Office of the Registrar
Recommended Program Guide
Last Updated 8/31/2023 JC
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
The Interdisciplinary Studies program allows students to combine courses from the university curriculum with associate
degrees from Michigan community colleges. The three-plus-one program provides for transfer up to 88 semester
credits from accredited two-year community colleges in Michigan. The program requires that courses accepted for
transfer must have a grade of C- or above and that all coursework has been taken at accredited institutions. Certain
developmental courses may be subject to individual evaluation. Students with associate degrees in any area may
qualify for the Interdisciplinary Studies program: with an associate’s degree, courses that do not typically transfer to OU
will be included in your overall transferable credit.
MCC and OU currently have an articulation agreement that allows students to complete their BIS degree in as few as
32 credits, provided all transferable general education requirements are satisfied. Meet with an MCC academic adviser to
learn more about this opportunity.
The Interdisciplinary Studies program is a degree that allows students to design a customized plan of study that is
directly related to their career and educational goals. The degree is transfer-friendly as it can apply most transferable
credits allowing students to maximize their past coursework by integrating it with their coursework at OU.
When choosing to complete MTA to satisfy General Education, please confirm the best courses to take to fulfill the
agreement with your academic adviser at MCC or at the MCC MTA Approved Courses
website. Oakland University will
always honor the MACRAO transfer agreement and apply it to the General Education requirement the same as MTA. In
order to completely satisfy OU’s transferable General Education requirements while completing MTA, please reference
MCC General Education Transfer Guide and select one course from OU’s Knowledge Applications category.
Course requirements for MTA (minimum 30 credit hours required):
(ENGL 1180 or 1210) and (ENGL 1190 or 1220) (required prerequisite for coursework at OU)
One MTA Approved Math course
Two MTA Approved Natural Sciences courses
Two MTA Approved Social Sciences courses
Two MTA Approved Humanities or Fine Arts courses
If you intend to transfer without MTA, you can choose to complete additional coursework to fulfill OU’s individual General
Education categories instead. When following this major guide, please reference the
MCC General Education Transfer
Guide for the MCC courses that satisfy all of the specific OU General Education categories.
The Interdisciplinary Studies major also offers Law School Partnerships
with Wayne State University Law School and
Detroit Mercy Law. Students may double count their first 30 credits from Law School as their last 30 credits at Oakland
University to complete their bachelor's degree and law degree in six years. Admission to Wayne or Detroit Mercy Law is
not guaranteed:
read more about pre-law studies at OU!
A focus area option for BIS students is to prepare for the Accelerated Second Degree (ASD) Nursing program.
Student’s complete all prerequisites required for the ASD program along with approved integrative coursework.
Other focus area options may include (but are not limited to) self-designed interdisciplinary programs with focuses in
business leadership/communication, entrepreneurship, public health administration, creative design/writing, broadcasting,
IT/cybersecurity, public service, pre-professional programs, etc. The opportunities are endless with Interdisciplinary
Students may also choose this program to prepare for graduate school by completing required prerequisites along with
other coursework to prepare for the next step in their education.
Please contact the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies at [email protected]
or 248-370-3229 for more
information regarding the program, or visit their website.