1.1 In this Agreement, including the Schedule, the following
definitions shall have the following meanings:
NCBA Investment Bank Limited a limited liability company
incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act
Chapter 486 of the Laws of Kenya in the Re- public of Kenya
and licensed as a Securities Trading entity under the Capital
Markets Act Laws of Kenya having its registered office at
Nairobi and care of Post Office Box 44599 Nairobi and includes
such Branch or Subsidiaries of the Securities as may from time
to time be specified by the Securities to the customer
“Trading Day”
A day on which the counters of the Securities are open for the
transaction of ordinary business;
A branch or branches of the Securities which may from time to
time be specified by the Securities to the Customer;
Account” means Online Share Trading Account, which shall be
the website provided by NCBA for Trading of securities.
Means all or any system, medium or channel (including
telephone and facsimile), whether Internet based or not, which
may be established by the Securities from time to time to enable
our customers access and trade and other services provided by
the Securities from time to time;
Channel Services”
Means the provision by the Securities to you of access to one
or more Channels pursuant to the terms of this Agreement
enabling you to utilise one or more of the Product Services;
The Securities’ Customer whose details are set out in Part 1 of
the schedule.
Customer Group
The Customer and where the Customer is a company, its
holding company (if any) and their respective subsidiaries from
time to time;
“Deposit Account”
Any Bank Account with a credit balance.
“Password: NCBA Online”
The secret password known only to the Customer or the
Customer’s Nominated User for access to the System. The
Customer or its nominated user may change the password at
“Pin: NCBA Mobile
The 4 (four) digits provided to the Customer by Securities for
authentication/ verification by Securities of his /her identity.
The customer will be able to obtain a range of financial
information as determined by Securities related to his / her
relevant Account(s) through the use of PIN and such other
means of identification assigned to the Customer in connection
with the Account(s) and Facility.
“Nominated User(s)”
The representative or representatives of the Customer
authorised by the Customer to hold and change the Password
and hence to access the System and Service on behalf of the
Means such NCBA Mobile &/or NCBA Online Trading Service
specified in para- graph 5 of this agreement as the Customer
may from time to time subscribe to and “Services” shall be
construed accordingly and shall include channel services and
such other internet related services in this agreement.
The mobile / electronic services and communications software
enabling the Customer to communicate with Securities for the
purposes of the Service. The System Service will for the purpose
of this agreement be accessed through the mobile phone for
NCBA Mobile Services & through the internet via Securities’
website, www.ncbagroup.com or NCBA Online Banking.
A request or instruction received by NCBA from the Customer or
purportedly from the Customer through the System and upon
which NCBA is, by virtue or subparagraph 4.1, authorised to act.
The customized messages sent either by short messaging
service / text (“SMS” over the Customer’s mobile phone, email,
or fax or any other modes of communication.
“The Facilities”
Means the communication line, modem connection or other
software, hard- ware or equipment provided and used by you
for the transmission and/or receipt of any
information sent electronically or by telephone for the purposes
of or in con- nection with any of the services.
Any mobile service provider through whom the Customer or
NCBA receives the mobile services as notified by NCBA.
“Mobile transactions”
Means NCBA Mobile Service or the performance of transactions,
payments etc. over the phone through NCBA’s secure system.
“Electronic Transaction
Means NCBA Online Service or the performance of transactions,
payments etc. over the internet through NCBA’s secure website.
“Security Procedures
Means the security measures and procedures set out in the
user guides and/ or Service Supplements (including without
limitation, provisions relating to customer identification and
user identification) and any other instructions we may give
concerning security from time to time.
“You” or “Customer”
Means the person who has signed this agreement and includes
any person authorised to give instructions on behalf of any
such person to us and “your” shall be construed accordingly.
Means NCBA and “we” and “our” shall be construed accordingly.
1.2 In this Agreement:
1.2.1 References to “NCBA” shall include NCBA Investment
Bank, its successors and assigns;
1.2.2 References to “the Customer” shall include the Customer,
its successors and permitted assigns and references
to a “subsidiary” shall mean a subsidiary undertaking
within the meaning of Section 154 of the Companies
Act, Cap 486 of the Laws of Kenya;
1.2.3 Where “the Customer” is more than one person,
references to “the Customer” shall include all and/or any
of such persons and the obligations of the Customer
shall be joint and several;
1.2.4 words in the singular shall include the plural and vice
versa and words importing any gender shall include all
other genders;
1.2.5 “Person” shall include a body of persons, corporate or
1.2.6 References to paragraphs, subparagraphs and
Schedules shall mean paragraphs, subparagraphs and
Schedules of this Agreement;
1.2.7 The Customer’s use of the Service is also governed by the
applicable current, savings, term and call and overdraft
accounts agreement(s) and the Bank’s General Terms
and Conditions which the Customer has already signed.
2.1 NCBA will maintain the whole Mobile and Online system,
(hereinafter referred to as “the System”), as well as the
website, www.ncbagroup.com (hereinafter referred to
as “the Site”), to provide the Customer with information
about NCBA services and products, including the
NCBA Mobile Services & NCBA Online Services, and to
facilitate communication with the Bank. If, as a visitor
to the Site or the System, the Customer wishes to take
on the Service, they will be required to read the terms
and conditions of this agreement and their subsequent
use of the Site &/or System for purposes of the service
constitutes their agreement to all such terms and
conditions. However it should be noted that, visitors to
the Site &/or the System must first register to enable
them access any of the material under NCBA Online &/
or NCBA Mobile service.
2.2 Once NCBA has formally approved the Customer and
the Customer has been maintained as an authorised
user of the Service, the Customer will provide to
the System a unique, (PIN – Mobile Services) &/or
(identification and ID and a secret password – Online
Services), known only to the Customer, (and/or the
nominated user for Online Services), and then only shall
the Customer be afforded use of the Service. The (PIN)
&/or (ID and Password), will form a unique link to each
specific Customer’s profile(s).
2.3 Further services and profiles may be added from time
to time by NCBA and NCBA reserves the right to modify,
replace or withdraw any Service and/ or profile at any
time, for any reason whatsoever, without prior notice
to the Customer.
3.1 The Customer shall at its own expense provide and
maintain in safe and efficient operating order such
hardware, software and other facilities (including access
to any public telecommunications systems), and any
communications network necessary for the purpose of
accessing the System and the Service.
3.2 The Customer shall be responsible for ensuring proper
performance of the phone &/or Facilities including any
losses or delays that may be caused by the MSP &/or
Facilities. NCBA shall neither be responsible for any
errors or failures caused by any malfunction of the
Customer phone &/or Facilities, and nor shall the Bank
be responsible for any virus or related problems that
may be associated with the use of the System / Phone,
the Service and the phone/Facilities. The Customer
shall be responsible for charges due to any service
provider providing the Customer with connection to the
internet and NCBA shall not be responsible for losses or
delays caused by any such service provider.
3.3 The Customer shall abide with any applicable
regulations and/or obtain all licences and contents
necessary to have access to and use of the System and
shall ensure that all persons it allows to have access to
the System shall comply with all laws and regulations
applicable to the use of the System and follow all
instructions, procedures and terms contained in this
Agreement and any document provided by the Bank
concerning the use of the System and Service.
3.4 The Customer shall prevent any unauthorised access
to or use of the phone /System and Service by way
of keeping their PIN &/or access code and Password
a secret at all times. The Customers shall ensure that
the PIN does not, &/or access code and Password do
not become known or come into possession of any
unauthorised person.
3.5 The Customer shall take all reasonable precautions
to detect any unauthorised use of the phone /System
and Service. To that end, the Customer shall ensure
that all communications from NCBA are examined and
checked by or on behalf of the Customer as soon as
practicable after receipt by the Customer in such a way
that any unauthorised use of and access to the phone/
System will be detected.
3.6 The Customer shall immediately inform NCBA by
telephone with a written confirmation sent the same
day in the event that:
3.6.1 The Customer has reason to believe that their PIN &/or
any Pass- word used by the Customer to gain access to
the Service and to communicate with NCBA is or may
be known to any person not authorised to know the
same and/or has been compromised; and/or
3.6.2 The Customer has reason to believe that unauthorised
use of the Service has or may have occurred or could
occur and a transaction may have been fraudulently
input or compromised.
3.7 The Customer shall not send or attempt to send any
Request to NCBA through their phone /System if the
Customer has reason to believe that for any Reason
such Request may not be received by NCBA or may not
be received accurately and intelligibly.
3.8 The Customer shall at all times follow the security
procedures notified to the Customer by NCBA from time
to time or such other procedures as may be applicable
to the Service from time to time including those that
may be contained in NCBA’s internet website; The
Customer acknowledges that any failure on the part
of the Customer to follow the recommended security
procedures may result in a breach of the Customer’s
profile confidentiality and may lead to unauthorised
transactions in accounts linked to the Customer’s
Service subscription with the Bank. In particular, the
Customer shall ensure that the Service is not used or
Requests are not issued or the relevant functions are not
performed by anyone other than a person authorised to
do so.
3.9 The Customer shall not at any time: Operate or use the
Service in any manner that may be prejudicial to NCBA.
3.10 For NCBA Online Services, The Customer understands
and accepts that it may link a business account or an
account requiring multiple signatures to the Customer’s
profile on this Service only if the Customer has sub-
mitted to NCBA an original written standing mandate
to the effect that NCBA is authorised to process
transactions not exceeding a certain specified amount,
and it will be the responsibility of the Customer to
ensure that no unauthorised persons have access to
these accounts.
3.11 NCBA shall be entitled and authorised to debit
the Customer’s accounts with the amounts of the
transactions effected via the Service as well as debit
the Customer’s account with the amount of any fees
applicable to the Service from time to time.
3.12 The Customer shall be responsible for the Acts and
Omissions for the use of the facility &/or of its nominated
user thus, NCBA shall not be responsible for any loss
that arises there from
3.13 The customer has the option of three (3) days before
executing this agreement to independently seek further
clarification other than from NCBA officials in relations
to this facilities or terms and condition noted in this
4.1 NCBA is irrevocably authorised by the Customer
to act on all Requests received by NCBA from the
Customer (or purportedly from the Customer) through
the System and to hold the Customer liable thereof,
notwithstanding that any such requests are not
authorised by the Customer or are not in accordance
with any existing mandates given by the Customer. If
the Customer requests NCBA to cancel any transaction
or instruction after a Request has been received by
NCBA from the Customer, NCBA may at its absolute
discretion cancel such transaction or instruction but
shall have no obligation to do so.
4.2 NCBA shall be entitled to accept and to act upon any
Request, even if that Request is otherwise for any reason
incomplete or ambiguous if, in its absolute discretion,
NCBA believes that it can correct the incomplete
or ambiguous information in the Request without
reference to the Customer being necessary.
4.3 NCBA shall not be obliged to accept or to act upon any
Request if to do so would require access to, action by, or
information from the Branch, or any subsidiary or NCBA
located in any jurisdiction where it is not a Working
Day at the relevant time when such access, action or
information is required or would cause a breach of any
existing mandate facility limit or agreement between
NCBA, the Branch and/or any subsidiary of NCBA
(as applicable) and the Customer. In the event that
NCBA does accept or act upon any such Request, the
Customer shall remain liable thereof.
4.4 For the purposes of carrying out any Instruction, you:
4.4.1 Authorise us to transmit payment instructions on your
behalf and to act for these purposes as instructing
financial institution (or procure any other institution
Member or third party so to act) You acknowledge
that we will be acting as your agent for the purpose
of transmitting or procuring the transmission of any
such Instructions and that we or any other institution
Member or third party being the recipient of any such
Instructions shall be authorised and entitled to act upon
them as if they had been given directly by you to such
recipient, and
4.4.2 Agree to authorise any relevant third party to provide
account and other information to us.
4.5 For the avoidance of doubt:
4.5.1 You agree that we are authorised to record all telephone
conversations made between us in writing or by tape or
other means as we may determine;
4.5.2 Where any Instruction is given by fax, email, or sms
followed by de- livery of the original Instruction, the
fact that the same had been given by fax, email or sms
and the date of the facsimile shall be annotated on the
original copy (where possible). In the absence of such
annotation, you agree that we shall not be liable for
any con- sequences Including (without limitation), In the
case of payment Instructions, any losses arising from
any duplication of payment or fund transfer, and
4.5.3 As between us, and in the absence of manifest error,
our records (whether in paper, electronic, data or other
form) of each Instruction or other communication with
you shall be conclusive evidence of the fact of receipt or
non-receipt of such Instruction or communication and
of the contents of an instruction or communication.
4.6 In the event of any conflict between any terms of
any Request from the Customer and the terms of this
Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.
5.1 Services and Transactions Offered
Depending on the subscription applied for by the
Customer and approved by NCBA, the transactions
that a Customer is able to perform may vary. The
services and transactions allowed may include but are
not limited to the following:-
5.1.1 NCBA Mobile Services
Obtaining account information like current
balances, mini statements and account activity.
Change of password- done by the Customer.
• Internal Transfer of funds - between different
accounts of the Customer.
Notifications on credit or debit transactions as
advised by Customer.
Placing instructions buy and sell order of shares
and stocks.
5.1.2 NCBA Online Banking
General Customer interaction- news, advice, NCBA
products etc
Online application for NCBA products.
Obtaining account information like current
balances, account activity and other details.
Requests for change of Customer profile particulars
like phone number, address etc
Change of password- done by the Customer.
Placing instructions buy and sell order of shares
and stocks.
5.2 Customer Subscription
The Customer will subscribe for specific services and/
or transaction types and its profile shall be customised
to allow performance of only those Services subscribed
5.3 Limits of NCBA Mobile Transactions
5.3.1 The Customer may transfer or effect a payment for any
amount subject to the provision on paragraph 3.10 of
this agreement, as long as the transaction does not
cause the balance in the deposit account to be less
than zero unless the Customer has either an overdraft
facility for the affected deposit account or a term
deposit account pledged with NCBA to cover excesses
that may arise in the affected deposit account from
time to time in which case the two accounts are linked
in the System for that purpose.
5.3.2 If the Customer has an overdraft facility or a term
deposit account linked to the payment deposit account,
the transfers and/or electronic bill payments using the
Service should not exceed the approved overdraft
facility or the pledged term deposit amount.
6.1 The Customer shall pay or procure the payment of
our service tariffs, fees and charges (including any
cancellation fees or termination charges) for providing
the services and any software and system materials
provided or licensed by us to you in accordance with the
service charges agreement in addition to transaction
service charges applicable to various transaction types
as advised by the Bank from time to time. The charges
herein shall also apply to any legal or recovery fees
in relation to the account. The applicable legal fees
shall be as provided for in the Advocates Act and/
or Auctioneers Act or and other law(s) that shall be
applicable from time to time.
6.2 The Customer, whenever applicable, shall pay any tax
chargeable upon any sums payable by the Customer
to the Bank and also any other charges or duties levied
on the Customer or the Bank by any governmental or
statutory body relating to the provision of the Service.
6.3 NCBA is hereby irrevocably authorised from time to
time to debit any amounts payable by the Customer
under the provisions of subparagraphs
6.1 and/or 6.2 against any account in any currency
maintained by NCBA, the Branch and/or NCBA
subsidiaries (as applicable) in the name of the Customer.
In addition to the fees payable under this agreement,
the charges and fees applicable to the Customer’s
brokerage Accounts will apply.
NCBA will not be responsible or liable for:
7.1 Any indirect or consequential losses or economic loss or
loss of profit or business incurred by you in connection
with the services notwithstanding our awareness of the
possibility or likelihood of you incurring the same
7.2 Any loss in connection with any unforeseeable acts or
omissions or neglect acts on the part of our service
providers, contractors, agents or employees;
7.3 Any losses arising in connection with us acting upon
Instructions sent by you or by reason of us failing or
refusing to so act if, acting in good faith, in our opinion
there is or are reasonable ground(s) for such failure or
refusal (other than as caused by our gross negligence or
wilful default);
7.4 NCBA shall not be responsible for any loss suffered by
the Customer should the Service be interfered with or
be unavailable by reason of (a) any industrial action,
(b) the failure of any of the Customer’s facilities, or (c)
any other circumstances whatsoever not reasonably
within NCBA’s control including, without limitation,
force majeure or error, interruption, delay or non-
availability of the System, terrorist or any enemy action
equipment failure, loss of power, adverse weather or
atmospheric conditions, and failure of any public or
private telecommunications system.
7.5 Any losses caused as a result of or in connection with
any laws or regulations of countries where transactions
are settled or cleared where any negotiable instrument
or receivable is collected or any exchange control
restrictions which are imposed from time to time unless
caused by our breach of such laws and regulations;
7.6 If any losses suffered by you by reason of:
7.6.1 the shut-down or delay in the availability of the Mobile
Service Provider (MSP) &/or Website;
7.6.2 any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic software, other
bombs or other similar programs or routines (including
hacking) affecting any Website, Service or System
Materials; or
7.6.3 incomplete messaging
7.7 Any damages or losses arising from unauthorised
access to any Service by a third party using the PIN &/
or any Customer Identification or User Identification or
access code unless we have received prior notification
from you in accordance with the User Guides and/or
the relevant notification that no further access to the
relevant Service shall be granted to any person using
such Customer Identification or User Identification or
Access code with effect either from receipt of such
notification or such later date as may be specified In
such notification; or
7.8 The consequences of any misuse of any Channel &/or
Website by you, (or your Authorized Persons), or any use
of any Website or Channel by you, (or your Authorized
Persons), not related to any of the Services.
7.9 Without prejudice to clause 7.1 above, our maximum
aggregate liability to you for any claim arising from or in
connection with any Service is limited to the aggregate
amount of service charges paid by you for the relevant
Service in the three months preceding such claim.
7.10 Whilst we will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure
that all financial information available through the
Services is accurate when initially made available, we
shall not be liable for any loss incurred or damage
acts of vandalism, sabotage, terrorism, any other event
beyond the Bank’s control, interruption or distortion
of communication links or arising from reliance on
any person or any incorrect, illegible, incomplete or
inaccurate information or data contained in any Re-
quest received by the Bank.
7.11 Save as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all terms,
conditions and warranties implied by law regarding
the quality or fitness for purpose or otherwise of the
Services or the System Materials are excluded to the
fullest extent permitted by applicable law.
7.12 To be valid, any claim that you have against us under
the Agreement or otherwise in connection with any
Service or any ancillary service must or side agreement
of any kind with the Customer in connection with the
8.1 The Customer shall indemnify and keep NCBA
indemnified against (a) any damages and costs payable
to NCBA in respect of any claims against NCBA for
recompense for loss caused by (a), (b) and/or (c) of
subparagraph 7.4 where the particular circumstance is
within the Customer’s control; and
(b) any loss which may be incurred by NCBA as a
consequence of any breach by the Customer of the
terms of this Agreement
8.2 The Customer shall indemnify and keep indemnified
NCBA against any de- mand, claim or action relating to
or in connection with the Service, wheth- er directly or
indirectly, unless such demand, claim or action arose as
a direct consequence of the gross negligence or wilful
misconduct of NCBA or any of its employees.
8.3 The Customer shall indemnify and keep indemnified
NCBA against the following:-
8.3.1 All demands, claims, actions, losses and damages of
whatever nature which may be brought against the
Bank or which it may suffer or incur arising from its
acting or not acting on any Request or aris- ing from the
malfunction or failure or unavailability of any hardware,
software, or equipment, the loss or destruction of any
data, power failures, corruption of storage media,
natural phenomena, riots, party in favour of NCBA in
relation to any obligations of the Customer which may
arise if any Request from the Customer hereunder is
acted upon by NCBA.
8.3.2 Any loss or damage that may arise from the Customer’s
use, misuse, abuse or possession of any third party
software, including with- out limitation, any operating
system, browser software or any other software
packages or programs.
8.3.3 Any unauthorised access to the Customer’s accounts or
any breach of security or any destruction or accessing
of the Customer’s data or any destruction or theft of or
damage to any of the Customer’s equipment.
8.3.4 Any loss or damage occasioned by the failure by
the Customer to adhere to any terms and conditions
applicable to the Service and/or by supplying of
incorrect information or loss or damage occasioned
by the failure or unavailability of third party facilities
or systems or the inability of a third party to process a
8.4 If for any reason other than a reason mentioned
in subparagraph 7.4 the Service is interfered with
or unavailable, the Bank’s sole liability under this
Agreement in respect thereof shall be to re-establish
the Service as soon as reasonably practicable or, at
NCBA’s option, to provide to the Customer alternative
banking facilities which need not be electronic facilities.
8.5 Save as provided in subparagraph 7.4, the Bank shall
not be liable to the Customer for any interference with
or unavailability of the Service, howsoever caused.
8.6 Under no circumstances shall the NCBA be liable to the
Customer for any loss of profit or anticipated savings or
for any indirect or consequential loss of whatever kind,
howsoever caused, arising out of or in connection with
the Service.
8.7 Except in respect of death or personal injury caused
by the negligence of the NCBA, NCBA shall be under
no liability whatsoever in respect of any terms of
this Agreement or their performance thereof or any
transactions effected by the Bank in response to any
8.7.1 In the case of any claim relating to a transaction, within
thirty (30) days from the date of the alleged transaction
on which such claim is based; and
8.7.2 In all other cases within one (1) year of the date of the
alleged action or inaction by NCBA on which such claim
is based.
8.8 All warranties and obligations implied by law are hereby
excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
NCBA may amend the, or change the agreement at
any time. If the change adversely affects the Customer,
NCBA will give the Customer notice prior to the effective
date of the amendment.
10.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this agreement,
the agreement may be terminated at any time by either
party giving the other one calendar month notice,
PROVIDED that in the event of any change in any law
or the application thereof, or any other event which,
in the judgment of NCBA, would have the effect of
prejudicing NCBA should it continue with the rendering
of the Service to the Customer, NCBA shall be entitled
to terminate the agreement at any time without notice
to the Customer.
10.2 If the Customer terminates the agreement, NCBA
may continue to make transfer of funds and other
transactions that the Customer would have previously
authorized until such time as NCBA will have had a
reasonable opportunity to act on the Customer’s notice
of termination.
10.3 The termination of this Agreement shall not, in itself,
terminate or affect the relationship of NCBA Investment
Bank and Customer between NCBA and the Customer
10.4 Paragraphs 7, 11.3, 11.5 and 12 and shall survive
termination of this Agreement.
11.1 The Customer shall not assign the benefit of this
Agreement or any rights arising hereunder without the
prior written consent of NCBA.
11.2 No waiver by NCBA of any breach by the Customer of
any of the terms of this Agreement shall be effective
unless it is an express waiver in writing of such
breach. No waiver of any such breach shall waive any
subsequent breach by the Customer.
11.3 The Customer acknowledges:
11.3.1 That it has not relied upon any representation, warranty,
promise, statement of opinion or other inducement
made or given by or on behalf of or purportedly by
or on behalf of NCBA in deciding to enter into this
Agreement; and that
11.3.2 No person has or has had authority on behalf of
NCBA whether be-fully liable to NCBA for any breach
of the provisions of this paragraph by yourself, your
nominated user, your employees, your agents and/or
11.4 This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements,
arrangements and understandings between the parties
and constitutes the entire agree- ment between the
parties relating to the subject matter hereof. For the
avoidance of doubt, nothing herein shall vary, discharge
or in any other be notified to us within thirty (30) days
after you have become aware or way affect or prejudice
any security granted by the Customer or any third
should have become aware of the facts on which it is
based. For the avoidance of doubt, any other limitation
of liability contained in any shall be in addition to and
shall not derogate the above
11.5 Any notice required to be given in writing under this
Agreement and/or the schedules or parts of this
Agreement shall be sufficiently served if sent by
registered post, stamped and properly addressed;
11.5.1 To the Manager of the Branch or of NCBA at the address
of the Branch or NCBA set out in Part II of the schedule
if to be served on NCBA; or
11.5.2 to the Customer at the address given for the Customer
in Part I of the schedule to this Agreement, if to be
served on the Customer.
12.1 You undertake to maintain the confidentiality of the PIN
&/or its ID, access code and Password and any other
information and materials of any nature supplied to it/
you by the Bank in relation to the Service. You agree
to notify your nominated user, agents, employees and/
or sub-contractors of the provisions of this paragraph
and to impose this confidentiality requirement on its
nominated user, agents, employees and/or sub-con-
tractors entering into separate agreements, if necessary.
You shall be
12.2 You authorise us to collect, retain and use personal
information about you for certain purposes as detailed
in such data protection and privacy policies as NCBA
may issue from time to time.
12.3 You agree that we are authorised to disclose any
necessary information (including any personal data)
regarding you and the status of your ac- counts
(including deposit accounts) with us or any NCBA
Member obtained under this Agreement or any other
agreement with us or with the brokerages member to
any or all of:
12.3.1 Your holding company or any other group company of
12.3.2 Any office/branch/division of any of the NCBA member;
12.3.3 Any agent, contractor or third party provider or
service provider or professional adviser who provides
administrative, telecommunications, computer,
payment, collections, security, clearing, credit reference
or checking, or other services or facilities to us in
connection with the operation of our business;
12.3.4 Any person to whom we are required to make disclosure
to under the requirements of any law, regulation or
12.3.5 Any financial institution with which you propose to have
any deal- ings, and
12.3.6 Any actual or proposed participants or sub-participants
in, or assignee, novatee or transferee of, any of our
rights in relation to you: and to use such information
in connection with the administration and operation of
the Services.
13.1.1 The Customer acknowledges that the intellectual
property rights in the System (and any amendments
or enhancements thereto from time to time) and all
associated documentation that NCBA provides to the
Customer through the System or otherwise are vested
either in NCBA or in other persons from whom NCBA
has a right to use and to sub-license the System and/
or the said documentation. The Customer shall not
infringe any such intellectual property rights.
13.1.2 The Customer shall not duplicate, reproduce or in
any way tamper with the System and associated
documentation without the prior written consent of
14.1.1 The customer(s) agrees and consents that NCBA may
disclose any information in the possession of NCBA
relating to account details to any and all agents used
by NCBA in the course of the operation of the account
including but not limited to agents appointed by NCBA
to manage the ac- count.
14.1.2 The customer(s) agrees and consent that NCBA may
disclose any information in the possession of NCBA
relating to this application and or ac- count to any third
party (including other institutions licensed under the
Laws of the Republic of Kenya and Credit Reference
Agencies) if in NCBA’s opinion such disclosure is
necessary for the purpose of evaluating any application
made to NCBA by customer(s) maintaining an account
with NCBA or for other purposes but within the strict
confinements of the laws of Kenya.
14.1.3 The customer(s) agrees and confirm that NCBA may
disclose any information in the possession of NCBA
relating to this account details of the account holder
to any third party (including other institutions licensed
the laws of the Republic of Kenya and Credit Reference
Agencies) for the purpose of evaluating the applicant(s)
credit worthiness or for any other lawful purpose.
14.1.4 The customer (s) consents that NCBA may obtain any
information relating to the customer from any third
party including Credit Reference insti- tutions licensed
under the laws of the Republic of Kenya if in the NCBA’s
opinion such disclosure is necessary for the purpose
of evaluating any application made to NCBA by the
customer or for any other purpose as maybe prescribed
by any existing law.
i. This Agreement shall be governed by and shall be
construed according to the Laws of Kenya.
ii. The parties hereby irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction
of the Courts of Kenya, but NCBA shall be at liberty to
enforce anywhere a judgment in any jurisdiction where
the Customer carries on business or has any asset.
The following are the customer’s bank details. NCBA
Investment Bank will make payments to this account
for all customer’s requests initiated using online share
trading and mobile platforms.
Bank Name:
Bank Branch Name:
Account Name:
Account Number:
I/we have read and fully understood the terms and
conditions governing the use of NCBA Mobile &/or
NCBA Online services offered by NCBA Investment
Bank Limited and I/We hereby accept them and will
abide by them. I/we further confirm that we have
independently verified the terms and conditions noted
above and where necessary we have consulted other
persons independent from the Bank’s officials.
ID Number:
Affix company seal (if a company)
Incase of joint account order.
ID Number:
Part I
The Customer (in case of limited companies, please execute
according to the memorandum and articles of association)
Customer Name:
Customer Known Address:
Part II
The Bank
Postal Address: Post Office Box 44599 – 00100 Nairobi Title of
Contact: The Executive Director, Brokerage
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