the State allocation in 2008-09 and none of the cost of going to
pay by class being charged against the allocation beginning in 2009-10.
2009-04 Art. 19, 43: Contract Interpretation: Clarification of the Meaning of “Participates in the
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Cycle” on the Faculty Evaluation Form
The Los Angeles Community College District (the “District”) and the American Federation of
Teachers College Guild Local 1521 (the “AFT”) agree to the following clarification of the meaning
Appendix L
354 -
of “Participates in the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Cycle” on the faculty evaluation
form, Appendix C of the 2008-11 Agreement.
Participating in the Student Learning Outcomes cycle (writing SLOs and establishing assessment
tools/rubrics as a discipline or department) is the responsibility of full-time faculty. However, it is
the responsibility of all faculty to incorporate approved SLOs in their teaching. In order for
faculty to be evaluated on their participation the following shall occur:
1. The department chair shall, at the time a course is assigned, provide the instructor with a
py (electronic or hard copy) of the course outline and any officially approved SLOs. (It is
the responsibility of each college to determine a process for officially approving SLOsit is
normally considered a joint process involving sign-off by both faculty of the discipline/
department and the college’s Academic Senate.)
2. All instructors shall include the officially approved course SLOs on their course syllabi. If
urse SLOs have not yet been approved or provided by the chair, this shall have no negative
effect on the instructor’s evaluation.
3. All instructors shall conduct SLO assessments in their assigned classes and use the results to
make a
ppropriate changes in instruction to improve student learning. Data and results of
assessments and modifications serve as evidence of fulfilling this professional responsibility.
4. An adjunct instructor may participate in discipline or departmental activities to create SLOs
establish assessments but they are not required to do so and lack of participation should
have no negative effect on their performance evaluation.
5. An adjunct instructor is not required to attend SLO assessment activities when they are
nducted outside the classroom. If an adjunct instructor would like to participate in such
SLO activities they may request compensation in advance under the provisions of Article 43
B 2, Ancillary Duties.
Justification: This contract interpretation is provided to clarify the meaning of “Participates in
e Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Cycle” on the faculty evaluation form and to
distinguish the obligations of full-time and adjunct faculty with respect to this item.
2009-05 Article 29: Differential for Faculty on Released/Reassigned Time
Appendix A. 1. c.
Differential Salary Rates. Regular, temporary, and substitute employees serving in the classes of
nselor, instructor-advisor, consulting instructor, college nurse, and Child Development
Center Director, and working 1.0 FTE in these positions (or on a full-paid leave) shall receive the
salary rates to which they are entitled on the preparation schedule plus a salary differential of
$xxx per pay period.
When receiving a salary differential, the differential shall be paid proportional to the assignment
r which the differential applies. For example, an individual who is assigned 0.5 as a counselor
and 0.5 as a classroom instructor will receive the salary differential for 0.5 of his or her
A department chair shall receive the $xxx differential year-round, if eligible, according to the
visions of Article 17. They will receive a full chair differential for the length of that assignment
regardless of the amount of FTE reassigned time allotted for the particular department. This
Appendix L
355 -
requires that the faculty member work year-round to carry out the chair duties as defined in
Article 17.
Department chairs shall receive the full differential when on full-paid leave and shall receive a
pro-rated differential when on a partial paid leave.
Faculty members who receive differentials and who are on released or reassigned time or
organizational leave for the AFT, the college or district Academic Senate or other college position
with released or reassigned time shall receive the same differential they would have received if
they were not released or reassigned.
Differentials are paid in full in situations where the faculty member is working 1.0 FTE (all
thly assignments combined). Eligible faculty members who are working less than 1.0 FTE (all
monthly assignments combined) as faculty who are on a partial paid leave or receive a pro-rated
Volunteering and or being elected to a position of service with released/reassigned time in the
T, Academic Senate or other college position should not carry with it the disincentive of
reduced pay. This MOU extends the provisions for receiving full differentials to those who have
been released/reassigned to carry out such assignments.
2014-02 Article 16: Seniority Rights for Adjunct Faculty Teaching Art History
The Los Angeles Community College District (the “District”) and the American Federation of
Teachers College Guild Local 1521 (the “AFT”) agree that the recent inclusion of the Art History
as a new subject matter recognized by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
(CCCCO) will not adversely affect adjunct faculty.
Prior to the recent inclusion of the Art History as a new subject matter recognized by the CCCCO,
junct faculty who taught courses in Art History met the minimum qualifications established by
the Art subject matter. The District and the AFT agree that adjunct faculty who met the ART
subject matter minimum qualifications and had prior teaching experience within the LACCD in
teaching Art History can continue to teach Art History. Beginning Summer 2014, adjunct faculty
hired to teach Art History must meet the minimum qualifications established by the Art History
subject matter.
Further, the District and the AFT agree that the provisions of Article 16, Adjunct Assignments,
tention and Seniority, will continue to apply to faculty members who have established
seniority in an Art History seniority discipline list (Appendix E) where faculty will retain all rights
specific to the Art History seniority list. Beginning Fall 2014, only faculty who meet the minimum
qualifications established by the Art History subject matter can be added to an Art History
seniority list.
Justification: In January 2012, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office released a
port entitled “Minimum Qualification for Faculty and Administrators in California Community
Colleges.” The report now has the inclusion of Art History as a new subject matter recognized by
the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.
2014-03 Article 13: Regular and Contract Faculty Teaching Art History
The Los Angeles Community College District (the “District”) and the American Federation of
Teachers College Guild Local 1521 (the “AFT”) agree that the recent inclusion of the Art History
Appendix L
356 -
as a new subject matter recognized by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
(CCCCO) will not adversely affect regular and contract faculty.
Prior to the recent inclusion of the Art History as a new subject matter recognized by the CCCCO,
regular and contract faculty who taught courses in Art History met the minimum qualifications
established by the Art subject matter. The District and the AFT agree that regular and contract
faculty who met the ART subject matter minimum qualifications and had prior teaching
experience within the LACCD in teaching Art History as part of their contractual load obligation
can continue to teach Art History. Beginning Spring 2014, regular and contract faculty hired to
teach Art History must meet the minimum qualifications established by the Art History subject
Justification: In January 2012, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office released a
port entitled “Minimum Qualification for Faculty and Administrators in California Community
Colleges.” The report now has the inclusion of Art History as a new subject matter recognized by
the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.
2014-04 SB 1456: Development and Implementation of LACCD College SB 1456 Plans
The Los Angeles Community College District and the American Federation of Teachers College
Guild Local 1521 agree to the following:
1. Input from faculty, staff, administrators, and st
udents shall be included in the development
of each college Student Success and Support Program (SB 1456) plan as per Title 5, section
55510 (b) and the California Community College Chancellor’s Office.
2. Counseling departments, in consultation with the administration and the shared governance
ocess, shall assume primary responsibility for coordinating counseling and advising
services, including development of Student Education Plans (SEP), as defined in Title 5
section 55524, as either “abbreviated or comprehensive.” This may include utilization of
discipline advising sheets or plans, as well as other electronic tools, such as computerized
degree audit reports and computer- generated plans.
3. In order to foster student success, meet demand for services, and comply with SB 1456
dates, counseling departments will incorporate best practices in counseling using
innovative approaches and strategies, including, but not limited to increased use of
technology, online services, group counseling, collaboration with classroom faculty, and
“embedded/intrusive” counseling methods.
4. Whenever non-coun
seling faculty and or paraprofessional staff are included in the
counseling and advising component of the SSSP plan, their roles and responsibilities shall be
delineated per the guidelines established in the ASCCC document, “The Role of Counseling
Faculty and Delivery of Counseling Services in the California Community Colleges,” adopted
Spring 2012 (pages 8 - 11.)
5. Each college shall conduct an annual review of its SSSP Plan. Upon review of the SSSP plan, if
e college is unable to meet the mandates of SB 1456, management and the AFT shall agree
to make appropriate adjustments to the method and delivery of required services to ensure
mandated services to students and to maximize appropriation of available SSSP funds.
6. In the event that state funding for implementation of SB 1456 is no longer provided, Ed Code
78218 sh
all be in effect: “In the 2012-13 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, this
Appendix L
357 -
article shall be operative only if funds are specifically appropriated for the purpose of this
2014-05 Article 16: Noncredit Encore Program, Pierce College
The Los Angeles Community College District (the “District”) and the American Federation of
Teachers College Guild Local 1521 (the “AFT”) agree to the following:
The provisions of the Article 16 require the establishment of seniority lists whenever the college
ins to offer adjunct rate assignments. This MOU permits waiver of this rule at Pierce College
in the noncredit Encore (older adult) program. The Faculty Guild and the District agree to the
following regarding the retention of all faculty members teaching in the noncredit Encore
1. Written offers of assignment to Encore faculty will clearly indicate that they will not accrue
niority and retention rights pursuant to Article 16.
2. This agreement will be in placed as an ongoing MOU and listed in the appropriate place in
Appendix L, “Selected MOUs” in the 2014-17 Agreement.
3. This local understanding does not interfere with issues pertaining to the hiring and
evaluation of Encore faculty.
Justification: This waiver for adjunct rate assignments within the Encore program at Pierce
College is because a former local rule to this effect was inadvertently rendered obsolete when
language permitting local agreements on Article 16 G of the 2008-11 Agreement was removed in
the 2014-17 Agreement. The Encore program offers up to about 25 separate and unique
discipline courses. It would be an administrative nightmare to maintain so many lists when
generally only one instructor with special expertise teaches each course and the courses are
offered at irregular intervals.
2014-06 Articie25: Adjunct Faculty Accrual of Illness Days for Teaching DL or TBA Courses
The Los Angeles Community College District (the "District") and the American Federation of
Teachers College Guild Local 1521 (the "AFT") agree to the following:
Adjunct faculty who teach Distance Learning (DL) courses or courses scheduled as "To be
Announced (TBA)" will be credited with illness days as per the intent of Ed. Code Section 87781.
Accrual of illness days for teaching DL or TBA courses will be based on the number of classes
taught per semester. One illness day will be accrued for each class taught.
In addition, the parties agree that a faculty who is teaching a DL or TBA course shall report illness
sences if they are not able to have meaningful regular contact with students at least once a
Examples of meaningful regular contact include, but are not limited to, the following:
Submitting/grading assignments
Participating in discussions
Responding to emails/phone calls
Attendance at scheduled chats
Adherence to scheduled events in the syllabus
Reviewing messages and responding to messages in the virtual classroom
Appendix L
358 -
Attendance or participation in web conferences or other live events scheduled for the
Proctoring exams
Attendance to on-camp
us events or other locations where instructor and students meet
for class; i.e. museum, observatory, etc.
Rationale: The language in Article 25.E.2.b credits temporary adjunct faculty with illness days
sed on the number of days per week assigned as per the intent of Ed Code Section 87781. For
instance, if a temporary adjunct faculty member works two days per week in both fall and spring
semesters (such as a one TTH class) they shall have been credited with 4 illness days. If they
worked MTWTH in fall and MW and S in spring, the illness credit would be 7 days for that
academic year period.
However, current Ed. Code and CBA language are silent on the crediting of illness days for
junct faculty who teach Distance Learning (DL) or TBA courses are defined as courses which do
not have a regularly scheduled time to meet. In an effort to address this gap, the parties agree
that adjunct faculty who teach DL or TBA courses will be credited with one day of illness for each
class taught in a semester. For example, a faculty who teaches three classes in a semester will be
credited with three illness days for that semester.
2014-07 Articie36: SB114, Calculation of CALSTRS Service Credit for Adjunct Faculty
The Los Angeles Community College District (the "District") and the American Federation of
Teachers College Guild Local 1521 (the "AFT") agree to the following:
Article 36.A.2: The STRS Defined Benefit Plan, if the employee is eligible, with the employee and
e District each contributing a percent of the faculty member's creditable earnings as
prescribed by law (currently 8.0 % for the employee and 8.25% for the District), and with the
District using 600 Standard Teaching Hours per year (fifteen hours per week times forty weeks
per year) as the basis for determining a classroom faculty member's full year of service credit.
Ed. Code Section 22138.5 requires that each collective bargaining agreement or employment
reement that applies to a member of CalSTRS specify the number of creditable service hours
that equal "full time." "Full time" is defined by the number hours of creditable service performed
by a class of employees in a school year in order to earn compensation earnable (as defined by
California Ed. Code 22115). In complying with SB 114 (see 2012, Ed. Code Section 22138.5), the
parties agree to update the collective bargaining agreement to adjust the annual base standard
teaching hours reported to CalSTRS for part-time temporary faculty, per year.
The parties will agree to use 600 standard teaching hours as a basis for determining a classroom
culty member's full year of service credit when teaching in a 15 hour (per semester)
contractual load. For all other contractual loads, the parties will proportionately adjust the
annual standard working hours as indicated in Table A [in Article 36.A.2]. However, the number
of hours reported annually for service credit will not fall below 525 standard teaching hours.
The language in this MOU only applies to part-time temporary faculty who are members of
Justification: The parties agree to comply with the provisions of SB 114 (2012).
Appendix L
359 -
2016-01 Article 17: Department Chair's and Dean's Duties in Relation to Classified Support Staff
The following Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the American Federation of
Teachers College Staff Guild, Local 1521A; the American Federation of Teachers College Faculty
Guild, Local 1521; the LACCD Administrators Association/Teamsters Local 911; and the Los
Angeles Community College District serves to clarify the rights and functional oversight of
Faculty Department Chairs to Classified Support Staff in the Chairs' departments.
1. The supervising dean and the department chair will meet to review the classified position
cription to ensure that the classified support staff in the chair's department work within
the duties and responsibilities of the classified staff's classification. The department chair
will monitor and provide the day-to-day work direction of the classified staff.
2. After the dean and chair have met, the department chair will meet with the classified
port staff to review those duties and job responsibilities.
The department chair's duties include the following:
3. The department chair will provide work direction and oversee the assigned duties of the
assified support staff.
4. The department chair will notify the dean when appropriate training is necessary or
uested by the classified support staff.
5. The department chair will forward to the dean for approval all classified support staff
uests for work schedule change.
6. The department chair will forward to the dean for approval all classified support staff
quests for leaves, including illness/injury; vacation; conferences; work related events and
other valid and necessary absences.
7. The department chair will forward to the dean all ergonomic requests by the classified
port staff.
8. The department chair will refer to the dean for approval of all classified support staff
overtime requests.
9. The department chair will initial and forward to the dean all classified support staff time
ets for the dean to sign.
The dean's responsibilities include the following:
10. The dean will share with the department chair all release time schedules for the classified
port staff.
11. The dean will prepare the classified support staff performance evaluation, and, for that
luation, the department chair will provide in writing to the dean any appropriate
observations, input, feedback, and recommendations.
12. The dean will receive and process any and all classified support staff contractual grievances.
2020-06 Side Letter: Regarding Implementation of Various Successor Agreement Related Concerns
The Los Angeles Community College District (the "District") and the American Federation of
Teachers, the Los Angeles College Faculty Guild, AFT 1521, CFT/AFT, AFL-CIO (the “union") agree
Appendix L
360 -
to the following stipulations concerning the collective bargaining successor agreement, as it may
become effective starting in various stages of the 2020-2021 academic year, or thereafter:
Class Size (Article 12. A. 3.)
The Union and District agree to initiate class size changes effective the Spring 2021 term.
dent Enrollment (Enrolled below Cap) After First Day of Instruction (Article 12. B. 2)
Per o
ur new CBA language, the District will program our enrollment system to accommodate the
ing parameters:
For courses not at their enrollment cap on the first day of instruction, students will be
allowed to self-enroll up to but no later than the start of the second-class session.
If the enrollment system cannot be modified to allow this flexibility, then the Guild and
rict agree to the following position as discussed during negotiations: For courses not at
their enrollment cap on the first day of the term, students will be allowed to self-enroll
through the second day of the term.
Implementation of this capability will be no later than July 1, 2021.
12-Month Pay Option. (Article 29. C.)
The Union and District have agreed that the District will have to migrate information and
engage in computer programming to facilitate this new pay structure.
The programming will involve collaboration between various departments in the District,
and so as to not unduly impact wages and other reportable earnings, implementation shall
be effective July 1, 2021.
Non-Classroom Faculty (0.2) Professional Time. (Article 13. A. 1. Paragraph 2)
he Union and District have agreed to a contract interpretation of the non-classroom
ty professional time release and will enter the contract interpretation contained in
Appendix A as 2020-01 to Appendix L of the 2020-2023 AFT Collective Bargaining
Load Reductions (Article 13. Table A & B)
The D
istrict and the Union agree that faculty load changes are effective July 1, 2020, an
shall be reported to CalSTRS as such.
Fall 2020 assignments shall be adjusted to reflect the new loads and any overload will be
paid a
t the faculty member's hourly rate. If the implementation of this article results in an
adjunct faculty member exceeding the 0.67 load limit, the Administration and the Faculty
Guild will agree to assign a temporary waiver per Article 16. H. 8. for the fall term to
exempt them from the 0.67 percent limit.
Spring 2021 assignments shall be scheduled to reflect the new loads. If assignments in
Spring 2
021 are insufficient in meeting instructional demand, faculty will be offered
adjunct assignments to fill the deficiencies pursuant to Article 16.
Faculty Evaluation Training. (Article 19. A. 4 & Article 42. A. 2)
Appendix L
361 -
The Union and the District agree to the development of an on-line training that will
address the mandatory requirements of Article 19 A. 4 for Department Chairs, Deans, and
Sr. Management via Canvas. The training shall be available no later than June 2021.
The Union and the District will identify the appropriate content experts who will
laborate on the development and execution of relevant training material.
Department Chair Workshop (Contract Update Training) Article 17. D. 1. h.)
The Union and the District agree to the use of Zoom in order to facilitate the Successor
eement updates. This training will be recorded, and questions may be directed to a
designated email.
The Union and the District will identify the appropriate content experts who will
llaborate on the development and execution of relevant training material.
Faculty Evaluation Materials. (Appendix C.)
Faculty evaluation forms will be effective Spring 2021, and made accessible via fillable
s, and ADA compatible.
Implicit Bias and Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices (Article 23. K.)
The District and the Faculty Guild will develop and coordinate options for training. Training
l be available starting July 1, 2021.
2020-02 Article 13 Contract Interpretation: Non-Classroom Professional Time
A. Where practicable, all items identified below as part of the regular 0.8 portion of the
assignment shall be scheduled in advance, and blocked in the scheduling system (e.g.,
Cranium Cafe)
The following are considered part of the 0.8 "Regular" portion of the assignment and not
nsidered part of the 0.2 "Professional Time" as identified in Article 13 A. 1.
Appendix Q #5The one required meeting.
Required Department Meeting once per month.
Participation in meetings or activities directed or mandated by administration.
Approved Conference/Travel; per Article 23.
B. Where practicable, items identified below are considered part of the 0.2 "Professional Time"
identified in Article 13 A. 1. This time shall not be blocked in the scheduling system (e.g.,
Cranium Cafe).
Self-directed work including but not limited to; following up on emails, extra time with a
dent that was not anticipated apart from a regular student contact, etc.
Any additional voluntary meetings or activities that are not student contact, shall be
annotated as soon as possible in the scheduling system (e.g., Cranium Cafe).
C. If mandated meetings or activities are required of the non-classroom faculty member, they
must have the ability to adjust their 0.8 "Regular" scheduled time to compensate for the
new mandated time. This will not to be taken out of their 0.2 professional time.
Appendix L
362 -
D. Non-classroom professional time is calculated proportionally based on the faculty member's
primary assignment (e.g., counseling, librarian).
Example(s): Release or reassigned 0.6 to accreditation officer and remain 0.4 counseling
or 0.4 Librarian. Faculty with a (35-hour load) will be granted 0.2 "Professional Time" of
the 0.4 proportional counseling assignment or 2.8 hours per week (2 hours 48 min).
Faculty with a (30-hour load) will be granted 0.2 "Professional Time" of the 0.4
proportional librarian assignment or 2.4 hours per week (2 hours 24 min).
Under Article 13 A. 1, adjunct assignments are not eligible for "Professional Time".
Appendix M
363 -
Appendix M (Return to Table of Contents)
Calendars: 2024-25, 2025-26, and 2026-27
The following pages contain the academic year calendars for 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26. In each
year, three calendars are listed:
Academic Year (15-week pattern)
In use at all campuses for classroom faculty and those non-classroom faculty who are following the
mpressed 15-week pattern.
Academic Year (C basis non-classroom)
For all campuses with C basis non-classroom faculty who are not following the compressed 15-week
Academic Year (D basis non-classroom)
For all campuses with D basis and partial D basis faculty
Calendars may be accessed at LACCD SharePoint site (requires employee SSO Log In):
364 -
365 -
366 -
367 -
368 -
369 -
370 -
371 -
372 -
Appendix N
373 -
Appendix N (Return to Table of Contents)
Annual Load Form
Access an Accessible Fillable PDF Form at the following webpage:
Annual Load Form
Fill out the attached form if a Non-Standard Annual Load, as defined in Article 13. A.1,
is desired, with the required advance approval by both the Department Chair and the
Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Faculty Name:
College Name: Date:
Academic Year:
Summer 1
Page 1 of 2, Annual Load Form Appendix N 01/18/2024 (AI)
Appendix N
374 -
Summer 2
Total Proposed Annual Load:
Total Annual Load for Discipline:
Processing Portion
Department or Division Chair Processing Status
Annual Load Plan was:
Recommended Not Recommended
Department or Division Chair Name:
Department or Division Chair Signature:
Comments (Required if not recommended):
Dean or Vice President Processing Status
Annual Load Plan was:
Approved Denied
Dean or Vice President Name:
Dean or Vice President Signature:
Comments (Required if denied):
Page 2 of 2, Annual Load Form Appendix N 01/18/2024 (AI)
Appendix N
375 -
Appendix O
376 -
Appendix O (Return to Table of Contents)
Faculty Non-Collegiality Incident Report Form
Access an Accessible Fillable PDF Form of Faculty Non-Collegiality Incident Report Form Appendix O
at the following webpage:
Faculty Non-Collegiality Incident Report
For concerns regarding non-collegiality as defined in Article 5, submit this incident report form
to the appropriate Vice President.
1. Name:
2. Job Title:
3. Department: 4. Location:
5. Clearly and concisely state your concerns and describe the events. Include the dates of the
incidents, the names of employees involved, witnesses, evidence, documentation, and all
other information that you deem to be useful. Attach additional sheets if necessary.
Date of Submission:
The appropriate Vice President or designee shall respond to the complainant within 15 working
days of the submission of this concern to prevent the escalation of the issue reported. A final
response will be sent to the complainant within 45 working days of submission. The final
response shall be reported back to the complainant on Appendix P.
Page 1 of 1, Faculty Non-Collegiality Incident Report Form 12/04/2023 (AI)
Appendix O
377 -
Appendix P
378 -
Appendix P (Return to Table of Contents)
Administration Resolution to Appendix O
Access an Accessible Fillable PDF Form of Administration Resolution to Appendix O Form at the
following webpage:
Administration Resolution to Appendix O
Date of Appendix O Submission:
1. Response to Appendix O Investigation and Findings:
2. Recommendations, if needed, and rationale:
A. Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI)
B. Human Resources Division (HRD)
C. Employee and Labor Relations (ELR)
D. Training
E. Mediation
F. Other
Administrator’s Printed Name
Administrator’s Signature
Page 1 of 1, Administration Resolution to Appendix O 12/04/2023 (AI)
Appendix P
379 -
Appendix Q
380 -
Appendix Q (Return to Table of Contents)
Faculty Duties, Obligations, and Activities
In addition to teaching their classes and or working in their faculty service areas, faculty
members contribute to the vibrant life of the college and engage in activities that
promote a quality education and student success. Employment in the LACCD brings
with it an obligation that faculty will take on an appropriate share of professional
List A: These duties are currently required in the bargaining agreement:
1. Maintain a work schedule as defined by the Standard Teaching Loads and
Standard Workloads (see Article 13 Table A and Table B).
2. Maintain the required number of scheduled office hours. For classroom faculty,
be available for additional student consultation outside of posted office hours
(see Article 13 D and Appendix C).
3. Keep current in one’s discipline (see Appendix C).
4. Keep accurate records (for example: grades, attendance, class exclusions,
Student Education Plans, and counseling records) and submit records in a timely
manner (see Article 13 D and Appendix C).
5. Full time faculty must participate on at least one college, district, or departmental
committee or equivalent (see Articles 13 D and Article 32).
6. Fulfill professional development obligation: 33.5 hours annually for full-time
classroom faculty, half the total annual number of weekly classroom hours for
adjunct assignments taught by both full-time instructors with overload and true
adjunct faculty (see Article 10).
7. Participate in the SLO Assessment Cycle (see Appendix C).
8. Complete implicit bias and culturally responsive training as stated in Article 23.
9. Provide evidence for items 1-8 above as part of the performance evaluation
process. (See Article 19, 42, appendix C).
List B: This list includes (but is not limited to) the activities that are not referenced
specifically in the collective bargaining agreement but represent professional
responsibilities toward the goal of improving student success:
1. Attend college events, including but not limited to, commencement.
2. Participate in activities that enhance the educational mission of the college
such as accreditation self-studies, district or college initiatives, district
discipline committees, and shared governance committees.
3. Take part in comprehensive evaluation and tenure review committees, hiring
committees, and orientation of new faculty.
4. Participate in the collective work of the department in updates and revisions of
course outlines, curriculum development, advisory committees, program transfer
and completion information (especially for counselors) and program review.
5. Keep current in the use of educational technology where appropriate.
6. Assist in student activities such as club sponsorship.
7. Participate in the union and academic senate.
8. Acknowledge DSPS Accommodation Forms for students with disabilities after being
notified by District email and having a student's accommodation letter posted to the
class roster,
and provide the accommodations specified in the letter.
Appendix R
381 -
Appendix R (Return to Table of Contents)
Seniority and Priority Lists Templates
Hourly Rate Seniority List Template
Full-time Winter Priority Number List Template
Full-time Summer Intersession Priority Number List Template
Adjunct Rate Priority Number List Template (True Adjunct)
Appendix R
382 -
Hourly Rate Seniority List
College Name:
Prepared by:
Faculty Member
Last Name
First Name
e #
** **
Sp 00
May Negatively Affect Seniority
Maintains Seniority
N = Not offered a class
A (xx) = Seniority Assignment Hrs.
R = Refused assignment
B = Bumped
C = Cancelled class
* Earned Seniority Std Hrs.
W = Withdrawn - Includes
** Sem/Year first assigned
Chair/Re-assig n/Release Time
*** Semesters prior to F08
**** Total semesters of seniority
(DL) - Faculty member is
Certified to Conduct Distance
Appendix R
383 -
Full-time Winter Priority Number List
College Name:
Prepared by:
Faculty Member
Last Name First Name
Employee #
First Assigned
Fa 04
Sp 00
1 = Faculty member worked a full intersession assignment.
1/2 = Faculty member worked one-half of a full intersession assignment.
1/4 = Faculty member worked one-quarter of a full intersession assignment.
0 = Faculty member did not work an intersession assignment.
(DL) - Faculty member is Certified to Conduct Distance Education Classes
Appendix R
384 -
Full-time Summer Priority Number List
College Name:
Prepared by:
Faculty Member
Last Name First Name
Employee #
First Assigned
1 = Faculty member worked a full intersession assignment.
1/2 = Faculty member worked one-half of a full intersession assignment.
1/4 = Faculty member worked one-quarter of a full intersession assignment.
0 = Faculty member did not work an intersession assignment.
(DL) - Faculty member is Certified to Conduct Distance Education Classes
Appendix R
385 -
Adjunct Rate Priority List (True Adjunct)
College Name:
Prepared by:
Faculty Member
yee #
N = Not offered a class
R = Refused assignment
C = Cancelled class
Appendix S
386 -
Appendix S (Return to Table of Contents)
Page Intentionally Left Blank
Appendix T
387 -
Appendix T (Return to Table of Contents)
Request to Waive ISA, CI Contract Provision Form
Access an Accessible Fillable PDF Form of Waive ISA, CI Contract Provision Appendix T Form at the
following webpage:
Request to Waive ISA or CI Contract
This form serves as a request to waive Article 13D of the Faculty Collective Bargaining
Agreement due to special circumstances.
Reminder: “Waiver” is due in Human Resources, District Office within 10 working days of start
of term.
Please print or type and ensure all information is provided as omissions can delay processing.
Read Information box below before completing.
Return completed form to:
Human Resources Division
Academic Recruitment Unit
770 Wilshire Boulevard, 4th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017
1. Position (Choose one.):
Instructor, Special Assignment
Consulting Instructor
To serve as Director of
Department, Program, Project or Function:
2. Special Circumstances Certification:
This request comes as the result of the unsuccessful second search the College conducted
in its attempt to hire for this position.
Page 1 of 3, Form HR R-121 05/22/2023 (AI)
Appendix T
388 -
The previous search was conducted:
Date From Date To
The College sent job announcements to (Choose one.):
All contract or regular faculty in the Los Angeles Community College District
All full-time and part-time faculty as listed below
The search committee considered all applicants who met the minimum job qualifications
as announced and who were contract or regular faculty members in the District or part-
time faculty members on a seniority list in the relevant disciplines at the College.
The College followed the approved hiring procedures it adopted on
It is the College’s intention to hire the person waived under this procedure to a period to
no more than one year.
In addition to a faculty performance evaluation, which will be conducted in accordance
with Article 19, the College will assess the success of the project and determine what
steps will be needed to continue or modify the project for the future.
This waiver is for a position not funded by a specially funded program.
3. Waiver Submitted By:
AFT Chapter President Name:
AFT Chapter President Signature:
Vice President, Academic Affairs Name:
Vice President, Academic Affairs Signature:
Page 1 of 3, Form HR R-121 05/22/2023 (AI)
Appendix T
389 -
4. Waiver Approval: The signatures below acknowledge acceptance of this waiver for
special circumstances.
AFT College Guild President Name:
AFT College Guild President Signature:
College President Name:
College President Signature:
Information for Initiator Requesting a Waiver
The provisions of Article 13 Section D.11 of the AFT Faculty Guild collective bargaining
agreement can be waived in special circumstances with the written authorization of the AFT
Chapter President at the college and of the President of the Guild. In the event such a waiver
is agreed, the following conditions must be met:
A. An announcement of the position shall be circulated Districtwide. Any contract or
regular faculty member in the District or any part-time faculty member on a seniority
list at the advertising college who meets the qualifications and applies for the
position should be considered for an interview.
B. The selection or interview procedure must conform to the process defined for the
college through collegial consultation with the college’s Academic Senate.
C. The evaluation or tenure process must be in accordance with Article 19 of the AFT
Faculty collective bargaining agreement.
D. Except as otherwise provided by law, nothing in this waiver shall be construed as
extending to a contract or regular faculty member who was initially hired as a
Consulting Instructor or Instructor Special Assignment any right to reassignment to a
Page 1 of 3, Form HR R-121 05/22/2023 (AI)
Appendix T
390 -
Appendix U-1
391 -
Appendix U-1 (Return to Table of Contents)
WEC Recommendations for the College President
Access an Accessible Fillable PDF Form of WEC Recommendations for the College President
Appendix W Form at the following webpage:
WEC Recommendation for the College
President Form
The Work Environment Committee (WEC) has approved the following recommendation to be
submitted to the College President.
WEC Chair:
College President:
WEC Chair’s Signature:
Submission Date:
The College President shall respond to the recommendation using the President’s Response to WEC
Recommendation Form within fifteen (15) working days of the submission of this recommendation to
indicate how the WEC concern is being addressed. The response shall be sent to the WEC Chair
who shall subsequently share it with the entire committee.
Page 1 of 1, WEC Recommendation Form 01/18/2024 (AI)
Appendix U
392 -
Appendix U-2
393 -
Appendix U-2 (Return to Table of Contents)
WEC Recommendations for the College President
Access an Accessible Fillable PDF Form of College President Response to the WEC Recommendations
Appendix WR Form at the following webpage:
College President’s Response to the WEC
Recommendation Form
Below is the College President’s response to the WEC recommendation which was
submitted on:
College President:
WEC Chair:
College President’s Signature:
Page 1 of 1, President Response To WEC Form 01/18/2024 (AI)
Appendix U
394 -
395 -
Index (Return to Table of Contents)
NOTE: Not all locations of each term are listed in the index. To find additional listings for a
term, a search of a digital version of the agreement is suggested.)
Subject (s)
Article (s)
20-day rule (see Substitute-20-day limit)
Appendix L 1992-01
67 % Payment for Partial Overload
Appendix L 1992-08 MOU
67 % Rule
13 C 1; 15 E 2; 16; 16 D 3; 16 D 5; 16 F 1, 4; 16 H 7 8; 17 D 2; 40E1d, 2; Appendix
H (0910, 0988); Appendix L 1992-05 MOU
Absence Due to Quarantine
25 C 5 b; 25 E 1 b; 25 E 5 a i, 25 e 5 i, 7
Academic Freedom ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Academic Senate............................................... 10 B 1, D4; 12 M; 13 D 10 b; 13 table A; 17 A 2, 6; 23 A, C 6;
25 D 6; 29 D g, 32 A, C 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 a, 7 b, 9, 12, 13, D, E; 33 D; 40 B 2; 42 B 1 d, 2 c; 42 B 3 c;
Academic Year ........................................................................... 10 A, B 4, C 3, D 2 a, b; 11 D 2; 13 A 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13; 14 D 1 a, 2 a; 15 A 2, B 5 c, 7 C 4; 17 A 2, B 10 d; 19 B 3, D 1; 21 E; 23 C 3, D, H 3; 25 C
3, H 3, I 3; 26 A 1, 5, 5 c, 10, 13; 29 G 3; 34 A 3 e, B 3 g, C 3 f; 42 C 1, 15, G 2 a; APPENDIX C II D 1,
APPENDIX D; Appendix L 2008-03 MOU; 2014-05 Article 25; Appendix M
Accredited (College) Institution ...................................................... 25 P 1 c, 29 D 1 b i, E 1 a; 30 B Appendix L
2002-09 MOU
“Active” Employee ..................................................................................................................... 27 I A 3, 4 f, B 1,
C, E, IV A, B, C, E 1, G1, Appendix I
Additional Assignments .......................................................................................................14 C, D, G, H, 16
Definitions; B 1, C 2 Step 3, D 2; 17 D 3,
Adjunct ........................................... 8 F, N; 9 A 4; 10 D 1, D 2 b; 11 D 2 c; 12 B 1 d, 13 A 14 b, f, h, C 1 2 3 4
5, D 2, 4 a ii a), 4 b, D 5, 7 d, 10, 10 a, 11, 12, 13; 14 D 2 a, 7, I; 15 A 2, 5 a, b, A 9,10, B 3, 5, 5 e, 6, E 1,2; 16
definitions, A 1, 2, 4, B 1, C, C 2 step 3, 5, D 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, E 1, 2, F 1, 3, 4, 5, G 2, 4, H1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 d, 7,
8, I; 17 B 2 b, 3 a, b, c iii, v, 4 C, D 2, F 6, 6 c; 19 A 3 c, E 1, 2, 3; 22 D 2, 4; 23 C 3, H; 25 E 2 b c e fd; 4 a; 5
b, 6 b i, ii, 9; 27 I A 1 d, II, III; 28 A 1; 29 B 1, 2, 3, E, E 2,3, , G 1, 2, H 1-5; 32 B; 33 B 7, E; 34 D 9; 36 A 2; 38
D, E, F; 39 A 2 a, c, H1; 40 B 3, E 1 d, 8; 42 H 3; 43 A, B; Appendix A A 2; Appendix C,
Appendix D; Appendix H (0809, 0811, 0820, 0829, 0834, 0854, 0855, 0866, 0910, 0988); Appendix J-1, J-2
Appendix L 2014-06 MOU, L2014-07 MOU, 1992-01 MOU; 2002-08 MOU; 2003-07 MOU;2008-03 Appendix A
MOU; 2009-04 MOU; 2014-02 MOU; 2014-05 MOU; 2014-06 MOU; 2014-07 MOU; 2020-06 Side Letter;
2020-02 MOU; Appendix Q A 6; Appendix R
Adjunct Additional Evaluation, Dismissal ................................................................................................... 16 H
Adjunct AFT election to …………………………………………………..………………………………………….8 N
Adjunct Ancillary Duties……………………………………………………….…………………………………….43
B, Appendix J
Adjunct Assignment Rights ..........................................................................................................13 C, 16 B, D
Adjunct Assignment Rights, Intersession……………………………………..…………………………..15 A 5 a, b
Adjunct Break in Service ......................................................................................................................... 16 F 1
Adjunct Bumping ....................................................................................................................................... 16 G
Adjunct Comparable Assignment ........................................................................................................ 16 B 1 a
Adjunct Committee Participation…………………………………………………............................................ 32 B
Adjunct Evaluation…………………………….......................................................................................... 19 E, G
Adjunct Health Benefits……............................................................................. 27 II; Appendix L 2014-07 MOU
Adjunct Illness Days………………………………………………………………………………..........…………25 E
Adjunct Mandatory Interview…………………………................................................................................... 16 I
Adjunct Maternity, Paternity Leave…………………………………............................................................. 16 F3
Adjunct Obtaining and Calculating Seniority.............................................................................................. 16 A
Adjunct Offers of Assignment………………………................................................................................ 16 B, E
Adjunct Office Hours 13 C 4 . ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Adjunct Office Space 9 A 4 .................................................................................................................................
Adjunct PACE assignment 13 A 14 b …………………………………………………………………….....…………
Adjunct Paid Leave 16 F 3 …………………………………...................................................................................
Adjunct Priority List, Intersession 15 B …………………………………………………………………………………
Adjunct Professional Development Requirement 10 D 2 …………………………………………………………….
Adjunct Professional Growth Fund eligibility 23 C 3, H ……………………………………………………….……....
Adjunct Reduction in Force and Dismissal 16 H ………......................................................................................
Adjunct Rehire After Loss of List Status 16 H 4 ……….......................................................................................
Adjunct Salary Rate 29 E,H; 43 :…………………………………………………………………………………………
A; Appendix A
396 -
Adjunct Seniority
16 A, C
Adjunct Supervision Evaluation 17 F 6; Appendix L 2003-07 MOU .....................................................................
Adjunct Temporary Assignment 16 F 3 ................................................................................................................
Adjunct Termination Dismissal 16 H ………….....................................................................................................
Adjunct Ties in Adjunct Seniority 16 A 2 …………................................................................................................
Adjunct Employee (see Adjunct)
Adjunct Representative 17 B 2 b; 17 B 3, 4; 43 B 1 b; Appendix D .......................................................................
Adjunct Representative Eligibility 17 B 3 ……………….......................................................................................
Adjunct Retirement Plans 36; Appendix D (CB Plan) ….................. ....................................................................
Adjunct Salary Schedules Appendix A …………....................................................................................................
Adjunct Seniority 16; Appendix L 2014-02 MOU .....................................................................................................
Administrative Evaluation (see Evaluation Administrative, Criteria)
Administrative Evaluation Form Appendix C ………...............................................................................................
Admissions Day, Floating 11 A ………………………..............................................................................................
Adoption (see Child Adoptions)..
Advanced Classes 12 L, M ………………...............................................................................................................
AFT Defined 1; Appendix D ………………………….............................................................................................
AFT Dues 37 ……………….....................................................................................................................................
AFT Organizational Leave (see also Organization Leave) 25 H 1 ………..............................................................
AFT Rights 8 ………………………..........................................................................................................................
Agreement 1 ……………………..............................................................................................................................
Agreement Conditions and Duration 45 …………………………….........................................................................
Americans With Disabilities Act 25 K 1 c ……………………………….....................................................................
Ancillary Activity 8 N; 13 C 2; 17 B 3; 32 B; 40 B 3; 43 B; Appendix D,
Appendix J
Ancillary Activity Payment Form Appendix J ……………….....................................................................................
Ancillary Pay 43 B 2; Appendix D, Appendix J ……….............................................................................................
Ancillary Service (see also Ancillary Activity) 8 N; 13 C 2; Appendix D ………………….........................................
Annual Assignment (see also Annual Load 13 A 1 ……………...............................................................................
Annual Load (see also Standard Annual Load and NonStandard Annual Load) 13 A 1; Appendix D …..............
Appointed Vice Chair 17 F, H; Appendix D; Appendix L 200307 MOU …............................................................
Arbitration (see also Grievance, Step Four) 24 A; 28 F ……………………,............................................................
Arbitrator’s Decision 28 F 4 h; Appendix L 199202 MOU ……….........................................................................
Assault and Battery Leave 25 G ………………………............................................................................................
Assault and Battery LeaveReport to Law Enforcement 25 G 7 ……………………...............................................
Assignment 13; 14; 15 ………………………………................................................................................................
Assignment, Adjunct 10 C 3; 13 A 14 b; 13 C 4; 16;
17 C; 22 D 2, 4; 29 E; 34 D 9; 39 A 2 a, c; 42 H 3; 43 B; Appendix D; Appendix L 2014-02 MOU, 2020-06 MOU;
2020-02 MOU; Appendix Q A 6
Assignment, Fractional 13 B ..................................................................................................................................
Assignment, Full-time 13 A ....................................................................................................................................
Assignments, Coaching and Additional 14 …………..............................................................................................
Assignment, Library 13 …………………………………………………………………………………..………………….
Assistant Coaches 14 D 3-7; Appendix A B 2 .......................................................................................................
Athletic Coaching (see also Assignment, Coaching and Additional) 14 D; Appendix A B 1 ………........................
Athletic Coaching Stipend (see Coaching Stipend, Playoff Stipend, Athletic Director Stipend)
Athletic Director 14 E ……………………………………………….............................................................................
Athletic Director Stipend 14 D 8; 29 I …………………………………......................................................................
Attending Physician’s Statement 25 E 6 b I (1) (2) ………………………….............................................................
Average Class Size (see Class Size Average)
Averaging of Teaching Load 13 D 4 …………………………,,,,,,,,,,,,.......................................................................
B Basis Appendix D …………..................................................................................................................................
Basic Evaluation (see also Evaluation Basic, Criteria) 19 A 2 a; B 1, C 1 a, E 1, 2, 3; G 1,
4, 7, 8, I 2; J 1 a Appendix C; Appendix L 200307 MOU
Benefits (see Employee Benefits)
Bereavement Leave 25 B; 25 I 5 a ……………………............................................................................................
Board Agendas 8 E …………..................................................................................................................................
Board Minutes 8 E ..................................................................................................................................................
Board of Trustees Rights and Responsibilities 7 ……….........................................................................................
Bridge Course 13 A 14 h; Appendix D ………….....................................................................................................
Budget Committee (see Committees)
Bumping 16 C 1, G 1, 4, …………………................................................................................................................
C Basis……................................................................ 10 C 3, 13 A; 15 A 5 a, b; 39 A 2 d; Appendix D
Calendar 10 A, B, C; Appendix M ………................................................................................................................
Calendar Compressed 10 C; 10 C 13; 15 E 1; Appendix D (Carnegie Unit) ........................................................
Calendar Compressed Calendar Protocols & Guidelines
10 C
397 -
Calendar Compression for 15 Week Term 13 A 1
Calendar Compression of Office Hours 13 C 4; 13 D 7 a ………………..............................................................
Calendar Off site Assignment 13 A 15 ……………………………………………………………............…………….
Calendar Traditional 10 C 3; Appendix D (Carnegie Unit) …….............................................................................
Calendar Committee (see Committees)
Calendar Year 25 G 2, 3, 4; 25 K 4; Appendix L 199203 MOU ………..................................................................
Calendars Academic 2021-2022 Appendix M …………………………..................................................................
Calendars Academic 2021-2022 (C Basis Non–Classroom) Appendix M …………..….………………….............
Calendars Academic 2021-2022 (D Basis Non–Classroom) Appendix M …………..……....................................
Calendars Academic 2022-2023 Appendix M …………………………..................................................................
Calendars Academic 2022-2023 (C Basis NonClassroom) Appendix M ………….............................................
Calendars Academic 2022-2023 (D Basis NonClassroom) Appendix M ………................................................
Calendars Academic 2023-2024 Appendix M ……………………….....................................................................
Calendars Academic 2023-2024 (C Basis NonClassroom) Appendix M ……………….....................................
Calendars Academic 2023-2024 (D Basis NonClassroom) Appendix M ……....................................................
CalSTRS 12 B 1 d.; 17 B; 22 B, C 5 c; 27 II A 1, 4, IV B, C; 36 A 1, 2; 40 E 1 d,
Appendix D; Appendix L 2014-07 MOU
Cancellation of Classes 9 C 1 c iv;. 12 K, L …………………....................................................................................
Cancellation of Classes Compensation For 13 C 5 …………..............................................................................
Cancellation of Leave 25 A 13 ……………..............................................................................................................
Cancellation of PACE Classes Appendix L 199801 MOU ………………...............................................................
Cancellation of Resignation (Withdrawal) 20 D …………………..............................................................................
Career Increment 29 D iv; Appendix A A 1, 2 …......................................................................................................
Certificate Differential 29 D iii; Appendix A A 1 ………………………......................................................................
Child Adoptions (see also Parental Leave) 25 I 5 g; 25 K 1 a, 4; Appendix I 3 a, c ...............................................
Child Development Center Teaching Peer Form Appendix C ……………………................................................
Child Development Director and Teacher 3; 10 C 3; 13 A 12, 13 ; Table
A; 13 Table B; 17 A 4; 19 A 5; 29 D 1 g; 39 A 1; Appendix C; Appendix E; Appendix H (0551, 0552, 0553, 0554,
0555; 0812, 0820, 0821, 0822
CI (see Consulting Instructor)
Civic Center Permits 8 D ………………………........................................................................................................
Class Codes Appendix H ………………..................................................................................................................
Class Size 12 A B C D E F G H J, N; 15 A 8; 40 D E, E ......................................................................................
3; Appendix L 198003 MOU
Class Size – D DL 40 D ……...................................................................................................................................
Class Size DL Large Class Stipends 40 E ……………………………………………………………………………
Class Size Intersession (see Intersession Class Size)
Classroom Faculty Professional Development 10 D ……………………………………………………………….….
Classroom Faculty Standard Hour, Load 13 A 1 ………………………………........…………………………………
Classroom Faculty Workdays, workweek 13 D 2, 3 ............................................................................................
Clerical Assistance, Departments (see Departments Clerical Assistance)
Clerical Assistance, PACE 13 A 14 d ……………....................................................................................................
Clerical Technical Support 17 I; 44 …......................................................................................................................
Club Sponsorship Appendix Q B 6 ………...............................................................................................................
Coaching Assignments (see also Assignments, Additional and Coaching) 14 D ……............................................
Coaching Stipend Assistant Coach 14 D 3, 7, 8; Appendix A B 2 …………………..............................................
Coaching Stipend Head Coach 14 D 1, 7, 8; Appendix A B 1 ……………………….............................................
Coaching Stipend WalkOn Assistant Coach 14 D 4, 8; Appendix A B 2 ………………………...........................
Coaching Stipend WalkOn Head Coach 14 D 2; Appendix A B 1 ……………………….....................................
Coaching Stipend (see also Athletic Director Stipend, Playoff Stipend 14 D; Appendix A B 1 …...........................
COBRA 27 I A 7, 9; Appendix I 6 …………………………………............................................................................
College Nurse Workload 13 A 5 …………………………......................................................................................
Collegiality (see Workplace Collegiality)
Column Placement 29 D 1 a; 30 B; 31; 43 A 2; Appendix A A 1 ….........................................................................
Commemorative Days 11 C ……….........................................................................................................................
Commencement Ceremony 13 D 8 d; Appendix Q B 1 ……...................................................................................
Committee Obligations (see Committee Participation; see also Institutional Obligations)
Committee Participation 13 D 8 c; 32 B ……….......................................................................................................
Committees 32 ……................................................................................................................................................
Committees Budget 32 C 1 ……..........................................................................................................................
Committees Calendar 10 A B; 32 C 2 .................................................................................................................
Committees Curriculum............................................................................................. 13 A 12 a; 32 C 3; 40 B 2
Committees Distributive Distance Learning (D DL) 32 C 4; 40 B ........................................................................
Committees District Budget 32 E 1 …………………….........................................................................................
Committees Educational Planning 32 C 5 ……………………..............................................................................
Committees Equal Employment Opportunity
32 E 3
398 -
Committees Facilities Planning 32 C 6
Committees Faculty Position Hiring Prioritization 32 C 7; 33 ………………………………....................................
Committees Information Technology 32 C 8 ……………………………….............................................................
Committees Intersession 15 D; 32 C 9 ……………………………….....................................................................
Committees Joint Labor Management Benefit 27 I A; 27 III A; 27 E 4; IV A; V; 32 E 2 .......................................
Committees Peer Review 19 A 2; 19 C 1 b; 19 H 1 d; 19 H 2, 3, 6-14; 19 I 3; 19 J 1 a; 32 C 10 ........................
Committees Professional Growth 23 AC, F; 32 C 11 …………………................................................................
Committees Satellite Oversight 32 C 12 …………………….................................................................................
Committees Work Environment 9 E; 32 III N; 32 C 14; Appendix D
Compensation Fund 25 F 4 b ………………………................................................................................................
Compensatory Time 10 D 3; 11 D 2 a; 15 E 1; 39 A 2 c, d ……….........................................................................
Comprehensive Evaluation (see Evaluation - Comprehensive, Criteria)
Comprehensive Evaluation Summary 19 H 7-12; 42 C 7-11, 15; 42 D 3; Appendix C II ……...............................
Compressed Calendar (see Calendar - Compressed)
Computer Services for Faculty (Computer Accessibility) 9 B 1 i, 4 ……………….........................................
Conference Attendance 10 D 3; 23 DF; 28 B 2 …………....................................................................................
Conference Attendance Fun 23 A, C 1, 4, D, E, F, G, H, I ………...........................................................................
Consultation 8 H; 10 D 4, E, 12 A, B 3, D F G H J K LN; 13 A 1, 14 c; …...............................................................
Appendix D
Consultation Student (also see Office Hours) Appendix Q A 2 ……………........................................................
Consulting Instructor 3, 13 A 6, 9 d, 13 D 10 11 12, 13 Table B; 16 F 4, 17 A 2; 19 C; 29 B 1 g
39 A 1;
42 b 3; Appendix C ii; Appendix D; Appendix H
Consulting Instructor Eligibility 13 D 1012 ………………….............................................................................
Consulting Instructors Workload 13 A 6 ………………….......................................................................................
Contract Courses 13 D 5; Appendix D …………………..........................................................................................
(Contract Education)
Contract Education (see Contract Courses)
Contract Faculty Member Defined 13 D 8 ………………........................................................................................
Contract Instruction (see Contract Courses)
Contract Overload (see Overload)
Convention Attendance 23 C 1 ………………........................................................................................................
Copyright (see Intellectual Property)
Counselor Peer Evaluation Form Appendix C II ……………..................................................................................
Counselors Workload 13 A 4 ……………............................................................................................................
Court Appearance (see also Governmental Order Leave, Personal Necessity Leave 25 D; 25 I 5 d ....................
Curriculum Committee (see Committees)
D Basis 8 M; 9 D 1 b; 10 E; 11 A 1, D 2 b, E; 13 A 1, 3, 9, 12, 14 D 1,
E 1 a; 15 B 5 c, e; 15 E 1; 17 C, E; 22 B 3; 25 E 2 a, 39 A 2 c; Appendix D; Appendix M (D Basis Calendar)
Day to Day Substitute (see Substitutes)
Death of Employee, Family Member, Retiree 25 B; 5 a; 27 I A 3, 8 c, 27 III G 5; Appendix I 3 c ..........................
Deductions, Adjunct Medical Premiums 27 II ………………………........................................................................
Deductions, Leaves, Industrial 25 F 4 a, e .............................................................................................................
Deductions, Payroll 8 A C; 25 F 4; 26 Reduced Workload Options Option I 4; 27
II A 3 c; 37
Degree Bachelor's 29 D 1 a i ……………….........................................................................................................
Degree Differential 29 D 1c, d, g, …………………...............................................................................................
Degree Doctoral 29 D 1 c... Appendix A A 1; Appendix A A 2 Appendix L 2002
08 MOU
Dental Benefits 25 K 6 a, L 5 a; 27 I A, A 4 a, c, f; 27 II A, II A
2 c ,d, II A 3 b, III A 1 b, A 3 a, E 4; 27 IV A, C 4, 27 V C 7
Department Annual Goals 17 D 4 …………………………....................................................................................
Department Assignment To 17 A 2 ......................................................................................................................
Department Child Development Center 17 A 4 ……………………………............................................................
Department Multiple Departments (Plurality) 17 A 2 …………………………........................................................
Department Without a Department Chair 17 A 3, 19 A 5 …………………............................................................
Department Chair 17; Appendix D ……………........................................................................................................
Department Chair Acting 17 H ………………………............................................................................................
Department Chair Ballots 13 A 9; 17 B 6 a, b, d, f …..........................................................................................
Department Chair Candidacy 13 A 9; 17 B 1, 4, 5 a, 6 a ………….......................................................................
Department Chair Duties 13 A 9; 17 B, D 14, F 6, H 1; 19 D 1; Appendix L 2016-01
Department Chair Eligibility 17 B 1 ………………….............................................................................................
Department Chair Intersession Priority 15 B 5 e, 6, C ……………………..….......................................................
Department Chair Offices 9 B 2 ………………………….......................................................................................
Department Chair On Leave
17 E, H 1, 2
399 -
Department Chair Pay for Adjunct Supervision 17 F 6
Department Chair Proportional DBasis Schedule 17 C ………………...............................................................
Department Chair Reassigned Time 17 C; Appendix L 200301
Department Chair Recall Removal 17 B; 17 B 10 …………………………….......................................................
Department Chair Salary Differential 29 D vi; 17 E; Appendix A 1 ….................................................................
Department Chair Selection Procedure 17 B 8 …………………………................................................................
Department Chair Term of Office 17 B C …………………………........................................................................
Department Chair Unexpired Term 17 B 9 …………………………………….......................................................
Department Chair Vice Chair, appointed (see Appointed Vice Chair)
Department Chair Vice Chair, designated (see Designated Vice Chair)
Department Chair Vice Chair Duties 17 F 3, 5, 6 …………………………………………......................................
Department Chair Vice Chairs Assistant Directors in Nursing 17 F 4 ……...........................................................
Department Chair Voting 17 B 2, 5, 6 ………………............................................................................................
Department Chair Voting Eligibility 17 B 2, 3 ………...........................................................................................
Department Chair Voting, Third and Subsequent Consecutive Terms 17 B 7 …….............................................
Department Chair Evaluation 19 D …………….......................................................................................................
Department Chair Evaluation Form Appendix C II ………………............................................................................
Department Chairperson (see Department Chair)
Department Division Chair (see Department Chair)
Departments Clerical Assistance 17 I; 44 …………….........................................................................................
Departments Selection In Multiple Departments (Plurality) 17 A 2 ………………................................................
Departments Student Workers 17 D 1 d; 17 G …………………..........................................................................
Designated Vice Chair 17 F; H 1 a ……………………............................................................................................
DESK Appendix A 2; Appendix L 2008-03 MOU …………………...........................................................................
Differential Salary Rates Appendix A 1 ………………...........................................................................................
District’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 5; 19 A 6; Appendix F ………....................................................
Disability Specialist Workload 13 A 13, Table B ……………...................................................................................
Discipline Lists (see Adjunct - Discipline Lists)
Discipline Teaching Hours 13 A 2, 13 D 6; 13 Table A ……….............................................................................
Disciplines, New Teaching Hours 13 D 6 ……………...........................................................................................
Discrimination 5; 6 C ……………............................................................................................................................
Discrimination, AFT1521 Membership 6 C …………..............................................................................................
Distance Learning Committee (see Committees)
Distance Learning 10 D 2 c; 19 G 4 a; 25 E 2 e; 32 C 4; 40; 41 E 3b; Appendix C
Online Student Evaluation; Appendix D
Distributive Distance Learning (D DL) (see Distance Learning)
District Defined 1 ……..........................................................................................................................................
District Budget Committee (see Committees)
District’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 5 ………....................................................................................
Division Chair (see Department Chair)
DL Class Size 40 D ……………...............................................................................................................................
DL Large Class Size Stipend 40 E …………...........................................................................................................
Doctoral Equity Bonus (see also Equity Differential) 29 D 1 c; Appendix A 2 …….................................................
Domestic Partner (Health Benefits) 25 E 1 c; 25 K 1; 27 I A 2 b; 27 III C 1 b; Appendix I ......................................
Domestic Partner, Affidavit of Appendix I …………………......................................................................................
Domestic Partner, Declaration of Termination Of Appendix I …………...................................................................
Donation of Illness Leave 25 E 14 ………………….................................................................................................
Dues Deduction (AFT 1521 Dues)
Educational Planning Committee (see Committees)
EESK 29 B, H 2; Appendix A 2 ……………………...................................................................................................
Employee Assistance Program 9 C 1 f, C 4 k; 27 I C ………………........................................................................
Employee Benefits (see also Master Agreement on Benefits; Health Insurance) 6 G; 25 A 5;
26; 26 Option I 3; 27; 36; Appendix D (B Basic, C Basis, D Basis); Appendix I; Appendix I 3 c Employee Benefits,
Effect on During Leaves 25 E 7, 8, 9 .....................................................................................................................
Employee Grievance Form Appendix B ……………………….................................................................................
Employee Information 8 G-H ……………………..................................................................................................
Employee Self Service (see ESS)
Encore Program (see Noncredit Encore Program)
Enrollment Limits 12 E, F 1, J; 40 D 1 …………………...........................................................................................
Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee (see Committees)
Equity Differential 29 G 3; Appendix A 2; Appendix L ………..............................................................................
ESS (Employee Self Service) 9 B 1 l; 25 E 16; Appendix D ...................................................................................
Evaluation 19; 42; Appendix L 2003–07 MOU …………….......................................................................................
Evaluation Forms Appendix C ……......................................................................................................................
Evaluation Adjunct (see also Evaluation Temporary Faculty)
16 H 5; 17 F 6; 19 E, G;
400 -
Appendix L 200307 MOU
Evaluation Administrative 19 I, J ……..................................................................................................................
Evaluation Basic 19 G …………...........................................................................................................................
Evaluation Campus Nurse 19 C …………............................................................................................................
Evaluation Comprehensive 19 H ………..............................................................................................................
Evaluation Consulting Instructor 13 D 10 c; 19 C ….............................................................................................
Evaluation Contract (Probationary) Faculty 42 …….............................................................................................
Evaluation Contract (Probationary) Faculty, 1st year 42 C …..............................................................................
Evaluation Contract (Probationary) Faculty, 2nd year 42 D ….............................................................................
Evaluation Contract (Probationary) Faculty, 3rd & 4th year(s) 42 E ……….........................................................
Evaluation Contract (Probationary) Faculty, Admin. Eval 42 F …........................................................................
Evaluation Department Chairs 17 B 10 b.; 19 D ………………............................................................................
Evaluation Departments Without Chairs 19 A 5 …………....................................................................................
Evaluation Directors Appendix C ………………....................................................................................................
Evaluation Formal 19 A 2 …….............................................................................................................................
Evaluation Instructor Special Assignment and Consulting Instructor 19 C ..........................................................
Evaluation PACE 13 A 14 d, e ……………...........................................................................................................
Evaluation Peer Review Committee (see Committees)
Evaluation Permanent Faculty (see Evaluation Tenured Faculty)
Evaluation Procedure 19; 42 ………………….......................................................................................................
Evaluation Temporary Faculty 17 F 6; 19 E, G …………….................................................................................
Evaluation Tenured Faculty 19 B ………………...................................................................................................
Evaluation Timetable Appendix C ……….............................................................................................................
Evaluation Training (Mandatory Evaluation) 19 A 4 ……………………………………………………. …………….
Evaluation Forms
Appendix C …………..................................................................................................................
Evaluation Period (see Period of Evaluation)
Evaluation Probationary Faculty [see Evaluation Contract (Probationary) Faculty]
Exchange Leave 25 C ………..................................................................................................................................
Exclusive Representative 2; 8 H ….........................................................................................................................
Experience (see also RatingIn) Appendix A 1 ….................................................................................................
Experience Credit 30 B ……...................................................................................................................................
Extra Status 17 C ……............................................................................................................................................
Facilities Planning Committee (see Committees)
Faculty Duties 13 A; Appendix Q …………..............................................................................................................
Faculty Offices 9 A ……..........................................................................................................................................
Faculty Position Hiring Prioritization Committee (see Committees)
Faculty Service Areas 16 C 5; 21 ………….............................................................................................................
Faculty Service Areas Appeal Procedure 21 D ………........................................................................................
Faculty Unit 2; 3; 8 G; 14 D 8; 16 I; 28 A 3; …………………...................................................................................
Faculty Unit List of Class Codes Appendix H ………...........................................................................................
Family and Medical Leave 25 K ……………...........................................................................................................
Family Illness Leave 25 A 2 a; 25 I 5 a, b, c, f; 25 K 3 …………............................................................................
Federal Laws 6 E; 12 G 1; 27 I A 9, 12; 27 I B 2; 27 II 4 …....................................................................................
FESK 29 B, F, H 4; Appendix A 2 ……...................................................................................................................
FESK–sub 29 F, H 4; Appendix A 2 .......................................................................................................................
Flex Days (see Professional Development Days)
Fractional Assignment 13 B; 15 A 5 a; 18 B, 1; Appendix D; Appendix D
(Proportional Basis)
Fringe Benefits (see Employee Benefits)
FSA (see Faculty Service Areas)
FTEF 17 I, 23 I, 44; Appendix D ………...................................................................................................................
FTEP 13 A 14 e; 17 B 8, C; 17 F 5; Appendix D; Appendix D (Designated Vice
Chair) Appendix L 200301 MOU
Full Assignment 13 A …………................................................................................................................................
Full Assignment, Intersession (see Intersession Full Assignment)
Full-Load (see also Standard Teaching Load, Standard Workload) 12 B 2; 16 B 1 a; 39 C; .................................
39 D; 40 E 2; 43 A 1; 26 Option I 5 b;
Appendix D (Standard Teaching Load, Standard Workload)
Full-time Summer Intersession Priority Number List Template Appendix R ………................................................
Full-time Winter Intersession Priority Number List Template Appendix R ………………........................................
General Provisions 6 ……………............................................................................................................................
GESK 29 B, H 3; Appendix A 2 ..............................................................................................................................
Governmental Order Leave 25 D ……....................................................................................................................
Grades 13 D 7 e, f; Appendix Q A 4; Appendix C .................................................................................................
Green Practices 9 D 1 d ix ......................................................................................................................................
Grievance AFT 1521 Rights
8 K L
401 -
Grievance Defined
28 A 1
Grievance Matters Excluded 28 A 1 af; 41 H ………..........................................................................................
Grievance Mediation 28 F 3 …………..................................................................................................................
Grievance Representative 9 A 3; 15 C; 16 F 5 6; 28 A 1, 8, C 6, F ………..........................................................
Grievance Respondent 28 A 3, B 1 2 7, F 4 e …………......................................................................................
Grievance Rights and Responsibilities 28 B ………….........................................................................................
Grievance Step One 28 D ………………..............................................................................................................
Grievance Step Three 28 F …………...................................................................................................................
Grievance Step Two 28 E ……….........................................................................................................................
Grievance Time Limits 28 C ….................................................................................................... .........................
Grievance Waivers 28 C …..................................................................................................................................
Grievance Form
Appendix B ...................................................................................................................................
Grievance Procedure 28; 28 A 1 ............................................................................................................................
Grievance Representative Private Office 9 A 3 ……….........................................................................................
Grievance Representative Released Time 8 M N ………………….......................................................................
Grievance Review Committee 8 L ………………………………...............................................................................
Guild (see Los Angeles College Faculty Guild and AFT 1521 Defined)
Hazardous Materials Reporting 17 D 2 ..................................................................................................................
Head Coach Football 14 D 1 a b c ………............................................................................................................
Head Coaches 14 D 1 a b c; D 7 ….........................................................................................................................
Health Benefits (see Employee Benefits) 27 ..........................................................................................................
Health Care Legislation 27 I A 11, 11 V C 9 ………………............................................................................... .....
Health Insurance Adjunct Participation 27 II ………………..................................................................................
Health Insurance Change in Enrollment 27 I A 4 e; 27 IV E 3 ………………………………..................................
Health Insurance Coverage Period 27 I A 4 b; 27 I A 4 d iii; 27 II; 27 IV G …......................................................
Health Insurance Dependents Defined 27 I A 2; 27 IV C ………………...............................................................
Health Insurance District Contribution 27 I A 5; 27 II A 2 d; 27 IV F …………………………...............................
Health Insurance Domestic Partner 25 E 1 c; 27 I A 2 b; 27 IV C 1 b; Appendix I …….......................................
Health Insurance Eligibility 27 I A 1; 27 II; 27 III C; 27 IV B …….........................................................................
Health Insurance Enrollment Initial 27 I A 4 a; 27 IV E 1 ……………………........................................................
Health Insurance Enrollment Limitations 27 I A 8; 27 III A 3; 27 IV G ……………………………………...............
Health Insurance Enrollment Open 27 I A 4 be; 27 II; 27 IV E 24 ………….....................................................
Health Insurance Enrollment Survivors 27 I A 3; 27 II A; 27 IV A, C–G ……………………..................................
Health Insurance Joint Labor Management Benefits Committee (see Committees)
Health Insurance Medicare Parts A and B 27 III A 5; 27 IV g 4 ……………………...............................................
Health Insurance Medicare Part D, Subsidy 27 I A 12 ……………………………….............................................
Health Insurance Medicare Verification 27 IV G 4 …...........................................................................................
Health Insurance No Multiple Enrollments(dual coverage) 27 I A 8 …………………...........................................
Health Insurance Payment of Premium 27 I A 4 7; 27 II 3; 27 IV F ……...........................................................
Health Insurance Payment of Premium During Leaves 27 I A 5–7 ……………………….....................................
Health Insurance Retiree Coverage Conditions 27 II ………………………………………....................................
Health Insurance Sabbatical Leave 27 I A 4 d ii ………………………………………............................................
Health Insurance Survivors 27 I A 3; 27 IV C, D, F, G 2 …………………............................................................
Health Insurance Termination of Plan 27 I A 4 e iii; 27 I A 6; 27 III A 3 b; 27 IV G 6 ……....................................
Hearing Tape Recording 28 F 4 d ……………………………................................................................................
Hearing (see also Grievance, Step Three 28 F ……………………..........................................................................
Holiday Pay, While on Illness Leave 11; 11 D 2 a, b; 11 F; 25 E 7 ………………………........................................
Holidays 11 A, D, F; 25 E 4 b, 7; 39 A 2 c; Appendix D; (B Basis, C Basis, D Basis); ..........................................
Appendix L 199201 MOU; Appendix M
Hospital & Medical Benefits (see Health Insurance)
Hospital Medical Group Coverage (see Health Insurance)
Hostile Workplace (see Non-Hostile Workplace)
Hourly (see Adjunct Employee)
Hourly Rate (see also Adjunct Rate) 13 A 15 b; 14 D 7; 16 C 2; 19 B 4; 29 E 2, 3; 40 B 4;
Appendix D; Appendix L 199208 MOU
Hourly Rate Seniority List Template Appendix R ………………………...................................................................
Illness Days, Adjunct DL 25 E 2 e …………………………………………………………………………………….
Illness Leave 11 F; 16 F 1;25 E …………………………..........................................................................................
Illness Leave Adjunct 25 E 2 b, c; Appendix L 2014-05 MOU …….......................................................................
Illness Leave Definition 25 E 1 …………………………........................................................................................
Illness Leave Donation of 25 E 14 ………………………………............................................................................
Illness Leave Effect on Benefits 25 E 8 ………………………………....................................................................
Illness Leave Effect on Holiday Pay 11 F; 25 E 7 …………………......................................................................
Illness Leave Effect on Seniority 25 E 9 ………………………………...................................................................
Illness Leave Employment While On 25 E 12 ………………………………….......................................................
Illness Leave Exhaustion of
25 E 6
402 -
Illness Leave Extended 25 E 5
Illness Leave Full-Time 25 E 2 a ……………………………………........................................................................
Illness Leave Intersession 25 E 2 g ………………………………..........................................................................
Illness Leave Notification and Request.
Procedure 25 E 10 ………………………………......................................................................................................
Illness Leave Return to Service 25 E 13 ……………………………………...........................................................
Illness Leave Online Adjunct TBA 25 E 2 e, E 3 …………………………………………………………………....….
Illness Leave Substitute 25 E 2 f ……………………………………………............................................................
Illness Leave Verification Forms 25 E 10 b …………………………………………….............................................
Individual Contracts 6 G; 41 D 3, 4; 41 G .................................. ....................... ....................... ...........................
Industrial Accident Leave 25 F ..............................................................................................................................
Information Distribution 6 B; 8 D, E, F, G ..............................................................................................................
Information Technology Committee (see Committees)
Institutional Obligations 13 D 7 af; 32 B; 43 B 2 b, c; Appendix C section
II; Appendix Q A 5
Instructional Support 9 C 3 ...................................................................................................................................
Instructional Television 13 A 14 a .........................................................................................................................
Instructor Peer Evaluation Form Appendix C ........................................................................................................
Instructor Special Assignment 3; 13 A 7; 13 D 11-12; 13 Table B; 16 F 4; 17 A 2; 19 C 1;
Appendix D (ISA), Appendix H (0753, 0758, 0806, 0807, 0808, 0809, 0751, 0818)
Instructor Special Assignment Eligibility 13 D 1112 ............................................................................................
Instructor Special Assignment Workweek 13 A 7 ..................................................................................................
Intellectual Property 41 ..........................................................................................................................................
Intellectual Property Copyright Ownership 41 D .................................................................................................
Intellectual Property Definition 41 B ....................................................................................................................
Intellectual Property Works Covered 41 C ..........................................................................................................
Intersession 15 ......................................................................................................................................................
Intersession “80% rate 15 A 5 a; 15 B 5 e ........................................................................................................
Intersession Appeals on Priority Matters 15 D ...................................................................................................
Intersession Bumping 15 B 5 e ..........................................................................................................................
Intersession Class Size 15 A 7, 8 ......................................................................................................................
Intersession Committee (see Committees)
Intersession Definition 15 A 1 .............................................................................................................................
Intersession Eligibility for Full-time Faculty 15 C ................................................................................................
Intersession Faculty on Leave Eligibility 15 C 5 .................................................................................................
Intersession Full Assignment 15 A 5 a, b; 15 B; 15 B 5 a, e ..............................................................................
Intersession Multiple Summer Sessions 15 B 5 e ..............................................................................................
Intersession Offers of Assignments 15 A 2; 15 B; 15 B 5 e ...............................................................................
Intersession Office Hours 15 A 5 c .....................................................................................................................
Intersession Pay 13 D 5; 15 A 4 a, b ...................................................................................................................
Intersession Priority 15 B ...................................................................................................................................
Intersession Priority Chart for Full-time Faculty 15 B 5 b ...................................................................................
Intersession Priority for Contract (Probationary) Instructors 15 B 5 c ................................................................
Intersession Priority for Temporary Adjunct Faculty 15 B 3, 6 ...........................................................................
Intersession Priority Upon transfer 15 C 7 .........................................................................................................
Intersession Refusal 15 C 2, 3 ...........................................................................................................................
Intersession Retiree Eligibility 15 C 4 ..................................................................................................................
Intersession Sabbatical Leave, Count Toward 15 C 5 .......................................................................................
Intersession Summer 15 A 5 a ...........................................................................................................................
Intersession Winter 15 A 5 b ..............................................................................................................................
Intranet Access 9 A 1, 4; 9 B1 j .............................................................................................................................
IP (see Intellectual Property)
IRC 125 (see also Tax-Sheltered Retirement Plans) 8 A; 27 I F; 27 II 2 f; Appendix D ........................................
IRC 129 27 I F .......................................................................................................................................................
ISA (see Instructor Special Assignment)
ITV (see Instructional Television)
Joint Labor Management Benefits Committee (see Committees)
Jury Duty (see Governmental Order Leave)
Keys 9 B 2 .............................................................................................................................................................
Learning Skill Center 13 A 8, Table A ...................................................................................................................
Leaves – Bereavement 25 B ……………………………………………………………………………….………………
Leaves Compensation and Benefits 25 A 5 .......................................................................................................
Leaves Definition 25 A 1 ....................................................................................................................................
Leaves Effect on Points 25 A 11 ........................................................................................................................
Leaves Effect on Retirement 25 A 8 ..................................................................................................................
Leaves Effect on Sabbatical
25 A 10
403 -
Leaves Effect on Step Advance
25 A 7
Leaves – Exchange 25 C ……………………………………………………………………………………...……………
Leaves General Policy 25 A ...............................................................................................................................
Leaves Governmental 25 D ……………………………………………………………………………………...………
Leaves Length of Leave 25 A 4 ..........................................................................................................................
Leaves Load Credit Leave 25 J ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Leaves Illness 25 E ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Leaves Industrial 25 F …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Leaves Mandatory 25 A 2 a ...............................................................................................................................
Leaves Optional 25 A 2 b ...................................................................................................................................
Leaves – Organizational 25 H ……………………………………………………………………………………...………
Leaves Paid 25 B–J ...........................................................................................................................................
Leaves Partial Pay 25 K–N ................................................................................................................................
Leaves Personal Necessity 25 I …………………………………………………………………………………………
Leaves Reports 25 R ..........................................................................................................................................
Leaves Request Procedure 25 A 6 ....................................................................................................................
Leaves Unpaid 25 Q ...........................................................................................................................................
Leaves (see also names of specific leaves) 25 ..................................................................................................
Level Pay (see also Pay by Course, Pay by Class) 10 D 2 e; 14 D 1 b, 2 b, 3; 15 A
5 a; 22 B; 26; Appendix D; Appendix L 2002-07 MOU
Librarian Peer Evaluation Form Appendix C .........................................................................................................
Librarians Workweek 13 A 3 ..............................................................................................................................
Life Insurance Group Coverage 25 K 6 a; 27; 27 I B; 27 II A 1 .............................................................................
Load (see also Assignment, Standard Teaching Load, Standard Workload) 13; Appendix D ...............................
Load Bank Credit Leave Application Appendix K ..................................................................................................
Load Banking 25 J 1, 2; 39; Appendix D ...............................................................................................................
Load Banking Credits 39 AC, F, H ......................................................................................................................
Load Banking Plan 39 B, C, F 1; Appendix K ........................................................................................................
Load Banking, Eligibility 39 A 1 .............................................................................................................................
Load Credit Leave 25 J; 39 A, B, EH; Appendix D (Load banking) .....................................................................
Load, PE Load 15 Classes Appendix L 198404 MOU ........................................................................................
Los Angeles College Faculty Guild (see also AFT 1521 Defined) 1; Appendix D ...............................................
Management Rights (see Board of Trustees Rights and Responsibilities)
Mandatory Leave Defined 25 A 2 a ....................................................................................................................
Master Agreement on Benefits 27 .........................................................................................................................
Maternity Leave Paternity Leave (Mandatory) 25 L ...............................................................................................
Medicare (see Health Insurance - Medicare Parts A and B, Part D)
Memorandum of Understanding (see MOU)
Mentoring, DL 40 B 4 ............................................................................................................................................
Mentors 42 H; Appendix A A 1 ..............................................................................................................................
Mileage Reimbursement 13 D 14 ...........................................................................................................................
Military Leave 25 N ................................................................................................................................................
Minimum Preparation Appendix A 1 ......................................................................................................................
Minimum Qualifications 14 D; 21 A; 29 D 1 a, b, k, E 1 a, b; 38 A; Appendix L 200209 MOU,
2014-02 MOU, 2014-03 MOU
Modification of Agreement 6 A, D ..........................................................................................................................
Monthly Rate 13 A 28, 12, 13, 14 b; 13 B; 13 C 4; 13 D 7 a - ………………..…….........
d; 15 A 9, B 1, 2, 5 e;
16 G 2, 3; 17 A 2; 25 E 2 a, f, 5 a i-ii, 6; 27 A 1 b, e; 29 E 2; 31 A; 32 B; Appendix A 1; Appendix D
MOU Appendix D; Appendix L ..............................................................................................................................
Multimedia Services for Faculty 9 B f ....................................................................................................................
New Faculty Orientation 8 I, J; 42 A 1 ...................................................................................................................
New Seniority Disciplines (Lists) 16 C 5 ................................................................................................................
Nonclassroom Adjunct Rate (see also Supplemental Instructor Rate) 8 N; 13 C 2; 15
A 5 a, b; 16 A 1, 4; 17 D 2; 17 F 6; 40 C 7; 43 B 2 d; Appendix A A 2
Non-Collegiality 5; Appendix O ..............................................................................................................................
Nonclassroom Faculty Standard Workloads 13 Table B .....................................................................................
Noncredit Classes 38 A; Appendix D .....................................................................................................................
Noncredit Encore Program Appendix L 2014-05 MOU ..........................................................................................
Noncredit Faculty 38 A–D ......................................................................................................................................
Noncredit Faculty Load 13 Table A; 38 C ..............................................................................................................
NonDiscrimination 5 .............................................................................................................................................
NonDuty Days 10 E; 13 A 1; 39 A 2 c; Appendix D (D Basis, Load
banking); Appendix M (D Basis)
NonHostile Workplace 5 ......................................................................................................................................
NonStandard Annual Load 13 A 1; Appendix D ...................................................................................................
Not-For-Credit Classes
A; Appendix D
404 -
Nursing Program Director
13 A 9; 13 Table B
Offers of Assignments (see also Intersession Offers of Assignments) 14 A B, E 3; 15 A 3, B; ...........................
16 B, C 1; 16 A - H; 17 F 6; 25 E 9; 40 E 2, 8; 43 B 2; Appendix D, Appendix L 2014-05 MOU
Office Hour Differential 13 C 4 Table; 15 A 5 a, b; Appendix A 2 .........................................................................
Office Hours (see also ConsultationStudent) 13 D 7; Appendix Q A 2 ..............................................................
Office Hours, Adjunct 13 C 4; 13 C 4 Table; 15 A 3 a-c, 5 b; Appendix A 2 .........................................................
Office Hours, Intersession 15 A 5 a, b, c ..........................................................................................................
Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 5 ............................................................................................................
Office, Private 9 B 2, 3 ..........................................................................................................................................
Office Space (see also Adjunct Office Space) 9 A ................................................................................................
Off-site Location 9 B; 13 A 15; Appendix D ...........................................................................................................
Online Class (see also Distance Learning) 13 D 1; 19 G 4 a; 19 H 5; 40; 41 E 3 b; Appendix C
Online Student Evaluation
Opportunity Leave 25 Q 1 c ..................................................................................................................................
Optional Leaves Defined 25 A 2 b ......................................................................................................................
Organization Leave 25 A 7, H ...............................................................................................................................
OSHA Regulations 9 C ..........................................................................................................................................
Over-base Differential 29 D ix; Appendix A 1 .........................................................................................................
Overload 13 A 1; 13 D 4 a,b; 16 G 3 b; 17 C; Appendix D (Non-Standard Annual Load); .........................
Appendix L 199208 MOU
PACE 13 A 14, 16; 15 A 1; 15 B 5 e; 16 D 7, F 4; 19 A 5, Appendix C, D ............................................................
PACE – Cancellation of PACE Classes Appendix L 1998-01 MOU ......................................................................
PACE – Professional Development Obligation 10 D 2 c .......................................................................................
PACE – Right of First Refusal for Summer Appendix L 200204 MOU ................................................................
PACE Directors Assignment 13 A 14 d .................................................................................................................
PACE Faculty 13 A 14 b ........................................................................................................................................
PACE Faculty Selection Roster 13 A 14 c .............................................................................................................
PACE Program 13 A 14 a .......................................................................................................................................
Paid Holiday 11 D 1 ...............................................................................................................................................
PAL Day 25 I 6 a; Appendix D ...............................................................................................................................
Parental Leave 25 K 4; 25 Q 1 d ...........................................................................................................................
PARS (Public Agency Retirement System) 12 B 1 d; 14 D 7 Table; 27 II A 1; 27 3 A 4;
36 A 4; 40 E 1 d; Appendix D
Part–Time (see also Adjunct) 3; 5; 13 D 11 a; 15 E 2; 16; 17 C; 17 D 1 g; 25 A 4; E 14 c-d, f
O 3; 26 Option I A 1; 27 II; 27 III A, A 4-5; 29 D 1 b; 29 E 1 b; 29 G-H; 33 B 3; 38 E; 43 A 2; Appendix A A 2;
Appendix D; Appendix L 200208 MOU, 2008-03 MOU; 2014-06 MOU, 2014-07 MOU
Part–Time Service Leave (see PreRetirement Reduction Workload Program)
Part–Timers’ Pension Plans (see Adjunct Retirement Plans)
Pay by Class (see also Pay by Course, Level Pay) Appendix D; Appendix L 200207 MOU ...............................
Pay by Course (see also Pay by Class, Level Pay) 13 C 3; 15 A 4 a, b; 29 F Appendix D;
L 2002-07 MOU, 200208 MOU
Payroll Deduction 8 A; 26 Option I 4; 37 A 2 .........................................................................................................
Peer Evaluation Committee (see also Peer Review Committee) 32 C 10 .............................................................
Peer Evaluation Form Appendix C ........................................................................................................................
Peer Review Committee (see also Peer Evaluation Committee) 19 A 2 a, b; 19 A 5; 19 C 1 b; ...........................
19 H; 19 I 3; 19 J 1 a; 32 C 10
PERB (Public Employment Relations Board) 2; 3 .................................................................................................
Percentage Limitation (see also 60% Limit, 60% Rule, 67% Rule) 13 C 1; 13 D 4 b ............................................
Performance Coach (Non-Athletic) 14 F ................................................................................................................
Period of Evaluation of Department Chair 19 D .....................................................................................................
Period of Evaluation of Director, ISA, CU, Disability Specialists, Nurse 19 C .......................................................
Period of Evaluation of Probationary Faculty 42 C–E ...........................................................................................
Period of Evaluation of Temporary Adjunct Faculty 19 E ......................................................................................
Period of Evaluation of Tenured or Temporary Faculty 19 B, G, H ........................................................................
Permanent Employee (see Regular Faculty Member or Employee)
Personal Annual Leave (see PAL Day)
Personal Leave (see also Personal Necessity Leave and Sabbatical Leave) 25 Q 1 e ........................................
Personal Necessity Leave 25 I ..............................................................................................................................
Personal Necessity Leave Limitations 25 I 6 ......................................................................................................
Personal Necessity Leave Qualifying Event I 5 ..................................................................................................
Personnel Files 19 G 1, 2; 19 H 14-15; 19 J 3;
24; 28 B 9; 28 F 4 f
Playoff Stipend 14 D 1 b, 2 b, 3, 4, 7; 29 I; .............................................................................................................
Point Credit 31 B ....................................................................................................................................................
Political Rallies 8 D ................................................................................................................................................
POP (see Premium Only Plan)
405 -
Portal Access
9 A 1, 4; 9 B 1 l
Preamble 1 ............................................................................................................................................................
Prefunding Retiree Health Benefits 27 I A 12 ........................................................................................................
Pregnancy Disability Leave 25 M ..........................................................................................................................
Preparation Salary Schedules 13 A 2 ....................
8, 12, 13; Appendix A 1; Appendix D (Monthly Rate);
Appendix L 200209 MOU
Pre–Retirement Reduction in Workload Program 25 A 2 c; 26 .............................................................................
Printing of Agreement 8 F .....................................................................................................................................
Pro Rata Pay 25 Q 4; 26 A Option I 3; 43 A; Appendix L 200208 MOU, 200209
MOU, 2008-03 MOU
Probationary Employee (see also Probationary Faculty Member; Contract Employee; Contract Faculty Member
…………………………………………………………….……..............................………………….... 42; Appendix D
Probationary Faculty Evaluation (see also Evaluation Contract (Probationary) Faculty) 42 ...
Probationary Faculty Member (See also Contract Faculty Member) 13 D 5; 14 D 1 4, 8 c
; 15 B 5
a, c; 19 A 3, F; 27 I A 1 a; 29 E 2; 34 B 2 a; 42 A;
Appendix L 200307 MOU
Professional Conference Fund 23 A; C 1 4; DF, I ................................................................................................
Professional Development 10 D 14; 13 A 1, D 7 c; 19 G 6; 23 C 1; 25 D 6, J 1, Q 5; .......................................
40 B 5; 42 C 3, H 4; 43 B 1 g
Professional Development Days 10 D 14; Appendix C, D, Q ..............................................................................
Professional Development Rules and Practices 10 D2 .........................................................................................
Professional Growth (see Professional Development)
Professional Growth Committee (see Committees)
Professional Responsibilities Appendix Q .............................................................................................................
Proportional D Basis (see Department Chair Prop. D Basis Schedule)
Public Agency Retirement System (see PARS)
Public Employment Relations Board (see PERB)
Public Information 6 B ...........................................................................................................................................
Public Information AFT Rights 8 E .....................................................................................................................
Qualifying Position 27 III A 4, IV B, 2; 27 IV F 2 ............................................................................................. ....
Ratification 45 .........................................................................................................................................................
Ratification Vote 45 ...............................................................................................................................................
Rating-In 21 C; 29 D 1, E 1; 30
B; Appendix A A 1; ..............................................................................................
Reassigned Time 13 A 14 d; 14 E 1 a, 4; 17 C; 17 D 1, 3; 17 F 4, 5; 17 H 1; 18; 27 V B 3; 29
D 1 g; 32 F; 41 D 2 a; Appendix A A 1; Appendix C section II; Appendix D; Appendix L 200301 MOU
Reassigned Time Calculation for Department Chairs 17 C; Appendix L 200301 MOU ......................................
Reassignment 13 A 14 b; 13 D 10 d; 14 D; 15 C 1; 18; 33 A; 34 D 5 a; 35; Appendix L
200204 MOU
Reassignment Administrative (Involuntary) 35 C ...............................................................................................
Reassignment Definition 35 A ............................................................................................................................
Reassignment Voluntary 35 B ............................................................................................................................
Reduced Workload Leave (see PreRetirement Reduction in Workload Program)
Regular Faculty Member or Employee (see also Tenured Faculty Member) 7; 13 D 1, 9, 1012; 14
D; 15 B 1, 2; 16; 17 B 1, C, F 1; 19 A 3 a; 22 C, D 1; 23 A, H; 25 E 2 a; 25 O 2; 25 P 2 a; 25 Q 1 f; 25 Q 5; 29
D 1 c-d; 39 A 1; 40 E 9; Appendix D; Appendix L 200204 MOU
Related Duties (see also Institutional Obligations) 13 A, D 7 af; Appendix Q ......................................................
Released Time 8 M N; 16 F 5, 6; 18; 29 D 1 g; Appendix D, Appendix
L 2009-05
MOU; 2003-01 MOU; 2016-01 MOU; 2020-02 MOU
Reopeners 6, 22 ....................................................................................................................................................
Replacement 19 H 1 d; 27 V C 2, 3;
32 C 7 b; 33; 39 G; 42 b 4; Appendix H (0710, 0817, 0744, 0831, 0818); Appendix L 1992-01
Replacement of Peer Committee Member 19 H 1 d ..........................................................................................
Reprisals 5 ............................................................................................................................................................
Reprographic Services for Faculty 9 B 1 f; 41 D 2 a ..............................................................................................
Research, Absence To 25 P 1 c .........................................................................................................................
Resignation 20; 26 Option II 2; 27 IV B 2 ..............................................................................................................
Resignation Cancellation 20 E ............................................................................................................................
Resignation Dates 22 B .........................................................................................................................................
Resignation To Avoid Dismissal 20 F .................................................................................................................
Resignation Withdrawal 20 D .............................................................................................................................
Rest Leave 25 K 4; 25 Q 1 f ..................................................................................................................................
Retiree Health Benefits Trust 27 I A 12 .................................................................................................................
Retirement 13 D 5; 14 D 2; 22 ...............................................................................................................................
Retirement FullTime Benefits 27 III ..................................................................................................................
Retirement Incentive 22 A .....................................................................................................................................
Retirement Options, Adjunct
406 -
Retirement Service Credit (see Service Credit)
Rosters, Records and Reports 13 D 7 e, f; Appendix Q A 4 .................................................................................
Sabbatical Leave 15 C 5; 17 B 1, E; 25 A 2, .........................................................................................................
8-10, C 5, H 5, J 2, O 2 P; 27 I A 4 e ii; 39 A 3
Safety 9 A, C, C 3 a-b, C 4 h; D 1 c;
12 G 2; 23 J 2; 34 D 2 e; 34 D 9;
Salary 29; Appendix A ...........................................................................................................................................
Salary Credit 30 A ..................................................................................................................................................
Salary Credit Academic 30 A ..............................................................................................................................
Salary Credit Service Position 30 A ....................................................................................................................
Salary Credit Vocational 30 A .............................................................................................................................
Salary Schedules (see Preparation Salary Schedules; Adjunct Schedules)
Satellite Oversight Committee (see Committees)
SB 1456 (see Student Success and Support Program)
Scheduling (see also Class Size) 12; H; 13 A 14 d; 14 A 16,13 D 2, ...................................................................
4; 40 D, E
Secret Ballot 17 B 6 d ............................................................................................................................................
Seniority Lists 12 B 2; 12 E; 13 D 5; D 10-13; 14 D 2, 7; 15 A 9; B 3, 6; 16 A-I; 22
23 H; 25 E 14 c-d; 40 E 2, 8; Appendix E
Seniority Lists Adding New Lists (see New Seniority Disciplines (Lists)
Seniority Rights 13 D 5; 16 A 4; 16 D 4;
16 F 1; 19 E 2; 22 D; Appendix L 2014-02;
Service Credit 13 B; 14 D 7;15 A 5 a; 22 B 2; 36 A 2; Appendix D (Fractional
Assignment; Proportional Basis)
SFP 27 B; Appendix H ............................................................................................................................................
Shared Governance Committee (see Committees)
Sign Off (see Ratification)
SLO 43 B 1, 2 b; Appendix C; Appendix D; Appendix L
2009-04 MOU; Appendix Q A 7
Social Security 12 B 1 d; 14 D 7 Table; 27 I 2 a; 27 II A 1;
36 A 3; 40 E 1 d
Staffing Clerical & Technical 16 D 1 g; 14
E 4; 17 D 1 d; 17 F 6; 17 I; 44
....................................................................................................; ......
Staffing Counselors 11 D 2 b; 13 A 4 .................................................................................................................
Staffing Librarians 13 A 3 ...................................................................................................................................
Standard Annual Load 13 A 1; Appendix D ...........................................................................................................
Standard Hour (see also Annual Load; Pay by Course) 10 D 2 b; 12 B 1; 13 A 18, 10;
12-13; 13 B; 13 C 3-4; D 4 a, 6-7 13 Table A, B; 15 A 2, 5 a, b, c; 16; 16 A 3, 4; 16 B 1, C; 16 F 1; 16 G 1; 29
D 1 j; 29 F, G 1; 36A 2, Table A; 39 B, C; 39 A 2; D, F 3, H; 40 E 2 a b c; Appendix A A 1 f; Appendix C; Appendix
D; Appendix L 1992-08 MOU; 2002-07 MOU; 200208 MOU; 2008-03 MOU; 2014-07 MOU; Appendix Q A 1;
Standard Load Factor 13 A 28, 12, 13; Appendix D .............................................................................................
Standard Teaching Hours Load 13 Table A .......................................................................................................
Standard Teaching Hours Per Semester 13 Table A ............................................................................................
Standard Teaching Hours Per Year 13 Table A .....................................................................................................
Step Advance 25 A 7; 25 C 5 b; 25 E 2 8; 25 H 5; 29 D 1 b ii,
D 1 f; 30;
Appendix A A 1
Step Placement 30; Appendix A A1 b (2) ..............................................................................................................
Stipend (see Coaching Stipend, Playoff Stipend, Athletic Director Stipend, DL. Large Class Size Stipend)
STRS Cash Balance Plan 12 B 1 d; 14 D Table; 27 II A 1; 27 III
A 4; 36 A 1; 40 E 1 d , Appendix D
STRS Defined Benefit Plan 12 B 1d; 14 D Table; 27 II A 1; 27
III A 4;36 A 2; 40 E 1 d; Appendix D; Appendix L 2014-07 MOU;
(see also CalSTRS) Appendix D ..................................................................................................
Student Evaluation of Counselor Form Appendix C ...............................................................................................
Student Evaluation of Instructor Form Appendix C .................................................................................................
Student Evaluation of Librarian Form Appendix C .................................................................................................
Student Evaluation of Online Instructor Form Appendix C ....................................................................................
Student Evaluations 19 G 4; H 3, 5; J 2; 42 C 2 d, C3, C
C 10; 42 F 3; Appendix C
Student Success and Support Program Appendix L 2014-04 MOU .....................................................................
Student Workers 17 D 1 d; 17 G ...........................................................................................................................
Study Leave 25 Q 1 g ............................................................................................................................................
Subpoena (Summons) 25 D 1, 3 5; 25 I 5 e (1); 28 F 4 e ..................................................................................
Substantial Support 41 D 2 a, 3, 4; 41 F 2 ............................................................................................................
Substitute Holidays 11 D 1 b ..............................................................................................................................
Substitute, Rates Day to Day
29 D 1 g; 29 E; H Appendix L 199201 MOU
407 -
Substitutes 11 D 1 b; 11 D 2 a; 13 D 5; 15 B 5 c; 25 E 2 f; 25 E 10 a
; 25 K 5;
25 Q 2 a; 27 I a 1 e; 29 D 1 g; 29 E; 29 H; Appendix L 199201 MOU
Successor Agreement 45 .......................................................................................................................................
Supplemental Instructor 8 N; 13 C 2; 29 B 1-3, D 1 h ............................................................................................
Supplemental Instructor Rate 29 D B 1-3; D 1 h; Appendix A A 1 d .....................................................................
Supplementary Assignments and Pay 14 G–I; ...............................................................................
Supplies, Instructional 9 B; 17 F 6; 41 D 2 a .........................................................................................................
Tax Sheltered Annuities 8A; Appendix D (TSA) ....................................................................................................
Tax Sheltered Retirement Plans 27 I D .................................................................................................................
Teaching Hours for New Disciplines 13 D 6 ..........................................................................................................
Teaching Hours (see also Assignment; Standard Teaching Hours) 13 D 6, 7 ......................................................
Technical Support (see also Clerical Technical Support) 9 B; 17 I; 40 B 3; 44 .....................................................
Telephone Access 9 A 1, 4; 17 F 6 c ....................................................................................................................
Telephone Notice 27 IV G 5 ..................................................................................................................................
Telephone Numbers and Addresses 8 G, H; 27 IV G 5 .........................................................................................
Temporary Adjunct Priority Number List Template Appendix R ............................................................................
Temporary Employee (see also Temporary Faculty Members Defined) 19 A 3; E; Appendix D ........................
Temporary Faculty Committee Participation 32 B ..............................................................................................
Temporary Faculty Members Defined 19 A 3 a ..................................................................................................
Tenure 42 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Tenure Review Committee 42 ...............................................................................................................................
Tenured Faculty Evaluation (See Evaluation Tenured Faculty)
Tenured Faculty Member, Defined (see also Regular Faculty Member or Employee) 19 A 3 a ...........................
Transfers 15 C 6, 7; 34 ..........................................................................................................................................
Transfers – Administrative 34 D ............................................................................................................................
Transfers – Exchange 34 C ...................................................................................................................................
Transfers – Permanent 34 A .................................................................................................................................
Transfers – Requests 34 A 3 ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Transfers – Temporary 34 B .................................................................................................................................
Travel Leave 25 Q 1 h ...........................................................................................................................................
Travel Study 15 A 7 ...............................................................................................................................................
TSA (see Tax sheltered Annuities)
Tuition Reimbursement Fund 23 A; 23 C 1, 4; 23 D-I ..........................................................................................
Underload 13 A 1; 13 D 3 d (ii); 13 D 4 a-b; 13 D 5; 16 G 3 b; Appendix D (NonStandard ..............................
Annual Load)
Union (see Los Angeles College Faculty Guild - Defined and AFT 1521 Defined)
Union Dues (see also Dues Deductions) 37 .........................................................................................................
Unpaid days (see NonDuty Days)
Use of Facilities 8 D ..............................................................................................................................................
Vacation Day(s) 11; 11 B, D 2 a; 11 E F; 25 E 4 b; Appendix D ........................................................................
Vacation Days, Floating 11 A ................................................................................................................................
VDT (Monitor(s) Appendix D .................................................................................................................................
Vice Chair 13 A 10; 13 A 14 e-f; 16 F 6; 17 C, F; 17 H 1; 19 A 5;
Appendix L 200307 MOU
Vice Chair, Appointed (see Appointed Vice Chair)
Vice Chair, Designated (see Designated Vice Chair)
Vision Benefits for Active Employees 27 I A; 27 I A 4 a, b, e ................................................................................
Vision Benefits for Adjunct Faculty 27 II d ..............................................................................................................
Vision Benefits for Retirees 27 IV A, E 4 ...............................................................................................................
WageStep Placement 30 .....................................................................................................................................
Walkon Assistant Coach 14 D 4, 7 Table; Appendix A A B2 ...............................................................................
Walkon Head Coach 14 D 2, 7 Table; Appendix A A B 1 ....................................................................................
WEC (see Committees)
WEC Chairperson 9D 1, 4, 5
Wellness Services 27 I C ......................................................................................................................................
Witness 25 D 1; 25 I 5 e; 28 F 4 e, f ......................................................................................................................
Work Environment 9 ..............................................................................................................................................
Work Environment Committee (see Committees)
Work Experience Leave 25 O ...............................................................................................................................
Worker’s Compensation 25 F 1 .............................................................................................................................
Working Days 25 E 1 g; 28 A 4 .............................................................................................................................
Workload (see Load)
Workplace Collegiality 5 ........................................................................................................................................
Workweek (see also Load) 13 D 1- 3; Appendix D ................................................................................................
Z Basis
Appendix D
Los Angeles Community
College District
Los Angeles College
Faculty Guild
Local 1521, CFT AFT, AFL-CIO
AGREEMENT 2023-2026