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Daycare Inspection Items
Comments Yes No
Certificate of Occupancy /
Daycare License
Look for number of children allowed in each room,
sprinkler/alarm system requirements, etc.
Fire Alarm Report / Sprinkler
System Report
Copy of the fire alarm inspection report within the past
year. All pull stations and associated alarm system
components should be inspected by a qualified contractor.
Fire Extinguisher Report Copy of the fire extinguisher inspection report. All
extinguishers should be properly tagged and secured to
walls. Ensure the occupant is performing the monthly
inspection and keeping a log.
Hood Range Report Copy of the hood system inspection report (if applicable).
Any appliance with a stove top for frying is required to
have a range hood exhaust system. If no range hood
present, only enclosed ovens or microwaves can be used.
Electrical Outlets Presence of safety plugs in all outlets or the presence of
new outlets with built-in safety devices. Ensure all cover
plates are intact on outlets and light switches.
Ceiling Tiles/Walls All ceiling tiles to be intact. Large openings in ceilings or
walls are not permitted due to smoke/fire spread
Exit Lights/Egress Lights Presence of exit lights and egress lights. Egress lighting and
exit lights must be tested monthly for 30 seconds and
annually for 90 minutes and a log kept.
Extension Cords Extension cords that are used permanently are not
permitted. All electrical devices should be plugged directly
into an outlet, or an approved UL listed power strip. Power
strips cannot be plugged into a second power strip. Re-
route wiring as necessary to avoid this situation.
Space Heaters Space heaters are not permitted unless they receive
specific permission from the daycare inspector. This
approval must be in writing and will indicate that heaters
cannot be located in any area that contains children and
cannot be turned on unsupervised. In general, space
heaters are not permitted.
Daycare Inspection Checklist
Fire Prevention Bureau
3639 Parsons Ave
Columbus, Ohio 43207
(614)645-7641 Ext. 7-5628
Issued: 4/20/2020
Revised: 9/28/2023
Permit Not Required
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Daycare Inspectors - Inspection Checklist
Daycare Inspection Items
Comments Yes No
Exit Doors in Infant Room
Exit doors to the outside are required in infant rooms unless
the room is sprinkled. Check for presence of either sprinklers
or an exit door in these rooms. The door should not be
blocked and should have adequate egress to a safe meeting
point outside the building.
Evacuation Cribs
All infant rooms should contain cribs specifically labeled as
evacuation cribs. These cribs will have larger wheels and be
of sturdy construction (I/E metal frame) to allow for escape
during emergencies. 4 infants to 1 evacuation crib is the
required ratio.
Fire Drill Records
Presence of monthly fire drill records. These drills should
include date, time, method of alarm used, # of children, # of
employees, etc. Advise them to use a different pull station
each month.
Smoke Detectors
Smoke detectors are tested monthly. A log must be kept on
file and available upon request by the fire official.
Furniture & Fixtures
All structures should be ready for Immediate occupancy, set
up with furniture in place and ready for designated use.
Carbon Monoxide Detection
Group I-1, I-2, I-4 R and E occupancies shall be equipped
with carbon monoxide alarms (OFC 1103.9) CO detectors
must be tested monthly and a log kept.
Space Coverage
Hallways - No more than 20%
Classroom Walls - No more than 50%
Doors- 5%, Nothing on the door glass NFPA
All applicable paperwork shall be available and on hand prior
to the start of the inspection.
Door handles shall not require tight grasping, pinching or
twisting of wrist to operate. (OFC 1010.1.9.1)
Acceptance Criteria and
Curtains, draperies and window dressings shall be flame
resistance. (OFC 807.4) Documentation must be presented.
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Daycare Inspection Checklist
Daycare Inspection Items
Comments Yes
Emergency Evacuation Plan Each room must have an emergency evacuation map posted
near the exit. Each map must have two (2) evacuation routes
color coded as primary and secondary.
School Safety/Emergency
Operations Plan
Educational use groups must have a comprehensive school
safety plan that addresses their response not only to severe
weather and natural disasters, chemical accidents and
medical emergencies, but also to school violence and various
types of terrorist threats.
Ceiling Artwork The hanging and displaying of salable goods and other
decorative materials from acoustical ceiling systems that are
part of a fire-resistance horizontal assembly, shall be
prohibited. (OFC 703.3)
General Storage Combustible material shall not be stored in boiler rooms,
mechanical rooms or electrical rooms.
Bolt Locks Manually operated flush bolts or surface bolts are not
permitted. (OFC 1010.1.9.4)
Working Space and Clearance
Working space of no less than 30 inches in width, 36 inches
in front and 78 inches in height shall be provided in front of
electrical service equipment. (OFC 605.3)
If a Daycare Center is inside of or attached to a church, the responsible party from the Daycare Center is to arrange for
the responsible party of the church to be there at the same time as the daycare inspection. An inspector will conduct the
church and daycare inspection at the same time. You will not be able to have one inspection without the other.