Department of
Secondary & Middle
School Education
Towson University
8000 York Road
Towson, MD
t. 410 704 2562
f. 410 704 4600
Dr. Heather
Contact Erin
Admin Asst
410 704 2562
Dear Prospective Student:
Thank you for inquiring about our Secondary Education teacher preparation program in the
Department of Secondary and Middle School Education. Our program offers professional
education courses to students seeking eligibility for teacher certification through the Maryland
State Department of Education (MSDE).
The Department of Secondary and Middle School Education offers undergraduate certification
programs in the secondary subject areas of:
English French History Social Studies Spanish
Requirements for Admission
1) Upload required documents listed below into TK20
2) Deadline for Spring Semester is November 1
3) Deadline for Fall Semester is April 1
* Applicants must submit an Intent to Begin Level 1 Form on November 1 (Spring) and April 1
(Fall) the semester before you plan to take SCED 341 and SCED 460. Your advisor will have the
*Applicants planning to start Level 1 (SCED 341 and SCED 460) will need to have applied to
the major by the application deadline. Late applications will be accepted based on availability.
*TK20 instructions accompany this document at the end. You will need to upload
portions of this document into TK20.
Required documents include:
1. Application Form Please complete all fields.
2. Change of Major Form Go to the registrar’s change major page. Log in and
complete the change major form to add secondary education (SCED) as a
concentration/track. Be sure to save and submit the form online. Please save the form
and upload it to TK20. If you have already done item #2 and “Secondary Education”
appears on your transcript, then your transcript will suffice and you do not need to
include the change major form. You must make an appointment to meet with your
advisor every semester.
3. Essay Using your experience with children, schools and teachers, discuss your
desire to teach and its importance to your future. Limit: One and a half to two pages
4. Transcripts All of your transcripts should appear in your PeopleSoft
Student Center.
5. Meet the Maryland State Department of Education Basic Skills
Requirement. For information go to:
You can also use a search engine and search key words: Maryland State
Department of Education Basic Skills Requirement.
Always keep a copy of any test scores. You will need them for teaching.
6. Criminal History Disclosure Statement - Signed
7. Professional Behavior PolicyRead the entire document. Complete and sign
the last two pages and submit it with the application. The Assistance Plan is
included for your review. You and your PDS Liaison would engage this form in
the event of needed discussions for your support. Do not include it with your
8. Acceptance Notification - If you meet the requirements, we will notify you by e-
mail within 14 business days after submission. If you do not meet the
requirements, we notify you by e-mail along with recommendations. If you do not
meet the required GPA, the recommendation is for you to take undergraduate
courses (such as those listed in #9 below) until you have met 3.0 GPA.
9. Courses you may take - In anticipation of being accepted into the program, you
may register for Introductory Education Classes listed in the document titled
“Required Education Courses. Anyone may register for these classes, as they do
not require department permission. The courses are:
SCED 304 Education, Ethics, and Change (3)
SCED 305 Adolescent Learning, Development, and Diversity (3)
ISTC 301 Integrating Instructional Technology (3)
SPED 301 Introduction to Special Education K-12 (3)
10. Final Internship (Student Teaching) GPA Requirements
Completion of All Coursework
3.00 minimum GPA in your major/content field
3.00 minimum GPA overall
3.00 minimum GPA in professional education courses
11. TU Foundation Scholarships
Applications due by the last business day in January
There are over 75 College Of Education-specific TU Foundation Scholarships to
be awarded every academic year. To apply, submit the Towson University online
centralized application. It's a one-time application that will find available
scholarships based on eligibility. Apply today!
Required Undergraduate Education Courses
REQUIREMENTS (Department permission is not required. Any student may register.)
EDUC 202 Historical And Contemporary Perspectives on America’s Urban Schools (3) (Core #10)
EDUC 203 Teaching and Learning in A Diverse Society (3) (Core #13)
SCED 304 Education, Ethics, and Change (3) (Core #14)
INTRODUCTORY EDUCATION COURSES (Department permission is not required. Any student may register.)
SCED 305 Adolescent Learning, Development, and Diversity (3) Prerequisite PSYC 101
ISTC 301 Integrating Instructional Technology (3) Prerequisite None. Taken before being admitted
to program or throughout the program.
SPED 301 Introduction to Special Education K-12 (3) Prerequisite None. Taken before being
admitted to program or throughout the program.
PROGRAM COURSES Students must be accepted into the major and meet the Maryland State Department of
Education Basic Skills Requirement. For information go to:
Students must meet with their advisor before receiving permission to take the following courses in sequence.
SCED 499 Internship in Secondary Education (6) Mandatory Meeting & Application Required.
Taken at Professional Development School (PDS) immediately prior to Student Teaching
and concurrently with Methods of Teaching Major Subject and SCED 461
SCED 461 Teaching Reading in the Secondary Content Area (3)
Methods of Teaching Major Subject (3) Must be taken semester prior to student teaching
Required GPA: 3.0
English SCED 357
History SCED 355
French SCED 353
Spanish SCED 353
Student Teaching (12) All classes must be complete
before student teaching. Begins prior to start of TU semester.
Follow your county’s school system schedule for the first day
of class.
English SCED 383
French SCED 384
History SCED 389
Social Science SCED 396
Spanish SCED 394
SCED 401 Analyzing Student Teaching (3) concurrent with student teaching
PRAXIS II: Examination Specialty Area and edTPA
STUDENT TEACHING GPA REQUIREMENTS 3.0 Major 3.0 Overall 3.00 Professional Education
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Use the checklist to confirm that you are submitting a complete application.
Application Form
Change of Major Page
Criminal History Disclosure Statement -- signed
Professional Behavior Policy -- signed
Upload the above documents above into TK20
Secondary Education
Application Checklist
Department Application Form
Complete as a fillable form on your computer or handwritten in either blue or black pen.
410-704-2562 Office Hawkins Hall 404 F
Towson ID #:
Expected Graduation Semester:
Last Name First Name
Cell Phone #:
Home/Perm #:
DOB: TU Email Address Personal Email Address
Current Address:
Street City State Zip
Perm Address (if different):
Street City State Zip
ACADEMIC HISTORY: List all colleges and universities attended and GPA:
Undergraduate College/University
Date Rcvd.
Graduate College or University
Date Rcvd.
The mission of the Teacher Education Unit is to inspire, educate and prepare facilitators of active learning for diverse and
inclusive communities of learners in environments that are technologically advanced.
Below For Office Use Only:
Select Two Areas of Study Below:
Select One Area of Study Below:
Social Studies
Social Science
are required to
attend a mandatory
meeting prior to
starting SCED
499. Meetings are
usually held in
September and
March of each year.
Check with your
Processed: _
Dr. Heather Haverback, Chair
Hawkins Hall 404 D
Questions? Please contact:
Josie Irvine
Administrative Assistant
Hawkins Hall 404 F
4 1 0 7 0 4 2 5 6 2
Student: Student ID No.:
Please read carefully
As a prerequisite to the placement of education majors in field experiences, the Code of Maryland Regulations
requires students to complete the following Criminal History Disclosure Statement. Students are also required
to update the information contained in this Disclosure Statement based on any changes in or additions to their
criminal history until the time they graduate or otherwise cease their enrollment at Towson University.
Have you ever been convicted of, pled guilty to nolo contendere with respect to, or received probation before
judgment with respect to a crime against children, in Maryland or any other jurisdiction?
As defined in Article 27,
35C of the Annotated Code of Maryland, a crime against children includes child
abuse and sexual abuse of a child (see reverse side of this page). YOU NEED NOT PROVIDE ANY
No Yes
Have you ever been convicted of, pled guilty or nolo contendere with respect to, or received probation before
judgement with respect to, a crime of violence?
Crimes of violence are defined in Article 27,
643B of the Annotated Code of Maryland (see reverse side of
No Yes
If your answer to either of the preceding questions is yes, please explain fully attach explanation to this
statement, specifying the nature and date of the offenses(s), the name and location of the court(s) and the
disposition(s), or outcome(s), including the sentences(s) imposed, if any.
I hereby declare and affirm under penalties of perjury that the contents of the foregoing Disclosure Statement
are true and correct and complete to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
I understand that I am obligated, and hereby agree, to update the information contained in the Disclosure
Statement based on any changes in or additions to my criminal history until such time that I graduate or
otherwise cease my enrollment at Towson University. I also understand that the failure fully and accurately to
Revised 9/24/2020
complete and update the Disclosure Statement could result in action being taken against me, including
removal from a field placement and/or dismissal from Towson University.
I hereby authorize Towson University and its agents, employees, and representatives to investigate, utilize and
disseminate the Disclosure Statement, and any information contained therein or derived therefrom, for any and
all purposes associated with my field placement and educational profession in the State of Maryland or any
other jurisdiction.
By my signature below, I hereby release, waive, discharge and exonerate Towson University and its agent,
employees and representatives from any and all liability, loss, claims and/or damages of every nature and kind
arising out of, or in any way related to, the Disclosure Statement, the information contained therein or derived
therefrom, and the investigation, dissemination, or use thereof.
Printed Name of Student Date
Local Address: Local Phone Number:
§643B. Mandatory sentences for crimes of violence.
(2) Crime of violence defined; correctional institutional
defined. - As used in this section, the term crime of
violence means abduction; arson in the first degree;
kidnapping; manslaughter, except involuntary
manslaughter; mayhem and maiming, as previously
proscribed under §§ 384, 385, and 386 of this article;
murder rape; robbery; robbery with a deadly weapon;
carjacking or armed carjacking; sexual offense in the first
degree; sexual offense in the second degree; use of a
handgun in the commission of a felony or other crime of
violence; and attempt to commit any of the aforesaid
offenses; assault in the first degree; and assault with intent
to commit a sexual offense in the first degree, and assault
with intent to commit a sexual offense in the second
degree, as these crimes were previously proscribe under
former § 12 of this article.
The terms correctional institution includes Patuxent
Institution and a local or regional jail or detention center.
§35C. Causing abuse to child.
(1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
(2) Abuse means:
(i) The sustaining of physical injury by a child as a result of cruel or inhumane
treatment or as a result of a malicious act by any parent or other person
who has permanent or temporary care or custody or responsibility for
supervision of a child, or by any household or family member, under
circumstances that indicated that the child's health or welfare is harmed or
threatened thereby; or
(ii) Sexual abuse of a child, whether physical injuries are sustained or not.
(3) Child means any individual under the age of l8 years.
(4) Family member means a relative of a child by blood, adoption, or marriage.
(5) Household member means a person who lives with or is a regular presence in a
home of a child at the time of the alleged abuse.
(6) (i) Sexual abuse means any act that involves sexual molestation or
exploitation of a child by a parent or other person who has permanent or
temporary care or custody or responsibility for supervision of a child, or by any
household or family member.
(ii) Sexual abuse includes, but is not limited to:
1. Incest, rape, or sexual offense in any degree;
2. Sodomy; and
3. Unnatural or perverted sexual practices.
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In addition to academic preparation and teaching knowledge and skills, the teaching profession requires
non-academic professional behaviors such as interpersonal skills, which are as critical to teaching success
as those in the academic domain. The Education Program Professional Behavior Policy describes the
professional behaviors expected of teacher candidates in all school placements. Candidates who fail to
demonstrate appropriate professional behaviors, pedagogical skills, and mastery of content may be
removed from the field placement after other options have been explored.
Students can be dismissed from a field or clinical placement if (1) a school leader/school personnel in the
placement school asks that the candidate not return to the school for any reason. School personnel who
ask that a candidate be removed from the placement could be a teacher, a principal, or other school
personnel. Candidates may also be removed from field or clinical placements because (2) the candidate is
struggling with professional behaviors, content knowledge, instructional delivery, lesson pacing,
classroom management or other processes/procedures related to teaching. Removal procedures under
either circumstance are discussed below.
1. School Based Dismissal:
If a school leader and/or mentor teacher requests the removal of a candidate from a school placement, the
placement at that school ends immediately. The teacher candidate should proceed to Step 4 of this
policy, if the dismissal is at the request of the school. If the candidate’s actions consist of illegal
activities, the school placement ends immediately and the candidate should proceed to Step 4 of this
2. Procedures for a Struggling Candidate:
When a candidate encounters difficulty in the school placement, it is the university supervisor’s
responsibility to inform the candidate, in writing, that they are not meeting expectations and to specify the
behaviors, dispositions, knowledge, and/or skills that need remediation. Once informed of the area(s)
requiring improvement, the candidate, with assistance from the university supervisor, is responsible for
developing an assistance plan addressing the areas needing improvement. After review, discussion and
revision of the proposed plan, the university supervisor, along with the mentor teacher and the candidate,
will finalize and sign the assistance plan. The assistance plan must include the area(s) that need
improvement and the steps the candidate must follow to remediate those area(s) of need. The assistance
plan will also include a timeline that specifies how and when the candidate will be expected to address the
identified area(s) of need and the steps that will follow if the area(s) are not remediated within the time
frame. Each time the university supervisor and the mentor teacher observe the candidate, observations
will be written with specific references to the identified area(s) for improvement in the assistance plan and
any progress being made in these areas. The university supervisor will give a copy of the assistance plan
to the Towson University department chair/program director so they are aware of the area(s) in which the
candidate is experiencing difficulty. A copy of the assistance plan should also be provided to the Center
for Professional Practice so that office is aware the candidate may be not be continuing in the school
placement, which impacts both record keeping and payment or partial payment to mentor teachers.
Should the candidate refuse to sign the assistance plan, the candidate will be removed from the school
placement and should proceed to Step 4 of this policy.
3. Assistance Plan and Continuation in or Removal from a School Placement:
University supervisor and mentor teacher responsibilities: The university supervisor (in this
document the term university supervisors also assumes PDS liaisons and field placement observers)
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ensures that the mentor teacher has modeled appropriate planning, instruction, assessment, and
professional behaviors and has involved the candidate in a gradual progression of appropriate classroom
experiences such as co-teaching, small group instruction, whole class instruction, and independent
teaching, if that is warranted. The university supervisor is responsible for observing the candidate and
providing both oral and written feedback to the candidate and mentor teacher for each lesson observed.
The mentor teacher must give written feedback to the candidate.
3A. Successful Completion of the Assistance Plan: At the end of the time frame set forth in the
assistance plan, if the candidate has successfully completed all parts of the assistance plan to the
satisfaction of the university supervisor and mentor teacher and is able to maintain all of the
responsibilities expected in the school placement, the candidate will continue in the placement. Successful
completion of the Assistance Plan does not indicate successful completion of the course, only the ability
to continue in the placement.
3B. Unsuccessful Completion of the Assistance Plan: At the end of the time frame set forth in
the assistance plan, if adequate progress in the area(s) of need identified on the assistance plan is not
achieved, the candidate will be removed from the school placement. This decision will be made by the
university supervisor in consultation with the mentor teacher and with communication to the school
principal, and to the department chairperson/program director. The Center for Professional Practice will
also be notified in writing of the decision, so the office staff can amend the placement information for
graduation purposes and can determine the proper payment to the mentor teacher. Within two business
days of the decision to remove an intern from a school placement, a letter written by the university
supervisor and signed by both the university supervisor and department chairperson/program director
outlining the reasons for the removal from the placement will be given to the candidate.
4. Appeal to the Dean’s Office in the College of Education: If the candidate is going to appeal the
decision of removal from the school placement, they will have two business days to submit a letter or
email of appeal to the College of Education Dean’s Office. The letter or email should be no more than
two typed pages and must include a statement as to why the student believes they should have another
placement. The material submitted in the appeal must include, as attachments, the signed assistance plan
and the letter/email written by the university supervisor and department chairperson that terminated the
placement. All materials must be included within the two business day timeframe for the appeal to be
acted on by the Dean or the Dean’s designee.
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The Teacher Education Executive Board (TEEB) has a responsibility to the education community to ensure that
individuals whom Towson University recommends to the State of Maryland for certification are highly qualified to join
the education profession. Those entering the teaching profession are required to have strong academic preparation,
mastery of pedagogy, and other professional competencies. The profession also requires non-academic professional
behaviors, such as interpersonal skills, which are as critical to success as those in the academic domain. The goal of this
Professional Behavior Policy is to help candidates know and demonstrate professional behaviors in a school environment.
This document sets forth the essential professional behaviors for the entire education unit.
A professional behavior policy serves several important functions, including, but not limited to: (a) providing information
to those considering teaching careers that will help such students in their career decision-making; (b) serving as the basis
for feedback provided to students throughout their teaching program regarding their progress toward mastery of all
program objectives; and (c) serving as the basis for the final assessment of attainment of graduation requirements and
recommendation for certification.
All candidates in education programs are expected to demonstrate that they are prepared to work with students and adults
in educational settings. This preparation results from the combination of successful completion of Towson University
coursework, field/internship experiences, and the demonstration of professional behaviors that all educators should
possess. The professional behaviors and conduct deemed compatible with Towson University and/or schools are outlined
The Teacher Education Executive Board (TEEB) reserves the right for each department/program to refuse, deny, or
revoke the application for admission to professional education programs or continuation in professional education
programs of any student whose observed behavior is deemed incongruent with established guidelines of professional
All teacher education students agree to accept “the responsibility to adhere to the highest ethical standards of professional
behavior.” Placing the importance of professional behavior and duties above one’s own convenience is the cornerstone of
All teacher education students are responsible for understanding department- and program-specific professional
expectations. Fulfilling all academic requirements and successful completion of all field and classroom experiences
require professional behavior including, but not limited to, punctuality, attendance, professional attire, discretion, respect
for confidentiality, effective and appropriate communication with University and school-based students and personnel,
and acceptance of diversity.
All teacher education students must exhibit behaviors consistent with the University's Code of Behavior and established
professional practice in educational and clinical settings. Successful completion of all field and academic experiences is a
requirement for continuation in the education program.
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Program Expectations of Behavior
The Education Program’s Expectations of Professional Behavior are grouped into five categories:
Communication/Interpersonal Skills, Emotional and Physical Abilities, Personal and Professional Behavior and Respect
for Self and Others, and Social Media Policy.
Candidates enrolled in an education program must exhibit effective:
1. Communication/Interpersonal Skills
o Candidates express themselves effectively in written and oral communication regarding concepts,
assignments, evaluations, and expectations with members of the learning community such as University
faculty, students, parents, administrators, and other staff. Candidates will:
o communicate effectively with other students, faculty, staff, and professionals. Candidate express ideas
and feelings clearly and demonstrate a willingness and an ability to listen to others.
o write clearly and use correct grammar and spelling. Candidates demonstrate sufficient skills to adequately
complete all written assignments, as specified by faculty.
o demonstrate sufficient oral skills to adequately complete all oral assignments and to meet the objectives
of field placement experiences, as specified by faculty.
o Candidates have communication skills that are responsive to a variety of perspectives represented in
diverse classrooms and/or other professional environments. Candidates will:
o demonstrate communication skills that are responsive to a variety of perspectives represented in diverse
classrooms and/or other professional environments.
o appreciate the value of diversity and look beyond self in interactions with others. They must not impose
personal, political, religious, sexual, and/or cultural values on others.
o Candidates possess the necessary interpersonal competencies to function effectively with students, faculty,
colleagues, and parents/guardians and to function collaboratively as part of a professional team.
Candidates will:
o demonstrate positive social skills in professional and social interactions with faculty, colleagues,
parents/guardians, and students.
o express their viewpoints and negotiate difficulties appropriately, without behaving unprofessionally with
instructors, peers, or students.
2. Emotional and Physical Abilities
o Candidates will be able to work appropriately with time constraints and deadlines, to concentrate in
distracting situations, to make subjective judgments to best serve the needs of students, and to ensure
safety in the classroom and in emergency situations. They will:
o work with frequent interruptions, respond appropriately to unexpected situations, and cope with
variations in workload and stress levels.
o multi-task and adapt to and display flexibility in changing situations.
o make and execute quick, appropriate, and accurate decisions in a complex, stressful environment.
o maintain composure and continue to function well in a myriad of situations.
o Candidates will demonstrate the physical stamina to work a contractual day and perform extended and
additional duties of a school professional such as parent conferences, after-school events, and other
assigned duties. They will:
o exhibit motor and sensory abilities to attend and participate in class and practicum placements.
o tolerate physically demanding workloads and function effectively under stress.
3. Personal and Professional Behavior
o Candidates will arrive on time and stay for the duration of the planned experience for professional
commitments, including classes and field experiences. They will:
o meet deadlines for course assignments and program requirements. A pattern of repeated absences,
lateness, and failure to meet deadlines in courses or fieldwork is not acceptable.
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o Candidates will seek assistance and follow supervision in a timely manner; modify and respond
appropriately to constructive reviews of their work from supervisors. They will:
o reflect on their practice and accept constructive feedback in a professional manner. They demonstrate the
ability to act upon appropriate suggestions and reasonable criticism.
o be flexible, open to new ideas and modify their classroom practices to best serve the needs of the students.
o Candidates will demonstrate attitudes of integrity, responsibility, and tolerance. They will:
o demonstrate honesty and integrity by being truthful about background, experiences, and qualifications;
doing their own work; giving credit for the ideas of others; and providing proper citation of source
o interact courteously, fairly, and professionally with people from diverse racial, cultural, and social
backgrounds and of different genders, gender identities, or sexual preferences.
o not make verbal or physical threats; engage in sexual harassment; become involved in sexual relationships
with their students, supervisors, or faculty; or abuse others in physical, emotional, verbal, or sexual ways.
o understand the perspectives of others and demonstrate the ability to separate personal and professional
o exhibit acceptance of and be able to make appropriate adjustments for all learners.
o protect the confidentiality of student and colleague information unless disclosure serves professional
purposes or is required by law.
4. Respect for Self and Others
o Candidates exhibit respect for all Towson University and school personnel, peers/colleagues, students, their
parents/guardians, and community members.
o Candidates respect the rule that cell phone for personal use is prohibited during class hours; possible
exceptions for emergencies may be approved in advance.
o Candidates are free of the influence of illegal drugs and/or the abuse of legal drugs and/or alcoholic
beverages on University premises and in field placements. Candidates are expected to abide by the Towson
University Code of Student Conduct and the Student Academic Integrity Policy.
o Candidates demonstrate the ability to deal with personal and professional stressors through the use of
appropriate coping mechanisms. They handle stress effectively by using appropriate self-care and by
developing supportive relationships with colleagues, peers, and others.
o Candidates use sound judgment. They seek and effectively use help for medical and emotional problems
(from resources such as the Towson University Health Center, Disability Support Services, and the Towson
University Counseling Center) that may interfere with academic and/or professional performance.
o Candidates project an image of professionalism. They will:
o demonstrate appropriate personal hygiene.
o dress appropriately for their professional contexts.
o possess maturity, self-discipline, and appropriate professional judgment.
5. Social Media Policy
o The same principles and guidelines that apply to students’ activities in general also apply to their activities
online. This includes all forms of online publishing and discussion, including blogs, user-generated video
and audio, social networks and other social media applications. The Internet is neither anonymous nor
forgetful, and there is no clear line between one’s professional life and personal life on a social media site.
Teacher candidates need to weigh every posting for how it affects their effectiveness as teachers.
o Candidates realize their representations on the internet will be considered within the scope of their
professional demeanor.
o Candidates/interns shall not engage (that is“friend”) classroom students, mentor teachers, parents/legal
guardians on any social media site or device.
o Candidates shall not take photos of classroom students or students’ work without specific written consent
from the students’ parents/legal guardian for the photos/work/oral presentations/activities.
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Approved 11/19/2019
Implementation and Review Procedures
Each program in the Education Unit will introduce this policy, and candidates will receive a copy of the Program’s
Professional Behavior Policy and sign a Professional Behavior Policy Acknowledgement Form prior to entry into all field
and/or clinical experiences. Candidates in all Education Unit programs will be required to sign a Professional Behavior
Policy Acknowledgment Form prior to entry into the Professional Year.
At various points in an Education program candidates will be notified of professional and/or academic behavior
inadequacies that may prevent them from progressing through their program. Documentation and consensus regarding the
student's functioning will be sought before any action is taken. Candidates who experience deficiencies in any areas will
be encouraged to seek appropriate professional help from Towson University or other sources. If the problem seems to be
beyond remediation, the candidate’s continuation in professional programs, graduation, or recommendation for
certification may be denied.
Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities
Requirements of the Professional Behavior Policy may be met with or without accommodations. The University complies
with the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Therefore, Towson University will endeavor to make reasonable accommodations with respect to its professional behavior
standards for an applicant with a disability who is otherwise qualified. "Disability" shall mean, with respect to an
individual, (1) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life functions of such
individual; (2) a record of such an impairment; or (3) being regarded as having such an impairment. The University
reserves the right to reject any requests for accommodations that are unreasonable, including those that would involve the
use of an intermediary that would require a student to rely on someone else's power of selection and observation,
fundamentally alter the nature of the University's educational program, lower academic standards, cause an undue
hardship on the University, or endanger the safety of students or others.
For all requests for accommodations, students should contact Towson University's Accessibility & Disability Services
(ADS) (410-704-2638) and follow established university policy and procedures.
Unless a student has expressly waived his or her privilege to confidentiality of records provided to substantiate either a
disability or a recommendation for an accommodation, program administrators to which such information has been
communicated shall maintain such information in a manner that preserves its confidentiality. Under no circumstances
shall such information become part of a student's academic records.
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Candidates enrolled in an education program must exhibit effective:
Communication/Interpersonal Skills
be able to express themselves effectively in written and oral communication in regards to concepts, assignments,
evaluations, and expectations with members of the learning community such as University faculty, students,
parents, administrators, and other staff
have communication skills that are responsive to different perspectives represented in diverse classrooms and/or
other professional environments
have the necessary interpersonal competencies to function effectively with students and parents, and to function
collaboratively as part of a professional team
Emotional and Physical Abilities
be able to work under time constraints, concentrate in distracting situations, make subjective judgments, and
ensure safety in emergencies
have the physical stamina to work a contractual day and perform extended and additional duties of a school
professional such as parent conferences, after-school events, and other assigned duties
Personal and Professional Behavior
arrive on time for professional commitments, including classes and field experiences
seek assistance and follow supervision in a timely manner, and accept and respond appropriately to constructive
review of their work from supervisors
demonstrate attitudes of integrity, responsibility, and tolerance
show respect for self and others
project an image of professionalism
Respect for Self and Others
respect for all TU and school/classroom personnel
obey appropriate cell phone use
remain drug and alcohol free on University and field/internship placements
use sound judgment and deal with personal and professional stressors appropriately
Social Media Policy
refrain from engaging (“friending”) classroom students, mentor teachers, parents/legal guardians on any social
media site or device for non-academic purposes
abide by all school and district policies related to the use of social media for academic purposes and ensure any
accounts used for such purposes are “professional” accounts, keeping personal social content separate
realize that candidates cannot take and/or post photos and/or videos of classroom students or students’ work
without written consent from the students’ parents/legal guardian.
I have read and acknowledge receipt of the Professional Behavior Policy in its entirety. I understand that if the
expectations outlined in the Policy are not met satisfactorily, I may be recommended for dismissal from the Education
Preparation Program and/or denied the opportunity to complete course, field experience, and/or internship components of
the Program.
Candidate Signature Date PRINTED Name Date
This signed document should be given to the Department Chair or Program Director.
NOTE: The University has a legal obligation to provide appropriate accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Students seeking accommodations,
should register with the University's Office of Accessibility & Disability Services (ADS) and notify course instructors prior to the start of classes, field experiences, or
Revised 11/2019
Approved 11/19/2019
Create an Applicant Account
1. Go to the Towson University Tk20 login page and click on Admissions at the bottom.
2. Expand the Admissions accordion. In the bottom of the box, click on the link: Click here to create your
3. Complete any fields marked by an asterisk (*) and fill in the CAPTCHA word as directed.
4. When you are finished, click on Create My Account. Your username will be displayed. Use this username
and the password you entered to log in to your new Tk20 Applicant account. Select Back to Log In.
*IMPORTANT: Be sure to make note of your new username and password so that you can log in to
monitor your application status!
Create an Admission Application
1. Log in using your Tk20 Applicant account username and password. Navigate to the Admission
Applications tab in the side menu.
2. Click on .
3. Select the appropriate application for the program you want to apply to from the drop down menu and click
on the green Next button. You will see instructions and a checklist of tasks to complete. Select Next.
4. Complete the application as directed. Any fields with an asterisk (*) must be filled in before you submit.
5. If you are required to attach a file, click on the Select Files button to search for file(s) on your computer. To
add a file, select the green plus sign. You can remove a file by clicking on the “X” next to that file. You can
view a file you have uploaded by clicking the file name. Please upload files as Word or PDF.
6. Once you have started an application, you have 3 options:
a. Submit: This option submits your application for final review.
b. Save: Click this at any time to save your progress and return at a later time to finish the
c. Close: Exit the application without saving or submitting any changes.
Note: If you do NOT see the name of the application you need to complete, you may be attempting to
complete an application AFTER its due date has passed or the application may not be activated yet.
Return to a Saved Admissions Application
1. Click on the Admissions Applications tab to display a list of all application forms you have created.
2. Click the blue name of the application you wish to edit.
3. When finished editing, click on Save, Close, or Submit.
Note: If an application has a picture of a lock by it, the application has already been submitted and must
be recalled or re-opened for editing by an administrator.
Recall a Submitted Admissions Application
If you need to make a change to a submitted application, you can recall it until it enters the review stage
and is “locked” by an administrator.
To recall an unlocked application, follow these steps:
1. Click on the Admission Applications tab to display a list of all of the application forms you have created.
2. Click the blue name of the application you wish to recall.
3. Click the Recall button in the top right-hand corner of the page.
4. Make the needed changes and click on Save, or if ready for submission, select Submit.
Note: If you are unable to recall your application, this means it has entered the review stage and you will
need to contact the department directly.
Admissions Application Review Status
1. You may check the status of your application at any time by logging into your Tk20 Applicant
Account using the credentials you created:
2. Enter your Applicant Account username and password.
3. The application Status and Final Result are displayed next to the name of the application.