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Spring 2009
In6uence of Pictures on Word Recognition
Audrey A. Hazamy
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Hazamy, Audrey A., "In6uence of Pictures on Word Recognition" (2009).
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. 430.
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The Influence of Pictures on Word Recognition
(Under the Direction of Lawrence Locker)
The picture superiority effect is a well-documented phenomenon that is defined as the superior
memory of pictorial stimuli compared to word stimuli. The predominant explanation for this
effect is that pictures are encoded more effectively than words, and are therefore able to be better
remembered. Research has demonstrated the benefit that pictures provide for remembering
words. However, little work has been to done to examine any negative and/or intrusion effects of
pictures on memory for words. The current study further explored the picture superiority effect
and facilitation effects of pictures on words as well as interference effects of pictures on word
memory. Results indicated that matching and semantically related pictures facilitated word
recognition memory. Incongruent/unmatching pictures however were of no detriment.
Implications of picture processing and pictorial influence on word processing are discussed.
INDEX WORDS: Picture superiority, Picture and word processing, Picture processing, Picture
intrusion, Picture interference, Picture facilitation, Semantic relatedness, Word processing
The Influence of Pictures on Word Recognition
B.A., Florida Atlantic University, 2007
A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Georgia Southern University in Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree
© 2009
All Rights Reserved
The Influence of Pictures on Word Recognition
Major Professor: Lawrence Locker
Committee: Karen Z. Naufel
John D. Murray
Electronic Version Approved:
May 2009
I would like to acknowledge the advice, direction, and support of Dr. Lawrence Locker,
committee chairman. I also thank the members of my graduate committee, Dr. Karen Z. Naufel
and Dr. John D. Murray for their guidance, suggestions, and encouragement throughout this
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...…………………………………………………………………… 5
1 INTRODUCTION……………..……………………….……………………………… 7
When Pictures Facilitate Memory ……….....…………………………………..… 8
Facilitative Applications of Pictures.……......….…………………………….. 14
Non-facilitative and Potential Intrusion Effects of Pictures…...….……….……. 17
Semantic Effects of Pictures on Words……………….…….…………………… 21
Purpose…….……………………………………………….……………………. 26
2 EXPERIMENT 1 ………......………………………………………………………… 28
Method…….…………………………………………………………………….. 28
Results and Discussion ...…….…………………………………………………. 29
3 EXPERIMENT 2 ……......…………………………………………………………… 31
Method………….…..………………………………………………………….... 31
Results and Discussion…..…...…...…………………………………………….. 32
4 GENERAL DISCUSSION …...…...……………………………….………………… 33
REFERENCES.………..…….………………………………………………………….…...…. 40
A SAMPLE STIMULI EXPERIMENT 1…...………………………….……………… 45
B SAMPLE STIMULI EXPERIMENT 2………………………………….…………... 46
Psychologists have expansively studied the differences between the encoding and
processing of words and pictures. Perhaps one of the most extensively investigated of these
differences is known as the picture superiority effect, which is the finding that items presented in
picture format are better remembered than those presented in word formats (Nelson, Reed, &
Walling, 1976; Stenberg, Radenborg & Hedman, 1995). Many differing perspectives have
emerged over the years as to the source of this effect. Although diverse in their approaches and
explanations, the superior processing nature of pictures is the primary tenet of these various
theories. Due to their encoding benefit, pictures are utilized in numerous instances such as
teaching sight vocabulary, and pairing pictures with words and text to provide clarity to overall
meaning. The beneficial aspects of using pictures with words and texts, and the superior nature
of picture processing are well replicated and are demonstrated throughout the literature (e.g.,
Nelson et al.; Waddill & McDaniel, 1992; Stenberg et al). A review of the literature investigating
the phenomenon provides well-documented explanations of the mechanisms behind the
facilitative nature of pictures on word encoding. However, it also reveals a paucity of research
regarding the potential intrusion of pictures on word processing and memory. Intrusion effects of
pictures would be a vital key to understanding how pictures influence word processing and how
pictures themselves are processed differently than words. Research concerning intrusion effects
of pictures on word processing will potentially allow for the more effective use of pictures in
some instances, and the ability to recognize when it may not be beneficial to implement their use.
When Pictures Facilitate Memory
Dual-coding Hypothesis. Perhaps the most well-known explanation for the picture
superiority effect is the dual-coding hypothesis (Paivio, 1969; 1971). Dual coding has been the
basis of numerous theories and debates regarding picture superiority. The hypothesis states that
pictures and words are processed differently such that pictorial information is stored dually
(visually as well as acoustically), whereas words are stored via only an acoustic/verbal store and
thus only in one form (Paivio, 1971; Pellegrino, Siegel & Dhawan, 1975; Snodgrass & McClure
1975; Nelson et al., 1976; Mintzer & Snodgrass, 1999).
To demonstrate support for the dual-coding hypothesis Jenkins, Neale and Deno (1967)
compared the recognition of pictures and words. Jenkins et al. presented participants either
pictures or words and then tested recognition memory using either the same or the alternate
format. That is, words or pictures were presented in a study condition and then recognition was
tested using either the word or the picture representation of the word. The picture-word condition
revealed highly similar results to the word-word condition, suggesting that the pictures are stored
using a verbal representation in addition to a visual store. The greatest difficulty in correctly
identifying the original stimuli was observed for participants in the word-picture condition. This
difficulty is also indicative of the idea that words are not encoded using a visual form, but rather
only via a verbal form.
Pellegrino et al. (1975) also provided support for the dual code hypothesis by examining
short-term retention of pictures and concrete words. Pellegrino et al. used auditory and visual
distraction in an attempt to interfere with the encoding and retention of a picture or presented
word. Auditory distraction was created by having participants count backward out-loud by 13.
The visual distraction required participants to perform a visual search task to find a shape within
a matrix of lines (known as the hidden figures task). Auditory distraction led to better retention
for pictures than words, presumably due to the additional visual store associated with pictures.
Visual distraction was not associated with detriment for pictures compared to words. These
results were presumably due to the acoustic store that both possessed. Picture memory could be
based on an acoustic store, thus leading to no detriment compared to words. However, the use of
both visual and acoustic distraction produced a significant decline in picture memory, below that
of the decline in participants’ word memory, providing support for the idea that pictures are
dually encoded (Pellegrino et al.).
Snodgrass and McClure (1975) explored the dual-code hypothesis by instructing
participants to manipulate the type of encoding used for words and pictures. Participants verbally
rehearsed items, or rehearsed items using visual imagery. Participants in either of the picture
recognition conditions, (i.e., verbal rehearsal or rehearsal using imagery) showed no difference in
recognition accuracy. Thus, memory for pictures was not influenced by the instructions given.
There was however a significant difference in the word conditions. Words rehearsed using the
imagery strategy were better remembered than those that were repeated using the verbal
rehearsal strategy, suggesting acoustic storage is the default (as discussed by Jenkins et al., 1967)
unless otherwise instructed. These results indicated that pictures are dual coded automatically
whereas words are only dual coded when participants are initiated to do so.
A dual coding view for vocabulary learning was provided by Sadoski (2005). He
suggested that the dual coding theory provides a dominant framework for effective vocabulary
learning in children. One study noted in Sadoski’s work by Arlin, Scott and Webster (1978,
1979), examined the effectiveness of using pictures, auditory pronunciation, or no alternate
method in conjunction with the printed word form when children are learning sight vocabulary.
Overwhelmingly, the children who were presented pictures in combination with the printed word
form acquired the sight vocabulary significantly faster than those in the other conditions. Taking
into account this and other previous research, Sadoski concluded that children provided with
pictures when learning concrete words are better able to learn the words than children who are
not provided with a picture complement. According to Sadoski, these findings support the dual
code theory that pictures are encoded both non-verbally and verbally. With the use of pictures,
the meaning of the word is expanded beyond plain text recognition and processed along more
than a single acoustic store as would be the case if words were presented without a picture.
Thus, the pairing of pictures with words helps establish multiple connections between the verbal
and non-verbal representation of a word. The dual coding effects of pictures presented with a
visual label of a word allows for better vocabulary acquisition when children are learning to
sight-read. Numerous studies such as those mentioned above have provided strong support for
Paivio’s (1969, 1971) dual-code hypothesis. However, other perspectives have also been
proposed that provide differing and alternate explanations for the picture superiority effect.
Alternative Explanations. Researchers have proposed the sensory-semantic model of
picture superiority that states that rather than being processed along dual stores, pictures are
processed along a single store, although this single store is qualitatively superior in nature to that
of word stores (Nelson et al., 1976). Essentially, pictures provide qualitatively superior sensory
information for coding than do words, and are thus easily processed and encoded into memory.
In their study, Nelson et al. hypothesized that the picture superiority effect might be reversed by
the same sensory codes that normally lead to an advantage. They demonstrated this by providing
participants a list of words or pictures then manipulated the pictures’ conceptual and schematic
similarities. For example, pictures appeared similar or different to one another in terms of
configuration and shape, making them less or more distinguishable from one another.
Participants least remembered pictures with high degrees of conceptual and schematic
similarities with other pictures on the list, even compared to word memory. The lack of
distinctiveness between pictures supposedly neutralized the superior sensory code and thus
resulted in more errors. However, when conceptual and schematic similarities between pictures
were low (i.e. pictures were easily distinguished from one another), the picture superiority effect
remained. Thus it can be concluded from this research, that rather than being encoded in two
forms as the dual-code hypothesis states, pictures may be better remembered because they
provide participants with more distinguishable and qualitatively superior perceptual encoding
information than do words.
In addition to the sensory-semantic model, Nelson and Reed (1976) also incorporated a
levels of processing (Craik & Lockhart, 1972) component into their explanation of the generally
superior memory for pictures over their verbal labels. According to Nelson and Reed, pictures
are not automatically given a verbal label, as suggested by the dual code hypothesis, but rather
the extent of verbal labeling is controlled by the learner. The learner may apply a label to a
picture if the situation calls for a label, such as in order to assist in the processing and storage of
the stimuli. However, in order to convey the meaning of a picture, a verbal label need not be
applied and thus the application of a label is not necessarily spontaneous. A level of processing
theory may be more applicable rather than a dual coding strategy, as pictures were not given
word labels by participants on all trials (Nelson & Reed, 1976). Instead, it was suggested that the
picture-superiority effect may more likely be a result of qualitative differences at the sensory
level in which pictures provide a better mnemonic representation and subsequently lead to a
deeper level of processing than that of their word labels.
Alternatively, Stenberg et al. (1995) offer a common code theory of semantic activation
in which semantic links provide pictures their superior advantage to verbal labels. According to
their theory, pictures activate semantic links better than verbal labels, implying that pictures are
superior in activating memory cues than words. Stenberg et al. provided participants pictures and
words to study in an initial task and then tested their memory using a subsequent memory task.
Not surprisingly, results revealed that accuracy and reaction times were both faster for picture
stimuli than for the words. Using cross-modal priming, in which words are primed using pictures
and vice versa, they also found that words that were primed using their picture form were better
recognized than pictures that were primed using their word form. From these results, it was
concluded that processing of pictures may prime and activate analogous semantic nodes more so
than do words. These additional semantic links activated during processing may aid retrieval
during a subsequent search during a memory test. These results support a privileged, semantic
based access model for picture superiority, in which pictures lead to superior semantic encoding.
Others have offered another comprehensive argument against the dual-code hypothesis.
Implementing the form-change paradigm (see Jenkins et al., 1967) in which pictures and words
are studied and then tested using their same or alternate form, Mintzer and Snodgrass (1999)
provided support for the distinctiveness model of picture superiority. The most prominent
component of the distinctiveness model states that pictures have highly distinctive semantic and
sensory features that make them highly distinguishable from one another and from words.
Words, however, do not have such features. Support for the theory was demonstrated in that
pictures that were studied and presented as pictures showed the best recognition memory,
supposedly due to their mnemonic superiority compared to words. A form-change cost is the
difference in recognition memory performance between items studied and tested in the same
form and items studied and tested using their alternate form. In addition to the finding that
pictures presented in the recognition task as pictures best facilitated participants' performance,
the study also found that pictures had a much more significant form-change cost to the
participant’s recognition memory than did words. That is participants’ performed worst when
pictures were presented in the recognition task as words. According to the model, this form-
change cost occurs because the pictures loose their mnemonic edge over words (Mintzer &
Snodgrass). Also, because pictures had the greatest form-change cost, results were inconsistent
with the idea that the pictures are dual encoded, as a verbal code was apparently not evoked for
the pictures. Rather, much like the theories of Nelson et al., (1976) and Stenberg et al., (1995),
Mintzer and Snodgrass suggest that the superior memory for pictures is due to their distinctive
sensory and semantic properties and not due to an additional verbal store.
Stenberg (2006) provided further insight into how conceptual and perceptual aspects of
pictures may provide pictures with their superiority over words. While conceptual factors such as
semantic meaning and perceptual aspects such as discriminating sensory details were
investigated before (as described above), Stenberg attempted to distinguish which of the two
factors played a more significant role in the superiority effect. Using orientating tasks and
encoding manipulation, participants were directed toward more conceptual or perceptual
processing of the pictures and words during a study task. Results indicated that although
perceptual form based processing played a role in picture processing, there was a large difference
between conceptual based and perceptual based processing. The results favored the notion that a
larger contribution to the picture superiority effect is that of conceptual meaning based
As these studies demonstrate, the majority of the alternatives to the dual coding
hypothesis emphasize semantic and distinctiveness explanations of the effect. However, all the
studies described above, although having slightly differing perspectives on the picture superiority
phenomenon, provide overwhelming support for the notion that pictures are better processed and
encoded relative to words.
Facilitative Applications of Pictures
Thus far, the literature has largely discussed the nature and hypotheses behind the picture
superiority effect. I will now turn to the applicability and facilitative nature of using
pictures/illustrations in conjunction with words. A great deal of research has been conducted that
explores how pictures facilitate learning and text/word comprehension. Waddill, McDaniel and
Einstein (1988) examined whether the type of text (either narrative or expository) and the type of
picture presented with the text (either detail or relational) would influence memory for the text. It
is presumed that pictures primarily serve a supplementary function in that they reinforce the
information provided via text. In their study, participants were presented either a fairy tale
(narrative) or an expository text (i.e., texts that aim to explain something such as the information
found in an encyclopedia) in conjunction with detail information (e.g., illustrations that portray a
specific detail of a proposition), relational information (e.g., illustrations that connected ideas
and causal relationships of many propositions) pictures or no pictures. In some cases,
participants were directly instructed to attend to the pictures, while in others participants were
not. The latter case allowed for incidental learning. Results indicated that when no instruction
was given to a participant to attend to the pictures, the pictures served only to reinforce the
important target information provided in the text. That is, only target information was better
remembered. Additionally, pictures only increased free recall when the picture was designed to
depict the specific type of information the text presumably invited. Expository texts are
presumed to elicit more individual-item processing (detail) and narratives are presumed to elicit
relational processing (Waddill et al.). Thus, recall of detailed information was only significantly
better for expository text and recall of relational information was better for the fairy tale
condition. However, when instruction guided participants to pay particular attention to the
pictures, they served not only to reinforce the target detail and relational information regardless
of the condition, but also directed attention to non-target information. Thus, pictures do appear to
support text processing, although the nature of the facilitation varies depending on differing
In a follow-up study, Waddill and McDaniel (1992) again examined the pictorial
enhancement effects on detail and relational information within text. They analyzed the
facilitative effects of pairing pictures with text by providing participants expository text with
loose conceptual coherence or with explicit conceptual relationships. The use of explicit
conceptual relationships in text conveyed ideas and connections more overtly by using phrases
such as “by contrast”, “more than” etc. For both types of text, results indicated that the types of
illustrations paired with the text had an effect on the subsequent recall of the text. Recall of both
relational information and detail information was significantly better in the group provided
illustrations than those provided no illustration supplements regardless of text type, indicating
that pictures enabled further processing than would occur had no pictures been present (Waddill
& McDaniel). Likewise, in a study reported by Glenberg and Langston (1992), participants in
one group were provided procedural texts accompanied by appropriate illustrations and
participants in the other group were presented with lone text. During a speeded test, participants
had to respond "yes" or "no" in reference to questions about two steps in a procedure (e.g.,
"Would the step containing the phrase on top immediately precede the step on the bottom […]"
Glenberg & Langston). The speeded test was followed by true/false comprehension questions.
The assumption was that if participants represented the procedure in a mental manner, they
would more quickly and accurately answer questions about far pairs in a procedure (e.g., step 1
and 4) because in a mental representation of the procedure, the middle steps are strongly related
to the preceding and succeeding steps equally. Participants provided with the text and
appropriate pictures tended to represent the procedure mentally, rather than simply mentally
representing the text, as was the case in the no picture condition. The results of the study suggest
that pictures aid the comprehension of corresponding text, via building representative mental
models and drawing inferences as to what the text was about.
The use of pictures at the time of encoding of associated words that converge onto a lure
word can also reduce the later false recognition of words (Israel & Schacter, 1997). Based on the
methodology of Roediger and McDermott (1995) in which participants often falsely recognize
lure words related to words in a presentation list, Israel and Schacter introduced the use of
pictures to the task of distinguishing semantically related words and lure words in a recognition
task. Participants were presented words either in auditory form, or in both auditory and visual
form. Additionally, participants were provided either pictorial enhancement in the form of a line
drawing or no pictorial enhancement. The use of pictorial stimuli reduced the amount of false
recognition in a subsequent memory task that included lure words as well as non-lure words and
enhanced the ability of participants to correctly distinguish between old and new items in a
recognition task list. Again, studies such as this support the usefulness of using the distinctive
aspects of pictures.
Levin (1981) (as cited in Carney & Levin, 2002) perhaps provided the most
comprehensive assertion of how pictures influence text processing in his proposed “five
functions of pictures”. The first of the five functions is the simple decorational function, in which
pictures presented along side text are primarily for embellishment purposes. The second is the
representational function in which pictures simply mirror text. A representational picture literally
depicts the text it is accompanying and its purpose is to make the text more concrete to the
reader. Third, organizational illustrations provide a structural framework for the text such as
illustrations of a procedure a person would typically find in an instructional manual for how to
put something together. Organizational pictures are useful when attempting to depict a series of
steps. Interpretational pictures, such as those often found in science books clarify complicated
and difficult text (e.g., biological processes). Finally, transformational pictures are systematic
memory enhancing devices that are specifically designed to improve the recall of information
(Carney & Levin, 2002). Often referred to as mnemonic pictures, Levin (1986) also found that
transformational pictures assisted students in higher order cognitive application and applying
problem solving skills to the text in question. Transformational pictures often use illustrations of
keywords to prompt the memory of the reader, [e.g., the use of a bell to depict the name of a key
city Belleview, (Dretzke, 1993 as cited in Carney & Levin)]. In summary, the use of pictures in
conjunction with text provides participants with numerous processing and encoding advantages
over the presentation of text alone. The five functions of illustrations indicate the numerous ways
in which pictures can facilitate text comprehension as well as text recall.
Non-facilitative and Potential Intrusion Effects of Pictures
The literature discussed thus far has emphasized the superior memory for pictures over
words and the facilitative nature of pairing pictures with words and text passages. Although a
primary purpose of this study is to further explore the facilitative nature of pictures on word
memory, exploring the potential intrusive effects of pictures on word memory is also an
important objective. However, there appears to be little prior work that discusses potential
intrusion effects of pictures on the memory of words. Of the literature that has explored the
possibility of negative effects of using pictures for verbal enhancement, the most widely
discussed is the issue of using pictures in tandem with words when teaching children vocabulary.
Some research suggests that pictures aid vocabulary learning (e.g., Sadoski, 2005; Goodman,
1965) and the use of picture enhancement is a generally accepted practice in schools when
teaching children new sight words. However, as the following literature suggests, this common
practice may not be an effective one. Singer, Samuels and Spiroff (1974) reported a study in
which the use of pictures and contextual conditions supported the idea of Samuels (1967) focal
attention theory. Samuel’s focal attention theory states that the use of pictures and contextual
cues are detrimental to the learning of words in new readers as they detract from the learning of
the words graphic features (i.e. they distracted the learner from focusing attention to the word
itself). Results of the study supported this notion in that children who were presented only words
learned the words more efficiently than those who were provided pictorial or contextual cues. In
a similar study, Solman and Singh (1992) investigated the effects of using pictorial enhancement
when teaching children to read words. The children were presented four conditions: two simple
conditions in which a word was presented alone, either in small print or in large print; two
compound conditions in which pictures were presented with the word as either a line drawing
above the word, or below the word. In contrast to studies that suggest pictures effectively
facilitate the memory and learning of words (e.g., Sadoski; Arlin, Scott & Webster, 1978-1979 as
cited in Sadoski, 2005; Goodman), children had better accuracy in naming the sight words in
both the simple word conditions than in either of the compound picture conditions. In a similar
study, mentally retarded children acquired sight vocabulary faster when words were presented
without pictorial enhancement or prompts (Singh & Solman, 1990). It was argued that blocking
may be responsible for the hindrance pictures pose on written word acquisition. That is, a
previously learned association of the picture and verbal response (verbal naming of the picture)
may interfere with the learning of the written form of the word. In a sense, the old association of
the picture and verbal response blocks the new association of the picture and written word.
In a comparable study, Conley et al. (2004) also examined the use of pictures in the
acquisition, as well as the maintenance of sight words, in children learning to read. This study
compared the use of the cover, copy, and compare (CCC) method to the use of the picture
matching teaching method. The CCC method requires that the student cover a correct model of
the word on one side of a page with an index card and then write the word in the space on the
other side of the sheet. The student then uncovers the correct model and checks his/her work. In
addition, students in the CCC group were instructed to trace the word before attempting to write
it on their own. Students in the picture-matching condition were presented either a picture or a
word card by the investigator and were asked to match the card with the corresponding picture or
word card from a stack of their own. Although initial results suggested that the picture-matching
approach required fewer sessions to acquire mastery of the vocabulary, further assessment
indicated that in the CCC condition, word maintenance was ultimately higher than in the picture-
matching condition. Additionally, Conley et al. found when the pictures were subsequently
removed in the picture-matching condition, children began to misidentify the words, suggesting
that in the picture-matching conditions children were picture reading and not word reading.
Overall, the outcomes suggest that the use of methods such as the CCC method may be more
effective than picture-word methods.
Although the literature discussed in these studies identifies the problem of pairing
pictures with words for children learning to read, to the author’s knowledge, relatively little
research has focused on the possible hindrance of pairing pictures with words in adult readers.
However, pictorial intrusion effects on word processing have been investigated in the context of
asking participants to make a particular judgment about a word in the presence of a distracting
picture. Research has shown that one such judgment, the classification of words into categories,
is affected by the presence of pictures (Smith & Magee, 1980, Arieh & Algom, 2002; Lupker &
Katz, 1982). Smith and Magee conducted a study in which participants were asked to classify
pictures and words in the presence of incongruent stimuli by making “yes” or “no” responses
regarding whether the stimuli belonged to a specific category. Word categorization was found to
be significantly delayed in the presence of distracting pictures. The categorization of pictures
however was not affected by the presence of distracting words. Lupker and Katz also studied the
phenomenon. Participants made category judgments regarding word stimuli in the presence of
incongruent pictures. Participants were specifically asked to ignore the pictorial stimuli and
simply respond “yes” or “no” as to whether the word stimuli fell into the category “animal”. In a
second experiment, participants made “yes” or “no” judgments as to whether the target word was
the word “DOG”. The researchers found that the incongruent background pictures interfered
with the word judgments. Lupker and Katz, and Smith and Magee accounted for their results in
terms of automatic semantic processing theory of pictures. That is pictures are automatically
placed into semantic categories and allow faster semantic access than do words. Because the
categorization tasks require the semantic analysis of a word, and because the incongruent
pictures are placed into semantic categories faster than are the words, the pictures intrude on
word judgment. Based on the notion of automatic semantic picture processing, it can be
concluded that in some contexts pictures that are incompatible with a correct word response can
negatively influence word judgments. A similar argument made by Arieh and Algom (2002)
suggested that pictures are categorized faster than are words and that word categorization suffers
from intrusion by incongruent pictures. They also found that the influence and the amount of
interference is largely subjected to contextual variations. Contextual changes (e.g., contrast
changes between the print and background, reducing/increasing the size of pictures, and adding
an x to the prefix and suffix of a word) in the stimuli served to reduce/eliminate or enhance the
pictorial interference on word categorization. Thus, these results further complicate the issue of
how pictures intrude on words in varying types of tasks.
Semantic Effects of Pictures on Words
The semantic intrusion effect of pictures (as demonstrated by the automatic semantic
processing theory of pictures) on word judgments suggests that there is a potential for intrusion
effects of semantically related pictures on word processing. Thus, in addition to addressing the
interference of pictures on word encoding and retention, the present study will also attempt to
investigate the effect of semantic relatedness of a picture on word memory. Although research
supporting the automatic semantic processing theory examined effects of semantically related
pictures on word judgments, no known research has been conducted to directly investigate the
semantic relatedness of pictures on subsequent word memory. Research has however been
directed to studying the effects of semantically related distractors on stimuli using the picture-
word interference task. The picture-word interference task consists of presenting participants
line-drawings and then asking participants to name the picture in the presence of a distractor
word. On the whole, research overwhelmingly suggests that the use of words as distractors using
the picture-word naming task slows response time in the naming of the target pictures (Smith &
Magee, 1980). More importantly to this study, a great deal of research has also been conducted
that explores the effects of different types of words (i.e., semantically related) on picture naming
(Rosinski, 1977; Caramazza & Costa, 2000; Costa, Alario & Caramazza, 2005; Damian &
Bowers, 2003 and Mahon et al., 2007). For example, using both children and adult groups,
Rosinski demonstrated semantic interference in the picture-word interference task. Participants
were presented pictures in the context of distractor words and were asked to verbally label the
picture while ignoring the word distractor. The words were either congruent with the picture
label, a consonant-vowel-consonant trigram, a semantically related word within the same
category as the picture (e.g., the word “lion” presented on a picture of a pig) or a non-congruent
word (e.g., the word “cup” presented on the picture of a pig). The same overall effect was noted
in all age groups; semantically related words produced a larger amount of interference to picture
naming than did un-related words and non-sense trigrams, suggesting that the semantic
relatedness of the distractor plays a role in the ability to verbally name pictures in the
interference task. Numerous other researchers have also concluded, as did Rosinski, that
semantically related distractors from the same semantic category leads to pronounced
interference effects, and thus the semantic relatedness of a distractor affects the magnitude of
interference in the picture-word interference task (Costa, et al., 2005).
Along the same lines, Vitkovitch and Tyrrell (1999) discussed the effects of distractor
words on the subordinate name retrieval of a picture. The picture-name interference task often
focuses on basic level naming of a picture (e.g., dog) whereas this study focused on the
subordinate naming or more specific naming (e.g., poodle) of an object. Participants were
presented picture and word conditions in which the distractor word was semantically related,
unrelated or neutral in regard to the picture stimulus. Results revealed that when pictures were
paired with subordinate distractor words that were from the same basic-level category (e.g.,
picture of a poodle and the distractor word spaniel) or semantically related basic-level category
(e.g., picture of a poodle and the word koala) as the target picture, subordinate naming latencies
were longer than unrelated or neutral words. The results support the notion that there is a
semantic relatedness interference effect. That is, semantic relatedness of a word from the same or
related basic-level category of a target picture can produce semantic interference/competition in
subordinate picture naming (Vitkovitch & Tyrrell).
Based on the research discussed above, the interference produced by semantically related
information had been termed the semantic interference effect. More specifically, it refers to the
notion that participants are slower to name a picture of an object in the presence of a
semantically related distractor than in the presence of an unrelated one. Perhaps the most
prominent hypothesis behind the interference effect is the notion of lexical selection by
competition/conflict. The main premise behind the lexical selection by competition is that given
a picture (e.g., car) and a semantically related distractor (e.g., truck) or an unrelated distractor
(e.g., hat), the semantically related distractor activates more semantically related lexical nodes to
the target than does the unrelated distractor. The simultaneous activation of the related lexical
nodes, in addition to the activation of the target node is thought to create competition in the
retrieval process and may be the source of the interference in the picture-naming task (Costa et
al., 2005; Mahon et al., 2007, Damian & Bowers, 2003).
Given the research discussed above, the question then becomes whether the same
intrusion effects are observed in which the processing of semantically related pictures interferes
with the processing of a target word. As mentioned, the direction of the reverse effect, that of
picture interference on word naming has been less researched and defined than that of the word
intrusion effect, and thus there is debate regarding whether there is an intrusion of pictures on
word naming. Smith and Magee (1980) did note that most research thus far suggests that the
naming of words in the presence of incongruent pictures is relatively un-affected, perhaps due to
the automaticity of reading words. For instance, Rosinski, Golinkoff and Kukish (1975) found
picture naming was largely disrupted by the presence of incongruent word stimuli, whereas the
naming of words was relatively unaffected by incongruent pictorial stimuli. Because of the
relatively little interference pictures have on word naming, the semantic relatedness effect of
pictures on word naming has not been extensively uninvestigated. However, the automatic
semantic processing theory of pictures noted earlier suggests that the semantic relatedness of
pictures may have an effect on how words are processed, although the task used might be a
critical factor.
To further complicate the potential semantic effects of pictures on word memory,
research has also suggested the possibility of semantic facilitation under some conditions. Using
the picture-word interference paradigm, Costa et al. (2005) noted that distractor words that fell
into the same semantic category as a picture had in fact produced semantic interference (e.g. a
target picture of a car and a distractor word truck) as suggested by previous studies. However,
they also noted that if a distractor word was semantically related but from a different category,
(e.g. the target picture car and the distractor word bumper) semantic facilitation rather than
interference was observed. In a similar study, researchers Mahon et al. (2007) also noted
semantic facilitation effects using the picture-word interference task. Compared to unrelated
distractor words, their first set of experiments demonstrated that target pictures (e.g., bed) were
named faster in the presence of a semantically related distractor verb (e.g., sleep) than unrelated
distractor verbs (e.g., shoot). Additionally, it was noted that target naming of a picture (e.g.,
horse) was faster for within-category semantic distractors that were close in relationship to the
target (e.g., zebra) than for within-category semantic distractors that were farther in relationship
to the target (e.g., whale). That is, the closer the semantic relationship to the target, the greater
the facilitation effects and the faster the target naming. Studies such as those just discussed
suggest that semantic facilitation rather than intrusion effects in target picture naming may occur
in the picture-word interference task in the presence of semantically related distractors. Given the
task variations, the question then becomes whether semantically related pictures will have
similar effects on word memory. The potential for both intrusion and facilitative effects in the
picture-naming task have been demonstrated and suggests that the effects of semantically related
pictures on word memory could facilitate or inhibit depending on the specific conditions.
The literature reviewed has illustrated a great deal support for pictorial facilitation effects
as well as the pictorial superiority effect. Many views and theories have been proposed
concerning the superior nature of picture encoding over word encoding and research
investigating how pictures reinforce text and word processing has largely supported these views.
Although the literature provides some indication of picture intrusions on word categorization, the
overall intrusion of pictures on words is still a relatively unexplored area of research. Beyond the
scope of the potential negative effects of pictures when teaching children sight vocabulary,
research concerning picture intrusion on subsequent word memory and learning is largely absent.
The potential effects of pictures at the time of word encoding on subsequent word memory has,
to the author’s knowledge, not been investigated. Although a great deal of information has been
acquired regarding pictorial influence on word processing, there remains much to be learned
regarding the nature of the relationship between picture and word processing.
The purpose of the current study is to explore further the processes involved in memory
for words in the presence of accompanying pictures. Due to the superior encoding nature of
pictures, it was expected that the presence of pictures when encoding words will provide either
facilitation or interference depending its relationship to the target word. Most research regarding
adults suggests that corresponding pictures facilitate word processing (e.g., Stenberg et al., 1995;
Israel & Schacter, 1997; Waddill et al., 1988). Thus, for the first experiment, it was predicted
that this facilitation effect will carry over to the memory of to-be-remembered words in a list
presented with matching pictures. However, the superior encoding nature of pictures was
expected to interfere with the encoding and memory of words in a condition in which the picture
is incongruent and unrelated to a word. Though research showing the inhibitory effects of
pictures on words is scarce, the existing research suggests that inhibitory effects may take place
in certain instances (e.g., categorization; Smith & Magee, 1980, Arieh & Algom, 2002; Lupker
& Katz, 1982). As pictures are more easily encoded and remembered than words, the presence of
a distractor picture may inhibit the effective encoding of a word into memory. Lastly, according
to the dual code hypothesis, pictures are encoded both visually and non-visually (Paivio, 1971;
Pellegrino et al., 1975; Snodgrass & McClure 1975; Nelson, et al, 1976; Mintzer & Snodgrass,
1999). Due to the additional verbal code pictures receive with the visual code, if the dual code
hypothesis is tenable, pictures that are presented in the recognition condition in their alternate
word form, may be mistakenly remembered as being presented in word form during the study
Semantic relatedness research using the picture-word interference task suggests that the
semantic relatedness of a distractor to a target stimulus may affect the encoding process. The
semantic processing theory of pictures, as demonstrated in studies such as Lupker and Katz
(1982), as well as the semantic research using the picture-word interference task illustrate the
intrusion effects that semantically related stimuli have on a target stimulus. Alternatively, other
research using the picture-word interference task also suggests the possibility of semantic
facilitation effects (Mahon et al., 2007; Costa et al., 2005). The majority of this research has
examined the influence of words on pictures. Thus, the current study will extend this research
through an examination of pictures on the processing of words. It was hypothesized that
semantically related pictures will influence the memory of target words, although it is possible
that these effects may be intrusive or facilitative. In summary, the present study served four
purposes. First was to establish whether matching pictures presented with words facilitates the
later memory of the words. Second, was to investigate whether incongruent/unrelated pictorial
stimuli will inhibit the memory of the target words. Next was to investigate whether semantically
related pictures presented in Experiment 2 will have an inhibitory or facilitative effect on word
memory. Fourth, although a less central purpose, was to establish whether the incongruent
pictures from Experiment 1 are dually encoded and later falsely recognized in their word form
during the recognition test.
Participants. Participants were 48 (14 males, 34 females) Introductory Psychology
students at Georgia Southern University who participated as a requirement for course credit.
There were originally 51 participants, however, 2 participants were not included in the analysis
due to experimenter error, and 1 participant was not included due to equipment error.
Design and procedure. Each participant was presented with one of three possible lists of
120 to-be-remembered stimuli, consisting of 40 items per condition. Three different lists were
employed so that across participants all stimulus words appeared in each of the three conditions.
Participants were randomly assigned to one of the three lists. The stimuli consisted of words in
lower case letters with a picture presented above the word. Participants were instructed to devote
their attention to the words presented in the stimuli pairs and not the pictures accompanying the
words. The pictorial stimuli consisted of familiar items adapted by Rossion and Pourtois (2004)
from Snodgrass and Vanderwart’s (1980) black and white pictorial database. Rossion and
Pourtois converted the pictures to color and collected normative data on the objects and their
labels. Critical stimuli were selected at random, with the restriction that items with two word
labels (e.g., baby carriage) were not included. Fillers in the recognition task were also selected
from this database.
Three word-picture conditions were presented to participants. The first condition
consisted of 40 words with matching pictures, the second condition consisted of 40 words
presented with a neutral picture (i.e.: a row of four X’s), and the third condition words were 40
words presented with incongruent pictures (see appendix A for examples). In the incongruent
condition, the forty pictures were paired words unrelated to the picture. These 40 incongruent
picture-word pairs were used across all lists.
Stimuli were presented to participants on a computer screen at two-second intervals.
After the presentation of the 120 stimuli, participants were given a recognition task in which they
were asked to indicate whether they had seen a given word in the study portion. The recognition
task consisted of 80 filler words that the subject had never seen, the 120 critical words previously
presented, and the 40 alternate word form of the incongruent pictures that were presented in the
study task. That is, if a picture of an airplane had been presented in the study task with an
incongruent word, the word airplane was included in the recognition test. Participant results were
based on mean accuracy rates for each participant in the recognition task. Participants responded
“yes” or “no” using the keys on a keyboard “a” or “sfor left handed, and the keys “k” or “l” for
right-handed participants.
Results and Discussion
A one-way repeated-measures ANOVA was used to analyze differences among mean
accuracy rates. The picture manipulation had an effect on the recognition memory of the words,
F(2, 94) = 19.03, p < .05. Pairwise comparisons were analyzed using a Bonferroni adjustment.
Words presented with matching pictures (M = .62, SEM = .02) were better recognized than
words presented with incongruent (M =.54, SEM = .02) or neutral pictures (M =.53, SEM = .02).
There were no other differences among the conditions. Finally, the hypothesis regarding the
dual-code theory in which it was hypothesized that incongruent pictures that were presented in
their alternate form during the recognition task would have a high false positive rate was not
supported by the results. For the incongruent pictures that were presented as words, the false
positive rate was (26%), which although somewhat higher then false positives for fillers (14%),
was substantially lower (in terms of participants believing that they had previously seen the
word) than either the neutral, congruent or incongruent conditions. That the incongruent pictures
presented in word form revealed relatively low false positive rates, in tandem with the facilitative
effect of matching pictures would seem to provide support for frameworks such as the sensory-
semantic model (Nelson et al, 1975) and common code theory (Stenberg et al., 1995) rather than
a dual-code theory of picture superiority (Paivio, 1969,1971).
The result regarding the matching picture condition is consistent with the well-
documented facilitative nature of pictures on memory. Participants recognized words that were
presented in the matching word-picture condition more accurately than those presented in any of
the other conditions. In contrast, there was no significant difference between the recognition of
words in the incongruent or neutral conditions. Although pictures are presumed to be more easily
encoded and stored in memory as demonstrated throughout the literature, the presence of the
irrelevant pictures did not interfere with the encoding of the words. This finding suggests that
although pictures may be processed more efficiently or easily in some cases, they do not take
primacy over words in an automatic fashion in a task in which verbal memory is emphasized.
The extent to which this finding extends to picture word relationships beyond simply completely
incongruent or exact matches was explored in Experiment 2.
Participants. Participants were 50 (14 males, 36 females) Introductory Psychology
students at Georgia Southern University who participated as a requirement for course credit.
There were 51 original participants, however, one participant was not included due to equipment
Design and procedure. As in experiment 1, each participant was presented with one of
three lists consisting of 120 to-be-remembered stimuli, 40 items per condition. The pictorial
stimuli were again selected from Rossion and Pourtois (2004). The three conditions for
experiment 2 were as follows: semantically related, unrelated/incongruent and neutral (i.e., a row
of four X’s) picture-word pairs (see appendix B for examples). The stimuli for the semantically
related condition consisted of a picture and a semantically related word. The associative norms
were taken from the Edinburgh Associative Thesaurus (Kiss, Armstrong, Milroy, & Piper, 1973; and The University of South Florida word association, rhyme, and word
fragment norms at The incongruent condition remained as
in Experiment 1. That is 40 words paired with 40 unrelated pictures. As in Experiment 1, these
were constant across lists. Participants were presented the picture-word and then engaged in a
subsequent recognition task consisting of the 40 semantically related, 40 neutral and 40
incongruent words as well as 120 filler words that did not appear in the picture-word phase of the
study. As in Experiment 1, results were based on the accuracy of the recognition task.
Participants responded by pressing appropriate buttons on the computer keyboard.
Results and Discussion
Two missing data points were not included in the analysis due to lack of participant
response. Results were analyzed using a one-way repeated-measures ANOVA. The picture
condition had an effect on the recognition memory of the words, F(2, 98) = 6.90 p < .05.
Pairwise comparisons were analyzed using a Bonferroni adjustment. Words presented with
semantically related pictures (M = .53, SEM = .02) were better recognized than words presented
with incongruent (M =.49, SEM = .02) or neutral pictures (M=.47, SEM = .02). There were no
other differences among the conditions.
Results indicate that the facilitative nature of pictures is not restricted to exact matches;
pictures that are semantically related to a word also facilitated word memory. The lack of
significant difference between the incongruent/unmatching and neutral conditions replicated the
findings of Experiment 1. Implications of these findings are discussed.
The purpose of this study was to further explore the effects of pictorial stimuli on word
recognition memory. As evidenced by the results of both experiments, even in the presence of
conflicting stimuli, it appears that participants were able to benefit from relevant pictorial
information while ignoring disadvantageous or irrelevant information. Congruent with research
that has shown pictures to be more easily and efficiently encoded and better remembered (Paivio,
1969, 1971; Snodgrass &McClure, 1975; Nelson et al., 1976; Stenberg et al., 1995; Stenberg,
2006) these results indicate that participants were able to advantageously use pictures in
matching and semantically related conditions to facilitate memory. However, this suggests that
picture superiority does not translate into primacy such that memory is automatically influenced
by pictorial information when that information contradicts the verbal information. The ability to
make use of the pictures in a discriminating fashion, suggests that participants may have
implemented a primarily verbal based memory, selectively supporting this memory when
possible with the visual information.
One possible explanation for the lack of interference by incongruent pictorial information
may be explained in terms of the ability of adults to be able to selectively divert and withhold
attention relative to the stimuli. Research has suggested that underachieving children are more
distracted and exhibit more detrimental effects than overachiever children by distracting stimuli
(Baker & Madell, 1965 and Silverman, Davids, & Andrews, 1963 as cited in Samuels, 1967).
Given that participants were instructed in the present study to focus on lexical memory, and as
adults have fully developed reading skills, it is possible that the adult college population
examined in the present study were reasonably adept at diverting attention from irrelevant
stimuli. The findings suggest that, if task conditions emphasize verbal processing, this is not
superceded even by the rich information contained in distractor pictures.
That this might be a function to some degree of selective attention, is illustrated by the
finding that participants were able to use the matching pictures to their benefit even in the
context of a list that contained mismatched and neutral stimuli. This result in combination with
the finding that the incongruent pictures were not detrimental to memory performance, even
when presented in their alternate word forms, suggests that participants strategically utilized
pictorial information rather than ignoring the pictorial information all together. It could be
argued, however, that pictorial information may not be beneficial when it is semantically related,
but distinct as it would activate a related, but different concept than the target word. The extent
to which semantically related pictorial information positively or negatively affects verbal
memory was examined in Experiment 2. The finding that semantically related pictures were also
beneficial to the memory of words, while again there appeared to be no evidence of interference
by unrelated pictures, supports the above mentioned notion that participants utilized pictorial
information strategically to support verbal memory.
One means by which participants may be able to selectively extract beneficial
information from pictures is if pictures are analyzed primarily at the semantic level (see also
Stenberg et al., 1995). The notion that pictures emphasize semantic processing and are analyzed
primarily at a conceptual level is substantiated by research concerning the picture-word
interference task finding that words interfere with the labeling of pictures, however the naming
of words is unaffected by the presence of incongruent pictures (Smith & Magee, 1980; Rosinski
et al., 1975). Additionally, research also indicates that pictures interfere with the categorization
of words, a semantically based task, whereas picture categorization is relatively immune to the
presence of irrelevant words (Smith & Magee; Lupker & Katz, 1982; Arieh & Algom, 2002).
Thus, taken as a whole, the research lends credence to the assumption that pictures are processed
more rapidly in terms of semantic information but more slowly activate verbal (e.g.,
orthographic-phonological) information. The emphasis of words however is on the orthographic-
phonological aspects with access to semantic information less rapidly available (Smith &
These results can also be accounted for within a spreading activation model such as
network models of semantic memory (Collins & Quillian, 1969; Collins & Loftus, 1975). If
pictures do lead to superior semantic processing (Stenberg et al., 1995), congruent pictures might
activate nodes representing word’s meanings to a greater extent, leading to better memory. In the
case of semantically related, but verbally distinct pictures, it could be argued that even though
the semantically related pictures were not an exact match to the target words, they may have
activated analogous nodes within the semantic network of the target, which in turn supported
formation of the verbal level.
If the semantic level activation does indeed support verbal level information, it may be
useful to also consider an explanation within interactive distributed models of word processing in
order to better elucidate the relationship between word and picture processing (e.g., Seidenberg
& McClelland, 1989; Seidenberg, 2005). A distributed model is comprised of separate neuron-
like units representing the different levels of a word: orthographic (spelling), phonological
(pronunciation) and the semantic (meaning). The processing of words involves the activation of
units connected by weights in which the patterns of activation correspond to the different levels
of the word (e.g., the orthography). A main contention of distributed models is the interactive
nature of the unit representations. All of the computational levels of a word are fully
interconnected and act in parallel with one another (see Seidenberg and Seidenberg &
McClelland for further explanation of the models). In a model in which input information such as
a word activates orthographic, phonological and semantic units of processing, memory would
presumably be a function of the orthographic and phonological as well as semantic information
associated with an input word. Pictorial information may be utilized as a form of contextual
information such that participants are able to extract the semantic information from the picture
while disregarding other information that might be activated (the word form of the picture). This
enhanced semantic information (from the picture) would then support the verbal and visual
levels of processing via interactive support from the semantic level (e.g., Pexman and Lupker,
1999; Seidenberg & McClelland, 1989). The notion that the current findings are primarily a
semantic-level effect of pictures is supported by the finding from Experiment 2 in which distinct
pictures that are semantically related to the target word facilitated memory. Also, that pictures
presented in word form did not lead to excessively high false positive rates in the picture-word
condition suggests that semantic information was used to direct attention to relevant pictures (as
participants did not mistakenly recognize the word-level forms of the pictures). Thus, picture-
word processing in this context may be a function of selective attention based on semantic
attributes of contextual pictorial information.
Finally, the results provide some insight into theories of picture superiority, at least in
regard to how pictures are processed. In terms of the dual-code hypothesis, results did not
support the notion that processing of pictures involves an automatic verbal component. As noted,
had pictures been automatically stored dually (visually as well as verbally) as projected by the
dual-code hypothesis (Paivio, 1969, 1971), one would expect a high false positive rate during the
recognition task in which the pictures were subsequently presented as their verbal label.
Although the scope of this study was not to establish which of the many theories of picture
superiority is most accurate, results do most likely exclude a dual-coding view. Results are
instead supportive of theories of semantic based pictorial advantage (Stenberg et al., 1995;
Stenberg, 2006). That is, the basis of picture superiority has been argued to be superiority
primarily in conceptual processing. Stenberg (2006) argues the superior conceptual (semantic)
processing of pictures is a stronger contribution to the effect than perceptual and sensory
properties as emphasized in other theories (Nelson et al., 1976; Mintzer & Snodgrass, 1999).
Arguments for a semantic based advantage for pictorial information assumes pictures more
efficiently access semantic representations than words. Deeper processing at the semantic level
presumably leads to better retention, and thus the picture superiority effect emerges. A similar
argument has been made here in that picture effects were facilitative, but not intrusive as they
were processed primarily in terms of meaning without activating or emphasizing an
accompanying verbal code. It should be noted, however, that the results do not rule out the
possibility that dual-coding may arise in some contexts or tasks in which a dual code might be
beneficial. However, it would appear this is not necessarily automatic, but rather supports the
assertion made by Nelson and Reed (1976) that whether or not a verbal label is applied to a
picture is under control of the individual. That is, the application of a verbal label to a picture
may be a function of the perceived utility for the task. If the verbal label of the picture can
directly relate to the information at hand, the labeling of the picture will most likely be
implemented. However, if the utilization of the verbal label is not beneficial to the participants
(as exampled in the non-matching conditions), a label will not be applied.
Although the pictures did not interfere with word recognition in this particular study,
further research should explore picture-word effects within other contexts. As discussed
previously, much of the research regarding intrusion effects of pictures on words has been
completed within the parameters of children learning sight vocabulary (Singh & Solman, 1990;
Solman & Singh 1992; Conley et al., 2004). Although matching pictures have been shown to be
beneficial to adults, as was also supported by the results of this study, the use of corresponding
pictorial supplements may not be beneficial when provided to children (Singh & Solman;
Solman & Singh; Conley et al.; Samuels, 1967). This differential benefit of using pictorial
supplements between adults and children may be because adults possess better-developed word
processing abilities relative to children. Children may also not have developed the attentional
mechanisms sufficient to selectively extract relevant information from some pictures while
disregarding others. Thus, pictures shown to children in conjunction with words are not
reinforcing the word-level representation but rather distracting from it (Singh & Solman; Solman
& Singh; Samuels). In adults, the written and verbal associations of the word are established and
the processing of words is largely automatic (Guttentag & Haith, 1979). Consequently, pictures
reinforce the target word due to their rich sensory and semantic qualities, but only in the case in
which the pictorial stimuli are beneficial.
However, pictures may not necessarily be beneficial to adults in all conditions. Similar
intrusive effects such as those seen in children learning their native language may be seen in
children and adults learning the vocabulary of a second language. As second languages are often
taught using the same method of pairing vocabulary with pictures and one is establishing new
and sometimes unfamiliar orthographic-phonologic connections, intrusion effects of pictures
may be very likely.
In regard to limitations of the current study, participants were directly instructed to attend
to the words and told they were to be subsequently tested on the words. A different pattern may
have been observed if instructions were changed such as to emphasize the importance of pictures
or to present a surprise memory task rather than inform participants that words would be the
focus of testing. Additionally, in regard to semantic relatedness, different types of relationships
were not examined such as differences between associative relationships verses semantic
relationships (e.g., see Locker, Simpson, & Yates, 2003). Lastly, task conditions and contextual
variations (e.g., contrast changes between the print and background, size of picture and size of
font) may play a large role in determining the potential intrusion effects of pictures on word
processing (Arieh & Algom, 2002).
Generally, the results of this study are indicative of an ability of participants to
focus attention primarily on word-level information (and thus an orthographic-phonologic
primacy) and strategically utilize pictures only when it is beneficial (i.e., when the aim is verbal
memory performance). Although pictures have highly superior encoding properties (Nelson et
al., 1976; Mintzer & Snodgrass, 1999; Nelson & Reed, 1976; Stenberg et al., 1995; Stenberg,
2006), the advantages of pictures do not detract from the encoding of words in conditions in
which the pictures are incongruent and thus conflict with the target. Pictures, were however
beneficial in matching and related conditions. I have argued in the present study that this benefit
may be primarily semantic in nature. The present results do lend support for the already wide use
of pictorial stimuli to reinforce and facilitate learning and comprehension of words and text in
adult populations. However, potential intrusion effects of pictures on word processing requires
further investigation in different experimental contexts.
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Matching Stimuli
Neutral Stimuli
Incongruent/unmatching Stimuli
Semantically Related Stimuli
Neutral Stimuli
Incongruent/unmatching Stimuli