A Decision Guide for Ranchers
Prepared by the King Ranch
Institute for Ranch Management
Increasing public attention to climate issues has amplified pressure on many industries to develop
‘climate neutral’ systems. A central goal of most ‘climate neutral’ strategies is for an entity to
achieve ‘net zero’ carbon emissions by reducing direct emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) where
possible and seeking sources of carbon dioxide (CO
) emissions offsets (often called ‘carbon
credits’) to balance emissions that cannot be eliminated. These ‘offsets’ or ‘credits’ represent CO
being removed from the atmosphere and stored. Land-based carbon accumulation has long been
considered an essential element of climate mitigation strategies, and is increasingly viewed as a
potential source of purchasable credits for those seeking to offset emissions. This article describes
the foundational concepts of carbon trading, risks associated with entering a carbon credit contract,
and market considerations. Our goal is to inform ranchers so the best decisions can be made in an
emerging and uncertain enterprise.
What is a ‘Carbon Credit’?
A carbon credit represents one metric ton (1,000 kg) of CO
or CO
equivalents removed from the
atmosphere. From an accounting perspective, if the atmosphere is the ‘account’, then a release of
into the atmosphere is a ‘debit’ to that account, and removal of CO
from the atmosphere is a
‘credit’. A company may seek to reduce its emissions, but may not be able to completely eliminate
emissions. If they wish to achieve ‘net zero’ emissions, then they will seek ‘credits’ to their
atmospheric account that offset any remaining ‘debit’ amounts to balance the account. Sources of
carbon credits include those associated with natural processes that begin with photosynthesis of
plants. These are the focal point of this decision guide.
Creating a Carbon Credit
Plants effectively capture CO
from the atmosphere, and combine it with water through
photosynthesis to assemble it into carbohydrates. Some carbohydrates are translocated to the root
of the plant, and may be excreted or assimilated into the soil as organic matter that contains ‘soil
carbon’. This process transfers atmospheric carbon into soil carbon and is the basis of land-based
carbon credit generation (Figure 1). Generating a tradeable carbon credit requires measuring,
verifying, certifying, recording, and tracking the amount of carbon accumulated and retained in the
soil. Much like an exchange traded contract for a commodity, several entities have created
‘Standards’ for the generation of carbon credits.
Contract Standards
Standards define the credit units (e.g., 1 tonne of CO
) and the methods for measuring and
validating accumulation and storage of credited CO
equivalents. Standards may also describe
required components and types of ‘projects’ intended to generate tradeable credits and other
procedures governing accumulation and maintenance of soil carbon. Since there are multiple
entities that facilitate the trade of carbon credits, more than one standard exists. While the various
standards share many similarities, they may also have key differences. Standards may also differ in
their approach to and definition of questions of ‘additionality’ and ‘permanence’ of storage. These
two items often form critical distinctions in how credits are accepted and valued, and
understanding these differences is essential.
Carbon Market Facilitators
Overall, entry into a carbon credit contract is similar to a commodity production contract with
committed future delivery. As such, the carbon market has several participants. The ranch is subject
to production (accumulation) risk, price risk and various transaction risks that may be contained in,
or mitigated by, the specific contract governing the transaction.
Capacity to Accumulate Soil Carbon
The fundamental consideration for a rancher contemplating a carbon credit enterprise is the
physical capacity of the ranch to accumulate soil carbon. Strategies associated with ‘good’
grazingland management, that increase forage growth and reduce bare ground, are generally
expected to promote soil carbon accumulation. The uncertainty of soil carbon accumulation rates,
and factors like drought that are beyond the control of managers, can impact these rates and create
‘production risk. Managers should consider this uncertainty in the development of the soil carbon
accumulation enterprise.
It is difficult to gain precise measurement of soil carbon across large landscapes, and measurements
can vary considerably across a single property or management unit. The change in soil carbon
measurement (% carbon in a soil sample) that represents 1 tonne of CO
per acre is very small, and
reliable detection of small changes generally requires a large number of samples. This inherent
variability creates considerable risk that small changes cannot be detected. Soil sampling is likely to
be the greatest expense incurred in the development of a carbon credit project, and clarity about
the magnitude of soil carbon increase that can be expected coupled with the number of samples
required to detect that change are essential. Managers should seek reliable estimates of soil carbon
accumulation potential and have clear understanding of sampling requirements before entering a
carbon contract.
As with any contract, the devil is in the details in carbon storage contracts. There are no ‘standard’
contracts; and terms in currently offered carbon contracts are unique and may be unfamiliar. It is
important to seek counsel from an attorney with experience in negotiating these types of
agreements. The items below provide a starting point for contract evaluation.
Required & Prohibited Practices. Determine what activities will be required and what activities
will be prohibited pursuant to the contract. Ranchers should ensure the contract clearly describes
required practices.
Payments. The payments being offered to landowners can essentially be put into two buckets:
‘payments for practice’ and ‘payments for outcome’. A payment for practice contract is one where a
set payment is guaranteed if a rancher undertakes the required practice. A payment for outcome
contract offers a payment per metric ton of CO
equivalent either captured in the soil or no longer
emitted from production activities.
Term. Most currently offered contracts last 10 to 15 years.
Potential penalties. In every contract there will likely be various penalties that could be triggered
based upon actions by the rancher. Taking the time to understand exactly what actions a rancher
must take or not take to avoid penalties is critical.
Stacking prohibition. These provisions generally provide that a rancher cannot enroll the same
land in multiple carbon contracts. Some stacking provisions may state that the rancher may not
participate in any other carbon contract or program. Contracts may also disallow participation in
any government programs and prohibit the receipt of any government payments.
Data provision and ownership. All contracts will require landowners to provide extensive data
about their land and operation. Many contracts allow the purchaser to enter the property for
inspection and allow for aerial views by drones. Most contracts provide that all data generated and
collected under these agreements is the property of the landowner.
Measurement and verification. Measurement and verification are central to any carbon contract.
Clear reference to a standard outlining these requirements is important. Contracts should specify
which party will pay for the cost of any measurements.
Taxes and insurance. A landowner should require the counterparty to the contract or the
purchaser of carbon credits to be liable for any change in property valuation and/or increases in ad
valorem taxes that result from the carbon enterprise. Ranchers should require the purchaser and
any contractors entering the property to carry insurance and to list the manager as an additional
Amendments and assignments. There are some contracts with amendment provisions that
essentially allow the developer to make any contractual modifications they choose. Ranchers
should pay attention to provisions related to how contracts may be amended.
Entering into a carbon credit contract is an additional enterprise to the ranch portfolio. The gross
revenue is the contracted price of a carbon credit times the number of credits secured. The gross
unit price of a carbon credit in the United States is currently $18 to $22. Some fraction (often 20%)
of generated credits are not eligible for sale, but are placed into a ‘reserve pool’ as a hedge against
future potential accumulation reversals (i.e., drought). Additionally, fees are assessed by
developers, verifiers, and registries, and sampling costs are incurred. These may represent an
additional 20% or more of gross potential revenue. The net price for generated credits is therefore
60% to 80% of the gross price.
There are multiple companies in this market paying producers to store carbon. There are
differences in the contract terms that may make a given strategy more or less valuable for a given
ranch. These different opportunities should be explored to find the highest value proposition, which
may not always be at the highest transaction price.
In conclusion, the emerging market for carbon credits may offer an important opportunity to
ranchers. As with the addition of any enterprise to the ranch portfolio, the costs, benefits and risks
should be explored to make an informed decision.
To download the complete “Should I Sell Carbon Credits: A Decision Guide for Ranchers” white
paper or view the recorded webinar visit:
Jason E. Sawyer, PhD
, David S. DeLaney, M.S.
, David P. Anderson, PhD
, Tiffany E. Dowell-Lashmet, J.D.
, and
Clay P. Mathis, PhD
East Foundation,
King Ranch
Institute for Ranch Management,
Texas AgriLife Extension
Figure 1. Schematic of the global carbon cycle.