Bo p pa d Us e r Ma n U a l
Created by Keith McMillen, Evan Adams, Brent Allen, Noah Ambrose, Evan Bogunia, Dave Criss, Tom Ferguson,
Andrej Hronco, Conner Lacy, Kyle Lobedan, Dan McAnulty, Chloe Stamper, Maxime Stinnett, Alex Vittum, Greg
Wille, Brian Wright, and Stephen Wright
This reference manual was written by Evan Bogunia and designed by Carson Whitley and Evan Bogunia.
Version 2.0, July 13, 2022.
The content of this manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and
should not be construed as a commitment by Keith McMillen Instruments. Every effort has been made to
ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. No warranties, express or implied, are made with regard
to the quality, suitability, or accuracy of this document. Keith McMillen Instruments reserves the right to change
the contents of this document and/or the associated products at any time without the provision of prior notice
to specic persons or organizations. Keith McMillen Instruments shall not be held liable for damages of any
kind arising from the use, or the inability to use this product or its documentation, even if the possibility of such
damage is known.
No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, edited, or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any
purpose, without prior written permission by Keith McMillen Instruments.
Product and brand names contained in this document are used for identication purposes only. Use of them does not imply any afliation
with or endorsement by them. Keith McMillen Instruments, the Keith McMillen Instruments logo, the BopPad and BopPad logo are trade-
marks of Kesumo LLC. Apple, Finder, iPad, Mac, Macintosh, and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc, registered in the U.S. and other coun-
tries. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Intel is a registered trademark
of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. All other product and company names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective holders. All other names and designations of companies, products, trademarks, or brands used in
this document are the registered property of their respective holders.
© 2007–2017 Keith McMillen Instruments, a wholly owned subsidiary of Kesumo LLC. All rights reserved.
TaBle of ConTenTs
0. WELCOME ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. BEFORE YOU BEGIN .....................................................................................................................................2
1.1 What’s In The BopPad Box? ................................................................................................................3
1.2 What’s In The MIDI Expander Package? ............................................................................................. 3
1.3 – System Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 – Hardware ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3.2 – Software .................................................................................................................................4
2. GETTING STARTED ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2 - Getting Started .....................................................................................................................................6
2.1 The BopPad Hardware ................................................................................................................6
2.2 The BopPad Software ..................................................................................................................6
3. FEATURES OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................7
3 - Features Overview ................................................................................................................................8
3.1 Multi-Dimensional Control .........................................................................................................8
3.2 Connectivity .................................................................................................................................8
4. BOPPAD HARDWARE....................................................................................................................................9
4 - BopPad Hardware ...............................................................................................................................10
5. BOPPAD EDITOR .........................................................................................................................................11
5 - BopPad Editor .....................................................................................................................................12
5.1 The Editor ..................................................................................................................................12
5.2 The Desktop Editor ...................................................................................................................16
5.3 The Web Editor .........................................................................................................................17
5.4 Factory Presets Overview .........................................................................................................18
6. TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................................................................20
7. F.A.Q. ............................................................................................................................................................22
8. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ...............................................................................................................................24
9. KICKSTARTER BACKERS .............................................................................................................................26
Hello, and welcome to the world of BopPad! Taking the time to read this document is a huge step toward
mastering the BopPad.
The purpose of this document is to provide a resource containing helpful information regarding the use of
the BopPad hardware and software. While this document is written for people of all levels, it does not attempt
to explain basic, fundamental MIDI concepts or terminology, and it is assumed that you have at least basic
experience working with MIDI devices, MIDI software, and MIDI hardware
QUesTions? feedBaCk? ConTaCT Us!
Any questions or feedback that may come up regarding BopPad or its software can be directed to us here:
Technical Support:
General Questions:
User Forum:
Where To doWnload everyThing
All BopPad software can be downloaded on the KMI website:
You can also access the BopPad Editor online: https://
Before You Begin
Before yoU Begin
1.1 WhaTs in The Boppad Box?
For Bopping.
UsB-C CaBle
For connecting BopPad to a computer, tablet, or MIDI Expander.
1.2 WhaTs in The Midi expander paCkage?
Midi expander
For connecting your BopPad to 5 pin DIN MIDI hardware.
UsB CaBle
For connecting the Expander to the USB power supply.
Mini-UsB CaBle
For connecting a KMI device to the Expander (Although this cable is included with the MIDI Expander, use
a micro USB cable to connect BopPad to a MIDI Expander).
MIDI Expander
Keith McMillen
Before yoU Begin
1.3 sysTeM reQUireMenTs
1.3.1 hardWare
MaC os
Mac OS 10.6 (or greater)
Intel Core 2 Duo (or greater)
USB 2.0 (or greater) port
Windows 7, 8, & 10
USB 2.0 (or greater) port
1.3.2 sofTWare
MaC os
Mac OS 10.9 or later
Intel Core 2 Duo (or greater)
USB 2.0 (or greater) port
100 MB free hard disk space
Windows 7, 8, & 10
64 bit
2.5 GHz processor (or greater)
4 GB RAM (or greater)
USB 2.0 (or greater) port
100 MB free hard disk space
WeB ediTor
Chrome, Opera or other Web MIDI capable web browser. To check compatibility with WebMIDI, go
Getting Started
geTTing sTarTed
2 - geTTing sTarTed
This section covers information that will help you get started with the BopPad. We will introduce the BopPad
hardware, discuss how to connect your BopPad to the world, and go over basic operation of the device and
the editor. More in-depth information is available in the BopPad Hardware and BopPad Editor sections.
2.1 The Boppad hardWare
The BopPad hardware is pretty straight forward. The playing surface is divided into four separate quadrants,
where you strike the instrument to produce amazing sounds.
There is a USB-C port on the back of the device that you can use to connect to a computer, tablet, or MIDI
Expander. Once connected, you can open the DAW/music software of your choice, make sure that the
application is listening to the BopPad, and start triggering drums, playing synths, or sending dynamic
control data to go into more unexplored territory. More information can be found in the BopPad Hardware
You may need to give the browser permission to control your MIDI device.
This is simply a security precaution when sending SysEx to a MIDI device.
Windows Users: if using Chrome versions 58 - 59, you must disable a ag
in the browser, go to: chrome://ags/#enable-midi-manager-dynamic-
instantiation and set it to “disabled” and then restart your browser.
To connect to an iOS device, we recommend using an Apple branded
Camera Conection Kit (USB to Lightning adapter). To connect to an
Android device, you should use a USB OTG cable.
2.2 The Boppad sofTWare
The BopPad Editor runs on the desktop, and in WebMIDI capable browsers. The Web Editor for BopPad is
compatible with any device that can run a WebMIDI capable browser. The Standalone Editor is compatible
with any device running macOS or Windows. The Editor allows you to customize nearly all aspects of how
the BopPad responds to user input. More information can be found on the BopPad Software section.
Features Overview
feaTUres overvieW
3 - feaTUres overvieW
The BopPad is a versatile percussion instrument capable of sending accurate, and highly nuanced MIDI data
to your computer. We should all know how to interact with the device - you hit it! You can use drumsticks, your
hands, or pretty much any other object to play the BopPad.
3.1 MUlTi-diMensional ConTrol
The BopPad can send a variety of different MIDI Data.
You can send up to 6 MIDI notes from each of the four quadrants.
ConTrol daTa
Each quadrant can send a variety of control data from each quadrant. You can send up to 5 additional
MIDI messages from each quadrant along with Notes, which can be controlled by multiple types of
sensor data. Continuous control, poly aftertouch, channel pressure, and pitch bend are all available.
More information on conguring the MIDI output can be found in the BopPad Editor section.
3.2 ConneCTiviTy
The BopPad is a class compliant MIDI device, which means you can connect it to just about anything that
speaks MIDI.
Using the included USB-C cable you can connect to a computer running any modern OS (Mac, Windows,
and Linux) that supports the Class Compliant MIDI standard.
You can also connect to the optional MIDI Expander to communicate with MIDI hardware using traditional 5
pin MIDI connections.
Due to there being only one USB port, communication is limited to Computer OR
Expander, not both simultaneously.
BopPad Hardware
Boppad hardWare
4 - Boppad hardWare
The BopPad hardware consists of the playing surface, the USB port and the USB Guard.
The playing sUrfaCe
The playing surface consists of four distinct quadrants. Striking the quadrants with your preferred object
(hands, sticks, mallets, spoons, whatever!) will send out MIDI data corresponding to the preset currently in
use, as dened in the Editor.
The UsB porT
The USB-C port is the only port on the device. It will allow you to connect to your favorite devices, from
computers, to MIDI capable tablets, to any hardware that has a 5 pin MIDI connection (using the optional
MIDI Expander).
The UsB gUard
The red USB guard is there to protect the USB-C cable and the USB-C port. These connections are small
and do not respond well to direct impact or other stresses. We recommend not transporting the device
with the USB cable plugged in.
The led
The LED is used to show different states of the BopPad.
While connected via USB, the LED is green when powered on, and orange when the BopPad is being
interacted with.
When connected to a MIDI Expander, the LED is red when powered on and orange when the BopPad is
being interacted with.
A breathing green/red combination indicates the device is in bootloader mode, ready to receive a rmware
The playing surface responds best if the BopPad is placed on a at surface,
or is being used in the BopPad basket.
BopPad Editor
Boppad ediTor
5 - Boppad ediTor
This section covers the BopPad Editor. It will cover the basic operation and features of the Editor, along with
any differences between the desktop and web editors.
5.1 The ediTor
The BopPad Editor is where you dene what data your BopPad will send, how it will send the data, and how
that data is controlled by the different sources.
5.1.1 The preseT seCTion
The Preset section allows you to save, recall, and send presets to the BopPad. The BopPad can hold
up to 4 presets. Presets can be selected by sending Program Change Messages to the BopPad from
Software or Hardware. Simply send a program change message 0-3 to select one of the 4 onboard
You select a preset with the menu at the top. There are buttons, for choosing a destination on the
BopPad, sending the preset to a slot on the BopPad, saving the preset, saving the preset as a copy,
reverting the preset, and deleting the preset. When saving as a copy, preset names are limited to 16
The Editor can store an unlimited amount of presets, and you can import and export presets using the
File Menu. You can also import user presets by dragging and dropping .json les onto the Presets box.
As long as there are no naming conicts or duplicates, the preset will be imported.
5.1.2 The QUadranTs seCTion
Boppad ediTor
The Quadrant section allows you to select and edit the notes for a particular quadrant. Select a quadrant
by clicking the corresponding portion of the BopPad icon. You can also select quadrants by pressing
shift + z, x, c or v. The BopPad icon also provides useful information on connection status, and rmware
Each quadrant can send up to 6 notes at a time. You can type these into the boxes, or use the keyboard
to enter them graphically. You can hide or show the keyboard by clicking the show/hide text.
There are buttons for copying, pasting, and clearing the selected quadrants note data, along with a
button to clear all quadrants note data if you want to start over.
You can set the MIDI channel that the quadrant will send on with the MIDI Channel box. Use the Strike
Density to optimize the response for different play styles. Fast and light stick playing will benet from
higher settings. More expressive playing will benet from lower settings. You can choose to send
program change and bank messages whenever the preset is selected with the Program Change and
Bank Select Boxes. You can control the sensitivity of each quadrant individually, and the overall gain of
the quadrant with the Sensitivity and Gain boxes. Gain will be applied to all data related to pressure.
Sensitivity controls how hard you have to hit the BopPad surface to trigger the modlines. Gain controls
the output values of the velocity and pressure sources.
You can enable or disable Full Volume on preset change, and Velocity Override with the Full Volume
Change and Velocity Override buttons. Full Volume Change will send a 127 velocity when you change
presets to prevent software or hardware instruments getting stuck at a lower volume when changing
presets. Velocity override will force every note to output 127 velocity regardless of how hard you hit the
BopPad surface.
5.1.3 The Modlines
The modline section is where you dene and edit any control data you wish to send from the BopPad.
The Note modline is always active.
Message Type
The message type denes what type of data will be sent from the modline. The Note modline is
always present (though it can be turned off). The other possible MIDI data includes:
Pitch Bend
Channel Pressure
Polyphonic Aftertouch
Continuous Controller (CC)
Boppad ediTor
The source menu denes what data from the BopPad will be used to trigger this modline. Choices
Off - no data will be sent.
Velocity - velocity data (based on how hard you hit the surface) will be used.
Pressure - how hard you press on the surface after striking will be used.
Initial Radius - where you initially strike the surface will be used.
Radius - the position of where you are pressing onto the surface.
Relative Radius - the difference between where you are currently pressing the surface and
where you initially struck the surface.
Radius values are measured with 1 at the center and 127 at the edge.
There is a usable area for radius values on the BopPad.
The values do not go edge to edge, but start at 1 a small
distance from center, and stop at 127 a small distance from
the edge.
inverT soUrCe
Inverts the data from the source.
Applies a gain coefcient to scale the data from the source up or down.
Offset the data by a xed amount.
Apply one of seven predened curves, or a user dened curve to the data.
Linear - no shaping of the data.
Logarithmic - use a logarithmic curve to shape the data.
Exponential - use an exponential curve to shape the data.
Light - soft hits are unchanged, and it makes it harder to reach higher velocities
Medium - makes softer hits softer, and then evens out as velocity goes higher.
Hard - makes really soft hits 0 velocity, makes soft hits much softer and makes it easier to reach
higher velocities. a
Boppad ediTor
Dynamic - soft hits are normalized and medium and hard hits have a logarithmic curve applied.
User - use a user dened curve to shape the data.
Set a minimum value for the data.
Set a maximum value for the data.
Only sends the data from the corresponding modline. Useful for MIDI mapping in DAWs and other
music software. This is set to off on power cycle, or a preset load.
5.1.5 The deviCe seTTings
The Device Settings section contains settings that inuence the overall behavior of your BopPad.
Unison Mode - Makes BopPad function as one quadrant (all four quadrants use the settings for the
selected Unison Quadrant). Any quadrant can be the Unison quadrant by selecting that quadrant
and clicking on the Unison button.
All Quadrant Mode - Allows you to edit the note values, modline values, and quadrant settings for
all four quadrants at the same time.
live valUe
The real-time value of the source. Helpful for ne tuning the response of a sensor to a desired range
or destination.
Even though you can monitor the updates in real time, you still need to
save and send the preset to the BopPad for the preset to be stored onto
the device.
Boppad ediTor
Unique Message Values: Enabling this setting prevents the BopPad from sending messages
associated with radius or pressure, unless they change. Some MIDI hardware does not respond
well to extremely high density data streams.
5.2 The deskTop ediTor
The Desktop Editor will run on Mac OSX 10.6 - 10.12.
The Desktop Editor will run on Windows 7, 8, and 10.
5.2.1 The MenU Bar (sTandalone ediTor only)
The various menu items at the top give you access to le management features, the preferences, and
built in help options.
The BopPad menu - open the preferences, check the rmware/Editor version or check for updates.
The View menu - allows you to customize the size of the Editor, enter/exit fullscreen, reload the editor,
and open up the console to view status/error messages which can be helpful when contacting support.
5.1.6 preferenCes
The Preferences pane contains some additional options for ne tuning your BopPad that are device
wide and apply to all presets. You can access the preferences pane by clicking the ‘Preferences’ button
in the Web Editor, or by selecting ‘Preferences from the BopPad Editor menu (or by hitting cmd + ,).
Global Sensitivity - Controls the sensitivity of the
BopPad. Use this to adjust the response of the BopPad
to t your playing style and environment. This is very
important for eliminating false triggers. You can reset
the sensitivity (to the default 16) with the button below
the slider.
Send Full Volume on Preset Change - will send a full
volume message (CC 7, value of 127), this prevents
you getting the volume stuck in a lower position when
moving from a preset that controls volume, to one that
Multitouch Mode - Allows BopPad to send/respond
to additional hits without releasing any currently
active quadrants. This is particularly useful for hand/
nger drumming when retriggering a quadrant while
manipulating pressure or radius is desired.
Crosstalk Cancellation - Reduces the chances of
unintended hits being triggered on nearby sensors/
MIDI Expander Mode - turn MIDI Expander
communication on or off.
Version numbers: The version of the Editor and the
Firmware on the connected BopPad will be displayed
in the lower left. There is an auto update feature for the
Editor, as well as new rmware notications.
Boppad ediTor
The Presets menu - allows for importing and exporting of BopPad presets and exposes User Tables.
The Hardware menu - update/reload the rmware onto the connected device.
The Help menu - open the documentation, and toggle tooltips on or off.
5.2.2 User TaBles
User tables can be edited by navigating to the User Tables item from the Presets Menu, accessible in the
menu bar.
You can store up to 4 user tables in the BopPad. You can start from any of the included tables then
You may need to give the browser permission to control your MIDI device.
This is simply a security precaution when sending SysEx to a MIDI device.
shape them to suit your needs. You can use the user tables to shape data from any source and they can
be very useful in ne tuning the response of velocity and pressure. They can also be used to do more
specialized data shapes, such as stair stepped, or quantized data. If you try to load a preset with a user
table to a BopPad with no user tables on it,it will default to whatever is in that slot or a linear table.
To edit a table, select the destination then use your mouse to draw the desired table. Save the table,
and then you can use this table in any modline.
5.3 The WeB ediTor
Any WebMIDI capable browser will be able to successfully run the Web Editor. The Web Editor is
functionally identical to the desktop Editor, with a few minor cosmetic differences.
Find the web Editor here: https://
Boppad ediTor
5.4 faCTory preseTs overvieW
The Editor comes with four factory presets to get you started quickly.
preseT 1 - Universal
This preset will be on your BopPad when you power it on for the rst time, and was designed with
compatibility with a variety of MIDI software/hardware in mind.
Quadrants output some standard General MIDI notes. Starting from quadrant 1, the notes are
42/F#1 (Hi Hat), 36/C1 (Kick),38/D1 (Snare),47/B1 (Low Tom)
All Quadrants on MIDI channel 1
All Quadrants have sensitivity of 10
All Quadrants have a gain of 1.0
Radius sends CC1 (mod wheel)
Global sensitivity is set to 16
Multitouch is set to ON
Strike Density is set to High
preseT 2 - Unison
This preset uses unison mode and sends MIDI CCs for pressure and radius.
All quadrants send MIDI note 38/D1 (GM Snare) on MIDI channel 1
All Quadrants have sensitivity of 10.
All Quadrants have a gain of 1.0
Velocity Curve is Logarithmic
Pressure sends CC1 (mod wheel)
Radius sends CC 2
Crosstalk cancellation is set to ON
Global sensitivity is set to 16
Multitouch is set to ON
Strike Density is set to High
Boppad ediTor
preseT 3 - sTiCks
This preset is tuned for use with sticks, and is multi-channel
Quadrants output some standard General MIDI notes. Starting from quadrant 1, the notes are
42/F#1 (Hi Hat), 36/C1 (Kick),38/D1 (Snare),47/B1 (Low Tom)
Each quadrant sends on a unique MIDI channel
All Quadrants have sensitivity of 10.
All Quadrants have a gain of 1.0
Velocity Curve is Logarithmic
Pressure sends CC1 (mod wheel)
Radius sends CC 2
Crosstalk cancellation is set to ON
Global sensitivity is set to 16
Multitouch is set to ON
Strike Density is set to High
preseT 4 - hands
This preset is tuned for use with hands.
Quadrants output hand percussion General MIDI notes. Starting from quadrant 1, the notes are
61/C#3, 64/E3, 63/D#3 and 60/C3
Each quadrant sends on a unique MIDI channel
All Quadrants have sensitivity of 10.
All Quadrants have a gain of 1.0
Velocity Curve is Logarithmic
Pressure sends CC1 (mod wheel)
Radius sends CC 2
Crosstalk cancellation is set to ON
Global sensitivity is set to 16
Multitouch is set to ON
Strike Density is set to Low
Try a neW UsB CaBle
One of the rst (yet most often overlooked) things to try is a different USB cable, preferably one that is
known to work well. When a cable goes bad it can lead to all sorts of odd behavior(aky connections,
dropped messages), or no behavior at all (won’t even power on).
Try plUgging inTo a differenT UsB porT
It’s possible that trying a different USB port on the computer may lead to a proper connection. While
extremely rare, we have come across USB ports that just don’t seem to like some USB devices.
do noT Use an UnpoWered UsB hUB
Unpowered USB hubs may not be able to provide enough power to the BopPad, leading to connectivity
issues. Unpowered hubs typically divide the power coming from the computers USB port and split it up
between all of the hub’s ports — providing less power than if the BopPad were to be directly connected to
the computer’s USB port. If a USB hub is absolutely necessary, it is recommended to always use a powered
Try WiTh or WiThoUT a UsB hUB
If experiencing connectivity issues while using a USB hub, try without the hub and plug directly into the
computer’s USB port. The reverse holds true as well — if experiencing connectivity issues while not using a
USB hub, try with a hub (if one is available to you).
Be aWare of BUgs naTive To The operaTing sysTeM Being Used
While it is indeed possible the BopPad may be the source of issues, sometimes the cause is actually due to
the operating system itself. Always be aware of these issues, like the Mac OS CoreMIDI bug or the Windows
class-compliant device limitation.
send The reCaliBraTion, and all noTes off Midi Messages
Sending the “Reset all controllers” message (CC 121) to the BopPad on any channel will perform a short
recalibration. Sending the “All Sounds Off” message (CC 120) to the BopPad on any channel will make it
output a note off message for all notes across all quadrants.
ConneCT To a differenT CoMpUTer
If the BopPad is not making a connection to the computer at all (and all other troubleshooting issues have
been exhausted), it is recommended to try connecting it to a different computer. If it works on the new
computer, try the original one again. In some circumstances we have seen this solve connection issues.
an iMporTanT noTe aBoUT UsB CaBles
We always recommend using the USB cable(s) that shipped with your BopPad. Sadly, not all USB cables are
created equal.
If you are having troubles powering your BopPad or connecting to a computer, please make sure you are
using the USB cables that came with your BopPad.
We fully understand that it seems like using different USB cables shouldn’t matter, but it really can have a
drastic effect on operation, not just with BopPad, but with all USB devices. We often encounter devices that
appear to not be functioning properly; very often the only thing needed is to swap out the USB cable for
another one.
do i need a CoMpUTer To Use My Boppad?
No! With the optional MIDI Expander you can send MIDI data to any device that use a 5 pin MIDI
connection. Keep in mind that the BopPad only has one USB port, so communication is limited to the
computer, OR 5 pin MIDI devices.
WhaT Can i Use To inTeraCT WiTh My Boppad?
The BopPad is comfortable with drum sticks, mallets, your bare hands, and many other objects!
My Boppad jUsT sends a ConsTanT noTe. is iT Broken?
Probably not, and there’s a few things you can do. When powering on, BopPad goes through a short
calibration routine. It’s important not to be touching any of the sensors during this time. Placing pressure
on the sensors could result in stuck notes. Generally a simple power cycle will restore the unit to normal
behavior. A rmware reinstall from the Editor can also alleviate hardware quirks.
Sending the “Reset all controllers” message (CC 121) to the BopPad on any channel will perform a short
recalibration. Sending the “All Sounds Off” message (CC 120) to the BopPad on any channel will make it
output a note off message for all notes across all quadrants.
i plUgged in My Boppad and iT isnT Making any soUnd. WhaTs Wrong?
It’s highly likely that nothing is wrong! The BopPad is a MIDI controller, which means it doesn’t actually
make sound on its own. Instead, it sends MIDI messages, which are used to control other sound generating
software/hardware. A seemingly minor distinction, but is actually quite important to understand.
Just open up any audio software that is able to respond to incoming MIDI messages and, depending on
the software, BopPad should start working right away. It’s possible there may be more steps required to
properly congure an application to respond to an attached MIDI device — please refer to the software’s
documentation if this is the case.
Can i Use More Than one Boppad aT a TiMe?
Yes! You can use as many BopPads as you can keep track of. It would be helpful to put different presets
on each device that send on different MIDI channels, or that send different notes and control messages to
avoid confusing the software or hardware you intend to control.
WhaT kind of CyMBal sTand does The Boppad MoUnTing BraCkeT fiT on?
Any standard cymbal stand with an 8 mm post size will do!
My Boppad is sending UnexpeCTed Messages, is iT Broken?
Probably not! Be sure that the BopPad is on a at surface, or in the mounting bracket. You also might need
to adjust the global sensitivity, quadrant sensitivty or enable crosstalk cancellation.
hoW do i ConneCT To a MoBile deviCe?
To connect to an iOS device, we recommend using an Apple branded Camera Conection Kit (USB to
Lightning adapter). To connect to an Android device, you should use a USB OTG cable.
Safety Precautions
safeTy preCaUTions
MediCal deviCes
BopPad may emit electromagnetic elds. These electromagnetic elds may interfere with pacemakers or
other medical devices. If you wear a pacemaker, maintain at least 6 inches (approximately 15cm) of separation
between your pacemaker and BopPad. If you suspect BopPad is interfering with your pacemaker or any other
medical device, stop using BopPad and consult your physician for information specic to your medical device.
MediCal CondiTions
If you have any medical condition that you believe could be affected by BopPad (for example, seizures,
blackouts, eyestrain, or headaches), consult with your physician prior to using BopPad.
explosive aTMospheres
Do not use BopPad in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere, such as a fueling area, or in areas
where the air contains chemicals or particles (such as grain, dust, or metal powders). Obey all signs and
repeTiTive MoTion
When you perform repetitive activities (such hitting the BopPad with sticks), you may experience occasional
discomfort in your hands, arms, wrists, shoulders, neck, or other parts of your body. If you experience
discomfort, stop using BopPad and consult a physician.
high-ConseQUenCe aCTiviTies
BopPad is not intended for use where the failure of the device could lead to death, personal injury, or severe
environmental damage.
Choking hazard
Some BopPad accessories may present a choking hazard to small children. Keep these accessories away from
small children.
Kickstarter Backers
kiCksTarTer BaCkers
kiCksTarTer BaCkers
We would like to thank all of our backers that helped make BopPad a reality!
Alan Nguyen,Alexander von Schlinke,
Andrew Traverse, Ben Kamen, Ben
Woodruff, Brian K Cannon, Casey Neiditch,
Chara Peisach, Daniel Silberstein, Dave
Muhich, Dennis Talavera, Douglas Shagam,
Elliot K. Goldman, Graham Hunter, Graham
Jones, Grey Burkart, Harry Harcrow
,Joel Sampson, John Holland, John
Lee, Jonathan El-Bizri, Jonathan Newell,
Joshua Dutton, Justin Carel, Kevin Mitts,
Kevin Quickle, Marcus Jaynes, Matthew
Boutwell McCaughan, Michael Dunkley,
Michael Klatskin, Mitchell Fukumoto, Moti
Zemelman, Nicholas Sylvester, Nick Yulman,
Oren Levy, Peter Allen, Rene Beland,
Richard Jernigan, Ryan DuBois, Scott
Sharon, Steve Joslin, Steve Mendoza, Neil
H Goldstein, Robin Nijor, Christian Armin
David Hopkins, David Pulferer, Duncan
MacLennan, Eluard Julien, Erling Zahl Urke,
Gael Navard, Gert JALASS, Jan Ola Korte,
Kaleb Laurence Stevens, Kazuhisa Sakai,
Kim Kyeungwook, Lindsey Chua, Magnus
Larsson, Matthew Martellacci, Matthias
Maier, Michael Nickl, Mikko Ratia, Naoki
Takahashi, Robert Reid, So Ishida, Stefano
Scapin, Tim Nicholls, Tobias Boehm,
Tomasz Matysiakiewicz, Yang Wang, Adam
Partridge, Andrew Houchin, Andrew Kim,
Andrew Raffo Dewar, Bill Gribble, Bob
Morris, Brandon Granberry, Brian Ward,
Bruno Orsini, Bryan Levay, Buzzy Manning,
Carlos Herrera Delegado, Charles Andrew
Edwards, Charles Neugebauer, Chris
Ayers, Chris Chain, Dale Riffe, Damian
Doucette, Dan Erlandson, Daniel Rodgers,
Doug Werner, Eric Luce, Eric Tauer, Francis
Brennan, Greg Lind, Howard McMillan,
Ian Berve, Ian Remulla, James Neu, James
Stokes, James Tetrick, Jamie Lowry, Jayant
Menon, Jeff Sorbo, Jeffery L Moore,
Jennifer Martinez-Bre, John “Jack” Cornell,
John Hanes, Jon Harnum, Jonathan Bovey,
Joseph Trent, Joshua Dilley, Juan Pablo
Vidales, Justin Pearson, Kuantsai Lee,
Landon Gennetten, Larry Ehrlich, Lee Elrod,
Lee Ray, Leo posey, Mads V Pedersen,
Marcus Segal, Matt Price, Matthew
Osborne, Mea Lama, Michael Kivetz,
Michael Wiener, Mine fullerton, Nathanael
Iversen, Nicholas Mack, Nolan Reese, Otis
Carroll, Paul Blair, Paul Walters, Peter R
Valeri, Peter Schmalfeldt, Philip Naaden,
Rafael Martinez, Raymond Porri, Richard J
Seymour, Robert Yoso, Sami Al-Qaisi, Scott
Downie, Scott Rhatigan, Shu-Kuang Lin,
Steven Blum, Suryaprakash Tripathi, Tim
Arch, Tim Bolstad, Tim Thompson, Tracy
Evans, Troy Price, Wayne R. Tyler, Yannick, Yu
Chen, Zelin Zong, Ananthapadmanabhan
Ranganathan, Ayelet Hellerman, Bart
Reinders, Björn Maronde, Carsten Sorensen,
Michael Chan Wai Hon, Chet Hong Lau,
Chris Allen, Christopher Gascoyne, David
Johann Moser, Eckard Vossas, Elodie
Saccoccio, Emmanuel Santosa Rahardjo,
Fong Ka Weng, Fredrik Höij, Gilles Roy,
Ho Wai Hing, Jean-Francois Breton, Jenni
Hyyppä, Jeremy Etienne, Jeremy Tadman,
Joachim Ackermann, John Peacock, Jon
Spokes, Jos Heutmekers, Joseph Allen,
Josh Freeland, Juergen Bunse, Kim Jinah,
Laurent Zimmermann, Lu Ya-Ping, Luca
de Marinis, Matthew Hutton, Mick Birch,
Nathan Smith, Per Kiilstofte, Pieter Laroy,
Roberto Vergara Baldecchi, Satomi Sakai,
Sean Taggart, Sen Yin Ping, Shayamal
Vallabhjee, Son Thomsen, Stiva Vijayakumar,
Thomas Hemker, Todd Macalpine, Tony
Nwachukwu, Ulrich Maurach, Vincent
Kuenlin, Vincent Wai Yin Wong, Warren
Henry Johnson, Wataru Sato, Yukio Hirata,
Zhenghong Liu, Aaron, Adrian Gutierrez,
Andres Ysordia, Andrew Piepenbrink, Ann
Hartley, Anne Warren, Anthony Porrazza,
Ben Marx, Brian Vaughan, Bryan Stafford,
Caleb Shafer, Carl Tuinstra, Charles Liand,
Christopher Cortier, Christopher Day,
Christopher Youger, Chuck Storla, Collin
Huster, Daniel Chon, David Flaherty,
David Pearson, Irwin Byron Laus, James
Abendschan, James Long, James Stamatis,
Jarrett Hubbard, Jeremy Cubert, John F
Lamb, John J Amon, Jonathan Rothman,
Joseph Janiga, Joshua Fenn, Joshua J
Wright, Kazu Akitomo, Kevin Gomez, Laura
G. Spence, Mark Boudreau, Mark DiStefano,
Mark Fezza, Mark Wieder, Markus Fueger,
Marques A. Ivey, Matt Bronleewe, Michael
Page, Michael Penketh, Mikayla Gluskin,
Nick Sanborn, Niels Schaumann, Patrick
Hunt, Peter Teichman, Ralph Edwards,
Randall J Joslin, Ray Mattera, Raynold
B. Gillespie, Robert DeVere, Ryan Hair,
Shalom Woodrow, Sky A Cole, Soren Rose,
Steven Horii, Tim White, Timo Frazier, Wade
Winningham, Adam Jonathan Sales, Allan
Bennett, Andrea Guell, Andrii Nikitenko,
Anthony Bowyer-Lowe, Belinda Kwan,
Ben Marrel, Brad Hankewich, Brett Sosich,
Carsten Hauck, Chris Danvers, Chris Ulliott,
Craig Armstrong, Daisuke Funayama, David
Jessop, Felix-Fedor Duhrmann, Flavio
Hamaoka, Guillermo Recaredo, Idlir Fida,
Jacobus Rasser, Joe Wilkinson, Johannes
Zillmann, Jungho Kim, Kijjasak Triyanond,
Klaus Greimel, Koichi Marumo, Kurt
Joppich, Lee Skeldon, Martignier Philippe,
Max Pagel, Michael Smith, Minji-Chae,
Natasha Bickley, Nelli Bubujanca, Nick
Sales, Peter Stubbs, Rinaldo Bomba, Robbet
Naranjo, Roi Leshem, Sebastian Halder,
Sebastien Prat, Sergio Perez, Siegfried
Kuhlbrodt, Silke Schuerrer, Simon Lewin,
Steven Bouma, Sulaiman Alrubaie, Tan
Hongjun, Tim O’Hara, Tore Brede, Wen Ping
Chen, Wolfgang Wetzer, Keith Tong, Aaron
Levitz, Amit Shoham, Barry Sharp, Blake
Althen, Bradford Reed, Brian Keigher, Brian
Nevins, Charlie and Andy Gullion, Crystal
Collins, Dave Friant, Devn Frandsen, Eddie
Balzer, Gary R. Spring, Gregory Hackney,
Ian Jones, Jack Chia, Jim Balabuszko-Reay,
Jim Lubbe, Joanne Factor, Jody King,
John Atkinson, Jun Jackson, Keith Miller,
Kevin Millstead, Larry Hattery, Lewis Childs
Pollard, Lisa Tesler, Marke Mattson, Matthew
Randall, Melody Carruthers, Michael
Strocchio, Michael VanLandingham, Mike
Ferroni, Ravi Gadad, Samuel D Allen, Sasha
Leitman, Shaun Kelly, Stephen Clifford,
Steven Tuckey, Timothy Burkhead, Todd
Achtner, Todd Shafer, Tom Johnson, Wally
Schnalle, Wilton Merritt, Adam Tindale,
Alessandro Petri, Alexei Lavrenkov,
Andreas Muehlemann, Andrew Hart,
Aviad Zinemanas, Ben Ihle, Bora Eresici,
Calvert Marshall, Chatpimuk Rujithamkul,
Christof Pütz, Daniel Skotarczyk, Darren
foreman, David Joris, Doug Clinton, Dr.
Norbert Ludwig, Eugenio Casalini, Florian
Becker, Florian Dobler, Gerhard Zelenka,
Gregor McNish, Guenter Adolf Uhl, Hugh
Williams Jean-Jacques Girardot, Kari
Helenius, Lars Kraume-Flügel, Lawrence
Staden, Leopold Peneder, Leroy Kung, Marc
Bjorknas, Marc Mergen, Marcel Bricman,
Masahiro Kono, Mathias Prachensky,
Matthew Brant, Matthew Fargher, Milan
Janosik, Naofumi Hasuike, Paul Searles,
Peter Ljungstrand, Peter Sambros, Renga
Raja Prabu Subramaniam, Roland Bucher,
Ruth Chen, Sergei Nikulin, Simon Caton,
Steve Pratt, Thomas Simon, Ty Unwin,
Victor Borg, Daniel M Conroy, Magnus
Sveinbjoernsson, Michael Elliott, Tony Tran,
Ahmad Bouholaigah, Alexander O. Smith,
Dave Hertig, Marc Piñol, Richard Schneider,
Saul Zur-Szpiro, John Bisgrove, William R.
Dutcher Jr., Tarren Greenacre, Chris Labbe