International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children
Updated August 2017
National Child Protection Legislation
National Legislation
Age of Consent
The national age of legal sexual consent to 16 years of age, as specified in Article 151 of the
Lithuanian Criminal Code
Age of Criminal Responsibility
A person who is 16 years old that commits a crime is liable under Article 13 of the Lithuanian
Criminal Code. A person who is 14 years old may be held criminally responsible for murder,
impairment to health, sexual harassment, robbery, rape, theft, property extortion, seizure of
firearms or explosives, destruction of property, illegal possession of narcotics, or damage to
roads and vehicles is liable under Article 13 of the Lithuanian Criminal Code
Age of Marriage
The legal age of marriage in Lithuania is 18 years of age. There is a possibility for those below
18 to legally be married, upon request and approval by the courts, but the lowest age for a
request to be submitted is 15 years of age. The only exception to being married below 15 years
of age is when a girl becomes pregnant, which then allows for marriage between the father
and the mother of the child. See Article 3.14 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania
Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania 2000 (as amended 2010)
Article 4. Validity of a Criminal Law in Respect of the Persons who have Committed Criminal
Acts within the Territory of the State of Lithuania or Onboard the Ships or Aircrafts Flying the
Flag or Displaying Marks of Registry of the State of Lithuania
1. The persons who have committed criminal acts within the territory of the state of
Lithuania or onboard the ships or aircrafts flying the flag or displaying marks of registry
of the State of Lithuania shall be held liable under this Code.
2. The place of commission of a criminal act shall be the place in which a person acted
or ought to have acted or could have acted or the place in which the consequences
provided for by a criminal law occurred. The place of commission of a criminal act by
accomplices shall be the place in which the criminal act was committed or, if one of
the accomplices acted elsewhere, the place where he acted.
3. A single criminal act committed both in the territory of the State of Lithuania and
abroad shall be considered to have been committed in the territory of the Republic of
Lithuania if it was commenced or completed or discontinued in this territory.
4. The issue of criminal liability of the persons who enjoy immunity from criminal
jurisdiction under international legal norms and commit a criminal act in the territory
of the Republic of Lithuania shall be decided in accordance with treaties of the
Republic of Lithuania and this Code.
Article 5. Criminal Liability of Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and Other Permanent
Residents of Lithuania for the Crimes Committed Abroad
Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and other permanent residents of Lithuania shall be held
liable for the crimes committed abroad under this Code.
International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children
Updated August 2017
Article 6. Criminal Liability of Aliens for the Crimes Committed Abroad against the State of
The aliens who do not have a permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania shall be liable
under a criminal law where they commit crimes abroad against the State of Lithuania as
provided for in Articles 114-128 of this Code.
Article 7. Criminal Liability for the Crimes Provided for in Treaties
Persons shall be liable under this Code regardless of their citizenship and place of residence,
also of the place of commission of a crime and whether the act committed is subject to
punishment under laws of the place of commission of the crime where they commit the
following crimes subject to liability under treaties: 1) crimes against humanity and war crimes
(Articles 99-113); 2) trafficking in human beings (Article 147); 3) purchase or sale of a child
(Article 157); ….
Article 8. Criminal Liability for the Crimes Committed Abroad
1. A person who has committed abroad the crimes provided for in Articles 5 and 6 of
this Code shall be held criminally liable only where the committed act is recognised as
a crime and is punishable under the criminal code of the state of the place of
commission of the crime and the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania. Where a
person who has committed a crime abroad is prosecuted in the Republic of Lithuania,
but a different penalty is provided for this crime in each country, the person shall be
subject to a penalty according to laws of the Republic of Lithuania, however it may not
exceed the maximum limit of penalty specified in the criminal laws of the state of the
place of commission of the crime.
2. A person who has committed the crimes provided for in Articles 5, 6, and 7 of the
Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania shall not be held liable under this Code
where he: 1) has served the sentence imposed by a foreign court; 2) has been released
from serving the entire or a part of the sentence imposed by a foreign court; 3) has
been acquitted or released from criminal liability or punishment by a foreign court’s
judgement, or no penalty has been imposed by reason of the statute of limitation or on
other legal grounds provided for in that state.
Article 9. Extradition
o 1. A citizen of the Republic of Lithuania who has committed a criminal act in the
Republic of Lithuania or in the territory of another state may be extradited to the foreign
state or surrendered to the International Criminal Court solely in accordance with a
treaty to which the Republic of Lithuania is party or a resolution of the United Nations
Security Council.
Article 149 states that intercourse with a person against their will through the use of physical
violence, the threat of using force, or by taking advantage of someone in a helpless state
deprives a person of their liberty and is considered rape.
Article 150 states that a person who fulfills their sexual desire through any form of sexual
intercourse by the use or threat of physical violence, depriving someone of the ability to resist,
or taking advantage of someone in a helpless state is considered sexual assault. Those who
commit sexual assault can be imprisoned for up to seven years. Those who commit sexual
assault in a group can serve a term up to eight years. Those who sexually assault a minor face
anywhere between 3-13 years of imprisonment.
Article 151 states that a person who uses or threatens to use physical force or violence, or
uses verbal threats to induce someone to have sexual intercourse with them has committed
sexual abuse and is liable to be arrested or serve a prison term of up to three years. A person
who sexually abuses a minor face a prison term of up to five years.
Article 151
states that a person who has sexual intercourse with a minor by bribing them
with money or other forms of consideration, promising an award or gift of some type, or sexually
assaults, abuses, or rapes the minor is considered to have violated a minor’s freedom of sexual
International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children
Updated August 2017
determination and can be punished with a fine, arrest, or imprisonment up to three years. If
these acts are committed by family members including mothers, fathers, legal guardians,
teachers, or anyone with legal authority to a minor is susceptible to a fine, arrest, or a prison
term up to four years.
Article 152 States that a person who desires sexual satisfaction or contact with a co-worker or
subordinate by harassing them in the work space or making crude and vulgar remarks or
gestures is considered to have committed the misdemeanor of sexual harassment and can be
punished through a fine or arrest.
Article 153 states that a person who sexually molests children is subject to being fined,
arrested, or serving a prison term of two years.
Article 156 States that a person who abducts a child or exchanges (swapping) that child may
be penalized with arrest or imprisonment with a sentence of up to 8 years. If the person who
abducts the child is the mother, father, or of close family relation they are able to be punished
through community service, fining, arrest, or a prison sentence of up to two years.
Article 157 states that a person who tries to purchase or sell a child through trafficking, or
assists in transporting, luring, or holding the child captive in order to involve that child in
prostitution or to gain profit through prostitution or pornographic images or videos, or for labour
purposes is susceptible to a prison sentence anywhere between 3-12 years. If the person
commits any of the above acts involving two or more children through a group is susceptible
to a prison sentence anywhere between 5-15 years.
Article 158 states that parents, legal guardians, or anyone in watch of a child who purposefully
deserts them and leaves them without care is capable of being susceptible to punishment by
community service, arrest, or a prison sentence of up to two years.
Article 159 states that try bribing, asking, threatening, deceiving, or trying to involve a child in
a criminal act are susceptible to punishment by being fined, arrested or sentenced to a prison
term of up to three years.
Article 160 states that it is illegal for guardians, parents, or authoritative figures in a child’s life
to involve a child in using medicine for means other than those that are for medical treatment
and those who do so are susceptible to fines, arrest, or a prison sentence of up to three years.
Article 161 states that a person who involves a child or children in the consumption of alcohol
is susceptible to a punishment of community service, a fine, arrest, or a prison sentence of up
to 2 years. The person responsible for providing the alcohol or intoxicated that child has
committed a misdemeanour and is susceptible to community service, fine, or arrest.
Article 162 states that a person who exploits a child for pornographic events or exploits that
child by producing pornographic material or gains a monetary profit off of the pornographic
exploitation is susceptible to a fine, arrest, or a prison sentence of up to five years.
Article 163 states that a person who physically or mentally abuses a child, leaves the child
unsupervised for a long duration, or treats the child in a way which would be deemed cruel and
unusual is susceptible to a fine, arrest, or a prison sentence of up to five years.
Article 164 states that a person who tries to avoid any decisions that a court has made in
regard to the care of a child, which include the paying of child care or any other forms of support
to a child, is susceptible to punishment by community service, arrest, or a prison.
Other important laws:
Law on Fundamentals of Protection of the Rights of the Child
Decree of the Minister of Interior on Register of Wanted Persons, Missing Persons,
Unrecognised bodies and Unknown Helpless Persons, 20/6/2006, No. 1V-232
International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children
Updated August 2017
Law amending the Title of Chapter Six of the Law on the Implementation of the European Union
and International Legal Acts Regulating Civil Proceedings No. X-1809 and Supplementing this
Law with Articles 12
and 12
-- 11 December 2014 No XII-1413 (implementation of Hague
Abduction Convention)
Specification of the Procedure for Granting Authorisation to a Child Placed in Institutional
Custody (Care) for Temporary Stay
The Order No. A1-559 of 28 December 2011 of the Minister of Social Security and Labour of
the Republic of Lithuania
Annex 15 to the Specification of the Procedure for Granting Authorisation to a Child for
Temporary Stay
Specification of the Pre-trial Procedure Regarding the Adoption of Special Needs Children
Eligible for Adoption
The Order No. A1-32 of 1 February 2007 of the Minister of Social Security and Labour of the
Republic of Lithuania
Amendments to the Order of the Minister of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of
Lithuania No. A1-162 “Re: Approval of the Description of Procedure for Authorizing the
Institutions of Foreign States to Act in Pursuance of Intercountry Adoption in the Republic of
Lithuania“ of 3 June 2005 (As last amended on 10 January 2012)
On the Amendment to the Order No. A1-162 of 3 June 2005 of the Minister of Social Security
and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania “On the Approval of the Specification of the
Procedure for Granting Authorization to Foreign Institutions in Respect of Inter-Country
Adoption in the Republic of Lithuania”
The Order on the Approval of the Specification of the Procedure for Granting Authorization to
Foreign Institutions in Respect of Inter-Country Adoption in the Republic of Lithuania
The Procedure for Registry of Adoption
The Regulations of the State Rights Protection and Adoption Service