UPDATED 12/8/2016 | (409) 740-4586
Craing Your Resume
A resume is an advertisement for you. The objective of the resume is to provide a brief, attractive, easy-
to-read summary of your qualifications for employment. It should not be a life history nor include
information that would have a negative or neutral impact on your prospects for employment. It should
be error-free and present your credentials in a positive but honest manner.
There are a number of ways to write a resume using different styles and formats. What you include and
how you choose to present it depends on your experiences, major accomplishments, and the position
you are seeking.
Contact information (heading)
Additional sections Activities, Leadership Positions, Awards/Honors, Volunteer Work, Relevant
o Make every word count! Be concise, avoid redundancy, incorporate power verbs.
o Edit and re-edit until it says exactly what you want. Eliminate unimportant details.
o Have several other people review your resume. You can expect to have several drafts of
your resume before you perfect the content and layout.
o Limit the length of your resume to one page. Exceptions would be for people with
graduate degrees and/or extensive experience.
o Recommended font size is 10-12 for the body portion of the resume, and 14-16 for your
name at the top of the document
o Use active voice. Employ brief, descriptive phrases rather than full sentences.
o Do not use first person singular (I, me, my, mine).
o Focus on content that sells you the best.
o Don’t include salary information or personal information such as height, weight, marital
status, etc.
o Do not limit yourself by resume samples you may come acrossbe creativemake your
resume represent you!
o Consider your audience—tailor your resume to each employer’s needs.
Craing Your Resume
o Print your resume on high quality white or ivory bond paper.
o Choose a conservative style; do not use fancy fonts or colors that may distract the
Include your full name, campus and permanent addresses, telephone numbers, and email address.
Your resume needs a statement or synopsis to grab the reader’s attention and tell the reader what you
want to do or what you are qualified to do.
An objective states the general field or specific position for which you are applying.
A summary details your experience, special skills or knowledge, and any other important data
that makes you stand out.
You will usually choose either an objective OR a summary, rather than both.
Sample Objective:
Seeking an Aquarium Education Specialist Position
Sample Summary:
Graduated top of class in Marine Biology.
Over two years volunteer experience at world-renowned aquarium, focusing on shark and penguin
Published independent research on tiger fish feeding habits.
Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.
Fluent in Spanish.
Summary or Objective?
Each has its pros and cons. Some employers, especially human resources professionals, like an objective
because it allows them to quickly identify you as a potential candidate and match you for a specific
position. One problem with an objective is that you must edit your objective for each position or career
field. Also, too narrow an objective may prevent you from being considered by the same employer for
other positions, while too broad an objective may be meaningless. Because summaries focus on skills
and achievements, they are great for telling employers what you’ve done and what you can do. Make
sure to tailor your summary statements to each specific field or position. Use your best judgment when
deciding between and objective and a summary. Consider how you would phrase each and which would
best market your skills and potential to prospective employers.
Craing Your Resume
List schools attended, including the name of the school, location, graduation date, degree, and
You may also want to briefly describe your curriculum, abilities, skills, and competencies
obtained as they relate to the type of employment you are seeking.
Unless there is enough information to add a separate section, you could include research,
projects, scholarships, or that you financed all or a portion of your college expenses.
Include your cumulative or major GPA if it is a 3.0 or above.
List your work experience in reverse chronological order. Include the name and location of your
employer (city and state only), your job title, and responsibilities.
Briefly summarize skills you acquired from each job. Be sure to incorporate power verbs. If
you’ve held many jobs, you may want to be selective as to which to include on the basis of
relative importance to your current goals and how recent the employment was.
Don’t discount unrelated employment, as it usually demonstrates transferable skills that can
impress a potential employer.
Don’t forget to include unpaid internships, volunteer jobs, special class projects, and
extracurricular activities. You can include these in the same category, or under special headings
of their own.
Usually presented in list form.
You may want to describe an organization if its affiliation is unclear.
List offices you held and any additional responsibilities you assumed.
List specific skills such as knowledge of computer programs, technical equipment, research
methods, foreign languages.
Depending upon your field, you may want to include categories such as: shipping experience,
maritime experience, military, research, lab skills, teaching experience, etc.
Don't be limited by the categories you see on sample resumes. Organize the categories to make
the most impact upon an employer. Make your categories work for you!
Craing Your Resume
There are many resume formats, but the most common are reverse chronological and skills-based.
Reverse Chronological:
A straightforward resume that lists work experience and achievements from most recent backwards. It
focuses on details of employment and education including dates, employers, titles, job descriptions. This
is the traditional, conservative format focusing on WHERE you have been. The goal of this format is to
show progression, positioning you for the next upward career step. Be sure to focus on areas of specific
relevance to your target position or career field.
Skills Resume:
This resume is oriented to what skill sets the job seeker can bring to the employer, rather than narrating
history. This is the non-traditional, modern format where the focus is on what skills you possess. The
goal of this format is to show your transferable skills. Education and experience sections are still
included, but the focus is on the skills section. It is a good format for college graduates with little
relevant work experience because it allows emphasis of skills gained through related and unrelated
employment, volunteer experiences, class projects, and campus activities.
References should be printed separately on paper that matches your resume.
Include your resume heading at the top and at least three references listed below. Include the
person’s name, title, employer, address, phone number, email address.
Make it available to the interviewer only when asked for.
It is not necessary to use the words "References available upon request” at the end of your
Many employers prefer to receive resumes electronically, via email or through online search methods.
When they do receive resumes via fax or postal mail, they may scan the resume into a database from
which they pull matching candidates. In some cases, your resume will no longer be initially reviewed by
a person, but rather by a computer. Computers read resumes differently than people do. To make sure
that no important information about you is lost in the scanning process and to increase your chances of
being electronically selected, we suggest the following guidelines for writing an electronic resume.
Emailing Resumes, Online Formats, etc.
It is important to follow whatever instructions the employer requests for submitting electronic resumes.
If sending as an attachment, save your resume as rich text format (.rtf). This will allow
employers to open your file even if they use a different version or program than that which you
used to create the resume.
Craing Your Resume
If inputting directly into the body of an email or an online space for writing your resume, avoid
overly complicated formats such as tabs, columns, bullets, bolds, lines, italics. They may
translate as unreadable text.
Do not use borders, graphics or landscape printing
Don’t number pages (for online resume posting). You can’t be certain where the page breaks
will fall.
Emphasize keywords that match the job description and the industry. This will ensure that your
resume receives lots of “hits” when scanning devices search for matches.
Use standard fonts (such as Arial, Courier, Times New Roman, etc.).
Clearly state functional and geographic preferences
For mailing, do not fold use a flat 9” x 12” large envelope
You may want to insert a summary paragraph near the top of your resume, listing important keywords
that identify your skills and other qualifications in plain type. Once identified by a computer search, a
person will then review your resume.
How do you know if a company scans resumes? ASK! Call the Human Resources Office or a contact
person within the company.