Interim Graduate Program Director : Dr. Vickie Tyler Carnegie
Location: 2095 Constant Hall, Norfolk, VA, 23529
Email: vcarne[email protected], Phone Oce: 757-683-3685
February 2022
School of Public Service, Strome College of Business, Old Dominion University, 2084 Constant Hall, Norfolk, VA 23529
MPA: http://odu.edu/mpa, Email: mpa@odu.edu
February 23: Deadline for electronic submission of
doctoral dissertations to ProQuest for May 2022 (Session 2)
February 28: Session 2 classes end; last day to withdraw
from Session 2 classes (grade of W assigned);
Recommended deadline for applications for August 2022
March 1: Session 3 classes begin Deadline for electronic
submission of masterstheses to ProQuest for May 2022
(Session 2) graduates
March 2: Degree conferral date Session 2 (pending
completion of degree requirements)
March 3: DROP/ADD DEADLINE Session 3
March8: Last day to withdraw and receive 50% tuition
refund or credit Session 3
March 11: Deadline to apply for Spring 2022 graduation
and be listed in Commencement book
March 7-12: Spring Holiday - no classes
March 28 April 1: Fall 2022 pre-registration for
currently registered degree-seeking students (time ticket
April 2: Fall 2022 open registration begins for all students
(no time ticket required)
School of Public Service, Strome College of Business, Old Dominion University, 2084 Constant Hall, Norfolk, VA 23529
MPA: http://odu.edu/mpa, Email: mpa@odu.edu
Spore Scholars
Wolfgang Pindur Endowed Scholarship
The Spore Scholars is a competitive program open to
current MPA students who have professional experience
in municipal government or the non-profit sector.
Current GPA must be 3.25 or higher. The awardee(s)
should have at least two semesters left (Fall 2022 and
Spring 2023).
The program is named in honor of James Spore, the
long-serving City Manager of the City of Virginia Beach.
Mr. Spore exemplified municipal leadership throughout
his long career of public service, and has a well-deserved
reputation for his work to provide quality leadership to
the citizens of Virginia Beach. The intent of the Spore
Scholars program is to identify, nurture, and develop
leaders in local government and the non-profit sector.
Award amount is dependent on funding, but could be in
the range of $1000-$2000/award. The award is
renewable, again based on funding.
Submission requirements: a resume and letter of
interest send to Dr. Ron Carlee (rcarl[email protected] )
Spore Scholars will be chosen by School of Public
Service MPA committee based on the applications.
The Wolfgang Pindur Endowed Scholarship in Applied Research
is an award to recipients who are deemed as outstanding
students in applied research and will be selected by a faculty
Both MPA and PhD students are eligible to apply. Recipient(s)
may be part-time or full-time student(s). Depending on
applications, there may be one award or two; if two, the award
may be split evenly between a MPA student and a Doctoral
student. Recipients must be registered for at least four credit
hours in both the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 terms or in ABD
(PhD) status each semester.
The scholarship is not automatically renewable, but the
student(s) receiving the scholarship(s) may reapply for the
following year. The award amount is dependent on funding, past
amounts were in the range of $1100-$2200/award.
Scholarship packets should include the following:
1. Submission of an essay concerning the students commitment
to public service, no longer than 2 pages (double-spaced)
2. Unofficial copy of graduate student transcript
3. Submission of evidence of scholarship in applied research,
such as a paper completed for one of your courses or conference.
If you wish to be considered, please email your scholarship
packet to Dr. Carnegie ([email protected]) by 5:00 pm on
Tuesday 2/22/2022.
The Graduate School will host the 12th annual (3rd Virtual) Graduate Research Achievement Day (GRAD) Competition during Graduate
Student Appreciation Week. The weeks spans April 4 to April 8, 2022. GRAD is a great opportunity for students to showcase their
research to the campus community while learning about the diversity of research and scholarship at Old Dominion University.
GRAD 2022 is a virtual event. Students interested in participating must submit a poster proposal that consists of the graduate students
name, any co-authors, a project title, and a 300-word maximum abstract. The proposal must be submitted no later than Friday, February
28, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. to https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/graduateschool achievementday2022/. Proposals that do not follow the
formatting requirements or are submitted late run the risk of not being accepted. A committee appointed by the Graduate School will
review each proposal and accept those to be included. Students with accepted proposals will be notified by Friday, March 11, 2022.
Those selected to be presented during GRAD will follow the guidelines below:
Prepare a final abstract with a 300-word maximum that is free of external graphics. It will be placed in ODU Digital Commons, our
institutional repository (see last years posters).
Prepare a digital E-Poster in PowerPoint or PDF format (up to 3mb) that we can upload into Microsoft TEAMS for judging and then into
ODU Digital Commons. (A template that you can use is attached.)
Submit a zip file containing any additional images, videos, or other media that to include on the Digital Commons GRAD poster page
(optional). If possible, we additionally ask that a voice recording of each poster be supplied to increase the posters accessibility.
Ensure their E-Posters are received in the correct format by the deadline for judging between April 4th and April 8th. Results and
feedback will be available by April 18th.
Be sure to obtain faculty permission for all language and data included on and with your poster. If you have sensitive data or privacy
concerns, let me know. By submitting your poster, you agree to have it placed in ODU Digital Commons where it will be available openly
on the Internet. You also confirm that you and your co-authors hold the copyright or have the approval of the copyright holder and that
the work does not infringe any copyright.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Xavier-Lewis Palmer, graduate administrative assistant in the Graduate School, at
February 2022
Interim Graduate Program Director : Dr. Vickie Tyler Carnegie
Location: 2095 Constant Hall, Norfolk, VA, 23529
Email: vcarne[email protected], Phone Oce: 757-683-3685
February 2022
Interim Graduate Program Director : Dr. Vickie Tyler Carnegie
Location: 2095 Constant Hall, Norfolk, VA, 23529
Email: vcarne[email protected], Phone Oce: 757-683-3685
School of Public Service, Strome College of Business, Old Dominion University, 2084 Constant Hall, Norfolk, VA 23529
MPA: http://odu.edu/mpa, Email: mp[email protected]
The State Higher Education Executive Ocers
SHEEO seeks candidates for a paid internship for the
summer of 2022. This internship is appropriate for
students pursuing graduate study in higher education,
public policy, public administration, and related elds.
The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
CLASP is currently accepting applications for the follow-
ing positions:
Senior Policy Analyst | Child Care and Early Education
Senior Policy Analysts (multiple) | Education, Labor &
Worker Justice Team
Policy Analyst/Senior Policy Analyst | Immigration and
Immigrant Families Team
Senior Policy Analyst, Justice Policy | Youth Policy
Senior Media Relations Manager | Communications
Human Resources Coordinator | Finance & Human Re-
sources Team
Interested in an ASPA
(American Society for Public
Administration) membership?
Contact Dr. Carnegie ([email protected]).
Feb 22: Career Exploration Roundtable: Careers in
Federal Agencies 12.30-2.00pm via Zoom;
Mar 14: Transferable Skills: From Inventorying to
Communicating Your Skills and Expertise;
12.00-1.00pm EDT, virtual. Registration required.
Apr 7: Publishing Academy: Part I: Author and Journal
Editors Perspective (Apr 7 12.15-1.15pm EDT, virtual)
Apr 19: Publishing Academy:
Part II: Article Acceptance and Beyond (Apr 19 EDT,
12.15-1.15pm EDT virtual)
GRAD700: Professional Development is oered in
Summer 2022.
Find more info and stay updated by visiting the Career
Pathways website: sites.wp.odu.edu/careerpathways
Questions? Contact Dr. Wie Yusuf, Chair, Director, Career
Pathways Program Email: [email protected];
phone: 757-683-4437
We are looking for Faculty,
Student, Alumni news.
Any recent publications,
conferences, awards?
We want to know about it!