Bar Admissions
§ New York State (1997)
§ U.S. Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York (2010)
§ U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Washington, DC (2011)
§ U.S. Court of International Trade, New York (2011)
§ Italy (1994)
§ University of Virginia School of Law – Center for National Security Law:
National Security Law Institute, Post-Graduate Diploma in National
Security Law, Charlottesville, VA (June 15, 2018) Full Scholarship Granted for
§ New York University School of Law: Master’s Degree (LLM/MCJ) of Anglo-
American and Comparative Law, New York, NY (May 21, 1995)
§ University of California, Business School: Post-Graduate Diploma in American
Management Studies (MBA Curriculum in International Finance), San Francisco,
CA (June 30, 1986)
§ University of Rome “La Sapienza”: Jurisprudence Doctor, Rome, Italy (July 23,
English (Native Level); Italian (Native Level); French (Fluent; Advanced
Working Knowledge)
Professional Experience
§ Founding Partner/Principal, Provvidera Law Offices, P.C. New York, NY
(2001 – Present);
§ Advisor to WG “Future Scenarios Concept”, Center for Defense Innovation
(CID), Center for the Defense High Studies (CASD), Italian Ministry of Defense,
General Staff; Rome, Italy (Dec 2019 – Present);
§ International Desk Legal Counsel, SGI Capital Partners Inc. New York, NY
(1997 – 2000);
§ Corporate Department Associate, Masci & Sassi P.C. New York, NY (1996 –
§ Deputy General Counsel, Alitalia Airlines, New York, NY (1988 – 1994)
§ Legal Department Associate, Finsider International SA, Paris, France (1985 –
§ American Bar Association, Section of International Law: National Security
Committee (Vice-Chair, 2020-21); United Nations and International
Organizations Committee (Vice-Chair, 2020-21); Privacy, E-Commerce and
Data Security Committee (Steering Group, 2019-20);
§ New York City Bar Association;
§ ASIL – American Society of International Law;
§ Law Society of England and Wales, International Law Division;
§ U.S. Naval Institute (USNI);
§ American Security Project, Financial Intelligence & Information Sharing
Working Group (US government/private sector/academy project/think-tank);
§ Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA), Italian Chapter (Italian Atlantic
Committee), Cyber-warfare Committee (Chair, 2019-2020);
§ International Journal of Digital Investigations, (John Hopkins University)
Member of the Legal Experts Panel, Baltimore, MD (2003 – Present);
§ Electronic Crime Task Force (Professional/academic network established by
the US Homeland Security Department), New York, NY (2003)
§ University of the Republic of San Marino: Master’s Degree of International
Security Studies, Professor of International Law of Armed Conflict, U.S. National
Security Law, U.S. and Comparative Law of the Intelligence, Strategy and
Foresight Concept; San Marino, Rep. of San Marino (March, 2021-Onward);
§ University of Tor Vergata, Observatory on Security and Defense (OSDIFE):
Special Seminar Lecturer, Nuclear Deterrence in the 21
Century, Rome, Italy
(Jan 11, 2021);
§ Center of High Studies for Defense (CASD), Italian Ministry of Defense,
General Staff Inter-Forces Superior Institute (ISSMI): Master’s Degree
Module “Analysis of Complex Systems”, Lecturer, Complexity Layers of
Deterrence in All-Domain Conflict and Hyperwar Scenarios, Rome, Italy (Oct
§ University of Tor Vergata, Observatory on Security and Defense (OSDIFE):
Special Advisor for National Security, Geopolitics, Law of Armed Conflict;
Rome, Italy (March, 2020 – Present);
§ Italian Institute of Philosophical Studies: Visiting Lecturer, International Law
and Jus ad Bellum in the Era of Hybrid Warfare, at the Seminar Series The “Just
War” Comeback, Naples, Italy (October, 2019);
§ University of South Alabama, Mitchell School of Business: Visiting-in-
Residence – Seminars: U.S. National Security and Global Security; Countering
Terrorism Financing: A Comparative Analysis; International Law in the Era of
Multi-Domain Conflict; Mobile, AL (March, 2019);
§ Middlebury Institute of International Studies of Monterey, CA/Sapienza
University of Rome, Winter School: Visiting Professor, Terrorism Financing in
Europe and U.S.: A Comparative Approach, Rome, Italy (January, 2019);
§ International University of Rome (UNINT): Visiting Lecturer, Deterrence and
Jus ad Bellum in the Era of Hybrid Warfare; Visiting Lecturer, Iraq and Syria:
Perspectives and Issues of the U.S. Intervention and Middle East Policy, Rome,
Italy (December, 2018);
§ “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Center for Geopolitics and International
Relations Studies, 2019 Course of Geopolitics and International Relations:
Professor, Intelligence, Terrorism and the Law; Oversight of Intelligence in the
U.S., Rome, Italy (2018-2019);
§ CEPOL (European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training – EU
Justice and Home Affairs) – European Joint Master Program 2017-2019,
“Governance and Strategic Aspects of International Police Cooperation”
Module III Professor/Trainer, Strategic Interaction Between EU and Different
Relevant International Bodies—EU-NATO Cooperation on the Field; Interaction
Between EU Justice & Home Affairs Agencies and Relevant External Partners,
Rome, Italy (March, 2018);
§ “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Center of Geopolitics and International
Relations Studies: Winter School, Visiting Lecturer: National Security and
Intelligence Governance in the U.S.—Global Implications, Rome, Italy (March
17, 2018);
§ University of International Studies (UNINT): Visiting Lecturer: Seminar on
Terrorism and Illicit Activities Financing, Rome, Italy (February, 2018);
§ “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Department of Social Research and
Communication (CORIS): Adjunct Professor of International Organizations and
Development, Rome, Italy (January, 2017 – March, 2018);
§ Link Campus University: Winter School Professor, Terrorism Financing,
Identification and Prevention (co-offered by the Middlebury Institute of
International Studies at University of Monterey, CA) Rome, Italy (January, 2018);
§ Link Campus University: Master’s Degree of Intelligence and Security, Visiting
Professor of U.S. and Comparative Law of the Intelligence, Rome, Italy (October,
2017); Visiting Lecturer: Countering Global Threats and Transnational
Terrorism—A Comparative Approach to National Security, Rome, Italy (October,
§ SSML Gregorio VII University: Professor of International Public Law; Law of
the International Organizations; History of International Relations and
Geopolitics; Global Economy and Finance, Rome, Italy (2012 – 2015); Courses
taught in English;
§ “La Tuscia” University, Department of Law: Seminar of Excellence for Post-
Graduate Candidates to PhD in E.U. and Global Financial Markets Law – Visiting
Professor: Systemic Crises in the Global Economy—From Lehman Brothers to the
Eurozone Sovereign Debt; Viterbo, Italy (October 11-12, 2016);
§ LUISS “Guido Carli” University, School of Law: Seminar: Comparative Issues
in Transnational Counter-Terrorism Laws—A U.S. Perspective, Rome, Italy
(March 14-15, 2016)
§ “La Tuscia” University, Department of Law: Visiting Professor, Seminars:
Introduction to the Anglo-American Legal System; Legal History from Magna
Charta to the U.S. Constitution and Modern Times; Common Law Methodology;
The U.S. Federal Civil Procedure; Viterbo, Italy (March 1-8, 2016);
§ Kodolanyi Janos University of Budapest - EU Erasmus Program Visiting
Professor: Seminar 1 - International Relations, Law and Geopolitics: Analysis of
the International-Law-Related Elements of the USA-Iran “Nuclear Moratorium
Agreement”(JCPOA) of 2015; Seminar 2 - Global Economy: Central Banks and
Legal Framework of the Financial Crises; Budapest, Hungary (September 21-25,
§ “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Center of Geopolitics and International
Relations Studies: Online Seminar: The Economy of Energy: Discussion on the
“Shale Revolution” in the U.S. and Its Geopolitical Implications; Rome, Italy
(June, 2015);
§ “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Department of Sociology: Tutor/Teaching
Assistant of Information and Communications Law, Rome, Italy (2006 – 2011);
§ University of Macerata, Department of Political Sciences: Tutor/Teaching
Assistant of Information and Communications Law, Macerata, Italy (2003–2005);
§ University of Milan School of Law: Tutor, Post-Graduate Seminar: The Law of
the Internet and Freedom of Speech, Intellectual Property and Privacy: A US
Constitutional Perspective, Milan, Italy (2002);
§ Columbia University, Business School, CITI Institute: Research Assistant,
Project on “Space Law, Telecommunications and International Organizations”,
New York, NY (Winter Semester 1996–1997).
§ NATO Defense College Eisenhower Fellow, 2022
Relevant Events Recently Attended/Speaking Engagements
§ Forthcoming: NATO Joint Air & Space Conference (annual theme:
Leveraging Emerging Technologies in Support of NATO Air & Space Power):
Invited Delegate & Panelist, Essen West, Germany (Dec 8-10, 2021);
§ U.S. Army Futures Command: The Future Study Program, Intensive 4-Day
Seminar, Special Invitee, Character of Warfare 2035, Ft. Eustin, FL (Nov 16-20,
§ University of Oxford, The Changing Character of War Centre with the U.K.
Foreign Office: Special Invitee, Rethinking Western Strategy and the Character
of War in the Twenty-First Century, Oxford, UK (Nov 24, 2020);
§ U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff : Invited Attendant, Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment
(SMA) Series, Washington DC (October, 2020 – Present);
§ NATO Supreme Allied Command Transformation (SACT): Invited Attendant,
Strategic Foresight Analysis 2021, Series of Prep Meetings, Norfolk, VA
(October-November, 2020);
§ New York State Bar Association: Nuclear Weapons and International Law in
the Contemporary Era, Invited Delegate, New York, NY (Nov 12, 2020);
§ U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM): 7-Day Intensive Workshop, Invited
Attendant, Deterrence Symposium 2020, Tampa, FL (Nov 7-13, 2020);
§ Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS): Seminar, Invited
Attendee, Information Warfare: From a Supporting Role to A Leading Role,
Washington DC (Nov 13, 2020);
§ University of Syracuse School of Law, Institute for Security Policy and Law:
Invited Attendant, National Security Law and the Coming AI Revolution,
Syracuse, NY (Oct 29, 2020);
§ Center for New American Security (CNAS): 4-Day Intensive Workshop,
Invited Delegate, 2020 National Security Conference—Future Scenarios,
Washington DC (June 15-19, 2020);
§ Italian Ministry of Defense General Staff, Center for Defense Innovation
(CID): 2-Day Intensive Workshop, Speaker/Panelist, Legal and Ethical
Implications of Dual and Military Use of Artificial Intelligence in Multi-Domain
Conflict Scenarios, Rome, Italy (December 18-19, 2019);
§ Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House: Invited Delegate,
Cyber Warfare and International Law, London (Dec 4, 2019);
§ ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security, Georgetown
University, University of Virginia School of Law: Invited Delegate, 29
Preview of the Field of National Security Law, Full Scholarship Granted,
Washington DC (Nov. 7-8, 2019);
§ Technical University of Kosice, Business School: Academic Participant to
Colloquia on Artificial Intelligence and Global Security; Kosice, Slovak Republic
(July, 2019);
§ Germani Institute of Social Sciences and Strategic Studies: High Formation
Course, Political Warfare and National Security. The New Intelligence in the Era
of Hybrid Threats, Certificate Earned; Rome, Italy (April, 2019);
§ Middlebury Institute of International Studies: Speaker/Panelist, Middlebury
Countering Threats Financing, Seminar, Monterey, CA (March 20-22, 2019);
§ University of Rome at Tor Vergata; Italian Air Force: Speaker, Presentation
on Legal, Technical, and Intelligence Elements of “Attribution” in Hybrid
Warfare Scenarios—A U.S. Perspective; Air Force Club, Rome, Italy (February,
§ European Academy of Law (ERA): Chair & Panelist, Session III “Counter
Terrorism Financing”, 2018 Annual Conference on Counter-Terrorism, Trier,
Germany (Nov. 29-30, 2018);
§ ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security, Georgetown
University, University of Virginia School of Law: 28
Annual Preview of the
Field of National Security Law, Full Scholarship Granted, Washington DC (Nov.
1-2, 2018);
§ Financial Intelligence and Information Sharing Working Group Fall
Summit, Transnational Flows of Illicit Financing, New York, NY (Sept, 2018);
§ Academy of European Law (ERA): Countering Terrorism and Preventing
Radicalization in Detention—Cross-Border Judicial Cooperation, Certificate
Earned, Trier, Germany (June, 2018);
§ ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security: 27
Annual Preview
of the Field of National Security Law, Full Scholarship Granted, Washington DC
(Nov. 15-17, 2017);
Selected Publications:
§ Forthcoming: Deterrence in the Age of Multi-Domain Conflict—The New
Frontier of Law of Armed Conflict, NATO Research Papers, NATO Defense
College, due for publication (Winter 2021);
§ Forthcoming: Military Use of Artificial Intelligence—A Novel Legal Paradigm
of Jus Belli, NATO Joint Air Power Competence Center (JAPCC), due for
publication (March, 2021);
§ Lawfare and Information Warfare in the Fifth Domain of Contemporary
Multi-Domain Conflict, Italian Ministry of Defense, Center for Defense High
Studies, due for publication on “Quaderni Strategici” No. 2 (March, 2021);
§ Forthcoming: Comparative Counter-Terrorism Policies – U.S. and European
Approaches Diritto Penale Contemporaneo, due for publication (Winter 2021);
§ Forthcoming: Cyber Warfare and Jus ad Bellum: An Attempt to Square the
Circle Chatham House, Royal Institute of International Affairs, due for
publication (Winter 2021);
§ Strategic Assets Protection and Golden Share for A New National Security
Paradigm, Italian Ministry of Defense, Center for Defense High Studies,
“Quaderni Strategici”, No. 1 (January, 2021);
§ International Terrorism: The Quest For A New Security Paradigm.
Reflections on the “Issue-Attention Cycle” and National Security,
contribution to co-authored book: Master Narratives in Tourism, C. Pierantonelli
ed., Roma III University (Dec. 2017);
§ Developments of Privacy Law in the E.U. The International Lawyer - Year-in-
Review, ABA-SIL Privacy, E-Commerce and Data Security Committee, ABA-
SMU Dedman School of Law (Dec. 2016);
§ Contribution, on behalf of the European Privacy Association, to the EU
Commission’s Public Consultation on “The Future European Union (EU) –
United States of America (US) International Agreement on Personal Data
Protection and Information Sharing for Law Enforcement Purposes” (2010);
§ Privacy and Struggle Against Terror – U.S., European Union, Italy, Chapter
9, contribution to co-authored book: Next Privacy (in Italian), Bolognini, Fulco,
Paganini eds., ETAS, Milan (2010);
§ Contribution, on behalf of the European Privacy Association, to EU
Commission’s Public Consultation on “New Challenges for Privacy: Advanced
Technologies, Effective Legal Frameworks and Active Responsibilities”