ALM Octane
Enterprise DevOps platform for continuous delivery and quality
Product Highlights
Faster Delivery, Better Quality
Micro Focus® ALM Octane provides a com-
prehensive DevOps management platform
that supports enterprise application delivery
with high-quality criteria, continuous visibility
and delivery across your entire application
lifecycle. ALM Octane accelerates Agile trans-
formations for high-quality application delivery
at enterprise scale while leveraging existing
investments. The Agile and DevOps platform
integrates with open source and third-party
solutions to support planning, build analytics,
end-to-end traceability, and rich reporting.
Key Benets
ALM Octane has many capabilities that help
application development teams deliver amaz-
ing apps fast, without compromising quality or
digital user experience. The three core aspects
that bring speed, quality, and scale for appli-
cation development, application testing, and
application delivery are highlighted as follows.
ALM Octane is architected to immediately
add value on top of widely adopted open
source developer and collaboration tools.
Teams have embraced Agile development
prac tices and are building out DevOps tool
chains leveraging powerful Git version con-
trol, Jenkins build, Azure DevOps and contin-
uous integration (CI) systems. ALM Octane
expands their value by managing not only the
Agile backlog but also providing test man-
agement solution for all types of tests. This is
needed to provide a remarkable user experi-
ence including manual and automated func-
tional tests, performance tests, defects, and
incidents both found in testing and production.
Through a rich integration with CI tools such
as Jenkins, TeamCity, and Bamboo, at any time
in the CI pipeline process, you will have a clear
and accurate view of quality and release readi-
ness against the metrics that matter most
to business.
By leveraging Git for source control and ver-
sion management of tests, testers align with
developer practices. The teams have the agil-
ity that comes from a clear view of testing
changes and versions, ready to execute or roll
back as needed.
In addition, ALM Octane provides a clear path
for manual testers to skill up and transition to a
world of dev/testing and test automation. ALM
Octane supports Gherkin for Behavior Driven
Development, a proven software develop-
ment and testing methodology that leverages
a simple, domain-specic scripting language
converting structured natural language state-
ments into executable tests. With BDD, busi-
ness analysts can write Gherkin tests clearly
reecting business requirements, and testers
can manually execute these tests or quickly
convert Gherkin tests into automated scripts
helping to accelerate the adoption of test au-
tomation. ALM Octane is designed to bridge
the gap between traditional testing activities
and developer practices to shift testing left and
adopt DevOps best practices.
ALM Octane implements continuous quality in
DevOps software delivery. ALM Octane is de-
signed for fast-moving App Dev and test teams
that are adopting CI for DevOps. Test execu-
tion is intrinsically linked to CI and results are
automatically available in ALM Octane context-
driven quality and defect management dash-
boards or linked to contextual conversations
Data Sheet
Application Delivery Management
Quick View
ALM Octane is a comprehensive lifecycle
management solution focused on enhancing the
speed, quality, and scale of delivering software
for organizations adopting Lean, Agile, and DevOps
delivery practice.
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ALM Octane
in #ChatOps systems such as Slack. In addi-
tion, ALM Octane manages the relationships
between all the moving parts in a DevOps
pipeline. Teams can dene their applications
in modules that:
Reect architecture and dependencies
Dene user stories and tests that align
to application modules
Code and test in pipelines
Moreover, at any time know the status of test-
ing results and defects aligned to particular
builds in the pipeline or correlated up to the
overall application module to get a compre-
hensive view of quality.
ALM Octane DevOps ALM solution is integrated
with development and code quality solutions
(such as Micro Focus Security Fortify Static
Code Analyzer [SCA]) such that when code is
checked in, it can be analyzed for code quality.
ALM Octane is fully integrated with continu-
ous integration infrastructure (such as Jenkins,
TeamCity and Bamboo). This enables the re-
sults of the build tasks and automated func-
tional, performance, and security tests (such
as those automated by Micro Focus LeanFT,
Micro Focus StormRunner Load, and Micro
Focus Security Fortify WebInspect) be re-
ported in intelligent ways to the teams who
need to act on the results.
Testing and quality insights are reected and
related to the builds, pipelines, and application
modules in ALM Octane so that Agile teams
can continuously assess the state of quality in
the sprint. ALM Octane also relates quality and
testing state to application architecture—via
application components or modules—assess-
ing if quality can meet denition of done.
In addition, ALM Octane captures the testing
and quality data. It can enable a wide array of
prebuilt and custom graphs and reports are
created and rendered to align to KPIs, trends,
and highest impact areas. Over time, we plan to
continue to apply Big Data analytics against all
this data. This is also done so that predictions
can be available to make adjustments to con-
tinuously increase quality and lower risk.
ALM Octane is designed for transformative
hybrid infrastructure. What do we mean by
that? ALM Octane provides insight, analysis,
management, automation, and orchestration
for all aspects of application quality including
user experience, functionality, performance,
and security. Our solutions support all Software
Development Lifecycle (SDLC) methodolo-
gies including Waterfall, Agile, and DevOps
for continuous delivery as well as the needs
of enterprises globally transitioning to hybrid
infrastructure. These include on-premises,
private cloud, as-a-service, and cloud-native
platforms and delivery models.
With enterprise scalability and support, we are
leveraging over a decade of industry leader-
ship supporting the enterprise. With ALM and
Micro Focus Quality Center, we have archi-
tect scalability, enterprise credential support,
cross-project sharing and visibility, and exible
methodology support to the ALM Octane plat-
form. Teams can start small and know that as
they grow, the underlying technology will sup-
port them along the way.
When you are looking for scale, ALM Octane is
designed intrinsically for hybrid cloud—to run
as software as a service (SaaS) managed by
Micro Focus or on-premises. Moreover, ALM
Octane is an enterprise-class platform, with
support for customized business rules, user-
defined fields, and a Swagger documented
Representational State Transfer (REST) ap-
plication program interface (API) that is lever-
aged to integrate with full lifecycle services.
With ALM Octane integrations, teams can col-
laborate rapidly through ChatOps and immedi-
ately reect them in backlogs and Agile sprints,
helping the DevOps continuous assessment
feedback loop so vital to achieving consistent
quality in a rapidly changing landscape. ALM
provides Application Lifecycle Intelligence,
which brings in data from SCM providers (Git,
SVN, so on), CI servers (Jenkins, Bamboo,
TeamCity), and monitoring tools (New Relic,
AppDynamics). ALM Octane embeds a real-
time pipeline view for continuous testing and
continuous integration processes.
ALM Octane leverages modern ways of main-
taining relationships between lifecycle ac-
tivities and artifacts. It drives focus in teams
with tagging and intelligent search so that
teams can rapidly nd the information needed
to collaborate on quality and code readiness
at any time.
Plan: Predictable application delivery requires
awareness of progress and alignment with
goals and milestones, as well as the ability to
access updated information without relying
on error-prone manual data gathering. ALM
Octane platform allows teams to assess the
status quickly within their context and access
the right data to make the correct decisions.
When beginning a product, and on a continual
basis, the product owner creates and main-
tains the product backlog. The Backlog is uid,
always adjusting to changing priorities.
In ALM Octane, the backlog is maintained in the
Backlog module (see Figure 1). Use the Backlog
module to:
Figure 1. Backlog view within ALM Octane
Create Epics that specify the large-scale
part of your applications
Create Features for each deliverable part
of the product
Create Stories for each item that must
be developed
Organize Epics, Features, and Stories
in a meaningful way that displays your
product development logic and hierarchy
Once you have created the product backlog
structure, you can decide when to develop and
release dierent items.
Dene: Understanding business needs is the
most critical piece of data any project team
can have. ALM Octane has integrated Agile
user stories and backlog management directly
into the ALM software platform. Through this,
teams can quickly document business needs
and map them to supporting artifacts in the
software development lifecycle, such as de-
fects or tests. When planning a release or a
sprint or development period, eective plan-
ning requires you to assign the correct amount
of work for the capacity in these periods
(see Figure 2).
To help you determine and assign work ac-
cordingly, each team is assigned a sprint ve-
locity, which determines the overall release
capacity. In parallel with this, each story (user
story, quality story, and defect) is estimated in
story points. When you complete these esti-
mations, you can better create optimal work
plans for a release and sprint.
Build: High-velocity teams realize that a quick
understanding of what went into a build and
where to triage is an eective means to faster
application delivery. ALM Octane integrates
directly into your Jenkins CI and build envi-
ronment, so you can quickly view release and
quality pipelines, as well as adjust as new or
changing validations and regression tests are
created (see Figure 3).
Test: Consistent quality is critical in any ap-
plication being delivered to support your
business. ALM Octane platform allows you to
author tests using Gherkin (see Figure 4), as-
sists in the conversion of automated scripts,
and manages the execution of your test suites.
You may also manual test by dening step by
step. Whether you’re planning your tests within
the context of a CI pipeline or executing re-
gression tests on the y, with ALM software,
you can view aggregated quality within the
context of your entire application.
Track: Whether you want to log a defect
quickly and easily—during a regression test,
or review the status of a test or user story,
ALM Octane provides information tailored to
your context. Customizable reports, graphs,
and dashboards (see Figure 5) help the team
stay on top of critical items and with prioritiza-
tion. The dashboard is the control center for
analysis of your application’s development
and quality. It gives a visual, customizable dis-
play of how the application’s development is
progressing and the level of quality. When you
add widgets, you can control the information
shown in the dashboard such as the type of
data reported, the scope, and time frame, and
how the data is grouped and displayed. In one
dashboard, you have complete visibility of all
aspects of a project, release, or application—
from progress to quality.
Embracing open source: ALM software con-
tinues to embrace open source standards and
tools within the framework. You can author
tests using Gherkin, support test automation
management of Selenium scripts, which is
based on a Git-architected back-end platform,
and tightly integrate with your team’s Jenkins
build environment.
Business rules: To allow teams to provision
workspaces and environments quickly, as well
as simplify the administration of the system,
ALM Octane introduces visual business rules.
This helps teams to control access, enforce
process and workow, and to align with team
priorities consistently. The most beneficial
process assistance comes through produc-
tive guidance, rather than obstructive blocking.
Figure 2. Team Backlog view within ALM Octane
Figure 3. Pipeline view within ALM Octane
Figure 4. Gherkin test view within ALM Octane
Figure 5. Dashboard view within ALM Octane
Asset sharing, reuse, and tagging: Being
able to share similar artifacts between teams
or projects doesn’t just help save time and
lower risk but is a very common reality for
many teams today. Using application modules
within ALM Octane, teams can easily assign
tests, defects, and user stories to a specic
application release, and can use custom tag-
ging that quickly lters and views items across
the lifecycle.
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