Prey Princess vs. Successful Leader: Gender Roles in
Greeting Card Messages
Jiao Sun
University of Southern California
Tongshuang Wu
University of Washington
Yue Jiang
Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Ronil Awalegaonkar
Latin School of Chicago
Xi Victoria Lin
Meta AI
Diyi Yang
Georgia Institute of Technology
People write personalized greeting cards on various occasions.
While prior work has studied gender roles in greeting card mes-
sages, systematic analysis at scale and tools for raising the aware-
ness of gender stereotyping remain under-investigated. To this end,
we collect a large greeting card message corpus covering three
dierent occasions (birthday, Valentine’s Day and wedding) from
three sources (exemplars from greeting message websites, real-life
greetings from social media and language model generated ones).
We uncover a wide range of gender stereotypes in this corpus via
topic modeling, odds ratio and Word Embedding Association Test
(WEAT). We further conduct a survey to understand people’s per-
ception of gender roles in messages from this corpus and if gender
stereotyping is a concern. The results show that people want to be
aware of gender roles in the messages, but remain unconcerned
unless the perceived gender roles conict with the recipient’s true
personality. In response, we developed GreetA, an interactive visu-
alization and writing assistant tool to visualize ne-grained topics
in greeting card messages drafted by the users and the associated
gender perception scores, but without suggesting text changes as
an intervention.
Human-centered computing Visualization toolkits
laborative and social computing design and evaluation meth-
gender role awareness, greeting card messages, visualization system
ACM Reference Format:
Jiao Sun, Tongshuang Wu, Yue Jiang, Ronil Awalegaonkar, Xi Victoria Lin,
and Diyi Yang. 2022. Pretty Princess vs. Successful Leader: Gender Roles in
Greeting Card Messages. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International
4.0 License.
CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
© 2022 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9157-3/22/04.
Systems (CHI ’22), April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA. ACM, New
York, NY, USA, 15 pages.
Now, the rst guests will be arriving in a few minutes,
and they are going to nd you perfectly behaved, sweet,
charming, innocent, attentive, delightful in every way.
I particularly wish for that, Lyra, do you understand
—— Mrs. Coulter, “His Dark Materials”
Gender stereotyping creates widely accepted biases about certain
characteristics of a gender group and perpetuates the notion that
gender-associated behaviors are binary.
In many cultures, women are valued by physical attractiveness
while men are valued by professional success [
]. Personality-wise,
women are supposed to be nurturing and avoid dominance, while
men are supposed to be agentic and avoid weakness [
]. Such
diminishing, and sometimes negative conceptions of gender groups
are one of the greatest barriers for equality and need to be tackled
wherever they appear [31].
However, gender stereotypes are deeply rooted in society and
arise in all types of media and social interactions [
]. For
instance, advertisement, television and movies have all been shown
to be glutted with damaging portraits of gender [
before governments start to ban such content [
]. In this work,
we focus on greeting cards messages, a media type that is under-
investigated in this context and is exchanged among billions of
people during holidays and special occasions to express aection,
gratitude, sympathy, or other sentiments [34].
Greeting cards messages form a compelling source for studying
gender stereotypes as they contain both descriptive components
(sender’s perception of the receiver) and prescriptive components
(sender’s expectations of the receiver). It is easy to obtain gen-
der information from greeting card messages. People reveal the
receiver’s identity and gender, sometimes the sender, and the re-
ceiver’s relationship to the sender in the messages. Greeting card
messages signicantly impact our everyday life. Since people often
share greeting card messages out of the goodwill, gender stereo-
types may be enforced without being noticed. We show an example
where the greeting for a female recipient is about appearance while
for a male recipient is about leadership for their birthdays in Table 1.
Thus, it is important to help people prevent unconscious gender
CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Jiao Sun et al.
Recipient Greeting Card Message
Brother (M)
Having a brother who cares like a mother is
scarce; you have exhibited great leadership qual-
ities which makes you a successful father, hus-
band, and sibling. Happy Birthday to you.
Niece (F)
My beautiful niece is growing a year older that
makes me one of the happiest uncles in the world.
Have a grand birthday sweetheart; you will al-
ways be my princess.
Table 1: Examples of gender roles in greeting card messages
for birthday from OccasionMessage [36].
stereotypes. Besides, greeting card messages can be used on vari-
ous social occasions (e.g., birthdays, weddings, etc.), which oers
more opportunities to observe and analyze the gender stereotypes
in dierent settings. This research seeks to answer the following
research questions:
Would there be gender stereotypes in greeting card mes-
sages? To women lean towards their beauties and household,
and to men lean towards their work achievement?
If RQ1 stands, would the gender association of topics in
greeting card messages relate to recipients’ age?
Do people want to be informed of the gender role (mas-
culinity and femininity for our study) in their greeting card
If RQ3 stands, how can we help increase the gender role
awareness to people? What features do they expect?
To quantify these problems, we scraped over 18,000 greeting card
messages from eight popular websites (including HallMark [
] and
American Greetings [
]) to form our template dataset, which covers
three dierent scenarios: Birthday, Valentine’s Day and Wedding.
We extract topics from greeting card messages, further select the
ones that have gender associations, and do ne-grained analysis
for dierent age groups. Besides templates, we are also interested
in studying greeting messages written by people. We approximate
greetings written by people using those generated by the state-
of-the-art language model GPT-2 [
], which are trained over an
ocean of text on the web. Our analysis shows that greeting card
messages to women lean towards their appearance and household
and to men lean towards work achievement, and greetings to the
elderly have less association with gender compared to other age
groups. We obtained similar results on greeting messages generated
by language models.
To understand how people perceive the potential gender associ-
ation of topics in their own messages, we designed a pilot survey
and collected feedback from twenty users with a diverse ethnical
background spanning from their 20s to 50s. According to the sur-
vey, most people would like to be informed of the gender role and
avoid potential gender stereotypes in their greeting card messages,
but do not want the machine to intervene much or modify their
messages. Therefore, we develop GreetA (
ing with Gender
wareness), a visualization tool that helps users write greeting
card messages with the gender role awareness.
We further verify the eectiveness of GreetA by conducting com-
prehensive qualitative and quantitative user studies. Our qualitative
study indicates that most of participants agree that GreetA is useful
for writing greetings, is easy to learn and use, and they would like
to use it in the future. In addition, three contrast surveys in the
quantitative study show that GreetA helps people increase the gen-
der role awareness when they write greeting card messages. These
user studies explore people’s perceptions of gender association in
greeting card messages and show that GreetA eectively assists
people in being more aware of gender association at scale.
In summary, our work demonstrates the following contributions:
We collect a large-scale greeting template dataset
with gender information, with over eighteen thousand mes-
sages and six greeting scenarios.
We also contribute an
AI-generated (i.e., GPT-2) greeting message corpus together
with a birthday greeting Tweets dataset to facilitate future
research on greeting card messages.
To the best of our knowledge, we are the rst to
analyze gender roles in large-scale greeting card messages
quantitatively using statistical NLP tools. We further analyze
greeting messages among dierent age groups and scenarios.
Based on the analysis of users’ feedback and require-
ments, we design and build a supportive visualization tool,
named GreetA, to help users write greeting card messages
with gender role awareness.
To evaluate GreetA, we conduct both a qual-
itative user study and a quantitative user study. We found
that GreetA is easy to use and helps users increase gender
awareness when writing greeting card messages.
Gender Related Research. In the HCI community, Burtscher and
provide a staring point for HCI researchers to explore
questions and issues around gender. Stumpf et al
. [52]
give a con-
ceptual review and provide some evidence for the impact of gender
in thinking and behavior which underlines HCI research and design,
and Schlesinger et al
. [47]
introduce a framework for engaging with
complexity of users’ multi-faceted identities including demographic
information. Meanwhile, researchers in the social computing com-
munity have been studying the gender role in various social settings.
For instance, prior work found that women contribute far less fre-
quently than men in the Question and Answer sites and analyzed
how the community cultures might be impacting men and women
dierently [
]. Hannák et al
. [14]
showed that the perceived
gender is signicantly correlated with worker evaluations. In addi-
tion to the inequalities caused by the external factors, Foong et al
nd that the female workers set a self-determined hourly wage
lower than males’ in an online labor marketplace. Males also ex-
press higher negativity and lower desire for social support when
they face mental illness [
]. Similarly, McGregor et al
. [21]
that male candidates may see more and female candidates see less
strategic benets in personalizing campaign politics on social me-
dia. More relatable to our research, Reifman et al
. [42]
nd gender
and age dierences when expressing vulnerable emotions such as
love in anniversary greetings delivered on Twitter.
We discarded the “congratulations”, “baby shower” and “sympathy” scenarios for
analysis because of their small size. In result, we kept and used “Birthday”, “Valentine’s
Day” and “Wedding” scenarios for analysis throughout the paper.
Prey Princess vs. Successful Leader CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
Gender-related research has also been an emerging topic for
Articial Intelligence (AI). In the computer vision eld, Scheuer-
man et al
. [46]
found that facial analysis technologies performed
consistently worse on transgender individuals and were unable to
classify non-binary genders. In the natural language processing
eld, researchers measured the gender gap in various downstream
tasks (e.g., authorship and citations [
]), raising ethical considera-
tions to use gender as a variable in NLP. In response, researchers
have been addressing the gender awareness and making eorts
to alleviate the gender bias in models (e.g.,machine translation
eld [
]. Besides, researchers have discovered gender bias in
pretrained models (word embeddings) [
], data [
], and algo-
rithms themselves [
]. Cryan et al
. [7]
compared the lexicon and
supervised methods for detecting gender stereotypes. Compared to
prior work that tries to mitigate gender bias [
], our work provides
gender role awareness and prevent potential gender stereotypes.
Gender Role in Greetings Card Messages. Psychology studies
showed that greeting card messages are an important source of the
self-concept establishment [
], which has a long-term impact on
individuals [
]. West
illustrated that greeting card commu-
nication reects the highly gendered division in the U.S. culture.
Few prior research has been focused on analyzing greeting card
messages due to limited data. Murphy
analyzed 180 Hallmark
children’s cards in a real store and found out that girls and boys are
perceived as being dierent in terms of interests, activity levels, and
characteristics. They further identied children’s greeting cards
as an arena of clear gender-associated messages. To facilitate fur-
ther exploration, we collect a large dataset from popular websites
of greeting message suggestion websites along with AI-generated
greeting messages. We analyze the dataset quantitatively to dis-
cover and understand the gender association of topics in greeting
card messages. Although the topic of greeting cards and gender has
been visited in a series of gender research literature [
], to our
best knowledge, we are the rst to analyze this issue quantitatively
using statistical NLP tools.
Quantify Gender Bias. Previous research has explored how to
measure gender bias. Researchers [
] have been widely using
Word Embedding Association Test (WEAT) scores [
] to quantify
gender bias. The WEAT score links bias in word embeddings to
human bias. It compares two sets of target words (e.g., art and
science words) and a pair of opposing attribute words (e.g., female
and male names). Besides, the WEAT score measures the association
strength between the target words group and the attribute word
group using vector similarities in the word embedding. In this paper,
we use the WEAT score to qualify gender bias in greeting messages.
Text Generation with Articial Intelligence (AI). With the as-
tounding growth of AI, people have been using it for dialogue
systems [
], summarization [
], story generation [
], etc. GPT-2,
openAI’s publicly available language model, and BERT [
] are the
state-of-the-art AI models for text generation. Basta et al
. [1]
that GPT-2 performs better than BERT. In our work, we use GPT-2
to generate greeting card messages given some prompts as input,
reecting real greetings it has trained on. We found that GPT-2 gen-
erated greeting card messages also have similar gender associations
to the template dataset.
We aim to explore the following two research questions:
Would greeting card messages to females lean towards their
beauties and household, and to males lean towards their work
achievement? Prior work [
] has shown that gender signals
exist in greeting card messages and make the rejection of
gender stereotypes dicult. We are interested in understand-
ing whether such distinctions hold across various messages
from multiple scenarios.
If RQ1 stands, would the gender association of topics in greeting
card messages relate to recipients’ age? Murphy
on messages whose recipients are children; However, mes-
sages sent to adults are equally important, as the accumula-
tion of gender signals makes the stereotype dicult to over-
come and has long-lasting eects in various aspects includ-
ing career, mental health, etc [
]. We are interested in un-
derstanding whether the distinctions are stably maintained
across age groups, or whether it diminishes or strengthens.
To answer the two questions, we collect and analyze messages
from three data sources. First, we collect a large-scale greeting card
message corpus under six scenarios using templates from greeting
message suggestion webpages (we refer to it as Template Dataset).
As these examples demonstrating “ideal” sample messages, we be-
lieve they reect people’s expectations on greeting message writing.
Second, we also generate articial greeting messages from large nat-
ural language models (referred to as GPT-2 Dataset). These models
are usually trained on large text corpus crawled from the Internet.
Therefore, their generation– if high quality– can reect real mes-
sages users write and post. Third, we manually collect 500 tweets
from real users on Twitter to analyze how users write greeting card
messages naturally in the real world. Below, we rst introduce our
data collection strategy and then illustrate the analysis process.
3.1 Data
Template Dataset. We crawled eight websites [
]. Our collected greeting card messages are all publicly
available. We only use collected data for personal research purposes,
which is compliant with all platforms’ terms of service. Among
them, Hallmark and AmericanGreetings are the two largest greet-
ing card producers globally, and the greeting messages released
on their web pages cover the widely-held social values regarding
various topics [
]. We use other websites as supplements that
enlarge the variety of our datasets. In total, we collected 18,559
messages of 6 common scenarios across all websites, indicating the
popularity of these scenarios, among which we choose 3 for our
analysis. We further split these messages based on their gender
association. We assume that the association is implied by the recip-
ient’s gender mentioned in the message: If a message mentions an
indicator in the general female group in Table 2 (or variations of
), we categorize it as a female-associated
message. We mark the messages with unknown recipients as neu-
tral and will be using them to study how people write greeting
card messages to recipients without gender-specic indicators (e.g.,
“sincere birthday messages” in HallMark and “for Coworkers” in
Americangreetings). The resulting distribution is in Table 3. Note
that we do not consider or dierentiate greeting card messages
CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Jiao Sun et al.
Group Gender Indicators
General female
daughter, hers, lady, grandma, grandmother, female,
aunt, wife, sis, niece, mother, she, girl, her, granny,
granddaughter, girlfriend, woman, mom, sister
General male
dude, godfather, grandson, stepbrother, boy, sir,
he, uncle, man, male, soninlaw, boyfriend, brother,
grandpa, him, nephew, son, papa, exboyfriend,
granddad, husband, stepson, dad, fatherinlaw,
daddy, stepdad, father, grandfather, bro, his
Mother variations
mother, mom, mama, mommy, mum, mumsy, ma-
macita, ma, mam, mammy
Father variations
father, dad, dada, daddy, baba, papa, pappa, papasita,
pa, pap, pop
grandmother, grandma, grandmom, grandmama,
grama, granny, gran, nanny, nan, mammaw,
meemaw, grammy
grandfather, grandpa, gramp, gramps, grampa,
grandpap, granda, grampy, granddad, grandad,
granddaddy, grandpappy, pop, pap, pappy, pawpaw
Table 2: We use d a list of recipient indicators (i.e., “at-
tributes” [5]) to 1) prompt the message generation in GPT-
2 dataset collection (Section 3.1), and 2) distinguish female-
and male- associated messages in the template dataset. The
General female and male indicators are from Caliskan et al.
[5] and addresses from the template dataset, used to gen-
erate general wishes. Other variations are terms of endear-
ment from their corresponding Wikipedia pages and used
to generate wishes for dierent age groups.
Scenario Template Dataset GPT-2 Dataset
Birthday 13,338 (4138/4208/4992) 40,200 (19,600/20,600/0)
Valentine’s Day 2,496 (610/654/1232) 28,200 (13,600/14,600/0)
Wedding 1,360 (121/122/1117) 28,200 (13,600/14,600/0)
Table 3: Statistics showing the number of greeting card mes-
sages we collected in the Template and the GPT-2 datasets.
The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of mes-
sages for female, male, and neutral messages respectively.
In the GPT-2 dataset, for each scenario, we generated 200
messages for each recipient described in Table 2.
based on senders’ gender, meaning that our collected dataset may
include greeting card messages among the same gender.
GPT-2. The rapid development of AI has enabled text generation
models to generate uent content like humans. Therefore, we are
also interested in studying whether greeting card messages written
by AI will have similar patterns to human-written greeting card mes-
sages. In this work, we use a state-of-the-art language model GPT-2
as a black box tool to generate greeting card messages. Following
similar approaches from prior work (e.g., Vig et al
. [55]
gender bias), we feed the GPT-2 model with dierent prompts (i.e.,
partial keywords or phrases like “Happy birthday mom!”), and col-
lect the continuation generated by the model. The intuition is that,
if the model is trained on gender-distinctive messages, prompts
with clear gender indications will trigger it to generate messages
that have reect such distinctions. We congured the model to use
top-p [
] (
p =
1) sampling, and constrained the length of the
generated sentence to be 200 characters. Such setting maximizes
the chance of getting non-repetitive and natural greeting messages
based on our experiment. We designed the prompts in the following
ways. For general wishes, we use two kinds of prompts:
“[scenario prefix] [female/male indicator]!”
, with
scenario prefix
being appropriate wish sentence for
one of the six scenarios from Table 3 (e.g., “Happy birth-
day” for
, “Congratulations on getting married”
), and the female/male attributes and variations
from Table 2;
“[scenario prefix] [female/male name]!”
, to cope
with the fact that people often refer to their loved ones by
name. We adopted common female/male names from Ribeiro
et al. [43].
We further generate messages for babies, parents and grandpar-
ents to check if the gender association of topics varies for dierent
age groups.
For babies, we use
“[scenario prefix] my little baby
[girl/boy] [female/male name]!”
as prompts to gen-
erate birthday messages.
For parents and grandparents, we use
“[scenario prefix]
[corresponding terms of endearment]!”
as prompts.
We show terms of endearments for parents and grandparents
age groups in Table 2.
For each scenario and gender indicator, we generated two hun-
dred messages. As shown in Table 3, GPT-2 generates sucient
messages so that we can generate enough data for all age groups.
Note that we do not generate greeting messages under Valentine’s
Day and wedding scenarios for baby age group, which leads to the
statistical dierence in Table 3.
Twitter Data. Template dataset represents what people regard
as ideal messages, and GPT-2 generated greeting card messages
represent how model would write after seeing abundant online
text. But either case might not represent well how people actu-
ally write greeting card messages in the real life, which is usually
private and not accessible. Although people have been using so-
cial media to greet others, it is hard to acquire recipients’ gender
automatically because of the diculty of extracting the recipient
from the Tweet content and getting gender identity information
from another linked account (i.e., recipient account). To address
this issue, we design three criteria to collect Tweets of birthday
greetings where we can identify recipients’ gender: 1) the content
of Tweets have to be birthday greetings to another recipient; 2)
senders need to explicitly mention the recipient (by using
) in their
posts, and 3) recipients need to self-identify their gender by explicit
means (e.g., mention gender pronouns) in their public proles. In
our collection process, we search for keyword “birthday” and put
time range from 2019/01/01 to 2021/03/01. To ensure the high data
quality, three of coauthors go to Twitter and manually collected
500 tweets about birthday greetings that satisfy both our criteria,
Prey Princess vs. Successful Leader CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
so that we can acquire recipients’ gender identities. Among 500
tweets we collected, 263 are for women and 236 are men.
3.2 Analysis Methodology
In this section, we illustrate our analysis pipeline in Figure 1 under
the binary gender setting. It is worth mentioning that our pipeline
is generic, and can be easily adapted to analyze any other gender
groups by replacing female recipients and male recipients, e.g.,
recipients with gender indicators and recipients without specic
gender indicators. Our analysis pipeline is as follows:
First, we modify and apply Empath [
] to extract topics from
greeting card messages. Then, we apply the odds ratio [
] to ex-
tract gender distinct topics. Finally, we quantify and verify the
association of topics and gender with the WEAT score [
]. We
describe the detailed analysis steps as below.
3.2.1 Step 1: Topic modeling.
While counting word frequencies might be most intuitive for distin-
guishing female- and male- associated messages, word-level analy-
sis can be too diverging and coarse to reveal higher-level themes of
the messages. Instead, we choose to associate topics with messages
and analyze greeting card messages from the topic level.
To model the topics, we rst tried Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(LDA) [
], a classical generative statistical model that extracts topics
in an unsupervised manner. However, Figure 2 clearly shows that
LDA tends to deliver repetitive topics. Moreover, with the topics be-
ing exact keywords extracted from the documents, they tend to be
ambiguous and incomprehensible. We instead applied Empath [
to mitigate these problems. Built on top of neural embeddings and
crowdsourcing, Empath provides mappings between 60k common
tokens and 200 high-level topics; Accordingly, we can extract its
topic by counting the keyword occurrence in a message. For exam-
ple, keywords house, clean, tidy, family point to the topic
in Figure 2). We conduct a small-scale qualitative evaluation
of Empath versus LDA on 30 greeting card messages randomly
sampled from the template dataset. First, we run Empath and LDA
separately for every greeting card message, and get the rst 5 topics
together with all words in each topic from the model output. Then,
we hide the model name and ask two coauthors to qualitatively
choose which topic model outputs better topics with corresponding
words under each topic. Two coauthors unanimously choose Em-
path for all 30 messages, which qualitatively shows the superiority
of Empath over LDA.
Since the associated keywords in Empath are taken out-of-context.
directly counting the occurrence of these words does not always
yield reasonable topics. For example, in Table 4, while keywords
“Enlighten”, “wisdom”, “intellectual”, “religious” correctly reect the
“competing” topic, it seems unreasonable to highlight the topic
“crime, just because a single keyword, “witness” or “killing”, is
used as metaphors. To discourage outliers, we lter the topics for
each message based on the diversity and frequency of their corre-
sponding keywords: We only keep a topic for a message, if 1) more
than 5 of its unique keywords under the specic topic occurring
The list of topic-keywords mapping from existing work Fast et al
. [11]
can be found
tsv. Although Empath demonstrates its eciency in extracting topics, the out-of-
context mapping will sometimes lead to unsatisfying topics. We will introduce a
critical evaluation of Empath as a limitation in Section 7.2.
Topic Message
You have enlightened our world with your love and smile...
You will continue to rise in wisdom and all the good things
of life will come to you...
You’re lled with wisdom and special activities of yours
always revealed this...
You process both physical and intellectual qualities...
... We are highly delighted to witness today...
... You’re renewed by the privilege given to witness another
I already rescheduled all my appointment for today to enable
me to witness your birthday party...
Your cuteness is the most killing weapon...
... Your smile is my killing weapon...
Table 4: Examples of suggested top topics generated from
Empath [11] and original messages, where we highlight
words that Empath catches as related to the suggested topic.
Most topics extracted and suggested by Empath correctly re-
ect gist from greeting card messages (e.g., competing” ), but
can also be misled by the frequent occurrence of some key-
words and extracts unwanted topics (e.g., “crime). We pro-
pose Empath
to alleviate the impact of having frequent out-
lier keywords on extracting topics.
in the message, and 2) the average occurrence frequency of each
keyword is more than 3. We refer to the Empath with ltering as
Empath*. Note that we choose the thresholds based on running
multiple experiments and manually check if there are strange topics
as outliers from the output, as there is no ground truth in such an
unsupervised setting. Although the empirical numbers may not
apply to other scenarios, we advocate researchers to consider using
number of unique keywords under one topic and average occurrence
frequency of each keyword as lters adapting to the new setting.
By applying Empath* to female and male greeting card messages
separately, we get two topic dictionaries, with both topic names as
keys and their corresponding keyword occurrence frequencies. As
in Figure 1, “celebration” is the most frequent topic in messages for
both men and women.
3.2.2 Step 2: Use the odds ratio to extract gender distinct topics.
With the topic list, we apply odds ratio (OR) [
] to understand
if the topics indeed associate with recipients’ genders. Bornmann
et al
. [3]
use OR to analyze the gender dierences in grant award
procedures. In our case, OR quanties the strength of gender as-
sociation between the two topic lists. Intuitively, OR equal to one
means that the odds of having one topic in messages to women is
the same as in those to men. If OR is greater than one, the topic is
more likely to occur in messages to males, and vice versa. Sorting
the topics by its computed OR gives us top topics associated with
messages to male or female recipients. To focus our analysis on the
most distinctive topics, we lter topics that are under 30% quantile
and keep the same number of topics associated with female/male
recipients. Note that we decide the threshold by running multiple
sets of experiments after checking the output topics manually.
We also calculate the odds ratio gap between the most masculine
CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Jiao Sun et al.
celebration, children, affection,
love, family, beauty, home ...
celebration, optimism, friends,
children, family, achievement
beauty, home ...
friends, achievement…
Top K
Odds ratio
Filter gendered
neutral topics
Top K
Greeting Card
Empath* to extract topics in greeting card messages
Odds ratio to extract gender distinct topics
Feminine topic list
Masculine topic list
Figure 1: Analysis pipeline. We rst apply a modied version of Empath [11] (Empath*) to extract topics from greeting card
messages. We then apply the odds ratio [53] to extract gender distinct topics. Finally, we quantify and verify the association
of topics and gender with WEAT scores [5].
Dear Mom, thank you for keeping the house so clean
and tidy all the time! You are the reason why our family
could hold together! Thank you so much, and I wish
you a wonderful birthday!
Hey Daniel, your leadership qualities amaze me,
how it flows, and ooze out of you with ease, you are
a born leader and you are born to rule. I wish you a
successful career ahead! Happy birthday!
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
wonderful wish ...
wonderful wish ...
wonderful wish ...
wonderful wish ...
thank wonderful ...
domestic work: house clean tidy family
positive emotion: reason family wish
home: house family
party: house family birthday
cleaning: clean tidy
wish successful ...
wish successful ...
born wish ...
wish successful ...
wish successful ...
leader: leadership leader rule
dominant hierarchical: leadership leader
power: leadership leader rule
competing: successful career
pride: leadership
Figure 2: Topics generated by LDA [2] (in blue) severely suer from repetition and ambiguity issues. While Empath [11] (in
yellow), used in our pipeline, could accurately generate suggested topics and corresponding words falling into each topic.
and most feminine words to quantify the polarity of gender role in
greeting card messages.
3.2.3 Step 3: Calculate WEAT scores to confirm the distinction.
Are the topics we pick indeed associated recipients’ genders? We fur-
ther validate whether the topics we select are associated with gender
attributes in popular neural word embeddings like GloVe [
]. We
quantify this with the Word Embedding Association Test (WEAT) [
a popular method for measuring biases in word embeddings. In-
tuitively, WEAT takes a list of tokens that represent a concept (in
our case, keywords for each topic) and veries whether these to-
kens have a shorter distance towards female attributes or male
attributes (in our case, the indicators from Table 2). We calculate the
score on three versions of pretrained GloVe embeddings, including
Google News, and Wikipedia, and Gigaword [
]. To better repre-
sent words in our corpus, we also ne-tune GloVe on our corpus
with Mitten [
]. We refer to the ne-tuned GloVe embedding on
our corpus as GloVe*.
3.3 Analysis Result
Table 5-7 show the top ve masculine and feminine topic lists for
the birthday, Valentines’ day, and wedding scenario. In the tables,
we use the dark-yellow dots
to denote that the most frequent
topics (frequency among top 33%) in female messages. We use light-
yellow dots
to denote less frequent topics (from top 33% to top
66%) and grey dots
for the least frequent topics (after top 66%)
in the female messages. Similarly, we use the blue color coding for
male messages (
: among top 33%,
: from top 33% to top 66%
: after top 66% ). The Gap column represents the polarity
of odds ratios between the most masculine and the most feminine
topics discussed in Section 3.2. Besides the entire dataset (denoted as
“all”), we also split the analysis for dierent age groups (denoted as
“babies”, “parents”, and “grand”.) We also use
to mark the
topics in age groups (e.g., feminine in T-babies) if they are repeating
the extracted topics in the full corpus (e.g., feminine in T-all).
People write more about app earances for women while
more ab out careers for men
, as shown in the rst row of Table 5).
We clearly see “feminine”, “attractive”, and “beauty” appearing in
all the feminine topic list. This suggests that people tend to send
wishes about appearance regardless of the scenario. Interestingly,
GPT-2 dataset also displays a tendency of generating “domestic
work” related messages for women. In contrast, the topics for men
are relatively more diverse. Still, we observe “leader” tend to occur
frequently across scenarios (
in Table 5,
in Table 6 and 7). The color of the dots also suggests that these
topics frequently occur in the messages. For example, there are 246
Prey Princess vs. Successful Leader CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
Group Feminine topics Masculine topics Gap
social media
greydot ancient,
domestic work,
white collar job
domestic work,
domestic work
white collar job
Table 5: Feminine and Masculine Topics for the Birthday Scenario. “T” refers to the template dataset and “G” refers to the
GPT-2 generated dataset. We use yellow dots
to denote the most frequent topics (among top 33%), light-yellow dots
denote less frequent topics (from top 33% to top 66%) and grey dots
for the least frequent topics (after top 66%) in the female
messages. Similarly, we use the blue color coding for male messages (
: among top 33%,
: from top 33% to top 66% and
: after top 66% ). We also calculate the odds ratio gap between the most masculine and most feminine words shown in Gap
column. The higher Gap scores are, the more polarized greeting card messages are for women and men on discussed topics.
Group Feminine topics Masculine topics Gap
domestic work,
real estate
domestic work,
Table 6: Feminine and Masculine Topics for the Valentine’s Day Scenario.
Group Feminine topics Masculine topics Gap
positive emotion, cheerfulness
domestic work,
swearing terms
domestic work,
medical emergence
Table 7: Feminine and Masculine Topics for the wedding scenario.
CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Jiao Sun et al.
messages for women while only 112 for men about the “appearance”,
and there are 47 messages about the leadership for women while
134 for men. Similarly, we can also see that people talk more about
appearance (e.g., beauty and body) to women in tweets.
In addition, we analyze topics in greeting card messages to re-
cipients without specic gender indicators in the birthday scenario
with our analysis pipeline, by replacing greeting card messages
to female recipients and male recipients in the pipeline with the
ones to recipients with and without specic gender indicators. We
utilize messages in the template dataset with no gender indicators
to conduct the study, denoted as “neutral” in Table 3. On the other
hand, we sample the same number of messages for recipients with
specic gender indicators (i.e., messages to female and male re-
cipients combined). The top 5 distinct topics for recipients with
specic gender indicators (i.e., binary people) over ones without
specic gender indicators are “home”, “royalty”, “family", “domestic
work”, “masculine”, and the top 5 topics for recipients without spe-
cic gender indicators compared to binary people are “work” (e.g.,
we pray for numerous years of meaning and accomplishments for
you.), “business” (e.g., If you are half as productive as you are in
the oce, your life is going to be awesome.), “meeting" (e.g., happy
birthday to one of the greatest people I have ever had the pleasure
of meeting.), “law” (e.g., your discipline stands amongst the most
needed professionals across all niche), “health” (e.g., we wish you
good health.), with the Gap between most distinctive topics for two
groups is 2.95. The topics dierence indicates that when people
write greeting card messages to binary people, they tend to write
more stereotypical topics compared to when they write to recip-
ients without specic gender indicators. From the top 5 distinct
topics we extract for recipients without specic gender indicators,
we can see that most topics are work-orientated and more similar to
what we extracted for men, compared to appearance and domestic
work-related topics for women.
Greetings generated by GPT-2 amplies gender stereotypes.
The gap for
is either higher than or comparable to that for
. More specically, while the dierences between the two
scores in Birthday is trivial, those in Valentine’s day and Wedding
double or even becomes six times larger.
The gender association diers across dierent age groups.
The gender distinction is the smallest when people write to the
elderly. While all the non-grandparents age groups have repeating
topics from the complete corpus (i.e., “-all” rows), the topic over-
laps greatly diminishes in the grandparent age group. For example,
“healing”, as the most masculine topic, appears only 3 times for
male recipients more than it is for female recipients in the elderly
group. It means that the gender-associated topics for grandpar-
ents are not as strong as for other age groups. We further checked
if there are potential semantic noises in our text prompt. For in-
stance, our text prompt
“[scenario prefix] my little baby
[girl/boy] [female/male name]!”
might not refer to literal
babies and can be used for one’s adult children or one’s boyfriend
or girlfriend. We random sampled 50 GPT-2 generated greeting
card messages for baby boy and baby girl separately. Then, we
manually evaluate 1) if the generated messages are referring to
literal babies or not and 2) if the generated messages are uent and
natural. Among 100 generated messages, there are 13 invalid ones
(6 for baby girls and 7 for baby boys). The high validity rate (i.e.,
GloVe GloVe Google News GloVe*
Birthday 0.932 0.958 0.624
Valentine’s Day 1.104 0.903 0.598
Wedding 1.105 0.969 0.768
Table 8: The WEAT scores of feminine/masculine topic lists
for dierent events in the template dataset based on pre-
trained GloVe [40] embedding on dierent data sources
(“GloVe”: original Glove word embedding; “GloVe Google
News”: pretrained GloVe embedding trained on Google
News dataset; “GloVe*”: GloVe embedding ne-tuned on tem-
plate dataset).
87%) shows few semantic noises in our text prompt and generated
greeting card messages are of high quality.
While we were not able to split out or generalize baby-related
messages in the other two scenarios, the
group has the
lowest gap score among all age groups, which also holds for the
Valentine’s Day
scenario (Table 6) and the
(Table 7). It again shows that the gender distinction is smallest
when people write to the elderly compared to the other groups.
The WEAT score veries that the topics we found have
a clear gender association in word embeddings.
score is in the range of
2 to 2. A high positive score indicates that
detected feminine topics are more associated with female attributes
in the current embedding space. A high negative score means that
detected feminine topics are more associated with male attributes.
As shown in Table 8, we nd that WEAT scores across all scenarios
and embeddings are all positive, which indicates and veries the
positive association between gender attributes and selected topics.
4.1 Pilot Survey
Our analysis shows that greeting card messages to women lean
towards appearance and household while towards career and lead-
ership to men. AI also exhibits the same characteristics when gen-
erating greeting messages. However, whether people are aware of
the gender role when greeting and care about having the gender
role in their greeting card messages is under-investigated. Here,
we want to answer the research questions RQ3 raised in Section 1:
(Do people want to be informed of the gender role in their greeting
card messages?) and RQ4 (If RQ3 stands, how can we help users write
greeting card messages? What features do they expect in such a tool?).
To investigate people’s attitudes towards gender roles in greet-
ing card messages, we designed and distributed a pilot survey. We
recruited twenty participants (gender: 6 female, 12 male and two
prefer not to self-identify; age: span from 10-20 to 40-50. ethical
background: 11 are Asian, 2 are Latino or Hispanic and 6 are White
or Caucasian) by posting volunteer recruitment information on co-
authors’ social platforms. All recruited participants did not know
any content of the project, including any prior ndings in our
project or our research questions. To set up the context and get
a chance to digest the actual messages written by participants
we rst asked them to choose a loved one (or to others) and write
a short birthday greeting message. Afterward, we collected their
Prey Princess vs. Successful Leader CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
opinions on showing the gender role in greeting card messages. In
specic, we asked two questions: (1) whether they would be con-
cerned if their message(s) show a strong gender role, and (2) what
features they would expect if they were using a greeting writing
tool that informs them about masculine or feminine languages in
their written message. We come to some
onclusions derived from
our pilot survey:
C1: Users would like to be informed about the gender role.
Some users (14 out of 20) are curious about the gender role in their
messages, , e.g. ., “I would be curious to know if what I am saying
in a greeting does have a strong gender role. I am not sure how the
tool would work beyond traditional binary stereotypes, though. I
would be concerned about how objective you can make a tool that
measures gender orientation in language” (
16). In addition, users
prefer to know the gender role to avoid oending the receivers of
their messages, e.g., “I would like to be informed to ensure I’m not
oending anyone in any sense. Moreover, it will help me understand
when I can avoid these remarks” (P3).
C2: However, most users will not be concerned about the
gender role.
Some users think greetings are personal and they
know their addresses’ pronouns, e.g., I would say my style of address
to someone depends on my individual experiences with that person,
rather than any potential stereotypes. (
1). They also stated that
the inclusion of the gender role is usually intended, e.g., “I would
be concerned. My sister does not necessarily t stereotypes, and my
birthday messages are pretty similar across gender. Adding gender-
specic language would likely be dierent from my usual style” (
Statistically, 90% users (18 out of 20) expressed that they would not
be concerned about gender roles in their greeting card messages.
C3: Users would like to get some suggestions, but are against
the system changing things for them.
Users do not want to be
intervened with modifying their greeting messages. For example,
4 responded to the second question, saying that I’d be careful
about adding a feature that suggests an alternative message because
sometimes the person for whom the greeting is meant does not follow
traditional gender roles.
3 and
16 further emphasized that they
do not want to be criticized by the machine. However, they are
not against the idea of getting suggestions in two aspects: (1) To
diversify their message.
8 mentioned I’d love to get some new ideas
on what I can include in a greeting message.”; and (2) to know what
contributes to their manifested gender role, o that they can make
informed decisions on what to keep or change their messages.
4.2 Design Requirements
Based on Section 4.1, we nd that users would like to have an assis-
tant tool to help users write greeting card messages with gender role
awareness. Such a tool should satisfy the following requirements:
R1: Bring the gender role awareness to greeting card mes-
More specically, we need to provide an overall gen-
der perception of a continuous scale (based on users’ require-
ments of going beyond binary gender type) and highlight
writings that contribute to the point.
R2: Avoid explicit word attribution and neutralization.
ple do not want to be judged, and the appearance of gender
roles in greeting card messages is expected.
R3: Associate gender orientation with topics in messages
for both analysis and suggestions.
Users want to under-
stand the connection between gender perception and con-
tent. They prefer the system to suggest changes but make
the modications themselves.
After digesting users’ requirements, we design an interactive
analysis tool, GreetA, to increase users’ awareness without inter-
vening in their writings. The target of GreetA is to bring gender
role awareness to users when writing greeting card messages. As
mentioned during the pilot survey, “You can always just ignore
the tool if you want. It is just a warning anyways”. We want to
emphasize that there is nothing wrong with having gender roles
in greeting card messages. Our design is to increase gender role
awareness and help users better understand gender roles in their
messages to prevent unconscious gender stereotypes. Users always
have full control over their messages and can decide whether to
modify greeting card messages on their wishes.
4.3 GreetA
Figure 3 shows an overview of GreetA. Users can choose whom
they are writing to and write greeting messages in panel
. We
use the blue and yellow coding in GreetA to be colorblind-friendly.
The color-coding is consistent in the system. Blue, yellow and grey
represent more masculine, more feminine and neutral respectively.
Message input panel
and overall gender perception score panel
Users can write greeting messages in panel
. After a user clicks on
the analyze text button, GreetA would automatically analyze the
user’s message and show the analysis result. We provide an overall
gender perception score (
1), and the lengths of blue and yellow
circle fragments represent how much the message leans towards
being masculine or feminine. The score inside fragments indicates
how much the message leans towards being feminine.
Topic analysis panel
. We provide top topics that the input mes-
sage is associated with from the Empath output and sort them based
on their occurrence frequencies (
3) in panel
. Furthermore, we
also list all words falling into each topic to the right of the topic
name. In the weight column, the weight bar’s length indicates the
occurrence frequency of the corresponding topics. When the user
clicks on the checkbox in front of each topic, we will highlight the
corresponding words related to that topic in the original message
with the same color-coding.
Topic exploration panel
. In panel
, We randomly sampled some
topics from the collected template datasets. Users potentially be
interested in adding the topics to the input message. Each displayed
topic contains words that fall under the topic based on Empath
(e.g., for examples under competing topic in Figure 3, there are
keywords achieved, outstanding, winning in 3 sentences that all fall
under competing topic based on Empath). All examples we show
are retrieved from the collected template datset. If there are more
than 3 examples falling under the same topic, we randomly select
3 of them to display in panel
. Users can refresh to get another
set of topics and corresponding examples if they nd the current
examples unsatisfactory and want to explore more, and expand
the previews to see the complete example content. We highlight
CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Jiao Sun et al.
Figure 3: GreetA overview. GreetA contains four panels: message input panel a, overall gender perception score panel b, topic
analysis panel c, and topic exploration panel d.
suggested topics with the same color-coding to show the gender
role it relates to based on our analysis result.
To understand whether GreetA helps people write greeting mes-
sages with the gender role awareness, we explore two aspects via a
qualitative user study: how much GreetA can help people become
more aware of their messages’ gender roles (
1), and whether peo-
ple want to edit their messages after perceiving the awareness (
To answer these two questions, we conduct a qualitative user study
and show our results in this section. We have taken standard prac-
tice consideration with anonymous data collection and annotations.
This research study has been approved by the Institutional Review
Board (IRB) at the researchers’ institution.
Participants and Apparatus. We recruited seven student volun-
teers from the authors’ university (age 21-27,
µ =
with a diverse major background, including acting, chemistry, com-
puter science, education, etc., denoted as
7. All of them have
never heard of the project or seen GreetA before the user study. We
make GreetA temporarily publicly available during the study pe-
riod. Participants used their laptops to conduct the study. It was an
online one-on-one study by connecting with participants via video
calls. During the study, we encouraged participants to think aloud,
share the screen and feel free to stop sharing whenever they type
anything personal or do not feel comfortable to share. Please note
that we did not save participants’ greeting card messages during
the study. We also asked for participants’ consent if we wanted to
quote part of their messages in the paper. All surveys distributed
during the study are available online, and every participant could
only submit once.
5.1 Procedure
Preparation. Before the study, we asked every user to write birth-
day greetings consisting of 6-10 sentences to their loved one and
recommended them to include specic events.
Prior Survey. We asked participants to ll out the prior survey
besides basic demographic information of the user and the pronouns
of their loved ones.
Prey Princess vs. Successful Leader CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
Using GreetA. We rst played a three-minute introduction video
of GreetA to show the users how to interact with. We asked them to
play with GreetA for fteen to thirty minutes. During this process,
we encouraged the users to think aloud and voice out (e.g., which
features are useful, which features are unnecessary, what obstacles
they are encountering, etc).
Evaluation Survey. After playing with GreetA, we asked them
to ll out the evaluation survey. The survey contains two parts:
1) To evaluate
1, we rst applied the usability metric for user
experience (UMUX) [
], a four-item Likert scale, to assess partici-
pants’ satisfaction with the perceived usability of GreetA. We then
added additional Likert scale items to further measure the level of
helpfulness participants perceived with our system. The additional
items mainly focus on measuring whether GreetA is useful for writ-
ing greeting card messages, easy to learn, easy to use, helps increase
the gender role awareness, and whether they are willing to use it in
the future. 2) For
2, we use open questions including Why they
changed/kept (a certain part of) the message? What features make
you want to change (not change) your message? What do you like
about our tool? What do you dislike about our tool? Will you consider
using it in the future and why?
5.2 Result and Analysis
We show survey responses to usability questions in Figure 4(a) as a
diverging stacked bar chart, where we take “neutral” as a baseline
so that positive responses are stacked to the right while the negative
responses to the left. We describe key insights as follows:
GreetA is easy to learn and use.
All users agreed that GreetA
is easy to learn and use.
GreetA helps increase the gender role awareness (Q
shown in Figure 4(a), six out of seven users agreed that GreetA
could help increase the gender role awareness. Some users think
GreetA could help decrease gender bias in their messages, e.g., “If I
need to write the greetings to someone I am not very familiar with,
like collaborators or colleagues or leaders, I would get the suggestions
from the tool to make my message not gender-biased. (
1). Other
users stated that GreetA could avoid oense to message recipients,
e.g., “As I always watch lots of heroic movies, I am worried that I may
write some gender-stereotyped phrasings. I need some tools like this
to help me before sending my greeting email to someone else so they
will not feel oended or comfortable” (P6).
Users may not be willing to change their greeting card
Some users think that if the message recipient is a close
friend, they are not concerned about gender bias, e.g., since we
know each other well and the recipient will not get oended if I use
some feminine or masculine words in my wishes.” Many users also
stated that if the messages contain common experience or hobbies
that are gender-biased, it does not matter.
6 shared her message
to her close male friend with us when she noticed that cooking
was associated with domestic work, which is very feminine in our
analysis result. She mentioned that she would like to keep it as it
is one of the most precious memories between her and her friend,
and her friend would not think it was inappropriate. Similarly, P4
showed us part of his message to his female friend “No wonder why
my game was far more advanced than yours on the court. At least
you now have an excuse to be blocked and dunked on.”, which GreetA
extracted as a very masculine topic “game”, but
4 would not want
to change it as they indeed played basketball a lot together.
People lean to use GreetA in the future (Q
About half of
the users either strongly agreed or agreed that they would use
GreetA in the future.
2 and
4 both indicated that they would
GreetA to modify their messages since GreetA helped them iden-
tify some words related to negative emotions (e.g., sadness). After
consideration, they nd the wordings inappropriate and decided
to change them to be more suitable for celebrations. On the other
hand, some users also impressed their disagreement, e.g., “If the
message is for someone close like friends or family members, I will
write on my own.” (P1).
We noticed that
5 chose “disagree” with both GreetA could help
increase the gender role awareness and willing to use. Reasons
gave were that “I think maybe because the message I wrote was quite
neutral, the tool did not point anything out. As we aim to bring
the gender role awareness to writing instead of providing editing
suggestions, we expect that users like
5 who have high gender-role
awareness when writing would nd GreetA less insightful.
Furthermore, we asked users’ opinions on which components
they think are most useful. One user can select multiple components
as the most useful features; then, we calculate the percentage of
votes on one specic feature over total votes for all features in
Figure 4(b). The result shows that users think topic analysis is the
most useful function, followed by topic suggestion and overall gender
role score. For example,
2 and
4 both found their wordings reveal
negative emotions (e.g., sadness) in their greeting card messages
and decided to modify their messages.
1 and
3 also pointed out
that they took some topics in the topic exploration panel
and put
them into their messages.
Conclusion of the user study. Although people may not want to
change their messages if they know the recipient well, most users
found that GreetA helps them increase awareness of the gender
role when writing greeting messages, and they are willing to use
the system to improve their messages to avoid oending recipients.
Although over 85% of users in qualitative study (Section 5) self-
report that GreetA helps increase the gender role awareness, we
conduct another quantitative study to examine it by setting up three
contrast surveys on Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk). Ideally,
more and more workers can identify the gender role in the greeting
card messages and agree with the ground truth labels with dierent
levels of aids from GreetA. The ground-truth labels are created and
agreed upon among 3 co-authors. We will explain the details of
experiments set up in the following.
Survey 1: Unaided.
Given just two greeting messages with-
out the help from GreetA, we ask MTurk annotators to select
the one that is more likely to be sent to female recipients
and explain the reason why they think it is more feminine.
Survey 2: Topics.
In addition to the two greeting messages,
we provide the topics and corresponding words for each
message extracted by GreetA to MTurk workers.
Survey 3: Topics + Overall Score.
In addition to the two
greeting messages and the extracted topics, we also provide
a Gender Perception Score by GreetA showing how each
CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Jiao Sun et al.
40 0 40 80
Easy to Learn
Easy to Use
Increase Awareness
Willing to Use
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
(a) Usability
0 10 20 30 40
Overall Score
Topic Analysis
Topic Suggestion
Words-topic Matching
(b) Most Useful Features
Figure 4: The qualitative user study results: including a) diverging stacked bar chart of users’ responses on evaluating whether
GreetA is useful, easy to learn and use, and increases the gender role awareness. We also asked users if they are willing to use
GreetA in the future; b) we collected users’ opinions about the most useful features in GreetA. One user can select multiple
components as the most useful features; then, we calculate the percentage of votes on one specic feature over total votes for
all features.
message leans towards masculine or feminine. The score is
higher if the message leans towards the feminine.
6.1 Message Selection Criteria
Each message has an assigned value in the template dataset showing
this gender association where greeting messages with values > 50
are more feminine and < 50 are more masculine. So we divided
the corpus into 3 classes with values a) > 51 [feminine], b) < 49
[masculine], c) between 49 and 51 [no gender preference]. We
then picked samples based on topics. People tend to talk more
about business and leadership to male recipients while talking
more about appearance and family-related topics when writing to
female recipients. Thus, we picked appearance and family-related
topics in the feminine class and business and leadership-related
topics in the masculine class. Furthermore, we asked 3 co-authors
to pair-wisely pick more feminine messages and check whether
the results match the result GreetA provides, which we use as the
ground truth for later. The gender perception scores from GreetA
are all consistent with ground-truth labels created by co-authors.
In the end, we picked 20 pairs of greeting messages, including 3
types: female v.s. male, female v.s. neutral and neutral v.s. male.
6.2 Procedure
We recruited 25 high-quality (approval rate: >=98%, HITs: >=1000)
MTurk workers located in the United States for each survey. Each
MTurk worker in each survey (Unaided, Topic, or Topic + Overall
Score) is assigned to read 20 pairs of greeting messages with/without
additional information from GreetA and select the more feminine
ones and explain the reasons. Each pair took an average of half a
minute to nish complete with compensation of $0.15 ( 20 pairs will
take 10 minutes with a compensation of $3), above the US Federal
minimum wage. An annotator can participate only once in one
survey and will be ltered out as a qualication for the other two
surveys. In our instruction, we claried that our surveys are used to
evaluate people’s perception of gender distinction in the greeting
messages and describe the information we provide in the surveys
along with a sample example.
6.3 Result
GreetA helps to increase gender role awareness in general.
We compared results from the three surveys. As shown in Figure 5,
the average accuracies across all comparisons for three surveys are
70.1%, 80.0%, and 87.7%, respectively. The result indicates that the
correctness of identifying gender perception got improved after
introducing GreetA. The topic+score condition yielded the highest
accuracy, which may not be too surprising, given the summary
score essentially reveals the gender association.
GreetA oers useful information for workers to identify
gender roles in greeting card messages.
To better understand
whether workers’ rationales dier across conditions, we coded their
self-reported explanations for the ranking. Three of the coauthors
independently read a subset of the responses to identify emergent
codes and created a codebook (Table 9) using a discussion period.
Using this codebook, for each survey, we coded a sample of 180
random worker responses (out of 500): 160 were unique, and 20 over-
lapped between annotators, allowing us to compute inter-annotator
agreement and manually annotate what workers rely on to make
decisions based on the codebook. We achieved reasonably high
agreements (Cohen’s kappa score [
κ =
76). We observed that,
as expected, annotators in Topic and Topic+score relied more on the
additional information provided by GreetA. For example, those in
the Topics condition relied more heavily on the topics (with almost
50% annotators), compared to the Unaided group (with 15%), and
Topics+score displays an increment in
(which includes the
of reliance on the score.) Curiously, the reliance on topics dropped
in Topics+score; Instead, annotators seem to rely more heavily on
keywords in this case. We suspect that annotators would search for
keywords that supply the ranking given by the score.
People have a clearer mental model on female associated
We further separate the evaluation for dierent types of
questions. Figure 5 shows that although comparisons that involve
female-oriented messages yielded reasonable accuracies, the accu-
racy of male vs. neutral pairs was considerably harder, regardless
of the condition. This observation is also aligned with our results
in Table 5-7, i.e., masculine topics show more diversity than femi-
nine topics. It might result from 1) people may have a more xed
impression on how to greet women, and 2) it is inherently harder
to choose a more “feminine” message when there are only “neutral”
and “masculine” messages.
Culture factors and experience inuence how people per-
ceive gender role [48, 56]
, which we also observe in our study
for greeting card messages. When inspecting explanations, we also
Prey Princess vs. Successful Leader CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
Codes Explanations and Examples Unaided Topics Topics+score
Words Pick on certain words and phrasings
“everyday hero is more masculine."
133 (73.9%) 130 (72.2%) 146 (81.1%)
Topics Based on conveyed topics
“it speaks to the person’s nurturing qualities”
26 (14.4%) 85 (47.2%) 48 (26.7%)
Overall Perceived the overall gender role
“This sounds like a message to a female sibling”
29 (16.1%) 22 (12.2%) 52 (28.9%)
Based on their experience or gender stereotype
“less likely for men to be thanked for cleaning”
35 (19.4%) 25 (13.9%) 20 (11.1%)
Table 9: The codebook of how annotators choose the more feminine message, with the number of self-reports.
Figure 5: The accuracy distribution of question pairs in 3 surveys, where dots are the average accuracy, and lines crossing
the dots represent each condition’s condence interval. The average accuracy across all comparisons for three surveys is
consistently improved for all combinations. It indicates the eectiveness of GreetA on improving gender role awareness.
noticed interesting contrasts that are likely due to dierent cultural
backgrounds and experiences. For example, for the message “I pro-
pose a toast to you, darling friend, and our incredible friendship.
You are aging like a ne wine, and it is an honor to be a part of
your life.” While one annotator perceived “aging like ne wine” as
oensive and unwanted for women (and think it should be sent to
males), another put “darling and ne wine are more often used by
women’ girl friends” (and think it should be sent to women). Future
research is needed to consider cultural aspects for analysis.
It is important to avoid gender stereotypes in greeting
card messages.
Explanations that annotators wrote during our
quantitative study further prove the importance of preventing gen-
der stereotypes in greeting card messages. About 15% annotators
expressed that they identied gender association based on their
own experience or gender stereotypes. For example, Domestic work
and cleaning typically refer to a female’s role at home. Women are
generally the ones who are expe cted to do the household chores and
take care of the family.. Besides, about 5% of participants also explic-
itly criticized the message, , e.g., Most women are infantilized due to
being in a male-dominated society. Women are not taken seriously as
leaders.”; “Many women are expected to have so many responsibilities
and make sure they look good. Esp ecially women who have children to
raise. They are often overworked and do not get much recognition for
all of the things they do.”; “Most women have to be multitaskers and
multitalented in ways that are not expected of men. An example is the
expectation for a woman to be a goo d mom, a good wife, never ne ed
to take a break, and still nd time to keep herself looking attractive.
A female recipient should be seen as someone to admire when she can
do all things and make it look eortless. This collected feedback
further reinforces the importance of our work, and how GreetA
could be used to advocate a more fair and diverse environment.
7.1 Implication
Our work provides a quantitative understanding of the gender roles
in greeting card messages by analyzing both the template dataset of
greeting messages and the AI-generated (GPT-2) message dataset.
Greetings to women lean towards their appearances and household,
and messages to men lean towards their career achievement. We
design and develop GreetA to help visualize such gender related
information, and and provide relevant example greetings as refer-
ences for users. Both our qualitative and quantitative user studies
demonstrated the eectiveness and usability of GreetA. We hope
that GreetA could bring more insights into how to avoid potential
gender stereotypes when users write greeting template messages.
We envision that GreetA can have big impacts on multiple aspects
to dierent stakeholders. Individuals, companies or institutes need
to send greetings and wishes to their friends, families, employers
or partnership on various scenarios. We hope that GreetA could
also help them better polish their messages and avoid potential
unconscious stereotypes to advocate and encourage a more fair and
diverse environment.
From a generalization perspective, GreetA can be useful in many
scenarios. The topic analysis and overall gender perception analysis
can be extended to analyze and understand the gender perception
in the general text. For example, our system can be adapted to
benet a broad set of gender bias analysis tasks from Wikipedia
pages, blogs, Twitter, etc. Researchers who work on the natural
CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Jiao Sun et al.
language generation tasks can also use GreetA to check if their
results may include potential gender stereotypes. It will contribute
to preventing unwanted bias before we put AI into real-world
production. Moreover, our analysis pipeline and GreetA are general
and can be applied in other applications beyond checking greeting
card messages, such as game design, helping and raising awareness
about imposter syndrome and checking algorithmic bias.
Note that GreetA might be used for malicious purposes. We have
the topic exploration feature in GreetA to assist users in coming
up with potential topics to talk about in their greeting card mes-
sages. The source is the template dataset that we collected from
the greeting card websites. As our analysis shows, the greeting
card messages from the collected corpus may contain potential
stereotypes. Thus, GreetA might serve as a tool that highlights
stereotyped messages if users consistently refresh topics and pick
messages with potential gender stereotypes on purpose.
Our analysis shows that GPT-2 generated messages amplify the
bias in human-written messages. People should be more careful
when considering AI in real-world applications. AI researchers
should also put more eort into mitigating the bias from dierent
levels (e.g., corpus level for our case) and avoiding biased models.
7.2 Limitation and Future work
This work is subject to several limitations. First, we applied Em-
path [
] to analyze topics; although it covers various topics, its
measures mainly rely on individual lexicons and do not consider
the contextual information. For example, Empath would extract
topic weather for message “You are a cool person” based on linguistic
information. However, here “cool” indicates the personality rather
than the weather. Besides, Empath is bad at dealing with gura-
tive speeches. For example, Empath would extract topic body for
message “You are the shoulder I lean on”, but here shoulder is a
gurative saying of emotional support. To quantitatively assess the
performance of Empath, we randomly select 50 greeting card mes-
sages, put selected messages to GreetA, and we evaluate how many
among top 5 topics Empath suggested are natural and correct to hu-
mans. As a result, 228 out of 250 (i.e., 91.2%) word-topic suggestions
are correct. It again shows the eciency of using Empath in our
task, but also shows the room for improvement. Future work can
utilize human annotation or other topic extraction techniques to
identify ne-grained topics and better deal with gurative speech.
Secondly, we mainly collect and use the template dataset that
people perceive as “ideal” messages to analyze how people write
greeting card messages. They might be dierent from what people
write in the real world, as they might be more formal and contain
the less personal experience. However, the real greeting card mes-
sages are hard to get as they are inherently private, and people
may not want to share with others. Although we collect 500 real
greeting card messages from Twitter, how large these messages
can represent is unsure. Future work that collects and utilizes a
larger-scale of greeting card messages in social platforms (e.g., Twit-
ter and Reddit) could be complementary to our work. It is also
important to understand and analyze greeting card messages to
non-binary people, missing from our work because of the scarce
source available online. Instead, our work utilizes collected greeting
card messages with no specic gender indicators on the birthday
scenario and understands the topic dierence between birthday
greeting messages for binary people and recipients without spe-
cic gender indicators. Future research can build upon our work,
incorporate more experiments on analyzing greeting card messages
to non-binary people across various scenarios and provide assis-
tance when greeting non-binary people. We hope that our work can
contribute to building a more inclusive and diverse environment.
In this work, we collected a large-scale greeting card messages cor-
pus from eight popular greeting suggestion websites and generated
an articial dataset using the natural language model GPT-2. Via
a set of thorough analyses, we found that the topics in greeting
card messages are indeed gender oriented and greetings to women
lean towards their appearance, and men lean towards their career
achievement. Our pilot survey showed that people want to be aware
of gender role in their greeting messages. In response, we designed
and developed GreetA based on a deep understanding of users’
requirements. GreetA visualizes the gender orientation in greeting
messages and their topical aspects, as well as recommends potential
topics for writing better greetings. The qualitative and quantitative
studies showed that GreetA eectively brings the gender role aware-
ness to users. Our work is the rst to quantitatively analyze the
gender role using statistical NLP tools in greeting messages. GreetA
is also the rst interactive visualization system that helps bring
gender role awareness to people when writing greeting messages.
This work was supported in part by grant from by the Russell
Sage Foundation. Diyi Yang was supported by Microsoft Research
Faculty Fellowship. The authors thank Nan Xu from USC for helpful
discussions and anonymous reviewers for constructive feedback
and comments to improve the draft.
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