Privacy Data Sheet
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Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 10, February 2024
Webex App
& Webex Messaging
This Privacy Data Sheet describes the processing of personal data (or personally identifiable information) by the Webex App
and Messaging (the “Service” or “Webex” or the “Webex App”).
The Webex App is a cloud-based collaboration solution made available by Cisco to companies or persons who acquire it for use
by their authorized users.
Cisco will process personal data from the Webex App in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Data Sheet. In jurisdictions
that distinguish between Data Controllers and Data Processors, Cisco is the Data Controller for the personal data processed to
administer and manage the customer relationship. Cisco is the Data Processor for the personal data processed by the Webex
App to provide its functionality.
1. Overview
Webex App is a cloud-based service made available by Cisco to companies or persons (“Customer,” “you,” or “your”) who
acquire it for use by their authorized users (“user”). Webex provides a complete collaboration suite for your team to create,
meet, message, make calls, and share, regardless of whether they are together or apartin one continuous workstream
before, during, and after meetings.
Because the Service enables collaboration among users, you will be asked to provide your personal data to use it.
For more information about Webex, visit the Webex homepage.
2. Personal Data Processing
If you are a user and your employer is the Customer that acquired the Service, your employer serves as the “data controller.”
All of the information described in this Privacy Data Sheet is subject to your employer’s policies regarding retention,
monitoring, deletion, and export of information associated with the Service. This may include access to the keys used to encrypt
or decrypt your User-Generated Information.
If you as an individual subscribed to the Service for personal use, your employer’s policies will not apply to the data that you
share while using the Service. However, if you subscribed to the Service using your employer-issued email address and your
employer later purchases the Services from Cisco, you will be required to update the email address associated with your
account to a personal email address. Cisco recommends that you use your personal email address to access the Service for
personal use. If you want to change your email address, you can do so by following these instructions.
Users can communicate with users from other companies through the Webex App. If you are a user posting into spaces created
by or including users from other companies, those companies’ policies related to retention, monitoring, deletion and export
may govern that data (as described in the applicable sections of this Privacy Data Sheet).
This Privacy Data Sheet covers the Service and Technical Support Assistance included with the Service. When you launch a
meeting in Webex, Webex Meetings functionality will be used. Accordingly, please see the Webex Meetings Privacy Data Sheet
(available on The Cisco Trust Center) for a description of how recordings are collected and processed. If you use Webex Calling
through the Webex App, please see the Webex Calling Privacy Data Sheet (here), which includes details related to personal data
processing for Webex Calling.
If you use the Vidcast service from within the Webex App, see the Vidcast Privacy Data Sheet (available on The Cisco Trust
Center) for descriptions of the data that may be collected and processed in connection with that service.
The table below lists the personal data processed by Webex to provide its services and describes why the data is processed.
The Webex App does not:
Produce decisions that would result in legal or other significant effects impacting the rights of data subjects
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 10, February 2024
based solely by automated means.
Sell your personal data.
Serve advertisements on our platform.
Track your usage or content for advertising purposes.
Monitor or interfere with the content within your space(s) on Webex App.
Table 1 Webex App
Personal Data Category
Type of Personal Data
Purpose of Processing
Activation Codes
Display Name
Email Address
Profile Picture or Avatar image
(optional, only applicable if
provided by you)
Company Name
Billing Contact Name
Organization ID
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID)
User information included in your
organization directory
Pronouns (optional, only
applicable if enabled by your
organization and you)
We use User Information to:
Provide you with the Service
Enroll you in Webex
Display your Profile Picture and other optional identifiers to
other users
Notify you about features and updates
Understand how the Service is used
Manage customer account and services
Provide you remote access support
Authenticate and authorize access to your account
Host and Usage
Device Name
Country Code
IP Address
User Agent Identifier
Operating System Type and
Client Version
IP Addresses Along the Network
MAC Address
Time Zone
Domain Name
Activity Logs
Hardware Type (if applicable)
We use Host and Usage Information to:
Understand how the Service is used
Diagnose technical issues
Conduct analytics and statistical analysis for Customer to
provide Customer administrators visibility into usage
Respond to Customer support requests
User-Generated Information
Spaces Activity (date, time, person
engaged and the activity)
Messages (content, sender,
recipients, date, time, and read
Content Shared (files, file names,
sizes and types and whiteboard
Meetings and Calls Information
(title, invitation content,
participants, link, date,
time, duration and quality
Transcriptions of Webex Meetings
recordings (optional, only
applicable if enabled by you)
Presence (user status)
Admin-generated information,
e.g., Contact Service contact list
Voice (optional, only applicable if
provided by user)
We use User-Generated Information to:
Provide the Service
Message metadata (e.g., sender, date, frequency) may be used for:
Tagging, sorting and organization of your spaces, messages,
and interactions with other users; and
Collaboration Insights feature (including Personal Insights)
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 10, February 2024
Technical Support Assistance
If a Customer reaches out to Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) for problem diagnosis and resolution, Cisco TAC may
receive and process personal data from the Service. The Cisco TAC Service Delivery Privacy Data Sheet describes Cisco’s
processing of such data.
Control Hub and Webex Analytics Platform
Webex Control Hub provides usage trends and valuable insights that can be used to help with strategies to promote and
optimize adoption across teams. The Webex Analytics Platform utilizes Host and Usage information to provide advanced
analytics capabilities and reports.
Cisco Webex Device Subscription
If a user administrator chooses to use the Cisco Webex Device Subscription to register a Cisco Webex device to the Cisco Webex
cloud or to Cisco on-premises infrastructure, Cisco collects and processes the User Information and Host and Usage Information
listed in Table 1 to deliver the device management service. This occurs regardless of whether such device uses any Webex
services (I.e., this occurs even if such device is used solely with third-party services such as Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, or
Zoom and not Webex).
Table 2 Webex App Hub (APIs)
* Webex Meetings functionality will be
used when you launch a meeting in
Information Collected
Related to Optional
Information collected by cookies,
local storage, and other browser
storage technologies
When you use the Service in your web browser, we use cookies, local
storage, and other browser storage technologies to ensure that you
can stay logged into the Service until you choose to log out and to
improve the performance of the Service. These technologies may
store User Information, Host, and/or Usage Information. Cookies are
always sent using transport encryption.
Calendar and Contact
Information (Optional)
Calendar and Contact Information
If a Customer admin or end user chooses to integrate calendar and
contact information with their use the Service, upon sign-up you will
have the option of sharing your calendar and/or contacts with the
Service mobile application. This calendar and contact information is
accessed only by the application locally and is not shared with Cisco
unless and until:
you interact with a contact from your mobile device contact
list using the Service, in which case we collect information
only about that user. The Service mobile application uses this
information to make it easier for you to connect with your
you create a space from a calendar event using the Service, in
which case, we collect the information in the meeting
invitation, including the date, time, duration and meeting
Tabs Functionality Information
(Customer may Opt-out)
Browser cookies (maintained
locally on user’s device)
URL shortcuts (only if saved in
Team application by user)
Activity logs (e.g., URL shortcut
additions, use of feature)
Provide the Service
Understand how the Service is used
Diagnose technical issues
Conduct analytics and statistical analysis for Customer to
provide Customer administrators visibility into usage
Respond to Customer support requests
Personal Data Category
Purpose of Processing
We use User Information to:
Authenticate and authorize access to Webex App Hub
Notify you of features and updates
Understand how the Service is used
Provide you remote access support
If you choose to use Webex App Hub to add a third-party
integration or bot to a space, the third party may share
information and content associated with your third-party
service or application account with us. We do not receive
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 10, February 2024
3. Data Center Locations
Cisco leverages its own data centers as well as third-party cloud hosting providers to deliver the Service globally. These data
centers are currently located in the following countries (data center locations may change from time to time and this Privacy
Data Sheet will be updated to reflect those changes). Note, that the data centers listed below are those that may be used
where the Service is used in conjunction with Webex Meetings and/or Webex Calling. For specific privacy data sheets for
Webex Meetings or Webex Calling, please visit The Cisco Trust Center.
Media Data Centers represent infrastructure where real-time media stream traffic may be processed but not retained. If you
use Webex App bots, information shared with the bots may be processed or stored in the United States.
4. Webex Data Residency
Webex data residency provides Customer administrators the ability to choose where their organization’s data is stored. Data
residency is currently available for Customers in the European Union (EU) (“EU Customers”) and Customers in the US (“US
Customers”) for personal data processed by the Webex App and Messaging, including User Information, Host and Usage
Information, and User-Generated Information (other than as noted below). EU Customers that became Webex App and
Messaging Customers after July 2021, can choose to provision their data in the EU. For EU Customers who were provisioned
before July 2021, Customer administrators will be offered the option to migrate their user Messaging data to the EU. US
Customers who are provisioned in the US by their Customer administrators will have their personal data processed and stored
in the US.
or store your passwords for these third-party services or
applications, although we do store authentication tokens
associated with them.
Host and Usage
We use Host and Usage Information to:
Provide the Service
Diagnose technical issues
Conduct analytics and statistical analysis for Customer to
provide Customer administrators visibility into usage
Respond to Customer support requests
Data Center Locations
Media Data Center Locations
Dallas, TX, USA
Dallas, TX, USA
San Jose, CA, USA
San Jose, CA, USA
Ashburn, VA, USA
Ashburn, VA, USA
Toronto, Canada
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Frankfurt, Germany
Bangalore, India
London, UK
London, UK
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Singapore, Singapore
Singapore, Singapore
Tokyo, Japan
Sydney, Australia
Sydney, Australia
Tokyo, Japan
New York, USA
Portland, OR, USA
Frankfurt, Germany
San Francisco, CA, USA
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 10, February 2024
To facilitate certain operations and aspects of the Service, certain exceptions to Webex data residency exist; specifically, cross-
border transfers of personal data may still occur when (a) a user registers on any Cisco platform (for example, through or or through any Cisco service to learn more about Cisco products or events; (b) a Customer
provides ordering information (business contact information); (c) a user engages in collaboration with users outside of their
region; (d) a user requests technical support, including through Cisco TAC (in which case the information that a user provides
within the initial TAC request may be transferred outside the region); (e) a user enables certain optional functionalities; or (f) a
user enables cell phone “push” notifications (in which case the cell phone provider associated with iOS or Android functionality
may transfer data outside of the region).
For free user accounts, the data defined in this Privacy Data Sheet may be stored in a Webex data center outside the account
holder’s region, including for EU Customers.
5. Cross-Border Data Transfer Mechanisms
Cisco has invested in transfer mechanisms to enable the lawful use of data across jurisdictions:
Binding Corporate Rules (Controller)
APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules
APEC Privacy Recognition for Processors
EU Standard Contractual Clauses
EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and the U.K. Extension to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
6. Access Control
Customers and Cisco can access personal data stored on the Webex platform as described in the table below. In a group space,
the administrator of the organization that created the space can monitor all of the information posted in the group space;
whereas the administrator of organizations that have participants in the space can monitor only those messages and files
posted by their own users. In a one-on-one space, both organizations’ administrators can monitor all of the information posted
in the one-on-one space. Participants in group spaces and one-on-one spaces can access all of the information posted in the
The table below lists the personal data used by Webex to carry out the service, who can access that data, and why.
Personal Data Category
Who has Access
Purpose of the Access
User Information
Customer through Webex Control Hub
Process in accordance with Customer’s personal data policy.
Support the Service in accordance with Cisco’s data access and security
controls process.
Host and Usage Information
Customer through Webex Control Hub
Process in accordance with Customer’s personal data policy.
Support and improvement of the Service by the Webex Support and
Development Team.
User-Generated Information
(excluding Recordings &
discussed below)
Customer through Webex Control Hub
Process in accordance with Customer’s personal data policy.
While Cisco operates the Service, Cisco does not access or monitor this
data unless it is shared with Cisco by Customer and will only do so in
accordance with Cisco’s data access and security controls process.
Additionally, if users invite Cisco into a user-hosted space, or join a
Cisco-owned space, users should be aware that as part of Cisco’s
security process, Cisco may scan (but does not retain) uploaded files.
Other Customers (when users
share with other Customers)
To the extent users post User-Generated Information in spaces that
include users from other companies, those users and their
administrators may be able to access the data posted. Users can see
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 10, February 2024
Bots (when users add them to
their spaces and communicate
with the bot directly)
the other participants (including bots) in a space, and any user in a
non-moderated space and the moderator in a moderated space can
remove another user or bot at any time.
Recordings & Transcripts
User through the My Webex Meetings
Modify, control, and delete Webex Meetings recordings based on
user’s preferences.
Customer using APIs provided with the
Service or through the Site Admin Page
Modify, control, and delete in accordance with Customer’s personal
data policy.
While Cisco operates the Service, Cisco does not access or monitor this
data unless it is shared with Cisco by Customer, and will only do so in
accordance with Cisco’s data access and security controls process.
Other Customers and users (when
shared during a meeting)
Content you choose to share during a Webex Meeting may be accessed
by users in the meeting, wherever they are located. Even after you
remove information from Webex Meetings, copies of that content may
remain viewable elsewhere to the extent it has been shared with
Information Collected
Related to Optional
While Cisco operates the Service, Cisco does not access or monitor this
data unless it is shared with Cisco by Customer, and will do so to
support and improve the Service, in accordance with Cisco’s data
access and security controls process.
Calendar and Contact
Information (Optional)
End user may decide to share with Webex App calendar and contact
Calendar and contact information is accessed only by the application
locally on your mobile device and is not shared with Cisco unless and
you interact with a contact from your mobile device contact list
using the Service, in which case we collect information only
about that user. The Service mobile application uses this
information to make it easier for you to connect with your
you create a space from a calendar event using the Service, in
which case, we collect the information in the meeting
invitation, including the date, time, duration and meeting
Tabs Functionality
Information (Customer may
opt out)
If a customer does not opt out, Cisco’s access is limited to support and
improve the Service, in accordance with Cisco’s data access and
security controls process.
7. Data Portability
Webex allows Customers to export up to 90 days of User-Generated Information using APIs provided with the Service (except
for Webex Meetings recordings, discussed below). Additionally, Customers that purchase Pro Pack for Webex Control Hub can
use the APIs that come with that service to export User-Generated Information for any period that the Customer sets, in
accordance with its corporate policies. Customers that have terminated the Service and users with a free Webex account can
request to export User-Generated Information by submitting a request using the Privacy Request Form or opening a TAC
support request. The User-Generated Information posted by users who are using Cisco Webex purchased by their employer is
treated as data of the employer (Cisco’s Customer). Accordingly, the Customer’s corporate policies will apply. If users wish to
export their User-Generated Information, the user must consult the Customer administrator or the person within their
employer authorized to make determinations regarding the disposition of data belonging to the Customer. In a group space,
the administrator of the organization that created the space can export all of the information posted in the group space;
whereas the administrator of organizations that have participants in the space can export only those messages and files posted
by their own users. In a one-on-one space, both organizations’ administrators can export all of the information posted in the
one-on-one space.
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 10, February 2024
There are several ways Customers may export their personal data from the Webex platform. Customers may export limited
categories of personal data via Webex Control Hub (as CSV exports) and all types of personal data (except authentication
tokens) using APIs.
When you launch a meeting in Webex, Webex Meetings functionality will be used. Webex Meetings allows Customers to export
all Webex Meetings recordings stored on the Webex Meetings platform. A Customer’s administrator may do so using APIs
provided with the Webex Meetings Service or through the Webex Meetings Site Admin Page; while individual users may do so
through the My Webex Meetings Page. Webex Meetings recordings are available in standard mp4 format.
8. Data Retention
Webex allows for the persistent retention of messages and files shared by users. Accordingly, Customers User-Generated
Information is stored on the Webex platform while the Customer has an active subscription (subject to data storage
limitations). For Customers that wish to minimize the amount of data stored on the platform or customize the retention period,
Pro Pack for Webex Control Hub includes retention settings that automatically delete User-Generated Information in
accordance with the enterprise Customer’s corporate data retention and deletion policies.
After a Customer’s subscription terminates or expires, its personal data is maintained as outlined in the table below. If Cisco
retains certain categories of data, the reasons why we retain it and the retention periods are described in the table below.
In a group space, the retention policy of the organization that created the space controls, and its administrator can delete all of
the information posted in the group space. In a one-on-one space, each organization’s administrator can delete only those
messages and files posted by its own users in accordance with its retention policy.
The table below lists the personal data used by Webex, the length of time that data needs to be retained, and why we retain it.
Type of Personal Data
Retention Period
Reason for Retention
Active Subscriptions:
User Information will be
maintained as long as the
Customer maintains an
active subscription (paid or
Terminated Service:
Customer has the ability to
request deletion by opening
a ticket with TAC.
Deleted once the Service is
Name and UUID are
maintained 7 years from
* Name and UUID are archived for 7 years as part of Cisco’s business
records and are maintained to comply with Cisco’s financial and audit
requirements. Any billing account information provided to Cisco during the
provisioning of the service is also subject to this retention period.
Host and Usage
3 years
Information generated by instrumentation and logging systems created
through the use and Service delivery are maintained as part of Cisco’s
business records. After the retention period, Usage Information used to
conduct analytics and measure statistical performance is retained but
pseudonymized, aggregated or anonymized.
(excluding Recordings &
Transcripts, discussed below)
Active Subscriptions:
User-Generated Information
will be maintained as long as
the Customer maintains an
active subscription.
If Customer purchases Pro
Pack for Webex Control Hub,
it can customize a specific
retention period. For
Customers who purchase
Pro Pack and do not define a
retention policy, the new
User-Generated Information is persistent because the Service was built to
allow Customers to leverage this information to collaborate with other
users over long periods of time.
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 10, February 2024
default retention period is
1095 days.
For enterprise Customers
who do not purchase Pro
Pack for Webex Control Hub,
the default retention period
is 360 days.
Cisco provides free account
users up to 6 months of free
storage. User-Generated
content will be deleted after
6 months.
Terminated Service:
User-Generated Information
will be deleted once account
is deactivated or terminated.
Recordings & Transcripts
Active Subscriptions:
At Customer’s or user’s
discretion on Webex
Meetings Platform
If Customer purchases Pro
Pack for Webex Control Hub,
it can customize a specific
retention period.
Terminated Service:
Deleted within 60 days on
Webex Meetings Platform
When you launch a meeting in Webex, Webex Meetings functionality will
be used.
Webex Meetings recordings are not retained on the Webex platform when
Customer or user deletes this data. Recordings are “soft deleted” and
retained for 30 days before being removed from the platform, to allow a
Customer or user to retrieve a recording they have inadvertently deleted.
Information Collected
Related to Optional
3 years
If a Customer opts in to certain optional features, information collected
related to those optional features is maintained as part of Cisco’s business
Calendar and Contact
Information (Optional)
Active Subscriptions:
Calendar Information will be
maintained as long as the
Customer maintains an
active subscription.
If Customer purchases Pro
Pack for Webex Control Hub,
it can customize a specific
retention period.
Terminated Service:
Calendar Information
will be deleted once
account is deactivated
or terminated.
Calendar Information is persistent because the optional functionality was
built to allow Customers to leverage and access this information to
collaborate with other users over long periods of time.
Tabs Functionality
Information (Customer may
opt out)
URLs saved as shortcuts within the
Webex App embedded browser
functionality will be retained until
the user administrator deletes the
shortcut or the Customer account
is terminated.
URL shortcuts maintained to provide the Service.
9. Personal Data Security
Cisco has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures designed to secure personal data from accidental
loss and unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure.
Webex is ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified and in accordance with those standards adopts technical and organizational security
measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access use or disclosure as required by law. Additional information
about our encryption architecture is summarized in the table and paragraphs below.
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 10, February 2024
Personal Data Category
Security Controls and Measures
User Information
(excluding Passwords, discussed below)
Encrypted in transit and at rest
Encrypted in transit and at rest
Host and Usage Information
Encrypted in transit and at rest
User-Generated Information (excluding
Recordings & Transcripts, discussed below)
Encrypted end to end (except as explained below) with Cisco holding keys on Customer’s behalf
unless Customer purchases the Pro Pack for Webex Control Hub and deploys Hybrid Data Security,
which allows Customer to hold keys.
Recordings & Transcripts
When you launch a meeting in the Webex App, Webex Meetings functionality will be used.
Recordings and transcripts created after May 2018 are encrypted in transit and at rest by default.
Information Collected Relating to Optional
Encrypted in transit and at rest
Calendar and Contact Information (Optional)
Encrypted in transit and at rest
Tabs Functionality Information (Customer
may Opt-out)
Encrypted in transit and at rest
The Service uses different kinds of encryption to protect different kinds of data in transit and in storage. In this section, “you”
and “your” refers to the user.
Webex encrypts user-content (messages, files, boards, calendar events) end-to-end between communicating parties. End-to-
end keys are accessible to only those parties and processing endpoints authorized by the customer (e.g., transcoders, DLP
engines, virus-scanners). Customers that require full control over their end-to-end encryption keys may also deploy a Hybrid
Data Security (HDS) server within their datacenters. If you have opted to share your location information, that information is
also encrypted. Messages remain encrypted until they are received by other users, where they are decrypted on those user’s
devices. The same process is used for each whiteboard stroke, whiteboard background images, and whiteboard snapshots (with
one exception listed below under media encryption). The same process is also used for content that you share, except as noted
below. Push notifications are likewise end-to-end encrypted.
There are a few circumstances under which User-Generated Information is decrypted:
For certain types of files (PDFs, Microsoft Word documents, and PowerPoint presentations), we decrypt the file to be
transcoded for display in a space. For example, if you upload a slide presentation into a space, it will first be
encrypted on your device. When we receive the presentation on our server, we will decrypt it to generate an
individual thumbnail images of each slide. We will then encrypt the thumbnails and presentation and send them to
the other users in the space. The decrypted file and images are not stored; only the encrypted forms of these objects
are stored.
For bots and integrations that have not integrated with our end-to-end encryption scheme, we decrypt messages and
content associated with the bot or integration before sending it to the third party supporting the bot or integration.
We do not store the decrypted messages and content.
Messages and content may be decrypted by your employer or the employers of those you communicate with using
the Service. If you communicate with Cisco employees, then those messages can be decrypted by Cisco.
Media encryption is used to protect the audio, video, screen sharing data, and voicemails that you transmit during a call. When
you make a call, media is encrypted from your device to our servers. It may be decrypted on our servers so that we can manage
the call. It is re-encrypted before being sent to the other participants on the call unless they are connected via the public
telephone network or do not support encryption. If you dial into a meeting using SIP and there is whiteboarding taking place in
the meeting, we will decrypt the end-to-end encrypted whiteboard content, transcode it, and send it to you using media
encryption. We do not store any call audio, video, or screen sharing data on our servers. Voicemails are encrypted from your
device to our servers, decrypted to be prepared for storage, and re-encrypted in storage on our servers. Voicemails transmitted
via email are not encrypted. Therefore, Webex Control Hub provides the option to transmit voicemails via Webex instead of
email. Faxes are not encrypted.
Transport encryption (also known as HTTPS) is used to protect all connections to and from the Service other than voice and
video calls. When you register for the Service, send messages, share content, write on a whiteboard, connect with third-party
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 10, February 2024
services or applications via integrations, or screen shots to provide us with feedback, or otherwise connect to the Service, we
always use transport encryption.
10. Sub-processors
We may share personal data with service providers, contractors, or other third parties to assist in providing and improving the
Service. The data shared may include aggregate statistics or individualized data. All sharing of information is carried out
consistent with the Cisco Privacy Statement and we contract with third-party service providers that can provide the same level
of data protection and information security that you can expect from Cisco. We do not rent or sell your information. If a
Customer purchases the Service through a Cisco partner, we may share any or all of the information described in this Privacy
Data Sheet with the partner. Below is a current list of third-party service providers with access to personal data.
Personal Data
Service Type
Location of Data Center
Amazon Web Services
Host and Usage Information,
User-Generated Information
AWS cloud infrastructure is used to host
the Webex Service.
Dallas, TX, USA
Frankfurt, Germany
Ohio, USA
Portland, OR, USA
User-Generated Information
Microsoft is leveraged to provide some of
the Webex AI features
European Union
United States
Avatar image or Profile Picture
Cloud Infrastructure
Use of avatar images or profile pictures is
optional for Webex users.
*Only applicable to data stored prior to
October 2019.
Global; existing EU customer
data is stored within the EU
Software AG (formerly called
Webex Teams ID
Software AG provides cloud infrastructure
used to build and host bots for use within
Webex. Software AG utilizes UUID to fulfill
a user bot request. Use of bot requests is
optional for Webex users.
United States
Host and Usage Information
(as requested by Customer)
This service is used to produce customized
reports when expressly requested by
United States (AWS)
Ireland (AWS)
Frankfurt (AWS)
Sydney (Australia) (AWS)
Azure US -East
Azure Europe West
Sparkpost Email Service
Name, Email address
Send communications to Customers.
Optional Third-Party Integrations
Webex integrations: Customers may incorporate third-party industry leading applications right into the Webex
workflow. Such third-party applications have their own privacy policy applicable to the data shared by the Customer
through the integration. To use such third-party applications, Customers must enable each integration. For more
information, please visit the Webex Integration Site. Unencrypted messages may be shared with third-party services
and applications that you choose to integrate with the Service, but not with any other third parties without your
permission or unless required by law.
Device Push Notifications: Cisco may send user updates about the Webex App on iOS and Android devices by sending
push notifications through Apple Push Notification service and Google Firebase Cloud Messaging respectively. Users
may opt-out of receiving these notifications at any time by changing their device’s notification settings.
GIPHY: Users can share animated GIFs by accessing GIPHY directly from the Webex App. While GIPHY appears within
the user interface by default in latest versions of the Webex App, Customers may opt-out of the GIPHY feature at any
time through the Control Hub portal. If GIPHY is available and users choose to utilize GIPHY’s functionality to
personalize their message, GIPHY may receive the user’s IP address and GIF search terms. For more information, you
may visit GIPHY’s terms of service and privacy policy.
11. Information Security Incident Management
Breach and Incident Notification Processes
The Information Security team within Cisco’s Security & Trust Organization coordinates the Data Incident Response Process and
manages the enterprise-wide response to data-centric incidents. The Incident Commander directs and coordinates Cisco’s
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©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 10, February 2024
response, leveraging diverse teams including the Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT), the Cisco Security
Incident Response Team (CSIRT), the Advanced Security Initiatives Group (ASIG), and Cisco Legal.
PSIRT manages the receipt, investigation, and public reporting of security vulnerabilities related to Cisco products and
networks. The team works with Customers, independent security researchers, consultants, industry organizations, and other
vendors to identify possible security issues with Cisco products and networks. The Cisco Security Center details the process for
reporting security incidents.
The Cisco Notification Service allows Customers to subscribe and receive important Cisco product and technology information,
including Cisco security advisories for critical and high severity security vulnerabilities. This service allows Customers to choose
the timing of notifications, and the notification delivery method (email message or RSS feed). The level of access is determined
by the subscribers relationship with Cisco. If you have questions or concerns about any product or security notifications,
contact your Cisco sales representative.
12. Certifications and Compliance with Privacy Requirements
The Security and Trust Organization and Cisco Legal provide risk and compliance management and consultation services to help
drive security and regulatory compliance into the design of Cisco products and services. The Service is built with security and
privacy in mind and is designed so that it can be used by Cisco customers in a manner consistent with global security and
privacy requirements, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA),
California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and
Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Further, in addition to complying with our stringent internal standards, Cisco also maintains third-party certifications and
validations to demonstrate our commitment to information security and privacy. Webex has received the following
EU Cloud Code of Conduct Adherence by SCOPE Europe
o For more information about the EU Cloud of Conduct see: Cisco Webex EU Cloud Code of Conduct and the
Verification of Declaration of Adherence.
ISO/IEC 27001:2013, ISO/IEC 27017:2015, ISO/IEC 27018:2019, ISO/IEC 27701:2019 Certification
SOC 2 Type II Report
BSI Cloud Computing Compliance Criteria Catalogue (German C5)
CSA STAR Level 2 Certification
HIPAA Attestation
Spanish ENS (Esquema Nacional de Seguridad) Certification
Italian AgID (Agency for Digital Italy) Certification
Australian IRAP (Information Security Registered Assessors Program) Certification
Japanese ISMAP (Information System Security Management and Assessment) Certification
Customers can review the certifications at the Cisco Trust Center (some of which will require an NDA).
13. Exercising Data Subject Rights
Users whose personal data is processed by the Service have the right to request access, rectification, suspension of processing,
data portability and / or deletion of the personal data processed by the Service as well as object to processing.
We will confirm identification (typically with the email address associated with a Cisco account) before responding to the
request. If we cannot comply with the request, we will provide an explanation. Please note, users whose employer is the
Customer/Controller, may be redirected to their employer for a response.
Requests can be made by submitting a request via:
1) the Cisco Privacy Request form
2) by postal mail:
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©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 10, February 2024
Chief Privacy Officer
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 W. Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
Americas Privacy Officer
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 W. Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
APJC Privacy Officer
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Bldg 80, Lvl 25, Mapletree Biz City,
80 Pasir Panjang Road,
Singapore, 117372
EMEA Privacy Officer
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Haarlerbergweg 13-19, 1101 CH
Amsterdam-Zuidoost NETHERLANDS
We will endeavor to timely and satisfactorily respond to inquiries and requests. If a privacy concern related to the personal data
processed or transferred by Cisco remains unresolved, contact Cisco’s US-based third-party dispute resolution provider.
Alternatively, you can contact the data protection supervisory authority in your jurisdiction for assistance. Cisco’s main
establishment in the EU is in the Netherlands. As such, our EU lead authority is the Dutch Autoritiet Persoonsgegevens.
14. General Information
For more general information and FAQs related to Cisco’s Security and Privacy Program please visit The Cisco Trust Center.
This Privacy Data Sheet is a supplement to the Cisco Online Privacy Statement. To the extent this document differs from the
Cisco Online Privacy Statement, this document will take precedence. If there is a difference in translated, non-English versions
of this document, the U.S.-English version will take precedence.
Cisco frequently evolves and updates its offerings. Cisco Privacy Data Sheets are subject to change, and are reviewed and
updated on an annual basis, or as reasonably needed to reflect a material change in the processing of Personal Data. For the
most current version, go to the Personal Data Privacy section of the Cisco Trust Center.
To receive email notifications of updates to the Privacy Data Sheet, click the “Subscribe” link in the upper right corner of the
Trust Portal.