Civil Rights Principles for
Student Loan Debt Cancellation
.The $1.7 trillion student loan crisis is crushing individuals, families, and our economy,.
and the weight of this burden is disproportionately borne by women and Black and Latino
This did not happen by accident. Policymakers intentionally shifted away from
publicly funding our higher education system to a primarily debt-financed system just as
students of color and women gained access,
disregarding the rising cost of college for
students and families, persistent racial wealth and income disparities, ongoing discrimination in
the labor and credit markets, and many other societal and policy failures. These decisions have
left a generation of borrowers
on the brink of financial devastation simply because they sought
economic security through higher education.
A debt-financed higher education system in a society defined by dramatic racial, gender,
disability, and wealth disparities will always be inherently flawed and inequitable.
there are established programs intended to make student loan repayment manageable, the
impediments to accessing relief through these programs are well documented.
In fact, very
few borrowers have been successful in obtaining relief through repayment programs and
default and delinquency rates remain high despite their availability.
The only solution that addresses the harms of the past and clears the landscape to
create a better system going forward is to cancel $50,000 of student debt per borrower.
The civil rights community calls on the Biden-Harris administration to provide immediate
cancellation based on the below principles which will ensure equitable relief for all
student borrowers.
1. Debt cancellation must extend to all student loan borrowers.
All borrowers, including Direct Loan, Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL), graduate, and
Parent PLUS borrowers, must be eligible for cancellation without regard to current borrower
income, default status, or repayment plan. Whenever barriers are created for any relief program,
all too often they exclude low-income and low-wealth individuals, even when the program was
explicitly created to serve them. Further, data and research show that the burden of student
debt for people of color includes all loan types, at all education levels, and at all income levels.
Means-testing or limiting cancellation to only those borrowers who hold certain types of loans
and degrees would deny relief to many struggling borrowers.
For every degree type, borrowers of color are more likely to borrow and to borrow more.
According to recent research, upon graduating, Black borrowers typically owe 50 percent more
than their White classmates, and four years later Black students owe 100 percent more.
reveals that “student debt disproportionately harms wealth-poor households and, in particular,
wealth-poor Black households.
In 2019, the median wealth for Black families was $24,100
and $36,100 for Latino families, considerably less than that of the median for White families at
Arbitrary cancellation cutoffs based on income would erroneously conflate income
with wealth and ignore both the dramatic racial wealth gap and the very real disparities in lived
experiences for Black and brown borrowers regardless of income.
Further, because wealth
takes generations to build, student debt harms not just the student, but their parents as well;
Parent PLUS debt is particularly burdensome for families of color and compounds an
intergenerational crisis.
In addition to borrowers of color, women are also burdened by
student debt. Women hold two-thirds of the country’s student debt and on average borrow
$3,000 more than men to attend college — yet because of the wealth and wage gap, women
find it harder to repay their loans and the burden is heaviest on Black women.
If the goal is to target relief to low-income, low-wealth borrowers and borrowers of color,
the simplest and most equitable way to achieve this is through setting a relief amount.
determining this amount, the evaluation should center on maximizing relief for low-income,
low-wealth borrowers and first-generation students, rather than minimizing relief for a small
minority of borrowers who might be high-income and wealthy. Cancelling $50,000 of debt per
borrower will have a significant impact, eliminating the debt burden for more than 75 percent
of federal borrowers.
This includes full cancellation for 85 percent of Black borrowers and 96
percent of Latino borrowers in the lowest income quintile.
Steps should also be taken to provide relief for private student loan borrowers and to provide
stronger protections against predatory student financing products. While low-income borrowers
and borrowers of color are less likely to use private student loans, which generally have riskier
terms and fewer protections than federal loans, they are much more likely to struggle with
repayment when they do.
Moreover, one group of students — those who participate in DACA
or who are undocumented — is at particularly high risk of harm as private lenders may be their
only option because of current limitations on aid eligibility.
2. Debt cancellation must not be limited based on the sector of institution attended.
Borrowers who attended public, private, and for-profit institutions must be eligible for
Extending cancellation only to students of public and private institutions that
serve the highest concentrations of Black, brown, and low-income students, for example, would
still unfairly leave out borrowers from those same communities solely because they attended a
different type of institution.
Cancellation targeting the students of public and private colleges and universities would
also ignore a truth in our education system: Low-income students and students of color
are over-represented at for-profit institutions which have historically preyed on students and
families, particularly people of color, leaving them saddled with high debt loads and low-quality
degrees, assuming a student manages to get a degree at all.
These borrowers, with poor
employment prospects and astronomical debt, face the toughest futures. For-profit colleges
have large percentages of students who do not graduate and large numbers of students who
default on their loans. For decades, the federal government has failed to take action to stop
these institutions from exploiting students to gain access to their federal student loan and
grant dollars. Punishing the students failed by inadequate federal oversight would be deeply
unfair and would deny relief to many of the borrowers who need it most.
Further, limiting
cancellation to borrowers who attended certain institutions penalizes students, not
3. The debt cancellation process must be easy and accessible.
Obtaining much-needed debt relief must be a simple process to navigate. The process
should be automatic while allowing borrowers the right to opt out if needed, instead of requiring
individuals to opt in.
If the process is too difficult, borrowers who need the relief the most will
be unable to access it. We have already seen the abysmal outcomes of several student loan
relief efforts that require borrowers to navigate complicated bureaucratic paperwork systems,
from teacher loan forgiveness to public service loan forgiveness (PSLF) to disability discharge.
Despite the availability of these programs, tens of thousands of borrowers are left confused
and are still waiting for the forgiveness to which they are entitled.
We cannot repeat
these mistakes.
4. Debt cancellation must not have negative credit implications.
Benefiting from student debt relief should not negatively impact borrowers’ credit scores
and reports. Debt relief must alleviate, not exacerbate, racial wealth disparities and ensure that
borrowers can move forward with their lives by accessing safe and affordable credit products,
capital, and other resources. Cancellation should result in positive credit implications, such as
the removal of default from credit reports and the improvement of the debt-to-income ratios for
many borrowers seeking homeownership opportunities. Ensuring no adverse credit effects will
maximize the benefits of cancellation for individuals and the economy, encouraging more
borrowers to access much-needed relief without fear that they will be further penalized for
the system’s failure.
5. Debt cancellation should be paired with policies to increase meaningful access and
affordability in our higher education system.
Cancelling student debt provides relief for borrowers on the backend, but it also provides a
clean slate to reform the system for future students and families who pursue higher education.
Policymakers must use debt cancellation as an opportunity to create a better system that
includes debt-free college, reforms to income-based repayment to make it truly affordable
and workable, investments in institutions that best serve students of color, and accountability
for predatory for-profit institutions that prey on marginalized communities. If we do not take
action to address the higher education affordability crisis, our nation will find itself in another
student loan crisis in the near future, creating a dangerous and senseless cycle.
As we navigate the concurrent crises of systemic racism, a global health pandemic, and the
resulting economic recession, it is more important than ever that we take bold action that
benefits everyone, especially communities of color. Student debt cancellation will help Black
and brown borrowers build wealth and enable our economy to move forward as millions of
Americans are able to start families, buy homes, and set up small businesses.
It is past time to fix this broken system. The Biden-Harris administration must
immediately cancel student debt.
Signed By:
The Leadership Conference on
Civil and Human Rights
The Leadership Conference
Education Fund
Center for Responsible Lending
American Civil Liberties Union
American Federation of State, County
and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
American Federation of Teachers
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination
Committee (ADC)
American Association of University
Women (AAUW)
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA)
APIA Scholars
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance
Augustus F. Hawkins Foundation
Center for Law and Social Policy
Hispanic Federation
Japanese American Citizens League
Labor Council for Latin American
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational
Fund, Inc. (LDF)
National Alliance for Partnerships in
Equity (NAPE)
National Black Justice Coalition
National Consumer Law Center (on
behalf of its low-income clients)
National Council on Independent Living
National Disability Rights Network
National Education Association
National Employment Law Project
National Hispanic Media Coalition
National Immigration Law Center (NILC)
National Urban League
National Women's Law Center
New Jersey Institute for Social Justice
The Education Trust
Voto Latino
Young Invincibles
1. Because of inadequate data disaggregation, there is insufficient data about specifically
marginalized groups of Asian American Pacific Islander students including Southeast Asian
American students. For instance, more than half of Vietnamese American, Hmong American,
Cambodian American, and Laotian Americans have not attended college and these Southeast
Asian American households are more likely to live below the poverty line than the national
average. See Southeast Asia Resource Action Center. February 2013. Fact Sheet: Why Are
Southeast Asians Not Going to College? Available at http://www.searac.org/wp-content/
ot-Going-to-College.pdf. Students in any of these categories may also face barriers to college
access, degree attainment, and student loan repayment because of marginalization they
experience as people with disabilities or because they are LGBTQ.
2. Center for Responsible Lending, UnidosUS, the National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People, the National Urban League, and the Leadership Conference Education Fund.
September 2019. Quicksand: Borrowers of Color and the Student Debt Crisis. Available at
3. Harrington, A and Huelsman, M. 2020 “Introduction: The Urgency and Equity of Student Debt
Cancellation.Delivering on Debt Relief: Proposals, Ideas, and Actions to Cancel Student Debt on
Day One and Beyond. Student Borrower Protection Center, Demos, and University of California at
Irvine School of Law. Available at https://protectborrowers.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/
4. While these principles describe the disproportionate harm of the current crisis through the lens of
race and gender – and the need for broad-based cancellation to serve communities of color and
women – it’s important to note that students of color are disproportionately likely to be the first in
their families to attend college. Additionally, student loan debt held by a parent from their own
education directly impacts how their child is able to pursue and finance a postsecondary degree,
thus undermining the value of higher education as a catalyst for multi-generational economic
mobility and potentially ensuring that first-generation students are also last-generation students.
5. Hamilton, D., Darity, W., Price, A.E., Sridharan, V., & Tippett, R. 2015. “Umbrellas Don’t Make It Rain:
Why Studying and Working Hard Isn’t Enough for Black Americans.The New School, the Duke
Center for Social Equality, and Insight: Center for Community Economic Development. Available at
6. Huelsman, M. 2019. “Debt to Society: The Case for Bold, Equitable Student Loan Cancellation and
Reform.Demos. Available at https://www.demos.org/research/debt-to-society.
7. National Consumer Law Center. September 2019. Testimony of Persis SiChing Yu Before the
United States House Committee on Financial Services: A $1.5 Trillion Crisis: Protecting Student
Borrowers and Holding Student Loan Servicers Accountable. Available at
8. As a result, Black borrowers who earned a bachelor’s degree had a default rate nearly four times
higher than their similarly situated White peers, exposing these borrowers to harsh collection
tactics such as the seizure of wages and tax refunds (including the Earned Income Tax Credit and
Child Tax Credit). Miller, B., Campbell, C., Cohen, B.J., Hancock, C. June 2019. “Addressing the $1.5
Trillion in Federal Student Loan Debt.Center for American Progress. Available at https://www.
9. Scott-Clayton, J. 2018. “The looming student loan default crisis is worse than we thought.
Brookings Institution. Available at https://www.brookings.edu/research/the-looming-student-
10. For instance, 68 percent of Black graduate students and 57.9 percent of Latino graduate students
borrow federal loans annually compared with 43 percent of White graduate students. For the
2015-2016 class, 81 percent of Black master’s degree holders borrowed an average of $51,699 and
73 percent of Hispanic master’s degree holders borrowed an average of $42,411, compared with
57.3 percent of White master’s degree graduates borrowing an average of $41,506. White students
borrowed less on average for master’s degrees than all other groups. See Espinosa, Lorelle L.,
Jonathan M. Turk, Morgan Taylor, and Hollie M. Chessman. 2019. “How Students Finance Graduate
Study.Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education: A Status Report. Washington, DC: American
Council on Education. Available at https://www.equityinhighered.org/indicators/how-students-
11. Perry, A & Romer, C. 2021. “Student debt cancellation should consider wealth, not income.
Brookings Institution. Available at https://www.brookings.edu/essay/student-debt-cancellation-
12. Ibid.
13. Bhutta, N., Andrew C.C., Dettling, L.J., & Hsu, J.W. 2020. "Disparities in Wealth by Race and
Ethnicity in the 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances." Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System. Available at https://doi.org/10.17016/2380-7172.2797.
14. Addo, F.R., Houle, J.N. & Simon, D. 2016. “Young, Black, and (Still) in the Red: Parental Wealth, Race,
and Student Loan Debt.Race and Social Problems 8(1): 64-76. Available at https://link.
15. Baum, S., Blagg, K., & Fishman, R. April 2019. “Reshaping Parent PLUS Loans: Recommendations
for Reforming the Parent PLUS Program.Urban Institute. Available at https://www.urban.org/
gram/view/full_report; William Darity, Jr, et al. April 2018. “What We Get Wrong About Closing the
Racial Wealth Gap.Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity and Insight Center for
Community Economic Development. Available at https://socialequity.duke.edu/portfolio-item/
what-we-get-wrong-about-closing-the-racial-wealth-gap/; Yunju Nam, et al. September 2015.
“Bootstraps are for Black Kids: Race, Wealth and the Impact of Intergenerational Transfers on Adult
Outcomes.Insight Center for Community and Economic Development. Available at http://www.
16. National Women’s Law Center. April 2020. Higher Education, Recession, and COVID-19: What
Students and Student Borrowers Need from a Federal Stimulus Package. Available at https://nwlc
17. Huelsman, M. 2019. “Debt to Society: The Case for Bold, Equitable Student Loan Cancellation and
Reform.Demos. Available at https://www.demos.org/research/debt-to-society.
18. Center for Responsible Lending & the National Consumer Law Center. 2020. Road to Relief:
Supporting Federal Student Loan Borrowers During the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond. Available at
19. Forthcoming report from the Center for Responsible Lending.
20. Kaufman, B. 2020, April 30. “Private Student Loans: New Report Sheds Light on the Need for
Borrower Protection in an Opaque $130 Billion Market.Student Borrower Protection Center.
Available at https://protectborrowers.org/130-billion-psl-market/.
21. The civil rights community has previously called for the inclusion of immigrant students, regardless
of their status or that of their families, in federal financial aid programs and that they have access
to in-state tuition. See The Leadership Conference Education Fund. July 2019. Civil Rights
Principles for Higher Education: Policy recommendations to achieve equity and protect civil rights.
Available at http://civilrightsdocs.info/pdf/reports/Higher-Ed-Civil-Rights-Principles.pdf.
22. Ibid; Yu, P. 2021, February 21. “Big student loan debt is not a ‘Harvard, Yale and Penn’ problem.
CNN. Available at https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/22/opinions/student-loan-debt-biden-yu/index.
23. Center for Responsible Lending. 2019. State of For-Profit Colleges. Available at https://www.
24. Ibid.
25. The Institute for College Access & Success, Veterans Education Success, UnidosUS, National
Consumer Law Center, Center for Responsible Lending, et. al. February 2021. Coalition Letter from
54 Organizations Setting Shared Priorities for the 117th Congress. Available at https://ticas.org/
26. In addition to ensuring the debt cancellation process is generally accessible to all students,
specific steps should also be taken to ensure the availability and accessibility of the general debt
cancellation process to everyone, including people who speak English as a second language or do
not speak English well and people with disabilities. For example, for people with disabilities that
impact their cognition, any written materials should be in plain language.
27. Miller, B., Campbell, C., Cohen, B.J., Hancock, C. June 2019. “Addressing the $1.5 Trillion in
Federal Student Loan Debt.Center for American Progress. Available at
28. See, for example, Hess, Abigail Johnson. “The U.S. already has student debt forgiveness-
but barely anyone gets it”. CNBC. March 23, 2021. Available at https://www.cnbc.com/
29. See, for example, Cowley, Stacy. “28,000 Public Servants Sought Student Loan Forgiveness.
96 Got It." The New York Times. September 27, 2018. Available at https://www.nytimes.com
30. For a full description of the civil rights community’s comprehensive agenda to ensure equity
and civil rights in higher education, See “Civil Rights Principles for Higher Education.The
Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. 2019. Available at https://civilrights.org
31. Fullwiler, S.; Kelton, S.; Ruetschlin, C.; & Steinbaum, M. 2018. “The Macroeconomic Effects of
Student Debt Cancellation.Levy Economics Institute. Available at http://www.levyinstitute.
Signers are as of April 18, 2021
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