What to expect during
a US FDA medical
device inspection
How the QSR inspection is structured, creating a
pre-audit checklist, and how to follow up on ndings
October 2023
Linda Chatwin
Lead Quality and
Regulatory Affairs Consultant
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Preparing for FDA and MDSAP inspections
How the MDSAP program impacts the Quality System Inspection Technique (QSIT), how to participate
and follow up on ndings, and the impending incorporation of ISO 13485:2016 Medical devices –
Quality management systems into the Quality System Regulation
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) participates
in the Medical Device Single Audit Program, which
impacts how the Quality System Inspection Technique
(QSIT) is implemented in routine and non-routine
inspections. MDSAP was implemented by the
International Medical Device Regulators Forum
(IMDRF) with ve international partners:
Therapeutic Goods Administration of Australia
Brazil’s Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária
Health Canada
Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the
Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
MDSAP Audits are performed by recognized Auditing
Organizations (AOs) and are structured using ISO
13485:2016 as the quality system basis, while adding
on country-specic requirements. After a three-year
pilot program to test the success of the program, the
FDA determined that the MDSAP audit reports would be
accepted as a substitute for routine agency inspections.
The FDA hosts and maintains web pages for the
MDSAP documents
Here, policies, procedures, templates and forms can
be located. These provide the tasks that AOs use
for conducting audits. The audit approach consists
of the following:
Chapter 1 – Management (11 tasks)
Chapter 2 – Device Marketing Authorization and
Facility Registration (three tasks)
Chapter 3 – Measurement, Analysis and
Improvement (16 tasks)
Chapter 4 – Medical Device Adverse Events and
Advisory Notices Reporting (two tasks)
Chapter 5 – Design and Development (17 tasks)
Chapter 6 – Production and Service Controls (29 tasks)
Chapter 7 – Purchasing (12 tasks)
In addition, six annexes cover specic information related
to (1) auditing product/process-related technologies and
technical documentation, (2) auditing requirements for
sterile medical devices, (3) medical device adverse events
and advisory notices reporting processes (timelines),
(4) expectations for written agreements for regulatory
purposes, (5) Japanese quality management system (QMS)
revisions and relationships and (6) acceptable exclusions
from scope of certication.
Time for inspection
The audit framework includes a Stage 1 documentation
review and evaluation of preparedness for the Stage
2 audit. Stage 2 involves a complete evaluation of
QMS implementation and effectiveness and will use
all the MDSAP audit process tasks as applicable to the
organization. MDSAP audits are scheduled with the AO
contracted by the organization to perform the audits.
The MDSAP audit sequence follows a process approach
and has four primary processes:
Management process
Measurement, Analysis and Improvement process
Design and Development process
Production and Service Controls process with links to
the Purchasing process
The MDSAP audit process has two additional supporting
processes: Device Marketing Authorization and Facility
Registration and Medical Device Adverse Events
and Advisory Notices Reporting. These processes
are necessary to fulll specic requirements of the
participating MDSAP regulatory authorities.
The FDA reserves the right to inspect if there are areas
of concern highlighted in the MDSAP audit report or
for other types of inspections, such as inspections for
pre-market approval, follow-up, or for-cause inspections.
For those types of inspections, FDA inspectors will audit in
accordance with the QSIT. In addition, for manufacturers
who are not in the MDSAP program, FDA still uses the
QSIT for inspections. In these types of inspections, the FDA
will provide U.S.-based companies with some advance
notice, usually two to ve business days.
Picture a scenario where you are busily answering emails
and then the phone rings. The person on the other line
is with the local FDA ofce, letting you know that they
will be at your facility in the next few days to perform an
inspection. This notice is meant to give time to prepare
for the arrival of the inspector. If the system is not fully
compliant, this is likely not enough time to correct all
deciencies. However, it does allow you to prepare
logistically. More about that later. If your company is
outside of the United States, you usually have a bit more
time, as the FDA will plan the inspection around others in
the area and will need to prepare travel plans.
This paper will suggest activities leading up to the
inspection, what to expect during an inspection, and what
a company should do after the inspector leaves the facility.
Hopefully, these suggestions will help dispel inspection
fears and prepare the organization to be inspection-ready.
Of course, these preparations also apply to
MDSAP inspections.
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Regulatory requirements
The rst aspect we should discuss is the actual set of requirements a company would be expected to comply with
regarding manufacturing and distributing a nished medical device. For the FDA, the primary regulation that must be
followed is the Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 CFR 820, Quality System Regulation (QSR)
. However, there are
other regulations that must be followed and are often forgotten as manufacturers are concentrating on QSR requirements.
These include the following:
21 CFR 801, Labeling
21 CFR 803, Medical Device Reporting
21 CFR 806, Reports of Corrections and Removals
21 CFR 807, Establishment Registration and Device Listing
21 CFR 809, In Vitro Diagnostic Products for Human Use
21 CFR 810, Medical Device Recall Authority
21 CFR 830, Unique Device Identication
All these regulations must be followed as applicable to the organization. When the phrase “as applicable” is mentioned,
this relates to the fact that throughout the regulations there may be requirements that are not applicable or appropriate for
an organization. As an example, if an organization distributes a single-use device, then servicing of the device, i.e., 21 CFR
820.200, would not be applicable. It is important that organizations understand the application of the FDA regulations and
compliance expectations when adhering to these regulations.
It is also important to recognize that on Feb. 23, 2022, the FDA announced a proposed rule, Quality System Regulation
Amendment, which would primarily incorporate by reference ISO 13485:2016 into the medical device regulation. While
the proposed regulation will incorporate ISO 13485:2016 as the foundational quality management system requirements,
the additional FDA-specic requirements will remain intact. Furthermore, the QSIT will remain in place for FDA inspections,
revised as applicable to incorporate the requirements of the proposed rule.
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The FDA developed the QSIT
methodology for performing inspections during the release of the QSR regulations in 1996.
The QSIT guide, which is to be used in conjunction with the various compliance program guides, regulations, and guidance
documents, provides a foundation for performing QSR inspections.
FDA designed the QSIT as a “top-down” approach; it focuses on the organization’s entire quality system to identify
potential quality issues within the company.
The QSIT focuses on four major subsystems of the quality system shown below that establish the basis for an FDA
investigator to review procedures, processes and quality records. The FDA published the QSIT guide to demonstrate
what they will review during an inspection: therefore, organizations should read and study the QSIT guide and apply its
principles when they review and audit their quality system.
FDA QSR Subsystems
Management Controls: Quality Manual, Quality Policy, Quality Planning, Management Commitment, Management
Reviews, Training and Personnel, Internal Audits
Corrective and Preventative Action (CAPA): Sources of Data, Nonconformities, Customer Complaints, Medical Device
Reporting, Follow-up Activities
Design Controls: Design Planning, Design Inputs, Design Outputs, Verication, Validation, Risk Management, Design
Reviews, Device Master Record
Production and Process Controls: Product Realization (Device Master Record), Manufacturing, Process Validation,
Calibration, Identication, Traceability, Device History Record, Labeling, Packaging, Storage, Delivery, Servicing
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One of the most effective ways to support a successful FDA inspection is to
always be inspection-ready. Even though the FDA generally pre-announces
inspections, a few days or even a few weeks are not enough time to correct
fundamental compliance issues in a quality system. This is the reason why a
medical device manufacturer should always be inspection-ready, which follows
the main theme that procedures have been established and successfully
implemented, records are being maintained to show conformance and, when
applicable, that issues identied are being corrected.
The primary method for accomplishing this is to have a robust internal audit
program. Emergo by UL frequently advises organizations to utilize their
internal audit process to locate quality system problems rst rather than
letting FDA inspectors nd them. These services are also available and helpful
for preparing for MDSAP inspections. Even though these inspections are
scheduled each year, having the assistance of an outside party can augment
the preparation process.
Conrm that the internal audit program is unbiased and that personnel in the
organization are forthcoming when describing their processes. Personnel
should be trained in the internal audit process, and its value in continuous
improvement of the quality system. The worst cases arise when personnel hide
issues from their internal auditor because they do not want to get reprimanded.
This helps no one when the FDA identies these issues during an inspection.
Mock audits that mimic FDA inspections can help uncover fundamental
compliance issues.
Never be surprised — know where the skeletons are buried. All companies
have events/mistakes or documentation that they are not proud of, but
hopefully these have been addressed and not repeated. Auditors/inspectors
have a way of nding these, so be prepared to address them condently: “Yes,
we know, and here’s what we did to mitigate this. Here’s why there is no risk to
the product, and heres the corrective action.
Another good method is to have your quality system periodically
reviewed by an independent third party, as internal auditors may
get too close to their own quality system. As Benjamin Franklin
said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” The best
method for a successful inspection is to always be prepared.
Always be prepared
Before the inspection
Assuming your quality system is in good shape and your
internal audit procedure is followed closely, you may be
wondering what to do once you receive the rst call from
the FDA. You may not have much time to prepare for the
investigator’s arrival but don’t panic. Refer to the U.S. FDA
Audit Checklist at the end of this paper for a step-by-step
pre-audit checklist.
For MDSAP inspections, a good tool for preparation is to
use the MDSAP audit model that the FDA includes on its
webpage: MDSAP Medical Device Single Audit Program
Audit Approach, Document No. MDSAP AU P0002.
document provides insight into the tasks that auditors will
use when auditing to the MDSAP and includes country-
specic requirements, which allows companies to tailor
their internal audit program for the countries they include
in the MDSAP audits they will undergo.
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The company should have a procedure whereby an inspection coordinator or an individual to escort auditors is identied
to guide the inspection and answer the main questions when inspectors arrive at the facility. This individual should be
knowledgeable about the organization. A room should be designated for such opening meetings, which should be attended
by pertinent personnel and management. After the opening meeting, the organization should provide an overview of the
company and its operations. This helps inspectors orient to the business conducted at the site. Typically, a tour of the facility
will be included before the nuts and bolts of the inspection begin. It is best practice to have a tour route determined prior to
the audit, and any operations/personnel visible to the inspectors should be forewarned.
Once introductions have been made and background information on the organization has been described, the investigator
gets right to business by requesting documentation, commonly referred to as objective evidence. Quality records must
support the manufacturer’s ongoing activities, support how the procedures are written, and show that the processes have
been implemented. The bulk of the inspection activity involves the investigator asking for a procedure, interviewing personnel,
asking questions about the process, and reviewing records that are generated across all facets of the quality system.
If this is a full QSIT inspection, the inspector will generally cover each of the four major subsystems of the QSIT, at a rate of
approximately one per day. An example of inspection ow is shown in Figure 1. It is important to understand that for domestic
inspections (those performed in the United States), an FDA inspector can extend the time required for the inspection if they
observe quality issues that need further investigation. If the audit is not a full audit, generally, two of the subsystems will be
chosen by the FDA for audit.
MDSAP audits are based on a three-year audit cycle. The initial certication audit is a complete audit of the quality
management system. The initial audit is followed by a partial surveillance audit in each of the following two years, and a
complete re-audit/certication in the third year. The audit schedule is provided by the AO prior to the audit. In FDA or MDSAP
audits, the inspector must collect a sampling of documents and records, which must be readily available. For this reason,
setting up a back room to manage document requests and keep records of documents provided is highly recommended.
A notetaker should be appointed to maintain a record of proceedings.
Day 4
Basic ow of an FDA inspection over four days — note this is just an example as each investigator may shift the subsystems around or
take more time per subsystem.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Facility Entry
Opening Meeting
Management Controls
Corrective and
Preventive Action
Customer Complaints
MDR Report
Production and Process
Sterilization Processes
Design Controls
Closing Meeting
(Issuance of Form 483)
During the inspection
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The auditors’ purpose is to assess compliance with the QSR or MDSAP
requirements as applicable. The FDA publishes metrics identifying problem areas
of quality system compliance annually on its website. The list in the sidebar sums
up areas that continually receive the most observations during FDA inspections
as listed on FDA Form 483.
According to SAI Global, the three most common nonconformances found when
conducting MDSAP audits are
Document control and documentation errors
Risk management and risk-based thinking
Purchasing and supplier control
Medical device manufacturers can expect that these areas will be continually
reviewed with more scrutiny by inspectors. This should prepare an organization for
concentrating its efforts and resources on ensuring that these processes are fully
compliant within the organization.
Most frequent Form 483 observations
Corrective and preventive action, 21 CFR 820.100: Lack of/inadequate
Customer complaints, 21 CFR 820.198: Lack of/ inadequate procedures
Process validation, 21 CFR 820.75: Lack of/ inadequate validations
Purchasing controls, 21 CFR 820.50: Lack of/ inadequate procedures
Nonconforming product, 21 CFR 820.90: Lack of or inadequate procedures
Medical device reporting, 21 CFR 803: Lack of/ written MDR procedures
The FDA inspector should follow the process from the QSIT guide, but if they
discover quality issues during the inspection, then this may lead to a much more
detailed review of specic aspects of the product quality and/or the quality system.
To prepare for an inspection, your internal audit program
should challenge the documentation system, ensuring
documents can be provided in a timely manner.
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Inspectors conduct a closing meeting with the organization that summarizes the inspection ndings. The FDA will
issue an FDA Form 483 and AOs will issue a recap of ndings based on a grading sheet used for MDSAP ndings
These will list objectionable ndings made during the inspection. The list of observations will be reviewed in the closing
meeting by the auditors to determine that there is no clarication required and to give the company an opportunity to
discuss them as necessary.
Timelines for responses will be addressed in the closing meeting. The observation(s) can be annotated to state what the
company promises to correct as part of their response.
What to do afterward
If the organization has received an FDA Form 483 with objectionable items
listed, it is imperative that a response is sent to the FDA within 15 calendar
days. For MDSAP responses, the timelines may vary, depending on the gravity
of the ndings. The FDA has often commented in public forums that if a
response is not received within the required timeframe, then a Warning Letter
will be issued. Responses to the observations must be clearly addressed in
detail, describing the plan for correcting the items.
A basic structure of the response process is shown in the sidebar, including
the content currently expected by the FDA. Deciencies in the response,
including missing information, not providing supporting records, or lacking true
commitment to making the corrections, may result in a Warning Letter from
the FDA, or unfavorable follow-up action by the MDSAP auditing organization.
FDA Warning Letters are publicly posted on the FDA website
, allowing
customers and, more importantly, competitors, to see deciencies in your
quality system.
Note that MDSAP audit reports go to all the regulatory authorities, so the FDA could also act on a poor MDSAP audit report,
which could result in the FDA performing their own inspection.
After 60 days, the organization should put in a request through the Freedom of Information Act
to receive a copy of the
Establishment Inspection Report (EIR). This is a narrative created by the FDA investigator that details what was reviewed,
the persons interviewed and comments made during the inspection. This should always be obtained after an inspection is
performed to understand any implications or signicant comments made regarding an observation by the investigator.
Exit/closing meeting
There is usually no negotiating the content of a Form 483 or Warning
Letter after it has been issued, so it is important for an organization
to stay continually vigilant in the compliance of their quality system.
Steps to address FDA
Inspection observations
Correction: Actions taken
immediately to correct an observation
Root cause analysis: Identify the true
root cause; utilize root cause analysis
tools such as the Five Whys
Retrospective review: Review the
activities not just related to the
observation, but what is being done
to review information in the past
Corrective action plan: Actual
corrective action that is short or long
term to remove the nonconforming
Effectiveness check: Describe how
the organization will assure the
correction is sufcient
Timeline: When all the activities
are to be completed
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U.S. FDA and MDSAP Audit Checklist
Notify all staff and
Inform your entire staff that an audit is coming and the dates the inspector will
be on-site. Assure that the key individuals are available during the inspection
or identied as designated individuals.
Distribute external audit
procedures to key staff.
If you already have a procedure for handling inspections, your employees
should be familiar with the inspection process. However, provide them with a
review of the external audit procedure to avoid any surprises.
Reserve audit space and
Designate a space on-site for the investigator to conduct the inspection,
such as a large ofce or conference room. Consider a secondary room as a
backroom for preparing material for the investigator.
Designate an Inspection
Identify a member of your staff to be the inspectors point of contact while they
are on-site. This person should be a senior member of your quality team, so
they are familiar with your organization and able to answer main questions.
Block off time for senior
managers to be available,
if needed.
Executives and senior managers should arrange their schedules to be on-site
and available during the audit. Auditors do not like to be kept waiting and
it could be detrimental if a member of your senior staff is not available to
interview with the investigator.
Make all documentation
readily available.
Your documentation should already be prepared and organized, so this should
be easy. However, you should ensure les and documents related to the Quality
System are readily accessible to be provided to the investigator in a timely manner.
Identify interviewees and
subject matter experts
Alert department representatives and SMEs that they may be interviewed
during the audit. Provide any coaching or mentoring for how to interact with
the investigator.
Review interview
strategies and question
Mock interviews should be part of your internal audit procedure but take
the time to review interviewing techniques that will allow you to complete a
successful inspection.
U.S. FDA Audit Checklist
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This paper provides a brief discussion about what to expect before, during, and after an FDA QSR inspection or MDSAP QMS
audit. However, there are many things that can and do occur during an inspection that cannot be fully detailed in this paper.
The important thing to remember is that your organization must always be prepared for an inspection because the FDA can
visit your facility at any time.
Utilize the internal audit program and corrective action system to ensure that deciencies are identied internally, corrected
and support compliance with the requirements. A well-prepared organization can face the challenge of audits with the goal
of not receiving any FDA Form 483 observations or MDSAP ndings, as applicable, and knowing they are providing safer,
higher quality products to their customers.
Summary and
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1. https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/medical-device-single-audit-program-mdsap/mdsap-documents
2. https://www.fda.gov/media/166672/download?attachment
3. https://www.fda.gov/media/166672/download?attachment
4. https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/postmarket-requirements-devices/quality-system-qs-regulationmedical-
5. www.fda.gov/media/73166/download
6. www.fda.gov/media/166672/download?attachment
7. https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/inspection-references/
8. https://saiassurance.com/3-most-common-non-conformances-to-mdsap-audits
9. www.fda.gov/media/147462/download?attachment
10. https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/compliance-actions-and-
11. https://foia.state.gov/
Learn more
Need help with U.S. FDA compliance? Emergo by UL helps medical device companies with regulatory compliance and market
access in the United States and other markets worldwide. Here’s how we help:
U.S. FDA 510(k) preparation
FDA QSR 21 CFR 820 implementation and training
U.S. FDA Agent Representation
To learn more visit EmergobyUL.com/services/united-states.
About the author
Linda Chatwin - United States, Lead Quality and Regulatory Affairs, has obtained approvals for a wide range of
products, remains involved in changing requirements for medical devices worldwide. Linda has over 35 years of
experience with medical products. Through years of watching regulations evolve and change, she knows how to
navigate the global regulatory maze and bring products to market. Ms. Chatwin has obtained approvals for a wide
range of products, remains involved in changing requirements for medical devices worldwide. She has navigated many
FDA inspections, and other regulatory authority audits, and negotiated favorable outcomes with the FDA. Currently,
she assists clients with regulatory issues and challenges, including implementation of UDI processes, mock audits,
in-depth training on regulatory requirements, and consulting on quality system development and improvement and the
MDSAP audit model. She has also conducted numerous trainings and gap assessments for the new MDR as well as
SaMD requirements.
Emergo by UL and the Emergo by UL logo are trademarks of Emergo Global
Consulting LLC © 2023. All rights reserved. This document may not be
copied or distributed, in whole or in part, without express written permission
from Emergo by UL. It is provided for general information purposes only and
is not intended to convey legal or other professional advice.