Sample Schedule A Letter for Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals
Name of Counselor, M.S.,
Position Title
Department of Rehabilitative Services
Street Address Suite Number
City, State Zip Code
Main Line: xxx-xxx-xxxx
TTY: xxx-xxx-xxx
Fax: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Direct Line: xxx-xxx-xxxx
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter serves as certification that (name) is an individual with a documented disability, identified by the
(vocational rehabilitation services agency name) policy and can be considered for employment under the Schedule
A hiring authority 5 CFR 213.3102 (u) for people with intellectual disabilities, severe physical disabilities or
psychiatric disabilities. Thank you for your interest in considering this individual for employment. You may
contact me at (contact information).
(Vocational rehabilitation professional’s signature)
Sample Schedule A Letter for Licensed Medical Practitioners
The letter must be printed on “medical professional’s” letterhead and
must include a signature or it is invalid.
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter serves as certification that (name of patient/applicant) is an individual with an intellectual
disability, severe physical disability or psychiatric disability, and can be considered for
employment under the Schedule A hiring authority 5 CFR 213,3102(u). Thank you for your interest
in considering this individual for employment. You may contact me at (phone number).
(Medical professional’s signature)
(Medical professional’s title)