Responsible AI
Impact Assessment
June 2022
This guide accompanies the Microsoft Responsible
AI Impact Assessment Template. We are releasing it
externally to share what we have learned, invite
feedback from others, and contribute to the
discussion about building better norms and
practices around AI.
We invite your feedback on our approach:
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Impact Assessment: Guiding principles .................................................................................................................. 3
Case study .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
01 Project Overview
1.1 System profile ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 System lifecycle stage ............................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 System description.................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 System purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 System features ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
1.6 Geographic areas and languages ...................................................................................................................... 8
1.7 Deployment mode .................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.8 Identifying system uses ......................................................................................................................................... 8
02 Intended uses
2.1 Assessment of fitness for purpose .................................................................................................................. 14
2.2a Stakeholders, potential benefits, and potential harms ......................................................................... 15
2.2b Brainstorming potential benefits and harms ........................................................................................... 18
2.3 Stakeholders for Goal-driven requirements from the Responsible AI Standard ..........................24
2.4 Fairness considerations ....................................................................................................................................... 26
2.5-2.8 Technology readiness assessment, task complexity, role of humans,
and deployment environment complexity .......................................................................................................... 27
03 Adverse Impact
3.1 Restricted Uses ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
3.2 Unsupported uses ................................................................................................................................................. 29
3.3 Known limitations .................................................................................................................................................. 30
3.4 Potential impact of failure on stakeholders ................................................................................................ 31
3.5 Potential impact of misuse on stakeholders ............................................................................................... 32
3.6 Sensitive Uses ......................................................................................................................................................... 32
04 Data Requirements
4.1 Data requirements ................................................................................................................................................ 34
4.2 Existing data sets ................................................................................................................................................... 34
05 Summary of Impact
5.1 Potential harms and preliminary mitigations .............................................................................................36
5.2 Goal applicability ................................................................................................................................................... 42
5.3 Signing off on the Impact Assessment ......................................................................................................... 42
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
This resource is intended to support your team as you work through the Responsible AI Impact Assessment, as
required by the v2 Responsible AI Standard. It will help frame your conversations about Responsible AI with:
A case study
Discuss the core concepts of the Impact Assessment with your team and document the highlights in the Impact
Assessment Template.
Preparing for activities
Schedule at least one session for each of the activities. Invite members of your team with different expertise to
discuss the core concepts. Then, document the highlights of your conversation in the Impact Assessment
Guiding principles
Exploration & Innovation
It is important that your team uses the Impact Assessment as an opportunity to pause and explore responsible
AI challenges. Aim for a thorough investigation the more you document, the easier it will be for potential
reviewers to engage with your challenges, help you find mitigations, and work with you to develop innovative
solutions in the future.
Collaborative work
Some parts of the Impact Assessment require teamwork. Review the following sections and plan your team’s
1.8 Defining intended uses
2.2 Creating a stakeholder list, identifying potential benefits and harms
2.4 Fairness considerations
Section 3 Adverse Impact
5.1 Potential harms and preliminary mitigations
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Imagine an AI system that optimizes healthcare resources
Case Study
This guide uses a case study to illustrate how teams might use the activities to complete the Impact
Assessment Template.
Consider an AI system that optimizes healthcare resources such as the allocation of hospital beds or employee
scheduling. The system makes predictions about how long a patient will stay in the hospital to inform both bed
allocation and staff scheduling. The system’s input includes both patient medical data and resource constraints
like scheduling parameters. The system was trained on data from a specific hospital that included: 1) patients'
medical history; 2) the type of surgery; 3) how long they stayed in the hospital; and 4) historic staffing and
scheduling data.
The system has two intended uses. First, the system can be used by hospital staff to manage the allocation of
hospital beds. Second, the system allows hospital administrators to automate scheduling for nurse shifts. For
the rest of the guidance and activities, we focus on the first intended use, hospital staff using the system to
manage the allocation of hospital beds. We call this system the Hospital Employee and Resource Optimization
System (HEROS).
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Section 1
Project overview
System profile and system lifecycle stage
System description, purpose and features
Geographic areas, languages and deployment mode
Intended uses
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
System Profile
This section describes basic information about the system being evaluated in the Impact Assessment; tracks
authors and updates; and establishes who will review the Impact Assessment when it is completed.
Throughout the Impact Assessment when we refer to “the system,” we are referring to the system described in
this section.
System lifestyle stage
Your responses here will help potential reviewers understand the overall release timeline for the system.
System description
Your response here should help potential reviewers understand what, exactly, you’re building. Describe what
kind of AI capabilities the system has.
Use simple language and be specific, avoiding vague concepts as much as possible.
Write for an audience that has a basic understanding of AI systems but no understanding of this specific
What are you building?
What does it do?
How does it work?
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
System purpose
In 1.3 you described what you are building, here your response should help potential reviewers understand
why you’re building this system.
Focus on the why.
This statement should include:
1. the end user or primary customer of the system,
2. how they complete this task today, or their current situation,
3. the value that the system is intended to deliver,
4. how it improves on today’s situation.
System features
This section should help potential reviewers understand the specific features (capabilities) of the system and
how the system being evaluated in this impact assessment relates to existing systems or features.
In the section, please describe the system’s features and capabilities overall, not the features of specific models
that the system may use.
What do ‘system features’ mean in this context?
System features are the functionalities or capabilities you use within a system to complete a set of tasks or
What if there are no existing features because the system is completely new?
Do not complete ‘existing features’ section.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Geographic areas and languages
When planning the system, knowing the geographic areas where it will or won’t be deployed and supported
languages helps to uphold fairness by aiding the identification of relevant demographic groups, languages,
and other contextual details requiring consideration to ensure fairness concerns are identified and mitigated.
When describing supported languages, include both language and region (e.g., British English).
What if the system does not use natural language processing?
In this case you should leave the languages section blank.
Deployment mode
This section should help potential reviewers understand how the system will be deployed to users or
Some possible responses could include:
Online Service
Platform Service
On Premises
Identifying system uses: Activity
1) Brainstorm possible uses
Start by listing as many potential ways someone could use the system, no matter how outlandish they seem at
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
2) Categorize possible uses: Intended, unsupported or misuse
In the Impact Assessment we ask about several different types of uses. For each possible use you listed in step
one, determine if the use is an intended use, unsupported use, or misuse of the system.
3) Check if any uses are also Sensitive Uses or Restricted Uses
Check all uses against the definitions for Restricted Uses and Sensitive Uses. Follow the guidance for any
Restricted Uses. Report any Sensitive Uses to the Office of Responsible AI.
Case Study: Hospital Employee and Resource Optimization System (HEROS)
Focusing on the system’s anticipated features and models, the team brainstormed some of the possible ways
the system could be used. After listing several different uses, the team looked at the prompts below to
determine if the uses are intended uses, unsupported uses, or misuses.
Two of the uses (hospital staff denying patients treatment due to system predictions and insurance providers
denying claims based on system predictions) are uses the team is not designing or testing the system for, so
they are considered unsupported uses.
Two of the uses (hospital staff using the system to allocate hospital beds and hospital administrators using the
system to schedule work shifts) are uses the team is intentionally designing and evaluating the system for, so
they are intended uses.
One of the uses (hospital staff can hack into the system to manipulate nurse shifts) is a misuse of the system.
Lastly the team compared all uses with the Restricted Uses and the triggers for Sensitive Uses. None of the uses
are Restricted Uses according to the current guidance. But, after reviewing the definition of Sensitive Uses, the
team determined that all uses are Sensitive Uses. They submitted the system for review.
Brainstorm possible uses
Hospital administrators
can use the system to
schedule employee
work shifts in the
recovery wing
Insurance providers
could use the
system to deny
benefits for stays
that exceed the
system’s prediction
Hospital staff could
use the system to
deny patients
treatment if the
system predicted
high capacity
Categorize possible uses
Insurance providers
could use the system
to deny benefits for
stays that exceed the
system’s prediction
Hospital staff could
use the system to
deny patients
treatment if the
system predicted
high capacity
Hospital staff can hack
into the system to
manipulate nurse shifts
Hospital administrators
can use the system to
schedule employee
work shifts in the
recovery wing
Hospital staff can use
the system to allocate
hospital beds to
surgery patients in the
hospital recovery wing
Hospital staff can hack
into the system to
manipulate nurse shifts
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Categories of use
Intended use
Uses for which the system is designed and tested. An intended use is a statement of who is using the system,
for what purpose or task, and where they are when they’re using the system.
E.g., HEROS has two intended uses: 1) for hospital staff to allocate beds to surgery patients in the hospital and 2)
for hospital administrators to schedule employee shifts in the hospital based on predicted occupancy.
For more on intended uses, see 1.8.
All systems have the potential to be intentionally or unintentionally misused. Consider ways that someone
could hack the system, use it to cause harm, or mistakenly use the system incorrectly.
E.g., Hospital staff can hack into HEROS to manipulate nurse shifts.
For more on intended uses, see 3.6
Unsupported use
Reasonably foreseeable uses for which the system was not designed or evaluated or that we recommend
customers avoid.
E.g., An unsupported use of HEROS includes hospital staff using the system to deny patients treatment if the
system predicted high capacity.
For more on unsupported uses, see 3.2
Restricted uses and sensitive uses
Restricted Use
Restricted Uses are uses of AI which are subject to specific restrictions (typically on development and
deployment). They are defined by the Office of Responsible AI and updated periodically. If any of the uses of
the system are Restricted Uses, follow the guidance for that Restricted Use.
Sensitive Use
Some uses of AI systems are particularly sensitive and impactful on individuals and society. If any uses or
misuses of the system match any of the triggers for Sensitive Uses, report them to the Office of Responsible
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Intended uses
We begin an Impact Assessment from an intended use to understand the system’s socio-technical context. The
impact of the system on people and society will depend on its intended uses (the uses that your team plans to
design and test for).
Intended uses may also be referred to as use cases or scenarios.
Intended uses are statements that include:
1. who the end user or primary customer is,
2. what they will achieve with the system, and
3. where they are when they use it.
Systems that have a single end user and fulfill a single purpose might only have one intended use.
Other systems may have multiple intended uses (refer to the case study as an example).
What is the difference between intended uses and system features?
Intended uses are not system features features focus on what the system’s functionalities are, while intended
uses focus on how people will use them to accomplish their goals in particular settings. A single system feature
may have multiple intended uses.
What if my system can be used in many different settings?
Remember the focus is on the uses your team is designing and testing for, not all the places someone could
use a system. Think about the settings your team talks about most often. It’s also okay to use a high-level
setting like “at work”, “at home”, or “online.”
What if the system is a platform technology?
If the system is a platform technology that could be used in many different settings, list one or a few examples
to help you think through stakeholders, harms, and benefits in this section.
What if the intended uses are very similar?
Our goal with defining intended uses is to assess the impact the system may have on people and society. When
thinking about whether or not an intended use should be distinct, consider the following:
- Similar end users or customers who use the system for similar tasks and purposes in similar settings can be
grouped into a single intended use.
- Different tasks, purposes, and goals should be separate intended uses as they will likely result in different
types of potential harms.
- While a system could potentially be used in many different settings, you may not need a separate
intended use for every possible location. Consider the locations your team is designing and testing for,
these are the locations you should include explicitly in an intended use.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Elements of an intended use:
End user (who)
Purpose/task/goal (for what?)
Setting (where)
An AI system that can identify an individual using a biometric scan of the individual's face.
Intended uses:
1. Allow an organization to grant physical access to a controlled space such as in an office.
2. Provide a personalized experience for people in a physical space like a bank or hotel lobby.
HEROS (case study)
Intended uses:
1. Allows hospital staff to use predictions of how long a patient will stay in the hospital to manage the
allocation of beds.
2. Allows administrators to automate scheduling for nurse shifts in the hospital.
Repeating the intended uses section
For each intended use of the system, copy and paste the section titled Intended Use #1 [Name of Intended
Repeat questions 2.1-2.8 for each intended use.
HEROS has two intended uses, so in the Impact Assessment template we repeat this section two times. The first
time, we answer questions 2.1-2.8 for intended use #1. The second time, we answer questions 2.1-2.8 for
intended use #2.
Throughout the rest of this guide we provide examples for the core concepts, often using intended use #1 of
Hospital staff can use the system to allocate hospital beds to surgery patients in the hospital recovery wing.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Section 2
Intended uses
Assessment of fitness for purpose
Stakeholders, potential benefits & potential harms
Stakeholders for goal-driven requirements
Fairness considerations
Technology readiness assessment, task complexity, role of
humans, and deployment environment complexity
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Assessment of fitness for purpose
Your responses here will help potential reviewers understand how the system effectively solves the intended
problem posed by each intended use, recognizing that there may be multiple valid ways in which to solve the
A solution that is not fit for purpose might:
Be trained on data in one language and then deployed to other languages without retraining. For example, a
system trained to detect spelling errors on American English may not be appropriate for other varieties of
Have outputs that do not represent the target phenomena. For example, images of people smiling or not
smiling do not realistically represent emotion. Emotion is an internal state, while smiling is not.
Be developed under the premise that it will make a process more efficient, but without evidence showing
that it actually solves the problem it's meant to, or that it improves efficiency.
What is the problem to be solved for with this intended use? What evidence will establish that the system is
fit for this intended use?
How is the problem currently solved?
Why will this system be a better solution than other approaches to solving the same problem?
What evidence will demonstrate that the system is a better solution than other approaches?
What are the system outputs intended to represent?
What are the limitations to their realistic representation?
What is the justification for using these outputs despite these limitations?
What evidence will demonstrate the validity of this representation?
What types of evidence are considered acceptable?
Some examples of acceptable evidence include:
Stakeholder conversations, such as input from domain experts on proposed concepts and designs.
Results of systematic stakeholder research, e.g.:
- Focus groups or user panels
- Ethnographic studies or shadowing
- Iterative concept testing
- Surveys
- Experiments
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Marketing reports or trend analyses
System analytics
Other data sources
Stakeholders, potential benefits, and potential harms
The stakeholder benefits and harms table is one of the most important elements of your Impact Assessment. It
is key to understanding the potential impact of the system on people.
In this section we have prompts to identify stakeholders from two broad categories: direct and indirect
stakeholders. The specific category the stakeholder belongs to is not necessarily important. These categories
are useful for identifying a broad range of stakeholders who may be impacted by the system.
Direct stakeholders include people who interact with the system directly. They can be system owners, primary
users, secondary users, decision subjects or data subjects and malicious actors.
Indirect stakeholders are affected by the system but, unlike direct stakeholders, do not engage with the
system itself. Indirect stakeholders can include bystanders, people responsible for decision subjects or data
subjects (such as parents), society at large, or communities who may be affected by the system but don’t use it.
How many stakeholders?
Try to find at least one stakeholder per prompt. Consider whether each stakeholder prompt applies to your
system even if you don’t think it does at first glance.
How specific should the stakeholders be?
Try to be as specific as possible when describing your stakeholders. If you are working with a platform
technology and you find it hard to generate specific stakeholders, you can stay at a higher level - e.g., ‘end
What if I have a lot of stakeholders?
The stakeholder exercise is meant to be explorative so the more stakeholders you have the better your team
can explore the potential impact the system may have. Make sure that the stakeholders are relevant and
different. If the stakeholders are very similar, in terms of the role that they have in the system, try to group
What if one stakeholder has multiple roles?
In some cases, a specific individual or group may hold more than one stakeholder role. In this case, include the
stakeholder only once in the table, but make a note of the different roles. This will help you think about
benefits and harms in the next section.
Generating stakeholders: Activity
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
1) Intended use
Start by thinking about one specific intended use (as defined by the end user, purpose, and context). Who are
the stakeholders in this scenario?
2) Stakeholder prompts
Use the prompts on the next page to generate stakeholders for the intended use.
You will repeat this for each intended use. While stakeholders may be similar across intended uses, potential
harms and benefits are likely different.
Case Study: Hospital Employee and Resource Optimization System (HEROS)
Focusing on the intended use, the team used the stakeholder prompts (see next page) to brainstorm different
stakeholders, then discussed how to record them in the stakeholder table in the Impact Assessment Template.
The team started with the prompt for end user. One team member suggested that patients are the end user. A
colleague disagreed because according to the prompt the end user is someone ‘who is directly involved in
using or operating the system’ and this would be staff and not the patients. The rest of the team agreed and
suggested ‘Administrative’ and ‘Nurse’ as the specific end users for this intended use. Since these two
stakeholders perform the same role in the system for this intended use - interpreting hospital stay predictions
and allocating beds - they were grouped into a single stakeholder ‘Hospital Staff’ and added to the stakeholder
table in the Impact Assessment Template.
For the stakeholder prompt for evaluation subjects, the team brainstormed ‘new patients’, ‘past patients’,
emergency patients and scheduled surgery patients. The team decided not to include past patients because
their data has been anonymized to train the system and they cannot be impacted by the system when it is in
production. ‘Emergency surgery patients’ and ‘scheduled surgery patients’ were added as two different
stakeholders because the context and model performance is different for these stakeholders. For emergency
surgeries, staff may be more stressed (context), and the model may make less accurate predictions due to the
diversity of illnesses and injuries and the lack of medical history for some emergency patients (performance).
On the other hand, staff dealing with scheduled surgery patients enjoy a more routine environment (context)
and the model makes more accurate predictions due to the consistent stream of patients undergoing
scheduled surgeries (performance).
Impact Assessment table
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Generating stakeholders: Prompts
Who will be most directly
involved in using or operating
the system?
Who will have to interpret
system outputs in order to
make decisions?
E.g., marketing team, students
End user
Who will be evaluated or
monitored by the system,
whether or not by choice?
Who will the system make
predictions or
recommendations about?
E.g., registered customer,
patients at X hospital
Evaluation or
decision subjects
Who will troubleshoot,
manage, operate, oversee or
control the system during
and after deployment? Who
can discontinue the system?
E.g., Microsoft, consumer
customer, enterprise customer,
B2B, B2C
Oversight and
control team
Which communities
may be affected
by the short- or
long-term use of the
E.g., communities
with low digital
Who may have
substantial interest in
the system based on
their relationship to
other stakeholders?
E.g., company
partners, family
Who in the vicinity of
the deployed system
may be impacted by
its use?
E.g., passers-by
Who may advocate
for regulation of this
system or be
concerned about
E.g., government
health entities
Regulators and
civil society
Who will own and make
decisions about whether to
employ a system for particular
tasks? Who develops and
deploys systems that
integrate with this system?
E.g., enterprise customer,
Microsoft, hospital
System owner
or deployer
Who will be involved in the
system design and
E.g., your team, customer
dev team
System builders
or developers
Who may intentionally
misuse the system?
E.g., hackers
Malicious Actors
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Brainstorming potential benefits and harms
How many potential benefits and harms should I have per stakeholder?
For some stakeholders you might have a single benefit or harm and for another stakeholder you might have
four or five. Other times you may not have any benefits to a stakeholder but several harms. Some stakeholders
may have no benefits or harms.
What if a benefit or a harm applies to more than one stakeholder?
You may identify similar benefits or harms for different stakeholders. Think about any potential differences
from the perspective of each stakeholder. If there aren’t any significant differences in how the stakeholders may
experience the benefit or harm, you can list the same harm or benefit for multiple stakeholders.
Why do we need to document potential benefits and harms?
This is an initial exploration that will help your team anticipate the impact that the system might have. A
thorough exploration of potential harms can help you prevent problems before they happen.
Brainstorming potential benefits and potential harms: Activity
1) Stakeholder
Think about one stakeholder at a time.
2) How might they benefit?
Ideate potential benefits for a stakeholder by asking: How might they benefit directly or indirectly from
interacting with the system?
3) Harms prompts
It is often difficult to think of ways the system might negatively impact stakeholders. Use the prompts on the
following pages to help you brainstorm potential harms related to the Microsoft AI principles.
Case Study: Hospital Employee and Resource Optimization System (HEROS)
In the example below the team brainstormed potential benefits and harms for the stakeholder ‘scheduled
surgery patient ‘, which is the evaluation or decision subject. The team started by asking how this stakeholder
could benefit directly or indirectly from using the system. After brainstorming, they summarized the benefits as:
better understanding of the length of hospital stay and better able to plan for things like childcare or house
sitting while in recovery.
To think about the potential harms of the system the team looked at the harms prompts on the following
pages. For the sake of this case study, only two examples of potential harms are listed below (but there may be
more). The accountability prompt for human oversight and control led the team to think about how
automatically allocating beds based on system predictions could cause harm. The transparency prompt for
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
system intelligibility started an interesting conversation about how knowledge of the outputs could affect
hospital operations. The team discussed how not understanding the system well enough could result in patient
care decisions that are not in the patient’s best interest. The team documented each of these harms, aligned to
the respective AI principles, in the stakeholders, potential benefits, and potential harms table as shown below.
Potential system harms
Potential system benefits
Prompts >> Brainstorm >> Impact assessment table
Refer to stakeholder
Scheduled surgery
(evaluation or
decision subject)
Better understanding of
length of hospital stay
Better able to plan for
things like childcare or
house sitting while they’re
The patient will
have information
about how long
they might remain
in the hospital
They can
plan better
around their
allocation =
patient care
Not enough
knowledge of
systems limitations
Accountability - If the system automatically allocates
hospital beds, without human oversight and approval,
there may be instances where an inaccurate prediction
compromises patient (decision subject) recovery.
Transparency - If the hospital staff (decision
maker) does not understand how to interpret
system outputs, a patient (decision subject) could be
allocated a bed for a shorter amount of time impacting
their ability to fully recover.
How might this stakeholder
benefit from the system?
It is hard
for staff
to make
Poor decisions
= compromised
patient care
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Brainstorming potential benefits and harms: Prompts
Significant adverse impacts
Could the system impact legal position or life opportunities?
Could the system uphold or become a threat to human rights?
Could the system result in a risk of physical or psychological injury?
Does the system meet the definition of a Restricted Use?
Fit for purpose
What harms might this stakeholder experience if the system does not effectively solve the intended
E.g., If the system is unable to accurately predict the length of hospital stays for scheduled surgery patients (the
intended problem), then decision makers will either make poor decisions based on the system outputs or stop
using the system.
Data governance and management
What harms might this stakeholder experience if the data used to train the system have not been sufficiently
managed or evaluated in relation to the system's intended use(s)?
E.g., If the system is trained using data from all types of hospital stays it may not accurately represent hospital
stays specifically for scheduled surgery patients.
Human oversight and control
What harms might this stakeholder experience if the system is not subject to appropriate human oversight
and control?
If the system automatically allocates hospital beds, without human oversight and approval, there
may be instances where an inaccurate prediction compromises patient (decision subject) recovery.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Significant intelligibility
What harms might this stakeholder experience if there is not enough information to make appropriate
decisions about people, using the system’s outputs?
E.g., If the hospital staff (decision maker) do not understand how to interpret system outputs, a patient (decision
subject) could be allocated a bed for a shorter amount of time impacting their ability to fully recover.
Communication to stakeholders
What harms might this stakeholder experience if they are unable to understand what the system can or
cannot do?
E.g., If the ‘hospital management’ (system deployer) doesn’t understand what the system was designed to do,
they might use the system in a way it was not intended to be used. An unsupported use of this system would be
denying patients (decision subject) treatment based on system predictions.
Disclosure of AI interaction
What harms might this stakeholder experience if they are unaware that they are interacting with an AI system
when that system impersonates human interaction or generates or manipulates image, audio or video
content that could falsely appear to be authentic?
E.g., While this harm does not apply to HEROS, it may apply to the system you are working on. It can be
deceptive for an AI chatbot to handle conversations with a user without any indication of it being an AI system.
It could also be deceptive for a system to create synthetic voice from input text with no indication that this is an
AI system.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Quality of service
How might the system perform better or worse for different demographic group(s) this stakeholder might
identify as?
While this harm does not apply to HEROS, it may apply to the system you’re working on. AI systems may
perform differently for different demographic groups. By evaluating system performance for different
demographic groups, we can identify fairness harms to mitigate.
Could the system recommend the allocation of resources or opportunities to a stakeholder differently based
on their demographic group(s)?
E.g., patients from ‘low-income backgrounds’ (demographic group) might have a history of short hospital stays
for financial reasons. This may result in predictions for shorter stays even when they have severe health needs,
thereby impacting the patient’s access to a hospital bed.
Minimization of stereotyping, demeaning, or erasing outputs
How might the system represent this stakeholder in ways that stereotype, erase, or demean them based on
their demographic group(s)?
E.g., if the system uses a binary gender classification (male/female) it would erase other gender identities.
Reliability & Safety
Reliability and safety guidance
What harms might this stakeholder experience if the system performs unreliably or unsafely (e.g., models are
incompletely trained, system operates outside of the acceptable ranges, or performs with unacceptable error
E.g., If the system predicts the length of patient stay unreliably, then patients (decision subjects) might be in the
hospital for longer than necessary, impacting their job security, or not long enough, impacting their recovery.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Reliability & Safety
Failures and remediations
What harms might this stakeholder experience due to a predictable failure (e.g., false positives, false
negatives, or other types of failures), or inadequately managing unknown failures once the system is in use?
E.g., In the event of an unexpected major system outage, the system may not work at all. This would be
particularly problematic for the hospital in emergency situations.
Reliability & Safety
Ongoing monitoring, feedback, and evaluation
What harms might this stakeholder experience related to system changes and operation after release,
especially related to identification of issues, maintenance, and improvement over time?
E.g., It's possible that practices within the hospital shift over time, and a model trained on the original data set
could become less accurate over time. Predictions would be less reliable, potentially compromising
patient (decision subjects) care.
Accessibility Standards
Refer to the standards for compliance.
Privacy and Security
Microsoft Privacy Standard
Refer to the standard for compliance.
Microsoft Security Policy
Refer to the policy for compliance.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Stakeholders for Goal-driven requirements from the Responsible AI
Certain Goals in the Responsible AI Standard require you to identify certain types of stakeholders. When a Goal
applies to the system, list the specific stakeholder(s) associated with that Goal to meet the requirement.
What if a Goal does not apply to the system?
In this case you can enter “N/A” in the response area.
What if I already listed these stakeholders in the previous section?
If you used the stakeholder prompts earlier in this guide you likely already identified the Goal-based
stakeholders. These specific questions are included in the Impact Assessment to ensure you meet the Goal-
driven requirements for identifying stakeholders. It’s okay to copy and paste the appropriate stakeholder from
the previous section.
Goal A5: Human oversight and control
Stakeholders for Goal A5 include those who troubleshoot, manage, operate, oversee, or control the system
during and after deployment. For these stakeholders, you should also describe their oversight and control
E.g., for intended use #1 of HEROS, the A5 stakeholders include the hospital administrators and their development
team. Their responsibilities include overseeing the day-to-day operations of the system and troubleshooting issues
that arise.
Goal T1: System intelligibility for decision-making
This Goal only applies to AI systems when the intended use of the generated outputs is to inform decision
making by or about people.
Stakeholders for Goal T1 include those who use the outputs to make decisions and those about whom
decisions are made.
E.g., for intended use #1 of HEROS, the T1 stakeholders include the hospital staff and patients.
Goal T2: Communication to stakeholders
Stakeholders for Goal T2 include those who will make decisions about whether to employ the system for
particular tasks and those who develop or deploy systems that integrate with this system.
E.g., for intended use #1 of HEROS, the T2 stakeholders include hospital administrators.
Goal T3: Disclosure of AI interaction
This Goal only applies to AI systems that impersonate interactions with humans, unless it is obvious from the
circumstances or context of use that an AI system is in use and AI systems that generate or manipulate image,
audio, or video content that could falsely appear to be authentic.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Stakeholders for Goal T3 include those who will use or be exposed to the system.
This Goal does not apply to HEROS. But, for an AI system that impersonates a human in a chat bot, the T3
stakeholders might include the end user. For an AI system that creates synthetic audio from text for
announcements in public spaces, the T3 stakeholders might include the general public.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Fairness considerations
This section requires you to assess which of the Fairness Goals from the Responsible AI Standard apply to the
system and identify which stakeholders should be considered for this Goal. After identifying the affected
stakeholders you're asked to identify which demographic groups, especially marginalized groups, would be
most at risk of experiencing a fairness harm.
To complete this section, please follow the process below:
1. Identify the relevant stakeholder(s) (e.g., end user, person impacted by the system, etc.).
2. Identify any demographic groups, including marginalized groups, that may require fairness considerations.
3. Prioritize these groups for fairness consideration and explain how the fairness consideration applies.
Demographic groups can refer to any population group that shares one or more particular demographic
characteristics. Depending on the AI system and context of deployment, the list of identified demographic
groups will change.
Marginalized groups are demographic groups who may have an atypical or even unfair experience with the
system if their needs and context are not considered. May include minorities, stigmatized groups, or other
particularly vulnerable groups. Additionally, marginalized groups can also include children, the elderly,
indigenous peoples, and religious minorities. Groups to include for consideration will depend in part on the
geographic areas and intended uses of your system.
Goal F1: Quality of Service
Applies to: AI systems when system users or people impacted by the system with different demographic
characteristics might experience differences in quality of service that Microsoft can remedy by building the
system differently.
E.g., a system that uses natural language processing may perform differently for users who speak supported
languages as a second language or who speak less common varieties of a language.
Goal F2: Allocation of resources and opportunities
Applies to: AI systems that generate outputs that directly affect the allocation of resources or opportunities
relating to finance, education, employment, healthcare, housing, insurance, or social welfare.
E.g., an automated hiring system that exhibits bias against hiring certain demographic groups (e.g., women).
Goal F3: Minimization of stereotyping, demeaning, and erasing outputs
Applies to: AI systems when system outputs include descriptions, depictions, or other representations of people,
cultures, or society.
E.g., a system that uses natural language processing to generate text for images may under-represent particular
groups. Such an example is if the system generated the caption of “CEO” only for white males.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
2.5 2.8
Technology readiness assessment, task complexity, role of humans,
and deployment environment complexity
Your responses to these questions will help potential reviewers understand important details about how the
system has been evaluated to date, what type of tasks the system is designed to execute, how humans interact
with the system, and how you plan to deploy the system.
See Impact Assessment Template for inline examples.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Section 3
Adverse impact
Restricted Uses
Unsupported uses
Known limitations
Potential impact of failure on stakeholders
Potential impact of misuse on stakeholders
Sensitive uses
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Thinking through adverse impact
Even the best systems have limitations, fail sometimes, and can be misused. Consider known limitations of the
system, the potential impact of failure on stakeholders, and the potential impact of misuse.
- Try thinking from a hacker’s perspective.
- Consider what a non-expert might assume about the system.
- Imagine a very negative news story about the system. What does it say?
Restricted uses
Certain uses of AI technology at Microsoft are restricted. The list of Restricted Uses evolves periodically, so it’s
necessary to consult the list of Restricted Uses and their definitions each time you complete or review an
Impact Assessment and follow the guidance for any Restricted Use.
Unsupported uses
Some of the potential uses of the system fall outside of the scope of an intended use.
Unsupported uses can include:
- Reasonably foreseeable uses for which the system was not designed or evaluated
- Uses that we recommend customers avoid
A system that uses computer vision to recognize handwritten text was not designed or tested to verify the
authenticity of signatures on forms.
A recommendation system that can be tailored to a customer’s specific needs was not designed to make
recommendations in sensitive domains like healthcare or finance.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Known limitations
Every system will have limitations. Describing those limitations will ensure that the system is used for its
intended purposes.
A system that translates speech to text will perform poorly in a noisy environment where several people in the
proximity of the user are speaking.
A system that uses natural language processing may perform poorly for non-native speakers of a supported
Are there conditions in the deployment environment that would affect the system’s performance?
Are there types or ranges of input that are not suited for the system?
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Potential impact of failure on stakeholders
We should anticipate known failures and understand how they might impact stakeholders.
Define and document the predictable failures, including false positive and false negative results, and how they
would impact stakeholders. Consider how system failures would manifest in each of the identified intended
uses and for the system as a whole. Consider how reliability, accuracy, scope of impact, and failure rates of
components and the overall system may impact appropriate use. Identify and document whether the likelihood
of failure or consequences of failure differ for any marginalized groups. When serious impacts of failure are
identified, note them in the summary of impact as a potential harm.
What are the predictable failures of this system?
How would a false positive impact stakeholders?
How would a false negative impact stakeholders?
Does the likelihood or consequence of failure differ for any marginalized groups?
Example for: A system that scans web content and blocks suspicious websites:
What are the predictable failures of this system?
False positives, false negatives, and major system outages.
How would a false positive
impact stakeholders?
A website is labeled suspicious and blocked incorrectly.
The end user can’t access legitimate content, and the
website owner will lose traffic.
How would a false negative
impact stakeholders?
A website that should have been blocked is not and end
users are exposed to malicious content.
Does the likelihood or consequence of failure
differ for any marginalized groups?
In the case of false negatives, the effects could be more
harmful to minors.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Potential impact of misuse on stakeholders
Every system could be intentionally or unintentionally misused. It is important to understand what misuse could
be for the system and how that misuse may impact stakeholders.
How could someone misuse the system?
How would misuse impact stakeholders?
Do the consequences of misuse differ for any marginalized groups?
Example for: A system that scans web content and blocks suspicious websites:
Misuse #2
Misuse #2
How could someone misuse the
Malicious actors could figure
out how to evade the detection
Website owners could figure out
how to trigger warnings on
competitors’ websites.
How would misuse impact
End users would be exposed to
malicious content more
Competitors would be improperly
flagged by the system and receive
fewer visits and less traffic.
Do the consequences of misuse
differ for any marginalized groups?
The effects could be more
harmful to minors.
Sensitive uses
If you are designing, developing, or deploying AI systems that could be applied in Sensitive Use scenarios,
report those to the Office of Responsible AI as early as possible.
Compare the uses and misuses of the system with the triggers for Sensitive Uses. If any of the uses meet any of
the triggers for a Sensitive Use, report them to the Office of Responsible AI.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Section 4
Data requirements
Data requirements
Pre-defined data sets
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Data requirements
Define and document data requirements for training, validating, and testing the system with respect to the
system’s intended uses, stakeholders, and the geographic areas where the system will be deployed.
Existing data sets
If you plan to use existing data sets to train, validate, or test the system, assess the quantity and suitability of
available data sets that will be needed by the system in relation to the data requirements defined in 4.1.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Section 5
Summary of impact
Potential harm and preliminary mitigations
Goal applicability
Signing off on the Impact Assessment
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Potential harms and preliminary mitigations
This table will help reviewers understand how the system’s potential harms will be addressed (either through
complying with the Responsible AI Standard or through other mitigations).
Mitigating potential harms: Activity
1) Collect the harms you previously identified throughout the Impact Assessment in this table (check your
stakeholder table, fairness considerations, adverse impact section, and any other place you described potential
2) For each potential harm, use the mitigations prompts in this section to understand if one or more of the
Goals from the Responsible AI Standard can serve as a mitigation.
If a Goal can serve as a mitigation to a harm, copy and paste the mitigation text in the second column
of the table. Then, document the team’s plan for how to implement this mitigation in the design of
the system in the third column of the table.
3) After completing step 2 for each harm, discuss the harms that remain unmitigated with your team and
develop mitigations for those in the table.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Case Study: Hospital Employee and Resource Optimization System (HEROS)
The team started by listing all the relevant potential harms identified in the Impact Assessment in the first
column of the table.
The first harm in the list was from the fairness evaluation: “Patients from low-income backgrounds might have
a history of short hospital stays for financial reasons. This may result in predictions for shorter stays and impact
the patient’s access to a hospital bed.” The team read the prompts (on the following pages) evaluating what
kind of harm this was and what would be appropriate mitigations. The team identified two prompts for harms
mitigations that aligned well with their harm: F1 which describes differences in system performance for specific
demographic groups, and F2 which refers to allocation and differences across stakeholder groups. The team
read both sets of mitigations and discussed how to apply them to the system. Both prompts refer to
evaluating the datasets and the system then modifying the system to avoid differences in performance and
allocation. Since the system’s intended use is to allocate healthcare resources, F2 is the best fit for this
potential harm. They recorded the appropriate mitigation and strategy in the Impact Assessment.
Describe the
potential harm
Corresponding Goal from the
Responsible AI Standard
(if applicable)
Describe your initial ideas
for mitigations or explain
how you might implement the
corresponding Goal in
the design of the system
Potential Harm:
Patients from ‘low-income
backgrounds’ might have a
history of short hospital stays
for financial reasons.
Mitigation strategy
for this system:
Evaluate fairness for this
demographic group by comparing
the system’s performance for this
group to the system’s
performance for other groups.
Patients from ‘low-income
backgrounds’ might have a
history of short hospital stays
for financial reasons. This
may result in predictions for
shorter stays and impact
the user’s access to a
hospital bed.
F2 - This harm is mitigated by
evaluating the data sets and the
system then modifying the system
to minimize differences in the
allocation of resources and
opportunities between identified
demographic groups.
Evaluate the dataset and system
performance for the demographic
group of patients from low-
income communities. If we detect
disparities in hospital stay length
predictions or the allocation of
resources, we will reassess the
system design to minimize
the disparity.
and discussion
>>>> Impact assessment table
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Harms mitigation: Accountability prompts
The requirements from each respective Goal are the expected mitigation for the relevant harm.
Goal A2:
Oversight of
significant adverse
This Goal applies to
all AI systems.
Harms that result
from Sensitive Uses
must be mitigated
by guidance received
from the Office of
Responsible AI’s
Sensitive Uses team.
Please report your
system as Sensitive
Use. For Restricted
Uses, see guidance
Is this harm the result of
a consequential impact
on legal position or life
opportunities; risk of
physical or
psychological injury; a
threat to human rights;
or a Restricted Use?
Goal A3:
Fit for purpose
This Goal applies to
all AI systems.
This harm is
mitigated by
assessing whether
the system is fit for
purpose for this
intended use by
providing evidence,
recognizing that
there may be many
valid ways in which
to solve the problem.
Could this harm be
mitigated by clarifying
the problem to be
solved by the system
and communicating
evidence that the
system is fit for purpose
to stakeholders?
Goal A4:
Data governance
and management
This Goal applies to
all AI systems.
This harm is
mitigated by
ensuring that data
used to train the
system is correctly
processed and
appropriate based
on the intended use,
stakeholders, and
geographic areas.
Is this harm the result of
data that has not been
sufficiently managed or
evaluated in relation to
the system's intended
Goal A5:
Human oversight
and control
This Goal applies to
all AI systems.
This harm can be
mitigated by
modifying system
elements (like
system UX, features,
materials, etc.) so
that the relevant
stakeholders can
understand and fulfill
their oversight
Could this harm be
mitigated if the system
had adequate human
oversight and control?
If you answer yes to any of the prompts, enter the corresponding mitigation(s) below the prompt in the second column of table 5.1
in the Impact Assessment Template.
For example, a system
that recommends
diagnoses based on a
patient’s medical history
triggers the sensitive use
category: risk of physical
or psychological injury. To
mitigate this potential
harm, we must seek
guidance from the
Sensitive Uses team to
understand how best to
design the system to
minimize such errors.
For example, a facial
recognition system that
estimates an individual’s
age is not suitable for
verifying the legal age of
an individual for the sale
of controlled substances.
For example, a system
that predicts the length of
hospital stays was trained
on data from UK
hospitals. To use this
system in other
geographic areas the
system should be
retrained with data from
hospitals in the
appropriate geographic
For example, a system that
diagnoses a medical
condition based on video
recordings of a patient in a
specific orientation. If the
patient is not in the required
orientation, the system may
misdiagnose the patient. To
mitigate this potential harm
the system can ensure the
patient is in the correct
orientation during the image
preprocessing stage and alert
a technician when the patient
needs to be reoriented.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Harms mitigation: Transparency prompts
The requirements from each respective Goal are the expected mitigation for the relevant harm.
Goal T1:
System intelligibility for
decision making
This Goal applies to AI
systems when the intended
use of the generated outputs is
to inform decision making by
or about people.
This harm is mitigated by
designing system elements
(like system UX, features,
educational materials, etc.) so
that the affected stakeholders
can interpret system behavior
Is this harm the result of
inadequate intelligibility of
system outputs?
Goal T2:
Communication to
This Goal applies to all AI
This harm is mitigated by
providing stakeholders with
relevant information about
the system to inform
decisions about when to
employ the system or
Could this harm be mitigated by a
better understanding of what the
system can or cannot do?
Goal T3:
Disclosure of AI interaction
This Goal applies to AI
systems that impersonate
interactions with humans,
unless it is obvious from the
circumstances or context of
use that an AI system is in use;
and AI systems that generate
or manipulate image, audio,
or video content that could
falsely appear to be authentic.
This harm is mitigated by
modifying system elements
(like system UX, features,
educational materials, etc.) so
that the relevant stakeholders
will understand the type of AI
system they are interacting
with or that the content
they are exposed to is
Is this harm the result of users not
understanding that they are
interacting with an AI system or
AI-generated content?
If you answer yes to any of the prompts, enter the corresponding mitigation(s) below the prompt in the second column of table 5.1
in the Impact Assessment Template.
For example, a system that predicts
whether the user would get approved
for admission to college can offer
factors that could have led to an
approval such as ‘if you had
volunteered with a nonprofit’ or ‘if
your GPA had been higher.
For example, a voice transcription
system to provide healthcare to
people that speak a wide variety of
languages doesn’t work well in the
emergency room admissions area
because it is often a noisy
environment. To mitigate potential
harms, we can communicate this
system limitation to stakeholders.
For example, an AI-powered chatbot
begins each conversation by clearly
stating it is an autonomous
chat agent.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Harms mitigation: Fairness prompts
The requirements from each respective Goal are the expected mitigation for the relevant harm.
Goal F1:
Quality of Service
This Goal applies to AI
systems when system users or
people impacted by the
system with different
demographic characteristics
might experience differences
in quality of service that
Microsoft can remedy by
building the system differently.
This harm is mitigated by
evaluating the data sets and
the system then modifying
the system to improve
system performance for
affected demographic groups
while minimizing
performance differences
between identified
demographic groups.
Is this harm the result of the
system providing a worse
quality of service for some
demographic groups?
Goal F2:
Allocation of resources
and opportunities
This Goal applies to AI
systems that generate outputs
that directly affect the
allocation of resources or
opportunities relating to
finance, education,
employment, healthcare,
housing, insurance, or social
This harm is mitigated by
evaluating the data sets and
the system then modifying
the system to minimize
differences in the allocation
of resources and
opportunities between
identified demographic
Is the harm the result of the
system affecting the allocation
resources or opportunities
relating to finance, education,
employment, healthcare, housing,
insurance, or social welfare,
differently for different
demographic groups?
Goal F3:
Minimization of
stereotyping, demeaning,
and erasing outputs
This Goal applies to AI
systems when system outputs
include descriptions,
depictions, or other
representations of people,
cultures, or society.
This harm is mitigated by a
rigorous understanding of
how different demographic
groups are represented
within the AI system and
modifying the system to
minimize harmful outputs.
Is this harm the result of outputs
of the system that stereotype,
demean, or erase some
demographic groups?
If you answer yes to any of the prompts, enter the corresponding mitigation(s) below the prompt in the second column of table 5.1
in the Impact Assessment Template.
For example, people who speak
language varieties that are
underrepresented in the training data
may experience worse quality of
service for a voice transcription
system. The system can be evaluated
and modified to improve quality of
service for these demographic groups.
For example, a hiring system that
scans resumes and recommends
candidates for hiring trained on
historical data tends to be biased
toward male candidates. The system
can be evaluated and modified to
reduce unfair allocation
of opportunities.
For example, an image search system
that predominantly returns images of
men in response to the query “chief
executive officer” may underrepresent
non-male chief executive officers. To
mitigate this, the system can be
modified to provide more
representative outputs.
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Harms mitigation: Reliability & Safety prompts
The requirements from each respective Goal are the expected mitigation for the relevant harm.
Goal RS1:
Reliability and
safety guidance
This Goal applies to
all AI systems.
This harm is mitigated by
defining safe and reliable
behavior for the system,
ensuring that datasets
include representation of key
intended uses, defining
operational factors and
ranges that are important for
safe & reliable behavior for
the system, and
communicating information
about reliability and safety to
Could this harm be mitigated by
defining and documenting
reliable and safe performance of
the system and providing
documentation to customers?
Goal RS2:
Failures and remediations
This Goal applies to
all AI systems
This harm is mitigated by
establishing failure
management approaches for
each predictable failure.
Is this harm the result of a
predictable failure, or
inadequately managing unknown
failures once the system is in use?
Goal RS3: Ongoing
monitoring, feedback, and
This Goal applies to
all AI systems.
This harm is mitigated by
establishing system
monitoring methods that
allow the team to identify and
review new uses, identify and
troubleshoot issues, manage
and maintain the system,
and improve the system
over time.
Could this harm be mitigated by
monitoring and evaluating the
system in an ongoing manner?
If you answer yes to any of the prompts, enter the corresponding mitigation(s) below the prompt in the second column of table 5.1
in the Impact Assessment Template.
For example, a computer vision
system not optimized for use in
varying lighting situations may
compromise performance. To
mitigate this potential harm, we can
define the lighting conditions in
which the system performs well.
For example, a synthetic voice service
could be used in ways that are
harmful, for example, for Deepfake
videos. To mitigate these potential
harms, the system can produce a
watermark to signal that the content
is AI generated.
For example, monitoring revealed
that a system that uses infrared
cameras to verify an individual
logging into a device fails five times
more frequently on weekend days.
Specifically, this is because the
weekend logins take place in different
environmental conditions with more
infrared light. To improve
performance, the system can include
secondary verification templates
created in a variety of lighting
Microsoft Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Goal Applicability
The tables in section 5.2 will help you assess which of the Goals in the Responsible AI Standard apply to the
system. Some of the Goals in the Standard apply to all AI systems, while other Goals apply to only specific
types of AI systems. When a Goal applies to the system being evaluated in the Impact Assessment, you must
complete the requirements associated with that Goal. When a Goal does not apply to the system, we ask that
you explain why in a textbox below the tables.
Signing off on the Impact Assessment
Signing off is the final step in completing your Impact Assessment. In this section of the Impact Assessment,
ensure that your Impact Assessment has been reviewed and approved by the reviewers named in 1.1.
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