Method Statement
Estates Services
Revision History
Revision Date Reviewer Status
April 2007 Project Co Final Version
Method Statement
Estates Services
Table of Contents
1 Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 3
2 Management Supervision and Organisation Structure ........................................................... 4
3 Scope....................................................................................................................................... 7
4 Work Schedules and Procedures............................................................................................. 8
4.1 Staff Competencies......................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) ................................................................... 11
4.3 Reactive Repairs, Maintenance and lifecycle............................................................... 16
4.4 Access Times ................................................................................................................ 18
4.5 Statutory Testing........................................................................................................... 18
4.6 Permits to Work............................................................................................................ 21
4.7 Diversions of Utility / Building Services...................................................................... 21
4.8 Advice, Planning, Design and Project Management .................................................... 21
4.9 Minor New Works ........................................................................................................ 22
4.10 Fire Safety and Security Systems and Procedures........................................................ 23
4.11 Asset and Property Management .................................................................................. 24
4.12 Providing Information................................................................................................... 24
4.13 Cleaning........................................................................................................................ 25
4.14 Damage ......................................................................................................................... 26
4.15 Work Schedules ............................................................................................................ 26
5 Quality Standards.................................................................................................................. 28
6 Indicative Job Descriptions................................................................................................... 29
7 Contingency Plans ................................................................................................................ 51
Method Statement
Estates Services
1 Objectives
Project Co shall provide a high quality Estates Service that ensures the integrity of the building
fabric, building services, public health and utility systems, furniture and equipment which
comprise the Facilities to ensure the smooth running of Board operations.
Project Co shall:
provide the Board with a fully functioning asset
minimise disruption to Board operations in the delivery of the Estate Services by liaising
with the appropriate Board Representative to agree Planned maintenance schedules;
provide an efficient, responsive, comprehensive and effective Estates Service which is
cost effective and is based on sound technical and operational requirements and standards
by engaging appropriately qualified and experienced staff;
maintain a flexible attitude toward the needs of individual wards and departments
ensure that all plant, equipment, systems, buildings and utility services do not cause or
create any hazard to the environment and/or any person on the Site by maintaining these
in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and best engineering practice;
maintain a safe environment using safe working practices including the use of a Permit to
Work system, recognised risk assessment/management system to ensure that standards
remain high, and that any slippage is recognised and corrected by the appointment of
appropriately trained and qualified staff implement, supervise and audit their application.
ensure full compliance with statutory and mandatory guidance including NHS by
implementing specific policies and procedures and by monitoring and auditing their
project a positive Board image
optimise utility consumption
It is agreed between the Parties that the Method Statements shall not apply during the Transition
Method Statement
Estates Services
2 Management Supervision and Organisation Structure
The provision of the Estates Service will be managed under the portfolio of Asset Management
services which include the following services:
Pest Control;
Grounds & Gardens; and
Project Co shall provide, manage and operate a comprehensive Estates Service in accordance
with the Service Standards and the provisions of the Estates Service Specific Specification.
The Estates Manager will have overall responsibility for the management of the Estates Service.
In addition the Estates Manager will have responsibility for the delivery of the Asset Services to
Serco Health Scottish Portfolio. The Maintenance Manager will report to the Estates Manager.
The Estates Team and the sub-contractors will be responsible to the Maintenance Manager.
The Estates Manager will be responsible for overseeing the appointment and management of
Specialist sub-contractors.
Project Co shall deliver Planned and Reactive Maintenance through a dedicated site specific
maintenance team. This team will be under the direct leadership of the Estates Manager who will
be responsible for the Asset Maintenance service. The Maintenance Manager will report to the
Estates Manager and be responsible for service delivery in accordance with the Service Specific
Specification to include the provision of the monthly maintenance plans. The Technical
Managers will report to the Estates manager and be responsible for the compliance of the Estates
function. The Technical Manager and Maintenance Manager will support and integrate with each
other. The Technical Manager and Maintenance Manager have equal call on the resource best
suited to deliver a specific solution
The Estates Manager will be the principal technical interface with the Board, supported by the on
site technical support team, and other Customer Service Managers (CSM’s) where appropriate.
The Estates Manager will report directly to the Contract Director.
Our approach is based on two areas of responsibility;
A fully resourced Estates Team, led by the Estates Manager, as indicated in the
organisation chart overleaf, shall perform the majority of the tasks identified in the agreed
PPM Programme and will provide response to any reactive tasks falling under the aegis
of the Asset Management Service received via the helpdesk.
Where required specialist sub-contractors will be selected, audited and managed by the
Technical Manager in conjunction with the Maintenance Manager in the performance of
preventative and responsive maintenance and repairs to equipment within the sub-
contractors speciality. This will include the following:
o Air tube maintenance
o Building Management Systems
o Boiler servicing
o Chillers
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Estates Services
o Fire alarms
o Fire extinguishers
o Hydrotherapy pool
o High voltage switchgear
o Insurance Inspections
o Lifts
o Lightning protection (Electronic)
o Nurse call
o Statutory insurance inspections
o Security systems including CCTV & access.
o Water treatment
o Generator maintenance
o High Voltage (HV) & Low Voltage (LV) switchgear maintenance
o Wireless network
The Maintenance Manager will, as and when required, organise and carry out all estates
maintenance activities and will manage the local interface with the sub-contractor and provide
first line response and advice to any reactive calls received via the Project Co Helpdesk.
Specialist sub-contractors will carry out routine inspections in accordance with the agreed
programme. Repairs arising from such inspections and reactive requests received via the
Helpdesk shall only be performed with the express authorisation of the Estates Management
Team to ensure proper liaison with Board Representatives.
The estates team shall comprise suitably qualified, experienced and skilled personnel to ensure
the availability of Authorised, Competent and Designated persons in sufficient numbers to assure
the continuity of service to the Site and Facilities. Suitably qualified members of the team will be
trained in the implementation of Safe Systems of Work.
Project Co shall provide a 24-hour, 365(6) days a year service with on-site coverage between the
hours of 0700 and 2200 Monday to Friday and between 0730 and 1530 on Weekends and Bank
Holidays. From time to Project Co may propose adjustment to those hours in agreement with the
Board Representative in effort to provide best service to the facility. Monday to Friday the
Estates Maintenance Manager, Maintenance Officer or Technician shall provide attendance to
any reactive call. Out of hours the on-call system will be operated with emergency calls being
routed via the Helpdesk to the Manager on-call who will be responsible for implementing an
appropriate response. The Manager on-call will assess the emergency and if required will call out
the sub-contractor or implement a “call back to work” request to Estates staff.
The Estates team shall be adequately resourced with multi-disciplinary capability but will be
reviewed by Project Co from time to time to address any changes in requirement or through
analysis of the maintenance activities.
All reactive calls shall be logged on the Helpdesk system. In addition, Estates operatives working
outside of normal working hours will maintain an internal out of hours report log to ensure
continuity and communication 24/7.
Project Co sub-contractor vetting procedure includes checking on experience, financial standing,
workload, quality systems, and safety record and involve face-to-face contact prior to
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Estates Services
All Estates staff will receive appropriate Induction Training, the scope and extent of which will
be targeted at individual needs and shall include Manual Handling, Safety Awareness, Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) and Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and their
responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSWA).
All Estates activities will be risk assessed and where appropriate will be controlled under a
Project Co permit to work system. Authorising Engineers (AE), Authorised Persons (AP),
Competent Persons (CP) and suitably designated persons will be formally appointed and
maintained as appropriate to the risk and in sufficient numbers to ensure continuity of service to
the hospital. Please refer to SP01 in the “Work Schedule and Procedure” section for details of
the split of these trained personnel.
Estates Services Organisational Chart – Figure A
* The Estates Manager shall be site based but with wider off-site responsibilities.
For clarity, although shown three times as above, there is 1No. Maintenance Manager who is
responsible for managing the operatives and sub-contractors across the Estates, Grounds and
Gardens and the Pest Control functions.
Job Descriptions for the maintenance team posts are located in Section 6 of this Method
Method Statement
Estates Services
3 Scope
The Estates Service shall be provided only for the area within the Site boundary as designated by
the Red Line Drawing in Attachment D to the Project Agreement.
Project Co shall provide to the Board the following elements under this Service Specific
comprehensive maintenance service including planned preventative, reactive
maintenance and life cycle;
advice, planning, design and project management service;
fire safety and security systems service including fire fighting equipment; and
asset and property management service; and
wireless network
Project Co shall accept all costs associated with:
inspecting and testing building fabric and utility, and mechanical and electrical plant and
equipment to ensure they are compliant with applicable Law and Board requirements,
and Good Industry Practice;
producing such reports as required by applicable Law and other regulations, informing
the Board which statutory reports have been carried out and making copies of such
reports available to the Board.
For the avoidance of doubt, Project Co shall not accept costs associated with:
UPS or battery systems integral to medical equipment; and
Patient lifting equipment.
Method Statement
Estates Services
4 Work Schedules and Procedures
4.1 Staff Competencies
SP01a/b/c Project Co shall provide a 24-hour, 365(6) days a year service. The
Estates Maintenance Manager shall ensure that a Competent Person reacts
to any reactive call in accordance with the response and rectification
times. Out of hours the on-call system will be operated with emergency
calls being routed via the Helpdesk to the Manager on-call who will be
responsible for implementing an appropriate response.
The estates team shall comprise suitable qualified, experienced and skilled
personnel to ensure the availability of Authorised, Competent and
Designated persons in sufficient numbers to assure the continuity of
service to the Hospital and its facilities. Suitably qualified members of the
team will be trained in the implementation of Safe Systems of Work.
The Estates Manager nominates suitable Authorised Persons (AP)
candidates (Technical Manager, Maintenance Manager, Maintenance
Officer & technician level) for assessment by the Authorising Engineer.
Project Co’s Authorising Engineers will carry out an analysis of the final
installed systems and assign the appropriate number of AP's required. The
table below shows the minimum number that will carry out the particular
AP duties:
AP Duty
High Voltage 2
Medical Gases 2
Confined spaces 2
Sterilisers 2
Boilers & Pressure
Staff will be appointed AP's once they have passed an external course,
been familiarised on the systems at the new hospital and satisfied the
Authorising Engineer (AE) that they are competent to carry out the duty.
AP's will attend a refresher course every 3 years. As part of their AP
appointment they will also attend regular fire training and first aid
courses. The AE shall carry out biannual audits of permit system and
reassess AP's. The Board will be notified of the named AP's, their
discipline, Competent Person candidates will be assessed by the relevant
The Maintenance Manager & Technical Manager are responsible for
ensuring that there is an appropriate level of emergency cover available
Where required Refresher training shall be arranged by the Technical
Manager to ensure continuity of the assessed levels of cover.
Project Co has a Corporate Social Responsibility ethos and to ensure there
Method Statement
Estates Services
is a developing workforce, Project Co will to start a modern
apprenticeship scheme on the hospital Site.
Project Co are also exploring ways in which apprenticeships can be
integrated with the Contractor during the construction period and with
future continuity on Service Commencement.
In order to provide for good management and engineering skills in the
future with Hospital Estates as a whole, Project Co plan to provide
graduate work experience placements during the summer months.
The following are indicative lists outlining the responsibilities of the key
staff in the provision of the Estates Service.
The Estates Manager will:
Be responsible for the implementation and financial management of
the estates Service
Be responsible for the overall performance of the four services that
make up the Asset Management service. These include Estates,
Grounds & Gardens maintenance, Pest Control and Utilities
Develop the Asset Management strategy with Project Co and the
Agree contract wide policy statements for all asset services with
recognising NHS Estates requirements
Where appropriate represent the Board within the wider NHS Estates
As part of the Leadership Team, facilitate the cultural changes within
the workforce
Be responsible for ensuring that all patient, visitor and staff areas are
maintained to a high quality in terms of safety, appearance and
cleanliness in accordance with NHS Environmental Assessment Tool
(NEAT) requirements
Undertake Senior Authorised Person (AP) duties for all disciplines
within his professional competency
Undertake HTM 2050 Risk Management
Facilitate delivery of Small Works
Provide all required asset reports and guidance
Monitor and provide guidance on the Asset Replacement Programme
The Technical Manager will:
Appointment and management of service partners
Co-ordination of Small Works and Capital Works
Lead AP duties (HV/LV)
Development of contract wide procedures such as the Permit to Work
Method Statement
Estates Services
Monitor compliance with policy and procedures
Issue standing work instructions
Provide technical support to all three sites
Co-ordinate building surveys
AP duties (boilers & pressure vessels and confined space)
AP duties Medical Gas
Emergency procedures HTM 2070
Insurance inspections.
The Maintenance Manager will:
Be responsible for the local planning and delivery of all maintenance
functions on site. The Maintenance Manager will report directly to
the Estates Manager.
Supervise site based workforce
Meet maintenance activity targets
Be responsible for site operation of the CAFM
Deliver all planned and reactive tasks in accordance with the Service
Level Specification requirements
In conjunction with the local Board representatives agree the
Monthly Maintenance Plan
Carry out day to day interface with local Board representatives
Input into the development of the 5 Year and Annual Maintenance
Plans and the Asset Renewal Plan
Agreeing with client access requirements
Arranging Insurance inspections
Carrying out risk assessments
Supporting the Estates Manager in maintaining the Asset Register
AP duties HV/LV
AP duties (boilers & pressure vessels and confined space)
AP duties Medical Gas.
Method Statement
Estates Services
4.2 Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM)
The published PPM plan will define the planned tasks for the year, and will enable the Board to
plan for the possible impact on health operations. Focus meetings will be held, to keep PPM
tasks in view and to assist the Board medical planning cells.
SP02a Project Co shall produce the 5 year maintenance plan.
The plan shall be delivered 20 Business Days prior to the Phase 1
Completion Date and 20 Business Days prior to the commencement of
each Contract Year thereafter.
The annual review shall take into account the historical asset data collated
within the CAFM system.
The Maintenance Manager shall prepare and publish the 12 monthly PPM
plan defining the planned tasks for the year, enabling the Board to plan
for the possible impact on health operations. Joint focus meetings will be
held, to keep PPM tasks in view and to assist the Board medical planning
The asset database will be developed jointly between Project Co and the
CAFM development sub-contractor. The database will be developed to
ensure the supply of the 12 monthly PPM plan.
The initial PPM plan shall take cognisance of Manufacturers
recommendations, statutory obligations and good industry practice.
Thereafter, asset history/lifecycle information from the CAFM system and
other monitoring and maintenance techniques to include BMS monitoring,
where appropriate vibration analysis of motors fans etc, oil analysis and
thermo-graphic imaging will be utilised to assist in the implementation
and review of the PPM plan with the objective of reducing the frequency
of reactive repairs and maintenance work.
Building Tradespersons shall carry out maintenance and reactive tasks to
ensure that the building is maintained to Estates code condition 'B'.
The PPM programme will be developed to comply with the quality
standards in Appendix A of the Estates Service Specific Specification.
The monthly PPM plan will be issued in the agreed format and on the
agreed date via the CAFM.
Information from Project Co’s CAFM will form the basis for the
Maintenance Managers monthly maintenance report and discussed at the
monthly meeting.
The report will be issued in the agreed format and on the agreed frequency
via the CAFM “Public” folders and hard copy if required shall be issued
under a transmittal note.
Method Statement
Estates Services
SP03a/k Project Co shall implement monitor and report on any deviations from the
PPM plan. This will be reported on the PMS and by way of the Monthly
Maintenance Report produced by the Maintenance Manager issued to the
Board Representative.
The Planned Maintenance shall be carried out in accordance with the
prescriptive work description generated from the CAFM system which
shall take account of the Service Quality Standards, Law and Good
Industry Practice. The initial PPM plan shall take cognisance of all of the
above and thereafter, asset history from the CAFM system will be used
and where practicable and viable other monitoring and maintenance
techniques will be utilised to assist in the implementation and review of
the PPM plan.
The Annual Maintenance Plan shall be used by the Maintenance
Manager to prepare the Monthly Maintenance Plan. The Maintenance
Manager, with the assistance of the Maintenance Officer, will allocate the
resources to the planned tasks ensuring all information is input into the
CAFM. The Estates Management Team will carry out audits to ensure the
tasks are completed in line with requirements.
The layout of the task information shall be designed to direct the
operatives through the work process. The following indicative layout
illustrates a typical CAFM system design.
Asset Information:
Asset ID
Asset Location
Task Descriptions:
Job Instruction
Method Statements (where required)
Permits required
Risk Assessment
Clinical Risk Assessments
Access permissions required
Tools required
Asset Feedback:
Time on job
Comments / Observations
Parts/ Consumables used
Work Sign-off
If the operative is unable to complete their weekly tasks the Maintenance
Officer will re-assign the task(s).
The reason for the re-assignment will be investigated by the Maintenance
Officer and, if required, will inform the Maintenance Manager of any
changes required to the tasks allocated, time or resources.
Method Statement
Estates Services
The CAFM shall produce, along with the in-house tasks, a list of any sub-
contractors due on-site the following week and the tasks they will be
undertaking. The Maintenance Officer will have access to the sub
contractor(s) information from within Estates Department records.
Specialist service partners shall complete any maintenance paperwork
before leaving site. Any remedial action, not completed during the
maintenance inspection, will be reprogrammed and it will be treated as a
special visit.
PPM shall be performed in accordance with the Schedule of Programmed
Maintenance. Project Co shall inform the Board via the monthly
Performance Monitoring Report. The forthcoming months work shall be
detailed in the Monthly PPM schedule and include the following as a
location of the work to be undertaken;
time period when the work is to be undertaken;
Project Co shall identify activities which are anticipated to cause
disruption to the Board’s operations and shall discuss this with the Board
Representative prior to undertaking the activity.
All necessary Health and Safety Documentation including Risk
Assessments, Methods Statements and COSHH assessments pertaining to
the planned maintenance activities shall be available within the Estates
central database and shall be available for inspection by the Board.
Project Co’s maintenance solution is based upon a blend of:
Condition Based Monitoring (CBM), making full use of the
selected CBM packages and Building Management System (BMS)
Where appropriate Time Based Maintenance (TBM) and
Breakdown Maintenance (BM) Investigation using non-invasive
techniques wherever possible;
A Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) approach to ensure the
minimum of disruption to the clinical services within the hospital;
A PPM system developed to take cognisance of the specific
requirements to the relevant Scottish Health Technical
Memoranda (SHTM) and Scottish Health Facilities Notes
Planned Maintenance is organised in line with predetermined frequencies
provided by Legislation and good industry practice.
Preventative Maintenance frequencies are adjusted correspondingly to any
local criteria and information, from the CAFM system, on asset downtime
and condition with the intention to reduce the probability of failure or
performance degradation.
Where the facilities are installed Condition-based Maintenance will be
carried out depending on the information received from sensors and
Method Statement
Estates Services
analysing the condition of lubricating and cooling mediums. Condition
monitoring will aid the effective implementation and operation of the
asset management regime. This will enable the identification and
rectification of possible problem areas with plant and equipment prior to
Where the facilities are installed the types of condition monitoring carried
out on selective critical assets will be:
Vibration analysis of motors, fans, bearings and pumps
Bearing lubrication analysis utilising shock pulse methods
Oil analysis to check for degradation and failure of filters and
Thermographic imaging of electrical and mechanical systems,
enabling hot spots to be detected
Linking critical equipment to the Building Management Systems
Monitoring for particulate discharge activity
Monitoring and recording of insulation resistance levels
The control of infection is central to the activities within a hospital
environment and the estates service must play its part in its achievement.
Cleanliness will be given a very high priority, both internally and
externally to the plant. During and after any maintenance work the area
will be kept clean and tidy with all waste removed from site. Project Co
have included and an allowance for cleaning ductwork.
The greater part of Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) activities
will be carried out between 0800 and 1630 Monday to Friday, when the
majority of staff will be in attendance. Tasks that are particularly
disruptive to health Operations will be undertaken utilising our backshift
(1530-2200hrs) or during the day at weekends.
The Computer Aided Facilities Management System (CAFM) shall
provide adequate support information to the organisation in meeting all of
the requirements set out in the Service Level Specification. It shall include
provision to support the agreed asset management strategy, policy, risk
assessment and control, objectives, targets, and plans. The system shall be
accessible to the Board, relevant employees and other relevant third
parties including sub-contractors as appropriate.
Project Co will use a proprietary CAFM as the Asset Management tool.
Where separate asset management information systems exist, the
organisation shall ensure that the information is transferred into the
The Central Helpdesk System will interact with the CAFM system in the
recording of work requests for reactive maintenance via an information
portal between the two. The CAFM system will send the reactive work
request from the Helpdesk to the appropriate printer or PDA. Information
on service delivery targets can be made available to designated Board
Representative through the CAFM System.
Method Statement
Estates Services
The CAFM System will assist in the smooth running of the Estates
Department. With fast and easy access to critical facilities information,
Project Co can more efficiently document and monitor maintenance or
repair work, schedule employees or sub-contractors to perform the work
and maintain an accurate inventory of on-site spares and consumables.
The system will also produce a variety of pre-defined reports allowing
analysis of maintenance history.
Typically CAFM database contain the following modules:
Building Operations Management:
This will automate the full range of maintenance tasks, document
and monitor planned and reactive requests, schedule labour,
maintain a full asset history, control stock, track compliance with
statutory regulations, measure performance, and carry out
Asset Maintenance:
job planning, docket printing, job tracking, job history, condition
monitoring, defect monitoring, failure analysis, contractor
management budget management
Reactive Maintenance:
Job planning, docket printing, job tracking, job history.
Resource Planning:
Equipment planning, craft planning, labour planning, training
recording, documentation production, management
NHS Performance Management:
Designed as an essential tool in the production of ERIC returns
and future Estates Strategy
Asset tracking:
Transfer information from PDA's for bar-coding and tracking of
assets. Verify and update room data sheets.
Building condition survey:
Provides a rapid method of producing building and asset
condition reports.
Portable appliance testing:
Information from the appliance tester can be transferred
electronically in the module to enable comprehensive facilities for
planning and recording of portable equipment information
Project Co will link the CAFM system to the Helpdesk and assist in the
production of the required daily, weekly and monthly reports. The exact
style and content of the reports will be agreed with the Board.
Method Statement
Estates Services
4.3 Reactive Repairs, Maintenance and lifecycle
SP04a/b/c/d Project Co shall provide a reactive repairs, maintenance service 24/7 365
(6) days per year. Monday To Friday the Maintenance Manager or the
Maintenance Officer shall provide attendance and make safe and rectify
within the allotted timescales, using the trained Estates operatives, to any
Estates related Emergency, Important, Routine and Service Requests
received via the Helpdesk, and if required, call out the Sub-contractor for
specialist assistance.
The customer will contact the Central Helpdesk by phone or via the
Helpdesk portal available on the Board’s intranet. The fault will be
recorded on the Helpdesk system and the customer issued with a unique
task number for future reference.
In accordance with the Helpdesk Method Statement, the Helpdesk is
responsible for logging all service requests into the CAFM system and
notifying the agreed services
For Emergency/Important Estates requests the Maintenance Officer will
be contacted directly by via a PDA or equivalent to ensure immediate
Emergency, Important and Routine work requests are then sent
electronically to the Estates Department. In the case of an Emergency
request the Helpdesk shall also contact the Shift Technician to ensure a
fast response to the call.
Work is then prioritised and issued to the appropriate operative onto their
PDA or equivalent. Information on time completed, nature of the fault,
materials etc, are entered, once work has been completed. The
Maintenance Manager shall ensure that the maintenance records are
updated and any remedial action taken.
Should the reactive job require the attendance of a sub contractor then the
appropriate contractor will be contacted by the on-shift Technician and
asked to attend within the response time allocated to the job.
Throughout the process the initiator of the request will be kept fully
informed of the job's progress. This will be either by phone or
electronically via the Helpdesk portal.
Completion of the work ticket will enable a proper analysis of the
response times against any service level agreements and allow Project Co
to continually review and improve the service provided. It will also allow
history to be assigned to that asset enabling the Maintenance Manager
to reassess the maintenance requirements.
During the hours of 08.00-17.00 Monday to Friday the Maintenance
Officer, under the supervision of the Maintenance Manager, will ensure
that all work requests are programmed and carried out in accordance with
the service levels agreements.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Outside these hours the Central Helpdesk will contact the duty shift
Technician directly. The on-call system will be operated, with emergency
calls being routed via the Helpdesk to the Manager on-call who will be
responsible for implementing an appropriate response.
The Technician on-call will be contacted via the Helpdesk by phone
and/or pager. If the scope of the problem is beyond the skill
level/capability of the Technician they will then call the Manager on-call
for assistance and advice. The Manager on-call will assess the emergency
and if required will call out a specialist contractor implement a “call back
to work” request to Estates staff.
The Helpdesk will take calls and requests for all responsive work.
Helpdesk operators will be trained to ask probing questions to ascertain a
better understanding of the customer request. The Helpdesk operators
will log all calls for audit purposes and data collection by the Assurance
Team. Important and Emergency work will be immediately
communicated to the Maintenance Manager, Maintenance Officer or Site
Technician who, if necessary, will contact one of the team via a PDA or
Each work request will be prioritised according to agreed categories and
the appropriate response time assigned.
All incidents will be logged on the CAFM system via the Helpdesk
Project Co shall record all requests and events received to the Helpdesk.
In order for a service request to be processed and completed the following
information will need to be input and captured within the CAFM system:
Requestors name and contact number;
Date and time of task;
Location of where task is to commence;
The service and type of request;
The categorisation of the task;
Service response and rectification times;
Unique task number;
Date and time task was passed to the relevant service provider;
Feedback, including response and rectification time and updates.
Evidence of attendance and rectification shall be recorded and monitored
and reported via CAFM “Public” folders & Monthly Service Report.
All fault dockets are analysed by the Maintenance Manager to identify
recurring problems with the purpose of reducing re-called work and fault
calls to a minimum.
Issues to be investigated will include:
Sub-contractor performance;
Incompatibility of materials;
Method Statement
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Poor workmanship;
Levels of maintenance; and
Type of maintenance.
The Estates Manger will also be tasked to carry out trend analysis to
enable Project Co to detect and correct implicit failures before they occur
or develop into major defects. This will reduce the possibility of
unexpected failure.
4.4 Access Times
SP05 The PPM programme agreed between Project Co. and Board
Representatives shall define the planned tasks for the year. Should any
planned activity fail to be carried out at the agreed time the Project Co
shall liaise with the Board Representative to make alternative
arrangements for the performance of the works.
For non-programmed works arising from PPM or reactive requests
received via the Helpdesk the response shall take account of the urgency
of the request. If practicable the affected department will be informed and
the task will be carried out with their consent. In an emergency situation
where the requirement to make safe is paramount the Estates staff will act
within their competency to address the emergency at the earliest
opportunity and inform the affected areas immediately thereafter. Such
incident will be logged in the Helpdesk and the CAFM system.
4.5 Statutory Testing
The Maintenance Manager will work with the Board to programme all
statutory inspections into the yearly PPM programme held on the
Computerised Aided Facilities Management System (CAFM).
One month before the inspection date the Maintenance Manager will
liaise with the designated Board Representative to ensure that disruption
to any clinical services is minimised.
Before preparing plant for Statutory Testing a 'Permit to Work' shall be
completed by the appropriate AP. Members of the on-site team will then
prepare the pressure systems, etc., for examination by the Insurance
Inspector in accordance with the appropriate Written Scheme of
Examination. The specialist lift sub-contractor shall prepare, and be in
attendance, for examination on lifts.
System preparations for statutory inspections shall be carried out in
accordance with the task descriptions generated from the CAFM system
and will be arranged by the Maintenance Manager to meet the agreed
PPM programme and shall be in line with the Specialist sub-contractor
programme for inspection visits. Any deviation from the programmed
inspection s shall be logged in the CAFM system.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Once inspection has been carried out, the plant will be reinstated. Any
corrective actions will be undertaken within the timescales required by the
Insurance Inspector and agreed by the Maintenance Manager. If requested
by the Insurance Inspector arrangements shall be made by the
Maintenance Manager in liaison with the Board Representative for the
plant to be re-inspected under working conditions.
The Insurance Inspector shall be involved in the commissioning of any
new plant that will require future statutory inspections and any
recommendations shall be actioned prior to acceptance of the plant.
Project Co will only accept and operate the plant when the Insurance
Inspector is satisfied with the installation and in the case of pressure
systems a Written Scheme of Examination has been produced.
Hard copies of the reports will be filed and the CAFM system updated.
Board Representatives will be able to access these documents on the
CAFM. If required, hard copies can be issued to the Board.
The Technical Manager shall ensure that hard copies of all drawings
and manuals are placed in the technical library and onto the CAFM
All Statutory Inspection requirements shall be included in the PPM
programme as described at SP06.
Project Co shall include all Statutory Testing requirements within the
PPM programme. All testing will be carried out by competent/ trained
Project Co shall maintain a register of all Equipment as defined in Part 13,
excluding medical and patient connected equipment, requiring calibration.
This equipment will be sent to independent National Measurement
Accreditation Service (NAMAS) accredited calibration laboratories.
All measuring and test equipment will be checked for serviceability and
calibration dates. Items failing these checks will be labelled and securely
stored until action has been taken in accordance with our quality
procedures. Hard copies of calibration records will be filed and the
CAFM records updated.
Mandatory Inspections will be carried out using a combination of on-site
staff and specialist sub-contractors for the following:
Internal Air Quality;
Standby Generators;
Steam Boilers;
Confined Spaces;
Portable Appliance Testing (PAT);
Fire Alarm Systems;
Fire Extinguishers;
Fire Doors;
Method Statement
Estates Services
Emergency Lighting Systems;
Exit Signs;
Electrical Distribution;
Legionella; and
Fume Cupboards.
All statutory and mandatory inspections shall be carried out in accordance
with the annual PPM programme managed by the Estates Manager and as
detailed within the site specific Monthly PPM Plan.
SP11 Project Co shall ensure that all Portable Appliances used in the delivery of
its service shall be tested as required. Trained Estates staff will perform
the test using a Seaward tester or equivalent tester. After the test, the
equipment will be labelled with the next test date and identification bar
code. Should the equipment fail, then it will be labelled 'Faulty do not
use' and immediately removed from service.
Project Co will undertake a rigorous process of risk assessment in
conjunction with the Board to establish a practical and robust testing
Project Co shall carry out the PAT testing Board registered non-medical
equipment, as and when required and in accordance with the statutory
requirements. The Board will be informed of items failing a test.
Replacement of fuses and plugs are included. The information on the
PAT testing machine will be transferred onto the CAFM system.
For the avoidance of doubt the Board shall be responsible for the testing
of third party equipment.
It is a requirement of the Electricity at Work Act 1989 Regulation 4(2)
that portable electrical equipment should be tested regularly (PAT
Testing) and records kept and equipment identified and marked
accordingly. The Board shall in advance of transferring Board equipment
from other sites test, label and register all items on a database compatible
with and easily transferable to Project Co’s system. For the avoidance of
doubt, it is the responsibility of the Board to ensure that Board equipment
requiring to be tested in accordance with the PPM plan is made available
to Project Co. for testing at the scheduled time.
Dependant on location, use and risk assessment the frequency may be
varied from the recommendations contained within The
Code of Practice for in service inspection and testing of electrical
equipment” (IEE).
Project Co shall undertake a rigorous process of risk assessment in
conjunction with the Board to establish a practical and robust testing
policy, suitable for implementation within a modern Hospital.
Method Statement
Estates Services
4.6 Permits to Work
SP12 Project Co shall through the Estates Service maintain and operate a Permit
to Work system which includes authorisation using appropriate Permit to
Work documentation.
A qualified engineer (either the Authorising Engineer or someone
appointed by him/her) will determine by risk assessment which systems
fall into an operational category requiring the implementation of a Safe
System of Work. The system will be operated by suitably trained
personnel capable of recognising the risks presented by the systems and
the steps necessary to reduce the risks to an acceptable level.
The systems will be managed at two levels by suitably qualified engineers
and operated at a third level by qualified tradesmen. The overall
management of the systems rests with the Authorising Engineer
(Chartered Engineer), who appoints Authorised Persons to manage the
day-to-day operation and maintenance of the systems. To comply with
Project Co Safe Systems of Work, works on the systems will only be
carried out either under the authority of a Permit to Work or a Standing
Project Co shall also implement an Access Permit system for the control
of contractors in the performance of all of their activities. It is essential
that Board direct contractors advise Project Co of any visits to site and
collect an Access Permit prior to commencement of any activity. This
process shall be agreed with the Board Representative prior to service
4.7 Diversions of Utility / Building Services
SP13 Project Co shall ensure through liaison of the Estates Management team
with the Board Representative that non-emergency utility / service
diversions will only be carried out with express consent from the Board
Project Co shall notify the Board Representative in advance of any
diversions or disruption due to Emergency Reactive work to be
undertaken. This work shall be carried out in line with the agreed
Emergency Procedures SHTM 2070.
4.8 Advice, Planning, Design and Project Management
SP14 Project Co shall provide Advice, Planning and Project Management
service to the Board. The Board shall meet the costs of such works which
shall be inclusive of Project Co costs which shall be clearly identified to
the Board. The cost shall be discussed and agreed with the Board prior to
the commencement of any works.
In collaboration with the Board Project Co will let a design and project
management term commission for works from £250 to £250,000. The
commission will cover all Royal Institution of British Architects (RIBA)
stages against a sliding scale depending on the size of the project and the
Method Statement
Estates Services
disciplines required.
Project Co shall provide appropriately trained and qualified personnel
from within the Estates Team to meet with the Board to receive and
discuss the clients brief for the additional works. Project Co shall draft the
scope of works for agreement with the Board Representative.
4.9 Minor New Works
SP15 For the performance or procurement small and minor works outside the
scope of this agreement and up to the value of £5000 Project Co shall
provide costs to the Board based upon an accepted and agreed Schedule of
Rates for works, as detailed in Part 22 (Variations).
Items that are outside the scope of the Schedule of Rates (SOR) can be
carried out either on a day work rate agreed with the Board or by fixed
price quotes, whichever is the preferred method. The quoted costs will
include all management, supervision, materials and labour for the job as
will be the cost to update the asset management and energy systems and
as built drawings and include life cycle costs.
For the avoidance of doubt, requests for Minor New Works by the Board
will prior to a request for costings by Project Co, undergo a Board
authorisation procedure agreed with Project Co.
In the first instance Project Co will provide a verbal, non-binding order of
cost to assist the Board in their decision making process. Should the
Board wish to proceed beyond that stage, Project Co would require the
issue of a Board Purchase Order prior to commencement to cover the
costs of preliminary discussions, initial surveys, liaison meetings,
feasibility studies or design briefs. Project Co will require the Board to
confirm the requirement in writing and allocate a cost code with signed
authority to spend the funds.
If the requirement is beyond Project Co. onsite capability Project Co shall
in collaboration with NHS Forth Valley recruit or outsource that
capability and manage the works in accordance with the small works
value bandings stated above at NHS Forth Valley cost.
Works will be carried out in line with Construction Design Management
(CDM) regulations. Any formal risk assessment required under CDM
regulations will require signing by the Board Representative before any
site work can commence. Once the project has been authorised, Project
Co will undertake a risk assessment jointly with the Board, to identify any
potential hazards to patients, staff, and visitors and operationally to the
Method Statement
Estates Services
4.10 Fire Safety and Security Systems and Procedures
Project Co. H&S Manager will lead on fire issues, supported by the
Technical Manager.
The as installed Fire detection and safety systems shall be tested and
inspected as described in the planned maintenance task description
generated by the CAFM system and in accordance with a risk assessment
schedule based on BS5839: and Firecode requirements. All fire fighting
equipment shall be maintained to BS Code of Practice 5306, part 3.
Results of all tests and maintenance on fire alarm systems and fire
fighting equipment will be recorded within system Log-books and or the
CAFM system.
Project Co shall hold regular meetings between the Estates Manager and
the Board’s Fire Officer to ensure:
Monitor Fire alarm testing results and procedures;
Compliance to Firecode and requirements of the local fire
Participating in the Board’s site-wide fire drills and follow-up
meeting capturing 'Lessons learnt' and assist the Board to
continually improve their fire drill procedure; and
Participate in annual fire safety audits led by the Board’s Fire
SP18 Project Co Health Safety Quality and Environmental (HSEQ) shall liaise
with the Board in the production of Emergency and Fire Contingency
Planning, relating to the potential failure of the fire safety systems, within
the agreed timescales through participation in Fire Safety
Committee/Forum by Project Co. Health and Safety Manager and Estates
Management representation.
SP19 Project Co. (HSEQ) Manager will coordinate Project Co. compliance with
Fire Drill exercises as agreed with the Board and the relevant Fire
SP20 Project Co (HSEQ) Manager shall ensure that all its staff participate in the
training and any subsequent training as laid down in HTM 83 Fire Safety
in Healthcare premises- general fire precautions. The training shall also
recognise the requirements of the Board Fire Policy. Hot works shall be
controlled the Estates Management Team under a permit to work system
SP21 On the anniversary of Service Commencement, Project Co shall provide
an Annual Report to the Board, in a format agreeable to them, confirming
the fitness for purpose of the as installed Fire Detection and Safety
systems, the compliance of Project Co’s Emergency procedures and
contingency plans in relation to the agreed Board Fire Policy.
For the avoidance of doubt the occupier of each room or department shall
be responsible for providing the fire risk assessments for those areas to
Project Co. In the first instance these risk assessments should be complete
Method Statement
Estates Services
in advance of occupation of each area. On an annual basis the occupier
shall review and formally advise Project Co of the current status of the
fire risk assessments within these areas.
4.11 Asset and Property Management
SP22 Project Co’s CAFM will maintain all estates records electronically.
The records shall include but not be limited to;
Planned Maintenance Plan
Planned Maintenance activities
Reactive Maintenance activities
Statutory Maintenance
Asset Database
Where hard copies of documents are required to be kept, either due to
legal or Board policies, then a filing system will be set up and documents
cross-referenced against the asset on the CAFM System.
Operational Estates data will be updated on a daily basis by input to the
CAFM system. Where data is modified that is not held on the CAFM
system, e.g. drawing changes as a result of a minor works package,
manual updates will be undertaken reflecting the “as fitted” mark ups.
SP23 Project Co. shall manage and update all handover documentation as
provided at commissioning by Contractor. All documentation required by
statute shall be maintained and updated to a standard at least compliant
with the requirements of Estatecode. Documentation shall be available for
inspection by the Board or their Representative on reasonable request.
Documents and records pertaining to new works shall be registered and
incorporated in the document control system.
SP24 Project Co. shall implement a specific Estates procedure for the receipt,
processing and closure action in response to hazard notices, safety action
notices and other technical notices received from NHS or Project Co’s
other technical indices applicable to the facility. The Technical Manager
shall be responsible for the implementation and maintenance of this
The Technical Manager shall also be responsible for the Reporting of
Plant and Equipment failures leading to incidents or near misses to the
designated Authority.
4.12 Providing Information
SP25/SP26 Any requests for information from a Board Representative will be logged
onto the Helpdesk system for tracking purposes, and a deliverable date
agreed. The Estates Manager shall assess the requirement and where
appropriate delegate the task. The Technical Manager will normally
coordinate the response to the Board Representative in an agreed format.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Agreed 'Standard reports' covering performance and other NHS
requirements will be made available via the CAFM “public” folders to
designated Board Representatives.
SP27 Project Co. Helpdesk shall record all complaints received and issue a
reactive job, under the Customer Complaints Register section. The
complaint can then be monitored against date and time to resolve and
action taken.
All complaints will be forwarded to the Estates Manager who will assign
an investigating manager. Normally the investigating manager will be
independent from the area of complaint.
The Customer shall be informed of any action taken and the reactive
complaint job closed off. Should the customer not be satisfied, then it will
be brought to the attention of the Asset Manger for direct action. The
Board Representative shall be informed of the outcome
Project Co HSEQ Manager shall monitor the progress of the investigation
and if the complaint has not been closed within one month, shall raise the
matter with the Contract Director.
SP28 Project Co shall be responsible for ensuring that all hardware and
software used in the delivery of the Estates Services hold valid licences.
4.13 Cleaning
SP29 Project Co shall carry out window cleaning PPM as directed in an agreed
method statement and in accordance with the PPM programme agreed
between Project Co and Board Representatives. The programme shall
define the planned tasks for the year and will enable the Board to forward
plan for the potential impact on Health operations.
Project Co. shall implement monitor and report on any deviations from
that plan. This will be reported on the Performance Management System
(PMS) and by way of the Monthly Maintenance Report produced by the
Maintenance Manager issued to the Board.
SP30 Project Co shall ensure that all estates operatives are aware of their
obligations to maintain a high level of cleanliness in the performance of
their tasks. In areas where deep cleans are required post maintenance
these will form part of the Domestic PPM activities. Additional reactive
cleans will be arranged by the Estates Management team as required and
shall be requested and recorded via the Helpdesk.
SP31 Project Co shall carry out wall washing PPM as directed in an agreed
Method Statement and in accordance with the PPM programme agreed
between Project Co. and Board Representatives. The programme shall
define the planned tasks for the year and will enable the Board to forward
plan for the potential impact on Health operations.
Project Co. shall implement monitor and report on any deviations from
that plan. This will be reported on the PMS and by way of the Monthly
Method Statement
Estates Services
Maintenance Report produced by the Maintenance Manager issued to the
Board Representative.
4.14 Damage
SP32a Project Co shall respond to all calls for damage as detailed in SP04 of
Estates Service Specific Specification.
SP32b The Maintenance Manager shall draw on information from the CAFM
system to form the basis of monthly damage report which will be issued
in a timely manner to the Board Representative.
All incidents will be logged on the CAFM system via the Helpdesk
Project Co shall record all requests and events received to the Helpdesk.
In order for a service request to be processed and completed the following
information will need to be input and captured within the CAFM system:
Requestors name and contact number;
Date and time of task;
Location of where task is to commence;
The service and type of request;
The categorisation of task;
Service response and rectification times;
Unique task number;
Date and time task was passed to the relevant service provider; and
Feedback, including response and rectification time and updates.
SP33a Project Co shall ensure an acceptable range of wireless signal is available
in all areas of the site to meet the needs of the Board.
SP33b Project Co shall ensure there are no lapses in security of the wireless
access points and associated hardware.
Project Co and the Board will be jointly responsible for ensuring the
security of their own data at the points of entry and delivery to/from the
wireless network.
SP33c Project Co shall provide experienced staff to provide wireless network
support 24-hours, 365(6) days per year
SP33d Any amendment to the wireless network shall be agreed between Project
Co and the Board’s Representative prior to implementing any changes.
4.15 Work Schedules
Prior to service commencement Project Co shall meet with Board Representatives to agree the
scheduling of services. This information shall be consolidated and issued. The frequency and
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timings of all scheduling shall be based around the parameters set out in schedule 14, the Service
Level Specifications.
Method Statement
Estates Services
5 Quality Standards
Project Co shall ensure that the delivery of the Estates Service shall meet the requirements of the
Service Specific Specification and associated documents. The delivery shall be monitored and
recorded in accordance with the Performance Parameters and any deviation from the required
standard of service shall be rectified as soon as it becomes apparent.
These will be backed up by Project Co’s Quality Systems.
Method Statement
Estates Services
6 Indicative Job Descriptions
Job Title: Maintenance Manager
Responsible to: Estates Manager
Job Description:
The Maintenance Manager shall be responsible for managing a multi disciplinary team to
achieve a high stand of performance across the four services of estates, grounds and gardens,
utilities and pest control.
Areas of Responsibility:
To be responsible for the update of existing, and production of new policies and procedures
associated with the maintenance and operation of the hospital
To support the Maintenance activities of Serco, by providing specialist engineering
knowledge and advice, associated with the full range of hospital building services.
To monitor and review maintenance activities such that strategic development of the Estates
contract is maintained.
To carry out specialist technical and non-technical work as deemed appropriate to the
continuing maintenance function of this Unit and its associated properties and to assist the
Maintenance Supervisor over the full range of his duties.
Supervision of site based workforce
Meeting maintenance activity targets
Responsibility for site operation of the CAFM
Deliver all planned and reactive tasks in accordance with the Service Level Specification
In conjunction with the local NHS Forth Valley representatives agree the Annual and
Monthly Maintenance Plan
Day to day interface with local NHS Forth Valley representatives
Input into the development of the 5 Year and Annual Maintenance Plans and the Asset
Renewal Plan
Agreeing with client access requirements
Facilitating Insurance inspections in liaison with the Technical Manager
Carrying out risk assessments
Supporting the Asset Manager in maintaining the Asset Register
Undertake Senior Authorised Person (AP) duties for all disciplines within his professional
o AP duties HV/LV
o AP duties (boilers & pressure vessels and confined space)
o AP duties Medical Gas
In conjunction with the Technical Manager, competence assessment for the purposes of
appointment of Competent Persons and issuing of Standing Instructions
Research and make recommendations into the implications of plant and building
refurbishment proposals.
Control and manage the work of specialist consultants, contractors and in-house staff on
building services projects and specialist operational maintenance issues.
Provide assistance in maintaining Estate’s records including the update of Operational
Procedure Manuals.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Provide input to the Estate’s CAFM planned maintenance system through the planning co-
ordinator by reviewing, amending, rescheduling, deleting and creating maintenance
Manage and review delegated maintenance service contracts.
Liaise with client and act as Serco’s maintenance representative for delegated ‘Capital’
Assist with the preparation and submission of NHS returns.
Project management for specific delegated building services schemes.
Analyse and technically comment upon maintenance feedback from both direct labour and
specialist maintainer staff.
Maintain Estate’s records.
Participate in Serco Estate’s management on-call rota.
Be responsible for steriliser testing and maintenance in conjunction with the Authorised
Steriliser Person
Be fully conversant with and understand the complete working of the mechanical, electrical
and electronic systems in N.H.S building particularly as they relate to this unit i.e.
sterilisation, lifts, refrigeration, boiler plant and steam utilisation, air conditioning fire alarm
systems, computer systems, control theory, practical and application.
Person Specification:
Understanding of customer care and experience of managing the client relationship.
Preferably including time within a Healthcare environment.
Demonstrate knowledge of safe use of equipment.
Experience in a people environment.
Good interpersonal and communication skills.
Able to use own initiative in problem solving on day to day issues.
Self-motivated and ability to motivate others.
Be a good team leader and work well as part of that team.
Keen to develop both own skills and knowledge and that of others.
Live within an acceptable travelling time of the Hospital.
Flexible attitude to working hours
Completion of either a recognised or registered EITB or CITB apprenticeship, or other
approved training of at least 4 years duration and:
Higher National Certificate (Btec) in Electrical or Electronic Engineering. or Mechanical
Minimum of 3 years experience in a similar role within a large complex service organisation.
Recruitment and selection of staff.
Direct line management of staff.
Experience in employment relations issues i.e. Disciplinary procedures, absence control etc.
Accuracy and attention to detail.
IT skills.
Ability to work to tight deadlines in a demanding environment.
Effectively interface with Trade Unions.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Health and Safety
Site Orientation and Corporate Induction
Customer care
Quality and customer service
Project Co Values
Personnel procedures
Fire Safety
Personal Development Plan
Customer Service
General Notes:
The job description is in general terms and the employee is expected to undertake all other tasks
as reasonably required by the Contract Manager
Health & Safety:
The post holder will be responsible for all appropriate health, safety and welfare matters
affecting staff in or attached to their area of work responsibility. This will include safe systems
of work, training and safety inspections
Method Statement
Estates Services
Job Title: Technical Manager
Responsible to: Estates Manager
Job Description:
The Technical Manager shall work closely with the Maintenance Manager and will be
responsible for the development of Asset Management Procedures, for the in-house team and for
the appointment and management of Service Partners, to guide and monitor the performance of
the Asset Management Service the across the four services of estates, grounds and gardens,
utilities and pest control.
Areas of Responsibility:
Provide technical support across the Scottish Health portfolio
Development and implementation and monitoring of policies and procedures for the Asset
Management Service such as the Permit to Work System and Emergency Procedures in
accordance with HTM 2070
To support the Maintenance activities of the department, by providing specialist engineering
knowledge and advice, associated with the full range of hospital building services.
Undertake Senior Authorised Person (AP) duties for all disciplines within his professional
o AP duties HV/LV
o AP duties (boilers & pressure vessels and confined space)
o AP duties Medical Gas
Preparation, competence assessment and issuing of Standing Instructions
In conjunction with the Maintenance Manager, the appointment and management of
Specialist Service Partners
Control and manage the work of specialist consultants, contractors and in-house staff on
building services projects and specialist operational maintenance issues.
Co-ordination of Minor New Works and Capital Works
Liaise with client and act as Serco’s technical representative for delegated ‘Capital’ schemes
To monitor and review maintenance activities such that strategic development of the Estates
service is maintained.
To carry out specialist technical and non-technical work as deemed appropriate to the
continuing maintenance function of this Unit and to assist the Maintenance Manager over the
full range of his duties.
Liaison with the Environmental Manager to ensure responsiveness to energy issues
Supervision of site based workforce
Responsibility for site operation of the CAFM
Deliver all planned and reactive tasks in accordance with the Service Level Specification
Day to day interface with local NHS Forth Valley representatives
Co-ordination of building surveys
Input into the development of the 5 Year and Annual Maintenance and Energy Management
Plans and the Asset Renewal Plan
Research and make recommendations into the implications of plant and building
refurbishment proposals.
Agreeing access requirements
Arranging Insurance inspections
Carrying out risk assessments
Method Statement
Estates Services
Supporting the Asset Manager in maintaining the Asset Register
Provide input to the Estate’s CAFM planned maintenance system in conjunction with the
Maintenance Manager
Assist with the preparation and submission of NHS returns.
Project management for specific delegated building services schemes.
Analyse and technically comment upon maintenance feedback from both direct labour and
specialist maintenance staff.
Participate in Estate’s management on-call rota.
Be conversant with and understand the complete working of the mechanical, electrical and
electronic systems in N.H.S building particularly as they relate to this unit i.e. sterilisation,
lifts, refrigeration, boiler plant and steam utilisation, air conditioning fire alarm systems,
computer systems, control theory, practical and application.
Person Specification:
Understanding of customer care and experience of managing the client relationship.
Preferably including time within a Healthcare environment.
Demonstrate knowledge of safe use of equipment.
Experience in a people environment.
Good interpersonal and communication skills.
Able to use own initiative in problem solving on day to day issues.
Self-motivated and ability to motivate others.
Be a good team leader and work well as part of that team.
Keen to develop both own skills and knowledge and that of others.
Live within an acceptable travelling time of the Hospital.
Flexible attitude to working hours
Completion of either a recognised or registered EITB or CITB apprenticeship, or other
approved training of at least 4 years duration and:
Higher National Certificate (Btec) in Electrical or Electronic Engineering. or Mechanical
Minimum of 3 years experience in a similar role within a large complex service organisation.
Recruitment and selection of staff.
Direct line management of staff.
Experience in employment relations issues i.e. Disciplinary procedures, absence control etc.
Accuracy and attention to detail.
IT skills.
Ability to work to tight deadlines in a demanding environment.
Effectively interface with Trade Unions.
Authorised Person in several disciplines
Health and Safety
Site Orientation and Corporate Induction
Method Statement
Estates Services
Customer care
Quality and customer service
Project Co Values
Personnel procedures
Fire Safety
Personal Development Plan
Customer Service
General Notes:
The job description is in general terms and the employee is expected to undertake all other tasks
as reasonably required by the Contract Director.
Health & Safety:
The post holder will be responsible for all appropriate health, safety and welfare matters
affecting staff in or attached to their area of work responsibility. This will include safe systems
of work, training and safety inspections.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Job Title: Maintenance Officer
Responsible to: Maintenance Manager
Job Description:
The Maintenance Officer shall work closely with the Maintenance Manager and will be
responsible for management and supervision of multi skilled workforce carrying out reactive and
planned maintenance, minor improvement and capital work across the Hospital as directed by
management, ensuring compliance with Serco safety standards and procedures.
Areas of Responsibility:
Ensures rotating shift is adequately manned and provides cover for shift technician as
Manages orders and supply of goods, services and contractors to ensure cost effective and
efficient delivery of service.
Supervises other shift personnel during out of hour’s periods.
To support the implementation and monitoring of policies and procedures for the Asset
Management Service such as the Permit to Work System and Emergency Procedures in
accordance with HTM 2070
To support the Maintenance activities of the department, by providing engineering
knowledge and advice to the maintenance team, associated with the full range of hospital
building services.
Undertake Authorised Person (AP) duties for all disciplines within his competency e.g.
o AP duties HV/LV
o AP duties (boilers & pressure vessels and confined space)
o AP duties Medical Gas
To work and ensure those carrying out tasks operate in accordance with the requirements of
Health Technical Memorandums (HTMs) on HTM2020, The Electrical Safety Code for Low
Voltage Systems, Sterilization HTM 2010, Medical Gases HTM 2022 and Water Supplies
HTM 2027 as appointed Authorised or Competent Person.
To manage estates maintenance personnel in the operation and control of engineering
planned preventative maintenance schemes to ensure assets are maintained to the
requirements of the contract.
Actively ensure all participate in the operation of the CAFM labour control scheme by
working within the scheme including completion of all work orders, record sheets and log
Use handheld electronic technology to provide feedback of information required by the
computer aided facilities management system CAFM to assist the estates department in
carrying out its duties
Coordinates and supervises all staff to ensure all work orders, ppm and reactive, are
accounted for correctly with record sheets and log books accurately filled in.
Ensure all goods, materials and support contractors are available to assist in efficient delivery
of service
At all times to carry Hospital communication devices (Pagers and Two-way radios/phones)
to facilitate immediate response to emergencies as part of the Emergency Response Team.
To ensure all estates personnel and contractors under his/her control that maybe working in
hazardous areas takes all safety measures to prevent danger, avoid injury and prevent damage
to equipment.
Ensure that works are completed or communicated, and continuity of shift is maintained at
all times.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Work overtime to carry out emergency repairs as required by management.
Provides cover for maintenance technician shift cover as required.
Ensure essential repair works, planned preventative maintenance, calibration and fault
diagnostics are carried out by estates workforce, offers technical support and back up as
To ensure all requests regarding plant or equipment failures are responded to and the supply
of goods and/or services available to enable a cost effective and efficient repair.
Ensures planned preventative maintenance inspections, validation and calibration tests are
carried out in accordance with Hospital technical memorandums, (HTM`s), SHTM’s and
other legislation /work instructions.
Ensure all report sheets, work orders and test certificates are correctly completed to protect
engineering plant and equipment and asset register is updated.
To follow planned preventative maintenance schedules.
Ensures all works are carried out in accordance with safe systems of work and permit to work
Ensures electrical testing and monitoring results are compliant with the latest edition of the
Wiring Regulations BS7671 and interprets and follows the regulations at all times.
Immediately notifies the Maintenance Manager of any deviation from the regulations.
Follows detailed engineering drawings and specifications.
Uses all relevant tools and equipment within safety guidelines as necessary for the
completion of works.
Undertakes inspection and commissioning tests for the installation and issues the appropriate
completion certificates.
To monitor and review maintenance activities
To carry out specialist technical and non-technical work as deemed appropriate to the
continuing maintenance function of the Hospital and to assist the Maintenance Manager over
the full range of his duties.
Liaison with the Environmental Manager to ensure responsiveness to energy issues
Be conversant with the operation of the CAFM
Deliver all planned and reactive tasks in accordance with the Service Level Specification
Day to day interface with local NHS Forth Valley representatives
Research and make recommendations into the implications of plant and building
refurbishment proposals.
Agreeing access requirements
Carrying out risk assessments for adhoc activities an monitoring of day to day
implementation of safe working procedures and safe systems of work
Provide input to the Estate’s CAFM planned maintenance system in conjunction with the
Maintenance Manager
Assist with the preparation and submission of NHS returns.
Analyse and technically comment upon maintenance feedback from both direct labour and
specialist maintenance staff.
Participate in Estate’s management on-call rota.
Be conversant with and understand the complete working of the mechanical, electrical and
electronic systems in N.H.S building particularly as they relate to this unit i.e. sterilisation,
lifts, refrigeration, boiler plant and steam utilisation, air conditioning fire alarm systems,
computer systems, control theory, practical and application.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Person Specification:
Understanding of customer care and experience of managing the client relationship,
preferably including time within a Healthcare environment.
Demonstrate knowledge of safe use of equipment.
Experience in a people environment.
Good interpersonal and communication skills.
Able to use own initiative in problem solving on day to day issues.
Self-motivated and ability to motivate others.
Be a good team leader and work well as part of that team.
Keen to develop both own skills and knowledge and that of others.
Live within an acceptable travelling time of the Hospital.
Flexible attitude to working hours
Completed City and Guilds / NVQ or equivalent in engineering, plumbing or electrical
BTEC / ONC in engineering services or five years experience as engineering technician
Competent person in either/or piped medical gases, boiler and pressure systems,
Low voltage electrical systems, sterilization to requirements of HTM`s, SHTM’s.
Capable of appointment as Authorised person high voltage systems and or Boilers and
Pressure Systems and MGPS within 6 months of appointment.
Minimum of 3 years experience in a similar role within a large complex service organisation.
Recruitment and selection of staff.
Direct line management of staff.
Experience in employment relations issues i.e. Disciplinary procedures, absence control etc.
Accuracy and attention to detail.
CAFM System and general IT skills.
Ability to work to tight deadlines in a demanding environment.
Effectively interface with Trade Unions.
Authorised Person in several disciplines
Health and Safety
Site Orientation and Corporate Induction
Customer care
Quality and customer service
Project Co Values
Personnel procedures
Fire Safety
Personal Development Plan
Customer Service
Method Statement
Estates Services
General Notes:
The job description is in general terms and the employee is expected to undertake all other tasks
as reasonably required by the Estates Management.
Health & Safety:
The post holder will be responsible for all appropriate health, safety and welfare matters
affecting staff in or attached to their area of work responsibility. This will include safe systems
of work, training and safety inspections.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Job Title: Technician
Responsible to: Maintenance Officer
Job Description:
The Technician shall carry out work including activities which are multi skilled, complex and/or
non-routine. Responsible for calibration and fault finding on a wide range of engineering plant
and equipment Undertakes maintenance, servicing, repairs, minor improvement and capital work
across the Hospital as directed by management, ensuring compliance with Serco safety standards
and procedures.
Provide cover for maintenance supervisors and supervise other workshop personnel
Provide cover as required for rotating shift.
Supervises other shift personnel during out of hour’s periods (if applicable)
Areas of Responsibility:
To work in accordance with the requirements of Health Technical Memorandums (HTMs) on
HTM2020, The Electrical Safety Code for Low Voltage Systems, Sterilization HTM 2010,
Medical Gases HTM 2022 and Water Supplies HTM 2027 and SHTM’s as an appointed
Competent Person.
To actively participate in the operation and control of engineering planned preventative
maintenance schemes.
Actively participate in the operation of the CAFM labour control scheme by working within
the scheme including completion of all work orders, record sheets and log books.
Coordinates and supervises other shift staff (if applicable) to ensure all work orders, ppm
and reactive, are accounted for correctly with record sheets and log books accurately filled in
At all times to carry Hospital communication devices (Pagers and Two-way radios/phones)
to facilitate immediate response to emergencies as part of the Emergency Response Team.
To be prepared to work in hazardous areas taking all safety measures to prevent danger,
avoid injury and prevent damage to equipment.
Ensure that works are completed or communicated, even if it means working longer than the
designated working hours.
Work overtime to carry out emergency repairs as required by management.
Provide cover for maintenance supervisors and technician shift cover as required
Undertake essential repair works, planned preventative maintenance, calibration and fault
diagnostics at the request of maintenance Supervisor and estates officers.
To liaise with Maintenance Officer regarding plant or equipment failures and to request the
supply of goods and/or services as necessary.
Undertake faultfinding on complex engineering services and equipment. Using cause effect
analysis and detailed examination to find a solution.
Carry out planned preventative maintenance inspections, validation and calibration tests in
accordance with Hospital Technical Memorandums (HTM‘s), SHTM’s and other applicable
legislation and work instructions.
Complete all report sheets, work orders and test certificates as necessary.
Use handheld electronic technology to provide feedback of information required by the
computer aided facilities management system CAFM to assist the estates department in
carrying out its duties
To follow planned preventative maintenance schedules.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Undertakes electrical testing and monitors results to ensure compliance with the latest edition
of the Wiring Regulations BS7671. Requesting remedial works or emergency isolations as
and when required.
Responsible for undertaking Electrical/Mechanical installations in accordance with the latest
edition of the Wiring Regulation BS7671 and interprets and follows the regulations at all
Immediately notifies the Maintenance Officer of any deviation from the regulations.
Follows detailed engineering drawings and specifications.
Uses all relevant tools and equipment within safety guidelines as necessary for the
completion of works.
Undertakes inspection and commissioning tests for the installation and issues the appropriate
completion certificates.
To work and ensure those carrying out tasks operate in accordance with the requirements of
Health Technical Memorandums (HTMs) on HTM2020, The Electrical Safety Code for Low
Voltage Systems, Sterilization HTM 2010, Medical Gases HTM 2022 and Water Supplies
HTM 2027 as appointed authorised or Competent Person for Serco.
Participate in on-call rota.
Be conversant with and understand the complete working of the mechanical, electrical and
electronic systems in N.H.S building particularly as they relate to this unit i.e. sterilisation,
lifts, refrigeration, boiler plant and steam utilisation, air conditioning fire alarm systems,
computer systems, control theory, practical and application.
To attend training establishments as necessary.
Provide training, technical advice and support to Trainees, Apprentices, Maintenance
Assistants and Electrical/Mechanical Craftsmen.
Undertake any other duties appropriate to the grade
Person Specification:
Understanding of customer care and experience of managing the client relationship,
preferably including time within a Healthcare environment.
Demonstrate knowledge of safe use of equipment.
Experience in a people environment.
Good interpersonal and communication skills.
Able to use own initiative in problem solving on day to day issues.
Self-motivated and ability to motivate others.
Be a good team leader and work well as part of that team.
Keen to develop both own skills and knowledge and that of others.
Live within an acceptable travelling time of the Hospital.
Flexible attitude to working hours
Boilers and Pressure Systems and MGPS within 6 months of appointment. Completed city and
guilds /NVQ or equivalent in engineering, plumbing or electrical apprenticeship
BTEC / ONC in engineering services or five years experience as engineering technician
Competent person in either/or piped medical gases, boiler and pressure systems,
Low voltage electrical systems, sterilization to requirements of HTM`s.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Capable of appointment as Authorised person high voltage systems
Minimum of 3 years experience in a similar role within a large complex service organisation.
Recruitment and selection of staff.
Direct line management of staff.
Experience in employment relations issues i.e. Disciplinary procedures, absence control etc.
Accuracy and attention to detail.
IT skills.
Ability to work to tight deadlines in a demanding environment.
Effectively interface with Trade Unions.
Authorised Person in several disciplines
Health and Safety
Site Orientation and Corporate Induction
Customer care
Quality and customer service
Project Co Values
Personnel procedures
Fire Safety
Personal Development Plan
Customer Service
General Notes:
The job description is in general terms and the employee is expected to undertake all other tasks
as reasonably required by the Estates Management.
Health & Safety:
The post holder will be responsible for all appropriate health, safety and welfare matters
affecting staff in or attached to their area of work responsibility. This will include safe systems
of work, training and safety inspections.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Job Title: Maintenance Craftsperson Electrical
Responsible to: Maintenance Officer
Job Description:
The Electrical Craftsperson shall undertake on electrical installations including Electrical
distribution, lighting, fire detection, building management system (BMS), standby generator
plant, air tube system, nurse call systems, data-communications, security and access systems and
any other electrically operated equipment not connected to patients in both planned preventative
maintenance and reactive work.
The Electrical Craftsman shall also undertake minor improvement and capital work across the
Hospital as directed by management, ensuring compliance with Serco safety standards,
procedures and Health & Safety at work.
Provide cover as required for rotating shift (if applicable)
Areas of Responsibility:
To work in accordance with the requirements of HTM2020, The Electrical Safety Code for
Low Voltage Systems as appointed Competent Person (LV) for the Hospital.
To be prepared to work in hazardous areas taking all safety measures to prevent danger,
avoid injury and prevent damage to equipment.
To actively participate in the operation of planned preventative maintenance (ppm)
Actively participate in the operation of the Archibus labour control scheme by working
within the scheme including completion of all work orders, record sheets and log books
Work overtime to carry out emergency repairs as required by management.
Recall to work should the need arise.
Ensure that works are completed or communicated, even if it means working longer than the
designated working hours.
Ensuring that information regarding works not completed or works required are conveyed to
other members of staff.
Undertake essential repair works and general maintenance activities at the request of the
Electrical Supervisor.
To liaise with Maintenance Officer regarding plant or equipment failures and to request the
supply of goods and/or services as necessary.
Undertake fault finding on electrical distribution and systems and report findings
Carry out planned preventative maintenance inspections and commissioning tests in
accordance with
Health technical memorandums (HTM’s) 16th edition IEE Regs BS7671 and all other
Complete all report sheets, work orders, log books and test certificates in hard copy or
electronic logger as necessary.
Use handheld electronic technology to provide feedback of information required by the
computer aided facilities management system CAFM to assist the estates department in
carrying out its duties.
Operates within constraints of permit to work systems
Interprets and follows the regulations at all times.
Immediately notifies the Electrical Supervisor of any deviation from the regulations.
Follows detailed engineering drawings and specifications.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Uses all relevant tools and equipment within safety guidelines as necessary for the
completion of works.
Ensure that works are completed or communicated, even if it means working longer than the
designated working hours.
Work overtime to carry out emergency repairs as required by management.
Person Specification:
Understanding of customer care and experience of managing the client relationship,
preferably including time within a Healthcare environment.
Demonstrate knowledge of safe use of equipment.
Experience in a people environment.
Good interpersonal and communication skills.
Able to use own initiative in problem solving on day to day issues.
Self-motivated and ability to motivate others.
Work well as part of a team.
Keen to develop both own skills and knowledge and that of others.
Live within an acceptable travelling time of the Hospital.
Flexible attitude to working hours
Recognized electrical apprenticeship e.g. city and guilds / NVQ
Minimum 2 years craftsman experience
16th edition IEE regulations
Minimum of 3 years experience in a similar role within a large complex service organisation.
Accuracy and attention to detail.
IT skills.
Ability to work to tight deadlines in a demanding environment.
To attend training establishments as necessary.
Provide training, technical advice and support to Apprentices, Trainees and Maintenance
Undertake any other duties appropriate to the grade
Health and Safety
Site Orientation and Corporate Induction
Customer care
Project Co Values
Fire Safety
Personal Development Plan
General Notes:
The job description is in general terms and the employee is expected to undertake all other tasks
as reasonably required by the Estates Management.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Health & Safety:
The post holder will be responsible for all appropriate health, safety and welfare matters
affecting staff in or attached to their area of work responsibility. This will include safe systems
of work, training and safety inspections.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Job Title: Maintenance Craftsperson Mechanical
Responsible to: Maintenance Officer
Job Description:
The Mechanical Craftsperson shall undertake works on a wide range of engineering plant and
equipment including low/medium steam, boiler and pressure systems, Steam Sterilizers, Medical
Gas Pipe Systems, Natural Gas Systems, Chiller Plant, Ventilation Systems, Pumps and Motors
in both reactive and planned preventative maintenance capacity.
The Mechanical Craftsman shall also undertake minor improvement and capital work across the
Hospital as directed by management, ensuring compliance with Serco safety standards,
procedures and Health & Safety at work.
Provide cover as required for rotating shift (if applicable)
Areas of Responsibility:
To work in accordance with the requirements of Health Technical Memorandums (HTMs)
and SHTM’s.
To be prepared to work in hazardous areas taking all safety measures to prevent danger,
avoid injury and prevent damage to equipment.
To actively participate in the operation of planned preventative maintenance (ppm)
Actively participate in the operation of the CAFM labour control scheme by working within
the scheme including completion of all work orders, record sheets and log books.
Work overtime to carry out emergency repairs as required by management.
Recall to work should the need arise.
Undertake essential repair works and general maintenance activities at the request of the
Maintenance Officer
To liaise with Maintenance Officer regarding plant or equipment failures and to request the
supply of goods and/or services as necessary.
Carry out planned preventative maintenance inspections and commissioning tests in
accordance with H.T.M s and procedures.
Complete all report sheets, work orders, log books and test certificates in hard copy or by
electronic logger as necessary.
Use handheld electronic technology to provide feedback of information required by the
computer aided facilities management system CAFM to assist the estates department in
carrying out its duties.
Operates within constraints of permit to work systems.
Immediately notifies the Engineering Supervisor of any deviation from the regulations.
Follows detailed engineering drawings and specifications operation and maintenance
Uses all relevant tools and equipment within safety guidelines as necessary for the
completion of works.
Ensure that works are completed or communicated, even if it means working longer than the
designated working hours.
Ensuring that information regarding works not completed or works required are conveyed to
other members of staff.
Undertake fault finding on mechanical installations and report findings
Method Statement
Estates Services
Carry out planned preventative maintenance inspections and commissioning tests in
accordance with Health technical memorandums (HTM’s) SHTM’s, and all other applicable
Person Specification:
Understanding of customer care and experience of managing the client relationship
preferably including time within a Healthcare environment.
Demonstrate knowledge of safe use of equipment.
Experience in a people environment.
Good interpersonal and communication skills.
Able to use own initiative in problem solving on day to day issues.
Self-motivated and ability to motivate others.
Work well as part of a team.
Keen to develop both own skills and knowledge and that of others.
Live within an acceptable travelling time of the Hospital.
Flexible attitude to working hours
Recognized electrical apprenticeship e.g. city and guilds / NVQ in Mechanical and/or
Minimum 2 years craftsman experience
16th edition IEE regulations
Minimum of 3 years experience in a similar role within a large complex service organisation.
Accuracy and attention to detail.
IT skills.
Ability to work to tight deadlines in a demanding environment.
To attend training establishments as necessary.
Provide training, technical advice and support to Apprentices, Trainees and Maintenance
Undertake any other duties appropriate to the grade
Health and Safety
Site Orientation and Corporate Induction
Customer care
Project Co Values
Fire Safety
Personal Development Plan
General Notes:
The job description is in general terms and the employee is expected to undertake all other tasks
as reasonably required by the Estates Management.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Health & Safety:
The post holder will be responsible for all appropriate health, safety and welfare matters
affecting staff in or attached to their area of work responsibility. This will include safe systems
of work, training and safety inspections.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Job Title: Maintenance Assistant
Responsible to: Maintenance Officer
Job Description:
The Maintenance Assistant shall undertake works, under the guidance of Maintenance Officer,
technicians and craftsman, on all aspects of engineering plant and equipment for both planned
and reactive maintenance.
Undertakes planned maintenance and reactive repairs, working from training programmes, work
procedures and operational manuals, recording and logging readings, carrying out basic
adjustments and repairs with careful documentation and recording on service sheets and work
Carrying out ductwork cleaning, filter changing, lamp and tube replacement including cleaning.
Cleaning plant, equipment, plant rooms, plenums and electrical sub-stations
Provide cover as required for rotating shift (if applicable)
Areas of Responsibility:
To work in accordance with the requirements of Health Technical Memorandums
(HTMs), SHTM’s and other applicable legislation under the guidance of supervisors,
technicians and craftsmen
To be prepared to work in hazardous areas taking all safety measures to prevent danger,
avoid injury and prevent damage to equipment.
To actively participate in the operation and control of engineering planned preventative
maintenance schemes.
Actively participate in the operation of the CAFM labour control by completion of
paperwork for all work orders, service sheets and log books or electronic logger.
Work overtime to carry out emergency repairs as required by management.
Recall to work should the need arise.
Undertake essential repair works and general maintenance activities at the request of the
Maintenance Officer.
To liaise with Maintenance Officer regarding plant or equipment failures and
Assist technicians and craftsmen with technical maintenance diagnostic fault finding and
Carry out planned preventative maintenance inspections and tasks unsupervised where
considered safe and appropriate.
Complete all report sheets, work orders, log books and test certificates as necessary.
To follow planned maintenance schedules.
To actively participate in the operation of planned preventative maintenance (ppm)
Operates within constraints of permit to work systems.
Immediately notifies the Maintenance Officer of any deviation from the regulations.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Follows guidance as laid down operation and maintenance manuals.
Uses all relevant tools and equipment within safety guidelines as necessary for the
completion of works.
Ensure that works are completed or communicated, even if it means working longer than
the designated working hours.
Ensuring that information regarding works not completed or works required are conveyed
to other members of staff.
Person Specification:
Understanding of customer care and experience of managing the client relationship
preferably including time within a Healthcare environment.
Demonstrate knowledge of safe use of equipment.
Experience in a people environment.
Good interpersonal and communication skills.
Able to use own initiative in problem solving on day to day issues.
Self-motivated and ability to motivate others.
Work well as part of a team.
Keen to develop both own skills and knowledge and that of others.
Live within an acceptable travelling time of the Hospital.
Flexible attitude to working hours
Recognized electrical apprenticeship e.g. city and guilds / NVQ in Mechanical and/or
Minimum 2 years craftsman experience
16th edition IEE regulations
Minimum of 3 years experience in a similar role within a large complex service organisation.
Accuracy and attention to detail.
IT skills.
Ability to work to tight deadlines in a demanding environment.
To attend training establishments as necessary.
Provide training, technical advice and support to Apprentices, Trainees and Maintenance
Undertake any other duties appropriate to the grade
Health and Safety
Site Orientation and Corporate Induction
Customer care
Project Co Values
Fire Safety
Personal Development Plan
Method Statement
Estates Services
General Notes:
The job description is in general terms and the employee is expected to undertake all other tasks
as reasonably required by the Estates Management.
Health & Safety:
The post holder will be responsible for all appropriate health, safety and welfare matters
affecting staff in or attached to their area of work responsibility. This will include safe systems
of work, training and safety inspections
Method Statement
Estates Services
7 Contingency Plans
An indicative contingency plan has been provided below. Service specific contingency plans will be developed with the Board and will be completed 3 months
prior to Service Commencement for each individual service mobilisation.
Failure of mains
electricity supply
Time Period: Description of Contingency arrangements:
To manage continuity of supply.
Triggers/Escalation When to invoke Actions Assumptions
Mains Electricity
Supply Failure
When Generators
Running Alarms
via BMS.
Notification to
Helpdesk or
Department of
failure of mains
electricity supply
either via a
System alarm, by
users or by the
supply authority.
Instigate Incident Recording Protocol using standard form…..
Contact Estates Manager on-call/on-site to attend site.
Check Emergency Generators are running.
Proceed to Main Incoming HV Board to check status.
Instruct checks to critical plant areas to confirm normal operation via BMS where possible. The critical plant checklist will be an integral part
of the Estates emergency response procedure
Contact Electricity supply authority to ascertain cause estimated time to reinstatement of mains supply to the facility.
The Estates on-call Manager shall liaise with Board and FM Heads of Department to inform of action plan for the duration of the failure. The
appropriate personnel / departments shall be identified and contact numbers provided by the Board and included the switchboard emergency
response procedure
Monitor fuel supply for generators.
If necessary implement the agreed loadshedding procedure. The loadsheddding priority listing shall be jointly developed with the Board.
On reinstatement of mains power Estates personnel shall carry out critical plant checks as previously described to ensure complete transition
back to mains supply. The generators shall be checked to ensure immediate / continuous availability in the event of recurrence of the outage.
The Estates on-call Manager shall carry our debriefing with the appropriate Board representatives.
Fault lies with
Both Sources
of Supply are
Name/title of staff member authorized to invoke plan:
Helpdesk Operator/ Estates Services Management Team
Criteria for returning to normal service:
Confirmation to the Estates Service by the Supply Authority of reinstatement and integrity of Mains Electricity Supply.
Method Statement
Estates Services
Procedures for returning to normal service:
Inform Board and FM Heads of Department. Check Emergency Generators are returned to standby status. Stand down additional checking regimes.
Protocol References: Helpdesk action card Ref.
Estates Incident Action Plan Ref.
Incident Report Record