Sanctuary Sussi & Chuma is built on a dramac bend of the Zambezi River in the Mosi-Oa-Tunya Naonal Park, twelve
kilometres upstream from the world-famous Victoria Falls.
Adventure, enchantment and ‘Luxury, naturally’ - all delivered with a quiet, understated charm and understanding of
place – is the guiding philosophy of Sanctuary Retreats and one of our luxury lodges close to the Victoria Falls, Sanctuary
Sussi & Chuma.
Sanctuary Sussi & Chuma is built on a dramac bend of the Zambezi River in the Mosi-Oa-Tunya Naonal Park, 12km
upstream from the world-famous Victoria Falls.
Named aer Dr. David Livingstone’s faithful friends Susi and Chuma, the lodge is located in one of the most beauful parts
of the Zambezi amidst Jackalberry trees and Phoenix palms, providing unrivalled views and exclusivity. Accommodaon is
in twelve Sussi tree-houses, connected by wooden walkways.
Located on a quiet bend of the Zambezi River within Mosi-oa-Tunya Naonal Park
12 kilometres upstream from Victoria Falls in a remote locaon away from crowds
Bouque property catering for individuals and families
Established philanthropy project at Nakandi Village
Seven acvies included in our rate
Complimentary Wi-Fi in all suites
Guest accommodaon consists of 12 luxury tree-houses, built into the canopy of majesc ebony trees lining the river
bank and connected by wooden walkways. Facilies include air condioning, ensuite facilies with bath tub, private
viewing deck, mini-bar, mosquito nets, overhead fans and hairdryer.
The main lodge building features a raised bar, lounge area and deck, open air dining area, Bush shop and swimming
pool. Revitalising spa treatments are also available from the treatment room overlooking the Zambezi. Complimentary
wireless internet access is available in the rooms. Electricity supply is from themain grid backed up by a silent packed
Sanctuary Sussi & Chuma is located on a quiet bend of the Zambezi River in the Mosi-Oa-Tunya Naonal Park, 12km
upstream from the Victoria Falls.
Scheduled and charter ights into Livingstone are available. The lodge is a 25 minute road transfer from Livingstone Airport.
Road transfers to Sanctuary Sussi & Chuma can also be arranged (at an addional cost) from Victoria Falls town, Victoria Falls
Airport and from Kasane in Botswana (1 hour 30 minutes.) Guests may self-drive to the lodge should they wish.
Flying mes:
Lusaka (LUN) to Livingstone (LVI) - 1 hour
Mfuwe (MFU) to Livingstone (LVI), via Lusaka (LUN) - 2 hours
The Mosi-oa-Tunya Naonal Park is one of Zambia’s smallest parks, but provides loads of game viewing including an array
of birds. The park has a relaxed atmosphere due to the lack of predators. Guests may also be lucky enough to see a rare
sighng of the wild dogs that on occasion pass through the park. Key wildlife include: elephant, bualo, zebra, girae,
impala, crocodile, hippo, baboon, vervet monkey
The following acvies are included in your stay:
Game Drives: Sanctuary Sussi & Chuma is set on the edge of Mosi-oa-Tunya Naonal Park. Here the highly trained safari
guides take guests on game drives in custom-built 4 x 4 safari vehicles to see plains game.
Tour of the Victoria Falls Zambian and Zimbabwean side: Just a short drive away from the world famous Victoria
Falls, the lodge offers guests a shared Walking Tour of the Falls on the Zambian and Zimbabwean sides. Your
knowledgeable guide will escort you around the Falls, sharing fascinating facts and history along the way.
Walking Safaris: There can be few more thrilling ways to experience and understand African wildlife, the bush
and ecosystem as a whole than by being on foot on a walking safari. Guests will also be accompanied by an armed
National Parks ranger. Walking safaris last about two hours and are conducted at a leisurely pace. Morning walks will
depart at 6:30 am and will include a break with tea, coffee and snacks. The afternoon walk will commence at 16:00 and
finish at a special sundowner spot where guests will be served drinks and canapés while enjoying the magnificent
Sundowner Cruise: A Zambezi River cruise is a great way to spend a few hours before drifting back to the lodge, a
warm shower and delicious dinner. Sanctuary Retreats’ boats are specially designed and the guide will take the boat
through a series of grade 2 rapids before finding a spot to beach for a break and a sunset cocktail.
Local school & village tour: Nakatindi village is located 6km from Livingstone and 5km from Sanctuary Sussi & Chuma.
Village scouts and guides will show guests around the village. This village comprises of around 6,000 people who live in
simple mud and brick houses. To the edge of the village sits the Nakatindi Community School, which is responsible for
the education of its 744 children where at least 50% of them are orphaned or considered vulnerable.
Fishing: The fishing season generally opens on 1st March each year. It closes annually from the 1st December until
March. (This is the local Fisheries’ regulations and it is enforced by the Zambian Wildlife Authority.) All fishing is on a
strict “Catch and Release” policy as we are in the national park. Fishing can either be from the river bank in front
of the lodge; however it is preferable to go out on the river in a boat as it is a safety risk to fish off the river bank
because of the crocodiles. Sussi and Chuma’s 3 boats are used for fishing as well as other activities. Guests specifically
wanting to do fishing should ideally request and pay for a private boat for fishing. That said we will be happy to
accommodate fishermen as best as we can. Please note, on a full camp, all boats are used for the evening sunset
Summer Schedule: September - April
Wake up call - me varies depending on acvity
6:00 - 11:00 Breakfast is available
Depart for morning game acvity (me varies
depending on acvity)
12:00 - 15:30 Lunch is available
16:00 Depart for aernoon game acvity
18:00 - 20:30 Dinner is available
Winter Schedule: May - August
Wake up call - me varies depending on acvity
6:30 - 10:00 Breakfast is available
Depart for morning game acvity (me varies
depending on acvity)
12:00 - 15:00 Lunch is available
16:00 Depart for aernoon game acvity
18:00 - 21:00 Dinner is available
Flight of Angels: The Flight of Angels oers the opportunity to y over the Falls in a helicopter for unrivalled views.
While we cannot guarantee that you will see any game, the following species can oen be seen from the air:
elephant, bualo, hippo, crocodile and girae. Guests can choose from a 15 or 30 minute ight, minimum 2 and
maximum 6 parcipants, starng from the helipad at Maramba Aerodome.
Livingstone Island visits: A Livingstone Island visit begins with a thrilling ride through the channels of the Zambezi
in twin-engine boats. During the guided exploraon of the island you will learn about its long history, from ancient
mes, to the present day, as a protected World Heritage Site. Aer the tour, relax and enjoy refreshments under the
shade of our canopied dining area with a view of the Falls. Those who are keen can even brave the waters of this
mighty river in the island’s very own bathing pool, which forms each year amongst the rocks along the edge of the
Falls. The acvity lasts about one and a half hours with about one hour een minutes on the island.
Tour of the Falls (Zimbabwe side): Transfer me from the lodge to the entrance of the Falls in Zimbabwe is
approximately half an hour, depending on border formalies. From here, the guide will escort guests around the
Falls sharing some facts and history along the way. Sanctuary Retreats will supply raincoats during high water
months when guests are likely to get wet from the spray of the Falls. The walk is approximately 1 and a half hours in
duraon (3km), through the rainforest, stopping at various viewing points. Guests are advised to wear appropriate
clothing and shoes for the walk, as well as suitable waterproof protecon for camera equipment.
White water raing: The rapids on the Zambezi are dened as “Grade 5” by the Brish Canoe Union. You will be met
in the recepon area of the lodge from where you transfer to the Zambezi Waterfront, check-in, sign an indemnity
and be given a brieng before deparng on a half day white water raing experience. The white water raing
nishes at rapid 10 where the truck will be waing with cold drinks and beers for the journey back to Zambezi
Waterfront at 12.30 / 1.00pm in me for lunch. Aer lunch, you will be transferred back to the lodge. Water is
provided throughout the day. No children under 15 years are allowed to parcipate. Guests have the opon of
choosing from full day, low water or full day, high water white river raing.
Spa treatments: Guests staying at Sanctuary Sussi & Chuma are able to indulge in a range of spa treatments -
including massages, facials and manicures - while enjoying spectacular views over the Zambezi River.
Addional acvies are at an addional cost and can be pre-booked or booked while guests are in camp.
Guests celebrang their honeymoon will receive special surprises during their stay. All aempts are made to keep
honeymooners separate from other guests.
Our honeymoon services include:
Roses in room upon arrival
Sparkling wine
Bubble bath with rose petals on return from aernoon acvity
Private dinner on room deck or pool area or sunset deck (weather perming)
Island lunches (availability and weather perming)
Complimentary spa treatment – 15 minute foot massage
We welcome all children 6 years and older at the Sussi Tree houses.
Children’s acvies can be arranged including tailor-made child-friendly game drives, tradional clay / Plaster of Paris toy
moulding, sundowner storytelling and a visit to Nakandi School. We are exible with meals and meal mes for children.
Children aged 15 years and younger are required to share with their parents. The camp is able to accommodate one
triple per night in the main lodge. No children under 12 years are permied on walking safaris.
Babysing is available on request (not a registered baby sier.)
Breakfast, lunch, snacks during acvies and dinners are all included in your stay. Breakfast is served before the
morning game acvity. During your morning game viewing acvity, coee, tea and a selecon of scones and biscuits
will be served out in the bush. Lunch will be enjoyed back at the lodge. Aernoon game drives include classic
sundowner cocktails and canapés at specially selected spots before returning to the lodge for pre-dinner drinks and
dinner. Romanc private dinners on your room deck or by the pool can be arranged upon request. With prior noce,
our camps are able to arrange halaal meals, however, please note our kitchens aren’t strictly halaal and our chefs are
not trained in halaal food preparaon. Unfortunately, we are unable to arrange kosher meals.
Meals typically consist of the following:
Breakfast: Connental and full English Breakfast
Lunch: Table d’Hote, 3 course meal with 2 choices, one being a vegetarian
Dinner: Table d’Hote, 3 course meal with 2 to 3 choices, one being a vegetarian
The “wetseason is normally December to March, and has variable weather condions. The “dry” season is from May
to November. June to August are the coolest months, with cold mornings and evenings. October is the hoest month in
Zambia, so be prepared for temperatures of over 40°C.
Clothing should be cool and comfortable. Jerseys and heavier jackets are required for winter mornings and evenings.
Muted colours are the most suitable on safari. Long sleeves and long trousers are advised for mornings and evenings
due to mosquitoes. Sturdy and comfortable shoes are essenal, as are open sandals for the Falls excursions.
Greens, browns and khaki coloured clothing are advisable for safaris especially when doing a walking safari. A
complimentary overnight laundry service is oered in the camp.
Accessories: Sunscreen, sunglasses and hats are essenal. Binoculars and good cameras are an absolute must. The
camp provides a torch as well as complimentary mosquito repellent and toiletries.
We advise all travellers to take precauons against malaria and we recommend speaking with your GP or personal physician
four to six weeks before departure.
All extras can be paid for with Visa, MasterCard and American Express cards. US dollars are also accepted however
change will be given in the local currency. Diners Cards are not accepted.
Tipping is not obligatory but generally accepted rates are $15 per guest per day for the guide and $15 per guest per day
for the rest of the sta.
Nakandi Village and school: Sanctuary Retreats Philanthropy (SRP) began working with the community and school in
July 2010. Our goal is to idenfy and sponsor long-term, viable and self-sustaining projects that will have the support
of both our visitors and our sta. We work closely with the communies and school to determine their needs and
improve their general well-being through empowerment, improved infrastructure, skill development and the overall
enhancement of health, educaon and welfare for the future. Our past projects include an ongoing school meals program
to feed each child aending Nakandi Community School one square meal a day. SRP has also expanded the school to
incorporate grades 8 and 9 by building a new 1x2 classroom block, constructed a new medical clinic to serve the health
needs of the community and implemented various training programs within the school and community. These include
garden workshops to aid the school vegetable garden and entrepreneurship and business training for members of the
community to promote income generaon.
Chipego Bike Shop: Sanctuary Retreats has teamed up with the charity Wheels of Change, who aim to empower people
in developing countries by providing bicycles and establishing small bike sales and repair businesses.
This programme is a social enterprise, combining business enterprise with social good. Some of the many benets
are creang employment opportunies, empowering women, generang an income for a rural village and providing
aordable mobility to a community.
Beads & Business - Sishemo Studio opens: Aer two years of research, development, fundraising, training and
construcon we are thrilled to announce the ocial opening of the Sishemo Bead Studio in Nakandi.
In 2018, the group of women underwent intensive training in how to make glass beads using tradional African techniques
and now cra beauful handmade jewelry.
Pack for a purpose: We are proud members of Pack for a Purpose, an iniave that allows travellers like you to make
a lasng impact in the community at your travel desnaon. If you save a few kilos of space in your suitcase and bring
supplies for area schools or medical clinics in need - you’ll make a priceless impact in the lives of our local children and
families. Please click on this link: hp://naons/africa/zambia/sanctuary-sussi-chuma
to see what supplies are needed for our project.
Sanctuary Sussi & Chuma prides itself on its personalised services. Please let us know if you have any special requests,
dietary requirements, allergies or medical condions.
Sanctuary Retreats was born in Africa with the launch of our rst luxury safari camp, Sanctuary Olonana, in Kenya,
in 1999. Today, the Sanctuary Retreats porolio of luxury safari lodges and river cuise ships brings a much wider
choice of our bouque adventure than ever before – but our standards remain the same. We promise adventure,
enchantment and ‘Luxury, naturally, all delivered with a quiet, understated charm and understanding of place.
For more informaon and for your next booking, please contact us:
+(27) 11 438 4650
reserva[email protected]