Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS
Activity 11
Teacher Resources—Animal Arms Races
Learning Outcomes
1. I can
distinguish between nondefensible and defensible resources.
2. By analyzing and interpreting evidence about types of competition strategies, the
defensibility of resources and the competition for mates, I can predict which animals are likely
to develop extreme weapons.
3. I can explain how extreme weapons affect the probability of successful reproduction.
Time Estimate
90 minutes (longer for middle school students)
Designed Specically to Support ese NGSS* Standards:
Construct an explanation based on evidence that describes how genetic variations of traits in
a population increase some individuals’ probability of surviving and reproducing in a specic
environment. [Clarication Statement: Emphasis is on using simple probability statements and
proportional reasoning to construct explanations.]
Use argument based on empirical evidence and scientic reasoning to support an explanation
for how characteristic animal behaviors and specialized plant structures aect the probability of
successful reproduction of animals and plants respectively.
Construct an explanation based on evidence that the process of evolution primarily results from
four factors: (1) the potential for a species to increase in number, (2) the heritable genetic variation
of individuals in a species due to mutation and sexual reproduction, (3) competition for limited
resources, and (4) the proliferation of those organisms that are better able to survive and reproduce
in the environment. [Clarication Statement: Emphasis is on using evidence to explain the inuence
each of the four factors has on number of organisms, behaviors, morphology, or physiology in terms
of ability to compete for limited resources and subsequent survival of individuals and adaptation of
* NGSS and Next Generation Science Standards are registered trademarks of Achieve. Neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners that developed
the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in the production of, and do not endorse, this product.
1. Students can locate relevant information from complex diagrams and data tables.
2. Students can compare and contrast multiple drawings of similar objects in order to identify
subtle dierences.
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS 253
Activity 11
3. Students can explain that if an organism reproduces, it passes its genetic material to the next
4. Students can explain that the population of organisms may change if only some of the members
if the original population reproduce successfully.
To Prepare Before Facilitating:
Make copies of pages 264–269 (double sided/stapled).
It may be helpful to hand out the activity as three separate tasks: pages 264–265, page 266, and
pages 267–269.
Make copies of pages 270-271 to hand out as enrichment to teams that nish early.
Additional Resources
Many videos are available to introduce your students to dung beetles. Here is one:
Here is a “Bozeman Science” video that summarizes Natural Selection. It would be great for students
to watch AFTER completing this activity.
YouTube video: “Animal Structures and What ey Mean
Short video about stalk eyed ies
For students who are particularly interested in extreme animal weapons, here are interviews with
Doug Emlen, the author of the book, Animal Weapons:
Interview 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No6mB6V1wL4
Interview 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyidhY2dc5I
Drawings in this activity are © 2015 David J. Tuss http://www.naturalscienceillustrations.com
Much of the information in this activity is based on unpublished data from 2015 and 2016
interviews of researchers at the Lavine Lab at Washington State University, Pullman WA and the
Emlen Lab at University of Montana, Missoula MT. e work was funded through the National
Science Foundation Animal Behavior Award NSF IOS 1456731 to the WSU and UM Departments
of Entomology.
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS
Activity 11
Assessment Questions
1. Circle the defensible resources.
2. Circle the one statement in the nal column that is correct.
Type of Animal
Do males
compete for
Do males have
a defensible
Do males
engage in one-
on-one duels?
Your prediction:
Will males have an
extreme weapon?
Termites Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Crows Yes No No Yes No
Wolf Yes Yes No Yes No
Beetles Yes Yes Yes Yes No
3. Write one or two sentences that explain how extreme weapons aect the probability of
reproductive success. Base your answer on the situation shown in the following drawing.
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS 255
Activity 11
Animal Arms Races
Why? Answer Key (Suggested Answers)
Youve heard about human arms races where one country builds a fast ghter jet, a destructive nuclear
bomb, a very accurate gun. Soon another country responds by building faster jets, more destructive
bombs, more accurate guns. is spiral of competition leads to the evolution of faster, more powerful,
more accurate weapons. All this eort is invested to defend a countrys resources. In nature we nd a
variety of animals with oversized body parts that act as weapons, such as moose with huge antlers and
walruses with gigantic tusks. Yet there are similar animals without these weapons, such as horses and seals.
Why do some animals have these large weapons while other similar animals do not? ere are even very
closely related animals where some species have large weapons and others do not, such as dung beetles. In
this activity, we will explore the conditions and behaviors required for species to evolve oversized weapons,
and we will investigate a species that seems to defy evolutionary theory.
Use the information from Model 1 to answer Questions 1–5.
Reach an agreement with your team before writing down your consensus answer.
1. List the three column headings in Model 1 (see page 256).
Defensible Resources, Nondefensible Resources, Dierence
2. Circle the items in the following list that are classied as resources in Model 1.
mates food trees fence homes
people dung bridge fruit
3. If you had the job of guarding these resources in Model 1, which column would you prefer to
defend? Explain your reasoning.
Defensible resources because there is some type of barrier or restricted access point that is
easy to guard. is makes it easier to keep resources away from competitors.
4. Complete the “Dierence” column in Model 1.
a. Identify the dierence between each pair of examples.
b. Underline this dierence.
c. Explain how that dierence allows the same resource to be protected in one situation but
not in the other situation.
Check with your teacher before you continue.
5. In your own words, write one complete sentence that denes the term defensible resource.
It is any resource that the animal (or person) can easily protect from others.
Model 1—What is a Defensible Resource?
Defensible Resources Nondefensible Resources Dierence
Middle Ages Walled
Resources: Food, Water,
Homes, Animals,
Middle Ages Village
Resources: Food, Water,
Homes, Animals, People
A wall: e villagers can close the gate
and keep animals and other people
away from their food, water, homes
and families
Fenced Fruit Tree
Resource: Ripe Fruit
Unfenced Fruit Tree
Resource: Ripe Fruit
Fences: The owner can keep animals
and people away from trees when the
fruit is ripe, so the owner gets all the
fruit. The restricted access makes the
resource easier to guard.
Tunneling Dung
Resource: Mate (in
Non-Tunneling Dung
Resource: Mate with food
Tunnel: e male dung-rolling beetle
must keep other males away from the
female. ere is only one way to get
into the tunnel where the female is
located, and it can be guarded.
Stalk-Eyed Flies
Resource: Small roots to
stand on while mating
House Flies
Resource: Any surface to
stand on while mating
Small root to stand on: e male
y can guard his female mates from
other males. ere is only one way to
get to small root where the females are
located, and it can be guarded.
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS 257
Activity 11
Model 2—Dierent Competition Strategies for Defending a
Competition Strategies
quick changes
in direction)
approaching from
many directions)
(matched test
of strength)
Fighter Pilots X X
Jousting Knights
Elk X
Football Players
Piling on the Ball
Dragon Flies X
Dung Beetle
Use the information from Model 2 to answer Questions 6–9.
Reach an agreement with your team before writing down your consensus answer.
6. Discuss how each example of competition should be classied best: agility, a scramble or a one-
on-one duel. Draw an X in the one box to show your team consensus answer.
Check with your teacher before you continue.
7. Circle the pictures of examples in Model 2 that have oversized weapons.
8. Circle the type of competition strategy that is always associated with the presence of
oversized weapons
9. Predict which of the following species seem most likely to use one-on-one duels as their
competition strategy. Circle your answer(s).
Some students might circle only the crab. at is okay.
agility scramble one-on-one duels
Model 1—What is a Defensible Resource?
Defensible Resources Nondefensible Resources Dierence
Middle Ages Walled
Resources: Food, Water,
Homes, Animals,
Middle Ages Village
Resources: Food, Water,
Homes, Animals, People
A wall: e villagers can close the gate
and keep animals and other people
away from their food, water, homes
and families
Fenced Fruit Tree
Resource: Ripe Fruit
Unfenced Fruit Tree
Resource: Ripe Fruit
Fences: The owner can keep animals
and people away from trees when the
fruit is ripe, so the owner gets all the
fruit. The restricted access makes the
resource easier to guard.
Tunneling Dung
Resource: Mate (in
Non-Tunneling Dung
Resource: Mate with food
Tunnel: e male dung-rolling beetle
must keep other males away from the
female. ere is only one way to get
into the tunnel where the female is
located, and it can be guarded.
Stalk-Eyed Flies
Resource: Small roots to
stand on while mating
House Flies
Resource: Any surface to
stand on while mating
Small root to stand on: e male
y can guard his female mates from
other males. ere is only one way to
get to small root where the females are
located, and it can be guarded.
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS
Activity 11
Model 3—To Have or Not to Have Extreme Weapons
Type of Animal
Drawing of
Do males
compete for
Do males have
a defensible
Do males
engage in one-
on-one duels?
Do males have
an extreme
Elk Yes
Herd of females
Yes Yes
Sea Star
Releases sperm/eggs
into the water
Food (sections of
shellsh beds)
Yes No
Stalk-eyed Fly Yes Yes Yes
House Fly Yes No No No
Dung Beetles
Tunnel with
dung (food) and
female in it
Yes Yes
Dung Beetles
Ball of dung
in the open
No No
Wolves Yes
Cave for females
Not physically,
but by dominant
Sap (food) oozing
from tree
Yes Yes
Use the information from Model 3 to answer Questions 10–16.
Reach an agreement with your team before writing down your consensus answer.
10. Which gender(s) of each species are included in the drawings in Model 3?
to stand
on while
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS 259
Activity 11
11. Compare the column headings in Model 1, Model 2 and Model 3.
Circle the phrases that are found in more than one of these models.
Defensible resources Nondefensible resources Agility
Scramble One-on-One duel Extreme weapons
12. Based on the drawings in Model 3, complete the last column of the Model 3 data table.
13. Write Yes or No to answer each of the following questions.
For all of the eight species shown in Model 3, do all of the males…
a. compete for female mates? No b. have a defensible resource? No
c. engage in one-on-one duels? No d. have an extreme weapon? No
Check with your teacher before you continue.
14. List the names of the species with males that develop extreme weapons. Circle the extreme
weapon on the drawings of each of your listed species.
Elk, Stalk-eyed y, Tunneling dung beetle, Rhinoceros beetle
15. Carefully review Model 3 to determine the situation and the behaviors documented in the
species you have circled. In 1–2 complete sentences, clearly summarize the behaviors and
situations that are similar in all of the species that develop extreme weapons.
All of the animals that develop extreme weapons have these behaviors in common: they
compete for females and they engage in one-on-one duels. e situation that these animals
all have in common is that they have a defensible resource.
16. Consider the following data on three species we have not analyzed. Based on your understanding
of the behaviors and situations that lead to the evolution of extreme weapons, ll in the table.
Type of
Do males
compete for
Do males
have a
Do males
engage in
Do you predict that males will
have an extreme weapon?
Explain your answer
clearly and completely.
Fiddle Crab Yes
Burrow with
females in it
Yes, the ddler crab engages in the
same behaviors and has the same
situations as described in the answer
to Question 15.
Mouse Yes
Burrow with
females in it
No, the mouse shows only two of the
three behaviors/situations that seem
to be required to develop extreme
Termite Yes
Fortress with
limited entrance
Yes, the termite engages in the
same behaviors and has the same
situations as described in the answer
to Question 15.
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS
Activity 11
What I Still Wonder…
17. Write one additional question you have about animal weapons or about changes over
time in animal species.
Answers will vary.
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS 261
Activity 11
Extension Questions
Read is!
When evolutionary biologists began investigating the evolution of extreme weapons in dung
beetles, they encountered a very confusing problem. From observations of horned male dung
beetles defending the entrances to their tunnels, it seemed that only the beetles with the
longest horns would ever have access to females. us their male ospring should develop
longer horns, too. Evolutionary theory would have predicted that over time all of the
male beetles would develop longer and longer horns. Surprisingly, no matter how many
generations of beetles the researchers bred, there were always some hornless male beetles
in every generation. In Model 4, you will analyze data from underground observations of
these beetles to generate an explanation for why hornless male beetles never completely
disappeared from the population.
Model 4—e Mystery of the Tunneling Dung Beetle
Type of
Animal Drawing
Do Males
Compete for
Do Males have
a Defensible
Do males
Engage in One-
on-one Duels?
Do Males have
an Extreme
dung beetle
Females in a Burrow?
Yes Yes
dung beetle
No No No No
dung beetle
--- --- ---
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS
Activity 11
18. In Box A of Model 4, all the male beetles have horns.
a. How many male beetles are present?
b. How many female beetles are present?
19. Compare the male beetles in Box A. e male beetle with the largest horns usually wins one-on-
one duels over access to the tunnel. is beetle is the only one that can mate with the female and
produce ospring. Circle the beetle in Box A that is most likely to produce ospring.
20. e horn length of male beetles is most closely related to their fathers horn length.
Predict the type of male beetle ospring that the winner in Box A will produce:
Hornless Short horns Medium horns Long horns
Explain your answer:
e male beetle with the longest horns is most likely to win access to the female. His male
ospring will also have long horns, similar to his own.
21. Compare the male beetles in Box B. Based on the drawing, describe what the sneaky hornless
male beetle has done to gain access to mate with the female.
e sneaky hornless male dug a side tunnel to reach the female. is way he didn’t need to
ght the long-horned male to gain entrance to the females tunnel!
22. Describe how being hornless might make it easier to sneak into a tunnel unnoticed and mate
with a female. Include your ideas about the diculty of sneaking in to build a side tunnel if you
have larger or smaller horns.
e sneaky hornless males might be able to dig a tunnel more easily than a male with horns.
At the least, the tunnel could be smaller than if a horned male beetle tried to dig a tunnel.
is way he could get to the female quickly. Also maybe the long-horned male might think
the hornless male is a female since they look the same.
23. Write 3–4 sentences that justify the following claim. Include evidence from Model 4 and your
answers to Questions 17–21.
As long as tunneling dung beetles continue to behave in the same manner as they did during
research observations, there will always be at least some hornless males in the population.
e processes of evolution should favor more and more long-horned male beetles in the
population as time passes since these beetles will be able to mate more frequently and pass
on their long-horn genes to their male ospring. Eventually, if all male beetles had to ght
to gain access to females, the hornless males would mate so rarely that they would eventually
die out and no longer be present in the population. However, if the “sneaky male” behavior
continues, at least a few hornless males will be able to mate with females and pass along
their hornless gene to their ospring. is means there will probably always be at least a few
hornless males in each generation.
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS 263
Activity 11
Assessment Questions
1. Circle the defensible resources.
Students may or may not include the castle, depending on their assumption of resources held
within its walls.
2. Circle the one statement in the nal column that is correct.
Type of Animal
Do males
compete for
Do males have
a defensible
Do males
engage in one-
on-one duels?
Your prediction:
Will males have an
extreme weapon?
Termites Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Crows Yes No No Yes No
Wolf Yes Yes No Yes No
Beetles Yes Yes Yes Yes No
3. Write one or two sentences that explain how extreme weapons aect the probability of
reproductive success. Base your answer on the situation shown in the following drawing.
In the situation shown, male
beetles are ghting for the
females. Because the male
with the longest horns win
ghts with other males, the
long-horned male can defend
the entry to the tunnel where
the females are located. He
will be the only male that
mates and produces ospring,
so he is more likely to have
reproductive success than the
males without the extreme
weapon (horns).
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS
Student Activity 11
Animal Arms Races
Youve heard about human arms races: one country builds a fast ghter jet, a destructive nuclear bomb, a
very accurate gun. Soon another country responds by building faster jets, more destructive bombs, more
accurate guns. is spiral of competition leads to the evolution of faster, more powerful, more accurate
weapons. All this eort is invested to defend a country’s resources.
In nature we nd a variety of animals with oversized body parts that act as weapons, such as moose with
huge antlers and walruses with gigantic tusks. Yet there are similar animals without these weapons, such
as horses and seals. Why do some animals have these large weapons while other similar animals do not?
ere are even very closely related animals where some species have large weapons and others do not, such
as dung beetles.
In this activity, we will explore the conditions and behaviors required for species to evolve oversized
weapons, and we will investigate a species that seems to defy evolutionary theory.
Use the information from Model 1 to answer Questions 1–5.
Reach an agreement with your team before writing down your consensus answer.
1. List the three column headings in Model 1 (see page 256).
2. Circle the items in the following list that are classified as resources in Model 1.
food trees fence
people dung bridge fruit
3. If you had the job of guarding these resources in Model 1, which column would you prefer to
defend? Explain your reasoning.
4. Complete the “Dierence” column in Model 1.
a. Identify the dierence between each pair of examples.
b. Underline this dierence.
c. Explain how that dierence allows the same resource to be protected in one situation but
not in the other situation.
Check with your teacher before you continue.
5. In your own words, write one complete sentence that denes the term defensible resource.
Model 1—What is a Defensible Resource?
Defensible Resources Nondefensible Resources Dierence
Middle Ages Walled
Resources: Food, Water,
Homes, Animals,
Middle Ages Village
Resources: Food, Water,
Homes, Animals, People
Fenced Fruit Tree
Resource: Ripe Fruit
Unfenced Fruit Tree
Resource: Ripe Fruit
Fences: The owner can keep animals
and people away from trees when the
fruit is ripe, so the owner gets all the
fruit. The restricted access makes the
resource easier to guard.
Tunneling Dung
Resource: Mate (in
Non-Tunneling Dung
Resource: Mate with food
Stalk-Eyed Flies
Resource: Small roots to
stand on while mating
House Flies
Resource: Any surface to
stand on while mating
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS
Student Activity 11
Competition Strategies
quick changes
in direction)
approaching from
many directions)
(matched test
of strength)
Fighter Pilots
Jousting Knights
Football Players
Piling on the Ball
Dragon Flies
Dung Beetle
Use the information from Model 2 to answer Questions 6–9.
Reach an agreement with your team before writing down your consensus answer.
6. Discuss how each example of competition should be classied best: agility, a scramble or a one-
on-one duel. Draw an X in the one box to show your team consensus answer.
Check with your teacher before you continue.
7. Circle the pictures of examples in Model 2 that have oversized weapons.
8. Circle the type of competition strategy that is always associated with the presence of
oversized weapons
9. Predict which of the following species seem most likely to use one-on-one duels as their
competition strategy. Circle your answer(s).
Model 2—Dierent Competition Strategies for Defending
a Resource
agility scramble one-on-one duels
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS 267
Student Activity 11
Model 3—To Have or Not to Have Extreme Weapons
Type of Animal
Drawing of
Do males
compete for
Do males have
a defensible
Do males
engage in one-
on-one duels?
Do males have
an extreme
Elk Yes
Herd of females
Sea Star
Releases sperm/eggs
into the water
Food (sections of
shellsh beds)
Stalk-eyed Fly Yes Yes Yes
House Fly Yes No No No
Dung Beetles
Tunnel with
dung (food) and
female in it
Yes Yes
Dung Beetles
Ball of dung
in the open
Wolves Yes
Cave for females
Not physically,
but by dominant
Sap (food) oozing
from tree
Use the information from Model 3 to answer Questions 10–16.
Reach an agreement with your team before writing down your consensus answer.
10. Which gender(s) of each species are included in the drawings in Model 3?
to stand
on while
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS
Student Activity 11
11. Compare the column headings in Model 1, Model 2 and Model 3.
Circle the phrases that are found in more than one of these models.
Defensible resources Nondefensible resources Agility
Scramble One-on-One duel Extreme weapons
12. Based on the drawings in Model 3, complete the last column of the Model 3 data table.
13. Write Yes or No to answer each of the following questions.
For all of the eight species shown in Model 3, do all of the males…
a. compete for female mates? b. have a defensible resource?
c. engage in one-on-one duels? d. have an extreme weapon?
Check with your teacher before you continue.
14. List the names of the species with males that develop extreme weapons. Circle the extreme
weapon on the drawings of each of your listed species.
15. Carefully review Model 3 to determine the situation and the behaviors documented in the
species you have circled. In 1–2 complete sentences, clearly summarize the behaviors and
situations that are similar in all of the species that develop extreme weapons.
16. Consider the following data on three species we have not analyzed. Based on your understanding
of the behaviors and situations that lead to the evolution of extreme weapons, ll in the table.
Type of
Do males
compete for
Do males
have a
Do males
engage in
Do you predict that males will
have an extreme weapon?
Explain your answer
clearly and completely.
Fiddle Crab Yes
Burrow with
females in it
Mouse Yes
Burrow with
females in it
Termite Yes
Fortress with
limited entrance
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS 269
Student Activity 11
What I Still Wonder…
17. Write one additional question you have about animal weapons or about changes over
time in animal species.
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS
Student Activity 11
Extension Questions
Read is!
When evolutionary biologists began investigating the evolution of extreme weapons in dung
beetles, they encountered a very confusing problem. From observations of horned male dung
beetles defending the entrances to their tunnels, it seemed that only the beetles with the
longest horns would ever have access to females. us their male ospring should develop
longer horns, too. Evolutionary theory would have predicted that over time all of the
male beetles would develop longer and longer horns. Surprisingly, no matter how many
generations of beetles the researchers bred, there were always some hornless male beetles
in every generation. In Model 4, you will analyze data from underground observations of
these beetles to generate an explanation for why hornless male beetles never completely
disappeared from the population.
Model 4—e mystery of the Tunneling Dung Beetle
Type of
Animal Drawing
Do Males
Compete for
Do Males have
a Defensible
Do males
Engage in One-
on-one Duels?
Do Males have
an Extreme
dung beetle
Females in a Burrow?
Yes Yes
dung beetle
No No No No
dung beetle
--- --- ---
Life Science Activities | Designed to Support the NGSS 271
Student Activity 11
18. In Box A of Model 4, all the male beetles have horns.
a. How many male beetles are present?
b. How many female beetles are present?
19. Compare the male beetles in Box A. e male beetle with the largest horns usually wins one-on-
one duels over access to the tunnel. is beetle is the only one that can mate with the female and
produce ospring. Circle the beetle in Box A that is most likely to produce ospring.
20. e horn length of male beetles is most closely related to their fathers horn length.
Predict the type of male beetle ospring that the winner in Box A will produce:
Hornless Short horns Medium horns Long horns
Explain your answer:
21. Compare the male beetles in Box B. Based on the drawing, describe what the sneaky hornless
male beetle has done to gain access to mate with the female.
22. Describe how being hornless might make it easier to sneak into a tunnel unnoticed and mate
with a female. Include your ideas about the diculty of sneaking in to build a side tunnel if you
have larger or smaller horns.
23. Write 3–4 sentences that justify the following claim. Include evidence from Model 4 and your
answers to Questions 17–21.
As long as tunneling dung beetles continue to behave in the same manner as they did during
research observations, there will always be at least some hornless males in the population.