user guide
Microsoft Volume Licensing
September 2022
eAgreements User Guide
The eAgreements smart client and web tool ............................................................................................ 4
Variations between programs ...................................................................................................................... 5
Create a new agreement ................................................................................................................................ 6
Sign in to eAgreements .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Find or create a customer ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Choose Program ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Navigate through eAgreements ........................................................................................................................ 10
Microsoft Sales Affiliate ......................................................................................................................................................11
Create an agreement (contract package) ...................................................................................................... 12
Save a draft ..............................................................................................................................................................................12
Prior agreements ...................................................................................................................................................................12
Choose organizations ..........................................................................................................................................................13
Choose contacts ....................................................................................................................................................................15
Verify roles and contacts ....................................................................................................................................................17
Provide additional information ........................................................................................................................................17
Choose offerings ...................................................................................................................................................................19
Choose media .........................................................................................................................................................................21
View the summary ................................................................................................................................................................21
Preview/upload and prepare for signature .................................................................................................................22
Prepare for signature (updated) ........................................................................................................................ 25
Electronic signature ..............................................................................................................................................................26
Physical “wet” signature via Adobe Sign .....................................................................................................................45
Withdraw a submission ......................................................................................................................................................52
Resend the email notification ..........................................................................................................................................53
Extend an agreement............................................................................................................................................. 54
Partner steps ...........................................................................................................................................................................54
Customer steps ......................................................................................................................................................................55
Renew an agreement ............................................................................................................................................. 57
Partner steps ...........................................................................................................................................................................57
Customer steps ......................................................................................................................................................................60
Next steps ................................................................................................................................................................................61
Creating an Update Statement .......................................................................................................................... 62
Partner steps ...........................................................................................................................................................................62
eAgreements User Guide
Customer steps ......................................................................................................................................................................63
Rejecting an agreement (customer steps) .............................................................................................. 65
Create an SPLA ............................................................................................................................................... 66
Sign into eAgreements ......................................................................................................................................... 66
Complete the SPLA agreement .......................................................................................................................... 67
Choose program ....................................................................................................................................................................68
Prior agreements ...................................................................................................................................................................69
Choose organizations ..........................................................................................................................................................70
Choose contacts ....................................................................................................................................................................72
Verify assigned roles (remove a role) ............................................................................................................................75
Next steps ................................................................................................................................................................................75
Add an academic addendum to an SPLA agreement ............................................................................... 76
Choose program ....................................................................................................................................................................76
Verify or choose signatories .............................................................................................................................................78
Next steps ................................................................................................................................................................................78
Preview the addendum .......................................................................................................................................................78
Submit the addendum for signing .................................................................................................................................79
Renew an SPLA enrollment ...............................................................................................................................................80
Open Value ..................................................................................................................................................... 85
Open Value Subscription ............................................................................................................................ 86
Enterprise Agreement ...................................................................................................................................87
Enterprise SCE ................................................................................................................................................ 88
Mandatory purchase order .................................................................................................................................. 89
Direct agreement packages ................................................................................................................................ 89
Select Plus agreements ................................................................................................................................ 90
EES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 91
Provide additional information .......................................................................................................................... 92
Choose offerings ..................................................................................................................................................... 93
Geographical differences .............................................................................................................................97
eAgreements differences in Japan ................................................................................................................... 97
Witnesses (Brazil only) ........................................................................................................................................... 98
eAgreements User Guide
The eAgreements smart client and
web tool
This guide is intended to show Microsoft partners how to use eAgreements to electronically
create different types of contract packages (agreements) and send them to customers to review
and sign.
By automating the complexities of setting up and signing an agreement, eAgreements can help
reduce data input errors and processing times, improving the experience for both partners and
With the eAgreements tool, you can create contract packages for the following Microsoft
licensing programs:
Campus/Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES)
Service Provider License Agreements (SPLA)
Open Value
Open Value Subscription
Enterprise Agreement
Enterprise Enrollment
Enterprise Subscription Enrollment
Enterprise Server and Cloud Enrollment (SCE)
Select Plus
eAgreements User Guide
Variations between programs
There are some minor differences in how you create contract packages for different types of
Microsoft licensing programs. For notes about these variations, see the following sections about
each program:
Open Value
Open Value Subscription
Enterprise Agreement
Enterprise SCE
Select Plus Agreements
eAgreements User Guide
Create a new agreement
This section explains the common steps for how to create a new agreement (contract package)
for customers in all types of Microsoft licensing programs.
Sign in to eAgreements
Microsoft partners sign in to the eAgreements application using their work or school account
(WSA) or their Microsoft account (MSA), depending on their role.
Once you sign in, the Organization Search page, which is the start screen in eAgreements, will
eAgreements User Guide
Find or create a customer
In the To begin creating a contract package pane, search for an existing customer or create a
new one.
NOTE: If youre renewing an existing agreement, fill in the agreement number in the field
after Renewal Agreement. For instructions, see Renew an agreement.
1. To find an existing customer, do one of the following:
Complete the fields for Organization Name, City, Locale, and State/Province (U.S.
and Canada only).
Enter your customer’s Public Customer Number (PCN).
2. Select Start.
The search results appear in a table in the right pane, listed under Organization
3. If the customer youre looking for is on the results list, select the customer's name and
then select Add Program. If the customer isn’t on the results list, double check your
search criteria, and if you’re still unable to locate the customer, select Create New
Organization, fill in the organization information, save your changes, and continue to
create a new agreement.
eAgreements User Guide
Choose Program
The Choose Program page opens.
1. Enter a Reference Name and Reference Number of your choice (optional).
The Reference Name and Reference Number are identifiers used as eAgreements
tracking reference numbers for the partner. Partners can use these numbers to
search for an agreement package within eAgreements.
eAgreements User Guide
2. Under Program, choose the program the customer has, for example, Open Value,
Enterprise, or SPLA.
3. Select the Program Type. To create a new contract for this organization, select Create a
new contract from the dropdown menu.re
Selecting the Program Type automatically populates the Partner Type and
Agreement Language fields. Countries with more than one partner type for a
program must choose these fields.
4. Select the required Version of this agreement program.
5. Verify the Partner Type.
6. Verify the Agreement Language.
7. Select the most appropriate statement that describes what you want to do.
eAgreements User Guide
NOTE: If you select I would like to create an Enrollment only, you must provide
a valid Master Agreement number. If you select I would like to create a Master
Agreement and an Enrollment under an existing MBSA, you must provide a
valid Microsoft Business Service Agreement (MBSA) number.
8. Select Next.
Navigate through eAgreements
After you select an organization and program for your contract package, you’ll finish the
package by navigating through the different sections of eAgreements using the buttons on the
top menu bar.
Customers with these two types of agreements will have six sections to navigate:
Service Provider License Agreements (SPLA)
Enterprise and Enterprise Subscriptions (corporate or state/local government)
Customers with these types of agreements will have an additional section called Choose
Open Value
Open Value Subscription
Enterprise Server Cloud Enrollment (SCE)
Enterprise SCG
eAgreements User Guide
Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES)
Select Plus
Symbols on the buttons indicate the status of each section in your package:
A green check on the button means that the section is complete.
A pencil graphic on the button means that no information has been entered yet in
this section.
An exclamation mark on the button means that some information is missing, and the
section isn’t complete.
Below the six buttons are two fields that show the Package Status and the Microsoft Sales
Affiliate for the contract.
Microsoft Sales Affiliate
Sales packages are managed by either a Microsoft Regional Operations Center (ROC) or the
Microsoft subsidiary for a specific country. The Microsoft Sales Affiliate for this package is listed
If you have any questions about this contract package, contact either the ROC or the Microsoft
subsidiary for your customer’s country, depending on which is listed.
eAgreements User Guide
Create an agreement (contract package)
After you’ve selected the organization and program for your contract package, you can begin
creating the agreement (contract package). You don’t need to enter any information about your
partner again, since eAgreements will prepopulate your partner information.
Save a draft
At any stage in the process of creating a contract package, you can select the Save button on
the upper right of the menu bar to save your draft contract package. Then you can return to
complete it later.
Prior agreements
The first step in creating an agreement is to designate whether this agreement is part of a
Software Assurance (SA) renewal.
1. Select the Prior Agreements button.
2. Select Yes or No to confirm whether the new agreement youre creating is part of an SA
eAgreements User Guide
Choose organizations
1. Select the Choose Organizations button.
2. Select Search/New to add details of the partner associated with this contract package.
3. Enter the Software Advisor’s or Distributor’s Organization Name or Public Customer
4. Select Search.
eAgreements User Guide
5. Select the appropriate organization.
6. Under Define Customer/Enrolled Affiliate’s Enterprise, choose one of the options to
define the customer’s enterprise and affiliates.
Options for the customer’s enterprise include:
Customer/Enrolled Affiliate Only
Customer/Enrolled Affiliate and all Affiliates
Customer/Enrolled Affiliate and the following Affiliate(s): If you select this, you’ll
be asked to choose each affiliate to include.
Customer/Enrolled Affiliate and all Affiliate(s), with the following Affiliates excluded:
If you select this, you’ll be asked to choose each affiliate to exclude.
An affiliate is a company whose parent company owns more than 50 percent of the
company. In the Manage Affiliates table, the first two options either include or
eAgreements User Guide
exclude affiliates based on their current and future status. The third option allows
you to include the customer and only the affiliates you want to include in this
NOTE: If your customer’s organization has acquired any new affiliates since the
start of their agreement, you should determine whether to include them.
Choose contacts
1. To assign Participant Roles as Agreement Contacts, select the Choose Contacts button.
2. Select the customer organization from the Organization dropdown menu to view the
available contacts for that organization. Use the Contact dropdown menu to choose the
appropriate contacts within the organization.
To add contacts, select Search/New next to the Contact dropdown menu.
To add details for an existing contact, select Edit next to the Contact dropdown
3. Select any or all the roles in the Available Participant Roles box.
eAgreements User Guide
A red asterisk after a participant role indicates that you must assign someone to
this required role.
The Customer Electronic Signatory is now a mandatory role.
NOTE: When the customer organization is selected in the Organization dropdown menu,
the Reseller Primary Contact and Distributor Primary Contact roles are grayed out in
the Available Participant Roles box, so you can’t attach them to the customer contact.
4. Select Assign to move the participant roles that you selected to the Assigned Contacts
field. This assigns the participant to those roles in the contract. Repeat this step until all
required roles are assigned.
If you want to have this contract package signed electronically, you must assign an
electronic signer.
5. Select the distributor Organization and Contact from the corresponding dropdown
6. Choose the roles associated with the distributor contact from the Available Participant
Roles field and select Assign.
eAgreements User Guide
Verify roles and contacts
Before completing the Additional Information section, confirm that all the roles have been
assigned. Also, verify that the Contact field shows the contact desired.
If any roles need to be removed and assigned to another contact, do so now. To remove a role:
1. Select the role to remove.
2. Select Remove.
Provide additional information
On the Additional Information page, you can add information to the contract package. All this
information is optional unless the field is marked with an asterisk (*).
The following example is the Additional Information page a user would see during the creation
of an Open Value agreement.
1. On the navigation menu, select Additional Information.
2. Under Microsoft Contact, type a contact name if one isn’t already listed. The default
Microsoft Contact Role is Account Manager.
eAgreements User Guide
3. If you typed a Microsoft contact name, you must also provide a Microsoft contact email
address in the Microsoft Contact Email Address field.
4. If the customer wants Microsoft Financing, then complete this section.
5. Complete these other optional fields, if desired:
Purchase Order Number
Additional Reference Information
Microsoft Opportunity ID
eAgreements User Guide
Choose offerings
In the Choose Offerings section, you can select from various purchasing options and determine
the customer price level.
Only customers with these types of agreements will see the Choose Offerings button:
Open Value
Open Value Subscription
Enterprise SLG
Select Plus
eAgreements User Guide
Here’s how to complete the Choose Offerings section:
1. Select the Choose Offerings button.
2. Select the appropriate Purchasing Options and Customer Price Level options.
NOTE: The purchasing options and customer price level options might differ
slightly from the screenshot, depending on whether you’re creating
a contract package for the Open Value or Open Value Subscription program.
eAgreements User Guide
Choose media
Digital by Choice is Microsoft's simplified and environmentally conscious digital fulfilment
initiative for your Microsoft Volume Licensing agreement. By default, the software you purchase
for your customers is available for download, but no longer on physical media (discs), except by
special request.
On the navigation menu, select Choose Media. The Download option is preselected. No other
action is required; you can now go to the Summary section.
View the summary
The Summary section provides a single page on which to view all the agreements contents.
Select a header on the left to view a specific area of the summary. You can revisit an area by
selecting the links on the right.
eAgreements User Guide
The areas are:
Header Details
Prior Agreement
Additional Info
Offering (applies only to some licensing programs)
Media Form
Preview/upload and prepare for signature
You can view a contract package before submitting it to your customer for signing. You can also
attach additional documents, if required.
eAgreements User Guide
1. On the navigation menu, select Preview/Upload.
2. The Preview/Upload Documents screen opens. Under Document Name, select any file
that you want to review or print. These are draft documents in PDF format.
eAgreements User Guide
3. To attach any additional documents, select the Type from the dropdown menu, and then
enter a Title for the document.
4. Select Browse to locate the document that you’ll be attaching (SPLA customers can
attach an SPLA Affiliate form here).
5. In the Select file to upload dialog box (not shown), select Open.
6. Select Upload, and then select OK. The file will appear under Uploaded Documents once
the virus scan is complete.
7. Check the Visible to Customer box if you want this new document to be visible to the
customer when they sign. If for any reason the customer shouldn’t see the document, do
not select this choice.
In the case of Open Value or Open Value Subscription programs, partners might choose
to attach additional documentation (such as sales or marketing information) that they
would like to send to the customer. These will not be considered by the ROC processing
8. The uploaded file must be saved as one of the following file types:
PDF: Adobe Fill & Sign supports most PDFs. However, the following two types of
PDFs aren’t supported:
Secured PDFs—When uploading a secure PDF, you’ll see an error message
conveying that the PDF contains editing restrictions and isn’t supported.
Some LiveCycle Designer formsFor dynamic XFA PDFs created by
LiveCycle, you’ll see an error message conveying that Dynamic XFA isn’t
Microsoft Office files: DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSx, PPT, PPTX
Image files: JPG, PNG, GIF, TIF
Text files: TXT, RTF, ODT
eAgreements User Guide
NOTE: You can remove any documents uploaded in error. To do this, select
the document under Uploaded Documents and then select Remove.
However, once a document has been signed by the customer or partner, it
can’t be removed from the package.
Prepare for signature (updated)
This section describes the updated process for both electronic and physical signatures with
Adobe Sign integration into eAgreements, or Volume Licensing Contract Manager (VLCM).
eAgreements User Guide
Electronic signature
There are three types of electronic signatures:
Simple signature Also known as a standard signature, this is the most common type of
electronic signature. Authentication is achieved via a unique link sent to the email address
of the signer, and the signer’s email address is considered evidence they have been
identified. This is also the most common signature type at Microsoft.
Digital signature Also referred to as an advanced signature, authentication is achieved
via the digital certificate to complete the signing ceremony. The process begins via email,
but the signer must use a certificate to complete the process.
Qualified signatures These are digital signatures that deserve special treatment. Again,
you need a certificate to sign, but to get a certificate, you must prove who you are.
Qualified certificates used to complete a qualified signature can only be obtained from a
trusted services provider (TSP). Because the certificate can only be provided to someone
who has proved who they are, they have the same legal effect as a handwritten signature.
With the new Adobe Sign integration, VLCM meets all three electronic signature types, shown as
two options:
1. Adobe Electronic (Simple) Signature
2. Adobe Digital/Qualified Signature (combined as a single option)
Speak with your customer if they require a digital or qualified signature. The following scenarios
demonstrate the updated process for both partners and customers, from preparing the package
for signature to signing the package:
Simple electronic signature for direct/indirect Enterprise Agreements (EAs) VLCM
Digital/qualified signature for direct EAs VLCM
Simple electronic signature for channel price sheet (CPS) for indirect EAs
VLCM/Adobe Sign
Simple electronic signature for Open Value
Simple electronic signature for Campus
eAgreements User Guide
Simple electronic signature for direct/indirect EAs
Partner steps
1. On the navigation menu, select the Prepare for Signature option.
2. The Prepare for Signature dialog box opens. Select the Adobe Simple electronic
signature button, and verify the contact listed as the electronic signatory. Provide any CC
email addresses for those who need to view a copy of the notification email.
eAgreements User Guide
NOTE: Youll see a warning message now if you didn’t include an electronic signer
when you prepared your agreement package contacts. You must return to the Choose
Contacts section and assign an electronic signatory. You can also assign signatories
here by selecting the Assign link.
3. Select Submit. This will send an email message to the signer that you specified,
requesting their simple signature. The distributor and reseller contacts listed during the
package creation will receive a copy of the invitation email by default.
4. When the confirmation dialog box appears, select OK. The customer will receive a
notification to sign the package electronically.
Customer steps
These steps show the process of customers accepting and signing the agreement.
1. Once your customer receives the notification to sign the package electronically, they
should select Review and sign.
eAgreements User Guide
2. This will take them to the Adobe Sign portal, where they will sign on the signature
placeholders, namely the Signature and Printed Title fields. The Printed Name and
Signature Date fields are automatically populated.
3. The customer should select Click to Sign to complete the process.
4. After signing, your customer will receive an on-screen confirmation of signing
5. You will receive a notification from eAgreements (VLCM) to confirm the status of the
agreement. If signatories wish to obtain copies of the signed agreements, they can do so
via the Adobe Sign portal.
eAgreements User Guide
Take note of the following:
The maximum number of customer signatures that can be configured for any package is
External users (including customers) can’t delegate signing to other potential signers.
A signature envelope will automatically expire and move to a stale state in 90 days.
Digital/qualified signature for direct EAs
Partner steps
1. On the navigation menu, select Prepare for Signature.
2. The Prepare for Signature dialog box opens. Select the Adobe Digital/Qualified
electronic signature button, and verify the contact listed as the electronic signatory.
Provide any CC email addresses for those who need to view a copy of the notification.
eAgreements User Guide
NOTE: You’ll see a warning message if you didn’t include an electronic signer when you
prepared your agreement package contacts. You must return to the Choose Contacts
section and assign an electronic signatory. You can also assign signatories here by
selecting the Assign link.
3. Select Submit. This will send an email message to the signer that you specified,
requesting their digital/qualified signature. The distributor and reseller contacts listed
during the package creation will receive a copy of the invitation email by default.
4. When the confirmation dialog box appears, select OK.
Customer steps
1. Once your customer receives the notification to sign the package electronically, they
should select Review and sign.
eAgreements User Guide
2. This will take them to the Adobe Sign portal, where they will sign on the signature
placeholders. Customers can digitally sign the contract by selecting the digital signature
3. A dialog box will open, and they should select Cloud Signature, then select Next.
eAgreements User Guide
4. The customer should then select the appropriate digital ID provider based on the
company requirements. They can provide the certificate by signing into the digital ID
provider’s website and completing the signature.
Take note that when a package is submitted for digital signature, the customer must give a valid
certificate and can’t proceed with a simple signature. Also note, Microsoft will countersign via
the Electronic (Simple) Signature method.
Simple electronic signature of Channel Price Sheet (CPS) for indirect EAs
For indirect EAs, Adobe Sign helps in facilitating the signing of the CPS.
Partner steps
1. Prior to signing the CPS, partners should map the Reseller CPS Signer contact role
during contact selection. The Reseller CPS Signer contact role should first be mapped
to a contact in the partner organization. Take note that the reseller signer should have
signing authority within the partner organization. The Submit for CPS Signature button
will be disabled if the contact isn’t selected or if the document hasn’t been uploaded.
eAgreements User Guide
2. The partner should upload the unsigned CPS into the agreement package via the
Preview/Upload option.
3. Once the contact has been selected and the unsigned CPS has been uploaded, the
Submit for CPS Signature button will be enabled.
eAgreements User Guide
4. Select the Submit for CPS Signature button. In the dialog box, you can include
additional recipients who wish to view the notification.
5. Select Send. This will send an email message to the signer that you specified, requesting
their signature, and this process will be facilitated via Adobe Sign.
6. Once the CPS has been signed, proceed with the process to prepare the package for
customer signature, via simple signature or digital/qualified signature. Note: once the
CPS has been signed through this process, it can’t be modified.
eAgreements User Guide
CPS signer steps
1. The CPS signer will receive a notification to sign the CPS.
2. The CPS signer should follow the Adobe prompts to populate the applicable fields.
eAgreements User Guide
3. The CPS signer can add the purchase order (PO) number details, PO date, signature, and
4. Take note of the following regarding the PO field:
The PO number field separators have been removed.
While the PO number isn’t mandatory during this step, this is the only time it can
be entered on the paperwork before the contract package is locked and signed.
Subsequent additions/changes will need to be submitted via Call Logging Tool
(CLT) and won’t be reflected on the CPS document itself.
The PO date format is mmm dd, yyyy.
5. After signing the CPS, you can select the Prepare for Signature button to send it to your
customer for signature.
6. Continue with the process to send the package to the customer for signature, as detailed
in the scenario for simple electronic signatures for direct/indirect EAs.
eAgreements User Guide
Simple electronic signature via Adobe Sign for Open Value subscriptions
Partner steps
1. After adding all the information, in the navigation menu, select Prepare for Signature.
2. The Prepare for Signature dialog box opens. Select the Adobe Simple electronic
signature button, and verify the contact listed as the electronic signatory. Provide any CC
email addresses for people that you want to view the notification.
eAgreements User Guide
3. VLCM will submit the package for processing. When the submission process is complete,
a confirmation dialog box appears. Select OK.
Customer steps
1. Once your customer receives the notification to sign the package electronically, they
should select Review and sign.
2. This will take them to the Adobe Sign portal, where they will sign on the signature
placeholders, namely the Signature and Printed Title fields. The Printed Name and
eAgreements User Guide
Signature Date fields are automatically populated.
3. The customer should select Click to Sign to complete the process.
eAgreements User Guide
4. After signing, your customer will receive an on-screen confirmation of signing
Simple electronic signature via Adobe Sign for Campus Education subscriptions
Partner steps
1. After adding all the information, in the navigation menu, select Prepare for Signature.
eAgreements User Guide
2. The Prepare for Signature dialog box opens. Select the Adobe Simple electronic
signature button, and verify the contact listed as the electronic signatory. Provide any CC
email addresses for people that you want to view the notification.
3. VLCM will submit the package for processing. When the submission process is complete,
a confirmation dialog box appears. Select OK.
eAgreements User Guide
Customer steps
1. Once your customer receives the notification to sign the package electronically, they
should select Review and sign.
eAgreements User Guide
2. This will take them to the Adobe Sign portal, where they will sign on the signature
placeholders, namely the Signature and Printed Title fields. The Printed Name and
Signature Date fields are automatically populated.
3. The customer should select Click to Sign to complete the process.
eAgreements User Guide
4. After signing, your customer will receive an on-screen confirmation of signing
Physical “wet” signature via Adobe Sign
Due to the Adobe Sign integration into VLCM, changes have been made to this process, where
customers will print, sign, and upload the package via the Adobe Sign portal.
NOTE: Because Microsoft is a digital company, the default Regional Operations
Center (ROC) countersignature type will be Adobe Sign. If the customer requires a
physical “wet” countersignature from Microsoft, upload (as a miscellaneous
document) an image of the customer email indicating this requirement to alert the
processing agent and signatory. This must be uploaded into eAgreements prior to
sending the contract to the customer for signature.
eAgreements User Guide
Partner steps
1. After adding all the information, in the navigation menu, select Prepare for Signature.
2. The Prepare for Signature dialog box opens. Select the Adobe Electronic (Simple)
Signature button, and verify the contact listed as the electronic signatory. Provide any
CC email addresses for people that you want to receive the notification.
eAgreements User Guide
3. VLCM will submit the package for processing. When the submission process is complete,
a confirmation dialog box appears. Select OK.
Customer steps
1. Once your customer receives the notification to sign the package electronically, they
should select Review and sign.
eAgreements User Guide
2. In the Adobe Sign portal, to physically sign the document, the customer should select
Print, sign and upload under the Options dropdown menu.
3. The customer should select the Continue button to proceed with the physical download
eAgreements User Guide
4. They should first read through the Consumer Disclosure document before selecting
Next to proceed.
5. In the dialog box, they should select the Download button to proceed.
eAgreements User Guide
6. Once the file has been downloaded, the customer should go to the Downloads folder to
open, print, and sign the document. Once the document signed, they should scan and
upload it to their computer.
7. After scanning the document, the customer should locate the signed agreement,
highlight it, and double-click it for upload. To upload it to the Adobe Sign portal, the
customer should select the Upload to submit button.
To make sure that the upload goes smoothly, the customer must take note of the
The document package downloaded from and uploaded to the Adobe Sign portal
must match. If theres a discrepancy, the Adobe Sign portal will display an error.
eAgreements User Guide
8. If an error occurs, the customer must resolve the issue; once it’s resolved, they should
reload the document.
9. Once the document has been successfully uploaded, the customer will receive a
notification. The contract package will automatically be submitted to the ROC for
processing and countersignature, and the default countersignature type will be via Adobe
Sign. The customer can access the uploaded document from the Adobe Sign portal.
eAgreements User Guide
Withdraw a submission
After the customer reviews their electronic agreement, they might want changes. Additionally,
you might want to alter the agreement. If the customer has not signed the agreement, it’s
possible to withdraw the submission. The customer can reject the agreement by declining to
sign through Adobe Sign, or you can withdraw it without the customer’s rejection, provided the
customer has not yet signed the agreement.
1. In the Adobe Sign portal, the customer can decline to sign the agreement by selecting
Decline to sign from the Options menu.
When you submit a contract package, the Delete button on the navigation bar changes to
eAgreements User Guide
2. Select Withdraw to withdraw the agreement. Once withdrawn, the previous version of a
contract is void.
3. Select Yes to confirm the withdrawal.
The Withdraw button reverts to the Delete button.
The status changes from Pending Customer Signature to Draft.
Resend the email notification
Its possible to resend submission notification emails from eAgreements. You might want to do
this if the designated signer for your customer tells you that they never received the email
invitation to electronically sign their contract package or can’t find it in their inbox.
1. Select Resend Notification.
The Resend Email Notification dialog box opens. You can resend to the electronic signer
that you originally sent the notification to and add recipients.
2. Enter the email address of any Additional Recipients that you want to add (optional).
3. Enter any necessary comments.
4. Select Send.
eAgreements User Guide
Extend an agreement
You have the option of extending an existing agreement to extend your customer’s licensing
coverage without having to create a new agreement. This applies to all types of agreements
in the eAgreements tool.
You can do this anytime up to 60 days before an agreement expires or up to 30 days after it
Partner steps
1. Go to the Organization Search page.
2. In the dropdown menu under Actions, select Renew. Enter the agreement number of the
agreement you want to extend and select the option to extend the existing agreement.
eAgreements User Guide
3. After validating that the information on the organization is correct, select the Prepare for
Signature option.
Customer steps
1. Once your customer receives the notification to sign the package electronically, they
should select Review and sign.
eAgreements User Guide
2. This will take them to the Adobe Sign portal, where they will sign on the signature
placeholders, namely the Signature and Printed Title fields. The Printed Name and
Signature Date fields are automatically populated.
3. The customer should select Click to Sign to complete the process.
4. After signing, your customer will receive an on-screen confirmation of signing
eAgreements User Guide
Renew an agreement
Customers can renew an existing agreement up to 60 days before it expires and 30 days after it
expires. Multi-tenant lead enrollments aren’t available for renewal in the tool (although the tool
initially will say the option is available, the renewal won’t be processed).
ROCs can approve exceptions up to 120 days after the renewal date.
After 120 days, contact your subsidiary to request approval, which they can grant as a “special
deal.” If your request is approved, include the special deal number in the Call Logging Tool (CLT)
log, ask to have the new agreement set up as a renewal, and backdate the renewal to ensure
that there is no gap in coverage.
Partner steps
To renew (extend) an agreement within the normal time limit (up to 60 days before it expires
and 30 days after it expires):
1. Go to the Organization Search page.
2. In the dropdown menu under Actions, select Renew. Enter the agreement number of the
agreement you want to extend and select the option to extend the existing agreement.
eAgreements User Guide
3. Verify that the information on the organization is correct and then select Add Program.
4. Add the new program information for the renewal agreement.
eAgreements User Guide
5. The Prepare for Signature dialog box opens. Select the Adobe Simple electronic
signature button, and verify the contact listed as the electronic signatory. Provide any CC
email addresses for people that you want to receive the notification.
6. VLCM will submit the package for processing. When the submission process is complete,
a confirmation dialog box appears. Select OK. Take note that for Limited Risk Distributor
(LRD) countries, the subsidiary signature will be automatically applied from this point of
the process.
eAgreements User Guide
Customer steps
1. Once your customer receives the notification to sign the package electronically, they
should select Review and sign.
2. This will take them to the Adobe Sign portal, where they will sign on the signature
placeholders, namely the Signature and Printed Title fields. The Printed Name and
Signature Date fields are automatically populated.
eAgreements User Guide
3. The customer should select Click to Sign to complete the process.
4. After signing, your customer will receive an on-screen confirmation of signing
Next steps
To finish renewing an agreement, follow the rest of the steps listed in the top section of this
Choose organizations
Choose contacts
Provide additional information
Choose media
Preview/upload and prepare for signature
Prepare for signature
Electronic signature
Physical signature
Withdraw a submission
Resend the email notification
eAgreements User Guide
Creating an Update Statement
Partners can submit an update statement (zero usage) using the simple electronic signature
through Adobe Sign.
Partner steps
Partners can create the update statement using simple electronic signature through Adobe Sign.
1. Go to the Organization Search page. In the dropdown menu under Actions, select
Update Statement.
2. Select Prepare for Signature and then select the signature type.
eAgreements User Guide
Customer steps
1. Once your customer receives the notification to sign the package electronically, they
should select Review and sign.
2. Then they should follow the Adobe Sign prompts to sign the Enterprise Update
Statement document.
eAgreements User Guide
3. The customer should enter their name to electronically sign. Once they sign, they
select Apply.
eAgreements User Guide
Rejecting an agreement (customer
Customer signers also can reject their agreement (contract package).
1. To reject their contract package, on the Adobe portal, the customer can select the
Decline to sign option.
2. They will then be prompted to add the reason for declining the packagethis is a
mandatory step. Once they type in their reason, they can select Decline to complete the
eAgreements User Guide
Create an SPLA
SPLA is for service providers and independent software vendors (ISVs) who want to license the
latest eligible Microsoft software products to provide software services and hosted applications
to end customers.
With the SPLA, service providers and ISVs can license eligible Microsoft products on a monthly
basis, during a three-year agreement term, to host software services and applications for their
customers. The SPLA supports a variety of hosting scenarios to help you provide highly
customized and robust solutions to a wide set of customers.
Sign into eAgreements
Microsoft partners sign in to the eAgreements application using their WSA or MSA, depending
on their role.
Signing in will take you to the Organization Search screen, which is the start screen in
eAgreements User Guide
1. To find an existing customer, do one of the following:
Complete the fields for Organization Name, City, Locale, and State/Province (U.S.
and Canada only).
Enter your customer’s Public Customer Number (PCN).
2. Select Start.
The results of the search will appear in a table in the right pane, listed under Organization
If the customer you’re looking for is on the results list, select the customer’s name and then
select Add Program.
Complete the SPLA agreement
After the partner selects a customer and the SPLA agreement type, the partner must complete
the contract package.
eAgreements User Guide
Choose program
The Choose Program page opens.
1. Enter a Reference Name and Reference Number of your choice (optional).
The Reference Name and Reference Number are identifiers used as eAgreements
tracking reference numbers for the partner. Partners can use these numbers to search for
an Agreement Package within eAgreements.
2. Under Program, choose SPLA for your customer.
3. Select the Program Type. To create a new contract for this organization, select Create a
new contract from the dropdown list under Program Type.
Selecting the Program Type automatically populates the Partner Type and Agreement
Language fields. If you are in a country with more than one partner type for a program
must choose these fields.
4. Select the required Version of this agreement program.
eAgreements User Guide
5. Verify the Partner Type.
7. Verify the Agreement Language.
8. When you select an SPLA program, you must provide your customer’s valid Microsoft
Partner Network (MPN) member ID.
If you provide an invalid MPN ID, an error message appears. You will not be able to
continue the contract creation process until you provide a valid MPN ID.
You must now select the appropriate contract package. Based on the requirements of
the agreement, you may choose between three options:
Create a master agreement and an enrollment under an existing Microsoft Business
and Services Agreement (MBSA): you must provide a valid MBSA number
Add an academic addendum to an existing corporate agreement: you must provide
a valid SPLA corporate enrollment number
Create a new contract (MBSA, Agreement, and Enrollment)
9. Select Next.
Prior agreements
The first step in creating an agreement is to designate whether this agreement is part of a
Software Assurance renewal. See the previous instructions for Prior Agreements.
eAgreements User Guide
Choose organizations
1. On the navigation menu, select Choose Organizations.
2. If your partner organization is not in the table that appears, select the Search/New
button to search for the organization or enter a new organization.
3. In the Search for organization dialog box, type the partner Organization Name or Public
Customer Name (PCN), and then select Search.
4. Choose the appropriate partner organization when it appears, and then Select.
eAgreements User Guide
5. The Choose Organizations window opens, and the partner organization appears after
Standard Enrollment Reseller.
To alter these items, select Edit.
To replace these items, select Search/New.
6. Select the appropriate option under Define Customer/Enrolled Affiliate’s Enterprise.
Options for the customer’s enterprise include:
Customer/Enrolled Affiliate Only
Customer/Enrolled Affiliate and all Affiliates
Customer/Enrolled Affiliate and the following Affiliate(s): If you select this, you
will be asked to choose each affiliate to include.
Customer/Enrolled Affiliate and all Affiliate(s), with the following Affiliates excluded:
If you select this, you will be asked to choose each affiliate to exclude.
An affiliate is a company whose parent company owns more than 50 percent of the
company. In the Manage Affiliates table, the first two options either include or
exclude affiliates based on their current and future status. The third option allows
you to include the customer and only the affiliates you want to include in this
NOTE: If your customer’s organization has acquired any new affiliates since
the start of their agreement, you should determine whether to include them.
eAgreements User Guide
Choose contacts
Assign Participant Roles as Agreement Contacts in the Choose Contacts window.
1. On the navigation menu, select Choose Contacts.
2. To view the available contacts for an organization, select the applicable organization
from the Organization dropdown list. To choose the appropriate contacts within the
organization, use the Contact dropdown list.
3. Select one or more roles in the Available Participant Roles box.
NOTE: A red asterisk indicates a required contact role is assigned to a
contract in the Available Participant Roles field.
4. To move Participant Roles to the Assigned Contacts field, select Assign. This action
assigns the participant to those roles in the contract.
NOTE: When the customer organization is selected in the Organization
dropdown list, the Reseller Primary Contact and Distributor Primary Contact
roles are grayed out in the Available Participant Roles box, so you cannot
attach them to the customer contact.
eAgreements User Guide
5. Verify that the Reseller - Primary contact is listed in the Available Participant Roles field.
6. In the Organization dropdown list, select the appropriate partner organization to make
the organization active in the Choose Contacts section.
You can also select Search/New to search for a different organization.
eAgreements User Guide
7. Select the Reseller Primary listing from the Available Participant Roles field and select
Assign. The Reseller Primary listing moves to the Assigned Contacts field.
Verify assigned roles (remove a role)
Before moving on to complete the Additional Information section, verify all the assigned roles.
Additionally, confirm that the Contact field shows the required contact.
You might need to remove one or more of the roles or choose another contact. If you must
make a change, do so at this point to avoid having to return later. Its especially important to
add the appropriate number of electronic signatories (one or two) if you want electronic
signatures for the contract package.
To remove one or more roles, select the contact participant that you want to remove, and select
eAgreements User Guide
Next steps
Follow the steps listed in the top section of this guide for customers with other Microsoft
licensing programs. These same steps apply to customers in the SPLA program:
Provide additional information
Choose offerings
Choose media
View the summary
Preview/upload and prepare for signature
Prepare for signature
Electronic signature
Physical signature
Withdraw a submission
Resend the email notification
Extend an agreement
Renew an agreement
Accept and sign the agreement
Add an academic addendum to an SPLA agreement
A customer that has an existing, active SPLA agreement might want to provide services to
academic institutions. To let academic customers receive academic pricing, Microsoft allows
partners to add an academic addendum to an existing SPLA agreement.
1. Sign in to eAgreements by following the instructions for signing in to eAgreements.
2. Find the appropriate existing customer by following the instructions for finding or
creating a customer.
eAgreements User Guide
Choose program
After you select the customer, you should select the program options on the Choose Program
1. Enter a Reference Name and Reference Number of your choice (optional).
The Reference Name and Reference Number are identifiers used as eAgreements
tracking reference numbers for the partner. Partners can use these numbers to search for
an agreement package within eAgreements.
2. From the Program list, choose SPLA.
3. Selecting SPLA automatically populates the Program Type and Partner Type
fields. The Program Type is set as ASP.
4. Choose the required version of the agreement program from the Version list. In this
case, select 20171 (for the direct channel model).
5. Select the correct language for the agreement from the Agreement Language list.
eAgreements User Guide
6. When you select an SPLA program, you must provide your customer’s valid Microsoft
Partner Network (MPN) Member ID. If you provide an invalid MPN ID, an error message
7. Select I would like to add an Academic Addendum to an existing Corporate
8. Provide a valid SPLA corporate enrollment number. If the SPLA corporate enrollment
number is invalid, an error message appears.
9. Select Next. The Academic Enrollment page appears.
NOTE: An existing corporate enrollment populates the organization details
for an academic enrollment. The end date of the academic enrollment
matches the end date of the corporate SPLA agreement.
Verify or choose signatories
On the Academic Enrollment page, you can keep or edit existing customer signatories. You can
also add new electronic signatories.
eAgreements User Guide
Next steps
Follow the previous steps for customers with other types of licensing programs. These same
steps apply to SPLA customers with an academic addendum:
Provide Additional Information
View the Summary
Preview the addendum
The system creates an SPLA (Indirect) Qualified Educational End User (QEEU) addendum and a
Program Signature Form. You can preview the academic addendum before submitting it for
1. On the navigation menu, select Preview/Upload.
For SPLA Academic Enrollment, academic pricing is the default and only pricing option.
eAgreements User Guide
2. To find a document to attach, select Browse.
3. In the Select file to upload dialog box, select Open.
4. Select Upload, and then select OK. The file will attach once the virus scan is complete.
Submit the addendum for signing
Now you’re ready to prepare the academic addendum contract package for signing and choose
how your customer will sign.
Once you successfully submit the academic addendum package to your customer, they can sign
it either electronically or physically (on paper). Follow the steps in these sections:
Prepare for signature
Electronic signature
Physical signature
After you submit the academic addendum contract package to your customer for signing, you
have the option to withdraw the submission or resend the electronic signature email notification
to your customer:
Withdraw a submission
Resend the email notification
Renew an SPLA enrollment
You can sign a new SPLA before your existing SPLA expires or up to 90 calendar days after the
SPLA has expired.
1. Sign in to eAgreements by following the previous instructions.
2. After you sign in to eAgreements, a four-pane screen appears. In the To begin creating a
contract package pane, type the existing SPLA agreement number in the Renew
Agreement box, and select Start.
eAgreements User Guide
eAgreements User Guide
3. If the agreement exists and is eligible for renewal, the organization’s details appear in the
results pane on the right. If the agreement isn’t eligible for renewal, an error message
appears that explains why you can’t renew the agreement.
4. To start the renewal process, select the organization name and select View Organization
Detail. If you can’t find the organization you are looking for, you can select Create New
eAgreements User Guide
5. When the organization’s details dialog box appears, Renew into a new agreement is the
default. Select Continue.
The Prior Agreements pane appears with the agreement you selected in
the Selected Prior Agreements table.
NOTE: You can’t extend or convert an existing SPLA agreement using the
eAgreements tool. You can only renew to a new SPLA agreement.
eAgreements User Guide
If you search for another agreement using the Prior Agreement Number box on this
page, an error message appears. You can’t renew more than one SPLA agreement at a
6. Under Is this agreement a Renewal?, confirm that Yes is selected.
7. To go to the next page, select Next.
8. On the Choose Program page, select I would like to create a Master Agreement and an
Enrollment under an existing MBSA. You must provide a valid MBSA number for the
existing agreement.
9. Complete the rest of the Choose Program page.
eAgreements User Guide
Open Value
Open Value is the recommended program if you have a small to midsize organization with five
or more desktop PCs and want to simplify license management, manage software costs, and get
better control over your investment.
Open Value customers receive Software Assurance, which provides access to valuable benefits
such as training, deployment planning, software upgrades, and product support, helping you
boost the productivity of your entire organization.
To create a new sales package or renew an existing package for customers with an Open Value
agreement, follow the previous steps, starting with Create an agreement.
eAgreements User Guide
Open Value Subscription
Open Value Subscription provides the lowest upfront costs of the Open program options, with
the flexibility to reduce the total licensing costs in years when the desktop PC count declines.
This option gives your organization the right to run the software throughout your organization
only during the term of the agreement with Microsoft. You can also add the single platform
option to an Open Value Subscription agreement.
To create a new sales package or renew an existing package for customers with an Open Value
Subscription, follow the previous steps, starting with Create an agreement.
eAgreements User Guide
Enterprise Agreement
Microsoft created Enterprise Agreement (EA) to allow customers with centralized purchasing to
standardize their entire organization on Microsoft technology. Under the EA program, these
customers can maintain an information technology infrastructure on a standard Microsoft
software platform.
To create a new sales package or renew an existing package for customers with an Enterprise
Agreement, follow the previous steps, starting with Create an agreement.
NOTE: You must enter the partner’s purchase order number on the
Additional Information page when creating an agreement package for
customers with an indirect Enterprise Agreement. The Customer Purchase
Order number is optional.
Customers can either add or modify PO numbers for direct EAs at the time of signing the
Customer Price Sheet (CPS).
Partners can add the PO numbers for indirect EAs at the time of signing the Channel Price
Sheet (CPS).
eAgreements User Guide
Enterprise SCE
Enterprise SCE simplifies the licensing process by providing a single enrollment for all Microsoft
Enterprise products. Enterprise customers can choose among Microsoft’s suites of application,
system, and infrastructure products, and use only SCE to license them all. SCE also allows
customers to purchase perpetual and subscription licenses that they can manage on-premises
or in the cloud, or both.
To create a new sales package or renew an existing package for customers with an Enterprise
SCE agreement, follow the previous steps, starting with Create an agreement.
On the Choose Program page, select Enterprise as the Program and Server and Cloud
Enrollment as the Program Type.
eAgreements User Guide
Mandatory purchase order
A purchase order is mandatory under the Enterprise or Enterprise Subscription programs for
both direct and indirect channel models. eAgreements will ask for the purchase order when you
create an agreement package. There can be one or many purchase orders for a package.
You must provide the purchase order number when creating a contract package or changing the
channel partner in eAgreements.
Direct agreement packages
Enter the customer's PO for a direct agreement package on the Additional Information page,
which we will cover in the next section. You don’t have to enter the customer’s PO when you
create the package. However, the customer must provide a PO number before they can sign and
submit their sales package.
The Purchase Order Number section for a direct agreement contains a field where you must
enter the customer’s PO number before you can send the package for customer signature.
eAgreements User Guide
Select Plus agreements
Microsoft Select Plus is for large organizations with multiple affiliates that want to acquire their
software licenses and services at any affiliate level, while realizing advantages as one
NOTE: In markets where the MPSA is available, Microsoft no longer accepts
new orders and Software Assurance renewals through existing commercial
Select Plus agreements.
Select Plus agreements can be created for customers in countries around the world and are
customized on a regional basis. They are localized in many languages and support dual entry for
some locations.
To create a new sales package or renew an existing package for customers with a Select Plus
agreement, follow the previous steps, starting with Create an agreement.
eAgreements User Guide
EES agreements are designed for educational customers who want to standardize their entire
organization on Microsoft technology and maintain an information technology infrastructure on
a standard platform of Microsoft software. The program lets educational organizations acquire
licenses on a subscription basis, with non-perpetual use rights.
To create a new sales package or renew an existing package for customers with an EES
agreement, follow the previous steps, starting with Create an agreement.
1. On the Choose Program page, select Campus as the Program and Education Solutions
as the Program Type.
2. Enter the Reference Name and Reference Number if you have them (optional).
After you reach the section where you can verify roles and contacts, follow the instructions in
the next section for providing additional information and choosing offerings. These two steps
differ slightly for EES agreements.
eAgreements User Guide
Provide additional information
The Additional Information page allows you to add information to the contract package. All this
information is optional unless the field is marked with an asterisk (*).
To fill in the Additional Information section for an EES agreement:
1. On the navigation menu, select Additional Information.
2. Under Microsoft Contact, type a contact name if one isn’t already listed. The default
Microsoft contact role is Account Manager.
3. If you typed a Microsoft contact name, you must also provide a Microsoft contact email
address in the Microsoft Contact Email Address field.
If you are creating an EES contract with an amendment, you must also include
a Proposal ID.
4. After you enter the Proposal ID, select the Validate button to see if the number is valid
and accepted.
NOTE: For Japanese contracts, you cannot validate the proposal ID until
you submit the package. You’ll then see the required actions before
submission is allowed.
eAgreements User Guide
5. You can upload your amendment documents after you enter the Proposal ID (optional).
You can also upload them any time before you submit the agreement for signing.
Choose offerings
Creating an EES agreement is similar in most ways to creating agreements for other Microsoft
licensing programs, but there are some differences if the user is creating an EES with a qualifying
enrollment on the Choose Offerings page.
eAgreements User Guide
To choose offerings for an EES agreement:
1. Select Choose Offerings from the menu at the top of the page.
2. Under Qualifying Contract, you can opt to enter a Qualifying Contract Number. The
qualifying enrollment must be for an active EES; it cannot be a master agreement.
3. Select the Validate button to see if the Qualifying Contract Number you entered is valid
and accepted.
eAgreements User Guide
4. If the Qualifying Contract Number is valid, details of the contract you selected will
appear under the Validate button. Verify these details to make sure that you selected the
correct contract.
NOTE: If you have a qualifying enrollment, you don’t need to upload an
amendment because the qualifying enrollment waives program minimums.
5. Select the agreement duration.
6. Configure Licensing Options by choosing the target audience (Faculty and Staff or
Student) and entering the associated licensing count.
If you selected a standard EES enrollment as the Program and have a license count
of more than 1,000 for faculty, staff, or students, then you don’t need a qualifying
If you do not have a qualifying enrollment but you do have an amendment to
waive the minimum, upload the amendment and proposal ID.
7. Configure the Price Level by selecting the value from the dropdown lists. The Faculty
and Staff and Student price levels are only available if you selected them under
Licensing Options.
eAgreements User Guide
8. Select the appropriate Education Server Platform Licensing Option. Use this on an as-
needed basis.
For the rest of the instructions for creating a sales package for educational customers with an
EES agreement, follow the previous steps listed in this guide, starting with View the Summary.
eAgreements User Guide
Geographical differences
eAgreements differences in Japan
NOTE: This section applies only to users in Japan.
In Japan, there is a key difference in what users will see in the Additional Information section.
You must enter the PO numbers for both the customer and partner.
If you know both purchase order numbers, select Yes and then enter the PO numbers. If you
don’t know the PO numbers or choose not to enter them yet, a warning message will appear to
alert you that the package will go on hold until you provide them.
eAgreements users in Japan must enter both the partner and customer purchase order numbers.
To continue creating a package without the PO numbers, you can select No, I do not have a
purchase order number. This will allow you to keep working on the package, although you
won’t be allowed to send the package to the customer for signature until you provide both the
customer and partner PO numbers. You can submit the package to Microsoft for pre-validation,
but Microsoft can’t process the order without the PO numbers in the final submitted package.
eAgreements User Guide
Witnesses (Brazil only)
A witness to an agreement in eAgreements must first verify that the customer signer(s) signed
the document package electronically. After this, the witness can navigate to eAgreements using
the link in the email they received.
They’re required to sign in with an MSA. If they don’t have an account that is associated with
their business email address, they will need to create one.
After signing in, the witness only needs to indicate that they have witnessed the signing of the
document package, and then enter their name exactly as it appears on the customer’s RG and
CPF. After they select Submit, the contract package will be routed to the ROC for processing,
signature, and activation.