Admission procedures:
1. An applicant must be admitted to the College and have a JALC student ID number before
applying to the program.
2. Email should be checked frequently throughout the admission process. Correspondence
will only be sent via email.
3. The pre-entrance exam (HOAE) required in previous years will be waived for students
entering the 2022 MAS programs.
4. Available positions will be filled when registration begins and in the order of when the
admission criteria has been met.
Dear Massage Therapy Applicant:
Thank you for your interest in the Massage Therapy (MAS) Program at John A. Logan College
(JALC). The career that you are considering is truly exciting! Graduates of this program earn a
Certificate of Achievement in Massage Therapy.
The College has an open admission policy; however, there are some programs which have
additional entrance requirements. Please examine this packet, which will provide you with
information about the profession and career of a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) and the
Massage Therapy Program at JALC. Links to online applications, general and program, are
included. Enclosed you will find information about:
o STEP 1: General Admission Requirements
o STEP 2: Program Application Requirement
o STEP 3: Admission Selection Process
Further information is included in this packet and available on our website at Restricted Allied
Health Admission. We encourage you to thoroughly review the packet and website prior to
applying to the program. Best wishes in your educational endeavors.
Ariella Gomez
Coordinator of Testing Services
Bill Connell
Coordinator and Instructor of Massage Therapy
Changes effective 8/27/2021 - please note information listed in this packet is subject to change.
The following procedures shall be followed by all prospective applicants seeking admission to the
JALC MAS program. Failure to comply with the deadline dates designated by JALC will
automatically terminate the application for the program.
These admission procedures are in accordance with Illinois law. The law requires that programs
not having sufficient space and resources to accommodate all applicants will accept those
applicants best qualified, using ranking, ability and achievement test scores as guides, with
preference given to students residing in-district.
The JALC MAS program admission process does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed,
color, national origin, gender, age, or the presence of a non-job-related condition or disability.
To be eligible for admission in either the full-time day program beginning spring 2022 or full-time
evening program beginning fall 2022, an applicant must meet these criteria and submit the
following credentials to the Admissions and Records Office:
STEP 1: General Admission Requirements
Apply for general admission to the College by completing the online application, if not currently
enrolled in courses at JALC. If an applicant prefers, a paper application may be completed,
you can contact admissions at (618) 985-2828 ext: 8298.
If an application for general admission has previously been submitted, please update any
relevant information online in the MyJALC portal, if necessary.
Need help accessing student accounts click here, contact the Admissions and Records Office
at (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8298.
Submit current placement scores to the Admissions and Records Office. We will accept
scores from ACCUPLACER, ACT, or SAT taken within the past three years. An applicant who
has not already completed a college-level English and Mathematics course or scored below
the minimum requirement in English and Math on the ACT or SAT, must complete placement
testing in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics to determine appropriate placement in courses.
For more information about placement testing, visit Required Placement Testing. If an
applicant needs to schedule an appointment to take a placement test, contact Testing
Services at (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8520.
Submit all transcripts, high school and college, to the Admissions and Records Office. An
official copy of a final high school or GED® (High School Equivalency) transcript with
a graduation date is required. In addition, official transcripts from other colleges attended
are required if transferring any courses. Transcript must show when the course was taken,
and the grade received. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all official college
transcripts have been received and evaluated in the Admissions and Records Office.
Provide proof of current residency to the Admissions and Records Office. The following
forms may serve as acceptable proof of residency to be charged the in-district tuition rate for
courses listed in the MAS program guide:
A valid Illinois driver’s license with an address in JALC College District #530
A valid Illinois state identification card with an address in JALC College District #530
A valid Illinois voter’s registration card that indicates JALC College District #530
A current Illinois real estate tax bill that indicates property is owned within the JALC
College District #530
A CAREER Agreement approved by JALC’s V.P. for Instruction
A letter from an employer that indicates employment in JALC College District #530
A lease agreement that indicates residence in JALC College District #530
A bank statement or utility bill that indicates residence in JALC College District #530
A valid Illinois FOID card with an address in JALC College District #530
A final transcript from an in-district high school with a graduation date within the past
five years
Verification must show the applicant’s name with their current address. PO Boxes are not
accepted as proof of residency. New driver’s licenses now show both PO Box and street
If an applicant has questions regarding general admission, they should contact the Admissions
and Records Office at (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8298.
STEP 2: Program Application Requirement
Apply to the Massage Therapy program by completing the online application form. Fill out
application completely and hit the submit button. A new program application is required each
If an applicant has questions regarding program admission, they should contact Testing Services
at (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8247.
STEP 3: Admission Selection Process
The selection of applicants is based on the stated admission criteria. Positions will be filled in the
order of when the admission criteria have been met. Notification of provisional acceptance will be
offered to the first fourteen (14) applicants that have met the admission criteria, per program.
Applicants that obtain provisional acceptance must return the acceptance form by the deadline
stated in the letter. If the applicant chooses not to accept or no response is obtained, the applicant
will be dropped from future consideration and the next qualified applicant on the list will be notified
of provisional acceptance.
After an applicant returns the acceptance form to the Admission and Records Office, they should
schedule an advisement appointment with the Coordinator of Testing Services to register for
Applicants that apply after all available positions have been filled will be placed on an alternate
list if the admission criteria have been met. A position that becomes available before the start of
the program will be offered to the next qualified applicant on the alternate list.
If an applicant is accepted to the program and chooses not to enter the class, any future admission
must be by re-application. All applicants must make application for each year they wish to be
considered for entrance into the MAS program.
Any student admitted to the MAS program two times and have failed to continue in the program
must seek approval from the MAS Coordinator for re-application.
All correspondence will be sent via email, including acceptance, alternate, and denial notifications.
Therefore, an applicant must provide an email, Volmail or personal, that is checked on a regular
basis. The mailing address provided on the program application will be used for residency
purposes and verification of residence at that address will be required (see residency
requirements under STEP 1).
It is extremely important to abide by the deadline dates outlined in this packet. It is the applicant’s
responsibility to assure that these documents have been received in the designated office by the
deadline date.
If you have questions regarding this process, please contact the Coordinator of Testing Services
at (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8247.
Massage Therapy is one of the oldest healing arts. Today, the benefits of massage are varied
and far-reaching. As an accepted part of many physical rehabilitation programs, massage therapy
has also proven beneficial for many chronic conditions including: headaches, neck pain, low back
pain, arthritis, bursitis, fatigue, high blood pressure, immunity suppression, smoking cessation,
depression, and more. As many millions will attest, massage also helps relieve the stress and
tension of everyday living that can lead to disease and illness.
Massage therapist wages vary throughout the nation. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports
median annual earnings in 2020 at $43,620.
JALC offers a professional 768-hour certification program in massage therapy. Our program
provides students with a safe and potent foundation for competent practice and continued
professional and personal growth. It is approved by the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB)
and the Illinois Department of Finance and Professional Regulation (IDFPR).
The goal of our MAS program is to train students in therapeutic massage to reduce stress, assist
in the injury recovery process, and improve the overall wellness in the clients they serve. The
MAS program offers a certificate after the successful completion of three semesters of
coursework. Courses cover topics such as human anatomy and physiology, professional
communication, ethics, Swedish massage, neuromuscular trigger point therapy, sports massage,
deep tissue massage, myofascial release, and other massage techniques.
Students receive hands-on training thru laboratory experience and community service.
Employment opportunities exist in colleges, medical offices, healthcare facilities, rehabilitation
facilities, and personal businesses. The MAS program at JALC provides students with contact
hours and training to be eligible to apply for the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx).
Graduates will be qualified to take the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx). Upon
passing the licensing exam, graduates are qualified to apply for an Illinois State license to practice
massage therapy.
Felony convictions that Massage Therapy graduates have may adversely affect their ability to sit
for licensure exam and to receive employment.
Potential applicants with questions concerning the above may wish to make an appointment with
the Coordinator of Massage Therapy at (618) 967-2993, or (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8106.
The length of the full-time program is twelve (12) months from start to finish.
Fourteen (14) students will be admitted beginning each spring for full-time day classes. The MAS
student should plan to be available between the hours of 9:30 AM and 11:50 AM one day each
week (Monday) and between the hours of 9:30 AM and 4:50 PM two days each week (Wednesday
and Friday) for the first and third semester (spring and fall) of the day program. If general courses
ORI 100 and BIO 105 are also being taken, extra time will need to be allowed.
Fourteen (14) students will be admitted beginning each fall for full-time evening classes. The MAS
student should plan to be available between the hours of 2:00 PM and 9:50 PM two days each
week (Tuesday and Thursday) for the first and second semester (fall and spring) of the evening
program. If general courses ORI 100 and BIO 105 are also being taken, extra time will need to be
After completing the first semester in either Fall or Spring, an additional 8 hours per week will be
required for the MAS 107 clinic course on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 12:50 PM in
the subsequent fall or spring semester.
The MAS 108 clinic course will be taught during the summer semester for both day and evening
programs and will meet once weekly for a total of 6 hours with times to be announced.
The general courses, ORI 100 and BIO 105, will be scheduled in the first semester unless the
student has previously completed these courses. These courses are not prerequisites for the
MAS program, but if ORI 100 and BIO 105 are completed prior to starting the program the student
will have more time to concentrate on the MAS courses.
Students must be certified in CPR before starting their second semester and remain current
through the remainder of the program until graduation. The Coordinator of Massage Therapy will
verify and approve students’ CPR.
All courses listed in the program guide, MAS and general courses, must be taken as in-class per
state requirements. Courses taken as online will not be accepted for graduation.
Students will need to provide transportation to and from the JALC campus and assigned lab
experiences. Classes will be held on the JALC campus.
Prospective MAS students should not purchase any materials or supplies until AFTER they have
been accepted and have registered for classes. Questions regarding uniforms, schedules,
requirements, etc. will be answered for accepted students during a mandatory new student
orientation session with the Coordinator of Massage Therapy before the start of the program.
MAS students must earn a minimum of a C grade in all courses listed in the program guide,
including general courses.
It is the responsibility of all interested applicants to view the current MAS program guides and
course descriptions online at the following links:
Massage Therapy - Certificate of Achievement Program Guide
Massage Therapy (MAS) Course Descriptions
ORI 100 College 101 1 credit
BIO 105 Human Biology¹ 4 credits
¹ BIO 105 must be completed with a minimum of a C grade. BIO 205 and BIO 206 may be
substituted for BIO 105.
All applicants are strongly encouraged to complete the general courses with a minimum of a C
grade prior to the semester they plan to start the program, so that they may increase their
probability of success in the program.
For advisement and registration, contact the Coordinator of Testing Services at (618) 985-2828
Ext. 8247. Registration is by appointment only, except during designated walk-in dates.
Costs are estimates based on the current 2021-2022 academic year.
Tuition In-District at $133.00 per credit hour 5 hours (general course)
Technology fee at $5.00 per credit hour 5 hours (general course)
Course fees (general course)
Tuition In-District at $133.00 per credit hour 31.5 hours (MAS courses)
Technology fee at $5.00 per credit hour 31.5 hours (MAS courses)
Course fees (MAS courses)
Textbooks (MAS courses)
Uniform: polo shirt and khaki pants
Massage table and supplies
Finger printing
Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam
State of Illinois licensure fee
Graduation fee
Click here to view Tuition and Fees Schedule.
Additional costs may include:
$65.00 Student Activity fee assessed for 6 or more hours enrolled for fall or spring terms
$40.00 Student Activity fee assessed for 3 or more hours enrolled for summer terms
Medical exams, immunizations, and CPR
Note: Textbooks for general courses are not included due to variability of texts. All costs listed
above are estimates and subject to change. The MAS student should plan to meet these
financial obligations before entering the program.
Potential MAS students should not purchase or schedule anything until after they have been
accepted and registered to begin the MAS program.
For additional information, please contact Bill Connell, Coordinator and Instructor of Massage
Therapy, at (618) 967-2993, or (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8106 or Bill.C[email protected].
JALC offers students several sources for financial assistance:
Financial Aid A variety of financial aid exists and the applicant should contact the Financial Aid
Office for more information at (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8308, [email protected]. Some of the
types of financial aid presently offered are:
Federal Pell Grant
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
Illinois State Map Grant
College Work Study
JALC is no longer participating in the Federal Direct Student Loan Program. Students in need of
loan funds will have to apply for a Private Alternative Student Loan. In order to find a lender,
contact your local Bank, Credit Union, or search on the web using “Private Alternative Student
Loan providers” for your search. All students who apply for private alternative loans must first
submit a FAFSA with JALC’s federal school code 008076.
Financial aid requirements and general information can be accessed online at Financial Aid.
Scholarships A variety of scholarships, administered through the JALC Foundation and
external sources, are available and the applicant should contact the Foundation Office for more
information at (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8355, foundati[email protected].
Scholarship application procedures, scholarship application, letter of recommendation form, and
lists of available scholarships through the JALC Foundation and external sources, can be
accessed online at JALC Foundation.
Perkins Grant If you are eligible, Perkins is a federal grant that supports students enrolled in
Career and Technical programs with books, uniforms, etc., To be eligible: You must have been
admitted into the Massage Therapy program, enrolled in Massage Therapy courses, and meet
the criteria listed here: https://www.jalc.edu/perkins/ If you have any questions about the Perkins
Grant or about eligibility, you can contact the Perkins Coordinator at (618) 985-28282 Ext. 8075
Veterans Resources Military veterans should contact Veterans Services at (618) 985-2828
ext: 8563 or veterans@jalc.edu for more information on Illinois Veterans Grant and GI Bill