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In the cosmetology profession, each state establishes licensure requirements for being able to practice in their
state. Programs of study in cosmetology can range anywhere from 1,000 clock hours to 2,100 clock hours, and as
such, states develop specic requirements for individuals who graduated from cosmetology school in one state to
be able to become licensed in another state. This process is considered reciprocity or endorsement. We have listed
the requirements for an individual who graduates from a cosmetology program in the United States and wants to
become licensed in another state.
Please note that the school you are planning on attending has only had their curriculum evaluated by their state;
however, in the eld of cosmetology, each state board reviews the number of clock hours you attended in your
home state and the subject areas and practical experiences you completed as a part of the process of determining
what, if any, additional requirements you may have to meet in order to be licensed in their state. State boards of
cosmetology do not evaluate the curriculum of schools located in other states.
Alabama The state allows anyone who
completed a program in another
state to request licensure.
Request certication to be sent from current state;
contact the state board for paperwork and exams; and
pay a $100 fee.
Alaska Hold a current license in a state
with equivalent requirements
(1,650 hours).
Hold a current license in a state with equivalent
requirements (1,650 hours); or 1 year of full-time
employment + 1,500 school hours; or 2 years of full-time
employment in the eld.
Arizona The state allows anyone who
completed a program in another
state to request licensure.
At least 1 year of practice in the current state of licensure
within the ve years prior to application.
Arkansas The state allows anyone who
completed a program in another
state to request licensure.
Hold a valid cosmetology license; have certication of
licensure and training; and pass a state law exam.
California The state allows anyone who
completed a program in another
state to request licensure.
Must hold a cosmetology license in good standing in
home state and must be licensed for 3 out of the last 5
Colorado Hold a valid license from home
state with equivalent requirements
(1,800 hours).
Apply for licensure by endorsement and hold a valid
license from home state with equivalent requirements
(1,800 hours).
Connecticut Hold a valid license from home
state with equivalent requirements
(1,500 hours).
Hold a valid license from a state with equivalent
requirements (1,500 hours) and pass a written exam.
Delaware Must be licensed in a state with
equal requirements (1,500 hours).
Must be licensed in a state with equal requirements
(1,500 hours) or submit a notarized statement from an
employer certifying that you have been working in the
eld for at least 5 years.
District of
Must be licensed in a state with
equal or greater requirements
(1,500 hours).
If applying for licensure by reciprocity, the applicant must
provide: a letter of good standing from a jurisdiction with
requirements which were substantially equivalent at the
time of the applicant’s licensure to those of the District of
Columbia (1,500 hours); have passed an examination
acceptable to the board; have an active certication from
a recognized national certifying organization; and have
not been disciplined or otherwise disqualied by the
national certifying organization.
List of State Reciprocity Requirements
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Florida Hold an active license in another
state with equal requirements
Hold an active license in another state with equal
requirements (1,200 hours) or complete additional
training hours to qualify for endorsement.
Georgia Must be licensed in a state that has
similar requirements (1,500 hours).
Must be licensed in a state that has similar requirements
(1,500 hours) and submit an application and fee for
Hawaii Completed similar or equivalent
education requirements (1,800
Completed similar or equivalent education requirements
(1,800 hours) and may be required to take written and
practical exams.
Idaho Completed similar or equivalent
education requirements (1,600
The holder of a current license in another state may also be
eligible for licensure by endorsement if an applicant either:
holds a current license from another state whose standards
are not less than Idaho standards (1,600 hours), or the
applicant holds a current license from another state and
has met work experience requirements of at least one
year of actual practice under certication or licensure in
the three years immediately prior to the application in
the profession for which the license is being sought. If the
applicant does not meet the equal standards or experience
requirement, additional training and examination will be
required. An applicant must show proof of training
equivalent to the Idaho requirements and pass the
examination(s). Applicants who do not meet the equivalent
training requirement must graduate from a licensed Idaho
school of barbering or cosmetology.
Illinois The state allows anyone who
completed a program and
licensure in another state to
request licensure by endorsement.
Apply for licensure by endorsement by providing
certication of licensure from the current state board.
Indiana Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,500 training
Must be licensed in a state that requires at least 1,500
training hours and have achieved a passing score of at
least 70% on written and practical exams.
Iowa Must be licensed in a state with
similar or equivalent requirements
(2,100 hours).
Transfer through endorsement and must be licensed in
a state with similar or equivalent requirements (2,100
hours) for 12 of the last 24 months.
Kansas Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,500 training
Must be licensed in a state with similar or equivalent
requirements (1,500 hours), and must pass an open-
book exam.
Kentucky The state allows anyone who
completed a program in another
state to request licensure.
Must have a certication of license from the state board
that issued the license and may be required to take state
licensing exams.
Louisiana Reciprocity to those states that use
the NIC (National Interstate Council
of State Boards of Cosmetology)
Applicants in WI, VT, TX, TN, NY, MN, MI, MA, MD, KS, HI,
FL, CT, and CO must take the NIC exam (NIC, state theory,
and practical exams).
Maine Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,500 training
Hold a valid license in another state with similar
requirements (1,500 hours). If requirements dier, must
pass state exams.
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Maryland Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,500 training
Hold a valid license in another state with similar
requirements (1,500 hours) and provide certication that
license is current and in good standing.
Massachusetts Accepts the training provided in
other states.
Must pass the states written and practical board exams.
Michigan Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,500 training
Hold a valid license in another state with similar or
greater requirements (1,500 hours).
Minnesota Accepts the training provided in
other states.
Verication of current licensure, high school diploma,
completion of exams, and an application for reciprocity.
Mississippi Accepts the training provided in
other states.
Submit an application, an adavit/certication of training
that meets Mississippi’s reciprocity requirements, and
appear for an application eligibility interview.
Missouri Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,500 training
Hold a current license in a state with substantially similar
or superior requirements (1,500 hours), and must have
practiced cosmetology for two consecutive years in
another state.
Montana Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 2,000 training
Hold a license in a state with comparable training and
testing requirements (2,000 hours); may be required to
take additional training hours plus take national exams.
Nebraska Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 2,100 training
Hold a current license in another jurisdiction issued on
the basis of a written and practical examination, and
complete a cosmetology course consisting of at least
2,100 hours.
Nevada Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,600 training
Must have a current license (in good standing) in
another state and must have passed the NIC
(National Interstate Council of State Boards of
Cosmetology) written exam in the state of licensure or
take the exam in Nevada.
New Hampshire Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,500 training
Must have completed 1,500 training hours in home state
and pass a hands-on practical exam and a national
written exam in English.
New Jersey Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,200 training
Hold a current license in another state with satisfactory
requirements (1,200 hours); otherwise, must submit an
out-of-state” application and required documentation
and pass state exams.
New Mexico Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,600 training
Provide verication of licensure in another state with
similar or superior requirements (1,600 hours). May
substitute 150 credit hours for each 6 full months of
licensed experience.
New York The state limits the acceptable
curriculum to those states on the
approved list.
Must be currently licensed from a state on NY’s
reciprocity list. In some instances, must have 1+ years of
licensure in order to qualify. The list of 21 states and the
number of years licensed to qualify for reciprocity can be
accessed here:
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North Carolina The state limits the acceptable
curriculum to those states on the
approved list.
Hold a current license in good standing, meaning no
disciplinary actions. Licensed in a state that oers
reciprocity to North Carolina. The list of 13 states that
have reciprocity with North Carolina can be accessed
outstategraduates.aspx. An individual from a state that
does not have reciprocity may provide a copy of his/her
transcripts for verication. If the required practical
experiences were not obtained, the individual may need
to take additional training in a cosmetology school to
meet the states requirements.
North Dakota Accepts the training provided in
other states.
Provide a letter of certication from the current state
board and a copy of the states licensing requirements,
and must take the North Dakota Laws, Rules and
Regulations exam.
Ohio Does not recognize curriculums
from other states.
Does not oer reciprocity; must take and pass Ohios
practical, theoretical, and manager exams.
Oklahoma Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,500 training hours.
Hold a current license in a state with equal or higher
requirements (1,500 hours); have at least 3 years of
recent, licensed work experience; and may be required
to take state licensure exams.
Oregon Accepts the training provided in
other states.
Submit an adavit of licensure and a qualifying
application and pass the written exam, which includes
the Oregon Laws and Rules exam.
Pennsylvania Accepts the training provided in
other states.
Hold a current license and have 2 years of working
experience from the original licensure dates.
Rhode Island Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,500 training hours.
Hold a license in another state with equivalent educational
requirements (1,500 hours). Work experience may be
considered. Must pass licensing exams.
South Carolina Accepts the training provided in
other states.
Hold a current license (in good standing) in another
state and must have passed a nationally recognized
South Dakota Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 2,100 training hours.
Hold a current license from a state with equal or greater
requirements (2,100 hours); work experience may be
considered (2 work hours = 1 school hour). Must pass
the South Dakota Laws and Rules exam.
Tennessee Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,500 training hours.
Provide proof of a current license from another state
with equal requirements (1,500 hours); may substitute
with proof of 5 years of work experience.
Texas Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,000 training hours.
Licensed in a state with substantially equivalent
requirements (1,000 hours); in some cases, work
experience may be credited.
Utah Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,600 training
Submit verication of current license; must meet
educational (1,600 hours) and exam requirements.
Vermont Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,500 training
Hold a license in a state whose requirements are equal
or superior (1,500 hours), and pass a state law exam.
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Virginia Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,200 hours (80%
of the 1,500 hours required by the
Have a current license in a state with substantially similar
training requirements (1,200 hours or 80% of the 1,500
hours required by the state) and submit an
application for endorsement and proof of licensure.
Washington Accepts the training provided in
other states.
Have a current license in good standing in another state.
West Virginia Accepts the training provided in
other states if the state uses the
NIC examination for licensure.
If licensed in a state that uses the National Interstate
Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC)
examination, you must take and pass the state law exam;
if licensed in a state that does not use the NIC
examination, you would need to submit an application
for review.
Wisconsin Accepts the training provided in
other states.
Currently licensed in another state.
Wyoming Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 2,000 training
Currently licensed in a state with equal requirements
(2,000 hours); must have graduated from a state-
recognized school and have taken board-administered
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In the eld of teacher/instructor training, each state establishes licensure requirements for being able to
practice in their state. Programs of study in teacher/instructor training can range anywhere from 160 clock hours
to 1,000 clock hours, and as such, states develop specic requirements for individuals who graduated from school
in another state to become licensed in their state. This process is considered reciprocity or endorsement. We have
listed the requirements for an individual who graduates from a teacher/instructor program in the United States
and who wants to become licensed in another state.
Please note that the school you are planning on attending has only had their curriculum evaluated by their state
to meet the requirements for licensure and practice. In the eld of teacher/instructor training, each state board
reviews the number of clock hours you attended in your home state, the subject areas, and practical
experiences you completed as a part of the process of determining what, if any, additional requirements you may
have to meet in order to be licensed in their state. We encourage all graduates who are considering becoming
licensed in another state to rst take the licensure exam in their home state, which will make it easier to transfer
into another state. If you are not licensed by your home state, the state you are considering getting licensed in
may require you to take additional training to meet their state minimum hour requirements and/or take their state
licensure exam. State boards do not evaluate the curriculum of schools located in other states, but do, in most
cases, recognize training from other states. Please refer to the requirements below.
Alabama The state allows anyone who
completed a program in another
state to request licensure.
The state reviews each request after receiving a copy of
the license from the transferring state. The individual is
required to pay a fee to apply and may be required to
take any exams based on the state they are transferring
Alaska The state allows anyone who
completed a program in another
state to request licensure;
however, the state may request
additional work and education
Verication of a current hairdresser instructor license
issued by another licensing jurisdiction. Verication of
a current license to practice as a hairdresser in Alaska.
Verication of training and experience equivalent to that
required in Alaska, including verication of at least three
years of practice as a licensed hairdresser in Alaska or
another licensing jurisdiction. If you intend to teach in
more than one profession, you must verify three years
of work experience in each profession, OR verify one
year of practice in a licensed eld in Alaska or in another
licensed jurisdiction followed by 600 hours of student
instructor training in a school approved by the board or
by another jurisdiction.
Arizona Must be licensed in a state with
equal or greater requirements (650
Must be licensed for at least a year in the eld that you
want to teach. Complete an instructor training course in
another state that has the same or greater requirements
than Arizona (650 hours). Pass the exam for an
instructors license and have ve years of licensed
industry experience in the last 10 years.
List of State Reciprocity Requirements
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Arkansas Must be licensed in a state with
equal or greater requirements (600
The applicant must have passed both a written and
practical national or department-approved examination;
must have a current, valid license issued under the laws
of another state; and the scope of practice for which the
applicant is licensed in another state must be equal to or
greater than the particular class of license that the applicant
is applying for in the state of Arkansas (600 hours).
The state does not require licensure
as a teacher; however, a person must
be licensed as a practitioner in the
subject area taught.
Must have a valid license as a practitioner in the subject
area the individual will teach, and certication through
post-secondary education.
Colorado The state does not require licensure
as a teacher; however, a person
must be licensed as a practitioner in
the subject area taught.
Must hold a Colorado cosmetology license and have two
years of experience.
Connecticut The state allows anyone who
completed a program in another
state to request licensure.
Must hold a Connecticut cosmetology license and have
taken and passed an instructor examination.
Delaware Must be licensed in a state with
equal or greater requirements (500
hours or 250 hours and two years
of experience).
Cosmetologist instructor—500 classroom hours in a
teacher training course and license in the individual’s
home state, or two years of experience as an active,
licensed, practicing cosmetologist plus at least 250 hours
of instruction in a teacher training course in cosmetology.
District of
Must be licensed in a state with
equal or greater requirements
(1,000 hours).
If applying for licensure by reciprocity, the applicant must
provide a letter of good standing from a jurisdiction with
requirements which were substantially equivalent at the
time of the applicant’s licensure to those of the District of
Columbia (1,000 hours); have passed an examination
acceptable to the board; have an active certication from
a recognized national certifying organization; and have
not been disciplined or otherwise disqualied by the
national certifying organization relied upon for the
application for licensure by endorsement.
Florida Hold an active license in another
In Florida, the only requirement that must be met to
become a cosmetology instructor is to attend a
cosmetology school that oers a certication program.
Georgia Must be licensed in a state that has
similar requirements (750 hours).
The state will accept licensees from other states with
similar licensure requirements (750 hours). The applicant
must apply, pay a fee, and have no disciplinary action
against his/her license. The individual must have been
licensed in a qualifying state for at least one year and
hold a Georgia license in his/her eld. States not eligible
for reciprocity with GA: AK, PA, MD, MA, ME, and VA.
Hawaii Must be licensed in a state that has
similar requirements (600 hours).
Currently licensed as a beauty operator or instructor
for at least one year in Hawaii or in another jurisdiction,
and must complete at least 600 hours of beauty school
instructor training in compliance with the board’s
curriculum. Take and pass the state board examination.
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Idaho Must be licensed in a state that has
similar requirements (900 hours or
500 hours plus work experience).
The holder of a current license in another state may be
eligible for licensure. Licensure may be gained through
endorsement if an applicant either holds a current
license from another state whose standards are not less
than Idaho standards, or holds a current license from
another state and has met work experience
requirements. If an individual does not meet the equal
standards or experience requirement, additional
training and examination will be required. An applicant
must show proof of training equivalent to the Idaho
requirements and pass the examination(s). Must take a
six-month (minimum) course of cosmetology instructing
as a student in a licensed cosmetology school, provided
that the course consists of no less than nine hundred
(900) hours; or take a three-month (minimum) course
of cosmetology instructing as a student in a licensed
cosmetology school if the applicant has at least two (2)
years of experience as a licensed cosmetologist,
provided that the course consists of no less than ve
hundred (500) hours.
Illinois Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,000 hours of
training or 500 hours of education
and work experience.
Must be currently licensed by another state as both a
cosmetologist and an instructor. Submit ocial
transcripts of teacher training from the cosmetology
school attended with the school seal axed.
Certication of licensure must be completed by the state
of original licensure stating a brief description of any
licensure examination taken and the grades received. It
must also state whether there is any record of
disciplinary actions taken or pending. If the individual
completed less than 1,000 hours but at least 500 hours
of teacher training, the individual must verify at least
two (2) years of lawful practice in another jurisdiction.
Indiana Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,000 hours of
training or 700 hours of education
and work experience.
Applicant must provide a license certication from their
jurisdiction. Applicants jurisdiction must require 1,000
hours of beauty culture instructor education in a beauty
culture school. One (1) year of licensed practice may
substitute for one hundred (100) hours of education
for an applicant who has completed a minimum of 700
hours of instructor education. The home state must
require a score of at least 70% on both the written and
practical licensing exams.
Iowa Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,000 hours of
Ocial transcript or diploma that meets the
requirements of Iowa Administrative Code (1,000 hours),
OR ocial verication of licensure verifying the
applicant has held an active license in another state
for at least 12 of the last 24 months directly preceding
submission of the application. Board sta will determine
whether the previous exam meets Iowa requirements; if
it does not, the applicant will be required to take the NIC
exam before he/she can be licensed in Iowa.
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Kansas The state allows anyone who
completed a program in another
state to request licensure.
An individual must have a Kansas practitioner license
rst before he/she can be considered for an instructor
license. Must also have verication of instructor hours
sent to the Kansas board from the state in which they
were acquired.
Kentucky Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 750 hours of
Must provide a certication of hours and/or license from
the state licensing agency where the hours were
obtained. If the applicant’s hours obtained out of state
are equivalent to Kentuckys hour requirement (750
hours), then the applicant will apply as an out-of-state
exam applicant. If the applicant does not have enough
hours, the applicant must complete remaining hours
required for licensure in a school of cosmetology in
Kentucky before applying for the licensing exam.
Louisiana Accepts the training provided in
other states.
A person currently holding an instructor license who
took the NIC exam only needs to take the state law test.
If a person did not take the NIC exam, he/she would be
required to take the NIC exam and the state law test.
Maine Accepts the training provided in
other states.
Must have an original verication of licensure from the
state licensing board or jurisdiction that the individual
currently holds a valid instructor license.
The state does not require licensure
as a teacher; however, a person must
be licensed as a practitioner in the
subject area taught.
Maryland does not require cosmetology instructors to
be licensed.
Massachusetts Does not recognize licenses from
other states.
A person who has graduated from a cosmetology
program satisfactory to the board and has had a
minimum of two years of experience as either a
Massachusetts-licensed cosmetologist or an assistant
cosmetology instructor may apply to the board for
licensure as a cosmetology instructor. He/she must le
an application with the board, pay the required fees, and
achieve a passing score on an examination satisfactory
to the board.
Michigan Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 500 hours of
Must be licensed as a cosmetologist. Training and testing
requirements in the home state must be substantially
equal to Michigans requirements (500 hours). If the
home states requirements aren’t similar, the licensee
may be required to take additional training hours and
the written and practical exams.
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Minnesota Experience verication showing at
least 2,700 hours of licensed
practice within the past three years.
The individual must have a current instructor license in
another state. He/she must contact the board in each
state where he/she has ever held an instructor license and
request certication(s) of licensure to be mailed directly
to the board oce. The certication must verify at least
one current, active instructor license in another state. If the
certication(s) verify the individual successfully
completed comparable instructor training, a course
completion certicate will not be required. If the
certicate(s) verify the individual has passed an instructor
general exam and/or an instructor practical exam (or the
equivalent of each), he/she will not be required to take and
pass the veried exam(s). Otherwise, the individual will
be required to take and pass the exam(s). The individual
must have an active Minnesota operator or salon manager
license in order to obtain an instructor license.
Mississippi Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,000 hours of
Must possess a current Mississippi practitioners license.
Must have completed six (6) semester hours in college
courses approved by the board. Must have 1,000 hours
of instructor training in a licensed school of cosmetology.
Must have attended one mandatory board methods of
teaching seminar, earning a minimum of ve (5)
continuing education hours. Must submit an adavit
completed and signed by the board ocial in the state
from which the current license is held attesting to
licensure status and any disciplinary action within the
past ve (5) years. Must submit a certied transcript of
completion of the course of training for which the
application for approval for the examination is being
made or an adavit attesting to the education.
Missouri Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 600 hours of
Hold a current license in a state with substantially similar
or superior requirements (600 hours). If the individual
has less hours than Missouri requires, he/she will need
to take additional training. NIC testing is required for all
Montana Accepts the training provided in
other states.
Must have a license to practice issued by the department in
the particular area of practice in which the person plans to
teach. Must have been actively engaged in that particular
area of practice for 12 continuous months before taking the
teachers examination. Must have received a diploma from
a licensed school approved by the board certifying
satisfactory completion of 650 hours of student teacher
training, or have three years of experience in that particular
area of practice. A person who qualies for a license under
this subsection has two years to complete board-approved
coursework related to teaching methodology before a
license to teach is renewed.
Nebraska Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 600 hours of
An individual must hold a current Nebraska cosmetology
license. An individual must have completed at least 600
hours of cosmetology instructor training. If the individual
did not complete a 600-hour training program, the state
will consider work experience as follows: each month of
full-time practice as a cosmetology instructor within the
ve years immediately prior to this application counts for
100 hours toward cosmetology instructor training.
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Nevada Accepts the training provided in
other states.
In order to be eligible for reciprocity in the state of
Nevada, an individual’s license must be active and in
good standing in another state. Applicants must
complete an application, submit the required
information, and pass a 25-question Nevada state law
test with a score of 75% or higher to become licensed.
New Hampshire Accepts the training provided in
other states.
Requires certication of state licensure verifying an
individual’s current license, testing information, and
disciplinary action (if any). This must be obtained from
the state board in which the license is held. Instructor
license applications require a certication for the
professional license and the instructor license. Requires
transcripts of training from the school attended.
New Jersey Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 500 school hours
+ 30-hour teaching methods
Applicants who have obtained training in another
state shall demonstrate certication from the licensing
authority in the state that such training is substantially
equivalent to the training oered in New Jersey (500
school hours + 30-hour teaching methods course), or
the individual may be required to take more training. An
applicant must also have taken and passed a practical
examination in his/her state of licensure.
New Mexico Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,000 hours of
Applicants who do not meet the New Mexico hourly
requirements (1,000 hours) may receive 150 hours of
credit for each six full months of licensed experience.
Work experience less than six full months will not be
considered toward training hours. To obtain any license
by reciprocity, no more than fty percent of the hours
required for licensure by in-state applicants may be
obtained by work experience. Must have an adavit
from the state regulatory agency verifying that the
applicant holds a current license and is in good standing
with the state. Licensure in multiple states may require
the applicant to send an adavit from each state. If not a
licensee, the applicant must provide a certied transcript
for the course of study or an adavit of hours from the
regulatory agency or school attended, and he/she must
submit to the New Mexico examination for licensure.
New York Accepts the training provided in
other states.
Must have a cosmetology license; two years of experience;
and have taken the Secondary Assessment of Teaching
Skills written exam. The individual must also provide a
school certicate; a school transcript listing subjects and
hours completed; and a current, original certication of
licensure from the individual’s home state board.
North Carolina Accepts the training provided in
other states, except Florida and
The state accepts licenses from other states that oer
reciprocity and will only have to apply; here is a list:
licinanotherstate.aspx. If reciprocity is not oered, then
you have to submit a certication of training and
licensure. Teachers licenses cannot be obtained without
rst holding a current license for practice in the
corresponding discipline in North Carolina.
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North Dakota Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 160 hours of
Provide proof that the applicant is licensed as a
cosmetologist and instructor in another jurisdiction and
that the applicant’s license is in good standing.
Demonstrate that either: the applicant provides
satisfactory proof of completing the course curriculum
hours (160 hours) required by the board and proof of
successfully passing the theoretical and practical
examinations substantially similar to those required in this
state; or, the other jurisdiction’s licensure requirements
at the time the applicant was licensed were substantially
equal to those in North Dakota. Must pass an examination
on North Dakota laws, rules, and regulations.
Ohio Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,000 hours of
Persons holding a valid license to teach the theory and
practice of cosmetology in other states may obtain an
Ohio license to teach cosmetology if all of the conditions
are met: The individual holds an active instructor license in
cosmetology. The requirements to obtain the license in the
jurisdiction of origin extends similar reciprocity
opportunities to individuals licensed in Ohio. At the time
the license was obtained in the other licensing jurisdiction,
the requirements in this state for obtaining the license the
applicant seeks were substantially equal to the
requirements of that licensing jurisdiction (1,000 hours).
Oklahoma Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,000 hours of
training or 300 hours and two years
of experience.
Most hold a current Oklahoma cosmetology license;
complete 1,000 hours of study, or 300 hours if two years of
recent licensed experience is veried (or equivalent number
of credit hours); and pass a written and practical exam.
Oregon Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,000 hours of
To obtain an Oregon instructor license, a person will
have to provide proof of licensure in another state and
pass all relevant Oregon written examinations. Proof of
licensure in another state must show that the education
received is substantially equivalent to Oregon
certication requirements (1,000 hours).
Pennsylvania Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 500 hours of
training or has reciprocity.
Reciprocity can be granted to individuals licensed in
those states with which Pennsylvania has reciprocity. To
qualify for licensure by reciprocity, an individual must
have a current license and two years of working
experience from the original licensure date. Must
possess a current cosmetologist license and have
completed a minimum of 500 hours of instruction in a
cosmetology teacher curriculum provided by a licensed
school of cosmetology. If the applicant does not meet
the requirements for reciprocity, the Pennsylvania
examination (theory and practical) must be
successfully completed. The state board of
cosmetology has a reciprocal agreement with every
state except Connecticut, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, New
Jersey, New Mexico, Rhode Island, and Utah.
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Rhode Island Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 300 hours of
Has held a hairdresser license, issued under the laws of
this state or another state, for at least three (3) years
preceding the date of application for an instructors
license, and has satisfactorily completed three hundred
hours of instruction in hairdressing teacher training
approved by the department. Passed an examination
approved by the department.
South Carolina Accepts the training provided in
other states.
Upon application and payment of the required fee, a
license to teach cosmetology may be issued by the
board to any person who is currently licensed, and in
good standing, as an instructor in a state that has a
nationally endorsed examination; or who is a licensed
cosmetologist who has practiced for at least two years
in any other state and submits proof, satisfactory to the
board, of having completed instructor training (750
hours) which is substantially equivalent to requirements
of this state.
South Dakota Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 1,000 hours of
Any person may qualify and be licensed by the state as an
instructor for cosmetology upon application made to the
state. The application shall be accompanied by
satisfactory evidence that the applicant: possesses the
required 1,000 hours; currently holds a valid
cosmetologist license; has complied with any instructor
education as prescribed (1,000 hours) or has at least one
year of teaching experience as a licensed instructor from
another state in cosmetology; and has passed an
examination prescribed by the state. However, the
applicant may receive the license conditionally,
dependent on completing instructor education and
passing the examination as prescribed by the commission.
Tennessee Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 300 hours of
Applicants applying for instructor reciprocity must
provide proof of passing a state board approved course
of at least 300 hours for instructors, and proof of passing
an instructor theory and practical exam. A state theory
and hands-on practical exam are required to be eligible
for reciprocity in Tennessee. If an individual did not take
either of these exams in the state where they currently
hold an active license, then they may be required to take
one or both. Additional hours may also be required to
substantially meet Tennessee licensure requirements.
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Texas Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 750 hours of
License holders from other states and territories may be
eligible for a Texas license if their state has education and
examination requirements that are substantially
equivalent to Texas (750 hours). Must submit with an
application, a copy of the current out-of-state
cosmetology license, and a letter of certication from the
out-of-state licensing agency.
Utah Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 400 hours of
training and work experience.
Provide satisfactory documentation of completion of:
an instructor training program conducted by a licensed
or recognized school and with a minimum of 400 hours
or the equivalent number of credit hours; on-the-job
instructor training conducted by a licensed instructor
at a licensed or recognized school with a minimum of
400 hours or the equivalent number of credit hours; or a
minimum of 3,000 hours of experience as a
cosmetologist/barber; and meet the examination
requirement established by rule.
Vermont Must be licensed in a state with
similar requirements.
Have three (3) full-time years of experience or possess
sucient teacher education and experience to permit
the board to determine that the instructor applicant’s
background is equal to those of a practitioner with three
years of experience; be licensed in the profession under
these rules which they teach; have passed an instructors
examination approved by the board; and take a
minimum of 24 hours of professional education
approved by the board per licensing period.
Virginia Accepts the training provided in
other states.
Hold a cosmetology license; have taken a
post-secondary course in teaching techniques or
board-approved instructor training course; and have
taken the cosmetology instruction exam.
Washington Accepts the training provided in
other states.
To get a cosmetology instructor license in
Washington state, an individual must have a current
instructor license in good standing in another state and
a current cosmetology license in Washington. The
applicant must provide proof of passing the state-
approved written and performance examinations.
West Virginia Accepts the training provided in
other states.
An applicant from another state seeking certication
as an instructor is eligible for certication by reciprocity
if the applicant: has acquired training in another state
equal to the requirements established in this rule; has
passed an NIC instructor exam; has passed a West
Virginia state law exam with a score of at least 80%; and
the state in which the applicant is certied extends the
same privilege to certied instructors from West
Virginia. The applicant must also have successfully
passed a teaching techniques course at a post-
secondary education level; have graduated from a
recognized school of cosmetology; and have applied to
the board with the appropriate fees.
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Wisconsin Accepts the training provided in
other states.
Wisconsin does not license instructors. In order to teach
in Wisconsin, an individual must be licensed as a
cosmetologist in Wisconsin. In order to transfer a
cosmetology license, an individual must be currently
licensed in another state.
Wyoming Must be licensed in a state that
requires at least 500 hours of
Must have graduated from an instructor program with
equal or greater hour requirements (500 hours), or have
equal or greater study in teaching from outside a
cosmetology school, or a combination of training and
work history that is equal or greater than Wyoming. Must
have passed a board-administered theory and practical