Oracle® Payments
Implementation Guide
Release 12.2
Part No. E48768-04
October 2016
Oracle Payments Implementation Guide, Release 12.2
Part No. E48768-04
Copyright © 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Primary Author:  Sudha Seshadri
Contributing Author:  Jonathan Leybovich, Aalok Shah
Contributor:  Victoria Anderson, Ramasubramanian Balasundaram, Cynthia Bilbie, Lynn Kwan, Jonathan
Leybovich, Julianna Litwin, Robert MacIsaac, Sanjay Mall, Muhannad Obeidat, Padma Rao, Yidner Salazar,
Lauren Scott, Ramesh. R. Shankar, Omar Tahboub, Feiyun Zhang, Sanotsh Vaze, Kondaiah Mandadi, Mitesh
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Send Us Your Comments
1 Overview
Introduction to Oracle Payments
.............................................................................................. 1-1
General Features........................................................................................................................ 1-2
Funds Disbursement Features.................................................................................................. 1-4
Funds Capture Features............................................................................................................. 1-7
2 Planning Your Implementation
Shared Planning........................................................................................................................ 2-1
What are Your Security Needs?........................................................................................... 2-1
Do You Want to Use Funds Capture or Funds Disbursement Functionality?..................... 2-2
Which Payment System do You Want to Use?
What Source Products are You Using?................................................................................ 2-3
What Formats do You Need to Support?
............................................................................. 2-4
Does Your Application Need to Present Information in Different Languages?................... 2-4
Funds Capture Planning
........................................................................................................... 2-6
How do You Need to Organize Your Settlement Batches?
.................................................. 2-6
What Credit Card Brands do You Want to Support?
........................................................... 2-6
Which APIs do You Need to Use for Funds Capture?
......................................................... 2-7
Which Bank Account Transfer Operations do You Want to Implement for Funds Capture?
............................................................................................................................................. 2-8
Which Risk Factors do You Want to Implement?................................................................ 2-8
Funds Disbursement Planning
................................................................................................. 2-9
What Disbursement Payment Methods do You Want to Support?......................................2-9
3 Understanding Oracle Payments
Functionality Common to Both Funds Capture and Funds Disbursement............................. 3-1
Understanding Access Control............................................................................................ 3-1
Understanding Oracle Payments APIs................................................................................ 3-3
Understanding Oracle Payments Servlets............................................................................3-4
Understanding Transmission............................................................................................... 3-4
Understanding Oracle Payments Security........................................................................... 3-5
Understanding Funds Capture.................................................................................................. 3-8
Understanding Funds Capture Process Profile.................................................................... 3-8
Understanding Payment Methods (Funds Capture)............................................................ 3-8
Understanding Payees......................................................................................................... 3-9
Integration with Other Oracle Applications........................................................................ 3-9
Understanding Credit Card Transactions.......................................................................... 3-11
Understanding Purchase Cards......................................................................................... 3-12
Understanding PINless Debit Card Transactions........................................................ 3-14
Understanding Funds Capture Bank Account Transfers
Understanding Gateway-Model and Processor-Model Payment Systems
Understanding Terminal-Based and Host-Based Merchants
............................................. 3-17
Understanding Offline and Online Payments....................................................................3-17
Understanding Risk Management..................................................................................... 3-18
Risk Factors Shipped with Oracle Payments......................................................................3-19
Oracle Payments Routing and Operation.......................................................................... 3-21
Routing Rule Conditions................................................................................................... 3-22
Understanding Transaction Reporting.............................................................................. 3-24
Understanding Funds Disbursement..................................................................................... 3-26
Understanding Documents Payable.................................................................................. 3-26
Understanding Payments
.................................................................................................. 3-26
Understanding Payment Methods (Funds Disbursement)................................................ 3-27
Understanding Payment Process Profiles
.......................................................................... 3-27
Understanding Payment Process Requests
........................................................................ 3-28
Understanding Payment Grouping
................................................................................... 3-29
Understanding Payment Instructions
................................................................................ 3-29
Understanding Validations................................................................................................ 3-30
4 Shared Setup Tasks for Funds Capture and Funds Disbursement
Overview................................................................................................................................... 4-1
Step 1. Creating Oracle Payments Users
................................................................................... 4-5
Step 2. Setting Up System Security Options............................................................................ 4-7
Step 3. Setting Up Oracle XML Publisher Templates
.............................................................. 4-9
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Step 4. Setting Up Formats...................................................................................................... 4-10
Step 5. Setting Up Validations................................................................................................ 4-10
Step 6. Setting Up Transmission Configurations................................................................... 4-11
Step 7. Configuring Tunneling............................................................................................... 4-11
Step 8. Setting Up Payment Systems...................................................................................... 4-13
Step 9. Configuring Oracle Payments Sample Servlet........................................................... 4-15
Step 10. Setting Up SSL Security for Payment System Servlet Communication.................. 4-18
Step 11. Configuring the XML Framework............................................................................. 4-18
5 Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement
Overview................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Step 12. Setting Up Funds Disbursement Payment Methods.................................................. 5-2
Step 13. Setting Up Payment Method Defaulting Rules.......................................................... 5-6
Step 14. Setting Up Bank Instruction Codes.............................................................................5-7
Step 15. Setting Up Delivery Channel Codes........................................................................... 5-8
Step 16. Setting Up Payment Reason Codes............................................................................. 5-9
Step 17. Setting Up Payment Process Profiles
.......................................................................... 5-9
Step 18. Setting Up Disbursement System Options
............................................................... 5-21
6 Setup Tasks for Funds Capture
................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Step 19. Configuring the ECApp Servlet
.................................................................................. 6-2
Step 20. Setting Up Funds Capture Payment Methods............................................................ 6-3
Step 21. Setting Up Funds Capture Process Profiles................................................................ 6-4
Step 22. Setting Up First Party Payees...................................................................................... 6-9
Step 23. Setting Up Credit Card Brands..................................................................................6-12
Step 24. Loading Risky Instruments....................................................................................... 6-12
7 Transaction Testing
Testing Transactions
................................................................................................................. 7-1
8 Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems
Overview of Payment System Integration
Payment System Integration Components............................................................................... 8-1
Developing a Custom Payment System Integration for Funds Capture
................................. 8-3
Developing a Custom Payment System Integration for Funds Disbursement..................... 8-12
Defining a Payment System
.................................................................................................... 8-16
Account Options
...................................................................................................................... 8-17
.................................................................................................................................... 8-18
Extract Generator..................................................................................................................... 8-19
Extract Formatter......................................................................................................................8-19
Transmission Functions.......................................................................................................... 8-19
Acknowledgment Parser......................................................................................................... 8-23
Creating Custom Disbursement Validation Sets................................................................... 8-32
Creating Custom Funds Capture Validation Sets.................................................................. 8-46
A Payment Formats
Viewing Payment Formats........................................................................................................ A-1
Common Disbursement Payment Formats.............................................................................. A-1
Argentina................................................................................................................................... A-4
Belgium..................................................................................................................................... A-5
Brazil......................................................................................................................................... A-7
Chile.......................................................................................................................................... A-8
Colombia................................................................................................................................... A-9
Finland.................................................................................................................................... A-11
...................................................................................................................................... A-13
.................................................................................................................................. A-16
.......................................................................................................................................... A-21
Japan........................................................................................................................................ A-23
Netherlands............................................................................................................................. A-24
New Zealand........................................................................................................................... A-26
Norway.................................................................................................................................... A-27
Poland...................................................................................................................................... A-28
Portugal................................................................................................................................... A-30
Spain........................................................................................................................................ A-32
Sweden.................................................................................................................................... A-37
............................................................................................................................. A-41
UK............................................................................................................................................ A-43
............................................................................................................................................ A-43
US Federal
............................................................................................................................... A-47
B Validations
Other Validations
Country-Specific Validations
................................................................................................... B-3
C Transmission Protocol Parameters
Transmission Protocol Parameters
........................................................................................... C-1
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D Risk Management
Using Risk Management.......................................................................................................... D-1
Risk Management Test Scenarios............................................................................................ D-3
E Funds Capture Error Codes
Error Handling During Payment Processing........................................................................... E-1
F Integrating with Oracle Payments Using Public Funds Capture APIs
Overview of Oracle Payments APIs......................................................................................... F-1
Implementing Electronic Commerce Applications APIs......................................................... F-1
Payment Instrument Registration APIs.................................................................................... F-2
Payment Processing APIs
.......................................................................................................... F-3
Risk Management APIs
............................................................................................................ F-6
Credit Card Validation APIs..................................................................................................... F-7
Status Update API..................................................................................................................... F-9
Java APIs for Electronic Commerce Application....................................................................F-12
PL/SQL APIs for Electronic Commerce Applications............................................................ F-22
Security Considerations.......................................................................................................... F-27
G Oracle Payments Back-End APIs for Gateways
Integrating with Non-Oracle Applications.............................................................................. G-1
H Profile Options
Profile Options..........................................................................................................................H-1
Oracle Payments Profile Options............................................................................................. H-4
I Customizations
Search Pages............................................................................................................................... I-1
J Funds Capture Extract
Extract Structure......................................................................................................................... J-1
Extract Components
................................................................................................................... J-2
Funds Capture Extract............................................................................................................... J-2
Common Elements
K Funds Disbursement Extract
Extract Structure Overview
....................................................................................................... K-1
Payment Instruction Level Elements........................................................................................ K-3
Payment Level Elements......................................................................................................... K-13
Document Payable Level Elements........................................................................................ K-33
Document Line Level Elements.............................................................................................. K-40
Common Elements.................................................................................................................. K-42
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Send Us Your Comments
Oracle Payments Implementation Guide, Release 12.2
Part No. E48768-01
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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.2 of the Oracle Payments Implementation Guide.
This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of the following:
The principles and customary practices of your business area.
Computer desktop application usage and terminology.
If you have never used Oracle E-Business Suite, we suggest you attend one or more of
the Oracle E-Business Suite training classes available through Oracle University.
See Related Information Sources on page xii for more Oracle E-Business Suite product
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.
1 Overview
2 Planning Your Implementation
3 Understanding Oracle Payments
4 Shared Setup Tasks for Funds Capture and Funds Disbursement
5 Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement
6 Setup Tasks for Funds Capture
7 Transaction Testing
8 Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems
A Payment Formats
B Validations
C Transmission Protocol Parameters
D Risk Management
E Funds Capture Error Codes
F Integrating with Oracle Payments Using Public Funds Capture APIs
G Oracle Payments Back-End APIs for Gateways
H Profile Options
I Customizations
J Funds Capture Extract
K Funds Disbursement Extract
Related Information Sources
This book is included in the Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library, which is
supplied in the Release 12.2 Media Pack. If this guide refers you to other Oracle
E-Business Suite documentation, use only the latest Release 12.2 versions of those
Online Documentation
All Oracle E-Business Suite documentation is available online (HTML or PDF).
Online Help - Online help patches (HTML) are available on My Oracle Support.
PDF Documentation - See the Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library for
current PDF documentation for your product with each release.
Release Notes - For information about changes in this release, including new
features, known issues, and other details, see the release notes for the relevant
product, available on My Oracle Support.
Oracle Electronic Technical Reference Manual - The Oracle Electronic Technical
Reference Manual (eTRM) contains database diagrams and a detailed description of
database tables, forms, reports, and programs for each Oracle E-Business Suite
product. This information helps you convert data from your existing applications
and integrate Oracle E-Business Suite data with non-Oracle applications, and write
custom reports for Oracle E-Business Suite products. The Oracle eTRM is available
on My Oracle Support.
Related Guides
You should have the following related books on hand. Depending on the requirements
of your particular installation, you may also need additional manuals or guides.
Oracle Alert User's Guide
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This guide explains how to define periodic and event alerts to monitor the status of
your Oracle E-Business Suite data.
Oracle Application Framework Developer's Guide
This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle E-Business Suite
development staff to produce applications built with Oracle Application Framework.
This guide is available in PDF format on My Oracle Support and as online
documentation in JDeveloper 10g with Oracle Application Extension.
Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide
This guide covers the design-time and run-time aspects of personalizing applications
built with Oracle Application Framework.
Oracle Fusion Middleware Adapter for Oracle Applications User's Guide (Oracle
Application Server Adapter for Oracle Applications User's Guide)
This guide covers the use of Adapter for Oracle Applications in developing integrations
between Oracle E-Business Suite and trading partners.
Please note that the user's guide can be found in the following documentation libraries:
As part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware and SOA Suite in 11g, Oracle Fusion
Middleware Adapter for Oracle Applications User's Guide is available in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware 11g Documentation Library.
As part of the Oracle Application Server in 10g, Oracle Application Server Adapter for
Oracle Applications User's Guide is available in the Oracle Application Server 10g
Documentation Library.
Oracle Diagnostics Framework User's Guide
This manual contains information on implementing and administering diagnostics tests
for Oracle E-Business Suite using the Oracle Diagnostics Framework.
Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts
This book is intended for all those planning to deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.2, or contemplating significant changes to a configuration. After describing the
Oracle E-Business Suite architecture and technology stack, it focuses on strategic topics,
giving a broad outline of the actions needed to achieve a particular goal, plus the
installation and configuration choices that may be available.
Oracle E-Business Suite CRM System Administrator's Guide
This manual describes how to implement the CRM Technology Foundation (JTT) and
use its System Administrator Console.
Oracle E-Business Suite Desktop Integration Framework Developer's Guide
Oracle E-Business Suite Desktop Integration Framework is a development tool that lets
you define custom integrators for use with Oracle Web Applications Desktop
Integrator. This guide describes how to define and manage integrators and all
associated supporting objects, as well as how to download and upload integrator
Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide
This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle E-Business Suite
development staff. It describes the Oracle Application Object Library components
needed to implement the Oracle E-Business Suite user interface described in the Oracle
E-Business Suite User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products. It provides information
to help you build your custom Oracle Forms Developer forms so that they integrate
with Oracle E-Business Suite. In addition, this guide has information for customizations
in features such as concurrent programs, flexfields, messages, and logging.
Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide
This guide provides flexfields planning, setup, and reference information for the Oracle
E-Business Suite implementation team, as well as for users responsible for the ongoing
maintenance of Oracle E-Business Suite product data. This guide also provides
information on creating custom reports on flexfields data.
Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install
This book is intended for use by anyone who is responsible for installing or upgrading
Oracle E-Business Suite. It provides instructions for running Rapid Install either to carry
out a fresh installation of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, or as part of an upgrade
to Release 12.2.
Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide
This guide contains information about the strategies, tasks, and troubleshooting
activities that can be used to help ensure an Oracle E-Business Suite system keeps
running smoothly, together with a comprehensive description of the relevant tools and
utilities. It also describes how to patch a system, with recommendations for optimizing
typical patching operations and reducing downtime.
Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide
This guide contains information on a comprehensive range of security-related topics,
including access control, user management, function security, data security, and
auditing. It also describes how Oracle E-Business Suite can be integrated into a single
sign-on environment.
Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide
This guide contains information on system configuration tasks that are carried out
either after installation or whenever there is a significant change to the system. The
activities described include defining concurrent programs and managers, enabling
Oracle Applications Manager features, and setting up printers and online help.
Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide
This guide explains how to navigate, enter data, query, and run reports using the user
interface (UI) of Oracle E-Business Suite. This guide also includes information on setting
user profiles, as well as running and reviewing concurrent requests.
Oracle E-Business Suite User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products
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This guide contains the user interface (UI) standards followed by the Oracle E-Business
Suite development staff. It describes the UI for the Oracle E-Business Suite products and
how to apply this UI to the design of an application built by using Oracle Forms.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway User's Guide
This guide describes the high level service enablement process, explaining how users
can browse and view the integration interface definitions and services residing in
Oracle Integration Repository.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide
This guide explains how integration repository administrators can manage and
administer the Web service activities for integration interfaces including native
packaged integration interfaces, composite services (BPEL type), and custom
integration interfaces. It also describes how to invoke Web services from Oracle
E-Business Suite by employing the Oracle Workflow Business Event System, and how
to manage Web service security, configure logs, and monitor SOAP messages.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developer's Guide
This guide describes how system integration developers can perform end-to-end service
integration activities. These include orchestrating discrete Web services into meaningful
end-to-end business processes using business process execution language (BPEL), and
deploying BPEL processes at run time.
This guide also explains how to invoke Web services using the Service Invocation
Framework. This includes defining Web service invocation metadata, invoking Web
services, and testing the Web service invocation.
Oracle e-Commerce Gateway User's Guide
This guide describes the functionality of Oracle e-Commerce Gateway and the
necessary setup steps in order for Oracle E-Business Suite to conduct business with
trading partners through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). It also describes how to run
extract programs for outbound transactions, import programs for inbound transactions,
and the relevant reports.
Oracle e-Commerce Gateway Implementation Guide
This guide describes implementation details, highlighting additional setup steps needed
for trading partners, code conversion, and Oracle E-Business Suite. It also provides
architecture guidelines for transaction interface files, troubleshooting information, and a
description of how to customize EDI transactions.
Oracle iSetup Developer's Guide
This manual describes how to build, test, and deploy Oracle iSetup Framework
Oracle iSetup User's Guide
This guide describes how to use Oracle iSetup to migrate data between different
instances of the Oracle E-Business Suite and generate reports. It also includes
configuration information, instance mapping, and seeded templates used for data
Oracle Report Manager User's Guide
Oracle Report Manager is an online report distribution system that provides a secure
and centralized location to produce and manage point-in-time reports. Oracle Report
Manager users can be either report producers or report consumers. Use this guide for
information on setting up and using Oracle Report Manager.
Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator Implementation and Administration
Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator brings Oracle E-Business Suite
functionality to a spreadsheet, where familiar data entry and modeling techniques can
be used to complete Oracle E-Business Suite tasks. You can create formatted
spreadsheets on your desktop that allow you to download, view, edit, and create Oracle
E-Business Suite data, which you can then upload. This guide describes how to
implement Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator and how to define mappings,
layouts, style sheets, and other setup options.
Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
This guide explains how to complete the setup steps necessary for any product that
includes workflow-enabled processes. It also describes how to manage workflow
processes and business events using Oracle Applications Manager, how to monitor the
progress of runtime workflow processes, and how to administer notifications sent to
workflow users.
Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes and customize
existing Oracle E-Business Suite-embedded workflow processes. It also describes how
to define and customize business events and event subscriptions.
Oracle Workflow User's Guide
This guide describes how users can view and respond to workflow notifications and
monitor the progress of their workflow processes.
Oracle Workflow API Reference
This guide describes the APIs provided for developers and administrators to access
Oracle Workflow.
Oracle Workflow Client Installation Guide
This guide describes how to install the Oracle Workflow Builder and Oracle XML
Gateway Message Designer client components for Oracle E-Business Suite.
Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide
This guide describes Oracle XML Gateway functionality and each component of the
Oracle XML Gateway architecture, including Message Designer, Oracle XML Gateway
Setup, Execution Engine, Message Queues, and Oracle Transport Agent. It also explains
how to use Collaboration History that records all business transactions and messages
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exchanged with trading partners.
The integrations with Oracle Workflow Business Event System, and the
Business-to-Business transactions are also addressed in this guide.
Oracle XML Publisher Report Designer's Guide
Oracle XML Publisher is a template-based reporting solution that merges XML data
with templates in RTF or PDF format to produce a variety of outputs to meet a variety
of business needs. Using Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat as the design tool, you can
create pixel-perfect reports from the Oracle E-Business Suite. Use this guide to design
your report layouts.
This guide is available through the Oracle E-Business Suite online help.
Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide
Oracle XML Publisher is a template-based reporting solution that merges XML data
with templates in RTF or PDF format to produce a variety of outputs to meet a variety
of business needs. Outputs include: PDF, HTML, Excel, RTF, and eText (for EDI and
EFT transactions). Oracle XML Publisher can be used to generate reports based on
existing Oracle E-Business Suite report data, or you can use Oracle XML Publisher's
data extraction engine to build your own queries. Oracle XML Publisher also provides a
robust set of APIs to manage delivery of your reports via e-mail, fax, secure FTP,
printer, WebDav, and more. This guide describes how to set up and administer Oracle
XML Publisher as well as how to use the Application Programming Interface to build
custom solutions.
This guide is available through the Oracle E-Business Suite online help.
Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide: Release 12.0 and 12.1 to 12.2:
This guide provides information for DBAs and Applications Specialists who are
responsible for upgrading Release 12.0 and 12.1 Oracle E-Business Suite system
(techstack and products) to Release 12.2. In addition to information about applying the
upgrade driver, it outlines pre-upgrade steps and post-upgrade steps, and provides
descriptions of product-specific functional changes and suggestions for verifying the
upgrade and reducing downtime.
Oracle Advanced Global Intercompany System User's Guide:
This guide describes the self service application pages available for Intercompany users.
It includes information on setting up intercompany, entering intercompany
transactions, importing transactions from external sources and generating reports.
Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide:
This guide describes how to use the features of Oracle Advanced Collections to manage
your collections activities. It describes how collections agents and managers can use
Oracle Advanced Collections to identify delinquent customers, review payment history
and aging data, process payments, use strategies and dunning plans to automate the
collections process, manage work assignments, and handle later-stage delinquencies.
Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide:
This guide describes how to configure Oracle Advanced Collections and its integrated
products. It contains the steps required to set up and verify your implementation of
Oracle Advanced Collections.
Oracle Assets User Guide:
This guide provides you with information on how to implement and use Oracle Assets.
Use this guide to understand the implementation steps required for application use,
including defining depreciation books, depreciation method, and asset categories. It
also contains information on setting up assets in the system, maintaining assets, retiring
and reinstating assets, depreciation, group depreciation, accounting and tax accounting,
budgeting, online inquiries, impairment processing, and Oracle Assets reporting. The
guide explains using Oracle Assets with Multiple Reporting Currencies (MRC). This
guide also includes a comprehensive list of profile options that you can set to customize
application behavior.
Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture User's Guide:
This guide provides you information on using Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture.
Consult this guide to create and customize billing templates, assign a template to a rule
and submit print requests. This guide also provides detailed information on page
references, seeded content items and template assignment attributes.
Oracle Cash Management User Guide:
This guide describes how to use Oracle Cash Management to clear your receipts, as well
as reconcile bank statements with your outstanding balances and transactions. This
manual also explains how to effectively manage and control your cash cycle. It provides
comprehensive bank reconciliation and flexible cash forecasting.
Oracle Credit Management User Guide:
This guide provides you with information on how to use Oracle Credit Management.
This guide includes implementation steps, such as how to set up credit policies, as well
as details on how to use the credit review process to derive credit recommendations
that comply with your credit policies. This guide also includes detailed information
about the public application programming interfaces (APIs) that you can use to extend
Oracle Credit Management functionality.
Oracle Customer Data Librarian User Guide:
This guide describes how to use Oracle Customer Data Librarian to establish and
maintain the quality of the Trading Community Architecture Registry, focusing on
consolidation, cleanliness, and completeness. Oracle Customer Data Librarian has all of
the features in Oracle Customers Online, and is also part of the Oracle Customer Data
Management product family.
Oracle Customer Data Librarian Implementation Guide:
This guide describes how to implement Oracle Customer Data Librarian. As part of
implementing Oracle Customer Data Librarian, you must also complete all the
implementation steps for Oracle Customers Online.
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Oracle Customers Online User Guide:
This guide describes how to use Oracle Customers Online to view, create, and maintain
your customer information. Oracle Customers Online is based on Oracle Trading
Community Architecture data model and functionality, and is also part of the Oracle
Customer Data Management product family.
Oracle Customers Online Implementation Guide:
This guide describes how to implement Oracle Customers Online.
Oracle E-Business Suite Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide:
This guide describes the multiple organizations concepts in Oracle E-Business Suite. It
describes in detail on setting up and working effectively with multiple organizations in
Oracle E-Business Suite.
Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide:
This guide describes the entire process of setting up and maintaining tax configuration
data, as well as applying tax data to the transaction line. It describes the entire
regime-to-rate setup flow of tax regimes, taxes, statuses, rates, recovery rates, tax
jurisdictions, and tax rules. It also describes setting up and maintaining tax reporting
codes, fiscal classifications, tax profiles, tax registrations, configuration options, and
third party service provider subscriptions. You also use this manual to maintain
migrated tax data for use with E-Business Tax.
Oracle E-Business Tax Implementation Guide:
This guide provides a conceptual overview of the E-Business Tax tax engine, and
describes the prerequisite implementation steps to complete in other applications in
order to set up and use E-Business Tax. The guide also includes extensive examples of
setting up country-specific tax requirements.
Oracle E-Business Tax Reporting Guide:
This guide explains how to run all tax reports that make use of the E-Business Tax data
extract. This includes the Tax Reporting Ledger and other core tax reports,
country-specific VAT reports, and Latin Tax Engine reports.
Oracle E-Business Tax: Vertex Q-Series and Taxware Sales/Use Tax System
Implementation Guide
This guide explains how to setup and use the services of third party tax service
providers for US Sales and Use tax. The tax service providers are Vertex Q-Series and
Taxware Sales/Use Tax System. When implemented, the Oracle E-Business Tax service
subscription calls one of these tax service providers to return a tax rate or amount
whenever US Sales and Use tax is calculated by the Oracle E-Business Tax tax engine.
This guide provides setup steps, information about day-to-day business processes, and
a technical reference section.
Oracle Embedded Data Warehouse User Guide:
This guide describes how to use Embedded Data Warehouse reports and workbooks to
analyze performance.
Oracle Embedded Data Warehouse Implementation Guide:
This guide describes how to implement Embedded Data Warehouse, including how to
set up the intelligence areas.
Oracle Embedded Data Warehouse Install Guide:
This guide describes how to install Embedded Data Warehouse, including how to create
database links and create the end user layer (EUL).
Oracle Financial Accounting Hub Implementation Guide:
This guide provides detailed implementation information that leverages the features of
Oracle Subledger Accounting to generate accounting.
Oracle Financial Services Reference Guide:
This guide provides reference material for Oracle Financial Services applications in
Release 12, such as Oracle Transfer Pricing, and includes technical details about
application use as well as general concepts, equations, and calculations.
Oracle Financial Services Implementation Guide:
This guide describes how to set up Oracle Financial Services applications in Release 12.
Oracle Financial Services Reporting Administration Guide:
This guide describes the reporting architecture of Oracle Financial Services applications
in Release 12, and provides information on how to view these reports.
Oracle Financials and Oracle Procurement Functional Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to
Release 12:
This guides provides detailed information about the functional impacts of upgrading
Oracle Financials and Oracle Procurement products from Release 11i to Release 12. This
guide supplements the Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide: Release 12.0 and 12.1 to 12.2
Oracle Financials Concepts Guide:
This guide describes the fundamental concepts of Oracle Financials. The guide is
intended to introduce readers to the concepts used in the applications, and help them
compare their real world business, organization, and processes to those used in the
Oracle Financials Country-Specific Installation Supplement:
This guide provides general country information, such as responsibilities and report
security groups, as well as any post-install steps required by some countries.
Oracle Financials for the Americas User Guide:
This guide describes functionality developed to meet specific business practices in
countries belonging to the Americas region. Consult this user guide along with your
financial product user guides to effectively use Oracle Financials in your country.
Oracle Financials for Asia/Pacific User Guide:
 xxi
This guide describes functionality developed to meet specific business practices in
countries belonging to the Asia/Pacific region. Consult this user guide along with your
financial product user guides to effectively use Oracle Financials in your country.
Oracle Financials for Europe User Guide:
This guide describes functionality developed to meet specific business practices in
countries belonging to the European region. Consult this user guide along with your
financial product user guides to effectively use Oracle Financials in your country.
Oracle Financials for India User's Guide:
This guide provides information on how to use Oracle Financials for India. Use this
guide to learn how to create and maintain setup related to India taxes, defaulting and
calculation of taxes on transactions. This guide also includes information about
accounting and reporting of taxes related to India.
Oracle Financials for India Implementation Guide:
This guide provides information on how to implement Oracle Financials for India. Use
this guide to understand the implementation steps required for application use,
including how to set up taxes, tax defaulting hierarchies, set up different tax regimes,
organization and transactions.
Oracle Financials Glossary:
The glossary includes definitions of common terms that are shared by all Oracle
Financials products. In some cases, there may be different definitions of the same term
for different Financials products. If you are unsure of the meaning of a term you see in
an Oracle Financials guide, please refer to the glossary for clarification. You can find the
glossary in the online help or in the Oracle Financials Implementation Guide.
Oracle Financials Implementation Guide:
This guide provides information on how to implement the Oracle Financials E-Business
Suite. It guides you through setting up your organizations, including legal entities, and
their accounting, using the Accounting Setup Manager. It covers intercompany
accounting and sequencing of accounting entries, and it provides examples.
Oracle Financials RXi Reports Administration Tool User Guide:
This guide describes how to use the RXi reports administration tool to design the
content and layout of RXi reports. RXi reports let you order, edit, and present report
information to better meet your company's reporting needs.
Oracle General Ledger Implementation Guide:
This guide provides information on how to implement Oracle General Ledger. Use this
guide to understand the implementation steps required for application use, including
how to set up Accounting Flexfields, Accounts, and Calendars.
Oracle General Ledger Reference Guide
This guide provides detailed information about setting up General Ledger Profile
Options and Applications Desktop Integrator (ADI) Profile Options.
Oracle General Ledger User's Guide:
This guide provides information on how to use Oracle General Ledger. Use this guide
to learn how to create and maintain ledgers, ledger currencies, budgets, and journal
entries. This guide also includes information about running financial reports.
Oracle Incentive Compensation Implementation Guide:
This guide provides Compensation Administrators with guidance during
implementation of Oracle Incentive Compensation. The procedures are presented in the
recommended order that they should be performed for successful implementation.
Appendixes are included that describe system profiles, lookups, and other useful
Oracle Incentive Compensation User Guide:
This guide helps Compensation Managers, Compensation Analysts, and Plan
administrators to manage Oracle Incentive Compensation on a day-to-day basis. Learn
how to create and manage rules hierarchies, create compensation plans, collect
transactions, calculate and pay commission, and use Sales Credit Allocation.
Oracle Internet Expenses Implementation and Administration Guide:
This book explains in detail how to configure Oracle Internet Expenses and describes its
integration with other applications in the E-Business Suite, such as Oracle Payables and
Oracle Projects. Use this guide to understand the implementation steps required for
application use, including how to set up policy and rate schedules, credit card policies,
audit automation, and the expenses spreadsheet. This guide also includes detailed
information about the client extensions that you can use to extend Oracle Internet
Expenses functionality.
Oracle iAssets User Guide
This guide provides information on how to implement and use Oracle iAssets. Use this
guide to understand the implementation steps required for application use, including
setting up Oracle iAssets rules and related product setup steps. It explains how to
define approval rules to facilitate the approval process. It also includes information on
using the Oracle iAssets user interface to search for assets, create self-service transfer
requests and view notifications.
Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide:
This manual describes how to set up and administer Oracle iProcurement. Oracle
iProcurement enables employees to requisition items through a self–service, Web
Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide:
This guide provides information on how to implement Oracle iReceivables. Use this
guide to understand the implementation steps required for application use, including
how to set up and configure iReceivables, and how to set up the Credit Memo Request
workflow. There is also a chapter that provides an overview of major features available
in iReceivables.
 xxiii
Oracle iSupplier Portal User Guide:
This guide contains information on how to use Oracle iSupplier Portal to enable secure
transactions between buyers and suppliers using the Internet. Using Oracle iSupplier
Portal, suppliers can monitor and respond to events in the procure-to-pay cycle.
Oracle iSupplier Portal Implementation Guide:
This guide contains information on how to implement Oracle iSupplier Portal and
enable secure transactions between buyers and suppliers using the Internet.
Oracle Loans User Guide:
This guide describes how to set up and use Oracle Loans. It includes information on
how to create, approve, fund, amortize, bill, and service extended repayment plan and
direct loans.
Oracle Partner Management Implementation and Administration Guide:
This guide helps Vendor administrators to set up and maintain relationships and
programs in the Partner Management application. The main areas include setting up
the partner and channel manager dashboards, partner setup, partner programs and
enrollment, opportunity and referral management, deal registration, special pricing
management, and partner fund management.
Oracle Partner Management Vendor User Guide:
This guide assists vendor users in using Partner Management on a daily basis. This
includes interaction with the partner and channel manager dashboards, working with
partners and partner programs, managing opportunities and referrals, registering deals,
and working with special pricing and partner funds.
Oracle Payables User's Guide:
This guide describes how to use Oracle Payables to create invoices and make payments.
In addition, it describes how to enter and manage suppliers, import invoices using the
Payables open interface, manage purchase order and receipt matching, apply holds to
invoices, and validate invoices. It contains information on managing expense reporting,
procurement cards, and credit cards. This guide also explains the accounting for
Payables transactions.
Oracle Payables Implementation Guide:
This guide provides you with information on how to implement Oracle Payables. Use
this guide to understand the implementation steps required for how to set up suppliers,
payments, accounting, and tax.
Oracle Payables Reference Guide:
This guide provides you with detailed information about the Oracle Payables open
interfaces, such as the Invoice open interface, which lets you import invoices. It also
includes reference information on purchase order matching and purging purchasing
Oracle Payments Implementation Guide:
This guide describes how Oracle Payments, as the central payment engine for the
Oracle E-Business Suite, processes transactions, such as invoice payments from Oracle
Payables, bank account transfers from Oracle Cash Management, and settlements
against credit cards and bank accounts from Oracle Receivables. This guide also
describes how Oracle Payments is integrated with financial institutions and payment
systems for receipt and payment processing, known as funds capture and funds
disbursement, respectively. Additionally, the guide explains to the implementer how to
plan the implementation of Oracle Payments, how to configure it, set it up, test
transactions, and how use it with external payment systems.
Oracle Payments User's Guide:
This guide describes how Oracle Payments, as the central payment engine for the
Oracle E-Business Suite, processes transactions, such as invoice payments from Oracle
Payables, bank account transfers from Oracle Cash Management, and settlements
against credit cards and bank accounts from Oracle Receivables. This guide also
describes to the Payment Administrator how to monitor the funds capture and funds
disbursement processes, as well as how to remedy any errors that may arise.
Oracle Procurement Buyer's Guide to Punchout and Transparent Punchout:
This guide contains necessary information for customers implementing remote catalog
content on a supplier's Web site or on Oracle Exchange.
Oracle Procurement Contracts Online Help:
This guide is provided as online help only from the Oracle Procurement Contracts
application and includes information about creating and managing your contract terms
Oracle Procurement Contracts Implementation and Administration Guide:
This guide describes how to set up and administer Oracle Procurement Contracts.
Oracle Procurement Contracts enables employees to author and maintain complex
contracts through a self–service, Web interface.
Oracle Public Sector Financials User Guide:
This guide describes how to set up and administer Oracle Public Sector Advanced
Features. It describes Encumbrance Reconciliation Reports, GASB 34/35 Asset
Accounting, and Funds Available Enhancements.
Oracle Purchasing User's Guide:
This guide describes how to create and approve purchasing documents, including
requisitions, different types of purchase orders, quotations, RFQs, and receipts. This
guide also describes how to manage your supply base through agreements, sourcing
rules, and approved supplier lists. In addition, this guide explains how you can
automatically create purchasing documents based on business rules through integration
with Oracle Workflow technology, which automates many of the key procurement
Oracle Receivables User Guide:
 xxv
This guide provides you with information on how to use Oracle Receivables. Use this
guide to learn how to create and maintain transactions and bills receivable, enter and
apply receipts, enter customer information, and manage revenue. This guide also
includes information about accounting in Receivables. Use the Standard Navigation
Paths appendix to find out how to access each Receivables window.
Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide:
This guide provides you with information on how to implement Oracle Receivables.
Use this guide to understand the implementation steps required for application use,
including how to set up customers, transactions, receipts, accounting, tax, and
collections. This guide also includes a comprehensive list of profile options that you can
set to customize application behavior.
Oracle Receivables Reference Guide:
This guide provides you with detailed information about all public application
programming interfaces (APIs) that you can use to extend Oracle Receivables
functionality. This guide also describes the Oracle Receivables open interfaces, such as
AutoLockbox which lets you create and apply receipts and AutoInvoice which you can
use to import and validate transactions from other systems. Archiving and purging
Receivables data is also discussed in this guide.
Oracle Sourcing Implementation and Administration Guide:
This guide contains information on how to implement Oracle Sourcing to enable
participants from multiple organizations to exchange information, conduct bid and
auction processes, and create and implement buying agreements. This allows
professional buyers, business experts, and suppliers to participate in a more agile and
accurate sourcing process.
Oracle Subledger Accounting Implementation Guide:
This guide provides setup information for Oracle Subledger Accounting features,
including the Accounting Methods Builder. You can use the Accounting Methods
Builder to create and modify the setup for subledger journal lines and application
accounting definitions for Oracle subledger applications. This guide also discusses the
reports available in Oracle Subledger Accounting and describes how to inquire on
subledger journal entries.
Oracle Supplier Scheduling User's Guide:
This guide describes how you can use Oracle Supplier Scheduling to calculate and
maintain planning and shipping schedules and communicate them to your suppliers.
Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide:
This manual describes how to set up and administer Oracle iProcurement. Oracle
iProcurement enables employees to requisition items through a self–service, Web
Oracle Procurement Contracts Implementation and Administration Guide:
This manual describes how to set up and administer Oracle Procurement Contracts.
Oracle Procurement Contracts enables employees to author and maintain complex
contracts through a self–service, Web interface.
Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide:
This guide describes the Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA) and how to
use features from the Trading Community Manager responsibility to create, update,
enrich, and cleanse the data in the TCA Registry. It also describes how to use Resource
Manager to define and manage resources.
Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide:
This guide describes how to administer and implement Oracle Trading Community
Architecture (TCA). You set up, control, and manage functionality that affects data in
the TCA Registry. It also describes how to set up and use Resource Manager to manage
Oracle Trading Community Architecture Reference Guide:
This guide contains seeded relationship types, seeded Data Quality Management data,
D&B data elements, Bulk Import interface table fields and validations, and a
comprehensive glossary. This guide supplements the documentation for Oracle Trading
Community Architecture and all products in the Oracle Customer Data Management
Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide:
This guide explains how to use the public Oracle Trading Community Architecture
application programming interfaces (APIs) and develop callouts based on Oracle
Workflow Business Events System (BES). For each API, this guide provides a
description of the API, the PL/SQL procedure, and the Java method, as well as a table of
the parameter descriptions and validations. For each BES callout, this guide provides
the name of the logical entity, its description, and the ID parameter name. Also
included are setup instructions and sample code.
Oracle U.S. Federal Financials User's Guide:
This guide describes the common concepts for an integrated financial management
solution for federal agencies to comply with the requirements of the U.S. Federal
government. It describes the product architecture and provides information on Budget
Execution, Prompt Payment, Treasury payments, Third party payments, Interagency
transactions, Receivables management, Federal reports, CCR Integration, and Year End
Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide:
This guide describes the common concepts for an integrated financial management
solution for federal agencies. It includes a consolidated setup checklist by page and
provides detailed information on how to set up, maintain, and troubleshoot the Federal
Financial application for the following functional areas: Sub Ledger Accounting, Budget
Execution, Prompt Payment, Treasury payments, Third party payments, Interagency
transactions, Receivables management, Federal reports, CCR Integration, and Year End
 xxvii
Oracle Projects Documentation Set
Oracle Projects Implementation Guide:
Use this guide to implement Oracle Projects. This guide also includes appendixes
covering function security, menus and responsibilities, and profile options.
Oracle Project Costing User Guide:
Use this guide to learn detailed information about Oracle Project Costing. Oracle Project
Costing provides the tools for processing project expenditures, including calculating
their cost to each project and determining the General Ledger accounts to which the
costs are posted.
Oracle Project Billing User Guide:
This guide shows you how to use Oracle Project Billing to define revenue and invoicing
rules for your projects, generate revenue, create invoices, and integrate with other
Oracle Applications to process revenue and invoices, process client invoicing, and
measure the profitability of your contract projects.
Oracle Project Management User Guide:
This guide shows you how to use Oracle Project Management to manage projects
through their lifecycles - from planning, through execution, to completion.
Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis User Guide:
This guide contains the information you need to understand and use Oracle Project
Portfolio Analysis. It includes information about project portfolios, planning cycles, and
metrics for ranking and selecting projects for a project portfolio.
Oracle Project Resource Management User Guide:
This guide provides you with information on how to use Oracle Project Resource
Management. It includes information about staffing, scheduling, and reporting on
project resources.
Oracle Grants Accounting Documentation
Oracle Grants Accounting User Guide:
This guide provides you with information about how to implement and use Oracle
Grants Accounting. Use this guide to understand the implementation steps required for
application use, including defining award types, award templates, allowed cost
schedules, and burden set up. This guide also explains how to use Oracle Grants
Accounting to track grants and funded projects from inception to final reporting.
Oracle Property Manager Documentation
Oracle Property Manager User Guide:
Use this guide to learn how to use Oracle Property Manager to create and administer
properties, space assignments, and lease agreements.
Oracle Property Manager Implementation Guide:
Use this guide to learn how to implement Oracle Property Manager and perform basic
setup steps such as setting system options and creating lookup codes, contacts,
milestones, grouping rules, term templates, and a location hierarchy. This guide also
describes the setup steps that you must complete in other Oracle applications before
you can use Oracle Property Manager.
Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your
instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate
for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.
You can navigate to the Oracle Integration Repository through Oracle E-Business Suite
Integrated SOA Gateway.
Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data
Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data
unless otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of
your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify
Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you
may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables.
If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous
information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.
When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps
track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.
Overview 1-1
Introduction to Oracle Payments
Oracle Payments is a product in the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications, which
serves as a funds capture and funds disbursement engine for other Oracle applications.
As the central payment engine, Oracle Payments processes transactions, such as invoice
payments from Oracle Payables, bank account transfers from Oracle Cash Management,
and settlements against credit cards and bank accounts from Oracle Receivables. Oracle
Payments provides the infrastructure needed to connect these applications and others
with third party payment systems and financial institutions.
The centralization of payment processing in Oracle Payments offers many benefits to
deploying companies. Companies can efficiently centralize the payment process across
multiple organizations, currencies, and regions. Better working capital management can
be achieved by providing cash managers visibility into cash inflows and outflows.
Additionally, a full audit trail and control is supported through a single point of
payment administration.
Oracle Payments is integrated with financial institutions and payment systems for
receipt and payment processing, known as funds capture and funds disbursement,
respectively. Funds capture refers to the electronic retrieval of funds, typically by a
payment system on behalf of the deploying company, from payers, such as customers,
who owe debts to the deploying company. The payer, in this case, provides Oracle
Payments with pertinent payment information, such as a credit card, debit card, or bank
account number. Funds disbursement, on the other hand, is the process of paying funds
owed to creditors, such suppliers.
Oracle Payments supports the following electronic payment methods for funds capture
credit cards
purchase cards
1-2 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
PINless debit cards
bank account transfers
Oracle Payments supports several payment methods for funds disbursement payments,
electronic funds transfers
General Features
The following sections describe the general features of Oracle Payments.
Advanced and Highly Configurable Formatting Framework
Financial institutions and payment systems require compliance with specific payment
formats to disburse or capture funds. A large part of the effort and cost involved in
establishing a relationship with a payment system is ensuring that a valid, correctly
formatted payment file or message can be produced. To minimize this effort, Oracle
Payments provides a formatting solution based on standard XML technology.
Formats are created as templates in Oracle XML Publisher and applied to an XML data
file produced by Oracle Payments. These templates can be created or modified with
minimal effort, using a standard text editor, such as Microsoft Word. Consequently,
when a payment system or financial institution requires a change to its format, you can
easily and quickly make the change.
Special consideration has been given to the complexity of creating fixed position and
delimited formats. Oracle XML Publisher's eText feature is used for these format types.
eText allows the format layout to be presented in an understandable tabular structure.
Oracle Payments offers an extensive library of payment formats that support various
types of payment files and messages. EFT disbursements, printed checks, ACH debits,
bills receivable remittances, and credit card authorizations and settlements are all
supported. Deploying companies can use any format in this library. If a format is
required, but it is not provided, it is easy to copy a similar format template and use it as
the basis for creating a new format. This feature greatly speeds implementation and
testing, as well as reduces implementation costs.
Flexible Validation Model
In payment processing, it is critical to ensure that payment messages and files sent to
third party payment systems and financial institutions are both valid and correctly
formatted. If this does not occur, the payment process is slowed and a cost is incurred to
Overview 1-3
resolve the issue. To achieve straight through processing, Oracle Payments introduces a
flexible way to ensure that payment-related validations are implemented.
Oracle Payments provides an extensive library of payment validations that are
associated with the supported payment formats. Payment validations are implemented
using a flexible framework that allows you to add new validation rules. Deploying
companies can choose between using the prepackaged library of validations, using
newly added validations, or using a combination of prepackaged and newly added
validation rules.
The timing of validation execution also has flexibility. Payment validation rules can be
assigned early or late in the payment process. Alternatively, a combination of early and
late validation rule assignment can be used. You have flexibility in assigning validation
rules to support your business model. For example, assigning and executing validation
rules early in the payment process may be best for a decentralized payment
environment. On the other hand, validation execution later in the process may be
optimal in a shared service environment, where payment specialists can resolve any
validation failures.
Secure Payment Data Repository
Oracle Payments serves as a payment data repository on top of the Trading Community
Architecture (TCA) data model. The TCA model holds party information. Oracle
Payments stores all of the party's payment information and its payment instruments,
such as credit cards and bank accounts. This common repository for payment data
provides data security by allowing central encryption management and masking
control of payment instrument information.
Electronic Transmission Capability
Oracle Payments provides secured electronic payment file and payment message
transmission, as well as transmission result processing. All previously existing
electronic transmission features in Oracle Payments, Oracle Payables, and Oracle
Globalizations are obsolete and have been replaced by the central Oracle Payments
The following industry-standard transmission protocols are supported:
1-4 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Flexible Support for Various Business Payment Models
Companies model their business units in various ways to obtain performance
improvements and cost savings. Oracle Payments can be configured to support a
variety of payment models. It can operate in a completely decentralized model where it
is part of accounts payable or collection administration within each business unit. If
your company has centralized financial activities in a shared service center, Oracle
Payments also works to efficiently support the shared service center model.
Oracle Payments' flexibility also provides support to companies that wish to use a
payment factory model. A payment factory allows operating units to maintain their
own accounts payable and other payment administrative functions. The role of the
payment factory is to handle communication and transactions with the deploying
company's banking partners. Invoice selection can be done in Oracle Payables within a
single operating unit. Then a payment factory administrator using Oracle Payments can
consolidate payments from different operating units into a single payment file for
transmission and settlement, thereby reducing transaction costs.
Oracle Payments supports Multi-Org Access Control throughout its processes to build
payments and create payment files, as well as in the dashboard pages, which are
provided for you to monitor and manage the payment process. Multi-Org Access
Control enables you to efficiently process business transactions by processing and
reporting on data that resides in an unlimited number of operating units, within a
single applications responsibility. Data security is maintained using security profiles,
which are defined for a list of operating units and data access privileges.
Funds Disbursement Features
Oracle Payments' funds disbursement features support the process to pay funds owed
to creditors, such as suppliers. Oracle Payments supports functionality to achieve
straight through processing of electronic funds transfers and the ability to format and
manage check or other payment document printing.
Flexible Disbursement Process
The Oracle Payments disbursement engine enables you to greatly simplify your
procedures for managing complex payment processes that span multiple payment
methods, formats, check stocks, transmission protocols, currencies, organizations, and
bank accounts.
The Oracle Payments funds disbursement process enables users of Oracle Payables and
other products to focus on the invoice selection process before submitting the
documents payable to Oracle Payments for payment processing. This is achieved by
splitting the payment build process into two processes. The first process creates
payments by grouping documents according to various rules, such as the payment
method and currency. The second process then aggregates payments into payment
instruction files, formats the files, and handles additional processing, such as printing
Overview 1-5
and transmission. This aggregation process can be done for payments created from
multiple document selections and submissions to Oracle Payments.
With Oracle Payments, accounts payable managers can simplify their processes by
submitting fewer invoice selection batches, with each one spanning multiple payment
methods, formats, bank accounts, and payment currencies. Invoices can be selected for
payment based on business reasons, such as maximizing discounts. Additionally,
payment administrators can lower the cost of the disbursement process by creating
check runs and EFT payment files that span multiple invoice selection batches and
multiple organizations.
Electronic Payment Processing
Oracle Payments offers end-to-end electronic payment processing that includes
validation, aggregation, formatting, and secure transmission of payments to financial
institutions and payment systems. Straight through processing results in lower costs
associated with the disbursement process. The formatting framework, flexible
validation model, and electronic transmission capability greatly minimizes any need for
writing payment customizations.
Configurability for Funds Disbursement Processing
Oracle Payments offers flexible setup to configure funds disbursement processing.
Flexible setup ensures an implementation that best supports a controlled and efficient
disbursement flow. Configuration options are available in the following areas:
Payment Methods: Each document to be paid, such as an invoice, requires the
specification of a payment method to indicate how it will be handled in the funds
disbursement process. Payment methods can be defined as broadly or as narrowly
as appropriate. Rules can be defined to specify when payment methods can be used
on documents and how to default payment methods on documents when they are
Processing Rules: The payment method on a document is linked to user-defined
funds disbursement processing rules configured in Oracle Payments. Oracle
Payments holds these funds disbursement processing rules in an entity called the
Payment Process Profile. You can configure as many payment process profiles as
you need for your payment processes. Each payment process profile contains rules
for building documents into payments, aggregating payments into payment
instruction files, and formatting payment instruction files. Processing rules for
printing checks, transmitting electronic files, generating separate remittance advice
notifications, and other options can be easily configured.
Payment Processing User Interface
Oracle Payments provides a funds disbursement dashboard for managing the funds
disbursement process. The funds disbursement dashboard allows payment
1-6 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
administrators to manage every aspect of the process across multiple organizations
from a central location in the application. This benefits companies by providing full
visibility of a payment as it moves through the financial supply chain. Additionally, the
single location for monitoring the payment process also helps streamline process
Payment administrators can use the funds disbursement dashboard to monitor the
payment process and ensure that it is running smoothly. If any problems arise during
the process, they are highlighted in a pending actions region. This is also the place
where notification of any required actions is shown. Actions may be required based on
the configuration choices made during implementation. The funds disbursement
dashboard enables the payment administrator to navigate to the appropriate area to
take corrective or required action, based on the pending issue selected.
Payment administrators can take the following actions from the funds disbursement
review validation errors
review and optionally modify proposed payments
transmit payment files or retry failed file transmission processes
initiate check printing and record printing results
User-Friendly Check Printing Process
Oracle Payments enables you to easily initiate check printing, recover from printing
errors, and record print results.
In Oracle Cash Management, check stock can be set up as prenumbered or numbering
can be printed as part of the check format, which is common for blank checks. Oracle
Payments uses this setup to present the payment administrator with the appropriate
print actions for different check stock types. The funds disbursement dashboard guides
the payment administrator to each printing action that can be performed.
Global Features in Oracle Payments
Oracle Payments provides country-specific payment features. These global features are
available in all deployments of Oracle Payments without any limitation by geography,
while still enabling you to configure processing by region, where appropriate.
Most of the global payment features support the funds disbursement process. For
example, Oracle Payments enable you to:
provide payment-level text messages for the payee
conditionally report payments to a country central bank
Overview 1-7
specify payment codes required by a financial institution for instructions on
transaction handling, payers of bank charges, and statutory payment reasons
configure the payment process to place formatted payment files in secure file
Library of Payment Formats
All payment formats used by Oracle E-Business Suite applications for the funds
disbursement process have been consolidated as Oracle XML Publisher templates and
are used by Oracle Payments. These formats include all those previously supported in
Oracle Payables, Oracle U.S. Federal Financials, and Oracle Global Financials.
The following industry standard payment formats are supported for use by all products
that integrate with Oracle Payments:
ANSI X12 820
Remittance Advice Reporting
Oracle Payments supports remittance advice reporting and notifying a payee of the
remittance detail when a payment is made. The notification process enables you to set
conditions for producing remittance advice. Configuration is also supported to set how
the remittance advice is to be delivered to a payee: via e-mail, fax, or printing and
sending manually. All of these features enable you to better support your payment
relationships with suppliers or other payees.
Funds Capture Features
Funds capture features support the process to electronically receive funds owed
deploying companies by debtors, such as customers. Oracle Payments supports
authorization and settlement of funds against credit cards and PINless debit cards,
refunds to credit cards, electronic funds transfers from bank accounts, and formatting of
bills receivable. A refund can be made only once and subsequent refunds are
considered as chargebacks.
Oracle Receivables retains the functionality of lockbox processing
and electronic upload of remittance messages.
1-8 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Flexible Payment Methods
Businesses and their customers require flexible payment methods when paying for
goods and services. Oracle Payments supports credit cards, purchase cards (levels 2 and
3), PINless debit cards, funds capture electronic funds transfers, and the transmission of
bills receivable transactions.
Oracle Payments processes credit card validation, authorization, and funds capture.
Credit card validation can be done independently of authorization. This helps the
merchant save transaction fees by preempting authorization requests on invalid credit
cards. Oracle Payments also processes funds capture for credit card transactions that
have been manually authorized over the telephone, which is a requirement for certain
Oracle Payment's support for funds capture electronic fund transfers (EFT) and bills
receivable transmissions enables you to eliminate paper-based transactions, thus
reducing administrative manual processing and errors. You will also receive funds
faster with EFT than with traditional paper checks.
PINless Debit Card Transactions
Oracle Payments supports PINless debit card funds capture transactions. Sometimes
referred to as Debit Bill Pay, this payment method is allowed by the debit networks in
certain industries, including utilities, telecom, cable/satellite, government, education,
and financial services.
Direct Debits
Online validation for electronic funds transfers is supported by Oracle Payments
through APIs. The validation service is provided by some payment systems to perform
validity checks on the payer bank account to be debited. Typically this service verifies
that the bank account number is valid and not cited for fraudulent payment activity.
Oracle Payments extends its support of electronic funds transfer by adding third party
certifications for Paymentech and Concord EFSnet.
Integrated with Oracle E-Business Suite
Oracle Payments is a key component of Oracle's E-Business Suite and integrates with
other Oracle applications, such as Oracle Receivable, iStore, and Order Management.
Through these integration points, Oracle Payments supports the payment processing
needs for a variety of business activities.
Credit Card Security Features
Credit Card Encryption is an advanced security feature within Oracle Payments that
enables Oracle Applications to encrypt credit card data. You can access this credit card
security feature setup easily by selecting the Oracle Payments Payment Administrator
Overview 1-9
responsibility and then clicking the System Security Management link. Oracle Payments
consolidates the varying levels of credit card security support within different products
of the Oracle E-Business Suite so that setup and management of address verifications,
capture of card security codes, and masking of credit card numbers, ensures a
consistent implementation of credit card security functions throughout the funds
capture process.
Note: Any internal credit card numbers, such as company-owned or
employee credit cards, are not impacted by the Credit Card Encryption
Use of the Credit Card Encryption feature assists with your compliance with the
cardholder data protection requirements of the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data
Security Standard and with Visa's Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP).
The Visa program is based on the PCI Data Security Standard. When the feature is
enabled, credit card numbers for external third party payers, such as customers or
students, are encrypted.
When Credit Card Encryption is enabled, masking functionality differs between Oracle
Applications. For example, in Oracle Receivables and Oracle Service Contracts, when
Credit Card Encryption is enabled, credit card numbers are masked in the following
format with the last four digits displayed: XXXXXXXXXXXX1234, whereas, in Oracle
Order Management, a changed profile option no longer controls masking of credit card
Your Company's Security Policy
Adoption of the Credit Card Encryption feature should be part of the implementation of
a complete security policy, specific to your organization. For example, your security
policy should include a regular schedule to rotate keys to secure your credit card data.
For general guidelines on securing Oracle E-Business Suite applications products, see
Best Practices for Securing Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle MetaLink Document 189367.1.
Supports Both Processor and Gateway Model Payment Systems
Oracle Payments support for both processor and gateway models enables customers to
choose the payment processing options that suit their business.
Processor and gateway model payment systems can be integrated with Oracle
Payments for credit cards, PINless debit cards, and bank account transfers, using the
product's format and transmission model. Oracle Payments payment system integration
model has extensible fields that can be used in a custom implementation with payment
1-10 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
systems that require additional information. This extensibility can be particularly useful
for international implementations of Oracle Payments.
In addition, Oracle Payments supports out-of-the-box integration with leading third
party payment systems. These payment systems include Paymentech, First Data
Merchant Services, and Concord EFS. Other payment systems, such as Verisign, offer
their own out-of-the-box integrations with Oracle Payments.
Routing to Multiple Payment Systems for Funds Capture
Oracle Payments supports multiple payment processing systems operating
simultaneously for funds capture transactions and provides a powerful routing system
that gives businesses and merchants control over funds capture transaction processing.
Payment requests are routed to payment processing systems based on flexible business
rules defined by the merchant. For example, you can route payment transactions based
on the type of transaction or amount of payment
Centralized Configuration
Oracle Payments offers a centralized, configurable funds capture processing setup. This
ensures an implementation that supports consistent and seamless funds capture
processing. The configurable funds capture processing setup can be grouped into the
following areas:
Payee Configuration: A payee is defined for one or more operating units in the
deploying company that processes payments. The payee setup provides various
options for payment processing and links operating units to the payee.
Routing Rules Configuration: Routing rules can be configured to specify how a
transaction is processed. For example, this setup determines the payment system to
which a transaction is sent.
Funds Capture Processing Rules Configuration: Oracle Payments holds funds
capture processing rules in an entity called the Funds Capture Process Profile. You
can configure as many funds capture process profiles as you need for your payment
processes. Each profile contains the configuration for formatting and transmitting
authorization messages and settlement files. Additionally, specifying rules for
aggregating settlements into batches, limiting the number or amount of settlements
in a batch, notifying payers of settlements, and processing acknowledgements can
be easily configured.
Payment Processing User Interface
Oracle Payments offers a user interface, known as the funds capture dashboard, for
managing the funds capture process. The funds capture dashboard provides an
overview of the payment process status. This results in greater insight into rejections
received from payment systems and into process failures, such as communication
Overview 1-11
Library of Payment Formats
All payment formats used by E-Business Suite applications for the funds capture
process have been consolidated as Oracle XML Publisher templates and are used by
Oracle Payments. These formats include Oracle Globalizations' direct debits, bills
receivable, and Oracle Receivables' remittance formats.
Scheduled Payments
Oracle Payments processes payment requests when requested or via an offline
scheduled process, based on the type of payment request and payment system. A
scheduling program enables Oracle Payments to process gateway-bound payments in
an offline mode when a source product requests it. When an E-Business application
calls Oracle Payments to make an offline payment request, the payment information is
stored in Oracle Payments and picked up by the scheduling program so that the
payment gets settled by the due date (or settlement date). At the same time, Oracle
Payments handles processor-model payment requests as required by most processors:
online requests for authorizations and batched offline requests for follow-up operations.
Payer Notifications of Settlement
Oracle Payments has consolidated notification letters from Oracle Globalizations into an
Oracle XML Publisher format. These notification letters are generated and sent when a
payer's bank account is debited to capture funds for payment. The Oracle XML
Publisher format supports notification for all types of automatic funds capture
settlements supported by Oracle Payments, including card payments or bank account
transfers. The notification process enables you to configure how a notification is to be
delivered to a payer: via e-mail, fax, or printing and sending manually. These
notifications help deploying companies better support their payment relationships with
customers or other payers.
Planning Your Implementation 2-1
Planning Your Implementation
Shared Planning
Note: Before implementing Oracle Payments, it is advisable to answer
the questions in this section to ensure that your implementation meets
your business needs.
This section presents implementation questions common to both funds capture and
funds disbursement functionality and are, therefore, relevant to shared planning.
What are Your Security Needs?
System security functionality is common to both funds capture and funds
disbursement. When implementing Oracle Payments, you must specify appropriate
security options for:
encrypting sensitive information about payment instruments
masking payment instruments and external bank accounts
verifying credit cards using the Address Verification System
Security issues to address before implementation include the following:
internal security requirements (data storage)
external security requirements (transmission)
fraud protection
Before implementing Oracle Payments, ensure that you understand the transmission
security requirements of your payment system(s) and make sure that your network
supports those requirements.
2-2 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Note: Oracle Payments provides support for SSL, Secure FTP, and AS2,
but you must mold this support into a comprehensive transmission
security solution.
For information on setting up security options, see Step 2. Setting Up System Security
Options, page 4-7.
For information on enabling third party payment systems to verify credit card owners,
see Verifying Credit Card Owners, page 4-9.
For information on creating risk formulas to evaluate the risk of customers who wish to
buy products or services from a payee, see Creating a Risk Formula, page 6-11.
This is the system-wide key used to encrypt all non-payee associated sensitive data
(that is, basically registered credit card and bank account instruments) in the first
version of the encryption functionality. It contains the "hash" of the system-wide key
and is used to ensure correctness of the key provided at startup time. The IBY: System
Security Key profile option is obsolete with the credit card encryption patch.
Do You Want to Use Funds Capture or Funds Disbursement Functionality?
Funds capture functionality involves the automated retrieval of payment from third
party payers who owe debts to the first party payee, using electronic payment methods,
such as direct debits of bank accounts, credit cards, and remittance of bills receivable.
Funds disbursement functionality involves making payments to third party payees. A
payment can take an electronic form, such as EFT or wire, or a printed form such as a
You can choose to use either functionality or both, depending on your business needs.
Related Topics
For information on funds capture functionality, see Understanding Funds Capture,
page 3-8.
For information on funds disbursement functionality, see Understanding Funds
Disbursement, page 3-26.
Which Payment System do You Want to Use?
For electronic payment processing, you must decide which payment system you want
to use. Oracle Payments requires partnering with a third party payment system for
processing electronic funds capture and funds disbursement transactions.
The table below lists the payment systems that are integrated and shipped with Oracle
Payments for funds capture functionality, along with the payment methods that each
payment system supports.
Planning Your Implementation 2-3
Payment Systems Integrated and Shipped with Oracle Payments for Funds Capture
Functionality, along with their Associated Payment Methods
Credit Card Purchase
Debit Card
Paymentech Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
First Data
Yes Yes No No No
Concord EFS Yes Yes Yes Yes No
** U.S. ACH only
Note: The supported operations listed in the preceding table may
change. For current information, contact your payment system.
There are other payment systems that support their own Oracle Payments integrations.
The table below lists a payment system that provides its own integration with Oracle
Payments, along with the payment methods this payment system supports.
Payment Methods that VeriSign Supports
Credit Card Purchase
Debit Card
VeriSign Yes No No Yes No
Related Topics
For information on setting up payment systems, see Step 8: Setting Up Payment
Systems, page 4-13.
What Source Products are You Using?
The source products you choose to use with Oracle Payments can be:
Preintegrated Oracle applications
2-4 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Non-Oracle applications
Many Oracle applications, such as iStore, Order Capture, Telesales, Order Management,
Oracle Receivables, Oracle Payables, and Collections are preintegrated with Oracle
Payments out of the box.
Note: To ensure that preintegrated Oracle applications are set up
correctly, see the setup documentation for each preintegrated Oracle
For non-Oracle applications, you must implement the appropriate APIs.
Related Topics
For information on APIs to implement with non-Oracle applications, see the Oracle
Integration Repository at
What Formats do You Need to Support?
Payment format requirements usually originate from payment systems or central banks.
Formats are created by deploying companies to format funds capture transactions and
funds disbursement payment instructions. Oracle Payments uses Oracle XML Publisher
formatting templates to format electronic transactions and payment instructions
according to the formatting requirements of specific financial institutions. Oracle
Payments also provides seeded payment validations that you can apply to the
supported payment formats.
Related Topics
For information on creating payment formats and applying them to an XML data file
produced by Oracle Payments, see Step 3. Setting Up XML Publisher Formatting
Templates, page 4-9.
For information on setting up country-specific codes and identifiers provided by a
country's government or central bank that relate to how the country-specific payment is
to be processed, see Step 14. Setting Up Bank Instruction Codes, page 5-7.
For information on setting up country-specific codes and identifiers provided by a
country's government or central bank that relate to how the country-specific payment is
to be delivered to a payee, see Step 15. Setting Up Delivery Channel Codes, page 5-8.
For information on setting up country-specific codes and identifiers provided by a
country's government or central bank that relate to the reason for the payments, see
Step 16. Setting Up Payment Reason Codes, page 5-9.
Does Your Application Need to Present Information in Different Languages?
Before implementing Oracle Payments, you must determine whether your application
Planning Your Implementation 2-5
needs to present information in different languages.
Does Your Application Need to Use National Language Support (NLS)?
Your application may need to use NLS if either of the following is true:
The source product and the payment system use different languages or character
sets. For example, the source product may use a Japanese EUC character set, while
the payment system uses a Japanese Shift-JIS character set.
Clients of the source product use different languages. For example, a web site that
expects customers to visit from all over the world might want to present its source
product in different languages for different customers.
To enable character conversion in all these environments, the source product and the
payment system must convey the language and character set information to Oracle
How do Applications Convey Language Information to Oracle Payments?
To communicate information about the language and character set to Oracle Payments,
a source product and payment system servlet must pass a special parameter (NlsLang).
This parameter is a part of every API included in this implementation guide.
NlsLang is an optional parameter. If your source product does not need to handle
non-Latin1 character set parameters and does not need to communicate to clients or
payment systems in different languages, you do not need to use this parameter.
How does Oracle Payments Use NlsLang?
If the source product does not pass the NlsLang parameter, Oracle Payments passes
information from the source product to the payment service servlet without performing
any conversion of character sets.
If the source product does pass a value for NlsLang to Oracle Payments, then Oracle
Payments tries to convert parameters based on the value of NlsLang before sending
those parameters to the payment system servlet.
To do so, Oracle Payments first checks its database for the list of preferred and optional
languages for that payment system. The information in the database reflects what the
Oracle Payments administrator entered using the Oracle Payments administration user
Second, Oracle Payments does one of the following, depending on what it finds in the
If the database lists a language that matches the value of NlsLang, Oracle Payments
keeps the value of NlsLang and passes it to the payment system servlet.
If the database does not list a language matching the value of NlsLang, Oracle
2-6 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Payments uses the language specified as the preferred language for that payment
system, thus changing the value of NlsLang before sending it to the payment
system servlet.
Finally, Oracle Payments converts the values of other parameters so they are sent to the
payment system servlet in the language specified by NlsLang.
This conversion process works only in one direction; from the source product to the
payment system servlet. If the payment system sets up NlsLang when it sends the data
back, Oracle Payments uses that information to store the value of OapfVendErrmsg in
its database. Oracle Payments does not convert data sent from the payment system
servlet back to the source product.
Format of the NLS_LANG Parameter
The value of this parameter follows the same format as Oracle Server's NLS_LANG
environment variable:
For example, JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16EUC is a valid value for NlsLang.
Format of the Response Body Data From Payment System Servlets
Oracle Payments does not convert the response received from the payment system
servlet in the response body. It only treats the data as binary and sends it directly to the
source product.
However, if any binary information is sent, such as wallet data, then Oracle Payments
converts the character set of the binary data to that specified by the value of NlsLang.
Funds Capture Planning
This section presents planning questions relevant to funds capture.
How do You Need to Organize Your Settlement Batches?
For funds capture functionality, you must decide how settlements are to be grouped
into settlement batches. Parameters for grouping can be specified in the funds capture
process profile. For information on funds capture process profiles, see Step 21. Setting
Up Funds Capture Process Profiles, page 6-4.
What Credit Card Brands do You Want to Support?
For funds capture functionality, you must decide which credit card brands your
company wishes to accept for payment, as well as their associated authorization
validity periods, in days.
Planning Your Implementation 2-7
Related Topics
For information on setting up credit card brands, see Step 23. Setting Up Credit Card
Brands, page 6-12.
Which APIs do You Need to Use for Funds Capture?
Oracle Payments provides the following APIs:
Payment Instrument Registration APIs to store payment instruments such as credit
cards, bank accounts, PINless debit cards, and purchase cards.
Payment Processing APIs to perform credit card, PINless debit card, and purchase
card operations, such as authorization, capture, and bank account transfer
Risk Management APIs to perform risk analysis
For funds capture functionality, you must decide, based on your requirements, what
functionality your source products need, which determines which APIs to use.
Note: Each preintegrated Oracle application already implements the
Oracle Payments API relevant to its operation. If you use a
preintegrated Oracle application, then no further integration is needed.
Payment Instrument Registration APIs
Payment instrument registration is required. Non-Oracle products can implement
payment instruments registration using Payment Instrument Registration APIs and
instrument identifiers that are generated using payment requests with Oracle
Payment Processing APIs
You must decide whether you want to:
implement online and/or offline payment processing
accept credit card, PINless debit card payments, purchase cards, or bank account
transfers, or some combination
implement the risk functionality to detect fraudulent transactions
Once you decide on the functionality you wish to implement, you can then review the
corresponding APIs on the Oracle Integration Repository at
2-8 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Risk Management APIs
Oracle Payments can run credit card risk management during the authorization phase.
If you want to independently perform risk evaluation, then separate risk management
APIs can be called from your source products.
Related Topics
For additional information on the preceding APIs, see the Oracle Integration Repository
Which Bank Account Transfer Operations do You Want to Implement for Funds
Oracle Payments supports bank account transfers as settlements. It also supports EFT
online validations for bank account transfers. EFT validations help you verify that the
payer's bank account is valid, but they do not place a hold on any funds and they are
not offered by all payment systems or in all countries. The validations are online and
real time, similar to credit card authorizations, whereas the actual funds transfers are
performed offline as settlements. Funds transfers are not performed online since these
transaction require one or two business days to complete.
The Source Product Reference number must not be the same as that of the Bank
Account Transfer transaction number. It is usually the bank account transfer number
plus one.
Related Topics
For information on implementing bank account transfers, see the Oracle Integration
Repository at
Which Risk Factors do You Want to Implement?
Oracle Payments provides risk management functionality for credit card and purchase
card transactions in E-Business applications. Oracle Payments includes a number of
seeded risk factors and provides the option to payees or suppliers of running or not
running the risk evaluation functionality for each authorization.
A risk factor includes any information which a payee wants to use to evaluate the risk
of the customer wanting to buy goods or services from the payee. Examples of risk
factors include address verification, time of purchase, and payment amount. These risk
factors can be configured for each payee.
Risk management functionality enables payees to manage the risk involved in
processing transactions online. It enables businesses to specify any number of
predefined risk factors to verify the identity of their customers and assess their
customer credit rating and risk rating in a secure environment.
Planning Your Implementation 2-9
Related Topics
Using Risk Management, page D-1
Funds Disbursement Planning
This section presents planning questions relevant to funds disbursement.
What Disbursement Payment Methods do You Want to Support?
Funds disbursement involves making payments from the first party payer, the
deploying company, to third party payees, such as suppliers. A payment can be in
electronic form, such as EFT or wire, or in printed form, such as a check.
For funds disbursement functionality, you must decide whether to setup more or less
granular disbursement payment methods. The least granular payment methods are
those seeded in Oracle Payments, such as Check or Electronic. They describe methods
of making payments at the highest level. Under this kind of setup, you can associate
many payment process profiles and payment formats with each method. This requires
less knowledge from source product users such as invoice entry clerks, but possibly
more work later in the payment process.
Alternately, you can define more granular payment methods and associate each to a
single payment format and payment process profile. You can even choose to associate
specific validations to each payment method. An example of a very granular payment
method is Italian Electronic Funds Transfer. With this kind of setup, the source product
user needs more knowledge. This approach has advantages, however. For example,
payment method validations are run earlier at invoice entry time and thus, errors can be
fixed more quickly.
Creating a funds disbursement payment method includes creating usage rules and
setting validations. Usage rules specify when a disbursement payment method is
available for use by source products for documents payable. By creating usage rules,
you enable or disable payment methods for each source product integrated with Oracle
Payments. You can provide different usage rules for different source products and
change whether and when the payment method is available. Additionally, you can set
validations so they run early in the payment process.
Related Topics
For information on funds disbursement payment methods, see Step 12. Setting Up
Funds Disbursement Payment Methods, page 5-2.
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-1
Understanding Oracle Payments
Functionality Common to Both Funds Capture and Funds Disbursement
Payments functionality that is common to both the Funds Capture and the Funds
Disbursements sides of Oracle Payments is the following:
access control
Understanding Access Control
Access control is an Oracle Payments feature that enables you to control user access in
viewing and/or updating data. It is primarily used to secure transaction data and is
controlled by the user's security profile. Access control in Oracle Payments that is
controlled by permissions on multiple organizations is known as Multiple Organization
Access Control (MOAC). MOAC is setup using profiles in Oracle HRMS (Human
Resource Management System), where you specify an organization or a hierarchy of
organizations to which the user has access. The profile is then assigned to the user,
responsibility, or other level.
Companies model their business units in various ways to maximize performance and
cost savings. Oracle Payments can be configured to support a variety of payment
models. It can work in a completely decentralized model, where each organization
within the company handles its own financial activities. Alternatively, if a company
3-2 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
decides to centralize its financial activities in a shared service center, Oracle Payments
can efficiently support the shared service center model also.
Additionally, Oracle Payments provides support to companies that wish to use the
payment factory model. The payment factory model enables operating units to maintain
their own accounts payable and other payment administrative functions. The payment
factory handles communication and transactions with the deploying company's
banking partners. Invoice selection occurs in Oracle Payables within a single operating
unit. Then a payment factory administrator uses Oracle Payments to consolidate
payments from different operating units into a single payment file for transmission and
settlement, thereby reducing transaction costs.
Payment Function
A payment function is the type of payment made or captured by a source product. Each
document payable has a payment function. For example, Oracle Payables supports the
payment functions of making payments to suppliers and others. Different applications
have different payment functions. In Oracle Payments, you can limit users to certain
payment functions.
Multi-Organization Access Control (MOAC)
Oracle Payments supports Multi-Organization Access Control (MOAC). MOAC is a
subfeature of Access Control that enables you to define multiple organizations and the
relationships among them within a single installation of Oracle Applications. These
organizations can be operating units, business groups, legal entities, sets of books, or
inventory organizations.
The primary advantage of MOAC is that you can take action on documents in different
operating units without logging into different responsibilities. Data security is
maintained using security profiles that are defined for a list of operating units for which
specific users are given data access privileges.
Access Control in Read-Only Pages
In read-only pages, you can only view documents or payments for which you have
access. That is, the data you see displayed is that to which you have access.
Conversely, you are unable to view documents or payments that belong to an
organization or payment function to which you do not have access. However, payment
process requests, payment instructions, and funds settlement batches can contain data
from multiple organizations and are not organization-specific. In these cases, if you
have access to an organization that owns data in the request, instruction, or settlement
batch, you will be able to see them. But within that request, instruction, or settlement
batch, you will only be able to see the transaction data owned by the organizations to
which you have access.
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-3
Access Control in Action Pages
Action pages are those pages where you take any kind of action on documents payable,
payments, payment process requests, payment instructions, funds settlement
transactions, or settlement batches. This includes printing checks, correcting validation
errors, or taking other actions in the Funds Capture and Funds Disbursement
Dashboards. You can only act on an entity if you have access to everything within the
entity. For example, if a payment instruction includes payments for Organization 1 and
Organization 2, and you only have access to Organization 1, you will be unable to go to
any action page for the payment instruction. That is, if you only have partial access to
the data in an object, you are unable to access that object. In this event, a message
indicating that you do not have full access to the object is shown.
Access Control in Disbursement System Options Setup Page
In the Disbursement System Options setup page, you can view and update
organization-level system options only for those organizations to which you have
access. Oracle Payments restricts what you can see and update, in that you only see that
for which you have access.
Access Control in all Other Setup Pages
In all other setup pages, Oracle Payments does not restrict you from what you can see
and update, regardless of access control.
Access Control in Payment Process Concurrent Programs
The following concurrent programs are restricted by your access to organizations:
Create Payment Instructions: Funds Disbursement. The program will only pick up
those payments for which you have permission to take action.
Create Settlement Batches: Funds Capture. The program will only pick up those
transactions for which you have permission.
Understanding Oracle Payments APIs
Oracle Payments provides two types of APIs to simplify the integration of existing or
new applications with Oracle Payments for payment processing.
Oracle Applications APIs: Oracle Applications use these APIs to integrate with
Oracle Payments for funds capture and funds disbursement. These are internal to
Oracle Applications.
Electronic Commerce APIs: Third-party applications can use these APIs to integrate
their applications with Oracle Payments for funds settlement transactions. The
third-party application can be a stand-alone application that communicates with
3-4 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Oracle Payments via Java APIs or PL/SQL APIs.
Payment System Integration: You can integrate with payment systems by creating
or updating XML Publisher templates, transmission configurations, and payment
system servlets. The templates are used to translate payment data into a payment
system's format. Transmission configurations contain the details of transmission to
payment systems and servlets manage the actual transmission process. Oracle
Payments provides the Payment System Integration Model to interface with
payment gateways and payment processors.
Understanding Oracle Payments Servlets
Oracle Payments consists of the following servlets:
The ECServlet provides an interface to the Oracle Payments engine to process
payment-related funds capture operations such as authorization. This servlet is
primarily used for the PL/SQL APIs provided by Oracle Payments.
Payment system servlets
Payment system servlets take payment files, as formatted by Oracle Payments, and
transmit them to payment systems according to transmission configurations set up in
Oracle Payments. Oracle Payments bundles payment system servlets developed by
Oracle and/or interfaces with servlets developed by its payment system partners. The
payment systems communicate with the payment acquirers or banks to process
payment transactions. Oracle Payments includes payment system servlets for
Paymentech, First Data (North), and Concord EFSnet. Some payment systems, such as
VeriSign, have built their own Oracle Payment servlets.
Field-installable servlets
Oracle Payment supports field-installable servlets. These payment system servlets are
not bundled with Oracle Payments. This feature allows a payee to acquire a new,
additional, or upgraded payment system servlet and configure it in the same way as the
payment system servlets bundled with Oracle Payments.
The ability to add field-installable servlets provides payment flexibility and allows new
releases of Oracle Payments and the payment systems to be independent of each other.
It also enables users of source products to customize the payment system for their
specific needs and regions.
Field-installable payment system servlets for Oracle Payments are available from
Oracle's payment system partners, or can be custom built.
Understanding Transmission
To transmit data to or from a payment system, you need a transmission protocol and a
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-5
transmission configuration. First, you must have a transmission protocol, which defines
the method of transmission. Transmission configurations, which specify concrete
transmission details, must be associated with one transmission protocol.
To illustrate, Oracle Payments supports a generic transmission protocol for flat files
called File Transfer Protocol for Static File Names. This protocol is a generic method to
electronically transmit data, whereas FTP to Paymentech is a specific transmission
configuration that specifies how to transmit data to a specific location using FTP as the
On the funds capture side, the transmission protocol and configuration are associated
with the funds capture process profile, whereas on the funds disbursement side, the
transmission configuration is associated with the payment process profile.
Transmission Protocol
Oracle Payments seeds transmission protocols, which are used by all funds capture
process profiles and may be used by payment process profiles. These common seeded
protocols, such as FTP, are comprised of the following:
a code entry point, which the payment system servlet uses to accomplish
a list of parameters, such as network address and port, for which the transmission
configuration must supply values
transmission protocol entry points, which are independent of payment servlets and
may be invoked from the Oracle Payments engine
You can view the seeded transmission protocols in Oracle Payments setup pages.
Transmission Configuration
Each transmission protocol has parameters that require values. The values defined for
the parameters comprise the transmission configuration for the transmission protocol.
For example, the payment system, Paymentech, may require a Socket IP Address of X
and a Socket Port number of Y, among other values. Together XY, and the other values,
represent Transmission Configuration A for a given transmission protocol.
Understanding Oracle Payments Security
Oracle Payments stores and processes highly sensitive financial data. To ensure proper
security of this data, the Oracle Payments has advanced security features. Oracle
Payments has several features to ensure the security and privacy of your data.
This section explains the security features of Oracle Payments and describes the setup
required to properly utilize these features.
3-6 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Multiple Organization Access Control
MOAC (Multi-Organization Access Control) is part of the Oracle Payments security
feature. For information on MOAC, see Multi-Organization Access Control (MOAC),
page 3-2.
Payment Instrument Encryption
Payment Instrument Encryption is an advanced Oracle Payments security feature that
enables Oracle Applications to encrypt credit card data. This feature assists with your
compliance with the cardholder data protection requirements of the Payment Card
Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard and with Visa's Cardholder Information Security
Program (CISP). The Visa program is based on the PCI Data Security Standard. When
the feature is enabled, credit card and bank account numbers for external third parties,
such as customers, suppliers, or students are encrypted.
Note: Other products such as iExpenses do store internal credit card
numbers in Oracle Payments' tables.
Adoption of the Payment Instrument Encryption feature should be part of the
implementation of a complete security policy, which is specific to your organization.
For example, your security policy should include a regular schedule to rotate keys to
secure your payment instrument data. For general guidelines on securing Oracle
E-Business Suite applications products, see Best Practices for Securing Oracle
E-Business Suite, Oracle MetaLink Document 189367.1.
Oracle Payments Engine to Oracle Payments Servlet Communication
Oracle Payments architecture lets you install the payment system servlet in a machine
outside the firewall. If you have installed either Oracle Payments (or its components) or
the source product in a distributed environment, Oracle recommends configuring SSL
between Oracle Payments and the payment system components. You can create an
Oracle Wallet to store certificates and credential information to support authentication
of the engine, in this case a client of the servlet, by the server running the servlet. You
can specify the wallet location and password using FND profiles. You can configure the
server where the servlet is running to request client certificates (on the engine side).
Oracle Payments retrieves the certificates from the Oracle Wallet and sends the
certificates to the server for authentication. Oracle Payments also supports basic
authentication of the payment system by the servlet.
These security features are recommended to guard against unauthorized access to data
and Oracle Payments services. Oracle iAS web server (Apache Server) provides several
types of authentication that you can use to secure servers, listeners, and servlets.
Firewall Protection
Oracle strongly recommends that you install Oracle Payments and the payment system
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-7
servlets on a machine inside the firewall.
Secure Socket Layer
If either Oracle Payments (or its components) or the source product is installed in a
distributed environment, Oracle recommends enabling SSL communication between
Oracle Payments and the payment system components.
Basic Authentication for Payment Systems
For setting up security for basic authentication between Oracle Payments and payment
system servlets, you must perform some tasks both in the Oracle Payments setup user
interface and in the Apache Server administration tool. While configuring Oracle
Payments for a particular payment system, you must assign the payment system user
name and password in the payment system configuration screens. You must assign the
same user name and password in the Apache Server that runs the payment system
For details on setting up basic authentication in Apache Server, see the Apache Server
IP Address Restriction
In addition to using the merchant user name and password, you can restrict access to
Oracle Payments and payment systems through IP address restriction. By using IP
address restriction, a feature of the Apache Server, you can specify one or both of the
following parameters:
The IP addresses of all trusted hosts (machines from which the web server should
accept transaction requests for Oracle Payments)
The IP addresses of some non-trusted hosts (machines from which the web server
should refuse transaction requests for Oracle Payments)
If a request is from a machine on the trusted list, Oracle Payments processes the
requested transaction. If the request is from a machine on the non-trusted list, Apache
Server denies the request and prevents Oracle Payments from processing it.
Through IP address restriction, you can limit access to all operations from non-trusted
For more information about IP address restriction, including how to specify trusted
hosts, see Apache Server documentation.
Other Security Related Information
Separate HTTP ports for site administration and Oracle Payments administration
increases security.
3-8 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Related Topics
For information on Oracle Wallet, see Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's
Security Guide.
Understanding Funds Capture
This section presents functionality and terms that are relevant to the funds capture
Understanding Funds Capture Process Profile
On the funds capture side, the funds capture process profile is a blueprint, which
contains information that tells Oracle Payments how to communicate with the payment
system. The funds capture process profile contains information for each of the following
steps of the funds capture control process:
online payer verification for a bank account transfer, online authorization for a
credit card payment, or online debit for a debit card payment
rules for building settlements into batches
The funds capture process profile on the funds capture side plays the same role as the
payment process profile on the funds disbursement side. The funds capture process
profile is defined to control the behavior of all funds capture operations, as listed above.
Unlike the payment process profile, however, the funds capture process profile is
always derived from routing rules, which are created during Payee setup.
Funds capture process profiles also specify the payment system account to be used for
processing transactions.
Understanding Payment Methods (Funds Capture)
On the funds capture side of Oracle Payments, a payment method is the medium by
which a third party payer chooses to remit payment to the first party payee. For
example, a customer remits payment for a product or service to the deploying
company. Oracle Payments supports the following payment methods for automated
funds capture processing:
bank account transfers
credit cards
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-9
PINless debit cards
bills receivable remittances
Oracle Payments enables flexible setup of funds capture payment methods as follows:
You can define unique payment methods for bank account transfers.
Oracle Payments seeds a single payment method for credit card and PINless debit
Understanding Payees
In Oracle Payments, the payee represents a first party entity that is collecting money
from customers (in the case of funds capture payments). A payee also has a business
relationship with a payment system, in which the payment system processes
transactions for the payee.
You can have more than one payee in Oracle Payments for funds capture. You can have
multiple payees, for example, because different business units or legal entities in one
organization want to process transactions through different payment systems, or use
separate relationships with a payment system.
When you create a payee in Oracle Payments, you must specify several pieces of
organizations for which this payee processes transactions
a list of payment instrument types that the payee accepts
payment system accounts and funds capture process profiles that this payee uses to
process transactions
risk formulas
routing rules
Integration with Other Oracle Applications
Oracle Payments integrates with other Oracle Applications to provide payment
processing across your enterprise. Various source products send transaction requests to
Oracle Payments for processing. Without Oracle Payment, each of these applications
would need to build its own integrations to payment systems. Oracle Payment saves
integration effort by providing a single source to payment systems such as Concord
EFSnet, First Data North, and other country-specific or region-specific payment
3-10 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Example of a Payment Processing Flow Using Oracle Payments and Other Oracle Applications:
1. Sales application (for example, iStore or TeleSales): A customer purchases a product
and decides to pay by credit card. The sales application submits the order.
2. Order Capture or Order Management: Order Capture and Order Management
process the order. Both use Oracle Payments to verify if the credit card number is
valid and authorize the order amount. They can also perform some risk evaluation
as part of the authorization.
3. Oracle Receivables: When the order is shipped, the transaction information is
passed to Oracle Receivables and the billing and takes place.
4. Oracle Collections: When the payment is overdue and your call center begins funds
disbursement collection attempts, Oracle Collections uses Oracle Payments to
authorize and settle credit card transactions.
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-11
Oracle Payments Integration with Oracle Applications
Understanding Credit Card Transactions
Among funds capture payments, Oracle Payments handles credit card, PINless debit
card, purchase card, and EFT transactions. This section explains the process flow for a
typical credit card transaction.
Traditional Credit Card Transactions
Traditional credit card transaction processing involves a third party payer, a first party
payee, an issuing bank, an acquiring bank, a payment processor, and, optionally, a
payment gateway.
A credit card transaction consists of two phases: authorization and settlement. A typical
flow might occur as follows:
The third party payer purchases goods or services and sends credit card
information as part of an order or invoice to the first party payee.
The first party payee accepts the order and sends an authorization request to the
payment processor through Oracle Payments and optionally a payment gateway.
3-12 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
The payment processor matches the information with a database maintained by the
issuing bank to determine if the customer has enough available credit to cover the
transaction. If so, then the payment processor reserves the funds and sends an
authorization code back to Oracle Payments.
The first party payee delivers goods to the customer and needs to settle the
transaction, that is, capture the funds reserved in the authorization. Settlement may
occur at the same time as authorization. Settling transactions includes batch
The first party payee issues capture, void, return, credit, and settlement batch
functions to the payment processor through Oracle Payments and optionally, the
payment gateway.
The payment processor settles the payment with the issuing bank and causes the
funds to transfer to the acquiring bank.
Voice Authorization
Sometimes credit card processing networks decline transactions with a referral message
indicating that the merchant must call the cardholder's issuing bank to complete the
transaction. The payment information in such cases is submitted over the phone. If the
transaction is approved, the merchant is provided with an authorization code for the
transaction. To facilitate follow-on transactions through Oracle Payments for this voice
authorization (for example, capture or void), Oracle Payments provides voice
authorization support for gateway-model and processor-model payment systems.
Understanding Purchase Cards
A purchase card is a type of credit card that is issued by an organization to its
employees. The card is generally used by the employees for purchasing corporate
supplies and services. Payments are made by the corporate buyer to the card issuer.
Benefits of Purchase Cards to the Merchant (First Party Payee)
Businesses use purchase cards to cut costs and streamline labor intensive processes
to procure goods and services. As a result, many buyers prefer merchants that
accept purchase cards.
Merchants generally receive better rates from card associations or issuing banks
with purchase cards than with credit cards.
Benefits of Purchase Cards to the Buyer (Third Party Payer)
A better reconciliation stream by providing purchase order number and additional
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-13
Aggregation of purchases when companies receive one invoice for multiple
purchase cards.
Streamlining the purchase order process. Lower processing costs by simplifying the
purchasing process, reducing paperwork, and automating controls on the spending
Merchants accepting purchase cards help the buyer by making purchase
information available electronically. This may help companies (buyers) comply
with tax regulations, reporting requirements, and expense reconciliation.
Purchase Card Data Levels
For a purchase card, three levels of data can be captured and sent by a merchant to the
buyer organization through the payment system. They are:
Level I:
Level I transaction data consists of only basic data. A standard credit card transaction
provides level I data to the processor. The buyer cannot derive any special benefits from
purchase card usage if the merchant passes only level I data.
Level II:
Level II transaction data consists of data such as tax amount and order number in
addition to level I data.
Level III:
Level III line item detail provides specific purchase information such as item
description, quantity, unit of measure and price. This information is very useful to the
buyer to help streamline accounting and business practices and to merge payment data
with electronic procurement systems. Data in the table below is only indicative. The
actual fields are payment system-dependent.
Oracle Payments supports Level III data for both payment
processors and gateway model payment systems.
The table below lists information on data that is passed by Oracle Payments in each
Data Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Card Number X X X
Card Holder Name X X X
3-14 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Data Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Card Expiration Date X X X
Card Holder Billing
Currency Code X X X
Tax Amount
Ship from Postal
Destination Postal
Discount Amount
Freight Amount
Duty Amount
Line Item Information
Processing Purchase Card Transactions
The transaction phases in a purchase card transaction are the same as in a credit card
transaction. The phases are authorization and settlement. For more information about
transaction phases, see Understanding Credit Card Transactions, page 3-11.
Oracle Payments automatically recognizes purchase cards based on a set of seeded card
number ranges. Oracle Payments passes additional information to the payment system
during the settlement or settlement batch operation and through Gateway online
requests. Authorization and other settlement operations carry the same information for
purchase cards as they do for credit cards.
Understanding PINless Debit Card Transactions
PINless debit card transactions are a type of payment method offered by some payment
systems to first party payees in selected industries that are traditionally viewed as
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-15
recurring billers. The consumer initiates the debit card payment process without
providing a PIN. The merchant authenticates the consumers and assumes 100% liability
for the transaction and any subsequent adjustments.
Process Flow for Gateway-Model Payment System
Most gateway type payment systems handle PINless debit card transactions in a single
step. After receiving the authorization request, the payment system will send the
transaction to the debit network. The consumer's account (payer) is debited after the
authorization request is approved. The merchant's account (payee) is credited sometime
later. PINless debit card transactions are different from the process flow of credit card
transactions where the authorization and fund capture are separated into two steps.
To ease integrations for source products, Payments requires an authorization, but
allows settlement to be optional.
The authorization step routes and sends the transaction to the payment system, saves
the transaction into Oracle Payments and returns the authorization response to the
source product (similar to credit cards).
If the source product invokes settlement, the original transaction is retrieved from
Oracle Payments schema. If the transaction was authorized, a Success message is
returned to the source product.
Process Flow for Processor-Model Payment System
For most payment processors, the flow for PINless debit cards is identical as that for
payment gateways. However, some processor type payment systems (such as
Paymentech) require an additional settlement step to complete the transaction. The first
party payer's account will be credited after settlement and the fund transfer is said to be
To ease integrations for source products, Payments requires an authorization, but
allows settlement to be optional. If a payment system requires a settlement step,
Payments automatically performs that step without input from the source product.
As in the gateway case, if the source product does invoke settlement, the original
transaction is retrieved from Oracle Payments. If the transaction was authorized, a
Success message is returned to the source product.
Understanding Funds Capture Bank Account Transfers
Oracle Payments supports funds capture bank account transfers for both
business-to-consumer and business-to-business models. The funds capture bank
transfer functionality facilitates electronic transfer of payment amounts from a
customer's bank account to the payee's bank account.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Online Validations
EFT online validations are a real time service provided by some payment systems to
validate the third party payer bank account to be used in an EFT transaction. EFT online
3-16 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
validations service ensures that the third party payer's bank account instrument exists
and that there is no fraud alert. Electronic funds transfer transactions are not real time,
since one or two business days are needed to complete the transaction. It is not possible,
therefore to ensure that the bank account is still open and has sufficient funds. EFT
online validation assists with validity checking as follows:
The validation step is an optional step for EFT transactions. It can be performed any
number of times.
The validation is performed in real time.
The EFT online validation response message shares the same message standard
with the credit card authorization response message for processor type payment
Note: EFT online validation is only offered for United States ACH and
not for all payment systems. EFT online validation checks whether a
bank account exists and that the account is not flagged as fraudulent.
EFT online validation does not reserve funds or check if the account has
sufficient funds.
Understanding Gateway-Model and Processor-Model Payment Systems
Oracle Payments supports both gateway-model and processor-model payment systems.
The processor model describes the interface between Oracle Payments and a payment
processor. A payment processor is a service that interacts directly with banks and card
institutions such as Visa, Mastercard, and American Express, to process financial
transactions. The gateway model describes the interface between Oracle Payments and
a payment gateway. A payment gateway is a service provider that acts as an
intermediary between a first party payee and a payment processor.
The choice of integrating to a gateway-model or processor-model payment system is
generally determined by the business type, number of transactions per day, and the
acquiring bank. Processors typically have more rigorous security, connectivity, and
testing requirements. Gateways provide ease-of-use, often using SSL based internet
connectivity. Gateways charge additional fees (including per-transaction fees), beyond
what the processor charges. Typically, pricing varies by payment system and the
processor model payment systems often favors higher-volume merchants who are
willing to put forth the effort and cost of processor connectivity. The Gateway model
favors lower-volume merchants, or merchants who are willing to pay a per-transaction
premium for easier set up and connectivity.
A gateway-based system takes all transactions online. A processor-based system allows
authorizations in real-time and follow-up transactions such as settlements and credits
offline. Offline transactions must be batched together and sent as a single request to the
payment system. All transactions other than authorizations are, by default, performed
offline. Offline transactions are sent to the processor when the next settlement batch
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-17
operation is attempted.
You can create settlement batches manually or automatically according to a schedule,
using the Funds Capture Process Home or the concurrent request manager. You can
retrieve the final statuses of transactions in a settlement batch by retrieving clearing
information. This is also done through the Funds Capture Process Home or the
concurrent request manager.
Credit cards cannot be clubbed with other settlement batch. The settlement batch for
refund is always a follow on transaction.
Understanding Terminal-Based and Host-Based Merchants
For gateway-model payment systems, Oracle Payments supports these processing
models that the financial industry uses for credit card transactions:
Terminal-Based Merchant
The first party payee determines when the payment gateway should create
settlement batches.
Host-Based Merchant
In this model, the payment gateway's host machine maintains all the transactions
and is usually responsible for settlement batch operations at a predetermined
The choice of being a terminal-based or host-based merchant is generally determined by
the business type, number of transactions per day, and the model supported by the
payment gateway. The processing model that you choose affects how you perform the
settlement operations. For a terminal-based merchant model, you must periodically
perform settlement batch operations. Consult your acquiring bank for more information
when you sign up.
Understanding Offline and Online Payments
Oracle Payments supports two models of payment processing for credit, purchase, and
PINless debit cards as follows:
Online Payment Processing, page 3-18
Offline Payment Processing, page 3-18
Funds capture bank account transfers are always offline.
The types of operations that you can process online depends on the payment system
type you have chosen: gateway or processor model and your operation model:
host-based or terminal-based.
For processor model payment systems, authorization operations must be online and
settlement operations are offline. For gateway payment systems, both authorization and
3-18 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
capture operations can be online.
Online Payment Processing
Online payment processing is the model in which a transaction is immediately
forwarded to the payment system processor. The results from the payment system are
immediately returned to the source product. Online transactions are supported for
credit, purchase, and PINless debit cards. Online validation transactions are supported
for Electronic Funds Transfer.
Offline Payment Processing
Offline payment processing is the model in which transactions are not immediately
forwarded to payment systems. When a source product submits a transaction in a
scheduled mode, or if the payment is predated, the payment information is saved in the
Oracle Payments database and is sent to the payment system at a later time.
The offline method uses a concurrent program that submits offline transactions at
regular intervals. The program browses the stored transactions and sends transactions
to the payment systems and updates to the source products.
Understanding Risk Management
Fraudulent credit card payments continue to grow in number, as do subsequent losses
by banks and merchants. Improved fraud detection has, therefore, become essential.
Oracle Payments provides risk management functionality for credit card and purchase
card transactions. Oracle Payments includes a number of built-in risk factors and
provides the ability to adjust risk calculation formulas and risk thresholds.
A risk factor includes any information which a first party payee wants to use to
evaluate the risk of fraud when a third party payer attempts to make a payment.
Examples of risk factors are: address verification, time of purchase and payment
amount. These risk factors can be configured for each first party payee.
Risk management functionality enables first party payees to manage the risk involved
in processing transactions online. It allows businesses to have several predefined risk
factors to verify the identity of their customers and to assess their customers' credit
rating and risk rating in a secure environment.
First party payees can associate the risk factors with different weights as a formula and
define any number of risk formulas in Oracle Payments based on their business model.
When a source product requests an authorization, it can specify the formula to be used
to assess risk. When the source product requests an authorization with a risk formula
specified, Oracle Payments evaluates the risk and, in parallel, sends the authorization
request to the payment system. After getting a response from the payment system,
Oracle Payments returns both the authorization code and the risk score to the source
product. The source product now decides whether to continue with the transaction and
make a settlement or discontinue the transaction.
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-19
Alternatively, the Risk API can be called independently of the authorization APIs.
Using the Risk API separately allows merchants to evaluate risk first. Depending on the
risk score, first party payees may not want to submit the authorization to a payment
system and incur a transaction charge. Please note that when the source product calls
the Risk API separately, Oracle Payments cannot evaluate the risk scores associated
with AVS (Address Verification System). Oracle Payments gets the AVS codes directly
from the payment system during an authorization request. As no authorization request
is sent in this scenario, Oracle Payments cannot get AVS codes from the payment
system and hence cannot evaluate risks scores associated with AVS.
Risk management helps businesses in reducing manual operational overheads to
handle bad transactions and in avoiding costly penalties such as chargebacks from
Note: Oracle Payments does not support risk management for PINless
debit card or bank account transfer transactions.
Risk Factors Shipped with Oracle Payments
The following is a list of basic risk factors shipped with the Risk Management
component. These risk factors can be configured per payee.
Payment amount limit is the amount involved in a payment request. It varies from
business to business and the risk factor score can be configured for different amount
ranges based on the business model.
Time of purchase is the time that a payment request is made by the customer. Site
administrators can define the time duration during which the payment requests are
high risk and assign the risk factor scores for each duration.
Ship to/bill to address is used to match the ship to address to the bill to address in a
payment request. A payment request is considered high risk if these two addresses
do not match.
Risky payment instruments are a list of payment instruments (e.g, credit cards,
bank accounts) that are considered risky by each payee. These include the
instruments that were used by customers earlier and had resulted in fraud or
chargebacks. Such a list can be generated internally by the payee or obtained from
other sources. If these instruments are reused in a payment request, then the payee
may again face fraud or chargeback. Risk management functionality can detect
whether risky payment instruments are being used during processing by looking at
the risky instrument repository. If the instrument being used for the payment is
found in the repository, then the payment is considered a high risk payment. The
Risky Instruments Upload Utility adds and deletes a list of risky instruments from
the database.
3-20 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Transaction amount is the total amount of payments made by a customer using the
same instrument in a specified duration of time. The duration of time is set up by
the user. This is related to the payment amount limit risk factor. A customer can
make payments in smaller amounts, which are not captured by the payment
amount limit risk factor but can be captured by the transaction amount risk factor.
Transaction amount risk factor sums up the total amount of payments in a specific
duration of time and captures the risk on that amount. The total number of
payments made during a specific time period can be checked by looking at the
payment history. The site administrator can set up a time duration and a
transaction amount. In evaluating this risk factor, if the total payment amount
exceeds the transaction amount within the specified time duration, then the
payment is considered a high risk payment.
Payment history tracks the reliability of the payer involved in a payment request. If
a payer has a good history of payments over a long duration, then payments
requested by this payer are considered to be low risk payments.
Address verification service (AVS) check is the risk involved on the AVS code that
is returned by the credit card network. Address verification service is provided by
MasterCard and Visa credit card networks to match the billing or shipping address
with the address that is maintained for the cardholder by the issuing bank. Oracle
Payments does address verification during an authorization request, by calling the
payment system with the address and zip code information along with the payment
transaction information. The payment system then does the authorization and also
returns various AVS codes to Oracle Payments. Various AVS codes are returned
based on the complete address match, zip code match, street address match, etc. A
site administrator can configure all AVS codes returned by the payment systems
and their corresponding risk factor scores. This service is only provided in the
United States of America.
Frequency of purchase tracks the sudden surge in the use of a payment instrument
in a short duration. For a particular payment instrument in a payment request, if
the frequency of use in a duration configured is more than the setup value, then the
payment request is considered to be a high risk payment.
Oracle Receivables Risk Factors
For customers who have both Oracle Payments and Oracle Receivables installed and
registered, more risk factors are available. These risk factors are set up in Oracle
Payments and the values of these risk factors are set up in Oracle Receivables. Oracle
Receivables stores credit management information about customer accounts such as
credit rating and risk rating. The following are risk factors used in risk analysis:
Credit limit is an overall credit limit associated with a customer's account. If a
customer has an outstanding balance and the total amount of payment made by the
customer exceeds the overall credit limit, then the payment becomes a high risk
payment. Overall credit limit varies from business to business. It can be set up as an
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-21
overall credit limit at the customer or site level through Oracle Receivables.
Transaction credit limit is the credit limit per transaction associated with a
customer's account. When a payment request exceeds the transaction credit limit, it
becomes a risky payment. The transaction credit limit varies from business to
business. It can be set up at the customer or site level through Oracle Receivables.
Credit rating is the information that enables payees to effectively manage financial
terms with their customers. It is useful for online financing or in evaluating
purchases of a large amount by a new customer. Credit Rating is a user defined
field and the information can be taken from Oracle Receivables. A payee associates
risk scores to credit rating. A higher risk score implies that selling goods or services
to the customer is risky.
Risk code is a user defined risk assessment field in Oracle Receivables. It is useful
for online financing or for evaluating purchases of a large amount for a new
customer. The information is available from Oracle Receivables. A payee associates
risk scores to all the risk codes. A higher risk score implies that selling goods or
services to the customer is risky.
Oracle Payments Routing and Operation
Oracle Payments accepts funds capture payment transactions from source products and
routes them to the appropriate payment systems using the appropriate payment system
account and funds capture payment profile. Each payee can have its own set of routing
rules with its own set of priorities.
What Constitutes a Routing Rule?
Every routing rule is made up of the following components:
Basic Rule Information - This information is used to select and rank all the rules that
may be applicable to a payment transaction. The basic rule information consists of
Rule Name and Payment Method.
Destination Information - The destination information specifies the payment system
to which the payment transaction should be routed and how it should be sent. The
destination information consists of Payment System Account and Funds Capture
Process Profile.
Routing Rule Conditions - This specifies the conditions under which a rule becomes
applicable to a payment transaction. A rule condition is comprised of a criterion for
the condition (such as Amount, Currency, Organization ID, Card Type, Card
Number and Bank Routing Number), the type of operation related to the criterion,
and the value of the criterion. Multiple rule conditions can be defined for a routing
3-22 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
How Routing Works
Routing of a payment transaction is based on a set of routing rules set up in the Oracle
Payments user interface by the Oracle Payments administrator. The routing engine
finds the appropriate Payment System Account and Funds Capture Process Profile, and
through them, the Payment System in the following sequence:
1. The routing engine retrieves the rules associated with the Payee and Payment
Method specified in the payment request.
2. The routing rule with the highest priority is evaluated first. If the values in the
transaction match the conditions specified in the routing rule, the request is routed
to the corresponding Payment System using the specified Payment System Account
and Funds Capture Process Profile.
3. If the values in the request do not match the conditions specified, the routing rule
with the next highest priority is evaluated.
4. In case the payment request values do not match any of the conditions specified, the
transaction is routed to the default Payment System using the default Payment
System Account and Funds Capture Process Profile.
Routing rules are prioritized by an administrator. During processing, the rules are
evaluated in the order in which they are prioritized.
Oracle Payments supports credit cards, purchase cards and bank account transfers. The
payment methods available depend on the payment system that you decide to use.
Payees and businesses can customize how Oracle Payments routes transactions to the
payment systems using routing rules based on their business rules and the available
payment methods. For example:
A business sends all electronic payment transactions to a single payment system:
Payment System A.
A business sends all small or micropayment transactions to Payment System A and
all credit card transactions to Payment System B.
A business sends all bank account transfers under $10 to Payment System A, and all
other transactions to Payment system B.
A business sends all transactions using US dollars to Payment System A and all
transactions using other currencies to Payment System B.
Routing Rule Conditions
Routing rule conditions determine whether the rule is applicable to a payment
transaction. A rule can have multiple rule conditions. A rule is applicable to a payment
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-23
transaction only if the payment transaction can meet all the conditions for the rule. For
example, a payee can route all Visa credit card transactions when the order amount is
greater than 500 US dollars to Payment System C.
The following table lists the values in the Operation and Value fields for a selected
payment instrument type and criterion.
Payment Instrument
Criterion Operation Value
Credit Card Card Issuer Equal, Not Equal To Select a card issuer
from the list of
Credit Card Currency Equal, Not Equal To Select a currency
from the list of
Credit Card Amount Greater than, Greater
than or equal to, Less
than, Less than or
equal to
Specify a value.
Credit Card Card Number Equal, Not Equal To
Specify a value.
PINless Debit Card Card Issuer Equal, Not Equal To Select a card issuer
from the list of
PINless Debit Card Currency Equal, Not Equal To Select a currency
from the list of
PINless Debit Card Amount Greater than, Greater
than or equal to, Less
than, Less than or
equal to
Specify a value.
PINless Debit Card Card Number Equal, Not Equal To
Specify a value.
Bank Account
Payer Bank Routing
Equal, Not Equal To Specify a value.
Bank Account
Currency Equal, Not Equal To Select a currency.
3-24 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Payment Instrument
Criterion Operation Value
Bank Account
Amount Greater than, Greater
than or equal to, Less
than, Less than or
equal to
Specify a value.
- Value can be digits, spaces, dashes and wild card character (%). For example, if the
value is 4111%, then the routing rule applies to all card numbers that begin with 4111.
Understanding Transaction Reporting
Oracle provides management summaries directly from the transaction data. Transaction
reporting (TR) users can view indicators on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, targeted
to their particular lines of business and summarized across all processors, types of
cards, and transaction types.
Transaction reporting lets every manager in an organization of any size to know the
state of business transacted on credit and purchase cards on a daily basis, and to make
mid-course corrections that drive the business towards achieving its goals. Transaction
reporting helps enterprises achieve consistent, high-integrity information, corporate
wide alignment, and collaborative decision making. A proactive e-mail notification
system relieves the burden of constantly monitoring critical measures. Through
transaction reporting, Oracle Payments provides an environment that supports mixed
workloads, such as processing transactions versus running queries, without
compromising on performance or scalability, providing the simplest, and therefore the
least costly approach.
Functioning of the E-mail Push System
The Oracle Payments e-mail push system provides the ability to send e-mail
notifications to specified users which frees mail from the need to monitor critical
Any user with the Oracle Payments Daily Business Close User responsibility can run
the e-mail push system by submitting a concurrent request. You can configure the
Oracle Payments e-mail push system to send e-mails on a pre-defined schedule. The
reports provide a daily summary of transactions. For best results, schedule the process
to run at the close of business everyday. Specify the recipients for the e-mail notification
by providing the e-mail ID or user names as parameters for the concurrent task. The
user names must have valid e-mail IDs associated with them. Specify multiple
recipients for a notification by separating the e-mail IDs or user names by a comma (',').
The e-mail push system sends the following information to the receiver after
summarizing the transactions for that day.
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-25
Login URL
Date that the report was generated
Total number of transactions
Total transaction amount
Total number of authorization transactions
Total authorization amount
Total number of settled transactions
Total captured amount
Total number of credit/return transactions
Total credit/return amount
Total number of credit card transactions
Total credit card transactions amount
Total number of purchase card transactions
Total purchase card transactions amount
Scheduling E-mail Push Programs
To schedule concurrent requests for e-mail push programs:
Log in to Self Service Applications as any user with the Oracle Payments Daily
Business Close User responsibility.
Choose the Oracle Payments Daily Business Close User if the user has multiple
responsibilities linked to the user name.
Navigate to the Submit a New Request window.
Select the Single Request option.
4. From the Name choice list, select IBY Push E-mail Report.
Specify the recipient e-mail address. For multiple addresses, use the comma (',') as a
To define a schedule, click Schedule.
3-26 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
The Schedule window appears.
7. Define the schedule.
Defining a schedule can be as simple as submitting as soon as possible or using a
more complex schedule.
8. Click Submit.
Understanding Funds Disbursement
This section presents functionality and terms that are relevant to the funds
disbursement process.
Understanding Documents Payable
A document payable is a transaction in a source product that is sent to Oracle Payments
for payment. An example of a document payable in Oracle Payables is an invoice.
During the payment process, documents payable are grouped together into actual
Understanding Payments
A payment is a single transfer of funds from one person or organization to another via
printed payment document or electronic transmission.
Payment Process
The payment process starts when a source product, such as Payables, needs to pay
documents payable, such as invoices. The source product user groups the documents
payable into a payment process request and submits the request to Oracle Payments.
Within Oracle Payments, the Build Payments program takes the submitted documents
payable, validates them, groups them into payments, and then validates the payments.
Each payment consists of one or more documents payable. Next, the Create Payment
Instructions program groups the payments into payment instructions, and then
validates the payment instructions. Each payment represents a check that will be
printed or a single electronic funds transfer transaction, depending on the type of
processing selected. Each payment instruction results in one payment file that contains
pertinent information on one or more payments, such as payment amount and an
account to be credited or debited. In the case of electronic payments, the payment file
includes the payment instructions in a format required by the financial institution. To
actually make payments, you print checks or electronically transmit the payment
instruction to an external payment system or to a financial institution.
The figure below depicts the high-level payment process.
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-27
Payment Process
Understanding Payment Methods (Funds Disbursement)
On the funds disbursement side of Oracle Payments, a payment method is a payment
attribute on a document payable. The payment method indicates the medium by which
a first party payer makes a payment to a third party payee. Payment methods also
include other information used during the early stages of payment processing, such as
validations and rules that determine how payment methods can be assigned to
documents payable. Examples of funds disbursement payment methods include the
checks printed in-house by the payer
checks outsourced to the bank for printing
electronic funds transfers, through ACH in the United States or BACS in the United
Oracle Payments seeds some payment methods, but also enables you to define your
own as well.
A source product user, such as an Oracle Payables associate, must select a payment
method when entering a document payable, such as an invoice. The source product
uses Oracle Payments setup to default payment methods onto each document payable
and to restrict the user's choice of payment methods to encourage efficient payment
Understanding Payment Process Profiles
A payment process profile is a payment attribute assigned to documents payable, which
specifies handling of the documents payable, payments, and payment instructions by
Oracle Payments. Payment process profiles include several types of information,
3-28 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
including specifications for payment instruction formatting and transmission.
Payment process profiles can be assigned to documents payable either by the source
product user or by the Oracle Payments payment administrator. The selection of valid
payment process profiles is determined by the payment process profile's usage rules,
which are created in Oracle Payments setup. Usage rules for payment process profiles
can be based on payment method, payment currency, first party organization, or
internal bank account.
Payments are built from documents payable that have the same payment process
profile, among other attributes. Payment instructions are built from payments that have
the same payment process profile, among other attributes. Therefore, the payment
process profile is available to specify Oracle Payments behavior at every step of the
payment process.
When you create a payment process profile, you must specify whether the profile
governs payment processing for printed or electronic payments. Accordingly, the
payment process profile allows you to assign appropriate payment document printing
values or payment system communication configurations. The payment process profile
also includes a payment instruction format, which is in turn associated with an XML
Publisher template, as well as rules for grouping documents payable into payments and
payments into payment instructions.
The relationship between payment process profiles and payment methods is
many-to-many. For example, you can define one generic payment method like
Electronic, and map it to any number of specific payment process profiles like: US
Automated Clearing House and German EFT. Alternatively, you can set up specific
payment methods that map one-to-one with payment process profiles. Additionally,
you can define one payment process profile for multiple payment methods. This may be
desirable when multiple payment methods can be handled by the same payment
format. For example, the Germany Domestic profile can handle Outsourced Checks and
EFT Payments payment methods.
For positive pay and electronic payment processing, payment process profiles are
mapped to payment systems, payment system accounts, and transmission
Oracle Payments seeds a limited number of payment process profiles.
Understanding Payment Process Requests
A payment process request is a request created by a source product for Oracle
Payments payment services. The payment process request, which originates in the
source product during the documents payable selection process, contains one or more
documents payable to be paid, along with information that allows Oracle Payments and
the source product to identify the request and optional payment processing
instructions. The source product may submit payment process requests to Oracle
Payments via user action or concurrent program.
Once the payment process request is submitted to Oracle Payments, the Build Payments
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-29
program validates the documents payable, groups the documents payable into
payments according to document attributes and payment process profile grouping
rules, and then validates the payments.
Understanding Payment Grouping
Payment grouping is set up using check boxes in the Payment Grouping region of the
Create Payment Process Profile page. Selection of payment grouping attributes specifies
that only payments with like payment grouping attributes will be included in a
payment instruction when that Payment Process Profile is used during the Create
Payment Instructions program.
Understanding Payment Instructions
A payment instruction contains one or more payments, along with aggregate payment
information, and is created by running the Create Payment Instructions program.
Depending on your setup, a payment instruction can be converted into a payment file
to be printed onto payment documents, such as checks, or into a payment file that is
transmitted to a payment system or financial institution for further processing and
disbursement. To see the relationship between payment instructions and payments, see
Payment Process, page 3-27.
Each payment instruction that is electronically transmitted to a payment system or
financial institution is associated with a payment file. This payment file contains data
that instructs the payment system or financial institution how to make the payment.
The following information is typically included in electronically transmitted payment
number of payments to be made
amount of each payment
first party payer and third party payee bank account information
name of payees
The following information is typically included in printed payment files:
amount of each payment
numbering of checks
name of payees
3-30 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Understanding Validations
In payment processing, it is critical to ensure that payment files sent to payment
systems and financial institutions are valid, in addition to being correctly formatted. If
this is not done, the payment process is slowed, which results in additional time and
cost due to problem resolution. To help achieve straight-through processing, Oracle
Payments enables you to ensure that payment-related validations are present.
Oracle Payments provides seeded validations that are associated with the supported
payment formats by default. Validations are implemented using a flexible framework
that enables you to assign new validation rules. You can choose between using the
seeded library of validations, using your newly added validations, or using some
combination of these rules.
Additionally, you have choices with respect to the timing of validation rule execution.
Validations can be assigned toward the beginning or toward the end of the payment
process. A combination of rule assignments can also be used. You can adapt validation
rule assignment to support your business model. For example, assigning and executing
validations toward the beginning of the payment process may be best for a
decentralized payment environment, whereas assigning and executing validations
toward the end of the payment process may be better in a shared service environment,
where payment specialists can resolve validation failures.
Seeded validations can be assigned in one the following places:
Create Payment Method page--funds capture side
Create Payment Method page--funds disbursement side
Create/Update Format page
Validations are comprised of the following categories:
Pre-defined Validations
User-defined Validations
Country-Specific Validations
A country-specific validation is a validation related to a specific country. It is comprised
of a code and multiple sub-validations that are required for the specific country, a
validation point, and additional specifications regarding the payment formats and/or
payment methods to which the validations are applicable. Country-specific validations
are seeded by Oracle Payments and cannot be modified. For a listing of Oracle
Payments seeded, country-specific validations, see Country-Specific Validations, page
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-31
The table below describes the elements of a country-specific validation.
Elements of a Country-Specific Validation
Element Description
Code The internal code for the validation.
Sub-Validations All the validations that are executed in a
certain validation.
3-32 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Element Description
Validation Point The point at which the validation is executed
in the payment process. Validations occur at
the following points in the payment process:
Document Level in the Source Product:
The validation is executed early in the
process while the documents are created
in the source product. The validation is
run by the source product user while
he/she, for example, is entering invoices
in Payables.
Example of a validation run at the
document level in the source product:
Assign validations to the payment
method on the invoice
Document Level in Oracle Payments:
The validation is automatically executed
late in the process by the Build Payments
program as the documents are grouped
into payments.
Example of a validation run at the
document level in Oracle Payments:
Assign validations to the payment format.
Payment Level in Oracle Payments: The
validation is automatically executed late
in the process by the Build Payments
program as the documents are grouped
into payments. This occurs when the
validation is set on a field, such as the
payment amount.
Example of a validation run at the
payment level in Oracle Payments:
Assign validations to the payment
amount on the payment.
Payment Instruction Level in Oracle
Payments: The validation is
automatically executed late in the process
by the Create Payment Instruction
program as the payments are grouped
into payment instructions. This occurs
when the validation is set on a field, such
Understanding Oracle Payments 3-33
Element Description
as the payment instruction total amount.
Example of a validation run at the
payment instruction level in Oracle
Payments: Assign validations to the total
payment amount on the payment
Entity to which the Validation is Applicable The entity to which the validation is linked.
Oracle Payments enables you to control,
through the user interface, which payment
method or payment format will execute which
validations. Certain applicability links are
seeded by default. You can, however, change
these applicabilities. For example, you can
specify that you want a certain validation that
is linked to a certain payment format to be
applicable to another payment format as well.
User-Defined Validations
User-defined validations are basic validations that correspond to simple operations. For
example, validating that the length of a certain field does not exceed a specific character
limit is an example of a user-defined validation. These validations can be used as
components, or building blocks, to build more complex validations. They enable you to
validate, for example, the following conditions:
length of a field
whether a field is populated
whether a field contains non-numerical characters
To illustrate the application of user-defined validations, you can create a new payment
format, for example, in the Create Format setup page and then assign validations to the
newly created format.
Note: The user-defined validations are executed at the same points as
the country-specific validations. For information on validation points,
see the Validation Point, page 3-32, in the Elements of a
Country-Specific Validation table.
Shared Setup Tasks for Funds Capture and Funds Disbursement 4-1
Shared Setup Tasks for Funds Capture and
Funds Disbursement
Both the funds capture and funds disbursement processes have setup tasks in common.
The setup tasks described in this section are shared by both funds capture and funds
disbursement and represent the first six setup tasks for Payments. Since both funds
capture and funds disbursement use these same setup tasks, these shared setup steps
must always be performed, whether you are using only the funds capture features of
Payments, only the funds disbursement features, or both.
Recommended Setup Steps
Oracle Payments recommends that you perform the following optional setup steps
before setting up other E-Business Suite products or Oracle Payments:
Setting Up Payment Function Access
Setting Up Function Security
Setting Up Payment Function Access
A payment function is an attribute on a document payable that indicates the purpose of
payment. Examples of payment functions include supplier payments, employee
expense payments, and loan payments.
In addition to identifying the purpose of documents payable, payment functions also
serve to control the user's ability to process certain documents payable. That is, you can
only take actions on payment process requests and payment instructions when all the
documents payable and payments within have payment functions for which you have
Payment functions are enabled or disabled in the Oracle Payments Funds Disbursement
4-2 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Process Home page menu. For details on how to add or remove functions from menus,
see the Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide.
Setting Up Function Security
Oracle Payments enables you to perform a variety of sensitive tasks. You can use
function security to allow users to perform or disallow them from performing the
following tasks:
update Oracle Payments setup
retry funds capture transactions
void funds disbursement payments
stop funds disbursement payments
view sensitive employee data
submit separate remittance advice
Setup Checklist for E-Business Suite Products
To use Oracle Payments, you must perform the setup steps indicated in the table below
in other E-Business Suite products. For each application installed, consult the guides for
that application to determine the sequence of setup steps.
Setup Checklist for E-Business Suite Products
Setup Step Step Type Oracle Application and
Applicable Guide
Set up internal bank accounts
and related payment
required Oracle Cash Management,
Bank and Account
Administration: Define Bank
Accounts, Oracle Cash
Management User Guide.
Shared Setup Tasks for Funds Capture and Funds Disbursement 4-3
Setup Step Step Type Oracle Application and
Applicable Guide
Set up bill-to location and
operating units.
required Legal Entity Configurator,
Oracle Financials
Implementation Guide. See
Legal Associations, Oracle
Financials Implementation
Guide, Creating
Establishments, Oracle
Financials Implementation
Guide, and Updating
Establishments, Oracle
Financials Implementation
Set up external bank accounts. conditionally required
Note: External bank
accounts are supplier bank
accounts. This step is
required if the Payments
user and/or the Payables
user wants to transfer
funds electronically to
supplier bank accounts.
This step is not required if
the Payments user and/or
the Payables user only
wants to print checks.
Oracle Cash Management,
Creating Banking Details,
Oracle iSupplier Portal User's
Guide, Oracle iSupplier Portal
User's Guide.
Set up a tax reporting entity. required Oracle Payables, Oracle
Payables User Guide. See
Reporting Entities, Oracle
Payables Implementation Guide.
Define conversion rates. conditionally required when
using multiple currencies
Oracle General Ledger, Oracle
General Ledger User's Guide.
See Defining Conversion
RateTypes, Oracle General
Ledger User's Guide.
Before you can setup Oracle Payments, you must perform following prerequisite setup
4-4 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Set Up Taxes, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide. See Setting Up Taxes, Oracle
E-Business Tax User Guide.
Set Up a Tax Registration, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide. See Setting Up a Tax
Registration, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide.
Set Up Legal Entities, Legal Entity Configurator, Oracle Financials Implementation
Guide. See Creating a Legal Entity, Oracle Financials Implementation Guide.
Setup Checklist for Shared Oracle Payments Setup Tasks
The table below shows the Oracle Payments setup checklist for features used by both
funds capture and funds disbursement. These shared setup steps should be setup in the
sequence indicated in the table below.
Oracle Payments Setup Checklist for Features Used by Both Funds Capture and Funds
Step Number Setup Step Step Type Oracle Application
1. Creating Oracle
Payments Users
required Application Object
2. Setting Up System
Security Options
optional Oracle Payments
3. Setting Up or
Updating Oracle
XML Publisher
Templates for
Payment Formats or
Reporting Formats.
Many such
formats are seeded
in Oracle XML
Oracle XML
4. Setting Up Formats conditionally
Oracle Payments
Shared Setup Tasks for Funds Capture and Funds Disbursement 4-5
Step Number Setup Step Step Type Oracle Application
5. Setting Up
optional Oracle Payments
6. Setting Up
Oracle Payments
7. Configuring
Oracle Payments
8. Setting Up Payment
Oracle Payments
9. Configuring Oracle
Payments Sample
optional Oracle Payments
10. Setting Up SSL
Security for Payment
System Servlet
optional Oracle Payments
11. Configuring the XML
required Oracle Payments
Step 1. Creating Oracle Payments Users
The table below shows the main user interfaces that Oracle Payments provides that
serve different purposes, along with their corresponding responsibilities.
Oracle Payments User Interfaces with Corresponding Responsibilities
Main User Interfaces Corresponding Responsibilities
Funds Capture Setup Funds Capture Setup Administrator
Funds Disbursement Setup Funds Disbursement Setup Administrator
Funds Capture Process Dashboard Funds Capture Process Manager
4-6 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Main User Interfaces Corresponding Responsibilities
Funds Disbursement Process Dashboard Funds Disbursement Process Manager
Credit Card Processing Analytics Credit Card Processing Analytics
A user can be assigned multiple responsibilities and roles.
Note: To access Credit Card Processing Analytics, login using the JTF
(Java Technology Foundation) user interface.
Assigning Responsibilities and Roles to an Oracle Payments User
You can assign multiple responsibilities and roles to an existing user or to a new user.
To create a user, see Step 1. Creating Oracle Payments Users, page 4-6.
The table below lists seeded Oracle Payments responsibilities and their description.
Seeded Oracle Payments Responsibilities and their Description
Responsibility Description
Payments Setup Administrator Setup for Shared, Funds Capture, and Funds
The Payments Setup Administrator
responsibility is used only if one user sets
up the three functionality pieces listed
Funds Capture Setup Administrator Setup for Shared and Funds Capture
Funds Disbursement Setup Administrator Setup for Shared and Funds Disbursement
Funds Capture Process Manager Funds Capture Process Dashboard
Funds Disbursement Process Manager Funds Disbursement Process Dashboard
Credit Card Processing Analytics Credit card Processing Analytics
If a user is assigned the Credit Card Processing Analytics responsibility, you must
Shared Setup Tasks for Funds Capture and Funds Disbursement 4-7
assign the role indicated in the table below to the user with its corresponding
Credit Card Processing Analytics Responsibility and its Corresponding Required Role and
Responsibility Role Permissions
Credit Card Processing
IBY_DBC_ROLE (specific to
JTF technology stack)
Step 2. Setting Up System Security Options
System security options enable you to set security options for payment instrument
encryption, masking, and credit card control. These options are used for both funds
capture and funds disbursement processes. Payments uses the settings to handle
security issues, such as encrypting payment instrument sensitive data, payment
instrument masking, and credit card owner verification controls.
For payment instrument encryption, Payments uses a chained key approach. To
simplify, the chained key approach is where A encrypts B and B encrypts C. In Oracle
Payments, the system key encrypts the subkeys and the subkeys encrypt the payment
instrument data. This approach allows easier rotation of the system key. The system key
is the encryption master key for the entire installation. It is stored in a wallet file and is
used to encrypt Oracle Payments subkeys.
Before you can set up security options, you must set up a wallet. To set up a wallet, see
Setting Up the Wallet, page 4-7.
Setting Up the Wallet
Payments performs system key management using features from Oracle Wallet
The wallet is a file, which stores the system key. The contents of the wallet file are
managed by Oracle Wallet Manager. The wallet file has two functions:
to perform HTTP client authentication of your middle-tier server for payment
systems that require this level of security
When used for client authentication, the wallet contains the private key of the entity
authorized to send transactions to the payment system (usually the counterpart to
the middle-tier server's public certificate). This is sensitive data and, depending on
4-8 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
how much trust is placed in the ability to authenticate as the certificate's subject,
potentially damaging if compromised.
to store the system (master) security key used to encrypt sensitive data
Storing the system key in the wallet file provides greater security for the encrypted
payment instrument data since the system key resides outside the Oracle Payments
database. As this key is used to secure such data as credit card numbers,
compromise of the wallet is highly damaging.
The purpose of setting up the wallet in the Wallet Setup page is to:
specify the location of the wallet file
define the password for the wallet file
specify whether to generate the system key yourself or let the system do it
Creating a Wallet File
To create a wallet file, you must start the Oracle Wallet Manager program. On UNIX
systems this is done with the following command:
If the wallet will contain only the system security key, it is sufficient to create an empty
wallet file. If the wallet is to contain a private key for client authentication, it must be
imported here. Once the wallet file is accessible to the middle-tier server, it is initialized
with the system security key using the following Oracle Payments navigation: Oracle
Payments Setup > System Security Options. You have the option of importing your own
24-bit system security key (stored in a binary file whose location is specified through the
user interface) or you can generate a random one. Once the wallet setup process is
complete, a system security key exists in the wallet, and a passwordless version of the
wallet named cwallet.sso is created in the same directory as the original wallet file.
Defining the Wallet File Password
To define the password for the wallet file in the Wallet Setup page, enter any string.
This password is used to encrypt the wallet file.
Specifying or Generating the System Key File Location
In the Wallet Setup page, you can provide the system key by specifying the location of
the system key file or you can let the system generate the system key for you. In either
case, the specified or generated key is put into the wallet file and encrypted with the
password you provide.
Encrypting Payment Instruments
In the System Security Options setup page, you specify whether you want to enable or
Shared Setup Tasks for Funds Capture and Funds Disbursement 4-9
disable encryption of payment instruments and whether you wish the encryption to
occur immediately when new payment instruments are registered or be performed on a
regularly scheduled basis for performance reasons.
Masking Payment Instruments
In the System Security Options setup page, credit card numbers and external bank
account numbers can be masked by selecting the number of digits to mask and display.
For example, a credit card number of XXXX8012 represents a display of the last four
digits and a masking of all the rest. These settings specify masking for payment
instrument numbers in the user interfaces of many applications.
Verifying Credit Card Owners
This option enables you to require users to enter the credit card security code and/or
credit card statement billing address. This information is passed to the payment system,
which in turn, checks with the credit card issuer to confirm the credit card owner's
security code and/or statement billing address.
Step 3. Setting Up Oracle XML Publisher Templates
Payments uses Oracle XML Publisher templates to correctly format funds capture and
funds disbursement transactions and to enable you to easily manage the formats. These
payment templates can be created new or modified with minimal effort by using a
standard text editor, such as Microsoft Word. Consequently, when a payment system or
financial institution requires a change to its payment instruction format, the change can
be made quickly by modifying the appropriate Oracle XML Publisher template.
Special consideration has been given by Payments to the complexity of creating fixed
position and delimited formats. Oracle XML Publisher's eText feature is used for these
format types. eText allows the format layout to be presented in an understandable
tabular structure.
Several payment-related templates are provided out of the box. You may want to use or
modify an existing template to meet your format requirements.
The purpose of setting up Oracle XML Publisher's templates is to create and register
templates in Oracle XML Publisher. These templates are required by Oracle Payments
to format payment instructions.
Related Topics
For detailed information on creating, registering, and using Oracle XML Publisher's
formatting templates, see Oracle XML Publisher User's Guide.
4-10 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Step 4. Setting Up Formats
Financial institutions, payment systems, and/or countries have specific formatting
requirements for funds capture transactions, funds disbursement transactions, payment
documents, and payment-related reporting. Formats are created within Oracle
Payments to represent these requirements. Each format in Oracle Payments
corresponds to one Oracle XML Publisher template. Oracle Payments uses Oracle XML
Publisher templates to format funds capture and funds disbursement transactions
according to the formatting requirements of specific financial institutions or payment
In the Create Format setup page, formats are associated with specific Oracle XML
Publisher templates and can also be assigned validation sets to validate transactions
that use that format. Multiple formats can be used for a single payment system.
One format is provided out of the box for each of the payment-related templates in
Oracle XML Publisher.
Before you can set up formats, you must perform the following setup step:
Oracle XML Publisher templates
The purpose of setting up formats is to define formats within Oracle Payments,
associate them with your XML Publisher templates, and assign validation sets.
Note: Before you can create a format in Payments, the corresponding
XML Publisher template must be available. To see if the corresponding
XML Publisher template is available, you can search for it in the Search
region of the XML Publisher templates setup page.
Step 5. Setting Up Validations
Validations ensure that funds capture and funds disbursement transactions are valid, in
addition to being correctly formatted before they are printed or submitted to payment
In the Validations page, you can view seeded validations. For each validation, you can
view the parameters of the validation and the formats and payment methods to which it
is assigned.
You can assign pre-defined or user-defined validations to a format of type
Disbursement Payment Instruction or to a funds disbursement payment method. You
Shared Setup Tasks for Funds Capture and Funds Disbursement 4-11
can assign pre-defined validations to a format of type Funds Capture Settlement Batch.
Related Topics
For detailed information on validations, see Understanding Validations, page 3-30.
For information on formats, see Step 4. Setting Up Formats, page 4-10.
For information on funds disbursement payment methods, see Step 12. Setting Up
Funds Disbursement Payment Methods, page 5-2.
Step 6. Setting Up Transmission Configurations
A transmission configuration implements a specific transmission protocol, which allows
the delivery of a transaction to a specific payment system or financial institution.
Each transmission protocol has parameters that require values. The values defined for
the parameters comprise the transmission configuration for that transmission protocol.
For example, the payment system, PaymentTech, may require a Socket IP Address of X
and a Socket Port Number of Y. Together, X and Y represent Transmission
Configuration A for a given transmission protocol.
The purpose of setting up transmission configurations in the Create Transmission
Configuration setup page is to enable electronic connectivity with payment systems by
specifying parameter values.
Related Topics
For additional information on transmission protocols, see Understanding Transmission,
page 3-4.
Step 7. Configuring Tunneling
Tunneling is a transmission feature in Oracle Payments whereby data, such as a
payment instruction, is delivered using two protocols, one of which encapsulates the
other. Tunneling is also referred to as delegated transmission, since the initial
transmission from Oracle Payments is a request to an external module, that is, the
Transmission Servlet, to deliver data using an independent transmission protocol. The
name of the transmission protocol, its parameters, and the actual data which must be
delivered by it are encapsulated within the body of the tunneling transmission protocol.
The purpose of tunneling is to allow connectivity between Oracle Payments and
external payment systems without compromising network security. Processor payment
systems, for example, often require protocols, such as FTP or raw IP socket connectivity
to receive payment instruction files. Instead of creating breaches in their firewall to
4-12 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
accommodate these connectivity requirements, users can instead deploy the Payments
Transmission servlet on a host outside their firewall and then tunnel, or delegate,
requests to it from the Oracle Payments engine. The Oracle Payments Transmission
Servlet, by design, makes no use of the applications database, and can be completely
isolated from the deployer's intranet.
Tunneling Protocol
Oracle Payments uses a customized tunneling protocol called the Oracle Payments
Tunneling Protocol (code= IBY_DELIVERY_ENVELOPE). This protocol uses HTTP
POST as its underlying transmission mechanism (HTTPS is supported as well) and
sends within the body of the request an XML message header identifying the tunneled
or encapsulated protocol, as well as the parameters to use when invoking it, such as
host name, user name, and password for FTP. After the XML message header is the data
to be delivered.
As a transmission protocol code-point, the Oracle Payments Tunneling Protocol
implements the interface.
The table below presents the parameters and descriptions of the Oracle Payments
Tunneling Protocol.
Parameters and Descriptions of the Oracle Payments Tunneling Protocol
Parameter Description
WEB_URL the HTTP/HTTPS URL of the Transmission
Servlet executing the protocol
USERNAME/PASSWORD the username and password used to access the
servlet if its URL is secured by HTTP
Transmission Servlet
The Oracle Payments Transmission Servlet is the module which executes tunneled or
delegated transmission requests sent from the Oracle Payments engine. The servlet
receives Payments HTTP XML Delivery Envelope requests and parses them into XML
message header and transmission data components. The format of the XML message
header is defined by an XML DTD file named DeliveryEnvelope.dtd. This message
header specifies both the parameters to pass to the tunneled/encapsulated transmission
protocol, as well as the transmission protocol, itself, by means of its Java code-point
class name and entry function name. The Transmission Servlet then attempts to
dynamically load the Java class implementing the tunneled protocol and invokes it by
passing to it the transmission parameters parsed from the XML message header, as well
Shared Setup Tasks for Funds Capture and Funds Disbursement 4-13
as the transmission data. This behavior is identical to that of the Oracle Payments
engine. Any protocol can be tunneled, as long as it implements the interface. Therefore, any custom-defined protocol
can be tunneled or encapsulated to the servlet, provided the Java class which
implements its code-point is in the CLASSPATH of the servlet's application container.
Class oracle.apps.iby.bep.TransmitServlet implements the Oracle Payments
Transmission Servlet and is aliased to URL /OA_HTML/ibytransmit on the middle-tier
iAS application server. To relocate the servlet to a different host, such as the one in a
DMZ network zone, the user must copy all the Applications-specific Java files from the
E-Business Suite installation to a class repository accessible by the Transmission
Servlet's new servlet container. Any new transmission protocols that you develop must
have their Java code copied to this repository if you want the servlet to support that
Configuring Tunneling
Tunneling is configured through the Oracle Payments transmission configuration user
interface. A tunneling transmission configuration is specified as any other transmission
configuration, but the protocol is always the Payments HTTP XML Delivery Envelope
protocol. Once the tunneling protocol is configured, any regular, non-tunneling
transmission configuration can use or be encapsulated by it, by specifying a value for
the tunneling configuration field in the transmission configuration user interface.
Important: Oracle Payments does not support the tunneling or
encapsulation of a tunneling protocol.
Step 8. Setting Up Payment Systems
A payment system is an organization that provides financial settlement services.
Companies that deploy Payments typically choose payment systems to process their
funds captures and, sometimes, their electronic funds disbursements payment
instructions. A payment system can be the bank at which the deploying company has
its bank accounts or it can be a third party processor that connects deploying companies
with financial institutions. The latter is commonly the case for credit card processing.
Payment systems are not required for printed funds disbursement payments, but may
be required for related services, such as positive pay or other reporting.
Before you can set up payment systems, you must perform the following setup steps:
transmission configurations
4-14 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
The purpose of setting up payment systems is to:
define the external organizations that Oracle Payments collaborates with to process
your funds capture and funds disbursement transactions
define the deploying company's relationships with its payment systems
Specifying Supported Capabilities
When creating a payment system on the Create Payment System setup page, you:
specify payment instruments the payment system will support on the funds capture
side and/or the funds disbursement side
assign payment instruction formats to the payment system
assign transmission protocols to the payment
Settings Required by Payment System
In this region, you can define parameters that the payment system requires for each
transaction or settlement batch. When you define payment system accounts, you
provide the actual payment system-provided values for these parameters.
Payment Systems on the Funds Capture Side
On the funds capture side, payment systems play a central role in the creation of funds
capture process profiles, since the creation of a funds capture process profile is payment
system-specific. Funds capture process profiles specify how Payments processes
settlements, including how the settlement is to be formatted and how it is to be
After setting up and choosing the Update Account, you must then update the Payer
notification values in the Funds Capture Process Profiles, the update happens
Payment Systems on the Funds Disbursement Side
On the funds disbursement side, the payment system plays a smaller role in the creation
of payment process profiles, which are blueprints for payments that contain payment
instruction formatting and transmission information, as well as payment grouping,
payment limits, and payment sorting details.
Shared Setup Tasks for Funds Capture and Funds Disbursement 4-15
Step 9. Configuring Oracle Payments Sample Servlet
The Oracle Payments sample servlet is a gateway model servlet that you can use to test
your Oracle Payments implementation without having to register with a real payment
system. The sample servlet only supports core Oracle Payments operations, such as
authorization, capture, and return for credit cards.
You can use the sample servlet to test the integration between your source product and
Oracle Payments. All transactions sent to the sample servlet should succeed, unless the
transaction amount matches certain pre-set values, in which case an error is induced.
You can use the integration to simulate error scenarios and test error handling in the
calling source product.
The table below lists the pre-defined transaction amounts and their associated error
Pre-defined Transaction Amounts and their Associated Error Codes
Transaction Amounts Error Messages
1001 Communication error when contacting the
gateway. Please try again.
1002 Given order id used for a previous
1004 A parameter to this transaction is either
malformed or missing.
1005 Generic payment system error occurred.
Please check error code.
1008 Transaction type is not valid or not supported
for this merchant.
1016 Internal payment system failure. Please check
error code.
1017 Account does not have sufficient funds to
complete this transaction.
1019 Invalid credit card number/expiration date.
1020 Authorization declined.
4-16 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Transaction Amounts Error Messages
1021 Voice authorization code incorrect.
Installing the Sample Servlet
To configure the sample servlet, perform the following steps.
1. Add the alias statement to the configuration file of the servlet zone you wish the
sample servlet to run as specified in the orion-web.xml file which is in the following
In the same configuration file, provide the following servlet zone-wide parameters
listed in the table below, which are set by a statement of the form
Zone-Wide Parameters
Parameter Example Value Description
errorfile tmp/error.log Debug file used to write
errors and stack traces.
debugfile tmp/debug.log Log file used to write
debugging messages.
debug true, false Turns debugging on or off.
Configuring Sample Servlet as a Payment System
Once the sample servlet is installed and configured, the servlet must be added as a
payment system so it can be used. Login to the Oracle Payments Setup Administrator
responsibility and create a payment system for the sample servlet with the following
Name: Sample Servlet
Suffix: lop
Payment System Type: Gateway
Shared Setup Tasks for Funds Capture and Funds Disbursement 4-17
Transmission Servlet Base URL: Example - http://localhost:<port>/OA_HTML,
where <port> is the port of your installation
Supported Payment Instrument: Credit Card
Note: The sample payment system already exists in the Oracle
Payments setup. You only need to enter the Base URL
Adding a Payment System Account
For each payee that uses the sample servlet, enter any value for the payment system
account name.
Testing the Sample Payment System
To test the sample payment system, create a transaction through the Transaction
Testing pages, or from a source product. Verify that you have a routing rule that routes
the transaction to the sample payment system and that your transaction matches the
routing rule.
The $0 authorization cannot be executed using the sample payment system.
Related Topics
For more information on setting up a routing rule for first party payees, see Step 17.
Setting Up First Party Payees, page 6-9.
For more information on configuring Paymentech, see Configuring Paymentech on
MetaLink, Note 405996.1.
For more information on configuring FDC North, see Configuring FDC North on Meta
Link, Note 405999.1.
For more information on configuring Concord EFSnet, see Configuring Concord EFSnet
on MetaLink, Note 406000.1.
For more information on configuring Verisign, see Configuring PayPal Payflow
Gateway (formerly Verisign) on MetaLink, Note 406002.1.
For more information on configuring CyberSource, see Configuring CyberSource on
MetaLink, Note 406003.1.
4-18 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Step 10. Setting Up SSL Security for Payment System Servlet
When Oracle Payments communicates with the payment system servlets, the
information exchanged may be sensitive information such as credit card numbers. If the
communication is not secure, it poses a security risk.
The security risk increases under the following circumstances if:
Oracle Payments and the payment system servlets are installed on separate
Oracle Payments is running outside your firewall.
1. To set up a payment system servlet with secured sockets layer, enable HTTPS on
the middle-tier server where the servlet resides.
2. If there are no funds capture profiles defined yet for the payment system, change
the BASE URL parameter of the payment system to use the https: protocol.
Otherwise, change the URLs on any transmission configurations set up to be used
with that payment system to contain https:.
Step 11. Configuring the XML Framework
Oracle Payments incorporates an XML framework, which enables it to communicate
with payment systems using XML. The IBY: XML_BASE property and, optionally, the
IBY: JAVA_XML_LOG property must have valid values. Both properties can be set by
running AutoConfig.
Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement 5-1
Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement
Funds disbursement is a payment sent from the first party payer, the deploying
company, to the third party payee, such as suppliers. A payment can take an electronic
form; such as EFT or wire, or a printed form such as a check.
To use Oracle Payments, you must perform the setup steps indicated in the table below
in other E-Business Suite products. For each application installed, consult the guides for
that application to determine the sequence of setup steps.
Setup Checklist for E-Business Suite Products
Setup Step Step Type Oracle Application and
Applicable Guide
Set up third party payees and
suppliers and supplier sites.
required iSupplier Portal, Oracle
iSupplier Portal Implementation
Guide. See Supplier Definition
and Maintenance and
Defining Supplier Sites.
Set up VAT reporting. conditionally required Oracle Financials for
countries in the EMEA region,
Oracle Financials for Europe
User Guide. See Setting Up
VAT Reporting.
The Oracle Payments setup checklist for the funds disbursement process is shown in the
table below. These setup steps must be performed in Oracle Payments in the sequence
5-2 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Funds Disbursement Setup Checklist
Step Number Setup Step Step Type Oracle Application
12. Setting Up Funds
Payment Methods
Oracle Payments
13. Setting Up Payment
Method Defaulting
optional Oracle Payments
14. Setting Up Bank
Instruction Codes
optional Oracle Payments
15. Setting Up Delivery
Channel Codes
optional Oracle Payments
16. Setting Up Payment
Reason Codes
optional Oracle Payments
17. Setting Up Payment
Process Profiles
required Oracle Payments
18. Setting Up
Disbursement System
required Oracle Payments
Step 12. Setting Up Funds Disbursement Payment Methods
If you intend to use funds capture functionality, you must
complete Steps 13 to 18 as described below. If you do not intend to use
funds capture functionality, you do not need to perform Steps 13 to 18.
A funds disbursement payment method is a medium by which the first party payer, or
deploying company, makes a payment to a third party payee, such as a supplier. You
can use a payment method to pay one or more suppliers. Oracle Payments supports
several payment methods for funds disbursement, including the following:
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement 5-3
Bills Payable
The purpose of creating funds disbursement payment methods is to:
define the payment methods you want to use to make payments
define rules to default payment methods onto documents payable
assign validations to be run on documents payable, payments, and payment
Creating Funds Disbursement Payment Methods
Creating a funds disbursement payment method in Oracle Payments is comprised of
the following tasks:
entering general information
creating usage rules
assigning validations
Entering General Information--First Node
If, after completing the Create Payment Method: General page, you click the Review
button, the system navigates to the Create Payment Method: Review page and skips the
remaining tasks in creating a payment method. The system inserts, however, default
values for usage rules and payment field validations. No validations are assigned for
this payment method. The Create Payment Method: Review page reflects the default
information when you navigate to it by clicking the Review button.
Entering Header Information
In the Code field of the Create Payment Method: General page, enter a user-defined
code, which represents a shortname for the payment method.
For some formats, the payment method field or equivalent must
be populated from a list of possible values, defined by the payment
system or country. Those lists may not correspond, one-to-one, with
payment methods that are seeded in Oracle Payments, or with new
payment methods that you create.
To correctly populate the payment method or equivalent field in the format, enter the
5-4 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
value of a newly created payment method, as it should appear in the payment file, in
the Format Value Mapping field of the Create Payment Method: General page or the
Update Payment Method page.
For example, if a formatting template uses a format value of WIRE, but you want to
create several new wire payment methods that each have different validations, you can
enter WIRE in the format mapping value for each, and that is the value that will appear
in the payment file for all payment instructions that have those payment methods.
In the Anticipated Disbursement Float field, enter a value that represents the number of
days after submission of the payment instruction until the funds leave the first party
payer's account.
Specifying Bills Payable Payment Methods
Bills payable is a payment method involving the transfer of funds between bank
accounts, where one party promises to pay another a specified amount on a specified
date. If you wish to create a payment method that is used only for bills payable, you
must enter a value in the Maturity Date Calculation field. This value represents the
number of days to add to today's date to determine the bills payable due date.
Creating Usage Rules--Second Node
Usage rules specify when a payment method is available for use by source products for
documents payable. When you create usage rules, you enable or disable payment
methods for each product integrated with Oracle Payments. By defining or not defining
conditions for each product with an enabled or disabled payment method, you can
effectively provide different usage rules for different source products and change
whether and when the payment method is available.
The Availability column on the Create Payment Method: Usage Rules page defaults an
availability of Always, which means that the payment method for the applicable
product is always available and it also implies that no conditions have been set. The
value in the Availability column is read-only and reflects whether conditions have been
defined for the applicable product on the Usage Rules: Update Conditions for <product
name> page.
The payment method that the source product user sees in the source product, depends
on the usage rules specified in the Create Payment Method: Usage Rules page.
The following table shows the relationship between the definition of payment method
conditions and the availability of payment methods for source products on the Create
Payment Method: Usage Rules page.
Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement 5-5
Relationship Between the Definition of Payment Method Conditions and the Availability of
Payment Methods for Source Products
Availability Column
Conditions for the Payment
Enabled Check box
Always No Conditions Set Selected
Conditional Conditions Exist Selected
Never No Conditions Set Selected Enabled Check Box is
In the Usage Rules: Update Conditions for <Product Name> page, the First Party
Organization subregion uses access control security so that when you click the Add
button, you only see the first party organizations to which you have access. That is, you
can only add first party organizations to which you have access.
If, after completing the Create Payment Method: Usage Rules page, you click the
Review button, the system navigates to the Create Payment Method: Review page and
skips the remaining tasks in creating a payment method. The system inserts, however,
default values for payment field validations. No validations are assigned for this
payment method. The Create Payment Method: Review page reflects the default
information when you navigate to it by clicking the Review button.
Defining Usage Conditions
When the source product user is entering an invoice in Oracle Payables, for example,
the source product user enters data for all the variables indicated on the Usage Rules:
Update Conditions for <product name> page. This data includes the organization and
the legal entity to which the invoice belongs, as well as the payment processing
transaction types available for use on the payment method, such as customer refunds,
loan funding, payables documents, employee expense reports, bank account transfers,
and adhoc payments. All of the data you specify on the Usage Rules: Update
Conditions for <product name> page is entered on the invoice in Oracle Payables before
the Oracle Payables user selects the payment method.
Assigning Validations--Third Node
Assign the validations you want performed for each document, payment, or payment
instruction that uses this payment method. For detailed information on validations, see
Document Validation Flow (F5), Oracle Payments User's Guide or Payment Instruction
Validation Failure Handling Flow (F9), Oracle Payments User's Guide.
5-6 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Updating Payment Methods
To update payment methods, you can:
update usage rules by removing or adding conditions
assign or remove validations
Duplicating Funds Disbursement Payment Methods
To duplicate a payment method, click the applicable Duplicate icon in the Payment
Methods page. This action copies the entire original payment method. You can then
make changes to the duplicate and save it as a new funds disbursement payment
Step 13. Setting Up Payment Method Defaulting Rules
Payment method defaulting rules determine when payment methods default onto a
document payable, such as an invoice. Various products are shown in the Payment
Method Defaulting Rules page because you can have different defaulting rules for
different products. A payment method defaults onto a document payable when all
specified conditions are met. That is, values on the document payable, such as legal
entity, organization, and payment type, must match the values for the defaulting rules'
conditions for the applicable payment method to default onto the document payable.
Oracle Payments applies the rules in the user-specified priority. For example, if the first
rule is a match, Oracle Payments stops and defaults that rule's corresponding payment
method onto the invoice. Further, suppose you specify that the payment method for all
documents processed by Oracle Payables is first, Check and second, EFT. In this case, if
the conditions for Payment Method Check match those on the invoice, then Payment
Method Check defaults onto the invoice. If the conditions for Payment Method Check
do not match those on the invoice, then Oracle Payments determines whether the
conditions for Payment Method EFT matches. If the conditions for Payment Method
EFT match those on the invoice, then Payment Method EFT defaults onto the invoice.
Generally, the source product allows the user to override the default payment system
The purpose of setting up payment method defaulting rules is to create and maintain
defaulting rules for when payment methods are to default on documents to be paid.
Creating Defaulting Rules
If the First Party Legal Entity, the First Party Organization, the Payment Processing
Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement 5-7
Transaction Type, the Currency, and the Payee Location on the defaulting rule all match
the same values for those attributes on the invoice, then that payment method defaults
onto the invoice.
Specifying First Party Legal Entities
The first party legal entity is the legal entity to which the invoice belongs.
Specifying First Party Organization Entities
The first party organization is the organization to which the invoice belongs.
First party organization uses access control security, so that when you click the Add
button, you only see the first party organizations to which you have access. This means
that you can only add first party organizations to which you have access.
Specifying Payment Processing Transaction Types
The Payment Processing Transaction Type list of values only displays the payment
processing transaction types assigned to the source product for which you are updating
or creating a rule. Payment processing transaction types includes the following
payment types:
customer refunds
loan funding
payable documents
employee expense reports
bank accounts transfers
ad hoc payments
Reordering Defaulting Rules Priority
Typically, defaulting rules are reordered when:
you create a new defaulting rule
the deploying company's business process has changed
Step 14. Setting Up Bank Instruction Codes
Bank instruction codes are generally country-specific identifiers provided by a country's
government or central bank. These codes provide the payment system or bank with
additional details about how the country-specific payment is to be processed.
5-8 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
The purpose of entering country-specific bank instruction codes required by a
particular country's payment system or bank is to enable you to process payment
instructions to the country-specific payment system or bank.
Seeded Bank Instruction Codes
Oracle Payments provides many seeded bank instruction codes. The Author column of
the Bank Instruction Codes page displays Oracle Payments for seeded bank instruction
codes and the applicable user name for user-defined codes.
Creating Bank Instruction Codes
To create a bank instruction code, enter the following:
code obtained from the country's government or central bank
format value obtained from the country's government or central bank
country for which you are creating the instruction code
Step 15. Setting Up Delivery Channel Codes
Delivery channel codes are generally country-specific identifiers provided by a
country's government or central bank. These codes provide the payment system or bank
with additional details about how the country-specific payment is to be delivered to a
The purpose of entering country-specific delivery channel codes required by a
particular country's payment system or central bank is to enable you to specify how
payments are to be delivered to payees by the country-specific payment system or bank.
Seeded Delivery Channel Codes
Oracle Payments provides many seeded delivery channel codes. The Author column of
the Delivery Channel Codes page displays Oracle Payments for seeded delivery
channel codes and the applicable user name for user-defined codes.
Creating Delivery Channel Codes
To create a delivery channel code, enter the following:
code obtained from the country's government or central bank
Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement 5-9
format value obtained from the country's government or central bank
country for which you are creating the delivery channel code
Step 16. Setting Up Payment Reason Codes
Payment reason codes are generally country-specific identifiers provided by a country's
government or central bank. These codes provide the payment system or bank with
additional details about the reason for the payment for regulatory reporting purposes.
The purpose of entering country-specific payment reason codes required by a particular
country's payment system or central bank is to enable you to specify the reason for the
payment to the country-specific payment system or bank.
Seeded Payment Reason Codes
Oracle Payments provides many seeded payment reason codes. The Author column of
the Payment Reason Codes page displays Oracle Payments for seeded payment reason
codes and the applicable user name for user-defined codes.
Creating Payment Reason Codes
To create a payment reason code, enter the following:
code obtained from the country's government or central bank
format value obtained from the country's government or central bank
country for which you are creating the payment reason code
Step 17. Setting Up Payment Process Profiles
A payment process profile is a payment attribute assigned to documents payable, which
specifies how Oracle Payments performs processing. Payment process profiles are
comprised of several types of payment processing information, including specifications
for formatting and transmission.
Before you can set up payment process profiles, you must perform the following setup
funds disbursement payment methods
5-10 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
payment systems and transmission configurations, if you plan to use them
The purpose of setting up payment process profiles is to specify the details of the
payment process. Payment process profiles are blueprints that contain all the rules for
creating and disbursing payments.
Creating Payment Process Profiles
The payment process profile provides a number of features that vary in complexity,
some of which may not be needed for basic payment processing. Therefore, once you
create a payment process profile by entering data in the Create Payment Process Profile
page and applying it, you can search for the newly create profile and set up any
additional features by using the update functionality.
After you finish entering data in the Create Payment Process Profile page, you can click
the Save and Add Details button to navigate to the Update Payment Process Profile
page. The initial data entered is saved to the database and the newly created Payment
Process Profile is ready for use, if appropriate or you can add additional features later
by using the update functionality.
Entering Header Information
Selecting a processing type of Electronic or Printed determines what fields you see in
the header of the Create Payment Process Profile page.
The list of values for the Payment System field is based on the value selected from the
Payment Instruction Format list of values. If you do not select an option from the
Payment Instruction Format list of values, then the list of values for the Payment
System field is blank.
If a payment system is not selected from the Payment System list of values, then the list
of values for the Transmission Configuration field is empty. When a payment system is
selected, the Transmission Configuration list of values displays the configurations that
are linked to the payment system.
Specifying the Electronic Processing Type
If you select Electronic from the Processing Type drop-down box in the Create Payment
Process Profile page, the following fields display in the header that are pertinent to
electronic payment processing:
Payment Completion Point drop-down box. This option indicates when a payment
is marked complete. Payments can automatically be marked complete anytime from
the time the payment instruction is formatted in Oracle Payments to when the
Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement 5-11
payment is transmitted to the payment system.
Allow Manual Setting of Payment Completion check box. This setting enables
payment administrators to mark payments complete manually in the Payment
Processes region of the Funds Disbursement Process Home page.
Automatically Transmit Payment File after Formatting check box. If selected, the
payment file is automatically transmitted to the payment system or bank after it is
formatted. If it is not checked, a payment administrator will have to initiate
transmission from the Funds Disbursement Dashboard.
Specifying the Printed Processing Type
If you select Printed from the Processing Type drop-down box, the following fields
display in the header that are pertinent to printed payment processing:
Default Payment Document list of values
The list of values displayed for the Default Payment Document field are based on
the value selected from the Payment Instruction Format list of values. If you do not
make a selection from the Payment Instruction Format list of values, the list of
values in the Default Payment Document field is blank.
Send to File radio button
Send to Printer radio button
Automatically Print after Formatting check box
If selected, the Default Printer field is populated with the default printer assigned in
Oracle Applications. You can change this value if you wish, but you must select a
default printer from the Default Printer list of values.
Specifying Payment Process Profile Usage Rules
Payment process profile usage rules determine when payment process profiles can be
assigned for use on documents payable. You can select the All radio button to indicate
that all payment methods, first party organizations, internal bank accounts, and/or
currencies apply to this payment process profile or you can select the Specify radio
button to specify specific values for any of these categorizations that apply to this
payment process profile.
First Party Organization uses access control security so that when you click the Specify
radio button and then click the Add button, you will only see the first party
organizations to which you have access. This means you can only add first party
organizations for which you have access.
5-12 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Specifying Payment Instruction Creation Rules
This region enables you to specify how payments are grouped into payment
instructions and how those payments are sorted within the payment instructions.
Internal Bank Account and Payment Currency payment grouping options are only
displayed under the Payment Instruction Creation Rules region when the Processing
Type selected is Electronic.
When the Payment Process Request grouping option is specified, payments that were
submitted to Oracle Payments in different payment process requests are not mixed
together in the payment instructions. However, there is no assurance that only a single
payment instruction is created with payments from within a payment process request
because payments within the same payment process request may contain different
payment process profiles, and therefore need to be grouped into separate payment
Specifying Payment Grouping
Descriptions of selected payment grouping options are indicated in the table below.
Descriptions of Payment Grouping Options
Field Feature Description
RFC Identifier check box Identifier of the Regional
Finance Center. This is
relevant if you are deploying
Oracle Payments for use by a
United States federal agency.
Payment Function check box Function of the payment, that
is, a type of payment.
Examples of payment
functions are Supplier
Payment and Employee
Specifying Payment Limits
You can specify a maximum payment amount and/or a maximum number of payments
for a payment instruction. If you specify a maximum payment amount, you must
specify an exchange rate type from the Exchange Rate Type drop-down box. Examples
of the exchange rate type options are indicated in the table below.
Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement 5-13
Descriptions of Exchange Rate Type Options
Field Description
Corporate An exchange rate that is optionally used to
perform foreign currency conversion. The
corporate exchange rate is usually a standard
market rate determined by senior financial
management for use throughout the
organization. This rate is defined in Oracle
General Ledger.
Spot A daily exchange rate used to perform foreign
currency conversions. The spot exchange rate
is usually a quoted market rate that applies to
the immediate delivery of one currency for
User A user-defined exchange rate.
Specifying Payment Sorting
Oracle Payments applies user-specifed payment grouping rules to a pool of payments,
thereby grouping individual payments into various payment instructions. The system
then applies user-specified sorts, in sequence, so that payments within a payment
instruction are sorted as specified.
Specifying Separate Remittance Advice
Remittance advice is a report sent to a payee that lists the documents payable paid as
part of each payment. You can specify the format for the remittance advice document
and the delivery method.
When the separate remittance advice Format field is specified, the Condition field
under the Separate Remittance Advice region in the Reporting subtab is set to All
Payments. You can change this value in the Update Payment Process Profile page if you
If you select the Override Payee Delivery Method Preference check box, you can
override the supplier/payee's delivery method preference that was set in the
supplier/payee setup.
If the Override Payee Delivery Method Preference check box is deselected, the delivery
method preference set at the supplier/payee level is used, overriding the delivery
method set in the Create Payment Process Profile page or in the Update Payment
Process Profile page.
5-14 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Adding or Updating Usage Rules
The Usage Rules subtab displays the same regions and fields that appear in the Create
Payment Process Profile page.
Adding or Updating the Payment System
The Payment System subtab displays the accounts associated with the payment system.
If you wish, you can enable one or more payment system accounts.
Select a payment transmission protocol from the Payment Transmission Protocol
drop-down list. The drop-down list displays seeded protocols that are linked to the
payment system you selected from the Payment System list of values on the Create
Payment Process Profile page.
Specifying the Payment System
The Payment System field is enterable in the Update Payment Process Profile page only
if you do not select a payment system from the Payment System list of values on the
Create Payment Process Profile page. If you select a payment system from the Payment
System list of values in the Create Payment Process Profile page, you cannot update the
Payment System field in the Update Payment Process Profile page because it is
If you select or enter a payment system in the Payment System field of the Update
Payment Process Profile page, you must select at least one payment system account by
selecting the corresponding Enabled check box.
Enabling Payment System Accounts
Payment system account names are user-defined identifiers that identify the deploying
company's accounts with its payment system. All payment system account names are
enabled by default and populate the Name field under the Payment System Accounts
region when you navigate to the Update Payment Process Profile page for the first time
from the Create Payment Process Profile page. The populated payment system account
names are the same as the user-defined identifiers originally entered in the Name field
of the Update Payment System Accounts page during shared setup for payment
The value in the Account Payment Process Profile Name field defaults the concatenated
string of the account payment process profile name and the payment system account
name. If you wish, you can change this defaulted account payment process profile
The required value in the Account Payment Process Profile Name field is only valid for
the account payment process profile names that are enabled. Users typically enable one
payment system account name at a time by selecting the corresponding Enabled check
box. You can, however, enable more than one payment system account if you want to
Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement 5-15
use the same payment process profile for different payment system accounts.
If you did not navigate directly from the Create Payment Process Profile page, but
instead clicked the Update icon on the Payment Process Profiles page, and you deselect
the Enabled check box in the Payment System subtab of the Update Payment Process
Profile page, the system end dates the payment system account but does not delete it.
Adding or Updating Payment Creation
The information entered in the Payment Creation subtab is used to define payment
creation rules for grouping documents payable into payments.
Specifying Document Grouping
Specifying document grouping options defines grouping rules used to group
documents payable into payments.
Specifying Document Limits
In this region you can specify a maximum payment detail size limit and a maximum
payment amount for payments. The payment detail is built using the Payment Detail
Form field. This field should contain a SQL expression written by a database
administrator. This SQL expression, which can reference columns of the documents
payable table, is used by Oracle Payments to generate payment detail in the form of text
that becomes part of the payment. An example of payment detail that would create the
payment detail by concatenating the purchase order number and payment date of the
documents in the payment might look as follows: PO_NUMBER || PAYMENT_DATE.
In the Maximum Payment Detail Length field you enter the maximum number of
characters allowed for payment detail. This limit is imposed by the deploying
company's payment system or a regulatory body.
Adding or Updating Payment Instruction Creation
The information entered in the Payment Instruction Creation subtab is used to group
payments into payment instructions. The Payment Instruction Creation subtab includes
the Bank Instructions region, which does not appear on the Create Payment Process
Profile page.
Specifying Payment Grouping
The Internal Bank Account payment grouping option check box is only displayed when
the selection for the Processing Type field is Electronic.
Specifying Bank Instructions
In this region, you specify bank instruction codes and other fields of text that are added
to all payment instructions that are created using this payment process request. The
5-16 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
specified codes and text are usually used to provide additional payment processing
instructions for the intended payment system or additional payment information for the
intended payee. The table below describes the fields in the Bank Instructions region.
Description of Fields Under the Bank Instructions Region, Payment Instruction Creation
Subtab of the Update Payment Process Profile Page
Field Feature Description
Bank Instruction 1 and 2 List of Values Bank Instruction Code. For
information on setting up
bank instruction codes, see
Step 14. Setting Up Bank
Instruction Codes, page 5-7.
Bank Instruction Details Enterable Field Text that appears in the
electronic payment
Payment Text Message 1 and
Enterable Fields Messages that are added to
electronic payment
instructions and may be
passed to payees by the
payment system.
Adding or Updating Payment Instruction Format
The Payment Instruction Format subtab displays information about the format of the
payment instruction that is submitted to the payment system or bank, along with the
Specifying Payment File Information
The enterable fields in the Payment File Information region contain user-defined
information that is requested by the payment system or bank to submit payment files.
The table below describes the payment file information fields.
Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement 5-17
Description of Fields Under the Payment File Information Region, Payment Instruction
Format Subtab of the Update Payment Process Profile Page
Field Feature Description
Outbound Payment File
Enterable field Prefix on the file name that is
submitted to the payment
system or bank.
Outbound Payment File
Enterable field Extension on the file name
that is submitted to the
payment system or bank
Outbound Payment File
Enterable field Location on the deploying
company's computer from
which the payment file is
submitted to the payment
system or bank
Entering Sequence Information
Sequences are used in Oracle Payment to number sequential items. An example of a
sequence is the sequential numbering of invoices. Database Administrators define
sequences in the database. Payment systems or central banks may require that some of
these sequences be reset on a periodic basis.
The table below describes the fields under the Periodic Sequences in Format region of
the Payment Instruction Format subtab.
Description of Fields under the Periodic Sequences in Format Region, Payment Instruction
Format Subtab of the Update Payment Process Profile Page
Field Feature Description
Sequence Name Enterable field Name of a sequence that a
Database Administrator
defines in the database. This
value is linked to an entry in
an Oracle XML Publisher
template, which you select
when you create a format
during shared setup.
5-18 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Field Feature Description
Payment System Account
Automatically populated by
any enabled payment system
Any enabled payment system
account is displayed in the
Payment System Account
Name field.
Reset Sequence Value Enterable field Restarts the sequence at the
value specified in the Reset
Sequence Value field.
Last Used Number Enterable field A number, after which the
sequence restarts.
Set Schedule Icon Opens the Concurrent
Request program page, where
you need to run the program
with name Reset Periodic
Sequence Value by specifying
when and how frequently you
want Oracle Payments to
reset the sequence value.
Note: If no payment system is selected or entered for the Payment
System field in the Payment System subtab of the Update Payment
Process Profile page, then the Periodic Sequences in Format region is
not displayed.
The Periodic Sequences in Format region always displays three rows, which enables
you to enter up to three sequence names. When you enter a sequence name in the
Periodic Sequences in Format region, the Sequence Settings table displays all the
payment system account names that were enabled in the Payment System subtab of the
Update Payment Process Profile page.
Adding or Updating Payment Reporting
The Reporting subtab displays enterable fields to select options for running various
Specifying Payment Instruction Register Information
A payment instruction register is a report that is created for each payment instruction.
The register indicates what payments are contained in that payment instruction.
Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement 5-19
Specifying Positive Pay Information
A positive pay file is a security measure in the form of a document that the deploying
company sends to its payment system or bank to inform it of payments made by check.
When you print checks, then you can electronically transmit a list of payments to the
bank or payment system that indicates the checks you printed, so the bank or payment
system knows what checks to pay. This list prevents the payment system or bank from
paying fraudulent checks, since such checks are not listed on the positive pay file.
The table below describes selected fields under the Positive Pay region of the Reporting
Description of Fields Under the Positive Pay Region, Reporting Subtab of the Update
Payment Process Profile Page
Field Feature Description
Outbound Payment File
Enterable field Prefix entered on the file
name of a positive pay file.
Outbound Payment File
Enterable field Extension entered on the file
name of a positive pay file.
Outbound Payment File
Enterable field Folder on the deploying
company's computer from
which the positive pay file is
submitted to the payment
system or bank.
Automatically Transmit File Check box If selected, Oracle Payments
transmits the positive pay file
when payments are issued.
That is, when checks are
printed, then the positive pay
file is generated and
Specifying Separate Remittance Advice
Separate remittance advice is a document that lists the invoices paid with a particular
payment. You can specify the format for the separate remittance advice document and
the delivery method.
The table below describes selected fields under the Separate Remittance Advice region
of the Reporting subtab.
5-20 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Description of Fields Under the Separate Remittance Advice Region, Reporting Subtab of
the Update Payment Process Profile Page
Field Feature Description
Condition Drop-down list Specifies when or for which
payments this remittance
advice is generated.
Number of Documents option
indicates the number of
payments that must be
included in a payment
instruction for Oracle
Payments to generate
separate remittance advice for
the included payments. The
Payment Detail Length option
indicates the minimum
payment detail length
required to generate separate
remittance advice for a
Specifying Regulatory Reporting
Regulatory reporting refers to reports required by a regulatory body, such as a level of
government, the central bank, or an individual bank.
The fields in the Regulatory Reporting region of the Update Payment Process Profile
page enable you to determine the conditions under which regulatory reporting can be
generated. In addition to these conditions, you can use a SQL function if you want to
implement more complex criteria. This SQL function overrides the fields in the user
interface, such as the reporting threshold amount.
To implement this SQL function, you will need to update the following stub SQL
IBY_EXTENSIBILITY_CALLOUTS_PUB (ibyextcs/b.pls) with the following
FUNCTION isCentralBankReportingRequired(
p_payment_id IN NUMBER,
x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
The function accepts one parameter, the Payment ID. This function must return either Y
or N.
Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement 5-21
Adding or Updating Additional Information
This subtab enables you to define descriptive flexfields, if applicable.
Step 18. Setting Up Disbursement System Options
Disbursement system options are system-wide payment options that control
disbursements made by the first party payer to suppliers. Oracle Payments provides
two levels of system options; enterprise-level system options and organization-level
system options, by operating unit or legal entity.
The first party payer, or deploying company, that disburses payments, can set system
options for payment features. Oracle Payments seeds one enterprise-level system option
on the Disbursement System Options page. When you access this page, you can view
the default system options for the entire enterprise. Enterprise-level system options are
updateable if you have been assigned security update permission.
You can also view the system options for each organization to which you have access in
your security profile. This means that you can only view and update those
organizations to which you have security access. For information on security access for
multiple organizations, see Define Multiple Organization Security Profile, Oracle
Applications Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide.
Upon initial implementation, the enterprise-level settings display the seeded settings for
enterprise-wide options, which are used for the enterprise and all organizations within
the enterprise. Once you change a value on the Update Disbursement System Options:
Enterprise-wide page, the user interface displays the existing values in the database. If
you have update access, you can change the system options at the enterprise-level or
the organization-level. Making a change at an organization level creates a record for the
organization. After that, any changes made to the enterprise-level do not update the
Only some system options, such as default payment method, can
be set at the organization- level.
The Disbursement System Options are treated as defaults. Source
products can override these settings when a payment process request is
The purpose of setting up disbursement system options is to specify how the payment
5-22 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
process runs at the enterprise and organization-levels.
Updating Default Payment Method System Options
The table below describes the default payment method system options.
Description of Default Payment Method System Options
Default Payment Method
Features Description
Based Only on Payment
Method Defaulting Rules
Radio button This option uses the payment
method defaulting rules set
up in Step 12 in Oracle
Override Defaulting Rules
when Default Method Set for
Radio button This option uses the default
payment method set for each
supplier, or payee, in
iSupplier Portal.
Updating Payment Processing System Options
The table below describes selected payment processing system options.
Selected Payment Processing System Options
Region/Field Name Features Description
Validation Failure Results
Document Drop-down list These options either direct
Oracle Payments to stop
payment processing for
review of the applicable
documents if validation
failures occur or to reject
some or all of the documents.
Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement 5-23
Region/Field Name Features Description
Payment Drop-down list These options either direct
Oracle Payments to stop
payment processing for
review of the applicable
payments if validation
failures occur or to reject
some or all of the payments.
Proposed Payments Region
Review Proposed Payments
after Creation
Drop-down list This field determines whether
the payment process is
stopped after payments are
created and validated, to give
the Payment Administrator
the ability to review and
potentially remove payments.
Allow Payee Bank Account
Override on Proposed
Check box If the check box is selected,
you can change the bank
account to which you are
making a payment on the
Review Proposed Payments
page. If Review Proposed
Payments after Creation is set
to No, this field is not used.
If the check box is deselected,
you cannot change the bank
account to which you are
making a payment.
Payment Process Request
Status Report Region
Format List of values Oracle Payments seeds one
Status report format, which
you can select from the list of
values. You can also create
your own Status report
formats. If you create your
own Status report formats,
they are available as options
from the list of values.
5-24 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Region/Field Name Features Description
Automatically Submit at
Payment Process Request
Check box If the check box is selected,
Oracle Payments
automatically runs the Status
report after the Build
Payments program
If the check box is deselected,
Oracle Payments does not run
the Status report after the
Build Payments Program
Payment Instructions Region
Save Formatted Payment File
in Database
Check box If the check box is selected,
the formatted payment file
created from the payment
instruction is stored in the
Updating Default Payment Specifications for Payee System Options
The table below describes the default payment specifications for payee system options.
Default Payment Specifications for Payee System Options
Field Name Features Description
Bank Charge Bearer Drop-down list When funds are sent by EFT,
the bank that does the
processing charges a fee. By
selecting an option from the
Bank Charge Bearer
drop-down list, you can
indicate the party who is
responsible for paying the
EFT fee. This field may not be
used by all banks in all
Setup Tasks for Funds Disbursement 5-25
Field Name Features Description
Pay Each Document Alone Check box If the check box is selected,
while creating a new supplier
the Pay each document alone
checkbox at the supplier level
is automatically selected. That
is, the 'Pay each document
alone option defaults based
on this setup.
Setup Tasks for Funds Capture  6-1
Setup Tasks for Funds Capture
Note: If you intend to use the funds capture functionality, you must
complete the funds capture setup steps.
Funds capture is the automated funds capture process through electronic payment
methods, such as direct debits of bank accounts, credit cards, and remittance of bills
receivable, where payment is retrieved, or captured, from the payer who owes a debt to
the payee.
The Oracle Payments setup checklist for the funds capture process is shown in the table
below. These setup steps must be performed in the sequence indicated.
Funds Capture Setup Checklist
Step Number Setup Step Step Type Oracle Application
19. Configuring the
ECApp Servlet
required Oracle Payments
20. Setting Up Funds
Capture Payment
required Oracle Payments
21. Setting Up Funds
Capture Process
required Oracle Payments
6-2 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Step Number Setup Step Step Type Oracle Application
22. Setting Up First Party
required Oracle Payments
23. Setting Up Credit
Card Brands
Oracle Payments
24. Loading Risky
optional Oracle Payments
Step 19. Configuring the ECApp Servlet
An ECApp servlet is the only front-end servlet in Oracle Payments. You must configure
the ECApp servlet to use Oracle Payments PL/SQL API and 3i Backward Compatibility
Oracle Payments integrations packaged with E-Business Suite products start
functioning after you configure the ECApp servlet. The ECApp servlet provides an
interface to the Oracle Payments engine to process payment-related operations such as
authorization, capture, and return.
Setting Up SSL Security for the ECApp Servlet
To enable SSL security for the ECApp servlet, perform the following steps:
Create a wallet file on the database tier.
Import the certificate for the Certifying Authority (CA), which signed the Middle
Tier's server certificate into the wallet file.
3. Save the wallet with auto login mode enabled.
Specify the location of the wallet for all E-Business Suite applications by running
AutoConfig or manually setting the system profile option Database Wallet
Directory (FND_DB_WALLET_DIR) to the full path of the directory where the
wallet file resides.
Related Topics
For information on the Oracle wallet, see Oracle Advanced Security Administration Guide.
Setup Tasks for Funds Capture  6-3
Step 20. Setting Up Funds Capture Payment Methods
A funds capture payment method is a payment medium by which a third party payer,
such as a customer, chooses to remit payment to the first party payee, which is the
deploying company. Oracle Payments supports three funds capture payment methods
for automated funds capture processing: credit cards, PINless debit cards, and bank
account transfers.
Oracle Payments seeds three updateable funds capture payment methods for credit
card, PINless debit card, and bank account transfer instrument types and also seeds five
updateable payer-initiated instrument types, such as check or wire transfer. For
payer-initiated instrument types, Oracle Payments records the transaction, but does not
perform any processing for these payment methods.
From the Funds Capture Payment Methods page, you can view and update the seeded
funds capture payment methods or define new funds capture payment methods for
bank account transfers only.
How Source Product Users Employ Funds Capture Payment Methods
Once the funds capture payment methods are set up, they are available for selection by
the source product user while creating or updating external payers. Additionally,
source product users select one of the following seeded funds capture payment
methods before submitting a payment transaction to Oracle Payments:
ACH (Automated Clearing House) Transfer
EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) Bank Transfer
Credit Card
PINless Debit Card
Cash Payment
Wire Transfer
Offline Manual Payment
Of those in the preceding list, the first two are bank account transfer methods and the
last five are payer-initiated methods.
6-4 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
The purpose of setting up funds capture payment methods is to assign validation sets to
seeded funds capture payment methods and to assign validation sets and define details
of bank account transfers.
Creating Payment Methods
When you create a funds capture payment method for the processing type of bank
account transfer, you enter user-defined values in the Code field, which is an identifier,
or shortname, for the funds capture payment method you are creating.
Assigning Validations
In the Assign Validation Sets region, you assign applicable validation sets to the funds
capture payment methods of processing type Bank Account Transfer that you are
Note: The Assign Validation Sets and Descriptive Flexfields regions
only display for non payer-initiated payment instrument types.
Step 21. Setting Up Funds Capture Process Profiles
A funds capture process profile is a setup entity that acts as a blueprint for funds
capture processing. It is equivalent to the payment process profile for funds
disbursement processing. When you create a funds capture process profile, you specify
funds capture processing rules for a specific payment system. These funds capture
process profile rules include how:
online messages, such as authorizations, for bank account transfers, credit cards,
and debit cards are formatted and transmitted
settlements are aggregated into a settlement batch
settlement batches are formatted and transmitted
acknowledgements received from the payment system are received and parsed
payment system account information is linked into the payment process
Before you can set up funds capture process profiles, you must perform the following
set up steps:
Setup Tasks for Funds Capture  6-5
transmission configurations
payment systems
funds capture payment methods
The purpose of setting up funds capture process profiles is to specify funds capture
processing rules for a specific payment system. The funds capture process profiles
contain all the rules necessary for the execution of funds capture orders for specific
payment systems.
You must update the Payer notification values in the Funds Capture Process Profiles for
the update to happen successfully.
Sending and Receiving Online Payer Verifications, Authorizations, and Debits
The region name that you see in the Create Funds Capture Process Profiles page is
dependent upon the option selected in the Processing Type drop-down list.
Sending and Receiving Online Payer Verifications
If you select Bank Account Transfer from the Processing Type drop-down list in the
Create Funds Capture Process Profile page, the Online Payer Verification region
displays. By selecting outbound and inbound payment system formats, as well as a
transmission protocol, the deploying company ensures that it can:
send an online message to the payment system, asking it to verify that the
transmission configuration is set up correctly to capture funds from customer bank
receive an online response message from the payment system
Online Payer Verification is an optional feature and is not offered
by all payment systems.
Sending and Receiving Online Authorization
If you select Credit Card from the Processing Type drop-down list in the Create Funds
Capture Process Profile page, the Online Authorization region displays. By selecting
outbound and inbound payment system formats, as well as the transmission protocol,
the deploying company ensures that it can:
send an online message to the payment system, asking it to authorize an online
6-6 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
credit card payment from the customer's credit card account with the issuing bank
receive an online response message from the payment system
Sending and Receiving Online Debits
If you select Debit Card from the Processing Type drop-down list in the Create Funds
Capture Process Profile page, the Online Debit region displays. By selecting outbound
and inbound payment system formats, as well as the transmission protocol, the
deploying company ensures that it can:
send an online message to the payment system, asking it to debit a customer's
checking account for payment via the customer's debit card
receive an online response message from the payment system
Sending and Receiving Settlements
By selecting outbound and inbound payment system formats, as well as the
transmission protocol, the deploying company ensures that it can:
send a settlement request to the payment system, which includes individual online
settlements for gateway-model payment systems and settlement batches for
processor-model payment systems
receive an online response message from gateway-model payment systems
Sending Payer Notifications to Payers
Payer notification is a message sent by the deploying company to each of its customers
after the settlement or settlement batch is transmitted, notifying them of a funds capture
transaction. This notification is formatted according to the option selected in the Format
field of the Payer Notification region and delivered to the payer, that is, the deploying
company's customer, by e-mail, fax, or United States mail.
If the payment system is a processor, then the Automatically
Submit at Settlement Completion check box appears in the Payer
Notification region of the Create Funds Capture Process Profile page. If
the payment system is a gateway, then the Automatically Submit at
Settlement Completion check box disappears from the Payer
Notification region of the Create Funds Capture Process Profile page.
Receiving Acknowledgements from Payment Systems
By selecting outbound and inbound payment system formats, as well as the
Setup Tasks for Funds Capture  6-7
transmission protocol, the deploying company ensures that it can:
Actively retrieve a response from the payment system, acknowledging that a
settlement or batch settlement was received or not received from the deploying
Parse the acknowledgement message.
Acknowledgements are sent from the payment system to the deploying company,
indicating whether credit card or bank account transfer settlements were made.
Acknowledgements can be pushed by the payment system onto the deploying
company's system, or the deploying company may need to actively retrieve
acknowledgements from the payment system. Acknowledgements can also indicate
whether the settlement batch was processed and had successes or failures.
A payment system can reject a settlement batch when the batch is incomplete or missing
Specifying Settlement Grouping
Settlement grouping begins when you select check boxes in the Settlement Grouping
region of the Create Funds Capture Process Profile page. Selection of settlement
grouping attributes specifies that settlements with the same settlement grouping
attributes will be included in a unique settlement batch when that Funds Capture
Process Profile is used.
The grouping example in the table below illustrates how settlements A to D are
grouped into settlement batches, given the three settlement grouping attributes selected
for Funds Capture Process Profile Y. The following settlement grouping attributes are
used in the example:
First Party Organization
First Party Legal Entity
Settlement Date
6-8 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Example of Settlement Grouping into Settlement Batches for the Funds Capture Process
Profile Y
Settlement Settlement Attributes on
Unique Settlement Batches
First Party Organization
= Organization Unit 1
First Party Legal Entity =
Oracle North America
Settlement Date =
January 1, 2006
Settlement Batch I contains:
Settlement A
Settlement B
First Party Organization
= Organization Unit 1
First Party Legal Entity =
Oracle North America
Settlement Date =
January 1, 2006
First Party Organization
= Organization Unit 2
First Party Legal Entity =
Oracle North America
Settlement Date =
January 1, 2006
Settlement Batch II contains:
Settlement C
First Party Organization
= Organization Unit 1
First Party Legal Entity =
Oracle North America
Settlement Date =
January 2, 2006
Settlement Batch III contains:
Settlement D
Setup Tasks for Funds Capture  6-9
Specifying Settlement Limits
You can specify limits that apply to each settlement batch, including the maximum
number of settlements in a batch.
The Exchange Rate Type drop-down list has the following options:
Corporate: An exchange rate you define to standardize rates for your company.
This rate is generally a standard market rate determined by senior financial
management for use throughout the organization.
Spot: An exchange rate which you enter to perform conversion based on the rate on
a specific date. It applies to the immediate delivery of a currency.
User: An exchange rate you specify when you enter a foreign currency journal
Specifying Payment System Accounts
When you specify payment system accounts to be used with the funds capture process
profile, you are effectively creating separate profiles at the account-level. By default,
these account-level profiles are named by concatenating the funds capture process
profile name and the payment system account name, but you can change it.
Once the identifier is entered, you can select the applicable transmission configuration
that corresponds to each selected transmission protocol.
The transmission configuration options available in the Payment System Accounts
region are dependent on the options selected in the Transmission Protocol fields.
When you change options in the Transmission Protocols fields,
you must clear the transmission configuration selections and reselect.
The following conditions apply to the selection of transmission configurations:
When you select a transmission protocol, the corresponding transmission
configuration list of values only displays the transmission configurations for the
selected transmission protocol.
If you do not initially select a transmission protocol and then select a transmission
configuration, the corresponding transmission protocol field is populated.
Step 22. Setting Up First Party Payees
On the funds capture side, the first party payee is the deploying company, or
organizations within the deploying company, that receives funds from its customers,
the payers, by credit card payments, debit card payments, direct debits to bank
6-10 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
accounts, and bills receivable transactions sent to banks.
Before you can set up first party payees, you must perform the following setup steps:
payment systems
payment system accounts
payment methods
funds capture process profiles
The purpose of setting up first party payees is to tie the payment processing rules of the
funds capture process profile to the business entities that need to use them.
Completing the Header
In the Code field of the Create Payee page, enter a shortname for the payee. This value
is not updateable in the Update Payee page.
In the Merchant Category Code field of the Create Payee page, enter a four-digit code
that is usually supplied by the payment system, which identifies the industry in which
the deploying company operates.
Selecting Payment Systems and Payment System Accounts
In the Payment System Accounts region of the Create Payee page, you select payment
systems from the Payment System list of values that are used by the deploying
company or its organizations. Additionally, you select payment system accounts from
the Payment System Account list of values.
Each payment system is associated with one or more payment system accounts. The
payment system account is an account identifier used by the deploying company's
payment system, which is stored in Oracle Payments.
If you do not select a payment system from the Payment System
list of values, then all the payment system accounts are displayed in the
Payment System Account list of values and the Payment System field is
populated with the option that corresponds to the selected payment
system account.
Setup Tasks for Funds Capture  6-11
Assigning Operating Units
In the Assign Operating Units region of the Create Payee page, you can assign one or
more operating units to the payee. The assignment of one or more operating units to a
first party payee occurs because source products attribute each funds capture
transaction to an operating unit. This setup allows Oracle Payments to map a
transaction from an operating unit to a payee. Each operating unit may only be assigned
to one payee.
Selecting Default Payment Systems
Default payment systems are used by Oracle Payments to process transactions only if
the routing rules do not specify a payment system account or none of the conditions in
the routing rules are met for the transaction in question.
Selecting Purchase Card Processing Transaction Detail
You can specify the level of transaction detail that is sent to the payment system for
purchase card processing, along with the settlement. Level II of purchase card
processing transaction detail includes the amount to be captured plus additional
information, such as tax and shipping charges. Level III of purchase card processing
transaction detail includes the amount to be captured plus tax and shipping charges, as
well as itemization of the products or services purchased, such as one sweater, two
pairs of slacks, and three pairs of shoes.
Creating a Risk Formula
A risk formula is a group of risk factors plus weights, which tells Oracle Payments how
to calculate the risk score of credit card transactions. A risk factor is any information,
which a first party payee uses to evaluate the risk of a customer who wishes to buy
products or services from the payee. Examples of risk factors are address verification,
payment history, and transaction amount.
One or more risk formulas, comprised of risk factors, can be configured for each first
party payee. First party payees can associate each risk factor with different weights that
must total 100. Based on their business model, deploying companies can use any
number of the seeded risk factors for their organizations.
The majority of the risk factors have associated updatable fields for which you enter
information or select options. For some risk factors, such as address verification code or
risk scores, your payment system provides values for you to enter.
Specifying a Risk Threshold
A risk threshold is a number value, or score, between 0 and 100, above which, the
deploying company may want to review or reject a credit card or a purchase card as
payment for products or services. A zero risk threshold represents no risk and 100
6-12 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
represents the highest possible risk. The risk threshold value is determined and entered
after reviewing all the risk factors for the particular payee and their associated weights.
Creating Routing Rules
Oracle Payments routes settlement requests to the appropriate payment systems. Each
first party payee may have one or more routing rules with corresponding priorities.
Routing rules determine which payment system account and which funds capture
process profile are used to process funds capture transactions for specific payment
Routing rules are comprised of destination information and one or more conditions that
must be met if the funds capture transaction is to be routed using that rule's destination
information. Destination information specifies the payment system account to which
the transaction is routed. A condition is comprised of a criterion, (such as Amount,
Currency, Organization, Card Type, or Bank Routing Number) an operator related to
the criterion, and the value of the criterion. An example of a condition is Amount
(criterion) Greater Than (operator) $1,000 (value).
Routing rule are prioritized and the one with the highest priority is evaluated by Oracle
Payments first. If the values in the requested funds capture transaction match the
conditions in the routing rules, the settlement request is routed to the applicable
payment system account for processing.
Step 23. Setting Up Credit Card Brands
Oracle Payments seeds the major credit card brands in the Credit Card Issuers Setup
page. If necessary, you can add more brands and update them after implementation.
The purpose of setting up credit card brands is to enable the credit card brands that
your company accepts for payment, along with their associated authorization validity
periods, in days, that your company uses.
Step 24. Loading Risky Instruments
The Risky Instruments upload utility, RiskyInstrUtil, is a Java application used to store
risky payment instruments.
Java executable in your application environment
Oracle Applications Java class Library in the CLASSPATH. The Oracle Applications
Java class Library is included in the classpath after you set up the applications
Setup Tasks for Funds Capture  6-13
Java Commands
A command using the syntax below requires an operation and a filename. It modifies
the risky instruments table in the database, depending on the entries in the file.
java<add one space here>-DJTFDBCFILE=<dbc
[ADD/DELETE] [filename]
<remove the Or>
The command below deletes all the risky instruments in the table.
java<add one space here>-DJTFDBCFILE=<dbc
File Format
The file format for risky instruments is as follows:
Each line corresponds to one risky instrument.
The fields are comma separated and are in the following order: Payee identifier,
instrument type, and credit card number. Instrument type has to be a
CREDITCARD. For example: payee1, CREDITCARD, 4500234023453345.
For the add operation, each risky instrument in the file that has a valid payee
identifier, instrument type, and a new credit card number is added to the table.
For the delete operation, each risky instrument that matches the payee identifier,
instrument type, and the credit card fields is deleted from the table.
The command prints the results of the operation on each risky instrument in the
Transaction Testing 7-1
Transaction Testing
Testing Transactions
In a live instance of Oracle Payments, all transaction requests are submitted from a
source product. While implementing Oracle Payments, however, it is possible that the
Payment Administrator may wish to initiate transactions without source products to
test Oracle Payments setup and the payment system connectivity. To allow the Payment
Administrator to perform such basic testing, the Funds Capture Process Home page
provides a Transaction Testing tab that enables him to initiate authorizations and
settlements using credit cards or debit cards.
By default, the Payment Administrator does not have the Transaction Testing function
available. It should only be enabled, through menu functions, for basic connectivity
testing, and then disabled again before going live. Transactions initiated from Oracle
Payments, rather than the source product, are not recorded in any source product, nor
will they be accounted for. This creates potential for inconsistent data between
applications at best, and opportunity for fraud or theft at the worst.
Warning: On a live instance of Oracle Payments, it is strongly
recommended that the Transaction Testing function be disabled,
thereby unassigning it from the Payment Administrator.
Creating and Testing Authorizations
The Transaction Testing tab is comprised of a Transaction Testing Search page, a
three-page train for testing the initiation and submission of authorizations, and a Create
Settlement page, which enables the Payment Administrator to provide Oracle Payments
with the settlement amount for testing purposes.
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-1
Using Oracle Payments with External
Payment Systems
Overview of Payment System Integration
This chapter explains how to integrate Oracle Payments with an external payment
Oracle Payments architecture allows for integration with third party payment systems
for both inbound (funds capture) and outbound (disbursements) transaction processing.
In the funds capture flow, the external payment system can be one of two kinds:
gateway or processor. For gateway-model payment systems, every transaction is online
and involves real-time communication with the payment system. Processor model
payment systems support real-time communication for authorizations and batch
operation for settlement processing.
In the disbursements flow, there is no concept of real-time transaction processing.
Payment processing is performed in batch mode only (usually by FTPing a payment file
to the payment system).
Payment System Integration Components
When implementing an integration between Oracle Payments and a custom payment
system, you will need to develop a number of integration components. Integration
components are building blocks that are invoked by Oracle Payments at different stages
of the payment processing cycle.
The list of components to be implemented depends on various factors such as the type
of payment flow (whether funds capture or disbursements), the type of the payment
system (whether gateway or processor), and the type of the payment instrument,
whether credit card, debit card, or bank account.
The table below lists the various integration component types that may be implemented
for interfacing with a custom payment system. Your custom implementation may only
8-2 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
require a subset of the listed integration components.
Integration Point Type Component Types
Integration Component Description
Format Used in the construction of a payment
system-specific message or payment file.
Processor model payment systems typically
support two formats: one for online
transactions and the other for batch
Note: Gateway model payment systems
typically support online formats only.
Format Validation Contains the set of payment system-specific
Transmission Function Define how to communicate with the payment
Acknowledgement Parser Define how Oracle Payments handles a
response message from the payment system to
a request message, whether online or batch.
Payment System Define attributes for the payment system,
which you provide in the setup user interface.
Process Profile Define the attributes of a payment system,
which is used to control the payment
processing behavior within Oracle Payments.
The process profile can be a funds
capture process profile for funds capture or
a payment process profile for
Several of the integration component types are developed in Java.
Oracle Payments supports both inbound (funds capture) and outbound (disbursement)
flows. Therefore, separate sections outline how you can implement a payment system
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-3
integration for funds capture and for funds disbursement. The sections below explain in
detail the tasks you must perform to achieve a custom payment system integration.
For both funds capture and funds disbursement, you must perform some basic setups
using the Oracle Payments Setup page. These basic setups are similar for funds capture
and funds disbursement and involve the creation of entities, such as payment systems,
payment system accounts, and process profiles.
The rest of the integration involves creating integration components, such as format,
transmission, validation and acknowledgement. Creation of these components depends
on the characteristics of your payment system and are discussed in detail below.
Developing a Custom Payment System Integration for Funds Capture
The list of tasks required to be performed for integration with a custom payment system
depends on the following factors:
the type of payment system, whether gateway or processor model
the type of payment instrument, whether credit card, debit card, or bank account
Implementation guidelines for integrating with a custom payment system include the
For credit card and debit card processing, an online authorization transaction is
usually mandatory, regardless of whether the payment system is a gateway or a
processor. For bank account transactions, there is no authorization step. Some
payment systems support the concept of online verification, where some basic
validations on the bank account are performed.
In the gateway model, only individual transactions are sent to the payment system.
There is no concept of a batch. In the processor model payment systems,
authorizations are sent as online transactions (processed real-time), whereas
settlements are processed in batches offline.
Processor model payment systems may or may not support acknowledgments. If
acknowledgements are supported, a batch query may be performed to retrieve the
settlement status from the payment system and set the settlement transactions to
their final status. If the processor model payment system does not support batch
queries, then the submission of the settlement is the final step in Oracle Payments.
To determine what tasks you need to perform for your custom integration, see the
flowchart below.
8-4 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Integration Task List for Funds Capture Payment Systems
The table below lists the tasks that must be completed for integrating a payment system
for funds capture.
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-5
Basic Setup Tasks for Integrating a Custom Payment System
Task Mandatory Description
Define the payment system. Yes Set up the new payment
For information on setting up
payment systems, see Step 8.
Setting Up Payment Systems,
page 4-13.
Define payment system
account options.
No Set up the options for all
accounts with the payment
Create funds capture process
Yes Define a funds capture
process profile specific to the
payment instrument (credit
card, debit card, or bank
The funds capture process
profile controls the behavior
of all funds capture
For information on setting up
payment systems, see Step 21.
Setting Up Funds Capture
Process Profiles, page 6-4.
Create transaction validation. No Required only if you want to
implement payment
system-specific validations.
Create batch validation. No Never for gateway model
payment system.
For processor model payment
system, required only if you
want to implement payment
system-specific validations.
Seed validation assignments. No Required only if you want to
implement payment
system-specific validations.
8-6 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Online Transaction Processing Infrastructure Tasks
Task Mandatory Description
Develop an online
format template.
No Define a payment
system-specific authorization
format and develop a
template for XML Publisher.
For credit card and debit card
processing, it is necessary to
implement online
authorization formats.
For processing bank account
transactions, implementation
of online verification formats
is payment system
Create XML Publisher
templates using the elements
of the funds capture extract.
For information on funds
capture extract, see Funds
Capture Extract, page J-2.
Set up the online
format template.
No Define system data attributes
for the new format. Link the
newly created XML Publisher
template to the format.
For information on setting up
formats, see Step 4. Setting Up
Formats, page 4-10.
Develop an online
transmission function.
No Implement a transmission
function protocol.
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-7
Task Mandatory Description
Setup the online
transmission protocol.
No Define a transmission
protocol and associate it with
the transmission function
code-point that implements it.
Also define the protocol
For information on setting up
transmission configurations,
see Step 6. Setting Up
Transmission Configurations,
page 4-11.
Develop an online
acknowledgement parser.
No Implement an
acknowledgement parser.
Setup the online
acknowledgement parser.
No Define system data attributes
for the parser.
Develop a settlement format
No For gateway model payment
system, the format may be
identical to the authorization
format template.
This task is not relevant for
Create XML Publisher
templates using the elements
of the funds capture extract.
For information on funds
capture extract, see Funds
Capture Extract, page J-2.
Setup the settlement format
No This task is not relevant for
Link the newly created XML
Publisher template to the
For information on setting up
formats, see Step 4. Setting Up
Formats, page 4-10.
8-8 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Task Mandatory Description
Develop a settlement
transmission function.
No For gateway model payment
systems, the transmission
function may be identical to
the authorization
transmission function.
This task is not relevant for
Setup the settlement
transmission protocol.
No This task is not relevant for
For information on setting up
transmission configurations,
see Step 6. Setting Up
Transmission Configurations,
page 4-11.
Develop a settlement
acknowledgement parser.
No For gateway model payment
systems, the
acknowledgement parser may
be identical to the
authorization parser.
This task is not relevant for
Develop a settlement query
format template.
No Query support is optional for
gateway model payment
For most gateway model
payment systems, an
acknowledgement request
message is not defined.
This task is not relevant for
Create XML Publisher
templates using the elements
of the funds capture extract.
For information on funds
capture extract, see Funds
Capture Extract, page J-2.
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-9
Task Mandatory Description
Setup the settlement query
format template.
No Optional for gateway model
payment systems.
Link the newly created XML
Publisher template to the
This task is not relevant for
Develop a settlement query
transmission function.
No Optional for gateway model
payment systems.
This task is not relevant for
Setup the settlement query
transmission protocol.
No Optional for gateway model
payment systems.
This task is not relevant for
Develop a settlement query
acknowledgement parser.
No Optional for gateway model
payment systems.
This task is not relevant for
The following note is relevant to the Batch Processing Infrastructure Tasks table shown
Batch processing tasks are not relevant for gateways.
8-10 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Batch Processing Infrastructure Tasks
Task Mandatory Description
Develop a settlement format
Yes Define a payment
system-specific settlement
format message.
Create XML Publisher
templates using the elements
of the funds capture extract.
For information on funds
capture extract, see Funds
Capture Extract, page J-2.
Setup the settlement format
Yes Link the newly created XML
Publisher template to the
For information on setting up
formats, see Step 4. Setting Up
Formats, page 4-10.
Develop a settlement
transmission function.
Yes Implement the transmission
function to communicate with
the payment system for
Setup the settlement
transmission protocol.
Yes Define a transmission
protocol and associate it with
the transmission function
code-point that implements it.
Also define the protocol
For information on setting up
transmission configurations,
see Step 6. Setting Up
Transmission Configurations,
page 4-11.
Develop a settlement
acknowledgement parser.
Yes Implement the settlement
acknowledgement parser.
Setup the settlement
acknowledgement parser.
Yes Define the system data
attributes for the
acknowledgement parser.
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-11
The following note is relevant to the Batch Query Infrastructure Tasks table shown
Note: Batch query tasks are not relevant for gateways.
Batch Query Infrastructure Tasks
Task Mandatory Description
Develop a settlement query
format template.
No Define a payment
system-specific query format
Create XML Publisher
templates using the elements
of the funds capture extract.
For information on funds
capture extract, see Funds
Capture Extract, page J-2.
Setup the settlement query
format template.
No Link the newly created XML
Publisher template to the
For information on setting up
formats, see Step 4. Setting
Up Formats, page 4-10.
Develop a settlement query
transmission function.
No Implement the transmission
function to communicate
with the payment system for
Setup the settlement query
transmission protocol.
No Define a transmission
protocol and associate it with
the transmission function
code-point that implements
it. Also define the protocol
For information on setting up
transmission configurations,
see Step 6. Setting Up
Transmission Configurations,
page 4-11.
8-12 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Task Mandatory Description
Develop a settlement query
acknowledgement parser.
No Implement the query
acknowledgement parser.
Setup the settlement query
acknowledgement parser.
No Define the system data
attributes for the
acknowledgement parser.
Developing a Custom Payment System Integration for Funds
Unlike funds capture, funds disbursement integrations are always offline using
payment files. There is no concept of online/real-time transaction processing in the
funds disbursement flow.
In the funds disbursement flow, your implementation will typically involve the creation
of a payment file using data from a payment instruction (also known as a payment
batch). The payment file is created in a payment system-specific format, and this file is
transferred to the payment system, usually via FTP.
In case the payment system supports query functionality, you will need to implement a
query message and an acknowledgment parser.
Use the flowchart below to determine what tasks you need to perform for your custom
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-13
Integration Task List for Funds Disbursement Payment Systems
Below is the Basic Setup Tasks table, which shows the tasks for integrating a custom
payment system.
Basic Setup Tasks
Task Mandatory Description
Define the payment system. Yes Set up the new payment
Define payment system
account options.
No Set up the options for all
accounts with the payment
Create payment process
Yes The payment process profiles
define how payments are
created and disbursed.
The profile controls the
behavior of the funds
disbursement operations.
8-14 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Task Mandatory Description
Create document validations. No Implement business rules to
validate documents payable.
You can validate individual
attributes of the document,
such as internal bank account,
document payment amount,
or payee bank account.
Create payment validations. No Implement business rules to
validate payments.
You can validate individual
attributes of the payment,
such as payment amount or
payment currency.
Create payment instruction
No Implement business rules to
validate payment
You may validate the number
of transactions in the payment
Seed validation assignments. No Link the validation sets to
payment methods and
payment formats.
The following note is relevant to the Batch Processing Infrastructure Tasks table shown
Batch processing tasks are not relevant for gateways.
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-15
Batch Processing Infrastructure Tasks
Task Mandatory Description
Develop a settlement format
Yes Define a payment
system-specific settlement
format message.
Create XML Publisher
templates using the elements
of the funds disbursement
For information on funds
disbursement extract, see
Extract Structure Overview,
page K-1.
Setup the settlement format
Yes Link the newly created XML
Publisher template to the
For information on setting up
formats, see Step 4. Setting Up
Formats, page 4-10.
Develop a settlement
transmission function.
No Implement the transmission
function to communicate with
the payment system for
Configure the settlement
transmission protocol.
No Define a transmission
protocol and associate it with
the transmission function
code-point that implements it.
Also define the protocol
For information on setting up
transmission configurations,
see Step 6. Setting Up
Transmission Configurations,
page 4-11.
Develop a settlement
acknowledgement parser.
Yes Implement the settlement
acknowledgement parser.
8-16 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Task Mandatory Description
Setup the settlement
acknowledgement parser.
Yes Define the system data
attributes for the
acknowledgement parser.
Defining a Payment System
The first task in integrating any payment system is defining a payment system. The
definition must include both the payment system's attributes as well as the account
options, if any, defined for the payment system accounts the users will establish.
Payment System Attributes
The table lists key attributes of the payment system.
Key Attributes of the Payment System
Attribute Description Constraints
Payment System The name of the payment
Supported Instruments The instrument types
supported by the payment
Must be one of the following
instrument types:
Credit Card
Purchase Card Level
II/Level III
PINless debit card
Bank Account
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-17
Attribute Description Constraints
Type Payment system model type.
See Understanding
Gateway-Model and
Processor-Model Payment
Systems, page 3-16 for a
discussion of the differences
between the processor and
gateway payment system
Must be processor or gateway
model payment system.
Suffix Unique three-letter identifier
for the payment system.
Must not be any of the
following reserved suffixes
seeded in Oracle Payments:
lop (sample gateway
efs (Concord EFSnet)
ptk (Paymentech)
fdb (FDC North)
Servlet Base URL The URL of the payment
system servlet.
Must be an URL in this form:
All of these attributes can be set in the Create/Update Payment System page.
Related Topics
For information on setting up payment systems, see Step 6. Setting Up Payment
Systems, page 4-13.
Account Options
Account options are attributes defined by the payment system for its user accounts.
First, you must define the parameters in the Payment System page. Then, you enter the
actual values when you create a payment system account in the Payment System
Account page. Account options are used for payment instruction file generation and are
represented in the funds capture extract.
8-18 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Note: To implement the custom payment system integrations, ensure
that you document the values.
Related Topics
To enable payment system accounts, see Enabling Payment System Accounts, page 5-14
A payment system uses different formats during transaction processing. For example,
there may be one format for authorization and another for settlement batch. Before
creating a format in Oracle Payments, a corresponding Oracle XML Publisher template
entity must be available.
Developing a Format Template
The table below describes the Oracle XML Publisher template attributes fixed by Oracle
Oracle XML Publisher Template Attributes Fixed by Oracle Payments
Attribute Description Constraint
Data Definition The template's data definition
determines the structure of
the data to which the
template is applied.
Always equal to:
N_1_0 for funds capture.
Always equal to:
for funds disbursement.
For implementing the custom payment system integrations, a payment instruction
template must be developed for XML Publisher using one of the supported XML
Publisher template types such as eText (RTF) or XSL. You will need to seed your XML
Publisher template and link your format to the seeded template.
Setting Up a Format Template
Once an Oracle XML Publisher template is created, the corresponding formats entity
must be created in Oracle Payments, using the Create Format page.
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-19
Extract Generator
The extract generator produces the payment file extract document, a superset of all data
pertaining to the transaction. A format template is applied to the extract to produce a
final payment file.
The payment file extract is an XML document whose structure conforms to an XML
schema. The funds capture XML schema is defined in file
$IBY_TOP/patch115/publisher/defs/IBY_FCI_1_0.xsd. The funds disbursement XML
schema is defined in file $IBY_TOP/patch115/publisher/defs/IBY_PPIOUT_1_0.xsd.
The funds capture XML schema supports transactions for all funds capture instrument
types, such as credit card, bank account, PINless debit card and all funds capture
transaction operation types, such as authorization, online settlement, and settlement
The funds disbursement XML schema contains all disbursement-related payment
information, including payment instruction information, a payment process profile, a
payment format, and constituent payments.
For implementing the custom payment system integrations, the structure of the extract
must be thoroughly understood to create the payment instruction file templates.
Extract Formatter
The extract formatter takes the extract document produced by the extract generator and
applies a format template to produce the final payment file. Oracle Payments uses the
Oracle E-Business Suite application Oracle XML Publisher (XDO) as its formatting
For implementing the custom payment system integrations, templates must be created
for every transaction operation type supported by the payment system. If the
integration model for the payment system does not conform to one of formatted
payment file delivery, you can use a ordinary formatting template that produces the
unchanged extract documents as its output, deliver the extract to a servlet using HTTP,
and then extract document to the payment system's native payment request mechanism
in the servlet map. An ordinary template is already seeded by Oracle Payments with a
template code IBY_IDENTITY. IBY_IDENTITY is a special case of a template that does
no formatting and, instead, returns the extract as is.
Transmission Functions
The transmission function is responsible for delivering the payment file to the payment
system and implements a particular transmission protocol.
For implementing the custom payment system integrations, transmission function
code-points must be created for each transmission protocol for communicating with the
8-20 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
payment system.
One component of a payment system specification is the transmission protocol used to
deliver payment files to the payment system. A transmission protocol has transmission
parameters associated with it that define the required system data when making a
communication attempt. A transmission protocol also has a defined transmission
function code-point, which is a self-contained unit of code implementing the protocol
and conforming to the interface:
Developing a Transmission Function
A transmission protocol is implemented through a Java class which must implement
the interface To implement the
interface, the class must define function transmit.
The table explains the signature of the function:
Argument Type Type Description
params java.util.Dictionary The map of protocol
parameter names and values
representing the transmission
configuration. The names are
taken from the parameter
name definitions for the
payload The message payload being
<return> The response to the
transmission; maybe null.
On implementing the protocol in function transmit, the function should handle any
system exception that occurs by the exception of type
oracle.apps.iby.exception.PSException such as:
throw new PSException(PSException.COMMUNICATION_ERROR);
If a mandatory transmission protocol parameter is not set, an exception using the same
class type should be thrown such as:
throw new PSException(PSException.CODEPOINT_ARG_ERR,
<parameter code>);
Because the transmission function is invoked through Java reflection APIs, special
action must be taken to preserve any exceptions generated by the transmission function;
or else the Oracle Payments engine only sees a generic
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-21
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException when the function fails. To preserve the
original exception for the engine to display, the following function should be called:
Setting Up a Transmission Protocol
When configuring a payment system account for the payment system in the user
interface, you will automatically see all transmission protocol parameters defined for
the payment system's system payment profile.
The table lists the attributes of a transmission protocol:
Attributes of a Transmission Protocol
Attribute Name Description Constraint
The unique identifier for the
Must be unique and less than
or equal to 30 characters.
The description of the
The language in which the
transmission function
code-point for the protocol is
Must be JAVA.
The code-point package. The
fully-qualified class name of
the transmission function
A fully qualified class name.
The code-point entry-point:
the programming language
function name that is called.
Must equal: transmit.
The table defines the attributes of a transmission protocol's parameters, sub-entities of
the protocol.
8-22 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Attributes of a Transmission Protocol's Parameters
Attribute Name Description Constraints
The identifier for the
Must be unique and less than
or equal to 30 characters
among all parameters defined
for the protocol.
The datatype of the
Supported values are:
MANDATORY_FLAG Whether the parameter is
mandatory; used for user
interface validation during
transmission configuration.
Possible values:
Y (Yes)
N (No)
The protocol to which this
parameter belongs.
The name of the parameter.
A transmission protocol and its parameters can be seeded in Oracle Payments by
creating a SQL script to insert them.
Note: Insert all but translatable protocol attribute
IBY_TRANSMIT_PROTOCOLS_B. Insert the translatable attribute
IBY_TRANSMIT_PROTOCOLS_TL and call the procedure
Insert all but translatable protocol parameter attribute
IBY_TRANSMIT_PARAMETERS_B. Insert the translatable attribute
IBY_TRANSMIT_PARAMETERS_TL and call the procedure
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-23
Acknowledgment Parser
A payment system sends an acknowledgement upon receiving a funds capture
instruction delivery. The task of the acknowledgment parser is to parse the response
understandable to Oracle Payments.
For implementing the custom payment system integrations, acknowledgement parsers
must be created for every transmission function. If the payment system does not
support acknowledgement for a protocol, a default acknowledgement parser must still
be created which returns default or trivial values.
Acknowledgement parsers are self-contained code-points that parse responses from the
payment system into a form that can be processed by the Oracle Payments engine.
Seeding an Acknowledgement Parser
The table defines the attributes when seeding an acknowledgement parser:
Attributes when Seeding an Acknowledgement Parser
Attribute Name Description Constraint
ACK_READER_CODE The unique identifier for the
Must be unique and less than
or equal to 30 characters.
The language that the
transmission function
code-point for the parser is
Must be Java.
READER_CODE_PACKAGE The code-point package- the
fully-qualified class name of
the acknowledgement parser
A fully qualified class name.
The code-point entry-point:
the programming language
function name that is called.
The method name must be
After the attributes for an acknowledgement parser are defined, they can be seeded in
Oracle Payments by creating a SQL script to insert them into the table
For implementing the custom payment system integrations, the Java class
implementing an acknowledgment parser must be distributed to the user and then
place it in the CLASSPATH of the application server hosting the Oracle Payments
8-24 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Developing an Acknowledgement Parser
All acknowledgement parsers must sub-class the interface:
oracle.apps.iby.bep.ACKParser. The interface has a single function, parse, with
these interface:
Argument Name Type Description
ackFile The acknowledgment
message or file.
hints java.util.Dictionary Collection of name-values
providing information about
the transaction the
acknowledgement is for. For
example, the instrument type
used, or credit card issuer.
<return> bep.ACK A corresponding object for
the acknowledgment.
The hints argument to the acknowledgement parser is a collection of name-value pairs
providing information about the transaction the response was created for.
The table below lists the possible values in this collection:
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-25
Possible Values in a Collection of Name-Value Pairs
Hint Key Description Value
The card issuer; for
acknowledgments where the
structure of the response
varies based upon the card
One of the following card
issuer codes:
The transaction instrument
One of the following values:
8-26 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Hint Key Description Value
The type of transaction. One of the following values:
2 (Auth only)
3 (Auth capture)
5 (Return)
8/9 (Capture/Settlement)
11 (Credit)
Value data-source is
Note: The hints are populated only for certain transaction types. For
example, the hints will be not be populated for a batch close operation.
The result of an acknowledgement parser returns is an object derived from class:
oracle.apps.iby.bep.ACKParser. This class is a record intended to hold various
response fields mapped from the payment system response.
The abstract class oracle.apps.iby.bep.ACK defines the most basic
acknowledgement attributes inherited by all sub-classes. The table describes the
structure of this class and all derived sub-classes.
Note: Implicity, for each attribute listed for a particular class there
exists get<AttributeName> and set<AttributeName> functions for
accessing the attributes. The get<AttributeName> returns an object of
the attribute's type and the set<AttributeName> takes an object of the
attribute's type as its single argument.
Attribute Name Type Description
BEPErrorCode String Payment system error code.
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-27
Attribute Name Type Description
BEPErrorMessage String Payment system error
The abstract class oracle.apps.iby.bep.TrxnACK defines common attributes for
transaction acknowledgements. It is a subclass of
hence inherits its attributes as well.
Attribute Name Type Description
OrderId String Order identifier for this
TrxnStatus int Status of the transaction. The
possible values are:
0 (Success)
1 (Communication error)
2 (Duplicate order id)
3 (Duplicate batch id)
4 (Required field
5 (Payment system error)
8 (Operation not
11 (Pending)
20 (Declined)
TrxnDate java.util.Date Date the transaction was
8-28 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Attribute Name Type Description
TrxnReqType String Transaction request type. The
possible values are:
(Batch close)
ExtensiblitySet oracle.apps.iby.util.NameVal
uePair[ ]
The collection of extensibility
name-value pairs.
Attribute ExtensiblitySet is typed as an array of
oracle.apps.iby.util.NameValuePair objects and may be optionally set by the
parser if the payment system acknowledgement contains important data that do not
correspond to any of the attributes in an appropriate acknowledgements object. Any
name values returned by the ExtensiblitySet attributed are stored in table
IBY_TRXN_EXTENSIBILITY and are included in the extract document of any follow on
transaction using the series of Extend sub-elements which may appear beneath the
OriginalCCTransaction or OriginalDCTransaction elements.
The table below explains the attributes of the
oracle.apps.iby.util.NameValuePair class.
Attribute Name Type Description
Name String Name/key.
Value String Value.
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-29
The class oracle.apps.iby.bep.CreditCardTrxnACK holds acknowledgment
information for a single credit card transaction. The table lists the attributes (not
including ones derived from its parent class oracle.apps.iby.bep.TrxnACK).
Attribute Name Type Description
AuthCode String Authorization code.
AVSResponse String Address verification system
response from the payment
SecurityCodeCheck String Payment system response for
the credit card security code
(CVV2) check.
RefCode String Reference code.
The class oracle.apps.iby.bep.BankAccountTrxnACK holds acknowledgment
information for a single bank account transaction. The table below lists the attributes
(including inherited ones from oracle.apps.iby.bep.TrxnACK).
Attribute Name Type Description
RefCode String Bank reference code.
TrxnAmount oracle.apps.iby.ecapp.Price Actual amount of the transfer.
PostDate java.util.Date Date funds will be posted.
FundsCommitted Boolean Indicates whether funds were
The abstract class oracle.apps.iby.bep.BatchACK defines common attributes of
batch acknowledgments. The table below list the attributes, in addition to those
8-30 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
inherited from class oracle.apps.iby.bep.ACK.
Attribute Name Type Description
BatchId String Identifier of the batch.
BatchStatus int Status of the batch. The
possible values are:
0 (Success)
1 (Communication error)
3 (Duplicate batch id)
5 (Payment system error)
11 (Pending)
BatchDate java.util.Date Date of batch submission.
TrxnACKs bep.TrxnACK[ ] Collection of
acknowledgments for the
individual transactions in this
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-31
Attribute Name Type Description
TrxnACKType String Enumerated value indicating
acknowledgments. The values
ALL (All transactions in
the batch have an
transactions missing an
assumed failed)
transactions missing an
assumed successful)
Note: All batch statuses except pending (11) are final. In case a batch
acknowledgement does not exist, for example immediately after a batch
close, or during a batch query which occurs before the batch has been
processed, a batch acknowledgement object with batch status 0 should
be created although there is no existing acknowledgement file.
The class oracle.apps.iby.bep.CreditCardBatchACK extends
oracle.apps.iby.bep.BatchACK and contains attributes for credit card batch
acknowledgments. The table below explains the attributes.
Attribute Name Type Description
AuthTotal oracle.apps.iby.ecapp.Price Total authorizations
CaptureTotal oracle.apps.iby.ecapp.Price Total settlements completed.
8-32 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Attribute Name Type Description
CreditTotal oracle.apps.iby.ecapp.Price Total credits completed.
The class oracle.apps.iby.bep.BankAccountBatchACK extends
oracle.apps.iby.bep.BatchACK and contains attributes for credit card batch
acknowledgments. The table below describes the attributes.
Attribute Name Type Description
CreditTotal ecapp.Price Total credits completed.
DebitTotal ecapp.Price Total debits completed.
Creating Custom Disbursement Validation Sets
Validation sets are pieces of code that are executed at various processing points by the
Build Payments program. Each validation set applies a set of business rules and
determines whether the payment entity in consideration passes all the rules or not.
Unless all rules are passed, the validation set returns a failure status to the Build
Payments Program.
Validation Set Level
Before you create a validation set, you must determine at what level the validation
applies. The validation set level, also known as the validation point determines the
entity that needs to be validated. The three validation levels are as follows:
Disbursement Instruction
Validation Code Entry Point
The Build Payments program dynamically invokes the validation set linked to a
particular entity. The validation set entry point is seeded in the
IBY_VALIDATION_SETS_VL view. The important columns pertaining to validation
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-33
code entry point are listed in the table below, which stores seeded validation sets.
Column Name Example Meaning
validation set used for
DOCUMENT This validation is applicable
to documents payable
This validation set is stored in
this package.
PT_CHECK_GEN This validation set has this
method name.
PL/SQL This validation set is
implemented in PL/SQL.
For the same validation set data shown in the table above, the Build Payments program
invokes the PL/SQL validation set IBY_VALIDATIONSETS_CALLS_PUB.
PT_CHECK_GEN dynamically to validate a document payable.
Note: You should create the custom validation set in a custom package.
You should not add your custom validation sets into the
IBY_VALIDATIONSETS_CALLS_PUB package, since this package is
meant for Oracle Payments only.
Linking a Validation Set To a Payment Entity
Typically, validation sets are linked to one of two payment entities as follows:
Validation sets linked to the payment method can also be applied online, such as
validating the invoice in Oracle Payables at the time of invoice creation. Online
validations do not fail the document, but present the user with warning messages
before submitting the document to Oracle Payments. This provides you with the ability
to correct errors before the document is submitted to Oracle Payments in the document
8-34 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
validation cycle. When online validations are performed on an invoice, it is put on hold
if there are validation errors. The errors generated during online validation are shown
as hold reasons, and the selection program will not pick up the invoice until the hold
reasons are corrected. Validation sets linked to payment methods are re-applied when
the documents payable are submitted to Oracle Payments.
The vast majority of seeded validation sets are linked to formats. The link between
validation sets and payment methods/formats is stored in the
IBY_VAL_ASSIGNMENTS table, which stores the link between a validation set and a
payment entity.
Column Name Example Meaning
validation set used for
FORMAT Type of payment entity to
which this validation set is
linked. This will be FORMAT
ASSIGNMENT_ENTITY_ID IBY_PAY_CHK_PT The actual entity to which this
validation set is linked. In this
example, the entity is the
format IBY_PAY_CHK_PT.
TERRITORY_CODE PT If null, this validation set is
applicable, regardless of the
payment country. If not null,
this validation is applicable
only to the specified country.
The preceding table shows that the validation set PT_CHECK_GEN is linked to the
payment format IBY_PAY_CHK_PT. Since the validation set PT_CHECK_GEN is
applicable at the document level, the Build Payments program executes this validation
whenever a document payable comes in with the format IBY_PAY_CHK_PT.
Validation Set Signature
All validation sets contain the same five-argument signature. The third parameter is the
payment entity to be validated. It can be a document payable, a payment, or a payment
instruction, depending on the validation level for which you have coded your
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-35
Document Level Validation Set
Document-level validations will be implemented in PL/SQL and must have the
following signature:
Name Data Type Type Description
NUMBER IN The validation
assignment id. This
value is from
VARCHAR2 IN The validation set
that needs to be
invoked. This value is
p_document_id NUMBER IN Unique id of the
document to be
validated. This value
is from
p_is_online_val VARCHAR2 IN Y/N flag indicating
whether this is an
online validation call.
x_result NUMBER OUT Numeric value
indicating the result
of the applied
validations. Zero (0)
indicates that all
validations were
successful; 1 indicates
that at least one
validation failed.
8-36 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
p_validation_assign_id IN
p_validation_set_code IN
p_document_id IN
p_is_online_val IN VARCHAR2,
The preceding example shows a validation set called MY_VALIDATION_SET that is
applicable at the document level. When you create your document level validation, you
need to use the same signature.
Payment Level Validation Set
Payment level validations will be implemented in PL/SQL and must have the following
Name Data Type Type Description
NUMBER IN The validation
assignment id. This
value is from
VARCHAR2 IN The validation set
that needs to be
invoked. This value is
p_payment_id NUMBER IN Unique id of the
document to be
validated. This value
is from
L payment_id.
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-37
Name Data Type Type Description
p_is_online_val VARCHAR2 IN Y/N flag indicating
whether this is an
online validation call.
x_result NUMBER OUT Numeric value
indicating the result
of the applied
validations. Zero (0)
indicates that all
validations were
successful; 1 indicates
that at least one
validation failed.
p_validation_assign_id IN
p_validation_set_code IN
p_document_id IN
p_is_online_val IN VARCHAR2,
The preceding example shows a validation set called MY_VALIDATION_SET that is
applicable at the payment level. When you create your payment level validation set,
you need to use the same signature.
Payment Instruction Level Validation Set
Payment instruction-level validations are implemented in PL/SQL and must have the
following signature:
Name Data Type Type Description
NUMBER IN The validation
assignment id. This
value is from
8-38 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Name Data Type Type Description
VARCHAR2 IN The validation set
that needs to be
invoked. This value is
p_instruction_id NUMBER IN Unique id of the
payment instruction
to be validated. This
value is from
p_is_online_val VARCHAR2 IN Y/N flag indicating
whether this is an
online validation call.
x_result NUMBER OUT Numeric value
indicating the result
of the applied
validations. Zero (0)
indicates that all
validations were
successful; 1 indicates
that at least one
validation failed.
p_validation_assign_id IN
p_validation_set_code IN
p_instruction_id IN
p_is_online_val IN VARCHAR2,
The preceding example shows a validation set called MY_VALIDATION_SET that is
applicable at the payment instruction level. When you create your payment instruction
level validation set, you need to use the same signature.
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-39
Important Notes Regarding Validation Sets
Note: The p_is_online_val is only relevant for document level
validation sets. It should be ignored when implementing payment and
payment instruction level validation sets. When validating an invoice
in Oracle Payables, either manually or via invoice interface import
program, Payables invokes the validation sets attached to the payment
method on the document. Oracle Payables invokes the validation set as
an online validation to catch possible errors when the invoice is created.
Therefore, Oracle Payables invokes the validation set with the
p_is_online_val set to Y. This means that the validation error messages
are displayed in the schedule payment of the invoice as warnings and
the schedule payment is put on hold. This is applicable only to
validations assigned to payment methods as it is known at invoice time
and Oracle Cash Management validations attached to bank accounts.
The x_result parameter is the return value of the validation set
that is passed back to the Build Payments program. A value of zero (0)
indicates the validation was successful. A value of 1 indicates the
payment entity failed validation.
Storing Errors Generated by a Validation Set
The error messages generated by applying the business rules encapsulated within the
validation set needs to be displayed to the user.
The IBY_TRANSACTION_ERRORS table shown below stores error messages generated
by a validation set. Since you can have multiple error messages associated with the
payment entity being validated, this table can contain multiple rows for a given
payment entity id.
Column Name Example Meaning
TRANSACTION_ERROR_ID 21412 Unique sequence number for
this error message.
8-40 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Column Name Example Meaning
which this error message has
been generated. Possible
values include
TRANSACTION_ID 631 Actual payment entity to
which this error message is
linked. In this example, the
entity is a document payable
with id 631.
This error code is used to
retrieve a seeded FND error
generated this message.
Implementing a Document Level Validation Set
A document level validation set needs to follow the following process:
1. Retrieve all attributes of the provided document. The document id is provided as an
input parameter to document level validation sets.
2. Create an error record for inserting into the IBY_TRANSACTION_ERRORS table.
3. Apply business rule using the relevant document attributes.
If the document has failed validation, populate an error record to reflect that.
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until all business rules are applied.
If all validations have been successfully passed, return 0.
If any validation has failed, insert the error records into the
IBY_TRANSACTION_ERRORS table and return 1.
Helper Functions
IBY has implemented a number of helper functions for some of the preceding steps. You
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-41
can use these functions to shorten your coding time.
For Step 1, you can use IBY_VALIDATIONSETS_PUB.initDocumentData to retrieve
all the document attributes. If you need additional attributes that are not available
via this method, you will need to write your own PL/SQL logic to retrieve them
from the IBY_DOCS_PAYABLE_ALL table.
For Step 3, you can use the method IBY_VALIDATIONSETS_PUB.evaluateCondition.
This method takes in some pre-defined conditions like EQUALSTO,
simple business rules using the method above. Any complex ones must be
implemented as custom code.
For Step 4, use the method IBY_VALIDATIONSETS_PUB.insertIntoErrorTable. This
method inserts the given error record into a PL/SQL memory structure that can be
used for a bulk insert into the transaction errors table.
For Step 7, use the method IBY_VALIDATIONSETS_PUB.insert_transaction_errors to
perform a bulk insert of error messages into the IBY_TRANSACTION_ERRORS
table. This method should be invoked once at the end of your validation set.
Implementing a Payment Level Validation Set
A payment level validation set needs to follow the following process:
1. Retrieve all attributes of the provided document. The document id is provided as an
input parameter to payment level validation sets.
2. Create an error record for inserting into the IBY_TRANSACTION_ERRORS table.
Apply business rule using the relevant payment attributes.
If the document has failed validation, populate an error record to reflect that.
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until all business rules are applied.
If all validations have been successfully passed, return 0.
If any validation has failed, insert the error records into the
IBY_TRANSACTION_ERRORS table and return 1.
Helper Functions
Oracle Payments has implemented a number of helper functions for some of the
preceding steps. You can use these helper functions to shorten your coding time.
For Step 1, you can use IBY_VALIDATIONSETS_PUB.initDocumentData to retrieve
some of the document attributes. If you need additional attributes that are not
8-42 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
available via this method, you will need to write your own PL/SQL logic to retrieve
them from the IBY_PAYMENTS_ALL table.
For Step 3, you can use the method IBY_VALIDATIONSETS_PUB.evaluateCondition.
This method takes in some pre-defined conditions like EQUALSTO,
simple business rules using the method above. Any complex ones must be
implemented as custom code.
For Step 4, use the method IBY_VALIDATIONSETS_PUB.insertIntoErrorTable. This
method inserts the given error record into a PL/SQL memory structure that can be
used for a bulk insert into the transaction errors table.
For Step 7, use the method IBY_VALIDATIONSETS_PUB.insert_transaction_errors to
perform a bulk insert of error messages into the IBY_TRANSACTION_ERRORS
table. This method should be invoked once at the end of your validation set.
Implementing a Payment Instruction Level Validation Set
A payment instruction level validation set needs to follow the following process:
1. Retrieve all attributes of the provided payment instruction. The payment id is
provided as an input parameter to payment instruction level validation sets.
2. Create an error record for inserting into the IBY_TRANSACTION_ERRORS table.
3. Apply business rule using the relevant payment instruction attributes.
4. If the payment has failed validation, populate the error record and insert it into
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until all business rules are applied.
6. If all validations have been successfully passed, return 0.
If any validation has failed, insert the error records in memory into the
IBY_TRANSACTION_ERRORS table and return 1.
Helper Functions
Oracle Payments has implemented a number of helper functions for some of the
preceding steps. You can use these helper functions to shorten your coding time.
For Step 1, you can use IBY_VALIDATIONSETS_PUB.initDocumentData to retrieve
all the document attributes. If you need additional attributes that are not available
via this method, you will need to write your own PL/SQL logic to retrieve them
from the IBY_DOCS_PAYABLE_ALL table.
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-43
For Step 3, you can use the method IBY_VALIDATIONSETS_PUB.evaluateCondition.
This method takes in some pre-defined conditions like EQUALSTO,
simple business rules using the method above. Any complex ones must be
implemented as custom code.
For Step 4, use the method IBY_VALIDATIONSETS_PUB.insertIntoErrorTable. This
method inserts the given error record into a PL/SQL memory structure that can be
used to perform a bulk insert into the transaction errors table.
For Step 7, use the method IBY_VALIDATIONSETS_PUB.insert_transaction_errors to
perform a bulk insert of error messages into the IBY_TRANSACTION_ERRORS
table. This method should be invoked once at the end of your validation set.
Implementing Custom Validation Logic
As much as possible, use the method IBY_VALIDATIONSETS_PUB.evaluateCondition for
all your basic validations. By passing the appropriate token value to this method, you
can cover most of the common validation conditions, such as checking if a field is null
or not null and verifying that an amount value is less than or greater than a specified
In case the validation required is complex and cannot be implemented using the normal
token operators, then use the special token CUSTOM in the call to evaluateCondition.
When the CUSTOM token is used, the evaluateCondition dynamically invokes a specified
validation method. The method to be invoked should be passed as an argument to
The following is an example of invoking evaluateCondition with a CUSTOM token.
'CUSTOM', /* token (operator) is 'CUSTOM' */
'DFPML.VAL_SWFT_CD', /* custom method to be invoked */
The field name and field value parameters to evaluateCondition will be passed to your
custom validation method. These are the first two arguments to the evaluateCondition
method. The custom validation method should specify the success or failure of the
validation using the third parameter which is an out parameter. If the out parameter is
0, it means that the custom validation was a success (failure otherwise).
Your custom validation method should follow this signature:
8-44 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
PROCEDURE <custom validation name>(
p_fieldName VARCHAR2,
p_fieldValue VARCHAR2,
For example, your custom validation method could look like:
p_fieldName VARCHAR2,
p_fieldValue VARCHAR2,
* Do some validations here on the field value.
* Return '0' if everything is Ok. Else
* return '1'.
l_chr := '0'; /* success */
Example Code
For examples of how validation sets are implemented, note the following files:
The above two files are the PL/SQL specification and body for the validation sets seeded
by Oracle Payments. The body contains validation sets at document, payment and
payment instruction levels. You are encouraged to reuse as much of the code as
Seed Your Validation Sets
After you create a validation set, remember to seed your validation set in the
You cannot directly insert your newly created validation set into
IBY_VALIDATION_SETS_VL because it is a view. You need to perform the insert using
the following steps:
Insert your validation set into the IBY_VALIDATION_SETS_B table. This is the base
table that does not contain any translatable text.
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-45
insert into iby_validation_sets_b
object_version_number) values
2. Insert your validation set into the IBY_VALIDATION_SETS_TL table. This table
contains translatable text. The validation set name is translatable.
insert into iby_validation_sets_tl
ate_login,object_version_number) values
('paymul_pmt_validations','us','us','paymul eft validation-payment
Now your validation sets will be visible in the Oracle Payments Setup page. The
navigation path is Oracle Payments Setup > Payments Setup > Shared Setup >
You can link your validation set to appropriate payment entities like payment methods
and payment formats. After this point, you should be able to test your validation logic
by running the Build Payments Program.
Important Notes for Validation Set Implementers
The following are important notes for validation set implementers:
Do not include a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK call within your validation set. The
validation engine will perform a COMMIT after invoking the validation set.
You may include DML commands to manipulate or query data from other tables
from within your custom validation set. However, note that any changes you make
will be committed by the validation engine after the validation set has been
Do not include any DDL commands that create, alter, or drop tables or views in
your validation set. DDL statements issue implicit commits.
Note that validation sets will be invoked once per payment entity. A document
level validation set will be invoked once per document in a payment process
request. A payment level validation set will be invoked once per created payment.
Therefore, it is in your interest to make your validation set simple and efficient.
Otherwise, your validation set may impose a significant performance cost.
You cannot directly insert your newly created validation set into
IBY_VALIDATION_SETS_VL as this is a view. You need to do this insert in two
steps: First, into the base table, IBY_VALIDATION_SETS_B, and then into the
8-46 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
translatable table, IBY_VALIDATION_SETS_TL.
It is recommended that your validation set perform validations by invoking the
helper function IBY_VALIDATIONSETS_PUB.evaluateCondition as much as possible.
Your validation set should also contain the following two calls.
* Inserts the error generated by a single
* validation within the validation set into
* the l_docErrorTab temporary PLSQL table.
* Similarly, you can have l_pmtErrorTab
* for payments.
* This call should be invoked once after each
* validation to accumulate all the error
* messages in l_docErrorTab.
* Permanently inserts all the error messages
* in l_docErrorTab into the
* This call should be invoked only once at
* the end of your validation set.
Creating Custom Funds Capture Validation Sets
A validation set is a program unit which performs a set of validations against a
payment processing entity, typically a fund capture order (payment transaction) or a
payment batch. Each validation sets applies a set of business rules and determines
whether the payment entity in consideration passes all the rules or not. Funds capture
validation sets can be implemented as Java functions or PL/SQL procedures. They are
invoked dynamically by the payments engine.
Validation Set Level
Before you create a validation set, you must determine at what level the validation
applies. The validation set level, also known as the validation point, determines the
entity that needs to be validated. The two validation levels are as follows:
Order level validations are transaction level validations. Instruction level validations
are batch level validations. Order level validations are implemented in Java and
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-47
instruction level validations are implemented in PL/SQL.
Validation Code Entry Point
The payments engine dynamically invokes the validation set linked to a particular
entity. The validation set entry point is seeded in the IBY_VALIDATION_SETS_VL
view. Columns that are concerned with the validation code entry point are listed in the
table below. The IBY_VALIDATION_SETS_VL table stores seeded validation sets.
Column Name Example Meaning
Unique name of the
validation set used for
ORDER This validation is applicable
to orders (transactions).
This validation set is
implemented in this Java
validate This validation set has this
function name.
JAVA This validation set is
implemented in Java.
For the same validation set data shown in the table above, the payments engine invokes
the Java validation set
oracle.apps.iby.bep.proc.paymentech.FundsCaptureValidationSet. validate dynamically
to validate a transaction
Note: You can create the validation set in your own class. You should
not add your custom validation sets in the
class. This class is meant for Oracle Payments only.
The IBY_VALIDATION_SETS_VL table below, which stores seeded validation sets,
illustrates a seeded validation set entry point for a PL/SQL validation.
8-48 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Column Name Example Meaning
PTK_BATCH_2_1_0 Unique name of the
validation set used for
INSTRUCTION This validation is applicable
to instructions (payment
IBY_FNDCPT_VLD_PUB This validation set is
implemented in this PL/SQL
Validate_Paymentech_Batch This validation set has this
procedure name.
PL/SQL This validation set is
implemented in PL/SQL.
For the same validation set data shown in the preceding table, the payments engine
invokes the PL/SQL validation set IBY_FNDCPT_VLD_PUB.Validate_Paymentech_Batch
dynamically to validate a payment instruction (payment batch).
Linking a Validation Set To a Payment Entity
Funds capture validation sets are linked to only one payment entity as follows:
The linkages between the validation sets and payment entities are stored in the
IBY_VAL_ASSIGNMENTS table shown below.
Column Name Example Meaning
Unique name of the
validation set used for
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-49
Column Name Example Meaning
FORMAT Type of payment entity to
which this validation set is
linked. This will always be
FORMAT for funds capture
validation sets.
ASSIGNMENT_ENTITY_ID PTECH_ONLINE_7_2 Actual entity to which this
validation set is linked. In this
example, the entity is the
format PTECH_ONLINE_7_2.
TERRITORY_CODE null If null, this validation set is
applicable, regardless of the
payment country. If not null,
this validation is applicable
only to the specified country.
The preceding example from the IBY_VAL_ASSIGNMENTS table shows that the
validation set PTK_ONLINE_7_2_BATCH_2_1_0 is linked to the payment format
PTECH_ONLINE_7_2. Since the validation set PTK_ONLINE_7_2_BATCH_2_1_0 is
applicable at the order level, the payments engine executes this validation whenever a
transaction comes in with the format PTECH_ONLINE_7_2.
Validation Set Signature
Payment system format-specific validations are performed within the payments engine
by validation set code-points implemented in Java and PL/SQL and then associated
with particular payment system formats.
Transaction Level Validation Set
Transaction level Java validation set implementations must conform to the following
class interface:
This interface class has a single method called validate with the signature shown in the
table below.
8-50 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Method Parameters
Name Type Description
ecappId int Electronic commerce
application id for the current
payee Payee Transaction payee.
pmtInstr PmtInstr Payment instrument used.
p_is_online_val IN Y/N flag indicating whether
this is an online validation
order Tangible Order.
trxn Transaction The transaction performed.
<return> ValidationSetResult Results of the validation.
The validate method returns the result of the validation via the ValidationSetResult object.
The ValidationSetResult object contains the following elements:
ValidationSetResult Elements
Name Type Description
Valid boolean Results of the validation. If
passed then true, otherwise
Message String An encoded Oracle Payments
error message string of the
Code String Error code for the validation,
if any.
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-51
Batch Level Validation Set
Batch level validations are implemented in PL/SQL and must have the following
Batch Level Validation Set Signature
Name Data Type Type Description
p_api_version NUMBER IN Version of the API
called; should be
p_init_msg_list VARCHAR2 IN Whether to initialize
the message list.
p_mbatchid NUMBER IN The identifier of the
batch (in table
x_return_status VARCHAR2 OUT Status of the call.
x_msg_count NUMBER OUT Number of error
messages on the
x_msg_data VARCHAR2 OUT Message stack of
Implementing a Transaction Level Validation Set
A transaction level validation set needs to follow the following process:
Your validation set should be coded in a class that implements the
oracle.apps.iby.payment.FndCptValidationSet interface. That is, your validation set
class must contain the validate method.
The validate method is invoked with input parameters that encapsulate the payee,
payment instrument, tangible, and transaction attributes. Apply business rule on
the relevant attributes.
If any attribute has failed validation, populate the
oracle.apps.iby.engine.ValidationSetResult object with the error code and error message
and return.
8-52 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
4. If all validations successfully pass, set the result code to SUCCESS in the
ValidationSetResult object.
5. The following payment system-specific implementations of the
oracle.apps.iby.payment.FndCptValidationSet interfaces can be used for reference. Each
is listed with its associated payment system format in the table below.
Seeded Payment System Validation Sets
Payment System-Specific Implementations
of the payment.FndCptValidationSet
Associated Payment System Format
Paymentech Online and Batch Specifications oracle.apps.iby.bep.proc.paymentech.FundsC
First Data North Authorization and Batch
Implementing a Batch Level Validation Set
A batch level validation set needs to follow the following process:
Implement your batch level validation set using the signature mentioned in section
2. The parameter mbatchid provided as an input parameter to the validation set, is the
primary key to the IBY_BATCHES_ALL table. You can use this parameter to pull
the details of the batch from the IBY_BATCHES_ALL table and also join to the
IBY_TRXN_SUMMARIES_ALL table to pull the transaction details.
Apply business rule on the relevant payment attributes.
4. If any attribute fails validation, set the x_return_status output parameter to
FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR. Populate the error message on the FND message
stack and return.
If all validations have been successfully passed, set x_return_status to
For a reference implementation of batch level validations, you can look at the
package IBY_FNDCPT_VLD_PUB ($IBY_TOP/patch/115/sql/ibypfcvb.pls). The
method Validate_Paymentech_Batch is used for validating credit card batches sent to
Paymentech. Similarly, the method Validate_FDCNorth_Batch is used for validating
credit card batches sent to the FDC North payment system.
Using Oracle Payments with External Payment Systems 8-53
Seed Your Validation Sets
After you create a validation set, remember to seed your validation set in the
You cannot directly insert your newly created validation set into
IBY_VALIDATION_SETS_VL because it is a view. You need to perform the insert using
the following steps:
1. Insert your validation set into the IBY_VALIDATION_SETS_B table. This is the base
table that does not contain any translatable text.
insert into iby_validation_sets_b
object_version_number) values
Insert your validation set into the IBY_VALIDATION_SETS_TL table. This table
contains translatable text. The validation set name is translatable.
insert into iby_validation_sets_tl
ate_login,object_version_number) values
('my_cc_validations','us','us','My credit card
Now your validation sets will be visible in the Oracle Payments Setup page. The
navigation path is Oracle Payments Setup > Payments Setup > Shared Setup >
You can link your validation set to appropriate payment entities like funds capture
payment methods and formats.
Now you can test your validation logic by creating transactions and submitting batches.
Important Notes for Validation Set Implementers
The following are important notes for validation set implementers:
Do not include a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK call within your validation set. The
validation engine performs a COMMIT after invoking the validation set.
You may include DML commands to manipulate or query data from other tables
from within your custom validation set. However, note that any changes you make
will be committed by the validation engine after the validation set has been
8-54 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Do not include any DDL commands that create, alter, or drop tables or views in
your validation set. DDL statements issue implicit commits.
Note that validation sets are invoked once per payment entity. An order level
validation set is invoked once per transaction; a batch level validation set is invoked
once per payment batch. Therefore, it is in your interest to make your validation set
simple and efficient. Otherwise, it may impose a significant performance cost.
You cannot directly insert your newly created validation set into
IBY_VALIDATION_SETS_VL as this is a view. You need to do this insert in two
steps: First, into the base table, IBY_VALIDATION_SETS_B, and then into the
translatable table, IBY_VALIDATION_SETS_TL.
Payment Formats A-1
Payment Formats
Viewing Payment Formats
To view the layout of a payment format, perform the following steps:
1. Navigate to the Oracle Payments Setup page.
2. Click the Go To Task icon associated with XML Publisher Format Templates.
The Templates search page appears.
3. Search for the template in which you are interested.
The Templates page appears.
4. Click the name of the template you wish to view.
The General page appears.
Click the Download icon for the template you wish to view.
You can simply open the RTF file in MS Word or save it to your PC.
Common Disbursement Payment Formats
The formats in this section can be used for payments in multiple countries.
ANSI X12 820 Format
The table below presents basic information about the ANSI X12 820 Format.
A-2 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
ANSI X12 820 Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
ANSI X12 820 Format Electronic ANSI X12 820 Format Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0.
Additional details about the ANSI X12 820 Format are presented in the table below.
ANSI X12 820 Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
ANSI X12 820 Any Not Applicable
The table below presents basic information about the EDIFACT PAYMUL Format.
EDIFACT PAYMUL Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0.
Additional details about the EDIFACT PAYMUL Format are presented in the table
Payment Formats A-3
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
EDIFACT PAYMUL Any Not Applicable
SWIFT MT100 Format
The table below presents basic information about the SWIFT MT100 Format.
SWIFT MT100 Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
SWIFT MT100 Format Electronic SWIFT MT 100
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0.
Additional details about the SWIFT MT100 Format are presented in the table below.
SWIFT MT100 Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
SWIFT MT100 Any Not Applicable
SWIFT MT103 Format
The table below presents basic information about the SWIFT MT103 Format.
A-4 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
SWIFT MT103 Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
SWIFT MT103 Format Electronic SWIFT MT 103
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0.
Additional details about the SWIFT MT103 Format are presented in the table below.
SWIFT MT103 Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
SWIFT MT103 Any Not Applicable
Use the Argentine Check Format to produce documents. The Argentine Check Format
shows the amount of the payment in numbers and in words, the date of the payment,
and the name of the supplier being paid. All text on the Argentine Check Format is
printed in Spanish.
Argentine Check Format
The table below presents basic information about the Argentine Check Format.
Argentine Check Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Argentine Check
Printed Argentine Check
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Argentine Check Format are presented in the table below.
Payment Formats A-5
Argentine Check Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Argentine Check Argentine Peso Not Applicable
Oracle Payments lets you format payments according to standards defined by the
Association Belge des Banques/Belgische Vereniging der Banken (Belgium Bank
With Oracle Payments, you can make EFT payments:
In euro from a Belgian bank to suppliers who have a bank account with a Belgian
In euro or foreign currency from a Belgian bank to suppliers who have a bank
account with a foreign bank
In foreign currency (a currency other than euro) from a Belgian bank to suppliers
who have a bank account with a Belgian bank
Belgian EFT Format
The table below presents basic information about the Belgian EFT Format.
Belgian EFT Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Belgian EFT Format Electronic Belgian Domestic EFT
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Belgian EFT Format are presented in the table below.
A-6 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Belgian EFT Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Belgian EFT Euro Belgium Domestic EFT
Document Validation
Belgian Foreign EFT Format
The table below presents basic information about the Belgian Foreign EFT Format.
Belgian Foreign EFT Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Belgian Foreign EFT
Electronic Belgian International
EFT Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Belgian Foreign EFT Format are presented in the table
Belgian Foreign EFT Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Belgian Foreign EFT Any Belgium International EFT
Payment Instruction
Belgian Foreign EFT Any Belgium International EFT
Payment Validation
Belgian Foreign EFT Any Belgium International EFT
Payee Validation
Belgian Foreign EFT Any Belgium International EFT
Document Validation
Payment Formats A-7
Payments are usually transferred from the customer's bank account to the supplier's
bank account. With bank transfer, an invoice is released for payment only after the
supplier's bank sends a collection document for the related invoice to a customer. A
customer can either pay on the individual collection document or pay on several
collection documents listed on a report called a Bordero. The customer sends this report
to its bank for release of payment.
Bank formats in Brazil do not include currency information; all amounts are assumed to
be in Brazilian Real. If you make transactions with foreign suppliers, use currencies
other than the Brazilian Real.
Brazilian Check Format
The table below presents basic information about the Brazilian Check Format.
Brazilian Check Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Brazilian Check
Printed Brazilian Check
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Brazilian Check Format are presented in the table below.
Brazilian Check Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Brazilian Check Brazilian Real Not Applicable
Brazilian Bordero Format
The table below presents basic information about the Brazilian Bordero Format.
A-8 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Brazilian Bordero Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Brazilian Bordero
Printed Brazilian Bordero
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Brazilian Bordero Format are presented in the table below.
Brazilian Bordero Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Brazilian Bordero Brazilian Real Not Applicable
This section presents information about Chilean payment formats.
Chilean Check Format
Use the Chilean Check Format to produce checks according to Chilean legal
requirements for invoices in a payment batch. The Chilean Check Format shows the
amount of the payment in numbers and in words, the date of the payment, and the
name of the supplier being paid. All text on the Chilean Check Format is printed in
The table below presents basic information about the Chilean Check Format.
Chilean Check Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Chilean Check
Printed Chilean Check
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Payment Formats A-9
Additional details about the Chilean Check Format are presented in the table below.
Chilean Check Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Chilean Check Chilean Peso Not Applicable
This section presents information on Colombian payment formats.
Colombian Check 1 Format
Use the Colombian Check Formats to produce checks according to Colombian legal
requirements for invoices in a payment batch. In Colombia, the bank superintendent
has established two common check formats. You can use the Colombian Check 1
Format to create the smaller check format and the Colombian Check 2 Format to create
the larger check format.
In Colombia, when you send a check to a supplier, you must also send the supplier a
remittance advice that shows details about the documents that are included in the
payment. For example, the remittance advice shows any invoices and credit memos
included in the payment, together with details on withholding taxes.
The Colombian Check 1 Format generates checks that are 162 millimeters wide by 71
millimeters long. Each check shows the date of the payment, the amount of the payment
in numbers and in words, and the name of the supplier or beneficiary being paid. All
text on the Colombian Check 1 Format is printed in Spanish.
The table below presents basic information about the Colombian Check 1 Format.
Colombian Check 1 Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Colombian Check 1
Printed Colombian Check 1
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Colombian Check 1 Format are presented in the table
A-10 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Colombian Check 1 Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Colombian Check 1 Colombian Peso Not Applicable
Colombian Check 2 Format
Use the Colombian Check Formats to produce checks according to Colombian legal
requirements for invoices in a payment batch. In Colombia, the bank superintendent
has established two common check formats. You can use the Colombian Check 1
Format to create the smaller check format and the Colombian Check 2 Format to create
the larger check format.
In Colombia, when you send a check to a supplier, you must also send the supplier a
remittance advice that shows details about the documents that are included in the
payment. For example, the remittance advice shows any invoices and credit memos
included in the payment, together with details on withholding taxes.
The Colombian Check 2 Format generates checks that are 185 millimeters wide by 80
millimeters long. Each check shows the date of the payment, the amount of the payment
in numbers and in words, and the name of the supplier or beneficiary being paid. All
text on the Colombian Check 2 Format is printed in Spanish.
The table below presents basic information about the Colombian Check 2 Format.
Colombian Check 2 Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Colombian Check 2
Printed Colombian Check 2
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Colombian Check 2 Format are presented in the table
Payment Formats A-11
Colombian Check 2 Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Colombian Check 2 Colombian Peso Not Applicable
This section presents information on Finnish payment formats.
Finnish LMP2 EFT Format
The Finnish LMP2 EFT Format supports electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments for
both domestic and foreign invoices.
The table below presents basic information about the Finnish LMP2 EFT Format.
Finnish LMP2 EFT Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Finnish LMP2 EFT
Electronic Finnish LMP2 EFT
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Finnish LMP2 EFT Format are presented in the table below.
Finnish LMP2 EFT Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Finnish LMP2 EFT Any Not Applicable
Finnish LMP3 EFT Format
The Finnish LMP3 EFT Format supports electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments for
both domestic and foreign invoices.
A-12 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
The table below presents basic information about the Finnish LMP3 EFT Format.
Finnish LMP3 EFT Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Finnish LMP3 EFT
Electronic Finnish LMP3 EFT
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Finnish LMP3 EFT Format are presented in the table below.
Finnish LMP3 EFT Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Finnish LMP3 EFT Any Not Applicable
Finnish LUM EFT Format
The Finnish LUM EFT Format supports electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments for
both domestic and foreign invoices.
The table below presents basic information about the Finnish LUM EFT Format.
Finnish LUM EFT Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Finnish LUM EFT
Electronic Finnish LUM EFT
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Finnish LUM EFT Format are presented in the table below.
Payment Formats A-13
Finnish LUM EFT Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Finnish LUM EFT Any Not Applicable
This section presents information on French payment formats.
French Check Format
The table below presents basic information about the French Check Format.
French Check Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
French Check Format Printed French Check Format Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the French Check Format are presented in the table below.
French Check Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
French Check Euro Not Applicable
French Check Format Stub After Payment
The table below presents basic information about the French Check Format (Stub After
A-14 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
French Check Format (Stub After Payment) Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
French Check Format
(Stub After Payment)
Printed French Check Format Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the French Check Format (Stub After Payment) are presented
in the table below.
French Check Format (Stub After Payment) Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
French Check (Stub After
Euro Not Applicable
French EFT Format
Use the French EFT Format to make payments using an EFT payment method (
Electronic or Wire).
The table below presents basic information about the French EFT Format.
French EFT Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
French EFT Format Electronic French EFT Format Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the French EFT Format are presented in the table below.
Payment Formats A-15
French EFT Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
French EFT Euro Not Applicable
French Promissory Note Format
Use the French Promissory Note Format (Billet a Ordre) program to make future dated
payments for invoices that have the same due date.
The table below presents basic information about the French Promissory Note Format.
French Promissory Note Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
French Promissory
Note Format
Printed French Promissory
Note Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the French Promissory Note Format are presented in the table
French Promissory Note Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
French Promissory Note Euro Not Applicable
French Bills Receivable Remittance Format
Use the French Bills Receivables Remittance Format (Etat de Remise a la Banque) to
transmit one or more bills of exchange bills receivable for bank remittance. The French
Bills Receivable Remittance Format creates a magnetic file in a format that conforms to
the ETEBAC standards issued by the CFONB (Comite Francais d'Organisation et de
Normalisation Bancaire) of the AFB (Association Francaise de Banques).
A-16 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
The table below presents basic information about the French Bills Receivable
Remittance Format.
French Bills Receivable Remittance Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
French Bills
Remittance Format
Electronic French Bills
Remittance Format
Data extract for credit
card, purchase card,
debit card, and bank
account funds
capture transactions.
Additional details about the French Bills Receivable Remittance Format are presented in
the table below.
French Bills Receivable Remittance Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
French Bills Receivable
Euro Not Applicable
This section presents information on German payment formats.
German Domestic EFT Format
Use the German Domestic EFT Format to make domestic (German Inland) payments
from a German bank.
The table below presents basic information about the German Domestic EFT Format.
Payment Formats A-17
German Domestic EFT Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
German Domestic
EFT Format
Electronic German Domestic
EFT Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the German Domestic EFT Format are presented in the table
German Domestic EFT Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
German Domestic EFT Euro Germany Domestic EFT
Payment Validation
German Domestic EFT Euro Germany Domestic EFT
Payee Validation
German Domestic EFT Euro Germany Domestic EFT Payer
German Domestic EFT Euro Germany Domestic EFT
Internal Bank Validation
German International EFT Format
Use the German International EFT Format to make German international payments
from a German bank.
The table below presents basic information about the German International EFT Format.
A-18 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
German International EFT Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
German International
EFT Format
Electronic German International
EFT Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the German International EFT Format are presented in the
table below.
German International EFT Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
German International EFT Euro Germany International EFT
Payment Validation
German International EFT Euro Germany International EFT
Payee Validation
German International EFT Euro Germany International EFT
Payer Validation
German International EFT Euro Germany International EFT
Internal Bank Validation
German Check Format
Use the German Check Format to produce checks. The amount is printed in German.
The table below presents basic information about the German Check Format.
Payment Formats A-19
German Check Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
German Check
Printed German Check
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the German Check Format are presented in the table below.
German Check Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
German Check Euro Not Applicable
German Check Format (Stub After Payment)
The table below presents basic information about the German Check Format (Stub After
German Check Format (Stub After Payment) Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
German Check
Format (Stub After
Printed German Check
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the German Check Format (Stub After Payment) are presented
in the table below.
A-20 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
German Check Format (Stub After Payment) Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
German Check (Stub After
Euro Not Applicable
German Wire Format
Use the German Wire Format for wire payments.
The table below presents basic information about the German Wire Format.
German Wire Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
German Wire Format Printed German Wire Format Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the German Wire Format are presented in the table below.
German Wire Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
German Wire Euro Not Applicable
German Direct Debit EFT Format
Use the German Direct Debit EFT Format to create electronic remittances.
The table below presents basic information about the German Direct Debit EFT Format.
Payment Formats A-21
German Direct Debit EFT Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
German Direct Debit
EFT Format
Electronic German Direct Debit
Data extract for credit
card, purchase card,
debit card, and bank
account funds
capture transactions.
Additional details about the German Direct Debit EFT Format are presented in the table
German Direct Debit EFT Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
German Direct Debit EFT Euro? Not Applicable
German Direct Debit Accompanying Letter Format
The German Direct Debit Accompanying Letter Format produces a letter to accompany
the payment instruction to the bank.
This section presents information on Italian payment formats.
Italian EFT Format
The table below presents basic information about the Italian EFT Format.
A-22 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Italian EFT Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Italian EFT Format Electronic Italian EFT Format Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Italian EFT Format are presented in the table below.
Italian EFT Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Italian EFT Euro Not Applicable
Italian Wire Format
Use the Italian Wire Format to pay your suppliers with the Italian wire process.
The table below presents basic information about the Italian Wire Format.
Italian Wire Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Italian Wire Format Printed Italian Wire Format Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Italian Wire Format are presented in the table below.
Payment Formats A-23
Italian Wire Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Italian Wire Euro Not Applicable
Italian Bills Receivable Remittance Format
Use the Italian Bills Receivable Remittance Format to transmit bills receivable for bank
The table below presents basic information about the Italian Bills Receivable Remittance
Italian Bills Receivable Remittance Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Italian Bills
Remittance Format
Electronic Italian Bills
Remittance Format
Data extract for credit
card, purchase card,
debit card, and bank
account funds
capture transactions.
Additional details about the Italian Bills Receivable Remittance Format are presented in
the table below.
Italian Bills Receivable Remittance Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Italian Bills Receivable
Euro? Not Applicable
This section presents information on Japanese payment formats.
A-24 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Japanese Zengin Format
It is common in Japan for customers to pay suppliers by transferring funds from the
customer's bank to the supplier's bank. The customer's bank charges a fee to complete
the transfer, and the customer and supplier negotiate who will bear the fee.
The table below presents basic information about the Japanese Zengin Format.
Japanese Zengin Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Japanese Zengin
Electronic Japanese Zengin
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Japanese Zengin Format are presented in the table below.
Japanese Zengin Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Japanese Zengin Any Japan Zengin EFT Payee
Japanese Zengin Any Japan Zengin EFT Internal
Bank Validation
This section presents information on Nordic payment formats.
Netherlands Domestic EFT Format
In the Netherlands, companies can choose to make payments by electronic funds
transfer (EFT) rather than by check. With EFT, you send an electronic file to your bank
that instructs the bank to transfer funds from your account to your supplier's account.
You can make either foreign or domestic EFT payments.
Domestic EFT payments are made in euros (EUR) to a company that is registered with
the Dutch Chamber of Commerce.
Payment Formats A-25
The table below presents basic information about the Netherlands Domestic EFT
Netherlands Domestic EFT Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Domestic EFT Format
Electronic Netherlands
Domestic EFT Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Netherlands Domestic EFT Format are presented in the
table below.
Netherlands Domestic EFT Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Netherlands Domestic EFT Euro Not Applicable
Netherlands Foreign EFT Format
In the Netherlands, companies can choose to make payments by electronic funds
transfer (EFT) rather than by check. With EFT, you send an electronic file to your bank
that instructs the bank to transfer funds from your account to your supplier's account.
You can make either foreign or domestic EFT payments.
Foreign EFT payments are made in a foreign currency or payment to a company that is
not registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. If the foreign payment amount
exceeds the reporting threshold set by the Dutch National Bank (DNB), you must report
the payment to the DNB.
The table below presents basic information about the Netherlands Foreign EFT Format.
A-26 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Netherlands Foreign EFT Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Netherlands Foreign
EFT Format
Electronic Netherlands
International EFT
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Netherlands Foreign EFT Format are presented in the table
Netherlands Foreign EFT Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Netherlands Foreign EFT Euro Not Applicable
New Zealand
This section presents information on New Zealand payment formats.
Bank of New Zealand EFT Format
The table below presents basic information about the Bank of New Zealand EFT
Bank of New Zealand EFT Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Bank of New Zealand
EFT Format
Electronic Bank of New Zealand
EFT Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Bank of New Zealand EFT Format are presented in the
table below.
Payment Formats A-27
Bank of New Zealand EFT Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Bank of New Zealand EFT Any Not Applicable
This section presents information on Norwegian payment formats.
Norwegian BBS Format
The Norwegian BBS Format relies on the BBS organization to receive transactions by file
transfer, tape, or diskette. An example of BBS payment transfer is a payment to a bank
account or a Postgiro account. The BBS organization can also return acknowledgments
to the sender by electronic media to confirm that the transactions were received.
The table below presents basic information about the Norwegian BBS Format.
Norwegian BBS Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Norwegian BBS
Electronic Norwegian BBS
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Norwegian BBS Format are presented in the table below.
Norwegian BBS Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Norwegian BBS Norwegian Krone Not Applicable
A-28 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Norwegian Telepay EFT Format
The Norwegian Telepay EFT Format is available as a common service from most
commercial banks. Savings banks also offer a comparable payment service. You can
make both domestic and foreign payment transfers with the Telepay format.
Your bank can return data with information about the transfer.
The table below presents basic information about the Norwegian Telepay EFT Format.
Norwegian Telepay EFT Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Norwegian Telepay
EFT Format
Electronic Norwegian Telepay
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Norwegian Telepay EFT Format are presented in the table
Norwegian Telepay EFT Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Norwegian Telepay EFT Any Not Applicable
This section presents information on Polish payment formats.
Polish Pekao Credit Transfers Format
Use the Polish Pekao Credit Transfers Format for domestic credit transfers, special
orders, and payments to the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) or related special orders.
The table below presents basic information about the Polish Pekao Credit Transfers
Payment Formats A-29
Polish Pekao Credit Transfers Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Polish Pekao Credit
Transfers Format
Electronic Polish Pekao Credit
Transfers Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Polish Pekao Credit Transfers Format are presented in the
table below.
Polish Pekao Credit Transfers Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Polish Pekao Credit Transfers Polish Zloty Not Applicable
Polish Pekao Payment Order Format
The table below presents basic information about the Polish Pekao Payment Order
Polish Pekao Payment Order Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Polish Pekao
Payment Order
Electronic Polish Pekao
Standard Payment
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Polish Pekao Payment Order Format are presented in the
table below.
A-30 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Polish Pekao Payment Order Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Polish Pekao Payment Order Polish Zloty Not Applicable
This section presents information on Portuguese payment formats.
Portuguese EFT Format
Use Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to pay suppliers with a payment file that you send
to the company's bank.
The table below presents basic information about the Portuguese EFT Format.
Portuguese EFT Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Portuguese EFT
Electronic Portuguese EFT
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Portuguese EFT Format are presented in the table below.
Portuguese EFT Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Portuguese EFT Portuguese Escudo Not Applicable
Portuguese Check Format
Oracle Payments provides checks in standard Portuguese Check Format as well as an
accompanying letter that details the invoices that make up the payment batch.
Payment Formats A-31
The check/remittance is printed as one document: the remittance is at the top of the
document, and the check is at the bottom.
When you define the payment format, enter ten or fewer invoices per check. If the
number of invoices paid per check exceeds ten, all checks are voided except the last
check, which includes the total amount for all invoices.
The table below presents basic information about the Portuguese Check Format.
Portuguese Check Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Portuguese Check
Printed Portuguese Check
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Portuguese Check Format are presented in the table below.
Portuguese Check Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Portuguese Check Euro Portugal Generic Check
Portuguese Wire Format
The table below presents basic information about the Portuguese Wire Format.
Portuguese Wire Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Portuguese Wire
Printed Portuguese Wire
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Portuguese Wire Format are presented in the table below.
A-32 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Portuguese Wire Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Portuguese Wire Any Not Applicable
Portuguese Direct Debit File Format
The table below presents basic information about the Portuguese Direct Debit File
Portuguese Direct Debit File Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Portuguese Direct
Debit File Format
Electronic Portuguese Direct
Debit Format
Data extract for credit
card, purchase card,
debit card, and bank
account funds
capture transactions.
Additional details about the Portuguese Direct Debit File Format are presented in the
table below.
Portuguese Direct Debit File Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Portuguese Direct Debit File Any Not Applicable
This section presents information on Spanish payment formats.
Spanish Magnetic Format
Use the Spanish Magnetic Format to obtain batch payments in electronic format.
Payment Formats A-33
The table below presents basic information about the Spanish Magnetic Format.
Spanish Magnetic Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Spanish Magnetic
Electronic Spanish EFT Format Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Spanish Magnetic Format are presented in the table below.
Spanish Magnetic Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Spanish Magnetic Euro Not Applicable
Spanish Bill of Exchange Format
Use the Spanish Bill of Exchange Format to see promissory notes for a batch payment.
The table below presents basic information about the Spanish Bill of Exchange Format.
Spanish Bill of Exchange Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Spanish Bill of
Exchange Format
Printed Spanish Payables Bills
of Exchange Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Spanish Bill of Exchange Format are presented in the table
A-34 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Spanish Bill of Exchange Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Spanish Bill of Exchange Spanish Peseta Not Applicable
Spanish Check Format
The table below presents basic information about the Spanish Check Format.
Spanish Check Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Spanish Check
Printed Spanish Check
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Spanish Check Format are presented in the table below.
Spanish Check Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Spanish Check Euro Not Applicable
Spanish CSB32 Remittance Format
Use the Spanish CSB32 Remittance Format to transmit bills receivable to your
remittance bank. The Spanish CSB32 Remittance Format creates a magnetic file in either
of two formats: CSB32 or CSB58. Both of these formats conform to Spanish legal
The Spanish CSB32 Remittance Format lets you send more than one remittance file to
the bank on the same day. The first four digits of the remittance deposit number
identifies each remittance file.
The table below presents basic information about the Spanish CSB32 Remittance
Payment Formats A-35
Spanish CSB32 Remittance Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Spanish CSB32
Remittance Format
Electronic Spanish CSB32
Remittance Format
Data extract for credit
card, purchase card,
debit card, and bank
account funds
capture transactions.
Additional details about the Spanish CSB32 Remittance Format are presented in the
table below.
Spanish CSB32 Remittance Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Spanish CSB32 Remittance Any Not Applicable
Spanish CSB58 Remittance Format
Use the Spanish CSB58 Remittance Format to transmit bills receivable to your
remittance bank. The Spanish CSB58 Remittance Format creates a magnetic file in either
of two formats: CSB32 or CSB58. Both of these formats conform to Spanish legal
The Spanish CSB58 Remittance Format uses a concatenation of the taxpayer ID and
remittance bank EFT number to identify the presenter. There are also optional records
that account for the transactions assigned to each bill included in the remittance.
The table below presents basic information about the Spanish CSB58 Remittance
A-36 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Spanish CSB58 Remittance Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Spanish CSB58
Remittance Format
Electronic Spanish CSB58
Remittance Format
Data extract for credit
card, purchase card,
debit card, and bank
account funds
capture transactions.
Additional details about the Spanish CSB58 Remittance Format are presented in the
table below.
Spanish CSB58 Remittance Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Spanish CSB58 Remittance
Any Not Applicable
Spanish CSB19 Direct Debit Magnetic Format
Use the Spanish CSB19 Direct Debit Magnetic Format to create a magnetic file of bills of
exchange to submit to your bank. This file complies with the format set by the Spanish
banking standards authority (CSB19). The Spanish CSB19 Direct Debit Magnetic Format
supports both the procedure 1 (standard) and procedure 2 (simplified) formats offered
by the banking standards authority.
The table below presents basic information about the Spanish CSB19 Direct Debit
Magnetic Format.
Spanish CSB19 Direct Debit Magnetic Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Spanish CSB19 Direct
Debit Magnetic
Electronic Spanish Direct Debit
Magnetic Format
Data extract for credit
card, purchase card,
debit card, and bank
account funds
capture transactions.
Payment Formats A-37
Additional details about the Spanish CSB19 Direct Debit Magnetic Format are presented
in the table below.
Spanish CSB19 Direct Debit Magnetic Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Spanish CSB19 Direct Debit
Any Not Applicable
This section presents information on Swedish payment formats.
Swedish Domestic Bankgiro Format
Use Swedish Domestic Bankgiro Format for domestic payments in Swedish kronas or
euros. Swedish Domestic Bankgiro Format handles giro payments through the Swedish
Bankgiro central clearing house, as well as direct bank deposits to the supplier's account
and remittance vouchers to the supplier's address. Swedish Domestic Bankgiro Format
supports immediate payments, payments on a specified date, and payments on the
invoice due or discount date.
The table below presents basic information about the Swedish Domestic Bankgiro
Swedish Domestic Bankgiro Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Swedish Domestic
Bankgiro Format
Electronic Swedish Bankgiro
Inland Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Swedish Domestic Bankgiro Format are presented in the
table below.
A-38 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Swedish Domestic Bankgiro Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Swedish Domestic Bankgiro Euro Sweden EFT Bankgiro Inland
Document Validation
Swedish Foreign Postgiro Format
Use Swedish Foreign Postgiro Format for foreign payments in any valid foreign
currency. These payments go through the Swedish Postal Giro clearing house. Swedish
Foreign Postgiro Format supports immediate payments, payments on a specified date,
and payments on the invoice due or discount date.
The table below presents basic information about the Swedish Foreign Postgiro Format.
Swedish Foreign Postgiro Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Swedish Foreign
Postgiro Format
Electronic Swedish Postgiro
Utland Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Swedish Foreign Postgiro Format are presented in the table
Swedish Foreign Postgiro Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Swedish Foreign Postgiro Euro Sweden EFT Postgiro Utland
Document Validation
Swedish Domestic Postgiro Format
Use Swedish Domestic Postgiro Format for domestic payments in Swedish kronas or
euros. Swedish Domestic Postgiro Format handles giro payments through the Swedish
Payment Formats A-39
Postal Giro clearing house, as well as direct bank deposits to the supplier's account.
Postgiro Inland supports immediate payments, payments on a specified date, and
payments on the invoice due or discount date.
The table below presents basic information about the Swedish Domestic Postgiro
Swedish Domestic Postgiro Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Swedish Domestic
Postgiro Format
Electronic Swedish Postgiro
Inland Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Swedish Domestic Postgiro Format are presented in the
table below.
Swedish Domestic Postgiro Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Swedish Domestic Postgiro Euro Sweden EFT Postgiro Inland
Document Validation
Swedish SISU Bankgiro Format
Use Swedish SISU Bankgiro Format for foreign payments in any valid foreign currency,
including the euro. These payments go through the Swedish Bankgiro central clearing
house and are processed by SE Banken. The Swedish SISU Bankgiro Format supports
immediate payments, payments on a specified date, and payments on the invoice due
or discount date.
The table below presents basic information about the Swedish SISU Bankgiro Format.
A-40 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Swedish SISU Bankgiro Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Swedish SISU
Bankgiro Format
Electronic Swedish Bankgiro
SISU Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Swedish SISU Bankgiro Format are presented in the table
Swedish SISU Bankgiro Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Swedish SISU Bankgiro Any Sweden EFT Bankgiro Utland
SISU Document Validation
Swedish UTLI Bankgiro Format
Use Swedish UTLI Bankgiro Format for foreign payments in any valid foreign currency,
including the euro. These payments go through the Swedish Bankgiro central clearing
house and are processed by Svenska Handelsbanken. Bankgiro UTLI supports
immediate payments, payments on a specified date, and payments on the invoice due
or discount date.
The table below presents basic information about the Swedish UTLI Bankgiro Format.
Swedish UTLI Bankgiro Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Swedish UTLI
Bankgiro Format
Electronic Swedish Bankgiro
UTLI Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Swedish UTLI Bankgiro Format are presented in the table
Payment Formats A-41
Swedish UTLI Bankgiro Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Swedish UTLI Bankgiro Any Sweden EFT Bankgiro Utland
UTLI Document Validation
This section presents information on Swiss payment formats.
Swiss DTA Format
Oracle Payments provides two different electronic funds transfer (EFT) processes: DTA
and SAD. Use the Swiss DTA Format for domestic or foreign payments that originate
from accounts at a Swiss bank. Your payment amounts are automatically deducted
from your accounts and credited to your supplier's accounts, and balances are updated
in Oracle Payments.
Each data carrier must be accompanied by a completely filled in delivery note. Delivery
notes can be requested from the principal bank and must be used as follows:
Page 1 (white) and page 2 (green) to be sent together with the data carrier to the
Telekurs CC.
Page 3 (yellow) is for the sender of the data carrier.
The table below presents basic information about the Swiss DTA Format.
Swiss DTA Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Swiss DTA Format Electronic Swiss DTA Format Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Swiss DTA Format are presented in the table below.
A-42 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Swiss DTA Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Swiss DTA Swiss Franc Switzerland Generic EFT
Payee Validation
Swiss DTA Swiss Franc Switzerland Generic EFT
Document Validation
Swiss SAD Format
Oracle Payments provides two different electronic funds transfer (EFT) processes: DTA
and SAD. Use the Swiss SAD Format for domestic payments that originate from
accounts at die Post, the Swiss mailing company. Your payment amounts are
automatically deducted from your accounts and credited to your supplier's accounts,
and balances are updated in Oracle Payments.
The table below presents basic information about the Swiss SAD Format.
Swiss SAD Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Swiss SAD Format Printed Swiss SAD Format Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the Swiss SAD Format are presented in the table below.
Swiss SAD Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Swiss SAD Format Swiss Franc Switzerland Generic EFT
Document Validation
Payment Formats A-43
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
Swiss SAD Format Swiss Franc Switzerland Generic EFT
Payee Validation
This section presents information on English payment formats.
UK BACS 1/2 Inch Tape Format
The table below presents basic information about the UK BACS 1/2 Inch Tape Format.
UK BACS 1/2 Inch Tape Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
UK BACS 1/2 Inch
Tape Format
Electronic UK BACS 1/2 Inch
Tape Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the UK BACS 1/2 Inch Tape Format are presented in the table
UK BACS 1/2 Inch Tape Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
UK BACS 1/2 Inch Tape Pound Sterling Not Applicable
This section presents information on American payment formats.
The table below presents basic information about the US NACHA CCD Format.
A-44 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
US NACHA CCD Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Electronic US NACHA CCD
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US NACHA CCD Format are presented in the table below.
US NACHA CCD Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US NACHA CCD US Dollar Not Applicable
The table below presents basic information about the US NACHA CCDP Format.
US NACHA CCDP Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Electronic US NACHA CCDP
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US NACHA CCDP Format are presented in the table
Payment Formats A-45
US NACHA CCDP Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US NACHA CCDP US Dollar Not Applicable
The table below presents basic information about the US NACHA PPD Format.
US NACHA PPD Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Electronic US NACHA PPD
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US NACHA PPD Format are presented in the table below.
US NACHA PPD Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US NACHA PPD US Dollar Not Applicable
US NACHA Generic Format
The table below presents basic information about the US NACHA Generic Format.
A-46 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
US NACHA Generic Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US NACHA Generic
Electronic US NACHA Generic
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US NACHA Generic Format are presented in the table
US NACHA Generic Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US NACHA Generic US Dollar US NACHA Internal Bank
US NACHA Generic US Dollar US NACHA Payee Validation
US NACHA Generic US Dollar US NACHA Payment
Instruction Validation
US Treasury Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Treasury Format.
US Treasury Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Treasury Format Printed US Treasury Format Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Treasury Format are presented in the table below.
Payment Formats A-47
US Treasury Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Treasury US Dollar Not Applicable
US Federal
This section presents information on United States Federal payment formats.
US Federal ECS CCD Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Federal ECS CCD Format.
US Federal ECS CCD Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Federal ECS CCD
Electronic Federal ECS CCD
Payments Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Federal ECS CCD Format are presented in the table
US Federal ECS CCD Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Federal ECS CCD US Dollar Federal Financials ECS CCD
Payment Validation
US Federal ECS CCDP Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Federal ECS CCDP Format.
A-48 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
US Federal ECS CCDP Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Federal ECS
CCDP Format
Electronic Federal ECS CCDP
Payments Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Federal ECS CCDP Format are presented in the table
US Federal ECS CCDP Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Federal ECS CCDP US Dollar Federal Financials ECS CCD+
Payment Validation
US Federal ECS PPD Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Federal ECS PPD Format.
US Federal ECS PPD Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Federal ECS PPD
Electronic Federal ECS PPD
Payments Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Federal ECS PPD Format are presented in the table
Payment Formats A-49
US Federal ECS PPD Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Federal ECS PPD US Dollar Federal Financials ECS PPD
Payment Validation
US Federal ECS PPDP Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Federal ECS PPDP Format.
US Federal ECS PPDP Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Federal ECS
Electronic Federal ECS PPDP
Payments Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Federal ECS PPDP Format are presented in the table
US Federal ECS PPDP Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Federal ECS PPDP US Dollar Federal Financials ECS PPD+
Payment Validation
The table below presents basic information about the US ECS NCR Format.
A-50 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
US ECS NCR Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US ECS NCR Format Electronic US ECS NCR Format Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US ECS NCR Format are presented in the table below.
US ECS NCR Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US ECS NCR US Dollar Federal Financials ECS NCR
Payment Validation
US Federal CTX Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Federal CTX Format.
US Federal CTX Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Federal CTX
Electronic Federal CTX ACH
Vendor Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Federal CTX Format are presented in the table below.
Payment Formats A-51
US Federal CTX Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Federal CTX US Dollar Federal Financials CTX
Payment Validation
US Federal Bulk CCDP Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Federal Bulk CCDP Format.
US Federal Bulk CCDP Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Federal Bulk
CCDP Format
Electronic Federal Bulk Data
CCDP Payments
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Federal Bulk CCDP Format are presented in the table
US Federal Bulk CCDP Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Federal Bulk CCDP US Dollar Federal Financials Bulk Data
CCD+ Payment Validation
US Federal Bulk PPDP Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Federal Bulk PPDP Format.
A-52 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
US Federal Bulk PPDP Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Federal Bulk
PPDP Format
Electronic Federal Bulk Data
PPDP Payments
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Federal Bulk PPDP Format are presented in the table
US Federal Bulk PPDP Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Federal Bulk PPDP US Dollar Federal Financials Bulk Data
PPD+ Payment Validation
US Bulk Salary and Travel NCR Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Bulk Salary and Travel NCR
US Bulk Salary and Travel NCR Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Bulk Salary and
Travel NCR Format
Electronic US Bulk Salary and
Travel NCR Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Bulk Salary and Travel NCR Format are presented in
the table below.
Payment Formats A-53
US Bulk Salary and Travel NCR Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Bulk Salary and Travel
US Dollar Federal Financials Bulk
Salary/Travel NCR Payment
US Bulk NCR Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Bulk NCR Format.
US Bulk NCR Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Bulk NCR Format Electronic US Bulk NCR Format Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Bulk NCR Format are presented in the table below.
US Bulk NCR Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Bulk NCR US Dollar Federal Financials Bulk Data
NCR Payment Validation
US Federal ECS Summary Schedule Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Federal ECS Summary
Schedule Format.
A-54 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
US Federal ECS Summary Schedule Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Federal ECS
Summary Schedule
Electronic Federal ECS
Summary Schedule
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
US Federal SPS CCD Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Federal SPS CCD Format.
US Federal SPS CCD Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Federal SPS CCD
Electronic Federal SPS CCD
Payments Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Federal SPS CCD Format are presented in the table
US Federal SPS CCD Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Federal SPS CCD US Dollar Federal Financials SPS CCD
Payment Validation
US Federal SPS CCDP Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Federal SPS CCDP Format.
Payment Formats A-55
US Federal SPS CCDP Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Electronic Federal SPS CCDP
Payments Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Federal SPS CCDP Format are presented in the table
US Federal SPS CCDP Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Federal SPS CCDP US Dollar Federal Financials SPS CCD+
Payment Validation
US Federal SPS PPD Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Federal SPS PPD Format.
US Federal SPS PPD Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Federal SPS PPD
Electronic Federal SPS PPD
Payments Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Federal SPS PPD Format are presented in the table
A-56 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
US Federal SPS PPD Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Federal SPS PPD US Dollar Federal Financials SPS PPD
Payment Validation
US Federal SPS PPDP Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Federal SPS PPDP Format.
US Federal SPS PPDP Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
Electronic Federal SPS PPDP
Payments Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Federal SPS PPDP Format are presented in the table
US Federal SPS PPDP Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Federal SPS PPDP US Dollar Federal Financials SPS PPD+
Payment Validation
The table below presents basic information about the US SPS NCR Format.
Payment Formats A-57
US SPS NCR Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US SPS NCR Format Electronic US SPS NCR Format Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US SPS NCR Format are presented in the table below.
US SPS NCR Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US SPS NCR US Dollar Federal Financials SPS NCR
Payment Validation
US Federal SPS Summary Schedule Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Federal SPS Summary
Schedule Format.
US Federal SPS Summary Schedule Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Federal SPS
Summary Schedule
Electronic Federal SPS Summary
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
US Federal CCDP Consolidated Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Federal CCDP Consolidated
A-58 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
US Federal CCDP Consolidated Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Federal CCDP
Consolidated Format
Electronic US CCDP
Consolidated Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Federal CCDP Consolidated Format are presented in
the table below.
US Federal CCDP Consolidated Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Federal CCDP
US Dollar Federal Financials Bulk Data
CCD+ Payment Validation
US Federal CTX Consolidated Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Federal CTX Consolidated
US Federal CTX Consolidated Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Federal CTX
Consolidated Format
Electronic US CTX Consolidated
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Federal CTX Consolidated Format are presented in the
table below.
Payment Formats A-59
US Federal CTX Consolidated Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Federal CTX Consolidated US Dollar Federal Financials CTX
Payment Validation
US Federal PPDP Consolidated Format
The table below presents basic information about the US Federal PPDP Consolidated
US Federal PPDP Consolidated Format Basic Information
Format Name Format Type Template Name Extract Description
US Federal PPDP
Consolidated Format
Electronic US PPDP
Consolidated Format
Oracle Payments
Funds Disbursement
Payment Instruction
Extract, Version 1.0
Additional details about the US Federal PPDP Consolidated Format are presented in the
table below.
US Federal PPDP Consolidated Format Details
Payment Process Profile
Currency Name Validation Name
US Federal PPDP
US Dollar Federal Financials Bulk Data
PPD+ Payment Validation
Validations B-1
Other Validations
This section lists validations for the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway Format.
Validation Name: e-Commerce Gateway Internal Bank Validation
1. Validate Payer Bank Branch Type:
Payer bank branch type is not null.
Error Message: <Internal bank branch type> is required.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Oracle e-Commerce Gateway payment format
Validation Name: e-Commerce Gateway Payee Validation
Validate Target Bank Branch Type:
Payee bank branch type is not null.
Error Message: <Payee bank branch type> is required.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Oracle e-Commerce Gateway payment format
B-2 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Validation Name: e-Commerce Gateway Document Validation
1. Validate payment method:
Payment method is not null.
Error Message: <Payment method> is required.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Oracle e-Commerce Gateway payment format
Validation Name: e-Commerce Gateway Payee Validation
1. Validate bank instruction 2:
Bank instruction 2 is not null.
Error Message: <Bank instruction 2> is required.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Oracle e-Commerce Gateway payment format
Validation Name: e-Commerce Gateway Document Validation
1. Validate delivery channel:
Delivery channel is not null.
Error Message: <Delivery channel> is required.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Oracle e-Commerce Gateway payment format
Validation Name: e-Commerce Gateway Document Validation
Validate bank instruction 1:
Validations B-3
Bank instruction 1 is not null if payment method code = ACH
Error Message: <Bank instruction 1> is required.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Oracle e-Commerce Gateway payment format
Country-Specific Validations
This section lists validations for the following countries:
United States
U.S. Federal
No Validations
The section lists the validations for Austria.
Validation Name: Austria International EFT Internal Bank
Validate Payer Bank Sort Code:
B-4 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Payer bank branch number is not null.
Error Message: <Internal bank branch number> is required.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Austrian International EFT payment format
Validation Name: Austria International EFT Payer
1. Validate Payer Company Description:
Payer name (company name, as defined in Legal Entity) is not null.
Error Message: <Payer name> is required.
2. Validate Payer Location Telephone Number:
Payer phone number is not null.
Error Message: <Payer telephone number> is required.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Austrian International EFT payment format
Validation Name: Austria International EFT Payee
1. Validate Payee Bank Account Number:
Payee bank account number is not null.
Error Message: <Payee bank account number> is required.
Validate Payer Bank Sort Code:
Payee bank branch number is not null.
Error Message: <Payee bank branch country> is required.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Austrian International EFT payment format
This section lists the validations for Belgium.
Validations B-5
Validation Name: Belgium Domestic EFT Document
1. Validate Payment Currency:
Document payment currency is EUR (actually valid euro code).
Error Message: <Document payment currency> is invalid.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Belgian Domestic EFT payment format
Validation Name: Belgium International EFT Payee
1. Validate Supplier Site Cost Code:
Bank charge bearer should be valid from bank charge bearers of Belgium.
Error Message: <Bank charge bearer> is invalid.
2. Validate Supplier Bank/Branch Number:
Payee bank number or payee bank branch number is not null.
Error Message: <Payee bank branch number> is required.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Belgian International EFT payment format
Validation Name: Belgium International EFT Document
Validate payment method:
Payment method should be from valid payment methods for Belgian International
Error Message: <Payment method> is invalid.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Belgian International EFT payment format
B-6 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Validation Name: Belgium International EFT Payment
1. Validate Payment Amount:
Payment amount <= Maximum check amount (a parameter, of value
Error Message: <Payment amount> is invalid.
2. Validate Number of IBLC Codes:
The number of payment reasons <= Max payment reason number (a parameter, of
value 24).
Error Message: <Number of payment reasons> is incorrect.
Parameter: Parameter Code: MAX_CHECK_AMOUNT (of value 9,999,999,999,999.99).
Validation: P_BE_EFT_INT_TRXN
Parameter Code: MAX_ PAYMENT_REASON_NUMBER (of value 24).
Validation: P_BE_EFT_INT_TRXN
Validation Point: Payment
Validation Assigned by Default to: Belgian International EFT payment format
Validation Name: Belgium International EFT Payment Instruction
Validate Number of Detail Records:
The number of documents <= Max number of documents (a parameter, of value
Error Message: <Number of documents> is invalid.
Parameter: Parameter Code: MAX_NUMBER_OF_DOCUMENTS (of value 999999).
Validation: I_BE_EFT_INT_TRXN
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validation Assigned by Default to: Belgian International EFT payment format
No Validations
Validations B-7
No Validations
No Validations
No Validations
This section lists the validations for Finland.
Validation Name: Finland Domestic EFT Payment
1. Validate Payment Amount:
Length of payment amount <= 12.
Error Message: <Payment amount> has an incorrect length.
Validation Point: Payment
Validation Assigned by Default to: Finnish Domestic EFT payment format
This section lists the validations for France.
This section lists the validations for Germany.
Validation Name: Germany Domestic EFT Internal Bank
Validate User EFT Number:
Length of internal user EFT number <= 10.
B-8 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Error Message: <EFT number> has an incorrect length.
2. Validate User Bank BLZ:
Internal bank branch number is not null.
Error Message: <Internal bank branch number> is required.
Internal bank branch number does not start with 0 or 1.
Error Message: <Internal bank branch number> is incorrect.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: German Domestic EFT
Validation Name: Germany Domestic EFT Payer
1. Validate Location Description for Organization ID:
Payer LE name is not null.
Error Message: <Payer name> is required.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: German Domestic EFT
Validation Name: Germany Domestic EFT Payee
1. Validate Customer/Supplier Bank Name:
External bank name is not null.
Error Message: <Payee bank name> is required.
Validate Customer/Supplier Bank BLZ:
External bank branch number is not null.
Error Message: <Payee bank branch number> is required.
External bank branch number does not start with 0 or 1.
Error Message: <Payee bank branch number> is incorrect.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: German Domestic EFT
Validations B-9
Validation Name: Germany Domestic EFT Payment
1. Validate Payment Amount:
Payment amount is not 0.
Error Message: <Payee amount> is invalid.
Validation Point: Payment
Validation Assigned by Default to: German Domestic EFT
Validation Name: Germany International EFT Internal Bank
1. Validate User EFT:
Length of internal user EFT number <= 10.
Error Message: <EFT number> has an incorrect length.
2. Validate User Bank BLZ:
Internal bank branch number is not null.
Error Message: <Internal bank branch number> is required.
Internal bank branch number does not start with 0 or 9.
Error Message: <Internal bank branch number> is incorrect.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: German International EFT
Validation Name: Germany International EFT Payee
Validate Customer/Supplier Bank Name:
External bank name is not null.
Error Message: <Payee bank name> is required.
Validate Document Country:
Payee party site country and payer LE country are same.
B-10 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Error Message: <Payee country> is incorrect.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: German International EFT
Validation Name: Germany International EFT Payer
1. Validate EFT Company Number:
Internal bank assigned ID 2 is not null.
Length of internal bank assigned Id 2 <= 8.
Internal bank assigned ID 2 is not null.
Error Message: Bank assigned identifier 2 has an incorrect length.
2. Validate EFT LZB Area:
Internal bank assigned ID 1 is not null.
Error Message: Bank assigned identifier 1 is required.
Length of internal bank assigned ID 1 <= 2.
Error Message: Bank assigned identifier 1 has an incorrect length.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: German International EFT
Validation Name: Germany International EFT Payment
Validate Payment Amount:
Payment amount is not 0.
Error Message: <Payment amount> is invalid.
Validation Point: Payment
Validation Assigned by Default to: German International EFT
No Validations
Validations B-11
This section lists the validations for Japan.
Validation Name: Japan Zengin EFT Internal Bank
1. Validate Internal Bank Account Type:
Internal bank account type is like 1%, 2%, 4% or 9%.
Error Message: <Internal bank account type> is incorrect.
2. Validate EFT Requester Id:
Internal EFT user number contains digits only.
Error Message: <EFT user number> is incorrect.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Japan Zengin EFT
Validation Name: Japan Zengin EFT Payee
1. Validate External Bank Account Type:
Length of payment Id <= 16.
Error Message: <Payment reference> has an incorrect length.
Validate Transaction Amount:
External bank account type is like 1%, 2%, 4% or 9%.
Error Message: <Payee bank account type> is incorrect.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Japan Zengin EFT
No Validations
B-12 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
No Validations
This section lists the validations for Poland.
Validation Name: Pekao Poland Transfer Format Internal Bank
1. Validate Payer Account Number:
Internal bank account IBAN number is not null.
Error Message: <Internal bank account IBAN number> is required.
Internal bank account number is not null.
Error Message: <Internal bank account number> is required.
Length of internal bank account number <= 34.
Error Message: <Internal bank account number> has an incorrect length.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Pekao Poland Transfer Format
Validation Name: Pekao Poland Transfer Format Payee
1. Validate Supplier Bank Account Number:
External bank account IBAN number is not null.
Error Message: <Payee bank account IBAN number> is required.
External bank account number is not null.
Error Message: <Payee bank account number> is required.
Length of external bank account number <= 34.
Error Message: <Payee bank account number> has an incorrect length.
Validate Company Tax Payer Id:
Length of payee tax payer Id <= 15.
Validations B-13
Error Message: <Payee Taxpayer ID> has an incorrect length.
3. Validate Supplier Detail:
Length of payee party name, payee party site name, payee party site address line 1,
payee party site city and payee party site postal code concatenated <= 143.
Error Message: <Payee name> has an incorrect length.
4. Validate Supplier Address:
Length of payee party site address line 1 <= 35.
Error Message: <Payee address line 1> has an incorrect length.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Pekao Poland Transfer Format
Validation Name: Pekao Poland Transfer Format Document
1. Validate Insurance Premium Type:
Payment reason code is not null.
Error Message: <Payment reason> is required.
Validate Number of Invoice:
Pay alone flag is Y.
Error Message: <Pay Alone> is required.
3. Validate Declaration Number:
Calling application document reference number does not start with 99.
Error Message: <Document reference number> is incorrect.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Pekao Poland Transfer Format
Validation Name: Pekao Poland Transfer Format Payment Validation
1. Validate Payment Amount:
Payment amount <= Maximum payment amount allowed (Value of
B-14 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
9999999999999.99, a parameter).
Error Message: <Payment amount> exceeds maximum allowed.
2. Validate Concatenated List of Invoices:
Length of payment detail <= 140.
Error Message: <Payment detail> has an incorrect length.
Validation Point: Payment
Validation Assigned by Default to: Pekao Poland Transfer Format
Validation Name: Pekao Poland Standard Payment Internal Bank
1. Validate Payer Account Number:
Internal bank account IBAN number is not null.
Error Message: <Internal bank account IBAN number> is required.
Internal bank account number is not null.
Error Message: <Internal bank account number> is required.
Length of internal bank account number <= 34.
Error Message: <Internal bank account number> has an incorrect length.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Pekao Poland Standard Payment
Validation Name: Pekao Poland Standard Payment Payee
Validate Supplier Bank Account Number:
External bank account IBAN number is not null.
Error Message: <Payee bank account IBAN number> is required.
External bank account number is not null.
Error Message: <Payee bank account number> is required.
Length of external bank account number <= 34.
Error Message: <Payee bank account number> has an incorrect length.
Validation Point: Document
Validations B-15
Validation Assigned by Default to: Pekao Poland Standard Payment
This section lists the validations for Portugal.
Validation Name: Portugal Check Generic
1. Validate First Party Office Site:
Payer LE name is not null.
Error Message: <Payer name> is required.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Portuguese Check Format
This section lists the validations for Sweden.
Validation Name: Sweden EFT Bankgiro Inland Document
Validate Payment Currency:
Payment currency is SEK or EUR.
Error Message: <Payment currency> is invalid.
2. Validate Payment Type:
Delivery channel code is not CHECK.
Error Message: <Delivery channel> is incorrect.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Sweden EFT Bankgiro Inland
Validation Name: Sweden EFT Bankgiro Utland SISU Document
Validate Payment Type:
B-16 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Delivery channel code is not KONTOAVI, AVI, or GIRO.
Error Message: <Delivery channel> is incorrect.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Sweden EFT Bankgiro Utland SISU
Validation Name: Sweden EFT Bankgiro Utland UTLI Document
1. Validate Payment Type:
Delivery channel code is not KONTOAVI, AVI, or GIRO.
Error Message: <Delivery channel> is incorrect.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Sweden EFT Bankgiro Utland UTLI
Validation Name: Sweden EFT Postgiro Inland Document
1. Validate Payment Type:
Delivery channel code is not KONTOAVI or CHECK.
Error Message: <Delivery channel> is incorrect.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Sweden EFT Postgiro Inland
Validation Name: Sweden EFT Postgiro Utland Document
Validate Payment Type:
Length of payment Id <= 12.
Error Message: <Delivery channel> is incorrect.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Sweden EFT Postgiro Utland
Validations B-17
This section lists the validations for Switzerland.
Validation Name: Switzerland Generic EFT Payee
1. Validate Bank Account Type:
Delivery channel (code) should be valid from delivery channels of Switzerland.
Error Message: <Delivery channel> is invalid.
2. Validate Bank Account Number:
External bank account number is not null, when delivery channel is BANK or
Error Message: <Payee bank account number> is required.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Swiss International EFT and Swiss Domestic EFT
Validation Name: Switzerland Generic EFT Document
Validate Document Payment Currency:
When the delivery channel is BANK, document payment currency is CHF.
Error Message: <Document payment currency> is invalid.
2. Validate Exclusive Payment Flag for ESR payments:
When the delivery channel is ESR, exclusive payment flag is Y.
Error Message: <Pay Alone> is required.
Validate ESR Number:
When the delivery channel is ESR, unique remittance Id code is not null, of length
15, 16, or 27, numeric, and if its length is 15, it satisfies the check algorithm.
Error Message: <Unique remittance identifier> is invalid.
Validate Invoice Amount for ESR Payments:
When the delivery channel is ESR, document amount is greater than or equal to 0.
B-18 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Error Message: <Document amount> is incorrect.
5. Validate ESR number for non-ESR Payments:
When the delivery channel is ESR, unique remittance Id code must be null.
Error Message: <Unique remittance identifier> is not allowed.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Swiss International EFT and Swiss Domestic EFT
No Validations
United States
This section lists the validations for the United States.
Validation Name: US NACHA Internal Bank
Validate Originating Bank Routing Number:
Length of internal bank branch number = 9.
Error Message: <Internal bank branch number> has an incorrect length.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: Nacha EFT
Validation Name: US NACHA Payee
1. Validate Supplier Bank Routing Number:
Length of external bank branch number = 9.
Error Message: <Payee bank branch number> has an incorrect length.
Validation Point: Document
Validation Assigned by Default to: NACHA EFT
Validation Name: US NACHA Payment Instruction
Validations B-19
1. Validate Payment Batch Total Amount:
Instruction amount <= Maximum Nacha amount (a parameter of value 100,000,000).
Error Message: <Payment instruction total amount> exceeds maximum allowed.
Parameter: Parameter Code: MAX_PAYMENT_INSTR_AMOUNT (of value
Validation: I_US_NACHA_INSTR
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validation Assigned by Default to: NACHA EFT
U.S. Federal
This section lists the U.S. Federal validations.
Federal Financials Bulk Data CCD+ Payment Validation
Validate Agency Location Code:
Agency Location Code must be 8 characters.
Error Message: The Agency Location Code, captured in the bank account details, is
not defined for bank account <bank account>.
2. Validate Routing Transit Number:
Routing Transit Number is stored in the bank branch number. It must be a nine
digit numeric-only field. The ninth digit is the Check Digit, which is validated using
the Modulus formula.
Error Message: Invalid routing number.
3. Validate Supplier Type:
Supplier Type of the Supplier must match the Supplier Type of the documents
Error Message: The vendor for invoice <invoice number> cannot be of type
Validate Maximum Treasury Symbols:
A maximum of 10 treasury symbols can be included in a payment instruction,
unless profile FV: Limit Bulk Format to 10 Treasury Symbol is set to No.
B-20 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Error Message: This error message refers to obsolete entities, and is therefore
invalid. Payment format aborts if it contains more than 10 Treasury symbols.
5. Validate Federal Employee Identification Number:
Federal Employee Identification Number is required.
Error Message: The Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN) must be defined on the
Define Federal Options window in Federal Administrator for the operating unit
<operating unit>.
Validate Payee Social Security Number:
Social Security Number/Tax Identification Number is required.
Error Message: SSN/TIN must be supplied for supplier <supplier name>.
7. Validate Payee Bank Account Number:
Payee Bank Account Number is required.
Error Message: Bank account number missing for vendor.
Validate Bank Account Type:
Valid values for bank account type are CHECKING for Checking account and
SAVINGS for Savings account.
Error Message: The Payee bank account must have a bank account type of either
Checking or Savings.
9. Validate RFC Identifier:
RFC Identifier is required.
Error Message: RFC Identifier not defined in the Banks Window for Bank <bank
10. Validate Schedule Number:
Schedule number is derived from the reference assigned by the administrator if
specified on a payment instruction, or else the payment instruction ID becomes the
schedule number.
Error Message: The reference assigned by the administrator number must contain
only valid characters of 0-9, A-Z, or dash (-) and the first character must not be a
Validate Treasury Account Symbols:
Must contain only the following characters: 0-9, A-Z, ".", "(", ")", or "/".
Error Message: Treasury symbols should only contain the following characters: 0-9,
A-Z, ".", "(", ")", or "/".
Validations B-21
12. Validate Pay Alone Option:
Pay alone option is required on the invoice.
Error Message: Invoices for this payment format must have the Pay Alone flag
checked on the invoice <invoice number>.
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validation Assigned by Default to: US Federal Bulk CCDP Format AND US Federal
CCDP Consolidated Format
Federal Financials Bulk Data NCR Payment Validation
1. Validate Agency Location Code:
Agency Location Code must be 8 characters.
Error Message: The Agency Location Code, captured in the bank account details, is
not defined for bank account <bank account>.
2. Validate Agency Address:
Agency Address is required.
Error Message: Invalid address for Agency: <agency name>.
Validate Payment Amount:
Payment Amount must be less than 9,999,999.999 USD.
Error Message: Payment Amount exceeds the limit of $9,999,999.99.
4. Validate Payee Address:
At least one address line is required.
Error Message: Invalid address for Vendor <vendor name>.
Validate Payment Reason:
Payment Reason required depends on the type of supplier in the payment. There
are two different validations that occur, which depend on whether the supplier is
an employee or non-employee.
Error Message: Payments to an Internal Employee can only have the following
payment reason codes: SSA, VA, SSI, OPM, or RRB Benefit or Tax. Alternatively,
payments to a Standard Supplier can only have a payment reason code of Vendor
Payment Sub-Type.
Validate Supplier Type:
B-22 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Supplier Types within a payment instruction must be all employee types of
suppliers or non-employee types of suppliers.
Error Message: All selected invoices must have one vendor type, either Employee
or Non-employee.
7. Validate Maximum Treasury Symbols:
A maximum of 10 treasury symbols can be included in a payment instruction,
unless profile FV: Limit Bulk Format to 10 Treasury Symbol is set to No.
Error Message: This error message refers to obsolete entities and is therefore
invalid. Payment format aborts if it contains more than 10 Treasury symbols.
8. Validate Payee Social Security Number:
Social Security Number/Tax Identification Number is required.
Error Message: SSN/TIN must be supplied for supplier <supplier name>.
Validate RFC Identifier:
RFC Identifier is required.
Error Message: RFC Identifier not defined in the Banks Window for Bank <bank
10. Validate Schedule Number:
Schedule number is derived from the reference assigned by the administrator if
specified on a payment instruction, or else the payment instruction ID becomes the
schedule number.
Error Message: The reference assigned by the administrator number must contain
only valid characters of 0-9, A-Z, or dash (-) and the first character must not be a
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validation Assigned by Default to: US Federal Bulk NCR Format
Federal Financials Bulk Data PPD+ Payment Validation
Validate Agency Location Code:
Agency Location Code must be 8 characters.
Error Message: The Agency Location Code, captured in the bank account details, is
not defined for bank account <bank account>.
Validate Routing Transit Number:
Validations B-23
Routing Transit Number is stored in the bank branch number. It must be a nine
digit numeric-only field. The ninth digit is the Check Digit, which is validated using
the Modulus formula.
Error Message: Invalid routing number.
3. Validate Supplier Type:
Supplier Type of the Supplier must match the Supplier Type of the documents
Error Message: The vendor for invoice <invoice number> must be of type
4. Validate Maximum Treasury Symbols:
A maximum of 10 treasury symbols can be included in a payment instruction,
unless profile FV: Limit Bulk Format to 10 Treasury Symbol is set to No.
Error Message: This error message refers to obsolete entities and is therefore
invalid. Payment format aborts if it contains more than 10 Treasury symbols.
Validate Federal Employee Identification Number:
Federal Employee Identification Number is required.
Error Message: The Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN) must be defined on the
Define Federal Options window in Federal Administrator for the operating unit
<operating unit>.
6. Validate Payee Social Security Number:
Social Security Number/Tax Identification Number is required.
Error Message: SSN/TIN must be supplied for supplier <supplier name>.
7. Validate Payee Bank Account Number:
Payee Bank Account Number is required.
Error Message: Bank account number missing for vendor.
Validate Bank Account Type:
Valid values for bank account type are CHECKING for Checking account and
SAVINGS for Savings account.
Error Message: The Payee bank account must have a bank account type of either
Checking or Savings.
9. Validate RFC Identifier:
RFC Identifier is required.
Error Message: RFC Identifier not defined in the Banks Window for Bank <bank
B-24 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
10. Validate Schedule Number:
Schedule number is derived from the reference assigned by the administrator if
specified on a payment instruction, or else the payment instruction ID becomes the
schedule number.
Error Message: The reference assigned by the administrator number must contain
only valid characters of 0-9, A-Z, or dash (-) and the first character must not be a
11. Validate Treasury Account Symbols:
Must contain only the following characters: 0-9, A-Z, ".", "(", ")", or "/".
Error Message: Treasury symbols should only contain the following characters: 0-9,
A-Z, ".", "(", ")", or "/".
Validate Pay Alone Option:
Pay alone option is required on the invoice.
Error Message: Invoices for this payment format must have the Pay Alone flag
checked on the invoice <invoice number>.
13. Validate Reason Code:
Validate a Federal payment reason is assigned to a payment.
Error Message: This payment format must have a Federal payment reason defined
for each payment. The following are valid payment reasons: Allotments, SSA
Benefits, VA Benefits, VAINS, Miscellaneous PPD, OPM Benefits, RRB Benefits,
Salary, Travel, and Tax.
14. Validate Maximum Payment Amount:
A payment amount cannot exceed $999,999.99 USD.
Error Message: Payment Amount exceeds the limit of $999,999.99.
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validation Assigned by Default to: US Federal Bulk PPDP Format AND US Federal
PPDP Consolidated Format
Federal Financials Bulk Data Salary/Travel NCR Payment Validation
Validate Agency Location Code:
Agency Location Code must be 8 characters.
Validations B-25
Error Message: The Agency Location Code, captured in the bank account details, is
not defined for bank account <bank account>.
2. Validate Agency Address:
At least one address line, city, state, or ZIP is required
Error Message: Invalid address for Agency <agency name>.
3. Validate Payment Reason Code:
Payments for this format can only contain invoices with a payment reason of Salary
or Travel.
Error Message: The Check Salary/Travel NCR payments can only be generated for
Salary or Travel payments. The Reason Code must be related to Salary or Travel.
4. Validate Supplier Type:
Supplier Type of the Supplier must match the Supplier Type of the documents
Error Message: The vendor for invoice <invoice number> must be of type
5. Validate Maximum Treasury Symbols:
A maximum of 10 treasury symbols can be included in a payment instruction,
unless profile FV: Limit Bulk Format to 10 Treasury Symbol is set to No.
Error Message: This error message refers to obsolete entities and is therefore
invalid. Payment format aborts if it contains more than 10 Treasury symbols.
6. Validate Payee Social Security Number:
Social Security Number/Tax Identification Number is required.
Error Message: SSN/TIN must be supplied for supplier <supplier name>.
Validate RFC Identifier:
RFC Identifier is required.
Error Message: RFC Identifier not defined in the Banks Window for Bank <bank
Validate Schedule Number:
Schedule number is derived from the reference assigned by the administrator if
specified on a payment instruction, or else the payment instruction ID becomes the
schedule number.
Error Message: The reference assigned by the administrator number must contain
only valid characters of 0-9, A-Z, or dash (-) and the first character must not be a
B-26 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
9. Validate Maximum Payment Amount:
A payment amount cannot exceed $999,999.99 USD.
Error Message: Payment Amount exceeds the limit of $999,999.99.
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validation Assigned by Default to: US Federal Bulk Salary and Travel NCR Format
Federal Financials SPS CCD Payment Validation
1. Validate Agency Location Code:
Agency Location Code must be 8 characters.
Error Message: The Agency Location Code, captured in the bank account details, is
not defined for bank account <bank account>.
2. Validate Routing Transit Number:
Routing Transit Number is stored in the bank branch number. It must be a nine
digit numeric-only field. The ninth digit is the Check Digit, which is validated using
the Modulus formula.
Error Message: Invalid routing number.
Validate Supplier Type:
Supplier Type of the Supplier must match the Supplier Type of the documents
Error Message: The vendor for invoice <invoice number> cannot be of type
Validate Maximum Treasury Symbols:
A maximum of 10 treasury symbols included in a payment instruction.
Error Message: This error message refers to obsolete entities and is therefore
invalid. Payment format aborts if it contains more than 10 Treasury symbols.
Validate Payee Social Security Number:
Social Security Number/Tax Identification Number is required.
Error Message: SSN/TIN must be supplied for supplier <supplier name>.
Validate Payee Bank Account Number:
Validations B-27
Payee Bank Account Number is required.
Error Message: Bank account number missing for vendor.
7. Validate Bank Account Type:
Valid values for bank account type are CHECKING for Checking account and
SAVINGS for Savings account.
Error Message: The Payee bank account must have a bank account type of either
Checking or Savings.
Validate Maximum Treasury Symbols:
Must contain only the following characters: 0-9, A-Z, ".", "(", ")", or "/".
Error Message: Treasury Symbols should only contain the following characters: 0-9,
A-Z, ".", "(", ")", or "/".
9. Validate Treasury Symbols:
Must contain at least seven characters.
Error Message: The Treasury Symbol must contain a minimum of 7 characters.
Validate Schedule Number:
Schedule number is derived from the reference assigned by the administrator if
specified on a payment instruction, or else the payment instruction ID becomes the
schedule number.
Error Message: The reference assigned by the administrator number must contain
only valid characters of 0-9, A-Z, or dash (-) and the first character must not be a
11. Validate Pay Alone Option:
Pay alone option is required on the invoice.
Error Message: Invoices for this payment format must be have the Pay Alone flag
checked on the invoice <invoice number>.
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validation Assigned by Default to: US Federal SPS CCD Format
Federal Financials SPS CCD+ Payment Validation
Validate Agency Location Code:
Agency Location Code must be 8 characters.
B-28 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Error Message: The Agency Location Code, captured in the bank account details, is
not defined for bank account <bank account>.
2. Validate Routing Transit Number:
Routing Transit Number is stored in the bank branch number. It must be a nine
digit numeric-only field. The ninth digit is the Check Digit, which is validated using
the Modulus formula.
Error Message: Invalid routing number.
Validate Supplier Type:
Supplier Type of the Supplier must match the Supplier Type of the documents
Error Message: The vendor for invoice <invoice number> cannot be of type
Validate Maximum Treasury Symbols:
A maximum of 10 treasury symbols included in a payment instruction.
Error Message: This error message refers to obsolete entities and is therefore
invalid. Payment format aborts if it contains more than 10 Treasury symbols.
5. Validate Payee Social Security Number:
Social Security Number/Tax Identification Number is required.
Error Message: SSN/TIN must be supplied for supplier <supplier name>.
6. Validate Payee Bank Account Number:
Payee Bank Account Number is required.
Error Message: Bank account number missing for vendor.
7. Validate Bank Account Type:
Valid values for bank account type are CHECKING for Checking account and
SAVINGS for Savings account.
Error Message: The Payee bank account must have a bank account type of either
Checking or Savings.
Validate Treasury Account Symbols:
Must contain only the following characters: 0-9, A-Z, ".", "(", ")", or "/".
Error Message: Treasury Symbols should only contain the following characters: 0-9,
A-Z, ".", "(", ")", or "/".
Validate Schedule Number:
Validations B-29
Schedule number is derived from the reference assigned by the administrator if
specified on a payment instruction, or else the payment instruction ID becomes the
schedule number.
Error Message: The reference assigned by the administrator number must contain
only valid characters of 0-9, A-Z, or dash (-) and the first character must not be a
10. Validate Pay Alone Option:
Pay alone option is required on the invoice.
Error Message: Invoices for this payment format must have the Pay Alone flag
checked on the invoice <invoice number>.
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validation Assigned by Default to: US Federal SPS CCDP Format
Federal Financials SPS NCR Payment Validation
1. Validate Agency Location Code:
Agency Location Code must be 8 characters.
Error Message: The Agency Location Code, captured in the bank account details, is
not defined for bank account <bank account>.
2. Validate Payee Address:
At least one address line is required.
Error Message: Invalid address for Vendor <vendor name>.
3. Validate Payment Reason:
Payment Reason required depends on the type of supplier in the payment. There
are two different validations occurring, depending on whether the supplier is an
employee or non-employee.
Error Message: Payments to an Internal Employee can only have the following
payment reason codes: SSA, VA, SSI, OPM, or RRB Benefit or Tax. Alternatively,
Payments to a Standard Supplier can only have a payment reason code of Vendor
Payment Sub-Type.
Validate Supplier Type:
Supplier Types within a payment instruction must be all employee types of
suppliers or non-employee types of suppliers.
B-30 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Error Message: All selected invoices must have one vendor type, either Employee
or Non-employee.
5. Validate Maximum Treasury Symbols:
A maximum of 10 treasury symbols included in a payment instruction.
Error Message: This error message refers to obsolete entities and is therefore
invalid. Payment format aborts if it contains more than 10 Treasury symbols.
6. Validate Treasury Account Symbols:
Must contain only the following characters: 0-9, A-Z, ".", "(", ")", or "/".
Error Message: Treasury Symbols should only contain the following characters: 0-9,
A-Z, ".", "(", ")", or "/".
7. Validate Schedule Number:
Schedule number is derived from the reference assigned by the administrator if
specified on a payment instruction, or else the payment instruction ID becomes the
schedule number.
Error Message: The reference assigned by the administrator number must contain
only valid characters of 0-9, A-Z, or dash (-) and the first character must not be a
8. Validate Payment Amount:
Payment Amount must be less than 9,999,999.999 USD.
Error Message: Payment Amount exceeds the limit of $9,999,999.99.
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validation Assigned by Default to: US Federal SPS NCR Format
Federal Financials SPS PPD Payment Validation
Validate Agency Location Code:
Agency Location Code must be 8 characters.
Error Message: The Agency Location Code, captured in the bank account details, is
not defined for bank account <bank account>.
Validate Routing Transit Number:
Routing Transit Number is stored in the bank branch number. It must be a nine
digit numeric-only field. The ninth digit is the Check Digit, which is validated using
the Modulus formula.
Validations B-31
Error Message: Invalid routing number.
3. Validate Supplier Type:
Supplier Type of the Supplier must match the Supplier Type of the documents
Error Message: The vendor for invoice <invoice number> must be of type
4. Validate Maximum Treasury Symbols:
A maximum of 10 treasury symbols included in a payment instruction.
Error Message: This error message refers to obsolete entities and is therefore
invalid. Payment format aborts if it contains more than 10 Treasury symbols.
5. Validate Payee Social Security Number:
Social Security Number/Tax Identification Number is required.
Error Message: SSN/TIN must be supplied for supplier <supplier name>.
Validate Payee Bank Account Number:
Payee Bank Account Number is required.
Error Message: Bank account number missing for vendor.
7. Validate Bank Account Type:
Valid values for bank account type are CHECKING for Checking account and
SAVINGS for Savings account.
Error Message: The Payee bank account must have a bank account type of either
Checking or Savings.
8. Validate Treasury Account Symbols:
Must contain only the following characters: 0-9, A-Z, ".", "(", ")", or "/".
Error Message: Treasury Symbols should only contain the following characters: 0-9,
A-Z, ".", "(", ")", or "/".
Validate Schedule Number:
Schedule number is derived from the reference assigned by the administrator if
specified on a payment instruction, or else the payment instruction ID becomes the
schedule number.
Error Message: The reference assigned by the administrator number must contain
only valid characters of 0-9, A-Z, or dash (-) and the first character must not be a
B-32 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
10. Validate Pay Alone Option:
Pay alone option is required on the invoice.
Error Message: Invoices for this payment format must have the Pay Alone flag
checked on the invoice <invoice number>.
11. Validate Reason Code:
Validate a Federal payment reason that is assigned to a payment.
Error Message: This payment format must have a Federal payment reason defined
for each payment. The following are valid payment reasons: Allotments, SSA
Benefits, VA Benefits, VAINS, Miscellaneous PPD, OPM Benefits, RRB Benefits,
Salary, Travel, and Tax.
12. Validate Maximum Payment Amount:
A payment amount cannot exceed $999,999.99 USD.
Error Message: Payment Amount exceeds the limit of $999,999.99.
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validation Assigned by Default to: US Federal SPS PPD Format
Federal Financials SPS PPD+ Payment Validation
Validate Agency Location Code:
Agency Location Code must be 8 characters.
Error Message: The Agency Location Code, captured in the bank account details, is
not defined for bank account <bank account>.
2. Validate Routing Transit Number:
Routing Transit Number is stored in the bank branch number. It must be a nine
digit numeric-only field. The ninth digit is the Check Digit, which is validated using
the Modulus formula.
Error Message: Invalid routing number.
Validate Supplier Type:
Supplier Type of the Supplier must match the Supplier Type of the documents
Error Message: The vendor for invoice <invoice number> must be of type
Validations B-33
4. Validate Maximum Treasury Symbols:
A maximum of 10 treasury symbols included in a payment instruction.
Error Message: This error message refers to obsolete entities and is therefore
invalid. Payment format aborts if it contains more than 10 Treasury symbols.
5. Validate Payee Social Security Number:
Social Security Number/Tax Identification Number is required.
Error Message: SSN/TIN must be supplied for supplier <supplier name>.
Validate Payee Bank Account Number:
Payee Bank Account Number is required.
Error Message: Bank account number missing for vendor.
7. Validate Bank Account Type:
Valid values for bank account type are CHECKING for Checking account and
SAVINGS for Savings account.
Error Message: The Payee bank account must have a bank account type of either
Checking or Savings.
8. Validate Treasury Account Symbols:
Must contain only the following characters: 0-9, A-Z, ".", "(", ")", or "/".
Error Message: Treasury Symbols should only contain the following characters: 0-9,
A-Z, ".", "(", ")", or "/".
9. Validate Schedule Number:
Schedule number is derived from the reference assigned by the administrator if
specified on a payment instruction, or else the payment instruction ID becomes the
schedule number.
Error Message: The reference assigned by the administrator number must contain
only valid characters of 0-9, A-Z, or dash (-) and the first character must not be a
Validate Pay Alone Option:
Pay alone option is required on the invoice.
Error Message: Invoices for this payment format must be have the Pay Alone flag
checked on the invoice <invoice number>.
11. Validate Reason Code:
Validate that a Federal payment reason is assigned to a payment.
B-34 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Error Message: This payment format must have a Federal payment reason defined
for each payment. The following are valid payment reasons: Allotments, SSA
Benefits, VA Benefits, VAINS, Miscellaneous PPD, OPM Benefits, RRB Benefits,
Salary, Travel, and Tax.
12. Validate Maximum Payment Amount:
A payment amount cannot exceed $999,999.99 USD.
Error Message: Payment Amount exceeds the limit of $999,999.99.
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validation Assigned by Default to: US Federal SPS PPDP Format
Federal Financials ECS NCR Payment Validation
1. Validate RFC Identifier:
RFC Identifier is required.
Error Message: RFC Identifier not defined in the Banks Window for Bank <bank
Validate Agency Address:
At least one address line, city, state, or ZIP is required.
Error Message: Invalid address for Agency: <agency name>.
3. Validate Payee Address:
At least one address line is required.
Error Message: Invalid address for Vendor <vendor name>.
4. Validate Payment Reason:
Payment Reason required depends on the type of supplier in the payment. There
are two different validations that occur, depending on whether the supplier is an
employee or non-employee.
Error Message: Payments to an Internal Employee can only have the following
payment reason codes: SSA, VA, SSI, OPM, or RRB Benefit or Tax. Alternatively,
payments to a Standard Supplier can only have a payment reason code of Vendor
Payment Sub-Type.
Validate Supplier Type:
Supplier Types within a payment instruction must be employee types of suppliers
or non-employee types of suppliers.
Validations B-35
Error Message: All selected invoices must have one vendor type, either Employee
or Non-employee.
6. Validate Schedule Number:
Schedule Number is derived from the reference assigned by the administrator if
specified on a payment instruction, or else the payment instruction ID becomes the
schedule number.
Error Message: The reference assigned by the administrator number must contain
only valid characters of 0-9, A-Z, or dash (-) and the first character must not be a
7. Validate Payment Amount:
Payment Amount must be less than 9,999,999.999 USD.
Error Message: Payment Amount exceeds the limit of $9,999,999.99.
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validation Assigned by Default to: US Federal ECS NCR Format
Federal Financials ECS CCD+ Payment Validation
Validate RFC Identifier:
RFC Identifier is required.
Error Message: RFC Identifier not defined in the Banks Window for Bank <bank
2. Validate Agency Location Code:
Agency Location Code must be 8 characters.
Error Message: Agency Location Code, captured in the bank account details, is not
defined for bank account <bank account>.
Validate Routing Transit Number:
Routing Transit Number is stored in the bank branch number. It must be a nine
digit numeric-only field. The ninth digit is the Check Digit, which is validated using
the Modulus formula.
Error Message: Invalid routing number.
Validate Agency Address:
At least one address line, city, state, or ZIP is required.
B-36 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Error Message: Invalid address for Agency <agency name>.
5. Validate Supplier Type:
Supplier Type of the Supplier must match the Supplier Type of the documents
Error Message: The vendor for invoice <invoice number> cannot be of type
6. Validate Maximum Treasury Symbols:
A maximum of 10 treasury symbols included in a payment instruction.
Error Message: Payment format aborts if it contains more than 10 Treasury symbols.
7. Validate Payee Social Security Number:
Social Security Number/Tax Identification Number is required.
Error Message: SSN/TIN must be supplied for supplier <supplier name>.
Validate Payee Bank Account Number:
Payee Bank Account Number is required.
Error Message: Bank account number missing for vendor.
9. Validate Bank Account Type:
Valid values for bank account type are CHECKING for Checking account and
SAVINGS for Savings account.
Error Message: The Payee bank account must have a bank account type of either
Checking or Savings.
10. Validate Schedule Number:
Schedule number is derived from the reference assigned by the administrator if
specified on a payment instruction, or else the payment instruction ID becomes the
schedule number.
Error Message: The reference assigned by the administrator number must contain
only valid characters of 0-9, A-Z, or dash (-) and the first character must not be a
Validate Pay Alone Option:
Pay alone option is required on the invoice.
Error Message: Invoices for this payment format must have the Pay Alone flag
checked on the invoice <invoice number>.
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validations B-37
Validation Assigned by Default to: US Federal ECS CCDP Format
Federal Financials CTX Payment Validation
1. Validate Agency Location Code:
Agency Location Code must be 8 characters.
Error Message: The Agency Location Code, captured in the bank account details, is
not defined for bank account <bank account>.
2. Validate Routing Transit Number:
Routing Transit Number is stored in the bank branch number. It must be a nine
digit numeric-only field. The ninth digit is the Check Digit, which is validated using
the Modulus formula.
Error Message: Invalid routing number.
3. Validate Supplier Type:
Supplier Type of the Supplier must match the Supplier Type of the documents
Error Message: The vendor for invoice <invoice number> cannot be of type
Validate Payee Social Security Number:
Social Security Number/Tax Identification Number is required.
Error Message: SSN/TIN must be supplied for supplier <supplier name>.
5. Validate Payee Bank Account Number:
Payee Bank Account Number is required.
Error Message: Bank account number missing for vendor.
6. Validate Bank Account Type:
Valid values for bank account type are CHECKING for Checking account and
SAVINGS for Savings account.
Error Message: The Payee bank account must have a bank account type of either
Checking or Savings.
Validate Schedule Number:
Schedule number is derived from the reference assigned by the administrator if
specified on a payment instruction, or else the payment instruction ID becomes the
B-38 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
schedule number.
Error Message: The reference assigned by the administrator number must contain
only valid characters of 0-9 or A-Z.
8. Validate Pay Alone Option:
Pay alone option is required on the invoice.
Error Message: Invoices for this payment format must have the Pay Alone flag
checked on the invoice <invoice number>.
Validate Payment Amount:
Payment Amount must be less than 9,999,999.999 USD.
Error Message: Payment Amount exceeds the limit of $9,999,999.99.
10. Validate RFC Identifier:
RFC Identifier is required.
Error Message: RFC Identifier not defined in the Banks Window for Bank <bank
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validation Assigned by Default to: US Federal CTX Format AND US Federal CTX
Consolidated Format
Federal Financials ECS CCD Payment Validation
1. Validate RFC Identifier:
RFC Identifier is required.
RFC Identifier not defined in the Banks Window for Bank <bank name>.
Validate Agency Location Code:
Agency Location Code must be 8 characters.
Error Message: The Agency Location Code, captured in the bank account details, is
not defined for bank account <bank account>.
Validate Routing Transit Number:
Routing Transit Number is stored in the bank branch number. It must be a nine
digit numeric-only field. The ninth digit is the Check Digit, which is validated using
the Modulus formula.
Error Message: Invalid routing number.
Validations B-39
4. Validate Agency Address:
At least one address line, city, state, or ZIP is required.
Error Message: Invalid address for Agency: <agency name>.
5. Validate Supplier Type:
Supplier Type of the Supplier must match the Supplier Type of the documents
Error Message: The vendor for invoice <invoice number> cannot be of type
6. Validate Payee Social Security Number:
Social Security Number/Tax Identification Number is required.
Error Message: SSN/TIN must be supplied for supplier <supplier name>.
7. Validate Payee Bank Account Number:
Payee Bank Account Number is required.
Error Message: Bank account number missing for vendor.
Validate Bank Account Type:
Valid values for bank account type are CHECKING for Checking account and
SAVINGS for Savings account.
Error Message: The Payee bank account must have a bank account type of either
Checking or Savings.
9. Validate Schedule Number:
Schedule number is derived from the reference assigned by the administrator if
specified on a payment instruction, or else the payment instruction ID becomes the
schedule number.
Error Message: The reference assigned by the administrator number must contain
only valid characters of 0-9, A-Z, or dash (-) and the first character must not be a
Validate Pay Alone Option:
Pay alone option is required on the invoice.
Error Message: Invoices for this payment format must have the Pay Alone flag
checked on the invoice <invoice number>.
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validation Assigned by Default to: US Federal ECS CCD Format
B-40 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Federal Financials ECS PPD Payment Validation
1. Validate RFC Identifier:
RFC Identifier is required.
Error Message: RFC Identifier not defined in the Banks Window for Bank <bank
2. Validate Agency Location Code:
Agency Location Code must be 8 characters.
Error Message: The Agency Location Code, captured in the bank account details, is
not defined for bank account <bank account>.
3. Validate Routing Transit Number:
Routing Transit Number is stored in the bank branch number. It must be a nine
digit numeric-only field. The ninth digit is the Check Digit, which is validated using
the Modulus formula.
Error Message: Invalid routing number.
Validate Agency Address:
At least one address line, city, state, or ZIP is required.
Error Message: Invalid address for Agency <agency name>.
5. Validate Supplier Type:
Supplier Type of the Supplier must match the Supplier Type of the documents
Error Message: The vendor for invoice <invoice number> must be of type
6. Validate Payee Social Security Number:
Social Security Number/Tax Identification Number is required.
Error Message: SSN/TIN must be supplied for supplier <supplier name>.
Validate Payee Bank Account Number:
Payee Bank Account Number is required.
Error Message: Bank account number missing for vendor.
Validate Bank Account Type:
Validations B-41
Valid values for bank account type are CHECKING for Checking account and
SAVINGS for Savings account.
Error Message: The Payee bank account must have a bank account type of either
Checking or Savings.
9. Validate Schedule Number:
Schedule number is derived from the reference assigned by the administrator if
specified on a payment instruction, or else the payment instruction ID becomes the
schedule number.
Error Message: The reference assigned by the administrator number must contain
only valid characters of 0-9, A-Z, or dash (-) and the first character must not be a
10. Validate Pay Alone Option:
Pay alone option is required on the invoice.
Error Message: Invoices for this payment format must be have the Pay Alone flag
checked on the invoice <invoice number>.
11. Validate Reason Code:
Validate that a Federal payment reason is assigned to a payment.
Error Message: This payment format must have a Federal payment reason defined
for each payment. The following are valid payment reasons: Allotments, SSA
Benefits, VA Benefits, VAINS, Miscellaneous PPD, OPM Benefits, RRB Benefits,
Salary, Travel, and Tax.
12. Validate Maximum Payment Amount:
A payment amount cannot exceed $999,999.99 USD.
Error Message: Payment Amount exceeds the limit of $999,999.99.
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validation Assigned by Default to: US Federal ECS PPD Format
Federal Financials ECS PPD+ Payment Validation
Validate RFC Identifier:
RFC Identifier is required.
Error Message: RFC Identifier not defined in the Banks Window for Bank <bank
B-42 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
2. Validate Agency Location Code:
Agency Location Code must be 8 characters.
Error Message: The Agency Location Code, captured in the bank account details, is
not defined for bank account <bank account>.
3. Validate Routing Transit Number:
Routing Transit Number is stored in the bank branch number. It must be a nine
digit numeric-only field. The ninth digit is the Check Digit, which is validated using
the Modulus formula.
Error Message: Invalid routing number.
4. Validate Agency Address:
At least one address line, city, state, or ZIP is required.
Error Message: Invalid address for Agency <agency name>.
Validate Supplier Type:
Supplier Type of the Supplier must match the Supplier Type of the documents
Error Message: The vendor for invoice <invoice number> must be of type
6. Validate Payee Social Security Number:
Social Security Number/Tax Identification Number is required.
Error Message: SSN/TIN must be supplied for supplier <supplier name>.
7. Validate Payee Bank Account Number:
Payee Bank Account Number is required.
Error Message: Bank account number missing for vendor.
Validate Bank Account Type:
Valid values for bank account type are CHECKING for Checking account and
SAVINGS for Savings account.
Error Message: The Payee bank account must have a bank account type of either
Checking or Savings.
Validate Schedule Number:
Schedule number is derived from the reference assigned by the administrator if
specified on a payment instruction, or else the payment instruction ID becomes the
schedule number.
Validations B-43
Error Message: The reference assigned by the administrator number must contain
only valid characters of 0-9, A-Z, or dash (-) and the first character must not be a
10. Validate Pay Alone Option:
Pay alone option is required on the invoice.
Error Message: Invoices for this payment format must have the Pay Alone flag
checked on the invoice <invoice number>.
Validate Reason Code:
Validate that a Federal payment reason is assigned to a payment.
Error Message: This payment format must have a Federal payment reason defined
for each payment. The following are valid payment reasons: Allotments, SSA
Benefits, VA Benefits, VAINS, Miscellaneous PPD, OPM Benefits, RRB Benefits,
Salary, Travel, and Tax.
Validate Maximum Payment Amount:
A payment amount cannot exceed $999,999.99 USD.
Error Message: Payment Amount exceeds the limit of $999,999.99.
Validation Point: Payment Instruction
Validation Assigned by Default to: US Federal ECS PPDP Format
Transmission Protocol Parameters C-1
Transmission Protocol Parameters
Transmission Protocol Parameters
The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the seeded transmission
protocols and their parameters provided by Oracle Payments.
Http(s) POST Request
The Http(s) POST Request protocol delivers data and returns data and headers from the
synchronous response, if any.
Http(s) POST Request Protocol
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
HTTP_URL String Yes The destination of the
request, in the form of
USERNAME String No Username if the URL
requires HTTP
PASSWORD String No Password if the URL
requires HTTP
PROXY String No Proxy host to use.
C-2 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
String No Network domain not
requiring a proxy to
contact. For example,
then an URL such as
http://host.mycompa will not use a
proxy when
WALLET_LOC String No Complete path to
Oracle Wallet file
containing server
credentials; used if
the target requires
WALLET_PASSWD String No Password of the
Oracle Wallet file.
String Yes MIME content type of
the content sent to the
destination URL.
String Yes MIME content type of
the content returned
by the URL.
Oracle Payments Tunneling
The Oracle Payments Tunneling protocol is used to delegate transmission (tunnel) to a
servlet, which is typically located in a less sensitive portion of the network.
Oracle Payments Tunneling Protocol
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
WEB_URL String Yes URL of the
transmission servlet.
Transmission Protocol Parameters C-3
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
USERNAME String No Username if the URL
requires HTTP
PASSWORD String No Password if the URL
requires HTTP
Paymentech Online Specification 7.2 Socket
The Paymentech Online Specification 7.2 Socket protocol is an online socket
(authorization) for the Paymentech 7.2 specification.
Paymentech Online Specification 7.2 Socket Protocol
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
SOCKET_IP String Yes IP/host name of the
SOCKET_PORT Number Yes Port number of the
Number No Maximum number of
times to attempt
reconnect if
connection fails or is
Number No Number of seconds to
wait before
attempting reconnect.
Paymentech Batch Specification 2.1.0 Acknowledgement FTP Get
The Paymentech Batch Specification 2.1.0 Acknowledgement FTP Get protocol is the
paymentech acknowledgement get protocol using FTP.
C-4 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Paymentech Batch Specification 2.1.0 Acknowledgement FTP Get Protocol
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
HOST_IP String Yes IP/host name of the
HOST_PORT Number Yes Port number of the
USERNAME String No FTP account user
PASSWORD String No FTP account
LOCAL_DIR String Yes Local directory where
fetched file is
REMOTE_DIR String Yes Location of
acknowledgement on
the remote system.
Paymentech Batch Specification 2.1.0 Acknowledgement FTP Put
The Paymentech Batch Specification 2.1.0 Acknowledgement FTP Put protocol is the
paymentech acknowledgement put protocol using FTP.
Create a transmission configuration using the above protocol, ptk_settlement1
Create a new FCPP for Paymentech and use this new transmission configuration for
A New Paymentech_FCPP_CreditCard is created.
Modify the Payee to use the new FCPP.
First Data North Authorization Specification 10/24/02 Socket
The First Data North Authorization Specification 10/24/02 Socket protocol is the online
socket (authorization) for First Data North Authorization Specification 10/24/02.
Transmission Protocol Parameters C-5
First Data North Authorization Specification 10/24/02 Socket Protocol
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
SOCKET_IP String Yes IP/host name of the
SOCKET_PORT Number Yes Port number of the
Number No Maximum number of
times to attempt
reconnect if
connection fails or is
Number No Number of seconds to
wait before
attempting reconnect.
First Data North Magnetic Media Specification 2003.1 Settlement Batch FTP Put
The First Data North Magnetic Media Specification 2003.1 Settlement Batch FTP Put
protocol is the First Data North batch file delivery protocol using FTP.
First Data North Magnetic Media Specification 2003.1 Settlement Batch FTP Put Protocol
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
HOST_IP String Yes IP/host name of the
HOST_PORT Number Yes Port number of the
USERNAME String No FTP account user
PASSWORD String No FTP account
C-6 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
REMOTE_DIR String Yes Directory in which to
deposit the batch file.
SUBMISSION_ADG String No Submission file
generation data
group; provided by
First Data.
First Data North Magnetic Media Specification 2003.1 Acknowledgment FTP Get
The First Data North Magnetic Media Specification 2003.1 Acknowledgment FTP Get
protocol is the First Data North acknowledgement get protocol using FTP.
First Data North Magnetic Media Specification 2003.1 Acknowledgment FTP Get Protocol
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
HOST_IP String Yes IP/host name of the
HOST_PORT Number Yes Port number of the
USERNAME String No FTP account user
PASSWORD String No FTP account
LOCAL_DIR String Yes Local directory where
fetched file is
REMOTE_DIR String Yes Location of
acknowledgement on
the remote system.
ACK_ADG String No Password of the
Oracle Wallet file.
Transmission Protocol Parameters C-7
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
String No Acknowledgment
generation data
group; provided by
First Data.
File Transfer Protocol for Static File Names
The File Transfer Protocol for Static File Names protocol is an FTP put protocol for static
file names.
File Transfer Protocol for Static File Names Protocol
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
HOST_IP String Yes IP/host name of the
HOST_PORT Number Yes Port number of the
USERNAME String No FTP account user
PASSWORD String No FTP account
REMOTE_DIR String Yes Directory where to
deposit the batch file.
FILE_NAME String Yes Name of file created
on the remote host. If
not set, then attempts
to use the concurrent
request output file
MODE String No FTP mode, using
either of the
following two values:
C-8 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
KEEP_FILE String No If Yes, then the file
created in the local
directory before
delivery is not
removed after
Secure File Transfer
The Secure File Transfer protocol is the secure FTP protocol for static file names.
Secure File Transfer Protocol
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
HOST_IP String Yes IP/host name of the
HOST_PORT Number Yes Port number of the
USERNAME String No FTP account user
PASSWORD String No FTP account
PRIVATE_KEY_FILE String No Complete path of
user's private key file
used for encryption.
For information on
using Oracle XML
Publisher's Delivery
Manager for this
protocol, see Oracle
XML Publisher
Administration and
Developer's Guide.
Transmission Protocol Parameters C-9
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
String No Password for the
private key file.
For information on
using Oracle XML
Publisher's Delivery
Manager for this
protocol, see Oracle
XML Publisher
Administration and
Developer's Guide.
REMOTE_DIR String Yes Directory where to
deposit the batch file.
FILE_NAME String Yes Name of file created
on the remote host. If
not set, then attempts
to use the concurrent
request output file
MODE String No FTP mode, using
either of the
following two values:
FILE_PERMISSION String No Permissions to be set
on the newly created
file on the remote
For information on
using Oracle XML
Publisher's Delivery
Manager for this
protocol, see Oracle
XML Publisher
Administration and
Developer's Guide.
AS2 Send
The AS2 Send protocol is for delivering files. For information on using Oracle XML
Publisher's Delivery Manager for this protocol's transmission parameter values, see
C-10 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide.
AS2 Send Protocol
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
AS2_FROM String Yes Name of the AS2
message sender.
AS2_TO Number Yes Name of the AS2
message recipient.
AS2_SUBJECT String Yes AS2 message subject.
FILE_NAME String No Sent file name.
CONTENT_TYPE String Yes MIME content type of
delivered data.
HTTP_HOST String Yes Host name of the
receiving AS2 server.
HTTP_PORT String No Port of the receiving
AS2 server.
HTTP_REMOTE_DIR String Yes Path portion of the
URL for the AS2
receiving module,
which does not
include the file name
String Yes File portion of the
URL for the AS2
receiving module;
that is, what is left
after the last directory
in the URL.
HTTP_PROXY_HOST String No Proxy to use when
contacting the AS2
Transmission Protocol Parameters C-11
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
REQ_RECEIPT String No Whether a delivery
status receipt is
required; Yes or No.
ENCRYPT_MSG String No Whether to encrypt
the AS2 message; Yes
or No.
SIGN_MSG String No Whether to digitally
sign the message; Yes
or No.
Local File System Delivery
The Local File System Delivery is a protocol for dumping files to a directory on the local
Local File System Delivery Protocol
Parameter Code Type Mandatory Description
WALLET_FILE String No Name of the AS2
message sender.
String No Password of the
wallet file.
SERVER_CERT String No Receiving server
public key certificate
file (full pathname).
ENCRYPTION_ALG String No Encryption algorithm
to use to encrypt
HASH_ALG String No Hash/message digest
algorithm to use
when signing the
Risk Management D-1
Risk Management
Using Risk Management
Oracle Payments supports risk management functionality. Electronic commerce
applications can incorporate this feature and detect fraudulent payments. The following
information describes how electronic commerce applications can utilize the risk
management functionality of Oracle Payments.
Risk Factors and Risk Formulas
Oracle Payments is bundled with a set of risk factors. Payees can configure these factors
depending on their business model. The payees can create multiple formulas using
different factors and weights depending on their specific requirements. The ability to
create multiple formulas provides flexibility to payees to accommodate different
business scenarios. Each formula must be set up so that the sum of the weights is equal
to 100. If a risk factor value is missing at the time of risk evaluation, the risk for the
missing factor is considered very high in the formula.
Oracle Payments also defines an implicit formula for each payee with default factors
and weights. Administrators have the flexibility to modify the implicit formula. The
following information describes how and where the implicit formula is used.
Process Flow of Risk Evaluation
The following describes the process flow of risk evaluation.
1. To enable risk analysis during authorization, set up the explicit risk flag in the input
transaction object or check the Enabled radio button in the Risk Management Status
screen for that payee.
When an electronic commerce application makes a Payment Request API call,
Oracle Payments first checks the risk flag and depending on its value, decides if the
payee involved in the payment request is risk enabled or not. If the risk analysis
D-2 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
field indicates that Oracle Payments should perform risk analysis, or if a default
value is added in the field and a payee is risk enabled, Oracle Payments evaluates
either the risk formula passed in the Payment Request API or the implicit formula
associated with that payee.
3. Electronic commerce application can pass a specific risk formula name by calling
the overloaded Payment Request API. This API takes PmtRiskInfo object in which
electronic commerce application can set up the formula name and additional
information. If PmtRiskInfo object is not passed and the payee is risk enabled,
Oracle Payments evaluates the implicit formula of that payee.
4. Oracle Payments returns the Risk Response (RiskResp) object as part of the
payment response. If risk evaluation is done successfully, Risk Response object
contains the risk score obtained after evaluation and the threshold value that is set
up with the payee. Based on the risk score and the threshold value, the electronic
commerce application can decide whether a payment can be accepted or not.
If the risk score is more than the threshold value, the payment request is risky.
Process Flow of Independent Risk APIs
Risk API 1
When an electronic commerce application invokes Risk API 1, Oracle Payments
evaluates the risk formula sent in the request or the implicit formula associated
with that payee.
2. Oracle Payments evaluates all the risk factors that are configured as part of this
formula, except the AVS Code risk factor.
3. After evaluation, Oracle Payments returns Risk response (RiskResp) object as a
response to this API. This response object contains, the status of the API call,
AVSCodeFlag indicating if AVS Code risk factor was part of the formula or not, risk
score, and the risk threshold value that is setup for the payee. Depending on the
AVSCodeFlag value, it is be decided whether to call Risk API 2 or not.
Partial risk score is returned if AVS Code risk factor is part of
the risk formula.
Risk API 2
Electronic commerce applications need to call this API with the same PayeeID and
formula name that were used to call Risk API 1. The risk score that was returned as
part of the Risk API 1 response also needs to be sent. When electronic commerce
applications call this API, Oracle Payments checks again if the formula has AVS
Code risk factor configured in it or not. If it is configured, Oracle Payments
Risk Management D-3
evaluates the AVS Code risk factor.
2. After evaluating the AVS Code risk factor, Oracle Payments calculates the final risk
score of the formula using the previous risk score that was sent and the AVS Code
risk factor score. This risk score is sent back to the electronic commerce application
as part of the response object of this API.
Risk Management Test Scenarios
The following are three business scenarios that describe how a merchant can use the
Risk Management functionality.
Merchant Selling Books and Low Priced Goods
In a small business, accepting risky instruments is a critical factor. If a customer is using
a stolen credit card, the merchant should consider this transaction risky and assign this
risk factor a higher weight than the other risk factors. Ship to/bill to address matching
and payment history are also important risk factors. To include AVS Code risk factor, a
merchant can set up a formula with weights as shown in Weight B column in the Risk
Formula Setup-First Case table. The total of all the weights should be 100. For a formula
that a merchant would set up in this case, see Risk Formula Setup for the First Case.
Risk Formula Setup for the First Case
The table below shows the risk formula setup for a merchant selling books and low
priced goods.
Factors Weight A Weight B
Risky Instruments 30 30
Payment Amount Limit 15 15
Transaction Amount 15 15
Ship to/Bill to 20 10
Payment History 20 10
AVS Code 0 20
D-4 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Risk Factor Setup
Payment Amount Limit
The table below shows the risk levels and the associated payment amounts.
Risk Levels Greater than or Equal To
Low 0
Low medium 100
Medium 200
Medium high 300
High 400
Transaction Amount
A transaction is high risk if the transaction amount exceeds 500 in one week.
Otherwise there is no risk.
Payment History
The table below shows the risk levels and the number of payments made in the last
six months by a particular customer.
Risk Levels Greater than or Equal To
Low 6
Low medium 4
Medium 3
Medium high 2
High 0
AVS Code
The table below shows the risk levels and the associated AVS Codes. AVS Code risk
Risk Management D-5
factor evaluation is useful only for customers in the United States.
Risk Level AVS Code
No risk S,Y,U,X,R,E
Low A,Z,W
Low medium
Medium high
High N
Ship To/bill To and Risky Instruments
These risk factors do not require any setup. The evaluation will be done with the
data already existing in the database.
Risk Score
A typical threshold value would be between medium and medium high risk score.
Risk Management module evaluates the payment request and returns an overall
risk score. If an overall risk score exceeds the threshold value set up by the
merchant, then the merchant has to decide whether to process the request or to
block the request.
Merchant Selling Electronic Goods
Risky instruments is a critical factor in this case. If a customer is using a stolen credit
card, the merchant should consider this transaction risky and assign it a higher weight.
Frequency of purchase is the next important risk factor. Usually customers do not buy
electronic goods frequently, and if they do, the purchases could be a fraudulent.
In this scenario, time of purchase is also should be considered as an important risk
factor. If someone buys many goods after 2:00 AM, it might be a fraudulent purchase.
To include an AVS Code risk factor, a merchant can sets up a formula with weights as
shown in column Weight B in Risk Formula Setup-Second Case table. The total of all the
weights are 100. The AVS Code risk factor evaluation will be useful only for customers
in the United States.
D-6 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Risk Formula Setup for the Second Case
The table below shows the risk formula set up for a merchant selling electronic goods.
Factor Weight A Weight B
Risky Instruments 30 30
Ship to/Bill to 15 12
Time of Purchase 15 12
Frequency of Purchase 20 10
Payment Amount 10 8
Transaction Amount Limit 10 8
AVS Code 0 20
Risk Factor Setup
Payment Amount Limit
The table below shows the risk levels and the associated payment amounts.
Risk Levels Greater Than or Equal To
Low 500
Low medium 1000
Medium 1500
Medium high 2000
High 2500
Transaction Amount
This risk factor is considered high risk if the amount exceeds 2,500 in one week.
Otherwise there is no risk.
Risk Management D-7
Frequency of Purchase
This risk factor is considered high risk if the frequency of purchase exceeds ten
times in the previous one week.
AVS Codes
The table below shows the risk levels and the associated AVS codes. AVS codes risk
factor evaluation is only useful for customers in the United States.
Risk Level AVS Code (Comma Separated)
No risk S, Y, U, X, R, E
Low A,Z,W
Low medium
Medium high
High N
Ship To/Bill To and Risky Instruments
These risk factors do not require any setup. The evaluation is done through the data
already existing in the database.
Risk Score
A typical threshold value is to be between medium and medium high risk score.
The risk management module evaluates the payment request and returns an overall
risk score. If an overall risk score exceeds the threshold value set up by the
merchant, the merchant has to decide whether to process the request or to block the
Business to Business Customer
In a business to business scenario, a merchant has an established relationship with his
customer. In this scenario, the Oracle Receivables risk factors take higher precedence.
The merchant is interested in the customer's payment history, his credit rating, etc. All
Oracle Receivables risk factors are set up through Oracle Receivables interface.
D-8 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Risk Formula Setup in the Third Case
The table below shows a Risk Formula setup for a business to business customer.
Factors Weight
Overall Credit Limit 30
Transaction Credit Limit 30
Risk Codes 15
Credit Rating Codes 15
Payment History 10
Risk Factor Setup
Overall Credit Limit: 100,000
Transaction Credit Limit: 50,000
Risk Codes are set up through Oracle Receivables codes.
The table below shows the risk codes and the associated risk scores set up through
Oracle Payments administration user interface.
Risk Codes Risk Score
Low Low
Average Medium
Excellent No risk
Credit Rating Codes are set up through Oracle Receivables interface
The table below shows the set up of credit rating codes and the associated risk
Risk Management D-9
Credit Rating Codes Risk Score
Low Low
Average Medium
Poor High
Excellent No risk
Risk Score
A typical threshold value is between medium and medium high.
Risk management module evaluates the payment request and returns an overall
risk score. If an overall risk score exceeds the threshold value set up by the
merchant, then the merchant decides whether to process or block the request.
Funds Capture Error Codes E-1
Funds Capture Error Codes
Error Handling During Payment Processing
Oracle Payments returns a response object to each API that an electronic commerce
application calls. If the operation fails, then the response object contains status value
(IBY_FAILURE), indicating that there was a failure while processing the request. In
these cases, the electronic commerce application can get more information about the
failure by checking the error code and the error message. Errors can happen in Oracle
Payments for various reasons. For example, wrong or duplicate data passed by the
electronic commerce application, time out while communicating with Payment Systems,
etc. All the errors that can occur in Oracle Payments can be categorized in these groups:
Common Errors, page E-1
Errors Due to Invalid or Duplicate Data, page E-2
Communication Errors, page E-3
Configuration Errors, page E-3
Common Errors
The table below describes the most common errors.
Error Code Description
IBY_0001 Communications error. The payment system,
the processor, or Oracle Payments electronic
commerce servlet is not accessible. You should
resubmit the request at a later time.
E-2 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Error Code Description
IBY_0002 Duplicate order identifier.
IBY_0003 Duplicate batch identifier.
IBY_0004 Mandatory fields are required.
IBY_0005 Payment system specific error. Check
BEPErrCode and BEPErrMsg in response
objects for more information.
IBY_0006 Batch partially succeeded. Some transactions
in the batch failed and some were processed
IBY_0007 The batch failed. You should correct the
problem and resubmit the batch.
IBY_0008 Requested action is not supported by the
payment system.
IBY_0017 Insufficient funds.
IBY_0019 Invalid credit card or bank account number.
Errors Due to Invalid or Duplicate Data
In each payment request, a payment instrument from which the money is transferred to
the payee's account is involved. Generally this information is given by the end user of
the electronic commerce application. Sometimes the end user might enter wrong
instrument number or an instrument number that does not have enough funds. To
detect these errors, Oracle Payments provides two error codes that help electronic
commerce applications to prompt the end user for correct information.
The error codes due to invalid or duplicate data and their descriptions are given in the
table below.
Error Code Description
IBY_0017 Insufficient funds
Funds Capture Error Codes E-3
Error Code Description
IBY_0019 Invalid credit card/bank account number
Communication Errors
Since payment processing requests involve a number of different components
connected over networks, time-out errors or communication errors are possible. For
example, a processor successfully processes a payment request, but the network
connection between the payment system and Oracle Payments, or the network
connection between Oracle Payment's PL/SQL API package and Oracle Payments
electronic commerce servlet break down, causing the electronic commerce application
not to receive the result. In some cases, electronic commerce application might crash
before receiving a response. Before the crash, payment processing may have completed.
Therefore, when electronic commerce application calls the API with the same
information, Oracle Payments considers this a duplicate request and raises an error. To
recover from such errors, Oracle Payments provides two approaches.
In the first approach, which is applicable to OraPmtReq and OraPmtCredit, the
electronic commerce application can try the request with the retry flag set up to TRUE.
This makes Oracle Payments retry the request if it has not processed the request.
Otherwise Oracle Payments sends the same response that was sent when this request
was first made.
In the second approach, which is applicable to all other operations except OraPmtReq
and OraPmtCredit, the electronic commerce application needs to find out if the
transactions went through successfully to re-execute any lost transactions. To enable the
merchant or business to query the status of a transaction, you need to integrate the
Query Transaction Status API in the electronic commerce application. This API returns
all existing records for a particular transaction identifier on a payment system.
The table below describes the communication error code and its description.
Error Code Description
IBY_0001 The payment system, the processor, or Oracle
Payment's electronic commerce servlet is not
accessible. You should resubmit the request at
a later time.
Configuration Errors
These errors occur if payees or payment systems are not configured properly. Make
E-4 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
sure that the URLs are entered correctly and the payee's payment system identifiers are
configured properly.
Integrating with Oracle Payments Using Public Funds Capture APIs F-1
Integrating with Oracle Payments Using
Public Funds Capture APIs
Overview of Oracle Payments APIs
This chapter explains the public APIs used in Oracle Payments.
Oracle Payments provides APIs which can be implemented:
Implementing Electronic Commerce Applications APIs, page F-1. These APIs are
mainly used for payment processing.
Implementing Electronic Commerce Applications APIs
Oracle Payments provides various types of APIs to integrate electronic commerce
applications with Oracle Payments.
If you are using an electronic commerce application other than the preintegrated Oracle
applications, you must implement the electronic commerce application's APIs to link
your application to Oracle Payments.
Electronic commerce applications can embed the Oracle Payments functionality within
their application, which eliminates the need to access Oracle Payments as a standalone
application, and hence improves performance, and simplifies the setup.
This section describes the various APIs that are provided to the electronic commerce
applications for using the features of Oracle Payments. The APIs were categorized into
these categories:
Payment Instrument Registration APIs, page F-2
Payment Processing APIs, page F-3
Risk Management APIs, page F-6
F-2 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Credit Card Validation APIs, page F-7
Status Update API, page F-9
Oracle Payments provides APIs in these programming languages:
Java APIs for Electronic Commerce Application, page F-12
PL/SQL APIs for Electronic Commerce Applications, page F-22
This diagram shows the integration of APIs with Oracle Payments.
Oracle Payments Integrating with APIs
Payment Instrument Registration APIs
Payment Instrument APIs provide the functionality to register a payor's bank, credit
card, PINless debit card, or purchase card.
This API is provided to register a user's bank, credit card, PINless debit card, or
purchase card account information with Oracle Payments. Oracle Payments generates a
Integrating with Oracle Payments Using Public Funds Capture APIs F-3
PmtInstId if this registration is successful. This identifier is used for payment
transactions or for deleting, modifying, or inquiring about this account. Instrument
number (credit card number, PINless debit card, purchase card number, or bank
account number) and payor identifier together have to be unique.
This API is provided to modify registered payment instrument account information
with Oracle Payments.
This API is provided to delete registered payment instrument account information.
There are two inquiry APIs. One queries instrument information for a single given
instrument. The other queries all registered payment instruments for a given payor. The
result may contain a mix of credit cards, PINless debit cards, purchase cards, or bank
Payment Processing APIs
These APIs are the transactional APIs that support various payment operations. The
electronic commerce applications use these APIs to process various transaction types.
For example, authorization of credit cards, PINless debit cards, and purchase cards,
transfer of funds from one bank account to another, capture, cancel, return, and others.
A list of such APIs are provided below.
This API supports authorization and authorization with capture for credit card, PINless
debit card, and purchase card payments. This API also supports inbound account
transfers and electronic funds transfer online validation.
When an electronic commerce application is ready to invoke a payment request
(possibly due to a user action), it calls this API. If the operation is successful, a
transaction identifier is generated by Oracle Payments and is returned as part of the
result. This transaction identifier can be used later by the electronic commerce
application to initiate any other operation on a payment.
For example, to modify a payment or capture a payment, the electronic commerce
application sends this identifier with other information that is needed to perform the
operation requested.
If a payment is either a credit card, PINless debit card, or a purchase card payment, and
the request is online, Oracle Payments can perform risk analysis with the payment
F-4 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
request (Authorization).
To enable risk analysis with authorization, either setup the payment request with risk
flag set to true in one of its input objects (Refer to Java Documentation for details) or
check the Enabled radio button in the Risk Management Status screen for that payee. If
either of the conditions are satisfied, the electronic commerce application will check the
Riskresp object that is returned as part of the payment response object to the Payment
Request API. Electronic commerce applications can also invoke the Payment Request
API to evaluate a specific formula by passing the PaymentRiskInfo object.
This API is also used after a voice authorization is done to enable Oracle Payments to
handle follow-on operations. To use it for a voice authorization, set up the payment
request's input objects with the Voice Authorization flag set to true and the
Authorization Code variable set to the authorization code issued by the financial
institution. See Oracle Payments Java Documentation for details.
A scheduled payment can be canceled by an electronic commerce application using this
This API provides interface for inquiring the status or history of a payment to electronic
commerce application. If a payment has been scheduled and the payment system
supports an inquiry operation, the latest status is obtained from the payment system.
Otherwise it sends the latest status of the payment as it is in Oracle Payments. History
of a payment can also be obtained.
When a credit card or purchase card is used as part of a payment request and only an
authorization is requested, the electronic commerce application has to capture the
payment at a later time. The following APIs allow the electronic commerce application
to capture all such payments.
This API is used for credit card, PINless debit card, and purchase card specific
operations. It allows processing returns from the payor.
Gateway model payment systems process capture operations online. If the capture is
still in the Gateway's open batch (that is, the batch has not been closed) you should call
OraPmtVoid. If the batch has been closed, you need to call OraPmtReturn. The batch
needs to be closed again before the return is processed. This can be confusing since
Gateways can be set up to close batches automatically, for example, once per day.
Processor model payment systems process captures offline. If the capture is still in
Integrating with Oracle Payments Using Public Funds Capture APIs F-5
Payment's open batch, call OraPmtVoid. If the batch has been closed, call
OraPmtReturn. The batch needs to be closed again after the return operation for the
return to be processed.
This API retrieves the payment related information that was sent at the time of a
payment request (OraPmtReq API). This information includes payment instrument,
payee, tangible id (bill or order), and payor. If the electronic commerce application does
not store the payment information, then this is a useful API to support modification of
payment requests. It can retrieve the payment information and display it to the end user
for modification.
This API allows electronic commerce application to void operations submitted earlier.
OraPmtVoid API is supported only to void certain credit card, and purchase card
operations. Oracle Payments supports both online and offline OraPmtVoid API calls.
Voiding auths electronically is not supported by some processors or gateways. Only a
few card-issuing banks supported it while the vast majority did not. Cancelling an
authorization could only be done by telephone or by letting the auth expire.
Thus, within Payments, calling OraPmtVoid for an Online Auth results in the current
payment system servlets returning status 8 - Operation not Supported. For an Offline
Auth, you can void the Authorization if it is still in the Payments open batch and has
not yet been sent to the payment system.
This API provides credit and Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) operations. Electronic
commerce applications can use this API to give stand-alone credit to the customer. If the
operation is successful, a transaction identifier is generated by Oracle Payments. This
Identifier is used later to initiate any other operation on the payment. For example, to
cancel the credit, electronic commerce application sends this identifier with other
information that is needed to perform the cancellation.
The Close Batch API allows a payee or an electronic commerce application to close a
batch of previously performed credit card, or purchase card transactions and if
necessary PINless debit card. The transaction types that are included in a batch are:
capture, return, and credit. This operation is mandatory for a terminal-based merchant.
A host-based merchant may not have to explicitly close the batch because the batch is
generally closed at predetermined intervals automatically by the processor. An
electronic commerce application has to get this information from its merchant's
F-6 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
This API provides an interface to the electronic commerce application to query the
status of an existing batch and a closed batch.
Risk Management APIs
These APIs allow electronic commerce applications to do risk analysis independently
for credit card, PINless debit card, and purchase card transactions. These APIs together
can evaluate any risk formula that is configured for a payee.
A risk formula can contain any number of risk factors with different weights associated
with them. When Risk API 1 is called, it evaluates all the factors configured in the
formula except the AVS Code risk factor. If a risk formula has an AVS Code risk factor,
then, Risk API 1, in the response object, indicates that the formula has an AVS Code risk
factor. This allows electronic commerce applications to completely or partially check the
risk formula and decide whether to perform an authorization or not.
If the response of the first Risk API 1 indicates that the payment is not risky, then
electronic commerce application can perform the authorization and complete the rest of
the evaluation by calling Risk API 2.
Electronic commerce applications can call Risk API 2 by passing the same payee id, the
formula name, and the AVS code that was returned during the authorization response
and the risk score that was returned as part of the response in Risk API 1. The response
object of Risk API 2 contains the finally evaluated risk score.
Risk API 1
This API evaluates the risk formula associated with the payee id passed as part of the
input object, PmtRiskInfo. This API can evaluate a specific formula or the implicit
formula depending on the input object. After evaluation, this API constructs the
response object indicating if the AVS Code risk factor is a part of the formula or not by
setting the flag, AVSCodeFlag. If this flag is set to true, then electronic commerce
applications need to call the Risk API 2 to complete the risk evaluation of the formula.
Risk API 2
This API needs to be called when the AVSCodeFlag in RiskAPI 1 response object
indicates that the formula contains AVS Code factor. When this API is called, it only
evaluates the AVS code factor. The input object of this API contains the same payee id
and the formula name that was passed in Risk API 1 and the AVS Code that was
returned by the payment system for the payment request. The response object that this
API returns, contains the final risk score of the formula.
Integrating with Oracle Payments Using Public Funds Capture APIs F-7
Credit Card Validation APIs
The Credit Card Validation APIs provide methods for determining the credit card type
of a credit card number and for doing basic authentication. Since most credit card types
specify the number of digits and a prefix for all valid credit card accounts in their
company name, it is possible to determine the credit card types of most credit card
numbers. Also, since the digits of most credit card types must (using a special
algorithm) be evenly divisible by 10, it is possible to determine if a credit card number
is valid or not. These APIs do not perform some of the more advanced credit card
verification techniques available to back end payment systems, such as billing address
verification. These APIs allow many common errors to be caught, such as wrongly
typed or truncated credit card digits. By allowing common errors to be caught by the
electronic commerce application, performance is improved, since the cost of calling
these APIs is much less than sending a request to the back end payment system.
The Credit Card Validation APIs are created as part of the IBY_CC_VALIDATE
package and this package is installed in the APPS schema.
Main Methods of Credit Card Validation APIs
The Credit Card Validation APIs consist of three main methods.
1. Method StripCC is used to format a raw credit card number input by the customer.
StripCC removes common filler characters such as hyphens and spaces until it
produces a credit card number consisting only of digits. StripCC must be called
before the credit card number is passed to the other methods.
2. Method GetCCType returns the credit card type of a credit card number, where
each credit card type, including values for invalid and unknown types is a constant
in the package.
3. Method ValidateCC, which takes both a credit card number and date. It returns a
boolean value indicating whether the credit card can still be used or not.
The IN parameters p_api_version and p_init_msg_list and
the OUT parameters x_msg_count and x_msg_data are ignored. If
an unexpected error occurs, x_return_status will be set to
FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR. This will happen if the
credit card number has invalid characters in it.
-- each character specifies a possible filler
characters in the credit
-- card number; i.e. a character that can safely be
stripped away
p_fill_chars VARCHAR(3) := '* -#';
F-8 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
p_cc_number VARCHAR(20) := '4111*1111 1111-1111#';
p_api_version NUMBER := 1.0;
p_init_msg_list VARCHAR2(2000) := ' ';
x_return_status VARCHAR2(2000);
x_msg_count NUMBER;
x_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
-- will hold the credit card number stripped of all
characters except
-- digits; credit card numbers must be of this form for
the GetCCType
-- and ValidateCC methods
v_clean_cc VARCHAR(20);
-- variable to be set by GetCCType method
v_cc_type IBY_CC_VALIDATE.CCType;
-- variable set by ValidateCC method; indicates if the
credit card is
-- still usable
v_cc_valid BOOLEAN;
-- credit card expr date; rolled to the end of the
-- by the ValidateCC method
v_expr_date DATE := SYSDATE();
-- the credit card number must first be stripped of all
IBY_CC_VALIDATE.StripCC( p_api_version,
p_init_msg_list, p_cc_number,
p_fill_chars, x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data,
v_clean_cc );
-- check that illegal characters were not found
IF x_return_status != FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR
IBY_CC_VALIDATE.GetCCType( p_api_version,
p_init_msg_list, v_clean_cc,
x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data, v_cc_type);
IF x_return_status != FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR
IF v_cc_type=IBY_CC_VALIDATE.c_InvalidCC THEN
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Credit card number not a valid
Integrating with Oracle Payments Using Public Funds Capture APIs F-9
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Credit card number OK.');
IBY_CC_VALIDATE.ValidateCC( p_api_version,
p_init_msg_list, v_clean_cc,
v_expr_date, x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data,
IF v_cc_valid THEN
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Credit card is valid.');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Credit card number invalid or has
Note: An overloaded version of the StripCC method exists. It
takes all the same arguments as the version used above except
p_fill_chars. It gets its filler characters from the package constant
c_FillerChars, which allows spaces and hyphens to be interspersed
within the credit card number.
Status Update API
Oracle Payments has defined a PL/SQL API that must be implemented by electronic
commerce applications when offline payment processing is performed. This API allows
the electronic commerce application to receive a status update. This API must be
defined in a package. The naming convention of the package and signature of the API
are defined below. Electronic commerce applications must implement the package
according to the syntax defined and create the package in the APPS schema if they have
offline payments.
The package name has to be of the format <application_short_name>_ecapp_pkg. The
application_short_name is a three-letter short name that was given in electronic
commerce application registration. The package should have defined update_status
procedure with the following signature:
totalRows IN NUMBER,
req_type_Tab IN APPS.JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
F-10 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
o_status OUT VARCHAR2,
o_errcode OUT VARCHAR2,
o_errmsg OUT VARCHAR2,
o_statusindiv_Tab IN OUT APPS.JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100);
The following list describes the field names in the above signature:
1. totalRows: total number of rows being passed for the update.
2. txn_id_Tab: table of transaction identifiers for which the update is sent.
3. req_type_Tab: table of request types corresponding to the Transaction Identifier.
For each transaction, there might be a req_type associated with it and the electronic
commerce application has to update the correct transaction, based on txn_id and
req_type. The reason for having a req-type is to uniquely identify the transaction.
For the same transaction identifiers, there can be multiple transactions. e.g.
Authorization and Capture. Electronic commerce applications can uniquely identify
the transaction based on the values in trxnid and req_type.
The table below lists the various kinds of request types and their descriptions.
req_type Description
ORAPMTCAPTURE Capture transaction
ORAPMTCREDIT Credit transaction
ORAPMTREQ Authorize transaction
ORAPMTRETURN Return transaction
ORAPMTVOID Void transaction
Status_Tab: table of statuses corresponding to each transaction.
The table below lists the various values and their statuses.
Value Status
0 Paid
5 Payment failed
Integrating with Oracle Payments Using Public Funds Capture APIs F-11
Value Status
13 Scheduled
15 Failed
17 Unpaid
18 Submitted
Note: Please refer to Table D-15 for a complete list of values and
their statuses.
5. updatedt_Tab: table for the last update date for each transaction.
6. refcode_Tab: table for the reference code for each transaction.
7. o_status:the overall status of the procedure. If there are errors in trying to execute
the procedure, electronic commerce application should set up an appropriate value
in this field.
8. o_errcode:the error code for any errors which might have occurred during
9. o_errmsg: the error message for the error.
o_statusindiv_Tab: table of status values which have been updated. If the status
value has been updated by the electronic commerce application for a particular
transaction, it should set the value to TRUE for that transaction, otherwise, it should
set the value to FALSE.
In the above procedure, for each transaction there will be an
entry in the table parameters. If there were ten transactions of this
electronic commerce application, whose status has changed, there
will be ten entries in each table parameters.
When Does the Scheduler Invoke the API?
The Scheduler picks up all the offline payment transactions to be scheduled every time
it is run. After all the offline payment transactions are processed either successfully or
unsuccessfully, the Scheduler has to update the status changes, if any, of each
transaction, to the appropriate electronic commerce application. To update the
F-12 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
electronic commerce application, the Scheduler calls the PL/SQL API, which is
implemented by that electronic commerce application.
Pseudo Code for Implementing the PL/SQL API by Electronic Commerce Application
For each row update, the status is based on the request type and the transaction
identifier. If the update is successful, then set up the status value appropriately.
for i in 1..totalRows
;update the tables with status, updatedate, and refinfo information
update tables using status_Tab[i], updatedt_Tab[i], refCode_Tab[i] for
the transaction with id txn_id_Tab[i] and req_type_tab[i]
if update is successful
o_statusindiv_Tab[i] := 'TRUE'
o_statusindiv_Tab[i] := 'FALSE'
end for;
Java APIs for Electronic Commerce Application
All administration and inbound payment processing functionalities are provided via
the Java PaymentService interface. The following information describes how to access
and use Java APIs. Refer to Oracle Payments JavaDoc for more details.
Guest user properties need to be setup in the database before any
operation can be performed. Please refer to the Setup Document
provided by CRM Foundation for more details.
Obtaining/Releasing the Payment Service Handle
The OraPmt class offers convenient ways to obtain Payment Service handle
(PaymentService) for the user. The application can call various APIs using this handle.
To obtain the payment service handle, use the following method:
static public PaymentService init() throws PSException
This API provides Payment Service handle to the user and takes care of all the
necessary session initialization steps.
To release a Payment Service handle with the session, use the following method:
static public void end() throws PSException
Integrating with Oracle Payments Using Public Funds Capture APIs F-13
Sample Code
The following code gives an example of how these APIs are used.
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
PaymentService paymentService = OraPmt.init();
// now you can call all kinds of APIs
//PSResult result = paymentService.OraPmtReq(...);
} catch (PSException pe) {
// exception handling
System.out.println("Error code is: " + pe.getCode());
System.out.println("Error message is: " + pe.getMessage());
finally {
try {
} catch (PSException pe) {
// exception handling
System.out.println("Error code is: " + pe.getCode());
System.out.println("Error message is: " +
F-14 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Checking Returned Result from Payment Service API
PSResult is the returned object of all PaymentService APIs. To obtain the status of the
operation, use the following API:
public String getStatus();
This API returns one of the following constants:
PSResult.IBY_SUCCESS// action succeeded
PSResult.IBY_WARNING// action succeeded with warning
PSResult.IBY_INFO// not yet in use
PSResult.IBY_FAILURE// action failed
If SUCCESS or WARNING is invoked, a result object can always be obtained by using
the following API:
public Object getResult();
If FAILURE is invoked, a result object may be returned for payment operation APIs, if
this failure occurred with back- end payment system.
The actual object returned varies with each API. It could be an integer or one of the
payment response objects. You need to clearly cast it. For a list of castings, refer to the
Oracle Payments Java Documentation for the PaymentService interface.
If WARNING or FAILURE is invoked, a warning or error message is returned. Use the
following two APIs to retrieve error codes and error messages.
public String getCode();// get the error code 'IBY_XXXXXX'
public String getMessage(); // get the error message text
The following sample code illustrates the behavior of PSResult object.
public Object checkResult(PSResult pr) {
String status = pr.getStatus();
if (status.equals(PSResult.IBY_FAILURE)) {
// in case of failure, only error message is expected
System.out.println("error code is : " + pr.getCode());
System.out.println("error message is : " + pr.getMessage());
Integrating with Oracle Payments Using Public Funds Capture APIs F-15
Object res=pr.getResult();
if (res!=null) System.out.printIn ("failure occured with backend Payment
return res;
if (status.equals(PSResult.IBY_SUCCESS)) {
// in case of success, only result object is expected
Object res = pr.getResult();
return res; // you need cast this to specific object
// based on the APIs you called
if (status.equals(PSResult.IBY_WARNING)) {
// in case of warning, both result object and message are
// expected
// warning is returned only for Payment APIs in case of
// offline scheduling
System.out.println("warning code is : " + pr.getCode());
System.out.println("warning message is : " + pr.getMessage());
Object res = pr.getResult();
return res; // you need cast it here too
// currently IBY_INFO is not yet returned by any PaymentService API
System.out.println("Illegal status VALUE in PSResult! " +
F-16 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
return null;
Using Payment Service API
After a payment service handle is obtained via the OraPmtclass, you can call any of the
following APIs in Payment Service interface. For details, refer to JavaDoc.
Here is some sample codes for the Payment Instrument API, and Payment Processing
APIs. These codes use the checkResult call.
Registering a Credit Card
public void instrAPISample(PaymentService paymentService,
int ecappId) {
PSResult pr;
Object obj;
CreditCard cc;
Address addr;
int instrid_cc;
String payerid = "payer1";
addr = new Address("Line1", "Line2", "Line3", "Redwood Shores",
"San Mateo", "CA", "US", "94065");
// credit card
cc = new CreditCard();
cc.setName("My Credit Card");
cc.setInstrBuf("This is my credit card description.");
cc.setInstrNum("4111111111111111"); // the credit card number
Integrating with Oracle Payments Using Public Funds Capture APIs F-17
cc.setCardType(Constants.CCTYPE_VISA); // the credit card type, should
// match the credit card number, if set
cc.setExpDate(new java.sql.Date(101, 0, 10)); // Jan 10, 2001
cc.setHolderName("Mary Smith");
// add the credit card
pr = paymentService.oraInstrAdd(ecappId, payerid, cc);
obj = checkResult(pr);
if (obj == null) return; // registration failure
instrid_cc = ((Integer) obj).intValue();
System.out.println("Credit card registered successfully " +
"with instrument id " + instrid_cc);
Sending a Credit Card Authorization Request
// perform an ONLINE credit card authorization with payment service
public void paymentAPISample(PaymentService paymentService, int ecAppId)
Bill t;
CoreCreditCardReq reqTrxn;
CreditCard cc;
PSResult pr;
CoreCreditCardAuthResp resp;
// set up the tangible object
t = new Bill();
F-18 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
t.setAmount(new Double(21.00));
// set up the transaction object
reqTrxn = new CoreCreditCardReq();
reqTrxn.setSchedDate(new java.sql.Date(100, 5, 10)); //June 10, 2000
// set up the payment instrument
cc = new CreditCard();
cc.setId(100); // assuming we have previously registered credit
// card with instrument id 100
pr = // assuming payee1 has already been configured with the payment
// service
paymentService.oraPmtReq(ecAppId, "payee1", "", cc, t,
resp = (CoreCreditCardAuthResp) checkResult(pr);
if (resp == null) return;
System.out.println("Request finished with transaction id: " +
Integrating with Oracle Payments Using Public Funds Capture APIs F-19
Registering a Purchase Card
public void instrAPISample(PaymentService paymentService,
int ecappId) {
PSResult pr;
Object obj;
PurchaseCard pc;
Address addr;
int instrid_pc;
String payerid = "payer1";
addr = new Address("Line1", "Line2", "Line3",
"Redwood Shores", "San Mateo", "CA",
"US", "94065");
// purchase card
pc = new PurchaseCard();
pc.setName("My Purchase Card");
pc.setInstrBuf("This is my purchase card description.");
pc.setInstrNum("4111111111111111"); // the purchase card
// number
pc.setCardType("Constants.CCTYPE_VISA"); // the purchase
// card type, should match the purchase card number, if
// set
F-20 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
pc.setExpDate(new java.sql.Date(101, 0, 10));
// Jan 10, 2001
pc.setHolderName("Mary Smith");
// add the purchase card
pr = paymentService.oraInstrAdd(ecappId, payerid, pc);
obj = checkResult(pr);
if (obj == null) return; // registration failure
instrid_pc = ((Integer) obj).intValue();
System.out.println("Purchase Card registered " +
"successfully with instrument id " +
Sending a Purchase Card Authorization Request
// perform an ONLINE purchase card authorization with
// payment service
public void paymentAPISample(PaymentService paymentService,
int ecAppId) {
Bill t;
PurchaseCardReq reqTrxn;
PurchaseCard pc;
PSResult pr;
Integrating with Oracle Payments Using Public Funds Capture APIs F-21
CoreCreditCardAuthResp resp; // since purchase card
// authorization responses are identical to credit card
// responses. See javadoc for details.
// set up the tangible object
t = new Bill();
t.setAmount(new Double(21.00));
// set up the transaction object
reqTrxn = new PurchaseCardReq();
reqTrxn.setSchedDate(new java.sql.Date(100, 5, 10));
// June 10, 2000
// set up the payment instrument
pc = new PurchaseCard();
F-22 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
pc.setId(100); // assuming we have previously registered
// purchase card with instrument id 100
pr = // assuming payee1 has already been configured with
// the payment service
paymentService.oraPmtReq(ecAppId, "payee1", "", pc,
t, reqTrxn);
resp = (CoreCreditCardAuthResp) checkResult(pr);
if (resp == null) return;
System.out.println("Request finished with " +
"transaction id: " + resp.getTID());
PL/SQL APIs for Electronic Commerce Applications
Oracle Payments provides PL/SQL APIs to those electronic commerce applications that
require or prefer PL/SQL interfaces for processing payment operations. There is an
additional HTTP call when PL/SQL APIs are called. When electronic commerce
applications invoke these PL/SQL APIs, the APIs in return, call the electronic commerce
servlet through HTTP.
Oracle Payments PL/SQL APIs provide all payment related processing and two Risk
APIs. The functionality of these APIs is the same as the Java APIs.
PL/SQL APIs are created as part of IBY_PAYMENT_ADAPTER_PUB package and these
packages are installed in the APPS schema.
New parameters are included to pass voice authorization flag and authorization date to
support passing correct parameters for Payments need:
Requirements include the following:
Integrating with Oracle Payments Using Public Funds Capture APIs F-23
1. PL/SQL Package IBY_PAYMENT_ADAPTER_PUB must be installed in the APPS
2. An administrator must set up Oracle Payments URL property to Oracle Payments
electronic commerce servlet's URL using the Oracle Payments administration user
interface before invoking the APIs.
The following PL/SQL code helps you to understand how Oracle Payments PL/SQL
APIs can be invoked. This example code invokes the Payment Request API using a
credit card. It also passes risk related information for risk evaluation.
p_api_version NUMBER := 1.0;
--To initialize message list.
p_init_msg_list VARCHAR2(2000) := FND_API.G_TRUE;
p_commit VARCHAR2(2000) := FND_API.G_FALSE;
p_validation_level NUMBER := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL;
p_ecapp_id NUMBER := 0;
p_payee_rec IBY_PAYMENT_ADAPTER_PUB.Payee_rec_type;
p_payer_rec IBY_PAYMENT_ADAPTER_PUB.Payer_rec_type;
p_pmtinstr_rec IBY_PAYMENT_ADAPTER_PUB.PmtInstr_rec_type;
p_tangible_rec IBY_PAYMENT_ADAPTER_PUB.Tangible_rec_type;
p_pmtreqtrxn_rec IBY_PAYMENT_ADAPTER_PUB.PmtReqTrxn_rec_type;
p_riskinfo_rec IBY_PAYMENT_ADAPTER_PUB.RiskInfo_rec_type;
x_return_status VARCHAR2(2000);
-- output/return status
x_msg_count NUMBER;
-- output message count
x_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
F-24 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
-- reference string for getting output message text
x_reqresp_rec IBY_PAYMENT_ADAPTER_PUB.ReqResp_rec_type;
-- request specific output response object
l_msg_count NUMBER;
l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
p_ecapp_id := 66; -- iPayment generated ECAppID
p_payee_rec.Payee_ID := 'ipay-payee1'; -- payee's ID
p_payer_rec.Payer_ID := 'ipay-cust1'; -- payer's ID
p_payer_rec.Payer_Name := 'Cust1'; -- Payer's (Customer's name)
p_pmtreqtrxn_rec.PmtMode := 'ONLINE';
-- Payment mode (Can be ONLINE/OFFLINE)
p_tangible_rec.Tangible_ID := 'tangible_id1'; -- Tangible ID / order
p_tangible_rec.Tangible_Amount := 25.50; -- Amount for the transaction
p_tangible_rec.Currency_code := 'USD'; -- Currency for the transaction
p_tangible_rec.RefInfo := 'test_refinfo3';
p_pmtreqtrxn_rec.Auth_Type := upper('authonly'); -- request type
p_pmtinstr_rec.CreditCardInstr.CC_Type := 'Visa';
-- payment instrument type
p_pmtinstr_rec.CreditCardInstr.CC_Num := '4111111111111111';
-- payment instrument number
p_pmtinstr_rec.CreditCardInstr.CC_ExpDate := to_char(sysdate+300);
-- payment instr. Expiration date
Integrating with Oracle Payments Using Public Funds Capture APIs F-25
p_riskinfo_rec.Formula_Name := 'test3'; -- Risk formula name
p_riskinfo_rec.ShipToBillTo_Flag := 'TRUE';
-- Flag showing if ship to address same as Bill to address
p_riskinfo_rec.Time_Of_Purchase := '08:45';
-- Time of purchase
( p_api_version,
p_ecapp_id ,
p_riskinfo_rec ,
x_msg_count ,
x_msg_data ,
F-26 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Payment Request Related Response. Printing Only If Status Is Success
If(Char(X_Reqresp_Rec.Response.Status = 'S') Then
-- Offline Mode Related Response
If P_Pmtreqtrxn_Rec.Pmtmode = 'OFFLINE' Then
Dbms_Output.Put_Line('Transaction ID = ' ||
Dbms_Output.Put_Line ('
X_Reqresp_Rec.Offlineresp.Earliestsettlement_Date = ' ||
Dbms_Output.Put_Line('X_Reqresp_Rec.Offlineresp.Scheduled_Date = ' ||
Dbms_Output.Put_Line('Transaction ID = ' ||
Dbms_Output.Put_Line('X_Reqresp_Rec.Authcode = ' ||
Dbms_Output.Put_Line('X_Reqresp_Rec.Avscode = ' ||
-- Risk Related Response
If(X_Reqresp_Rec.Riskrespincluded = 'YES') Then
Dbms_Output.Put_Line(' X_Reqresp_Rec.Riskresponse.Risk_Score= '||
X_Reqresp_Rec.Riskresponse.Risk_Score );
Integrating with Oracle Payments Using Public Funds Capture APIs F-27
End If;
Security Considerations
Oracle Payments is architected to send credit card details in the URL. This architecture
requires the logging levels on Apache to be lowered from the default to prevent the
credit card information from appearing in the log files.
In the httpds.conf file, change:
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%U\" %>s %b" common
Oracle Payments Back-End APIs for Gateways G-1
Oracle Payments Back-End APIs for
Integrating with Non-Oracle Applications
If you want to integrate with Non-Oracle Applications, please see the Oracle Integration
Repository at
Profile Options H-1
Profile Options
Profile Options
This appendix lists the profile options that affect the operation of Oracle Payments. This
appendix includes a brief description of each profile option that you or your system
administrator can set at the site, application, responsibility, or user levels.
During implementation, your system administrator sets a value for each user profile
option to specify how Oracle Applications controls access to and processes data.
See Overview of Setting User Profiles, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide.
Profile Options Summary
This table indicates whether you can view or update profile options and at which
System Administrator levels the profile options can be updated: at the user,
responsibility, application, or site levels.
A Required profile option requires you to provide a value. An Optional profile option
already provides a default value which you can change.
The key for this table is:
Update - You can update the profile option
View Only - You can view the profile option but cannot change it
No Access - You cannot view or change the profile option value
H-2 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Profile Options
Value Default User
Required No
Optional No
Optional No
Required No
Log File
Optional No
Optional No
Payer ID
Optional No
Profile Options H-3
Value Default User
Optional No
Payee for
Optional No
Optional No
Optional No
Optional No
Optional No No
H-4 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Value Default User
Required USD Update Update Updated Update Update
Oracle Payments Profile Options
You can use the System Administrator responsibility to set the Oracle Payments profile
This property contains the following URL:
Replace the machine and port with the names of the actual machine and the actual port
where the Oracle Payments ECServlet is installed. Also, make sure that ? is present at
the end of the URL or append ? at the end.
This information is mandatory if your EC applications use Oracle Payments PL/SQL
APIs or if your application is an Oracle 3i client.
This property specifies the proxy-URL. For example,
To set up this property with an empty value, insert a string starting with <. For
example, <none>.
IBY: No Proxy Domain
This property specifies the domain name for which no proxy is needed. For example,
To set up this property with an empty value, insert a string starting with <. For
example, <none>.
Profile Options H-5
This property specifies the location of files required by Oracle Payment's XML
framework, such as Oracle Payments DTD files. This property should give the location
of the $IBY_TOP/xml directory, where $IBY_TOP is expanded to its fully qualified path
name. For example, /usr/appl_top/iby/11.5.0/xml
This optional property gives the full-qualified pathname of the debug file where XML
messages should be written. This file is similar in purpose to the Oracle Payments
debug file, but has been separated from it since XML messages are much larger than
single debug statements. If no value is specified for this property, then XML logging is
IBY: XML Temp Directory
Temporary XML work directory, which must be writable by Oracle Payment's
application server. This parameter is optional, but will reduce Oracle Payment's
memory usage if provided.
IBY: Outbound Payment Payer ID
Select from the list of values displayed, the payee in Oracle Payments issuing the
payment order to the bank. You can set this only at the site level. You need to define
this to send transactions from Oracle Payables to Oracle Payments.
IBY: Outbound Payment System Suffix
Enter the three-letter suffix of the payment system that will handle your outbound
payment instructions.
IBY: Default Payee for BR Remittance
Select from the list of values displayed, the payee in Oracle Payments remitting the Bills
Receivable. You can set this only at the site level. You need to define this to send BR
remittance batch from Oracle Receivables to Oracle Payments.
IBY: UI Visibility Class
You can define the visibility class profile option at different levels. This value will
determine what data a user can see in the Oracle Payments Operation UI and what
mask is applied to the data before displaying it.
H-6 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
IBY: Wallet Location
Location of the Oracle Wallet.
IBY: Wallet Password
Password to open the Oracle Wallet.
IBY: Registered Instrument Encryption
Determines whether registered payment instruments must be stored in encrypted
format; if set to Yes, the system security key must have been provided to the Oracle
Payments engine in order to register/modify payment instruments; use encrypted
registered payment instruments as part of a transaction. The default value is No.
Customizations I-1
Search Pages
The list below is a list of Funds Disbursement search pages that you can customize.
Payment Process Requests
Payment Instructions
Each page in the preceding list has a Save Search button, which enables you to create a
new view.
The list below is a list of Funds Capture search pages that you can customize.
Settlement Batches
Transaction Testing
Each page in the preceding list has a Save Search button, which enables you to create a
new view.
Oracle Payment does not have any List of Values that are customizable. Additionally,
there are no limitations on administrative customizations. That is, someone with
administrative privileges, such as the System Administrator, can make look and feel
changes to each page in the application.
Funds Capture Extract J-1
Funds Capture Extract
Extract Structure
The XML Schema is the data source definition for all format templates. This means a
single funds capture extract definition supports both bank account and credit card
instrument types.
Element Definition Table Legend
The table below is an example of an element definition table entitled BankAccount.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<BankAccountID> 0..1 <Identifier> Bank account
0..n String Bank account
Each table includes the following columns:
<XML Tags>
If indicated in boldface, it denotes the element is a complex aggregate; otherwise it
is in a normal font.
blank = cardinality of 1
? = cardinality of 0..1
J-2 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
* = cardinality of 0..n
+ = cardinality of 1..n
n = cardinality of n
Aggregate: Complex type consisting of child elements.
Type: Element conforms to a custom-defined type described in its own table.
Elements that share a type have identical child elements.
Scalar: This can be String, Integer, Real, Date, or Boolean and are the same as
equivalent SQL types.
Describes the technical or business purpose of the element.
Extract Components
The funds capture extract consists of data elements organized hierarchically. Though
the data within most such elements are generated through simple, low-cost data fetches
from the Oracle Payments schema, some are the result of complex, high-cost function
calls which result in unacceptable performance when creating an extract instance.
Therefore, the extract engine supports a series of user-defined rules wherein certain
expensive elements are not populated if the rule's conditions are met.
To support payment formats with unique data requirements, an extensibility element
called Extend is present at every level of the extract, allowing you to provide the
required data using your own custom functions.
As the data required to create funds capture instructions change over time, the extract
also changes by the addition of new elements. To support easy transition to new extract
definitions, each extract has a version number associated with it which is stored with
every user-defined payment format. The product retains the ability to generate all
previous extract versions and, based upon the stored version number, provides each
payment format with the appropriate extract instance.
Funds Capture Extract
The funds capture extract has a 5-level structure, where each level, except the last,
contains one or more sub-levels.
The top level is the funds capture instruction level, and represents a single instructions
file to be delivered to the payment system. The 2nd level includes 1 or more payee
accounts, each associated with a single currency and financial institution, or bank. The
payee accounts act as destinations for a series of funds capture orders.
A funds capture order, located at the 3rd level, is associated with a payment currency,
Funds Capture Extract J-3
payer information and payer bank account. A funds capture order also acts as a
grouping for multiple documents receivable that reside at the 4th level. Each document
receivable is associated with a single order and currency and contains multiple
document lines, located at the 5th level and representing a line item from the associated
The diagram below illustrates the logical structure of the funds capture extract.
Logical Structure of the Funds Capture Extract
Funds Capture Instruction Elements
The root element of an funds capture extract, corresponding to the document or file to
be eventually delivered to the external payment system, is FundsCaptureInstruction.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<InstructionInfo> 1 Aggregate Information about the
J-4 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 Aggregate Sequential, possibly
periodic, identifier of
the instruction.
<InstructionTotals> 1 Aggregate Totals for the
instruction, such as
funds capture
amount totals and
payment instrument
1 Aggregate Instruction grouping
<PayeeAccount> 1..n Aggregate Account (either a
bank account or
payment system
merchant account)
where captured funds
will be deposited.
<PayeeAccount>> 1..n Aggregate Account (either a
bank account or
payment system
merchant account)
where captured funds
will be deposited.
<Extend> 0..n <NameValue> Extensibility element.
To be filled with
custom user data.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 Integer Indicates the unique
identifier assigned
internally to this
funds capture
Funds Capture Extract J-5
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<InstructionName> 1 String Name of the
1 Time Date of the
instruction's creation.
1 Time Date the instruction
was sent.
<InstructionStatus> 1 <Lookup> Current status of the
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<SequenceName> 1 String Name/code of the
<LastValue> 1 Integer Last/current value of
the sequence.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 Integer The number of payee
accounts in
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<SettlementDate> 0..1 Time Time of settlement.
J-6 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
0..1 <Currency> Settlement currency
<PayeeLegalEntity> 0..1 Aggrefate Payee legal entity
<PayeeOrganization> 0..1 <1stPartyOrgInfo> Payee first party
<PayeeBankAccount> 0..1 <IntBankAccount> Payee bank account
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<PartyInternalID> 0..1 Integer Indicates the source
of the party data
the Identifier element
holding PARTY_ID.
<PartyNumber> 1 String User-assigned
identifier for this
external party.
<Name> String Full name of the
<PartyType> 1 <Lookup> Lookup code for the
party type.
<PartyType> 1 String The party type.
1 Integer Legal entity data
source identifier, with
the identifier element
Funds Capture Extract J-7
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<LegalEntityName> 1 String Legal name of the
<Address> 1 <Address> Party's address.
<ContactInfo> 1 <ContactInfo> Party contact
0..1 String Tax registration
0..1 String Legal registration
0..1 <DescFlexField> Legal entity
descriptive flex fields.
Payee Account Level Elements
The payee account level consists of a BankAccount element, followed by funds capture
total elements, and then 1 or more funds capture order elements.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 Aggregate (Merchant) account
name assigned to the
payee by the acting
payment system.
<Payee> 1 Aggregate The payee
<OrderCount> 1 Integer Number of funds
capture order using
this payer
account/instrument as
the funds source.
J-8 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<AccountTotals> 1 Aggregate Amount totals for the
1..n Aggregate Collection of funds
capture orders using
the current
instrument as the
funds destination.
<Extend> 0..n <NameValue> Extensibility element;
to be filled with
custom user data.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Name> 1 String Payee business name.
<Address> 1 <Address> Payee business
<ContactInfo> 1 <Contact> Contact points for the
payee party.
<MCC> 1 String Merchant category
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 <Amount> Total of all
<CapturesTotal> 1 <Amount> Total of all
Funds Capture Extract J-9
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<CreditsTotal> 1 <Amount> Total of all credits.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<AccountName> 1 String (Merchant) account
name assigned to the
payee by the acting
payment system.
<AccountOption> 0..n <NameValue> Account
configuration option
or value.
Order Level Elements
An order corresponds to an individual transaction, such as an authorization.
Data sources for order-level elements come from tables IBY_TRXN_SUMMARIES_ALL
performed using column MTRXNID that acts as a primary key for the first 3 tables.
IBY_TG is joined to IBY_TS using column MTANGIBLEID.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<OrderSourceInfo> 1 Aggregate Information about the
order requestor.
<OrderNumber> 1 Aggregate Number and
identifiers associated
with the order.
<PayeeOrderMemo> 0..1 String Payee-assigned order
J-10 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<PayeeOrderRefID> 1 String Payee-assigned order
reference identifier.
<OrderMedium> 0..1 Enumeration Medium by which the
order was received.
Values include:
<OrderAmount> 1 <Amount> Amount of the order.
<Payer> 1 <3rdPartyInfo> Party information
about the funds
capture payer.
<PayerBankAccount> a <BankAccount> The payer's bank
a Aggregate The bank account
transaction for the
funds capture.
See note in
Description column.
| See note in
Description column.
Note: There is an
exclusive choice
between element
groups a, b, and c.
One of them may
appear at the order
<PayerCreditCard> b <CreditCard> The payer's credit
card (a source for the
funds capture).
b Aggregate The credit card
transaction for the
funds capture.
Funds Capture Extract J-11
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
b, 0..1 Aggregate Original credit card
request which is a
follow-on for the
current one. In almost
all cases the
originating request is
an authorization and
this element is not
present when the
request is an
<PayerDebitCard> c <DebitCard> The payer's debit
c Aggregate The debit card
1 Aggregate The original debit
card request; similar
to element
0..1 Aggregate Document receivable
associated with the
funds capture, if any.
<Extend> 0..n <NameValue> Extensibility element;
to be filled with
custom user data.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 Integer Internal identifier of
the application
originating the order
J-12 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ApplicationName> 1 String Name of the
originating the order
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 String Payee-assigned order
number associated
with the funds
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ActionType> 1 Enumeration Type of EFT
attempted. Values
include: DEBIT,
<TransactionDate> 1 Date Date of the funds
<SettlementDueDate> 1 Date Date of transaction.
1 Enumeration Method by which the
payer authorized the
transaction. Values
include: WRITTEN,
Funds Capture Extract J-13
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<DeliveryMethod> 1 Enumeration Method by which the
transaction is to be
delivered. Values
include: ACH,
<TransferType> 1 Enumeration Bank account transfer
1 String Settlement user
<SettlementFactored> 1 Boolean Settlement factor flag.
<BillReceivableData> 0..1 Aggregate Bills receivable data.
<BankChargeBearer> 1 <Lookup> Bearer of bank
account charges.
1 Aggregate Debit authorization
information for the
payee bank account.
<DebitNotification> 1 Aggregate Debit notification
information for the
payee bank account.
<Extend> 0..n <NameValue> Extensibility element;
to be filled with
custom data.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<MaturityDate> 1 Date Maturity of the bills
<BRType> 1 Enumeration Bills receivable
transaction type.
J-14 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<DebitAuthRefCode> 1 String Debit authorization
reference code.
<DebitAuthMethod> 1 Enumeration Debit authorization
<DebitAuthGranted> 1 Boolean Debit authorization
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<DeliveryMethod> 1 String Method by which the
transaction is to be
delivered. Values
include: ACH,
<EmailAddress> 1 String E-mail address where
notification is sent.
<FaxNumber> 1 String Fax number where
notification is sent.
Funds Capture Extract J-15
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ActionType> 1 Enumeration Type of credit card
transaction. Values
<TransactionDate> 1 Date Date of the funds
<TraceNumber> 0..1 String Payment
trace number.
<POSData> 0..1 Aggregate Point-of-sale data for
<AuthCode> 0..1 String Authorization code.
Present for voice auth
<VoiceAuthFlag> 0..1 Boolean Indicates whether the
transaction was a
voice authorization.
<Extend> 0..n <NameValue> Extensibility element.
To be filled with
custom data.
J-16 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ActionType> 1 Enumeration Type of credit card
transaction. Values
<TransactionDate> 1 Date Date of the funds
<TraceNumber> 0..1 String Payment
trace number.
<POSData> 0..1 Aggregate Point-of-sale data for
<AuthCode> 0..1 String Authorization code
provided by the
payment system
during the initial
<VoiceAuthFlag> 0..1 Boolean Indicates whether the
transaction was a
voice authorization.
<Amount> 1 <Amount> Transaction amount.
<AVSCode> 0..1 String AVS response from
the initial
<ReferenceCode> 0..1 String Reference code.
0..1 String Result of the security
value check.
Funds Capture Extract J-17
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
0..1 String Payment system code
returned during the
initial authorization.
<Extend> 0..n <NameValue> Extensibility element.
To be filled with
custom data.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ActionType> 1 Enumeration Type of EFT
transaction. Values
include: DEBIT,
<TransactionDate> 1 Date Date of the funds
<Extend> 0..n <NameValue> Extensibility element.
To be filled with
custom data.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ActionType> 1 Enumeration Type of debit card
<TransactionDate> 1 Date Date of the funds
J-18 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<TraceNumber> 0..1 String Payment
trace number.
<AuthCode> 0..1 String Authorization code
provided by the
payment system
during the initial
0..1 String Payment system code
returned during the
initial authorization.
<DebitNetworkCode> 1 String Debit network code.
<Extend> 0..n <NameValue> Extensibility element.
To be filled with
custom data.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ReaderCapability> 1 Enumeration The card reader
<EntryMode> 1 Enumeration Card data entry
<CardIdMethod> 1 Enumeration Card-holder
identification method.
<AuthSource> 1 Enumeration Authorization source.
<ReaderData> 1 String Card reader data.
Must be in text
encoded format if
Funds Capture Extract J-19
Document Level Elements
These elements correspond to individual documents receivable.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<DocumentID> 1 String Identifier assigned to
this document
<DocumentStatus> 1 <LookupCode> Document status.
<DocumentDate> 1 Date Document date.
1 Date Document creation
<PaymentDueDate> 1 Date Document payment
due date.
<DocumentType> 1 <Lookup> Document type.
1 String User-provided
1 <Amount> Total amount of the
<PaymentAmount> 1 <Amount> Amount paid.
<Charge> 0..n Aggregate Charges applied to
the document.
<Discount> 0..n Aggregate Discounts applied to
the document.
<Tax> 0..n Aggregate Taxes applied to the
J-20 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ShipmentOrigin> 1 <Address> Shipping origin of
goods provided.
1 <Address> Shipping destination
of goods provided.
<DocumentLine> 0..n Aggregate Document lines.
<Extend> 0..n <NameValue> Extensibility element.
To be filled with
custom user data.
Document Line Level Elements
These elements correspond to lines of documents receivable.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<LineID> 1 String Identifier for the
document line.
<LineNumber> 1 Integer Number for the
document line.
<PONumber> 0..1 String Purchase order
<LineType> 1 <Lookup> Document type.
<LineDescription> 1 String Description of the
document line.
<LineAmount> 1 <Amount> Total amount for the
<UnitRate> 0..1 Real Price per unit of this
Funds Capture Extract J-21
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Quantity> 0..1 Real Number of line item
<UnitOfMeasure> 0..1 String Unit of measure
lookup code.
<ProductCode> 0..1 String Product code.
<CommodityCode> 0..1 String Commodity code.
<Charge> 1..n Aggregate Charges applied to
the document line.
<Discount> 1..n Aggregate Discounts applied to
the document line.
<Tax> 1..n Aggregate Taxes applied to the
document line.
<DocumentLine> 1..n Aggregate Document lines.
<Extend> 0..n <NameValue> Extensibility element.
To be filled with
custom user data.
Common Elements
Generic Elements
Currency information comes from FND_CURRENCIES (FND_C), with a join performed
on the currency code if detailed information is required.
J-22 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Code> 1 String Currency code. Acts
as foreign key into
<Symbol> 0..1 String Currency symbol.
0..1 Integer Minimum
accountable units.
<Precision> 1 Integer Precision of the
currency in terms of
its smallest subunits.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Value> 1 Real Scale of the amount.
<Currency> 1 Aggregate Currency of the
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Name> 1 String Name.
<Value> 1 String Value.
Funds Capture Extract J-23
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Code> 1 String Lookup code.
<Meaning> 1 String Code meaning.
<FormatValue> 0..1 String Value required by the
payment format
using this lookup.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<AttributeCategory> 1 String Descriptive flexfield
attribute category.
<Attribute> 0..n String Descriptive flexfield
Address Elements
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<AddressInternalID> 1 Integer The data source of the
address data.
<AddressLine1> 1 String Address line 1.
<AddressLine2> 0..1 String Address line 2.
<AddressLine3> 0..1 String Address line 3.
<City> 1 String City.
J-24 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<County> 0..1 String County.
<State> 1 String State.
<Country> 1 String Country code.
<ISO3DigitCountry> 0..1 String ISO country code.
CountryName 0..1 String Descriptive country
<PostalCode> 1 String postal code
0..1 String Formatted
concatenated address.
0..1 String Formatted mailing
<AddressName> 1 String Name of the
0..1 String Alternate
Contact Information Elements
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ContactName> 1 <PersonName> The contact's personal
<ContactLocators> 1 <Locators> Various means by
which the contact
may be located or
Funds Capture Extract J-25
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<FirstName> 1 String Person's first name.
<LastName> 1 String Person's first name.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<PhoneNumber> 1 String Contact phone
<FaxNumber> 1 String Contact fax machine
<EmailAddress> 1 String Contact e-mail
<Website> 0..1 String Contact website.
Bank Account Elements
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 Integer Identifies the data
source of the parent
<BankName> 1 String Name of the bank.
<BankNumber> 1 String Number assigned to
J-26 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<BranchInternalID> 1 Integer Identifies the data
source of all
<BranchName> 1 String Name of the bank
<BranchNumber> 1 String Number of the bank
<BranchType> 1 <Lookup> Bank branch type.
<BankAccountName> 1 String Name of the bank
0..1 String Alternate bank
account name.
1 String The bank account
1 String User-entered,
denormalized bank
account number.
<SwiftCode> 1 String SWIFT code of the
bank account.
<IBANNumber> 1 String IBAN of the bank
<CheckDigits> 1 String Check digits of the
bank account
<BankAccountType> 1 <Lookup> The account type.
1 <Currency> Currency by which
accounts funds are
Funds Capture Extract J-27
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<BankAddress> 1 <Address> Address of the bank.
<BankContact> 0..1 <ContactInfo> Contact at the bank.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
See Note in
Description column.
1 <BankAccount>
Note: All the
elements of
aggregate type
follow inline, and
are not contained
as the subelements
of some parent
1 <DescFlexField> Bank account
descriptive flexfields.
0..1 <FederalBankAccount
Federal bank account
<EFTUserNumber> 0..1 Aggregate Electronic funds
transfer user number.
J-28 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
See Note in
Description column.
1 <BankAccount>
Note: All the
elements of
aggregate type
follow inline, and
are not contained
as the subelements
of some parent
1 String The account holder
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 String Account-level EFT
user number.
1 String Branch-level EFT user
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 String Identifier of the US
Treasury Regional
Finance Center (RFC)
where disbursement
originates for federal
Funds Capture Extract J-29
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 String Agency Location
Code used by federal
1 String Federal agency
abbreviated code.
1 String Federal employer
Credit Card Elements
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<CardNumber> 1 String Credit card number.
<CardExpiration> 1 Date Card expiration date.
<SecurityCode> 0..1 String CVV2 or similar
security value.
<CardIssuer> 0..1 Enumeration Credit card issuer
type: For example,
VISA and
<CardHolder> 0..1 Aggregate Card holder
<CardSubtype> 0..1 Enumeration Purchase card
subtype. Possible
values defined by
J-30 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<CardDataLevel> 0..1 Enumeration Level of data
supported with this
instrument; possible
values defined by
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<HolderName> 1 <PersonName> Card holder name.
<BillingAddress> 1 Aggregate Billing address of the
card holder.
<PhoneNumber> 0..1 String Card holder phone
<EmailAddress> 0..1 String Card holder e-mail
Debit Card Elements
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<CardNumber> 1 String Credit card number.
<CardExpiration> 1 Date Card expiration date.
<SecurityValue> 0..1 String Account security
Funds Capture Extract J-31
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<CardHolder> 0..1 Aggregate Card holder
Party Elements
Party elements are those which describe a participant in a financial transaction, with
varying details depending on whether they are the 1
party (user) or 3
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<PartyInternalID> 0..1 Integer Indicates the source
of the party data
the Identifier element
holding PARTY_ID.
<PartyNumber> 1 String User-assigned
identifier for this
external party.
<Name> 1 String Full name of the
<PartyType> 1 <Lookup> Lookup code for the
party type.
<PartyType> 1 String The party type.
1 Integer Legal entity data
source identifier, with
the identifier element
<LegalEntityName> 1 String Legal name of the
J-32 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Address> 1 <Address> Party's address.
<ContactInfo> 1 <ContactInfo> Party contact
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<PartyInternalID> 0..1 Integer Indicates the source
of the party data
the Identifier element
holding PARTY_ID.
<PartyNumber> 1 String User-assigned
identifier for this
external party.
<Name> 1 String Full name of the
<PartyType> 1 <Lookup> Lookup code for the
party type.
<PartyType> 1 String The party type.
<TaxIdentifier> 0..1 String Tax number of party.
<Address> 1 <Address> Party's address.
<FirstPartyReference> 1 String Identifier by which
this third party refers
to the first.
Funds Capture Extract J-33
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 Integer Organization internal
<OrganizationType> 0..1 <Lookup> Organization type.
<OrganizationName> 0..1 String Organization name.
Document Line Elements
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Amount> 1 Aggregate Amount of the
<RatePercent> 1 Real Discount rate in
<DiscountType> 0..1 String Type of discount.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Amount> 1 Aggregate Amount of the
<RatePercent> 1 Real Charge rate as a
<ChargeType> 0..1 String Type of charge.
J-34 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Amount> 1 Aggregate Amount of the tax.
<RatePercent> 1 Real Tax rate as a
<Type> 0..1 String Type of tax.
<TaxJurisdiction> 0..1 String Tax jurisdiction.
Funds Disbursement Extract K-1
Funds Disbursement Extract
Extract Structure Overview
The disbursement payment instruction extract has a 4 level structure. Each level except
the last containing one or more sub-levels.
The top level is the payment instruction level. One disbursement extract will have one
and only payment instruction to be delivered to the payment system. The second level
is the payment. It is called OutboundPayment to distinguish with funds capture
payment orders. One payment must have one or more document payables. The third
level is document payable. Each document payable contains multiple document lines,
located at the forth level and equivalent to a line item of an invoice.
K-2 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Element Definition Table Legend
The table below is an example of an element definition table entitled BankAccount.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<BankAccountID> 0..1 <Identifier> Bank account
0..n String Bank account
Each table includes the following columns:
<XML Tags>
If indicated in boldface, it denotes the element is a complex aggregate; otherwise it
is in a normal font.
blank = cardinality of 1
? = cardinality of 0..1
* = cardinality of 0..n
+ = cardinality of 1..n
n = cardinality of n
Aggregate: Complex type consisting of child elements.
Type: Element conforms to a custom-defined type described in its own table.
Elements that share a type have identical child elements.
Scalar: This can be String, Integer, Real, Date, or Boolean and are the same as
equivalent SQL types.
Describes the technical or business purpose of the element.
Funds Disbursement Extract K-3
Payment Instruction Level Elements
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 Aggregate Information about the
payment instruction.
1 Aggregate Payment process
profile used to create
this payment
<PaymentFormat> 1 Aggregate Format of the
payment instruction.
<CheckFormatInfo> 0..1 Aggregate Check format specific
information such as
paper document
name and paper stock
<InstructionTotals> 1 Aggregate Totals for the
payment instruction,
such as the payment
1 Aggregate Criteria by which
payments were
grouped to form the
instruction; the
presence of an
element within this
structure indicates all
payments in the
instruction meet the
0..1 Aggregate US Federal payment
fields at the
instruction level.
K-4 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<OutboundPayment> 1..n Aggregate Payment.
<Extend> 0..n Aggregate Extensibility element;
to be filled with
custom user data.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 Integer Primary key of the
payment instruction;
exposed as
instruction reference
number in
dashboard User
1 Integer Concurrent program
request ID.
1 Date Date of the payment
instruction's creation.
0..1 Aggregate Multiple
organizations access
control information.
<InstructionStatus> 1 <Lookup> Current status of the
<ProcessingType> 1 String How the payment
instruction will be
processed. Possible
values are: PRINTED
Funds Disbursement Extract K-5
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ProcessType> 1 String Lookup
S include
0..1 String User (payment
admin) - assigned
reference code. In
case of some US
Federal formats this
reference code is
generated by the
Federal Financials
module and used as
the payment schedule
number in the
0..1 String Bank-assigned
reference code.
<PaymentSequence> Minimum 0,
maximum 3
Aggregate Store the last used
payment sequence
numbers. Used to
support sequential
numbering of
payment records
across payment files
in some EFT formats.
<BankInstruction> Minimum 0,
maximum 2
<Lookup with Format
Bank instructions at
the instruction level.
0..1 String Additional free text
bank instruction
Minimum 0,
maximum 2
String Payment instruction
level text messages.
Used to send free
format messages to
the bank.
K-6 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
0..1 Enumeration Specifies the
customer's chosen
declaration option.
Possible values are:
0..1 Aggregate The payment system
account to be used to
send the payment
instruction if
<Notes> 0..1 String User entered notes.
0..1 <Descriptive
Descriptive flexfield
for the payment
Funds Disbursement Extract K-7
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<HasBlockedData> 1 String Y or N flag indicating
whether the payment
instruction has
payments that are not
accessible (viewable)
for the user who
submitted the format
program. This flag is
used in the seeded
Payment Instruction
Register format to
display a warning
(some transactions
are blocked) if the
flag is Y. Similar
usage in the seeded
Payment Process
Request Status
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<SequenceName> 1 String Name of the periodic
<LastValue> 1 Integer Last value of the
periodic sequence.
Stored on the account
payment profile.
K-8 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<AccountName> 1 String Name of the payment
system account.
<AccountSettings> 0..n Aggregate Name value pairs of
account settings.
Bank assigned
identifiers are
exposed through this
0..1 <Descriptive Flex
Descriptive flexfield
for the payment
system account.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Name> 1 String Name of account
<Value> 1 String Value of account
Funds Disbursement Extract K-9
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 String Account payment
process profile ID.
1 String Name of the payment
process profile.
0..1 <Descriptive Flex
Descriptive flexfield
for the payment
process profile.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 String User entered code for
the payment format.
1 String Name of the payment
process profile.
0..1 <Descriptive Flex
Descriptive flexfield
for the payment
process profile.
K-10 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 String Paper document
name. Derived from
d of the instructions
<PaperStockType> 0..1 <Lookup> Paper stock type:
blank or
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<PaymentCount> 1 Integer Total number of
payments in the
0..1 <Amount> Total payment
amount value if the
instruction is created
with group by
currency (single
Funds Disbursement Extract K-11
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Payment Date> 0..1 Date Payment date for all
payments in the
<PaymentCurrency> 0..1 <Currency> Currency of all
payments in the
0..1 String Service request id for
all payments in the
<Payer> 0..1 Aggregate First party payer for
all payments in the
<PayerOrganization> 0..1 Aggregate First party payer
organization for all
payments in the
<BankAccount> 0..1 Aggregate Internal bank account
for all payments in
the instruction.
<PaymentReason> 0..1 <Lookup with Format
Payment reason for
all payments in the
0..1 String Payment reason
comments for all
payments in the
K-12 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
0..1 String US Federal RFC
Identifier applicable
to all payments in the
Associated with the
payer bank branch
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<TreasurySymbols> 1 Aggregate Treasury symbols for
Federal summary
<ControlNumber> 1 String Treasury assigned
control number for
bulk payment files.
1 Integer ECS summary dos file
name sequence
number. Generated
by the Federal
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<TreasurySymbol> 1 String Treasury symbol.
Funds Disbursement Extract K-13
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Amount> 1 <Amount> The total amount in
the bulk payment file
under the treasury
Payment Level Elements
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 Aggregate Payment source
information such as
the calling product or
payment function.
<PaymentNumber> 1 Aggregate Various number
assigned to the
<PaymentDate> 1 Date Payment date.
<PaymentDueDate> 0..1 Date Date when the
payment is due.
Populate only if the
child documents were
grouped by their due
<MaturityDate> 0..1 Date The calculated
maturity date on a
bill payable payment
(future dated
<PaymentStatus> 1 <Lookup> Current payment
K-14 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<PaymentError> 1 Aggregate Errors associated
with the payment.
<Payee> 1 <3rdPartyInfo> Recipient of the
<PayeeBankAccount> 0..1 <PayeeBankAccount> Destination bank
<Beneficiary> 1 Aggregate The actual beneficiary
in case of third party
payments; otherwise
same as the payee.
<Payer> 1 Aggregate First party payer. This
is the legal entity that
is stamped on the
payments. The legal
entity is derived as
the owner of the
internal bank account
of the payment.
<BankAccount> 1 Aggregate The payer's bank
account; the source of
funds for making the
<PaymentAmount> 1 <Amount> Amount of the
payment in the
payment currency.
0..1 String The payment amount
as words. Formatted
according to the user
<PaymentMethod> 1 Aggregate Payment method
assigned to the
documents that were
grouped into this
Funds Disbursement Extract K-15
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<PayAloneFlag> 0..1 String Y or N flag indicating
if the payment is
created for a pay
alone document.
<SettlementPriority> 0..1 <Lookup> Instructions to the
bank related to the
urgency of the
payment. Populated
only if the child
documents are
grouped by the
settlement priority.
<AmountWithheld> 0..1 <Amount> Amount withheld in
payment currency.
<DiscountTaken> 0..1 Aggregate Information about
discount taken on this
<BankCharges> 0..1 Aggregate Bank charge info
about this payment.
<DeliveryChannel> 0..1 <Lookup with Format
Instructions related to
which channel should
be used by the bank
to deliver the
payment to the payee.
Populated only if the
child documents are
grouped by the
delivery channels.
<BankInstruction> minimum 0,
maximum 2
<Lookup with Format
Enumerated bank
information at the
payment level.
0..1 String Additional free text
bank instruction
K-16 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
minimum 0,
maximum 3
String Text message for use
in payment
processing – at
payment level.
<PaymentDetails> 0..1 String Concatenated string
that represents the
details of the child
0..1 Aggregate Contains remittance
identifiers assigned
by the payee to the
child documents.
Populated only if the
child documents are
grouped by the
unique remittance
<PaymentReason> 0..1 <Lookup with Format
Used mostly for
regulatory reporting
purposes. Also called:
payment nature,
payment category
code, and declaration
code. Populated only
if the child
documents are
grouped by payment
0..1 String Free text field
available for payment
reason. Populated
only if the child
documents are
grouped by payment
reason comments.
Funds Disbursement Extract K-17
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<RemittanceMessage> minimum 0,
maximum 3
String Remittance free text
message entered at
the document level.
Populated only if the
child documents are
grouped by
remittance messages.
0..1 Aggregate Regulatory reporting
0..1 Aggregate Additional
information at the
payment level for US
Federal Financials.
1 Integer Number of
documents in this
<DocumentPayable> 1..n Aggregate Document payable.
0..1 <Descriptive Flex
Descriptive flex field
for the payment.
<Extend> 0..n Aggregate Extensibility element;
to be filled with
custom user data.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 Integer ID of the originating
K-18 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ApplicationName> 1 String Short name of the
1 String Calling application
payment process
request ID.
1 <Lookup> The functional
category of the
<PayerOrganization> 0..1 Aggregate First party payer
0..1 String Y or N flag indicating
if the payment is for
an employee; that is,
the payee is an
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<OrganizationType> 0..1 <Lookup> Organization type.
Depending on the
calling product, the
organization types
can be either
operating unit or
legal entity.
<OrganizationName> 0..1 String Organization name.
Funds Disbursement Extract K-19
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<DocCategory> 0..1 String AOL sequence
attribute. This
sequence is generated
by Oracle Payments,
not calling products.
<SequenceName> 0..1 String AOL sequence
attribute. This
sequence is generated
by Oracle Payments,
not calling products.
<SequenceValue> 0..1 String AOL sequence
attribute. This
sequence is generated
by Oracle Payments,
not calling products.
1 Integer Corresponding to the
payment reference
number field in
dashboard user
<CheckNumber> 0..1 Integer Check number; used
in printed payment
K-20 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ErrorType> 1 <Lookup> Type of error. Values
from the lookup
<ErrorCode> 1 String Error code for failed
transaction. If
BANK, this is a
bank-specific error
<ErrorMessage> 0..1 String Error message for
failed transaction. If
BANK, this is a
bank-specific error
<ErrorDate> 1 Date Date time of the error.
<ErrorStatus> 1 <Lookup> Whether the error is
still active, that is, the
error still applies,
passed, or
Funds Disbursement Extract K-21
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<PartyInternalID> 1 Integer Payee party ID.
<PartyNumber> 1 String Party number.
<Name> 1 String Full name of the
0..1 String Tax number of party.
Use this element if
the data was
previously stored in
M in 11i.
0..1 String LE registration
number. Use this
element if the data
was previously stored
_1099 in 11i.
0..1 <Descriptive Flex
Descriptive flex field
for the party record.
<AlternateName> 0..1 String Alternate name of the
<SupplierNumber> 0..1 String Supplier number.
0..1 <Descriptive Flex
Descriptive flex field
for the supplier
0..1 <Descriptive Flex
Descriptive flex field
for the supplier site
K-22 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Address> 0..1 <Address> Third party payee's
address. Generated
based on the remit-to
location id of
payment. The
remit-to location is a
hard coded grouping
rule for creating
payments from
documents payable.
<ContactInfo> 0..1 <ContactInfo> Contact of the third
<FirstPartyReference> 1 String Payee assigned ID for
the first party payer.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
0..1 Integer Primary key of the
IBY (external) bank
account table.
<BankName> 0..1 String Name of the bank.
0..1 String Alternate name of the
<BankNumber> 0..1 String Bank Number. From
the HZ organization
profile linked to the
bank party.
<BranchInternalID> 0..1 Integer Party ID of the bank
branch party.
Funds Disbursement Extract K-23
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<BranchName> 0..1 String Name of the bank
0..1 String Alternate name of the
bank branch.
<BranchNumber> 0..1 String Bank branch number.
From the HZ
organization profile
linked to the bank
branch party.
<BankAccountName> 0..1 String Name of the bank
0..1 String Alternate name of the
bank account.
1 String The bank account
number. Formatted
for electronic
transmission. In case
the account number
for transmission is the
same as user entered,
the same value will
be saved to the two
columns and
1 String The bank account
number as user
entered. This field
should be used for
formats that are
intended for human
read, such as checks.
<SwiftCode> 0..1 String SWIFT code of the
bank account. Stored
NTS associated with
bank branch.
K-24 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<IBANNumber> 0..1 String IBAN of the bank
<CheckDigits> 0..1 String Check digits of the
bank account
<BankAccountType> 0..1 <Lookup> The account type.
0..1 <Currency> Currency by which
accounts funds are
<BankAddress> 0..1 <Address> Primary address of
the bank branch.
<BankContact> 0..1 <ContactInfo> Contact at the bank.
<PrimaryOwner> 1 Aggregate Primary owner of
bank account in case
of single/joint owned;
payment factor party
in case of factor bank
<FactorAccount> 0..1 <Lookup> Y or N flag indicating
if the bank account is
a factor account.
0..1 <Descriptive Flex
Descriptive flexfield
for the bank account.
0..1 <Descriptive Flex
Descriptive flexfield
for the bank branch.
From the HZ party of
the bank branch.
Funds Disbursement Extract K-25
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Name> 1 String Party name of the
primary owner or
payment factor.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Name> 1 String Party name of the
actual beneficiary or
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<PartyInternalID> 1 Integer The party that is
linked to the legal
<PartyNumber> 1 String Party number.
<Name> 1 String Full name of the
0..1 String Tax registration
K-26 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
Use this element if
the data was
previously stored in
ION_NUM in 11i.
0..1 String Legal entity
registration number.
Use this element if
the data was
previously stored in
M in 11i.
0..1 <Descriptive Flex
Descriptive flexfield
for the party record.
1 Integer Legal entity stamped
on the payments.
Owner of the
<LegalEntityName> 1 String Legal entity name.
<Address> 1 <Address> Legal entity address.
<ContactInfo> 0..1 <ContactInfo> Contact at the first
0..1 <Descriptive Flex
Descriptive flexfield
for the legal entity
Funds Disbursement Extract K-27
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 Integer Primary key of the CE
(internal) bank
account table.
<BankName> 0..1 String Bank name.
<BankNumber> 0..1 String Bank number. From
the HZ organization
profile linked to the
bank party.
<BranchInternalID> 1 Integer Party id of the bank
branch party.
<BranchName> 0..1 String Name of the bank
0..1 String Alternate name of the
bank branch.
<BranchNumber> 0..1 String Number of the bank
branch. From the HZ
organization profile
linked to the bank
branch party.
<BankAccountName> 1 String Name of the bank
0..1 String Alternate name of the
bank account.
K-28 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 String The bank account
number. Formatted
for electronic
transmission. In case
the account number
for transmission is the
same as user entered,
the same value will
be saved to the two
columns and
1 String The bank account
number as user
entered. This field
should be used for
formats that are
intended for human
read, such as checks.
<SwiftCode> 0..1 String SWIFT code of the
bank account. Stored
NTS associated with
bank branch.
<IBANNumber> 0..1 String IBAN of the bank
<CheckDigits> 0..1 String Check digits of the
bank account
<BankAccountType> 1 <Lookup> The account type.
1 <Currency> Currency by which
accounts funds are
<BankAddress> 1 <Address> Primary address of
the bank branch.
<BankContact> 0..1 <ContactInfo> Contact at the bank.
Funds Disbursement Extract K-29
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
0..1 <Descriptive Flex
Descriptive flexfield
for the bank account.
0..1 <Descriptive Flex
Descriptive flexfield
for the bank branch.
From the HZ party of
the bank branch.
0..1 Aggregate Additional
information for use
by US Federal
<EFTUserNumber> 0..1 Aggregate EFT numbers
assigned by the bank
to the user.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 String Identifier of the US
Treasury Regional
Finance Center (RFC)
from which the
disbursement should
originate for federal
agencies. Stored in
MENTS with
associated with the
bank branch party.
1 String US Federal Agency
Location Code used
by federal agency.
K-30 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 String US Federal
Abbreviated Agency
1 String US Federal Employer
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 String Account-level EFT
user number.
1 String Branch-level EFT user
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 String Internal id of the
payment method.
1 String Describes the
payment method.
Funds Disbursement Extract K-31
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 String This field is currently
mapped to the same
DB column as
nalID, pending the
change to add it's
own column.
0..1 <Descriptive Flex
Descriptive flexfield
for the payment
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Amount> 1 <Amount> Amount of discount
taken. In payment
<DiscountDate> 1 Date Discount date.
Available at
document payable
level only.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<BankChargeBearer> 1 <Lookup> Bank charge bearer
K-32 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Amount> 0..1 <Amount> Bank charge amount
in payment currency.
The amount is only
available at the
payment level.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Number> 1 String Unique remittance
<CheckDigit> 0..1 String Check digit.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<DeclarationFlag> 1 String Y or N flag indicating
whether this payment
needs to be reported
to the central bank.
<Amount> 1 <Amount> Declared payment
amount in the
declaration currency.
Funds Disbursement Extract K-33
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 String US Federal Allotment
1 String Y or N flag indicating
if the payment can be
used for US Treasury
1 String Payment level
accounting symbol
for US Federal SPS
Document Payable Level Elements
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<DocumentNumber> 1 Aggregate Contains document
identifier elements,
typically specified by
the calling
<PONumber> 0..1 String PO number(s) to
which this document
line is matched.
<DocumentStatus> 1 <Lookup> Lookup aggregate of
the document
payable status.
K-34 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<DocumentError> 1 Aggregate Errors associated
with this document.
<DocumentDate> 1 Date Document date.
0..1 Date Date of the
document's creation.
<PaymentDueDate> 0..1 Date Date when payment
is due to the payee.
<DocumentType> 0..1 <Lookup> Code for the
document type. The
document type is a
concatenation of the
calling product doc
types, such as
MIXED, or AWT for
Oracle Payables and
BAT for Cash
Management Bank
Account Transfer.
0..1 String Free text description
of the document
0..1 String Credit card number
for expense report
with Oracle iExpense.
Funds Disbursement Extract K-35
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
0..1 String Y or N flag indicating
if the payment is for
an employee, that is,
the payee is an
employee. This is a
hard-coded grouping
rule for creating
payments, where the
documents of a
payment must all
have the same
Employee Payment
Flag value – either Y
or N.
0..1 <Amount> Total amount
specified on the
document in the
document currency.
<PaymentAmount> 1 <Amount> Payment amount in
payment currency.
<PayAloneFlag> 0..1 String Y or N flag indicating
if the document
should be paid by its
own payment.
<SettlementPriority> 0..1 <Lookup> Urgency of the
<AmountWithheld> 0..1 <Amount> Amount withheld in
payment currency.
<DiscountTaken> 0..1 Aggregate Document-level
<BankCharges> 0..1 Aggregate Bank charge info for
this document.
<DeliveryChannel> 0..1 <Lookup with Format
Delivery channel.
K-36 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<PaymentReason> 0..1 <Lookup with Format
Used mostly for
regulatory reporting
purposes. Also called:
payment nature,
payment category
code, or declaration
0..1 String Free text field
available for payment
<RemittanceMessage> minimum 0,
maximum 3
String Remittance message –
usually used in
remittance advice.
<Charge> 0..1 Aggregate Charges. Used for
remittance purposes.
0..1 <Amount> Total tax amount for
the doc payable. (Not
pro-rated for
payment schedule).
For remittance
0..1 <Amount> Total credit amount
(credit memo and
debit memo) applied
for the document
payable. (Not
pro-rated for
payment schedule).
Currently for Brazil
0..1 <Amount> Total interest amount
applied for the
document payable.
(Not pro-rated for
payment schedule).
Currently for Brazil
Funds Disbursement Extract K-37
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<InterestRate> 0..1 Number Interest rate based on
which this interest
invoice was created.
0..n Aggregate Line items associated
with the document.
<Extend> 0..n Aggregate Extensibility element;
to be filled with
custom user data.
0..1 <Descriptive Flex
Descriptive flexfield
for the payment
0..1 <Descriptive Flex
Descriptive flexfield
for the payment
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 String Calling application's
unique document
payable identifiers.
For Oracle Payables,
segment1 maps to
segment2 to
invoice_id, segment3
to payment_num of
the payment
K-38 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
1 Integer Identifier of the
application which
submitted the
document for
0..1 String Document type
assigned to this
document by the
application; used as a
distinguisher for
applications with
multiple document
1 String Application provided
identifier; will be
unique per
application and
application document
sub type.
<ReferenceNumber> 0..1 String User-assigned
reference code for this
document; for
example: invoice
number, expense
report number.
0..1 String Bank-assigned
reference code for this
0..1 Aggregate Contains remittance
identifiers assigned
by the payee to the
child document.
<DocCategory> 0..1 String AOL sequence
attribute. The
sequence is from the
calling product.
Funds Disbursement Extract K-39
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<SequenceName> 0..1 String AOL sequence
attribute. The
sequence is from the
calling product.
<SequenceValue> 0..1 String AOL sequence
attribute. The
sequence is from the
calling product.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ErrorType> 1 <Lookup> Type of error. Values
from the lookup
<ErrorCode> 1 String Error code for failed
transaction. If
BANK, this is a
bank-specific error
<ErrorMessage> 0..1 String Error message for
failed transaction. If
BANK, this is a
bank-specific error
<ErrorDate> 1 Date Date time of the error.
K-40 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ErrorStatus> 1 <Lookup> Whether the error is
still active, that is, the
error still applies,
passed, or
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ChargePerType> 0..n Amount per charge
type (for future use).
1 <Amount> Total charges for the
document (in
document currency).
Note this is the
document level total;
it's not pro-rated for
payment schedules.
Document Line Level Elements
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<LineNumber> 1 Integer Line item number.
Funds Disbursement Extract K-41
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<PONumber> 0..1 String PO number(s) to
which this document
line is matched. If
multiple POs, value
will be comma
<LineType> 1 <Lookup> Code for the line item
type; for example:
item, tax, or freight.
<LineDescription> 0..1 String Description of line
<LineGrossAmount> 0..1 <Amount> Total amount for
document line in
document currency.
<UnitPrice> 0..1 Number Price per unit of this
<Quantity> 0..1 Integer Number of line item
<UnitOfMeasure> 0..1 <Lookup> Unit of measure
lookup code.
<Tax> 0..1 Aggregate Tax.
<Extend> 0..n Aggregate Extensibility element;
to be filled with
custom user data.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Tax> 1 String Tax.
K-42 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<TaxRate> 1 Number Tax rate.
Common Elements
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Code> 1 String Currency code; acts
as foreign key into
<Name> 0..1 String Currency name.
<Symbol> 0..1 String Currency symbol.
0..1 Integer Minimum
accountable units.
<Precision> 0..1 Integer Precision of the
currency, in terms of
its smallest subunits.
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Value> 1 Real Scale of the amount.
Funds Disbursement Extract K-43
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Currency> 1 Aggregate Currency of the
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Code> 1 String Lookup code.
<Meaning> 1 String Code meaning.
Lookup with Format Value
Lookup with Format Value
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<Code> 1 String Code value. Joins to
the primary keys of
Oracle Payments'
setup tables.
<Meaning> 1 String Code meaning.
<FormatValue> 1 String Value required by the
payment format that
uses this lookup.
K-44 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
Descriptive Flex Field
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<AttributeCategory> 1 String Descriptive flex field
attribute category.
<Attribute> 0..n String Descriptive flex field
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ExtendName> 1 String Extensibility name.
<ExtendValue> 1 String Extensibility value.
Payer and Payee Address
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<AddressInternalID> 1 Integer The data source of the
address data.
<AddressLine1> 1 String Address line 1.
<AddressLine2> 0..1 String Address line 2.
<AddressLine3> 0..1 String Address line 3.
Funds Disbursement Extract K-45
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<AddressLine4> 0..1 String HZ address only.
Null for HR address.
<City> 0..1 String City.
<County> 0..1 String County.
<State> 0..1 String State.
<Country> 1 String ISO 3166 two digit
country code.
<ISO3DigitCountry> 1 String ISO 3166 three digit
country code.
<CountryName> 1 String Country name.
<PostalCode> 0..1 String Postal code.
1 String Pre-formatted
concatenated address.
Address fields are
concatenated with the
space as separator.
Address fields are
ordered according to
country address
format styles. This
version of
address can be used
in EFT formats.
1 String Pre-formatted
mailing address with
embedded line
breaks. Generated by
TCA with the Postal
Address TCA style.
Address fields are
ordered according to
country address
format conventions.
K-46 Oracle Payments Implementation Guide
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<AddressName> 1 String HR location code for
payer; vendor site
name or party site
name for payee.
0..1 String For payee address
only. Alternate
vendor site code.
Bank Account Address
Internal and external bank account addresses come from the HZ locations table. The
internal (payer) bank account address is obtained based on the
int_bank_branch_location_id column in the payments table; while the external (payee)
bank account address is based on ext_bank_branch_location_id.
The elements are similar to those of payer/payee addresses, except they do not have the
AddressName and AlternateAddressName elements.
Contact Information Elements
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<ContactName> 0..1 Aggregate The contact's personal
<ContactLocators> 1 Aggregate Various means by
which the contact
may be located or
Funds Disbursement Extract K-47
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<FirstName> 1 String Contact person's first
<LastName> 1 String Contact person's last
<XML Tags> Cardinality Datatype Description
<PhoneNumber> 0..1 String Contact phone
<FaxNumber> 0..1 String Contact fax machine
<EmailAddress> 0..1 String Contact e-mail
<Website> 0..1 String Contact website.
access control
action pages, 3-3
Disbursement System Options Setup page, 3-3
overview, 3-1
payment process concurrent programs, 3-3
read-only pages, 3-2
setup pages, 3-3
understanding, 3-1
account options
defining, 8-17
ACK, 8-26
acknowledgements from payment systems
receiving, 6-6
acknowledgment parser
developing, 8-24
how it works, 8-23
seeding, 8-23
acquiring bank, 3-4, 3-11
action pages
access control, 3-3
credit card validation, F-7
implementing electronic commerce
applications, F-1
Java for electronic commerce application, F-12
overview of Oracle Payments, F-1
payment instrument registration, F-2
payment processing, F-3
PL/SQL for electronic commerce applications,
risk management, F-6
status update, F-9
understanding, 3-3
Application Programming Interface (API), 3-4, 3-
operating units, 6-11
validations, 6-4
assigning responsibilities and roles to users
configuring Oracle Payments, 4-6
creating and testing, 7-1
BankAccountBatchACK, 8-32
bank account transfers
understanding, 3-15
BankAccountTrxnACK, 8-29
bank instruction codes
setting up, 5-7
banks, 3-11
BatchACK, 8-29
business payment models
flexible support, 1-4
check printing process
user-friendly, 1-6
closing transaction batches, 3-17
common elements, J-21
address, J-23
bank account, J-25
contact information, J-24
credit card, J-29
debit card, J-30
document line, J-33
generic, J-21
party, J-31
common functionality
for funds capture and funds disbursement, 3-1
header, 6-10
payment system integration, 8-1
routing rules, 3-22
centralized, 1-10
Oracle Payments sample servlet, 4-15
Step 19. Configuring the ECApp Servlet, 6-2
tunneling, 4-11
XML framework, 4-18
configuring Oracle Payments
assigning responsibilities and roles to users, 4-
security, F-27
country-specific validations, B-3
a wallet file, 4-8
payment methods, 6-4
risk formula, 6-11
routing rules, 6-12
creating and testing
authorizations, 7-1
credit card
security features, 1-8
CreditCardBatchACK, 8-31
credit card brands
setting up, 6-12
credit card encryption, 3-6
credit card owners
verifying, 4-9
credit card processing, 3-11
credit card transactions
understanding, 3-11
CreditCardTrxnACK, 8-29
custom disbursement validation sets
creating, 8-32
custom funds capture validation sets
creating, 8-46
search pages, I-1
default payment systems
selecting, 6-11
account options, 8-17
payment system, 8-16
wallet file password, 4-8
delivery channel codes
setting up, 5-8
direct debits, 1-8
disbursement process
flexible, 1-4
disbursement system options
setting up, 5-21
document level elements, J-19
document line level elements, J-20
documents payable
understanding, 3-26
ECApp servlet
configuring, 6-2
payment processing, 1-5
electronic commerce
API, 3-4
applications, 3-21
electronic commerce application
Java APIs, F-12
electronic commerce applications
electronic commerce applications APIs
implementing, F-1
employing funds capture payment methods
source product, 6-3
payment instruments, 4-8
encryption, 1-9
error handling
during payment processing, E-1
funds capture, J-1
funds disbursement, K-1
extract components, J-2
extract formatter
how it works, 8-19
extract generator
how it works, 8-19
extract structure
funds capture, J-1
overview, K-1
funds capture , 1-7
funds disbursement, 1-4
field-installable servlets, 3-4
first party payees
setting up, 6-9
developing a format template, 8-18
seeding a format template, 8-18
setting up, 4-10
using, 8-18
formatting framework
advanced and configurable, 1-2
funds capture
developing a custom payment system
integration for, 8-3
extract, J-1
features, 1-7
planning, 2-6
understanding, 3-8
funds capture and funds disbursement
common functionality, 3-1
funds capture bank account transfers
understanding, 3-15
funds capture extract, J-2
funds capture instruction elements, J-3
funds capture payment methods
setting up, 6-3
funds capture process profile
understanding, 3-8
funds capture process profiles
setting up, 6-4
funds capture side
payment systems, 4-14
funds disbursement
developing a custom payment system
integration for, 8-12
extract, K-1
features, 1-4
understanding, 3-26
funds disbursement payment methods
setting up, 5-2
funds disbursement processing
configurability, 1-5
funds disbursement side
payment systems, 4-14
gateway-model and processor-model payment
understanding, 3-16
completing, 6-10
host-based merchant, 3-17
electronic commerce applications APIs, F-1
implementing Oracle Payments
applications conveying language information,
bank account transfer operations for funds
capture, 2-8
disbursement payment methods, 2-9
format of the NLS_LANG parameter, 2-6
format of the response body data from
payment system servlets, 2-6
funds capture planning, 2-6
funds disbursement planning, 2-9
Oracle Payments use of NlsLang, 2-5
organizing settlement batches, 2-6
payment instrument registration APIs, 2-7
payment processing APIs, 2-7
presenting information in different languages,
risk factors, 2-8
risk management APIs, 2-8
security needs, 2-1
shared planning, 2-1
supporting credit card brands, 2-6
using APIs for funds capture, 2-7
using formats, 2-4
using funds capture or funds disbursement
functionality, 2-2
using National Language Support (NLS), 2-5
using payment systems, 2-2
using source products, 2-3
with Oracle E-Business Suite, 1-8
with non-Oracle Applications, G-1
with other Oracle Applications, 3-9
Oracle Payments, 1-1
issuing bank, 3-11
Java APIs
for electronic commerce application, F-12
payment formats, 1-7
risky instruments, 6-12
masking, 1-9
payment instruments, 4-9
host-based, 3-17
terminal-based, 3-17
Multi-Organization Access Control (MOAC), 3-2,
non-Oracle Applications
integrating with, G-1
offline and online payments
understanding, 3-17
online authorization
sending and receiving, 6-5
online debits
sending and receiving, 6-6
online payer verifications
sending and receiving, 6-5
online payer verifications, authorizations, and
sending and receiving, 6-5
operating units
assigning, 6-11
Oracle Applications
integrating with, 3-9
Oracle E-Business Suite
integrated, 1-8
Oracle Payments
general features, 1-2
global features, 1-6
introduction, 1-1
Oracle Payments sample servlet
configuring, 4-15
Oracle Payments servlets
payment system servlets, 3-4
Oracle Payments system partner, 3-4, 3-4
Oracle Receivables, 3-20
Oracle XML Publisher templates
setting up, 4-9
order level elements, J-9
Oracle Payments APIs, F-1
payment system integration model, 8-1
setup tasks for funds capture, 6-1
setup tasks for funds disbursement, 5-1
shared setup tasks for funds capture and
funds disbursement, 4-1
extract structure, K-1
Disbursement System Options Setup page, 3-3
transmission protocols, C-1
payee account level elements, J-7
creating, 3-9
multiple, 3-9
understanding, 3-9
payer notifications
of settlement, 1-11
payer notifications to payers
sending, 6-6
payment data repository
secure, 1-3
payment formats
Argentina, A-4
Belgium, A-5
Brazil, A-7
Chile, A-8
Colombia, A-9
common disbursement, A-1
Finland, A-11
France, A-13
Germany, A-16
Italy, A-21
Japan, A-23
library, 1-7, 1-11
Netherlands, A-24
New Zealand, A-26
Norway, A-27
Poland, A-28
Portugal, A-30
Spain, A-32
Sweden, A-37
Switzerland, A-41
United Kingdom, A-43
United States, A-43
United States Federal, A-47
viewing, A-1
payment function, 3-2
payment grouping
understanding, 3-29
payment instructions
understanding, 3-29
payment instruments
encrypting, 4-8
masking, 4-9
payment method defaulting rules
setting up, 5-6
payment methods
creating, 6-4
flexible, 1-8
payment methods (funds capture)
understanding, 3-8
payment methods (funds disbursement)
understanding, 3-27
payment process concurrent programs
access control, 3-3
payment processing
electronic, 1-5
error handling, E-1
user interface, 1-5, 1-10
payment processors, 3-4
payment process profiles
setting up, 5-9
understanding, 3-27
payment process requests
understanding, 3-28
payment reason codes
setting up, 5-9
scheduled, 1-11
understanding, 3-26
payment system, 3-4
attributes, 8-16
defining, 8-16
settings required, 4-14
payment system accounts
specifying, 6-9
payment system API, 3-4
payment system integration
developing a custom payment system
integration for funds disbursement, 8-12
payment system integration components
developing, 8-1
payment system integration for funds capture
developing, 8-3
payment system integration model
overview, 8-1
payment systems
basic authentication, 3-7
funds capture side, 4-14
funds disbursement side, 4-14
setting up, 4-13
payment systems and payment system accounts
selecting, 6-10
payment system servlet communication
setting up SSL security, 4-18
payment system servlets, 3-4, 3-4
PINless debit card
transactions, 1-8
PINless debit card transactions
understanding, 3-14
for electronic commerce applications, F-22
funds capture, 2-6
setting up first party payees, 6-10
setting up formats, 4-10
setting up funds capture process profiles, 6-4
setting up payment systems, 4-13
processing credit cards, 3-11
processor, 3-11
credit card, 3-11
processor and gateway model payment systems
Oracle Payments supports, 1-9
profile options
settings, H-1
AS2 Send, C-9
File Transfer Protocol for Static File Names, C-
First Data North Authorization Specification
10/24/02 Socket, C-4
First Data North Magnetic Media Specification
2003.1 Acknowledgment FTP Get, C-6
First Data North Magnetic Media Specification
2003.1 Settlement Batch FTP Put, C-5
Http(s) POST Request, C-1
Local File System Delivery, C-11
Oracle Payments Tunneling, C-2
Paymentech Batch Specification 2.1.0
Acknowledgement FTP Get, C-3
Paymentech Online Specification 7.2 Socket,
Secure File Transfer, C-8
purchase card processing transaction detail
selecting, 6-11
purchase cards
data levels, 3-13
processing, 3-14
understanding, 3-12
setting up credit card brands, 6-12
setting up first party payees, 6-10
setting up formats, 4-10
setting up funds capture payment methods, 6-
setting up funds capture process profiles, 6-5
setting up Oracle XML Publisher templates, 4-
setting up payment systems, 4-14
setting up transmission configurations, 4-11
read-only pages
access control, 3-2
acknowledgements from payment systems, 6-
remittance advice
reporting, 1-7
returns, 3-12, 3-17
risk factors
shipped with Oracle Payments, 3-19
risk formula
creating, 6-11
risk management
AVS, 3-19, 3-20
factors in Oracle Receivables, 3-20
test scenarios, D-3
understanding, 3-18
risk threshold
specifying, 6-11
risky instruments
loading, 6-12
Oracle Payments, 3-21
to multiple payment systems for funds
capture, 1-10
routing and operation
Oracle Payments, 3-21
routing rules
components, 3-21
conditions, 3-22
creating, 6-12
how routing works, 3-22
search pages
customizations, I-1
considerations, F-27
firewall protection, 3-6
IP address restriction, 3-7
secure socket layer (SSL), 3-7
understanding, 3-5
security features
credit card, 1-8
security policy, 1-9
default payment systems, 6-11
payment systems and payment system
accounts, 6-10
purchase card processing transaction detail, 6-
payer notifications to payers, 6-6
sending and receiving
online authorization, 6-5
online debits, 6-6
online payer verifications, 6-5
online payer verifications, authorizations, and
debits, 6-5
settlements, 6-6
configuring Oracle Payments sample, 4-15
servlet communication, 3-6
servlets, 3-4
understanding, 3-4
profile options, H-1
required by payment system, 4-14
setting up
bank instruction codes, 5-7
configuring XML framework, 4-18
creating Oracle Payments users, 4-5
credit card brands, 6-12
delivery channel codes, 5-8
disbursement system options, 5-21
first party payees, 6-9
formats, 4-10
funds capture payment methods, 6-3
funds capture process profiles, 6-4
funds disbursement payment methods, 5-2
Oracle XML Publisher templates, 4-9
payment method defaulting rules, 5-6
payment process profiles, 5-9
payment reason codes, 5-9
payment systems, 4-13
system security options, 4-7
the wallet, 4-7
transmission configurations, 4-11
validations, 4-10
settlement, 3-12, 3-17
payer notifications, 1-11
settlement batch, 3-12
settlement grouping
specifying, 6-7
settlement limits
specifying, 6-9
sending and receiving, 6-6
setup checklist
shared setup tasks, 4-4
setup pages
access control, 3-3
setup tasks
setting up SSL security for payment
system servlet communication, 4-18
setup tasks for funds capture
overview, 6-1
setup tasks for funds disbursement
overview, 5-1
shared planning
implementing Oracle Payments, 2-1
shared setup tasks
setting up SSL security for payment system
servlet communication, 4-18
setup checklist, 4-4
shared setup tasks for funds capture and funds
overview, 4-1
source product
employing funds capture payment methods,
payment system accounts, 6-9
risk threshold, 6-11
settlement grouping, 6-7
settlement limits, 6-9
supported capabilities, 4-14
specifying or generating
system key file location, 4-8
supported capabilities
specifying, 4-14
system key file location
specifying or generating, 4-8
system security options
setting up, 4-7
terminal-based and host-based merchants
understanding, 3-17
terminal-based merchant, 3-17
testing transactions
Transaction Testing tab, 7-1
test scenarios
risk management, D-3
transaction reporting
understanding, 3-24
PINless debit card, 1-8
Transaction Testing tab
testing transactions, 7-1
electronic, 1-3
understanding, 3-4
transmission configuration, 3-5
transmission configurations
setting up, 4-11
transmission function
developing, 8-20
how it works, 8-19
transmission protocol, 3-5
parameters, C-1
seeding, 8-21
TrxnACK, 8-27
configuring, 4-11
access control, 3-1
APIs, 3-3
credit card transactions, 3-11
documents payable, 3-26
funds capture, 3-8
funds capture bank account transfers, 3-15
funds capture process profile, 3-8
funds disbursement, 3-26
gateway-model and processor-model payment
systems, 3-16
offline and online payments, 3-17
payees, 3-9
payment grouping, 3-29
payment instructions, 3-29
payment methods (funds capture), 3-8
payment methods (funds disbursement), 3-27
payment process profiles, 3-27
payment process requests, 3-28
payments, 3-26
PINless debit card transactions, 3-14
purchase cards, 3-12
risk management, 3-18
security, 3-5
servlets, 3-4
terminal-based and host-based merchants, 3-
transaction reporting, 3-24
transmission, 3-4
validations, 3-30
user interface
payment processing, 1-5, 1-10
creating for Oracle Payments, 4-5
validation model
flexible, 1-2
Argentina, B-3
assigning, 6-4
Austria, B-3
Belgium, B-4
Brazil, B-6
Chile, B-7
Colombia, B-7
country-specific, B-3
Czechoslovakia, B-7
Finland, B-7
France, B-7
Germany, B-7
Hungary, B-10
Japan, B-11
Luxembourg, B-11
Netherlands, B-12
Oracle e-Commerce Gateway Format, B-1
other, B-1
Poland, B-12
Portugal, B-15
setting up, 4-10
Sweden, B-15
Switzerland, B-17
Turkey, B-18
understanding, 3-30
United States, B-18
United States Federal, B-19
validation sets
creating custom disbursement, 8-32
creating custom funds capture, 8-46
credit card owners, 4-9
voids, 3-12, 3-17
setting up, 4-7
wallet file
creating, 4-8
wallet file password
defining, 4-8
XML framework
configuring, 4-18