Hunter Lafayette Properties
Resident Screening Criteria
Welcome to our community.
Before you apply and complete a rental application, please take the time to review the resident screening criteria. Please note that
these are our current rental criteria; nothing contained in these requirements shall constitute a guarantee or representation by us that all
residents currently residing in our community, including the roommates that will occupy the apartment with any resident, have met
these requirements. There may be residents and occupants that have resided in the community prior to these requirements going into
effect; additionally, our ability to verify whether these requirements have been met is limited to the information received from various
outside services used.
Overall Standards
Fair Housing: This community does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, handicap, familial status, sexual
orientation, national origin or any other class protected by applicable law.
Occupancy Standards: It is the policy of Hunter Lafayette Properties that no more than two (2) occupants per bedroom may occupy
an apartment, unless special circumstances are approved by the landlord. For the purpose of this occupancy limit, children under two
(2) years old are not considered occupants. Once a child has reached two (2) years of age, the child shall be considered an occupant
on any subsequent lease terms and/or renewals. If a child reaches two (2) years of age during the term of the lease, tenants may
continue to occupy for the duration of the lease. At the end of the lease term, if tenants no longer qualify to live in the same apartment
because of the number of occupants, tenants may either move into another available accommodation with a compliant number of
bedrooms, or move out. Rent for the new accommodation will be at the rental rate at the time the lease is entered into for the new
Identification: All visitors must present proper photo identification to visit the community. A valid ID is a valid drivers license,
other U.S. or state-government issued photo identification, a student ID, passport or valid visa.
Application Standards and Process
Application for Residency: An Application for Residency must be completed for each applicant who will be residing in the
apartment and who has reached the age of majority under state law, which in most states is 18 years or older. Application fees, if
applicable, will be collected before an application can be processed.
Investigation Standards: Landlord (or its designate) may conduct an investigation of applicant as part of Landlord's procedure for
processing applicant's application, an Investigative Consumer Report may be prepared whereby information is obtained through
personal interviews with applicant's landlord, employer, or others with whom applicant is acquainted. These inquiries may include
information as to applicant's character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of living, credit report and criminal
background. Landlord has attached a summary of applicant's rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Income History: Applicants should have a gross income source that can be verified and meets the minimum income requirements for
the apartment being leased which are determined by multiplying the monthly rent by three. Applicants are required to provide income
verification, including 2 months’ worth of pay stubs, a letter from an employer, offer letter, the most recent W2, the most recent tax
return and/or certified verification from company accountant or bank, financial aid paperwork, I-20, or any other government issued
documentation. Hunter Lafayette Properties has the right to confirm employment and reported income.
Credit History: Hunter Lafayette Properties may investigate and verify credit history. Landlord verifies the credit history
information with a scoring method that weighs the indicators of future rent payment performance, but Landlord retains the right to
reject an application no matter an applicant’s ultimate scoring. An unsatisfactory credit report can disqualify an applicant from renting
an apartment, including one that reflects past or current bad debts, late payments or unpaid bills, liens, judgments or bankruptcy. If an
applicant is rejected for poor credit history, the applicant will be given the name, address and telephone number of the credit reporting
agency that provided the credit report but not be told the content of the credit report. An applicant rejected for unsatisfactory credit is
encouraged to obtain a copy of the credit report from the credit reporting agency, correct any erroneous information that may be on
that report and resubmit an application.
(Hunter Lafayette Properties Application - Rev. 5/2018) 7
Criminal History: Applicants and guarantors will not be accepted if they do not satisfy the criminal history inquiries required by or
the background investigation allowed by the residency application. Applicants must not have been convicted of a felony or be subject
to deferred adjudication for a felony. However, Landlord does not guarantee or represent that residents and/or occupants currently
residing at the community qualify under the criminal background criteria required by the residency application. Hunter Lafayette
Properties maintains a strict policy prohibiting registered sex offenders from residing within our communities. This community
reserves the right to investigate lists of registered sex offenders in any manner including online, in newspapers or by contacting state
Rental History: Information regarding payment and rental history of each applicant will be collected to verify tenancy. Any
applicant who has been evicted in the past five years will not be accepted. An eviction prior to five years must show proof of payment
before application will be approved and must not have more than one eviction in the past 10 years. In the event an applicant does not
have a verifiable address, we will verify a government-issued ID.
Guarantors: In the event that a co-signer is required he/she must complete a Residency Application and meet all of the Resident
Selection Criteria. A guarantor will be fully responsible for the rent obligations of the Lease Agreement if the occupying resident(s)
Roommate Matching: Certain communities match roommates. I understand that at some point during my tenancy with Hunter
Lafayette Properties I may be matched with another applicant. I agree to participate in the roommate matching program, if it exists in
the rental community in which I live. I understand that there may be risks in participation in roommate matching, and I assume any
and all such risks, and will not hold the Landlord, community, manager, owner or any employee liable for any negative circumstances
which might occur, if I do not like the roommate(s) to which I am matched, or if my roommate(s) commit any crimes, torts,
infractions, or otherwise unlawful acts against me.
Applicant Signature
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