AP United States
Sample Student Responses
and Scoring Commentary
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R Short Answer Question 1
R Scoring Guideline
R Student Samples
R Scoring Commentary
© 2017 The College Board.
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Short Answer Question 1
Answer (a), (b), and (c).
a) Briefly explain how ONE specific historical development represents an accomplishment of the national
government under the Articles of Confederation.
b) Briefly explain ONE specific argument critics used in the 1780s to support revising the Articles of
c) Briefly explain ONE specific way in which the United States Constitution addresses a criticism of the
Articles of Confederation.
Scoring Guide
0–3 points
Score 3
Response accomplishes all three tasks set by the question.
Score 2
Response accomplishes two of the tasks set by the question.
Score 1
Response accomplishes one of the tasks set by the question.
Score 0
Response accomplishes none of the tasks set by the question.
Score NR
No response. Response is completely blank.
Scoring Notes
a) Response briefly explains how ONE specific historical development represents an accomplishment of
the national government under the Articles of Confederation.
NOTE: responses may address either the Articles of Confederation or the actions of the national
government under the Articles.
Examples of responses to (a) that would earn the point:
The Articles created a confederation government for the former British colonies after declaring
independence from the crown.
The Articles prevented states from forming their own republics.
The Articles allowed states to maintain the governments and elected bodies they had already
The national government coordinated the actions of the new states in the former British colonies,
especially defense.
The national government passed Northwest Ordinances in 1785 and 1787, establishing orderly
procedures for settling the Northwest Territory and admitting new states from it.
© 2017 The College Board.
Visit the College Board on the Web: www.collegeboard.org.
Short Answer Question 1 (continued)
b) Briefly explains ONE specific argument critics used in the 1780s to support revising the Articles of
Examples of responses to (b) that would earn the point:
The national government under the Articles of Confederation was weak and often unable to
conduct routine business.
The national government had no authority to tax directly. Instead states had the authority to tax.
The national government had no authority to regulate interstate commerce.
Money lost value because both state and national governments had the power to coin money and
many states wantonly printed debt instruments.
Some states wanted independence from the Confederation.
Some leaders called for stronger national government, a stronger executive office, and/or a
Constitutional Convention.
Shays’ Rebellion demonstrated the weaknesses of the government.
The government under the Articles lacked a national court system.
c) Briefly explains ONE specific way in which the United States Constitution addresses a criticism of the
Articles of Confederation.
Examples of responses to (c) that would earn the point:
The Constitution gave the federal government the power to tax.
Printing and coining money became a power reserved only for the federal government under the
The creation of a bicameral legislature under the Constitution, especially the House of
Representatives, allowed people to express a voice in government while still maintaining a strong
central authority.
The Constitution granted specific powers to the federal government and reserved other powers for
the states.
© 2017 The College Board.
Visit the College Board on the Web: www.collegeboard.org.
© 2017 The College Board.
Visit the College Board on the Web: www.collegeboard.org.
© 2017 The College Board.
Visit the College Board on the Web: www.collegeboard.org.
© 2017 The College Board.
Visit the College Board on the Web: www.collegeboard.org.
Short Answer Question 1
Responses were expected to briefly explain how one specific historical development represents an
accomplishment of the national government under the Articles of Confederation, briefly explain one
specific argument critics used in the 1780s to support revising the Articles of Confederation, and briefly
explain one specific way in which the United States Constitution addresses a criticism of the Articles of
This question assessed the skill of Continuity and Change over Time.
The Learning Objective assessed in this question focuses on politics and power (explaining how and why
political ideas, beliefs, institutions, party systems, and alignments developed and changed).
Sample: 1A
Score: 3
a) The response earned 1 point because it accurately describes the Northwest Ordinance relating to the
economy as an accomplishment of the government under the Articles.
b) The response earned 1 point because of the discussion of Shays' Rebellion and decentralization as a
reason for revising the Articles.
c) The response earned 1 point because of the discussion of the authority to regulate commerce under the
Constitution as addressing a weakness of the Articles.
Sample: 1B
Score: 2
a) The response earned 1 point because of the discussion of a "weak" national government. References to
"federal" government are considered minor errors.
b) The response earned 1 point because of the discussion of the lack of national control over the states
under the Articles. While the confederation government had a military, it was ineffective in countering
Shays' Rebellion.
c) The response did not earn the point because the discussion of the Ninth Amendment and the federal
versus state powers does not address a weakness of the Articles.
Sample: 1C
Score: 1
a) The response did not earn the point because the discussion of a president under the Articles is
b) The response did not earn the point because the discussion of the Bill of Rights is not relevant to the
Articles of Confederation but rather to the Constitution.
c) The response earned 1 point with a discussion of the Constitution's correction of the Articles as a weak
governing document, despite the incorrect reference to individual and states’ rights.