American Council on Education
Te n u r e
Advice for
Tenured Faculty,
Department Chairs, and
Academic Administrators
A Joint Project of
The American Council on Education,
The American Association of University Professors, and
United Educators Insurance Risk Retention Group
American Council on Education
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Te n u r e
Advice for
Tenured Faculty,
Department Chairs, and
Academic Administrators
A Joint Project of
The American Council on Education,
The American Association of University Professors, and
United Educators Insurance Risk Retention Group
Copyright © 2000
American Council on Education,
The American Association of University Professors, and United Educators Insurance
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Introduction 1
Summary 3
Chapter 1: Clarity in Standards and Procedures for Tenure Evaluation 5
Chapter 2: Consistency in Tenure Decisions 9
Chapter 3: Candor in the Evaluation of Tenure-Track Faculty 15
Chapter 4: Caring for Unsuccessful Candidates 21
Conclusion: Moving Forward 25
Endnotes 27
Bibliography 29
Table of Contents
his report provides guidance on conducting tenure evaluations that are thoughtful and
just. Flawed tenure processes can exact a heavy toll on the unsuccessful candidate, his or
her colleagues, and the institution. Our hope is that the good practices offered here may
lessen the frequency and impact of disputes over tenure. We seek not to debate the merits of
tenure in American higher education, but rather we seek to examine the tenure process and
offer some suggestions to those responsible for conducting it.
Each year, thousands of nontenured faculty members undergo evaluations of their work,
and each year a smaller but still significant number are evaluated for tenure.
A recent study
quantified some faculty concerns about the process. Of 378 faculty members surveyed at 19
four-year institutions, 37 percent said that standards for tenure and promotion were unclear.
This sentiment existed even among senior faculty members who had themselves received
It is no startling revelation that problems occasionally arise in tenure reviews. Most
academics can recount a first- or second-hand tale about a difficult case. Unsuccessful candi-
dates may file appeals on their campuses challenging tenure denial, and, with increasing fre-
quency, they resort to the courts for redress of perceived discrimination, breach of contract, or
other legal wrongs. Judges then have the final responsibility to assess tenure standards and pro-
This report originated at a meeting convened by the American Council on Education
(ACE), the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), and United Educators
Insurance (UE).
These collaborating organizations have complementary interests in American
higher education:
The American Council on Education
ACE is a comprehensive association of the nation’s colleges and universities dedicated to
analysis of higher education issues and advocacy on behalf of quality higher education and adult
education programs. Counted among ACE’s members are more than 1,800 accredited, degree-
granting colleges and universities and higher education-related associations, organizations, and
corporations. For further information, visit
The American Association of University Professors
AAUP is a nonprofit charitable and educational organization that supports and defends the
principles of academic freedom and tenure and promotes policies to ensure academic due
process. AAUP has more than 45,000 members at colleges and universities throughout the
country. For further information, visit
United Educators Insurance Risk Retention Group, Inc.
Founded in 1987, UE provides insurance to colleges, universities, and related organizations. It
is owned and governed by over 1,000 member institutions. UE offers policies that cover legal
disputes over the denial of tenure. For further information, visit
Following the meeting, the organizations developed the specific recommendations offered
here. We hope this report will promote self-reflection by those who evaluate tenure-track faculty,
as well as general institutional dialogue and improvement.
Ann H. Franke, Esq.
Vice President for Education and Risk Management
United Educators Insurance
ractical suggestions for the tenure
evaluation process fall into four major
themes. These suggestions speak to
various audiences—notably department
chairs, senior faculty who participate in eval-
uating tenure-track faculty, and academic
Clarity in Standards and Procedures for
Tenure Evaluation
Institutions should ensure that their stated
criteria for tenure match the criteria that, in
actual practice, the institutions apply.
Department chairs and other responsible
administrators should clearly communicate
all criteria, including any special require-
ments applicable within a department or a
college, to a tenure-track faculty member
early in his or her career at the institution.
When the tenure review occurs, complica-
tions can arise if positive developments (such
as the acceptance of a book for publication)
or negative allegations (such as harassment
charges) come to light. Institutions should
anticipate these possibilities and develop
procedures in advance for handling them.
Another potential source of difficulty lies in
the personal opinions expressed to those
responsible for conducting the review. An
institution should adopt a consistent
approach to handling private letters and con-
versations, outside the normal review
process, concerning the merits of a tenure
Consistency in Tenure Decisions
Tenure decisions must be consistent over
time among candidates with different per-
sonal characteristics—such as race, gender,
disability, and national origin. Protections
in law and institutional policy against dis-
crimination apply with full force to the
tenure process. Consistency also requires
that the formal evaluations of a single indi-
vidual over time reflect a coherent set of
expectations and a consistent analysis of the
individual’s performance. Department
chairs and other colleagues should not con-
vey excessive optimism about a candidate’s
prospects for tenure. A negative tenure deci-
sion should not be the first criticism the
individual receives. Everyone who partici-
pates in reviews must scrupulously follow
tenure policies and procedures, and admin-
istrators should take special care when
reviewing candidates from their own disci-
Candor in the Evaluation of Tenure-Track
The department chair or other responsible
administrator should clearly explain to every
tenure-track faculty member the standards
for reappointment and tenure and the cycle
for evaluations of his or her progress in meet-
ing these requirements. Periodic evaluations
should be candid and expressed in plain
English. They should include specific exam-
ples illustrating the quality of performance,
constructive criticism of any potential areas
for improvement, and practical guidance for
future efforts.
Caring for Unsuccessful Candidates
Faculty and administrators must treat an
unsuccessful tenure candidate with profes-
sionalism and decency. The person responsi-
ble for conveying the disappointing news
should use compassion, and colleagues
should take care not to isolate the person
socially. Active efforts to assist the candidate
in relocating to another position redound to
the mutual benefit of the individual and the
ost colleges and universities have
well-articulated tenure policies.
Over time, their faculty and admin-
istrators have collaborated on crafting stan-
dards and procedures that fit their unique
institutional circumstances. Experience
suggests, however, that some aspects of a
tenure policy may nonetheless be over-
looked, creating the potential for uncertain-
ty or conflict. Faculty and administrations
that anticipate these issues and develop
thoughtful and consistent approaches to
them will be best positioned to defend their
The tenure policy should comprehensively list
all the major criteria used for evaluation.
“Teaching, research, and service” is the
standard trilogy for evaluating faculty.
Some institutions have enlarged these crite-
ria with additional factors, while others rely
on the traditional three. Whatever the
formulation, an institution should assess,
through its appropriate decision-making
bodies, whether its policies accurately
reflect the actual operation of its tenure
system. Do tenure evaluators sometimes use
unstated factors? Examples might include
student enrollment, success in attracting
external funding, or long-term institutional
If a tenure denial is based on a criterion
that does not appear in the written policy, the
unsuccessful candidate may challenge the
decision as unfair and improper. Some courts
are sympathetic to these claims. Other courts
give campuses latitude in interpreting, for
example, “research” as including the ability
to attract external funding, or “teaching” as
including social skills in relating to students.
The safest course is to articulate written stan-
dards that reflect the major criteria that are
actually used.
The evaluators at all stages in the tenure
process should know—and apply—the
After the institution identifies the major cri-
teria, the next logical steps are to distribute
and follow them. Many people may be
involved in a tenure evaluation: senior faculty
in the candidate’s department; members of a
campus-wide tenure committee; the dean; the
provost; the president; and, on most campus-
es, the governing board. Each evaluator at
each stage must know and apply the proper
Has the candidate’s department adopted
special requirements relevant to its disci-
pline? Fields such as studio and performing
arts, for example, often require creative
output in forms other than traditional schol-
arly publishing. Computer scientists might
use software development to demonstrate
professional achievements. Even depart-
ments such as history or mathematics may
have tailored criteria specific to their particu-
lar goals. The institution should take special
care in evaluating interdisciplinary scholars
to ensure that all evaluators measure the can-
Chapter 1
Clarity in Standards and
Procedures for Tenure
didate against the same yardstick. Whatever
the criteria, all evaluators should know and
apply them.
The tenure policy should address whether
tenure evaluators will consider positive
events occurring after the tenure application
has been submitted.
Most institutions require candidates to
submit comprehensive applications detailing
their achievements. The policy should
specify whether the evaluation will take into
account developments occurring after the
candidate has completed his or her applica-
tion. A faculty tenure committee may need to
be alert to the possibility, for example, that a
publisher may finally accept a candidate’s
manuscript after the tenure review has
begun. Will this positive development carry
weight in the tenure process? If so, who is
responsible for supplementing the applica-
tion with the new information? Can the can-
didate add the new information at any stage
of the process, or is it at some point too late?
If the candidate adds new information,
should he or she receive reconsideration at
any earlier stages?
While subsequent developments are most
often positive, such as a new publication or
improved teaching evaluations, they need not
be. After applying for tenure, the candidate
might suffer a decline in teaching evalua-
tions, receive a harsh review of a recent book,
or, in rare instances, be found to have
engaged in sexual harassment or plagiarism.
Commentators sometimes use the terms
“static” and “dynamic” to distinguish
between those tenure systems that accept new
information during the review process and
those that do not. An institution is well-
advised to adopt policies that make clear in
advance which approach it will use and, of
course, to adhere to its policies. Positive
developments can extend the tenure process;
negative developments, as discussed below,
may interrupt it.
The tenure policy should indicate what
steps the institution will take if a faculty
member under consideration for tenure is
charged with misconduct or if other negative
events emerge.
The problem of unexpected negative informa-
tion is infrequent but can prove very trouble-
some. An allegation of misconduct may be
made against a faculty member who is under-
going tenure evaluation. For example, a
senior professor may allege during the
departmental tenure deliberations that the
candidate has included on his resume a paper
that was actually written entirely by a
graduate student. Unsigned or signed letters
alleging sexual harassment may arrive from
students. Someone may offer a rumor that the
candidate has been charged with domestic
violence, whether recently or in the distant
We strongly encourage institutions to
seek legal advice in these situations before
completing the tenure review. Beyond this
generic advice, institutions take varied
Some institutions will channel such alle-
gations into a campus dispute resolution
mechanism, such as the college or university
sexual harassment procedure. The institution
will suspend the tenure process until com-
pleting the other proceeding. Other institu-
tions give the candidate notice of the
allegations and an opportunity to respond
directly to the tenure committee. Under a
hybrid approach, the institution might offer
the candidate the option of a separate pro-
ceeding or consideration directly by the
tenure committee. Still other institutions may
decline to receive or consider in the tenure
process any unsubstantiated or unresolved
allegations of misconduct. An AAUP investi-
gating committee concluded in one case that
a probationary faculty member charged with
misconduct during the course of a tenure
evaluation should have received written
charges stated with particularity, time to for-
mulate a response, and an opportunity to
appear before the decision makers to present
the response. Advice of legal counsel may
well be helpful in ensuring compliance with
institutional policy and legal responsibilities
in these complex situations.
Evidence of serious misconduct might
come to light after tenure has been awarded.
Rather than revisiting the award of tenure,
the better course is to invoke the regular
disciplinary process applicable to tenured
The tenure policy should address the voting
protocol when an evaluator serves at more
than one level of review.
A member of the candidate’s department may
serve on the campus-wide promotion and
tenure committee. If someone “wears
multiple hats,” the question arises whether
that individual votes once or twice on the
tenure candidacy. Consider, for example, a
full professor in biology who serves on the
college-wide review committee. If an assis-
tant professor in biology has applied for
tenure, would the senior colleague vote only
within the department, only on the college-
wide committee, or at both levels? Smaller
institutions may face this question most
often. There is no single correct answer. The
best approach is to anticipate the situation,
address it through clear written policies, and
then follow the policies consistently.
Individual faculty members may wish to
express their own opinions about a tenure
candidate to members of the campus-wide
promotion and tenure committee or to the
administration. The tenure policy should
address how the recipients should treat these
individual opinions.
Consider this scenario. A senior faculty mem-
ber strongly believes that a junior colleague
should not receive tenure. She is, however,
unable to convince the department, which
votes to recommend the award of tenure. She
writes a separate letter to an acquaintance on
the promotion and tenure committee, or to
the dean, forcefully explaining her opposition
to the candidate. Is such a letter proper under
the institution’s policies? How should the
recipient handle it? Should the tenure candi-
date be informed about the letter?
Senior faculty members often hold strong
opinions about tenure candidates. They may
seek to express their opinions, whether posi-
tive or negative, privately to individuals with
influence in the evaluation process. They
may write letters or e-mails or engage in con-
versations. From a policy standpoint, the
institution’s rules should clarify whether such
individual opinions may be properly con-
veyed and considered. If so, how should the
recipient use the information? Should it be
shared with evaluators who were involved
earlier in the process, or should it be shared
with the candidate?
The press has reported on one illustra-
tive situation at New York University. A can-
didate who directed an ethnic studies
program received a departmental vote of 17
to 1 in favor of tenure. The lone dissenter, a
former dean, wrote a private 10-page letter to
the incumbent dean sharply criticizing the
candidate’s scholarship. Unknown to the can-
didate or the department, the letter became
part of the tenure file. According to the press
account, the promotion and tenure com-
mittee voted 8 to 2 against tenure, relying in
part on the critical letter. The letter writer
and the department disagreed over the pro-
priety of the separate letter. Was it an exer-
cise of the dissenter’s right to express his
opinion or a subversion of the department’s
democratic process? The administration ulti-
mately offered the scholar a tenured
From a litigation standpoint, a senior
professor needs to understand that her letter
may become public through the discovery
process. If the candidate about whom she
wrote the letter is denied tenure, that indi-
vidual may file suit and would receive access to
the letter. Suppose, however, that the private,
critical letter is unpersuasive and the candidate
receives tenure. The letter remains in the institu-
tion’s files. Now suppose another scholar is
denied tenure. The letter will come to light in a
lawsuit if the court compares the evaluations of
the successful and unsuccessful candidates. The
trial judge can also order disclosure of verbal
This problem is not hypothetical. In one
tenure battle that landed in court, a senior his-
torian had written a “confidential” letter to
the dean of the faculty questioning whether a
male historian had been evaluated less rigor-
ously than female historians during their
tenure candidacies. The male historian
received tenure. A female scientist who subse-
quently was denied tenure sued and compared
her qualifications to those of the male histori-
an. The “confidential” letter from the senior
history professor was presented as evidence at
the trial and was reported in the press.
Given the realities of academic life, some
individual faculty members may well wish to
share their unsolicited opinions about candi-
dates with decision makers in the tenure
process. The best course is for institutional
policy to address the possibility. Key issues are
whether the candidate receives notice about
the communication and what weight, if any,
the recipient may place on that communica-
tion. Good institutional rules will offer guid-
ance so that all participants in the tenure
process share a common understanding.
Checklist on Clarity
The tenure policy should clearly state the cri-
teria for tenure and should encompass all the
major factors actually relied upon in evaluat-
ing tenure applications.
Evaluators at all stages of the tenure process
should know and apply the criteria appro-
priate to the candidate.
The tenure rules should clearly explain
whether evaluators will consider positive
events subsequent to the submission of the
tenure application—such as acceptance of a
manuscript for publication—in making their
The institution should formulate a plan for
handling allegations of misconduct or other
negative information that may arise during the
tenure process.
A senior faculty member who serves on a
college-wide tenure committee should know,
in advance, whether he or she should vote on
a tenure candidate in the department, at the
college-wide level, or both.
The institutions rules should address what
weight, if any, decisionmakers should give to
informal and unsolicited opinions they receive
about tenure candidates and whether candi-
dates should be informed about such
unsolicited communication.
nstitutions strive for the highest stan-
dards of fairness in individual tenure
decisions. They evaluate each candidate
with great care, conducting a time-consuming
and elaborate review. The process places the
candidate’s achievements under intense
scrutiny as his or her application proceeds
through the various levels of review. The goal
is a correct judgment based on the merits of
the individual’s qualifications. Sometimes,
though, evaluators overlook the role of con-
sistency. The fairness of the tenure process
depends not just on the outcome of an indi-
vidual decision, but also on the consistency of
multiple decisions over time.
The faculty, administration, and governing
board should strive for consistency in the
operation of the institutions tenure evaluation
The challenge of consistency of evaluation is
well known to anyone who has graded a large
stack of student essays. Does the professor
judge the first paper by the same standards as
the one at the bottom of the pile? Consistency
in tenure decisions presents a larger chal-
lenge. Evaluators make tenure decisions pri-
marily on an individual basis rather than a
comparative one. Student essays are graded
within a relatively short time frame, but
tenure decisions are made on an ongoing,
periodic basis and through a process of suc-
cessive recommendations leading to a deci-
sion. Candidates come from different
disciplines. Most significantly, tenure
decisions require a highly nuanced assess-
ment of professional achievement.
From a legal standpoint, consistency in
tenure decisions is a central concern. In
1972, Congress decided that colleges and uni-
versities must abide by the federal laws pro-
hibiting employment discrimination. Tenure
decisions thus receive close scrutiny from
judges and juries as to whether the institution
has equitably treated tenure candidates of
different races, genders, national origins,
religions, ages, or disability status. Sexual
orientation may be relevant under state or
local law or campus policy. Institutional poli-
cies typically list the types of discrimination
that the institution prohibits. Inconsistency
in tenure decisions, legally termed “disparate
treatment,” is the essence of legal challenges
alleging that an institution’s tenure process is
The courts typically allow an unsuccessful
tenure candidate who sues for discrimination
to compare his or her situation to those of
scholars who have received tenure. An
African-American electrical engineer suing
for racial discrimination, for example, will
point to the qualifications of white electrical
engineering faculty members who have
received tenure. A court may allow the plain-
tiff to compare his candidacy to those of white
professors in other departments such as civil
engineering, physics, or even more remote
fields such as languages or social sciences. Yet
different disciplines may apply different stan-
dards for tenure. Clinical programs are a good
Chapter 2
Consistency in Tenure
example. Departmental tenure standards that
articulate the different criteria will facilitate
the legal review of the consistency of deci-
Given that judges and juries will compare
the institution’s tenure decisions over time
and across disciplines, faculty and administra-
tors need to pay heed to the consistency of
tenure decisions. Reviewers at each level,
from the department to the ultimate decision
maker, should ask, “How does this candidate
compare to others we have evaluated for
tenure in the recent past?” Each tenure candi-
date is unique, and the evaluation process is
anything but mechanical.
Even in the face of these difficulties, how-
ever, the institution needs to be alert to incon-
sistencies, particularly gross or blatant ones.
One institution gives its university-wide com-
mittee a special role in checking for consis-
tency. The committee members’ terms are
staggered so that at any given time at least one
member of the committee has served for six
years. With each new tenure decision, the
committee compares the candidate to the can-
didates it has evaluated over the past six years.
Whether using this type of mechanism or oth-
ers, the committee best devotes its attention
to the consistency of decisions before a lawsuit
is filed rather than after.
The faculty and administration should strive
for consistency over time in their review of the
work of each nontenured faculty member.
It is important for the department chair and
other reviewers to be consistent over time
when evaluating an individual candidate. An
assistant professor may, for example, receive
five successive annual evaluations from her
department chair that praise her for excellent
teaching. In the sixth year, the department
chair begins to criticize her teaching. The
change may be due to an actual decline in the
candidate’s performance, or it may be due to a
change in the chair’s approach to the evalua-
tion. The institution should strive for consis-
tency in the successive evaluations of an indi-
vidual candidate. If challenged in a lawsuit, an
institution is placed at a distinct disadvantage
if an unsuccessful candidate for tenure
received only excellent evaluations up to the
point of tenure rejection.
Consistency in successive evaluations, of
course, does not require that evaluators pho-
tocopy the same written comments and reuse
them annually. Successive evaluations should,
rather, faithfully reflect the candidate’s per-
formance, including both improvements and
declines. A careful department chair will
review the prior evaluation before writing the
next one as a check on both the expectations
that were conveyed and the candidate’s
progress in meeting them. The evaluations
may also be useful items to include in the
tenure application file. Faculty and adminis-
trators who conduct tenure reviews may bene-
fit from seeing the earlier annual evaluations.
If a candidate received earlier excellent evalu-
ations but is rejected for tenure, he or she will
be understandably frustrated by what appear
to be capricious and misleading actions.
A departments counseling of nontenured
faculty members should be consistent with its
and the institutions tenure requirements.
The department bears the major responsibility
for ensuring that a tenure candidate receives
appropriate ongoing counseling during the
probationary period. In several recent tenure
disputes, departments have been faulted for
providing inconsistent counseling or guidance
to a junior faculty member.
In one situation, the president of a
research university addressed a grievance filed
by an unsuccessful tenure candidate. In decid-
ing the grievance, the president wrote to the
candidate explaining that he was assessing
“whether you were substantially misled about
your progress in meeting University stan-
dards.The president concluded, “In light of
the exceptionally incautious feedback that you
received from your department, you may not
have taken every opportunity available to you
to make more progress on your second project
before your tenure review . . .Based on this
flaw in the department’s treatment of the can-
didate, the president upheld the grievance,
offering as a remedy additional time and
another tenure review.
Departmental evaluations that are incon-
sistent with the institution’s requirements can
also be problematic. At Trinity College in
Connecticut, the chemistry department had
supported the tenure candidacy of Dr. Leslie
Craine. When the college’s Appointments and
Promotions Committee voted against Craine,
the department wrote to the committee
asking for reconsideration. As quoted in the
Chronicle of Higher Education, the depart-
ment blamed itself for not doing a better job of
counseling Craine. Two years before the
tenure decision, the department had evaluated
whether Craine was on target for tenure. The
department explained to her the publication
requirement and, two years later, in the
department’s opinion she had satisfied the
requirement. After the negative tenure deci-
sion, the department wrote to the committee,
“To change the rules between the second and
the final [review assessing her progress towards
tenure] is fundamentally unfair.
According to
the press account, the department faulted itself
for causing the institution to treat Craine incon-
sistently over time.
These cases illustrate the serious problems
that can arise if a department’s approach to a
tenure candidate is inconsistent with the institu-
tion’s requirements as interpreted by other bodies.
Tenure files should contain the proper informa-
tion and should be retained after the decision.
The tenure process is laden with paper. The
department chair and other responsible offi-
cials should take care in assembling the review
materials. They need to attend to what is com-
piled and who is responsible for its safekeep-
ing. The candidate may later complain that
the department chair or dean improperly
excluded certain items favorable to her from
her tenure dossier. Alternatively, she might
complain that the chair or dean improperly
included unfavorable items. Consistency is
key. In challenging the composition of the
dossier, an unsuccessful candidate will use
other tenure files to illustrate proper and
improper items. Some institutions give the
candidate the right to inspect the dossier dur-
ing the tenure process or shortly thereafter.
Safekeeping the materials is critical if the
institution must later explain its decision.
Occasionally a situation may arise in which
the tenure dossier disappears after the deci-
sion is made. Under federal regulations, insti-
tutions receiving federal funds are required to
retain records concerning promotion or ter-
mination for at least two years after the date of
the action (29 CFR § 1602.49, 41 CFR § 60-
1.12). State laws or institutional protocols may
specify a longer period. One recommended
approach is the retention of all employment
records through the duration of the individ-
ual’s employment and for seven years there-
If the candidate is in the same discipline as an
administrator involved in the tenure process,
the administrator should handle the tenure
application consistently with other applica-
An administrator should take care in review-
ing the tenure application of a candidate spe-
cializing in the same discipline as the
administrator. The administrator should treat
the application the same way as those of can-
didates in other fields. While the administra-
tor can certainly draw on his or her detailed
knowledge of the discipline, the safest course
is not to deviate in other respects from the
normal tenure review process.
Consider, for example, a provost who is a
political scientist. She might be tempted,
when reviewing the tenure application of an
assistant professor in political science, to call
a few trusted colleagues at other institutions
for their opinions. If she departs from normal
practice, and if the candidate is rejected, the
candidate may argue that the outsiders were
unduly influential. The candidate might argue
further that the provost specifically sought
negative opinions in an effort to scuttle the
tenure application.
Another example is the administrator who
will soon return to the faculty. If the adminis-
trator recommends against tenure for a candi-
date from the same field, the individual may
allege that the administrator acted out of
biased self-interest. The candidate may assert
that the administrator wished to save a “slot”
for his or her return to the faculty or did not
want to compete with the more successful
junior scholar.
Fortunately, these situations are relatively
uncommon. They underscore, however, that
special circumstances enhance the need for
All reviewers should follow tenure procedures
to the letter.
An unsuccessful tenure candidate may seek to
overturn the decision by pointing to irregular-
ities in the handling of his or her tenure
review. It is easy to state the abstract proposi-
tion that a college or university should faith-
fully and consistently follow its own
procedures. Turning this abstraction into a
reality requires ongoing vigilance and atten-
tion to detail.
The use of outside letters of reference
offers a ready illustration. In one case at
Kansas State University, a federal judge noted
a departure from institutional rules on ex-
ternal letters:
The tenured faculty voted without having
reviewed letters from faculty out
side of the school (outside reviewers),
which was the school’s practice,
although the school’s written procedures
provide for such information to be available
or review prior to voting.
In another case, the University of
Minnesota solicited more than 40 external
review letters about a female mathematician,
while the normal number would have been six
to 10.
The best written rules are not always
easily applied to actual situations, but all eval-
uators should strive to adhere as scrupulously
as possible to the institution’s tenure review
procedures. Letters of reference are one
potential point of contention. A fuller list of
the key steps in the tenure process that
require close attention includes:
Compilation of the tenure application file.
Procedures for identifying external
Voting eligibility of departmental mem-
bers (including faculty on leave).
Availability of written materials to com-
mittees and individual administrators who
vote on the candidacy.
Informal communications made outside
the official review process about the can-
One institution has built a procedural
check into its tenure process. Before notifying
a candidate of tenure denial, those evaluators
who have had major responsibility for the
review meet and work through a checklist to
confirm that they have handled each proce-
dural element of the tenure process correctly.
Such a review can flag missing materials,
missed deadlines, or other irregularities.
Departures from the tenure procedures
may be reviewed in the unpleasant context of
litigation. The institution will probably argue
that the irregularity was not legally defective.
Even if the institution prevails, the distraction
and expense of litigation might have been
avoided had the procedural error never arisen.
Checklist on Consistency
Ensure that tenure decisions are consistent
over time among candidates who have
different personal characteristics that are
legally protected such as race, gender,
disability, ethnic origin, and religion.
Ensure that the formal evaluations of non-
tenured faculty and what they are told infor-
mally about the quality of their work are based
on a consistent set of expectations. A negative
tenure decision should not be the first criticism
of the individuals performance.
The department should provide advice to fac-
ulty during the probationary period that is con-
sistent with its and the institutions
expectations for tenure. Departments should
be cautious about conveying excessive opti-
mism about prospects for tenure.
The tenure application dossier should include
all required materials and exclude items that
the institution has not used for other candi-
Administrators should take special care, when
reviewing candidates in their own disciplines,
that they not depart from standard tenure
All reviewers should scrupulously follow tenure
procedures. Deviations can be used as evi-
dence that the institution breached its obliga-
tion to conduct a fair review.
he concepts of clarity, consistency,
and candor are useful in analyzing
tenure evaluation procedures.
Admittedly, though, the categories overlap
somewhat. If, for example, tenure criteria are
not clear, then it will be difficult if not impos-
sible to counsel a tenure-track faculty member
candidly about his or her progress in meeting
them. Examining institutional processes from
the perspective of tenure-track faculty can be
instructive. Here are some observations from
tenure-track faculty that illustrate the stress-
es they face.
Their concerns also illustrate
the overlapping nature of clarity, consistency,
and candor:
“What does it take to get tenure?
That’s the million dollar question.
Standards change, and you never
know how many articles you need.
“I had a book contract, and in my
second year review, they said I should
concentrate on articles, not the book.
So I did. In my fourth year review,
they said, ‘Where’s the book?’”
“I’m in business, but my field is in
psychology, so about half my work is
published in psychological journals.
My department chair told me that
was fine.The dean of this individual,
however, told the interviewers,
“What advice would I give to a young
faculty member? I’d tell them to
publish in business journals. We are
a professional field and we should
service the profession. To publish
elsewhere would be a risk.
Almost 50 percent of my time is
[spent] on committees. The problem
is that we don’t have enough senior
faculty to go around, and those who
are senior don’t want to serve. The
department chair feels he doesn’t have
a choice, and the dean seems oblivi-
ous. There are always good reasons to
put me on a committee; it’s just that I
don’t think it will help me get tenure.
A faculty member at a small college
described her third-year review:
“That year the review was just a mess
so it wasn’t particularly helpful . . .
They wanted names of three poten-
tial reviewers and so I did my
research about people who were in
appropriate institutions and so on
and submitted the names. Then some
time passed and finally I got word
that all the reviewers had to be local
and none of the reviewers I had given
them were local. That meant that in a
matter of two or three days I had to
come up with new names. It was
incredibly stressful.
Responsibility for candor falls most
squarely on the department chair or other
individual charged with the direct, ongoing
review of a tenure-track faculty member.
Chapter 3
Candor in the Evaluation of
Tenure-Track Faculty
Mathematician John B. Conway has described
for fellow department chairs the overriding
importance of candor in evaluations:
“On humanitarian and professional
grounds, junior faculty should get a
clear understanding of their status
long before tenure is considered.
“It is the head’s solemn duty to
report to the candidate any bad news
that comes out of the retention
review. In a serious situation, the can-
didate should be asked to respond in
writing. No one likes to communicate
bad news. (Well, almost no one.) But
it is absolutely essential that you do
this, especially now. A head who puts
on kid gloves at such a time is doing
no one a favor. If the report is so bad
that it seems irredeemable, terminate
the candidate now before tenure is
“There is the legal question, but
there is also your obligation as a
human being and the unofficial
mentor of this young colleague. Do
you really want them to spend the
next few years thinking there is noth-
ing to correct? That what they have
been doing is leading toward tenure?
And meantime the faculty is anticipat-
ing change and will conclude, when it
fails to appear, that this person did
not heed a warning and, hence, is
unworthy of tenure. I have known of
cases where a department head did
not pass on the faculty’s concerns.
When tenure was eventually denied,
the candidate was shocked, the facul-
ty discovered their warnings were not
transmitted, and the head’s prestige
and reputation suffered.
A word of caution here is advis-
able. With five or six years of contact,
people can become very friendly.
Sufficiently friendly that hard deci-
sions are almost impossible.
Remember you are running a depart-
ment, not a club. Chumminess is not
an area where excellence suffices for
tenure. Nice young mathematicians
do not invite harsh judgments, but
your job, and that of your colleagues,
is to promote the well-being of the
university. It is not to promote the
sociability of the department.
The temptation to put social concerns
ahead of academic needs is real. In an article
about a multimillion dollar jury verdict in a
tenure denial case involving a chemistry pro-
fessor, the press reported:
“David Henderson, then chairman of
the chemistry department, said
recently that he and his colleagues
incorrectly perceived their roles as
Ms. Craine’s advocates. ‘She was a
friend,he explained. ‘We’d worked
with her for six years . . . Today, Mr.
Henderson describes some of the
things that he wrote in the depart-
ment’s letter of appeal as ‘hyperbole,’
part of a ‘calculated strategy’ to meet
the requirements for appealing a neg-
ative tenure decision.”
Against this backdrop, we offer three gen-
eral principles to guide the candor of faculty
An institution owes every tenure-track faculty
member a clear explanation of the require-
ments for tenure.
The institution should give every new faculty
member an explanation of the requirements
for reappointment and tenure. Members of the
search committee might convey some infor-
mation about standards during the interview
process. Whatever the nature of discussions
during the search process, after appointment
the department or administration should fur-
nish a thorough explanation. Subsequent eval-
uations then provide an opportunity to review
the requirements with the candidate. AAUP
recommends that:
Probationary faculty members should
be advised, early in their appointment,
of the substantive and procedural stan-
dards generally accepted in decisions
affecting renewal and tenure. Any spe-
cial standards adopted by their particu-
lar departments or schools should also
be brought to their attention.
It is vital that the institution promptly
inform the candidate of any changes in the
standards. Interdisciplinary scholars may
require special attention. Faculty members
who are affiliated with more than one depart-
ment face a particular risk that the institution
will not clearly define the overall standards for
evaluation of their performance, or will
change these standards frequently over time.
An institution owes every tenure-track faculty
member clear advice about his or her progress
in meeting tenure requirements.
The institution’s primary goal in the evalua-
tion is to give the candidate a full understand-
ing of his or her progress to date in meeting
the requirements. Candor is critical to both
the institution and the candidate. The evalua-
tion should be specific and should cover the
full review period. Evaluators should avoid
broad generalizations such as “Don’s teaching
has improved over the past year.Add specific
details, such as “In his introductory readings
course, Don succeeded in motivating the stu-
dents, stimulating class discussion, and
preparing them for upper-level work. His new
compilation of reading material will have last-
ing value for our curriculum.
The evaluation should cover the entire
review period, not just the most recent few
weeks or months. Normally the department
chair shares the written evaluation with the
candidate. In a meeting to discuss the evalua-
tion, the department chair should take the
opportunity to engage the faculty member in a
substantive discussion about work to date and
realistic prospects for the future. Use the
meeting as an occasion for two-way communi-
cation, not just a one-way critique.
Most flawed academic evaluations tend to
be excessively positive. A sugar-coated review
is easiest for the chair to dispense and for the
candidate to swallow. But over the long run, it
can prove harmful to everyone.
William Tierney and Estela Mara
Bensimon have explained the importance of
constructive criticism of tenure-track faculty:
[C]andidates should not be betrayed by
the system. If evaluations throughout
the first five years have been positive,
yet the candidate is denied tenure,
then a mistake needs to be rectified.
Formal evaluation can be helpful to an
individual if it deals with areas for
improvement as well as strengths. An
organization that does not take evalua-
tion seriously is apt to disable a candi-
date for tenure because he or she has
never received adequate feedback. In
effect, the greater blame goes to the
organization, but the unsuccessful
candidate must pay the penalty.
In today’s legal climate, the institution
can pay its penalty in the lawsuit that the
unsuccessful candidate brings against it.
Evaluators should state their constructive
criticism in plain English rather than couch-
ing it in the argot of diplomacy. Consider this
example. A chair tells a candidate that her
most recent published article was “good.The
chair means that, while the article was basical-
ly acceptable, it did not meet the department’s
high standards of excellence. The candidate,
for her part, perceives the comment as praise.
A jury later deciding a lawsuit would likely
interpret “good” in the same way as the candi-
date. The chair’s diplomacy has led to a funda-
mental miscommunication. Chairs, senior fac-
ulty, and academic administrators need to pay
increasing attention to the potential “down-
stream” interpreters of their verbal and writ-
ten remarks. Today these interpreters may
include judges, juries, and investigators from
the Equal Employment Opportunity
The evaluation should include guidance for the
A good evaluation will include some guidance
for the candidate’s future efforts. A depart-
ment chair may encourage a candidate whose
teaching is acceptable to devote attention to
publishing articles in peer-reviewed journals.
The chair might encourage a candidate who
has only co-authored publications to write as a
Annual Faculty Evaluation
Professor Pam Poe
The student evaluations place Pam right at the median within the department. She continues to teach
the sophomore introductory lecture course every fall. In addition, her development of the new critical
methods seminar for department majors has been a big project. She rolled up her sleeves last summer
and produced the new course, offered this spring, that has contributed substantially to the quality of our
Pams research has been showing good progress. We look forward to the publication later this year of the
book version of her dissertation by State University Press. In the past year, she has submitted two papers that
are under consideration by
The International Bulletin of Methodology, one of the leading journals in her field.
Pams service record is outstanding. She chaired the committee that conducted the campus-wide study
of life and learning issues for female students. She was the primary author of the committees report,
which made major recommendations for reform in the areas of curriculum, housing, and student activi-
ties. On campus, both female and male students eagerly seek her assistance with academic counseling.
In the local community, her effective work on the board of the local United Way has brought credit to the
Pam is in her fourth year in a tenure-track position. In addition to the across-the-board salary increase, I
am pleased to recommend her for an additional 1.5 percent for merit.
Dr. Paul Murky, Department Chair
Sample Evaluations
These are two evaluations of a tenure-track faculty
member. Consider their relative candor and usefulness
to Professor Poe.
sole author. The conscientious chair will
anticipate the needs of the candidate and the
department and will guide the individual in
how best to direct his or her energy.
Future guidance should not, however,
take the form of promises. For example, “If
you get your book out within the next two
years, I’m sure you’ll be a shoo-in for tenure.
Many things can change over two years. The
book, when published, may not be good. The
institution may decide it does not have a long-
term need for the candidate’s specialty. A dif-
ferent department chair may assess the
candidate’s research productivity differently.
So, while future guidance is an important ele-
ment of an evaluation, the chair should couch
it as guidance rather than a guarantee.
Annual Faculty Evaluation
Professor Pam Poe
The student evaluations place Pam right at the median within the department. She continues to teach the
sophomore introductory lecture course every fall. In addition, her development of the new critical methods
seminar for department majors has been a big project. She rolled up her sleeves last summer and produced
the new course, offered this spring, that has contributed substantially to the quality of our program.
Over the next two years, I hope to see Pam devote attention to honing her teaching skills. One area she
could usefully address is finding ways to encourage broader student participation in discussions. She is not
undertaking any new course preparations in the coming year, which will give her an opportunity to consider
new creative approaches to student involvement. I would be glad to consult with her on strategies and, if she
wishes, to visit her classes occasionally.
Pams research has been showing good progress. We look forward to the publication later this year of the book
version of her dissertation by State University Press. In the past year, she has submitted two papers that are
under consideration by
The International Bulletin of Methodology, one of the leading journals in her field.
Pam understands that the college does not place substantial weight on the publication of dissertations (or
other research projects undertaken elsewhere before a scholar joins our faculty). For a successful tenure can-
didacy, she will need to show a strong record of publication in peer-reviewed journals. At a minimum, the
publication of three substantial articles will be required.
Pams service record is outstanding. She chaired the committee that conducted the campus-wide study of life
and learning issues for female students. She was the primary author of the committees report, which made
major recommendations for reform in the areas of curriculum, housing, and student activities. On campus both
female and male students eagerly seek her assistance with academic counseling. In the local community, her
effective work on the board of the local United Way has brought credit to the college.
Pam and I have discussed the weight that the college gives to service in evaluating faculty. While impor-
tant, it stands behind teaching and research in our priorities.
Pam is in her fourth year in a tenure-track position. In addition to the across-the-board salary increase, I
am pleased to recommend her for an additional 1.5 percent for merit for her role in the development of the
new seminar.
Dr. Charles Candid, Department Chair
An institution is vulnerable to challenge if
it gives short shrift to any of the elements of
candor. Particularly dangerous is the situation
in which the institution has offered a candi-
date glowing evaluations for five years but
then denies tenure on the basis of some inade-
quacy that no one ever communicated during
the entire probationary period.
Every tenuretrack faculty member
A clear explanation of the requirements for
reappointment and tenure, including any
criteria specific to the department or school.
Periodic evaluations of his or her progress in
meeting the requirements.
Candor in all evaluations.
Specific examples that illustrate the quality of
his or her performance.
Constructive criticism outlining any potential
areas for improvement.
A review covering the entire evaluation period,
not just the recent past.
An evaluation in plain English.
Practical guidance for future efforts to meet
the requirements, without promises or
guarantees that the institution may not be able
to honor.
An understanding of how a review (or reviews)
during the probationary period differs from a
later tenure review.
lmost no one in the history depart-
ment has talked to me this entire
semester. I’m like someone who has
been airbrushed out of a Kremlin photo-
— Historian denied tenure at Yale
“It’s like you have leprosy.
— English professor denied tenure at the
University of Michigan
At most institutions, a denial of tenure
means that the unsuccessful candidate will
remain one final year and then depart.
Faculty and administrators should continue
to treat a candidate who has been rejected for
tenure as a professional colleague. The insti-
tution can take many steps to help the indi-
vidual with what may be a difficult transition.
If the institution provides assistance and
expressions of concern, it may reduce the
anger and desire for revenge that some unsuc-
cessful candidates feel. Caring for unsuccess-
ful candidates is a humane and decent thing
to do. It is also a good way to prevent some
Deliver the bad news with compassion.
Consider how your institution notifies candi-
dates that they have been denied tenure. The
most impersonal way is a short letter. How
would you feel if you received this letter?
Dear Professor Jones,
It is my responsibility to advise you
that the governing board voted last
week to deny your application for
tenure and promotion. You will
receive a terminal one-year contract
running through next June. Let me
offer thanks for your years of service
to our college and wish you well in
your future professional endeavors.
President Smith
One immediate question would be why
the president did not send the letter more
promptly after the board voted. But beyond
that relatively minor detail, the letter is
highly impersonal. It essentially abandons
Professor Jones to face the future alone.
Written notice of the tenure denial is
important from a legal standpoint. A better
letter would provide an opportunity to meet
with the provost or other high-level academic
administrator to discuss the decision and any
relocation assistance that the institution
could provide.
Experience suggests that the provost, or
similar official, should meet with each candi-
date denied tenure as soon as possible after
the decision. The meeting can begin the
process of repairing damage to the individ-
ual’s self-esteem. The provost uses the meet-
ing to say, in effect, “You’re still a good
person. You have many fine skills and talents.
Chapter 4
Caring for Unsuccessful
At the present time, unfortunately, you and
the institution were not a good long-term
match.The provost should allow the candi-
date to express feelings about the situation,
which can provide the individual with some
catharsis. The provost can also begin to out-
line ways in which the institution may be able
to assist with the candidate’s transition.
Encourage colleagues to interact profession-
ally with the unsuccessful candidate after the
denial of tenure.
Social isolation can exacerbate the unsuc-
cessful tenure candidate’s sense of failure.
Colleagues should take care to interact sensi-
tively and professionally with the individual
after a negative decision. Take time for con-
versation and social interactions. Common
courtesies can reduce some of the sting of the
One unsuccessful candidate described
the awkwardness of hosting at her home a
gathering for prospective students. She was
obliged to “sell” them on the value of an
institution that had recently rejected her.
Should the gathering have been held else-
where? The best approach probably would have
been for the chair to ask whether she preferred
to host what was an annual event one final
time or to let the task fall to someone else.
Unilaterally shifting the function without
consultation probably would have been
unwise. Open lines of communication can
help the candidate through a difficult period
and reduce the prospect of disputes over
small or large issues.
Checklist on Caring for Unsuccessful Candidates
The institution can take many steps to help the unsuccessful tenure candidate get back on his or her feet else-
where. Here are some possibilities.
Networking about available positions at other institutions. Senior faculty in the department can be an enor-
mous help in identifying possibilities at other institutions. They can contact colleagues nearby or in other parts
of the country and urge them to consider the candidate for open positions. If the department, however, was
strongly opposed to the award of tenure, the networking function might be better performed by a senior acad-
emic administrator. If the tenure denial was based on malfeasance, it would be irresponsible for the institution
to help the individual relocate to another campus without adequate disclosure of the problem.
Funds for travel and attending conferences. The unsuccessful candidate may find it helpful to have access to
funds for attending conferences that have a recruiting component, other travel related to the job search, or
maintaining professional contacts. The institution can specifically earmark a reasonable amount for the candi-
dates use.
Subscriptions to periodicals that have vacancy announcements. A personal subscription may relieve the can-
didate from the burden of hunting down the departments shared copy of any publications that include posi-
tion listings.
Photocopying assistance. The search for an academic position requires large amounts of photocopying. The
institution can designate someone to assist with this function. If the institution closely monitors copying
charges, the candidate might be given a special allotment.
Advice about academic job searches. Some candidates may be out of touch with the logistics of finding an
academic position. Colleagues or the placement office may be able to offer how to advice on current tech-
niques. The candidate might, for example, welcome advice about online information and networking
resources and how to prepare a resume for electronic distribution.
Release time, if the candidate desires it. The institution and the candidate may mutually decide that their
interests would be best served if the candidate were relieved of certain duties during the terminal contract
year. The candidate might, for example, be offered a reduced teaching load. Take care, though, that the deci-
sion is mutual. Involuntarily imposing a substantial change in responsibilities on someone denied tenure may
create risks. Such action may anger the individual and increase his or her readiness to sue. The faculty hand-
book may limit the institutions ability to change faculty responsibilities at particular times or in particular
ways. If the institution relieves the individual of teaching, the action may violate AAUPs recommended stan-
dards on suspension. Mutually agreed-upon release time is, however, acceptable.
Portable research support. Occasionally, institutions have provided financial support to continue the faculty
members research at another institution. Such portablesupport can signal the perceived value of the
research and enhance the candidates attractiveness for another position.
Other support that fits the individuals unique circumstances. Take the time to learn about the candidates
needs and desires for future professional employment. Then consider whether the institution can help satisfy
them. Retraining, tuition waivers, the payment of professional society dues, and library access are but a few
resources that the institution may be able to deploy. Every situation is different, so examine each with care.
Take care that any oral or written recommendations are consistent with the grounds for the tenure decision. If the
candidate files a lawsuit, those recommendations may crop up as evidence.
ow can an institution move forward
in refining and improving its evalua-
tion process? Collaboration among
faculty and academic administrators is a key
ingredient. Advice from legal counsel may
also be appropriate. We offer institutions the
following approaches:
Conduct workshops for department
chairs on the appointment and evalua-
tion of tenure-track faculty. Cover topics
such as the importance of following insti-
tutional procedures, communicating well
with tenure-track faculty, and preparing
and retaining appropriate documenta-
tion. Possible presenters include experi-
enced chairs and administrators, legal
counsel, and outside experts. This report
could serve as a basis for discussion.
For smaller colleges, collaborate with
neighboring institutions to develop joint
annual or semiannual retreats or work-
shops for chairs and senior faculty.
Encourage faculty and chairs to attend
external programs on evaluation and
tenure practices. Some ongoing work-
shops are listed in the bibliography.
Disciplinary association meetings also
sponsor occasional sessions. To
compound the benefit of external pro-
grams, ask the attendees to share the
insights they learn with others back on
campus. Institutions often overlook the
steps of sharing information and promot-
ing campus dialogue with people who
return from external programs.
Have a small working group analyze situ-
ations of tenure denial that have
occurred in the recent past and formulate
recommendations for improvement.
Don’t limit the recommendations just to
revising the wording of campus policy.
Also address the behavioral issues of how
candidly and consistently the evaluators
apply tenure standards.
If lawsuits or other disputes have
occurred, learn from those experiences
and make appropriate changes. Calculate
the intangible and tangible costs of dis-
pute and devote comparable resources to
preventing the next problem that might
otherwise occur.
Engage in a dialogue with tenure-track
faculty about their perceptions of the
tenure process. Ask about their under-
standing of the tenure standards and
procedures, as well as the quality of the
ongoing evaluations they are receiving.
The information could be solicited infor-
mally through conversations or more
formally through surveys. Use your find-
ings to identify areas for possible
Consideration for tenure is a pivotal
moment in the life of the candidate and the
institution. The good practices detailed here
Moving Forward
are designed to avert problems that can
detract from the hard work of evaluating
academic achievement. They are also designed
to enhance the fairness of the tenure process.
A few of the suggestions address institutional
policy. Most speak to the words and deeds of
the people who implement that policy. We
commend these practices to the serious atten-
tion of department chairs, other faculty
involved in tenure evaluations, and academic
The tenure process has evolved over time.
Today, for example, senior faculty colleagues
typically vote at the department level on a
tenure candidate. In 1959, however, only 26
of 80 institutions surveyed involved faculty in
tenure recommendations. The survey authors
proposed that tenure procedures “should
provide for official action by the faculty, at
one or more levels, on all decisions about
acquisition of tenure.Commission on
Academic Tenure in Higher Education,
Faculty Tenure (Jossey-Bass, 1973), 218.
Yesterday’s recommendation has become
today’s reality.
National Center for Postsecondary
Improvement, “Why Is Research the Rule?
The Impact of Incentive Systems on Faculty
Behavior,Change 32 (March/April 2000):
53, 55.
Those involved in the session, held in
October 1998, were: Dr. Michael Baer, Senior
Vice President for Programs and Analysis,
ACE; Peter Byrne, Professor, Georgetown
University Law Center; Donald Hood,
Professor, Columbia University; Dr. Jonathan
Knight, Associate Secretary, AAUP; Sheldon
Steinbach, General Counsel, ACE; Patricia
Sullivan, Chancellor, University of North
Carolina–Greensboro; Donald Wagner,
Professor, State University of West Georgia;
David Lascell, Esq., Harter, Seecrest &
Emery, LLP; and, from United Educators,
Janice Abraham, President; Robb Jones,
General Counsel; Laura Kumin, Vice
President; and Ann Franke, then-Director.
Chapter 1
Relatively little has been written about the
intersection of misconduct and tenure evalua-
tion. A few accounts, however, discuss spe-
cific situations:
Koerselman v. Rhynard, 875 S.W.2d 347
(Tex. App. 1994). When Professor Rhynard
was evaluated for tenure, his senior col-
leagues inquired about rumors of sexual
harassment allegations against him. The
case details the actions of the department
chair and dean in handling the allegations
and their documentation.
• Ruth Shalit, The Man Who Knew Too
Much: A Professor’s Probing Teaching
Methods Put His Career in Jeopardy (and
His School in Court),Lingua Franca 8
(February 1998): 31–40. Discussion of a
college’s handling of student letters com-
plaining about problems with a tenure can-
didate, including complaints of harassment.
• American Association of University
Professors, “Academic Freedom and
Tenure: University of Southern California,
Academe: Bulletin of the AAUP 81
(November–December 1995): 40–49. See
also “Northwestern University: A Case of
Denial of Tenure,Academe: Bulletin of the
AAUP 74 (May–June 1988): 55–70.
“Peer Review,” Chronicle of Higher
Education 45 (March 12, 1999): A47.
Courtney Leatherman, “$12.7-Million
Judgment in Tenure Case Leaves Many
Academic Experts Stunned,Chronicle of
Higher Education 45 (February 5, 1999): A14.
Chapter 2
Courtney Leatherman, “$12.7-Million
Judgment in Tenure Case Leaves Many
Academic Experts Stunned,Chronicle of
Higher Education 45 (February 5, 1999): A14.
T. Hajian, J. Sizer, and J. Ambash, Record-
Keeping and Reporting Requirements for
Independent and Public Colleges and
Universities (Washington, DC: National
Association of College and University
Attorneys, 1998).
El-Ghori v. Grimes, 23 F.Supp. 2d 1259,
1264 (D. Kan. 1998).
Ganguli v. University of Minnesota, 512
N.W. 2d 918 (Minn. App. 1994).
Chapter 3
The quotes are all drawn from William G.
Tierney and Estela Mara Bensimon,
Promotion and Tenure: Community and
Socialization in Academe (Albany, NY: SUNY
Press, 1996), 65, 69, 71.
John B. Conway, On Being a Department
Head: A Personal View (Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society, 1991),
Courtney Leatherman, “$12.7-Million
Judgment in Tenure Case Leaves Many
Academic Experts Stunned,Chronicle of
Higher Education 45 (February 5, 1999):
American Association of University
Professors, “Statement of Procedural
Standards in the Renewal or Nonrenewal of
Faculty Appointments,AAUP Policy
Documents and Reports (Washington, D.C.:
AAUP, 1995), 15, 16.
William G. Tierney and Estela Mara
Bensimon, Promotion and Tenure:
Community and Socialization in Academe
(Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1996): 137–8.
Chapter 4
Robin Wilson, “‘It’s Like You Have
Leprosy’: The Year After Losing a Tenure
Bid,Chronicle of Higher Education 44
(March 6, 1998): A12.
American Association of University Professors
(AAUP). Policy Documents and Reports.
Washington, D.C.: AAUP, 1995.
Baez, Benjamin, and John A. Centra. Tenure,
Promotion, and Reappointment: Legal
and Administrative Implications.
Washington, D.C.: ASHE-ERIC, 1995.
Commission on Academic Tenure in Higher
Education. Faculty Tenure: A Report and
Recommendations. San Francisco: Jossey-
Bass, 1973.
Conway, John B. On Being a Department
Head: A Personal View. Washington, D.C.:
American Mathematical Society, 1991.
Creamer, Elizabeth G. Assessing Faculty
Publication Productivity. Washington,
D.C.: ASHE-ERIC, 1998.
Kaplin, William A., and Barbara A. Lee. The
Law of Higher Education. San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, 1995.
LaNoue, George R., and Barbara A. Lee.
Academics in Court: The Consequences of
Faculty Discrimination Litigation. Ann
Arbor: The University of Michigan Press,
Leap, Terry L. Tenure, Discrimination, and
the Courts. Ithaca, NY: ILR Press, 1993.
Tierney, William G., and Estela Mara
Bensimon. Promotion and Tenure:
Community and Socialization in
Academe. Albany, NY: State University of
New York Press, 1996.
Toth, Emily. Ms. Mentor’s Impeccable Advice
for Women in Academia. Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997.
Davis, Lennard J. “Beyond Tenure: A
Tortuous Journey Through Academe.
Chronicle of Higher Education 44 (April
17, 1998): B6.
Douglas, Lawrence, and Alexander George.
“Gaining Tenure: Rules Your Chairman
Never Told You.” Chronicle of Higher
Education 46 (May 5, 2000): B10.
Franke, Ann. “When Tenure Is Denied:
Reducing the Risk of Litigation,in
Proceedings of Sixteenth Annual
Conference on Academic Chairpersons:
Transforming the Academic
Department. National Issues in Higher
Education. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State
University, 1999.
Franke, Ann. “Why Battles Over Tenure
Shouldn’t End Up in the Courtroom.
Chronicle of Higher Education 46
(August 11, 2000): B6.
Many, Paul. “The Fine Art of Saying No.
Academe: Bulletin of the AAUP 82
(September–October 1996): 70.
National Center for Postsecondary
Improvement. “Why Is Research the
Rule? The Impact of Incentive Systems
on Faculty Behavior.Change 32
(March/April 2000): 53.
Special Committee on Education and the Law
of the Association of the Bar of the City
of New York. “Due Process in Decisions
Relating to Tenure in Higher Education.
Journal of College and University Law 11
(1984): 323.
Swift, Eleanor. “Becoming a Plaintiff.
Berkeley Womens Law Journal 4
(1989–90): 245.
Wilson, Robin. “‘It’s Like You Have
Leprosy’: The Year After Losing a Tenure
Bid.Chronicle of Higher Education 44
(March 6, 1998): A12.
Programs, Workshops, and Conferences
Chairing the Academic Department
The American Council on Education annually
sponsors workshops at several locations
around the country. Each workshop features
five or six expert presenters who lead in-
depth sessions. The two-and-a-half-day inter-
active program attracts chairs and deans from
all types of institutions. For more information
call ACE at (202) 939-9415, or visit them on
the web at
Annual Conference for Academic
Kansas State University sponsors an annual
conference every February in Florida for aca-
demic chairs. The overall goal is to help
chairs better fulfill their responsibilities. The
program format consists of general sessions,
paper presentations, panels, and workshops.
The proceedings are published annually. For
more information, call Kansas State
University at (785) 532-5575, or visit them on
the web at
Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences
CCAS sponsors annual seminars for deans
and department chairs in eastern and western
locations. For more information, call CCAS at
(480) 727-6064, or visit them on the web at
The American Association of University
Professors (AAUP), the American
Conference of Academic Deans (ACAD),
and many disciplinary associations such as
the Modern Language Association are
among other groups that sponsor occa-
sional programs and sessions on tenure
evaluation practices.
American Council on Education