This paper discusses aggregate loss distributions from the perspective of
collective risk theory. An accurate, efficient and practical algorithm is given for
calculating cumulative probabilities and excess pure premiums. The input re-
quired is the claim severity and claim count distributions.
One of the main drawbacks of the collective risk model is the uncertainty
of the parameters of the claim severity and claim count distributions. Modifi-
cations of the collective risk model are proposed to deal with these problems.
These modifications are incorporated into the algorithm.
Examples are given illustrating the use of this algorithm. They include (1)
calculating the pure premium for a policy with an aggregate limit; (2) calculating
the pure premium of an aggregate stop-loss policy for group life insurance; and
(3) calculating the insurance charge for a multi-line retrospective rating plan,
including a line which is itself subject to an aggregate limit.
This paper discusses aggregate loss distributions from the perspective of
collective risk theory. Our objective is to provide an efficient algorithm for
calculating the cumulative probabilities and excess pure premium ratios for
aggregate loss distributions in terms of the claim severity and claim count
distributions. Examples illustrating the use of this algorithm will be given.
Aggregate loss distributions are playing an increasingly important role in
the pricing of insurance coverages. .The insurance buying public is becoming
more sophisticated and is recognizing that it is to their advantage to absorb as
much of their losses as they possibly can and to purchase excess insurance to
cover the catastrophic losses. With the degree of competition that exists in the
insurance marketplace, it is extremely important to obtain accurate estimates of
the losses that could arise from such an insurance contract.
Aggregate loss distributions have been widely discussed in the insurance
literature. Members of the Casualty Actuarial Society are familiar with the
papers of Dorweiler [I], Valerius [2], Simon [3] and Hewitt [4]. The aggregate
loss distributions in these papers are based on observed aggregate loss data of
individual insureds. A problem with this approach is that to get a sufficient
volume of data, one must combine the experience of insureds for which one
would expect different aggregate loss distributions.
The use of collective risk theory provides an alternative to the above ap-
proach. Aggregate loss distributions are calculated in terms of the underlying
claim severity and claim count distributions. Empirical data on claim severity
and claim count distributions are, in many cases, readily available. Many feel
that this approach is superior to observing actual aggregate losses because it
makes more efficient use of available data. Much relevant detail is buried when
one observes only aggregate loss data.
However, the collective risk model does have some drawbacks. There are
problems involved in fitting a distribution to the claim count. For a given insured
we get one measurement of the claim count per year. During the years that we
get the measurements, the exposure of the insured is most likely changing. In
addition, observations are clouded by the fact that we must estimate the number
of claims which have been incurred but not reported. Because of these problems
it is difficult to fit a distribution to the claim count. Often, we must assume a
distribution (usually Binomial, Poisson or Negative Binomial) with the param-
eters selected by judgment.
While empirical claim severity distributions are readily available, there are
still some formidable problems that must be solved. There is no consensus as
to how claim severity distributions should be adjusted for inflation. If we try to
minimize this problem by choosing a relatively recent claim severity distribution,
we will understate the variance of the ultimate claim severity distribution. To
see this, consider the following equation.
Var (Z) = &(Var (ZIR)) + VarR (E(ZIR))
Z = Ultimate Loss
R = Case Reserve
When case estimates are set at the expected value of the ultimate payment, the
variance of the immature distribution will be Var,@(ZIR)). The variance of the
ultimate claim severity distribution will be greater! Great care must be exercised
in selecting the ultimate loss distribution. Methods of solving this problem can
be found in the literature. [5][6].
Another problem with the collective risk model is that the calculation of the
aggregate loss distribution has been very difficult. A great deal has been written
about the various methods of solving this problem. We shall attempt to sum-
marize these methods.
One general approach has been to calculate the moments of the aggregate
loss distribution in terms of the moments of the claim severity distribution and
the claim count distribution. One can then match the moments of the aggregate
loss distribution with an assumed distribution. Probably the best known example
of this approach is the Normal Power approximation 171. However, the condi-
tions required to insure the accuracy of this method can be very restrictive.
Gary Venter uses the transformed Gamma distribution and obtains better results
[S]. While it is easy to compute the results using these methods, one runs the
risk of inaccuracies because the assumed distribution is not the same as that
implied by the collective risk model.
A very popular method of calculating the aggregate loss distribution is by
Monte Carlo simulation. Glenn Meyers has written an article illustrating this
approach 191. This method is easy to understand and can be very accurate.
However, it currently requires a great deal of computer time.
A third method of calculating the aggregate loss distribution involves in-
verting its characteristic function. A recent article illustrating this approach was
written by Dr. Shaw Mong [IO]. This method requires that we have an explicit
‘representation of the characteristic function of the claim severity distribution.
Mong uses a shifted Gamma distribution to describe the claim severity distri-
bution. Mong gives formulas for approximating other claim severity distributions
with the shifted Gamma by matching the first three moments. The accuracy of
this method depends upon how well the shifted Gamma distribution approxi-
mates the desired claim severity distribution.
A fourth method is the so-called “recursive method.” This method assumes
a discrete claim severity distribution. By choosing a large enough number of
points for the claim severity distribution, one can obtain any desired degree of
accuracy. For this reason, it has been called an “exact” method. This method
requires far less computer time than Monte Carlo simulation. The recursive
method is derived in papers by Ethan Stroh [l l] and James Tilley [12] by
inverting the Laplace transform of the aggregate loss distribution. Much of the
mathematics involved is similar to that used in the characteristic function in-
version method. Harry Panjer gives a derivation of the recursive method which
does not involve inverting the Laplace transform [13].
The method described in this paper inverts the characteristic function of the
aggregate loss distribution. Like the recursive method, it ‘is an exact method.
Its application goes beyond the recursive method in the following ways.
1. This method allows one to combine the aggregate loss distributions of
several different lines into a composite aggregate loss distribution. This
is necessary if one is to apply the results of the collective risk model to
multi-line retrospective rating plans.
2. This method allows for parameter uncertainty in, both the claim severity
distribution and the claim count distribution. Glenn Meyers and Nathaniel
Schenker have shown that allowing for parameter uncertainty signifi-
cantly improves the fit of the collective risk model to empirical data [ 141.
It should be noted that Gary Venter’s method of Reference [8] also
allows for parameter uncertainty.
3. Philip Heckman and Phillip Norton have used the results of this paper
to derive a method of selecting the specific and aggregate policy limits
that minimize the variance of the retained losses while holding the cost
of coverage constant [ 1.51.
In short, this method is applicable to a wide variety of insurance pricing
problems. We include several examples which illustrate this.
The input required for this algorithm will be the claim count distribution
and the claim severity distribution for each exposure class covered by the
insurance contract. The claim count distribution can be either Binomial, Poisson
or Negative Binomial. The cumulative claim severity distribution is assumed to
be piecewise linear. We also allow the highest possible claim amount to occur
with some non-zero probability. Figure 1 shows a cumulative distribution func-
tion that might typically be considered. Since most claim severity distributions
applicable to the insurance business can be approximated to any desired degree
of accuracy by a piecewise linear cumulative distribution, we feel we have a
completely general method of performing these calculations.
It should be noted that these calculations will require a computer. With the
nearly universal availability of computers, we do not consider this a drawback.
We will warn the reader that the calculations are very complex, but, at the risk
of being repetitious, we will stress the underlying concepts at every opportunity.
This method is far more efficient than the more easily understood process of
Monte Carlo simulation. Having fulfilled our duty to warn the reader, let us
now proceed.
I Claim Amount
We begin by giving a full description of the aggregate loss model. We will
show how this distribution can be expressed empirically in terms of Monte
Carlo simulation or analytically in terms of convolutions.
After reviewing some basic properties of complex numbers, we will .intro-
duce the characteristic function of a probability distribution. One of the re-
markable properties of this complex-valued function is that the characteristic
function of the convolution of two probability distributions is equal to the
product of the characteristic functions of the two individual probability distri-
butions. It is this property of characteristic functions that makes this method
work. It is easier to multiply characteristic functions than it is to calculate
convolutions by Monte Carlo simulation.
The next section will express the characteristic function of the aggregate
loss distribution in terms of the claim count distribution and the characteristic
function of the claim severity distribution. We will then derive formulas for the
cumulative probabilities and the excess pure premiums for the aggregate loss
distribution in terms of its characteristic function. These formulas involve im-
proper integrals which can be evaluated using a Gaussian quadrature formula.
We then provide an analysis of the errors made in numerically evaluating
the improper integrals. In some cases, the aggregate loss distribution is known.
We test this algorithm by comparing the calculated results with known results.
We also provide a comparison of the calculated results with results produced
by Monte Carlo simulation.
Four examples illustrating the use of this algorithm will be given: (1)
calculating the pure premium of a policy with aggregate limits; (2) calculating
the pure premium of an aggregate stop-loss policy for group life insurance; (3)
calculating the insurance charge for a retrospective rating plan involving two
policies, one of which is subject to an aggregate limit; and (4) an example
similar to (3) except that there is parameter uncertainty for the claim severity
Collective risk theory started by considering the generalized Poisson distri-
bution. However, it soon became apparent that the assumptions of this distri-
bution are violated for many applications. In this section we will discuss the
assumptions of the generalized Poisson distribution and indicate some common
violations of these assumptions. We will then state a version of the collective
risk model that can deal with certain violations of these assumptions.
We start by considering the Poisson distribution. The assumptions underlying
this distribution are as follows [16].
1. Claims occurring in two disjoint time intervals are independent.
2. The expected number of claims in a time interval (tl, tz) is dependent
only on the length of the interval and not on the initial value tl.
3. No more than one claim can occur at a given time.
There are situations when these assumptions are violated. We give three
I. Positive Contagion
A manufacturer can be held liable for defects in its products which, in
many cases, are mass produced. A successful claim against the manu-
facturer may result in several other claims against the manufacturer. The
notion that a higher than expected number of claims in an earlier period
can increase the expected number.of claims in a future period is what is
called positive contagion.
2. Negative Contagion
Consider a group life insurance policy. A death in an earlier period will
reduce the expected number of deaths in a later period. One does not
die twice. The notion that a higher than expected number of claims in
an earlier period can decrease the expected number of claims in a future
period is called negative contagion.
3. Parameter Uncertainty
There are many cases when one feels that a Poisson distribution is
appropriate, but one does not know the expected number of claims. Two
options are available under these circumstances. The first option is to
estimate the expected number of claims using historical experience.
Parameter uncertainty can come from sample error. A second option is
to use the average number of claims for a group of insureds that are
similar to the insured under consideration. Parameter uncertainty arises
if each member of the group expects to have a different number of
The effect of parameter uncertainty is similar to that of positive
contagion. We give a heuristic argument for this which appeals to modem
credibility theory. Suppose one observes n claims during a certain time
period. Then one can estimate the number of claims, X, in a future period
of equal length using the following formula.
x=Z*n+(l -Z)*E
where E = Prior estimate
Z = Credibility factor.
Note that if the estimate of the expected number of claims is precise or
the group of insureds is homogeneous, the credibility factor will be 0.
If n is greater than expected, the number of claims expected in the
future will be greater than the prior estimate for non-zero values of
It should be emphasized that we are not arguing that claims in an
earlier period will cause claims in a later period, as in the positive
contagion case. We are stating only that the claim count distributions
observed under the conditions of parameter uncertainty and positive
contagion should be similar.
We now turn to specifying the claim count distributions we shall use for
each of the above situations. We shall adopt the following notation.
n - A random variable denoting the number of claims
A - The expected number of claims (A = E(n))
x - A random variable with E(X) = 1 and Var (x) = c
Parameter uncertainty can be modeled by the following algorithm.
Algorithm 3. I
1. Select x at random from the assumed distribution.
2. Select the number of claims, n, at random from a Poisson distribution
with parameter xh.
We have the following relationships.
E(n) = E(nlx) * E(X) = X
Var (n) = &War (nix)) + Var, MnlxN
= E,(xA) + Var, (xh)
= A + cA*.
If x has a Gamma distribution, the claim count distribution described by
Algorithm 3.1 is the Negative Binomial distribution [17]. We shall use the
Negative Binomial distribution to model both the positive contagion and the
parameter uncertainty cases.
We shall call the paramter c the contagion parameter for the claim count
distribution. We should note that c has also been called the contamination
parameter by some authors [ 181. It should be noted that if c = 0, Algorithm
3.1 yields the Poisson distribution.
We shall use the Binomial distribution to model the negative contagion case.
If m is the number of trials and p is the probability of success, we can formally
define the contagion parameter to be equal to -l/m. Substituting this into
Equation 3.2 yields the correct Binomial variance.
Var(n) = A - X*/m = mp - m2p2/m = mp( 1 - p)
While a negative contagion parameter makes no sense in terms of Algorithm
3.1, we shall see below that this is a very appropriate definition.
We now adopt the following notation.
z-A random variable denoting the amount of a claim
S(z)-The cumulative distribution function of z
x-A random variable denoting the aggregate loss for an insured
Aggregate losses can be generated by the following algorithm.
Algorithm 3.2
1. Select the number of claims, n, at random from the assumed claim count
2. Do the following n times.
2. I Select the claim amount, z, at random from the assumed claim
severity distribution.
3. The aggregate loss amount, X, is the sum of all claim amounts, z, selected
in step 2.1.
Let F(x) denote the cumulative distribution function for the aggregate losses
generated by Algorithm 3.2. We now give expressions for the mean and the
variance of this distribution.
E(x) = E(n) * E(z) = A * E(z)
Var (n) = E,,(Var (xln)) + Var,, (E(xln))
= E,,(n . Var (z)) + Var,, (n * E(z))
= A . Var (z) + (A + CA’) * E* (z)
= A . E(z*) + CA* . E* (z)
Implicit in the use of Algorithm 3.2 is the assumption that the claim severity
distribution, S(z), is known. In practice this distribution must be estimated from
historical observations, or it must be simply assumed. Parameter uncertainty of
the claim severity distribution can significantly affect the predictions of the
collective risk model, and it should not be ignored. Our response to this problem
is to make the simplifying (and we think reasonable) assumption that the shape
of the distribution is known but there is uncertainty in the scale of the distri-
More precisely, we specify parameter uncertainty of the claim severity
distribution in the following manner. Let p be a random variable satisfying the
conditions E(lIP) = 1 and Var (I/p) = b. We then model aggregate losses by
the following algorithm.
Algorithm 3.3
1. Select the number of claims, n, at random from the assumed claim count
2. Select the scaling parameter, p, at random from the assumed distribution.
3. Do the following n times.
3.1 Select the claim amount, z, at random from the assumed claim
severity distribution.
4. The aggregate loss amount, X, is the sum of all claim amounts, z, divided
by the scaling parameter, B.
Let 9(x) denote the cumulative distribution function for the aggregate losses
generated by Algorithm 3.3. Let U(B) be the cumulative distribution function
for the scaling parameter, B. Then the relationship between B(X) and F(x) is
given by the following equation.
S(x) =
We now give formulas for the mean and the variance for the aggregate
losses generated by Algorithm 3.3.
E(x) = E&WlPN
= Ep(A . E(z)@)
= A . E(z) . E(lIB)
= A . E(z)
Var (4 = .&War CUP>> + Varp (E(xlP))
= Ea[(A * E(z*) + CA* * E*(z))@*] + Varp (A . E(z)@)
= (A . E(z*) + CA* . E*(z)) * E(l/B2) + A* . E*(z) . Var (l/B)
= (A . E(z*) + CA* . E*(z)) . (I+b) + A2 . E*(z) . b
= A . E(z’) (l+b) + A* . E2(z) . (b+c+bc)
In this paper, we shall assume that B has a Gamma distribution. We shall
call b the mixing parameter. The mixing parameter is a measure of parameter
uncertainty for the claim severity distribution.
It should be noted that we have chosen mathematically convenient distri-
butions to model contagion and parameter uncertainty. We do not want to imply
that these distributions are in any way the “correct” ones. Since parameter
uncertainty is not directly observable, it is difficult to discover what the proper
distribution should be. It should be noted that it is possible to infer the variance
of the parameter uncertainty through the use of Equations 3.4 and 3.7 [ 141. But
until statistical methodology has advanced to the point where the proper distri-
bution can be determined, it should be acceptable to use ones which are math-
ematically convenient.
The above discussion provides a complete description of the aggregate loss
model we use in this paper. Algorithms 3.2 and 3.3 provide the means to
calculate the cumulative distribution by Monte Carlo simulation. Unfortunately
this is a long and expensive process. We now begin to develop the mathematical
tools necessary to derive a more efficient process.
Initially we will be concerned with the cumulative distribution function F(x)
which is described by Algorithm 3.2. We will then make use of Equation 3.5
to derive the cumulative distribution function B(X) described by Algorithm 3.3.
Let x be a random variable which has a distribution function F(x). Similarly,
let y be a random variable which has distribution function G(y). Let z = x +
y. Then the convolution of F and G, denoted by F * G is the distribution
function for z. We can express this analytically by the equation
(F * G)(z) = 1’ F(z-y)dGCy).
Let S(z) be a claim severity distribution. Define
so’(z) = { ‘: ;: f ; ;
S”‘(z) = (P”’ * S)(z).
One can see that S”‘(z) is the distribution of the total amount of exactly n claims.
Algorithm 3.2 can be expressed in the following manner.
Algorithm 4. I
1. Select the claim count, n, at random.
2. Select the aggregate loss amount, X, from the distribution 5”‘.
We now give an analytical expression for this process. Let F(x) denote the
distribution function for the aggregate loss distribution. Let P(n) denote the
probability of exactly n claims. We then have
F(x) = n$o P(n) . S”‘(x).
It may be helpful at this point to review some properties of complex numbers.
A complex number, z, is one which can be written in the form
z = a + bi,
where a and b are real numbers and i = m. The number a is called the real
part of z and b is called the imaginary part of z. Alternatively, z can be written
in the form
z = t-e”,
where r is a nonnegative real number and 0 is any real number; r is called the
modulus of z, and 8 is called the argument of z.
The equivalence of Equations 5. I and 5.2 can be seen by using Euler’s
io = cos (0) + i * sin (0)
Using this formula it is not difficult to show that the following relationships
arctan (b/a) if a > 0
7~ + arctan (b/a) if a < 0 and b 1 0
arctan (b/a) - n if a < 0 and b 5 0
~12 if a = 0 and b > 0
- ~12 if a = 0 and b -C 0
a = r cos (0)
b = r sin (0)
Having given a brief discussion of complex numbers, we define the char-
acteristic function (or Fourier transform) of a cumulative distribution function
&(t) = E(e’“) = Lm e”‘dF(x)
Let F and G be two cumulative distribution functions.
&p&t) = E(e’“) = 6 e’“d(F * G) ,
Since z is the sum of x and y, and x and y are independent, we have
= Ede”‘) = .&de
i’(r+r)) = &(e’“) E,(e’“‘) = +F(t)$G(f).
Thus we have proved the following well known result.
= +4t) 4kw
As a consequence of this equation we have the following.
4?dO = (~SWS’
Combining Equations 4. I and 5.10 we get the following expression for the
characteristic function of an aggregate loss distribution, F.
4+(t) = ,go m)(4&))”
As stated above, we assume that the claim severity distribution is piecewise
linear. We now specify the mathematical form of the claim severity distribution,
1. Let n be a nonnegative integer.
2. Let 0 I 01 < . . . < a,, < a,,+!.
3. Let pk denote the probability that an individual loss is between ak and
ak+ I.
4. For up < z < u~+~, the probability density of z is given by
dk = pkl(an+, - ak).
5. The probability that a claim is equal to a,,+1 is given by
1 - i pk.
This allows us to describe the accumulation of claim values at the policy
limit (a,,+ I).
We now calculate the characteristic function of S(z).
+s(t) = [ e’“d.S(z)
dk . ei”dz + ( 1 - i, pk) eirr”‘-’
Using Euler’s formula (Equation 5.3) we continue.
$s(t) = $ kg, dk(Sh (1
uk+,) - sin
(tak)) + 1 - i p, cos (tan+ I)
( k=, k)
+ i $ k$, dk (COS (tak) -
(tak+,)) + i
(I - $, pk)
sin (r&+1)
Let h(t) and f(t) denote the real and imaginary parts of
h(f) = ; $, dk
(Sin (tan+,) - Sin (t&c)) +
( ,, )
1 - z pk
COS (tan,,)
sin (ta,,+ ,) (5.13)
We now turn to the problem of calculating the characteristic function of the
aggregate loss distribution. Our main tool will be Equation 5.1 I.
Case I Binomial Distribution P(n) =
$F(Z) = 2 (“)
n=o n
p”( 1 -p>‘“-“(+s(t))”
W) = ,io (;) (phs(t))” - (1 -pyz
cbM = (P440+ 1 -p)
&o) = ( 1 + p (W)- I))“’
If we make a change of notation and let A = mp and c = - I/m, we get
$F(r) = (1 - A(+&) -I))-“‘.
e- AX”
Case 2 Poisson Distribution F(n) = 7
(PM = ,zo $ (4sW
(Pp.(t) = go e-“(A ;*!4@)”
(b&) = e-A 5 (A * pw)”
,$&) = e-Ae”‘msc”
= e
A.(+s(o- I )
Case 3 Negative Binomial Distribution
Qn)=(n’l~-f)(I +cA)-“‘.(A-
4F(0 = iii
4FW = 5
n=o(n+ I;- I)(] +cA)-“C(+$!&)”
4FW = Ii
nzo(n+I;-l)(l +cA)-‘l’(e)”
where = 1 - cA(+s(t) - 1)
&(t) = (I + CA)- I/c (I + cX)“c
&(t) = (I - cA(+s(t) - I))-“C
(5.16) :
Note that Equations 5.14 and 5. I6 are identical except for the different
interpretation of the contagion parameter c. It should also be noted that the
expression in Equations 5.14 and 5. I6 approaches the expression in Equation
5. I5 as c approaches 0.
In the computer program described below, we set c = IO-’ whenever Ic( <
IO-‘. Thus the same computer code handles all three cases.
In the preceding section we derived the characteristic function for the ag-
gregate loss distribution for a single coverage or exposure class. In this section
we use the above results to derive formulas for the cumulative probabilities and
the excess pure premiums for multiple coverages or exposure classes.
For the sake of convenience, we make the following definitions.
F(x) = Cumulative distribution function of the aggregate losses for all cov-
erages combined
p = Mean of aggregate loss distribution
cr = Standard deviation of aggregate loss distribution
At) = modulus (4~(tla>)
g(t) = argument (+F(t/a))
For each coverage, j, we define the following.
hi(t) = hj(tlU) - I
= ij(t/U)
where hj and /?j are given in Equations 5.12 and 5.13.
Note the F(x) is the convolution of the aggregate loss distributions for each
individual coverage. Using Equations 5.4, 5.5, 5.9 and 5.12-5.16 we have the
f(t) = n modulus (I - cjAj(+s,(tlo) - l))-“”
f(t) = n modulus (1 - cjAj(hj(t) + ikj(t)))-I”’
At) = I-J ((I - cjAjhj(t))* + (cjAjkj(t))2)-“2”’
g(t) = 2 argument (I - cjAj(+s,(t/o) - I))-“”
g(r) = z argument (I - cjAj(hj(t) + ik,{t)))-““j
Once the modulus and the argument of the aggregate characteristic have
been determined, it is possible to calculate the cumulative probabilities by use
of the following formula.
(txlu - g(t)) dr
The excess pure premium can be obtained from the cumulative distribution
function by the following formula.
EP(x) =
r (u - xMF(u)
Applying this to Equation 6.5 we get the following formula.
7 (cos (g(t)) - cos (txlu - g(t)))dr
The excess pure premium ratio is defined by the following formula.
Ef?(x) = EP(x)Ipa
We now introduce parameter uncertainty of the severity distributions.
s(x) =; +; in”ly (] + (LJ)-““”
sin ((I + r) arctan ($)- g(t)) dr (6.7)
= At>
%9(x) = f-l - 5 + ; o 7 cos (g(r)) -
I [
(1 + ($)‘)-“‘cos (r . arctan ($) - g(r))] dr
In the above two formulas. r = 1 + l/b.
Equations 6.5-6.8 are derived in Appendix A. It should be noted that
Equation 6.5 is the limit of Equation 6.7 as b approaches 0. Similarly Equation
6.6 is the limit of Equation 6.8 as b approaches 0. In our program we set b =
IO-’ whenever b < IO-’ and thus the same computer code handles both
Equations 6.7 and 6.8 are set up so that the parameter uncertainty of claim
severity affects all coverages in the same way. This may be realistic if one
believes that uncertainty in claim severity is due to inflation and that inflation
affects all coverages in the same way. If one wants parameter uncertainty of
claim severity for each coverage to be independent, several runs of the program
will be required. An example showing how to do this will be given below.
We now turn to the problem of evaluating the integrals given in Equations
6.7 and 6.8. It should also be noted that our program is written in FORTRAN
to run on a large (IBM 370) computer. In this environment, it gets nearly
instantaneous response at the computer terminal. The same algorithm has also
been coded in BASIC to run on a TRS80 Model III microcomputer where it
reproduces the mainframe results though with substantially greater running time.
The actual FORTRAN code is included as Exhibit IX.
We now outline our algorithm. Explanation for the steps will be given
1. Enter the parameters for the claim severity and the claim count distri-
2. Calculate the aggregate mean, )I, and standard deviation, cr.
3. Enter the loss amounts, x.
4. Calculate basic interval length, h.
12 = 2rru /(maximum loss amount)
5. In order to apply the Gaussian quadrature formulas, we must evaluate
the integrands at specified points. We evaluate the functions f(f) and
g(t) at the appropriate points in each of the following intervals.
Interval Number
(0, h/16)
2 (h/16, h/8)
3 (h/8, h/4)
4 (h/4, h/2)
5 (h/2, h)
6 (h, 2h)
(0’ - l)h, jh)
j is determined so that At)t < .00002 for all values of t evaluated in the
interval ((j - I)h, jh).
6. For each loss amount, x, evaluate 9(x) and %9(x) by summing the results
of the Gaussian quadrature formulas over each of the intervals given in
Step 5.
We now give a more detailed explanation of the above steps
Step I
The parameters for each claim severity distribution are the claim severities
a,, ; . . ,
a,,+ I and the associated probabilities PI, . . .p,,.
The parameters for each claim count distribution are the expected number
of claims and the contagion parameter, c. Note that if ICI < IO-‘, we substitute
c = lo-‘.
We must also enter the mixing parameter, b. If b < IO-’ we substitute
b = IO-‘.
Step 2
For each coverage we calculate the aggregate mean and variance according
to Equations 3.6 and 3.7. The aggregate mean and variance are the sums of the
individual means and variances for each coverage.
Step 4
Evaluating a typical g(t) showed that g(t) changes slowly. See Figure 2.
Also, r * arctan (xtlru) is an increasing function of t which is bounded by xtl
u. Thus by choosing h = 2nu/(maximum loss amount) we assure that the
interval of integration will contain no more than one oscillation of the integrand.
Step 5
The evaluation off(t) and g(t) is the most time consuming operation of this
entire algorithm. Thus f(t) and g(t) should only be evaluated once for any given
value of t, and the number of points, I, at which these functions are evaluated
should be as few as possible. Inspection of the integrands of Equations 6.7 and
6.8 revealed that they changed most rapidly in the interval (0, h). See Figures
3 and 4. Thus it was felt that the intervals used in the numerical integration
should be relatively short in the interval (0, h).
By a change of variables, each interval of integration was transformed from
the given interval to the interval (- 1, I). The Gaussian 5-point formula is then
applied. The points, tj, where fit) and g(r) must be evaluated are as follows.
11 = (-0.90617985 (b - u) + (b + a)) /2
t2 = (-0.53846931 (b - a) + (b + u)) /2
t3 = (b + a) /2
t.q = (0.53846931 (b - u) + (b + a)) 12
t5 = (0.90617985 (b - a) + (b + a)) /2
Here a is the left endpoint of the interval, and b is the right endpoint of the
interval under consideration. If f(<j) / Ij < .00002 for j = 1, . . . , 5 or the
number of intervals equals 256, no more intervals are used.
Step 6
Now that f(t) and g(t) are evaluated and stored in an array, it becomes an
easy task to evaluate B(X) and %9(.x). For each interval of integration we use
the following rule to evaluate the integral.
. (interval length/2)
where P(t) = fct,
(interval lengthl2)
1 + (zr)-““‘“sin ((1 + r) arctan (5) - g(r))
Q(t) = $? [ (
cos (g(t)) - (1 + ( $r)+2cos (r . arctan (z) - g(t))]
W, = Ws = 0.23692689
W2 =
W4 =
W3 = 0.56888889.
Then 3(x) = .5 + (Sum of all the f,,‘s) 1~ and
%9(x) = p, - x/2 + (Sum of all the IE’s) u/r.
There are three sources of error in the above calculations.
Roundoff Error
We use double precision arithmetic at every stage of our calculation. Double
precision numbers are accurate to 16 significant digits on IBM equipment. Even
though the calculations leading to a particular output value could number in the
hundreds, it is doubtful that accumulated roundoff error could be an important
factor in our calculations.
Discretizution Error
The discretization error for the Gaussian 5-point formula is given by the
73 52 38 = 8.08
11 2
*f’“’ (EJ, 5 in (-l,l).
. . .
Since the integrands are reasonably smooth (see Figures 3 and 4) the bound on
f’“’ should be reasonable. Thus the discretization error should not be significant.
Truncation Error
The most significant source of error in these calculations is the truncation
error, or the error made by substituting an integral with finite limits of integration
for an integral with infinite limits of integration. We now turn to analyzing this
truncation error.
The truncation error, ET, for the excess pure premium is given by
(1 + (s)‘)-d2cos (r * arctan (2) - g(tJ)]df
where a is the limit of the finite integral.
Now IET/ I ; j-- ‘3 (1 + 1)dt
= % - max (f(t)) * i .
NowAt) = 1 6 e”“dF(x) / I [ 1 eirx 1 dF(x) = I.
The bound on the truncation error given by Equation 8.2 is extremely
conservative because, as we show in Appendix B, maxrZ,Ar) will be signifi-
cantly less than one for most cases of interest. In fact, if each (piecewise linear)
claim severity distribution function is continuous, f(t) approaches the probability
of zero claims as t approaches infinity. For example, when the claim count
distribution is Poisson with a mean of 10 claims, f(t) will be close to e-” or
0.0000454 for large t.
The bound on the truncation error given by Equation 8.1 is also conservative
because the integrand repeatedly changes sign.
In our program, a is usually chosen so that max,,, (f(t)) * I/a < .00002.
Thus we would expect the truncation error for the excess pure premium ratio
to be bounded by .000013 * alp,.
The truncation error for the cumulative probabilities does not permit an
analysis similar to the above because the denominator of the integrand contains
t instead of t’. The examples in the next section will show that cumulative
probabilities calculated by this algorithm seem to be accurate. But they are
somewhat less accurate than the excess pure premium.
There are cases when the algorithm can be compared with known results.
We consider two such cases.
If the contagion parameter, c, is equal to - 1, then 4&r) = 4&r). The
choice of c = - I corresponds to the Binomial distribution with m = p = I.
For our first example, consider the following.
F(x) = S(x) = x for 0 I x 5 I
ER(x) = ;
(I - F(u))du = (I - x)~
Table 9. I compares computed to actual results.
1 .oooo
Actual Computed
.8100 .8100
.4900 .4900
.3600 .3600
.2500 .2500
.1600 .1600
.0900 .0900
.0400 .0400
. 0000 . 0000
ER tx)
For our next example, consider the following.
F(x) = S(x) = x12 for 0 % x < 1
F(1) = S(1) = I
ER(x) = L
p .I
(1 - F(u))& = (3 - x)(1 - x)/3
For reasons described in Section 7 above, the program required 256 intervals
for the numerical integration. The value off(t)lt for the largest value of t was
equal to .OOl. Using Equation 8.2 we obtained an estimate of .00027 as a
bound on the truncation error for ER(x). Table 9.2 compares computed to actual
These examples would seem to indicate that the calculation of ER(x) is more
accurate than that of F(x). If F(x) is continuous, the error appears to be small,
but, if F(x) is not continuous, the errors may not be so small near the points of
We now turn to a more realistic example. Exhibit II shows an actual run of
our program. Details concerning the input will be given in the discussion of
aggregate increased limits factors which follows. Here we provide a comparison
between the results of our program and a Monte Carlo simulation. One should
not expect exact agreement between expected and observed results due to
.0500 .0501 .8700 .8700
.lOOO .lOOl
.1502 .6300
.40 .2000 .2002 .5200 .5200
.50 .2500 .2502 .4167 .4167
.3000 .3003 .3200 .3200
.70 .3500 .3504 .2300 .2300
.80 .4000 .4005 .1467 .1467
.90 .4500 .4511 .0700
.99 .4950
.0067 .0067
1.0000 .7499 .oooo .OOOl
1.01 1.0000 1.0081 . 0000
1.0000 .9979 .oooo .oooo
F(x) Wx)
Computed Actual
simulation error. For this reason we performed a Chi-Square test on the results
to see if the difference could be explained by random fluctuations. The results
are in Table 9.3.
The expected number of claims in each cell was obtained from Exhibit II.
The observed number of claims in each cell was obtained by a Monte Carlo
simulation using exactly the same input parameters as those in Exhibit II. Ten
thousand trials were used.
If the differences between observed and expected values are due solely to
random fluctuations, one should expect a Chi-Square value of 25. In this case
we get a slightly higher value of Chi-Square. We have performed similar tests
on many occasions and have gotten similar results. The algorithm works.
We now consider how this algorithm can be used to calculate the premium
for a policy that is subject to an aggregate limit.
Underwriters have long felt that lines of insurance such as Products Liability
and Medical Malpractice present a severe catastrophe potential. For example,
Upper Cell Boundary
Observed Expected
200,000 546
250,000 589
789 769
600,000 625
650,000 597
506 491
800,000 353
850,000 269
1 ,ooo,ooo 135
1,050,000 93
102 94
73 73
1,250,OOO 39
Over 1,250,OOO 140
Chi-Square = 26.0
Degrees of Freedom = 25
the publicity given a Products Liability lawsuit may well provoke several ad-
ditional lawsuits by others who have purchased the same product. Thus under-
writers have justifiably sought to limit the total amount of losses that can be
paid out under a single policy.
The price for a policy with an aggregate limit (ignoring expense consider-
ations) will be the price of a similar policy with no aggregate limit less the
excess pure premium for the aggregate limit. Below, we will give several
examples of such calculations using Exhibits II to V. But, before we do this,
let us discuss the input parameters.
The claim severity distribution chosen is typical for Products Liability cov-
erages. We will not discuss selection of the claim severity distribution here.
Instead we will refer the interested reader to the literature [ 191 [20].
The claim severity distribution will be subject to a $250,000 occurrence
The mean of the claim count distribution was calculated by dividing total
expected losses by the severity mean ($18,198). In Exhibits II, IV and V a
contagion parameter of zero was chosen. This choice gives the Poisson distri-
bution. In Exhibit III we chose a contagion parameter of .25. In light of the
catastrophe potential for Products Liability that was discussed above, a more
highly skewed claim count distribution would indeed seem justified.
A mixing parameter of 0 is used in this example.
Tables 10.1 and 10.2 show the discounts expressed as a proportion of the
total expected loss.
While a more highly skewed claim count distribution may be justified for
Products Liability, it does not give a conservative price for a policy with an
aggregate limit. Thus we would recommend using a Poisson distribution for the
claim count unless one has definite evidence that a more skewed distribution is
Notice that the discounts depend upon the expected loss. Present tables of
increased limits factors do not reflect this dependence. We admit that there is a
practical problem involved in publishing increased limits factors that vary by
expected loss. However, the “practical” solution of not considering the expected
loss can produce embarrassing examples such as the following. This method is
identical to that given in I.S.O. rating manuals.
TABLE 10.1
Expected Loss = $500,000
Aggregate Limit 0.00 0.25
$ 600,000 .I394 .2132
800,000 .0516 .1125
1 ,ooo,ooo .0165 .0570
1,200,000 .0046 .0279
1,400,000 .0012 .0133
TABLE 10.2
Contagion Parameter = 0.0
Expected Loss
Aggregate Limit
$1 ,ooo,oOO
$ 600,000 .0296 .1394 .4202
$ 800,000 .0060 .0516 .2665
$1 ,ooo,ooo
$1,200,000 .0002 .0046 .0791
$1,400,000 - .OOl2 .0371
Basic Limits - $25,000 per occurrence and $75,000 aggregate
Base Rate
- $1 .OO per unit of exposure
Exposure - I ,OOO,OOO units
If an insured bought a policy for the basic limits, he would pay $1 ,OOO,OOO and
the most he could recover in losses is $75,000! While it is unlikely that such a
policy has ever been sold, significant errors could be quite common.
We propose the following as a remedy to this situation.
1. Publish increased limits tables for occurrence limits only.
2. Do not give discounts for aggregate limits. Instead, publish a table of
aggregate limits which are appropriate for a given expected loss. The
aggregate limits should be sufficiently high so that the indicated discount
is less than a nominal amount, say 0.5%.
Using Exhibits II, IV and V we can derive the appropriate aggregate limits.
Expected Loss
Aggregate Limit
$ 250,000
$ 825,000
500,000 1,200,000
1 ,ooo,ooo 1,900,000
We now give the solution to a problem that was proposed to us by a life
actuary of our company.
A large employer wanted to self insure his group life insurance. To protect
against a catastrophe, he wanted to purchase aggregate excess insurance to cover
losses in excess of 1.25 times the expected loss. The following data were
provided to us.
Age Range
Number of Lives Expected Loss
29 and Under 2,073 47,086
2 30-34
1,135 36,342
3 35-39
1,044 35,380
822 54,938
5 45-49
1,004 136,126
6 50-54
1,193 270,050
975 395,47 1
8 60-64
65 and Over 25 13,247
The expected loss was computed using a mortality table and the average
amount of insurance in each group.
It was felt that the claim count distribution should be binomial. Thus we
chose a contagion parameter of - l/(number of lives) for each group. We were
not given a distribution of insurance amounts for each group. Assuming that all
insureds had the average amount of insurance in each group would understate
the excess pure premium. For this reason we requested rough estimates for
those distributions.
The mixing parameter selected was 0.0.
It should be noted that the assumptions of the collective risk model are
violated in this example. When a person dies, the amount of his insurance
policy is removed from the claim severity distribution. However the turnover
of group members should keep the claim severity distribution approximately the
same. Thus we feel that the collective risk model will be a good approximation
of the true situation.
Exhibit VI gives the computer run for the problem. The pure premium for
this coverage was calculated to be 1.53% of the expected loss.
A retrospective rating plan is a rating plan in which the final premium is
determined after the policy period has expired [21]. While these plans have
many features, we will limit this discussion to plans where the insurer is liable
for all losses above an agreed upon amount.
Retrospective rating plans can cover several different policies under a single
plan. Here we provide a simple example showing how to calculate the pure
premium, or insurance charge, for such a rating plan. Our example will consist
of two coverages, Workers’ Compensation and Products Liability.
The Workers’ Compensation policy has an expected loss of $500,000. The
claim severity distribution is given in Exhibit I. The contagion parameter is .05.
The mixing parameter is 0.0.
The Products Liability policy has an expected loss of $500,000 before
application of the aggregate limit. The claim severity distribution is given in
Exhibit 1. The contagion parameter is .25. The policy that is written under the
retrospective rating plan is subject to a $1 ,OOO,OOO aggregate limit. The mixing
parameter is 0.0.
The presence of a policy subject to an aggregate limit in the retrospective
rating plan makes it necessary to run the program twice to determine the
insurance charges. Exhibit III will serve as the first run of the program. For the
second run we treat the Workers’ Compensation parameters in the usual manner.
For the Products Liability, we substitute the aggregate loss distribution in Exhibit
III for the claim severity distribution. We, of course, limit the aggregate losses
to $1 ,OOO,OOO. The contagion parameter is - 1. This corresponds to a binomial
claim count distribution with m = p = 1. The results of the second run are
shown in Exhibit VII. It can be seen, for example, that the insurance charge
for a plan which covers losses in excess of $1,500,000 is $21,894.
We now consider parameter uncertainty for the scale of the claim severity
Misestimation of the claim severity distribution can occur because of limited
information on the individual coverage. In this case one would expect the scale
uncertainty for each coverage to be independent. Misestimation of future infla-
tion can also cause scale uncertainty. In this case one could expect the scale
uncertainty to affect each coverage in the same way. The following example
shows how to handle both of these cases. It will be necessary to run the program
once for each individual coverage. A final run is then required to combine the
individual coverages.
The Workers’ Compensation policy has the same parameters that were
specified in the above example with the exception that the mixing parameter is
set equal to .05. This reflects uncertainty in the scale of the claim severity
distribution for Workers’ Compensation. The aggregate loss distribution for this
coverage is given in Exhibit VIIIA.
The Products Liability policy has the same parameters that were specified
in the above example with the exception that the mixing parameter is set equal
to .05. This reflects uncertainty in the scale of the claim severity distribution
for Products Liability. The aggregate loss distribution is given in Exhibit VIIIB.
It should be noted that this aggregate loss model adjusts the policy limit with
the scaling parameter, while in the real world the policy limit remains fixed.
However this should not significantly affect the final results.
The aggregate loss distributions for Workers’ Compensation and Products
Liability are then combined to get the aggregate loss distribution for the total
losses of the two coverages. Here the aggregate loss distribution for each
coverage is treated as the claim severity distribution for the final run of the
program. The Products Liability loss is limited to $l,OOO,OOO. The contagion
parameter for each coverage is set equal to - 1. The mixing parameter is set
equal to .05. This reflects uncertainty in the scale of the aggregate loss distri-
bution. For a given year the scale parameter is identical for both coverages. It
should be noted that, as we do above, this aggregate loss model adjusts the
aggregate limit with the scaling factor.
The results of the third run are shown in Exhibit VIIIC. It can be seen, for
example, that the insurance charge for a plan which covers losses in excess of
$1,500,000 is $46,424. Here one can see that that parameter uncertainty can
significantly affect the required insurance charge.
We have described an efficient and accurate algorithm which calculates the
cumulative probabilities and excess pure premiums for the collective risk model.
The program and related programs have been used at our company in
applications described above and many others. These include the analysis of
profit sharing plans, large account pricing, aggregate deductibles and sliding
scale dividend plans. Also, we are currently exploring applications involving
the optimization of reinsurance retentions [IS] and designing a retrospective
rating plan which properly accounts for the “overlap” problem [22]. In short,
this is a very useful program.
Our exposure to these applications has led us to believe that further work
needs to be done with the collective risk model. In particular, we need to test
the predictions of the collective risk model against actual aggregate loss data.
We also need to test the sensitivity of the collective risk model to violations of
the assumptions underlying it.
This paper had its origins in an anlysis of Shaw Mong’s paper [lo] which
was done by Glenn Meyers and Nathaniel Schenker. Comparisons of Mong’s
results with Monte Carlo simulations suggested that Mong’s technique worked
well when the claim severity distribution was a Gamma distribution, but oth-
erwise it worked poorly. It was also noted that Mong’s technique could be
modified to work for any claim severity distribution provided one could calculate
its characteristic function.
The classic book on risk theory by Beard, Pentikainen and Pesonen ]7] had
a very strong influence in our thinking, as can be noted by our several references
to it. We regard this paper, in part, as a synthesis of the ideas in Mong’s paper
and Chapter 8 of the book.
Another strong influence has been observing the various ways this algorithm,
and prior Monte Carlo simulations,
have been used. We received excellent
feedback from the following individuals: Burton Covitz, Michael Larsen, John
Meeks, Arthur Placek, and Philip Wolf: The following individuals made several
helpful comments while we were preparing this paper: Bradley Alpert, Yakov
Avichai, Sam Gutterman, Phillip Norton, Nathaniel Schenker, and Edward
Seligman. We offer our sincere thanks.
The purpose of this appendix is to derive Equations 6.5-6.8. We will first
derive expressions for the cumulative probability and the excess pure premium
in terms of c@(f) and U(p). Equations 6.5-6.8 will then be special cases of
these expressions.
The following formula is given by Kendall and Stuart [23].
F(Px) = f + & [ Pr’ * 44-O ; e-ip.r’ . 4%(0 dt
From Equation 3.5 we have the following.
I [
Ox ; +F(-r) . +u(xt) - +FO) . Wij dt
(A. 1)
Thus we have the following.
Yw(x) =
,,; (v - x)dS(v) =
= 1; [ j-,= dWv)] du = 1; (1 - B(u)@
Jz (1 - B(v))dv - I’ (1 - S(v))dv
$F( - t) * &/(vt) - c/%(t) * +U(-vf)
Mt) [ &A- VOdv] dt
Note: $(r) = f(t)e”“‘; At) =A-t) and g(-t) =
Case1 U(p)=Oforp<landU(P)= lforprl.
= err
+u(xt) = e’I’
+o(-xt) = e-“’
ox +u(vt)dv = =
; +u( -vt)dv = -,‘-lX’
Equation 6.5 is obtained by substituting Equations A.3 and A.4 into Equation
A. 1. and replacing t with t/a. Equation 6.6 is obtained by substituting Equations
A.5 and A.6 into A.2 and replacing t with tla.
We first show that U(p) satisfies the conditions stated for Algorithm 3.3.
rir) 0 (+)
‘- ‘em@@
In the error analysis of Section 8 we indicated that max,z, f(r) could be
significantly less than one for large a. We now give a demonstration of this
fact. It will be sufficient to consider a single coverage or class of business.
We will adopt the following notation for use in this appendix.
A = a,,+,
As t + 30, we have the following.
h(t) + D cos (At)
k(t) --;, D sin (At)
+~(t) + D(cos (At) + i sin (At))
Case I Binomial Distribution
OF(f) = [1 + p f&(C) - 1)l”’
As t + ~0, we have the following.
At> + [(l - p + D p cos (At))’ + (D p sin (Af))2]““2
f(t) + [( 1 - p)’ + 2 D p cos (At) + (D p)2]‘n’2
If D = O,f(t) + (1 - p)“’ which is equal to the probability of having no claims.
If D > 0,flt) does not approach a limit, but the asymptotic upper bound off(r)
can be obtained by setting cos (At) = 1.
max,,, f(t) + [( 1 - p)’ + 2 D p + (D P)~]““~
As an example, consider the case when m = 100, p = .l and D = .I :
max j(t) + .0000905.
Case 2 Poisson Distribution
+&) = e
h(+sw - I)
As t + m,At) + emA * eW ‘OS (A’). If D = O,flt) + emA, which is equal to the
probability of having no claims. If D > 0, f(t) does not approach a limit, but
the asymptotic upper bound off(t) can be obtained by setting cos (At) = 1.
max f(t) + e-‘(‘+)
As an example, consider the case when A = 10 and D = .I:
max fit) + ep9 = .0001234.
Case 3 Negative Binomial Distribution
W) = [I - cA(+s(o - 111
As t --+ w, we have the following.
fit) + [(I + CA + CA D cos (At))2 + (CA D sin (At))2]-“2c
At) ---, [(l + cA)~ + 2(1 + CA) 1 CA D cos (At) + (CA D)‘]-I”’
If D = 0, f(t) --j (1 + CA)-“‘,
which is the probability of having no claims. If
D > 0, f(t) does not approach a limit, but the asymptotic upper bound of f(t)
can be obtained by setting cos (At) = 1.
max fit) + [(I + cA)~ - 2( 1 + cA)(cAD) + (cAD)~]-“~“
As an, example, consider the case when A = 10, D = .I and c = .I :
maxflt) * .001631.
[l] Paul Dorweiler, “On Graduating Excess Pure Premium Ratios,” PCAS
XXVIII, 1941, p. 132.
[2] Nels M. Valerius, “Risk Distributions Underlying Insurance Charges in
the Retrospective Rating Plan,” PCAS XXIX, 1942, p. 96.
[3] LeRoy J. Simon, “The 1965 Table M,” PCAS LII, 1965, p. 1.
[4] Charles C. Hewitt, Jr., “Loss Ratio Distributions- A Model,” PCAS LIV,
1967, p. 70.
[5] Charles A. Hachemeister, “A Stochastic Model For Loss Reserving,”
Transactions of the 21st International Congress of Actuaries, Vol. 1980,
p. 185.
[6] Insurance Services Office, Report of the increased Limits Subcommittee:
A Review of Increased Limits Ratemaking, Insurance Services Office,
1980, p. 72.
[7] R. E. Beard, T. Pentiklinen, and E. Pesonen, Risk Theory, 2nd Edition,
Chapman and Hall, 1977, p. 43.
[8] Gary Venter, “Transformed Beta and Gamma Distributions and Aggregate
Losses,” Pricing, Underwriting, and Managing the Large Risk, Casualty
Actuarial Society 1982 Discussion Paper Program, p. 395. See also PCAS
LXX, (1983).
[9] Glenn Meyers, “An Analysis of Retrospective Rating,” PCAS LXVII,
1980, p. 110.
[lo] Shaw Mong, “Estimating Aggregate Loss Probability and Increased Limit
Factor,” Pricing Property and Casualty Insurance Products, Casualty Ac-
tuarial Society 1980 Discussion Paper Program, p. 358.
[ 1 I] Ethan Stroh, “Actuarial Note: The Distribution Functions of Collective
Risk Theory as Linear Compounds,” Actuarial Research Clearing House,
[12] James Tilley, Discussion of Harry Panjer, “The Aggregate Claim Distri-
bution and Stop-Loss Reinsurance,” TSA XxX11, 1980, p. 538.
[13] Harry Panjer, “Recursive Evaluation of a Family of Compound Distribu-
tions,” ASTIN Bulletin, Vol. 12, No. 1, 198 1, p. 22.
[14] Glenn Meyers and Nathaniel Schenker,
“Parameter Uncertainty in the
Collective Risk Model,” Pricing, Underwriting, and Managing the Large
Risk, Casualty Actuarial Society 1982 Discussion Paper Program, p. 253.
See also PCAS LXX, (1983).
[15] Philip Heckman and Phillip Norton,
“Optimization of Excess Portfolios,”
Pricing, Underwriting, and Managing the Large Risk, Casualty Actuarial
Society 1982 Discussion Paper Program, p. 113.
[16] Beard et al., op. cit., p. 18
[17] Ibid., p. 110.
[I81 Ibid., p. 126.
[19] Insurance Services Office, op. cit., p. 46.
[20] Gary Patrik, “Estimating Casualty Insurance Loss Amount Distributions,”
PCAS LXVII, 1980, p. 57.
[21] National Council on Compensation Insurance, Retrospective Rating
Plan D.
[22] For a discussion of the overlap problem, see Meyers op. cit.
1231 Maurice Kendall and Alan Stuart, The Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol.
I, 4th Edition, Macmillan, 1977, p. 98.
- . .
- -. _
- -- -.- - __.
The exhibits associated with the paper “The Calculation of Aggre-
Distributions from Claim Severity and Claim Count Dis-
tributions” by Philip E. Heckman and Glenn G. Meyers (PCAS
LXX, 1983) appear in the subsequent volume of the Proceedings
(PCAS LXXI, 1984).