My name is , and I lost my job in late-Feburary 2020. I, like so many others in
my position, am living proof that Scott Morrison's catchphrase 'the best form of welfare is a job'
is nothing but meaningless spin for the media - I HAD a job, and then I lost it, and now I'm
facing homelessness and starvation. I have several medical conditions that make it extremely
difficult to sustain full time employment, so I have bounced from low paid job to low paid job,
with long periods of unemployment in between while I try to heal myself and prepare to go
through the process again - all while living in extreme poverty. I have not been able to qualify for
the DSP, so I have to continue to struggle and fail due to my disabilities, with no hope for the
The introduction of the Covid supplement and the cessation of mutual obligations saved my life.
I was able to afford rent, food, and medication while I tried to decide what to do next. I decided
to enroll in a full time university course that would assist me to find work in a field I am
passionate about - hopefully a career that I could sustain which would not exacerbate the
challenges presented by my disabilities - as I felt certain that since the Government had
acknowledged that the pre-pandemic Jobseeker rate of $40 a day was too low to survive on,
there was no way they could be so cruel as to condemn thousands of people to that level of
poverty again. I now realise that was naïve - the people in power don't see me, or the thousands
of people like me, as human beings worthy of dignity. We're nothing but a column on a
spreadsheet to them. We're a punching bag they take swings at when they need to score some
points with the media, to distract from whatever egregious scandal they've embroiled
themselves in this week due to their malfeasance.
Each time the rate of the Covid supplement has dropped, I find myself making plans - plans to
rehome my beloved cat, plans to write the letters that will need to be written, plans to sell my
few posessions that have any monetary value to contribute to funeral costs for my family, plans
to go somewhere remote and end my life. Those few months of lockdown with the full Covid
supplement were the best months of my adult life. I could finally afford to live like a human
being, and I actually had the time, space, and mental capacity to work on improving my health.
To have that dignity gradually chipped away over months has been catastrophic for my mental
health. The announcement of the 'raised' rate of Jobseeker by $3.57 a day broke my heart and
left me feeling sick and anxious. To see our Prime Minister smugly announce that it's the
biggest permanent increase to the rate in 30 years, as though it was something to be proud of,
rather than a grievous insult to the people he is supposed to represent, and a terrible blight of
shame on this country and particularly on both Labour and the Liberal party, filled me with
$3.57 a day does nothing to improve anyone's circumstances. It will not make it easier to find a
job in a market that is already flooded with thousands of people all applying for the same jobs. It
will not help me to secure housing when I am evicted from my current rental because I can no
longer afford the rent. It will not make it easier to pay off my overdue bills, and keep my
electricity and gas on. It will not make it easier to afford the specialist appointments I need to
Social Services Legislation Amendment (Strengthening Income Support) Bill 2021
Submission 158
When the eviction moritorium ends in March, I will be homeless. I no longer feel any hope that I
will be able to access public housing, and my income is too low for community housing. When I
am made homeless, I will no longer be able to study, and my dreams of a sustainable career will
disappear. The chances of even getting temporary employment will disappear, because who
would hire me when all I have are the worn out cloths on my back? Every day I consider ending
my life, because it is clear to me now that the best I can hope for is poverty and constant
humiliation and suffering. The people in Government don't care about us, and can't empathise
with our struggles, they are only interested in how much money they can leech out of us to line
their pockets. This is no lucky country, and it is now evident to me that you can 'have a go' till
your last breath is spent, but you'd be a fool to hope to 'get a go' in return. The value of a human
life in Australia is forty-three dollars and fifty-seven cents, and all the humiliation you can
tolerate from people who can be smug in the knowledge that they'll never have to rely on our
cruel and punitive welfare system.
I am not hopeful that my submission will make a difference. I'm not even confident I'll be alive
when the insultingly low rate of Jobseeker takes effect. For now my most achievable goal is to
at least experience the first couple of weeks of my university course before I am evicted onto
the streets. Australia's welfare system kills people, and their blood is on the hands of our
Social Services Legislation Amendment (Strengthening Income Support) Bill 2021
Submission 158