PRACTICE PARAMETER 1 Electronic Information
The American College of Radiology, with more than 30,000 members, is the principal organization of radiologists, radiation oncologists, and clinical medical
physicists in the United States. The College is a nonprofit professional society whose primary purposes are to advance the science of radiology, improve radiologic
services to the patient, study the socioeconomic aspects of the practice of radiology, and encourage continuing education for radiologists, radiation oncologists,
medical physicists, and persons practicing in allied professional fields.
The American College of Radiology will periodically define new practice parameters and technical standards for radiologic practice to help advance the science
of radiology and to improve the quality of service to patients throughout the United States. Existing practice parameters and technical standards will be reviewed
for revision or renewal, as appropriate, on their fifth anniversary or sooner, if indicated.
Each practice parameter and technical standard, representing a policy statement by the College, has undergone a thorough consensus process in which it has been
subjected to extensive review and approval. The practice parameters and technical standards recognize that the safe and effective use of diagnostic and therapeutic
radiology requires specific training, skills, and techniques, as described in each document. Reproduction or modification of the published practice parameter and
technical standard by those entities not providing these services is not authorized.
Revised 2019 (Resolution 22)*
This document is an educational tool designed to assist practitioners in providing appropriate radiologic care for
patients. Practice Parameters and Technical Standards are not inflexible rules or requirements of practice and are not
intended, nor should they be used, to establish a legal standard of care
. For these reasons and those set forth below, the
American College of Radiology and our collaborating medical specialty societies caution against the use of these
documents in litigation in which the clinical decisions of a practitioner are called into question.
The ultimate judgment regarding the propriety of any specific procedure or course of action must be made by the
practitioner considering all the circumstances presented. Thus, an approach that differs from the guidance in this
document, standing alone, does not necessarily imply that the approach was below the standard of care. To the
contrary, a conscientious practitioner may responsibly adopt a course of action different from that set forth in this
document when, in the reasonable judgment of the practitioner, such course of action is indicated by variables such as
the condition of the patient, limitations of available resources, or advances in knowledge or technology after
publication of this document. However, a practitioner who employs an approach substantially different from the
guidance in this document may consider documenting in the patient record information sufficient to explain the
approach taken.
The practice of medicine involves the science, and the art of dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, alleviation, and
treatment of disease. The variety and complexity of human conditions make it impossible to always reach the most
appropriate diagnosis or to predict with certainty a particular response to treatment. Therefore, it should be recognized
that adherence to the guidance in this document will not assure an accurate diagnosis or a successful outcome. All that
should be expected is that the practitioner will follow a reasonable course of action based on current knowledge,
available resources, and the needs of the patient to deliver effective and safe medical care. The purpose of this
document is to assist practitioners in achieving this objective.
Iowa Medical Society and Iowa Society of Anesthesiologists v. Iowa Board of Nursing 831 N.W.2d 826 (Iowa 2013) Iowa Supreme Court refuses to find that the
ACR Technical Standard for Management of the Use of Radiation in Fluoroscopic Procedures (Revised 2008) sets a national standard for who may perform
fluoroscopic procedures in light of the standard’s stated purpose that ACR standards are educational tools and not intended to establish a legal standard of care. See
also, Stanley v. McCarver, 63 P.3d 1076 (Ariz. App. 2003) where in a concurring opinion the Court stated that “published standards or guidelines of specialty
medical organizations are useful in determining the duty owed or the standard of care applicable in a given situation” even though ACR standards themselves do
not establish the standard of care.
PRACTICE PARAMETER 2 Electronic Information
The practice parameter for electronic medical information privacy and security was revised collaboratively by the
American College of Radiology (ACR), the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), and the
Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM).
Across most advanced economies, medical imaging and related patient information are now managed via digital
acquisition, transmission, storage, display, and interpretation. The secure management of these data may have an
impact on the quality of patient care, on patient’s rights, and on health care professionals and their current practices
and legal responsibilities.
The responsibility that all health care employees have to protect patients from harm extends to protecting patient
privacy and patient information. Health care facilities and other entities engaged with assisting and providing health
care should carefully document privacy and security policies and communicate this information to their patients.
The responsibility to protect patient privacy and to secure patient data from loss or corruption is one of a growing
set of security requirements for the provision of medical care. Additionally, failing to comply with Electronic
Protected Health Information (ePHI) state or federal regulations could result in financial and/or criminal penalties
as described in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and subsequently
strengthened by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009
regarding civil and criminal enforcement of HIPAA rules. Health care employees also must assess whether they
have to comply with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR strictly limits
using and sharing a patient’s personal data, such as his or her health care data. See
The goal of this practice parameter is to recommend actions for the protection, privacy, security, and integrity of
recorded patient information while allowing appropriate access for care and management of patients. Policy and
procedure recommendations (sections II and III) are provided, and the tools available to ensure privacy and security
are described in section IV. Use cases for specific situations (eg, research use of PHI) are given in Appendix A of
this document to elucidate risks and costs for data and applications, as well as the specific legal and practice
requirements and the tools used to ensure compliance. Research, educational, and marketing uses of patient
information requirements are outlined in section V. The practice parameter concludes in section VI with a list of
medical/legal entities and government agencies that may have more restrictive rules and considerations for security
and privacy.
An additional resource is a compilation of authoritative report and resource links for a broad scope of cybersecurity
issues, which is available from the Congressional Research Service
A. In today’s security environment, organizations should assume they have already been breached and enact
policies and actions to establish their response rather than focusing primarily on compliance. That being said,
policies should include the following topics:
1. Security awareness training for all staff in the organization
2. Security issues for ePHI and personally identifiable information (PII)
3. Designation of responsibility for:
a. Providing security awareness training
b. Point of contact position for all access control functions specific to department and enterprise
c. Developing procedures in support of proper security measures
d. Providing appropriate computer training
e. Assuring that policies and procedures are followed
The United States Congress has been actively involved with cybersecurity issues since 2001. A document with links to selected authoritative reports and
resources on cybersecurity law and legislation is periodically updated. A report April 28, 2015, is available at
PRACTICE PARAMETER 3 Electronic Information
f. Resolving security problems
g. Ensuring appropriate mobile device management is enabled and configured for secure access
h. Responding to a systems breach
4. Initial and subsequent periodic assessment and risk analysis of all processes related to the handling of ePHI;
the findings from these audits should be used to guide the development of future policies and procedures.
5. Provision of backup for all systems with means to withstand ransomware attacks
6. Proper storage and retention for all electronic data
7. System downtime and recovery plans for unexpected computer downtime
8. Maintenance of a support manual and how-to guide for computer systems and information
9. Business associate contracts and trust agreements; all current vendors and other entities that have or need
access to ePHI must have business associate agreements as required by HIPAA; these agreements should
be obtained through the normal purchasing process.
A. Administrative Safeguards
1. Perform an audit and assessment of existing practices.
a. The audit will address the following security safeguards:
i. Physical safeguards
ii. Technical safeguards
iii. Administrative safeguards
b. Share assessment findings and risk analysis with appropriate institutional departments or service
providers and vendors.
c. Establish a policy for risk management for incorporating medical devices [1]
i. Define the policy for determining acceptable risk, taking into account relevant international
standards and national or regional regulations [1]
ii. Ensure the provision of adequate resources
iii. Ensure the assignment of qualified personnel for management, performance of work, and
assessment activities
iv. Review the results of risk management activities, including event management at defined intervals,
to ensure the continuing suitability and the effectiveness of the IT risk management process
d. Procurement of medical devices and security verification checklist
i. Medical device manufacturer disclosure of security-related features [2]
ii. Review and validate response of manufacturers prior to connection of device to medical IT network
2. Security awareness and operational training
a. Use radiology and specialty-oriented training tools
i. Provide HIPAA/HITECH security training for all personnel
ii. Inform staff of departmental policies.
b. Maintain individual documentation of staff training
c. Conduct annual security training relevant to enterprise and radiology
d. Provide training for all employees and stakeholders encompassing the following:
i. Operational computer training of all personnel on systems needed to perform their jobs
ii. Emergency operational and communication procedures for computer downtime
iii. Operational and communication procedures for planned computer downtime
iv. Emergency operational and communication procedures to be used during a disaster
v. Downtime recovery procedures and restoration to normal operation
e. Require all personnel to sign a responsibility statement for information security and confidentiality.
This security applies to all information in the department, such as patient data, research, and financial
information. Attestation may be obtained through enterprise educational portals
3. Incident reporting and resolution of security issues
Develop procedure for reporting of incidents or vulnerabilities to a department security officer, risk
manager, or designee
b. Document and implement corrective actions for minor problems
PRACTICE PARAMETER 4 Electronic Information
c. Initiate corrective action with the involvement of the appropriate institutional departments, vendors, or
service providers
d. Maintain complete documentation of incidents and actions for Process Quality Improvement (PQI)
4. Accountability and sanctions
a. Develop, review, and document manager’s responsibilities for overseeing the security plan within
his/her areas of responsibility
b. Develop and confirm personnel responsibility for following the policies and procedures that have been
c. Develop, document, and share sanctions and disciplinary actions for violation of policies and
5. Access controls
a. All systems maintained by the facility or contracted entity must be subject to the facility’s policies and
b. Approval of access to all systems is the responsibility of the facility (or local) administration.
c. Parties responsible for creating, changing, and disabling accounts must be identified and given authority
by administration.
d. Obtaining access privileges requires person’s or entity’s signature on a responsibility and
confidentiality statement.
Require user identification sign-on code:
i. Limits access to information/systems according to “need to know” as determined by staff member’s
ii. Allows for tracking of user activity
e. Require separate user-defined password or biometric identification.
f. Minimum requirement/best practice for password considerations include consideration of:
i. Syntax
ii. Expiration cycle
iii. Reuse rules
g. Ensure authentication for login process.
h. Define who monitors all vendor access to departmental equipment and interfaces.
i. Develop a methodology for comprehensive monitoring of access logs, unauthorized access, and
reporting procedures for all IT solutions [3].
j. Require secure remote application access with current encryption methods with embedded access
6. Activity review
a. Define a process to determine who has accessed ePHI.
b. Define who will review firewall “real-time logs” in a timely and reactive manner to determine if
inappropriate activity is taking place.
c. Define the frequency and level of detail for monitoring and reporting.
d. Define frequency of system privilege audits to ensure proper access level appropriate for current role
e. Develop a process for data analysis, investigation, verification, reporting, and mitigation.
B. Physical Safeguards
Physical safeguards are physical measure, policies, and procedures enacted to protect a covered entity’s electronic
information systems and related buildings and equipment from natural and environmental hazards and unauthorized
1. Facility Access Controls:
a. Policies and procedures for contingency operations
i. Access rules for restoration of lost data under disaster recovery and emergency operations
ii. Procedures to address major hardware and software recovery following system downtime
iii. Identification of personnel performing data restoration and physical access to facility
b. Policies and procedures for facility security plan
i. Description of safeguards used to protect the facility from unauthorized physical access, tampering,
or theft
PRACTICE PARAMETER 5 Electronic Information
ii. Risk analysis data on workforce access to specific facilities and equipment
iii. Methods to control access (door locks, electronic access, signage, security service/patrol, alarms
video monitoring)
iv. Methods to control property (property control tags, engraving of equipment)
v. Methods for personnel control (identification badges, visitor badges, escorts)
vi. Roles and training of staff and employees
c. Policies for access control and validation procedures
i. Alignment of person’s access to information necessary for role or function in the organization
ii. Methods to identify individuals with authorized access
iii. Methods for visitors: sign-in, visitor badges, escort rules
iv. Periodic review of employee restricted access list
d. Policies and procedures for maintenance records
i. Specification of all physical security components (locks, routine maintenance, new devices)
ii. Special circumstances for terminated workforce members with access to large amounts of ePHI
2. Workstation (and equipment) use
a. Policies and procedures to specify proper functions to be performed by computing devices
i. Identification of workstations that can access ePHI from those that cannot
ii. Internet accessibility to whitelisted sites, inaccessibility to blacklisted sites
b. Assessment of physical surroundings to protect ePHI; risk to address possible negative impacts
i. Sign-on, sign-off procedures, password protection, use of privacy screens, screensavers
c. Rules for use of workstation devices in remote locations and for access of ePHI
3. Workstation (and equipment) security
a. Policies and procedures to physically protect workstations that access ePHI
i. Identification of all workstations that access ePHI (including laptops, personal digital assistants)
ii. Restriction of physical access to workstations by authorized users only (secure room, area)
4. Device and media controls
a. Policies and procedures for disposal
i. Process to ensure unusable and inaccessible ePHI in final disposition of devices/media
ii. Address data contained on storage devices and media from obsolete computers
b. Policies and procedures for media reuse
i. Electronic media reuse – ensuring complete removal of ePHI
ii. Define how computers that are being repaired and/or stored will be handled
c. Policies and procedures for accountability
i. Maintain a record of movements of hardware and electronic media
ii. Identify individual devices through serial numbers or other tracking mechanisms
iii. Maintain a record of responsible person(s)
d. Policies and procedures for data backup and storage
i. Create a retrievable, exact copy of ePHI, when needed, before movement of equipment
i. Develop a policy for backing up data and maintaining copies
ii. Develop a policy for retention and storage of electronic data
C. Technical Safeguards
1. Firewalls and secure transmission modes for staff communication
a. Establish secure external firewalls for any network with a connection to the Internet or an outside
b. Network separation for internal health care systems, which if compromised, could risk patient health.
This could be done by air gapping or a second internal firewall.
c. Establish encryption tools to allow secure transmission through the firewall.
d. Ensure the security of e-mail communication.
i. If e-mail is provided, make sure it is encrypted or otherwise secure for communication between
staff and customers outside of the firewall.
ii. Ensure that communication directly with patients over the Internet is authorized by the patient and
that appropriate security precautions are in place.
PRACTICE PARAMETER 6 Electronic Information
2. Systems log aggregators to centralize application and server logs and provide automatic monitoring for
3. Intrusion detection system to identify breaches earlier
4. Intelligent multifactor authentication to apply different levels of challenges to users as they attempt to
access systems from known low-risk zones or high-risk zones
5. Encryption of data storage for mobile devices, desktop devices, and data center storage
The key provisions for handling ePHI in health care systems are outlined in 21CFR11, Subpart B and C. These rules
require that all electronic record systems have methods for validation, protection, and auditing of records. The
control and protection of any electronic record, both in health care and in industry, is termed cybersecurity, and
includes methods for the protection of all components in the data stream, ie, computers, networks, programs, as
well as control from unintended or unauthorized access, change, or use. Tools that can be used to minimize the risk
from loss of control are changing continuously, and so a review of the requirements to address the privacy and
security issues is given here to assist in selection of the appropriate one. In general, any tool should include
anonymization (elimination of PHI from the electronic files), authentication (digital signing, biometrics, etc),
authorization (eg, access controls), auditing (ensuring compliance to HIPAA and other regulations), application
availability (fault tolerance and denial of service [DOS] resistance), confidentiality (including encryption when
required), data availability, data integrity, and nonrepudiation (digital signing) [4-11].
Removing patient information is a cornerstone of performing research on clinical information. HIPAA/HITECH
requires that only those involved in direct patient care should have access to the patient identity or identifying
characteristics. A distinction is made between three levels:
1. Deidentification: Defined under HIPAA as being one of two methods: the Safe Harbor method details 18
features that must be removed, and the Statistical Method requires a statistician to document that there is a
small likelihood that a given record could be traced back to the patient.
2. Anonymization: The process by which medical data are made unlinkable to the original patient.
3. Pseudonymization: Retrievably preventing linkage of medical data with an individual, using personal
identifiers that have been replaced with artificial identifiers, or pseudonyms [12,13].
A. Deidentification
Deidentification requirements apply to images, reports, and other associated image-associated information, though
the processes and tools used may be different.
In some situations (eg, research), the removal of patient information from the record can be used to eliminate
security risks. The requirements for deidentification are defined by HIPAA/HITECH through CFR§164.514. One
means of satisfying the deidentification requirement is to remove all of the following:
1. Names (this includes names of the individual and their relatives, employers, or household members)
2. Geographic subdivisions smaller than a state, with exceptions for the use of part of the zip code
3. All dates, except year, and all ages over 89
4. Telephone numbers
5. Fax numbers
6. Email addresses
7. Social security numbers
8. Medical record numbers
9. Health plan beneficiary numbers
Account numbers
11. Certificate or license numbers
12. Vehicle identifiers and license plate numbers
13. Device identifiers and serial numbers
14. URLs
15. IP addresses
PRACTICE PARAMETER 7 Electronic Information
16. Biometric identifiers
17. Full-face photographs and any comparable images
18. Any other unique, identifying characteristic or code
For some clinical trials and other defined research projects, not all of the 18 elements listed above need to be
removed to be considered compliant with deidentification. The requirements for this specialized use of PHI should
be defined by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to any use
Satisfactory image and report deidentification features may or may not be included in the operational clinical
infrastructure (eg, PACS, Radiology Information System (RIS), electronic medical record (EMR)). It may be
necessary to use commercial or open-source third-party tools. Whatever tools are used, they should be tested and
validated for compliance with standard and national, regional and local (site) policies regarding what information
needs to be removed or retained. The manner of their configuration and use shall be addressed in the site’s security
risk assessment policies and procedures.
DICOM defines standard data elements with specific values and usage, which can be classified as being at risk for
leakage of various categories of identifying information. These are listed in DICOM PS3.15 Annex E, together with
the appropriate action to be taken during the deidentification, whether it be to satisfy the 18 elements requirement
of the HIPAA Privacy Rule or some other deidentification standard.
As an alternate to performing complete deidentification, PHI can be extracted from the record and used for statistical
and scientific analysis without the need for patient identification. This can be used if there is no reasonable
mechanism to identify an individual from the data. Protection for this type of data use can be achieved by the
application of statistical disclosure limitation procedures. This type of PHI use is considered anonymization.
B. Authentication
Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user to a computer system. This verification can be
accomplished using a variety of approaches, including passwords, digital certificates, smart cards, and biometrics.
Authentication only verifies the identity of an individual but does not define his or her access rights (authorization).
The term authentication also refers to a confirmation that a message, file, or other data has not been altered or
forged. “Challenge response authentication” refers to a family of protocols in which a challenge (question) by the
computer is met with a response from a user or computer client.
1. The simplest example of challenge response authentication is local management of a combination of user
name and passphrase. This involves the use of a unique user name and secret passphrase used as a security
measure against unauthorized access to data. Minimal criteria should be met to ensure sufficient resistance
against guessing or brute-force attacks, most importantly a length of at least eight characters and vetting
against repetitive or easily predictable passphrases (ie, 12345678) and dictionaries of passwords or
passphrases that are known to have been breached. Requirements for arbitrary password complexity (ie,
numbers, special characters, etc) and regularly scheduled password rotation are no longer considered
necessary to ensure security per National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication
800-63B ( Central management of authentication is
preferred, but if passwords are managed locally, they should not be stored as plaintext as any breach of the
system could expose all username and password combinations. Rather, passwords should be stored using
modern one-way hash algorithms.
2. Management of users and passphrases can, and arguably should, be performed centrally by an institution
using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), Microsoft Active Directory (AD), or other similar
mechanisms. Advantages are that authentication is managed centrally, more comprehensive institutional
oversight is enabled, and the same credentials can be used for multiple applications throughout the
institution. Passphrase requirements should be implemented as in Item 1.
For further information see the Health Information Privacy – Research 45 CFR 164.501, 164.508, 164.512(i) (See also 45 CFR 164.514(e), 164.528,
PRACTICE PARAMETER 8 Electronic Information
3. Users should generally be required to reauthenticate after 30 minutes of inactivity or after 12 hours of use
regardless of activity to ensure the user is still present and actively using the system. Some exceptions may
be made in particular settings, such as operating or procedure rooms where physical security can be ensured
and periodic reauthentication is not feasible.
4. Two-factor authentication, often referred to as strong identification, can strengthen authentication and
requires two independent ways to establish user identity and associated privileges. The second factor is
often a physical device or application on a personal device, such as a smartphone, but this may more
commonly transition to a biometric feature (fingerprint, face, voice) if the agent is a human. Indeed
biometric feature authentication is becoming more common in smartphone and other personal devices,
which, in some cases, provide access to the second factor. However, biometric features should be limited
to the second factor rather than the primary method of authentication as they are probabilistic rather than
deterministic and could be potentially fraudulently replicated (ie, photographs or latent fingerprints).
Alternately, if the agent is another computer, the second factor is often a cryptographic certificate, which
must be preapproved by the authenticating system. Multifactor authentication should be configurable to
apply higher and lower degrees of secondary authentication depending on the trust of the device
authenticating. For example, a device on a trusted network may only need a second form of authentication
once a month, whereas a device coming from a foreign nation known to have an active hacking community
may require a second form of authentication for each login. Hardware-based two-factor authentication
(2FA) should be considered. Other methods of 2FA such as text/SMS are vulnerable to SIM swaps where
the telephone’s text could be forwarded to another number. App based software tokens may be more secure
for 2FA than text/SMS. However, with a SIM swap attack on one’s mobile device, the capture of the token
could allow an attacker unlimited access to all two-factor codes. A hardware device has no moving parts,
is easy to use and generally can be carried into secure working environments such as military bases [14].
5. Many other advanced methods of passphrase and authentication security can be found in the NIST
publication referenced above, depending on the resources available to the practice.
C. Authorization (access controls)
Restricting access to a system to only authorized users is of primary concern. Sophisticated access controls also
define and limit what exact applications and processes a user can reach, how they can use them, and what hours
they can use. Propagation of access controls to mobile devices, specifically smartphones and tablet computers, must
also have methods for restricted database and system access via device identification, encryption, passwords, and
auto-logoff, among many controls.
1. Access control lists assign rights and privileges of users to resources. Controls or combinations of controls
can be implemented at the institution level using LDAP or AD, operating system or application level.
Institutional management of at least broad roles is recommended to centralize control and monitoring but
some applications, such as the RIS and the PACS, may also store user information with more granular
controls within the application.
2. Auto-logoff is a method of automatically logging off an account after a specified period of inactivity to
deter someone besides the valid user from using the session. As above, this should generally be 30 minutes,
but exceptions can be made depending on the needs and physical security of the space in which the system
is used.
3. Physical access control for critical computers is necessary to prevent console-based attacks, power
interruptions, or other threats. Physical controls may vary depending on use case and sensitivity of data.
4. Access control mechanisms should be reviewed regularly to ensure old or inactive accounts have been
D. Auditing (HIPAA, Other Requirements)
Secure, computer-generated, time-stamped audit trails that record activity must be maintained in information
systems that contain or use ePHI to stay compliant with HIPAA, HITECH, and other federal regulations [21 C.F.R.
§ 11.10(e), [45 C.F.R. § 164.312(b)]. Additionally, these audit trails and system activity should be reviewed
periodically to assess for any irregular patterns, suspicious activity, or breaches [45 C.F.R. § 164.308(a)(1)(ii)(c)].
This requires fairly detailed logging at a granular level.
PRACTICE PARAMETER 9 Electronic Information
Audit records must be retained for at least as long as the statutory requirement of the medical record itself.
E. Application Availability
System administration must defend against various threats to continuous availability of applications.
1. Malware detection
The need for malicious software defense is widely recognized. Even servers behind firewalls can be
attacked by user-infected laptops or other mobile devices if they leave the facility and re-enter the “secure”
network, or if a virus gets into a facility before virus protection is in place.
2. Intrusion detection
The system must not be compromised by an unauthorized party. An effective way of preventing this is to
compute the hash value of key configuration files on a computer system. Then, the file containing the hash
value of the configuration files can itself be encrypted or written to write-only media. Thereafter, periodic
retests compare the state of the computer to the original state. Any differences should be cause for concern.
3. Fault tolerance and business continuity considerations
Critical computers must have redundant hardware, data archives, power and networking systems, and the
ability to support automatic failover. Such systems should consist of 2 or more nodes (ideally in separate
data centers), and they should be capable of supporting software upgrades without system downtime.
Solutions such as offsite cloud-based disaster recovery should be identified and described in policies and
procedures of the institution.
4. Documentation and staff availability
Redundant human resources are essential for maintaining high system uptime. If only one person knows
how to perform a system failover, the enterprise is at risk whenever that person is unavailable. All persons
charged with maintaining a critical system must be equipped with full documentation and trained in
executing downtime/failover procedures. Documentation should be reviewed periodically to ensure it is up
to date and relevant. Reviewed and approved copies of documentation need to be accessible in both online
and offline formats. Online formats include internal wiki sites or online notebooks, offline formats would
include flash media stored physically onsite that contain the latest copy of approved documentation.
5. Physical safety
Servers must be located to protect them from physical damage, intentional or accidental, and from
environmental disasters.
6. Mobile devices used to access patient data need to be managed through mobile device management that
can enforce password minimums for device access, report device location if lost, and allow for remote
wipe capabilities of device if lost and unrecoverable.
7. Encryption controls need to be set for any media storage used in the practice. Storage media containing
patient data that is not actively being processed need to be encrypted.
F. Confidentiality
The object of confidentiality is to prevent data from being observed by unauthorized third parties. There are two
main strategies for this: prevent third parties from having physical access to the data, and encrypt the data so that
even if it is captured by third parties it cannot be read.
Preventing third parties from gaining access
1. Network-based controls
This method attempts to protect confidentiality via the first strategy: denial of data access within the
network. One of the most basic tools is the use of switched networks rather than hubs. Additionally, network
jacks within publicly accessible areas should not be enabled when not used for a piece of networking
equipment. This prevents a malicious attacker from plugging in to an open jack and gaining access to the
network. Highly sensitive systems, such as those who could directly harm patients if compromised, should
be protected with an inner network tool, such as a firewall, or a separate network without open access to
the larger private local area network (LAN).
PRACTICE PARAMETER 10 Electronic Information
2. Physical-based controls: This method ensures that physical access to data is limited and monitored. This
includes controlling physical access to data center rooms or rooms where devices such as personal
computers (PC) are accessible from a person passing by.
3. Encryption
There exist multiple methods of data encryption; however greater amounts of computer processing power
have meant that encryption schemes are increasingly vulnerable to various methods of attack. Therefore a
static recommendation of an encryption method that provides a reasonable degree of protection cannot be
made. However, organizations like NIST do regularly recommend types of encryption. What can be stated
is that all health data in motion must be encrypted, all health data at rest on a mobile device should be
encrypted, and data at rest on nonmobile devices should strongly be considered a candidate for encryption.
G. Data Availability
The corollary to application availability is data availability. There are two components to data availability: (1)
ensuring the systems that deliver the data are always functioning and (2) backing up data to guard against system
failure or data loss. Both of these components can be achieved by eliminating single points of failure, preparing for
a disaster and having a mechanism to recover data if a disaster occurs, and monitoring the functioning of all
equipment to recognize and reduce potential failure scenarios.
Removing single points of failure and providing disaster recovery can be done through data mirroring, network
storage, clustered and distributed file systems, cloud systems, and virtualization.
1. Data mirroring can be used to replicate all computing function and data storage. The mirrored systems can
also be used during normal maintenance or during a disaster to improve efficiency.
2. Network storage can be used to reduce a single point of failure for data storage by moving this function to
remote locations or locations that have disaster protection (eg, power backup). Network-attached storage
(NAS) refers to dedicated data storage that exists on the same network. A storage area network (SAN) uses
a separate network to provide redundant data access.
3. Clustered and distributed file systems make storage and computing available to multiple computers over a
network. In general, these systems are a set of client and server services that allow a file to be viewed by
multiple servers or workstations at the same time, although none of the client or servers using the data
actually store the data.
4. Data stored in the cloud is a form of distributed computing accessed via the Internet. Cloud computing
allows access to data from multiple workstations or devices, and there is normally no technical limitations
on the amount of data that can be stored. Cloud systems should have similar safeguards to ensure data
availability as in-house systems.
5. Virtualization is technology that allows you to create multiple simulated environments on a single physical
hardware system. Virtualization can be done for a server, network, or desktop. A virtual system can replicate
all functionality and data similar to data mirroring, but because multiple instances are running on a single
hardware, it reduces the total hardware needed. Therefore, instead of purchasing multiple redundant
hardware for each application, multiple applications run virtually on a single system, and separate systems
can be set up to provide automatic failover for redundancy.
Regardless of the computing systems and data storage redundancy used, if the network between systems fails, data
availability is lost. Therefore it is essential that the network architecture be robust and have redundancy. There are
many methods for ensuring network availability (eg, multihoming) that can reduce slow data processing, or failure
may be corrected by automatically rerouting network traffic. These methods are always changing, and the user
should query the network provider to supply the method and assurances of uptime with their technique.
H. Data Integrity
Data integrity refers to the validity, accuracy, consistency, and reliability of data over their entire lifecycle. Integrity
is indicated by an absence of any alteration in the data between two or more updates of a data record. Data is
recorded exactly as intended, and upon later retrieval, the data is the same as it was when it was originally recorded.
It is imposed at the design stage using standard rules and procedures and is maintained using error checking and
validation routines. When transferring or storing information, whether textual, numerical, graphical, annotations,
PRACTICE PARAMETER 11 Electronic Information
medical images, or a combination, it is necessary to verify that the information has not been modified after the
original event (unless an intended change is authorized and documented). Any unintended change to data because
of a processing or storage operation, hardware problem, or human error is a failure of data integrity. This change
could be benign, potentially harmful, or even catastrophic in the delivery of medical care, resulting in misdiagnosis,
mistreatment, or loss of human life. If there is evidence of unauthorized access, there might also be issues of data
1. Input validation – quality control checks and corrections to prevent incorrect data entry
2. Access controls, assignment of read/write privileges, auditing
3. Data backup to store a copy of the data in an alternate location
4. Data encryption to lock data by cipher
5. Data validation to certify uncorrupted contents of transmitted or received data
a. Hash function and hash value
I. Nonrepudiation
Nonrepudiation ensures that a transferred message or data has been sent and received by the parties claiming to
have sent and received the message and is a way to guarantee that the sender cannot later deny having sent the
message nor can the recipient deny having received the message. Methods of nonrepudiation include:
1. Digital signature
With the use of public key infrastructure, the sender signs the message/data with his or her unique
private key to encrypt the contents. The contents and signature can only be decoded by the sender’s
public key. Denial of sending the information is to claim that the original distributed public key was
fake or the private key was stolen.
2. Trusted (digital) timestamping
Issued by a trusted third party acting as a time stamping authority to prove existence of data without
the possibility of backdating the timestamps
3. Auditing
An information system that logs all user activity by user identification
J. Use Cases
Representative use cases that deal with both research and clinical scenarios, within the medical center or in the
cloud, are listed in Appendix A to use as guidance on when to use the tools listed in this section.
Research and educational activities are not exempt from the privacy and security requirements for protected health
information. Privacy and security policies protect the privacy of individually identifiable health information while
allowing reasonable access to medical information by the researcher/educator.
Most human research operates under the common rule (45 CFR
Part 46, Subpart A) and/or Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) human subject protection regulations (21 CFR Parts 50 and 56). The HIPAA Privacy Rule
provision for research (45 CFR 164.502(d) and 45 CFR 164.514) builds on existing federal protections and creates
equal standards of privacy protection for research governed by federal regulations as well as research that is not.
The privacy rule under HIPAA regulations covers all human beings, living or dead. Researchers may use patient
PHI under the following stipulations:
A. Research Authorization Form
Code of Federal Regulations (found in the Federal Register).
PRACTICE PARAMETER 12 Electronic Information
The privacy rule allows a single authorization form for the use and disclosure of PHI by the researcher and may be
combined with the research consent form. For specific criteria, see 45 CFR§164.508(b)(3)(i).
B. Waiver of Authorization
Research use and disclosure of PHI by the researcher without individual authorization can occur with an exemption
(waiver) approved by the IRB/privacy board. Documentation must include identification of the IRB or privacy
board, date of alteration/waiver documentation, and satisfaction of waiver criteria as provided in 45
C. Review Preparatory to Research
This review is a mechanism used when researchers need to assess the feasibility of conducting research prior to the
beginning of a study. The review is initiated by submitting a request to the IRB or privacy board detailing the
proposed study and recognizing the conditions set forth in 45 CFR§164.510(i)(ii).
D. Data Use Agreement
A covered entity for research and educational purposes may use or disclose health information that has been de-
identified by eliminating the following unique identifying characteristics: name, postal address, all date elements
(except year), telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, URL address, IP address, social security numbers,
account numbers, license numbers, medical record number, health plan beneficiary number, device identifiers and
their serial numbers, vehicle identifiers and serial number, biometric identifiers (finger and voice prints), full face
photos and other comparable images, and any other unique identifying characteristics, numbers, or codes. The data
use agreement must follow the specifications in 45 CFR§164.514(e)(1)-(4).
The standard for deidentification of DICOM objects is defined by the DICOM Standard PS 3.15-2011, Digital
Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM), Part 15: Security and System Management Profiles
( It is up to the user doing the
deidentification to ensure that PHI is removed or cleaned according to the laws and practices in place at the time
deidentification occurs. Further details on deidentification are explained at The Cancer Imaging Archive Public
Access wiki, ( Volume
rendering of high-resolution MR or CT head and neck images might produce recognizable visual features unless an
effort is made to remove the facial features. Opinion varies about the likelihood of this risk for practical
reidentification scenarios weighed against the utility of the data.
E. Research on PHI of Decedents Requires
1. A representation by the researcher that use/disclosure being sought is solely for research on PHI of
2. PHI for which access is sought is necessary for the research purpose
3. Documentation of the death of individuals about whom information is being sought when requested by the
covered entity
For more information, see 45 CFR§164.510(i)(iii).
F. Accounting for Research Disclosures
Under the Privacy Rule, individuals have the right to receive an accounting of disclosures of PHI during the 6 years
prior to the individual’s request but no earlier than April 14, 2003, and must include specific information regarding
each disclosure. For subsequent multiple disclosures to the same person a more general accounting is permitted.
The success of medical research and educational uses under HIPAA requires an understanding of rules and
regulations, maintaining appropriate documentation (eg, patient authorization, IRB waiver), and working with the
IRB/privacy board to ensure compliance.
PRACTICE PARAMETER 13 Electronic Information
Physicians and health care professionals should evaluate whether their use and disclosure of electronic medical
information might implicate one or more of the following laws and rules. This is not an exhaustive list. Physicians
and professionals should consult a qualified health care lawyer in their relevant jurisdiction to obtain counsel on
specific medical-legal matters.
1. Joint Commission
3. GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation
4. Local and state laws
5. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
6. Americans with Disabilities Act
7. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008
8. Rehabilitation Act
9. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
10. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act
This practice parameter was revised according to the process described under the heading The Process for
Developing ACR Practice Parameters and Technical Standards on the ACR website (
Resources/Practice-Parameters-and-Technical-Standards) by the Committee on Practice Parameters and Technical
Standards – Medical Physics of the ACR Commission on Medical Physics in collaboration with the AAPM and the
Collaborative Committee – members represent their societies in the initial and final revision of this technical
J. Anthony Seibert, PhD, FACR, Chai
Donald J. Peck, PhD, FACR Ross W. Filice, MD
Adam E. Flanders, MD Tom Kern, CIIP
James T. Whitfill, MD
Committee on Practice Parameters and Technical Standards – Medical Physics
(ACR Committee responsible for sponsoring the draft through the process)
Maxwell R. Amurao, PhD, MBA, Chai
Tariq A. Mian, PhD, FACR
Mary Ann Keenan, DMP, Vice Chai
Jonathon A. Nye, PhD
Priscilla F. Butler, MS, FACR Matthew A. Pacella, MS, FACR
Chee-Wai Cheng, PhD, FAAPM Anshuman Panda, PhD
William R. Geiser, MS Douglas E. Pfeiffer, MS, FACR
Per H. Halvorsen, MS, FACR Premavathy Rassiah, PhD
Loretta M. Johnson, PhD Christopher J. Watchman, PhD
Lijun Ma, PhD, FAAPM
Mahadevappa Mahesh, MS, PhD, FACR, Chair, Commission on Medical Physics
Jacqueline Anne Bello, MD, FACR, Chair, Commission on Quality and Safety
Matthew S. Pollack, MD, FACR, Chair, Committee on Practice Parameters and Technical Standards
Mary S. Newell, MD, FACR, Vice Chair, Committee on Practice Parameters and Technical Standards
Comments Reconciliation Committee
Eric B. Friedberg, MD, FACR, Chai
Mary Ann Keenan, DMP
Sonia Gupta, MD, Co-Chai
Tom Kern, CIIP
Maxwell R. Amurao, PhD, MBA Paul A. Larson, MD, FACR
PRACTICE PARAMETER 14 Electronic Information
Comments Reconciliation Committee
Jacqueline A. Bello, MD, FACR Mahadevappa Mahesh, MS, PhD, FACR
David A. Clunie, MB, BS Mary S. Newell, MD, FACR
Bruce H. Curran, MS, ME, FACR Donald J. Peck, PhD, FACR
Richard Duszak, Jr., MD, FACR Matthew S. Pollack, MD, FACR
Ross W. Filice, MD Henri Primo, MD
Adam E. Flanders, MD J. Anthony Seibert, PhD, FACR
Martin W. Fraser, MS, FACR Timothy L. Swan, MD, FACR
Tobin C. Hyman, MS James T. Whitfill, MD
Candice A. Johnstone, MD
1. International Organization for Standardization. Application of risk management for IT-networks incorporating
medical devices — Part 1: Roles, responsibilities and activities ;. 2016.
2. National Electrical Manufactures Association. HIMSS/NEMA Standard HN 1-2013: Manufacturer disclosure
statement for medical device security (MDS2); . 2013.
3. Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology. Subcommittee on disclosure limitation methodology, Federal
Committee on Statistical Methodology. Report on statistical disclosure limitation methodology. Statistical
Policy Working Paper2, Office of Management and Budget – PDF. May 1994. Revised by the Confidentiality
and Data Access Committee 2005; Available at: Accessed
November 12, 2018.
4. Fetzer DT, West OC. The HIPAA privacy rule and protected health information: implications in research
involving DICOM image databases. Academic radiology. 2008;15(3):390-395.
5. Freymann JB, Kirby JS, Perry JH, Clunie DA, Jaffe CC. Image data sharing for biomedical research--meeting
HIPAA requirements for De-identification. Journal of digital imaging. 2012;25(1):14-24.
6. Monteiro E, Costa C, Oliveira JL. A De-Identification Pipeline for Ultrasound Medical Images in DICOM
Format. Journal of medical systems. 2017;41(5):89.
7. Moore SM, Maffitt DR, Smith KE, et al. De-identification of Medical Images with Retention of Scientific
Research Value. Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc.
8. Newhauser W, Jones T, Swerdloff S, et al. Anonymization of DICOM electronic medical records for radiation
therapy. Computers in biology and medicine. 2014;53:134-140.
9. Noumeir R, Lemay A, Lina JM. Pseudonymization of radiology data for research purposes. Journal of digital
imaging. 2007;20(3):284-295.
10. Onken M, Riesmeier J, Engel M, Yabanci A, Zabel B, Despres S. Reversible anonymization of DICOM images
using automatically generated policies. Studies in health technology and informatics. 2009;150:861-865.
11. Silva JM, Pinho E, Monteiro E, Silva JF, Costa C. Controlled searching in reversibly de-identified medical
imaging archives. Journal of biomedical informatics. 2018;77:81-90.
12. National Institute of Standards and Technology. De-identification of personal information. 2015; Available at: Accessed November 12, 2018.
13. IHE International I. IHE infrastructure handbook. 2014; Available at:
06.pdf. Accessed November 12, 2018.
14. Bazzell M, Carroll J. The Complete Privacy and Security Desk Reference. Vol I. San Bernadino, CA; 2016.
A. Research Inside Firewall of Institution
1. Data
a. Loss
i. Risk: moderate
ii. Cost: low (assuming can be regenerated from PHI source)
b. Unauthorized access
PRACTICE PARAMETER 15 Electronic Information
i. Risk: moderate
ii. Cost: low (if data anonymized)
c. Tampering
i. Risk: moderate
ii. Cost: high (invalidate research)
2. Applications
a. Downtime
i. Risk: moderate
ii. Cost: low
b. Unauthorized access
i. Risk: moderate
ii. Cost: low (if data anonymized)
c. Tampering
i. Risk: moderate
ii. Cost: high (invalidate research)
3. Requirements
Legal: 21CFR11 Safe Harbor anonymization, audit trails of who accessed and anonymized
4. Tools used
a. Application and data hashes to detect tampering
b. Anonymizer tools
c. Auditing trails at the PHI source and at the anonymization tool
B. Research performed at multiple sites
1. Data
a. Loss
i. Risk: moderate
ii. Cost: moderate (data has to be regenerated from PHI at all sites)
b. Unauthorized access
i. Risk: moderate
ii. Cost: low (if data anonymized)
c. Tampering
i. Risk: moderate
ii. Cost: high (invalidates research)
2. Applications
a. Downtime
i. Risk: moderate
ii. Cost: low
b. Unauthorized access
i. Risk: moderate
ii. Cost: low (if data anonymized)
c. Tampering
i. Risk: moderate
ii. Cost: high (invalidates research)
3. Legal Requirements
21CFR 11 Safe Harbor anonymization, audit trails of who accessed and anonymized
4. Tools used
a. Application and data hashes to detect tampering
b. Anonymizer tools
c. Auditing trails at the PHI source and at the anonymization tool
d. Digital signing to verify identity of remote senders
C. PHI Care Inside Firewall
1. Data
PRACTICE PARAMETER 16 Electronic Information
a. Loss
i. Risk: variable (depends on data availability tools used)
ii. Cost: high (patient care, medicolegal)
b. Unauthorized access
i. Risk: moderate (most FDA products have basic controls)
ii. Cost: high (legal and confidentiality loss)
c. Tampering
i. Risk: moderate (most FDA products have basic controls)
ii. Cost: high (patient care, medicolegal)
2. Applications
a. Downtime
i. Risk: variable (depends on application availability tools used)
ii. Cost: high (patient care, revenue loss)
b. Unauthorized access
i. Risk: moderate (most FDA products have basic controls)
ii. Cost: high (legal and confidentiality loss)
c. Tampering
i. Risk: moderate (most FDA products have basic controls)
ii. Cost: high (patient care, medicolegal)
3. Requirements
a. Legal: all PHI controls of 21CFR11 are required including report controls and digital signing
b. Practice: high uptime, case of use, responsive behavior, clinical imaging tools
4. Tools used
a. Redundant storage and applications
b. Authentication controls
c. Access controls based on user role
d. Auditing
e. Digital signing
D. PHI Care in the Cloud (HIE or Cloud-Based Provider)
1. Data
a. Loss
i. Risk: moderate (most cloud providers have redundant storage)
ii. Cost: high (patient care, medicolegal)
b. Unauthorized access
i. Risk: high (many more agents have potential access)
ii. Cost: high (legal and confidentiality loss)
c. Tampering
i. Risk: high (many more agents have potential access)
ii. Cost: high (patient care, medicolegal)
2. Applications
a. Downtime
i. Risk: moderate (most cloud services are redundant)
ii. Cost: high (patient care, revenue loss)
b. Unauthorized access
i. Risk: high (many more agents have potential access)
ii. Cost: high (legal and confidentiality loss)
c. Tampering
i. Risk: high (many more agents have potential access)
ii. Cost: high (patient care, medicolegal)
3. Requirements
a. Legal: all PHI controls of 21CF11 are required including report controls and digital signing
b. Practice: high uptime, ease of use, responsive behavior, clinical imaging tools
4. Tools used
PRACTICE PARAMETER 17 Electronic Information
a. Redundant storage and applications
b. Authentication controls
c. Access controls based on user role
d. Auditing
e. Digital signing
f. Encrypted data transmission beyond the firewall
g. Digital signing to verify identity of remote senders
Anonymization – the process of removing of all identifiers or codes that directly or indirectly link a particular data
point or sample to an identifiable person. These data/samples become irreversibly unlinked from any subject
Biometrics – in this case, the user may pass a smartcard through the card reader and then have to provide a
fingerprint or voice sample (which is compared to a stored record before the central computer admits the user).
De-identification – the process of modifying identifiers within data/samples so that the information does not involve
Protected Health Information (PHI). There are 18 items to exclude for de-identification as listed in 45 CFR
Digital Certificate – accompanies an electronic message to verify the identity of a user sending the message and
also enables a user to encrypt the message.
Domain Name System (DNS) – a distributed internet delivery service that is mainly used to translate between
domain names and internet protocol (IP) addresses, and to control Internet e-mail delivery.
EHR – Electronic health record – more encompassing version of EMR
Electronic Media – refers to electronic storage media in PCs and removable/transportable digital memory medium
such as magnetic tapes or disks, CDs, pen drives or flash drives, optical disks, or digital memory cards; or
transmission media, such as the intranet, extranet, leased lines, dial-up lines, and/or private networks.
Electronic Medical Information – patient information including images stored on electronic media.
EMR – Electronic medical record.
Firewall – a program or hardware device that filters information coming through the Internet connection into a
private network or computer system. If an incoming packet of information is flagged by the filters, it is not allowed
GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation – the GDPR aims primarily to give control to citizens and residents
over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the
regulation within the European Union.
HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.
HIPAA Security Standards – the Federal Government’s requirements for the handling of electronic media and
protected health information. The standards address the following:
1. Ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all electronic protected health information (ePHI) the
covered entity creates, receives, maintains, or transmits.
2. Protecting against any reasonably anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of ePHI.
3. Protecting against any reasonably anticipated uses or disclosures of ePHI that are not permitted or required.
PRACTICE PARAMETER 18 Electronic Information
4. Ensuring compliance by the workforce.
HITECH – Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009; addresses the privacy
and security concerns associated with the electronic transmission of health information through provisions that
strengthen the civil and criminal enforcement of the HIPAA law and rules.
Information security – the measures taken to protect personal health information from unauthorized breaches of
IP – Internet Protocol – basic communication language of the Internet; can also be used in private networks (intranet
or extranet) and is the lower layer of a 2-layer system that handles addresses and sees that the e-mail gets to the
correct destination.
IRB – institutional review board – a specially constituted review body established or designated by an entity to
protect the welfare of human subjects recruited to participate in biomedical or behavioral research.
LAN – local area network, a short-distance network used to link a group of computers together within a department.
Nonrepudiation – the concept of ensuring that a party cannot repudiate or refute the validity of a statement or
contract. The most common application of electronic nonrepudiation is in the verification and trust of digital
PACS – picture archiving and communication system.
Patient Privacy – refers to the right of patients to determine when, how, and to what extent their health information
is shared with others.
PHI – protected health information is any information relating to one’s physical or mental health, the provisions of
one’s health care, or the payment for that health care. The US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS
or HHS) defines all of the following as individually identifiable health information:
1. Names and addresses (all geographic subdivisions smaller than a state)
2. Dates that identify – dates of birth, admission and/or discharge date(s), dates of death
3. Specific age if over 89
4. Telephone and/or fax numbers, Social Security numbers, medical record and/or account numbers, employee
numbers, health plan numbers, email addresses, Web/URLs, IP address numbers, and vehicle identifiers
such as license plate/serial numbers and/or certificate/license numbers.
5. Full face images and/or comparable images, biometric identifiers, such as finger prints and/or voice prints.
6. Any unique identification numbers, codes, and/or characteristics that may be traced back to an individual.
Smartcards – devices in a credit card form factor that contain electronic information or tokens that identify and
validate the user in conjunction with other biometric or password information.
TPO – treatment payment or administrative operation.
URL – Uniform Resource Locator – a reference (an address) to a resource that specifies its location on a computer
network (eg, the Internet) and a mechanism for retrieving it.
Virtual Private Network (VPN) – a computer network in which links between nodes are carried by open connections
or virtual circuits (eg, the Internet) instead of by physical wires. Software uses encryption and other security
mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access the network and that data cannot be intercepted.
*Practice parameters and technical standards are published annually with an effective date of October 1 in the year
in which amended, revised, or approved by the ACR Council. For practice parameters and technical standards
published before 1999, the effective date was January 1 following the year in which the practice parameter or
technical standard was amended, revised, or approved by the ACR Council.
PRACTICE PARAMETER 19 Electronic Information
Development Chronology for the Practice Parameter
2004 (Resolution 12)
Revised 2009 (Resolution 3)
Revised 2014 (Resolution 37)
Revised 2019 (Resolution 22)
Amended 2023 (Resolution 2c)