Grievances in the Texas Declaration of
The government [of Mexico] has been stolen from the people and the
Constitution is meaningless.
The government has not kept its political promises to its citizens.
They [
Mexican Government] made us a part of the state of Coahuila
and carried on all government business in Spanish.
2 They put Stephen F. Austin in jail for a long time.
3 They have not given a national guarantee of jury trials.
4 They have not provided free public education.
They have let military commanders have too much authority
over us.
6 They did away with the state Congress of Coahuila and Texas.
7 They have arrested some of us and carried us far away for trial
8 They have taken our boats and merchandise.
9 They will not let us worship as we choose.
10 They have tried to take away our personal guns.
11 They have invaded us and tried to run us away
12 They have tried to make Indians attack us.
13 They have changed governments too many times.
We have tried to get help by going to government officials.
We believe that the Mexican people like this kind of government.
We must look out for ourselves.
CLEAR Model Lessons Grade 7 Social Studies
©2004-2005 Houston Independent School District B.06.02-2