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Scientific Studies of Reading
ISSN: 1088-8438 (Print) 1532-799X (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/hssr20
Orthographic Mapping in the Acquisition of Sight
Word Reading, Spelling Memory, and Vocabulary
Linnea C. Ehri
To cite this article: Linnea C. Ehri (2014) Orthographic Mapping in the Acquisition of Sight Word
Reading, Spelling Memory, and Vocabulary Learning, Scientific Studies of Reading, 18:1, 5-21,
DOI: 10.1080/10888438.2013.819356
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/10888438.2013.819356
Published online: 26 Sep 2013.
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Scientific Studies of Reading, 18:5–21, 2014
Copyright © 2014 Society for the Scientific Study of Reading
ISSN: 1088-8438 print/1532-799X online
DOI: 10.1080/10888438.2013.819356
Orthographic Mapping in the Acquisition of Sight Word
Reading, Spelling Memory, and Vocabulary Learning
Linnea C. Ehri
Graduate Center of the City University of New York
Orthographic mapping (OM) involves the formation of letter-sound connections to bond the spellings,
pronunciations, and meanings of specific words in memory. It explains how children learn to read
words by sight, to spell words from memory, and to acquire vocabulary words from print. This
development is portrayed by Ehri (2005a) as a sequence of overlapping phases, each character-
ized by the predominant type of connection linking spellings of words to their pronunciations in
memory. During development, the connections improve in quality and word-learning value, from
visual nonalphabetic, to partial alphabetic, to full grapho-phonemic, to consolidated grapho-syllabic
and grapho-morphemic. OM is enabled by phonemic awareness and grapheme-phoneme knowledge.
Recent findings indicate that OM to support sight word reading is facilitated when beginners are
taught about articulatory features of phonemes and when grapheme-phoneme relations are taught
with letter-embedded picture mnemonics. Vocabulary learning is facilitated when spellings accom-
pany pronunciations and meanings of new words to activate OM. Teaching students the strategy
of pronouncing novel words aloud as they read text silently activates OM and helps them build their
vocabularies. Because spelling-sound connections are retained in memory, they impact the processing
of phonological constituents and phonological memory for words.
A major hurdle for beginning readers is learning to read words from memory accurately and auto-
matically in or out of text. Sight of the word activates its pronunciation and meaning immediately
in memory and allows readers to focus their attention on comprehension rather than word recog-
nition. Other ways of reading words serve as tools that transform unfamiliar words into familiar
sight words. For example, decoding letters into blended sounds helps readers figure out words
they have not read before. Rereading them a few times moves the words into memory so they can
be read by sight. People used to regard sight words as limited to high-frequency or irregularly
spelled words, but it turns out that all words when practiced become read from memory by sight.
The focus of this article is to review how sight words are retained in memory as children
learn to read, to clarify the central role played by letter-sound connections and orthographic
mapping, and to consider recent findings that extend our understanding of these processes.
Orthographic mapping occurs when, in the course of reading specific words, readers form con-
nections between written units, either single graphemes or larger spelling patterns, and spoken
units, either phonemes, syllables or morphemes. These connections are retained in memory along
Correspondence should be sent to Linnea C. Ehri, Program in Educational Psychology, CUNY Graduate Center,
365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016. E-mail: [email protected].edu
with meanings and enable readers to r ecognize the words by sight. An important consequence
of orthographic mapping is that the spellings of words enter memory and influence vocabulary
learning, the processing of phonological constituents in words, and phonological memory.
Children are taught to read words in multiple ways, by applying strategies to read words that are
unfamiliar in print, and by retrieving from memory words that have been read before and stored
in memory. Several strategies might be used to read unfamiliar words. Readers might use their
knowledge of the writing system to apply a decoding strategy. The writing system consists of
graphemes that are single letters or digraphs that represent the smallest sounds or phonemes in
words, for example, B represents /b/, PH represents /f/. It also includes larger grapho-syllabic
and morphemic spelling-sound units (e.g., -ump, -tion, -ed, -ing; Moats, 2000). Decoding involves
transforming graphemes into a blend of phonemes, or transforming spelling patterns into a blend
of syllabic units and then searching the mental lexicon (word memory) for a familiar spoken word
that matches the blend and fits the context. In languages with regular grapheme-phoneme rela-
tions, such as Spanish, decoding is straightforward. However, the English writing system includes
multiple ways to pronounce letters and to spell sounds in words as well as spelling irregularities,
so readers must be flexible and expect variability when they blend letters to form recognizable
words. For example, if they decode stomach as “stow match,” they must try other pronunci-
ations to figure out the real word (Tunmer & Chapman, 2012). This is helped by a meaningful
Another strategy for reading unfamiliar words is by analogy. This involves finding in memory
the parallel spelling of a known word and adjusting its pronunciation to match letters in the
unknown word (e.g., reading thump by analogy to jump). As beginners accumulate a larger store
of written words in memory, this strategy becomes more useful.
The third strategy for reading unfamiliar words is by prediction. Readers use initial letters plus
context cues in the sentence, the passage, or pictures to anticipate what the word might be. Once
a word is predicted, then its pronunciation is matched to the s pelling on the page to verify that
the sounds fit the letters.
Whereas unfamiliar words are read by the application of print strategies, words that have
been read before are read from memory. Ehri (1992, 1998, 2005a, 2005b) referred to these as
sight words because sight of the word immediately activates its pronunciation and meaning in
memory. To build sight words in memory, orthographic mapping is required. Readers must form
connections between the spellings and pronunciations of specific words by applying knowledge
of the general writing system. When readers see a new word and say or hear its pronunciation,
its spelling becomes mapped onto its pronunciation and meaning. These mapping connections
serve to “glue” spellings to their pronunciation i n memory. For example, if a reader knows that
the graphemes T and OW commonly symbolize the phonemes /t/ and /o/, respectively, then
when the word TOW is seen and pronounced, two connections are formed linking T and OW
to their phonemes, and the spelling is bonded to its pronunciation in memory. If a reader knows
grapho-syllabic spellings as letter-sound units, then when a word such as excellent is seen, three
connections are f ormed between the spelling units, ex, cell, ent, and their sounds to retain the
word in memory. Processing the meanings of words bonds semantic connections to the word
units as well. This enables readers to read words immediately from memory, thus precluding the
need to apply word reading strategies to figure out the words.
To form connections and retain words in memory, readers need some requisite abilities. They
must possess phonemic awareness (i.e., the ability to focus on and manipulate phonemes in
speech), particularly segmentation and blending. They must know the major grapheme-phoneme
correspondences of the writing system. At a more advanced level, they need to know grapho-
syllabic spelling-sound patterns. Then they need to be able to read unfamiliar words on their own,
by applying a decoding, analogy, or prediction strategy. Application of these strategies activates
orthographic mappings to retain the words’ spellings, pronunciations, and meanings in memory.
Share (2004b, 2008) referred to this as a self-teaching mechanism. With repeated readings that
activate orthographic mapping, written words are retained in memory to support reading and
When readers can read words from memory rather than by decoding, analogy, or prediction,
text reading is greatly facilitated. Readers are able to read and comprehend more rapidly and to
focus their attention on meanings while word recognition happens automatically. Although word
reading strategies are no longer needed to identify words once they can be read from memory,
decoding and prediction may still be activated as backup to confirm that the words identified fit
the spelling and the context or to signal a mismatch needing repair (Perfetti, 1985).
Readers differ in the connections that are activated to bond the identities of words in memory.
Perfetti (2007) proposed the concept of lexical quality to capture variation in the representa-
tions of words that are formed in memory to support reading and spelling. Words that are high
in lexical quality (LQ) consist of complete spellings that are fully connected to their pronun-
ciations at grapho-phonemic or syllabic levels in memory. High LQ also includes knowing the
meanings of words in various contexts as well as pragmatic uses of the words. Possession of
high LQ representations of words facilitates not only accurate word recognition but also reading
Pinpointing when children begin reading words depends on what is counted as word reading.
Very young children can read their own names and words in environmental print but they cannot
decode novel words. During development the strategies children possess for reading unfamiliar
words expand as well as the types of connections to read and spell words from memory. These
developmental paths are captured in Ehri’s (2005a) phase theory, which is centered on the acqui-
sition of sight word reading but also portrays the emergence of skills and strategies that support
sight word reading. Characteristics of the phases are summarized in Table 1.
According to Ehri (2005a), the storage of written words in memory for reading and spelling
develops in phases which are labeled to reflect the predominant types of connections that are
formed to remember how to read words, with the types transitioning from nonalphabetic to partial
letter names or letter sounds to full grapho-phonemic to grapho-syllabic.
During the prealphabetic phase, children lack knowledge of the writing system, so they rely
mainly on salient visual or contextual features to read words, features such as logos accompany-
ing signs in the environment or semantic cues such as the two eyes in look. They may pretend to
Summary of Word Reading and Spelling Abilities That Characterize Ehri’s (2005) Four Phases of Development
Prealphabetic Partial Alphabetic Full Alphabetic Consolidated Alphabetic
May or may not know letters Most letter shapes and names known;
incom- plete knowledge of GPs
Major GPs of writing system known Grapho-syllabic spelling units known
Lack of phoneme awareness Limited phonemic awareness; benefit of
articulatory awareness instruction.
Full phonemic awareness: segmentation
and blending
No GP connections between spellings
and pronunciations
Partial GP connections formed Complete GP connections formed Grapho-syllabic connections
Sight words learned by remembering
salient visual or context cues
Sight words learned by remembering
partial GP connections
Sight words learned by remembering
complete GP connections
Sight words learned primarily by
grapho-syllabic connections
Sight word memory: unreliable,
semantic errors, reading the
Sight word memory: Confusion of
similarly spelled words
Sight word memory: accurate,
automatic, unitized, growing, limited
mainly to shorter words
Sight word memory: accurate,
automatic, unitized, expanding
rapidly; multisyllabic words easier to
No non-word decoding ability Little or no non-word decoding ability Growing ability to decode unfamiliar
words and nonwords
Can decode unfamiliar words and
nonwords proficiently
Cannot analogize Analogizing precluded by partial
memory for word spellings
Some use of analogizing but limited by
smaller sight vocabulary
Greater use of analogizing as sight
words accumulate
Unfamiliar words predicted from
Unfamiliar words predicted using initial
letters and context
Unfamiliar words in context read by
decoding; context used to confirm or
disconfirm words read
Unfamiliar words in context read by
decoding or analogy; context used to
confirm or disconfirm words read
Words spelled nonphonetically Partial phonetic spellings invented;
weak memory for correct spellings
Phonetically accurate GP spellings
invented; growing memory for correct
Grapho-syllabic and GP units to invent
spellings; proficient memory for
correct spellings
Note. Grapho-syllabic spelling units include subsyllabic units such as rime spellings, spellings of syllables, and spellings of morphemes including root words and
affixes. GP = grapheme-phoneme connections.
read stories they have heard before, but they cannot point to the written words they are saying,
indicating that they are relying on memory rather than print cues. They may recognize their own
name written down and name its letters. They may spell words using scribbles, familiar letters, or
numbers. However, because their word reading and writing do not involve the use of letter-sound
connections, they are prealphabetic.
Children advance to the partial alphabetic phase when they learn letter names or sounds and
can use t hem to remember how to read words by forming partial connections linking the more
salient letters to sounds in pronunciations, for example, first and final letter-sounds. Partial phase
readers might remember how to read jail by connecting the letters J and L to their names heard
in the word’s pronunciation (e.g., /je/ and l/; Ehri & Wilce, 1985). However, the connections
formed are incomplete as a result of limited phonemic awareness and grapheme-phoneme knowl-
edge, particularly vowels. One result of having partial representations of words is that similarly
spelled words may be confused. Partial phase readers have little or no use of decoding or analogy
strategies. To read unfamiliar words, they rely mainly on predicting words from initial letters and
context cues. When they spell words, they write some of the letters accurately to represent sounds
but they have difficulty remembering and writing words completely and correctly.
Children advance to the full alphabetic phase when they can form complete connections
between graphemes and phonemes to read words from memory. Acquisition of a decoding
strategy facilitates this process. Beginners acquire knowledge of the major grapheme-phoneme
correspondences and the ability to segment pronunciations into phonemes. This enables them to
map the spellings of words onto their pronunciations and retain these connections in memory
along with meanings. Readers become able to recognize words automatically without attention
or effort needed to transform letters into sounds. Sight of the word activates its pronunciation and
meaning in memory immediately. The word is read as a single unit rather than sounded out letter
by letter (Ehri & Wilce, 1983). Completely connected sight words are initially short monosyllabic
words, but they grow to include longer words.
Full alphabetic phase readers can learn to read words by analogy, but they are limited by
the size of their memory for sight words, which are needed as the base for analogizing. They
can write phonetically complete spellings of unfamiliar words by segmenting pronunciations into
phonemes and writing letters for each. They can remember correct spellings of words much better
than partial alphabetic phase readers because they can connect spellings fully to pronunciations
in memory.
As fully connected words and word parts accumulate in memory and can be read as single
units, children move closer to the consolidated alphabetic phase. Connections linking spellings
to pronunciations are formed out of grapheme-phoneme blends that have become consolidated
into larger spelling-sound units (Bhattacharya & Ehri, 2004; Treiman, Goswami, & Bruck, 1990).
These units include spelling patterns that recur in multiple words (e.g., -ump in jump, pump,
bump, dump), sight words that form parts of longer words (e.g., in pin, at bat, and sand,
up cup), and recurring syllabic and morphemic spelling units (e.g., root words and affixes). It is
easier to remember how to read multisyllabic words during this phase than during the full phase
because fewer connections need be formed, for example, only two grapho-syllabic versus seven
grapho-phonemic connections to store the word comfort in memory. As readers’ print lexicons of
words grow, the analogy strategy becomes more useful for reading words. As they acquire more
knowledge about spelling patterns, their ability to remember how to spell words fitting these
patterns grows.
Phase theory has been questioned by some researchers who suggest that the development of
sight word reading is continuous rather than divisible into discrete phases (Cunningham, Nathan,
& Raher, 2011). However, continuity is not disputed by phase theory. Sight words are viewed
as accumulating continuously in memory. It is the predominant type of orthographic connec-
tion that is distinct and that changes with development, from nonalphabetic to partial to full and
then to consolidated. The succession of phases resemble overlapping waves (Siegler, 1996) rather
than discrete stages. As proposed by Siegler, children acquire multiple ways of processing infor-
mation during development, and these ways change gradually in the frequency of their use as
more advanced ways emerge and predominate. To illustrate overlapping waves that characterize
phases, children in the partial phase become able to form full grapho-phonemic connections to
read and spell shorter words but still use partial cues for longer words. Children in the full phase
learn some consolidated units such as -ing early during this phase. These larger units accumulate
gradually during the full phase. Instruction in larger syllabic and morphemic units can facilitate
this accumulation and hence movement into the next phase when they predominate. Likewise
decoding instruction during the partial phase facilitates movement to the full phase.
Several earlier studies have provided evidence for the development of sight word learning in
phases (see Ehri, 1987, 1992, 1998, 2005a, 2005b, for reviews). Some recent studies have focused
on the partial alphabetic phase and have clarified how training in phonemic awareness and letter
knowledge can improve children’s ability to read words from memory.
Phonemic Awareness
Many studies have shown t hat teaching children phonemic awareness enhances their word read-
ing and spelling (Ehri et al., 2001). The type of phonemic awareness that is thought to underlie
the process of connecting graphemes to phonemes is the ability to segment pronunciations into
phonemes. Which property of phonemes forms these connections has remained unclear. It is com-
mon for teachers to direct students’ attention to the sounds that are heard in words. However, there
is reason to believe that sounds processed by the ear are less central than articulatory gestures
produced by mouth movements i n saying words. According to the motor theory of speech percep-
tion (Liberman, 1999), articulatory gestures rather than acoustic features represent phonemes in
the brain. Also, ease of processing favors gestures. Whereas sounds are ephemeral and disappear
as soon as they are heard, mouth positions are tangible and can be felt, viewed in a mirror, and
analyzed by learners.
We conducted two phonemic awareness experiments to determine whether teaching children
to analyze articulatory gestures in words would better secure spellings to pronunciations in mem-
ory and hence improve their sight word learning (Boyer & Ehri, 2011; Castiglioni-Spalten &
Ehri, 2003). We reasoned that if articulation is central to the phonemic representation of words in
memory, then enhancing children’s sensitivity to the articulatory properties of phonemes should
strengthen the grapheme-phoneme connections that are formed to r emember how to read words.
In the Boyer and Ehri study, 4- and 5-year-old preschoolers who knew letter names but were
in the prealphabetic phase were randomly assigned to three groups. Children in the letters only
condition were taught associations between 15 graphemes and phonemes and how to use them
to segment and spell the phonemes in CV (consonant, vowel), VC, and CVC words and non-
words. Phonetic spellings, with one grapheme for each phoneme, rather than correct spellings
were taught (e.g., MO rather than MOW). Children in the letters plus articulation group received
the same instruction with letters, but in addition they learned associations between 15 phonemes
and eight mouth pictures depicting articulatory positions of the phonemes, for example, a picture
of a mouth with closed lips to depict /b/, /p/, and /m/; a picture of a mouth with teeth touch-
ing the lower lip to depict /f/ and /v/; or a mouth open with lips pulled together and rounded to
depict /o/. Then they were taught to segment CV, VC, and CVC pronunciations with these mouth
pictures, for example, selecting the picture of closed lips and then the picture of open rounded
lips to depict /mo/. A third control group received no instruction. Once children in the treatment
groups learned the association and segmentation skills to criterion, they were given a sight word
learning task to see whether articulatory training improved the letters plus articulation group’s
ability to learn to read the words more than the other two groups.
In the sight word learning task, children received several practice trials with feedback to learn
to read six words spelled phonetically with the trained letters: BO (bow), SA (say), TE (tea), BEK
(beak), SOP (soap), TAL (tail). As evident in Figure 1, the articulation group learned to read the
words more easily than both of the other groups. It took the letters plus articulation group four
trials on average to read most of the words, whereas it took the letters only group eight trials.
The no-treatment control group read fewer than two words by the eighth trial. Moreover, 1 week
later, the articulation group showed the same advantage in learning a second set of words. These
findings paralleled those in an earlier study (Castiglioni-Spalten & Ehri, 2003). Our interpreta-
tion is that articulation training improved children’s access to the motoric gestures configuring
the phonemic representations of words in memory. As a result, during the sight word learning
trials, letters in the words became more securely attached to these motoric phonemic constituents
to support word reading. Other studies have also shown that place of articulation influences chil-
dren’s sight word learning (Laing & Hulme, 1999; Rack, Hulme, Snowling & Wightman, 1994).
These findings suggest the value of teaching phoneme segmentation with mouth pictures.
These results bear on Ehri’s (2005a) phase theory. When children began this study, they were
in the prealphabetic phase. They knew some letters but had little ability to read or spell words.
During the study, two of the groups were taught the requisite alphabetic knowledge—phonemic
awareness and grapheme-phoneme relations. On word reading and spelling tests given at the end
of training, children receiving this instruction far outperformed the no-treatment control group,
indicating that these skills moved children from the prealphabetic to the partial alphabetic phase
of development.
Letter Knowledge
Grapheme-phoneme knowledge is critical for enabling students to build a reliable vocabulary
of sight words. One source for learning grapheme-phoneme relations comes from letter names.
In English most letter names contain phonemes commonly symbolized by those letters in words
(e.g., bee /b/, eff /f/, jay /j/). Studies have shown that beginners who know letter shapes and
names can use this knowledge to learn sounds in the names (Cardoso-Martins, Mesquita, & Ehri,
2011; Share, 2004a) and to remember how to read words they have seen better than children who
do not know names (Ehri & Wilce, 1985; Roberts, 2003).
Tr 1 Tr 2 Tr 3 Tr 4 Tr 5 Tr 6 Tr 7 Tr 8
Mean Correct
FIGURE 1 Mean number of words read correctly (six maximum) by
4-year-olds on each trial during the sight word learning posttest for the
groups trained with letters and articulation pictures (LPA) and with letters
only (LO) and by the no-treatment control group. From “Contribution of
Phonemic Segmentation Instruction With Letters and Articulation Pictures
to Word Reading and Spelling in Beginners” by N. Boyer and L. Ehri,
2011, Scientific Studies of Reading, 15, p. 459. Copyright 2011 by the
Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. Reprinted with permission.
(Color figure available online.)
If children do not know letter names, then teaching them all of the arbitrary, meaningless
shapes, names, and sounds takes time. An approach that eases the task is to use embedded picture
mnemonics. These are not just any letter–picture pairs, but ones that bear a special relationship
to each other. The basic principle for constructing embedded picture mnemonics is to identify
an object (e.g., snake) whose name begins with the sound of the letter to be taught (/s/) and
whose shape can be drawn to resemble the shape of the letter (S). Other examples are M drawn
as mountains, T drawn as a table. To the extent that learners can look at the letter, be reminded
of the object because of the shared shapes, say the object’s name, and segment its initial sound
to produce the sound of the letter, the mnemonic is effective in linking the letter shape to its
phoneme in memory. With practice, letter shapes are learned and associations between letters and
sounds are established in memory. Ehri, Deffner, and Wilce (1984) showed that embedded picture
mnemonics were more effective in teaching children grapheme-phoneme correspondences than
were the same objects drawn in a different shape from the letter (e.g., snake coiled or stretched
out, called disassociated mnemonics) and more effective than practice associating letters, objects
and sounds without any pictures.
More recently we conducted an experiment applying this principle to teach Hebrew
letter-sounds to children who spoke English but no Hebrew (Shmidman & Ehri, 2010).
In our study, embedded picture mnemonics were created to teach 5-year-old children Hebrew
Tr 1 Tr 2 Tr 3 Tr 4 Tr 5
Mean Letter- Sounds Correct
Learning Trials
FIGURE 2 Mean number of letter-sound correspondences recalled (five
maximum) over the first five learning trials by 5-year-olds in the embedded
mnemonics and disassociated mnemonics conditions. From “Embedded
Picture Mnemonics to Learn Letters” by A. Shmidman & L. Ehri, 2010,
Scientific Studies of Reading, 14, p. 173. Copyright 2010 by the Society for
the Scientific Study of Reading. Reprinted with permission. (Color figure
available online.)
grapheme-phoneme correspondences using English object names as the mnemonics. For exam-
was drawn as a house symbolizing /h/, was drawn as a ship with sails symbolizing /sh/,
was drawn as a key symbolizing /k/. Students were taught grapheme-phoneme relations
with these embedded picture mnemonics in one condition. In the control condition, students were
taught with disassociated mnemonics having the same object names and meanings but drawn dif-
ferently from the shapes of the letters. Children in both conditions were taught to segment and
pronounce the initial phonemes in the object names. Then they completed as many practice trials
as was necessary to be able to recall all of the sounds perfectly when they were shown the bare
letters. Results revealed that children took fewer trials to master letter-sounds taught with embed-
ded mnemonics than with disassociated mnemonics. Learning during the first ve trials is shown
in Figure 2. Compared to disassociated letters, embedded letters were less frequently mixed up
during learning and were remembered better on posttests 1 week later.
The children were in the prealphabetic phase when they began this study. They had no knowl-
edge of Hebrew, and they had little ability to read English primer words. We examined whether
they would be able to use their newly acquired letter-sound knowledge to function at the partial
alphabetic phase in reading and spelling English words written with Hebrew letter-sounds. After
children had learned the letter-sound correspondences, t hey practiced reading simplified spellings
of 10 English CVC words written phonetically with Hebrew consonants (e.g.,
read as shake).
Also children were given Hebrew letter blocks to spell the consonant sounds in English CVC
words. Results showed that performance of the embedded mnemonics group was significantly
better in both the sight word learning and spelling tasks than performance of the disassociated
mnemonics group.
These findings carry implications for instruction. Embedded picture mnemonics offer an effec-
tive way to teach grapheme-phoneme relations to beginners, especially children having letter
learning difficulties. Embedded mnemonics can be used to teach harder-to-learn correspondences
such as the short vowels sounds of A, E, I, O, and U; the consonants W, Y, and H; and the hard
sounds for C /k/, and G /g/, all letters whose names do not contain their sounds. Also embedded
mnemonics can be devised to teach letter-sound correspondences to students learning a foreign
language as was done in this study.
We have also conducted studies to examine the connection forming process in more advanced
readers, those functioning at the full and consolidated alphabetic phases in their word reading.
Of interest here are studies examining the contribution of orthographic mapping for building the
pronunciations and meanings of new vocabulary words in memory.
Students learn new vocabulary words not only by hearing them but also by reading them in
print. Based on our work showing t hat spellings become bonded to pronunciations in memory,
we wondered whether showing students the written forms of novel words would enhance vocab-
ulary learning. Traditionally, spellings have not been considered an important contributor. The
prevailing view has been that when an unknown word is encountered in print, students pronounce
it and then store the pronunciation with its meaning in memory. The spelling is left out on the
page. However, as just discussed, this is not so.
In our study, students were taught the spoken forms and meanings of several unfamiliar, low-
frequency words (Ehri, 2005b; Rosenthal & Ehri, 2008). Second graders participated in one
experiment, fifth graders in another. The same designs were used, but the words were harder in the
latter study. Fifth graders were taught 10 words, for example, vibrissa (the whiskers on a cat) and
tamarack (a big tree), whereas second graders were taught 6 words, for example, sod (wet, grassy
ground) and pap (soft mushy food for babies). In each experiment, the words were pronounced,
defined, embedded in sentences, and depicted in drawings on flash cards. Children were given
several practice trials to learn the pronunciations and meanings of the words. On each trial they
were prompted to recall either the pronunciation or the meaning of each word. In one condition,
spellings appeared on the cards during study and feedback periods but not when children recalled
the words. In the control condition, the same procedures were followed except that students were
not shown spellings. To compensate, they pronounced the words extra times. Results were clear
in showing the benefit of spellings at both grade levels.
In the fifth-grade experiment, students were grouped by reading/spelling ability into higher
and lower levels. Figure 3 shows how well they recalled pronunciations of the words across
learning trials when spellings had been seen and when they had not. It is evident that both ability
groups remembered pronunciations much better when they had been exposed to their spellings,
especially the higher readers. Note that spellings were not present when students recalled pronun-
ciations so the benefit had to come from memory. This was evident in the comments of students
who had seen spellings. In trying to recall hicatee (a kind of turtle), one student said, “I know
therearetwo‘ees at the end.” Two other students named some of the letters before recalling
the words. Exposure to spellings also enhanced students’ recall of word meanings compared to
not seeing spellings. Results were similar in the experiment with second graders, revealing that
spellings facilitate vocabulary learning in younger as well as older readers. It took longer to learn
Hi Readers,
Spell seen
Lo Readers,
Spell seen
Hi Readers,
Spell not seen
Lo Readers,
Spell not seen
Hi Readers
Lo Readers
FIGURE 3 Mean number of pronunciations (10 maximum) recalled
over five learning trials by higher and lower ability fifth-grade readers in
the spelling seen and spelling not seen conditions. From “The Mnemonic
Value of Orthography for Vocabulary Learning” by J. Rosenthal & L. Ehri,
2008, Journal of Educational Psychology, 100, p. 184. Copyright 2008 by
the American Psychological Association. Reprinted with permission.
the pronunciations than the meanings of the words, indicating that exposure to spellings was
important in facilitating the harder part of vocabulary learning.
Gathercole (2006) suggested that superior phonological working memory for novel words
explains why good readers are better at building their vocabularies than poor readers. However,
our findings suggest that orthographic knowledge is more important than phonological mem-
ory. Comparison of the performance of students higher and lower in reading ability in Figure 3
(see the broken lines) reveals that the higher readers outperformed the lower readers by very
little in remembering pronunciations of the novel words when they had only practiced hearing
and saying the words during learning. This indicates only a small difference in phonological
memory. However, higher readers were far superior to lower readers in remembering pronun-
ciations when spellings were seen during learning (compare the solid lines). This suggests that
once students become literate, superior ability to connect spellings to pronunciations in memory
explains why good readers build larger vocabularies than poor readers, not phonological working
Our explanation of the facilitative effects of spellings on vocabulary learning is that when
students were shown spellings as they heard and pronounced the words, connections were
formed. Spellings became bonded to pronunciations, clarified their phonemic constituents, and
strengthened their phonological representations in memory. Meanings became better connected
as well. From previous research, we know that letters in spellings of new words are remembered
easily. Share (2004b) found that third graders remembered letters in novel words after only one
exposure, and they remembered them as long as 1 month later. This suggests that, in our study,
spellings served to establish in memory a word base that was more substantial and formed earlier
during learning than that formed by the pronunciation-meaning bond without spellings. Others
have replicated the effects of exposure to spellings on vocabulary learning (Ricketts, Bishop, &
Nation, 2009).
In an earlier study, we found that not only seeing spellings but also directing second graders
to imagine the spellings of novel CVC words improved their memory f or their pronunciations
compared to students who only practiced saying the words extra times (Experiment 4, Ehri &
Wilce, 1979). Knowledge of grapho-phonemic connections prescribed by the writing system pro-
vides readers with clear expectations about how pronounced words might be spelled (Stuart &
Coltheart, 1988) and spellings are visual forms so it is not surprising that students can generate
images of written words in their heads.
Extension to Text Reading
Beyond the early years, children’s vocabularies grow substantially from reading text (Nagy &
Scott, 2000). However, when students read text silently on their own, they may not bother to
pronounce unfamiliar words but rather may skip over them and just infer their meanings. As a
result, connections are not formed to secure the new words in memory. Skipping unknown words
may be especially characteristic of students with weaker decoding skills and may retard their
vocabulary growth compared to good readers. This may contribute to Matthew Effects (i.e., the
rich getting richer in vocabulary knowledge) observed to distinguish good from poor readers over
time (Cain & Oakhill, 2011).
We undertook a study to examine s tudents’ learning of new vocabulary words as they read text
silently (Rosenthal & Ehri, 2011). Fifth graders were randomly assigned to one of two target word
reading conditions, a read-aloud condition and a silent condition. Higher and lower ability read-
ers were distinguished. They read silently eight passages, each about 100 words. Each passage
elaborated the meaning of a low-frequency target word that appeared three times, was underlined,
defined, discussed, and depicted with a drawing. Students in one condition were directed to read
the texts silently but when they came to the underlined (target) words, they were to pronounce
them aloud. In the control condition, students also read the texts silently. When they came to
underlined words, they were told to pencil a check next to the words if they had seen them before,
but nothing was said about reading the words aloud. The purpose of the check was to make sure
that controls at least stopped and looked at the target words. Students in both conditions adhered
to the instructions.
Results showed that the oral word reading strategy enhanced vocabulary learning significantly
in both better and weaker readers compared to the silent condition. After reading the text, stu-
dents orally recalled the story they had read. Figure 4 shows these results. The two bars on the left
Used Words to
Retell Story
Recalled Words
for Definition
Spelled Words
Mean Words Recalled (8 max)
for Vocabular
Read Silently
Read Aloud
FIGURE 4 Mean vocabulary words produced, recalled and spelled cor-
rectly (eight maximum) after fifth graders silently read a passage and
either pronounced the underlined vocabulary words aloud or read them
silently. Data for this figure extracted from Rosenthal and Ehri (2011).
(Color figure available online.)
show that those in the aloud condition included the vocabulary words more frequently in their oral
retellings than students in the silent condition. The latter students used synonyms more often. The
middle bars show that students who spoke the words learned the meaning–pronunciation associa-
tions better than those who did not. The third pair of bars shows that speaking the words enhanced
students’ memory for their spellings. Note that students never wrote the words so memory for
spellings was improved simply by pronouncing the written words aloud.
We examined whether poorer readers might show bigger effects than better readers. Because
poorer readers have more trouble decoding novel words, they might skip over them during silent
reading, so their word learning might be especially depressed compared to the aloud condition.
This is what we found. Effect sizes were moderate to large favoring the aloud over the silent
treatment in both reader groups across the three measures in Figure 4. However, effect sizes were
substantially larger for poorer readers. On two measures, effect sizes were about twice as great:
recalling pronunciations, d = 1.58 (poor readers) vs. 0.71 (good readers); recalling spellings, d =
1.07 (poor readers) vs. 0.61 (good readers). This shows that forcing the poorer readers to say the
words aloud was especially beneficial. They had some ability to decode the words but they were
less inclined to do so when they read them silently.
Findings of these vocabulary learning studies are explained by orthographic mapping. They
support two conclusions and implications for practice. The first is that exposing students to the
spellings of spoken vocabulary words helps them learn the words compared to only hearing
and saying the words. This suggests that teachers should display spellings as part of vocabu-
lary instruction to enhance learning. The second conclusion is that students should be directed
to pronounce new vocabulary words aloud when encountering them in text. By transforming
letters into sounds, this strategy helps to form connections and retain the words’ spellings,
pronunciations, and meanings in memory.
According to our theory and evidence, spellings of words are retained in memory when their let-
ters become bonded to phonemes and syllables in their pronunciations. If so, then spellings should
influence how people perceive and process the sounds in words. In the Rosenthal and Ehri (2008)
study just described, we showed in Figure 3 that orthographic mapping better explained the
acquisition of new vocabulary words including their pronunciations than phonological working
memory. Other research has provided supportive evidence as well (Ehri, 1984).
Grapho-phonemic mapping has been shown to influence how people segment words into pho-
netic constituents, particularly when there is ambiguity. For example, the endings of pitch and
rich are pronounced identically yet pitch contains an extra letter T potentially drawing atten-
tion to an extra sound which can be detected in articulating pitch (i.e., tongue touching the
roof of the mouth). To determine whether readers would segment pitch into more sounds than
rich, fourth graders were given a segmentation task in which they had to pronounce the sepa-
rate sounds in words and move tokens for each. No spellings were present. As expected, most
found four sounds in p-i-t-ch but only three in r-i-ch. Spelling-based segmentation of ambigu-
ous sounds were replicated for other pairs of words as well (i.e., /t/ in catch vs. much, /d/
in badge vs. page; Ehri & Wilce, 1980). In another study, spellings influenced syllable s eg-
mentation. Students who knew how to spell a word such as interesting segmented it into the
four syllables represented in the spelling (in-ter-est-ing), whereas those who misspelled the word
tended to find three segments (in-tres-ting) reflecting the way they pronounced the word (Ehri,
1987). In a study by Seidenberg and Tanenhaus (1979), spellings influenced rhyme judgments.
Students listened to two orally presented words. Their speed to decide “Yes” or “No” whether
the two words rhymed was measured. They took longer to say “Yes” to rhyming words when the
spellings differed (e.g., tomb–room) than when spellings were similar (e.g., boom room). They
took longer to say “No” to nonrhyming words when spellings were similar (e.g., tomb comb)
than when they were different (e.g., tomb come). These are just a few of the studies showing
that when children learn to read, written words bond to spoken words in memory and change
the way people conceptualize their phonological constituents including phonemes, syllables, and
Learning to read words is central to children’s success in attaining reading skill. Several abilities
and skills become integrated as acquisition proceeds. Phonemic awareness and knowledge of the
writing system are applied to read unfamiliar words and to build a vocabulary of high-quality
sight words with spellings fully connected to pronunciations and meanings in memory. The
accumulation of written words in memory is continuous. However, the predominant connections
that are used to remember the words change developmentally, from nonalphabetic visual features,
to partial alphabetic connections between some letters and sounds, to full grapho-phonemic con-
nections, to consolidated grapho-syllabic connections. These orthographic mapping processes
underlie the emergence of students’ skill in reading words accurately and automatically from
Use of alphabetic knowledge to connect spellings to pronunciations and retain sight words
in memory is an internal process that is activated spontaneously when words are seen and their
pronunciations are produced or heard. The spontaneous nature of activation was evident in our
vocabulary learning study described earlier (Rosenthal & Ehri, 2008). Second and fifth graders
were exposed to spellings, but no attention was drawn to them. Students did not actively decode
them. Rather the experimenter pronounced the words as soon as they were seen and students
repeated them orally. Nevertheless, connections were formed and spellings were retained in mem-
ory as evidenced by their facilitative effect on vocabulary learning. The immediate formation and
durable nature of the resulting connections were evident in Share’s (2004b) self-teaching study
in which third graders read novel words independently in text and showed greater-than-chance
level memory for their letters a month later after reading them only once.
What sort of instruction teaches students spontaneous orthographic mapping? First, it entails
teaching students the knowledge and skills that enable connections to be activated when words are
seen and read. This includes teaching the writing system beginning with grapheme-phoneme rela-
tions, teaching phonemic segmentation, and teaching a decoding strategy for reading novel words
(Share, 2004b). Second, it entails having students practice using these skills to read and spell
words. Practice may involve having students decode and pronounce unfamiliar words aloud dur-
ing independent reading of text (Rosenthal & Ehri, 2011). Practice may involve having students
explicitly identify the connections to be formed for specific words by segmenting pronuncia-
tions into phonemes and matching them to graphemes seen in spellings (Gaskins, Ehri, Cress,
O’Hara, & Donnelly, 1996). Practice may involve recalling these connections to produce correct
spellings of words. Practice may involve reading sequences of similarly spelled, single sylla-
ble words whose letters change across successive words (e.g., sock, sack, sick, sing, song, sang;
Ehri & Wilce, 1987; McCandliss, Sandak, Beck, & Perfetti, 2003). Practice may involve repeat-
edly reading sets of multisyllabic words by segmenting them into their grapho-syllabic units
(Bhattacharya & Ehri, 2004).
Knowledge of the writing system is a key ingredient in learning to read words, and the rela-
tionship is reciprocal. Beginners are taught grapheme-phoneme relations and these are used to
read words. As written words accumulate in memory, additional knowledge about the writing
system is formed, and this in turn facilitates word reading ability. According to phase theory,
grapho-phonemic and grapho-syllabic units are major contributors. However, students learn other
types of orthographic regularities as well. They learn about the s tatistical properties of spellings
involving the co-occurrence of letters (Treiman & Kessler, 2006). They learn about grapho-tactic
features involving legitimate and illegitimate letter combinations. Venezky’s (1999) analyses
revealed more than 200 regularities that characterize the English spelling system. Many of these
are learned implicitly as readers’ mental lexicons grow and patterns that recur in different words
are detected (Tunmer & Nicholson, 2011). As knowledge about the writing system accumulates, it
constrains and refines readers’ expectations about the spellings of words so that when unfamiliar
words are seen on the page and read, they are easier to remember.
I regret that space limitations preclude citation of many s tudies contributing relevant findings.
Additional references can be found in the studies that are cited.
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