JUNE 12, 2023
One Hundred and Sixty-Fifth
Annual Commencement
9 A.M., MONDAY, JUNE 12, 2023
One Hundred and Sixty-Fifth
Annual Commencement
Soon after Northwestern University was founded, its Board of
Trustees adopted an official corporate seal. This seal, approved on
June , , consisted of an open book surrounded by rays of light
and circled by the words North western University, Evanston, Illinois.
Thirty years later Daniel Bonbright, professor of Latin and a
member of Northwesterns original faculty, redesigned the seal,
retaining the book and light rays and adding two quotations.
On the pages of the open book he placed a Greek quotation from
the Gospel of John, chapter , verse , translating to The Word . . .
full of grace and truth. Circling the book are the first three
words, in Latin, of the University motto: Quaecumque sunt vera
(What soever things are true). The outer border of the seal carries
the name of the University and the date of its founding. This seal,
which remains Northwesterns official signature, was approved by
the Board of Trustees on December , .
The full text of the University motto, adopted on June , ,
is from the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians, chapter ,
verse  (King James Version).
Whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just,
whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report;
if there be any virtue,
and if there be any praise,
think on these things.
PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
PROFILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
UNIVERSITY TRUSTEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
NORTHWESTERN PAST AND PRESENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
SCHOOLS OF THE UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
ACADEMIC DRESS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
EMERITUS FACULTY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
HONORARY DEGREES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
TEACHER AWARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
FIFTIETH REUNION CLASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . 16
School of Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
School of Education and Social Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science . . . . . . . . 21
Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications . . . . 23
Henry and Leigh Bienen School of Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Reserve Officers Training Corps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Graduate School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
School of Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
School of Education and Social Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science . . . . . . . . 42
Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications . . . . 44
Pritzker School of Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
J. L. Kellogg School of Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Feinberg School of Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Henry and Leigh Bienen School of Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
School of Professional Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Joint Degree Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
*The appearance of a student’s name is not to be regarded as proof of degree.
While the University respects the rights of all
to express their views, we request that any
such expressions during these Commencement
proceedings neither disrupt the ceremony nor
prevent others from enjoying it.
ail to Alma Mater!
We will sing thy praise forever;
All thy sons and daughters
Pledge thee victory and honor.
Alma Mater, praise be thine,
May thy name forever shine!
Hail to Purple! Hail to White!
Hail to thee, orthwestern!
Q u a e c u m Q u e s u n t v e r a ,
P r o b a , j u s t a , m e r a
o m n i a h a e c d o n a
P r a e b e s n o b i s b o n a ,
a l m a m a t e r c a r a ,
b e n e d i c t a , c l a r a ,
c e l s a i n h o n o r e
n o s t r o e t a m o r e !
Millar Brass Ensemble, Stephen Squires, conductor
Kristen Glass Perez, University chaplain and executive director for religious and spiritual life
Pamala Silas, associate director of the Center for Native American and Indigenous Research
Andrew Sprague, master’s degree candidate, Bienen School of Music
Michael H. Schill, president of the University
Introduced by Susan Davis, vice president for student affairs
Peter J. Barris, chair of the Board of Trustees
Albert Manzone, president of the Northwestern Alumni Association
Kathleen Hagerty, provost of the University
Michael H. Schill and Kathleen Hagerty
The citations appear on pages –.
JB Pritzker, governor of Illinois
Michael H. Schill and Kathleen Hagerty
Flemming Li, master’s degree candidate, Bienen School of Music
Michael H. Schill and Kathleen Hagerty
Ji Hye Choi, bachelor’s degree candidate, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
Led by Morgan Small, bachelor’s degree candidate, Bienen School of Music
The text appears on page .
Susan Davis
Millar Brass Ensemble, Stephen Squires, conductor
Michael H. Schill took office as Northwesterns th president on
September , . He also serves as a professor in the Northwestern
Pritzker School of Law.
He previously spent seven years as president of the University of
Oregon, where he raised the university’s profile in teaching, research,
innovation, student access, and diversity. Under Schill’s leadership,
UO built the Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific
Impact, increased its four-year graduation rates by  percentage
points, and launched the Ballmer Institute for Childrens Behavioral
Health at a new campus in northeast Portland. Schill also led the exten-
sion and historic close of the university’s fundraising campaign
in , which exceeded its goal with . billion total raised.
Schill is a nationally recognized expert in property, real estate, and
housing law and policy. He is the author or coauthor of books and
more than  scholarly articles. His work includes studies of the
determinants of value in condominium and cooperative housing, the
impacts of housing programs on property values, the enforcement of
Fair Housing laws, mortgage securitization, and the effects of housing
market regulation. Property, which he coauthored with James Krier
and Greg Alexander, is one of the most widely adopted casebooks in
American law schools.
He served as dean and professor at the law schools of the University
of Chicago and UCLA, and he has held tenured faculty positions
at New York University and the University of Pennsylvania. In 
Schill founded NYU’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban
Policy, which has become one of the nations leading research centers
on housing and the built environment.
He has served on several nonprofit boards and civic bodies, includ-
ing Argonne National Laboratory, ITHAKA, the Chicago Innovation
Exchange, and the Housing Preservation Compact of Chicago.
Before beginning his career as a professor, Schill served as law clerk
to the Honorable Marvin Katz of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
and was a real estate attorney at the New York City law firm of Fried,
Frank, Harris, Shriver and Jacobson.
Schill graduated with an AB in public policy from Princeton University
in  and a JD from Yale Law School in .
Chair, Board of Trustees
Peter J. Barris joined New Enterprise Associates (NEA) in  and
was the rms managing general partner from  to . Having
retired in , Barris now serves as chairman. During his  years
at the helm, NEAs assets under management grew from  billion to
more than  billion and the organization scaled its operations to
become one of the worlds largest venture capital rms. Under Barriss
leadership, NEA invested in industry-transforming technology compa-
nies like CareerBuilder, Tableau, Groupon, Jet.com, Juniper Networks,
Salesforce.com, TiVo, WebMD, and Workday. He has been named to the
Washington Tech Councils Hall of Fame, to the Washington Business
Hall of Fame, and several times to the Forbes Midas List of top technol-
ogy investors. Barris has personally led investments in over three dozen
technology companies that have successfully completed public oerings
or mergers. He currently serves on the board of directors for public
companies Berkshire Grey, Sprout Social, and ZeroFox. Barris also
serves on the boards of the Brookings Institution, In-Q-Tel, and several
private companies.
Although he is a longtime resident of Virginia, Barris has been a very
active participant in the Chicago tech scene. He serves on the board
of P and has been named to Crains Chicago Tech  list. In 
the Illinois Venture Capital Association honored him with the Golder
Award for his “profound and lasting contributions to the private equity
industry in Illinois.
Prior to joining NEA, Barris was president of Legent Corporation
and senior vice president of the Systems Soware Division of Uccel
Corporation. Both companies were ultimately acquired at valuations
that were record-breaking for their time. Earlier, he spent almost a
decade at General Electric Company in a variety of management posi-
tions, including vice president and general manager at GE Information
Services. In addition to chairing the Northwestern University Board of
Trustees, Barris has served on the executive committee of the board of
the National Venture Capital Association and the Tuck School board
of overseers and was a founding member of Venture Philanthropy
Partners, a philanthropic organization in the Washington, DC, area.
Barris received his BSEE from Northwestern University and his MBA
from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.
Board of Trustees
Wendy D. Abrams
José E. Almeida
Courtney D. Armstrong
Heather B. Baker
Peter J. Barris (chair)
Alicia Boler Davis
Christine E. Brennan
Steven A. Cahillane
Du H. Chai
Howard B. Chrisman
Frank D. Cohen
Deborah L. DeHaas
James A. DeNaut
Tarek Elmasry
D. Cameron Findlay
T. Bondurant French
Valerie J. Friedman
Larry W. Gies
H. Patrick Hackett Jr.
Robert M. Hayward
Bridgette P. Heller
Jay C. Hoag
Adam L. Hoeflich
Jane S. Hoffman
Lynn A. Hopton Davis
Yie-Hsin Hung
David G. Kabiller
Nancy Trienens Kaehler
Adam R. Karr
Melih Z. Keyman
Harreld N. Kirkpatrick III
John Z. Kukral
Ellen Kullman
Jennifer Leischner Litowitz
Albert A. Manzone
April L. McClain-Delaney
Kristin A. McDonnell
Thomas K. Montag
Milton M. Morris
Wendy M. Nelson
Pin Ni
Phebe N. Novakovic
Tara M. Peters
Jane DiRenzo Pigott
Brian S. Posner
Paula B. Pretlow
Purnima Puri
Kimberly Querrey
Michael A. Reinsdorf
Annette P. Rippert
Virginia M. Rometty
Patrick G. Ryan Jr.
David A. Sachs
Michael J. Sacks
E. Scott Santi
Muneer A. Satter
Paul J. Schneider
Michael S. Shannon
Gwynne E. Shotwell
Emily Heisley Stoeckel
Timothy P. Sullivan
Charles A. Tribbett III
Frederick H. Waddell
Mark R. Walter
Sona Wang
Joey Wat
Miles D. White
Michael R. Wilbon
W. Rockwell Wirtz
Jianming Yu
Life Trustees
William F. Aldinger
Mark A. Angelson
Judith S. Block
Neil G. Bluhm
Deborah H. Brady
Duane L. Burnham
John A. Canning Jr.
Nicholas D. Chabraja
Fernando G. Chico
Dennis H. Chookaszian
George A. Cohon
Franklin A. Cole
Christopher B. Combe
Philip M. Condit
John W. Croghan
A. Steven Crown
Lester Crown
Bonnie S. Daniels
Richard H. Dean
Charles W. Douglas
John M. Eggemeyer
W. James Farrell
Dennis J. FitzSimons
Barbara Gaines
Christopher B. Galvin
James L. Garard Jr.
Eric J. Gleacher
J. Douglas Gray
Herbert W. Gullquist
Thomas Z. Hayward Jr.
Edward C. Hutcheson Jr.
George E. Johnson
Daniel S. Jones
James R. Kackley
Ellen Philips Katz
William S. Kirsch
Lester B. Knight
Martin J. Koldyke
Harry M. Kraemer Jr.
Timothy K. Krauskopf
Duane R. Kullberg
Lawrence F. Levy
Ivy Beth Lewis
Edward M. Liddy
John Jeffry Louis
Ann Lurie
Robert A. Lurie
John W. Madigan
J. Landis Martin
R. Eden Martin
Arthur C. Martinez
W. James McNerney Jr.
Lee M. Mitchell
Leo F. Mullin
Robin Chemers Neustein
James J. O’Connor
William A. Osborn
Harry J. Pearce
Jerry K. Pearlman
Jerry M. Reinsdorf
M. Jude Reyes
Patrick G. Ryan
Paul Sagan
William E. Sagan
Robert P. Saltzman
D. Gideon Searle
Gordon I. Segal
Andrew E. Senyei
William D. Smithburg
Judith A. Sprieser
Thomas C. Theobald
Richard L. Thomas
Julia A. Uihlein
John R. Walter
David B. Weinberg
William J. White
Stephen R. Wilson
Stephen M. Wolf
To recognize the land is an expression of gratitude and appreciation to those whose
territory we reside on—and a way of honoring the Indigenous people who have been living
and working on the land from time immemorial. It is important to understand the long-
standing history that has brought us to reside on the land and to seek to understand our
place within that history.*
The Northwestern campus sits on the traditional homelands of the people of the Council of
Three Fires—the Ojibwe, Potawatomi, and Odawa—as well as the Menominee, Ho-Chunk,
and Miami tribes. It was also a site of trade, travel, gathering, and healing for more than a
dozen other Native tribes; the state of Illinois is still home to over 100,000 tribal members.
Consistent with the University’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, Northwestern
works toward building relationships with Native American communities through academic
pursuits, partnerships, historical recognitions, community service, and enrollment efforts.
The founding of Northwestern University by nine Methodists embodied a mixture
of religious conviction and secular optimism that is uniquely American. Meeting above
a hardware store in the burgeoning frontier town of Chicago, these nine resolved on
May , , to establish an institution of “the highest order of excellence.” The 
Act of Incorporation creating Northwestern University contained a provision reflecting
the strong religious beliefs of its founders but requiring no particular religious faith of
students or members of the faculty.
In  the University bought and began to develop  acres of lakeshore farmland. The
town that grew up around Northwestern was named for John Evans, one of the University’s
founders. By  Northwestern had completed its first building and opened a College
of Liberal Arts. By  the University encompassed six additional schools, including the
medical and law schools in Chicago. Since the establishment of the Graduate School in ,
Northwestern has provided graduate as well as undergraduate instruction, emphasizing
research along with teaching.
The University’s development since then has paralleled the growth of metropolitan
Chicago. Today Northwestern is a private research university of distinction, with 
academic divisions located on two lakefront campuses in Evanston and Chicago as well as
Northwestern University in Qatar, which opened in Doha in . North westerns vision
of excellence—although faithful to its founding—invigorates a territory far beyond the
old Northwest Terri tory through the accomplish ments of its alumni and by virtue of a
distinguished faculty and high-achieving student body drawn from across the nation and
around the world.
*Adapted from www.lspirg.org/knowtheland
The Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences,
established in  as the College of Liberal Arts, offers the degree
of bachelor of arts. Through the School of Professional Studies,
Weinberg College also offers the degrees of bachelor of philosophy
and bachelor of science in general studies.
The School of Communication, established in  as the School
of Oratory and later renamed the School of Speech, offers the
degrees of bachelor of arts, bachelor of science, master of arts,
master of science, doctor of audiology, and doctor of speech-
language pathology. Through the School of Professional Studies,
the School of Communication also offers the degree of bachelor of
philosophy in communication.
The School of Education and Social Policy, established in  as
the School of Education, offers the degrees of bachelor of science
and master of science.
The Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied
Science, established in  as the College of Engineering, offers
the degrees of bachelor of science, master of engineering manage-
ment, master of product design and development management,
and master of science. McCormick offers the master of business
administration/artificial intelligence in conjunction with the
J. L. Kellogg School of Management.
The Graduate School, established in , administers programs
leading to the degrees of master of arts, master of fine arts, master of
public health, master of science, and doctor of philosophy.
The Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing
Com munications
established in  as the Medill School of
Journalism, offers the degrees of bachelor of science and master
of science.
The Pritzker School of Law, established in  as the School of
Law, offers the degrees of juris doctor, master of laws, master of
science in law, master of studies in law, and doctor of juridical
science. The school also offers the Master of Laws International
Executive Master’s Program in Israel, South Korea, and Spain.
The J. L. Kellogg School of Management, established in  as
the School of Com merce, offers the degrees of master of business
administration and master of science in management studies.
Kellogg offers the master of business administration/artificial
intelligence in conjunction with the Robert R. McCormick School of
Engineering and Applied Science. In addition to the Full-Time MBA
program, Kellogg offers the Evening and Weekend MBA program
on the Chicago campus, the Executive MBA program in Evanston
and Miami, and joint Executive MBA programs with partners in
Canada, China (Beijing and Hong Kong), Germany, and Israel.
The Feinberg School of Medicine, established in  as the Medical
School, offers the degrees of master of medical science, master of
prosthetics and orthotics, doctor of medicine, and doctor of physical
The Henry and Leigh Bienen School of Music, established in 
as the School of Music, offers the degrees of bachelor of music,
bachelor of arts, and bachelor of science. In its graduate division,
the school offers the degrees of master of music and doctor of
musical arts.
The School of Professional Studies, established in  as Univer-
sity College and later renamed the School of Continuing Studies,
offers the degrees of master of arts, master of fine arts, and master
of science. The school also offers courses leading to the degrees of
bachelor of philosophy and bachelor of science in general studies,
conferred by the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, and the
degree of bachelor of philosophy in communication, conferred by
the School of Communication.
Northwestern University in Qatar, established in  as part of
Education City in the Qatari capital of Doha, offers the degree of
bachelor of science in journalism through the Medill School of
Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications and the
degree of bachelor of science in media industries and technologies
through the School of Communication.
Modern academic attire originated in the medieval universities of
Europe, where gowns were worn daily to provide warmth in poorly
heated buildings and to differentiate scholars from fellow citizens.
Two English universities, Oxford and Cambridge, are particularly
noted for developing the authentic academic costume, which has
changed only slightly through the centuries.
In the United States most academic dress follows the general
provisions of the Intercollegiate Code of , which was revised in
 and again in . Under this code the gowns’ trim and sleeve
design indicates the level of the degree. The bachelor’s gown has
pointed sleeves and is worn closed; the master’s gown has oblong
sleeves with an arc at the bottom and may be worn open or closed;
and the doctor’s gown, which may also be worn open or closed,
has velvet facings down the front and three velvet bars on the bell-
shaped sleeves. This velvet trim may be black or the prescribed color
of the academic area. Though the recommended color for gowns is
black, Northwestern University (like many institutions) has adopted
a colored gown to reflect the schools color. All participating candi-
dates wear a custom purple gown featuring the University crest.
The style of hood identifies the level of the degree, the school that
granted it, and the academic area. Hood length and border width
show the level of the degree. The bachelor’s hood, which is optional
and not worn at North western University, is three feet in length;
the master’s, three and one-half feet; the doctor’s, four feet. The
velvet border of the hood is two, three, and five inches wide for the
bachelors, master’s, and doctor’s degrees, respectively. The hood is
lined with silk in the official color of the school. At Northwestern
the hood is lined in purple (the school’s color) and gold. The color
of the hood’s border—and at Northwestern the color of the caps
tassel as well—indicates the academic area. Tassels feature the
North western seal signet and are worn on the left side at all times.
At Northwestern the colors for the Graduate School constitute
an exception; tassels are black, but the border color of the hood
indicates the specific degree awarded. Bachelors degree regalia
include a souvenir stole.
The square black mortarboard is the recommended cap, although
some schools have adopted other styles. Caps are worn throughout
the Commencement ceremony, except that men remove them for
the national anthem.
At Northwestern University members of honor societies may be
recognized by the honor cords, medallions, and stoles worn.
The tassels and borders of the hoods are the following colors:
Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg
College of Arts and Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . White
School of Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Silver gray
School of Education and Social Policy . . . . . . . . . Light blue
Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering
and Applied Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orange
Graduate School (tassel). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Black
Border colors:
Master of Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . White
Master of Fine Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brown
Master of Public Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salmon
Master of Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yellow gold
Doctor of Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dark blue
Medill School of Journalism, Media,
Integrated Marketing Communications . . . . . . Crimson
Pritzker School of Law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purple
J. L. Kellogg School of Management . . . . . . . . . . Acorn
Feinberg School of Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Green
Henry and Leigh Bienen School of Music . . . . . . . Pink
School of Professional Studies
Master of Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . White
Master of Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yellow gold
Laurence Marks, Walter P. Murphy Professor Emeritus, Materials
Science and Engineering, Robert R. McCormick School of
Engineering and Applied Science;  years of service
Ellen Mulaney, Senior Lecturer Emerita, Law Instruction, Pritzker
School of Law;  years of service
Donald Nally, John W. Beattie Chair of Music Emeritus, Music
Performance, Henry and Leigh Bienen School of Music;  years
of service
Barry Nelson, Walter P. Murphy Professor Emeritus, Industrial
Engineering and Management Sciences, Robert R. McCormick
School of Engineering and Applied Science;  years of service
Alan Peaceman, Professor Emeritus, Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Feinberg School of Medicine;  years of service
Richard Pope, Solovy-Arthritis Research Society Professor Emeritus,
Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine;  years of service
Sarah M. Pritchard, Librarian Emerita, University Libraries;  years
of service
Marleta Reynolds, Professor Emerita, Surgery, Feinberg School of
Medicine;  years of service
Morton Schapiro, President Emeritus, Northwestern University;
 years of service
Arthur Schmidt, Associate Professor of Instruction Emeritus, Physics
and Astronomy, Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg College of Arts and
Sciences;  years of service
Joseph Schneider, Professor Emeritus, Surgery, Feinberg School of
Medicine;  years of service
Rose Seidman, Librarian Emerita, University Libraries;  years
of service
Barbara Shwom, Professor of Instruction Emerita, Cook Family
Writing Program, Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg College of Arts
and Sciences;  years of service
Hans-Georg Simon, Associate Professor Emeritus, Pediatrics,
Feinberg School of Medicine;  years of service
Bruce Spencer, Professor Emeritus, Statistics and Data Science,
Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences;
 years of service
Benay Stein, Assistant Professor of Instruction Emerita, Spanish
and Portuguese, Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg College of Arts and
Sciences;  years of service
Seth Stein, William Deering Chair in Geological Sciences Emeritus,
Earth and Planetary Sciences, Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg
College of Arts and Sciences;  years of service
Jane Sullivan, Professor Emerita, Physical erapy and Human
Movement Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine; 35 years of service
Ralph Tamura, Professor Emeritus, Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Feinberg School of Medicine;  years of service
James Thomas, Professor Emeritus, Otolaryngology, Feinberg School
of Medicine;  years of service
Tadanori Tomita, Professor Emeritus, Neurological Surgery, Feinberg
School of Medicine;  years of service
Jack Tumblin, Associate Professor Emeritus, Computer Science,
Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science;
 years of service
Linda Van Horn, Professor Emerita, Preventive Medicine, Feinberg
School of Medicine;  years of service
Robert Wallace, Professor Emeritus, Classics, Judd A. and Marjorie
Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences;  years of service
The following are gratefully recognized upon their retirement from
full-time service on the Northwestern University faculty.
William Anthony, Senior Lecturer Emeritus, German, Judd A. and
Marjorie Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences;  years of service
Joan Anzia, Professor Emerita, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
Feinberg School of Medicine;  years of service
Herbert Beller, Professor of Practice Emeritus, Law Instruction,
Pritzker School of Law;  years of service
Galya Ben-Arieh, Professor of Instruction Emerita, Political Science,
Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences;
 years of service
Patrick Birmingham, Professor Emeritus, Anesthesiology, Feinberg
School of Medicine;  years of service
Bruce Bochner, Samuel M. Feinberg Professor of Medicine Emeritus,
Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine;  years of service
Joan Sander Chmiel, Professor Emerita, Preventive Medicine,
Feinberg School of Medicine;  years of service
Rifka Cook, Associate Professor of Instruction Emerita, Spanish
and Portuguese, Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg College of Arts
and Sciences;  years of service
Jeanne Dunning, Professor Emerita, Art eory and Practice,
Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences;
 years of service
Mary Finn, Cardiss Collins Professor Emerita, English, Judd A. and
Marjorie Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences;  years of service
Reginald Gibbons, Frances Hooper Chair in the Arts and Humanities
Emeritus, English, Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg College of Arts
and Sciences;  years of service
Jonathon Glassman, Wayne V. Jones Research Professor in History
Emeritus, History, Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg College of Arts
and Sciences;  years of service
Paul Goerss, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics, Judd A. and Marjorie
Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences;  years of service
John Greening, Clinical Associate Professor Emeritus, Integrated
Marketing Communications, Medill School of Journalism, Media,
Integrated Marketing Communications;  years of service
Kurt R. Hansen, Senior Lecturer Emeritus, Music Performance,
Henry and Leigh Bienen School of Music;  years of service
Kristine M. Healy, Assistant Professor Emerita, Medical Education,
Feinberg School of Medicine;  years of service
Nancy Hobor, eodore R. and Annie Laurie Sills Professor in
Journalism Emerita, Integrated Marketing Communications, Medill
School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications;
 years of service
Allan Horwich, Professor of Practice Emeritus, Law Instruction,
Pritzker School of Law;  years of service
David Kamp, Professor Emeritus, Medicine, Feinberg School of
Medicine;  years of service
Ming-Yang Kao, Professor Emeritus, Computer Science, Robert R.
McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science;  years
of service
Richard Kraut, Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor Emeritus,
Philosophy, Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg College of Arts and
Sciences;  years of service
Patty Loew, Professor Emerita, Journalism, Medill School of Journalism,
Media, Integrated Marketing Communications;  years of service
Regina Logan, Assistant Professor of Instruction Emerita, Human
Development and Social Policy, School of Education and Social
Policy;  years of service
Doctor of Laws
JB Pritzker has served as governor of Illinois
since 2019 and began his second term on
January 9, 2023. As governor he won bipartisan
passage of Rebuild Illinois, the largest
investment in state history to upgrade roads,
bridges, rail, broadband, and schools. He has
proposed and passed a balanced budget every
year in office—eliminating the state’s multi-
billion-dollar balance-due backlog, reducing
the state’s pension liability, and achieving
eight credit upgrades from rating agencies.
His administration has created jobs, overseen
efforts to raise the minimum wage, worked to
make higher education more affordable, and
advanced equal pay for women. Most recently,
Governor Pritzker signed an assault-weapons
ban into law, moved to protect and expand
access to reproductive healthcare for both
patients and providers, and supported a plan
to provide paid leave for every worker in the
state. A 1993 Law School graduate, Pritzker
is a life member of the Northwestern Law Board.
In 2015 he and his wife, MK, made a historic gift
to the school, which was renamed the Pritzker
School of Law.
Presented by Adam Hoeflich, Professor of
Practice, Pritzker School of Law
You have led the state of Illinois with integrity
and conviction, making advances in public safety,
economic equity, job creation, clean energy, and
fiscal responsibility. Your first terms legislative
agenda ranks among the most ambitious and
consequential in state history, and your decisive
reelection cemented your position as a national
leader. Your generosity to your law school alma
mater has been transformative. We are proud to
call you one of our own.
Doctor of Science
Agnes Binagwaho is a cofounder and the retired
vice chancellor of the University of Global Health
Equity, a Rwanda-based initiative of Partners in
Health that trains global health professionals to
deliver more equitable, quality health services
for all. A Rwandan pediatrician, Binagwaho
returned to her native country in 1996, two
years after the genocide against the Tutsi. She
subsequently provided clinical care in the
public sector and served from 1996 to 2016 in
high-level government positions, first as the
executive secretary of Rwanda’s National
AIDS Control Commission, then as permanent
secretary of the Ministry of Health, and lastly
for five years as minister of health. Binagwaho
is a professor of pediatrics at UGHE, a senior
lecturer in the global health and social medicine
department at Harvard Medical School, and
an adjunct clinical professor of pediatrics at
Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine. A
fellow of the African Academy of Sciences, she
is a member of the US National Academy of
Medicine and the World Academy of Sciences.
Presented by Lisa Hirschhorn, Director,
Robert J. Havey MD Institute for Global Health,
and Professor, Medical Social Sciences,
Feinberg School of Medicine
You are widely recognized as a visionary leader
in global health whose expertise is greatly in
demand on the international stage. Your many
prestigious awards have honored your inspiring
work in rebuilding Rwandas post-genocide
health system and in reducing healthcare
disparities worldwide. We treasure your
relationship with our Havey Institute for
Global Health, and we thank you for all you
have done to make our world a better place.
Doctor of Laws
Sharon Y. Bowen chairs the New York Stock
Exchange as the first woman and first person
of color to hold that position. Bowen enjoyed a
distinguished three-decade career in corporate
and transactional law as an associate at Davis,
Polk & Wardwell and later as an associate and
partner at Latham & Watkins. In 2010 President
Obama appointed her vice chair of the Securities
Investor Protection Corporation, where she also
served as acting chair. In 2014 she became the
first African American commissioner of the
Commodity Futures Trading Commission after
being appointed by Obama and confirmed by the
US Senate. Bowen has served as an executive
committee member and chair of Northwestern’s
Law Board and delivered the Pritzker School of
Law’s convocation address for the class of 2018.
In 2019 Bowen joined a group of fellow African
American alumni to establish the school’s
African American History and Culture Endowed
Scholarship. She earned a JD and MBA from
Northwestern’s Law School and Kellogg School
of Management in 1982.
Presented by Hari Osofsky, Dean and Myra
and James Bradwell Professor of Law, Pritzker
School of Law
You are a trailblazer for diversity and inclusion
in the legal, business, and financial professions.
Your tireless advocacy, mentorship, and
leadership development efforts have opened
new paths to success for communities of color.
Throughout your ever more impressive career,
your active involvement in the Law School and
the University as a whole has demonstrated your
passionate dedication to your graduate alma
mater. We are pleased to salute your remarkable
Doctor of Humane Letters
Morton Schapiro, professor of economics and
president emeritus, served as Northwestern’s
16th president from 2009 to 2022. During his
tenure, Northwestern rose dramatically in
stature. The student body increased in quality
and diversity as undergraduate applications
nearly doubled; faculty memberships in national
academies increased by more than 70 percent;
annual sponsored research nearly doubled to
just under $1 billion; the University endowment
more than doubled; crucial academic facilities
were built; and the University strengthened
its partnerships with local communities. Prior
to arriving at Northwestern, Schapiro served
as president of Williams College from 2000 to
2009, having previously served as a dean and
vice president at the University of Southern
California. He is among the nation’s leading
authorities on the economics of higher education
and is the author or coauthor of 10 books and
hundreds of journal articles, commentaries, and
op-eds. In 2010 Schapiro was elected a fellow of
the American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
and in 2017 he was elected to the National
Academy of Education.
Presented by Peter J. Barris, Chair, Northwestern
University Board of Trustees
You led Northwestern for  years with distinction
and devotion, greatly enhancing its worldwide
reputation as you steered the University to new
heights in innovation, research, diversity, and
community. Concurrent with your tenure as
president, you have continued to expand your
work as a leading expert on the economics of
higher education. Your passion for Wildcat
athletics is legendary. We are deeply grateful for
your distinguished service to Northwestern.
Doctor of Arts
Luis Valdez is regarded as one of today’s most
important and influential American playwrights.
He founded the internationally renowned and
Obie Award–winning theater company El Teatro
Campesino (The Farm Workers’ Theater) in 1965
amid his involvement with Cesar Chavez, the
United Farm Workers, and the early Chicano
Movement. That experience left an indelible
mark that has continued to be embodied in all
his work, from his short plays Las Dos Caras
del Patroncito and Quinta Temporada to his
examinations of Chicano urban life in I Don’t
Have to Show You No Stinkin’ Badges. In 1979
his Zoot Suit, considered a masterpiece of the
American theater, became the first Chicano
play to run on Broadway. His numerous feature
film and television credits include La Bamba
and Cisco Kid. Valdez’s many honors and awards
include LA Drama Critics Circle Awards, the
George Peabody Award for excellence in
television, the National Medal of the Arts from
President Obama, the Presidential Medal of the
Arts from President Reagan, and Mexico’s
prestigious Aguila Azteca Award.
Presented by Henry Godinez, Carlos Montezuma
Professor and Chair, Theatre, School of
You are widely considered the godfather of
Latino theater in the United States. As a key
cultural figure in recognizing the power of art
as activism, you have given us unforgettable
stories while exploring universal themes of
human rights and social justice. Your work
has broken barriers from rural California to
Broadway and Hollywood, inspiring farm
workers and theater audiences alike. We are
honored and delighted to celebrate your
enduring achievements.
Joseph Graciosa has taught since  at
Chicagos Eric Solorio Academy High School,
where he created and chaired the school’s
inaugural computer science department. He
also helped start the robotics team and served
as its adviser, in addition to advising the school’s
DREAM team for undocumented students
and allies. He began his professional life as a
research assistant at the Rehabilitation Institute
of Chicagos Center for Pain Studies but left
after seven years to pursue a teaching career,
subsequently holding a yearlong Chicago teacher
residency with the Academy for Urban School
Leadership and then teaching for two years at
Chicago Tech Academy High School. Student
nominator Lorenzo Rivera of the Weinberg
College of Arts and Sciences says that Graciosa
embodies what a giving human being is. As a
Wildcat himself, he exemplifies Northwesterns
striving for excellence and inclusion without
expecting anything in return.” Graciosa studied
computer science at Northeastern Illinois
University, earned an MA in secondary education
teaching at National Louis University, and holds
a BA in chemistry from Northwestern, where he
founded and led the Kaibigan Filipino Students
Jason Stanford has taught social studies
since  at Niles West High School in Skokie,
Illinois, where he has also taught reading for
below-grade-level students, served on the litera-
ture team, and led the development of the AVID
program to prepare minority, low-income, and
first-generation students for college. In addition,
he founded the schools mock trial team and
sponsored it for  years, leading the squad to
five years of consistent top- finishes in local,
national, and international high school competi-
tions. Beyond Niles West, Stanford organized
and led the annual Mock Trial Invitational at
the Skokie Courthouse, an event that grew from
 participants to over  in its first seven years.
Student nominator Irena Petryk of the Weinberg
College of Arts and Sciences says that Stanford
“helped me become a more effective leader and
taught me the value of generosity. As I leave
Northwestern for new experiences, it is his kind-
ness, selflessness, and dedication that I hope
to embody.” Stanford received a BS in political
science from Illinois State University, a BA in his-
tory and secondary education from Northeastern
Illinois University, an MA in political and justice
studies from Governors State University, and an
endorsement in teaching reading from Olivet
Nazarene University.
Deepshikha Ahlawat has taught for  years at
Nathaniel Narbonne High School in Harbor City,
California. Chair of the schools social science
department since , she teaches Advanced
Placement, honors, and at-level social science
and history courses and has sponsored the
UNICEF, Chess, Ping-Pong, and South Asian
Clubs. In addition, she is a teacher facilitator
for the Solanki Teacher Scholar Program in
the Yadunandan Center for India Studies at
California State University, Long Beach, and a
guiding teacher at CSULB and the University
of Southern California. For more than a decade
she has served as an Advanced Placement reader
and exam leader for the College Board. Ahlawat
began her teaching career in Delhi, India, and
then taught for four years at Alain LeRoy Locke
High School in Los Angeles. “When I first
learned about this award, Ms. Ahlawat was the
first person who came to mind,” says student
nominator Almaya Wiley-Yancy of the Weinberg
College of Arts and Sciences. “Her classroom was
a safe space for me and the first place where his-
tory piqued my interest. Today that is the major
I will be graduating in.” Ahlawat earned BAs in
geography and education from the University of
Delhi and an MA in geography from Jawaharlal
Nehru University.
Colette Beausoliel has taught life and physical
sciences since  at John F. Kennedy High
School in Tamuning, Guam, where she chairs
the science department and also serves as profile
committee data analyst. She has chaired the
school’s accreditation resources committee
and has coached engineering and design teams,
including Real World Design Challenge teams
that won the US national championship for
three consecutive years and the international
championship twice. Previously she taught for
four years at Guams Inarajan High School.
Recipient of the University of Guams –
AECI outstanding teacher award, she was also
voted Kennedy High School’s – teacher
of the year. Student nominator Yvan Chu of the
McCormick School of Engineering and Applied
Science praises Beausoliel as “a pioneer of STEM
education in Guam who brought world-class
engineering education and extracurricular
activities to an underfunded school district.
She is the most impactful teacher I have ever
had.” Beausoliel received a BS in biology and
postbaccalaureate secondary science teaching
certification from the University of Arizona
and an MS in environmental science from the
University of Guam. She has also earned Guam
secondary science and master educator secondary
science certifications as well as five specialty cer-
tifications from the Professional Association of
Diving Instructors.
Michael Van Krey has taught Japanese since
 at Evanston Township High School in
Evanston, where for  years he was also profes-
sional development cochair. He has sponsored
multiple after-school clubs, including a Japanese
Calligraphy and a Tea Ceremony Club. As the
school’s Japan exchange coordinator, he has led
 two-week student tours of Japan, hosted
annual visits by students from ETHS’s Japanese
sister school, and overseen all necessary fundrais-
ing. Previously Van Krey was an assistant lan-
guage teacher through the Japan Exchange and
Teaching Programme at Japans Kanonji Daichi
High School. Recipient of a Fulbright-Hays
scholarship, an Aurora Foundation scholarship,
and US-Japan Foundation grants, he has given
presentations at multiple conferences and was
a member of a winning teacher team for the
Goldman Sachs Foundation for Excellence in
International Educations High School Prize.
Student nominator Liam O’Carroll of the
McCormick School of Engineering and Applied
Science says, “When I think of Mr. Van Krey,
I think of excellence—excellence in teaching,
creating community, and giving once-in-a-
lifetime opportunities to so many students.
Van Krey earned a BA in biology and BM in
bassoon performance from Lawrence University
and a masters in arts education and certificate
of advanced study in educational leadership at
National Louis University.
The Tremors of Our Times: A Letter from a Member of the Class of 1973
Dear graduates of the Northwestern University Class of ,
We share more than a love of the ’Cats.
A half century apart, your class and mine have the shared experience of
living in tumultuous times that have tested our democracy and defined
our values. There was surely no better place to experience these days,
to explore their context, and to weigh their repercussions than in the
classrooms and residence halls and libraries (and nearby beer joints) at
Northwestern University.
Consider our parallels: The Class of  arrived on campus for our first
year in the wake of the chaotic  Democratic National Convention in
Chicago and as the trial of the Chicago Seven was about to begin. During
the four years that followed, we saw escalating protests against the Vietnam
War, on our campus and others, and a widening breach between generations.
When we graduated, the Senate Watergate Committee had just finished
hearings that would help lead to a presidential impeachment investigation.
The Class of  arrived on campus as the nations fierce political polariza-
tion was becoming sharper than it had been since the Civil War. You lived
through, and studied through, the worst pandemic in a century. By your
graduation, you had seen two presidential impeachments and unprecedented
efforts to overturn a US presidential election.
In our day, we sometimes wondered whether the republic could survive.
Some of you may have had similar thoughts.
What we understand more clearly now is that its survival is not guaranteed.
It is the result of people of every partisan stripe and demographic group who
choose democracy, civility, and the rule of law over division, demagoguery,
and the mob. It’s a choice, not a given. It’s your choice, and mine.
Life is a clarifying enterprise. The continuing debate over the direction of our
country, its role in the world, and our obligations to one another commands
our attention wherever we stand on the political spectrum and whatever
degree youre being awarded this week. We have disagreements about the
proper path forward, some of them profound, but we share common ground
in our belief in the importance of freedom, tolerance, accountability, com-
passion, integrity. Truth.
Education is a clarifying enterprise, too.
When I moved into Shepard Hall as a first-year student, it was the first
time I had spent a night outside my home state of Kansas. My roommate,
Janet Wanderman ’ (’ P), hailed from New York. We might as well have
come from different planets. But we became friends, one piece of the process
at Northwestern that challenged my assumptions and expanded my horizons.
Fifty years later, I’ve reported from nearly every state, dozens of foreign
countries, and six continents. I’ve covered  presidential campaigns and
interviewed  presidents. After fulfilling my Northwestern science require-
ment with a course called The History of Science, which didn’t include
doing any actual science, I sat down to ask questions of Stephen Hawking
and Edward Teller.
All that wouldn’t have happened without the launchpad Northwestern turned
out to be.
What I’ve learned since my own graduation day is the reality that earthquakes
will reshape our landscape in ways we cant predict, making old solutions
inadequate. We have started a reckoning on race in America, not yet com-
pleted. Weve only begun to grapple with how to respond to the warming of
our planet. We’re seeing the advent of artificial intelligence that is poised to
upend how things work in ways we can’t yet fathom.
I’ve also seen the breathtaking power of individuals who have purpose.
Things that once seemed impossible—in medicine and music, in technology
and commerce, in communications and the arts—have become routine parts
of our daily lives.
Here are two apparently conflicting lessons to take to heart. One is that life
is short—so accept a dare, pursue a dream, leap into a terrifying challenge,
not because you’re sure you can succeed but because you aren’t at all confi-
dent that you will. The other is that life is long—so nurture friendships, give
a hand to a stranger, preserve the Earth. Take a breath.
Both things can be true. Both things are.
Now its your turn to celebrate your graduation, to thank your parents and
professors, to boldly go into a new world of possibility. Congratulations and
best wishes to each of you on the remarkable journey you are about to begin.
Together, lets send our best wishes to the Northwestern Class of , not yet
born, for the world they will see and the challenges they will face. Just think
of the amazing letter youll be able to write them  years down the road.
Susan Page ’
Washington Bureau Chief, USA Today
Editor in Chief, Daily Northwestern (–)
Adrian W. B. Randolph, PhD, Dean
Bachelor of Arts
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Usha Adhikari
Iman Anwar Akram
Claire Marie Allen
Cherish Ranne Anderson
Gunnar omas Anderson
Celeste Shontise Beals
Cristian Castillo
July Chen
Jae Yong Choi
Lucas Misha Cojot
Anna Chessen Cork
Nicholas Hwang Corvino
Julianne L. Cronin
Zachary Ahmed El Ghatit
Ashley Jordan Ellis
Abigail Ruth Everding
Olivia Cherise Fink
Benjamin Maxwell Gherman
Alejandro Graber
Leslye Guadian
Isaac James Henry
Joseph D. Hicks
Ryleigh Lynn Jackson
Justin Celiz Jasperse
Amy Jia
Alina Junejo
Tseon Kassie
Sam King
Victoria Inez Kondrak
Samuel Louis Koolik
Cassandra Lagunas
Minju Lee
Heron Lenz
Zehao Jason Li
Rebecca Lira Loon
Luis Angel Lopez
Yazmin Lopez
Jake Christopher Lyons
Austin Louis Mallavia
Sydney Matrisciano
Alexander Wilson Mitchell
Lorren Delsetta Antoinette Nemorin
Giboom Park
Jack Tempest Parker
Sivamanojna Vani Potturi
Mitchell J. Price
Rafael E. Rodríguez Rivera
Lili Salcedo-Watson
Cole Johnson Sias
Ali Saqibuzzaman Siddiqi
Devon Sophie Spungin
Darsan Swaroop Bellie
Melia Lynn Tomlinson
Dheven Unni
Roslyn Jean Valdespino
Moyan Wang
Haley Lauren Wellman
Jason Xu
Jae Ho Yang
June Xiaojiu Zhao
Annie Zhou
Jonic Zhehao Zhug
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Vikas Saurav Ahluwalia
Andre Nicholas Bergeron
Keven Brown
Kenny Cantave
Preston Chan
Ethan Chen
Ethan Lee Chen
Sia Cho
Adam Michael Clark
Lauren Averill Collins
Ernest Coppée
Will Lyon Davies
Alan Duong
Ivan Andreas Fithian
Robert S. Goodman
Joshua Justin Greene-Torres
Haonan Gu
Joanna Tian Guo
Julia Heilberg
Romir Hysko
Dua-e-Fizzah Fatimah Jaer
Sophia Nicole Jean
Jacob Christopher Jeerson
Matthew William Johnson
Olivia Kim
Olivia Gail Knutsen
Riya Kumar
Kate D. Lawson
Charis Younghee Lee
Michelle Lee
Hanna Brooke Lesiak
Tammy Lin
Anna Lis
Layna Lu
Monica Catherine Lund
Hannah Leigh Luther
Kacper Malinowski
Eric Mao
Cristian Marin
Ellie Gabrielle McCarthy
John Denton McKee
Megan Olivia Miller
Robert Minor III
Keshav R. Raja
Dylan Singh Gill Sandhu
Matthew Scott Schneller
Yangtian Shangguan
Justin Shi
Andrew Daesup Shinn
Cooper Albin Soderlund
Abigail Liliya Toltus
Jayden Ifeanyi Underwood
Maxime A. Visa
Ian C. Wallace
Malik Washington
Derek Hong-ru Wen
Nolan Sheldon Wong
Yjaden Christopher Wood
Cameron King Wu
Yuexi Wu
Yuyang Ian Wu
Aaron Zheng
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Cyrus Walter Gustafson Abrahamson
Emily Anne Abt
Adetomiwa Adeshina Adebawore
Jash Sumit Agarwal
Nadine Akkawi
Kamil Ali
Tyler Alvarado
Noe Anderson
Danika Austin
Jacob Peter Bennett
Emma Lillian Boyd
Anthony Johnson Bucciarelli
Federico Burdisso
Lauren Olivia Calderon
Huaxuan Chen
Ashley Jingen Chin
Celia Noelle Crompton
Andrew Bradley Davis
Jordan Everett Dembsky
Rahul Anand Devathu
Madison Lynn Ellis
Michael Joseph Fickes
Elizabeth Joan Follmer
McKenna Rose Frey
Hannah Lynn Grant
Nicole Greenberg
Yulia Groysman
Maya Vilaclara Hanck
Samantha Ann Harney
Nathan Gerald Hefner
Kevin Houseman
Lexie Miao Hu
Lydia Hua
Gregory Jeon
Natalia Isabelle Kadolph
Akhil Kalghatgi
Mason Kemnitz
Renee Na Yun Kim
Rowan Alexandra Lapi
Ally Larson
Kane John Layng
Matthew Seong-Bin Lee
Chenyu Li
Katie Megan Li
Kyra Elizabeth Shu-Liang Lin
Madison Lindsey Lo
MeiCheng Lu
Lauren Patricia McDonnell
Kaitlin Tayler McGrath
Scott Jason Miller
Jillian Moseley
Danielle Paige Nowaski
Nathanial Tomás Ortiz
John Victor Pan
Audrey Jieun Park
Chae Hee Park
Erica H. Park
Wasim Irshad Rahaman
Jamarielle Zhani Ransom-Marks
Harrison Scott Rubin
Yonjoo Sarah Seo
NaKaya Short
Benjamin Andrew Swedberg
Yuan Tian
Alexandra Joy Verb
Ryan Nilan Wallrafen-Sam
Anabelle Scarlett Watson
Robert Michael Waxman
Jacob Samuel Wolfson
Jiajing Yang
Rou Yin
Lucas Yuan
Gary Zhao
Eliana Bernat Zuckernik
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Gabriel L. Abbott
Sara Pranav Adurkar
Tiana Agarwal
Hisham Ahmad
Naomi Birov Aisen
Teni Akin
Patrick Ales
Michael Jacob Allen
Tristen Joshua Allgaier
Jocelyn Almazan
Willy Jose Almonte-Lopez
Omar Ahmed Matar Khalfan Alneyadi
Sandra Rad Alrifai
Ali Alzergani
Mohammed Alzergani
Gammachu Amae
Ruben Andres Amancio Ramos
Nathan Johannes Mathildo Maria
Regan Caroline Andringa-Seed
Hadi Omar Anwar
Orrian Sylvester Arnold
Ilana Lee Aronson
Ishaan Arora
Ali Iqbal Arshad
Rachel Noel Assaf
Sinem Naz Atalay
Gabriel Bogdan Augustynowicz
Darby Avelar Peña
Diego Andres Avila
Isabel Azpiroz Martin
Sarah Anica Baca
Preston James Bacon
Benjamin Krieger Bade
Yufan Bai
Grace Catherine Bailey
Nicholas J. Bakaysa
Ashby Mei-ling Baker
Robert Beecher Baldwin
Matthew Bales
Madeline Grace Banich
Aaron omas Banks
Shoshana Bar-Meir
Natalie Anne Bartolomei
Kalea Mae Bartolotto
Ella Amelia Bartt
Rachel Baumgartner
Brian Lee Bechler
Desiree Denise-Marie Moses Becker
Matthew Charles Becker
John David Beckner
Jack Sutter Benson
Russell Berdusco
Matthew Richard Beretta
Andrew Dean Bernstein
Sadie Antonette Meleo Bernstein
Lucas do Valle Bezerra
Tanya Anjali Bhargava
Ishan R. Bhasin
George Mario Bianco
Laura Ann Bianco
Michael Anthony Bianco
Carina Grace Biar
Anna C. Biasco
Annalise Catherine Biesterfeld
Alin Bilsel
Heather Leeann Birdsell
Bona Celine Bitegeko
Anna Sophia Blachar
Nathalie Missaa Adwoa Boadi
Soa Boczkowski
Dominik Adrian Bogacz
Klaudia Rose Bogacz
Delaney Marie Bondoc
Arthur Joseph Borbolla III
Oliver Miles Tatar Borstein
Ehimios Anastasios Bournias
Jake Perry Boxer
Lily Bess Boyd
Skye M. Brabson
Phillip Guerra Bragg
Hayley Annabel Brener
Daisy Gizelle Brockhouse
Isabella Gabrielle Brown
Madeline Grace Brown
Sarah Helen Brown
Álvaro Ezequiel Bruetman
Hannah Sigrid Brunzell
Elizabeth Durston Bryant
Joshua S. Bucher
Emily Nicole Budarapu
Manny Buendia Jr.
Alessandro Burdisso
Caroline Elizabeth Burnett
Shantha Kalyani Burt
Kole Braxton Butterer
Meghan Alexia Cabrera
Elijah Andres Caicedo
Natalia Camino Cantú
John Jia Cao
Brenno Cardoso
Isabelle Gould Carlisle
Carolina Alexis Carret
Alexander Whiteld Carroll
Dori-Taylor Goyena Carter
Charlise Casas
Mia Yapan Zhang Castle
Julia Rose Catrambone
Nikolas Christopher Chambers
Cameron Chang
Grace Ling Chang
Joshua Chang
Sophie Chang
Phoebe E. Chapnick-Sorokin
Elana Charlson
Alexander Venghung Chau
Nam Chit Chau
Sheung Yee Chau
Annalina Che
Daniel Che
Cindy Christina Chen
Duane F. Chen
Handong Chen
Hongjia Chen
Jessica Chen
Joelle Ho Chen
Michael Fuyuan Chen
Rongrong Chen
Wendy Chen
Xiangheng Chen
Zhi Chen
Zihan Chen
Polina Cherepanova
Tomer Moshe Cherki
Jennifer Chiang
Audrey Chisholm
Rachel Yuhei Chiu
Blake Cho
Catherine Cho
Sahun Chloe Cho
Colin Choi
Hahrim Choi
Joseph Jinseop Choi
Max D. Choi
Zachary Louis Chorny
Magdalena Jade Christensen
Radoslaw Tomasz Chrzanowski
Esther Chung
Rachel Chung
Sean Churaman
Ethan Alexander Churilla
William Reilly Cichowski
David Ciesla
Emma Caroline Citow
Kendall Brooks Clark
Andrew John Clatch
Eleanor Python-Till Colligan
Trinity Ann Collins
William Conboy
Alyssa Michele Connor
Gwen Cooke
Blake William Cordes
William Austin Cousin
Rebecca Arianna Covington
Ethan Patrick Cox
Cameron Rogan Cozzi
Ian Matlin Cramer
Anna Arden Craver
Abraham Cruz
Fatima Cubillas Flores
César Cuevas Jimenez
Victoria Isabelle Da Conceicao
Joseph Alexander Gonzaga da Costa
Nathan Dahms
Trent omas Daley
Benjamin Ellsworth Danner
Minh Quan Dao Nguyen
Gabriel Ahuizechukwu Dara
Jackson omas Darby
Ishwari DasGupta
Lia Jeanette Davis
Celeste Hannah Dayal
Grace Lawler DeAngelis
Olivia Ann DeGulis
Alberto Antonio De La Isla
Hadley E. Delany
Amor Guadalupe Delarosa Suarez
Santiago De La Torre
Aurea Renata del Carmen
Hannah Noelle Dembosky
Renan Patrice Dennig
Anna Salinas Denniston
Juan Karlo Desembrana
Brigid Carey Devine
Parveen Kaur Dhanoa
Rhea Dhar
Akshyasri Dhinakaran
Darren Ding
Nicholas DiStefano
Roy Dixon III
Grace Krystal Doakes
Andy Shenan Dong
Connor Doolan
Nicholas Akshat Dorai
Asterios Dougalis
John Charles Driscoll III
Jinwen Du
Aengus Dublin
Leo Santiago Dulitzky Gilman
Georgia Assanuma Dutra
Chase Alexander Duvall
Patrick Henson Dwyer
Christian John Henry Dyer
Nicholas Alexander Edwards
Zachary Michael Elliott
Amina Tarek Elmasry
Sally Elting
Arlo Rafael Jurado Encarnacion
Maya Esther Epstein
Haluk Wei Ercan-Fang
Imge Roza Erdemli
Sierra Rose Erdman-Luntz
Olivia Lauren Escousse
Joshua Esmailzadeh
James Miguel Esperne
Evelyn Lizbeth Espinoza-Reyes
Rachel Elizabeth Estafanous
Viviana Estevez
Joshua David Ezrol
Oluwakayomi Elizabeth Fagbemi
Gretchen Elisabeth Faliszek
Amy Fan
Harriet Jane Fardon
Yousef Farge
Emelia Jean Farnam
Alexandra Maria Feigin
Katie Feldstein
Katherine Ling Feng
Maya Magali Feuilladieu
Elijah B. Finkelstein
Angelica Finnelly
Troy David Fisher
Jackson Oliver Florsheim
Melanie Rose Flowers
Kunchaka Sivuraga Fonseka
Logan Paige Akua Fosu
Madeleine Rose Foutes
Samuel Jacob Frank
Benjamin J. Fredeen
Hannah Fredly
Jake Israel Freeman
Glen Paul Frybarger Jr.
Raquel Colleen Gallagher
Saul Galvez Leanos
Carly Elizabeth Galvin
Eli Daniel Ganz
Bill Gao
Yi Gao
Yiting Gao
Yuechen Gao
Megan Anne Gauger
Benjamin Geduld
Asa Geller
Joely Ryan Gendler
Sarah Olivia Germer
Aditi Ghei
Sophia Gilbert
Lily Madison Gilbertson
Isabel Rose Gippo
Brian Patrick Gleason
Jasmine Alessia Gobbo
Freedom Gobel
Justine Collard Goeury
Allison Sarah Gold
Sasha Eden Goldberg
Adam Harris Goldstein
Rishi Mohan Gollerkeri
Zoe Rose Golub
Victoria Gomez Gil
Eric Gong
Gabriel Jesus Gonzalez
Nicolas Enrique Gonzalez Zapata
Conner Michael Goodwin
Shanth Desai Gopalswamy
Alexander Geron Gordon
Allyson Rose Gordon
Eli Gordon
Maya Day Gorman
Inbo Gottlieb-Fenves
Léa Alexia Grandisson
James Henry Gray
Julia Danielle Greenberg
Tyler Lynn Greene
Rachel Jorden Greeneld
Julia Isabelle Greenwood
Morgan Charlotte Greifer
Denis Gribincea
Victoria Faith Fawbush Grisanti
David Amado Grow
Marisa Ghareeb Gudino
Maria Daniela Guerrero
Llura Blair Gund
Anxin Guo
Audney Yuke Guo
Ani Gutierrez
Jocelyn Gutierrez
Chelsea Guzman
Amelia Mey Haag
Peyton Halsey
Alessandra Leigh Hamilton
Sophia Hansen
Grin O’Hanlon Harris
Lissa Healy
Jason Albert Hegelmeyer
Benjamin Ryan Helmold
Catherine Heming
Lindsay Renee Hendrix
Maria Isabel Herrera
Eivan Herrera-Valdez
James Harrell Herring III
Nathan omas Heyen
Kathryn Elizabeth Frota Hickman
Milan Hilde-Jones
Jada LaDon Hill
Ryan Michael Hillyer
Ines Hinojosa Esteban
Trevor Berg Hintz
Camila Anika Hirani
Annika Narendra Hiredesai
Kenneth Gregory Hockenberry
Kalycia Spirite Hodge
Joshua Drew Homan
Caroline Grace Hogan
Max Honzel
Genson Emmanuel Hooper Price
Connor William Hopkins
Elise Yiwoh Hopkins
Markie Marie Hopkins
Shuting Hou
Ellen Sarah Levy Howard
Abby E. Hsiao
Serena Hsieh
Sarah Hsu
David Hu
Jason Jinyu Huang
Rebecca Huang
Dana Elizabeth Hubbell
Douglas Martin Hu Jr.
Heather Leigh Humbert
Samantha Rose Humphrey
Lauren Alma Hunt
Jessica Vernice Portia Hunter
Luke Edward Hunter
William B. Hutchinson
Kyle Seung Hwang
Sideeq Ademola Ibrahim
Haruka Ichimaru
Je-Woo Im
James Ryosei Imai
Jason Gustavo Irias
Joshua Declan Irvin
Harrison Israel
Ramzy Peter Issa
Mykhailo Ivaniuk
Shareef Rafael Jabba
Solomon Gabriel Jackson
Catherine Lynn Jacob
Elena Karina Jacoby
Angelina Marie Jaglinski
Meghna Jain
Prabhav Jain
Rishi Jain
Natalie Nicole Jarrett
Jasmine Javaheri
Rishab Jayanthi
Siyabonga Jele
Susan Jeon
Yunsik Paul Jeong
Stanley Jia
Jason Jiang
Xinyue Jiang
Matthew Jimenez
Lillian Claire Jirousek
Lyra Sperling Johnson
Molly Gwyneth Jones
Minjee Jung
Tebogo Anthony Kabelo
Aditya Kalra
Preeta Anant Kamat
Zhehan Kang
Edward Lawson Karppi
Kirsten Nicole Kash
Ayush Kashyap
Andrew Katchmar
Avery Kay Keare
Andrew Owen Kearney
Allison Nicole Kelley
Clare Frances Kelley
Kade J. Kelley
Timothy James Kemp
Joshua Francis Kennedy
Benjamin Keown
Kaan Kermen
Adam Jarod Kern
Mahebub Aalam M. Khatri
Salome Elizabeth Khelashvili
Keith J. Kilner
Hailey Yurim Kim
Joy Kim
Katherine Yoolim Kim
Kevin Sangyoon Kim
Minji Kim
Philip Chanmin Kim
Zachary D. Kim
Ryan King
Yasemin Kingham
Lizze Jebarias Kiptui
Anya Margaret Kirsch
Kabeer Kishore
Maryarita Kobotis
Constantine Vosnos Konstantinidis
Naomi Peters Kostman
Aarthi Kottapalli
Kara Jeanette Kowalski
Koby Ben Krinsky
Kendall Merritt Kubis
Tanya Kukreja
Adhya Kumar
Divy Kumar
Ashley S. Kwak
Andrew S. Laeuger
Emily Lauren Lam
Phuong Lam
Nils Olle Herman Lange
Elana Jade Laski
Olivia Iwase Lathrop
Giorgio Matteo Laudati
Cheyanne Kayla Lawrence
Jared Benjamin Lazar
Aaron Vincent Lazara
Andrew Dao Le
Jessica Magaly Lechuga
Alice Daeun Lee
Angel Janae Lee
Angela Lee
Jamie Lee
Jamie Lee
Michelle Lee
Natasha Ching Wan Lee
Olivia E. Lee
Sangjun Samuel Lee
Soyun Lee
Yuyeon Luciana Lee
omas Taylor LeFevre
Feben Kefyalew Lemma
Justine Sophie Kwan Tung Leong
Jackson E. Miller
Julia Jian Inglehart Miller
Gabriel Minchev
Lukas Eli Mitchell
Mehul Mittal
Anika Mittu
Kai Tik Marcus Mok
Sydney Marie Moncher
Vitoria Monteiro de Carvalho Faria
Alexander Kaiser Montes
Jasper Lin Montgomery
Nicolas Alexander Moralez
Wyatt Morris
Judd Moss
Andreas Michael Mozny
Madeline Mullaney
James Andrew Mulvaney
Hasan Munshi
Karly Murphy
Sammy Mustafa
Casey Mutchnik
Sara Muttar
Yasmeen Nahas
Semanti Jaya Naiken
Mujtaba Syed Najeed
Shira Anita-Lena Nash
Karan Siddharth Nayak
Jeremy Alexander Neto
ea Nguyen
Trung Q. Nguyen
Nicole Nixon
Matthew Patricio Norambuena
Natalie Shannon Nordenfelt
David Nyäll
Eleanor Jane Durbin Odom
Hannah Heeeun Oh
Jackson Jang-Hwan Oh
Joe Omatoi
Serene Ong
Tanner Anthony Ortega-Santopietro
Julia I. Ortiz
Santiago Patrick Oskandy
Viktor Östlund
Malena Otero
Evan Tyler Ouyang
Victoria Ozymko
Sarah Kate Padon
Elizabeth Ann Page
Spencer Dalton Paige
Maxwell Jongyoon Paik
Michael W. Palaskas
Noelle Eve Palmer
Rohan Reddy Palvai
Isha Paode
Filippos Papadimitriou
Gloria Chaeri Park
Heejun Park
Jaijun Park
Sandee Park
Siwon Park
Haley Simone Pascal
Michael Milan Pastuovic
Atrik Nishith Patel
Jay Patel
Payal Patel
Ravi Ameet Patel
Prachi S. Patil
Tessa Madeira Paul
Brinkley Elizabeth Pauling
Bradley Alexander Pawlow
Ryan Payne
Kayleigh Peng
Sophia Catherine Pennex
John Anthony Perales Jr.
Evelyn Marie Perfall
Nathaniel Perkoski
Ben Michael Wellensiek Peters
Sonia Tripathi Peters
Beau Peterson
Irena Stephanie Petryk
Britney T. Pham
Matthew Phi
Julia Poetzinger
Eleanor Grace Pope
Arman Hemrajani Popli
Austin Porras
Christine Marie Potermin
Lucy Hana Poteshman
Samantha Ruth Powell
Nadira Pranatio
Isabella Mary Rose Prignano
Anthony Principe
Alexandra Marie Pritchard
Brooke Prochaska
Ivan Prokopiv
Shreya Pugalia
R. L. Grace Qin
Alice Yisha Qiu
Irene Li Quan
Noah B. Rabinovitch
Peter Benjamin Radler
Aditi Raheja
Rhea Rahimtoola
Ajay Piyush Rajurkar
Smitha Ramesh
Marielena Ramnath
Ciara Rampolla
Sarika Rao
Akash Kumar Rathi
Shruti Rathnavel
Sean Michael Ray
Emaad Razzak
Anurag Kolagatla Reddy
Myles M. Reed
Destiny Jean Marie Reinhardt
Ryan Ren
Zhouyang Ren
Mark Mandeen Repetti
Alexandro Reyes
Andrea Reyes
Reilly Grace Riggs
Lauren Caroline Risenhoover
Lorenzo A. Rivera
Kayla Grace Ro
Suji Ro
Margeaux Bea Chua Rocco
Victor A. Rodriguez Jr.
Abigail Roman-Ahlgrim
Abe Joseph Rosenthal
Isaac Ezra Rosenthal
Samuel Harrison Rosner
James Louis Royer
Trevor Nathan Rubin
Magalyn Rustico
Taylor Lilyrose Rutigliano
Bengi Norah Rwabuhemba
Clarence Edward Sanders Jr.
Joshua Sanford
Laura Isabel Sastoque Pabon
Sabrina Yael Scheinberg
Anika E. Schipma
Konrad Maximillian Schmid
Malka C. Schneck
Myckynzie Jarilyn Schroeder
Sydney Hilliard Schulman
Ashley Diana Schultz
Quinn Michael Schwager
Elizabeth Schwalbach
Evan Michael Scully
William Secker
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Seese
Richa Sehgal
Tessa Belle Seifried
Quincy Sells
Sumit Sen
Hannah Seo
Daniel Jaemin Seog
Sahil Seth
Ashini Shah
Mili Shah
Neel Shah
Palak P. Shah
Saira Shankardass
Isha Sharma
Rhea Sharma
Ce Shi
Grace Shi
Lingxiao Shi
Maoto Shimojo
Cindy Xinyu Shou
George Shum
German A. Shumakov
Mark Shwartz
Cameron C. Simpson
Joshua Leshem
Adrianna Levato
Ryan Alexander Levene
Alison Leonne Levin
William Lew
Vivica E. Lewis
Aisha Biola Lhabaik
Angie Meiyan Li
Austin Li
Brent Li
Chun Nam Li
Gary Li
Grant Y. Li
Jiayin Li
Jingwei Li
May X. Li
Jack Lin
Mikayla Lindsey
Matthew David Lindstrom
Valeria Lira-Ruelas
Sophia G. Little
Austin Qian Liu
Benjamin Keith Liu
Yixin Liu
Isaac Lloyd
Johanna Franziska Locher-Kingseld
Yuxin Long
Isaiah Jose Lopez
Garrett Kendall Louie
Parker Lowe
Catherina Shixin Lu
Benjamin Cram Lualdi
Ilona Nikol Lukina
Greta Rose Lunder
Daniel T. Luo
Siying Luo
Zening Luo
Margaret Wroe Lynch
Elena F. Maberry
Allison Macdonald
Cole Donovan Mader
Hannah Kathryn Magrisi
Nithya Reddy Mahakala
Joshua Evan Maher
Hamza Mahmood
Haley Mailender
Joseph Alexander Maino
Madeline Clare Malueg
Nina Emilia Mamedov
Carlo Marc Mannina
Emily Brock Mansell
Austin Zhiyuan Mao
Oliver Michael Marcell
Max Joseph Marks
Bailey Putnam Marriott
Madeleine Grace Marshall
Norma Yazmin Marshall
Amelia Kathryn Martens
Rodolpho Alex Martinez
Claire Mason
Miles Massay
Esra Maududi
Bailey Cammeron McCaerty
Madison McClellan
Juan Tremayne McCook
John Francis Owen McDermott
Grace Katherine McDonnell
Roman Earle McGee
Aidan Hong Lok McKenna
Kyle Patrick McLaughlin
John Carleton McNally
Patrick omas McQuillan
Alejandro Nicolas Medina
Ana Medina García
José Trinidad Medina
Nikesh Vikram Mehrotra
Erick L. Meikoki
Leule Mekonen
Gian Stephen Mella
Julianna Iris Mendoza
Lily Audrey Meng
Phillip Meng
Ashton Morgan Merbach
Ubakum Ojinika Josena Mere
Arielle Elliott Michelman
Bruce Clayton Miles II
Andrew Russell Miller
Napachole Sindhuchatra
Ari J. Sloss
Charles Sidney Byron Smith
Mackenzie Nicholls Smith
Eric Smits
Seoyeon Sohn
Alexander Carlos Solivan
Bintou Sonko
David Luis Sotir
Preston James Spencer
Peter Charles Spoerri
Nikhil Sriram
Tanay A. Srivastava
Nikola Stanic
Claudia Cortas Steinke
Silas Imammachukwu Stephen
Donald James Stricklin
Xander Bowen Struyk
Cecilia Helen Stumpf
Carolina Débora Stutz
Sofía Rebeca Stutz
Zhuoran Su
John Burton Sukumar
Stuart Sumner
Neev Jatin Suryawanshi
William William Sweetnam III
Emmanuel-David O. Tadese
Guillermo Tafur
Imra S. Tajuddin
Kelly Hoikwan Tam
Wingchi Tam
Wingshan Tam
Jeremy Sebastian Tan
Li Kang Tan
Michelle Chihoa Tang
Dorothy A. Tarasul
Maria Tegopoulou
Desta Tewabe
Uma achapuzha
Kylie alman
Samantha Emi omas
Mia Lixing ompson
Ruotong Tian
Arushi Tiwari
Veronica Tkaczyk
Isaiah Tolbert
Doris Elizabeth Toledo
Stephanie Grace Torello
Gisely Nayely Torres
Mychael Israel Torres
Jasmine Ngoc-ao Tran
Luka Trifunovic
Teresa Truong
Che Jui Tsao
Katherine Tu
Ci Jie Tuan
Alexander J. Tun
Robert Drew Tunick
Natalie Ann Turner
Joseph David Twohig
Alexander eodore Tymouch
Michelle Chaewon Um
Louisa Catherine Ummel
Brock Bradley Underberg
Catherine Eloise Updegra
Divitya Vakil
Henry Giovanni McGinnis
van der Goes
Willow Hope Vander Kooi
Ishika Sanjay Vanwari
Simrun Meenakshi Varshney
Oliver Michael Vasconcelles
Jordan Anne Vaughn
Lucius Gabriel Veiga
Michael David Veillon
Valentina Velasco
Tanya Venkatesh
Luna Rose Ventura
Daniel Vesurai
Lisa Alexia Vicini Bonetti
Zoe Gambrill Vincent
Brian A. Vogel
Alexis Bertrand Waché
Anna Wagman
Eric Noah Wagner
Maya Waldman
Peter Tung Walsh
Albert Wang
Amanda Wang
Angelica Wang
David Jining Wang
Hao Tian Wang
Jacqueline Crystal Wang
Jack Wang
Jiayi Ally Wang
Jiongmin Wang
Peir-Jye Wang
Tiger Suhao Wang
Yizhou Rosalind Wang
Josephine Juliet Ward
Sloane Elizabeth Warner
Anna Cecylia Wcislak
Logan omas Weaver
Alicia Marie Webb
Timothy Paul Wegener III
Chumei Wei
Nathan Mozden Weiner
Alexis Weintrob
Jacob Henry Weissman
Martha Ashton Welch
Lila Talbott Wells
Jules Magnolia Wesson
Margaret Michelle Wiegand
Almaya B. Wiley-Yancy
Grayson Stuart Willenbacher
Mary Jane Wilson
Rebecca Shipley Wilson
Ashley Grace Witarsa
Eden Witelson
Maggie Mei Yin Wong
Teddy Antonius Wongkar
Edward Juneha Woo
Audrianna Jane Wu
Isabella P. Wu
Rebecca Caiting Wu
Jeremiah Emmanuel Wynne
Jessica Xia
Yujia Xie
Jeerson Zhanhuan Xu
Melinda Deng Xu
Yuetong Xu
Aren Soner Yalcin
Anna Valentine Yamazaki
Ethan Hao-Tian Yang
Ezra Hyokyung Yang
Grace Sohae Yang
Jason Chen Yang
Louis Yang
Sindhu Subbiah Yegappan
Sean Jun Yeo
Mert Yigitbasi
Edward Suk Chan Yoon
Han a Yo on
Andrew Cahill Young
Emma Jaeyoung Yu
Ray Yu
Xiangnong Yu
Sami Mohd-Mahdi Zaidi
Christian Xavier Zbihley
Angela N. Zedak
Hanna Grace Zeinstra
Dongxiao Zhang
Hang Hannah Zhang
Herui Zhang
Rhona Xiaoqian Zhang
Cindy Peiwen Zhao
Joy Yun Hui Zhao
Wanyi Zhou
Yaqin Zhou
Mandy Zhu
omas Yuntian Zhu
Kallista Zhuang
Hannah Mae Zimmerman
Sophia Britton Zimpfer
Ryan Michael Zlotky
Amanda Joy Zobel
Dylan Yang Zou
Jay S. Zou
Alice Zummer
Bachelor of Philosophy
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Brittany Clemens Ryaly
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Jackson Nannie
Bachelor of Science
in General Studies
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Taiche Jevon Jones
Daniel Kogan
Lisa Nguyen
Chahn Ro
Stacia Sliger
Idris Olanrewaju Sunmola
Marina Vafaei
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Antonio Benitez
Dessa Buglio
Quinn Butler
Sean Kregor
Amano Raq Remtula
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Eugenia Bouboudakis
Benard McKinley
Anthony J. Triplett
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Jonathan Robert Austin
Robert E. Boyd
Michael Broadway
Lester Carroll
Justin A. Cavazos
Demetrice D. Crite
Joseph Czerkies
Taurean J. Decatur
Alison Gardner
Yasmin Gorleku
Lynn O. Green
Julio Santiago Haag
Joshua Heldt
Elaine Marie Lara
JeanneMarie Mandley
Andrew Moore
Abdul-Malik Muhammad
Jesse Michael Murphy
William LaRoy Peeples Jr.
Mathias Powers
Nabila S. Qadri
E. Patrick Johnson, PhD, Dean
Bachelor of Arts
in Communication
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Gabrielle Angela Cator
Renee Lynn Grotthuss
Georgia Marie Harris
Molly Claire McCarthy
Olivia O’Brien
Daniel Alexander Roginski
Binah Lital Schatsky
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Dusty Mae Coen
Elyse Gwen Giedeman
Roderick M. Heard II
Ceara Schreibstein
Alexandra Consuelo Zaragoza
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Mark omas Berry
Alyssa Robin Burton
Anne Soojung Choi
Lily E. Creed
Elizabeth Eunjung Han
Tanya Hayley Herrmann
Nathanael Paul LeVan
Cameron Deon Mitchell
Eitan Lavi Pessah
Jack Lawrence Ratterman
Nico B. Sagnelli
Gabrielle Christina Schulz
Annette Shu Tsui
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Gaetano Barendsen-Rossi
Cameron Barnes
Elmer Benitez Jr.
Gabrielle Bieder
Kylie A. Boyd
Michael Garrett Breiner
Francis Xavier Brenner
Xanthe Moon Brown
Eugene Brye III
Barbara Irene Burns
Samuel Harrison Buttress
Elizabeth Anne Carell
Jaila Lynae Carey
Vicente José Castro Rojas
Asta Ceesay
Seunghee Chang
Anna E. Chaurize
Isabelle Emily Chin
Amber Elly Cohon
Isaac Britt Conner
Matthew David Coronado
Gabriela Furtado Coutinho
Karen Yujie Cui
Yide Cui
Wesley Nicholas DAlelio
Natalie Sarah Daninhirsch
omas Eastman Darragh
Elizabeth Frances Davis
Rachael Ann Dec
Marc Giambattista Deneve
Samantha DeVries
Olivia Rose Drury
Sunnie Alexandra Eraso
Mikaela Elise-Stephenson Fenn
Arella Dawn Flur
Connor Nelson Foster
Elizabeth Malsbary Freiburger
Natalie Anne Friedman
Samuel Aron Garcia-Bryce
Megan Lori Gendelman
Hannah Julia Gillespie
Dani Goldberg
Alexandra Grace Good
Margaret Louise Grond
Sara Elaine Gronich
Jiyoon Ha
Hannah Hachamovitch
Anelga Nora Hajjar
Amanda Han
Christina Quynh Hand
Elizabeth Jane Hansen
Lucy Margaret Harrington
Andrew Louis Hartman
Laya Bena Hartman
Christian Healy
Audrey F. Henry
Mary Rachel Hilbert
Ryan J. Haun-Hilinski
Devony Hof
Madeleine Hughes
Samuel Barnett Jenkins
Peining Jia
Ruoyin Jiao
Andrew Charles Johnston
Sam H. Jonas
Lucy C. Jung
Lauren C. Kelly
Alexa Euna Kim
Irene Kim
Andrew Everett Kline
Katherine Kosup
Maxwell Henry Kroll
Julia Shulamit Kruger
Arjun Shivraj Kumar
Deng D. B. Kur
Kate Xintong Lee
Sarah Yong Lee
Jordyn Alexa Lemer
Ruoxuan Liu
Danielle Juliet Llevada
Lucia G. London
Ryan Michael Magrisi
Adala Nyamoita Makhulo
Catherine Caitlin Maldonado
Rachel Tali Mandelker
Madalena Martins
Molly Elizabeth McDermott
Lucia Ione Miller
Ahlaam Fatema Moledina
Catherine Marie Lui Moore
Isabella Grace Moran
William Jacob Mulder
Amelia Mylvaganam
Samantha Isabel Noeth Lewis
Madeline Grace Oberle
Kristy Bomi Park
Veronica Carmen Pineda
Xinyuan Pu
Grace Elizabeth Reininga
Francisco Allan Rodriguez
Eric George McPhee Rosin
Sawyer Sadd
Jo Scaletty
Claire Elizabeth Scavone
Rachel Levitt Schmaier
Anna Misook-Lucille Skillom
Charlotte Muriel Spohler
Christina Francesca Stearns
Daniella Vittoria Stroup
Saya Hanako Toy Ha Suliman
Tanisha Samir Tekriwal
Sydney Marie Tennill
Sierra oulouis
Kara Marie Bisselle Toll
Nathaniel Louis Unger
Jonathan Joseph Van De Loo
Kristen Waagner
Hayley E. Wallenfeldt
Christiana Ka-Ling Wang
Sarah Elizabeth Welford
Francesca Marin Wimer
Adam Wysocki
Ashley J. Xu
Mako Satoh Yamamoto
Allana Chung Yoo
Da Eun Yoon
Sean Cole Zuckerman
Bachelor of Philosophy
in Communication
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Andrew Angelo anos
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Drew Edward Vale
Bachelor of Science
in Communication
Degree awarded July 28, 2022
AlDana Ibrahim Y. A. AlShamlan
Fathima Faaiza Feroz
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Harry C. Echtman
Madelyn Diana Krise
Alejandro David Malavet
Evan Neiden
Vanessa Sanchez
Nicole Marie Tank
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Willa Quinn Barnett
Stefani Andrea Gonzalez
Minji Goo
John Ryan Hecimovich
Mackenzie Elle Matheson
Kevin Patrick Reich
Degree awarded January 5, 2023
Mariam Khamis M. K. Al-Khulai
Hoi Leng Iam
Sara Yousef A. M. Muah
Moom ahinah
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Gabrielle Lee Alava
Dylan Bray Amonte
Dhrithi Ramachandran Arun
Erin Elizabeth Coykendall
Elizabeth J. Craan
Sophia Jeanne DeBenedetti
Zachary Evan Fox
Olivia Mei-Wah Greene
Shannon Claire Groves
Vibhusha Kolli
Margaret Rose Lezcano
Priya Sai Moorthy
Jill Jackson Rawls
Degree awarded May 18, 2023
Habeebah Hany arwat Abdelhamid
Dania Ammar Abdulhameed
Khadija Ahmad
Ali Umair Ahmar
Hakem Al Meqdad
Noof Ahmad A. H. Al-Ansari
Alanoud Mohammed E. S. Al-Aqeedi
Hend Ahmad M. I. Al-Derbasti
Maryam Khalid N. I. Al-Hail
Jehad Nael AlHallaq
Dana Mohamad Maher Said Al-Hayek
Maya Amjad M. Alississ
Maryam Zeyad M. I. Al-Jaidah
Aisha Saad Al-Jassim
Mohammed Saleh M. M. Al-Khulai
Hissa Mohammed K. H. T. Al-Kuwari
Buthaina Mohammed S. M. Al-Mana
Mashael Talal S. B. Almannai
Alwaleed Khalid Al-Marikhi
Fatima Mohammed S. A.
Buthaina Saad A. H. Al-Muhannadi
Lana Mohammad J. M. Al-Qatami
Ghada Ahmad S. A. Al-Raesi
Moza Ahmad S. J. Al-Romaihi
Bader Mohammed M. S. Alshamlan
Reema Sultan M. A. Al-Suwaidi
Ali Khalid J. M. Al-ani
Jassim Hamad Al-ani
Maryam Fahad J. A. Al-ani
Maryam Mohamed K. H. Al ani
Shaikha Khalifa H. J. Al-ani
Tasmia Mohamed Jabbar Belal
Tala Khalid Bibi
Sahar Rabih Bou Hamdan Ghanem
Princess Jannah Sismar Collado
Malek Abdallah El Bini
Hajar Youssef A. ElMalem
Farouk Essalhi
Muneera Ibrahim J. O. Fakhroo
Elyssa Gaddas
ethe Gwiza Ngalula
Noor Haddad
San Hasan
Momen Ghanem Ahmad Hasanain
Majd Basim Nasr Allah Heikel
Aesha Ihab Farouk Mohamed Ahmed
Abdullah Imran
Mary Ann Kuriyan
Chadi Lasri
Yara Amr Abdelhamid Mahrous
Zeest Marrium
James Paul Nyaga Mburu
Haregewoin Zeleke Mehari
Ben Arnold Mwangi
Xingyu Qin
Neeha Rashid
Julia Magdalena Śmietana
Adelaide Uwantege
Mary Jessy Milena Uwikuzo Kaligirwa
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Luke Michael Arnold
Caroline Mary Bates
Olivia Catherine Behr
Maria Eleni Carini
Edwin Junior Chalas Cuevas
Manqi Chen
Sabrina Y. Chen
Stephanie Chen
Blake Cro
Briana Cara Crowley
Jayson Alexander Cyrus
Gemma DeCetra
Victoria Deng
Chenjunyi Feng
Zachary Evan Forbes
Delaney Mae Levin Glassner
Dylan Michael Grin
Amy Guo
Kathleen O’Brien Hancuch
Sydney Nicole Hastings-Smith
Joshua Myung Gee Hong
Mitchell Louis Huntley
Benjamin J. Jouras
Eren Ahmet Keles
Dugan Kenaz-Mara
Kelly Marie Killorin
Rachel J. Kim
Jared Frederick Kimmel
Nicholas Ford Kinney
Kevin Joseph Klausz
Edward Noah Ko
Sarina Sze-Yiu Ku
Clayton Lawhead
Ginny Gajin Lee
Emma Lepisova
Harrison McCall Lewis
Kylie Ro-Lan Lin
Nathan LoPinto
Xinran Lu
Wilke Daniel Macariola
Edward Jae Warren Maday
Noah Manalo
Alia Christine Marshall
Zachary Adam McCrary
Tyler Jacob Husted Medvec
Paige Elizabeth Miller
Ashton Cody Murray-Bruce
Ché Negron
Jaye Delaney Patrick
Keely Pickett
Margot Britman Present
William McGuire Price
Natalie Rarick
August Blanco Rosenstein
Joshua Dylan Ryan
Nicholas Karl Schoenbrodt
Ranna Shahbazi
Kathryn G. Shanley
Dana Maureen Small
Tyra Lyn Kehinde Smith
Zoe Katherine Snead
Amanda Rae Sobel
Jared Son
Alexa Morgan Takeuchi
Foster Boyd Taylor
Layne Addison ompson
Emily Vazquez
Anh Vinh Vo
Gray Turner Watson
Benjamin Eric Weiss
Caleb omas Whittaker
Kendall Morgan Wieland
Kennedy Leigh Williams
Hannah Chu Yang
Elyse Prim Yun
Leah Carina Zeuss
Catherine Qing Zhong
Dan P. McAdams, PhD,
Interim Dean
Bachelor of Science in
Education and Social Policy
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Chase Brad Audige
Abryanna Cannon
Gi Obarinee Chujor
Jeremy Alexander DeMarco
Brian Basford Kaiser
Hyohee Kim
Olivia Putnam
Hope Ariana Salvador
Natalie Lillian Sliskovich
Jordan Walker
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Annie Jade Bandler
Evan Samuel Hull
Michael P. Jansey Jr.
Benjamin David Lewandowski
Morgan B. Noviko
Kendall Majka Peterson
Olivia Grace Poole
Emilia Bunny Silverstein
Samantha Elyse Tartell
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Wayne Dennis Jr.
Harris Luke Fermaglich
Bryce Edward Gallagher
Isabella Marie Garcia-Ding
Jason Lawhorn Gold Jr.
Sydney Erin Goldstein
Patrick Hayden Harb
Haley Elizabeth Hooper
Haozhe Jack Ke
Bryce Myles Kirtz
Jenna Leigh Koeppel
Jayna Simone Kurlender
Kwan Yi Chloe Lim
Angela Liu
Maya Mahoney
Emmy Catherine Peek
Dayna Lauren Rapkin
Leah Schulman
Lucia Rose Shorr
Emma Sophia Wool
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Maayan Abouzaglo
Alec Abramson
Eman Kasha Akhtar
Julia Ammer
Paulina Nicole Anasis
Samantha Michelle Anderson
Corien Deshaun Azema
Madeleine Dana Balter
Téa R. Baum
Justin Douglas Benjamin
Faye Maxine Berger
Blodwen S. Bindas
Nala Marie Bishop
Lauren Michele Black
Joshua Samuel Bloom
Ryley Boddeker-OConnor
Samuel Boonstra
Kathryn Sophia Bowman
Boo Buie
Andreas Nshimiye Byamana
Cormac Callanan
Matthew Chiswick Camel
Christopher Robert Cannon
Lilliana Mystique Castillo
Joseph Michael Cavazos
Citlalli Cazales
Esther Cha
Hunter Anne Chadwick
Joselyn Amanda Chavez
Trevor James Chumbley
Dominick Vinceli D’Antonio
Gracie Darlington
Jack Henry Dyke
Julia Grace Ellis
Owen Powell Elton
Elizabeth Paige Farassat
Benjamin Marcus Finkelstein
Jasmin Nallely Flores
Helen Worth Foster
Zachary David Franks
Jacob Charles Geil
omas Joseph Gordon
Ann Elizabeth Goss
Jon Paul Halvorsen
Olivia Gail Haskins
Makenzie Morgan Hattig
Joseph Hoppenworth
Eve Hritzuk
Stephen Frank Hrustich
Jackson Hugill
John P. Kennedy
Elizabeth Schuyler Lamarre
Han Sol Lee
Yun Lee
Neva Celeste Legallet
Anne Li
Sean Kai-Xu Liu
Yuanzhe Lyu
Anahi Marquez
Molly George McGuinness
Melissa Shawky Megala
Madeline Whitney Miles
Evan Joseph Minarovic
Kenzie Berryman Misso
Giselle Montoya
Caroline E. Moseley
Connor Maxwell Newhouse
Duke A. Olges
Leslie Ortiz
Sterling Kossuth Ortiz
Djamila Sidikou Oumarou
Aarti Pappu
Grace M. Park
Dylan Naren Patel
Ethan Fox Pritchard
Kaylah Rainey
Isabelle Grace Riback
Courtney Marie Richter
Mikenzie Ray Roberts
Gerardo E. Rodriguez
Valeria Janeth Rodriguez
Conrad Stephen Rowley
Sydney Rubin
Bryan Enrique Sanchez Caceres
Freskida Sejdiu
Julia Brandel Shalansky
Kiera Elizabeth Shanley
Kaitlin Marie Shaw
Grace Kay Shin
Reed Wilson Smith
Jamie Rose Stummer
Crystal Tang
Luke Charles Tanner
Joanna Lynne Tasch
Bianca Marie Varlesi
Andrew A. Vasquez
Shuhey Shawn Wada
Haley Hope Wanner
Liam Patrick Warner-Shiett
Hunter Ronald Welcing
Charlotte Loc-Heng Wong
Tilly Kaye Yacenda
Hannah Alicia Reiko Weili Yonamine
Ashley Yoo
Jiarui Yu
Aida Zeleke
Julio M. Ottino, PhD, Dean
Bachelor of Science in
Applied Mathematics
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Sarah P. Chen
June Hee Cho
Patrick J. Delos Reyes
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Davit Avagyan
Emma Hope Estberg
Saahir Ganti-Agrawal
Nicolas Martin Guerra
William He
Noah Kalid Igram
Matthew Kyungsu Jun
Samuel Y. Jung
Neven Tomy Vaduthala
Andrew Booth Vollero IV
Jun Yamasaki
Bachelor of Science in
Biomedical Engineering
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Xingyue Hao
Shani Edith Katz
Emily S. Kim
Maya D. Kompella
Isaac Aziel Tenga
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Alexandra Marie Cindric
Jingxuan Gong
Daming Lin
Christopher Holden Sollenberger
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Violet Lucilla Bailey
Jerey Bante Blibo
Josif Božović
Katherine Alyssa Brown
William Buchsbaum
Emily Chang
Irina Y. Cheng
Ingrid Cheung
Marcus Cisco
Chase F. Correia
Michael James Cosentino
Eliana Maya Davis
Joshua Nathaniel Dean
Ria Desai
John Durtka
Kayla Marie Fortino
Nina Roberto Galvez
Grace K. Hu
Suyeon Kim
Ugomma Chizoba Korie
Anastasia Lantsova
Hannah Gabriela Marques Maduro
Mackenzie Juliet Mattone
Belise Mbabazi
Benjamin Cole Monroe
Jorge Neira
Mark omas Ogarek
Ria Nalin Patel
Abigail Jane Renaud
Lucas E. SantAnna
Julia Sheridan Schmulewitz
Malia J. Smith
Damian Stanley Staszel
Temitayo Oluwatoyin omas-Ailara
Breasia Williams
John Wu
Mingyu Zhou
Bachelor of Science in
Chemical Engineering
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Adam J. Chu
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Dana Michelle Corbin
Nicholas Kalamaris
Sarah Elizabeth Sobol
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Evan Paul Bergen Epstein
Ethan Boardman
Bailey L. Burman
Nicholas Francis Byrne
Javiera Andrea Cabezas Parra
Lena Kyu-in Caruso
Michael Chaplygin
Philippa Adjoa Eshun
Joseph Lee Galindo
Ria Gokarn
Justin Grith
Katz William Kadlic
Obonetse Relwe Kebadireng
Adam Dominic Klimek
Alexandra Jane Lazar
Khantey Lim
Kennedy Eden Lindeman
Eleanor Joan McGhee
Emmy Elisabeth Morgan
Razan Naakh
Abigail Royale Neufarth
Graham Nordquist
Arthur L. Perce
Priyen Suketu Shah
Abdul-Rahman Y. Smari
Daniel E. Soto
Natan Spear
Jake Wilde Turner
Kaua’i Wu
Catherine Gisela Zdunek
Bachelor of Science in
Civil Engineering
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Preston James Xavier Collins
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Paul Abascal Larson
Grin Berse
Izabela Bilska
Mairi Rose Glynn
Derek Henry Hassan
David Hines
Grace Audrey Hochberg
Noah Keller
Genevieve Kosciolek
Katherine S. Lev
Jose Manuel Marquez
Coby R. Moe
Je Robert Sezer Haser
Mary Kennedy Shirk
John Soler
Robert Lukasz Szymczyk Jr.
Hugh-Jay Yu
Bachelor of Science in
Computer Engineering
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Katherine Xin Li
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Brian Solmos
Benjamin James Timmins
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Samuel Kenneth Crites
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Chima K. Aharanwa
Gyaan Antia
Justin Kyle Cooper
Everestus Ezike
Joshua Feist
Lance Christopher Go
Kinsey Pak Yin Ho
Felipe Jannarone
Isabelle Luise Johnson
Kiva Joseph
Chibueze Ihunanyachukwu
William S. Phillips
Santiago Roches
Matthew Guy Schilling
Slobodanka Smilkova
Christopher Robert Uustal
Ruiqi Xu
Haolan Tong Zhan
Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Naythen Farr
Angel E. Hernandez
Jun Li
Mason Lin
Alejandro David Malavet
David Terpay
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Aldo A. Aguilar
Javier F. Cuadra
John Ryan Hecimovich
Mitchell Lai
Emily Makedon
Molly Longcore Pribble
Dishen Wang
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Yabsra Alemayehu Ayele
Natalie Griarte Brewster
Jordan Matthew Dillard
John Holtgreive
Caroline Aurelia Ruth Jennings
Ye June Kim
Tiany Lau
Michael James Luvin
Olivia Darley Sackitey
Andy Xu
Charles Y. Zheng
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Nikhil Aggarwal
Chima K. Aharanwa
eerut Amornkasemwong
Nicholas Armatas
Ian M. Armstrong
Rohil Bahl
Nicholas T-Bone Baird
Katrina Ambler Baniak
Maya Blumovitz
Callum Scot Bourhill Bondy
Joshua F. Butera
Lucas Calvera Maldonado
Benjamin Richard Caterine
Minwoo Chang
Alex Chao
Ryan R. Chen
David Cheung
Yvan Chu
William Brian Cohen
Isaac Britt Conner
Evan Costa
Ryan Dauber
Sharat K. Dhananjaya
Michael Diersen
Amil Dravid
Ikenna J. Elue
Ankhaa Enkhmandakh
Benjamin Robert Fisk
Kelvin Forson
Natan Shai Gamliel
Graham Michael Grieb
Olivia I. Guerra
Reilly Lawton Hannula
Danielle Marie Helfer
Caden Howell
Haoyu Hu
Andrew Huang
Yining Huang
Megan Hwang
Aryan Jain
Owen Michael Katz Janssen
Justin Fang Jia
Jerry Jiang
Richard Jo
Nelson Quentin Kagimbi
Nikhil Sunil Kalghatgi
Xi Kang
Joshua Francis Kennedy
Omar Saad Khatib
Ethan A. Kim
Joshua Kim
Myung Chul Kim
Edward Kimble
Kelvin Lao
Edward Jinwoo Lee
Je Jung Woo Lee
Joshua Lee
Sean Suwoon Lee
Mark Joseph Leonardi
Christopher Lindland
Paul Matthew Liong
Grace X. Liu
Peizhi Liu
Maya Gabriela Lundell
Benjamin Michael Miller
Brevan Scott Mitchell
omas J. Moh
Rawan S. Mohamed
Mieraf Tegene Mulat
Fardeem Munir
Collin Douglas Murch
Dung Nguyen
Julian Liam OCarroll
Linus B. Okoth
Alison Rebecca Park
Si Woo Park
Andrew Carl Persigehl
Daniel Seiran Petikian
Tatyana Petriv
Antonio Alexis Rocha
Sophia Marie Rollins
Anthony Parker Ryan
John G. Sauser
Niraj Shah
Nandipa Xolile Hazel Siluma
William Smart
Poom Sombutboon
Abenezer Tamene
Sirasorn Tichachol
Mouhamed Moustapha Toure
Nicholas Tsung
Derex Cai Wangmang
Jack Nathanael Wheeler
Jacob Alexander Wit
Nicholas Woel-Nogueira
Ian Wood
Charles Benjamin Woods
Jerey Li Wu
William Michael Xenakis
Ashley Xu
Maximos Lee Xu
Ruiqi Xu
Said Yaka
Mingze Yan
David Wang Zhang
Hugo Yide Zhang
Hongyi Zhou
Richard Glenn Zimring
Bachelor of Science in
Electrical Engineering
Degree awarded December 16, 2023
Noah A. Pasquinelli
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
eerut Amornkasemwong
Bum Joon Cho
omas L. Douglas
Fortune Favour Emmanuel-King
Dylan J. Finn
Daniel Enrique Francis
Zachary Allyn Koord
Jackson A. Letts
Aidan Lyon Macaluso
John Kenneth Parker
Jason Paul
Caelan Purnama
Zoe Katherine Snead
Antony S. Traino
Marko Vejnovic
Jakub J. Wolsza
Haolan Tong Zhan
Peter Zhou
Bachelor of Science in
Environmental Engineering
Degree awarded December 16, 2023
Roman Daniel Gavrila
Veronica Mannillo
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Luc Jerey Almony
MaryKate Eileen Anderson
Maria Piombo Blanchard
Cynthia Xueyu Cheng
Avinash Pei-Heng Chung
Ilan Gasko
Robert J. Hickmott
Christian Joseph Johnston
Vuyiswa Mngometulu
Cora Marshall Pancoast
Victoria Pirozzi
Yen Chun Wang
Kelsey L. Yao
Bachelor of Science in
Industrial Engineering
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Shourya Agarwal
Safal Dumre
Duc Anh Nguyen Vu
Benjamin Henry Posner
Kathryn Bonny Wicks
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Karan Agrawal
Crockett Mason Callaway
Jerey Wu
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Wing Chow
Alexandra Chu
Patrick J. Delos Reyes
Jingyao Feng
Sebastian J. Mathews
Marlena Jadwiga Noeth
Charlotte Taliaferro Oxnam
Wilson Cole Sprague
Annette Shu Tsui
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Tanitoluwa Adedamola Adedibu
Aino Alkio
Sara Espy Anglin
Ansaar Mirza Baig
Alexander Graham Betts
Virad Anwar Bhatti
Abigail Claire Brandt
Juan Raul Brenes
Kevin O’Brien Brunner
Justin Chen
Ting-Chu Chen
Grace S. Gronowski
Alp Guneyman
eodore Carter Hall
Matthew Jacob Holleran Meyer
Emily M. Hull
Francine Lenna Kibwana
Ali Ada Kilic
Seonuk Kim
Ali Kerim Kuran
Christopher M. Lee
Tyler Lee
Matthew West Lorenz
Connor J. McIntee
David Alexander Meza
Deogratias Mukuralinda
Joseph M. Patronik
Olivia Anne Prazenka Moor
Elizabeth Annie Reese
Sebastian Isaiah Reid
Bernard Charles Reinwald III
David Noah Kostant Russman
Atishay Saraogi
Diego B. Schummer
Tejaswi Shrestha
Noah J. Slosberg
Austin Smith
Hannah Gail Sotelo
Jonathan Stafslien
Andrew Michael Stambaugh
Denise Sullivan
Andrew G. Torres
Damla Ulku
Maximiliaan Roger Van Mieghem
Karthik Ajay Vempati
Andy T. Wen
Bachelor of Science in
Integrated Engineering Studies
Candidate for degree, June 16, 2023
Sophie Alex Furlow
Bachelor of Science
in Manufacturing and
Design Engineering
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Lillian Chu
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Benjamin omas Yost
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Sandra Chiu
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
German Acevedo
Hye Ri Chang
Adam Nai-Yen Chen
Ana Cuartas
Lydia Shinyoung Hahm
Olivia Mairéad Johansson
Sarah Elisabeth John
Benjamin James Miller
Joan E. Park
Crystell Diamond Phoenix
Callista Sukohardjo
Sophie Louise omas
Quynh-Nhi Gabriella Tran
Bachelor of Science in
Materials Science and
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Davy Zeng
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Max Paulson Baliga
Jaime Alon Berkovich
Sarah Chapin Bogan
Conor John Brew
Raymonde Elizabeth Council
Saahir Ganti-Agrawal
Caroline F. Harms
Quinn D. Kirchner
Jazmyn Lu
Steven Yunfei Ma
Souhardya Pal
Alex Tai
André Matthew Ricarte Tayamen
David J. Venator
Bohan Xu
Bachelor of Science in
Mechanical Engineering
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Yaritza Chavez
Manuel Martos Bacarizo
Mathias Oko Reweta
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Pablo David Griswold Morales
Conner Henderson
Jorge Alberto Mena
Matthew Vinci
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Francis R. Burke-Olson
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Connor Philip Alcock
Abdallah Taisir Al Khawaldh
Alejandra Isabel Almonte
Emre Alsaid
Nathaniel Boomer Arnold
Maxim Baurov
Brandon Beckle
Kayla Louise Blas
Hannah Rose Boruchov
Marco Francisco Contreras
Gracia Maria Cosenza Lagos
Diogo Castro Nogueira da Costa
Moses Edward Diaz-Torres
Joshua Ian Divak
Maksim Dziatlovich
Laura Isabella Ferrucci
Rhodes Fotopulos
Dashiel Noah Gabryszewski
Alec E. Greenwald
Samuel R. Griswold
Lydia Shinyoung Hahm
Owen W. Heerren-Harkless
Drew Fortier Hill
Dingcheng Huang
Hannah I-en Huang
Jesse Ji
Tomo Kanda
Yoon Sung Kim
Derek Adam Krantz
Niv Landau
Miles M. Lankford
Justin M. Lautenberg
Zakariah Benjamin Lee
Elaine Jingyi Liu
Rae MacCarthy
Adele Marchiando
Arielle Monika Menasce Traub
Sean Patrick Morton
Tyler J. Nano
Kit Hoi Ng
Joseph Oliver Paddock
Alejandro Palafox Munguia
Adam Harrison Pelberg
Matthew J. Queen
Charles Joseph Romenesko
Liam Stephan Schenk
Louie Ray Shapiro
Alex P. Sharper
Garrett C. Short
Jacob Emile Silacci
Dashiell Hilleman Slamowitz
Jay Song
Olivia Grace Stein
Anchen Tong
Peter Brown Tuchler
Michael Anthony Vega
Cristian Villazhannay
Valeria J. Vita
Corey Julian Wang
Jake K. Wheeler
Ross Christopher Wojcik
Lukas Wolf
Jun Yamasaki
Bill She-Nan Yen
Charles F. Whitaker, MSJ, Dean
Bachelor of Science
in Journalism
Degree awarded July 28, 2022
Lina Draidia
Cindy Gikundiro
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Katherine Nicole Brussell
Delainey Jean Dow
Olivia Evans
Kristen Gerdts
Sooim Kang
Sharon Kleiman
Jiaxin Lin
Zoe Malin
Gabrielle Celeste Rancifer
Samantha Rae Walters
Gia Raquel Yetikyel
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Bente Baekers
Trent David Brown
Chloe Finetta Cope
Connie Yang Deng
Bettina Bridges Huang
Kirsten Huh
Sabrina Frances Martin
Julia Sheila Moore
Karim Noorani
Adaeze Nkemdirim Ogbonna
Talia Paige Schulhof
Jenna Maria Spray
Carlos Miguel Stinson-Maas
Degree awarded January 5, 2023
Mohammed Hamad M. H. Al-Hawal
Nadege Mutima Bizimungu
Hongji Feng
Abdulmajeed Adam Muhammad Hadi
Kholoud Ibrahim M. Y. Kafoud
Jiwon Seo
Beatrice Zemelyte
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Rebecca Bella Aizin
Christine Bae
Carson S. Burton
Jessie Claire Chaiet
Hannah Elane Cheves
Olivia Joy Demetriades
Trevor Duggins Jr.
Annie Fallon Epstein
Eric Reckdahl Epstein
Sophia Charlotte Haloulos
Daniel Junyi Hu
Logan eresa Lillie
Elizabeth Markham
Sarah Marie McGrath
Teresa Christine Nowakowski
Jenna Grace Lily Piehl
Nicholas Justin Slater
Hannah Song
Maia Lucia Spoto
Kyra Noreen Steck
Mac Stone
Xue Li Sun
Zihan Wang
Elbert Xie
Olivia Rachel Jacqueline Yarvis
Degree awarded May 18, 2023
Reema Faisal AlHajri
Raghdan Alhennawi
Nadia Mustafa Yaqoub Al Hinai
Lena Raed Nawaf Al-Homoud
Moza Abdulla A. H. Al-Kamali
Alreem Abdulla N. S. Al-Khalifa
Dana Hussameddin AlKhiyami
Fajar Salem Al-Kubaisi
Sara Mohammed F. A. Al-Mana
Fai Mohammed S. A. Al-Naimi
Sadeem Khalid M. M. Al-Qurashi
Noura A. S. AlShantti
Noora Abdulrahman Al-ani
Noora Hamad Al-ani
Makeda Shimelis Ararso
Mariana Xavier Brito de Araujo
Leticia Mendes Da Costa Bila
Muhammad Shahan Ejaz
Monazza Asif Farooqi
Nathenael Sisay Gemechu
Tayyaba Imran
Sida Lai
Areesha Khan Lodhi
William Gitta Lugoloobi
Rea Singh Mishra
Azma Hasina Mulundika
Asmae Nakib
Fatma Oueslati
Antonella Sansalone
Sarah Shamim
Ayah Amro Y. O. Shouhdy
Paribesh Sitoula
Muhammad Abdullah Imran Tahir
Yichen Tao
Haoyun Xue
Peiwen Zou
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Samantha Aguilar
Spencer Lowell Allan
Yasmeen Altaji
Maria Ximena Aragon
Allison Kirsten Arguezo
Ilana Arougheti
Isabelle Jordan Banin
Felix Beilin
Victoria Beneeld
Tomasz Benko
Sami Berisha
Zachary David Blank
Samantha Boas
Helen Louise Bradshaw
Tabor Henry Brewster
Elizabeth Anne Bulat
Molly Frances Burke
Jordan McKinely Butler
Maria Amalia Caamaño Garcia
Arianna Isabella Carpati
Gabriela Libuše Carroll
Hannah C. Carroll
Alonso Cervera-Pizana
Maria-Eleni Chalkia
Benjamin Lee Chasen
Samantha Eileen Cho
Alexander Paul Chun
Shannon Coan
Delia Frances Corridon
Jude Cramer
Arianna Mone’t Crockett
Charlotte Lauren Cronister
Cooper Neil Daley
Darya Lara Daneshmand
Leila Nazih Darwiche
Erica Catherine Davis
Grace Deng
Hallie Grace DeVore
Hannah Abigail Feuer
Emily Claire Fischer
Sara McKenzie Frank
Jacquelyne Marcelle Germain
Jane Emily Rocco Greeley
Jenna Brooke Greenzaid
Mary Ann Ha
Carolyn Marie Hagler
Seyoung Hahn
Andrea Bailey Hancock
Alexander Cole Harrison
Tyler S. Haskins
Kacee Nikole Haslett
Mubarak Zahurul Hassan
Eva Helena Herscowitz
Jordan Hickey
Linus Benjamin Höller
Ryley Reid Hougland
Eric W. Huang
Jenny Jiin Huh
John Henry Izzo
Katherine Margaret Jahns
Davis Mark Johnson
Sara Jo Kadoura
William Oliver Karmin
Julia Paige Karten
Zachary Ian Kessel
Ejun Kim
Ryan Jaewon Kim
Vanessa Kjeldsen
Maren Leigh Kranking
Ryan Kuttler
Jerey Harrison Larner
Kyle Gerard Leverone
Dajung Lim
Ellisya Marie Lindsey
Olivia K. Lloyd
Max Fletcher Lubbers
Julia Chambers MacCary
Nicholas Evan Magas
Jordan Rose Mangi
Nadine Loraine Manske
Adriana Nadira Martinez-Smiley
Lunden Elizabeth Mason
Michael Gordon McDonough
Sarah Meredith Meadow
Marcos Melendez
Kimberly Mendez
Julietta Anna Mkrtychian
Angel Yola Mzizi
Gabrielle Tamar Nadler
Delaney G. Nelson
Kaila Yeśmari Nichols
Catherine Carlisle Odom
Daniel Machen Olinger
Jun Hyung Eddy Park
Ryann Paige Perlstein
Joshua David Perry
Viet Quan Pham
Kalina Soa Pierga
Samantha Pyo
Juntang Qian
Allison Jihee Rhee
Bailey Kay Richards
Julia Grace Richardson
Lydia Gemaunesh Rivers
Evan Robinson-Johnson
Andrew Jake Rowan
Emily Ellen Sakai
Melissa Santoyo
Isaac Taylor Selz
Linda Meng Shi
Brandi Elizabeth Simpson
Madison L. Smith
Nicholas Anthony Jae-Ho Song
Rayna Yu Song
Sydney Borgny Supple
Iris Lynn Swarthout
Anushuya apa
Maxwell Elias Sheps Tracey
Matthew Han Trotier
Christina Elizabeth van Waasbergen
Kexin Wang
Ella Larson Weaver
Grayson Coliton Welo
Grace A. Wu
Yurui Wu
Vivian Xia
Emma Yarger
Meher Yeda
Elizabeth Faith Yoon
Yinlan Zhang
Yuyan Zhang
Toni-Marie Montgomery, DMA,
Bachelor of Arts in Music
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
David Minjae Cho
Kegan Leonard Atilano Grace
Chris R. Hou
SeEun Hyung
Annika Grace Larson
Natasha von Bartheld
Bachelor of Music
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Isaac James Henry
Katherine Xin Li
Olivia O’Brien
Darsan Swaroop Bellie
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Timothy Julius Grabow
Sophia Nicole Jean
Olivia Kim
Olivia Gail Knutsen
Samuel David Perlman
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Joshua Kyu Lee
Yonjoo Sarah Seo
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Isabella Nina Abbrescia
Yasmeen Altaji
Lucile Boyd
Anne Demerest Burgett
John Jia Cao
Alexander Whiteld Carroll
Alex Chao
Daniel Che
Duane F. Chen
Joelle Ho Chen
Sabrina Y. Chen
Isabelle Emily Chin
Adam Nathanael Clayton
Filip J. Czarkowski
Sylvia Denecke
Quentin Erickson
William Fowler
Solveig Margaret Geenen
Shanth Desai Gopalswamy
Nicolas Martin Guerra
Aalia Hanif
Sophia Hansen
Reid David Harman
Rose Marie Haselhorst
Kimberlee Diane Hebdon
Jason Huang
Eugene Hwang
Lucy C. Jung
Molly Rose Kaplan
Zachary Charles Keum
Joy Kim
Kevin Sangyoon Kim
Devin Lai
Jesse Andrew Lear
Jamie Lee
Kirsten Lee
Yuanzhe Lyu
Mark William May
Louis David Milne
Valerie Heesun Mun
Eva Lynn Nicholson
William Edward Ronneburg
Ranna Shahbazi
Morgan Rebecca Small
William John Tanski IV
Kylie alman
Brian A. Vogel
Audrianna Jane Wu
Kelsey L. Yao
Matthew Alexander Yao
Han a Yo on
Jiarui Yu
Bachelor of Science in Music
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Quinton Connor Nickum
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Aspen Buckingham
Russell Scott Sanders Jr.
Captain Robert Klaszky,
USN, Commanding Officer,
Professor of Naval Science
Ensign, United States Navy
Candidate for commission,
June 13, 2023
Matthew D. Lindstrom
Kelly E. Mayo, PhD, Dean
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Andrea Yaa Pinamang Adomako, African American
Studies; Weinberg. “Because We Failed Her”:
Black Fictive and Formative Friendships in
the 1960s and 1970s; Jennifer Christine Nash,
Emiliano Aguilar, History; Weinberg. Building a
Latino Machine: Corruption, Integration, and
Machine Politics in East Chicago, Indiana,
1945–2010; Geraldo L. Cadava, adviser.
Rawan Alharbi, Computer Science; McCormick.
Reimagining Wearable Visual Systems for
Context-Aware Computing; Nabil Alshurafa,
Safa Hamood Mohammed Al-Saeedi, Political
Science; Weinberg. The Quest for Influence:
Media Changes and Reform Politics in Saudi
Arabia; Wendy R. Pearlman, adviser.
Mari Ruth Altshuler, Learning Sciences; Education
and Social Policy. “I Think It’s Fun, and Sort
of Challenging, but This Is Just Me—I Like
Challenges”: Exploring Early Elementary School
Students’ Emerging Mathematics Identities;
Miriam G. Sherin, adviser.
Luis Fernando Amaya Muñoz, Music; Bienen.
Music Composition as a Means to Connect with
the More-Than-Human: A Dialogue between
the Works of Walter Kitundu, Liza Lim, and
Luis Fernando Amaya; Jay Alan Yim, adviser.
Tomas Sergio Andreani, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. The Impact of
Circadian Output and Light on the Sleep
Homeostat in Drosophila melanogaster; Ravi
Allada, adviser.
Allison Marie Arinaga, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Sulfur as an Alternative, “Soft” Oxidant for
Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane into
Propylene; Tobin Jay Marks, adviser.
Emanuel Aquiles Azcona Castillo, Electrical
Engineering; McCormick. Geometric Deep
Learning in Neuroimaging and Human Reward
Behavior; Aggelos K. Katsaggelos, adviser.
Aparna Balakrishnan, Health Sciences Integrated
PhD Program; Feinberg. Medication Adherence
among Adult Kidney Transplant Recipients: A
Mixed-Methods Examination; Michael Wolf,
Laura Bancroft, Chemistry; Weinberg. Fundamental
Electron Transfer and Spin Dynamics in
Organic Donor-Acceptor Systems for Quantum
Information Science Applications; Michael R.
Wasielewski, adviser.
Srutarshi Banerjee, Electrical Engineering;
McCormick. Learning-Based Intelligent Imaging;
Aggelos K. Katsaggelos, adviser.
David Bar-El, Learning Sciences; Education and
Social Policy. Teaching with a Digital Sandbox
Game: Teachers’ Experiences with Minecraft
Education Edition; Marcelo Aaron Bonilla
Worsley, adviser.
Semih Barutcu, Electrical Engineering; McCormick.
Analytical Methods and Deep Priors on
X-Ray Ptychography, Computed Tomography,
and Computed Laminography; Aggelos K.
Katsaggelos, adviser.
Anna Victoria Bay, Chemistry; Weinberg. Light-
Driven Carbene Catalysis for the Synthesis of
Carbonyl Compounds; Karl A. Scheidt, adviser.
Jamie Sarah Gorson Benario, Computer Science
and Learning Sciences; Education and Social
Policy, McCormick. Investigating Student Self-
Perceptions during the Programming Process;
Eleanor O’Rourke, adviser.
Alexandra Lauran Berr, Biomedical Engineering;
McCormick. The Role of the Vimentin
Cytoskeleton in Lung Cancer, Platelet Mechanics,
and Acute Lung Injury; Karen M. Ridge and
Evan Alexander Scott, advisers.
Naomi Lee Blaushild, Human Development
and Social Policy; Education and Social
Policy. Investigating the Dynamics of Teacher
Commitment in US Public Schools; James P.
Spillane, adviser.
Katya Ivelisse Borgos Rodriguez, Technology
and Social Behavior; Communication and
McCormick. Shifting Narratives: Understanding
and Amplifying Creative Labor among People
with Disabilities; Ann Marie Piper, adviser.
Malia Martha Bowers, Political Science; Weinberg.
The Spaces Between: Rethinking Success and
Failure in Contemporary Feminist Politics;
Mary Golden Dietz, adviser.
Mary Ann Bucklin, Biomedical Engineering;
McCormick. Motor Planning of Walking in Novel
Environments; Keith Edward Gordon, adviser.
David Weston Burke, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Covalent Organic Frameworks as Next-
Generation Membranes and Electronics; William
Dichtel, adviser.
Antawan I. Byrd, Art History; Weinberg.
Interferences: Sound, Technology, and the
Politics of Listening in Afro-Atlantic Art;
Krista Angelique Thompson, adviser.
Qi Cai, Industrial Engineering and Management
Sciences; McCormick. Provably Efficient
Reinforcement Learning; Zhaoran Wang, adviser.
Alec Mitchell Callisto, Chemical and Biological
Engineering; McCormick. Engineering
Posttranslational Polymerase-Based Molecular
Recording Systems; Keith Edward Jaggard Tyo,
Gabriel Joseph Cavin, Interdisciplinary Biological
Sciences; McCormick and Weinberg.
Acentrosomal Pole Stability and Maintenance in
Caenorhabditis elegans Oocyte Meiotic Spindles;
Sadie Wignall, adviser.
Yu-Chin Chan, Mechanical Engineering;
McCormick. Data-Driven and Diversity-
Enhanced Design of Heterogeneous Multiscale
Structures; Wei Chen, adviser.
Woo Je Chang, Materials Science and Engineering;
McCormick. Doping Semiconductor Nanocrystals
to Modify Their Electronic Properties;
Emily Allyn Weiss, adviser.
Yusu Chen, Chemical and Biological Engineering;
McCormick. Directed Evolution of Protein-Based
Biomaterials Enabled by Advances in High-
Throughput Mechanical Testing and Protein
Purification; Danielle Tullman-Ercek, adviser.
Margaret Sarah Coats-Thomas, Biomedical
Engineering; McCormick. Assessing
Contributions of Muscular Imbalance to Shoulder
Osteoarthritis; Eric Perreault, adviser.
Sarah Elizabeth Collier, Human Development and
Social Policy; Education and Social Policy.
The Role of “Stress Shocks” in Young Peoples
Educational and Health Outcomes: How
Structural Forces, Policy, and Intervention Can
Matter for Individual Functioning; Emma K.
Adam, adviser.
Jayme Elizabeth Collins, English; Weinberg.
Composing in the Field; Harris Feinsod, adviser.
Christopher Cummings, Civil and Environmental
Engineering; McCormick. Air Traffic Flow and
the Congestion of the Skies: Models, Insights,
and Management Strategies for the Air Mobility
Context; Hani S. Mahmassani, adviser.
Nicolas Duane Daffern, Interdisciplinary Biological
Sciences; McCormick and Weinberg. Mechanistic
Insights into Coactivator Recruitment by Nuclear
Receptors; Ishwar Radhakrishnan, adviser.
Jay Carroll Daniels, Driskill Graduate Training
Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg. Genomic and
Cellular Analyses Unravel Disease Heterogeneity
in T Cell Cancers; Jaehyuk Choi, adviser.
Meiver Grace De La Cruz Valdéz, Performance
Studies; Communication. The Political Economy
of Arab Dance in the United States; Melissa
Blanco, adviser.
Yu Deng, Driskill Graduate Training Program in Life
Sciences; Feinberg. Advancing Computational
Methods to Derive Insights from Real-World
Health Data; Abel N. Kho, adviser.
Ashley Dominique Dennis, African American
Studies; Weinberg. “The Intellectual
Emancipation of the Negro”: Black Women
Educators in the Mid-20th Century; Martha
Biondi, adviser.
Carmen De Schryver, Philosophy; Weinberg.
Decolonizing Phenomenology: Dialogical
Universality in Césaire, Fanon, and Hountondji;
Penelope Lisa Deutscher, adviser.
Grace Doreen Deveney, Art History; Weinberg.
News, Weather, and Sports: Televisual Tactics
and Black Art, 1970–1995; Krista Angelique
Thompson, adviser.
Sean Matthew Diament, Political Science; Weinberg.
Dividing the Poor: Congressional Representation
during the New Deal Policymaking Process;
Daniel J. Galvin, adviser.
Christopher Paul Dinkel, Political Science;
Weinberg. The Law and Politics of Trade Secrecy;
Stephen C. Nelson, adviser.
Ariel Janiece Dotts, Driskill Graduate Training
Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg. Exploring
the Roles of Progesterone and Estrogen Receptors
in Human Labor; Serdar E. Bulun, adviser.
Meghan Ward Dukes, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Development of Delivery Vehicles and Three-
Dimensional Cancer Models to Investigate Gli
Inhibition in Basal Cell Carcinoma; Thomas J.
Meade, adviser.
Amanda Sahar D’Urso, Political Science; Weinberg.
In the Shadow of Whiteness: Middle Eastern
and North African Identity in the United States;
James N. Druckman, adviser.
Christopher Todd Eckdahl, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Controlling Photophysics and Photochemistry
through Supramolecular Templating, Surface
Functionalization, and Strong Light-Matter
Coupling; Julia Ann Kalow, adviser.
Gil Engelstein, History; Weinberg. Queer Europe:
Gay Liberation between Market and Movement;
Deborah Anne Cohen, adviser.
Laura Jeanne Ferdinand, Interdisciplinary Theatre
and Drama; Communication. Ladies Made:
Racialized Performances of Femininity in the
Segregated South; Tracy C. Davis, adviser.
Zuyue Fu, Industrial Engineering and Management
Sciences; McCormick. On the Optimality and
Complexity of Reinforcement Learning; Zhaoran
Wang, adviser.
Kevin Daniel Gallagher, Interdisciplinary Biological
Sciences; McCormick and Weinberg. The
Morphogenetic Origin of Pattern Formation in
the Drosophila Compound Eye; Richard W.
Carthew, adviser.
Michael Leamy Geis, Mathematics; Weinberg.
Concentration of Quantum Integrable
Eigenfunctions on Convex Surfaces of Revolution;
Steven Morris Zelditch, adviser.
Hayley Jane Goldenthal, Clinical Psychology;
Feinberg. The Need for and Development and
Evaluation of a Model for the Integration of
Trauma-Informed Care in Early Childhood
Settings; Karen Gouze, adviser.
Stefan Xavier Greenfield-Casas, Music; Bienen.
Re:Replay: On the Classical Arrangement and
Concertization of Video Game Music;
Ryan Wayne Dohoney, adviser.
Hexia Guo, Materials Science and Engineering;
McCormick. Implantable Bioelectronics
for Monitoring and Stimulation: Toward
Bioresorbable Electronics; John A. Rogers, adviser.
Aprajita Hajela, Astronomy; Weinberg. Demystifying
Rare Cosmic Transients with Multiwavelength
Observations; Raffaella Margutti, adviser.
Emily Joanna Handsman, Sociology; Weinberg. The
DEI Doctrine: How Suburban Schools Interpret
Inequality; Mary E. Pattillo, adviser.
James Howard Hill Jr., Religious Studies; Weinberg.
Religion, (Anti)Blackness, and Michael Jackson;
Robert A. Orsi, adviser.
Patrick William Horton, Music; Bienen. Creativity
and Technology in Music Teaching and Learning;
Sarah J. Bartolome, adviser.
Moein Hosseini, Civil and Environmental
Engineering; McCormick. Autonomous Vehicle–
Managed Space Strategies: Characterization,
Modeling, and Simulation; Hani S. Mahmassani,
Sumeng Hu, Chemical and Biological Engineering;
McCormick. Sustainable Polyurethane and
Polyurethane-Like Network Materials with
Excellent Reprocessability and Stress Relaxation
and Stiffness in Acrylic Random Copolymer Films;
John M. Torkelson, adviser.
Panpan Huang, Physics and Astronomy; Weinberg.
Toward Large-Scale X-Ray Microscopy for
Ptychography and Fluorescence Tomography;
Chris Jacobsen, adviser.
Samantha Eryn Huddleston, Biomedical
Engineering; McCormick. Body Heat–Activated
Polymer-Mineral Composites for Vertebral Body
Fractures; Guillermo Antonio Ameer, adviser.
Andrew Tyler Hull, Philosophy; Weinberg. The
Machines of Daedalus: Aristotle on the Truth and
Potential of Political Science; Richard H. Kraut,
Andrew Colin Hunt, Chemical and Biological
Engineering; McCormick. High-Throughput
and Plate-Based Protein-Protein Interaction
Screening Using Cell-Free Protein Synthesis;
Michael Christopher Jewett, adviser.
Charikleia Iakovidou, Electrical Engineering;
McCormick. Distributed Optimization Methods
in Large-Scale Systems with Realistic Constraints;
Ermin Wei, adviser.
Kristen Leigh Jakubowski, Biomedical Engineering;
McCormick. Determining How the Tunable
Mechanics of Muscle and Tendon Change with
Age and Task; Eric Perreault, adviser.
Hannah Marie Janssen, Mechanical Engineering;
McCormick. Effects of Individual Whisker
Geometry on Tactile Sensing; Mitra J. Z.
Hartmann, adviser.
Taylor Jefferson, Interdepartmental Neuroscience;
Communication, Feinberg, McCormick, and
Weinberg. Cortical Cholinergic Modulation in
Neuropathic Pain; Marco Martina, adviser.
Boyeong Kang, Chemistry; Weinberg. Molecularly
Engineering the Mechanical Properties of
Dynamic Polymer Networks; Julia Ann Kalow,
Carolyn Wells Keller, Marketing; Kellogg. The
Cute-Feminine Stereotype: A Social Role
Theory Explanation of Sex Differences in Cute
Consumption; Neal Roese, adviser.
Pax Kivimae, Mathematics; Weinberg. Random
Matrices, Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos, and
Complexity; Antonio Auffinger, adviser.
Ada Jade Kwong, Chemistry; Weinberg. Studies of
Chemical Probes for the MEK Family; Karl A.
Scheidt, adviser.
David Lam, Materials Science and Engineering;
McCormick. Solution-Based Processing of
Post-Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Layered
Materials; Mark Hersam, adviser.
Marie Laperrière, Sociology; Weinberg. Defining
Struggles: Treatment Programs and the Limits
of Domestic Violence Policy; Ann Shola Orloff,
Ilana Vine Larkin, English; Weinberg. Hostile Love:
Rage, Race, and Gender in American Childrens
Literature, 1850–1900; Julia Ann Stern, adviser.
Tina Law, Sociology; Weinberg. Parsing the
Language of Rebellion: Impacts of the 1960s
Black-Led Urban Uprisings on American Public
and Legal Discourse; Andrew V. Papachristos,
Samuel Alexander Leach, Chemical and Biological
Engineering; McCormick. Expanding the Toolbox
for Engineering High Titer Protein Secretion in
Bacteria; Danielle Tullman-Ercek, adviser.
Aubrey Elizabeth Leaman, Music; Bienen. The Role
of Empathic Identification in Virtual Musical
Agency; Richard D. Ashley, adviser.
Dohyun Leem, Mechanical Engineering;
McCormick. Forming Strategy Design and
Mechanics Analysis in Flexible Sheet Metal
Forming Systems; Jian Cao, adviser.
Chamille Joanne Lescott, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Synthesis and
Characterization of Self-Assembled Polymer
Nanocomposites; Vinayak P. Dravid, adviser.
Xiang Li, Civil and Environmental Engineering;
McCormick. Modelling of Slow-Moving Landslide
Dynamics Driven by Precipitation: From Stable
Creep to Catastrophic Runaway Failure; Giuseppe
Buscarnera, adviser.
Alyssa A. Lynne, Sociology; Weinberg.
Transnationalizing Gender, Medicine, and
Standardization: Gender-Affirming Healthcare
in Thailand and the United States; Steven G.
Epstein, adviser.
Jiachen Ma, Economics; Weinberg. Information
Design and Asymmetric Auction; Jeffrey Ely,
Ethan Reuven Manilow, Technology and Social
Behavior; Communication and McCormick.
Score-Informed and Hierarchical Methods for
Computational Musical Scene Analysis; Bryan A.
Pardo, adviser.
Melissa Barbara Manus, Anthropology; Weinberg.
Early-Life Determinants of the Infant Microbiome:
Social Environments Get “Under and On the
Skin”; Katherine Ryan Amato, adviser.
Lily Mao, Chemistry; Weinberg. Modulating
the Nanomechanical Properties of Graphene
Oxide via Chemical Structure and Interfacial
Interactions; SonBinh Nguyen, adviser.
Raul E. Marrero Rosa, Civil and Environmental
Engineering; McCormick. Studying Carbon
Nanoreinforced Cementitious Composite
Fundamentals Properties through Contact
Mechanics; David J. Corr, adviser.
Katya Ann Maslakowski, History; Weinberg. Men of
Violence: The Rise of British Counterinsurgency
Expertise at the End of Empire, 1919–1998;
Deborah Anne Cohen, adviser.
John Philip McGee, Chemical and Biological
Engineering; McCormick. Expanding the
Capabilities of Native Top-Down Mass
Spectrometry; Neil L. Kelleher, adviser.
Kavya Mendu, Civil and Environmental
Engineering; McCormick. Multiscale
Characterization of Nanomodified Cementitious
Composites; David J. Corr, adviser.
Ziyi Miao, Materials Science and Engineering;
McCormick. Controlling Nanoparticle Structure
and Behavior Using Substrate-Templated
Assembly with DNA; Chad A. Mirkin, adviser.
Anna Victoria Michelson, Sociology; Weinberg.
Redefining the Romance: Classification and
Community in a Popular Fiction Genre; Wendy
Griswold, adviser.
Joshua-Paul Maxwell Miles, Media, Technology,
and Society; Communication. Care Systems
in Community-Based Contexts: The Role of
Navigation and Technology in Promoting Access
to Human Services in a Referral Network;
Michelle Dawn Shumate, adviser.
Caitlin Cooke Monroe, History; Weinberg. Making
History: Womens Knowledge and the Creation
of a Historical Discipline in Western Uganda;
Jonathon P. Glassman, adviser.
Bradley Keck Moreno, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Dynamics of
Biomineralization in Sea Urchin Primary
Mesenchyme Cells; Derk Joester, adviser.
Zachary Alan Nissen, Anthropology; Weinberg.
Urban Commoners, Inequality, and the Longevity
of an Ancient Maya City, Aventura, Belize;
Cynthia Robin, adviser.
Shaul Notkin, Political Science; Weinberg.
Political Theory for the Age of Social Movement;
Mary Golden Dietz, adviser.
Dwayne Keith Overton-Mann, Interdisciplinary
Theatre and Drama; Communication. His
Grotesque Swagger; or, Morgan Benson, the Black
Joke, and the 19th-Century Target Parade;
Susan A. Manning, adviser.
Patrick Mbullo Owuor, Anthropology; Weinberg.
Dams and Displacements: Biosocial Impacts of the
Thwake Multipurpose Dam in Makueni County,
Kenya; Sera Lewise Young, adviser.
Kelly Ann Parker, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Soft Microscopy:
Enhancing Imaging for the High-Throughput
Characterization of Soft Materials; Vinayak P.
Dravid, adviser.
Jacqueline Rose Patterson, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. Building Functional
Maps of the Intact and Transected Lumbosacral
Spinal Cord in the Decerebrate Cat Using
Subdural Electrical Stimulation; C. J. Heckman,
Robin Kathryn Pokorski, History; Weinberg. Reform
Networks and Community among Dominican
Nuns in Late Medieval Germany; Dyan H. Elliott,
Alexandra Portnova-Fahreeva, Mechanical
Engineering; McCormick. Dimensionality
Reduction for Prosthetic Hand Control;
Ferdinando Mussa-Ivaldi, adviser.
Darcie Marilyn Price-Wallace, Religious Studies;
Weinberg. Telling Stories Differently: Changing
Landscapes of Ordination for Buddhist Monastic
Women in the Tibetan Tradition; Sarah Hieatt
Jacoby, adviser.
Carolyn Eneida Ramirez, Chemical and Biological
Engineering; McCormick. Understanding
Photophysics of Rylene Diimides and Tetrapyrroles
in the Solid State for Enhancement of Organic
Photovoltaic Performance; Michael R.
Wasielewski, adviser.
Miguel Angel Ramirez, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. An Investigation of
the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Hearing
Sensitivity and Noise-Induced Hearing Loss;
Jeffrey Nicholas Savas, adviser.
Ritaja Ray, Civil and Environmental Engineering;
McCormick. Modeling the Behavior of Dry and
Saturated Crushable Granular Media Subjected
to Varying Loading Rates; Giuseppe Buscarnera,
Lea Kathryn Richardson, Plant Biology and
Conservation; Weinberg. Investigating Impacts
of Prescribed Fire on Flowering Phenology and
Reproduction in Grassland Perennials; Stuart
Wagenius, adviser.
Adovich S. Rivera, Health Sciences Integrated PhD
Program; Feinberg. Role of Social Determinants
of Health in the Cardiovascular Health of People
with HIV: An Analysis of Electronic Health
Records from Two Health Systems in Chicago;
Matthew J. Feinstein, adviser.
Makeda Austin Roberson-Vickery, Psychology;
Weinberg. A Mixed-Methods Approach to
Understanding the Role of Social Support as a
Source of Resilience for Physical Health and Well-
Being among Individuals with Low SES and First-
Generation College Students; Edith Chen, adviser.
Sebastian Rodriguez, Statistics; Weinberg. Spatial
and Temporal Methods to Analyze the Malaria
Burden Using Routine Health Facility Case Data
in Burkina Faso; Noelle I. Samia, adviser.
Andrea Daniel Rosengarten, History; Weinberg.
Remapping Namaqualand: Negotiating Ethnicity
and Territoriality in a Southern African
Borderland; Jonathon P. Glassman, adviser.
Ian Sam Rubinoff, Biomedical Engineering;
McCormick. Development of Clinical Visible-
Light Optical Coherence Tomography; Hao F.
Zhang, adviser.
Chelsea Lynne Rugel, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. Mechanical
Properties, Shear Wave Velocity, and Structure of
Unimpaired and Diabetic Nerves; C. J. Heckman,
Nikita Antonia Salovich, Psychology; Weinberg.
Evaluative Mindsets and the Influence of False
Information; David Neil Rapp, adviser.
Michael Robert Schamber, Interdisciplinary
Biological Sciences; McCormick and Weinberg.
The Mechanism of Activation and Sensitivity-
Tuning of the Calcium-Sensing Receptor; Reza
Vafabakhsh, adviser.
Jonathan David Schultz, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Revealing Vibronic Coupling and Coherence in
Molecular Aggregates with Multidimensional
Spectroscopy: Experiment and Theory; Michael R.
Wasielewski, adviser.
Michael Schwarz, Philosophy; Weinberg. All
Meanings Necessary: A Hermeneutics of Ideology
and Its Critique; Cristina Lafont, adviser.
Dawa Seo, Civil and Environmental Engineering;
McCormick. Multiscale Assessment of the Role
of the Particle Shape on the Crushability of Sand;
Giuseppe Buscarnera, adviser.
Boyang Shang, Industrial Engineering and
Management Sciences; McCormick. Space-Filling
Designed Sampling from Databases; Daniel Apley
and Sanjay Mehrotra, advisers.
Qing Shao, Electrical Engineering; McCormick.
Characterizing Transport from Macro- to
Microscale in Anisotropic Bulk Functional
Materials; Matthew A. Grayson, adviser.
Addie Shrodes, Learning Sciences; Education and
Social Policy. Learning Practices of Livability
toward Elsewheres: Critical Digital Literacies in
the Everyday Activities of Trans and Queer Youth;
Wan Shun Eva Lam, adviser.
Simrita Singh, Operations Management; Kellogg.
Data-Driven Optimization of Patient Pathways
for Healthcare Delivery; Jan A. Van Mieghem,
Joseph Tebben Sombeck, Biomedical Engineering;
McCormick. Providing Proprioceptive
Information through Biomimetic Multielectrode
Stimulation Patterns; Lee E. Miller, adviser.
Jacquelyn Stephens, Human Development and Social
Policy; Education and Social Policy. All Mixed
Up: Correlates of Emotional Complexity across the
Lifespan; Claudia Minder Haase, adviser.
Lily Clara Stewart, Religious Studies; Weinberg. The
Holy Malady: Leprosy, Identity, and the Anatomy
of a Medieval Stereotype; Barbara Newman,
Jonathan Robert Strutz, Chemical and Biological
Engineering; McCormick. Computational
Approaches for Enhanced Metabolomics
Annotation and DNA-Based Biorecording and
Data Storage; Keith Edward Jaggard Tyo, adviser.
Brian Thomas Suchy, Computer Science;
McCormick. Revisiting Software-Based Memory
Management; Peter A. Dinda, adviser.
Bethany Lyn Sump, Interdisciplinary Biological
Sciences; McCormick and Weinberg. Molecular
Mechanisms of Establishment and Inheritance
of Epigenetic Transcriptional Memory in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Jason H. Brickner,
Petras Juozas Swissler, Mechanical Engineering;
McCormick. Large-Scale Robotic Self-Assembly
Using Alignment-Agnostic Docking; Michael
Rubenstein, adviser.
Walter Math Thavarajah, Chemical and Biological
Engineering; McCormick. Strategies for the
Design and Field Deployment of Cell-Free
Biosensors; Julius Beau Lucks, adviser.
Seth David Thompson, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. Systemic
Transplantation of Adult Multipotent Stem Cells
Rejuvenates Multiple Aging Musculoskeletal
Tissues; Mitra Lavasani, adviser.
Brittany Bac-An Trang, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Methods and Mechanisms for Per- and
Polyfluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Removal and
Degradation; William Dichtel, adviser.
Daniel Trielli Paiva da Silva, Media, Technology, and
Society; Communication. Searching for News:
How Google Shapes the Availability of Journalistic
Information; Nicholas Alexander Diakopoulos,
Ranya Kaur Aphrodite Virk, Biomedical
Engineering; McCormick. Characterizing the
Fundamental Chromatin Structure and Function
in a Realistic Nuclear Environment; Vadim
Backman, adviser.
Hannah Benner Waldfogel, Management and
Organizations; Kellogg. Ideology and Perceptions
of Inequality; Nour Sami Kteily, adviser.
Elizabeth Mary Waldron, Clinical Psychology;
Feinberg. Response to Stress and Trauma among
Racially/Ethnically Diverse Women in Different
Health Settings: A Three-Study Dissertation; Inger
Burnett-Zeigler, adviser.
Allison Bingqing Wang, Biomedical Engineering;
McCormick. Effects of Oxaliplatin-Based
Chemotherapy on Sensorimotor Function in
Individuals with Cancer; Eric Perreault, adviser.
Dawei Wang, Management and Organizations;
Kellogg. What Are We? Where Are We Going?
Contemplating Artificial Intelligence Applications
in Organizations and Organizational Research;
Edward Zajac, adviser.
Lingxiao Wang, Industrial Engineering and
Management Sciences; McCormick. On the
Theory of Deep Reinforcement Learning: Global
Convergence and Sample Efficiency; Zhaoran
Wang, adviser.
Samantha Ann Webster, Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics; McCormick. Establishing Process-
Structure Relationships in Laser, Powder-Blown
Directed Energy Deposition through In Situ
Investigation; Jian Cao, adviser.
Nathan Winter Whitmore, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. Improving Human
Memory by Manipulating Consolidation during
Sleep; Kenneth Paller, adviser.
Cora Jane Larsen Wigger, Human Development
and Social Policy; Education and Social Policy.
Education Policy and Social Geography;
Clement Kirabo Jackson, adviser.
Kelsey Nicole Wiles, Driskill Graduate Training
Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg. Esophageal
Inflammation and Disease: From Molecular
Mechanisms to Therapeutic Targeting; Marie-Pier
Tetreault, adviser.
Peter Henry Winegar, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Programming Protein Organization into
Sequence-Encoded Architectures Using DNA;
Chad A. Mirkin, adviser.
Molly Rose Winston, Clinical Psychology; Feinberg.
Social Attention Profiles in Families with Autism
and Fragile X Syndrome: Why Context Matters;
Molly C. Losh, adviser.
Andrew Thomas Yasumasa Wolek, Chemical and
Biological Engineering; McCormick. Generation
of Catalytically Active Brønsted Sites via Silica
Overcoating of Metal Oxides; Justin M. Notestein,
Mingzheng Wu, Interdepartmental Neuroscience;
Communication, Feinberg, McCormick, and
Weinberg. Dopaminergic Modulation of Affective
State and Behavior; Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy,
Peixi Xiong, Electrical Engineering; McCormick.
Reasoning in Visual Question Answering; Ying
Wu, adviser.
Guangshuo Yang, History; Weinberg. Between the
Animal Kingdom and Modern States: Animal
Protectionism and the Transcultural Making of
Chinese Modernity; Peter J. Carroll, adviser.
Yian Yin, Industrial Engineering and Management
Sciences; McCormick. Essays on the Science
of Science and Innovation; Noshir Contractor,
Chi Zhang, Materials Science and Engineering;
McCormick. Correlating Synthesis, Structure,
and Functionality in Complex Heteroanionic
Materials; Vinayak P. Dravid, adviser.
Manrui Zhang, Health Sciences Integrated PhD
Program; Feinberg. Advancing Theoretical
Understanding and Pragmatic Measure in the
Investigation of the Interplay between Emotional
Well-Being and Cognitive Aging; Richard
Gershon, adviser.
Yaqi Zhang, Driskill Graduate Training Program in
Life Sciences; Feinberg. FOXK2 and DOT1L as
Novel Therapeutic Targets for Ovarian Cancer
Stem Cells; Daniela Elena Matei, adviser.
Wenjie Zhou, Chemistry; Weinberg. Creating
Order in Organized Nanoscale Matter through
Geometry-Inspired Chemical Principles; Chad A.
Mirkin, adviser.
Nadina Olivia Zweifel, Biomedical Engineering;
McCormick. Towards Modeling Closed-Loop
Sensorimotor Integration in Tactile Sensing
Systems; Mitra J. Z. Hartmann, adviser.
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Charlotte Hana Abrahamson, Chemical and
Biological Engineering; McCormick.
Development of In Vitro Techniques to Study
the Assembly and Function of Bacterial
Microcompartments; Danielle Tullman-Ercek,
Lauren Marie Adams, Interdisciplinary Biological
Sciences; McCormick and Weinberg. Discovering
the Cancer Proteoform Landscape by Top-Down
Proteomics; Neil L. Kelleher, adviser.
Aaveg Aggarwal, Physics and Astronomy; Weinberg.
Control of Soft Active Materials; M. Olvera de la
Cruz, adviser.
Brendon Patrick Scott Andrews, Economics;
Weinberg. Quality in Markets for American
Physicians, 1880–1914; Joel Mokyr, adviser.
Hany M. Arafa, Biomedical Engineering;
McCormick. Cutaneous, Wireless Electronics for
the Thermal and Acoustic Characterization of
Skin and Soft Tissue; John A. Rogers, adviser.
Jacob Eli Aronoff, Anthropology; Weinberg. A Life
History Approach to Innate and Adaptive Immune
Function across the Lifespan in Cebu, Philippines;
Christopher W. Kuzawa, adviser.
Mathew Arrellin, Music; Bienen. Fausto Romitellis
Professor Bad Trip: A Comparative Study;
Hans Christian Thomalla, adviser.
Benjamin Kole Aspray, Screen Cultures;
Communication. Gag Reflexes: Disgust, Spectacle,
and Irony in Contemporary Film and TV
Comedy; Jeffrey A. Sconce, adviser.
Maite Azcorra Sedano, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. Functional Responses
Map onto Genetic Subtypes of Dopamine
Neurons; Daniel A. Dombeck and Rajeshwar
Awatramani, advisers.
Elisa C. Borowski, Civil and Environmental
Engineering; McCormick. Accessing
Crowdsourced, Social, and Shared Resources:
Behavioral Research for Disruption Mobility and
Equitable Policymaking; Amanda Irini Blomberg
Stathopoulos, adviser.
Chase Austyn Brisbois, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Phases and Actuation
of Superparamagnetic Soft Matter; M. Olvera de
la Cruz, adviser.
Jackson Archie Campbell, Driskill Graduate Training
Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg. The Effect
of CRISPR-Cas Nuclease Cas2 and Small Heat
Shock Protein HspC2 on Legionella pneumophila
Thermotolerance and Intracellular Infection of
Acanthamoeba castellanii; Nicholas P. Cianciotto,
Coleton Hill Carter, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Investigation of Non-Innocent Ligands as
Platforms for Studying Mixed Valency; Tobin Jay
Marks, adviser.
Amy A. Chang, Learning Sciences; Education
and Social Policy. Understanding Ideological
Reasoning: Shifts in Engagement through a
College Journalism Course; Bruce L. Sherin,
Kezhen Chen, Computer Science; McCormick.
Visual Understanding Using Analogical Learning
over Qualitative Representations; Kenneth D.
Forbus, adviser.
Liyushang Chou, Interdisciplinary Biological
Sciences; McCormick and Weinberg. Developing
Immunotherapy Targeting Immune Suppression
Using Spherical Nucleic Acids (SNAs); Chad A.
Mirkin, adviser.
Maitraye Das, Technology and Social Behavior;
Communication and McCormick. Designing
for Accessible Collaborative Content Creation in
Ability-Diverse Teams; Darren Gergle, adviser.
Jose Manuel Delpino Vivas, Spanish and Portuguese;
Weinberg. Contra-depuraciones: Estética
materialista, neovanguardia y geopolítica en
Latinoamérica; Nathalie Bouzaglo, adviser.
Max E. Distler, Chemistry; Weinberg. Harnessing
Molecular Precision through DNA Dendrons in
Therapeutics and Materials Design; Chad A.
Mirkin, adviser.
James Benson Dragan, Physics and Astronomy;
Weinberg. Internal and External State
Preparation of a Single Molecule; Brian C. Odom,
Katelyn Dray, Chemical and Biological Engineering;
McCormick. A Systematic Workflow for Dynamic
Model Development Enables Rigorous Exploration
of Synthetic Biological Systems; Joshua N.
Leonard, adviser.
Danielle Oleda Duggins, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Confinement and
Inclusions in Single Crystalline Biominerals;
Derk Joester, adviser.
Mallory Megumi Fallin, Sociology; Weinberg.
Diagnosing the Future: Translating Climate
Change into Public Health; Steven G. Epstein,
Lichao Fang, Mechanical Engineering; McCormick.
Physics-Based and Data-Driven Models of
Process, Microstructure, and Mechanical
Properties in Metal Additive Manufacturing;
Gregory J. Wagner, adviser.
Julie Anne Fischer, Driskill Graduate Training
Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg.
Investigating MTCH2 as a Genetic Modifier of
Cardiomyopathy; Elizabeth M. McNally, adviser.
Surobhi Ganguly, Interdepartmental Neuroscience;
Communication, Feinberg, McCormick, and
Weinberg. Implications of Mutant NaV1.2
Dysfunction on Channel Biophysics, Neuronal
Excitability, and Epileptic Encephalopathy;
Alfred L. George Jr., adviser.
Laurel Elizabeth Garber, Art History; Weinberg.
The Social Life of Etching in 19th-Century France;
Susan Hollis Clayson, adviser.
Umar Farooq Ghumman, Mechanical Engineering;
McCormick. Microstructure Characterization for
Analysis and Design of Microstructural Material
System; Daniel Apley, adviser.
Gina Camille Giliberti, Political Science; Weinberg.
Religious Passions in International Politics;
Elizabeth S. Hurd, adviser.
David Ian Gittin, Interdisciplinary Biological
Sciences; McCormick and Weinberg. Determi-
nants of Antero-Posterior Polarity in Planarian
Regeneration; Christian Paul Petersen, adviser.
Jennifer Anne Glerum, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Laser Powder-
Bed Fusion of Elemental Powder Blends to
Manufacture Precipitation and Oxide-Dispersion
Strengthened Aluminum Alloys; David C.
Dunand, adviser.
Timothy Andrew Goetjen, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Metal-Organic Frameworks as Well-Defined
Crystalline Heterogeneous Catalyst Supports;
Omar K. Farha, adviser.
Abhijith Mini Gopakumar, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Materials Discovery
from Statistical Modeling and Atomistic
Simulations; Christopher M. Wolverton, adviser.
Samuel Luke Walker Gowland, Chemical and
Biological Engineering; McCormick. Design and
Optimization of a Genome-Engineering Platform
for Systems-Level Optimization of Synthetic
Translation Systems; Michael Christopher Jewett,
Shana Gregory, Driskill Graduate Training Program
in Life Sciences; Feinberg. Ubiquitin Specific
Peptidase 22 (USP22) Promotes Tumorigenesis
through Immune Checkpoint Regulation; Deyu
Fang, adviser.
Marihan Hegazy, Driskill Graduate Training
Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg. The Role
of Desmoglein-1 in Epidermal Stratification
via Retromer-Mediated Recycling and Actin
Regulation; Kathleen Janee Green, adviser.
Chunyi Huang, Materials Science and Engineering;
McCormick. Controlled Remote Doping of III-As
Nanowires; Lincoln James Lauhon, adviser.
Ivy Huang, Materials Science and Engineering;
McCormick. High-Performance, Implantable
and Epidermal Batteries for Hybrid Electronic
Systems; John A. Rogers, adviser.
Bon Chinaka Ikwuagwu, Chemical and Biological
Engineering; McCormick. Systematic Engineering
of Viruslike Particles to Identify Self-Assembly
Rules for Biotechnological Applications; Danielle
Tullman-Ercek, adviser.
Michael Iorga, Biomedical Engineering; McCormick.
An Infrared Thermography Device for
Neurosurgical Applications; Todd B. Parrish,
Kristin Lorette Johnson, Interdisciplinary
Biological Sciences; McCormick and Weinberg.
Quantitative Landscape of Transcriptome
Dynamics during Lineage Restriction; Carole B.
LaBonne, adviser.
Gabriela Maria Kirk, Sociology; Weinberg. Can
Electronic Monitoring Fix Mass Incarceration?
Understanding the Role of Electronic Monitoring
in Local Policy Reform Efforts; Mary E. Pattillo,
Hanlin Li, Technology and Social Behavior;
Communication and McCormick. Democratizing
Power in Tech: Reconceptualizing Data
Production as a Form of Labor; Brent Jaron
Hecht, adviser.
Lantian Li, Sociology; Weinberg. Rentier
Developmentalism: Institutional Contradiction,
Uneven Health Reforms, and the Pharmaceutical
Industry in China; Bruce Greenhow Carruthers,
Brandon Wey-Hung Liauw, Interdisciplinary
Biological Sciences; McCormick and Weinberg.
Dynamic Mechanisms of Metabotropic Glutamate
Receptor Activation and Modulation; Reza
Vafabakhsh, adviser.
Eli Bertram Tucker Lichtenstein, Philosophy;
Weinberg. Sovereignty, Violence, and Critique:
Foucault’s Early Genealogies of Power;
Penelope Lisa Deutscher, adviser.
Chenjian Lin, Chemistry; Weinberg. Exploring
Singlet Fission and Symmetry-Breaking Charge
Separation Using Ultrafast Optical Spectroscopy;
Michael R. Wasielewski, adviser.
Zhaowen Lin, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics;
McCormick. Mechanical Behavior of Micro and
Nano Materials at High Strain Rate and High
Temperature; Horacio Dante Espinosa, adviser.
Sarah Katherine Lingo, Communication Studies;
Communication. What Are All These Fragments
For? Public Memory and Algorithmic Culture;
Angela G. Ray, adviser.
Pufan Liu, Materials Science and Engineering;
McCormick. Controlling Optical Properties
of Thin Film Materials with Electron-Beam
Lithography; Nathaniel Stern, adviser.
Wanxing Liu, Mathematics; Weinberg. Constant
Scalar Curvature Kähler Metrics on Smooth
Minimal Models; Benjamin Weinkove, adviser.
Sarah May Lloyd, Interdisciplinary Biological
Sciences; McCormick and Weinberg. Regulation
of Transcription Elongation and Termination in
Epidermal Homeostasis; Xiaomin Bao, adviser.
Renee Elisabeth Manzagol-Harwood, Physics and
Astronomy; Weinberg. Micro-X Sounding Rocket
First Flight and Modifications for Second Flight;
Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano, adviser.
Haochuan Mao, Chemistry; Weinberg. Spin
Dynamics of Systems with Two or Three Unpaired
Spins in Weak or Moderate Exchange Coupling
Regime; Michael R. Wasielewski, adviser.
Kimberly Ann McCabe, Anthropology; Weinberg.
Contingency, Geography, and Heterogeneity:
Integrating Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on
Urbanization and Health in Metropolitan Cebu,
the Philippines; Katherine Ryan Amato, adviser.
Anna Eileen McKean, Management and
Organizations and Sociology; Kellogg and
Weinberg. From Covert Action to Overt Activism:
The Evolution of Corporate Sociopolitical
Involvement; Brayden G. King, adviser.
Daniel Milner, Management and Organizations;
Kellogg. Institutional Logics and Economic
Development in Latin America; William Ocasio,
Nicole Irene Mirea, Linguistics; Weinberg. Role of
Prior Knowledge in Adult Learning of Second-
Order Phonotactic Generalizations for Speech
Production; Matthew A. Goldrick, adviser.
James Scott Neely, Earth and Planetary Sciences;
Weinberg. Insights into Earthquake Processes and
Hazards Using Statistical Methods; Seth A. Stein,
Vanessa Kathleen Watters Opalo, Anthropology;
Weinberg. Credit Worthy: Pentecostal Finance
in West Africa; Robert Launay, adviser.
Meghan Jo Orr, Chemistry; Weinberg. Design,
Synthesis, and Evaluation of Small Molecule
GPCR Ligands; Karl A. Scheidt, adviser.
Maria Milagros Pereira Luppi, Driskill Graduate
Training Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg.
Developmental Underpinnings of Dopamine
Neuron Diversity; Rajeshwar Awatramani,
Iván José Pérez Zayas, Spanish and Portuguese;
Weinberg. La cotidianidad y la novela gráfica
latinoamericana; Emily A. Maguire, adviser.
Jayson Maurice Porter, History; Weinberg. Making
the Coast Pacific: Oilseeds, Environmental
Violence, and Justice in Guerrero and Sinaloa,
1900–1960; Paul James Gillingham, adviser.
Debadutta Prusty, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Non–van der Waals
Interactions in Soft Matter Thermodynamics:
From Bulk Phase Behavior to Absorption in
Polymer Brushes; M. Olvera de la Cruz, adviser.
Yue Qi, Chemistry; Weinberg. Kinetics of
Photoinduced Processes in Plasmonic and Organic
Systems; Michael R. Wasielewski, adviser.
Erika K. Ramos, Driskill Graduate Training Program
in Life Sciences; Feinberg. CD81 Partners with
CD44 in Promoting Exosome Biogenesis, Tumor
Cell Cluster Formation, and Lung Metastasis
in Triple Negative Breast Cancer; Huiping Liu,
Hollen Nichole Reischer, Psychology; Weinberg.
Gerotranscendent Growth and Well-Being in
the Life Stories of Late-Midlife Adults; Dan P.
McAdams, adviser.
Runze Ren, Physics; Weinberg. Ionization Yield
Measurements and Low-Energy Background
Investigation Using a SuperCDMS-HVeV
Detector; Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano, adviser.
Catalina Rodriguez, Spanish and Portuguese;
Weinberg. Writing Like a Woman: Gendered
Pseudonyms and the Impersonation of Female
Voices in 19th-Century Latin America; Nathalie
Bouzaglo, adviser.
Boris Alexander Rösler, Earth and Planetary
Sciences; Weinberg. Using Global Moment Tensor
Catalogs to Study Earthquake Source Processes;
Seth A. Stein, adviser.
Jacob Olasov Rothbaum, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Lanthanide-Organic Catalysis: Metal-Based
Chemodivergence and the Importance of
Chemically Non-Innocent Ligand Participation;
Tobin Jay Marks, adviser.
David Webster Sabin-Miller, Engineering Sciences
and Applied Mathematics; McCormick.
Nonlinear Dynamical Models: Politics, Stochastics,
and a Mexican Hat Dance; Daniel Michael
Abrams, adviser.
Azadeh Safaeian, Comparative Literary Studies;
Weinberg. Toward a Minor Theory of Trauma:
Literature and Cinema of the Iran-Iraq War
(1980–Present); Hannah J. Feldman, adviser.
Kevin Daniel Schmidt, Psychology; Weinberg.
Multiple-Sequence Learning Systems; Paul J.
Reber, adviser.
Thomas Schmitt, Materials Science and Engineering;
McCormick. A Multimodal Investigation into
Titanium Dioxide Degradation of Oil Paints:
Shedding Light on the Effect of Environmental
Factors; Kenneth R. Shull, adviser.
Karly-Lynne Scott, Screen Cultures;
Communication. Pornographic Bodies:
Constructing Corporeality in Adult Film;
Jeffrey A. Sconce, adviser.
Phalguni Shishir Shah, Physics and Astronomy;
Weinberg. Free-Surface Flows in Dense Colloidal
Suspensions; Michelle Driscoll, adviser.
Luke Peter Skala, Chemistry; Weinberg. Leveraging
Macrocyclic Host-Guest Chemistry to Create
Materials with Emergent Properties; William
Dichtel, adviser.
Thomas Isaac Stiadle, Engineering Sciences and
Applied Mathematics; McCormick. Dominance
and Spatiotemporal Behavior in Cyclic Ecological
Systems; Alvin Bayliss, adviser.
Daniel J. Sykora, Biomedical Engineering;
McCormick. Designing Dynamic and Modular
Biomolecules and Assays to Interrogate and
Control Protein Fate; Milan Mrksich, adviser.
Iva Alyse Terwilliger, Health Sciences Integrated
PhD Program; Feinberg. Practitioners Navigating
Context in Healthcare Quality Improvement; Julie
Johnson, adviser.
Matthew Kuo Vasher, Biomedical Engineering;
McCormick. Improving Biological Properties
of Spherical Nucleic Acids through Structural
Control; Evan Alexander Scott, adviser.
Nicholas Vincent, Technology and Social Behavior;
Communication and McCormick. Data Leverage:
A Framework for Empowering the Public to
Mitigate Harms of Artificial Intelligence;
Brent Jaron Hecht, adviser.
Samuel McDonald Wallace, Civil and Environmental
Engineering; McCormick. An Examination of
Drinking Water Treatment Residuals as Metal
Sorbents; Jean-Francois Gaillard, adviser.
Lauren Nichole Walters, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Thermodynamic and
Electrochemical Models for Predicting Aqueous
Materials Formation; James M. Rondinelli,
Angelia Feiyang Wang, Engineering Sciences and
Applied Mathematics; McCormick. Recurrent
Inhibition within Olfactory Networks Shapes
Noise Correlations and Stimulus Discrimination;
Hermann E. Riecke, adviser.
Yiran Wang, Chemistry; Weinberg. The Roles of
Local and Crystallographic Symmetries in Solid-
State Coordination Complexes to Target Magnetic
and Optical Properties; Kenneth Poeppelmeier,
Harrington Weihl, English; Weinberg. Modernism
at Play: Games and Sport in 20th-Century
Literatures of Anglophone Empire, 1913–1971;
Harris Feinsod, adviser.
Daniel Kamrath Weiss, Physics; Weinberg.
Control and Coherence of Next-Generation
Superconducting Qubits; Jens Koch, adviser.
Antoineen Joniece White, Interdisciplinary
Biological Sciences; McCormick and Weinberg.
Investigating the Unique Contributions of Num1
Domains and Activities to the Functions of the
Mitochondria-ER-Cortex Anchor; Laura Lynn
Lackner, adviser.
Ye Xue, Computer Science; McCormick. Machine
Learning with Heterogeneous Data; Goce
Trajcevski, adviser.
Shi Ye, Astronomy; Weinberg. The Dynamical
Evolution of Millisecond Pulsars and Neutron
Stars in Dense Star Clusters; Frederic A. Rasio,
Sangjun Yoo, Physics; Weinberg. Ion-Specific
Lanthanide-Surfactant Complexes at Aqueous
Interfaces and Implications for Liquid-Liquid
Extraction; Pulak Dutta, adviser.
Guangyuan Zhao, Driskill Graduate Training
Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg. Lipid
Unsaturation in Ovarian Cancer; Daniela Elena
Matei, adviser.
Xuhao Zhou, Chemistry; Weinberg. Artificial
Allomelanin Materials: Synthesis, Structure, and
Application; Nathan Gianneschi, adviser.
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Sina Abedini Dereshgi, Electrical Engineering;
McCormick. Anisotropic van der Waals Materials
for Polarization-Sensitive Photonics; Koray Aydin,
Ji Hae Ahn, Driskill Graduate Training Program in
Life Sciences; Feinberg. Enhancing Anti-Tumor
Functions of CD8+ T Cells with Inactivation of
Adenosine Type 2B Receptors and Anti-4-1BB
Agonist Therapy; Bin Zhang, adviser.
Erica Marie Banks, Sociology; Weinberg. A Life
of Reentry: Black Women, Reverberations of
Incarceration, and the Life Course; Mary E.
Pattillo, adviser.
Eric R. Brown, Human Development and Social
Policy; Education and Social Policy. A Mixed-
Methods Investigation of School Racial Climate
at One Racially Diverse Middle School; Simone
Ispa-Landa, adviser.
David Arthur Burns, Mechanical Engineering;
McCormick. A Multiscale, Low-Parameter
Rendering Algorithm for Virtual Textures;
Ed Colgate, adviser.
Ninghe Cai, Interdepartmental Neuroscience;
Communication, Feinberg, McCormick, and
Weinberg. Somatosensory Perception during
Motor Activation Posthemiparetic Stroke;
Netta Gurari and Julius P. A. Dewald, advisers.
Jonathan Michael Chan, Chemical and Biological
Engineering; McCormick. Direct Visualization
of Bottlebrush Polymers in a Bulk Environment
Using Super-Resolution Optical Microscopy;
Muzhou Wang, adviser.
Shiloh Luela Echevarria-Cooper, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. Characterization
of In Vivo Human Olfactory System and
Orbitofrontal Cortex Anatomy, and Olfactory
Perceptual Decline in Aging and Dementia;
Thorsten Kahnt and Christina Maria Zelano,
Lionel David Fiske, Engineering Sciences and
Applied Mathematics; McCormick. Methods for
the Imaging, Analysis, and Display of Layered
Media; Oliver Strides Cossairt, adviser.
Sarah Lindsay Gates, Music; Bienen. On Music
Theory Expertise: A Cognitive Framework and
Galant Schema Theory Case Study; Richard D.
Ashley, adviser.
Adam Nathaniel Goodkind, Media, Technology,
and Society; Communication. Predicting Social
Dynamics in Interactions Using Keystroke
Patterns; Darren Gergle, adviser.
Ashley Marie Haluck-Kangas, Driskill Graduate
Training Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg.
CD95/Fas Ligand mRNA Is Toxic to Cells through
Multiple Mechanisms; Richard W. Carthew,
Sylvia Lorraine Hanna, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Identifying Energy-Structure-Property
Relationships in Uranium Metal-Organic
Frameworks through Their Dynamic Crystalline
Structural Transformations; Omar K. Farha,
Kaiyuan Hou, Computer Engineering; McCormick.
Scalable Parallel I/O in the Exascale Era;
Alok Nidhi Choudhary, adviser.
Haijing Jiang, English; Weinberg. The Trade of
Penance: Commercial Practice and Penitential
Piety in Late Medieval Literature; Susan E.
Phillips, adviser.
Elizabeth Anne Johnson, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Inhibition of Amyloid Beta Oligomer Formation,
Binding, and Downstream Tau Phosphorylation:
Three Potential Therapeutic Approaches for
Alzheimer’s Disease; Richard B. Silverman,
Avinash Jagdish Karamchandani, Engineering
Sciences and Applied Mathematics; McCormick.
Reduced Models for Noise-Driven Limit-Cycle
Oscillators; Hermann E. Riecke, adviser.
Nolan Warren Kennedy, Interdisciplinary Biological
Sciences; McCormick and Weinberg. The
Biogenesis of a Bacterial Microcompartment
Organelle in Salmonella; Danielle Tullman-Ercek,
Nathan Zachary Koocher, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Negative Thermal
Expansion in Perovskite-Type Oxides and Sulfides;
James M. Rondinelli, adviser.
Joanna Korpanty, Chemistry; Weinberg. Exploration
of Organic Nanomaterials with Liquid-Phase
Transmission Electron Microscopy; Nathan
Gianneschi, adviser.
Abhishek Kottaram Amrithanath, Mechanical
Engineering; McCormick. Direct Laser Writing
of Active Polymer Photonic Devices; Sridhar
Krishnaswamy, adviser.
Rita Dela Kuma, Anthropology; Weinberg.
Nkudzedze: Negotiating Local Tastes and
Consumer Power during “Legitimate” Trade at
Amedeka, Southeastern Ghana; Amanda Logan,
Jacob Eric Kupferberg, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Solar Fuels Synthesis
Using Self-Assembling Chromophore Hydrogels;
Samuel Stupp, adviser.
Craig Cameron Laing, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Synthesis and Properties of Rhenium Chalcohalide
and Quaternary Chalcogenide Compounds;
Mercouri Kanatzidis, adviser.
Guoping Li, Chemistry; Weinberg. Design, Synthesis,
and Characterization of Halogenated Organic
Small Molecule Semiconductor and Their Use as
Nonfullerene Acceptor in Organic Photovoltaics;
Tobin Jay Marks, adviser.
Jiakai Li, Electrical Engineering; McCormick.
Electrical, Optical, and High-Frequency
Performance Improvement for Type II
Superlattices-Based Photodetectors; Manijeh
Razeghi, adviser.
Jue Lin, Electrical Engineering; McCormick.
Texture Representation via Analysis and
Synthesis with Generative Adversarial Networks;
Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, adviser.
Thomas Love, Art History; Weinberg. Queer
Exoticism: Strategies of Self-Othering in West
Germany, 1969–1994; Hannah J. Feldman,
Sarah Marissa Lurie, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. Theta-Frequency
Oscillatory Mechanisms for Human Hippocampal
Function; Daniel A. Dombeck, adviser.
Surabhi Rao Madhvapathy, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Thermal Transport
Sensing of Organ Tissue for Applications in
Clinical Medicine; John A. Rogers, adviser.
Bryan Michael McClarty, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. Epigenetic
Regulation in Aging and Alzheimers Disease;
Hongxin Dong, adviser.
Shane Patel, Materials Science and Engineering;
McCormick. Atomistic Modeling of Defects and
Phase Transformations in Energy Materials;
Christopher M. Wolverton, adviser.
Justin Alexander Peruzzi, Chemical and Biological
Engineering; McCormick. Engineering the Active
Interface: Harnessing Membrane Biophysical
Features for Biosensing and Therapeutics; Neha P.
Kamat, adviser.
Ruomeng Qiu, Chemistry; Weinberg. Development
of Supramolecular Peptide Assemblies with
Therapeutic Potential; Samuel Stupp, adviser.
Michael Anthony Quintero, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Exploratory Synthesis of Multinary Alkali
Metal Chalcogenides: Structure, Bonding, and
Properties; Mercouri Kanatzidis, adviser.
Sandra F. Racek, Art History; Weinberg. Dressed
for Deceit: Cross-Dressing in Mythological and
Pastoral Netherlandish Art (1600–1640); Claudia
Swan, adviser.
Jeremy Jeffrey Rath, Astronomy; Weinberg. The
Criterion for Chaos in Three-Planet Systems
and Warped Planet-Disk Interactions; Yoram
Lithwick, adviser.
Jiaxian Shen, Civil and Environmental Engineering;
McCormick. Advancing Understanding of
Diversity and Antimicrobial Resistance in Indoor
Microbiomes; Erica Marie Hartmann, adviser.
*Also Juris Doctor degree
Abigail Leeza Smith, Statistics; Weinberg. The
Impact of Entity Resolution on Observed Social
Network Structure; Bruce D. Spencer, adviser.
Victor Soares Bursztyn, Computer Science;
McCormick. Reading Users: Using Language
Models to Close the Pragmatic Gap in Task-
Oriented Conversations; Lawrence A. Birnbaum,
David Isaiah Swygart, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. Parallel Processing
by Retinal Ganglion Cell Types; Gregory William
Schwartz, adviser.
Momoko Takahashi, Communication Sciences
and Disorders; Communication. The Effects
of Neurotrophins on the Potassium Currents in
the First Nucleus of the Auditory Brainstem: A
Biophysical Analysis; Jason Tait Sanchez, adviser.
Chulin Wang, Electrical Engineering; McCormick.
Novel Transport Characterization of Memory
Effects in Hysteretic Materials and Devices;
Matthew A. Grayson, adviser.
Katherine Frances Warfel, Chemical and Biological
Engineering; McCormick. Enabling Robust
Cell-Free Synthesis of Conjugate Vaccines for
Decentralized Biomanufacturing;
Michael Christopher Jewett, adviser.
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Aalaa Sanad Abdallah, Driskill Graduate Training
Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg. Investigation
of the Initiation, Progression, and Treatment of
Pediatric Gliomas; Daniel Richard Foltz, adviser.
Vasundhara Agrawal, Biomedical Engineering;
McCormick. Unraveling Higher-Order Chromatin
Architecture and Its Role in Cell Engineering
for Improved Regenerative Outcomes; Vadim
Backman, adviser.
Hossein Alidaee, Managerial Economics and
Strategy; Kellogg. Essays on Social Networks
in Development Economics: Measurement,
Learning, and Implications; Ameet Morjaria and
Christopher R. Udry, advisers.
Munirah Alkhuwaiter, Communication Sciences and
Disorders; Communication. Diagnostic Validity
of Clinical Observations for Detecting Physiologic
Swallowing Impairment; Bonnie Martin-Harris,
Muath Mohammed Al Malki, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Creep Deformation
of ermoelectric Materials; G. Jerey Snyder,
Brandon omas Alston, Sociology; Weinberg.
Policing the Margins: Race, Surveillance, and
Resistance; Mary E. Pattillo, adviser.
Priscilla Ambrosi, Interdepartmental Neuroscience;
Communication, Feinberg, McCormick, and
Weinberg. Striato-Nigro-Striatal Circuits for
Dopamine Disinhibition; Talia Newcombe Lerner,
David Russell Amici, Driskill Graduate Training
Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg. Discovery of
a Gene Family Central to Cellular Stress Response
Signaling; Marc Laurence Mendillo, adviser.
Erika Arvay, Chemical and Biological Engineering;
McCormick. Metabolic Engineering and Scale-Up
Strategies for Upgrading of Renewable Lignin-
Derived Feedstocks by Acinetobacter baylyi
ADP1; Keith Edward Jaggard Tyo, adviser.
Katharine Aveni, Communication Sciences and
Disorders; Communication. Event-Based
Language Processing in Parkinsons Disease;
Angela Roberts, adviser.
Raudel Oswaldo Avila, Mechanical Engineering;
McCormick. Mechanics and Electromagnetic
Modeling of Injectable, Implantable, and Skin-
Integrated Electronics; Yonggang Huang, adviser.
Jack Bandy, Technology and Social Behavior;
Communication and McCormick. Auditing
Algorithmic Communication Flows; Nicholas
Alexander Diakopoulos, adviser.
Robert Bryce Baudo, Communication Sciences
and Disorders; Communication. Anterograde
Learning Interference in Auditory Perceptual
Learning: A Window into Memory Fate, Short-
Term Memory Reactivation, Reconsolidation, and
Representation; Beverly Ann Wright, adviser.
Robin A. X. Bayes, Political Science; Weinberg.
e Role of Moral Conviction in Shaping Public
Attitudes about Science and the Environment;
James N. Druckman, adviser.
Grace Catherine Bellinger, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. Contributing Factors
to Reaching Dysfunction in Individuals with
Stroke; Michael D. Ellis, adviser.
Alexandra Jacqueline Berl, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Photocontrolled Synthesis of N-Type Pi-
Conjugated Polymers: Discovery of Aryl Grignard
Photopolymerization, Mechanistic Insights,
and Enhanced Reactivity through Side Chain
Engineering; Julia Ann Kalow, adviser.
Mohammed Abdulaziz Bin Rusayyis, Materials
Science and Engineering; McCormick.
Development of Sustainable and Recyclable
Addition-Type Polymer Networks and Addressing
Creep Limitations in Covalent Adaptable
Networks; John M. Torkelson, adviser.
*Joseph Blass, Computer Science; McCormick.
Extracting and Applying Legal Rules from
Precedent Cases; Kenneth D. Forbus, adviser.
Colin Bos, History; Weinberg. Conservators of the
World: Relics, Archaeology, and the State in
Southwestern Nigeria; Helen Tilley, adviser.
Cassandra Margaret Brandes, Psychology; Weinberg.
Personality in a Hierarchical and Dimensional
Model of Youth Psychopathology; Jennifer Tackett,
Madison Kendall Brod, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Chemical Trends in
Complex Electronic Structures of ermoelectric
Semiconductors; G. Jerey Snyder, adviser.
Yong Cai, Economics; Weinberg. Essays on “Small
Sample Issues in “Large” Datasets; Ivan A. Canay,
Heather Ann Calcaterra, Chemical and Biological
Engineering; McCormick. Programming the
Crystallization of Adaptive Single-Crystalline
Colloidal Crystals; Chad A. Mirkin, adviser.
Santiago Camara, Economics; Weinberg. Essays
in International Macroeconomics; Martin S.
Eichenbaum, adviser.
Eduardo Campillo Betancourt, Economics;
Weinberg. Essays on Culture, Citizenship, and
Political Economy; Christopher R. Udry, adviser.
Mario Cannella, Economics; Weinberg. Essays in
Economic History and Political Economy; Joel
Mokyr, adviser.
Claudia Marcela Castillo-Lavergne, Human
Development and Social Policy; Education and
Social Policy. Constructing Possible Futures: How
Do Latinx Women Make Meaning of eir Futures
across Learning Contexts, and How Does is
Process Change over Time? Mesmin P. Destin,
Cristina Renee Ceja, Psychology; Weinberg.
Limits for Binding Visual Information; Steven
Franconeri, adviser.
Furkan Mustafa Çetin, Accounting Information
and Management; Kellogg. e Real Eects of
Accounting on Innovation; Andrew James Leone
and Sugata Roychowdhury, advisers.
*HanByul Chang, Chemistry; Weinberg. Science
behind Regulating Lithium-Ion Batteries: Second
Harmonic Generation Spectroscopy and EPA;
Franz M. Geiger, adviser.
*Sarah Chanski, Communication Studies; Communi-
cation. Disciplining the Judicial Imagination:
The Rhetoric of Fourth Amendment Qualified
Immunity Jurisprudence; Angela G. Ray, adviser.
Niki Charlai, Music; Bienen. Invading the Temple
of eatre: Retrouvailles as a Case Study of
George Aperghiss Compositional ought and the
Reimagination of eatre through Music; Jay Alan
Yim, adviser.
Matthew Cheng, Materials Science and Engineering;
McCormick. Defects and Interfaces in Quantum
Systems: Van der Waals Crystals and Super-
conducting Transmons; Vinayak P. Dravid,
Young Rock Chung, Driskill Graduate Training
Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg. Mechanisms
of Antitumoral Eects by Viral Infection; Pablo
Penaloza-MacMaster, adviser.
Morgan Rayon Clark, Sociology; Weinberg. “Skanks
Need to Pay with eir Lives”: Online Harassment,
Cyberstalking, and Violence against Women
Online; Laura B. Nielsen, adviser.
Amanda Marie Cook, Human Development and
Social Policy; Education and Social Policy.
Choices and Trade-Os on the Path to a
Bachelor’s Degree: Essays on Academic Match,
College Aordability, and Student Engagement;
James Edward Rosenbaum, adviser.
Kelly Marie Coyne, Screen Cultures;
Communi cation. Relating Sideways: Visual
Culture and Womens Bonds, 1970–2020;
Mimi White, adviser.
Carl Channing Creason, History; Weinberg. “For
the Bodies and Souls”: Catholic Women, Works of
Mercy, and Institution Building in the Ohio River
Valley, 1855–1880; Kate Masur, adviser.
Joao Miguel da Costa Monteiro, Finance; Kellogg.
Essays in Trade and Finance; Efraim Benmelech
and Dimitris Papanikolaou, advisers.
Tomash Conrad Dabrowski, Political Science;
Weinberg. e Power Which Holds the Purse
Strings Absolutely Must Rule”: Financiers, Private
Property, and the State, 1750–1800; James Farr,
Micah Darrell, Mathematics; Weinberg. Topological
Restriction Homology Is Locally Even in
Characteristic p; Benjamin Antieau, adviser.
Lindsay DeMarchi, Astronomy; Weinberg. A Multi-
messenger and Multiwavelength Approach to
Uncovering the Transient Universe; Shane Larson,
Carmen Marina Diaz, Management and Organi-
zations; Kellogg. Tracing Mindfulness through
Clinical Knowledge Sharing, Role Development,
and Sense Making; Klaus Weber, adviser.
Cara Nash Dickason, Screen Cultures; Communi-
cation. Watching Women: Surveillance and
Spectatorship in Womens Television; Mimi White,
Sky Zyana Dominguez, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. e Sex-Specic
Eects of Stress in Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse
Models; John Kessler, adviser.
Julia Rocio Downing, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Scalable Maufacturing
of Graphene Nanocomposites for Electronic
Devices; Mark Hersam, adviser.
Michael Raymond Drumm, Driskill Graduate
Training Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg.
Dening and Altering the Natural Trajectories
of Glioma: Seizures and Brain Stem Inltration;
Alexander H. Stegh, adviser.
Sorrel Hannah Dunn, Comparative Literary Studies;
Weinberg. Natures of Color: e Literary
Environments of Adalbert Stier and Paul
Scheerbart; Peter D. Fenves, adviser.
eo Durandard, Managerial Economics and Strategy;
Kellogg. Essays on Experimentation and Learning;
Luis Rayo and Bruno H. Strulovici, advisers.
Dennis Michael Echevarria-Cooper, Inter-
departmental Neuroscience; Communication,
Feinberg, McCormick, and Weinberg. Factors
Modifying Neurodevelopmental Disorder–Related
Phenotypes in Scn2a K1422E Mice; Jennifer A.
Kearney, adviser.
Hailey Ilyse Edelstein, Chemical and Biological
Engineering; McCormick. Design-Driven
Engineering of Synthetic Sense-and-Respond
Programs for Mammalian Cell-Based erapies;
Joshua N. Leonard, adviser.
Miri Eliyahu, Sociology; Weinberg. Making Markets
Moral: How Do Social Action Movements Change
Markets, and How Do Markets Change Social
Action Movements? e Case of Animal Rights in
Product Markets; Bruce Greenhow Carruthers,
Lexiaozi Fan, Biomedical Engineering; McCormick.
Advanced Quantitative First-Pass Cardiac
Perfusion MRI for Assessment of Coronary Artery
Disease (CAD); Daniel Kim and Michael Markl,
Daniel Fletcher, Mathematics; Weinberg. Equilibrium
Measures for t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor
Embedding; Antonio Aunger, adviser.
Jessica Allison Madeline Friedman, Interdisciplinary
eatre and Drama; Communication. Hidden
in Plain Sight: Women Choreographers of 1940s
American Modern Dance; Susan A. Manning,
Zachary Aaron Gaertner, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. Molecular Subtypes
of Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons and
eir Roles in Parkinsons Disease; Rajeshwar
Awatramani, adviser.
Molly Margaret Gallahue, Earth and Planetary
Sciences; Weinberg. Exploring the Causes of the
Discrepancy between Probabilistic Seismic Hazard
Maps and Observed Shaking Data; Seth A. Stein,
Eilidh Geddes, Economics; Weinberg. Essays on
Markets with Price Regulations; David Dranove,
Jonathan Tyler Gish, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Processing and
Characterization of the Magneto-Electronic
Properties in Two-Dimensional Metal Halides;
Mark Hersam, adviser.
Elise Ann Goldne, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Understanding and
Controlling Reaction Pathways for Synthesis of
Oxynitride Materials; Sossina M. Haile, adviser.
Rogan Aaron Grant, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. From Alveolar
Infection to Microglial Dysfunction: An Integrative
Model of Central Nervous System Inammation
Resulting from SARS-CoV-2 Pneumonia;
G. R. Scott Budinger, adviser.
Sean Darius Griesemer, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. High-roughput
Computational Materials Discovery;
Christopher M. Wolverton, adviser.
Galina A. Gritsina, Driskill Graduate Training
Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg. Atypical
Chemokine Receptor CXCR7 Signaling and
Prostate Cancer Progression; Jindan Yu, adviser.
Joao Pedro Teodoro Guerreiro, Economics;
Weinberg. Essays in Macroeconomics with
Imperfect Expectations; Martin S. Eichenbaum,
Bright Gyam, History; Weinberg. Up from the
Ashes: Nkrumahist Intellectuals and Pan-
Africanism, 1960–1980; Sean Allen Hanretta,
Nicholas Robert Hagar, Media, Technology, and
Society; Communication. Computational Study
of News Systems: Embracing the Complexity
Paradigm; Nicholas Alexander Diakopoulos,
Sourav Halder, eoretical and Applied Mechanics;
McCormick. Mechanics-Informed Diagnosis and
Treatment Planning: Application to Esophageal
Disorders; Neelesh A. Patankar, adviser.
Carl Clemens Hallmann, Economics; Weinberg.
Essays in Macroeconomic Aspects of Short-Time
Work and Innovation; Matthias Doepke, adviser.
Menaka Vagesh Hampole, Finance; Kellogg. Essays
in Household Finance; Dimitris Papanikolaou,
Lu Hao, History; Weinberg. Destined to Marry?
Marriage Renunciation and Reform for Women in
Republican China; Peter J. Carroll, adviser.
Nicole Fellin Ozminkowski Holz, Economics;
Weinberg. Essays on the Economics of Health and
Housing Policy; Matthew J. Notowidigdo, adviser.
Hannah Elizabeth Horton, Interdisciplinary
Biological Sciences; McCormick and Weinberg.
Bivalent Organization and Role in Acentrosomal
Spindle Architecture in Caenorhabditis elegans
Oocyte Meiosis; Sadie Wignall, adviser.
Zhipeng Hou, Statistics; Weinberg. Reliably
Accelerated Literature Screening in Systematic
Review and Meta-analysis and Other Evidence
Synthesis Methods; Elizabeth Tipton, adviser.
Jingxiong Hu, Financial Economics; Kellogg. Essays
in Financial Economics; Michael Fishman,
Jessica Ibrahim Puri, Health Sciences Integrated
PhD Program; Feinberg. Examining Associations
between Female Genital Mutilation and the
Human Immunodeciency Virus; Judith Tedlie
Moskowitz, adviser.
Colin Jackson, French and Francophone Studies;
Weinberg. “Une qualité rare et précieuse”: Music,
Aect, and Meaning; Alessia Ricciardi, adviser.
Andrew Oh Jo, Interdepartmental Neuroscience;
Communication, Feinberg, McCormick, and
Weinberg. Intersectional Genetic Dissection of
Inner Retinal Circuits; Georey T. Swanson,
Giancarlo Jusino Sánchez, Physics and Astronomy;
Weinberg. Phenomenology of Light Sterile
Neutrinos and Neutrino Dipole Moments;
André Luiz De Gouvêa, adviser
Sebastian Ariel Kiguel, Human Development and
Social Policy; Education and Social Policy. How
Can Schools Reduce Bullying? Lessons from
Experimental and Quasi-experimental Work;
Clement Kirabo Jackson, adviser.
Dalton Robert Kim, Chemistry; Weinberg. Synthesis
and Development of Natural and Rationally
Designed Chemical Probes for the Investigation
and Perturbation of Biological Pathways; Karl A.
Scheidt, adviser.
Hayana Kim, Interdisciplinary eatre and Drama;
Communication. Embodying Democracies: e
Gwangju Uprising, Women, and the Politics of
Mourning in South Korea; Elizabeth W. Son,
Paul Hyungsuk Kim, Economics; Weinberg. Policy
Design in Publicly Funded, Privately Provided
Markets; Robert H. Porter, adviser.
Daniel Carlini King, Psychology; Weinberg. Verb
Metaphors as Analogies: Patterns of Meaning
Change and the Role of Structure Mapping in
Comprehension; Dedre Gentner, adviser.
Jack Kolberg-Edelbrock, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Superbundling of
Peptide Amphiphiles Creates Hierarchical,
Biomimetic Tissue Scaolds; Samuel Stupp,
Grigorii Kondyrev, Mathematics; Weinberg.
Modules over Enriched (innity,n)-Categories;
John N. K. Francis, adviser.
Phoebe Hok Yee Lam, Psychology; Weinberg.
Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Inammatory
Processes across the Life Course: Mega- and Meta-
analytic Approaches; Greg Miller, adviser.
Daniel Taehun Lee, Slavic Languages and Literatures;
Weinberg. e Tales of Two Eurasian Empires:
Modernization, Fall, and Troubled Identities of
Russia and Turkey in Pelevin and Pamuk; Nina
Gurianova, adviser.
Youngeun Lee, Marketing; Kellogg. Firm Strategy
of Product Downsizing and Consumer Response;
Brett R. Gordon and Eric Anderson, advisers.
Weihua Lei, Physics; Weinberg. Machine Learning
in Data-Driven Research: Opportunities and
Challenges; Luis A. Nunes Amaral, adviser.
Maya Danielle Lennon, Media, Technology, and
Society; Communication. Young Black Childrens
Learning from and Awareness of Race and Gender
Representation in Preschool STEM Television
Shows; Ellen Ann Wartella, adviser.
*Niko P. Letsos, History; Weinberg. Debt to
Diplomacy: The Globalization of America in the
Late 20th Century; Daniel Immerwahr, adviser.
Jeremy Kuperberg Levin, Sociology; Weinberg.
Contested Destinations: Tourism and Memory in
the Former Yugoslavia; Gary A. Fine, adviser.
Wenyuan Li, Mathematics; Weinberg. Some
Functoriality Results of Microlocal Sheaves over
Legendrians and Lagrangians; Eric Zaslow,
Julie Ming Liang, Interdisciplinary Biological
Sciences; McCormick and Weinberg. Elucidating
the Roles of Genetic and Environmental Factors
in Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1 Type ree
Secretion System Expression, Assembly, and
Secretion; Danielle Tullman-Ercek, adviser.
Shuheng Liao, Mechanical Engineering; McCormick.
Toward a Digital Twin of Metal Additive
Manufacturing: Process Optimization and Control
Enabled by Physics-Based and Data-Driven
Models; Jian Cao, adviser.
Millicent Lin, Biomedical Engineering; McCormick.
Multifunctional Nanoscale Surfaces for Biological
Applications; Chad A. Mirkin, adviser.
Valentyn Litvin, Economics; Weinberg. Exploring
Decision Problems in Clinical Guideline and Drug
Approval Policy; Charles Manski, adviser.
Xiangguo Liu, Computer Engineering; McCormick.
Safe and Secure Design of Connected and
Autonomous Vehicles; Qi Zhu, adviser.
Jennifer Anne Lupu, Anthropology; Weinberg.
Consuming Care: Household Medicine Use in
Washington, DC, 1840–1920; Mark William
Hauser, adviser.
Norman Sean Luu, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Graphene-Mediated
Cathode Interfaces for Lithium-Ion Batteries;
Mark Hersam, adviser.
Jiahui Lyu, Statistics; Weinberg. Risk Prediction
with Longitudinal Gene Expression Data Using
Statistical and Machine Learning Method;
Hongmei Jiang, adviser.
Yuhui Lyu, Civil and Environmental Engineering;
McCormick. Ecient Structural Response
Prediction for Concrete Using the Lattice Discrete
Particle Model and Machine Learning Techniques;
Gianluca Cusatis, adviser.
Emily S. Ma, Chemistry; Weinberg. Characterizing
Structure and Electrostatics at Aqueous Interfaces;
Franz M. Geiger, adviser.
Christian John Reis Machado, Mechanical
Engineering; McCormick. Nonuniform Material
Deposition on Multiscale Textured Surfaces;
Kyoo-Chul Kenneth Park, adviser.
Kensuke Maeba, Economics; Weinberg. Essays
on Education Policies in Developing Countries;
Lori A. Beaman, adviser.
Akanksha Sanjay Mahajan, Driskill Graduate
Training Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg.
Antiglioma Activity of Bimodal cGAS-Agonistic
and STAT3-Inhibitory Spherical Nucleic Acids;
Alexander H. Stegh, adviser.
Grant omas Marsden, Chemical and Biological
Engineering; McCormick. Insights into Complex
Reaction Processes Governing Hydrocarbon
Conversion through Microkinetic Modeling;
Linda J. Broadbelt, adviser.
Gervais Allan Joseph Marsh, Performance Studies;
Communication. Envisioning Otherwise: Dicult
Intimacies and Black Queer Creative Possibility;
E. Patrick Johnson, adviser.
Andrew Maxbauer, Music; Bienen. Untitled (March)
and Surrounding Compositional Practice;
Hans Christian omalla, adviser.
Anthony Ryan McCormick, Mathematics; Weinberg.
Spectral eory and Index eorems for
Stationary Space-Times; Aaron Charles Naber,
Samuel Minkowicz, Interdepartmental Neuroscience;
Communication, Feinberg, McCormick, and
Weinberg. Basal Ganglia Population Activity
in Innate and Learned Behaviors; Yevgenia
Kozorovitskiy, adviser.
Noran Mohamed, French and Francophone Studies;
Weinberg. Corporeal Memory and Writing in the
Maghrebi Novel in French and Arabic; Nasrin
Qader, adviser.
Miranda Jeanne Munoz, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. e Benecial and
Detrimental Eects of Antiparkinson Medication
and Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation
on Eye and Reaching Movements; Daniel Montie
Corcos, adviser.
Jovan Julius Nelson, Applied Physics; McCormick
and Weinberg. Controlling Magneto-optical
Properties in 2D InSe; Nathaniel Stern, adviser.
Brandon Christopher Ohl, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Design of Tungsten-
Free, L12-Strengthened Cobalt-Based Superalloys;
David C. Dunand, adviser.
*Also Juris Doctor degree
Kenneth Juston Osborne, Psychology; Weinberg.
Neural Mechanisms of Psychomotor Slowing in
Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Developing
Psychosis; Vijay Anand Mittal, adviser.
Aleksandra Joanna Paluszynska, Economics;
Weinberg. Frictions to Treatment Decisions at the
End of Life; David Dranove, adviser.
Grigory Papayanov, Mathematics; Weinberg. Two
Applications of the Homotopy Transfer eorem
for Innity-Algebras; Boris L. Tsygan, adviser.
Ian Lukasz Peczak, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Syntheses of Platinum Catalysts on Strontium
Titanate Nanocuboids for Selective Polyolen
Hydrogenolysis; Kenneth Poeppelmeier, adviser.
omas Louis Pellet, Economics; Weinberg. Essays
in Macroeconomics, Production Networks, and
Monetary History; Martin S. Eichenbaum,
Caleb Pitcairn, Interdepartmental Neuroscience;
Communication, Feinberg, McCormick, and
Weinberg. Autophagy Dysfunction in Parkinsons
Disease and Related Synucleinopathies; Joe
Mazzulli, adviser.
Naomi Joy Polinsky, Psychology; Weinberg. Digital
Blocks to Robots: Examining the Role of Cognitive
Skills and App and Toy Design in Childrens
Digital STEM Play Experiences; David H. Uttal,
Tanvi Potluri, Driskill Graduate Training Program
in Life Sciences; Feinberg. Estrogen Signaling and
Skeletal Muscle Fibrosis: A Novel Mechanism in
Inguinal Hernias; Serdar E. Bulun, adviser.
Federico Puglisi, Economics; Weinberg. Essays on
Monetary Policy and Financial Intermediation;
Martin S. Eichenbaum, adviser.
Sabina Satriyani Puspita, Political Science; Weinberg.
e Buttery Eect: Stealth Politics by the
Reformist Womens Movement in Indonesia in
the Struggle for Gender Equality, 1945–Present;
Jerey A. Winters, adviser.
Matthew Gordon Randle-Bent, Interdisciplinary
eatre and Drama; Communication. A
Progressive World eatre: e International
eatre Institutes ird World Committee,
1971–1977; Susan A. Manning, adviser.
Radhika Rawat, Driskill Graduate Training Program
in Life Sciences; Feinberg. Mechanisms Mediating
the Rapid and Sustained Antidepressant Eects of
Ketamine; John Kessler, adviser.
Stephanie Megan Ribet, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. e Hierarchy of
Length Scales in Materials for Environmental
Remediation: From Macroporous Sponges to
Sub-Angstrom Electron Probes; Vinayak P. Dravid,
Carissa Marie Ritner, Driskill Graduate Training
Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg. Gene
Expression and MicroRNA Response in
Neuroblastoma Following Exposure to Ionizing
Radiation; Gayle E. Woloschak, adviser.
Rudolf Raymond Roelofsen, Music; Bienen. ASMR as
Music Performance; Milan Alex Mincek, adviser.
Marisol Romero Tejeda, Driskill Graduate
Training Program in Life Sciences; Feinberg.
Direct Reprogramming of Human Cells to a
Cardiomyocyte-Like State; Paul Burridge, adviser.
Charlotte Emily Rosen, History; Weinberg. Carceral
Crisis: e Challenge of Prison Overcrowding and
the Rise of Mass Incarceration, 1970–2000; Kevin
Boyle, adviser.
Lauren Elizabeth Rylaarsdam, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. Determining Disease
Mechanisms of PACS1 Syndrome ASD Using
iPSC-Derived Models; Alicia Dione Guemez
Gamboa, adviser.
Vivek Sagar, Interdepartmental Neuroscience;
Communication, Feinberg, McCormick, and
Weinberg. Structure of Perceptual Odor Coding in
the Human Brain: Neural Basis, Dimensionality,
and Subjectivity; orsten Kahnt, adviser.
Sirenia Sánchez, Psychology; Weinberg. A
Social Psychological Perspective on Cultural
Appropriation: Examining Lay eories and
Psychological Consequences; Sylvia Patrice Perry,
Niloufar Lilly Sarvian, Earth and Planetary Sciences;
Weinberg. Towards an Understanding of Ca
and Sr Isotopes in Neoproterozoic Carbonates;
Matthew T. Hurtgen, adviser.
Emily Anne Schwalbe, Anthropology; Weinberg.
Navigating Power: An Archaeological
Examination of Movement on Low-Country
Waterways; Mark William Hauser, adviser.
Samuel Robert Scranton, Music; Bienen. Found
Objects and Assemblage in e Health;
Milan Alex Mincek, adviser.
Moussa Seck, French and Francophone Studies;
Weinberg. e Making of the Stranger in the
Francophone Migration Novel; Nasrin Qader,
Sinan Seymen, Industrial Engineering and
Management Sciences; McCormick. Application
of Constrained Optimization Models to Recom-
mender Systems; Edward Carl Malthouse, adviser.
Owen Adio Shelton, Interdepartmental
Neuro science; Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg. Spasm Intensity and
Modulation by Serotonin across Injury Severities;
C. J. Heckman, adviser.
Zoa Elzbieta Siwicka, Chemistry; Weinberg. High
Surface Area Synthetic Melanins: Biomimetic
Materials at Augment and Elucidate Natures
Ubiquitous Absorbent; Nathan Gianneschi, adviser.
John Arthur Snadden, Mathematics; Weinberg.
Sheaves, Weaves, and Canoes (Enumerative
Invariants for a Class of Legendrian Surfaces);
Eric Zaslow, adviser.
Florencia Angela Son, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Derivation of Structure-Property Relationships
and Design Rules for the Application of Metal-
Organic Frameworks against Chemical Warfare
Agents; Omar K. Farha, adviser.
Aaron Edward Benjamin Stratton Stone, Chemistry;
Weinberg. Metal-Organic Frameworks as
Scaolds for Luminescent and Photocatalytic
Materials; Joseph T. Hupp, adviser.
Kelly Gail Strada, Economics; Weinberg. Essays
in Economic History and Labor Economics;
Joseph P. Ferrie, adviser.
Pattara Sukprasert, Computer Science; McCormick.
Fantastic Subgraphs and How to Find em;
Samir Khuller, adviser.
Aravind Reddy Talla, Computer Science;
McCormick. On MAP Inference of Ferromagnetic
Potts Models and Nonsymmetric Determinantal
Point Processes; Aravindan Vijayaraghavan and
Konstantin Makarychev, advisers.
Chelsea Marie Taylor, Interdisciplinary eatre
and Drama; Communication. Bringing the
Bible to Life: Biblical Adaptations and Christian
Nationalism in the 21st-Century United States;
Tracy C. Davis, adviser.
Ariel Nicole ames, Interdisciplinary Biological
Sciences; McCormick and Weinberg. Developing
the Synthetic Biologist’s Toolbox for Targeting
Siglecs for the Treatment of Mast Cell–Mediated
Diseases; Michael Christopher Jewett, adviser.
Jacoya Chantel ompson-McBryde, Computer
Science; McCormick. Designing Web-Based
Technologies for Data Visualization Skill
Development; Marcelo Aaron Bonilla Worsley,
Udayan Ravi Vaidya, Economics; Weinberg. Essays
on Mechanism Design; Eddie Dekel, adviser.
Teresa Giselly Vargas, Psychology; Weinberg.
Systemic Environmental Factors, Neural
Correlates, and Psychosis Vulnerability;
Vijay Anand Mittal, adviser.
Karthik Vasan, Driskill Graduate Training Program
in Life Sciences; Feinberg. Utilizing CRISPR
Screens to Target Mitochondrial Metabolism for
Cancer erapy; Navdeep Chandel, adviser.
Enzo Enrique Vasquez Toral, Performance Studies;
Communication. Cuir Devotion: Folklore,
Indigeneity, and Performance in the Andes;
Ramon H. Rivera-Servera, adviser.
Nadia Vinogradova, Slavic Languages and
Literatures; Weinberg. Disruptive Humor:
Fragmentation and Transformation in the Poetry
of Nikolai Zabolotsky, Aleksandr Vvedensky,
and Osip Mandelstam (1925–1937); Clare A.
Cavanagh, adviser.
Jeremy Wang, Materials Science and Engineering;
McCormick. Polyelectrolyte Complexes of
Statistical Copolymers and eir Applications
in Environmental Remediation; M. Olvera de la
Cruz, adviser.
Louis Shen Wang, Materials Science and Engi-
neering; McCormick. Reimagining Solid
Acid Fuel Cells: From Electrolyte Discovery to
Cathode Design; Sossina M. Haile, adviser.
Rui Wang, Chemistry; Weinberg. Molecular
Transport and Diusion through Zr-Based
Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) for
Chemical Warfare Agents Detoxication;
Joseph T. Hupp, adviser.
Ruoyu Wang, Mathematics; Weinberg. Microlocal
Analysis of Damped Waves on Noncompact
Manifolds; Jared Wunsch, adviser.
Ting Wang, Economics; Weinberg. Essays on
E-commerce and Consumer Demand; Robert H.
Porter, adviser.
Nicolas Edward Watkins, Chemistry; Weinberg.
Examination of Photophysics in Semiconductor
Nanoparticles; Richard Schaller, adviser.
Kristen Sachiko Wek, Materials Science and
Engineering; McCormick. Control of
Hierarchical Ordering of Supramolecular
Materials with Advanced Manufacturing for
Regenerative Medicine; Samuel Stupp, adviser.
Cinnamon Kiosha Williams, African American
Studies; Weinberg. Slave of a Slave No More:
Gender, Domestic Labor, and Black Feminist
eories of Domestic Life; Martha Biondi,
Andrene Zenobia Wright, Political Science;
Weinberg. When ey Enter: Black Womens
Politics in US Urban Centers; Alvin Bernard
Tillery, adviser.
Yingkang Xie, Marketing; Kellogg. Digitization for
Innovative Platform Design and Advertising;
Brett R. Gordon, adviser.
Bingjie Xu, Computer Science; McCormick.
Computational Imaging for Accurate 3D
Modeling in Diverse Fields; Jack Tumblin,
Boli Xu, Financial Economics; Kellogg. Essays
in Microeconomic eory; Alessandro Pavan,
Shichao Xu, Computer Science; McCormick.
Learning from Limited or Imperfect Data in
Cyber-Physical System; Qi Zhu, adviser.
Emre Enes Yavuz, Economics; Weinberg. Essays
in Macroeconomics and Economic History;
Matthias Doepke, adviser.
Jiancheng Ye, Health Sciences Integrated PhD
Program; Feinberg. Leveraging Data Science
and Implementation Research to Improve
Hypertension Management; Mark D. Human,
Haochi Zhang, Management and Organizations;
Kellogg. ree Essays on the Cultural-
Institutional Antecedents of Organizational
Structures and Forms; Edward Zajac, adviser.
Vivian Zhang, Chemistry; Weinberg. Structure-
Reactivity-Property Relationships in Covalent
Adaptable Hydrogels; Julia Ann Kalow, adviser.
Pengbo Zhao, Electrical Engineering; McCormick.
Towards More Robust Local and Global Visual
Localization; Ying Wu, adviser.
Bin Zheng, Driskill Graduate Training Program
in Life Sciences; Feinberg. Distinct CDK9-
Containing Complexes in Transcriptional
Regulation; Ali Shilatifard, adviser.
Yuxin Zhou, Mathematics; Weinberg. e Spherical
Spin Glass Models at Low and Zero Temperature;
Antonio Aunger, adviser.
Zhehao Zhu, Materials Science and Engineering;
McCormick. Modeling, Imaging, and
Processing for Printed van der Waals in-Film
Optoelectronics; Lincoln James Lauhon, adviser.
Justin Michael Zimmerman, Political Science;
Weinberg. Distrustful Cooperation: A Study
of Black Chicagoans Combatting State and
Community Violence; Traci R. Burch, adviser.
Benjamin Bartels Zucker, Music; Bienen. “What
Can Be Learned to Be Observed”: Technical
and eoretical Reections on the Clarke
Distributions; Jay Alan Yim, adviser.
Degree awarded posthumously
Master of Arts
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Brianna M. Anderson, Counseling, Family Institute
Katharine Aveni, Nonclinical Communication
Sciences, Communication
Agam Balooni, English, Weinberg
Briana Caitlyn Barbour, Counseling, Family Institute
Elizabeth Rachel Baum, Counseling, Family Institute
Matthew John Baumann, Medical Humanities and
Bioethics, Feinberg
Aly Sue Becker, Counseling, Family Institute
Madeline Katherine Berkvam, Medical Humanities
and Bioethics, Feinberg
Rachel Lauren Blauner, Counseling, Family Institute
Lisa Blechschmidt, Counseling, Family Institute
Thea Elizabeth Bloom, Medical Humanities and
Bioethics, Feinberg
Cristina Elise Boada, Clinical Psychology, Feinberg
Kayla Jasmine Boyden, English, Weinberg
Shah Zeb Chaudhary, Political Science, Weinberg
Alyssa Coffey, Counseling, Family Institute
Emma Rachel Cohen, English, Weinberg
Michaela Filia Corning-Myers, English, Weinberg
Abigail Grace Crawford, Clinical Psychology,
Savoy Curry, History, Weinberg
Lev Paul Daschko, History, Weinberg
Clay Butler Davis, Sociology, Weinberg
Mieke Marissa Doornick, Counseling, Family
Elysia Easton, Counseling, Family Institute
Olivia Dawn Fegter, Clinical Psychology, Feinberg
Meredith Paige Fenton, Counseling, Family Institute
Molly Emerald Fitzpatrick, Counseling, Family
Mattingly Alexander Gerasimovich, Slavic
Languages and Literatures, Weinberg
Allison Yvonne Gibeily, English, Weinberg
Timothy Allen Griswold, Counseling, Family
Nicole Irene Guarino, Human Development and
Social Policy, Education and Social Policy
Uma Guarnaccia, Clinical Psychology, Feinberg
Charina Natalia Herrera, African American Studies,
Rachel Lyn Honig, Counseling, Family Institute
Kelly Cooney Honzel, Counseling, Family Institute
Alisher Juzgenbayev, Political Science, Weinberg
Gabriella Nicole Kamara, Counseling, Family
Snigdha Kamarsu, Clinical Psychology, Feinberg
Emily Bassett Kamm, History, Weinberg
Elyssa Steffney Krmpotich, Counseling, Family
Lillian Ling Yan Kui, Counseling, Family Institute
Sasha Renee Lankford, Counseling, Family Institute
Catherine Li, Clinical Psychology, Feinberg
Katherine Loor, Counseling, Family Institute
Shelby Nicole Mack, Performance Studies,
Claire Lambert Mackevicius, Human Development
and Social Policy, Education and Social Policy
Mauricio Maluff Masi, Philosophy, Weinberg
Sitara Timothia Marin, Counseling, Family Institute
Jackielyn Grace Matthews, Counseling, Family
Josie Andrea McGarva, Clinical Psychology,
Natalia Molebatsi, Performance Studies,
Jesse Coltrane Muir, Counseling, Family Institute
Nancy Whittle Myers, Counseling, Family Institute
Ryan Nhu, English, Weinberg
Donna Patrick Nicolson, Counseling, Family
Zachary Alan Nissen, Anthropology, Weinberg
Michelle Miriam Nutlis, Clinical Psychology,
Sofia R. Opyr-Huskey, Counseling, Family Institute
Ruqiya A. Panjwani, Counseling, Family Institute
Kushal Patel, Counseling, Family Institute
Chiara Pepino, Counseling, Family Institute
Max Bennett Pienkny, Economics, Weinberg
Daniel Quiroga-Ángel, Political Science, Weinberg
Angela Rajchel, Counseling, Family Institute
Richard Edward Richter, Nonclinical
Communication Sciences, Communication
Andrew Tony Saab, Political Science, Weinberg
Abby Martin Sachs, Counseling, Family Institute
Kate Elizabeth Sandberg, Linguistics, Weinberg
Kearstin Sanders-Morgan, Counseling, Family
Haylie Noel Howard Santos, Nonclinical
Communication Sciences, Communication
Latunde Akintunde Sapara, Clinical Psychology,
Kiana Alexis Scambray, Clinical Psychology,
Veronika Andrianova Schmitt, Slavic Languages and
Literatures, Weinberg
Moussa Seck, French and Francophone Studies,
Sydney Ann Seuferer, Counseling, Family Institute
Mustafa Mohammed Siddiqui, African American
Studies, Weinberg
Abigail Jean Soloway, Counseling, Family Institute
Arianna Marlise Spirtos, Counseling, Family
Julia Eve Starikovsky, Clinical Psychology, Feinberg
Sanna Stella, Counseling, Family Institute
Eisho Takatsuji, Economics, Weinberg
Gabrielle Michelle Thomas, Counseling, Family
Shanequa T’Keya Thomas, Counseling, Family
Janelle Urban, Counseling, Family Institute
Taylor Kristine Vacca, Counseling, Family Institute
Clarisa Wijaya, Clinical Psychology, Feinberg
Hannah Elizabeth Wilson, Counseling, Family
Skylar Owen Windham, Counseling, Family
Carin Wohadlo, Counseling, Family Institute
Jiayin Xing, Nonclinical Communication Sciences,
Julia Grace Zanto, Counseling, Family Institute
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Sheryl Forsyth Adams, Counseling, Family Institute
Majida Sai’da Al-Husaam, Counseling, Family
Mubeen Ali, Counseling, Family Institute
Brandy Elizabeth Allen, Counseling, Family Institute
Hannah Anderson, Counseling, Family Institute
Lauren Bachkosky, Counseling, Family Institute
Ashantee Jasmine Barnwell, Counseling, Family
Brenda Belohoubek, Counseling, Family Institute
Jennifer Bengtson, Counseling, Family Institute
Audrey Bloom, Counseling, Family Institute
Joseph N. Blue, Counseling, Family Institute
Tynise Brandon, Counseling, Family Institute
Megan Brandt, Counseling, Family Institute
Jared Paul Brown, Counseling, Family Institute
Richard Carroll Burleson, Counseling, Family
Key Wesley Burns, Counseling, Family Institute
Morgann Rose Canizalez, Counseling, Family
Cristina Carrillo Canas, Philosophy, Weinberg
Soho Char, Political Science, Weinberg
Allison E. Cho, Counseling, Family Institute
Jordan Elizabeth Cronbaugh, Counseling, Family
Khoury Daher, Counseling, Family Institute
Emma Robin Davis, Political Science, Weinberg
Kiersten Marie Dietrick, Counseling, Family
Jennifer Plaira Dunning, Counseling, Family
Catherine Haley Epstein, Counseling, Family
Mackenzie Esson, Counseling, Family Institute
Laura Magaly Estrada, Counseling, Family Institute
Christina Holen Falceto, Philosophy, Weinberg
Jordan Ashley Ferrari, Counseling, Family Institute
Crystal Nichole Flores, Counseling, Family Institute
Caroline Victoria Friedman, Counseling, Family
William F. Frohbose, Counseling, Family Institute
Michelle Marie Garcia, Counseling, Family Institute
Rose Hoffer Gittell, Counseling, Family Institute
Tylore Sheigh Gross, Counseling, Family Institute
Tatiana Mikhailovna Gurubatham, Counseling,
Family Institute
Natalie Victoria Hack, Counseling, Family Institute
Lu Hao, History, Weinberg
Aquanetta Kristine Hart, Counseling, Family
Grace Danzhen He, Counseling, Family Institute
Crystal Henrick, Counseling, Family Institute
A’Ja Holmes, Counseling, Family Institute
Julia Rose Honoroff, Human Development and
Social Policy, Education and Social Policy
Laura Elizabeth Husbeck, Counseling, Family
Jessica Diane Hynes, Counseling, Family Institute
Lauren Michelle Jaehne, Counseling, Family
Jasmine Chantel Jaquess, Counseling, Family
Asia Maria Jefferson-McEntee, Counseling, Family
Hwejean Jeong, Counseling, Family Institute
Lauren Lenoir Johnston, Counseling, Family
Regan Rose Kasprak, Counseling, Family Institute
Sheela Katikineni, Counseling, Family Institute
Khin Oo Khin, Philosophy, Weinberg
Katarina Elizabeth Kiseli, Counseling, Family
Elizabeth Palmer Devine Koselka, Anthropology,
Natasha Krol, Counseling, Family Institute
Jereen Lynn Laferriere, Counseling, Family Institute
Jennifer Lin, Political Science, Weinberg
Khadijah A. Livingston, Counseling, Family Institute
Jeanie Zhener Lo, Counseling, Family Institute
Suzanne Ellen Lynch, Counseling, Family Institute
Daniel Jacob MacCombie, Counseling, Family
Daniella Marie Martinez, Counseling, Family
Daniel Tyler McFeely, Counseling, Family Institute
Sarah Kristine Meckley, Counseling, Family Institute
Charlotte Dorothee Renate Mencke, Political
Science, Weinberg
Valarie Lynn Merced, Counseling, Family Institute
Julie Lynne Miller, Counseling, Family Institute
Olivia Rose Miller, Counseling, Family Institute
Candace S. Mizaur, Counseling, Family Institute
Jordan Shenod Mulkey, African American Studies,
Joseph Ray Myers, Counseling, Family Institute
Savannah Cheryl Napier, Counseling, Family
Nydia Narcisse, Counseling, Family Institute
Aaron James Neumann, Counseling, Family Institute
Monique Arlynn Newton, Political Science,
Lillian Noonan, Counseling, Family Institute
Mollie Rae Norris, Counseling, Family Institute
Cheryl Ann Nowak, Counseling, Family Institute
Taylor Nicole Nunley, Counseling, Family Institute
Daniella Destina O’Garro, Counseling, Family
Judith Borden Ovadia, Counseling, Family Institute
Caroline High Pippert, Political Science, Weinberg
Heudeliss Placencio, Counseling, Family Institute
Elena Poiata, Slavic Languages and Literatures,
Kali Jean Quigley, Counseling, Family Institute
Jaden Elizabeth Ralph, Counseling, Family Institute
Nadia Raza, Counseling, Family Institute
Benjamin Cleveland Ricciardi, Counseling, Family
Anna Layne Rieper, Counseling, Family Institute
Jessica Riker, Counseling, Family Institute
Jacqueline Anneris Rios, Counseling, Family
Tilottama Roy-White, Counseling, Family Institute
Jose Diego Salas, Economics, Weinberg
Yolanda B. Sanders, Counseling, Family Institute
Andrés Matías Schelp, Political Science, Weinberg
Brittany Schlink, Counseling, Family Institute
Kim Schreiber, Screen Cultures, Communication
Nicole Danielle Schumacher, Counseling, Family
Talia Rebecca Seder, Counseling, Family Institute
Maiya Michele Smith, Counseling, Family Institute
Qi Song, Sociology, Weinberg
Weiliang Song, History, Weinberg
Natalie Ann Sprovieri, Counseling, Family Institute
Bryn Ellen Starbird, Counseling, Family Institute
Kathryn Marie Stewart, Counseling, Family Institute
Amy Stump, Counseling, Family Institute
Emily Sunwoo, Counseling, Family Institute
Dianne Taxay, Counseling, Family Institute
Katherine Lee Taylor, Counseling, Family Institute
Amy Tevault, Counseling, Family Institute
Bambang Trihadmojo, Sociology, Weinberg
Dinara Urazova, Political Science, Weinberg
Esteban Villa Turek, Media, Technology, and Society,
Q. Julian Walker, Counseling, Family Institute
Trysta Nichole Wedding, Counseling, Family
James Gregory Weitzer, Counseling, Family Institute
DeAndrea Emerald White, Counseling, Family
Elizabeth Yeonas, Counseling, Family Institute
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Laurie Burky Achilles, Counseling, Family Institute
Lee Taylor Balkin, Counseling, Family Institute
Elizabeth Van Vechten Bedell, Counseling, Family
Jessica Lee Ann Blackwell, Counseling, Family
Axel Bolanos, Counseling, Family Institute
Patrick Ryan Borkland, Counseling, Family Institute
Lindsay-Jean Brehm, Counseling, Family Institute
Kimberly Joy Butler, Counseling, Family Institute
Elif Buyukakbas, Sociology, Weinberg
Nicole Ashley Caldwell, Counseling, Family Institute
Madelynne Campbell, Counseling, Family Institute
Melissa Chen, Counseling, Family Institute
Madison Muriel Cilano, Counseling, Family Institute
Erin Elizabeth Clifford, Counseling, Family Institute
Anna Cohen, Art History, Weinberg
Oscar Ruben Cornejo Casares, Sociology, Weinberg
Charlotte Ainsley Winnifred Cowles, Counseling,
Family Institute
Lisa Marie Cox, Linguistics, Weinberg
Carmen Elise Crusoe, African American Studies,
Kelley Dunn, Counseling, Family Institute
Maura Anne Fennelly, Sociology, Weinberg
Brianne Leigh Ford, Counseling, Family Institute
Lexi Sue Fredericks, Counseling, Family Institute
Jennifer Allison Gallagher, Counseling, Family
Melanie Ann Hall, History, Weinberg
Hannah Juliet Harris, Counseling, Family Institute
Allison Hauser, Counseling, Family Institute
Kjersten Jorgensen Hillers, Counseling, Family
Megan Hilton, Counseling, Family Institute
Leslie Wells Holling, Counseling, Family Institute
Qin Huang, Political Science, Weinberg
Christina Ingram, Counseling, Family Institute
Sho Andrew Ishikura, Counseling, Family Institute
Vanessa L. Jacobs, Counseling, Family Institute
Julia Brooke Jacobson, Counseling, Family Institute
Vanessa Rose Johnson, Counseling, Family Institute
Rebecca Kahane, Counseling, Family Institute
Alice Kang, Sociology, Weinberg
Karen Elizabeth Kessler, Counseling, Family
Jacqueline Christine Killion, Counseling, Family
Karyn Kemunto Kiziili, Counseling, Family Institute
Alisa Joy Klatt, Counseling, Family Institute
Renee Anne Lackey, Counseling, Family Institute
Aaron Leonard, Counseling, Family Institute
Louise Cady Lumia, Counseling, Family Institute
Isabelle Mackell, Counseling, Family Institute
Rachel Martin, Counseling, Family Institute
Martha Laurel McCamy, Counseling, Family
Nicolle McCullough, Counseling, Family Institute
Brian McLoughlin, French and Francophone
Studies, Weinberg
Lydia D. Melland, Counseling, Family Institute
Rebecca Lynn Mitchell, Counseling, Family Institute
Trumaine Mitchell, History, Weinberg
Shelby Ann Mohrs, Anthropology, Weinberg
Keely Mariah Molloy, Counseling, Family Institute
Arturo Alonso Munoz, Learning Sciences, Education
and Social Policy
Evan Philip Newman, Counseling, Family Institute
Annabel Catherine Nielsen, Counseling, Family
Elizabeth Ester Orrego Torres, Political Science,
Cedric James Paige II, Counseling, Family Institute
Kaitlin Jennifer Phelps, Counseling, Family Institute
Kelsey Jordan Philippi, Counseling, Family Institute
Irina N. Prokopovich, Counseling, Family Institute
Phillip Joshua Quinn, Counseling, Family Institute
Courtney LeeAnne Rabada, Religious Studies,
Reese Flynn Reed, Counseling, Family Institute
Jordan Marisa Roe, Counseling, Family Institute
Zara Roth, Counseling, Family Institute
Grace Rose Saliba, Counseling, Family Institute
Nicholas Sayers, Counseling, Family Institute
Sarah Schneider, Counseling, Family Institute
Raven Ariel Schwam-Curtis, African American
Studies, Weinberg
Caitlin Rose Sepulveda, Counseling, Family Institute
Jaime Shooster, Counseling, Family Institute
Abby Kate Singleton, Counseling, Family Institute
Lindsay Smith, Counseling, Family Institute
omas Sostarics, Linguistics, Weinberg
Emma Spira, Counseling, Family Institute
Rachel Stinnett, Counseling, Family Institute
Stephanie Striplin, Counseling, Family Institute
Daniel Suoletta, Counseling, Family Institute
Christine Regina Turturro, Counseling, Family
Bentley Renee Vandever, Counseling, Family
Roberto Andre Vazquez Salas, Counseling, Family
Martha Steenberg Verrill, Counseling, Family
Daniel Westheimer, Counseling, Family Institute
Julia Kathleen Wheatley, Counseling, Family
Karly Danielle Worth, Counseling, Family Institute
Hillary Young, Counseling, Family Institute
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Kalea Yun Abernathy, Counseling, Family Institute
Madison Alford, Counseling, Family Institute
Giavanna Alkire, Counseling, Family Institute
Kachen Petal-June Alsopp, Counseling, Family
Karli Blalock Altenbern, Counseling, Family Institute
Brit Elizabeth Alveno, Counseling, Family Institute
Madeleine Alexandra Applegate-Gross, Counseling,
Family Institute
Janell Elise Arroyo, Counseling, Family Institute
Faith Naomi Austin, Counseling, Family Institute
Alex John Baines, Interdisciplinary eatre and
Drama, Communication
Jonah Levenston Bell II, Counseling, Family Institute
Lisa Michelle Bell, Counseling, Family Institute
Sarah Bennett, Counseling, Family Institute
Karli Marie Bigler, Counseling, Family Institute
Kedric Allen Bostic, Counseling, Family Institute
Kali Gabrielle Boydston, Counseling, Family
Madeleine Grace Brett, Counseling, Family Institute
William Jamel Brown, Counseling, Family Institute
Emily Joan Burke, Counseling, Family Institute
Neha Nissa Chandani, Counseling, Family Institute
Michael Alexander Chapman, Counseling, Family
Alison Shelby Choi, History, Weinberg
Caroline Elizabeth Church, Counseling, Family
Brieana Clennon, Counseling, Family Institute
Stormy Cloud, Counseling, Family Institute
Tanisha Cruz, Counseling, Family Institute
Caroline Claudia Czarnecki, Counseling, Family
Jyotsna Dhar, Counseling, Family Institute
*Annika Divakar, Medical Humanities and Bioethics,
Danielle Riley Dorn, Counseling, Family Institute
Christopher Dubois, Counseling, Family Institute
Kirsten Gladding Dunlap, Counseling, Family
Matthew James Dynneson, Counseling, Family
Nir Eilon, Counseling, Family Institute
Sino Vazbakattan Esthappan, Sociology, Weinberg
Emily Fenton, Counseling, Family Institute
Rivka Tzipora Fleischman, Counseling, Family
Shannon Forbes, Counseling, Family Institute
Monica Eva Foster, Counseling, Family Institute
Jose Galvan Mora, History, Weinberg
Samantha L. Giedris, Counseling, Family Institute
Kayla Jean Gilding, Counseling, Family Institute
Syd González, Anthropology, Weinberg
Denis Gribincea, Economics, Weinberg
Rebecca Whitney Gronceski, Counseling, Family
Belén V. Guasch, Counseling, Family Institute
Jill Dollo Gulotta, Counseling, Family Institute
Olivia Paige Hanover, Counseling, Family Institute
Monica Kerstin Hershman, Counseling, Family
Hannah Scott Holstein, Counseling, Family Institute
Donna Louise Hughes, Counseling, Family Institute
Tenni Idler, Counseling, Family Institute
Sana Lateef Imam, Counseling, Family Institute
Shola Brenda Jimoh, Performance Studies,
Sarah A. Johnson, Counseling, Family Institute
Bryana Delois Jones, African American Studies,
Bethany Kapellen, Counseling, Family Institute
Yelena Kart, Counseling, Family Institute
Maria Rosario Katsulos, History, Weinberg
Lisa Nicole Kinnie-Neal, Counseling, Family
Matthew Calvin Korbon, Counseling, Family
Keegan Carey Krause, Anthropology, Weinberg
Toni Kunst, Performance Studies, Communication
Mili Elizabeth Kuriakose, Counseling, Family
Michael Francis Landez, Performance Studies,
Wajeeha Latif-Jangda, Counseling, Family Institute
Sabrina Faye Levitas, Counseling, Family Institute
Grace Alexandra Lindahl, Counseling, Family
Nadia London, Counseling, Family Institute
Luisa Vanessa Lopez, Counseling, Family Institute
Daniel T. Luo, Economics, Weinberg
Derek James Macleod, Counseling, Family Institute
Victoria Patience Ling Mao, Counseling, Family
Grace Elizabeth Martinez, Counseling, Family
Matias Martinez, Human Development and Social
Policy, Education and Social Policy
*Chloe Noelle Matovina, Medical Humanities and
Bioethics, Feinberg
Diamond Ashley Melendez, Counseling, Family
Danielle Melnick, Counseling, Family Institute
Elizabeth McKenna Mesak, Counseling, Family
Johanna Amaris Middleton, Performance Studies,
Karyn Ann Miracle, Counseling, Family Institute
John Ivory Montgomery, Counseling, Family
Madison Paige Morley, Counseling, Family Institute
Mackenzie Emme Muller, Counseling, Family
Rebecca Murphy, Counseling, Family Institute
Rachel Taylor Muss, Counseling, Family Institute
Reema Noor, Counseling, Family Institute
Yurina Otsuka, Counseling, Family Institute
Randall James King Oxford, Counseling, Family
Deepal Pandya, Counseling, Family Institute
Catherine Marie Perez, History, Weinberg
*Also Doctor of Medicine degree
*Also Doctor of Medicine degree
Olivia Nicole Perry, Counseling, Family Institute
*Victor de Carvalho Pinto, Medical Humanities and
Bioethics, Feinberg
Josie Rhee, Counseling, Family Institute
Zhane Kiara Richardson, Counseling, Family
Julie Ann Roberts, Counseling, Family Institute
Je C. Rockwell, Counseling, Family Institute
Cristina Rodas-Mejia, Counseling, Family Institute
Heather Rodriguez, Counseling, Family Institute
Olivia Starbuck Rose, Counseling, Family Institute
Sierra Nicole Rosenzwog, Counseling, Family
Sarah Sachar, Screen Cultures, Communication
Jackie Hope Sarager, Counseling, Family Institute
David Francis Saxon, Counseling, Family Institute
Natalia Schlesinger Baranek, Counseling, Family
Nicole Dominique Schullo, Counseling, Family
Alison J. Segal, Counseling, Family Institute
Merve Senalan, Counseling, Family Institute
Carey Ann Sentman, Medical Humanities and
Bioethics, Feinberg
Dana Shimkoski, Counseling, Family Institute
Maulikraj Vasudev Shrimali, Performance Studies,
Anum Siddiqui, Medical Humanities and Bioethics,
Ria Singla, Medical Humanities and Bioethics,
Alyssa Marie Spada, Counseling, Family Institute
Holly Michelle Sparling, Counseling, Family Institute
Brennan Isaac Spector, Counseling, Family Institute
Murielle Standley, Nonclinical Communication
Sciences, Communication
Jared Marcio Stromer, Counseling, Family Institute
Anne Rachel Sturtewagen, Counseling, Family
Stephanie Tang, Counseling, Family Institute
Yohana Tecleab, Counseling, Family Institute
Davon Tillett, Counseling, Family Institute
u Tran, Economics, Weinberg
Omri Tubi, Sociology, Weinberg
Julia Anita Turner, Human Development and Social
Policy, Education and Social Policy
Kyle Aaron Turner, Counseling, Family Institute
Elizabeth Anele Villanueva, Nonclinical
Communication Sciences, Communication
Timea Henriett Viragh, Human Development and
Social Policy, Education and Social Policy
Leigh Ware, Counseling, Family Institute
Brittany Louise Weaver, Counseling, Family Institute
Korenna Nicholle Whitney, Counseling, Family
Nancy Williams, Counseling, Family Institute
Monica G. Wood, Counseling, Family Institute
Jeremy L. Wu, Counseling, Family Institute
Sierra Dawn Yaple, Counseling, Family Institute
Smith William Yarberry, English, Weinberg
Fonda Ruishi Yeh, Counseling, Family Institute
Jodie Yorg, Counseling, Family Institute
Xinzhu Yu, Counseling, Family Institute
Natalie Zuker, Counseling, Family Institute
Master of Fine Arts
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Maya Abram, Acting, Communication
Jazzlyn Luckett Aderele, Acting, Communication
Alexandria Marie Crawford, Acting, Communication
Hamid Dehghani, Directing, Communication
Whitney Grace Johnson, Art eory and Practice,
Mi Kang, Acting, Communication
Scott Kemp, Art eory and Practice, Weinberg
Emily Kiser, Acting, Communication
Travis Morehead, Art eory and Practice, Weinberg
Meeka Naomi Postman, Stage Design,
Concetta Priscilla Russo, Acting, Communication
Savannah Carol Southern-Smith, Acting,
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Zaki Alabdullah, Documentary Media,
Robert Stephen Apetagon, Writing for the Screen
and Stage, Communication
Layan Attari, Art Theory and Practice, Weinberg
Kallan Rose Dana, Writing for the Screen and Stage,
Sophie Fleur De Bruijn, Writing for the Screen and
Stage, Communication
José De Sancristóbal Higareda, Art Theory and
Practice, Weinberg
Nijae J’mere Draine, Writing for the Screen and
Stage, Communication
Laura Melane Gede, Documentary Media,
Theofanis Gkikas, Acting, Communication
Sarah Grace Merriweather Goldman, Writing for the
Screen and Stage, Communication
Maximo Francisco Grano De Oro, Stage Design,
Eleanor Jayne Harmon, Documentary Media,
Michelle Houle, Writing for the Screen and Stage,
Jeffrey Hunter, Writing for the Screen and Stage,
Ji Won Jeon, Directing, Communication
Ian Robert Kelly, Documentary Media,
Jacob Franklin Kessler, Documentary Media,
Zemin Li, Documentary Media, Communication
Yun Lin, Stage Design, Communication
Salwa Fatema Meghjee, Writing for the Screen and
Stage, Communication
Cory D. Perry, Art Theory and Practice, Weinberg
Rasheed Peters, Documentary Media,
Eshan Rafi, Art Theory and Practice, Weinberg
Katie Patricia Revilla, Art Theory and Practice,
Daryn Susan Robinson, Writing for the Screen and
Stage, Communication
Elliot Marvin Sims, Acting, Communication
Isaac Vazquez, Art Theory and Practice, Weinberg
Maya Ruth Han Wanner, Documentary Media,
Jiaxin Wei, Documentary Media, Communication
Meghan Marina Wells, Documentary Media,
Xi Ye, Documentary Media, Communication
Naomi Gudopwa Zidon, Documentary Media,
Master of Fine Arts and Master of Arts
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Michelle Goun Lee, Creative Writing and English,
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Christopher Robert Lombardo, Creative Writing
and English, Weinberg
Suzanne Byrne Scanlon, Creative Writing and
English, Weinberg
Katana Elizabeth Smith, Creative Writing and
English, Weinberg
Master of Public Health
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Emma Anselin, Feinberg
Aliyah Zainab Jamaluddin, Feinberg
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Eva Lauren Alonso, Feinberg
Waleed Sultan M. Alruwaili, Feinberg
Andrea Anne Coulis, Feinberg
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Rebecca Roya Rabizadeh, Feinberg
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Aalaa Sanad Abdallah, Feinberg
Ayaan Ahmed, Feinberg
*Precious Nsorhma Winebo Akanyirige, Feinberg
Zeshan Roshan Ali, Feinberg
Danielle Elizabeth Belanger, Feinberg
Grace Catherine Bellinger, Feinberg
Miles Joseph Bomback, Feinberg
Natalie Avella Cameron, Feinberg
Laura E. Diaz, Feinberg
Lital Orr Elfassi, Feinberg
Claire Elizabeth Fisher, Feinberg
Adriana Garcia, Feinberg
*Lawrence Adrian Garcia, Feinberg
Labonita Ghose, Feinberg
Nadia Goldstar, Feinberg
Karan Gowda, Feinberg
Kaysi Michelle Gray, Feinberg
Sofia Herrera, Feinberg
Rachel Anne Iannotti, Feinberg
Rwan Hashim Ibrahim, Feinberg
Harsimran Kaur, Feinberg
Katy Lucretia Kerby, Feinberg
Grace Rose Koplin, Feinberg
Maggie Li, Feinberg
Azucena Lopez, Feinberg
*Alba Mariner Gonzalez, Feinberg
Daniel P. Riggins, Feinberg
Amelia Rose Rodriguez, Feinberg
Francesca Cejtin Rosen, Feinberg
Megan Marie Ruprecht, Feinberg
Lily Dhalia Settel, Feinberg
Jasmine Smyles, Feinberg
Anna Leora Treudt, Feinberg
Nathaly Valdivia Oberto-Besso, Feinberg
Master of Science
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Willow Raelynn Abshire Sims, Plant Biology and
Conservation, Weinberg
Benigno Alonzo Jr., Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Khaliun Altankhuu, Healthcare Quality and Patient
Safety, Feinberg
Zachary Anderson, Psychology, Weinberg
Asif Anwar, Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety,
Ojaswi Aryal, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Megan Marie Attridge, Health Services and
Outcomes Research, Feinberg
Birsu Baç, Neurobiology, Weinberg
Atousa Bahrami, Neurobiology, Weinberg
Alexis Frances Balog, Plant Biology and
Conservation, Weinberg
Nathalie Basto Aguirre, Managerial Economics and
Strategy, Kellogg
Mrutyunjay Anuroop Belaganti, Computer
Engineering, McCormick
Madeline Katherine Berkvam, Genetic Counseling,
Langtian Bian, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Thea Elizabeth Bloom, Genetic Counseling,
Caroline Elizabeth Bond, Quantitative and Systems
Biology, Weinberg
Daniel Borja-Cacho, Health Services and
Outcomes Research, Feinberg
Jorie Donna Budzikowski, Biomedical Engineering,
Valerie Kay Bullock, Operations Management,
Nia Burrell, Physics, Weinberg
Lamine Ousmane Camara, Neurobiology,
Dylan Marcus Casler, Physics, Weinberg
Anna Catherine Cichocki, Psychology, Weinberg
Ry’yan Michael Clark, Plant Biology and
Conservation, Weinberg
Aniket Sanjay Dashpute, Electrical Engineering,
Safal Dumre, Computer Science, McCormick
Amanda Sahar D’Urso, Statistics, Weinberg
Max Leor Ezekiel, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Sihan Feng, Neurobiology, Weinberg
Glenn Jacob Fernandes, Computer Science,
Zachary Fitzgerald, Neurobiology, Weinberg
Jeremy Foster, Plant Biology and Conservation,
Rao Fu, Mechanical Engineering, McCormick
Natalie Elizabeth Gottschlich, Physics, Weinberg
Scott Tyler Grudichak, Physics, Weinberg
Qingyue Guo, Quantitative and Systems Biology,
Christopher Allen Hareland, Materials Science and
Engineering, McCormick
Stephanie Lynn Head, Reproductive Science and
Medicine, Feinberg
Moein Hosseini, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Laura Gabriela Jaliff, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Kyle Robert Jozsa, Clinical Psychology, Feinberg
Haotian Kang, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Sumiran Kher, Neurobiology, Weinberg
David Leesok Kim, Marketing, Kellogg
Ali Kaan Kurbanzade, Industrial Engineering and
Management Sciences, McCormick
Alexander M. Lao, Genetic Counseling, Feinberg
Marcus LaPorte, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Spencer George Lehmann, Neurobiology, Weinberg
Hanjing Li, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Ruojia Debbie Li, Health Services and Outcomes
Research, Feinberg
Yifan Liao, Chemistry, Weinberg
Mason Lin, Computer Science, McCormick
Sergio Eduardo Lopez Araiza Bejar, Managerial
Economics and Strategy, Kellogg
John Nizar Mamish, Computer Engineering,
Tyler John Maule, Statistics, Weinberg
Daniel Connor Meadows, Genetic Counseling,
John Harrison Mitchell, Physics, Weinberg
Donia Ahmed Moustafa, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Devashri Rajesh Naik, Computer Engineering,
Liam OConnor, Engineering Sciences and Applied
Mathematics, McCormick
Kamari Christine Ositelu, Clinical Investigation,
Robert Henry Powell, Neurobiology, Weinberg
Alexander Ray Puce, Computer Science, McCormick
Zhongdao Ren, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Erika Jianyue Rumbold, Computer Science,
Samantha A. Saul, Clinical Investigation, Feinberg
Kayla A. Schroeder, Statistics, Weinberg
Bo Shi, Clinical Investigation, Feinberg
Daniel Y. Song, Biomedical Engineering,
Boyuan Sun, Biomedical Engineering, McCormick
Jipeng Sun, Computer Science, McCormick
Randall Ross Van Why, Mathematics, Weinberg
Divya Ventarapragada, Neurobiology, Weinberg
Zoe Dahlia Villamar, Biomedical Engineering,
Tianshu Wang, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
John Turner Williams, Electrical Engineering,
Desman Rashad Wilson, Management and
Organizations, Kellogg
Wenle Xu, Materials Science and Engineering,
Tongtong Yao, Managerial Economics and Strategy,
Junwei You, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Shelby Yuan, Biomedical Engineering, McCormick
Patrick Zacher, Psychology, Weinberg
Lihao Zhang, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Yaqi Zhang, Clinical Investigation, Feinberg
Yuanjun Zhang, Computer Science, McCormick
Zhi Zhang, Computer Science, McCormick
Yunfan Zhao, Managerial Economics and Strategy,
Kristina Marie Zvolanek, Biomedical Engineering,
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Aaveg Aggarwal, Physics and Astronomy, Weinberg
Bhagyesh Sachin Agresar, Mechanical Engineering,
Oluwatosin Jonadab Akinsola, Health and
Biomedical Informatics, Feinberg
Sai Indraneel Amara, Computer Science,
Madeline Fahed Awad, Psychology, Weinberg
Ruth Elizabeth Bagley, Computer Science,
Scott Beard, Biomedical Engineering, McCormick
Gretchen Michelle Bella, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Zaddeen Benaissa, Computer Science, McCormick
Chanh Bui, Computer Science, McCormick
Jinjin Cai, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Yilin Chai, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Sayak Chakrabarty, Computer Science, McCormick
Chixuan Chen, Materials Science and Engineering,
Jeffery Edward Chen, Materials Science and
Engineering, McCormick
Yixin Chen, Computer Science, McCormick
Yu-Jui Chen, Mechanical Engineering, McCormick
Zhuoyi Chen, Engineering Sciences and Applied
Mathematics, McCormick
Lingyue Chu, Computer Science, McCormick
Maria Camila Cortes Bohorquez, Plant Biology and
Conservation, Weinberg
Alexandra Lauren Day, Computer Engineering,
Susan Malia Deans, Plant Biology and Conservation,
Tonmoay Deb, Computer Science, McCormick
Efe Demirbas, Mechanical Engineering, McCormick
Junyu Deng, Computer Science, McCormick
Wenhan Deng, Computer Science, McCormick
Wenhao Deng, Computer Science, McCormick
Zhihao Deng, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Chenyuan Dong, Materials Science and Engineering,
Yinda Du, Computer Science, McCormick
Adam Dzurney, Materials Science and Engineering,
Abdullahi Elmi, Computer Science, McCormick
Le Fang, Computer Science, McCormick
Boxuan Feng, Materials Science and Engineering,
Ivan Andreas Fithian, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Ethan Flowerday, Biomedical Engineering,
Yuhan Gao, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Patricia Marie Garibaldi, Clinical Psychology,
Roman Daniel Gavrila, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Maria Belen Giro Martin, Plant Biology and
Conservation, Weinberg
Rachel Elizabeth Godfrey, Biomedical Engineering,
Xiaohui Gong, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Pablo David Griswold Morales, Mechanical
Engineering, McCormick
Chenzhao Guo, Computer Science, McCormick
Jiaqi Guo, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Yiqin Guo, Physics, Weinberg
Akshay Vijaykumar Gupta, Computer Science,
Feiyu Han, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Xinran Han, Computer Science, McCormick
Renzhi Hao, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Sharika Jayakrishnan Hegde, Civil and
Environmental Engineering, McCormick
Lele Jane Henderson Mathis, Materials Science and
Engineering, McCormick
Craig Philip Hensley, Clinical Investigation, Feinberg
Adrian Hernandez, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Hong Hong, Computer Engineering, McCormick
David Hu, Materials Science and Engineering,
Fanglei Hu, Materials Science and Engineering,
Chao Hua Huang, Materials Science and
Engineering, McCormick
Hsien Cheng Huang, Materials Science and
Engineering, McCormick
Yajie Huang, Computer Science, McCormick
Yaoy Huang, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Yuanhui Huang, Computer Science, McCormick
Yudi Huang, Operations Management, Kellogg
Benjamin Aaron Hyatt, Engineering Sciences and
Applied Mathematics, McCormick
Romir Hysko, Computer Science, McCormick
Rishita Jain, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Jing Jiang, Computer Science, McCormick
Yuechi Jiang, Materials Science and Engineering,
Mengru Jin, Materials Science and Engineering,
Isaiah Long Ka Jones, Computer Science,
Rutuja Prakash Kajave, Computer Science,
Angie Lynn Kalwies, Genetic Counseling, Feinberg
Shuming Kang, Materials Science and Engineering,
Rebecca L. Keate, Biomedical Engineering,
Ian Patrick Kennedy, Mechanical Engineering,
Rachel Marie Keszycki, Clinical Psychology,
Aman Khalid, Computer Science, McCormick
Aadil Sayeed Khan, Mechanical Engineering,
Nikhil Khandelwal, Computer Science, McCormick
Aaron King, Physics, Weinberg
Ethan Attilio Kohrt, Computer Science, McCormick
Sri Gowri Komarraju, Mechanical Engineering,
Meenakshi Kommineni, Computer Science,
Sanjana Konamme, Computer Science, McCormick
Adam Christopher Ladd, Materials Science and
Engineering, McCormick
Zixin Lei, Computer Science, McCormick
Marysa Victoria Leya, Clinical Investigation,
Guanting Li, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Jiren Li, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Kangcheng Li, Computer Science, McCormick
Lantian Li, Statistics, Weinberg
Qing Li, Computer Science, McCormick
Qingyuan Li, Materials Science and Engineering,
Qiulin Li, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Shizheng Li, Biomedical Engineering, McCormick
Siyang Li, Materials Science and Engineering,
Wentao Li, Materials Science and Engineering,
Xiaoliang Li, Computer Science, McCormick
Yijian Li, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Hongfeng Liang, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Yi Liang, Materials Science and Engineering,
Andrew Y. Liao, Computer Science, McCormick
Qiuli Liu, Computer Science, McCormick
Tianyi Liu, Physics, Weinberg
Xiangguo Liu, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Zhangchi Liu, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Samuel Michael Lombardo, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Amy H. Louison, Plant Biology and Conservation,
Junyang Lu, Physics, Weinberg
Xinyue Lu, Materials Science and Engineering,
Yinsheng Lu, Materials Science and Engineering,
Yufan Lu, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Zhehao Lu, Mechanical Engineering, McCormick
Siting Ma, Computer Science, McCormick
Patrick James Madden, Clinical Investigation,
Manikanta Mandlem, Computer Engineering,
Veronica Mannillo, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Kevin Alexander McAfee, Computer Science,
David Kyle McCannon, Biostatistics, Feinberg
Madison Elizabeth McClellan, Computer Science,
Fanfei Meng, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Cheng-En Miao, Materials Science and Engineering,
Jordan Louis Miller, Materials Science and
Engineering, McCormick
Vamshi Krishna Muvvala, Biomedical Engineering,
Chuqiao Nan, Managerial Economics and Strategy,
James Scott Neely, Statistics, Weinberg
Wei Xuan Ng, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Daniel Oh, Mechanical Engineering, McCormick
Wangbo Pan, Materials Science and Engineering,
Xianhong Pang, Mechanical Engineering,
Meetu Patel, Computer Science, McCormick
Andrew Yang Pen, Computer Science, McCormick
Victor Felipe Perez, Biomedical Engineering,
Damani Julian Philip, Computer Science,
Carson Wade Phillips, Management and
Organizations and Sociology, Kellogg and
Katarina Popović, Mechanical Engineering,
Molly Longcore Pribble, Computer Science,
Patrick Seby Pynadath, Computer Science,
Yiheng Qian, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Alan Maulana Ramadhan, Materials Science and
Engineering, McCormick
Archana Ramasubramaniam, Computer Science,
Rebekah Reynolds, Chemistry, Weinberg
Natalie Rodriguez, Biostatistics, Feinberg
Shalini Roy, Computer Science, McCormick
Vaishnavi Sahutre, Mechanical Engineering,
Sai Sathvik Sanagavarapu, Computer Science,
Vaibhav Sancheti, Computer Science, McCormick
Vishwani Sati, Computer Science, McCormick
Katarina Savatic, Earth and Planetary Sciences,
Emily Abigail Schafer, Biomedical Engineering,
Liang Hua Shao, Computer Science, McCormick
Aditi Sharma, Biomedical Engineering, McCormick
Aniket Sharma, Mechanical Engineering,
Yuan Shen, Materials Science and Engineering,
Zhiyu Shen, Materials Science and Engineering,
Kuan Sheng, Materials Science and Engineering,
Shriya Vijay Shet, Computer Science, McCormick
Sangyoon Shim, Materials Science and Engineering,
Ritwik Kumar Singh, Computer Science,
Riya Rajeev Singh, Computer Science, McCormick
Trevor Spelman, Management and Organizations,
Charles Trent Stafford, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Sarena Jiang Su, Marketing, Kellogg
Gayathri Subramanian, Psychology, Weinberg
Ruoqi Tan, Engineering Sciences and Applied
Mathematics, McCormick
Kailai Tang, Computer Science, McCormick
Annalisa Tulle Taylor, Mechanical Engineering,
Yun Teng, Computer Science, McCormick
Komal Narendrakumar Thakkar, Computer Science,
Zhongming Tian, Electrical Engineering,
Peter Robert Traber, Managerial Economics and
Strategy, Kellogg
Jack Stewart Savage Trout, Computer Science,
Vinay Deepak Vernekar, Materials Science and
Engineering, McCormick
Aviral Vij, Clinical Investigation, Feinberg
Xi Wan, Materials Science and Engineering,
Hanming Wang, Computer Science, McCormick
Jin Wang, Materials Science and Engineering,
Manzhu Wang, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Ming Wang, Management and Organizations,
Sheng Wang, Materials Science and Engineering,
Yangzhou Wang, Computer Science, McCormick
YaNing Wang, Computer Science, McCormick
Yicong Wang, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Zidan Wang, Statistics, Weinberg
Ziming Wang, Materials Science and Engineering,
Ziyu Wang, Computer Science, McCormick
Zincy Wei, Managerial Economics and Strategy,
Margaret Grace Wickerson, Materials Science and
Engineering, McCormick
Harry David Wise, Mechanical Engineering,
Boheng Wu, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Jiajia Wu, Biomedical Engineering, McCormick
Po-Han Wu, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Shuqi Wu, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Xinyu Wu, Computer Science, McCormick
Yuyang Ian Wu, Computer Science, McCormick
Yihang Xiao, Engineering Sciences and Applied
Mathematics, McCormick
Xi Xiong, Computer Science, McCormick
Junhao Xu, Computer Science, McCormick
Yan Xu, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Yongxin Xu, Computer Science, McCormick
Alan Xue, Computer Science, McCormick
Wenyuan Yan, Materials Science and Engineering,
Xuantong Yan, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Chen-Yu Yang, Materials Science and Engineering,
Dong Yang, Computer Science, McCormick
Jiahui Yang, Materials Science and Engineering,
Jilin Yang, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Shih Hsien Yang, Mechanical Engineering,
Hui Ye, Computer Science, McCormick
Mocun Ye, Computer Science, McCormick
Zhiying Yi, Materials Science and Engineering,
Ruijie Yu, Computer Science, McCormick
Lingding Yue, Mechanical Engineering, McCormick
Suhail Zeineddin, Health Services and Outcomes
Research, Feinberg
Wei Zha, Physics, Weinberg
Aijun Zhang, Quantitative and Systems Biology,
Hao Zhang, Computer Science, McCormick
Jianfeng Zhang, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Jiaqi Zhang, Materials Science and Engineering,
Kexin Zhang, Materials Science and Engineering,
Pengxiang Zhang, Computer Science, McCormick
Wensong Zhang, Computer Science, McCormick
Yuelin Zhang, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Yunjia Zhang, Materials Science and Engineering,
Zhengqing Zhang, Mechanical Engineering,
Zhuoran Zhang, Materials Science and Engineering,
Guangyua Zhao, Clinical Investigation, Feinberg
Yifei Zhao, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Jiayong Zhu, Engineering Sciences and Applied
Mathematics, McCormick
Ruijie Zhu, Materials Science and Engineering,
Xudong Zhuang, Materials Science and Engineering,
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Ji Hae Ahn, Clinical Investigation, Feinberg
Fahad Thuwayb Alanazi, Physics, Weinberg
Alexandra Ioana Andreiu, Engineering Design
Innovation, McCormick
Elyse Azriel, Genetic Counseling, Feinberg
Autumn Elise Basinger, Engineering Design
Innovation, McCormick
Bryanna Benicia, Engineering Design Innovation,
Reed Clark Benkendorf, Plant Biology and
Conservation, Weinberg
Anish Bhardwaj, Computer Science, McCormick
Afreen Shernaz Yazad Bhumgara, Computer Science,
Manuel Blanco Valentin, Computer Engineering,
Lindsay Blair Lucchesi Bogar, Chemical and
Biological Engineering, McCormick
Megan Leigh Bruneau, Engineering Design
Innovation, McCormick
Huaxuan Chen, Computer Science, McCormick
Tingyun Chen, Engineering Design Innovation,
Ziyu Chen, Materials Science and Engineering,
Alexandra Marie Cindric, Mechanical Engineering,
William Homer Daniels, Computer Science,
Michael Matthew DArcy, Computer Science,
Jessica de la Paz, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Rohin Devanathan, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Bram Ryder Diamond, Clinical Psychology, Feinberg
Yuzhou Du, Engineering Design Innovation,
Joseph Auston Ferrarer, Engineering Design
Innovation, McCormick
Khoshick Ganesh, Mechanical Engineering,
Jacob Timothy Garbe, Mechanical Engineering,
Patrick George, Computer Science, McCormick
Nikhil Saurabh Godbole, Biomedical Engineering,
Jingxuan Gong, Biomedical Engineering,
Laura Guerrero, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Chloe Haderlie Saunders, Engineering Design
Innovation, McCormick
Andrea Karina Haidar, Clinical Psychology, Feinberg
Zhiqi Hao, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Ping He, Computer Science, McCormick
Kaidi Hu, Mechanical Engineering, McCormick
David William Jelke, Engineering Design
Innovation, McCormick
Kelly Xin Jiang, Computer Science, McCormick
Weiliang Jin, Engineering Design Innovation,
Divya Joshi, Biomedical Engineering, McCormick
Karly Kern, Genetic Counseling, Feinberg
Benjamin Mortimer Klapper, Biomedical
Engineering, McCormick
Alexander Tran Lai, Biomedical Engineering,
Sophia Elizabeth Levin, Mechanical Engineering,
Broderick Lewis, Materials Science and Engineering,
Rongchen Li, Materials Science and Engineering,
Yuwei Li, Materials Science and Engineering,
Chenxi Liu, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Xingxin Liu, Physics, Weinberg
Yiran Lu, Materials Science and Engineering,
Youhua Lu, Engineering Design Innovation,
Michael James Luvin, Computer Science,
Liqian Ma, Computer Science, McCormick
Catherine Mae Mastin, Computer Science,
Dilara Meli, Materials Science and Engineering,
Jackson Sam Michaels, Computer Science,
Clark Elian Mitchell, Engineering Design
Innovation, McCormick
Joaquin Moeller Luzio, Engineering Design
Innovation, McCormick
Natalie June Mogul, Computer Science, McCormick
Olivia Grace Murrell, Plant Biology and
Conservation, Weinberg
Haroon Nawaz, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Kevin Tomy Nella, Mechanical Engineering,
Maximilian Edouard Nijkerk, Computer Science,
Julia Marie Odden, Computer Science, McCormick
Aseem Chintaman Patil, Computer Science,
Nancy M. Quiroz, Marriage and Family Therapy,
Family Institute
Amritanshu Kumar Ray, Computer Science,
Jake Andrew Rogers, Computer Science, McCormick
Liam Keli Rolle, Engineering Design Innovation,
Casey Ryann Scherer, Genetic Counseling, Feinberg
Casey Marie Silver, Health Services and Outcomes
Research, Feinberg
Preeti Subbiah, Computer Science, McCormick
Yuxin Sun, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Annie Rachel Thomas, Engineering Design
Innovation, McCormick
Brenda Mei Wang, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Jenny Wenyang Wang, Chemistry, Weinberg
Joshua Wang, Mechanical Engineering, McCormick
Xuerong Wang, Engineering Design Innovation,
Yufei Wang, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Chloe Warlick, Clinical Psychology, Feinberg
Yijing Wei, Computer Science, McCormick
Austin Wen, Neurobiology, Weinberg
Yijing Wu, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Yi Xu, Computer Science, McCormick
Jialu Yang, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Muyi Yang, Computer Science, McCormick
Rui Yang, Computer Science, McCormick
Megan Ru Yaur, Computer Science, McCormick
Stephanie Ru Yaur, Computer Science, McCormick
Zhijing Zeng, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Yiran Zhang, Computer Science, McCormick
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Randa Elie Abboud, Reproductive Science and
Medicine, Feinberg
Akshara Acharya, Biomedical Engineering,
Adetoye Henry Adekoya, Materials Science and
Engineering, McCormick
Shalom Ayooluwa Alarape, Computer Science,
Eduardo Alejandro, Physics, Weinberg
Victor Aliende Da Matta, Managerial Economics
and Strategy, Kellogg
Abdallah Taisir Al Khawaldh, Mechanical
Engineering, McCormick
Evan Allan, Computer Science, McCormick
Tristen Joshua Allgaier, Computer Science,
Amani Al Rumaih, Materials Science and
Engineering, McCormick
Maytham Abdulillah J. Alzayer, Chemical and
Biological Engineering, McCormick
Ahmad Hussain Alzubail, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Vedant Vinay Apte, Computer Science, McCormick
Davit Avagyan, Engineering Sciences and Applied
Mathematics, McCormick
Juyang Bai, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Katrina Ambler Baniak, Computer Science,
Alex Berkley, Marriage and Family Therapy, Family
Grace Catherine Bindley, Marriage and Family
Therapy, Family Institute
Maria Piombo Blanchard, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Kayla Louise Blas, Mechanical Engineering,
Herminio Bodon, Technology and Social Behavior,
Cameron Keever Brown, Computer Engineering,
Joanna Teresa Buchheit, Health Services and
Outcomes Research, Feinberg
Constantin Gomez Bushofsky, Chemical and
Biological Engineering, McCormick
Peter Vasilios Caruso, Biomedical Engineering,
Juan Camilo Chafloque Mesia, Computer Science,
Dana Michelle Co Chan, Psychology, Weinberg
Jack Chang Jr., Clinical Investigation, Feinberg
Max Chang, Marriage and Family Therapy, Family
Yuan-chen Chang, Biomedical Engineering,
Alex Chao, Computer Science, McCormick
Michael Chaplygin, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Alexander Allen Chen, Computer Science,
Danni Chen, Biostatistics, Feinberg
Mian Chen, Biomedical Engineering, McCormick
Mingjia Chen, Marriage and Family Therapy, Family
Oliver Yenjyh Chen, Electrical Engineering,
Ting-Chu Chen, Computer Science, McCormick
Xiaowei Chen, Computer Science, McCormick
Yanting Chen, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Alan Cheng, Mechanical Engineering, McCormick
Cynthia Xueyu Cheng, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
David Cheung, Computer Science, McCormick
Yu Xuan Chin, Biomedical Engineering, McCormick
Tae-Ung Choi, Management and Organizations,
Avinash Pei-Heng Chung, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Chase F. Correia, Mechanical Engineering,
Evan Costa, Computer Science, McCormick
Ian Matlin Cramer, Computer Science, McCormick
Yuan Cui, Computer Science, McCormick
Caitlin Melissa Cutler, Clinical Investigation,
Guilherme de Almeida Neri, Managerial Economics
and Strategy, Kellogg
Victoria Delira, Plant Biology and Conservation,
Walker Mark Demel, Computer Science,
Brielle Elise DeSimone, Marriage and Family
Therapy, Family Institute
Pooja Raj Devrukhkar, Reproductive Science and
Medicine, Feinberg
Anuj Ranjeet Dhavan, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Katrina Dobinda, Biostatistics, Feinberg
Madison Bella Dodds, Genetic Counseling, Feinberg
Songlin Duan, Mechanical Engineering, McCormick
Griffin Aron Dube, Computer Science, McCormick
Christian Benjamin Duffee, Electrical Engineering,
Natalie Ries Dulin, Marriage and Family Therapy,
Family Institute
Chase Alexander Duvall, Computer Science,
Mark Blackwell Dyer, Marketing, Kellogg
Zakaria El Amrani El Idrissi, Managerial Economics
and Strategy, Kellogg
Hannah Judith Elkus, Healthcare Quality and
Patient Safety, Feinberg
Fortune Favour Emmanuel-King, Electrical
Engineering, McCormick
Grant Austen Engberson, Biomedical Engineering,
Robin Clemente Erdakos, Mechanical Engineering,
Satya Bharath Evvala, Biomedical Engineering,
Emma Elizabeth Farran, Marriage and Family
Therapy, Family Institute
Feng Fei, Reproductive Science and Medicine,
Joshua Feist, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Filippo Ferraresi, Materials Science and Engineering,
Isabelle Fiona Fox, Reproductive Science and
Medicine, Feinberg
Sarah Friedman, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Jeanne Marie Frisby-Zedan, Clinical Investigation,
Amanda Rose Galarza, Marriage and Family
Therapy, Family Institute
Molly Margaret Gallahue, Statistics, Weinberg
Kapil Arun Garg, Technology and Social Behavior,
Abigail Marie Gauen, Biostatistics, Feinberg
Wanqian Ge, Computer Science, McCormick
Michael John Giordano, Managerial Economics and
Strategy, Kellogg
Anthony Joseph Goeckner, Computer Engineering,
Catherine Goggin, Marriage and Family Therapy,
Family Institute
Kimberly Brooke Golisch, Health Services and
Outcomes Research, Feinberg
Nouran Alaa Gouda, Genetic Counseling, Feinberg
Madison Ellen Speed Granier, Genetic Counseling,
Kristen Anne Greene, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Gaganjot Kaur Grewal, Genetic Counseling,
Sara Grossman, Marriage and Family Therapy,
Family Institute
Nicolas Martin Guerra, Engineering Sciences and
Applied Mathematics, McCormick
Tatiana Maria Guider, Plant Biology and
Conservation, Weinberg
Anxin Guo, Computer Science, McCormick
Xinyi Guo, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Trung The Ha, Materials Science and Engineering,
Menaka Vagesh Hampole, Finance, Kellogg
Yimin Han, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Vanessa Renee Harper, Marriage and Family
Therapy, Family Institute
Jeffrey Jun He, Mechanical Engineering, McCormick
Kindall Elizabeth Healy, Marriage and Family
Therapy, Family Institute
Kimberly Jiyun Hemmerling, Biomedical
Engineering, McCormick
Nia Mkela Henderson, Marriage and Family
Therapy, Family Institute
Kaylee Renae Henry, Biomedical Engineering,
Cassie Christina Herring, Marriage and Family
Therapy, Family Institute
Terence Myron Highsmith II, Managerial Economics
and Strategy, Kellogg
Minato Hiraoka, Engineering Sciences and Applied
Mathematics, McCormick
Jessie W. Ho, Clinical Investigation, Feinberg
Kinsey Pak Yin Ho, Computer Science, McCormick
Laura Hoffman, Marriage and Family Therapy,
Family Institute
Donna Hooshmand, Computer Science, McCormick
Huiwen Hu, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Wenyi Hu, Biostatistics, Feinberg
Andrew Jinlin Huang, Computer Science,
Hannah I-en Huang, Mechanical Engineering,
Jichen Huang, Computer Science, McCormick
Cassandra Bryn Huerta, Reproductive Science and
Medicine, Feinberg
Kyle Seung Hwang, Computer Science, McCormick
Sydney Michele Hyder, Healthcare Quality and
Patient Safety, Feinberg
Rasha S. Jabri, Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety,
Jenna Lynn Jacoby, Reproductive Science and
Medicine, Feinberg
Jeevan Jain-Cocks, Marriage and Family Therapy,
Family Institute
Lauren Mary Janczewski, Health Services and
Outcomes Research, Feinberg
Zhisui Jessie Jia, Marketing, Kellogg
Jerry Jiang, Computer Science, McCormick
Mingxue Jiang, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Yankai Jiang, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Richard Chul Jo, Computer Science, McCormick
Emily Kabeshita, Marriage and Family Therapy,
Family Institute
Nikhil Sunil Kalghatgi, Computer Science,
Yiduo Ke, Computer Science, McCormick
Azim Adeyemi Adeyinka Kelani, Computer Science,
Zaina Khatoon, Genetic Counseling, Feinberg
Myung Chul Kim, Computer Science, McCormick
Daniel Carlini King, Statistics, Weinberg
Drew LaVerne Klemann, Reproductive Science and
Medicine, Feinberg
Rucha Niteen Kulkarni, Biomedical Engineering,
Divy Kumar, Computer Science, McCormick
Daniel Labow, Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety,
Shuting Lai, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Cathay Li Lancaster, Marriage and Family Therapy,
Family Institute
Anastasia Lantsova, Biomedical Engineering,
Jacqueline Lee, Marriage and Family Therapy,
Family Institute
Jamie Lee, Computer Science, McCormick
Jeff Jung Woo Lee, Computer Science, McCormick
Yuna Lee, Reproductive Science and Medicine,
Jane Elaine Abrams Leff, Mechanical Engineering,
Katherine S. Lev, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Joshua Nathan Levitas, Computer Science,
Matthew Walter Ching Ley, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Fojian Li, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Jiaxiang Li, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Jingwei Li, Computer Science, McCormick
Jun Li, Computer Science, McCormick
Rui Li, Mechanical Engineering, McCormick
Xiaowen Li, Biostatistics, Feinberg
Xinliang Li, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Yu Sharon Li, Marriage and Family Therapy, Family
Zhaojie Li, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Junsen Liao, Computer Science, McCormick
Khantey Lim, Chemical and Biological Engineering,
Benjamin Keith Liu, Computer Science, McCormick
Chang Liu, Astronomy, Weinberg
Peizhi Liu, Computer Science, McCormick
Yiming Liu, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Yingzhe Liu, Biostatistics, Feinberg
Yuxi Liu, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Charles Dufrene Logan, Health Services and
Outcomes Research, Feinberg
Katya Jacqueline Macias, Reproductive Science and
Medicine, Feinberg
Keigo Makino, Managerial Economics and Strategy,
Ria Marathe, Reproductive Science and Medicine,
Christopher Marquez, Mechanical Engineering,
Julia Ann Martorana, Healthcare Quality and Patient
Safety, Feinberg
Saafia Nooreen Masoom, Reproductive Science and
Medicine, Feinberg
Kellie Crosby Masters, Marriage and Family
Therapy, Family Institute
Mackenzie Juliet Mattone, Mechanical Engineering,
Di Mei, Computer Science, McCormick
Michael B. Menaker, Electrical Engineering,
Anna Metlushko, Biomedical Engineering,
Brigid Grace Miller, Marriage and Family Therapy,
Family Institute
Jessica D. Miller, Reproductive Science and
Medicine, Feinberg
Nivedita Mohanty, Healthcare Quality and Patient
Safety, Feinberg
Nisha Anjali Mohindra, Health Services and
Outcomes Research, Feinberg
Jasper Lin Montgomery, Chemistry, Weinberg
Fareaba Moradiahani, Marriage and Family Therapy,
Family Institute
Kathryn Anne Myers, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Ruben Joseph Mylvaganam, Clinical Investigation,
Razan Naffakh, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Thara Nallamothu, Biomedical Engineering,
Paige Violet Naples, Reproductive Science and
Medicine, Feinberg
Ishaan Kumar Narain, Computer Science,
Abigail Royale Neufarth, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Amanda Nili, Clinical Psychology, Feinberg
Sharon Obiefuna, Computer Engineering,
Mark Thomas Ogarek, Biomedical Engineering,
James J. Paparello, Healthcare Quality and Patient
Safety, Feinberg
Si Woo Park, Computer Science, McCormick
John James Fiske Parker, Health Services and
Outcomes Research, Feinberg
David Hales Parkinson, Biostatistics, Feinberg
Adam Harrison Pelberg, Mechanical Engineering,
Iza Natasha Pelka, Electrical Engineering,
Lenora Juanita Perkins, Marriage and Family
Therapy, Family Institute
Daniel Seiran Petikian, Computer Science,
Chiagozie Ifeoma Pickens, Clinical Investigation,
Jami Cheyenne Pinter, Engineering Sciences and
Applied Mathematics, McCormick
Arman Hemrajani Popli, Computer Science,
Olivia O’Shaughnessy Printy, Reproductive Science
and Medicine, Feinberg
Uzair Muhammad Qadir, Computer Science,
Chenxing Qian, Quantitative and Systems Biology,
Ziyu Qiu, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Haotian Quan, Engineering Sciences and Applied
Mathematics, McCormick
Igor Vladimirovich Rafalovich, Interdepartmental
Neuroscience, Communication, Feinberg,
McCormick, and Weinberg
Neha Rajendran, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Audrey Nicole Raut, Clinical Investigation, Feinberg
Raghul Ravi, Computer Science, McCormick
Nicholas Anthony Remke, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Zhouyang Ren, Chemistry, Weinberg
Alex Reneau, Computer Science, McCormick
Carissa Marie Ritner, Clinical Investigation,
Neha Rizvi, Genetic Counseling, Feinberg
Santiago Roches, Computer Science, McCormick
Sophia Marie Rollins, Computer Science,
Gillian Emily Rubenstein, Reproductive Science and
Medicine, Feinberg
Sidharth Subodh Runwal, Computer Science,
Edwin Yesid Saavedra Cifuentes, Civil and
Environmental Engineering, McCormick
Abir Saha, Technology and Social Behavior,
Afiya Sajwani, Clinical Psychology, Feinberg
Roberto Carlos Salas Damian, Computer Science,
Daniela Sancho, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Kazuaki Sano, Managerial Economics and Strategy,
Christoph Dominick Sauter, Computer Science,
Matthew Guy Schilling, Computer Science,
Julia Sheridan Schmulewitz, Biomedical
Engineering, McCormick
Jack Robert Schooley, Plant Biology and
Conservation, Weinberg
Madelyn Marija Seibel, Mechanical Engineering,
Neil Manish Shah, Genetic Counseling, Feinberg
Conor Edward Shanley, Mechanical Engineering,
Noah Jason Yian Lin Copon Shen, Computer
Science, McCormick
Yihan Shi, Biostatistics, Feinberg
Yuhan Shi, Computer Science, McCormick
Jennifer Shin, Genetic Counseling, Feinberg
Anum Siddiqui, Genetic Counseling, Feinberg
Emma Siegal, Marriage and Family Therapy, Family
Rochit Sinha, Chemical and Biological Engineering,
Callahan Morgan Skiles, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Dana Ann Small, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Slobodanka Smilkova, Computer Engineering,
Charesa Jeana Smith, Health Services and
Outcomes Research, Feinberg
Tahlia Irene Smith, Reproductive Science and
Medicine, Feinberg
Jack Edward Snodgrass, Biomedical Engineering,
Christopher Holden Sollenberger, Biomedical
Engineering, McCormick
Poom Sombutboon, Computer Science,
Petros Stamoulis, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Nikola Stanic, Biomedical Engineering, McCormick
Xinyi Su, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Nihaal Subhash, Computer Science, McCormick
Emani Jalia Sullivan, Marriage and Family Therapy,
Family Institute
Xiaowen Sun, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Priyanka Mihir Suryavanshi, Reproductive Science
and Medicine, Feinberg
Imra S. Tajuddin, Chemistry, Weinberg
Kelly Hoikwan Tam, Chemistry, Weinberg
Gefei Tan, Computer Science, McCormick
Li Kang Tan, Computer Science, McCormick
Vanessa Carolina Tercero, Marriage and Family
Therapy, Family Institute
Shelby Joy Tillema, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Alexandra Kathleen Touloupas, Plant Biology and
Conservation, Weinberg
Stephanie Tsang, Genetic Counseling, Feinberg
Kiriako Dimitri Tsoukalas, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Yamini Ulaganathan, Computer Science,
Mara Ulloa, Computer Science, McCormick
Deniz Ulusel, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Christopher Robert Uustal, Electrical Engineering,
Imeña Raïssa Valdes, Plant Biology and
Conservation, Weinberg
Catherine Sara Valukas, Health Services and
Outcomes Research, Feinberg
Lucius Gabriel Veiga, Chemistry, Weinberg
Karthik Ajay Vempati, Computer Science,
Sindhoora Venkatesha, Mechanical Engineering,
Vanessa Prerna Venner, Genetic Counseling,
Michael Ryan Reyes Visenio, Health Services and
Outcomes Research, Feinberg
Matthew Michael vonAllmen, Computer Science,
Amy Carrie Wagner, Chemical and Biological
Engineering, McCormick
Nathan Scott Walleser, Healthcare Quality and
Patient Safety, Feinberg
Bill Wang, Computer Science, McCormick
Corey Julian Wang, Computer Science, McCormick
Guandi Wang, Computer Science, McCormick
Kangyu Wang, Engineering Sciences and Applied
Mathematics, McCormick
Kewei Wang, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Ning Wang, Computer Science, McCormick
Sheng Wang, Biomedical Engineering, McCormick
Tiger Suhao Wang, Chemistry, Weinberg
Xinyi Wang, Mechanical Engineering, McCormick
Yunfei Wang, Biostatistics, Feinberg
Derex Cai Wangmang, Computer Science,
Samantha Caroline Warwar, Health Services and
Outcomes Research, Feinberg
Daniel Aaron Weiss, Engineering Sciences and
Applied Mathematics, McCormick
Chenkai Weng, Computer Science, McCormick
William James Whisler, Genetic Counseling,
Kylie Wong, Marriage and Family Therapy, Family
Audrianna Jane Wu, Chemistry, Weinberg
John Wu, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Shuang Wu, Biomedical Engineering, McCormick
Weili Wu, Computer Science, McCormick
Yujia Xie, Computer Science, McCormick
Maximos Lee Xu, Computer Science, McCormick
Ruiqi Xu, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Abel Yagubyan, Computer Science, McCormick
Huili Yang, Biomedical Engineering, McCormick
Katharine A. Yao, Healthcare Quality and Patient
Safety, Feinberg
Yacob Essam Yousef, Biomedical Engineering,
Ben Yu, Materials Science and Engineering,
Fan Yu, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Hugh-Jay Yu, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Xiaowei Yuan, Computer Engineering, McCormick
Innocent Sabbas Yusufu, Health Services and
Outcomes Research, Feinberg
Shani Zelenko, Reproductive Science and Medicine,
Aojie Zhang, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Hanchen Zhang, Engineering Sciences and Applied
Mathematics, McCormick
Jiaxuan Zhang, Marriage and Family Therapy,
Family Institute
Johnathan Zhang, Plant Biology and Conservation,
Kewen Zhang, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Quan Zhang, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Yehui Zhang, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Mingyue Zhao, Biomedical Engineering,
Chaoyi Zheng, Biostatistics, Feinberg
Kaiyue Zhou, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, McCormick
Nuoxing Zhou, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Peter Zhou, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Rundi Zhou, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
Yuhan Zhou, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Alexandra Chen Zink, Plant Biology and
Conservation, Weinberg
Jay S. Zou, Electrical Engineering, McCormick
E. Patrick Johnson, PhD, Dean
Doctor of Audiology
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Alexis Berko
Christian Bourdon
Riley Frances Corcoran
EmilyAnn Duey
Victoria Chase Frank
Jill Sylvia Greenberg
Lauren Elizabeth Longhenry
Miranda Elise McDonnell
Sarah Christine Monroe
Lily Sierra Novak
Jessica Lynn Ramos
Brandon James Roppel
Erin Frances Schilmoeller
Aleksandra Tiy
Doctor of Speech-Language Pathology
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Joseph Ashenden
Jessica Melissa Barron
Shawneen Buckley
Claire Butler
Katie Coster
Louise Marie Cunningham
Kate Ashley Curcio
Katherine L. Douglas
Danielle M. Hayward-Sneider
Elizabeth L. Holmes
Madeline Joan Janney
Sophia Kanenwisher
Lainie Ryan Long
Jenan Muhieddine Maaz
Alessandra Rose Marshall
Lisa Beth Mitchell
Amy Elizabeth Odom
Paula V. Pineda
Kaitlin Vitucci
Alexandria Regina Watson
Elizabeth Ashlee Witter
May Wu
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Erin Regis Bailey
Tricia D. Ross
Master of Arts in Nonclinical
Communication Sciences
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Hope Conyers
Michelle Janice Murashev
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Xinyi Fan
Master of Arts in Sound Arts
and Industries
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Jenna Bauch
Kelvin Boddie
Dominic Berlage Bonelli
Sharlene Burgos
LingZi Lunar Chen
Jabari Clemons
C. A. Davis
Felicia Dominguez
Jeanette Dominguez
Nate Andrea Estela Borja
Kathryn Sohee In
Claire Marie Krupela
Joanna Brooke Lampert
Nicholas Adriel Limas
Libby Lussenhop
Bennett Pack
Elliot Secrist
Lilith Sleater
Jacob C. Stucki III
Evan James ompson
Sylver Wallace
Zhaoyue Xiang
Runxin Yao
Master of Science in
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Hiba Al Masoud
Chris Bang
Stacy Celia Bohrer
Emma Kate Broz
Hillary Nichole Bullock
Keziah Darrylyn Calmese
Wanyi Chen
Colleen M. Cruse-Marchant
Johanna Ann Dickson
McKenzie Douglass
Caitlin Dunlap
Dennis Patrick Duquette
Jerome Harrison Faulkner Jr.
Chantal Jewel Garcia
Hannah Rebecca Haley
Caleb Henry
Nathaniel Gregory Holmes
Xiaotong Hou
Peixin Hua
Elyse Eleanor Hudson
Krishna Iyer
Nayeon Kim
Page Louise Koerner
Qian Li
Xintong Li
Qingying Liu
Zhonghao Lu
Stefanie Nicole Ludahl
Jiayi Luo
Marta Magnuszewska
Brian Paul Midki
Siqi Min
Bridget Elizabeth Murdoch
Karen Lynn Osher
Brooks Chambers Padgett
Mark Peterson
Alison Lonesome Rodriguez
Donita LaShun Russell
Anna Catherine Smith
Spencer Steevensz
Madeleine C. Stengel
Emily Stone
Xihan Sun
Zui Tao
Zeyu Tian
Kristin Paige Tobias
Anthony T. Walker
Zehui Wang
Patrick Neville White
Xiumeixuan Wu
Zijun Xie
Xintian Xu
Kairui Yang
Szu-Wei Charlene Yang
Yanqiu Yang
Zhaoying Ye
Dian Zhang
Yiying Zhang
Yuning Zhang
Guowei Zhao
Jing Zhou
Liuyi Zhou
Weijia Zhou
Tianyu Zhu
Gracie Reyes
Brooke Alessandra Romansky
Lauryn Satterwhite
Ella Rose Silverman
Katelyn Pamela Smith
Ruby Allan Smith
Nopmanee Suvapatrachai
Jiajie Tan
Alison Kathleen Tatum
Natalie Rose Teichman
John Austin Terris
Claudia Ysabel Torres
Xavier Vilar-Brasser
Qian Ashley Wang
Tianyi Wang
Peri Chantelle Warren
Paulina Wersocki
Qingyuan Wu
Xuankun Zhang
Tianyi Zhao
Chen Zhou
Yiwen Zhu
Ziyu Zhu
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Audrey K. Emerson
Henry James Flesch
Zhiyu Mao
Leo Zhang Jin McGuinness
Muskan Sood
Rachel Michelle Yi
Candidate for degree, June 16, 2023
Kathryn A. Homan
Master of Science in Speech,
Language, and Learning
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Nicolette Amie Harris
Elizabeth Marie Stenger
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Raghad Abdullah Albadah
Norah Alotaibi
Danielle Josephine Marie Anderson
Lauren Marquie Anthony
Marguerite F. Bambic
Megan Elizabeth Lauren Baumann
Hanna Taylor Benedek
Ellen Marie Carpenter
Maggie Carroll
Dominique Victoria Cetale
Marli Chavkin
Hannah Marie Dietz
Hailey Auriana Eidse
Hannah Sally Epstein
Marissa Elia Esparza
Laura Evans
Shivani Gajre
Stefan Gavrilovski
Natalie Rose Goldman
Katie Michelle Goldstein
Sabina Hajdarovic
Graham Whittemore Henderson
Charlotte Grace Herbolsheimer
Leah Janes
Lauryn Rose Johnson
Royen Fredrick Kent
Janice Kim
Anna Lane
Rachel Sylvia Levy
Grace Ann Malone
Grace Elizabeth Mooradian
William Henry Morris
Caroline May Morrow
Judy Nie Yu Ying
Emerald Nimitz
Ivanka M. Northrop
Stacey Paige Partain
Elizabeth Anne Reeves
Nicole Richmond
Gwynna Rose Ryan
Azra Sabovic
Kinga Sara Salabaj
Julie Ann Saladino
Emily Victoria Schladt
Samantha Christine Schultz
Tess Shinbaum
Hailey Blair Shuman
Alexandra Smyth
Shannon Steel
Carolyn Marie Stevens
William Reed Sturtevant
Alison Suh
Cara Ann Tresnowski
Paige Marie Valente
Francesca Linda Varias
Diana Barbara Vazquez
Christina Asia Velazquez
Megan Elise Whitwam
Brianna Marie Wolski
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Isabel Rose Soble
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Shaun DeWayne Dudley
Master of Science in
Health Communication
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Mussirah Totah Abdelkader
Chloe Adamo
Natalie Barbich
Xiaoqi Chen
Emma Clawson
Helen Donnelly
Veronica M. Dunlay
Haleigh Ehmsen
Georgia Haseltine Evans
Maria Gerges-Rodriguez
Katherine Jeanne Kemmer
Jocelyn Mantakul
eresa Claire G. Millare
Cynthia Padilla
Jasmine Pickett
Rafael Salazar
Ann Sedgwick
Emily Selbe
Phillip Sierra
Heidi Svejda
Nataliya Taneva
Kristin Claire Voltarel
Megan Wang
Linda White
Hoi Ying Yuen
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Caroline Graciano Vianna
Master of Science in
Leadership for
Creative Enterprises
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Oluwatobiloba Akanbi
Carmella Denise Baldwin
Kaial Boyd
Melissa Lynn Bruckman
Cameron Burrill
Anna Louise Champion
Creighton Dorfman
Aletta du Toit
Kelly Elizabeth Figley
Alyssa Fine
Qi Fu
Khushi Goenka
Tyler Green
John Caleb Grewell
Simone Folasayo Ige
Hanyu Jiang
Mingxuan Olive Ju
Brianna Marian Kaleel
Kellan Kryak
Jiayun Li
Zhirong Ashley Li
Emily Long
Jonathan Victor Mayo
Marliza Mendez
Regina Osuna Martinez
Isabella Marie Panko
Emily-Nicole Pease
Zhaoqing Peng
Master of Science
in Higher Education
Administration and Policy
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Lissette N. Amón
Marcela Callapina
Samantha Rose Fleischner
Kassey Franco
Gabrielle Nicole Fuller
Claire Girardeau
Rocio Mendez-Rozo
Michael Okun-Perlin
Sarah Rosemary Razafsha
Michael Vorwald
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Woo Ju Kim
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Katherine Castillo-Valentin
Amanda N. Peterson
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Naomi Elyse Anderson
Lourdes Carteño Yanez
Christopher James Cvikota
Maurita Marcell Gholston
Richard Paul Klavon III
Vanessa Christine Magallanes
Jesus Gabriel Magaña
Megan Elizabeth McLaughlin
Charlene Pineda
Amolia Marie Schneider
Ian James Secviar
Ezra Dennis Sergent-Leventhal
Caitlin Diane Stockley
Stephanie Lipscomb Teterycz
Kiley Elizabeth Tomes
Maria M. Wozniak
Master of Science in Learning
and Organizational Change
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Jill R. Fenstermaker
Lauren Elizabeth Frank
Julia Salgado
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Patricia Chandon
Jessica Elyse Corbett
Ashley Eddleman
Heather Lane Gallenbeck
Amanda Rae Nero
Laura E. Panozzo
Elizabeth G. Phillips
Stephanie Sabath
Sarah Wiley
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Catherine S. Ashenhurst
Olivia Gray Bilyk
Laura Marie Cardimen
Jenny Corbett
Ailiana K. Denis
Abigail Dickey
Emma Forman
Margaret Caldwell Harrison
Katherine Friedlander Janco
Madeline Marie Jungbauer
Stephanie Michelle Klotter
Joel Aaron Lopez
Bob Moore
Kara Kathleen Pederson
Alma Lucia Quiroga
Prentiss Koldyke Smith
Allison Rosalie Sonneborn
Kasey Tedford
Chia-Li Jennifer Yang
Jaclyn Zalesky
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Kaitlin Ann Dages
Sarah Elizabeth Feely
Jennifer Lisa Mok
Zalman Naftoli Skaist
Master of Science in Social
and Economic Policy
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Zhongqi Bai
Shuhui Chen
Siyu Chen
Haotian Du
Carlotta Esposito
Zhuo Gao
Xia Hu
Qianhui Huan
Jia Huang
Xuanlin Huang
Yi Huang
Yijun Huang
Yuelin Ju
Boyu Li
Gefei Li
Qianyao Li
Yixuan Li
Weiran Lin
Shuhang Liu
Siyu Liu
Tianzong Lu
Chunyu Peng
Kin Ming Pun
Shaoyu Song
Yiqi Sun
Mengyu Wang
Wenxuan Wang
Qiong Wu
Yuheng Wu
Jiayi Xie
Canxu Zheng
Jiqian Zhong
Mingjun Zhu
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Zhuomin Chen
Aina Dai
Yunfan Ding
Meici Huang
Ruihan Liu
Suyash Mohan
Meng Ning
Xinyue Ouyang
Jinqing Xu
Ke Xu
Julio M. Ottino, PhD, Dean
Master of Engineering
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Sonali Kudipady Mohandas
Julieth Mariela Moreno
Raghu Veer
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Abdullah Saleh A. Alsean
Kernel Demak Azarya
Divya Sameer Birnale
Addvesh Vikram Bisen
Chaitanya Bhimsen Davani
Praveen Gnanaselvam
Suraj Holehonnur Subramanya
Feng Huang
Nagarjuna Jaladi
Krupal Jayant Jawanjal
Koti Reddy Karna
Aamir Khan
Chinmay Khot
Viharika Koul
Apurv Vivek Kulkarni
Neha Maheshwari
Karishma Mahendra Mandal
Aparajita Mishra
Saumya Mishra
Jay Mahesh Pandya
Vishal Mitesh Parikh
Sayli Sanjay Pujari
Ashmita Rathindra Kumar
Aidana Serikova
Kajal Singh
Yash Raj Singh
Satu Trivedi
Roberto Valdes Sanchez Navarro
Sai Naga Vamsi Vanga
Yash Wardhan
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Matthew Gregory Anderson
Stefano Barbieri
Xingchen Liu
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Danielle Celeste Barillas
Matthew J. Bruns
Prarena Chailaivanichkul
Brandon Eric Fortman
Mayuri Gajera
Nigel Francis Gomes
Vidita Hasija
Patrick Michael Hopkins
Reza Cahya Kumara
Usman Raq
Namita Sunil Tanksali
Elliott Jamieson Woodward
Abha Yadav
Master of Product Design and
Development Management
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Shubham Ajitkumar Pahade
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Rami Abdelhadi
Carlos Galo Barros
Christie Bok
Jordyn Sinclair Brown
Anna Terese Cavalieri
Kerry Chang
Dan P. McAdams, PhD,
Interim Dean
Master of Science in
Education and Social Policy
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Laura Keys Buttitta
Ka Chase
Bethany DaRin
Caroline Wynne Foster
Saranda Karpuzi
Renee Willette Klopfenstein
Priyana Kumar
Jett Meredith Levin
Andrea Muñoz
Georey L. Williams
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Shelbi Briann Domjen
Xiaoyu Yin
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Katherine Mary Berlin
Melissa Ellen Dunham
Brittney Danielle ompson
ShuQi Wang
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Brooke Ammerman
Michael Edward Berger
Asima Zafar Bhatty
Brandon Rafael Cardenas
William E. Crimmins
Catherine Porter Suzan Durudogan
Peter Stewart Elkind
Adam Michael Flam
Kayla Morgan Downey Goldenberg
Hanne Sofie Eikaas Gutvik
Carter Maxwell Jay
Katherine Anne Laughlin
Arianna Lawson-Wheatland
Jakob Arjuna Lemke
Xiangyi Liu
Brian Thomas Lynch
Gabriella Muñoz
Syed K. M. Quadri
Benjamin Reingold
Pilar Ricke Zegers
Claire Elise Sampson
Ryan Schmittou
Jane Schumacher
Benjamin J. Segal
Mehek Sethi
Dhruvi Sanjay Soni
Tammy Wen
Jian Yang
Shuihan Yi
Jinkui Zhang
Mingtian Zhang
Jiaming Zhou
Ayla Ann Commet
Alexander Alberto Cruz Pineda
Breanna Dumbacher
Michael David Flores
Shannon Rae Flynn
Barkha Gogoi
Zachary Keith Gooding
Cheng-Hao Hsieh
Shabu Mathew Jacob
Manu Siddharth Jha
Christopher Isaac Curtis Jones
Chaanne Jonker
Alexandra Grace Julian Romano
Sidhant Khadanga
Samuel Kim
Yara Abdulaziz Merei
Beata Agnieszka Miljanovic
Hasan Priyo
Jonathon Reisen
Kenneth Anthony Riggott
Abigail Sanchez
Gabriella Scott
Aastha Singh
Pariphat Sinma
Samantha Erin Soloway
Poojitha adakaluri
Master of Science in Analytics
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Alisher Akhatov
Haoyang Cai
Qianyin Cao
Bairui Chen
Narin Pratap Singh Dhatwalia
Yuxi Ding
Xiaoyun Gong
Yikai Hao
Richard John Hathaway
Minzhou Huang
Junchen Jin
Timothy Wei Lee
Xiuyuan Lei
Mingze Li
Siguo Li
Boya Lin
Jia Hao Lo
Kunhang Luo
Junhai Ma
Yuchen Shao
Madeline R. Smith
Jason Andrew Summer
Benjamin William Walsh
Mengchen Wang
Ting Wang
Ziyue Wang
Ruofei Wu
Yuyan Wu
Ziru Xu
Chenxin Yang
Siru Ye
Tengji Zhang
Yaxin Zhang
Ruidi Zhao
Ruyang Zhao
Margaret Zhou
Qingyang Zhou
Shenglang Zhou
Yihan Zhou
Ming Zhu
Shuli Zhu
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Yuqiao Guo
Master of Science in
Artificial Intelligence
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Harkirat Singh Gill
Qingwei Lan
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Kaleem Sohail Ahmed
Donald Baracskay
Keshav Bhandari
Clarissa Hui Ying Cheam
Ana Maria Cheyre Edwards
Devyani Gauri
Sai Srikanth Gorthy
Kavya Jaganathan
Vikram Krishna Kharvi
Akshay Kumar
Shreyas Jayendra Lele
Tianchang Li
Xingbang Liu
Liqian Ma
Bodhisatta Maiti
Dimitrios Mavrofridis
Azizakhon Mirsaidova
Ayushi Mishra
Dhruv Narayan
Chukwueloka Obi
Tejul Mayank Pandit
Preetham Krishna Reddy Pareddy
Aneryben Kirtikumar Patel
Hualiang Qin
Shubham Shahi
Shivangi Sharma
Vishvesh Sheoran
Aleksandr Simonyan
Saumya Singh
Vinit Mahendra Todai
Geethanjali Vasudevan
James Timothy Wilkinson
Wentao Yao
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Shraddha Laxmikant Bangad
Shalin Sandip Parikh
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Hardik Doshi
Hee Youn Kwon
Tom X. Liu
Praneet Mylavarapu
Master of Science in
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Yvette Leslie Calvillo
Esther Nehmad Karasik
Robert William Reichert
Isaiah David Richardson
Zhiyuan Wang
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Natalia Deszcz
Mbolle Ekane
Kevin omas Lerner
Yashasvi Matam
Ruihao Song
Yaning Xi
Yeonjin Yang
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Ashleigh J. Acker
Andrew James Benintende
Yang Cheng
Stanley Chen
Qi Chu
Megan Cunningham
Sean Flannery
Emily Gamero
Anjali Brijesh Gondalia
Songlin Guo
Irene Mariam Jacob
Anusha Prasad Kamath
Nilofar Asgar Khanbhai
Ziyan Liang
Minghui Lu
Aakaanksha Maddineni
Micaela Paula Naibryf
Ruxuan Qiu
Anuragini Rastogi
Kelechi Nneoma Shere
Mahima Amar Shilotri
Caylee Silvers
Isaac Peter Patrick Svebakken
Calliope Vaselopulos
Yeshasvi P. Vempati
Deepali Venkatesh Prasanna
Hanxiang Wang
Larry Wang
Yushi Wang
Rongzhen Yu
Master of Science in
Design Innovation
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
*Ethan Michael
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
*Jeriel Acosta
*Aku Afanwi Acquaye
*Ashlyn Rezvan Adelman
*Saranga Arora
*Emily Collett Arraj
*Biruk Asrat Bekele
*Ashna Vijay Bhatia
*Maria Alexandra Garcia Buccilli
*Aydin Osman Celebi
*Luis Eduardo Cerro Chiang
*Alston Tyler Cobb
*Daniela Cotero Letayf
*Sahil Daxesh Desai
*Jacob Henry Erichson
*Daniel Espinel
*Regan Marie Fiascone
*Pietro Giuseppe Franzero
*Jaye Stewart Gamble IV
*Joydeep Ganguly
*Xin Er Gao
*Nehal Garg
*Terrance Raymond Goguen
*María Carlota Gorosábel
*Gabrielle Kay Hanlon
*Noelle Harasym
*Julia Elise Heyman
*Paul Richard Heyse
*Ryan John Jacobs
*Weining Liao
*Peter Wei-Hao Lin
*Yongqiu Lin
*Vanessa Liu
*Camila Maria Luciano
*Aditya Mahajan
*Avery Paige Marcus
*Cameron Eva Merten
*MacKenzie Christine Miller
*Anum Mithani
*Deanna Nayyer Mostowfi
*Kahlin Naidoo
*Allison Newell
*Brent Thomas OReilly
*Paul Been Park
*Maya Sonal Patel
*Rajan Dhavalkumar Patel
*José Angel Purón Mijares
*Kathryn Ashley Reis
*Sarah Thompson Rogers
*Olufemidahunsi Oluseyi Rosanwo
*Mayukh Sen
*Aabhas Sharma
*Yesuto Richard Shaw
*Apurva Ranjan Shukla
*Matthew Robert Steggeman
*Nicholas Lee Strann
*Takaya Sugino
*Michelle Syu
*Katherine Elaine Theiss
*Santiago Andres Valdes Gonzalez
*Richard Victor Vargo
*Tobias Wyler
*Cheuk Ting Yau
Master of Science in Energy
and Sustainability
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Nasser Aiyd W. Alhajri
Benjamin Bahena
Jessica Hannah Bailey
Anna Binstein
Logan Brown
Pablo Jose Celis Irarrazaval
Aparna Chandrashekar
Deng Hang Chen
Yen Jung Chen
Taylor Laine Childress
Michelle Chung
Rebekah Sneha Daniel
Alice Claudine L. De Vlieghere
Benjamin Joseph Eglash
Yihui Fang
Zesheng Fu
Winifred Cayetana Guerra
Jillian Paige Hansen
Darsh Vipul Jain
John Anthony Kalemkerian
Alexa Keane
Mac Yang Li
Ruining Liu
Gregory Luck
Brandon James Mitchell
Joshua Pascal
Grace Kathleen Pawelczyk
Brendan John Pierce
Tamara Popovska
Peyton Jace Ridland
Beatriz Aparecida Rubianes Sampaio
Emma June Smith
Alisha Minali Spradlin
Divit Srivastava
Heidi Elizabeth Stenvig
Lily Ruth Walker
Zijing Wang
Julia Ward
Lucas Joseph Wathen
Emily Christine Wielbik
Christopher Wu
Jonathan William Zacharias
Benjamin Michael Zavell
Master of Science in
Executive Management for
Design and Construction
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
John Jaime Gil Corredor
Jose Gabriel Rosas
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Mohamed A. Mustafa Yousif
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Daniel Joseph Anderson
Lilliana Bailey
Robert Keith Churchill
Ashlee Taylor-Wells Cohen
omas K. Jarvis
Derrick McCanless
Nagham Obaid
Craig Adam Stranathan
*Also Master of Business Administration degree
Master of Science in
Information Technology
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Xiaoyuan Deng
Letong Yang
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Abhishek Anand
Mrinal Bhandari
Lingxiao Gao
Shih Jung Huang
Qing Lin
Anindita Malakar
Abhishek Mote
Somi Poorey
Kanika Singh
Anurag Yadav
Zhijun Yan
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
omas Bergman
Chahat Bhanot
Patrick Callahan
Jingyu He
Katherine Lim
Davin Lin
Shalin Patel
Ce Xu
Lichen Zhang
Master of Science in Project
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Jie Miao
Chunzhi Ni
Chaolin Zhuang
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Yikai Chen
Yin Chen
Yuqi Chen
Zhiwei Chen
Jia Gao
Linkai Gong
Yuqing Gong
Ruiyue Guo
Yueyang He
Kaizheng Huang
Liangwen Huang
Xiaohui Huang
Rui Jin
Ziying Jin
Yerbolat Kuanyshev
Tian Lan
Haoran Li
Huiying Li
Ninghao Li
Zhiyang Li
Haoran Liu
Qu Liu
Jiaqi Ma
Dastan Ormanov
Siqi Qin
Wanru Shen
Ming Sheng
Zhenhua Shi
Chuanpu Sun
Kening Sun
Yitai Tao
Xi Wang
Xudong Wang
Tianqi Wu
Weiting Wu
Qi Xu
Tianyi Xun
Dongying Yao
Menghan Yue
Boyuan Zhang
Jingyi Zhang
Wanxin Zhang
Yixin Zhang
Shiqiu Zhao
Xinzhanyuan Zheng
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Lun Che
Guanxi Chen
Diyuan Gao
Xinyu Gu
Jieying Huang
Shreya Itika
Weiman Jiang
Jianhua Li
Junhui Li
Yiqing Li
You L i
Yueqin Li
Qingrui Ouyang
Jingfei Qiao
Peiyu Sun
Neeti Mukesh akkar
Shiqi Wu
Yuanting Xia
Jinmeng Yang
Wenxuan Yang
Changliang Zhao
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Chase Brad Audige
Aurelien Erle Guilhem Belouard
Joseph Kuhn Carey
Declan M. Carr
Zhaolin Chen
Preston James Xavier Collins
Jinggang Deng
Qidong Liu
Yingting Liu
Anthony Jose Logrono Rodriguez
David Michael Luna
Devin Gerard O’Rourke
Liqun Qi
Nicolas Claude Elie Selwan
Xibei Tan
Shuwei Xu
Yufei Zeng
Meilin Zheng
Master of Science in Robotics
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Marshall Johnson
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
James Peter Avtges
Devesh Bhura
Eric Alexandru Codrea
Anna Louise Garverick
Ryan King-Shepard
Davin Landry
Yuxuan Liang
Andru Liu
Marco Morales
Cody Nichoson
Kojo Nii Ayite Welbeck
Haozhi Zhang
Zhuoru Zhang
Jiasen Zheng
Charles Whitaker, MSJ, Dean
Master of Science in Integrated
Marketing Communications
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Edith-Ariana Anaya
Bridget Symone Cato
Benjamin James Cook
Ryan Dillon
Matthew Constantine Dominguez
Jill Ellen Feldman
Sarah Margaret Filby
Lauren Olivia Gilbert
Noor Abdulla Jassmi
Mackenzie Marie Keegan
Kaitlin Elizabeth Wood
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Koushank Harinder Singh Ahuja
Maha Hassan Al Marzoqi
Vishrutha Aravamudan
Yunzi Felicity Bai
Traci Adriana Blue
Brandyn E. Brown
Yinuo Cao
Zhewei Cao
Jen Chen
Ruisen Chen
Yahan Chen
Danielle Kathleen Clasing
Kathryn Clelland
Isabel Larmon Cross
Alice Da Nobrega Garcia
Xinxiao Dai
Rina Ong Dakay
Deven Divyesh Damji
Sixie Deng
Nikith Deo
Aastha Sunil Desai
Jingwen Fang
Michael Farinelli
Jiayin Feng
Lingyu Feng
Jia Gao
Gonzalo Garcia Calderon Vidal
Allison R. Goldberg
Jason A. Goldberg
Ruby Victoria Guinther
Hang Guo
Yijing Guo
Yuqing Gu
Mary Kathleen Hager
Jiangxue Han
Zhixin He
Scott Jason Hendrickson
Scott J. Hrdlicka
Jialun Huang
Jingwei Huang
Xiaomin Huang
Xinyao Huang
Sumit Jagdale
Paula Jaramillo Lobo-Guerrero
Qiushi Jia
Yanjun Jiang
Yisong Jiang
Lingyue Jin
Yule Kang
Yi Chen Kao
Daniel Anthony Kobetitsch
Marianne Guadalupe Lacle Montoya
Claudia Latapi Angelini
Ema Lazic
Hsi Lee
Szu-Hsien Lee
Cher Li
Jiaying Li
Zhaowei Li
Ailin Liu
Lee Kai Liu
Linghua Liu
Wanru Liu
Aining Lu
Mingge Lyu
Yingqian Ma
Yizhou Ma
Zixin Ma
Stuart McDonald
Eduardo Manuel Mercado Millones
Shreevika Mitra
Tavia J. Moore
Sarah Lillian O’Donnell
Bo Pang
Jimin Mina Park
Pei Hsin Peng
Lindsey Helen Phillips
Lily Kohler Proudman
Qingrong Ren
Xuanzhi Ren
Alexandra Katherine Richey
Jamie Beth Rubinstein
Mary Ruth Santos
Xiaoyan Shen
Yang Shen
Frederico Calil Martins Silva
Kali Ann Skidelsky
Edrece Stansberry
Samantha Cole Stoddart
Xiaoyu Tang
Brittany Juliet omas
Javier A.Torres Irizarry
Caitlin Noa Ushpol
Neve Margaret Marshall Wallace
Hope Catherine Walsh
Chen Wang
Jennifer W. Wang
Qing Wang
Yidie Wang
Yige Wang
Alina Woo
Tongyu Wu
Tsai-Yeh Judy Wu
Xueting Xia
Rui Xiao
Wanyao Xie
Yiling Xie
Shalley Yang Xu
Yao Xu
Zirui Mia Ye
Menghan Yuan
Yuxi Yuan
Jialing Zeng
Huiyuan Zhang
Jiajing Zhang
Jinghan Zhang
Sarah Qiuyi Zhang
Sicong Zhang
Tianyi Zhang
Ziyuan Zhang
Qipei Zheng
Yujia Zheng
Yicheng Zhi
Peixi Zhou
Ranyi Zhou
Ningxin Elaine Zhu
Angela Yangfan Zou
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Christopher DeSantis
Michael Robert Etzel
Noelle Cathrein Hewitt
Emilie Marie Moreland
Brighid Sandack
Joanna Sowa
Amanda Meagan Yager
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Marie Tsoi Berube
Nicholas Robert Block
Chad Alan Boler
Lee Rollin Boshes
Abigail Susan Crandall
Angel Joshua Martinez
Rudy Alexander Novak
Michael C. Rice
Kara Lynn Schafer
Kathleen Rose Winther
Leslie M. Zimmerman
Master of Science in Journalism
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Almaz Ashena Abedje
Max Louis Abrams
Joseph Patrick Acosta
Jonathan Aguilar
Katerina Ann Alexopoulos
Zinya Alsalti
Emily Anderson
Jelah Anderson
Hannah Catherine Baggenstoss
Hannah Beir
Sarah Evanna Berman
Manan Roop Chand Bhavnani
Julia McNeilly Binswanger
Andi Mora Breitowich
Jaxon Charles Brown
Mary Catherine Chappell
Angela Chen
Boutayna Chokrane
MacKenzie Coman
Stephanie Taylor Coua
Kenyatta Victoria Coleman
Braeden Max Coon
Amber Cooper
Elise Rebecca Devlin
Samantha Magda Stella Dier
Annabelle Daisy Dowd
Emily Laura Dreibelbis
Ashton Michael Edmunds
Bailey Brooke Eichner
Olivia Evans
Qianqian Fan
Jonathan Fernandez
omas Michael Gambardella
Steven Blake Gorgei
Alyssa Grabinski
Kayla Shonye Grant
Alyssa Jade Haduck
Jane Elizabeth Herz
Maria Hieber
Raphael Louis Yamsuan Hipos
Huiyu Hsu
Jiewen Huang
Seth Adam Humeniuk
Alexander Evan Simon Hutton
Hannah Rose Jackson
Kyle Michael Kelly
Molly Anne Keshin
Michael Ethan Korsh
Jessica Diane Lazo
Apoorvaa Mandar Bichu
Emily Marie Maul
Erin Aisling McMahon
Alyssa Muir
John Francis Murray
William Elijah Ong
Gelsey Amaryllis Plaza
Ayeshah Shicole Plummer
Andrew Justin Polk
Spencer Poole
Sean Michael Rhomberg
Mckenzie Taylor Richmond
Jessica Rose Rish
Matthew Ritchie
Chantel Noelle Ropp
Mollie Ashley Rotmensch
Ty Jackson Roush
Nicholas Rucco
Konstantin Mikhail C. Salao
Yahya Ahmed Salem
John Joseph Savage
Dora Rose Jenefsky Segall
Hannah Shapiro
Cheryn Shin
Ross Lawrence Shinberg
Sarah Stark
John Paust Swenson
Lindsay Taylor Tanney
Mary Dixon Tucker
Lauren Nicole Turner
Elizabeth Grace Vanderau
Jane Evelyn Vaughan
Jacqueline Gail Walsh
Karina Rose Wensjoe
Lauren Alexandra Withrow
Taylor Morgan Woods
Menghan Xiao
Elisa Xu
Gia Raquel Yetikyel
Xiaotao Zhong
Connor Jacob Zimmerlee
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Kinsey Marie Crowley
Zoe Malin
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Rashida Sherie Anderson
Jennifer Bamberg
Hassaan Bin Sabir
Srishti Bose
Lilac Burrell
Hanzhi Chen
Hyeyoon Choi
Kelliann Duncan
Grace Marie Finnell-Gudwien
Margaret Glenwood Fleming
Haley Elizabeth Fuller
Ruhi Gilder
Jenna Brooke Greenzaid
Alexander Cole Harrison
Isabel Rosen Hochman
Kala Menchetti Hunter
Ryan Jaewon Kim
Calvin Krippner
Lynn Yunfei Liu
Yingjie Liu
Joslyn Lopez-Richardson
Yuxuan Mao
Kaila Yeśmari Nichols
Alex Perez
Emeline Posner
Juntang Qian
Dilpreet Raju
Gabrielle Celeste Rancifer
Emma Grace Ricketts
Evan Robinson-Johnson
Monica Lynn Sager
Natalia Salazar
Susanti Sarkar
Amelia Schafer
Grant Schwab
Christina Elizabeth van Waasbergen
Kexin Wang
Ilana Wolchinsky
Pingping Yin
Qi Zhao
Hari M. Osofsky, JD, PhD, Dean
Master of Laws
Degree awarded January 26, 2023
Hanting Zhou
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Zulia Abdulmanova
Jerónimo Amenábar Vial
Paulina Arango Aspuru
Samara Azevedo Fagundes
Yilan Ba
Rodmel L. Bautista
Viola Bosisio
María Soledad Cabañas Blesa
Shengjie Cai
Rodrigo Carmona Herrán
Mauricio Tadeo Castillo Lozano
Wanlin Che
Hongfan Chen
Yiming Chen
Youxin Chen
Ming Yi Chiang
Jose Eduardo Coronado Castro
Fabio Pacileo Costa
Zicheng Cui
Renato de Arruda Filho
Lucas Degrossi
Andres de Iruarrizaga
Lishan Deng
Wanting Ding
Siwen Du
Jiaqi Duan
Laura Ducati Dabronzo
Laura Katharina Dürr
Stefanie Engmann
Martin Errazuriz
ais Feijó Malacarne
Pablo Galvan Lopez
Hanzhen Gao
Jiayi Gao
Miroslava Godoy Soto
Moises Gonzalez Arroyo
Xinye Gu
Xufeng Han
Yu-Ci Hong
Ya Chu Hu
Yihao Huang
Yu-Syuan Huang
Karime Jassen
Qianhui Jin
Franco Jofre Ricignuolo
Vanessa Kershenobich Jaet
Javier Lavalle Albarran
Mengxuan Li
Peize Li
Wenyu Li
Xudong Li
Yiran Li
Zhizhen Li
Yicun Liang
Junyan Lin
Yiyun Lin
Chang Liu
Jianing Liu
Pakco Liu
Yutong Liu
Cheng Hau Lu
Shunyan Lu
Xiangbo Lyu
Waded Mobarak de la Cruz
Samantha Anne Monzon
Elizabeth Nankunda
Cunye Ni
Junrong Ouyang
Dong Joo Park
Anthony Perdikis
Flor Elias Pompeu
Christian Prencipe
Jiang Qi
Tianyu Qi
Chuxin Qin
Pedro Raful Villamar
Nicolás Agustín Ramos
Daniela Roca
Maria Camila Salazar Arias
Anumita Sanjeev Sangli
Stelio Sguanci
Sagar Sharma
Yiwei Shen
Zijian Shen
Lingyu Sheng
Yuchen Shi
Vincent Mitchel N. Sierra
Smiti Singrodia
Xijuan Song
Chang Su
Meiyun Su
Axel Daniel Emmanuel Susini
Jieman Tan
Lennart Taschenbrecker
Yu Hsuan Patty Teng
Jennifer Chiamaka ankGod
Jiranan ipsamritkul
Antonio Toca Gallego
Diana Gabriela Torres Miranda
Aziza Esmaeel A. Tourky
Tessy Tu
Catalina Ucros Tellez
Mateo Vasquez
Bowen Wang
Juqiao Wang
Yanni Wang
Yuanjing Wang
Yubo Wang
Zichun Wang
Zijian Wang
Yunuo Wu
Zedong Wu
Xuejing Xiang
Shiqi Xiu
Jihui Xu
Mengling Xu
Maika Yamaguchi
Zehui Yan
Yuqi Yao
Shitong Yu
Zhewei Yu
Yitao Yuan
Junjie Yue
Bingran Zhang
Bohan Zhang
Jian Zhang
Rongji Zhang
Xiaoqing Zhang
Xiaoyue Zhang
Yiling Zhang
Yiqin Zhang
Zhijie Zhang
Zhuoya Zhang
Erdong Zhao
Zichen Zhao
Yiying Zheng
Wenxuan Zhou
Guannan Zhu
Mingyi Zhu
Zhongming Zhu
Master of Laws in International
Human Rights
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Daniel Caballero
Caitlin Fernandez Zamora
Anusha Kharel
Iryna Rekrut
Beenish Zia
Master of Laws International
Executive Master’s Program
Northwestern Pritzker School
of Law–Instituto de Empresa
(IE) Business School, Spain
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Wac Ahmad Al Naboulsi
Estefania Arciniegas Carvajal
María José Assis Iragorri
Leonardo Berrio Chamorro
Luisa Fernanda Cardona Otalora
Gerardo de Jesus Castañeda Montañez
Maiela Talía Chau Rivera
Fabiane Correia Dias Brites
Adriana de la Piedra Chavez
Natasha Denkovska
Edmundo Elias-Loyola
Mariana Gonzalez Hernandez
Nicolás Larrea Fradejas
Jaime Israel Moreno Treviño
Stefan Naef
Sofía Margarita Otoya Tono
Yuriko Sato
Hee Jin Shin
Nataliia Slyvenko
Alejandra Vela
Anangel Vivas González
Marc-Philipp Hendrik Wiesenberg
Northwestern Pritzker School of
Law–Korea Advanced Institute
of Science and Technology
(KAIST) Graduate School of
Management, South Korea
Degree awarded January 26, 2023
Jae Weon Baek
Hanna Cho
Paul Joon Chung
Jeonghyun Go
Jungah Lee
Hwangyoung Na
Dongyoun Seo
Jeemin Seo
Jae Hong Shim
Seok Chun Shin
Eojin Yi
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Hyungnam Kim
Sang Jeon Kim
Ahreum Yang
Northwestern Pritzker School
of Law–Tel Aviv University, Israel
Degree awarded January 26, 2023
Yehiel Marchak
Gal Meoded Hayun
Jonathan Ralbag
Dvir Rosenfeld
Lubna Tuma
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Haiam Hii Haiam Abou Kutub
Barehan Abu Kaoud
Eran Davidovitch
Ron Fain
Ayala Herzog
Liron Keissar
Inbal Klein
Or Rinat Mashiah
Tariq Mazarib
Tomer Mizrahi
Shay Podoler
Tomer Reuven
Hadar Tzur
Guy Vardi
Master of Laws in Taxation
Degree awarded January 26, 2023
Andrea Simone Herman
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Bunmi Deborah Ayo Ogunmuko
Anna Carolina Baracho Borja
de Farias
Stephen Alexander Barrial
Kenneal Bonelli
Royce Raymond Bredemeier
Joel Brown
Tayler Brown
Amalia Melissa Castro
Christopher Chochon
Pawel Chodzinski
Michael Conroy
Chris Curry
Justin DeBouvier
Matthew William Fischer
Timothy Getty
William Taylor Anthony Gleason
Nicholas J. Hays
Benjamin Holtzman
Lilian Amenawon Itua
Vijay F. Johnson-Tanco
Madison Jons
Blake Kelley
Derek Larsen
Ryan Alexander Less
Lang Liu
Mark Lohr
Victoria V. Makarova
John Patrick McInerney
Patrick Michaelis
Stahili Muhammad
Joseph Pavalon
Angie Peng
Renisha Ricks
Sina Setayeshpour
Diana M. Solano Florez
Joshua Stein
Joseph Sebastian Trytten
Justin Clinton Welsh
John Marshall Wilson
Juris Doctor
Degree awarded January 26, 2023
Rebecca Teresa Antony
Blair C. Matthews
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Noemi Aguirre
Nathan E. Alamillo
James Aldred
Zain Al-Khalil
Mehrdad Alvandi
Sierra Anderson
Javier Andujar Jr.
Mishael Aridi Barake
Jonathan Roger Arnold
*Kathleen Denise Arteficio
Jacob T. Aubrecht
George John Avdellas
Kijoon D. Baeg
Jonathan Morgan Baker
*Michaella Ariel Baker
Sahara Baker
Arianna Banks
Saakna Batbayar
Jack Baumruk
Ashley Bax
Dominic Bayer
Sarah Maureen Bazir
Michael Beauchamp
Ella John Beckman
Jordana Beh
Michael J. Beirne
Michael Peter Bellis
Efrem P. Berk
Justin Bertsche
Jacob Andrew Besanceney
*Varun Bhatnagar
*Kachine Blackwell
†Joseph Blass
Noah Bloomberg
Katharine E. Boraz
Mick Timothy Borchert
Emma Bourgeois
Molly Brambil
Adia Abeni Brantley
*Nicolas Malcolm Delaplaine Britton
Alyssa Haley Broer
Keiaireyona Artasian-Monique
Josephine Bryan
Monica Faye Busse
omas McNeal Butcher Jr.
Megan Cahillane
Cindy Xinyi Cai
Robin Cai
Matthew Randall Caister
Darius Callum
Anthony T. Caneris
Caitlin Michelle Capriotti
Marjorie A. Carter
†HanByul Chang
†Sarah Chanski
Deepa Chari
Elizabeth Sophia Charles
Sarah W. Chase
Hansheng Chen
Eric Y. Cheng
Ella Shaw Chochrek
Matthew Jeehoon Choi
*Michael Minsuk Choi
Kalen Renae Church
Adam M. Clark
Christian Clase
Elaine R. Cleary
Zachary Coburn
*Jeffrey Chike Cole
Bailey Michael Cordonnier
Rachel Corella
Rachael Kristina Cox
Chad William Cracra
Daniel J. Cummins
LaTisha Curtiss
Keon Dadbeh
Amelia Dahl
Alexandra Brooke Dakich
Daniel John Damitio
Matthew Danaher
Olivia M. Danner
*Christopher Kyle Darby
Justin DeBouvier
Catherine Anne Demaret
Katherine Alyssa Dempsey
Freyja Francis DePew
Oren Richard Depp
Jaina Desai
Taylor Desgrosseilliers
Dana Lauren DeVlieger
Dylan DeWitt
Isabella C. DiCarlo
Zakiyah Dillard
Jihao Ding
Liam Donnelly
Kathleen Anna Drake Clancy
Mari Earhart-Price
Nicole Eatmon
Austin Eiland
Dylan Ellis
Benjamin David Enos
David Martin Epstein
Karen Eskander
Carlos Estrada
Max Finkelstein
omas Fleming
Julia A. Fleurantin
William Foy
*Michelle Caryn Rocha Frea
Hannah Ruth Friedle
Julia Helen Gabriel
Clarissa C. Galaviz Lizarraga
Eva Gao
Gregory Garcia
Elizabeth Anita Gaskins
Jordan ibodeau Gerlach
Samuel Gerulsky
Brendan Gilligan
Li Ann Kim Giordano
Grant Limbert Glazebrook
Hayden Ross Golemon
Amarantha Gomez
Tessa Weil Greenberg
*Luke Charles Groom
Daniel Grossberg
Connor James Guilfoyle
Lucas Jeery Hale
Samyung Han
Greer deLeeuw Harrison
Andrew Hartford
*John Daniel Hayes
Patrick Hecker
Peter Hillary
Emma Catherine Hlavin
Jacob L. Hoeich
*Sung Kyu Hong
Yingning Hu
Erin Hughes
Arnold Minkyu Hwang
Rachel Katherine Ivanowsky
*Sarah Jameel
Joanna Janica
Maxwell Johnson
Maggie Elizabeth Jokinen
Alexander Kalos
Jashan Kashyap
Luma Khabbaz
Tahirih Khademi
Anthony M. Khilkov
Martha Kiela
Jenny Kim
*Joong Hyun Kim
Min Kyung Kim
Chris King
Jessica Kittelberger
Lilah Wren Kleban
David Kohan-Ghadosh
Nicole Julia Koshevatskiy
Jordan Ti Krieger
David A. Kruger
Jackson Turner Lane
Andrew Christopher Lang-Reyes
Allison Lee
Joo Hyeon Jane Lee
Adam Louie Leowitz
Valentina Lemez
†Niko P. Letsos
Zoe Levine
Alexandra Li
Sabrina Lieberman
Caleb Linton
*Baolong Liu
Sijia Liu
Joshua Lustig
Ke Ma
Meegan Elizabeth Mayer
Lauren Elizabeth McBride
Deidra McCall
omas J. McDonough
Bradford McGann
Bradley McGee
Olivia Miller
Tiany Miller
Richard S. Min
Julia Mirande
Samuel Mitchell
*Krisn Hemant Modi
Jane Moye-Rowley
*Julian Evan Musikant
Taylor Nia Nchako
Peter Francis NeCastro
Landon J. Oakes
Jacqueline Marie O’Brien
Riley Patrick O’Farrell
Angela Oh
*Also Master of Business Administration degree †Also Doctor of Philosophy degree
Adrienne Ou
Kyle Philip Padden
Michael I. Palmer
Jordan Papai
Reed omas Patterson III
Ethan Cole Pearce
Jade Sharee Peeples
Sarah Peng
Shen Peng
Clara Petch
Katherine Plaster
Jordan Plummer
Michael Pranger
Alice Preminger
Alexander Queen
Taylor Cayne Randle
Andreas C. Rauch
*Rohun Reddy
Samantha Anne Reilly Drake
Zoe Reinstein
Jared omas Rhiner
*Henry Marc Rittenberg
Emily Hannah Rodriguez
Sarah Roman-Jakob
Shayna R. Roth
Casey Roush
Drake Pfalzgraf Saell
Rahela A. Sami
Elizabeth Ann Sanchez
Kristin Sanders
*Elena Santana De La Rosa
Andrew Scattergood
Andrew William Schutts
Jordan N. Schwartz
Katherine Sears
Regan Seckel
Andrew David Segal
Jas Sethi
Luke D. Shadley
Jackson Slaughter
Chloe Wehnonah Smeltzer
Juliet Sobel
Tamara Soleymani
Megha Sorot
*Samantha Sosa
Kathryn Speckels
Lauren Stapleton
Jared Stehle
Grace Stippich
*Ellen Hines Stucky
Shaun Sun
*Prabhu Suresh
Bethany Kurtlyn omas
Madeline Rene ompson
Chad Malik Tucker
Sarah Turner
*Ines Tzolov
Nicholas omas Van Hoogenstyn
Jessica Allison Vishny
Shane A. Visram
Anthony J. Vitucci
Nicholas J. Wagner
*Andrew Brooks Wald
Anthony William Walner
Danni Wang
Jonathan Martin Ward
John M. Warren
Duncan Michels Weinstein
Dean Weiss
Kendall Wharton
Michael Willian
Sarah Elizabeth Wolf-Knight
Marian Virginia Woznica
Erin M. Wright
Elise Yun Wu
Crystal Jingjing Ye
Jennifer Daeun Yi
Monica Yue Zhang
*Yongjia Zhang
Jennie Olivia Zheng
Ke Zhu
Daniel Zylberberg
Master of Science in Law
Degree awarded January 26, 2023
Derrick Laron Cabrera
Rosalie Marian Kung Chan
Hongfei Chen
Vikrant Datta
Melissa E. Davis
Monica Leigh Dudley-Weldon
Trenicka Kiara Dukes
Deepa Ganesh
John Henry Groth
Julie Guthrie
Happuka Anna John
Amir Kabir
Mengda Liu
Sydney Christine Liverance
Jacob John Phillip Machengete
Marc Malandrino
Heather Ellen McConnell-Smith
Colleen Mary Mellert
Cliord Shane Miller
Quintin Parry
Reshma Narendra Soni
Sarah Elizabeth Spangler
Lukas Raymond Stull
Juan M. Tello Haynes
Kristy Webb
Andrew Werner
Tyler Sinclair Whaley
Kataryna Zhang
Nicole Marie Zuniga
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Patrick Ryan Daniel Adams
Omar Khalid Algonaian
Tianna Tonni Bennett
Nicole Heiderscheit Breitbach
Chandler Bridges
Victor Brown
Jennifer Lee Busto
Grace Carlberg
Joseph A. Carretta
Demitra Marie Charalab
Gina Choi
Mya Clarke
Bria Sierra Collins
Chloe Danielle Corder
Huaxing Cui
Muzi Ding
Jiayue Dong
Christopher Duley
Victoria Olivia Forte
Robert Grahek
Stephanie Elizabeth Haas
Deryl Ingle
Kevin James Ingram
Patrick Kang
Nikhil Kapoor
Ryan Knohl
Jessica M. Knowles
Ning Yu Lam
Cameron Y. S. Lee
Joshua Allen Lehs
Ning Li
Ruochen Li
Serena Shiyuan Liu
Yuechao Lou
Isaac Ross Meng
Courtney Michelle Moore
Hind Anis Mothana
Wesley Myung
Raphaella Norahun-Chaneyalew
Nicolas Novello
Celestine Chijike Obinna
Haleigh Lauren OLeary
Anne Onyekwuluje
Xingyi Pan
Gabriela Ruth Parma
Adeline Ptacek
Xiaohan Qu
Lisa P. Renaud
Andrea Reyes
Michelle Rose Rollin
Marissa Rosemblat
Andy Shu
Adam Joseph Steslicki
Jiaying Sun
Yena Sun
Tian Tang
James A. TenBrink
Michael James ate
Staci Staaroni Treolo
Madison S. Tyrcha
Amy S. Verghese
Wamwari Waichungo
Allie Walton
Yipeng Wang
Zachary JaMond Watts
Jinhong Wu
Yian Wu
Malcolm Xavier
Yuanjing Xu
Mary Virginia Yost
Elizabeth A. Young
Pingjia Zheng
Tianhao Zhou
Master of Studies in Law
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Kuanzi Ji
Kateryna O. Mishina
Francesca Cornelli, PhD, Dean
Master of Business
Degree awarded September 9, 2022
Ross Hanson Aarons
Arooj Aslam
Mitchell Abraham Bass
Matthew James Bernard
Stephen John Blaser
Zohair Bokhari
Gabrielle Idalia Bunney
Ashley Virginia Carney
Diana Marcela Carreño García
Melissa Chananie
Kevin omas Cira
Justin Cruz
Tyler Alexander Davidson
Donovan Henry Dean
Margaux Nicole DeChambre
Michael Duarte
Brandon Joseph Edelman
Madeline Kayla Eidsness
Garrett Royce Einhorn
Grace Helen Gau
Kalyan Kumar Gokavarapu
Adam Jacob Goldstein
Adriana Sofía Gómez Penín
Carlos I. Gomez
Alexander John Gorski
Patrick John Greenberg
Cristina Maria Hackley
Leanna S. Hasan
Kathryn Ann Hildebrand
Alejandro Manuel Huamani
Vijay Prasad Jeyapaul
Ryan Matthew Kakenmaster
Kaylee S. Karumanchi
Chris Constantine Kiriakou
Brittany Aimee Lee
Xe’Nedra Mo’Net Lucas
Shiv R. Mahbubani
Shivi Maheshwari
Nesa Jediah Mangal
Juan Sebastián Marentes Franco
Morgane Elizabeth Jardine Marlow
Johanna Eileen McCarthy
Jennifer M. McTague
Blake Matthew Milne
Arvind Namasivayam
Stephanie Pareja-Fernandez
Bharvi Paresh Patel
Unnati R. Patel
Kelly Patsavas
Connor Joseph Quinn
Akhila Ramaraju
Karishma Ratnani
Charles Phillip Rubinowicz
Ryan Isaac Sakwa
Daniel P. Schulte
Colleen Elizabeth Sessler
Palak D. Shah
Garrett Michael Skrbich
Blaine Ryan Slack
Spencer Warren Smith
Jared Sorroche
Siddharth Suresh
Akshay Ajit Talegaonkar
Maria Elizabeth Turner
Jeethu Philip Wolf
Yao Yao
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Suyagya Agrawal
Michael Almeida
Alekha Andolu
Rohan Pankaj Ashar
Bennett John Aymond
Neil Amer Badawi
*Also Master of Business Administration degree
Ryan A. Baise
Charles Isaac Bank
Timothy Robert Benoit
Jacob Bewley
Megan Mueller Bronstein
Dante Francesco Capicchioni
William omas Charvat IV
William Redmond Colson III
Phillip Conklin
Christine Yvonne Cornellier
omas Smyth Crane
Lisha Jacob Daniel
Vishal Dilip Desai
Emily Jane Donnel
Abhigyan Dubey
Alexis Eileen Freda
Mark Riley Gannon
Joseph Gregory Gasienica
Alexandra Kalliopi Gdoutou
omas Kennedy Gegick
Andrea Maria Georgantas
Soumil Santosh Ghalsasi
Qian Gou
David Heinrick Hermano
Akshay Mandar Hingwe
Abigail Ann Horan
Michael William Huebner
Rebekah Leigh Jasinski
Erin Michele Johnson
Megan Marie Katsnelson
Jacob Joseph Klopfenstein
Michael Vincent Kluczny
Cameron McGuire Korab
Shilp Amit Kothari
Alexandra Catherine Krall
Janani Krishnan
Elijah S. Krolo
Daniel Sebastian Kufer
Liang Liu
Jon Nicolas Loca
Mhahesh Madhavan
Rory McGinnis
Aastha Minocha
Arjun K. Mirmira
Abigail Marose Morrison
Isabel Navarro
eresa Louise Nave
Jill Noeh Rubinstein
Carolyn Ruth Packer
Kevin Daniel Peterson
Allison Kay Porter
Nii Awuley Kwesi Quaye
Becca Rabinowitz
Rushil Ramachandran
Evan Richard Rand
Carolyn Anne Rendos
Benjamin John Richards
Anne Katherine O’Brien Rolf
Sarah Elizabeth Romberg
Christopher Michael Rossi
Nicole Paige Forman Schindler
Nathaniel Schroeder
Sahar Fatemeh Shamsian
Rachel Lucy Shay
Brian James Shellhaas
Weicen Shen
Jerey Charles Shoemaker
Satchel Armand Siegel
Paul Joseph Syriac
Arjun Vedam
Sowmya Venugopal
Anay Wendt
Victoria Leigh Wilhelm
Jason Levi Williams
Daniel Joseph Wojtulewicz
Jonathan Frank Worthey
Danqing Ye
Benjamin Robert Yoder
Daniel Yukilevich
Erik Zentner
Amelia Zepernick Phillips
Weihua Zheng
William Zuba
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Hannah Muther Acharya
Syed Naheer Ameer
Courtney Elizabeth Anderson
Christine Laurice Bacon
Joshua Ari Baumfeld
Dustin Lance Benadretti
Mayank Bhatia
Niel Bhatt
Ramadityanand Bhogadi
Kevin Joseph Bloom
*Ethan Michael Blumer
George Boumitri
Joshua Michael Bradley
Craig Cameron Brawley
Zachary Tyler Brookes
Tina Swi Brown
Shaun David Bryer
Dominick Michael Cannella
Kristine Nicole Casman
Gabriela A. Castellanos
Stephany Chang
Arpita Chatterjee
Yongsuk Choi
Kevin John Chowaniec
Elissa Miller Cohn
Patrick Edward Charles Combe
Jesse Abraham Corkin
Shane Moriarty Cranmore
Courtney L. Culpepper
Michael Peter Cunningham
Lauren Isabel Davis
Sara Kathleen Day
Kristen Elizabeth Dealy
Sean Robert DeFrates
Andrew omas Drumm
Patrick James Duy III
Alexandra Ioana Dumitru
Jingxian Fan
Matthew Goldschmidt
Miguel Gomez
Blake Michael Harris
Andrew David Henry
Christine Laurice Bacon
John McWilliams Howell III
Joshua J. Hribar
Rebecca Huebsch
Braydon Harrison Hummeldorf
eodore omas Huntington
Anant Jain
Atishaya Jain
Christopher Daniel Johnson
Samuel Morey Jordan
omas C. Keating
Andrew William Keehn
Kathleen Kennedy Zeller
Mitchell Nathan Kentor
Sana Khalid
Christine Jiyeon Kim
Karolina Kim
Madelyn Marie Koester
Jay Kothari
Daniel Eungyu Lee
Ok Kyu Lee
Daniel William Leisten
Sarah Vivian Walden Manley
Nicholas Elliott Marshall
Ariella Lynn Masters
Erica Sumie Matsushima
Mindy J. McBee
Taylor Michael McBride
Philip Reed McClymont III
Bridget Callaghan Mehmeti
Brian Joseph Mortell
Alexander John Napoli
Robert Francis Pontrelli
Idan Portnoy
John Nan Qiu
Malavika Raju
Benjamin Michael Reasons
Jordan Reisner
Brendan Patrick Riley
Schuyler Joseph Samse
Maria Domenica Sapienza
Alyson Mary Schreck
Michael Isaac Shapiro
Catherine Shea
Suzanne Clare Singer
Daniel Richard Sirus
Dillon Patrick Smith
Myles Crawford Soverel
Matthew Kevin St. Cyr
Samantha Brooke Steinberger
Kyle Scott Tamboli
Joseph Taylor
Devin Christopher Tyler
Alexandra Jean Tyrrell
Purav Pankaj Vagadia
Lily Katherine Vanderbloemen
Kilian Francis Wald
Chandler Michael Wiegand
Lisa Wiznitzer
Justyna Anna Wojtun
Shenyun Wu
Xin Ye
Zoe Hannah Zaiss
Yun Zhong
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Rachel Luise Abel
*Jeriel Acosta
*Aku Afanwi Acquaye
Emmanuel Toluwani Adediran
*Ashlyn Rezvan Adelman
Frederick Tolulope Adenuga
Emmanuel Adu-Darko
Adrija Agarwal
Ashar Agarwal
Paresh Agarwal
Payal Agarwal
Shubham Agarwal
Jitesh Aggarwal
Anjani Agrawal
Manish Agrawal
Kamil Ahmad
Elvin Ahmeti
Samuel Allen Akers
Valeska Alcedo Barbeirotti
Sara Aliyeva
Kenneth Andre Allen II
Michael Charles Allen
Skyler Paul Almquist
Laura Margaret Alonge
Amir Amirli
Steven Hyongjun An
Caleb John Anderson
Noel Jean Eyman Antonisse
Afamefuna Hilary Anunobi
Evan Robert Appell
Samuel Michael Appling
Mansi Arora
Puneet Arora
*Saranga Arora
*Emily Collett Arraj
Artur Arruda Spindola
†Kathleen Denise Arteficio
Sandeep Arunachalam
Natalie Rose Asher
Rick Nickolas Ashworth
Aarti Sanjay Asrani
Kelly Michelle Aucoin
Jennifer Mckenna Augustian
Matthew Owen Auran
Paris Austell
Andres Francisco Avendaño Pinto
Adedoyin Mustapha Awofodu
Jae Wook Bae
Matthew Charles Baier
Stephanie Ann Bailen
George Emerson Bailey
Ryan John Bair
†Michaella Ariel Baker
Ninaad Balachandran
Víctor Arturo Balcázar Zorrilla
Alejandro Balderas
Ademir Jose Balena Jr.
Calvin Blake Bannister
Aman Bansal
Soubhik Kumar Bardhan
Emily Alexandria Barretta
Anushka Basavaraj
Victor Antony Battaglia
Emily Paige Bauman
Margo Anna Beam
Alexandra Wagman Beck
Grant Phillip Becker
*Biruk Asrat Bekele
Connor Clark Bellows
Zaynab Mumtaz Malik Bellows
Daniel Rodman Bendig
Yasemin Benker
Tara Rose Bereche
Jonah Victor Berg
Frank Peter Bergonzi III
João Felipe Bernardes Andrade
Elissa Ruth Bernstein
Alberto Berumen
Mihir Harendrakumar Bhalla
Neeraj Bhambhani
Sonya Bhan
Ashwin Bhaskar
Anushka Bhatia
*Ashna Vijay Bhatia
Mohit K. Bhatia
†Varun Bhatnagar
Lauren Bernice Biegler
Stefanie Bilcke
Margarita Isabel Villalon Binamira
Aditi Bisen
†Kachine Blackwell
Spencer Austin Blair
Sofía Boetsch
Oscar Mariano Bogaert
Wade Michael Boich
Egor Bolshakov
Sivanach Booncharoensombat
Steven Gregory Booth Jr.
Morris David Bossen
Brandon Paul Boswell
Frank Fangxing Boudon
Eren Bozbag
Holley Marie Brandcha-White
Sara Beth Bravmann
Amanda Marie Kawena Brazell
†Nicolas Malcolm Delaplaine Britton
Jacob Richard Brodner
Colin Patrick Brown
Robert Holmes Browning
Abril Maria Brugo
*Maria Alexandra Garcia Buccilli
Courtney Stewart Burke
Aubrey Leigh Burns
Spencer Michael Bush
Maclean J. Calihan
Ainsley Rae Campbell
Ross Bradley Campbell
Veronica Cano Alvarez
Cindy Cao
Peter James Carbone
John Patrick Carney
Adam Frederick Carn-Saferstein
Camila Cartana Costa Barbosa
Miguel Quiobo Caruncho
Benjamin Castañeda Diez
Joseph Livio Castignetti
Juan Pablo Castillo
Emma Angel Castro
Patricio Castro Diaz
Natasha Hope Catrakilis
*Aydin Osman Celebi
*Luis Eduardo Cerro Chiang
Jessica Leigh Chabot
Debashree Chakraborty
Sheettal Chandrashekar
Gurbani Kaur Chawla
Alice Chen
Chengnan Charlotte Chen
Janiss Chi-Chen Chen
*Also Master of Science in Design Innovation degree †Also Juris Doctor degree
Julie Chen
Jocelyn Alexis Cheng
Pauline Cheng
Jungyoun Cho
Jenna Rebecca Chodos
†Michael Minsuk Choi
Andrew Nicholas Chorney II
Fabliha Chowdhury
Forrest Dale Christensen
Katherine Kim Chu
Erin Chun
Beth Hyewon Chung
Seungjin Chung
Wen Xuan Vincent Chung
Débora Cionek Simões
Katherine Ann Clasen
William Patrick Clevidence
Matthew Alexander Bradley Clough
*Alston Tyler Cobb
Zachary Charles Cobb
Avery Jayron Coey
Charles Robert Coghlin III
†Jeffrey Chike Cole
Daniel Concha
Margaret Mary Connelly
Colton Zachary Connor
Jonathan Anthony Coraglio
Cristina Murphy Cortes
Isabella Côrtes Carneiro Monteiro
Hanna Eileen Cosgrove
*Daniela Cotero Letayf
Alden Isobel Cowap
Mariel Anne Cox
Lindsay Jane Cozen
John Wiliam Croll
Dario Cruz
Jerey Narciso Cuartero
Lauren Erika Cziesla
Julia Da Cunha Castro Morgan
Shumin Dai
Alexander Ryan Daines
Alyssa Vinay Dakoriya
Soham Dalal
Koreen Chantrelle Chaw Damian
†Christopher Kyle Darby
Agnisnato Datta
Mihir Datta
Elise Anne Davidson
Alan Eugene Davis
Henry Davis Cuevas
Chelsea G. Dawkins
Christian Peter Dayal
Bjorn Gilbert De Groote
Grant Cameron Delgado
Joshua Ward Delmar
Jean Carlos Del Pino
David De Lucas Gómez
Carmen Lucia Del Valle
Jimena Del Valle Sierra
Param Manoj Desai
*Sahil Daxesh Desai
Ishita Vivek Deshmukh
Caitlin Ellen Desmond
Parikshit Dey
Palak J. Dharia
Zorica Djokic
Clemence Nathalie Marie Doblin
Ifetayo Adetoro Dosunmu
Virginia Marie Doyle
Neil Dudani
Sarah Stiles Duey
Eliza Coogan Duy
Alan Alexander Dukor
Chika Isioma Dunga
Ilya Durov
Lauren Nicole Dwyer
Zachary Malone Edwards
Gregory James Egan
William Harrison Eisenberg
Ayman Elmasri
David Benjamin Elmets
Oluwaseun Opeyemi Eniolorunda
Paulina Enrriquez Dominguez
*Jacob Henry Erichson
Soledad Errazuriz Vergara
*Daniel Espinel
Kathryn Jane Koss Espinoza
Caroline Piper Estill
Alakbar Eyvazli
Abigail Arce Fagan
Phillip Ryan Fairleigh
Jiaye James Fan
Forouzan Farazi
Carlo Fabricio Fava Jr.
Omasan Etinosa Fenemigho
Xue Feng
Janelle Kaitlyn Fennessy
*Regan Marie Fiascone
Carlos Martin Fineman
Caitlin Taylor Finn
Perry James Fitz
Adam Russell Fitzgerald
Caroline Shannon Flood
Mercedes Flowers
Coleman Gregory Force
Ross Ryan Franks
*Pietro Giuseppe Franzero
†Michelle Caryn Rocha Frea
Brett Harris Freedberg
Kelly Dunn Frentzel
Emily Hannah Friedman
Kevin James Fritz
Tina Maria Frukacz
Martin Javier Fuenzalida Dominguez
Hiroto Fukuwa
Juan Jose Funes Bravo
Ryota Fuwa
Adam Michael Gajewski
Carolina Galdiz
Sean Michael Gallagher
Andrew Daniel Galpin
*Jaye Stewart Gamble IV
*Joydeep Ganguly
*Xin Er Gao
§Donovan Daniel Gappy
Abraham Arturo Garcia
Daniel Takayanagi Garcia
Jose Ricardo Garcia Gonzalez
Maximiliano Andres Garcia Uribe
*Nehal Garg
Arielle Kalie Garson
Adam Fairchild Gary
Alfonso Garza De La Puente
Taniya Gaur
Jonathan Prescott Gavron
omas William Hickling Gazzard
Luhan Ge
Yiyang Ge
Jonathon George
Gregory Michael Gerla
Alexandra Gheorghe
Trevor Jacob Gi
Ivan Giganov
Tania Gil Garibay
Alexander Lewis Glover
*Terrance Raymond Goguen
Stefanie Faith Goldberg
Kimberly Michelle Goldman Daniels
Felipe Antonio Gonzalez Valdes
Victoria Bartlett Goodell
Bharg Narendra Gor
*María Carlota Gorosábel
Manognya Deepthi Gorthy
Ryan Jernee Goss
Katherine Lee Graham
Stephen Samuel Gray
Benjamin Greenberg
Stephen Patrick Gricoski
Michael Francis Griard
Tyler James Grinstead
†Luke Charles Groom
Rebecca Rubin Grosser
Wen Guan
Anukriti Gupta
Cheshtha Gupta
Gauri Gupta
Pulkit Gupta
Ruchita Gupta
Siddharth Gupta
Simi Gupta
Braylon Vaughn-Scott Gurnell
Brandon Gustafson
Benjamin Dov Hackner
William Kent Haener
Elliot Oscar Hall
Tyler Bowles Hall
Mikaela Hammel
Xuefei Han
Hanna Faye Handler
*Gabrielle Kay Hanlon
Annika Lee Hanson
Whitney Elizabeth Hanson
*Noelle Harasym
Sanchita Vinod Harlalka
Seemab Hassan
Leeban Mohamed Hassen
Lauren Elizabeth Hauge
†John Daniel Hayes
Lingyi He
Lloyd Y. He
Mengyao He
Yizhou Luke He
Patrick Murphy Heeb
Roohi Hussain Hemani
Brandon Robert Hengesbach
Erik Lawrence Henrikson
Kathryn Anne Herrera
*Julia Elise Heyman
*Paul Richard Heyse
Stella Hie
Trevor Luke Hietpas
Lee Benjamin Hillman
Georgia Stewart Hoagland
Megan A. Hogan
Jerey Michael Holden
Ryan Robert Holler
Kyle Wayne Holtzman
Austin Hong
†Sung Kyu Hong
Kira Lynn Hooks
Alyssa Christine Hopcus
Dustin Ross Horning
Amanda Carol Miyuki Horowitz
Caroline Chandler Hoskinson
Sarah Katlyn Howie
Cheng Hsieh
Qingzi Hu
Dada Huang
Hao Huang
Xiangwen Huang
Jordan Elizabeth Hughes
Rachel Hung
Anna Christina Hupp
Faheem Jabir
*Ryan John Jacobs
Allison Grace Jacobsen
Nick Jacobson
Zachary John Jacobson
Eshan Jain
Gunjan Jain
†Sarah Jameel
Akshat Suketu Bina Jariwala
Benin Chelinsky Jeyachandra
Tushar Jha
Lai Jiang
Noor Johal
Alexandra Darling Johnson
Andrew Cleveland Johnson
Lacey M. Johnson
Mitchell Alan Jones
Kristen Champion Jordan
Prachi Rajeev Joshi
Caroline Elizabeth Joyce
Hope Wendy Kabel
Lindsay Wilder Kahlbaugh
Fumiya Kai
Shanav Kakkar
Rachel Kal
Amitej Singh Kalra
Leslie Anne Kamel
Mai Kanai
Shuntaro Kanai
Ryan Michael Kania
Aditi Kannan
Rachit Kansal
Manushi Kapur
Uttara Pravallika Karavadi
Joshua David Kariya
Sam Karnan
Teppei Kato
Sarah Jane Kaufman
Sayuri Kawarai
Caroline Grace Kelly
Christopher George Kennedy Jr.
Mariah Matilda Kennedy Cuomo
Tasha Rajiv Kewalramani
Usman Khan
Zareen Khan
Prath M. Kharkar
Priyank Khattar
Ali Akber Kheraj
Melissa Rose Kilbourne
Michelle Cruz Kilgallon
Aesl Kim
Hyeonjeong Kim
Ji Hyun Kim
†Joong Hyun Kim
Peter Kim
Seong Min Kim
Uriel Kim
Paige Marie Kimball
eodore Allen Kirkpatrick
Amelia Lee Knight
Katarína Kobyliński
Kelly Nicole Kosnik
Colleen Morahan Koubek
Nikilesh Krishnakumar
Jonathan Adam Krone
Pauline Christiane Kulka
Gaurav Kumar
Varshini Kumar
Yiyu Kwai
Namit Lal
Kyla Jeanne Lamontagne
Elianna Landau Greenberg
Madeline Maley Landon
Ela Lasic
Margaret Julie Laska
Ignacio Lasso De La Vega
Kathryn Elizabeth Lawson
Sophie Barksdale Layton
§Valerie Sandra Lebleu
Alexandra Lee
Eric Robert Lee
Eugene Lee
Junseo Lee
Ya-Ting Lee
Margaret Herrin Legerton
Andrew Henry Legorreta
Ethan Scott Leibowitz
Alyssa Marie Leonard
Sarah Tory Leonard
Timothy Patrick Lesiewicz
Matthew Edward Levey
William John Levi
Bradley William Levin
Dana Faith Levin
Alison Levine
Laurel Elizabeth Leyden
Georey Zhi-Der Li
Jialin Li
Kevin Li
Xiang Li
Yihan Li
Yini Li
Xiao Liang
Pin-Lun Liao
*Weining Liao
Laís Corrêa De Oliveira Moreira Lima
Adrey Lin
Danqing Lin
Jian Lin
*Peter Wei-Hao Lin
Ting-Chun Kevin Lin
Wei-Shi Lin
*Yongqiu Lin
*Also Master of Science in Design Innovation degree †Also Juris Doctor degree
Also Doctor of Medicine degree
†Baolong Liu
Hsiao-Tung Liu
Hui Liu
*Vanessa Liu
Xiaohan Liu
Zhili Liu
Gregory Lewis Lobel
Anushka Risa Lobo
Keyaira Lock
Kaitlin Elizabeth Loomis
Naomi Frances Shiroma Lopes
Parker Matthew Loving
Ryan Lowery
Hannah Rose Lucas
*Camila Maria Luciano
Mengyao Luo
Edward Staord Lusted
Matthew Brian Lynch
Mallory E. Lynn
Kara Elise Lyons
Selby Rose MacGillivray
Rachel Elizabeth Mackay O’Connor
Kira Anne MacLean
Carolina Madrid
*Aditya Mahajan
Nuzhat Maherin
Nicholas Michael Mahoney
Jenny Mak
Utkarsh Makkar
Kruti Rajiv Malkan
Michelle Mary Mammen
Sohum Anoop Mansukhani
Michael Alexander Manzano
*Avery Paige Marcus
Francisco Mariscal Bresler
Alena Nicole Marovitz
Monica Martens
Maria Cecilia Martinez Martabid
Albert Mas Rakosnik
Raveen Joseph Mathew
Ilankir Mbuyamu Matungulu
Brendan Patrick McCreary
Peter John Francis McEnaney
Sara Rose McGahan
Jared Kobla-Malik McNeir
Joseph Edward McNulty
John Francis Meagher
Audrey Jane Melville
*Cameron Eva Merten
Nicholas Randall Meyer
Stephanie Noelle Micham
Clemence Louise Agathe Michel Peng
Paras Midha
Katharine Miller
*MacKenzie Christine Miller
Payton Daniel Mills
Alexander Milovic
Geon Gyu Min
Benjamin James Mitchell
Robert McKenzie Mitchell
*Anum Mithani
Sosuke Miura
Erma Mladenova
Jae Woo Mo
†Krisn Hemant Modi
Trevor Kyle Modry
Mohamed Osman Mohamed
Neela Claire Mohan
Nicholas Damian Molcsan
Justin Michael Molinaro
Richard Matthew Monahon III
Jessica Leigh Mondics
Mbere Immanuella Monjok
Jackson Augusta Montalbano
Eduardo Montefusco
Alexander Montero
Mario Alberto Monti
Jonathan Adam Monty
Peter Joseph Moorman
Michael Joseph Bodeen Moriarty
Meheret Mae Morrison
Matthew Vincent Moschella
Rebecca Talia Moshfegh
*Deanna Nayyer Mostowfi
Neaaz Probar Mozumder
Shasi Venkata Kameswara
Tyler James Murtlow
†Julian Evan Musikant
Contessa Shungu Mwedzi
Lilianna Jane Myers
Michael Ezra Naccache
Gabriel Philip Peñas Nadal
Varsha Nagaraj
Chloe Naguib
*Kahlin Naidoo
Shelby Centofanti Nakhare
Jong-Ryul Nam
Mia Myung Joo Nam
Tian Nan
Rinrada Narakornpijit
Anirudhan Narasimhan
Hassan Nasri
Garrett Casey Nastarin
Andrew Paul Neils
Eric Gentry Nelson
Megan Kathleen Nelson
Laura Marie Nevill
*Allison Newell
omas James Newell
Stephanie Yat Fan Ng
Alexander ong Nguyen
Christian Demitri Nikolopoulos
August Jacob Nisell
Christina Allen Nisell
Jenisda Niyomrat
Johnsebastian Maximilian Noboa
Jin Hyung Noh
Jacqueline Lee Norkus
Sarah Lynn Nugent
Sarah Montan Nuslein
Doyle Marie O’Brien
Kelsey Smyth OConnor
Gregory Alden Ogard
Cristiana Ogawa Matsubayashi
Orighomisan Tonie Okpe
Catalina Olavarria
Kelsey Michelle O’Leary
Jason N. Olesnavage
Joseph F. Olszewski
Michael Jacob O’Malley
Eric Carl Onsager
Krystal Chibuchi Onyema
*Brent Thomas OReilly
Lucas Orsatto Da Silva
David T. Osborn
Matthew Hamilton Ostrowski
Katharine Elizabeth Page
Zhiwen Pang
Monika Pani
Ian Peter Carlis Pappas
Sean Jeery Paquet
Joshua Jacobo Paredes Molina
Juhi Parekh
Mihir H. Parekh
Mahek Kirit Parikh
Lucia Paris Hoyos
Jieun Park
*Paul Been Park
Saebom Park
David Benjamin Parker
Devendra Singh Parmar
Jesse Samuel Parritz
Jay Patel
*Maya Sonal Patel
*Rajan Dhavalkumar Patel
Rohan Paul
Jeevan Pawa
Chandler Paige Pearson
Stephanie J. Pegler
Ruoyu Peng
Edward James Pereira
Sergio Alejandro Perez Baron
Rodrigo Ignacio Perez Lopez
Alyson Peyton Perkins
Jacob Robert Petersen
Graydon omas Peterson
Nicholas Gregory Peterson
Kevin Allen Pickett
Eric Brian Pillado
Prithi Polavarapu
Rakesh Ponnala
Cort Mackenzie Post
Christopher Allen Potts
Eden Powell
Brendan J. Power
Ashwin Prashant
Miriam Cheryl Prosnitz
Juan Guillermo Puga García
Rahul Puranmalka
Hayley Higgins Purcell
*José Angel Purón Mijares
Timothy Joseph Pusateri
Yue Qi
June Rebecca Qian
Jerey William Qiu
Yu Qiu
Yiming Qu
Ava Ariel Quail
James Matthew Quirke
Alexander Peter Quoyeser
Matias Rabat Joannon
Valdi Rachman Friscantono
Abishek Raghavan
Farzain Raynah Rahman
Brisa D. Ramirez
Aman Ranka
Peter Charles Rantis
Yuqi Rao
Horacio Rappaccioli
Julia Yijun Rauhut
Sandesh Rawat
Anita Raziq
Trent Larcen Reddic
†Rohun Reddy
*Kathryn Ashley Reis
Guillermo Rey Mata
Kenneth J. Reyes
J. R. Reynolds
Leticia Rezende De Almeida
John Edward Riley
omas D. Riley
†Henry Marc Rittenberg
Stephanie Moelis Rivkin
Alexandra Mary Roat
Jacob Robert Roeper
*Sarah Thompson Rogers
*Olufemidahunsi Oluseyi Rosanwo
Sara McCarey Rourke
Andrew Rosset
José Rovella
Amrita Roy
Zhanpeng Ruan
Matthew Christian Ruch
Megan Elizabeth Saar
Prithviraj Prasad Sabnis
Joshua Benjamin Sacks
Ipsita Priyadarshini Sai
George Mina Saieed
Eduardo Enrique Saldivar
Jordan Zachary Sale
Joel Gabriel Salgado
Eduardo Sampaio Penna
Camila Sanchez
Gerardo Sandoval
Casey Jordan Sands
†Elena Santana De La Rosa
Mario Estefan Santana
Megan Elizabeth Santoro
Aniket Vishwajit Saoji
Carina Adrienne Sarda
Abigail Leigh Sarmiento
Hiroya Nicholas Sato
Jace Saunders
Siddharth Sanjay Sawant
Lindsey Sara Schapiro
Robert Charles Schill
Adena Ann Schmidt
Joseph Walter Schneider
Paul Schochat
Elizabeth Schofding
Nicole Alexandra Schreiber
Jonathan Mishawn Schroeder
Haley Renee Schulte
Gregory William Schultz
Daniel Alexander Schwartz
Sinnard Michael Scott
Brandon Keay Guan See
Nicolas Segura Dobjanschi
Rafael Ochoa Seltzer
Tyler Frederick Semrau
*Mayukh Sen
Baui Nathaniel Senkfor
Benjamin McCormick Sensenich
Omer Shaaeldin
Aayush Shah
Aarthi Shankar
Yuancheng Shao
*Aabhas Sharma
Ibna Sharma
Rajat Sharma
*Yesuto Richard Shaw
Mimi Shen
George Henry Shepherd
Jonathan Charntin Shieh
Seung Hee Shin
Samantha Rose Shipp
James Gordon Shovers
Yash Shrimali
Akhil Shukla
*Apurva Ranjan Shukla
Noah Benjamin Shulru
Jackson Cook Shumway
Samir Siddiqui
Luke Daniel Sims
Akshita Singh
Garima Singh
Nitin Pratap Singh
Teghdeep Singh
Pornpramote Pete Sinhaseni
Matthew Ryan Sisco
Melissa Anne Siskind
Shruti Sitaram
Brett omas Sleyster
Donald David Slominski III
Alice Smelyansky
Alexis Marie Smith
Colton Hunt Smith
Connor Haight Smith
Cydney Marie Smith
Dane Michael Smith
Ella Morgan Smith
Taylor Alexandra Smith
Tanya Sogani
Daniel Augusto Solano Munoz
Maxim Soloshchanskiy
Samuel Aaron Solovy
Batuhan Sonmezer
Jahnavi Sonthi
†Samantha Sosa
Troy Austin Southwell
Sean Orion Spatz
Taylor Kim Spellings
Abigail Marie Spellman
Smrithi Sridhar
Pallavi Srivastava
Justin Tyler Stacy
Zachary Miles Stander
*Matthew Robert Steggeman
Danyelle Patrice Steichen
Connor Ivan Steiner
Alexander Lee Stocksdale
Brett omas Stoehr
John Blalock Stone
*Nicholas Lee Strann
John David Strayer
Jack William Struthers
†Ellen Hines Stucky
Haley Collins Stutts Carney
Suraj Subrahmanyan
Anant Vaidyanathan Subramaniam
*Also Master of Science in Design Innovation degree †Also Juris Doctor degree
Sidharth Ganesh Subramany
*Takaya Sugino
Catherine Carey Sullivan
Osman Can Sulu
Wei Sun
Yusi Sun
†Prabhu Suresh
Lauren Elizabeth Swanson
Ambika Swaroop
Nicole Tara Sweet
*Michelle Syu
Tasmia Tabassum
Hiroto Takeuchi
§Abhinav Talwar
Katia Tamer
Brian David Tang
Jessica Sarah Tannenbaum
Haider Sulaiman Tarar
Mani Tayebi
Keith Edward Taylor Jr.
Ryan Christian Taylor
Rebecca Jane Teper
*Katherine Elaine Theiss
Walker Howard Tiller
Ellen Marie Tippow
Joshua Sam Tolmatsky
Maxwell Phillip Torbiner
Eduardo Rene Torres
Matthew Courtney Treuth Jr.
Alejandra Isabel Treviño
John David Trump
eodore Yiu-Wah Tsang
Han-Chuan Tsao
†Ines Tzolov
§LakshmiPriya Uppalapati
Victoria Leigh Valadez
*Santiago Andres Valdes Gonzalez
Stephen Esteban Valencia
Sasha Elizabeth Vancura
*Richard Victor Vargo
Jonathan Maurice Vaux
Rohit Venugopal
Leticia Vieira Salvador
Alex James Lori Vielmetti
María Alejandra Villamil Ariza
Carlos Villanueva
Juan Camilo Villegas
Adam Vishny
†Andrew Brooks Wald
Brett Ian Wallace
Aidan James Walsh
Ethan omas Walz
Dande Wang
Michelle Manfei Wang
Weiqi Wang
Zhiye Wang
Joshua Mitchell Wasserman
Tina Murphy Watkins
Kevin Bruce Wedge
Michael Christopher Welton
Jennifer Ann Westlund
Jacob Charles Whitacre
Sean Michael Whitney
Walker Charles Wiese
Daniel Wilches Giraldo
Lincoln Reed Kimball Wilcox
Jennifer Macgregor Will
Emily Ruth Williams
Grant Farrar Williams
Kayla Gabrielle Williams
Kelly Marie Williams
Meagan Renee Williams
Julia Suzanne Witten
Sally Wong
Taylor Woodward
Monica Ann Worsley
Christopher omas Wozniak
Jason Allen Wright
Weiyi Wu
Anthony James Wunder
Adrian Boisvert Wyland
*Tobias Wyler
Nicholas Xu Ke
Xin Xu
Yuying Xu
Aditya Pratap Yadav
Elise Nicole Yancey
Hae Soung Yang
Xu Yang
Claire Zhang Yao
Samantha Michelle Yarnis
*Cheuk Ting Yau
Jun Yeop Yeo
Phoebe Ming-En Yeo
Zoe Yeros
Ziqiao Yin
Mark Nelson Yingling
Yan g You
Jiahui Yu
Chen Yue
Sunyoung Yun
Arif Zaman
Alfredo Augusto Zanatti III
Jiaxin Zang
Richard Christopher Zarnoch
Ellen Grein Zdravkovic
Margaret Rose Zero
Mario Roberto Zeron Hernandez
Reena Zhan
Ruohao Derek Zhang
Shujing Zhang
Yameng Leslie Zhang
†Yongjia Zhang
Tianjian Zhao
Wenrui Zheng
Sherry Zhong
Jialu Zhou
Junyi Zhou
Keying Zhou
Chen Zhuang
Kevin Rowe Zipf
Brittany Lynn Zuro
Master of Business
Executive MBA Programs
Degree awarded July 29, 2022
Alaedeen Abumulaweh
Ayodele Oladeji Adenuga
Jorge Aguero Navarro
Omar Azim Ahmad
Faiz Ahmed
Mira Albert
Jonathan Amiel
Smitha Arekapudi
Husein Shabbir Attarwala
Salvador Barros Guzman
Kaushik Bashakarla
Shubham Krishna Bhat
Eric Scott Boritz
Naima Yolanda Briscoe
Austin Mark Budlong
Maura Buxton
Joel Isaac Camp
Sebastian Luis Cariaga
Glen Rolan Carty
Jonathan Chaparro
Peter Cheng
Jason Lim Chua
Eze Chukwu
Rene Gerard Couttolenc-Murillo
Adam David Crandall
Jennifer Cruz
Luca De Ferrari
Daniela Donado Gomez
Anne Elizabeth Dor
Stephani Downey
Craig Antoine Dunham
Maged Ebeid
Brittany French
Matthew Wayne Giddings
Laura Ashley Glaab
Chitra Goel
Pavithra Naidu Gopisetty
Christina Henry
Juan Camilo Herrera Marino
Rahul Jain
Shreyansh Jain
Virbahu Nandishwar Jain
Andres Jaraquemada
Melinda Esther Johnson
Girish G. Kaimal
Kevin Patrick Keller
Zach Matthew Kelly
Dharam Singh Khalsa
Nyla Khan
Jason Insung Kim
Shalisa Marie Kline
Shiraz Kotte
Ashwin Ganesh Krishnamurthy
Ann Elizabeth Lambson
Kimberly Fu-Hui Lee
Glory Goodman Linsley
Michele Marie Lodl
Dustin Michael Loveland
Kate Lyons
Jimmy omas Magarelli
Bin-Bin Mao
Ysais Martinez
Bob Kerwin Matteson
Allison Renee McKeever
Vinay Shantaram Medhekar
Lachlin Robert Miller
Rivka Mintz
James Sung Mitchell
Sana Mohammed
Chris Mulvey
Nubia R. Murray
Ian James Myers
Sakina Batool Naqvi
Rashid S. Niaz
Karen Novick
Marcelo Andres Pagnotta
Kevin Pang
Suvin Vinay Pathak
Amit Pharkya
Bruce Eliot Plummer
Vitaliy Poylin
G. P. Prasad Mishra
Phanii Kumar Pydimarri
Emily Elizabeth Rahbar-Daniels
Alejandro Miguel Recio Sada
Stephanie Regnier
Andrew James Rohacik
Chris Allen Rose
Jose Tomas Ruano Pena
Subhankar Samal
Pete David Scherf
Mike Joseph Scheske
Munjal Shah
Manish Kumar Sharma
Jeremy Robert Singer
Rebecca Lee Smith
Shashank Srivastava
Brandon Taylor Standird
John C. Stephens
Angelo Henrique Rodrigues Stradioto
Karthik Sundararajan
Jillian Corbets aker
Darshit R. akkar
Robin Joseph oppil
Shishir Tiwari
Renato Travaglini Esteves
Arun Varanasi
Christian D. Villamil
Tomasz Stanislaw Walkosz
Doris Wang
Je John Wasco
Zack Ross Welch
Megan Dishman Wenrich
Garry Williams
Tristan Anderson Wilson
Julianna Wokurka
Sumit Yadav
Diego Andres Zamora
Mike Scott Ziesemer
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Rick Adams
Chaitan Addanki
Mohammed Samir Alabsi
Claire Ellen Anderson
Vasu Appalaneni
Roberto Carlos Arias Alduncin
Jerry Dale Arteaga
Tomas Ignacio Ayala Grandi
Nic Brian Belgrave
Alyssa Michelle Beltran
Asheesh Biyala
Arvind Boda
Matt Spencer Brooker
Donna Lynn Bumpass
Declan Byrnes-Enoch
Nicolas Calderon
Ben Carpel
Matthew Harris Certner
Andy Chana
Guillermo Chavez Aguilar
Suman Shankar Chitemella
Tim Charles Christenson
Nick Christian
Tina Chung
Chelsea Katherine Cook
Paul omas Cronin
Dan Mario DAddario
Michael Angelo Dauro
Lenton Kenneth Davies
Joshua S. Davis
Tom Michael Doers
Lisa Sara Drew
Brendan Joseph Dunne
Daniel Felipe Duran Gonzalez
Hernan Espinosa
Brent Richard Estevez
Samantha Evers-Mundzic
Cristina Fernandez Frankenfeld
Perry Levon Flemming
Sylvia Alexandra Franco
Mike Friedman
Deepika Reddy Gaddam
Gigi Gallay
Bryan Ginsberg
Zack Goldstein
Denise Odessa Lynn Greathouse
Deirdre Elena Grecco
Daniel Albert Habie
Jordan Michael Hanson
Chris Lee Hardeman
Harrison Donovan Hays
Eric Steven Heinz
Daniel Hodo
Tyler Lloyd Ho
Kevin omas Holland
Robert Joseph Humaster
Neha Jain
Senthil Janardhanan
Jerry M. Jenkins
Cathy Jerome
Bhawna Jha
Brooke Marie Jones
Jose Alonso Jurado
Sudhakar Kanagarajan
Deepa Kasineni
Guy Roger Keller
Syed Zaheer Khan
Andrew Michael Kochli
Vaijayanti Korde
Praveen Kosuri
Jose Gabriel Lama Verdeja
Anna Laniado
Dominique Lee
Sookjin Lee
Sarah Longley
Mohit Malhan
Lori Mapili
Nuha Masri
Bailey McPherson Mayer
Debbi McCreary
Christian Michael Moreno
Sandy Mukherjee
Zach Paul Neeb
Danielle Simone Neveles
Devin James Noonan
Satoshi Ohtake
Emma Hueytzu Palotas
*Also Master of Science in Design Innovation degree †Also Juris Doctor degree
Also Doctor of Medicine degree
Satya Panda
Kim Ann Pankiewicz
Jacob Pat
Guilherme Paz Loiacono
Colleen Rose Peters
Senton Pojani
Sandra Pope
Vishnu Choudhary Potini
Candice Day Quarles
Praveena Reddi
Guillermo Arturo Rodriguez Soltero
Matthew Franco Rogers
Chaquer Rohana Correa
Osama A. Sabbah
Garvita Sethi
Omar Sha
Mayank Sharma
Saboor Sheikh
Roi Shleifer
Bhan Ajit Singh Sial
Pavani Silaparasetty
Praveen Jones Singalla
Neha Pramod Kumar Singh
Siva Srigiriraju
Jaime Isaac Tabachnik
Chung Foong Tan
Ivo Branimirov Tankov
J. Luke Tenery
Molly Heller Toig
Meena Vaidyanathan anikachalam
Bala K. Vellanki
Juan Pablo Vergara
Vishnu Karthik Vijayaraghavan
Tom Paul Vogel
Luke Randall Wacek
Jessie Merrill Wade
Po-Hao Wang
Nina Marie Beckmann Waters
Carter Wellford
Lance Leland Wheeler
Pablo Nicolas Xacur Jorge
Daniel Ybarnegaray
Lily Zheng
Christina Zhong
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Tina Chaudhry
Jessica Helene Chertow
Felipe Hyunseung Kim
Candidates for degree June 16, 2023
Mohammad Ashif Abubacker
Ankit Agrawal
Cesar Augusto Alvarez De Cardenas
Jasmine Raechelle Amaso
Sofya H. Asfaw
Sia Naina Ashok
Peter Anthony Baquero
Carlos Roberto Barbery Mier
Michael Adam Bemoras
Mounia Bensouda
Sulagna Bhattacharya
Jay Navinbhai Bhinde
Gregg Michael Bissict
Nisha Rao Bonda
Emily Marie Borders
Alexander Brekke
Pablo Ignacio Brenes Dittel
Ronald Orie Browne
Henry Burden
Kimberly Denice Campos
Ricardo Ramiro Carrasco
Ibrahim Chahuan Riveros
Basudeb Chatterjee
Heeteak Chung
Jennifer Ludwig Clark
Jeremy Heath Collins
James Claude Couvillion
Adam Cunningham
Michael Martin Daharsh
Arif Dar
Ratika Dhar
Tyler Victoria Dikeman
Soumitra R. Eachempati
Brody Deane Eagelston
Volkan Emre
David A. Feuer
Anna Margaret Fisher
Lance Phillip Fondren
Kari Jean Glosser
Han Gong
William Allen Gray
Katheryn Lieber Grinberg
Nicholas Peter Gross
Michael Hamblet
Amy Carolyn Hawks
Amanda Reagan Hollo
Tiana Hood
Robert Weston Hudkins
Tomas James Ibanez Atkinson
Katie Beth Jingozian
Adam Kadlec
Jake Kahn Kalnitz
Teh Il Kang
Vasanth Kattalai Kailasam
Jonathan Craig Katz
Shawn Steven Kitzmiller
Muralidhar Kondapaneni
Carmen Marie Kuchta
Sulakshana Lakshmanan
Joshua Benjamin Levin-Scherz
Elizabeth Louis
Hassan Madras
Joseph Anthony Manone
Harish Chowdary Maridi
Andre Marsh
Ariel Rosa Cabe Martin
Kelly Kathleen Megel
Abilash Menon
Michel Carvalho Mestrinelli
Toniya Mishra
Abdol Moabery
Eduardo Pedro Montorro
Patricia Regina Moreno Tozzi
Aidan James Murphy
Charles Mardigian Nahra
Richard Brian Nicholas
Bob Ntuaremba Leyo
Sravanth Palepu
Gregory B. Parranto
Miteshkumar R. Patel
Steve Wilson Peck
Christopher Jordan Pellico
Joseph Phister
Suresh Pitchumani
James Ryan Pittman
Kostas Andreas Poulakidas
Miroslaw W. Purpura
David Martin Rader
Vinitha Chinnakani Rajan
Joseph Richey
Douglas Jerey Rohlfs
Miguel Octavio Ruiz Chirinos
Kinshuk Sahaya
Phanisupriya Sajja
Diego Alberto Salazar Zuluaga
Amelia Jane Schroeder
Shivasai Rengarajan Selvarengaraju
Jose Enrique Serrano Pellegrini
Dhaval Shah
Irina Shapiro
Traci Shapiro
Brijesh Kumar Singh
Ashish Prasad Narain Sinha
Michael Andrew Slowinske
Steven Stavropoulos
Tristan Leigh Stevens
Steven Edward Stith
Kari Swi
Gene Tam
Rebecca Jo Bierie Tann
Mathias Tebar
Chandler Lyle Tetirick
Hilary Allison omas
Michael D. ompson
Caue Todeschini De Assuncao
Manish Tripathi
Calvin Gie Tsao
Christopher Andrew Tuckett
Snigdha Ummareddy
Linda Danielle Vincenti
Kumar Vishal
Nhung i Vu
Sydonna Roumelia Watts
John S. Wilson
Sheldon Ashton Wray
Luisa Dinunzio Mirarchi Wright
Tene Saran Wright
Armando Zazueta Harfush
Junhai Zheng
Olha Zvarych
Guanghua-Kellogg at the
Guanghua School of Business,
Peking University, China
Degree awarded January 6, 2023
Jack Gu
Ming Liu
William Sun
Allan Tandiono
Christina Wang
Danning Wang
Xiaochen Zhang
Run Zhou
Kellogg–HKUST at the School
of Business and Management,
Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology, China
Degree awarded November 30, 2022
Manish Baheti
Florian Burnat
Trotter Hurley Cashion
Anne Chan
Willie Chan
Je Chen
Brian Chow
Wilson Fan
Clara Kwan
Joanna Laurson-Doube
Frederic Li
Andy Luk
Nicholas Mo
Nathan T. Taimanglo
Ho-Pin Tung
Sandor Van Kesteren
Richard Van Westing
Rex Wong
Jenny Zeng
Kenneth Zhang
Degree awarded March 29, 2023
Ina He
Yannick Kuehl
Fang Liu
Kellogg-Recanati at the Leon
Recanati Graduate School
of Business Administration,
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Shachaf Amir
Leelach Avidov
Ayelet Cohen
Michal Cohen
Shelly Dayan
Ilana Beth Diamond
Guy Ellis
Noor Ferro Zaheraldeen
Nevo Gal
Jenny Goldman
Miha Gottlieb
Laura Hadash
Asaf Hanukaev
Keren Herscovici
Reut Kogan
Oleg Kramer
Liran Liberman
Nitsan Litwak
Shir Marom-Melnik
Shiran Melamdovsky Somech
Noa Muzza-Yagev
Reut Ohana
Adi Omesy
Dan Pinchasi
Tal Rozenberg
Michael Rutman
Daniel Shainberg
Tsahi Shaltiel
Avi Shulman
Dimitri Sokolov
Ariel Steinberg
Arie Sussely
Yossi Shmuel Torgeman
Yonah Weisz
Mahmoud Khaled Ibrahim Yasin
Roy Zabludowicz
Kellogg–Schulich at the
Schulich School of Business,
York University, Canada
Degree awarded October 21, 2022
Michael Luciano Giuseppe Abate
Arun Acharya
Sameera Akram
Faaiza Ali
Ronen Dov Ben Shlomo
Akriti Bhatnagar
Paul Stuart Bradshaw
Kashif Kashif Bukhari
Allan Changoor
Raj Choudhary
Muhammad Musaab Choudhry
Kristina Covello-Garcia
Anamika Darolia
Shruti Kanta Dash
Rahul Gaba
A. G. Gunawan
Himani Rana Jaswal
Keith Norman Jensen
Manbir Singh Jhawer
Kale McGillvray Johnson
Michal Wiktor Jordan-Rozwadowski
Frank Douglas Lamie
Etret Faiyaz Mohammad
Michael William Moken
Lakdi Anucharika Mudunpita
Shiv Nayyar
Connell Alexander Carlin O’Leary
Georgios Panagiotaros
Victor Podkholyuzin
Amira Salama
Nirnay Sureshchandra Sharma
Susie Shin
Elena Stukalova
Arun Sundararaman
Harinder Jeet Singh Takhar
Ben Tang
Daniel Christopher Troiani
Ruth Liu Uy
Samuel Xiong
Antonio Yedra Ortega
Nina Nina Yusa
Degree awarded March 29, 2023
Manija Amirzada
Kellogg–WHU at Otto Beisheim
School of Management, Germany
Degree awarded October 28,2022
Umesh Batra
Julia Morochko
David Morton
Steen Marius Poeck
Bernadette Quiriconi
Oliver Schmitt
Rohit Shankar
Vybhav Sinha
Andrea Tosi
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Christian Abold
Yingxiao An
Bernhard Dahlkotter
Brooke Ditzler
Kulshreshtha Bhooshan Dwivedi
Nermeen Farouk
Steen Henoch
Mykola Kazadayev
Parveen Kharb
Jeya Kulanayagam
Levie Lensun
Lukas Linnig
Witold Mierzejewski
David Pecher
Tobias Reuther
Kristof Reynvoet
Johannes Josef Ruberg
Marcel Schmidt
Faran Syed
Ishan Vaishnavi
Stefan Van Geyt
Master of Science in
Management Studies
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Simen Sunde Bratholm
Min Kwan Chang
Zhongkang Chen
Shannon Rae Daley
omas Edward DAlise
Andrew Wade Davison
Lucas John Davison
Steven Edward Forman
Alejandro Graber
Hannah Elizabeth Hall
Parker B. Hanks
Tatyana Marques Hardwick
Connor Mason Hooley
Michael Anthony Indelicarto
Alex S. Jacobs
Emma Lynn Jaques
Chandrashree Karnani
Isabelle Regine Kenagy
Siyang Liang
Jennifer Yueh Chi Lo
Jingwen Lu
Charlie Ryan Mangieri
Connor Scott McCabe
Finnian Patrick Murphy
Ethan Blake Rosen
Zoë Choi Sarrazin
Charles Russell Schmidt
Yifei Nelson Shao
Zheng Shen
Hana Masako Takemoto
Gary Yojay Tsai
Manshu Mandy Wang
Xinran Wei
Lewen Wu
Yunyi Xu
Zhengqing Yuan
Hao Zhang
Xinyang Zhang
Duanyi Zhou
Eric G. Neilson, MD, Dean
Doctor of Medicine
Degree awarded May 15, 2023
Raveena Aggarwal
Saaket Agrawal
Sonia Vikas Ahluwalia
†Precious Nsorhma Winebo
Siddhant S. Ambulkar
Maria Aristova
Cayla Bales
Ashir Bansal
Frank Barrows
Sasha Becker
Elana Tori Benishay
Henry Scott Bison
Michael Jacob Boctor
Madelyn Bollig
Katherine Bolten
Riley M. Boyd
Jannis Raye Brea
John Michael Bryan
Caroline Canning
Allison Carroll
Slaton Case
Michelle Asami Chapman
Chen Chen
John Lee Chen
Stanley Chu
Lauren Marie Ciulla
Jerey Clark
Anne Davidson Ward
Julie Robin Dean
Sergei De Hoyos
Adam De Jesus
Karishma Desai
Mia DiCara
James Malcolm Dickson
§Annika Divakar
Agnes Anne Donnelly
Samantha Elaine Duarte
Blackberrie Emily Eddins
Avraham Eisenstein
Hannah Annalise Enyart
Joshua Marco Mitchell Faber
Zalman Boris Faltushanskiy
Celestia Fang Tinari
Margaret Catherine Fink
Nicolas Fink
Molly Alexandra Frey
*Donovan Daniel Gappy
†Lawrence Adrian Garcia
Swati Paavika Garg
Benjamin H. Gastevich
Andrew Jonathon Geiser
Maria Valeria Gomez-Roas
Reeti Kiran Gulati
Sparsh Gupta
Joshua Gwangmin Han
Kathryn Rose Hanson
John Hildenbrand
Ronus Hojjati
Madeleine Mei-Ling Horvath Laury
Rachel Sarah Hoying
Le Huang
Fernando Andrés Huyke Hernández
Xue Ying Hwang
William Jackson III
Dorian Sage Kaminski
Viswajit Kandula
Abrar Khaja
Victoria Anne Kocsuta
Emily Rose Kowal
Tomas Krepostman
Nicholas James Lanzetta
*Valerie Sandra LeBleu
Joo-Young Lee
Betelehem Lemma
John Patrick Leshock
Laura Pauline Lettenberger
Sophia Li
Sarah Libfraind
Szu-In Lim
Jasmine Samantha Lin
Benjamin R. Loomis
Terry Lou
Nina Calantone Lund
Meghan Maureen Lynch
Helena W. Ma
Ashorne Krithiesh Mahenthiran
Ashley Francia Maras
†Alba Mariner Gonzalez
Daniel omas Mathew
§Chloe Noelle Matovina
Maxwell Aaron McMahon
Brandon Roy McNichol
Anthony Mei
Julio Meza
Monica Nagalla
Skylar Lisle Nahi
Tanaz Homyar Naterwala
Phoebe Quynh Newell
Constantine Paul Nicolozakes
Emma Oce
Nonye Nadia Ogbue
Sydney Leavitt Olson
Janice Xin-Yee Ong
Abraham John Harding Ouweleen
Simon Joseph Padanilam
Kaveet Pruthvish Pandya
Mallika Modak Patel
Mallika Subhash Patel
Tricia Rae Pendergrast
Wesley Peng
Giovanni Perottino
Joshua Garn Peterson
§Victor de Carvalho Pinto
Praneet Polineni
Melissa Lee Querrey
Kian Rahbari
Ashvita Ramesh
Paavani Satti Reddy
Lynn Yi Ren
Adrian Rosenberg
Samuel I. Rosenberg
Anastasios G. Roumeliotis
Marnie Ruiz
Andrea Mary Rustad
Nehal Singh Samra
Dane Sannes
Daniel Cyrus Sasson
Reid Schlesinger
Frank Anthony Schumacher
Sarah M. Schwartz
Michael Baran Scott
Maeve Allison Serino
Nikhil Dipak Shah
Nikita Shah
Parth Vipul Shah
Katherine Shi
Osama Mannan Siddiqui
Gordon Smilnak
D. Grace Smith
Kathryn Smith
Lauren Smith
Jessica Song
Dhivya Sridar
Eli Stein
Isi Sturla
Nila Rose Suresh
*Abhinav Talwar
Ryan Christopher Tang
*LakshmiPriya Uppalapati
Jerey Alex Varghese
Anu Venkatesh
Omkar Gayathri Venkatesh
Kelly Vogel
Abigail Carolina Weiland
James Russell Wester
Megan Wenshin Wong
Ketan Yerneni
Joshua Yehyun Yoo
Selcen Sila Yuksel
Abu Jaafar Zaidi
David L. Zhang
Caroline Frances Zhao
Nina Y. Zhou
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Degree awarded April 14, 2023
Francesca Abiusi
Noah M. Alexander
Madeline Marie Anderson
Mikaela Rae Arredondo
Karina Beird
Logan Ben-Ezra
Brianna Leigh Berceau
Hippolyte Antoine Bernard
Soe Louise Besser
Alexandra Brzezinska
Steven M. Busby
Suzanne Marie Cardosi
Li-Bin Chen
Samuel Choi
Tracy Chun
Kristen Collins
Adelaide Cooke
Ella Colleen Counihan
Alexandrea Crookston
Brian Cua
Yumeng Dai
Jennifer Elizabeth Daoud
Yiting Du
Lital Elfassi
Peng Fan
Matthew Farley
Peter Lijian Fu
Fangzhou Gai
Nicole Gilbert
Liliana Adele Gorsuch
Elizabeth Beatrice Grobbel
Brenda Guan
Susana Gutierrez
Danielle Harkavy
Jayah Hasson
Austin Hemenway
Eleanor Leavy Hoag
Natalie Homan
Jimmy E. Jacinto
Zineyra Jeteric
Paolo Francisco T. Jimenez
Joslyn Aneice Johnson
Alla Kathleen Kedzierski
Katie Kesslering
Narongchai Py Khonwai
Eleni G. Kioussis
Alice Koshevatskiy
Sarah Morgan Lipscomb
Delany Liter
Graceanne Noel Ludwig
Rachel Ariel Matz
Hannah Renee Meyer
Catherine Bakken Milner
Ruth Morales-Flores
Sophia Mordini
Samantha Nidenberg
Juliana Grace Nikolich
Carli Nissen
Conor Michael O’Donovan
Megan Oza
Anne Jelica Panganiban
Pooja Patel
Ravi D. Patel
Sruthi Pichika
Claire Reynolds
Rachael Nichole Rienstra
Amelia Rose Rodriguez
Claire Rossi
*Also Master of Business Administration degree †Also Master of Public Health degree §Also Master of Arts degree
Donya Saar
Matthew Scott Saulters
Hannah R. Saunders
Danielle Schur
Sandra G. Seitz
Brenden R. Seki
Anthony Shaw
Haiting Rosemary Shui
Jasmine Smyles
Kevin Sapeer Soleimani
Connor Sperling
Victoria M. Springman
Robert J. Staszak
Mark James Strudas
Yuchen Sun
Paul Timothy Garcia Teodoro
Emily Lynn Tompkin
Enzo Troiani
Brian Lamar Vance
Tatiana White
Daria Akeyla Wilson
Maren Elizabeth Cook Wisniewski
James Frederick Wyman
Lauren Yurick
Melanie Anastasia Ziaziaris
Master of Medical Science
Degree awarded May 6, 2023
Diego Alejandro Arenas
Ayanna S. Banks
Kristin Roth Brennan
Sarah Brennan
Ashlyn Nicole Czapiga
Alberto de Miguel Garrido
Kazandra Celina Diaz
Lauren Doh
Nicolette Jules Eckert
Aidan Marie Ex-Willey
Alexandra Felemovicius
Emma Elise Friedman
Arely Hernandez
Suzanne Marie Hiltz
Mickayla Lee Hinkle
Cecilia Kattan
Angela Kim
Cyrus Ma
Sara R. Marquis
Julia Masia
Argentina Morales
Sophie Alyse Nadler
Cassandra Novak
Meredith Richards
Alyssa Iris Rios
Sara Alise Sanchez
Carlos Rodrigo Sian
Sydney Rae Tobis
Katherine Vestakis
Brennan Kyle Wood
Irene Zhu
Chloe Roseta Zito
Master of Prosthetics
and Orthotics
Degree awarded April 14, 2023
Barry Bait
Ross Whitney Barker
Grace Marie Berrios
Caleb Breese
Cameron Caswell
Ethan Michael Cestaro
Sidney Chemini
Sarah Clairman
Annaliese Clevenger
Bailey Colli
Letitia Crosson
Emma Domke
Jessica Wray Donaldson
Katelyn Joyce Edel
Althea A. Fordyce
Hannah Thornburg Gensch
Charles Gleaves
Rebecca Gordon
Myranda Ham
William Ray Harris
Ayman Hassanein
Benjamin Hollnagel
Miranda Joy Isaacs
Kristen John
Matthew Parker Jones
Ross Alexander Kelly
Samuel Khamphith Keomanivane
Courtney Morgan Klapka
Kayla Kumiega
Leslie Gabriela Martinez
Jacob Michael McCleary
Colin Daniel Melick
Rachael Millon
Jamie Moser
Madison Nastruz
Amanda J. On
Olivia Mia Palino
Julia Lauren Pines
Devon Kristine Plata
Samuel Ray
Jessica Nicole Satosek
Victoria Nicole Schatzer
Robert Louis Smith IV
Zachary Reid Srour
Korina Stelzenmueller
Holly Sullivan
Emily Kaitlyn Terpstra
Kayleigh J. Thomas
Toni-Marie Montgomery,
DMA, Dean
Doctor of Musical Arts
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Corey Steven Everly
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Eric Joseph Scott
Ruixue Zhang
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Matthew Phillip Baker
Henry Hung-Yi Chen
Liza Sobel Crane
Zachary Lewis Good
Chenxing Huang
Xingyu Li
Andrew John Major
An Tuan Tran
Master of Music
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Bianca Celine Santiago Pratte
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Philip B. Drembus
Yu-En Hsieh
Kasey Douglas Nahlovsky
Qianshan Yun
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Ethan Z. Adams
Mikey J. Ahearn
Mohamad Shahrizal Bin Ahmad
Ashlee Nicole Allaire
Isobel Katherine Anthony
Kathryn Helen Berger
Rachel Ann Campagna
Yun-Hua Chang
Alexander Li Chen
Su Rin Cho
Jiwon Chun
Abram Kennedy Collier
Nicholas G. Collins
Timothy Wayne Cook Jr.
Rachel Kessler Côté
Kurt Davis Cox
Yuxin Dai
John Riley Dawson
Ryan Lavelle Dearon
Bradyn Michael Fenwick Debysingh
Nicholas Daniel DeLaurentis
Santiago Del Castillo Aréchiga
Mariko Sophia De Napoli
Austin Michael Doub
Kyle Jordan Dudley
Caleb Anthony Edwards
Jennifer Huang
omas Grant Hubel
Jakyoung Huh
Lina Jeong
Natalie R. Johnson
Minsoo Kang
Robert Kellar
Nathan Vilhena Kock
Doyun Kook
Samuel F. Krausz
Timothy Michael Lambert
Seoyong Lee
Flemming Li
Keliang Li
Calvin Qiuyuan Liu
William Braxton Lord
Michelle Mariel Chua Mariposa
Victoria Anne Marshall
Matthew S. Melillo
Karen Gabriela Mendes
Nicholas Lee Mihalich
Luiz Fernando Moita Venturelli
de Souza
Alexander R. Mullins
Lauryn McKenzie Nelson
Benjamin Stone Poirot
Michelle Renee Ravitsky
Alec Conrad Rich
Andrew Michael Ritchie
Nathan Brodke Savant
Georey Edward Schmelzer
Myriaha Marie Isbell Seavello
Drew Patrick Shipman
Andrew David Sprague
Meredith Brooke Steele
Emily Adelia Stone
Daniel S. Szefer
Christina Uhrenbacher
Bethany Grace Vaughan
Courtney Virginia Vega-King
Alex Coley Whitehead
Samantha Brooke Winkler
Kaytlin Marie Withers
David Robert Wolfe
Caleb Daniel Wong
Ryan Joseph Wood
Julia Marie Woodring
Haoying Wu
Wing Nok Kaissy Yau
Xiaoying Zhuang
Thomas F. Gibbons, JD, Dean
Master of Arts in
Creative Writing
Candidate for degree, June 16, 2023
Sambath Meas
Master of Arts in Literature
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Kailey Cole
Jason Benjamin Mormolstein
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Alison B. Cooper
Candidate for degree, June 16, 2023
Rachel Cole
Master of Arts in Public Policy
and Administration
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Komal Ahuja
Amanda Ann Calkins
Melissa Calypso
Kejiao Chen
Haoyu Cheng
Matthew P. Crescenzo
Mary Joan Evans
Zhihan Feng
Nicolas G. Flores
Jessica Lynn Ramos Gimeno
Claire Grebner
Alex J. Kopytko
Lauryn Lewis
Carlina Gunce Lominy
Jianer Mao
Rui Mao
Jessica Danielle McElwee
Curtis Menefee
Emily Pawlowski
Nolan David Robinson
Linfan Shi
Brandon omas Siefring
Lyric Smith-Stallworth
Yujia Song
Katelyn Sulander
Shi Sun
Huanyu Wang
Ruge Wang
Nathaneil Winston
Yixiao Wu
Yuhan Xiao
Yiyang Yang
Yuqing Ying
Ningrong Zhang
Jitong Zou
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Caroline K. Bender
Tali Alaina Friedman
Linxuan Gao
Ivy Hood
Hana Kajtazovic
Anne Elizabeth Donkel Kane
Kimberly Kelaita
Jeremy Alan Mask
Rosemary E. Mendez
Anna Gartisha Mercer
Nathan M. Norman
Anthony Partridge
Amy P. Rossi
Jacob Shaevitz
Tyler Bobay Strunk
Kristina Tian Sun
Ruolin Sun
Tyler Jordan Bernard omsen
Kayla Ungar
Nosherwan Yasin
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Hannah Elizabeth Johnson
Richard C. Peterson
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Isabel Lilly Aklestad
Amear Alhadidi
Jordan Michael Barham
Susan Mara Cash
Devon Mae Curtright
Joshua Paul Matthew Devendorf
Peter Gregory Faragasso
Katherine Grace Festeryga
Alexandra Margaret Fields
Miriam Carolina Guevara Hernandez
Michael Gregory Harley
Benjamin Harris
Jake L. Hume
Zach Kagley
Sara A. Killackey
Devin Robert Lew
Clara Lea Ella Mattheessen
Stephanie B. Megas
Vivian Mikhail
Samantha Park Moody
Taylor Nicole Murdock
Courtney Nicole Murray
Tara Kristine Nielson
Daphne D. Nwankpa
Taylor Scott Oanes
Andrea Ortiz-Landin
Kalia Sharrell Parker
Damari M. Peralez-Long
Kayla Delionè Posley
Vinay Prabhakar
Michael John Rooney
Engelhbert Ruiz
Sarah Elizabeth Stefaniu
Candice Brooke Testa
Maria Ullmann
Pablo Velasco Rodriguez
Matthew H. Vierzba
Sierra Michelle Warfe
Kiera Witzenman
Alli Nicole Wodka
Rebecca Worrell
Patrick Wright
Amanda Marie Zahorak
Mark A. Zajac
Master of Arts in
Sports Administration
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Evan Barnes
Brandon Benson
William A. Byrne
Cody Elliott
Ryan Giglio
Jillian Elise Girardi
Casey K. Landry
Matthew Mackey
Jordan Matthews
Eric C. Menk
John Michael Mott
Declan C. Murray
Ryan Regan
Collin David Sexton
Brittany Margaret Sheehan
Ethan Wiederkehr
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Trenten Justice Carrington
Sean Cha
Aidan omas Dowdy
Ethan Brandon Dudley
Asha Nicole Evans
Brian N. Faith
Cole Gregory Fresher
Bardia Kimiavi
Alfred G. Lewis Jr.
Kyle Lynch
J. D. Overbeck
Fernando Rivera
Marcus Lamont Session
Scott Matthew Stern
Noah L. Suitt
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Jake Blake Bruce
Michael Edward Conway
Jarod Kaito Crumpley
Micah Davis
Krystle Felcaro Heaps
Ella Marie Grbac
Alissa Sayers
Skyler Shellmyer
Joshua M. Walsh
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Daniel David Arzouman
Patrick Belanger
Elisabeth Blackman
Hannah Bluder
Meredith Rose Cavaleri
Caroline Ava Claar
Andrew D. Clair
Jack Philip Corcoran
Austin Michael Curran
Miranda L. Dangereld
Neal Dellostritto
Rebecca Grahovec
Clarissa Quyen Hand
Zach Harrison
Christopher Lee Hoe Jr.
Keith Eric Karlsson
Liam Joseph Kennedy
Gabriel Spencer Klein
Owen Riley McKinney
Caleb Michael McPhail
Nicholas Ian Miller
Reagan A. Patrick
Jake R. Raerty
Jordyn Hope Rudd
Joshua Schoenberg
Zachary St. Romain
Nattcha Treevichaphan
Elyjah Williams
Sydney Wood
Master of Arts in Writing
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Michaela Renée Ritz
Master of Fine Arts in
Creative Writing
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Audrey Rae Fierberg
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Laura Humble
Michael Anson Schroeder
Master of Fine Arts in
Prose and Poetry
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Morgan Jean Eklund
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Holly A. Stovall
Lisa Weiss
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Nimra A. Chohan
Grace Musante
Master of Science in
Data Science
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Parviz Danish Ali
Dana Kristine Anderson
Sean W. Atkinson
Aroona Atmaram
Sandeep Raj Betanapalli
Tia Ibrahim Braimah
Kabe Chin
Austin Coates
John Kimball Cornelison
Grace Counts
Lekhaj Chand Daggubati
Vani Dhir
Avneesh Dixit
Irina Faber
John omas Foxworthy
Jared Glaub
Eliana Goretti
Prithvi Harish
Lisa Ann Izquierdo
Lih Jing
Andrew John
Parker Stephen Johnson
Agnes Kaminski
Sameer Khan
Grace Klemmer
Katarzyna Anna Kostyuk
Pallav Kumar
Daniel H. Lee
Minjie Li
Eugina Lim
Siyuan Shawn Liu
Georlinne Corina Mabulay
Jerey Masanao Matsumoto
Jerey Memnon
Michael Millemann II
Saurabh Sanjiv Mulgaonkar
Guruparan Muruguvannan
Abhishek Mohandas Nair
Manuel Olivares
Gannon De Ivan Osburn
Neelay B. Patel
David Peterson
Saeng-Athit Phaipanya
Alexander Powell
Om Prakash Suthar
Joseph Robert Putnik
Jingyi Quan
Akshit Raja
Sahil D. Rangwala
Manish Rawat
Robert Rice
LaVon Rutledge
Sivakumar Saravanasubramanian
James Robert Schiau
Brock Shelgren
Andrea Yiyun Shen
Ramandeep Singh
Andrew J. Stevens
James T. omas II
Siddharth Uchil
John David Vaughan
Abhilash Ashok Velaan
Haotian Wan
Alexander J. Wang
Evan Weiss
Yin Kwan Yinnie Wong
Stephen Woods
Justin Yoon
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Adekunle Adio
Rabia I. Ahmad
Alison Au
Natalia Barczyszyn
Kenneth William Bueltmann Jr.
Kelly A. Carlson
June Chan Verma
Chun Yin Chang
Brent Coe
Noah Cronbaugh
Maximilian Dabek
Sneha Deshpande D’Silva
William S. Edmiston
Donovin Owen Emerson
John F. Entwistle
Elaine Claire Evangelista
Ruben Antonio Fontes
Mitchell Freeland Foster
Stavros Hadjitheocharous
Kristofer Heller
omas Edwin Hettinger
Lawrence Huang
Juannan Jia
Zahid A. Khalil
Daniel Taemin Kim
Dimitry Kirtsman
Himabindu Kotamreddy
Donjo Lau
Linda Lillard
Patrick C. Liu
Harrison W. Mateika
John J. Mohr
Zoe Marie Morfas
Jhansi Munagala
Divya Liz Panackal
Yogesh Patikkal Veettil
James Courtney Perigo
William P. Pinti Jr.
Venkat Rajagopal
Richard Rengel
Maureen Rojsutivat
Sachin Rudraraju
Edwin Salguero
Andre Donyale Sanders
Jeremy Warren Savill
Andrew Schultz
Justin R. Shangguan
William S. Shin
Je Teixeira
Anuradha Tiru Narayanan
Nikhila Laxmi Vudattu
Nai Xie
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
John Abney
Oscar Amezcua
Mona Ascha
Arupa Banerjee
Katherine Anne Bews
Ezana N. Beyenne
Peride K. Blind
Himadri Bora
Kathleen R. Buehler
William Wesley Burke III
Priscila Carcamo Amorim
Akshay Vijay Chaudhari
Michael Chyan
Marc Deheeger
Heberto Del Rio
Antonio Isaac Diaz
Joshua David Docea
Miles Dong
Vanitha Vivian D’Silva
Noah Engstrom
Eric Webb Filson
Katharine M. Gaertner
Carlin Andrew Gerstenberger
Joydeep Ghosh
Yu Gong
Mengyuan Han
Sean Johnson
Yunus Kamal
Himanshu Kardam
Abdullah Ovais Khan
James Rogers King
Julien Y-Son Kuhn de Chizelle
Vanjuli Kulshrestha
Gaurav Kumar
David GuangYu Liang
Julia Ma
Fatima Malik
Grayson Daniel Matera
Erin M. McMahon
Chekit Mehta
Henry J. Moody
Joshua Robert Muckensturm
Christopher Viet Khoi Nguyen
Daniel Robert Noel
Rohit Pandey
Nicholas Pappacena
Dhaval Shailesh Patel
Joseph S. Peedikayil
Anh u Pham
Dylon Polcik
Ramkrishna B. Potdar
Shannon Power
Ramya Santhanam Raman
Sarah Nicole Rodenbeck
Guadalupe Rodriguez
Kyle Ross Schaal
Paritosh Sharma
Lin Shi
Rachel Sickler
Shawn Austen Sie Kusumapramana
Dominic Jacob Sieminski
Kyusou Kenneth Sim
Sean Smith
Castan Vail Sommer
Michael Soukup
Joan Stone-Mays
Swati Sundar
Shinapat isyamondol
David or
Lukas Venema
Adam Scott Wechsler
Andrew Whelan
Wai Kei Wicky Woo
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Husein Adenwala
Christopher A. Alexander
Yioconda Alfaro
Poornima S. Andukuri
Anty Antar
John Maxwell Boot
Andreas Robert Bruenner
Vivek Chamala
Humza Chaudhry
Siu Cheung
Timothy Chiu
Jared Robert Christensen
Katie Christensen
Sylvia Chung
Christopher Cli
Matthew Troy Conger
Joseph Jacoby Cook
Andrew Michael D’Amico
Michael Deufel
Quinn Dudek
Madeline Eskind Litvack
Elizabeth Jodie Folkmann
William Forde
Kevin Alexander Forero
Andrew Alcott Gray
Joseph Gray-Hancuch
Austin Erach Guard
Vybav Ramaswamy Hiraesave
Anh Huynh
Scott George Jue
Akbar Azam Khader
Daniel H. Kim
Maxwell Julius Klaiman
Christopher Koener Jr.
Andrew Hsiang-Chin Kung
Kerry K. B. Kurcz
Jeremiah Nealson Lewis
Matthew M. Libonati
Kathryn Amelia LiPetri
Garrett Robert Lynch
Nicholas Saint John Malone
Allison Whitney May
Melek B. Mizher
James Moloznik
Bradley Mullis
Kyle Joseph Murphy
Matthew Brian Mykytiak
Han Nguyen
Kateryna Nosulko
Daniel Pallotta
Pankaj Pant
Nadeem Patel
Vincent M. Picozzi
Samuel Porter
Alexander Joseph Pruce
Spencer Alan Puterbaugh
Amber Reeves
Isabel Hortensia Reyes
John Riley
Laken Noelle Rivet
Tyler Alexander Rosacker
Danielle Rothschild
Sagarika Roychoudhury
John Bennett Ruggiero
Yzan Sadeq
Owen Sappington
Mark David Schieble
Nathan Hunter Schor
Mark Allen Schumacher
Scott Serpa
Carmel Shek
Johanna Isabel Sheu
Corrine Elizabeth Sieburg
Kaileen Debenham Silva
Alexander Morris Skinner
Joseph Hai Solomon
Trevor Alton Spina
Joshua Robert Squires
Timothy Steed
SungHyun Suh
Grace Yu Sun
Helina Tegenu
Olaf Tomiuk
Rebecca Tompkins
Keegan Tran
Julie Vovchenko
Mason Elliott Walker
John Robert Watkins
Kelly Lauren Wisneski
Calvin D. Yen
Yaseen Younus
Deborah Yvonne Zemlock
Eric Kuang Zhang
Jonathan Zhang
Jerey Zhao
Ryan Zimmerman
Master of Science in
Global Health
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Danny Antonio Colombo
Lauren Kiesling Daurizio
Lynn Holt
Monty S. Jacobs
Lori Anne Luera
Abigail Stoetzel
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Chikaodili Ifeoma Anikamadu
Robbie Harriford
Erin Marie Horetski
Samantha Paige Krause
Carolyn Leonard
Tracy Lee Pocock
Raquel Tiyaga
Cassidy Alison Wiley
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Anissa Reina Hajaree
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Kristin Anderson
Maria Solomia Bandriwsky
Marvella Mari Marion Bowen
Rose Walakerwon Kargbo
Whitney Macdonald
Melissa Montemayor
Jamie Tram Phan
Elisabeth Weiss Roberts
Giselle Caroline Striedinger
Master of Science in
Health Analytics
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Caroline Heather Foster
Elan Gada
Zachary Miles Laurente
Francis Ajang Magaji
Emuobor Aghoghor Odeghe
Master of Science in
Health Informatics
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Bowen Pan
Leah Alexandra Dina Postilnik
Octavia Marie Reese
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Noah Cameron
Veronika Elisabeth Grote
Nazanin Salehitezangi
Hiba Shaikh
Tiany Soukhaseum
Naija Commanech omas
Sharlin Usmani
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Sara Alhasan
Jessica Anne Angerman
Shamir Bhatt
Airecel Brady
Ian Timothy Clark
Jerey W. Degen
Heather Jorna
Zara Mir
Ayan Nasir
Aparna Padiyar
Dana D. A. Schinasi
Andrew James Weirauch
Renee Willett
Vivian Kawai Yung
Master of Science in
Information Design and
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Sai Allena
Paniz Amirnasiri
Tina Chawla
Laura Cay Critz
Alyssa Gustafson
Karim A. Kabbaj
Jessica Lee
Jennifer Elizabeth Mathew
ereseia S. McNulty
Amanda G. Mosborg
Allison Patricia Palermo
Barkha Aaroh Patel
John Partick Ruocco
Catherine Steegmueller
Maria L. Velasquez
Sheila Wakida
David Wang
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Zikiria Chaudhary
Emily Kathleen Fenn
Lillie Grisko
Jacqueline Lois Keller
Lauran Keown Beyer
Jordan Pohlman
Jo Jo Winkelmann
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Mohamed Al Murtadha Abdel Karim
Jason Aaron Bell
Volha Birulia
Jenna Callahan
Jenefer Cervantes
Sherie Costa
Colton J. Cox
Jennifer Desmarais
Matthew Franck
Abigail Gwydir
Simone Nicole Hopps
Boris Koyfman
Allison Levinsky
Jiaxin Li
Emma Cecelia Murphy
Nicole E. Rodriguez
Saifali Saiyed
John Alan Stevens
Melinda orpe
Qian Fang Zheng
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
George Harold Allen III
Jessica Arenz
Beth Ellen Bogdewic
Madisyn Olivia Bozarth
Luis Eduardo Giròn Yuja
Eashan Iyengar
Hannah Shaw Klapper
Michelle L. Pixley
Juan Pablo Salem Hajj
Megan Smith
Rachel Soeder
Natalia R. Zaldivar
Master of Science in
Information Systems
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
George Farsedakis
Terence J. Rice
Nathan Single
Xiaoyi Zhu
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Carolina Arias
Chetan Audipudy
George Cole Buehler
Catherine Fryland Cameron
George Edward Collins Jr.
Kristina Eric
Benjamin Goldberg
Holly Hart
Ireti Kayode
Pranav Satyal
Elaine Yihui Yang
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Mensud Basic
Michael Robert Brosnan
Rebecca S. Derezinski
Jung Tang Feng
Alaaldin Hajjat
Bailey Hartley
Fahad Islam
Nathaniel James Jamieson
Kevin Luu
Stephanie Martoccio-Serocki
Donald W. McKiness
David K. Morin
Jasmine Navar
Nkechi Uzoamaka Onuekwusi
Srilakshmi Swetha Popuri
Taryn Rodman
Cameron John Roland
Mateusz Ryczek
Brian Serocki
Chern-Han Sun
Catherine Tan
Ali Tariq
Devanshi Wadhwa
Walker Wesdorp
Charmaine Victoria Delapena
Matthew Soomin Yoo
Master of Science in
Predictive Analytics
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Kim La
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Richard E. Green III
Charles Robb MacDonald
Master of Science in
Regulatory Compliance
Degree awarded September 2, 2022
Erin Leigh Ekblad
Andi J. Ferrell
Lauren Olson
Katarzyna Czajkowska Pituch
Elizabeth A. Salley
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Rehan Ahmed
Raquel Carrera
Vanessa Garcia
Kristine Lipowski
Nicole Alicia Nembhard
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Tanya Dyan De Mandel
Candidates for degree, June 16, 2023
Nathaniel Robert Hall
Marc Carpio Lanzar
Mare Nikolic
Lyndsey O’Hara
Master of Business
Degree awarded December 16, 2022
Taylor Michael Baker
Waris-Sara Buajeeb
Andrew Chang-Gu
Md Raisul Chowdhury
Tiany Nina Dsouza
Jorge Elizagaray Montero
Jih Jason Feng
Benjamín Garnham Léniz
Matthew Lawrence Goedke
Kunaal Prakash Goel
Hande Gülçin Kaymakcan
Guy Gutfarb
Nolan Gregory Hartwick
Tianyi He
Joseph Gabriel Hernandez
Lincoln Holt
Andrew James Horton
Benjamin Housley
Mayank Juneja
Olivia Jurkowitz
Neel Ninad Karpe
Bradley Lai
Amna Mahmud
Michael Garrett Maloney
Susan Alexis Muehrcke
Jayant Sunil Nayar
Alexis Marie Olson
Meet Patel
Jake Herbert Reiner
Karan Singh Sandhu
Pawan Shaileshkumar Sevak
Bharti Sharma
Jason Shiou
Tushita Singhel
Alfredo Sone Scassi-Bua
Cameryn Isabelle Steiger
Julio Valdez
Jack Campbell Van Vleck
Katherine Noble Williamson
Nick Wright
Yi-Jung Wu
Peter Xing
Itai Haim Zadok
Degree awarded March 24, 2023
Bin Yin
Candidate for degree, June 16, 2023
Patrick Owen Galvin
Celina Flowers
Dan Foley
Carrie Forsman
Mark Francis
Joe Frascati
Steve Hannen
Isa Hernandez
Mike Hines
Tim Holbrook
Bob Holmgren
Tara Huggins
Ken Jones
Jake Julia
Dianna Klein
Danika Kmetz
Justine Krueger
Andy Kuhlmann
Pat Lampkin
Nancy Liskar
Bob LoBianco
Sara Mann
Stephanie Marin
Atanis Maximov
Paul Merkey
Jack Morelan
Jill Norton
Walker Read
Shannon Sampson
Kelly Schaefer
Jeremy Schenk
Jill Anne Sieben-Schneider
Brian Scott Smith
Corbin Smyth
Greg Stripp
Victor Stuopys
Nicholas Tonozzi
Kathleen Van Treeck
Jon Von Kerens
Jennifer Ward
Mark Wesoloski
Steve Whittenhall
Naomi Wu
TJ Young
Thank you also to the more than 
volunteers and vendor partners who assist
with the planning and production of the
Commence ment ceremony.
Graduation Office
Liza Alrutz
Matt Lengen
Ann Motogawa
Randy Smith
Student Stage Managers
Amina Elmasry
Haley Groth
Kate Horton
Diya Patel
Pauline Piketty
Efren Ponce
Student Speaker Selection Committee
Amina Elmasry
Natalia Kadolph
Mikayla Lindsey
Callista Sukohardjo
Andy Wen
Special Thanks
Joel Alanis
Scott Arey
Stacey Brown
Eric Budzynski
Carole Cahill
Jaci Casazza
Kevin Castro
Jeff Cech
Lucas Christain
Laura Conway
Mike Curtis
Chadwick Davis
Susan Davis
Kingsley Day
Kyle Delaney
Grace Delcano
Christine Dlugosz
Alexandria Dravillas
Brett Dreznik
Daniel Durack
Anne Egger
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