International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)
ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-3 Issue-3, February 2015
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: C0808023315/2015©BEIESP
DC Motor Speed Control using PID Controller in
Lab View
Pratap S Vikhe, Neelam Punjabi, Chandrakant B Kadu
Abstract- Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control is the
most common control algorithm used in industry and has been
universally accepted in industrial control. One of the applications
used here is to control the speed of the DC motor. Controlling the
speed of a DC motors is very important as any small change can
lead to instability of the closed loop system. The aim of this paper
is to show how DC motor can be controlled by using a PID
controller in LabVIEW. DC Motor will be interfaced with
LabVIEW using an ATmega 8A Microcontroller. The speed of
the DC motor will be set by creating a Graphic User Interface
(GUI) for PID Controller in LabVIEW. LabVIEW will send
serial command to the DC motor using the PWM pins on the
Microcontroller board. DC motor will move with the speed set by
the user in LabVIEW. The speed of the dc motor will be sensed
by using the IR sensor. From the sensor, the output is sent back
to the PID Controller in LabVIEW via ATmega Microcontroller.
PID Controller compares the actual speed of the DC motor with
the set speed. If its speed is not same, PID Controller will try to
minimize the error and bring the motor to the set point value [1].
Keywords: DC Motor, LabVIEW, PID Controller, IR Sensor,
Open-Loop, Closed-Loop
DC (Direct Current) Motors are two wire (power &
ground), continuous rotation motors. When the supply
power is provided, a DC motor will start spinning until that
power is removed. Most DC motors run at a high RPM
(revolutions per minute), examples being computer cooling
fans, or radio controlled car wheels.
The speed of DC motors is controlled using pulse width
modulation (PWM), a technique of rapidly pulsing the
power on and off. The percentage of time spent cycling the
on/off ratio determines the speed of the motor, e.g. if the
power is cycled at 50% (half on, half off), then the motor
will spin at half the speed of 100% (fully on). Each pulse is
so rapid that the motor appears to be continuously spinning.
A control system is an interconnection of components
forming a system configuration that will provide a desired
system response. DC Motor will be interfaced with
LabVIEW using ATmega 8A Microcontroller. The role of
Microcontroller is to pass the set speed to the DC motor
using the PWM pins and to get the data (speed) from the
motor using the IR sensor through Interrupt.
This paper is organized as follows: Section I includes the
introduction to control system, dc motor and the IR sensor.
Manuscript Received on February 2015.
Pratap S Vikhe, Associate Professor, Instrumentation &Control
Engineering Department, Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni,
Maharashtra, India.
Neelam Punjabi, Lecturer, Biomedical Engineering Department,
Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Wadala, Maharashtra, India.
Chandrakant B Kadu, Associate, Instrumentation Engineering
Department, Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni, Maharashtra, India.
Section II gives the basics of proportional integral and
derivative controller. Section III gives the Hardware
Implementation Section IV Implementation of Open-Loop
and Closed Loop in Lab VIEW Section V is Conclusion
showing the results obtained.
The proportional integral derivative (PID) controller is the
most common form of feedback used in the control systems.
The popularity of PID controllers can be attributed partly to
their robust performance in a wide range of operating
conditions and partly to their functional simplicity, which
allows engineers to operate them in a simple,
straightforward manner. It can be used for various Industrial
applications. As the name suggests, PID algorithm consists
of three basic coefficients; proportional, integral and
derivative which are varied to get optimal response [3].
Unlike a simple proportional control algorithm, the PID
controller is capable of manipulating the process inputs
based on the history and rate of change of the signal. This
gives a more accurate and stable control method [5]. The
basic idea is that the controller reads the system state by a
sensor. Then it subtracts the measurement from a desired
reference to generate the error value. The error will be
managed in three ways, to:
1. Handle the present, through the proportional term,
2. Recover from the past, using the integral term,
3. Anticipate the future, through the derivative term.
In this paper we will have shown an open loop system and a
closed loop system with PID system to control the DC
The basic idea behind a PID controller is to read a sensor,
then compute the desired actuator output by calculating
proportional, integral, and derivative responses and
summing those three components to compute the output [2].
An open-loop controller, also called a non-feedback
controller, is a type of controller that computes its input into
a system using only the current state and its model of the
system. A characteristic of the open-loop controller is that it
does not use feedback to determine if its output has achieved
the desired goal of the input. This means that the system
does not observe the output of the processes that it is
controlling. An open-loop controller is often used in simple
processes because of its simplicity and low cost, especially
in systems where feedback is not critical.
DC Motor Speed Control using PID Controller in Lab View
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: C0808023315/2015©BEIESP
Figure below shows an Open-Loop System
Figure 1: Open Loop System
In a typical control system, the process variable is the
system parameter that needs to be controlled, such as
temperature (ºC), pressure (psi), or flow rate (liters/minute).
A sensor is used to measure the process variable and provide
feedback to the control system. The set point is the desired
or command value for the process variable. At any given
moment, the difference between the process variable and the
set point is used by the control system algorithm
(compensator), to determine the desired actuator output to
drive the system (plant).
Figure 2: Closed Loop System with PID controller
This designed controller is implemented in real time for
12volt, 1500rpm, and 1.5A DC motor. The motor is
interfaced through ATmega 8A to LabVIEW and was thus
controlled. The hardware components used are as follows:
Figure 3: Hardware
ATmega 8A
The high-performance, low-power Atmel 8-bit AVR RISC-
based microcontroller combines 8KB ISP flash memory
with read-while-write capabilities, 512B EEPROM, 1KB
SRAM, 23 general purpose I/O lines, 32 general purpose
working registers, three flexible timer/counters with
compare modes, internal and external interrupts, serial
programmable USART, a byte oriented two-wire serial
interface, 6-channel 10-bit A/D converter (8-channel in
TQFP and QFN/MLF packages), programmable watchdog
timer with internal oscillator, SPI serial port, and five
software selectable power saving modes. The device
operates between 2.7-5.5 volts. By executing powerful
instructions in a single clock cycle, the device achieves
throughputs approaching 1 MIPS per MHz, balancing power
consumption and processing speed. The main aim of
ATmega microcontroller is to write the speed on the dc
motor set by the user using its PWM pins and to read the
speed sensed by the IR sensor.
Optical encoders are devices that convert a mechanical
position into a representative electrical signal by means of
a patterned disk or scale, a light source and photosensitive
elements. With proper interface electronics, position and
speed information can be derived. Encoders can be
classified as rotary or linear for measurements of
respectively angular and linear displacements. Rotary
encoders are available as housed units with shaft and ball-
bearings or as "modular" encoders which are usually
mounted on a host shaft (e.g. at the end of a motor)[1].
Speed sensor
The sensor is always ON, meaning that the IR led is
constantly emitting light. This design of the circuit is
suitable for counting objects, or counting revolutions of a
rotating object, that may be of the order of 1500 rpm or
much more.
Driver circuit
The circuit is built around an L293D motor driver. A driver
circuit is an electrical circuit or other electronic component
used to control another circuit or other component, such as a
high-power transistor. They are usually used to regulate
current flowing through a circuit or are used to control the
other factors such as other components, some devices in the
A. Open-Loop System
The Block Diagram of Open-Loop is as shown below:
Figure 4: Block diagram of Open-Loop System
International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)
ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-3 Issue-3, February 2015
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: C0808023315/2015©BEIESP
The program usually begins with the while loop on the
block diagram and initializing the driver connections to
LabVIEW. VISA Write will write the command (speed) set
by the user on the ATmega microcontroller. VISA Read will
read the data (speed) sensed by the sensor. Between every
write command and read command there is a delay of
1000ms. At the end of the while loop, VISA Close
command is used which will close the session.
Front Panel of Open-Loop system is as shown below:
Figure 5: Front Panel of Open-Loop System
The front panel is the actual GUI (Graphic user Interface)
for the user to set the speed of the DC motor. For every
control on the front panel there is a respective block in
the block diagram.
B. Closed-Loop System
The Front Panel Diagram of Closed-Loop System is as
shown below:
Figure 5: Front Panel of Closed-Loop System
PID controller will compare the setpoint value with the
value received from the IR sensor. If the two values are not
same, PID controller will try to minimize this error and
bring the DC Motor to the desired speed.
The Block diagram of the Closed-Loop System is as
shown below:
Figure 7: Block diagram of Closed-Loop System
Duty cycle can be varied from 0-255 by varying the user
controlled interactive graphical dial on the front panel. The
response of the system can be changed by varying the gains
of PID controller. These VI’s will be burnt in the ATmega
microcontroller and interfaced with the dc motor. Setpoint,
set by the user will be fed into the pid controller and passed
on to the Microcontroller PWM pins. Microcontroller will
pass those PWM pulses to the motor along with supply
voltage that moves the motor. Shaft of the DC motor will
move and number of times it moves will give us the speed at
which the motor is moving. IR sensor is used for measuring
the rotation of the DC motor.
The method adopted in this paper is low cost technique of
controlling the speed of the DC motor. DC motor is
interfaced with PID Controller in LabVIEW via ATmega
8A Microcontroller. Speed of the motor is sensed by using
the Infrared Sensor which is sent back to PID Controller as
feedback for calculating and compensating the error
produced if any. The method implemented can be used for
various industrial applications. This technique helps in
maintaining the stability of the system.
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DC Motor Speed Control using PID Controller in Lab View
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: C0808023315/2015©BEIESP
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