Address: Aras an Chontae
Telephone: 094 9024444
Fax: 094 9021694
Failure to complete this form or attach the necessary documentation, or the submission of
incorrect information or omission of required information will lead to the invalidation of your
application. Therefore please ensure that each section of this application form is fully completed
and signed, entering N/A (not applicable) where appropriate, and that all necessary
documentation is attached to your application form.
It should be noted that each Planning Authority has its own Development Plan, which sets out local
development policies and objectives for its own area. The Planning Authority may therefore need
supplementary information (i.e. other than that required in this form) in order to determine whether the
application conforms with the Development Plan and may request this on a supplementary application
Failure to supply the supplementary information will not invalidate your planning application but may delay
the decision-making process or lead to a refusal of permission. Therefore applicants should contact the
relevant planning authority to determine what local policies and objectives would apply to the
development proposed and whether additional information is required.
The planning process is an open and public one. In that context, all planning applications and
accompanying documentation, with the exception of certain contact details, are made available for public
inspection/purchase and may be made available on the planning authority’s website where this is their
policy. Planning authorities also publish weekly lists of planning applications received as well as weekly
lists of planning decisions in hard copy and, where this is their policy, on their websites.
It has come to our attention that the publication of planning applications by planning authorities can lead
to applicants being targeted by persons in the business sector engaged in direct marketing. In response
to a request from the Data Protection Commissioner, you are hereby given an opportunity to indicate a
preference with regard to the receipt of direct marketing arising from the lodging of a planning application.
If you are satisfied to receive direct marketing please tick this box
Direct marketing may be by post, by telephone, by hand or by electronic mail such as email or text
message where such details are supplied. It is the responsibility of those entities wishing to use the
personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied
that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 & 2003 taking
account of the preference outlined above.
REF. NO. _____________
Address: Aras an Chontae
Telephone: 094 9024444
Fax: 094 9021694
1. Name of Relevant Planning Authority:
2. Location of Proposed Development:
Postal Address or Townland
or Location (as may best
identify the land or structure
in question)
Ordnance Survey Map Ref
No (and the Grid Reference
where available)
3. Type of planning permission (please tick appropriate box):
[ ]
[ ]
Permission for Retention
[ ]
Outline Permission
[ ]
Permission consequent on Grant of Outline Permission
4. Where planning permission is consequent on Grant of Outline Permission, please state:
Outline Permission Register
Reference Number:
Date of Grant of Outline
5. Applicant
Address to be supplied at the end of this form. (Question 23).
6. Where Applicant is a Company (registered under the Companies Acts 1963 to 1999):
Name(s) of Company
Registered Address of
7. Person/Agent acting on behalf of the Applicant (if any):
Address to be supplied at the end of this form. (Question 24).
8. Person responsible for preparation of Drawings and Plans
Address to be supplied at the end of this form. (Question 25).
9. Description of Proposed Development:
10. Legal Interest of Applicant in the Land or Structure:
Please tick appropriate box to show applicant’s
legal interest in the land or structure
A. Owner [ ]
B. Occupier [ ]
C. Other [ ]
Where legal interest is ‘Other’, please expand
further on your interest in the land or structure
If you are not the legal owner, please state the
name of the owner.
The owner’s address must be included at the end of
this form (Question 26) and a letter of consent from
the owner to make the application must be supplied
as listed in the accompanying documentation.
11. Site Area:
Area of site to which the application relates in
12. Where the application relates to a building or buildings:
Gross floor space
of any existing building(s) in m
Gross floor space of proposed works in m
Gross floor space of work to be retained in m
(if appropriate)
Gross floor space of any demolition in m
(if appropriate)
13. In the case of mixed development (e.g. residential, commercial, industrial, etc.), please
provide breakdown of the different classes of development and breakdown of the gross
floor area of each class of development:
Class of Development
Gross floor area in m
14. In the case of residential development please provide breakdown of residential mix:
Number of
1 Bed
2 Bed
3 Bed
4 Bed
4+ Bed
Number of car
parking spaces
Brief description of nature
and extent of development
to be provided
15. Where the application refers to a material change of use of any land or structure or the
retention of such a material change of use:
Existing use
(or previous use where
retention permission is sought)
Proposed use (or use it is proposed
to retain)
Nature and extent of any such
proposed use (or use it is proposed to
16. Social and Affordable Housing:
Please tick appropriate box
Is the application an application for permission for
development to which Part V of the Planning and
Development Act 2000 applies?
If the answer to the above question is ‘yes’ and the
development is not exempt (see below), you must specify,
as part of your application, the manner in which it is
proposed to comply with Section 96 of Part V of the Act.
If the answer to the above question is ‘yes’ but you
consider the development to be exempt by virtue of Section
97 of the Planning and Development Act 2000
, a copy of
the Certificate of Exemption under Section 97 must be
submitted (or, where an application for a certificate of
exemption has been made but has not yet been decided, a
copy of the application should be submitted).
If the answer to the above question is ‘no’ by virtue of
Section 96(13) of the Planning and Development Act
, details indicating the basis on which Section 96(13)
is considered to apply to the development should be
17. Development Details:
Please tick appropriate box
Does the proposed development consist of work to a
protected structure and/or its curtilage or proposed
protected structure and/or its curtilage?
Does the proposed development consist of work to the
exterior of a structure which is located within an
Architectural Conservation Area (ACA)?
Does the application relate to development which affects or
is close to a monument or place recorded under Section 12
of the National Monuments (Amendment) Act 1994
Does the application relate to work within or close to a
European Site (under S.I. 94 of 1997) or a Natural Heritage
Does the proposed development require the preparation of
an Environmental Impact Statement?
Does the application relate to a development which
comprises or is for the purposes of an activity requiring an
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Licence?
Does the application relate to a development which
comprises or is for the purposes of an activity requiring a
Waste Licence?
Do the Major Accident Regulations apply to the proposed
Does the application relate to a development in a Strategic
Development Zone?
Does the proposed development involve the demolition of
any habitable house
18. Site History
Details regarding site history (if known)
Has the site in question ever, to your knowledge, been flooded?
[ ]
[ ]
If yes, please give details e.g. year, extent
Are you aware of previous uses of the site e.g. dumping or quarrying?
[ ]
[ ]
If yes, please give details:
Are you aware of any valid planning applications made in respect of this land/structure?
[ ]
[ ]
If yes, please state planning reference number(s) and the date(s) of receipt of the planning
application(s) by the planning authority if known:
Reference No.: _______________________________ Date: __________________________
If a valid planning application has been made in respect of this land or structure in the 6
months prior to the submission of this application, then the site notice must be on a
yellow background in accordance with Article 19(4) of the Planning and Development
Regulations 2001 as amended.
Is the site of the proposal subject to a current appeal to An Bord Pleanála in respect of a similar
[ ]
[ ]
If yes, please state An Bord Pleanála Reference No.: __________________________________
19. Pre-application Consultation
Has a pre-application consultation taken place in relation to the proposed
[ ]
[ ]
If yes, please give details:
Reference No. (if any):
Date(s) of Consultation:
Persons involved:
20. Services
Proposed Source of Water Supply
[ ]
[ ]
Public Mains
[ ]
Group Water
[ ]
Private Well
[ ]
Other (please specify): __________________________________________________________________
Name of Group Water Scheme (where applicable):
Proposed Wastewater Management/Treatment
[ ]
[ ]
Public Sewer
[ ]
Conventional septic tank
[ ]
Other on-site treatment
[ ]
Please specify
Proposed Surface Water Disposal
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
Please specify ___________________________________________
21. Details of Public Notice
Approved newspaper
which notice was published
Date of publication
Date on which site notice
was erected
22. Application Fee
Fee Payable
Basis of Calculation
I hereby declare, that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in this form is correct
and accurate and fully compliant with the Planning & Development Act 2000, as amended, and the
Regulations made thereunder:
(Applicant or Agent as appropriate)
An applicant will not be entitled solely by reason of a planning permission to carry out the development. The
applicant may need other consents, depending on the type of the development. For example, all new buildings,
extensions and alterations to, and certain changes of use of existing buildings must comply with building
regulations, which set out basic design and construction requirements.
Please note:
The applicant(s) address must be submitted on this page.
If the applicant/agent wishes to submit additional contact information, this may be included here.
This page will not be published as part of the planning file.
23. Applicant
Address (Required)
Telephone No.
E-mail Address (if any)
Fax No. (if any)
24. Person/Agent acting on behalf of the Applicant (if any):
Telephone No.
E-mail Address (if any)
Fax No. (if any)
Should all correspondence be sent to the above address? Please tick appropriate box. (Please note
that if the answer is ‘No’, all correspondence will be sent to the Applicant’s address)
[ ]
[ ]
25. Person responsible for preparation of Drawings and Plans:
Telephone No.
E-mail Address (if any)
Fax No. (if any)
26. Owner (required where applicant is not the owner):
Address (Required)
Telephone No.
E-mail Address (if any)
Fax No. (if any)
Please note that if the appropriate documentation is not included, your application will be deemed invalid.
ALL Planning Applications
The relevant page of newspaper that contains notice of your application
A copy of the site notice
6 copies of site location map
6 copies of site or layout plan
6 copies of plans and other particulars required to describe the works to which the development relates
(included detailed drawings of floor plans, elevations and sections except in the case of outline
The appropriate Planning Fee
Where the applicant is not the legal owner of the land or structure in question:
The written consent of the owner to make the application
Where the application is for residential development that is subject to Part V or the 2000 Act:
Specification of the manner in which it is proposed to comply with Section 96 of Part V
A Certificate of Exemption from the requirements of Part V
A copy of the application submitted for a Certificate of Exemption
Where the application is for residential development that is not subject to Part V of the 2000 Act by virtue of
Section 96(13) of the Act:
Information setting out the basis on which Section 96(13) is considered to apply to the development.
Where the disposal of wastewater for the proposed development is other than to a public sewer:
Information on the on-site treatment system proposed and evidence as to the suitability of the site for the
system proposed.
Where the application refers to a protected structure/proposed protected structure/or the exterior of a
structure which is located within an Architectural Conservation Area (ACA):
Photographs, plans and other particulars necessary to show how the development would affect the
character of the structure.
Applications that refer to a material change of use or retention of such a material change of use:
Plans (including a site or layout plan and drawings of floor plans, elevations and sections which comply with
the requirements of Article 23) and other particulars required describing the works proposed.
Where an application requires an Environmental Impact Statement:
An Environmental Impact Statement
Applications that are exempt from Planning Fees:
Proof of eligibility for exemption
1. Grid reference in terms of the Irish Transverse Mercator.
2. ‘The applicant’ means the person seeking the planning permission, not an agent acting on his or her behalf.
3. Where the plans have been drawn up by a firm/company, the name of the person primarily responsible for
the preparation of the drawings and plans, on behalf of the firm/company, should be given.
4. A brief description of the nature and extent of the development, including reference to the number and
height of buildings, protected structures, etc.
5. Gross floor space means the area ascertained by the internal measurements of the floor space on each floor
of the building; i.e. floor areas must be measured from inside the external wall.
6. Where the existing use is ‘vacant’, please state the most recent authorized use of the land or structure.
7. Part V of the Planning and Development Act 2000 applies where:
The land is zoned for residential use or for a mixture of residential or other uses;
There is an objective in the Development Plan for the area for a percentage of the land to be made
available for social and/or affordable housing; and
The proposed development is not exempt from Part V.
8. Under Section 97 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, applications involving development of 4 or
fewer houses and development on land of less than 0.1 hectare may be exempt from Part V.
9. Under Section 96(13) of the Planning and Development Act 2000, Part V does not apply to certain housing
developments by approved voluntary housing bodies, certain conversions, the carrying out of works to an
existing house or the development of houses under an agreement made under Section 96 of the Act.
10. The Record of Monuments and Places, under Section 12 of the National Monuments Amendment Act 1994,
is available, for each county, in the local authorities and public libraries in that county. Please note also that
if the proposed development affects or is close to a National Monument which, under the National
Monuments Acts 1930 to 2004, is in the ownership or guardianship of the Minister for the Environment,
Heritage and Local Government or a local authority or is this subject of a preservation order or a temporary
preservation order, a separate statutory consent is required, under the National Monuments Acts, from the
Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. For information on whether National
Monuments are in the ownership or guardianship of the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local
Government or a local authority or are the subject of preservation orders, contact the National Monuments
Section of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (1890 20 20 21).
11. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required for classes of development prescribed by Article 93
and Schedule 5 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 2006. In accordance with Section
103 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, an EIS may also be required for developments
below the prescribed threshold if the planning authority considers that the development is likely to have
significant effects on the environment or, where the development would be located on or in an area, site, etc.
set out in Article 103(2), it considers that the development would be likely to have significant effects on the
environment of that area, site, etc.
12. Demolition of a habitable house requires planning permission.
13. The appeal must be determined or withdrawn before another similar application can be made.
14. A formal pre-application consultation may only occur under Section 247 of the Planning and Development
Act 2000. While it is not mandatory, a pre-planning consultation is recommended. The applicant should
contact the planning authority to arrange specific times and locations. In the case of residential
development to which Part V of the 2000 Act applies, applicants are advised to avail of the pre-application
consultation facility in order to ensure that a Part V agreement in principle can be reached in advance of the
planning application being submitted.
15. The list of approved newspapers, for the purpose of giving notice of intention to make a planning application,
is available from the planning authority to which the application will be submitted.
16. All plans, drawings and maps submitted to the planning authority should be in accordance with the
requirements of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 2006.
17. The location of the site notice(s) should be shown on site location map.
18. The applicant/agent should make the owner aware that the letter will be placed on a public planning file and
may be placed on the planning authority’s website where this is the policy of the planning authority.
19. See Schedule 9 of Planning and Development Regulations 2001. If a reduced fee is tendered, details of
previous relevant payments and planning permissions should be given. If exemption from payment of fees
is being claimed under Article 157 of the 2001 Regulations, evidence to prove eligibility for exemption should
be submitted.