Compliance Issues in Research-Related
Relationships with Health Care Professionals
Pharmaceutical Compliance Forum:
Pharmaceutical Regulatory and Compliance Congress and Best Practices Forum
October 21, 2010
Eve M. Brunts
Ropes & Gray LLP
Compliance History
Current Compliance Concerns
Compliance Environment
Compliance Actions
Compliance History
Longstanding Government Concern with Relationships between
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Health Care Professionals
Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector
General (OIG) Special Fraud Alert: Prescription Drug Marketing
Schemes (Issued August 1994)
OIG Compliance Program Guidance for Pharmaceutical
Manufacturers (May 5, 2003)
Concern Addressed Sham Research Relationships and Need for
Separation in Research and Marketing Activities
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Compliance History
Special Fraud Alert: Prescription Drug Marketing
Schemes (Issued August 1994)
How Does the Anti-Kickback Law Relate to Prescription Drug Marketing Schemes?
. . . .Physicians, suppliers and, increasingly, patients are being offered valuable, non-medical benefits
in exchange for selecting specific prescription drug brands. . . . .Among the specific activities, which
the OIG has identified, are the following actual cases:. . . .
A ``research grant'' program in which physicians were given substantial payments for de minimis
recordkeeping tasks. The physician administered the drug manufacturer's product to the patient
and made brief notes, sometimes a single word, about the treatment outcome. Upon completion of
a limited number of such ``studies,'' the physician received payment from the manufacturer.
. . . . If one purpose of any of these marketing schemes is to induce the provision of a prescription drug
item reimbursable by Medicaid, then the criminal anti-kickback statute is implicated. . . .
OIG investigation may be warranted where one or more of the following features is present in
prescription drug marketing activities:. . . .
Grants to physicians and clinicians for studies of prescription products when the studies are of
questionable scientific value and require little or no actual scientific pursuit. The grants may
nonetheless offer substantial benefits based on, or related to, use of the product.
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Compliance History
OIG Compliance Program Guidance for
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (May 5, 2003)
Clinical Trial Sponsorship: Manufacturers often contract with purchasers of their products to
conduct research activities on behalf of the manufacturer on a fee-for-service basis. These
contracts should be structured to fit in the personal services safe harbor whenever possible.
Payments for research services should be fair market value for legitimate, reasonable, and
necessary services. Post-marketing research activities should be especially scrutinized to
ensure that they are legitimate and not simply a pretext to generate prescriptions of a drug.
Prudent manufacturers will develop contracting procedures that clearly separate the
awarding of research contracts from marketing. Research contracts that originate through the
sales or marketing functions--or that are offered to purchasers in connection with sales contacts--
are particularly suspect.
Research Grants for Investigator-Initiated Research: Pharmaceutical manufacturers
sometimes provide funding to their purchasers for use in the purchasers' own research. In many
cases, the research provides valuable scientific and clinical information, improves clinical care,
leads to promising new treatments, promotes better delivery of health care, or otherwise benefits
patients. However, as with educational grants, if linked directly or indirectly to the purchase of
product, research grants can be misused to induce the purchase of business without triggering
Medicaid Best Price obligations. To reduce risk, manufacturers should insulate research grant
making from sales and marketing influences.
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Current Compliance Concerns
Objectivity in Medical Decisions
No illegal remuneration to HCPs that can taint clinical decisions
Integrity in Product Approval/Research Process
Public and government not misled into thinking product is safer
than product is
Accuracy of Product Claims
Consumers and health care professionals not rely on
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions Address Research-
Related Activities
HCP research relationships subject to scrutiny/enforcement
Settlements include specific and rigorous commitments
regarding HCP research relationships
Other Government Initiatives Focus on Research-
Related Activities
Identify need for increased oversight of product development
and approval process (including clinical trials)
Provide clarification of obligations of research sponsor and
Implement enhanced monitoring and enforcement
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
Allergan (2010)
Investigation by DOJ, OIG and States
Company used clinical trials to pay physicians to prescribe off-label
Settlement Agreement
Criminal fine and forfeiture of $375 million and a $225 million civil
settlement with United States and States
Guilty plea to criminal misdemeanor for misbranding drug in
violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA) (5 years) with specific
obligations addressing research-related activities
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
Allergan Corporate Integrity Agreement
Covered Persons include company personnel involved in contracting with
HCPs to conduct post-marketing clinical trials and other post-marketing
studies of products reimbursed under federal healthcare programs (Product
Related Functions)
Company must maintain policies and procedures addressing conduct of
Product Related Functions in accordance with FDA and federal healthcare
program requirements
Company must maintain policies addressing post-marketing clinical trials
and studies (such as investigator-initiated trials (ITTs)) including: (1)
decision to provide support for study, (2) manner in which support is
provided, (3) support for publication of information about studies, and (4)
uses made of publications about studies
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
Allergan CIA Obligations
Company training and education must address FDA and federal health care
program requirements related to Product Related Functions
Company subject to Independent Review Organization review which
includes Product Related Functions
Company must develop monitoring program for non-promotional activities
including research-related activities (Phase IV post-marketing studies and
Written agreements describing work, fees, compliance obligations
Payment in accordance with fair market value analysis
Annual budget plan reviewed by compliance for research-related
Needs assessment for each researcher engaged
Monitoring to ensure research work performed
Risk-based audits of research arrangements performed by compliance
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
Allergan CIA Obligations
Public disclosure on website of HCP payments
Payments to be disclosed consistent with payments under Section
6002 of Patent Protection and Affordable Care Act
Registration of clinical studies on NIH website and posting of results
on NIH website
Posting of post marketing commitments on company website
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
Forest Laboratories (2010)
Investigation by DOJ, OIG, FDA and States
Company distributed one drug without obtaining FDA approval (drug
on market was subsequently determined to be “new drug” and was
distributed contrary to FDA conditions for distribution of unapproved
drug pending approval)
Company promoted two drugs for unapproved uses (pediatric use
when drugs only approved for adult use)
Promotion of one drug included dissemination of positive results of one
study on use of drug in adolescents while not discussing negative
results of another study
Company implemented “seeding study” intending to induce participating
physician investigators to prescribe the study drug
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
Forest Settlement
Payment of $313 million in criminal fines, civil penalties and asset
restitution to United States and States
Guilty plea by subsidiary to felony count obstructing justice,
misdemeanor count of distributing unapproved drug in interstate
commerce and misdemeanor count of distributing misbranded drug
CIA (5 years) with specific provisions addressing research-related
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
Forest Corporate Integrity Agreement
Covered Persons includes company personnel involved in
contracting with HCPs to conduct post-marketing and other clinical
studies of products reimbursed under federal healthcare programs
(Promotional and Product Related Functions)
Company must maintain policies and procedures addressing
conduct of Promotional and Product Related Functions in
accordance with FDA and federal healthcare program requirements
Company must maintain policies and procedures addressing
sponsorship of post-marketing studies such as ITTs including: (1)
decision to provide support for IIT, (2) manner in which support is
provided, (3) support for publication of information about IIT, and (4)
uses made of publications relating to IITs
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
Forest CIA Obligations
Company training and education must address FDA and federal
health care program requirements related to Promotional and
Product Related Functions
Company subject to Independent Review Organization Review
which includes Promotional and Product Related Functions
Company must develop monitoring program for non-promotional
activities including research-related activities (Phase IV post-
marketing clinical studies including IITs)
Written agreements describing work, fees, compliance obligations
Payment in accordance with fair market value analysis
Annual budget plan reviewed by compliance for research-related activities
Needs assessment for each researcher engaged
Monitoring to ensure research work performed
Risk-based audits of research arrangements reported to compliance
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
Forest CIA Obligations
Public disclosure on website of HCP payments
Payments to be disclosed consistent with payments under Section 6002 of Patent
Protection and Affordable Care Act
Registration of clinical studies on NIH website and posting of results
on NIH website
Posting of postmarketing commitments on company website
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
AstraZeneca (2010)
Investigation by DOJ, OIG, FDA and States
Company promoted psychiatric drug for unapproved uses by
recruiting HCPs to serve as authors of articles largely prepared by
medical literature companies about studies HCPs did not conduct
Company paid illegal remuneration to HCPs recruited to conduct
studies for unapproved uses
Settlement Agreement
Payment of $520 million to United States and States
CIA (5 years) with specific obligations addressing research-related
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
AstraZeneca Corporate Integrity Agreement
Covered Persons include company personnel involved in
contracting with HCPs to conduct clinical trials and other post-
marketing studies of products reimbursed under federal
healthcare programs (Product Related Functions)
Company must maintain policies and procedures addressing conduct
of Product Related Functions in accordance with FDA and federal
healthcare program requirements
Company must maintain policies addressing ITTs including: (1)
decision to provide support for study, (2) manner in which support is
provided, (3) support for publication of information about studies, and
(4) uses made of information about studies
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
AstraZeneca CIA Obligations
Company training and education must address FDA and federal health
care program requirements related to contracting with HCPs to conduct
research studies
Company subject to Independent Review Organization review which
includes Product Related Functions
Company must develop monitoring program for non-promotional activities
including research-related activities
Written agreements describing work, fees, compliance obligations
Payment in accordance with centrally managed, pre-set rate structure
determined based on fair market value analysis
Annual budget plan reviewed by compliance for research-related activities
Needs assessment for each researcher engaged
Monitoring to ensure research work performed
Risk-based audits of research arrangements with results submitted to
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
AstraZeneca CIA Obligations
Public disclosure on website of HCP payments
Payments to be disclosed consistent with payments under Section 6002 of
Patent Protection and Affordable Care Act
Registration of clinical studies on NIH website and posting of results on
NIH website and on company website
Posting of postmarketing commitments on company website
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
Physician Researcher (Scott Reuben) (2010)
Investigation by DOJ and private pharmaceutical
Entered into independent research grant agreements with various
pharmaceutical companies to conduct independent clinical research
Entered specifically into one independent research grant agreement
with a company to conduct independent clinical research and
publish the results of the clinical research in a medical journal in
exchange for a grant
Failed to enroll patients in clinical studies according to the independent
research grant agreement
Published reports in journals that were fabricated
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
Scott Reuben Outcome
Pled guilty to health care fraud
Sentence recommendation
Prison/supervised release
Restitution to companies ($362,000)
Fines/forfeitures/other payments of approximately $55,000
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
(Medical Device Insight)
Synthes (2010)
Investigation by DOJ, FDA, and OIG
Company conducted clinical trials of medical device without FDA
Studies involved off-label use subject warning on label
Guilty plea (Synthes subsidiary) to one felony count of conspiracy to
impair and impede lawful functions of FDA and (Synthes and
subsidiary) to misdemeanor counts of shipping adulterated and
misbranded device in interstate commerce
Upon conviction, potential criminal and civil payments of about $24
Exclusion for Synthes subsidiary
CIA (5 years) with specific obligations addressing research-related
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Synthes Corporate Integrity Agreement
Covered Persons include company personnel involved in clinical
investigations (including personnel with responsibility for clinical
investigator financial disclosures)
Company must maintain policies and procedures addressing conduct of covered
functions in accordance with FDA and federal healthcare program requirements
Company must maintain policies and procedures addressing sponsorship, funding of,
and disclosures relating to research and development-related activities
Company must conduct specific training and education on clinical investigation
Company subject to Independent Review Organization Review for all covered
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
(Medical Device Insight)
Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
Synthes, Inc. (2009)
Investigation by New Jersey Attorney General
Majority of physician investigators for company medical device had
investments in device
Company failed to disclose financial interests to FDA
Financial disclosure forms left blank or interests disclosed without
Reimbursement of fees and costs related to investigation
Voluntary assurances
Selection of clinical investigators based on qualifications
Fair market value payment not tied to outcome of clinical trial or in form
of company stock/stock options
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Compliance Environment:
Recent Enforcement Actions
Synthes Settlement
Voluntary Assurances
Procedures for diligent collection of financial interest information
Disclosure of financial interest information to clinical sites and subject
and on website (upon product approval/clearance)
Additional New Jersey Attorney General Action
Letter to FDA
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Compliance Environment:
Government Initiatives
Ongoing focus on health care fraud in pharmaceutical industry
Payments to researchers often potential issue under consideration
Increasing focus on FDA issues
Potential new focus on payments to clinical researchers who conduct foreign
clinical trials
Ongoing focus on FDA oversight of clinical trial activities
OIG Workplan (2010): FDA Oversight of Investigational New Drug
OIG reports identifying concerns
FDA Oversight of Clinical Trials (2007)
FDA Oversight of Clinical Investigator Financial Information (2009)
Challenges to FDA’s Ability to Monitor and Inspect Foreign Clinical Trials
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Initiatives to enhance oversight and enforcement of
sponsor and clinical investigator compliance
Increased sponsor responsibilities and increased
Guidance (Examples)
Guidance for Industry: Investigation Responsibilities (October
Information Sheet Guidance for IRBs, Clinical Investigations, and
Sponsors: FDA Inspections of Clinical Investigations (June, 2010)
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Compliance Environment:
Government Initiatives
Compliance Environment:
Government Initiatives
Proposed Regulations (2010)
Sponsors must report information indicating that any person has, or
may have, engaged in falsification of data in the course of
performing or reviewing clinical trials or reporting study data
Report to FDA within 45 days
Increased Enforcement Action Following Inspections under
FDA Bioresearch Monitoring Program
Warning letters address sponsor oversight of clinical investigation
FDA may hold sponsor responsible (additional inspections, warning
letter, or rejection of data)
Possibility of independent third party audit
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Compliance Environment:
Government Initiatives
Disclosure and Transparency
Section 6002 of Patent Protection and Affordable Care Act
(Physician Payments Sunshine Law Provision)
Delayed disclosure for research/clinical trial agreements related to new
drug or new application for drug
Number of states require disclosure of payments to HCPs
Treatment of research-related payments varies
Exemption versus delay versus confidentiality for information
Payment of research grant versus payment for research
Pre-approval versus post-marketing clinical trials
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Compliance Actions:
Key Themes
Compliance distinction between research arrangements
with HCPs and commercial arrangements with HCPs
Standard safeguards for commercial arrangements being
imposed on research arrangements
Some distinction between pre-approval clinical trials and post-
marketing studies remains
Status of IITs
Need may now exist to justify any differential in compliance
Government enforcement agencies far along “learning
curve” with respect to research-related activities
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Compliance Actions:
Key Themes
Illegal remuneration in research context creates multiple
concerns = attractive enforcement focus
Research payments as mechanism for payment of illegal
Illegal remuneration affect research results (i.e., undermine
integrity of clinical trial)
Research arrangements no longer viewed in isolation
Research publication dissemination of results
Enhanced expectations regarding compliance
involvement in research arrangements
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Compliance Actions:
Key Themes
Disclosure, management or elimination of financial
conflict of interests
Broad focus on transparency
Dual concerns of objective decision-making and research integrity
Competing manufacturer concern of confidentiality of proprietary
Increased responsibility for research sponsors and
increased liability for failure to fulfill responsibilities
Clinical trial oversight emerging risk area
Global focus with foreign clinical trials
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act rather than Anti-Kickback Statute
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Compliance Actions:
Key Steps
Compare policies and procedures for research
arrangements with HCPs and commercial arrangements
with HCPs and ensure differences are justified
Assess funding and oversight of clinical trials
(particularly post-marketing clinical trials) based on
recent CIA requirements
Consider IIT treatment
Ensure audits/reviews of research arrangements with
HCPs are integrated into comprehensive risk-based
compliance audits
Consider compliance audit/review to identify/assess any
relationships among research funding, publication
funding and dissemination of research results
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Compliance Actions:
Key Steps
Assess application of compliance policies to foreign
clinical trials and level of oversight
Research-related policies
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act policies
Consider whether need to revise clinical trial agreements
(CTAs) and enhance site monitoring
CTA provisions to ensure investigators are compliant with
enhanced/clarified responsibilities and to enhance obligations
regarding financial disclosure and overall reporting
Assess efficacy of financial disclosure mechanisms
Review FDA submission
Compare information received to other publicly-available
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Presentation Submitted October 19, 2010
Eve M. Brunts
Ropes & Gray LLP
Presentation prepared with the assistance of Ropes & Gray
associates Lauren Foster and Robyn Sterling