January 2024 Volume 14 Issue 1 © Copyright 2024 Oregon State University. All Rights Reserved
Insomnia is defined as the subjective perception of difficulty with
sleep which occurs despite adequate opportunity for sleep and
causes functional impairment during the day.
It is estimated
that about 5-10% of people experience chronic insomnia.
newsletter will summarize the evidence for insomnia treatments
and describe new policy changes for Oregon Medicaid.
Treatment Factors to Consider
Insomnia is often classified as short-term (typically <3 months in
duration with an identifiable stressor), long-term (i.e., chronic;
(occurring ≥3 times per week for >3 months) or other (if criteria
for short- and long-term criteria are not met). Insomnia is more
common in elderly, females, individuals who are divorced or
separated, those with shift work, and patients with lower
socioeconomic status.
Insomnia symptoms have been
associated with reduced health-related quality of life and
cognitive decline in patients over 65 years of age.
Insomnia can
also worsen outcomes for patients with comorbid conditions
including cardiovascular disease, post-traumatic stress disorder,
and depression.
Because insomnia may be associated with a
wide variety of medical and psychological conditions,
identification and treatment of contributing factors and comorbid
conditions (such as medical conditions, substance misuse, and
psychiatric conditions) is important for management of insomnia.
Treatments for Insomnia
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is recommended as first-line
therapy for chronic insomnia by the American Academy of Sleep
Medicine (AASM),
the European Sleep Research Society,
the Department of Veteran Affairs/Department of Defense
based on high-quality evidence. Other treatments
(including medications) may have benefit if CBT is ineffective or
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Evidence supports efficacy of both brief CBT interventions and
longer therapy.
Not all "talk therapy" is CBT. CBT is structured
and goal-driven to reduce symptoms and improve functional
status. It often involves homework for the patient.
CBT-I (CBT for insomnia) is typically offered over multiple
sessions. Cognitive components of CBT-I attempt to address
maladaptive thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about sleep.
Behavioral components address sleep habits and can include
sleep restriction therapy, stimulus control, relaxation therapy, and
sleep hygiene education.
For example, sleep restriction therapy
involves establishing a sleep schedule that restricts the time
spent in bed. The schedule is initially set based on the patient’s
average total sleep time and is gradually modified to allow
longer a sleep time when sleep efficiency improves. CBT-I
has been shown to improve insomnia severity and sleep
There is also evidence that CBT-I can improve
sleep quality, sleep latency (the time it takes to fall asleep),
and time spent awake after initial sleep onset in adults with
Brief behavioral interventions, focusing on the
behavioral componenets included in CBT-I, have also
demonstrated efficacy for treatment of insomnia.
Access to nonpharmacological treatments such as CBT may
be a significant barrier for many patients. Currently, there are
not enough qualified providers to meet the need for services
in Oregon, and it may be especially difficult for patients to find
providers with specialized training in both CBT and sleep
medicine. Additionally, patients may have to travel significant
distances to get care, or be unable to commit to the time
required for CBT (e.g., scheduling time off work for visits).
Telehealth services may help expand treatment options,
particularly for people in rural areas, but the evidence
supporting this provider-directed telemedicine or self-directed
internet programs is limited. In a 2019 systematic review of
therapy for insomnia, the VA/DoD found insufficient evidence
to recommend for or against internet-based CBT-I as an
alternative to face-to-face CBT-I.
There is some evidence
that internet-based CBT-I is more effective than no treatment,
but the magnitude of benefit is unclear.
Evidence was limited
by inconsistency, imprecision and indirectness.
Since the
coronavirus pandemic, telehealth services have become
more common, especially for behavioral health conditions.
2023 systematic review evaluated telehealth services during
the COVID-19 pandemic.
A wide range of populations,
outcomes, and conditions were identified comparing tehealth
to in-person care which limits ability to make any general
statements about differences in treatment delivery. Overall,
authors concluded that telehealth may be comparable to in-
person care when evaluating outcomes related to follow-up
visits and patient-reported clinical outcomes.
They identified
mixed results for healthcare utilization outcomes, and
highlighted the need to develop best practices around
telehealth delivery for various conditions, patient populations,
and treatment settings.
If patients are unable to access CBT-I, a variety of other
options may provide benefit for insomnia symptoms, though
the evidence supporting these therapies in treatment of
insomnia is limited. These options can include lifestyle
changes, relaxation techniques, sleep hygiene, self-directed
Updates for Insomnia: Evidence and Oregon Medicaid Policy
Sarah Servid, Pharm.D., Oregon State University Drug Use Research and Management Group
Oregon DUR Board Newsletter Produced by OSU COLLEGE of PHARMACY
Managing Editor: Kathy Sentena
psychoeducation, other types of psychotherapy, and medicine.
Sleep hygiene involves education on healthy lifestyle practices to
improve sleep.
The American Acadamy of Sleep Medicine and
VA/DoD recommend that all patients with insomnia follow
principles of good sleep hygiene in combination with other
treatments since there is insufficient evidence that these
therapies are effective alone.
Sleep hygiene education is
typically incorporated into CBT-I. Common practices include:
- Modify sleep environment so that it is conducive to sleep (e.g.,
cool temperatures, separating sleep and work environments).
- Keep a regular sleep schedule 7 nights a week; avoid naps
during the day.
- Avoid going to bed until drowsy, do not watching the clock,
get out of bed if not asleep within 15-20 minutes, and return
to bed only when drowsy.
- Avoid substances that interfere with sleep (such as caffeine,
nicotine, alcohol) before bedtime.
- Avoid electronic devices before bedtime. Light from screens
can promote wakefulness and make it more difficult to sleep.
- Exercise regularly (at least 6 hours before sleep).
Sedative Drugs
When compared to CBT-I, medications were less effective for
treating long-term insomnia symptoms (e.g., greater then 4
weeks) based on low-quality evidence.
Most studies have only
evaluated short-term use of insomnia drugs, and there is a lack
of clear long-term safety data. A 2019 systematic literature review
from the VA/DoD found insufficient evidence that use of
diphenhydramine, ramelteon, suvorexant, or antipsychotics
improve insomnia symptoms. Additionally, they suggest against
use of melatonin, antipsychotics, trazodone, dihphenhydramine,
or benzodiazepines because risks of therapy likely outweigh any
potential benefits. If drugs are offered for insomnia, they suggest
the use of low-dose (3 or 6 mg) doxepin or non-benzodiazepine
receptor agonists such as zolpidem, zaleplon or eszopiclone.
There is a lack of clear efficacy or safety data for most sedatives
beyond 2 to 4 weeks.
Table 1. VA/DoD recommendations for insomnia drug therapy
Suggested for
Short-term Use
Insufficient Evidence
For or Against
Not Recommended
doxepin (3 or 6 mg)
*Available in over-the-counter (OTC) formulations
There was low-quality evidence that melatonin was no different
from placebo in adults with insomnia, and many clinical studies
evaluating diphenhydramine did not differentiate from
Tolerance to sedating effects of diphenhydramine
have also been observed even after 3 to 4 days of continuous
use, limiting efficacy for insomnia.
Similarly, trazodone,
benzodiazepines, and antipsychotics are associated with
serious long-term adverse effects and their efficacy for
treatment of insomnia symptoms is limited. A systematic
review found moderate-quality evidence that trazadone
improved subjective sleep quality, but low-quality evidence of
no improvement in other efficacy outcomes (such as total
sleep time or sleep latency).
Quetiapine, though commonly
prescribed at low doses, has not been studied for insomnia,
and evidence is limited to a few case studies and case series.
Therefore, quetiapine is not recommended because unknown
benefits in insomnia do not outweigh risk for known adverse
effects (such as dyskinesias, metabolic changes,
anticholinergic and ophthalmic effects).
Drug-drug and drug-disease interactions are common with
sedatives. Before initiating therapy, providers should evaluate
sleep history and assess for contraindications. Because some
sedatives are available as over-the-counter (OTC) drugs,
routine assessment for drug interactions and patient
education regarding adverse effects is important. Over-the-
counter formulations undergo less regulation by the FDA and
may have varying levels of active ingredient or additional
ingredients. One study evaluating content of 31 melatonin
products identified that the amount of melatonin ranged from
-83% to 465% of the labelled content and varied across lots,
manufacturers, and product types.
Varying levels of
serotonin were identified in 8 (26%) of the products.
Common adverse effects associated with all sedative
medications include dizziness, daytime drowsiness, and
somnolence. Risk for daytime impairment may be higher in
women or elderly who metabolize and eliminate sedative
medications more slowly from the body.
The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) warns that high levels of a sedative in
the bloodstream can result in impairment even if patients feel
fully awake.
Other notable safety concerns include anticholinergic adverse
effects (including confusion, palpitations, dry mouth, and
cognitive impairment) associated with antihistamines like
doxepin and diphenhydramine. FDA labeling for all
prescription sedative drugs (i.e., benzodiazepines, non-
benzodiazepine receptor agonists, melatonin receptor
agonists and orexin receptor antagonists) includes risk for
rare but serious adverse effects like worsening depression
and suicidal ideation, abnormal behavior changes (e.g.,
agitation, amnesia, hallucinations), and complex sleep
behaviors (e.g., sleep driving). Additionally, parasomnias
Oregon DUR Board Newsletter Produced by OSU COLLEGE of PHARMACY
Managing Editor: Kathy Sentena
(such as sleep paralysis) have been reported with suvorexant
and daridorexant. All sedating drugs may increase risk of
respiratory depression in patients with pulmonary conditions such
as sleep apnea or obesity-related hypoventilation.
Risk of
overdose may be increased when sedatives (particularly
benzodiazepines) are combined with opioids, alcohol or other
medications. Adverse effects of sedatives may exacerbate
symptoms in people who have cognitive disorders, are elderly, or
are already at risk of falls.
Evidence from observational studies
indicates long-term sedative use increases risk of fractures and
The risk of fracture may depend on the length of
time people used the drugs, with new users of these drugs at
greatest risk of hip fracture.
All sedative-hypnotics can be associated with physical
dependence, but dependence is typically most pronounced with
benzodiazepines. When discontinuing treatment, a taper plan is
usually recommended to minimize withdrawal symptoms and
facilitate discontinuation after routine, long-term use. The Oregon
Health Authority Mental Health Clinical Advisory Group (MHCAG)
has published guidance and best practices on how to approach
a benzodiazepine taper.
Taper schedules should be
individualized based on patient circumstances, diagnoses, dose,
and length of benzodiazepine use. Many patients may benefit in
switching, or cross-tapering, to a longer-acting benzodiazepine
like diazepam before reducing their total benzodiazepine dose.
Oregon Medicaid Policy Updates
Melatonin coverage in children
In October 2021, the Oregon fee-for-service (FFS) Open Card
coverage policy was expanded to cover melatonin in children.
This policy change was made based on a review of available low-
quality evidence which demonstrated that melatonin may
improve sleep latency and sleep duration in children, but
evidence is insufficient to draw conclusions on improvements in
nighttime awakenings or functional outcomes, or on increased
frequency of some adverse events (e.g., dizziness, daytime
drowsiness, and bed-wetting).
Doses studied ranged from 2 to
12 mg.
The American Acadamy of Sleep medicine suggests
that doses of 3 to 5 mg may be effective in children.
with autism or other neurodevelopmental disorders had the
largest improvement in sleep outcomes with melatonin nightly.
However, evidence was generally limited to short-term studies
(<6 months), and the long-term safety of melatonin use is less
Because of the unknown long-term safety concerns
related to use of a hormone in children, non-pharmacologic
behavioral therapy remains a first-line treatment option, and
melatonin is usually recommended at the lowest effective dose
with frequent re-assessment to evaluate change in symptoms.
Melatonin is not currently covered for adults enrolled in FFS
Medicaid due to the limited evidence of benefit in this population.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) coverage
Beginning in January 2024, the Health Evidence Review
Commission (HERC) adopted a new guideline which
addresses treatments for insomnia. This new policy provides
coverage of CBT for insomnia. Historically, both medical and
pharmacological treatments for insomnia have been
unfunded and had very limited coverage. Beginning January
1, 2024, providers can bill the Oregon Health Plan for CBT
visits related to insomnia.
Coverage of provider-directed telemedicine varies based on
the insurance carrier. When referring patients for internet-
based programs, providers might consider directing patients
toward the evidence-based app developed by the VA/DoD for
management of insomnia.
Limits for sedatives
As part of coverage changes for insomnia starting January
2024, HERC has also recommended additional limits for
sedative-hypnotic use for insomnia. Consistent with current
guidelines, use of sedative-hypnotics for insomnia is
recommended for short-term therapy only. Coverage is
limited to one month per year with additional therapy requiring
documentation that treatment benefits outweigh risks. The
specific duration of treatment was recommended due to
concerns with long-term risks of sedative hypnotics and
increasing risk of dependence with longer-term use.
CBT-I is recommended as first-line treatment for chronic
insomnia symptoms. Drugs are only recommended for short-
term treatment of insomnia due to their limited evidence of
benefit and serious long-term adverse effects. Oregon
Medicaid recently updated their coverage for CBT-I. Initial
treatment of sedative-hypnotics for insomnia is limited to one
Peer reviewed by: Cydreese Aebi, PhD, RPh, BCPP,
Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator, Oregon State Hospital,
Salem, Oregon
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Oregon DUR Board Newsletter Produced by OSU COLLEGE of PHARMACY
Managing Editor: Kathy Sentena
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