Information Processing and Management 58 (2021) 102535
Available online 3 February 2021
0306-4573/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
hOCBS: A privacy-preserving blockchain framework for
healthcare data leveraging an on-chain and off-chain
system design
Ken Miyachi
, Tim K. Mackey
BlockLAB, San Diego Supercomputer Center, San Diego, CA, United States
IEEE, San Diego Chapter, San Diego, CA, United States
Department of Anesthesiology and Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health, University of California, San Diego School of
Medicine, San Diego, CA, United States
Global Health Policy Institute, San Diego, CA, United States
University of California, San Diego Extension, San Diego, CA, United States
S-3 Research LLC, San Diego, CA, United States
Distributed ledger technology
Data storage
Secure computation
Health informatics
In the context of blockchain technology, off-chain refers to computation or data that is struc-
turally external to the blockchain network. Off-Chain Blockchain Systems (OCBS) enable this
information processing and management through distributed software architecture where the
blockchain network interacts with off-chain resources. Hence, OCBS are a critical data gover-
nance component in the design of enterprise blockchain solutions, resulting in extensive research
and development exploring the interplay between on-chain and off-chain storage and computa-
tion and efforts to evaluate their performance relative to other information management systems.
Key features of OCBS are their ability to improve scalability, reduce data storage requirements,
and enhance data privacy, all extremely critical issues to enable broader blockchain adoption.
These OCBS features map well to the needs of the healthcare industry, particularly due to the
need to manage various types of medical, consumer, and other health-related data. However,
different types of health data are also subject to stringent regulatory, security and legal re-
quirements, a key factor limiting blockchain adoption in the sector. In response, there is a critical
need to better align OCBS design features to different types of healthcare data management and
their respective governance and privacy regimes. This article rst reviews the characteristics of
different constructs of OCBS. It then proposes a modular hybrid privacy-preserving framework
Abbreviations: BA, Business Associate; CHI, Consumer Health Information; CE, Covered Entity; CMS, U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services; Dapp, Distributed Application; DAS, Direct Attached Storage; DHT, Distributed Hash Table; EHR, Electronic Health Record system; FIP,
Fit-for-Purposeframework; FTC, Federal Trade Commission; GDPR, European Union General Data Protection Regulation ; HCS, Hyperconverged
Storage; HIE, Health Information Exchange; HIPAA, U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; HITECH Act, Health Information
Technology for Economic & Clinic Health Act; hOCBS, Hybrid Off-Chain Blockchain System; HOT-t, Human-Organization-Technology Fit
Framework; IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; IOC, Incentive Driven off-chain computation; IPFS, Interplanetary File System;
IS Model, Information Systems Success Model; NAS, Network Attached Storage; ONC, U.S. National Coordinator for Health Information Technology;
OCBS, Off-Chain Blockchain Systems ; P2P, Peer-to-Peer Network; PHI, Protected Health Information; PII, Personally Identiable Information; PKI,
Public Key Infrastructure; PoA, Proof-of-Authority Consensus; SMPC, Secure Multiparty-based Off-chain computation; TEEs, Trusted Execution
Environments; WHO = World Health Organization; WGS, Whole Genome Sequenced
* Corresponding author at: University of California, San Diego, 8950 Villa La Jolla Drive, A124, La Jolla, CA92037, United States
E-mail address: [email protected] (T.K. Mackey).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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Received 27 July 2020; Received in revised form 23 January 2021; Accepted 24 January 2021
Information Processing and Management 58 (2021) 102535
leveraging off-chain and on-chain blockchain system design applied to three different reference
models that illustrate how blockchain can enhance healthcare information management. Through
this privacy-preserving framework we hope to liberate healthcare data by enabling sharing,
sovereignty and enhanced trust.
1. Introduction
Privacy and security compliance have traditionally constrained the implementation and development of approaches for infor-
mation system management of healthcare data. Traditional centralized database systems, siloed in physical locations, remain a popular
and widely used approach in Electronic Health Record (EHR) system architecture, even as cloud computing and distributed systems
have become more ubiquitous in other industries (Baniata, Anaqreh, & Kertesz, 2021; S. W. Smith & Koppel, 2014). These traditional
system architectures are often protected by rewalls, encryption, and network isolation. Although secure, this static system archi-
tecture poses challenges to modernizing aspects of healthcare, such as encouraging patient-centric data stewardship, shared
decision-making, and personalized medicine (Chu, Shah, Rouholiman, Riggare, & Gamble, 2018; Chu et al., 2016; Hoffman & Wil-
liams, 2011). Hence, there is an inherent need for an updated information system management framework, which enables consented
sharing of healthcare data while maintaining security, privacy, and regulatory compliance.
Distributed systems are a type of system architecture where components are located on different computers across a network and
communicate their actions by passing messages to one another. One type of distributed system architecture is called Peer-to-Peer (P2P)
computing or networking where computers share les directly with one another across the Internet often associated with torrenting
software. Although P2P networks signicantly enhance le sharing, security and privacy are concerns (Sanjabi & Pommereau, 2010,).
One solution to the privacy and security problems of P2P networks is blockchain technology, which was rst proposed by Satoshi
Nakamoto, the pseudo-anonymous person behind the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. Blockchain technology is a linked-list structure
distributed over a P2P network that provided a systematic approach to maintain the order of transactions throughout a P2P network
and avoid the double-spending problem of cryptocurrencies (Nakamoto, 2019).
Bitcoin, the rst implementation of blockchain technology, orders transactions and groups them in a constrained-size structure
named blocks. The nodes/peers of the network are responsible for linking the blocks to each other in chronological order, with every
block containing the hash of the previous block to create a chainof blockslinked to each other (i.e. a blockchain) (Kuo, Kim, &
Ohno-Machado, 2017). Thus, the blockchain structure contains a robust and indelible record of all transactions. Blockchain began as
applications enabling digital cryptocurrency transactions but have expanded into areas beyond nancial transactions, such as gov-
ernment, energy, science, transportation, supply chain, media, copyright management, public auditing, and healthcare, wherein
complex logic can be securely automated through smart contracts (Berdik, Otoum, Schmidt, Porter, & Jararweh, 2021; Chen et al.,
2020; Jing, Liu, & Sugumaran, 2021; J. Li, Wu, Jiang, & Srikanthan, 2020; Mackey et al., 2019; Oham et al., 2021).
Healthcare services could signicantly benet from the evolution of traditional information management systems to more modern
and participatory systems that utilize distributed networks (Berdik et al., 2021). Each year an estimated $7.2 trillion is spent
worldwide on providing health services, and in the U.S alone, the 2018 bill for healthcare was $3.6 trillion (WHO, 2020). The massive
spending in healthcare presents several opportunities to encourage innovation in healthcare data management and address the Triple
Aim; improving the patient experience with care, improving the health of populations, and reducing the per capita costs of healthcare
(Berwick, Nolan, & Whittington, 2008). Further, an explosion in the volume and diversity of healthcare data generation has high-
lighted the limitations of siloed traditional healthcare data storage systems.
Increasingly the ecosystem of healthcare data is not limited to medical records but includes a host of new sources of health and
behavioral data collected outside the clinical setting, including proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile health
(mHealth) technologies, as well as the need for remote data integrity checking (Hardin & Kotz, 2021; Zhao, Chen, Liu, Baker, & Zhang,
2020). For example, many wearable and mHealth devices now collect biometrics and consumer health data (e.g. heart rate, steps, sleep
patterns, etc.) on devices owned by the individual (Dubovitskaya, Novotny, Xu, & Wang, 2019). This renaissance in digitization has led
to increased attention around the applicability of privacy frameworks, such as the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA) and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including debate about whether these regimes
inhibit innovation and data sharing (Yuan & Li, 2019; Karampela, Ouhbi, & Isomursu, 2019). Signicant health improvements could
be made by opening up healthcare data for broader sharing, aggregation, and population health analysis, but maintaining privacy and
autonomy is also critical (Kuo et al., 2017). However, the current state of institution-centric EHR information management systems
introduces barriers that limit patient access to data, which can hamper efforts to enable patient engagement, data portability and
information exchange (Hylock, 2019).
Blockchain technology has the potential to offer improvements for healthcare data management not possible with current infor-
mation management system infrastructure (Mayer, da Costa, & Righi, 2019). The distributed nature of blockchain technology can
enable transparent and fast access to personal healthcare data, promote data standardization, and enhance transfer and sharing of
healthcare data by enabling privacy-preserving approaches using cryptography, private key management, and self-sovereign identity
(Bernal Bernabe, Luis Canovas, Hernandez-Ramos, Torres Moreno, & Skarmeta, 2019). Distributed systems can also enable
patient-centric data storage that utilizes an agreed upon governance model to share and distribute information under the rubric of data
stewardship (Atzori, 2015). Labor intensive tasks of transferring healthcare data from different providers can be automated and
mediated via smart contracts, signicantly reducing both cost and time required in current systems (Kruse, Goswamy, Raval, &
K. Miyachi and T.K. Mackey
Information Processing and Management 58 (2021) 102535
Marawi, 2016). Evidencing the potential utility of blockchain in healthcare data management, several use cases have emerged,
including EHR aggregation, privacy preserving algorithms for health systems data, integration of blockchain systems with the
Internet-of-Things, and enhancing patient-provider directories (Dimitrov, 2019; Hussien, Yasin, Udzir, Zaidan, & Zaidan, 2019).
However, there are also real-world challenges to implementing blockchain technology, including limitations on how to store and
transfer data, manage permissions, and enable scalability (ODonoghue, 2019; Attaran, 2020, ).
Although blockchain technology has the potential to address contemporary healthcare information management challenges, there
are inherent problems with translating traditional designs of public blockchain approaches in the context of health data storage and
transfer. Specically, the privacy and security requirements for the treatment of healthcare data are unique compared to other forms of
data (Berdik et al., 2021). Additionally, there is a need for a scalable and high throughput system to enable processing of large volumes
of data with relative low computation costs for the purposes of real-world clinical care. Importantly, traditional public blockchain
characteristics may be incompatible with this type of dynamic treatment of healthcare data due to permission/access management,
consensus mechanisms (often utilizing proof-of-work), and transparency that is distributed, necessitating new blockchain design
In response, this paper rst describes the research objective of this study; the exploration of using core features and technology
characteristics of Off-Chain Blockchain Systems (OCBS) as a blockchain-based design to address limitations of current healthcare
information management systems. These blockchain technology features are then used to conceptualize a hybrid OCBS information
system framework based on patient-centric and privacy-preserving approaches to managing three different types of healthcare data
illustrated by a set of reference models. We conclude that a privacy-by-design and compliance-by-design approach is necessary for the
optimal utilization of modern healthcare data and inclusive governance needs.
2. Research objective
In this paper, we rst describe the current state of healthcare information systems, while also assessing ongoing challenges with
traditional blockchain approaches to managing healthcare data. There is inherent friction when integrating traditional blockchain
solutions with healthcare data storage and distribution due to issues related to scalability, and the security and privacy of the data
stored and transferred. OCBSmitigate this friction by integrating traditional data storage and security components that are needed to
address challenges introduced by distributed ledger technologies.
Hence, the primary motivation of this study was to conceptualize, design, and evaluate a blockchain-based information man-
agement system framework that could simultaneously utilize OCBS system architecture while also preserving performance and se-
curity features required by existing healthcare data management systems, while also taking into consideration the compliance needs of
different forms of healthcare data. This is necessary to ensure that the benets of blockchain information system features can be scaled
to the scope and diversity of types of health-related data, while also maintaining privacy and security, core tenets of healthcare data
governance. These concepts were also crucial in breaking down data silos to ensure maximal utility of healthcare data for all stake-
holders (Berdik et al., 2021).
In order to better understand how this interplay could work between traditional information systems and blockchain approaches,
we rst characterize OCBS system architecture and technology features, which were then used to conceptualize the specic design
features of a on-chain and off-chain hybrid design architecture (hereinafter referred to as hOCBS) mapped to key principles relevant
to healthcare blockchains. We also describe an evaluation framework to assess the performance and security of the hOCBS compared to
other traditional health information management systems. The aim of this study was to conceptualize a privacy-preserving blockchain
system using OCBS characteristics and then translate it to three reference models of different types of healthcare data for assessment of
real-world data application. Data types included:
1 Protected Health Information (PHI) dened under HIPAA (e.g., information contained in an electronic health record);
2 Consumer Health Information (CHI) (e.g., data generated outside of the clinical setting often by the consumer); and
3 Genomic data (e.g., whole genome sequencing data, data generated from a genetic screening test, etc.) (Demiris, 2016).
Specically, OCBSmitigate the issues associated with public blockchain systems integrating with healthcare information systems
by enabling a modular and exible system architecture that can interact with traditional data storage, while still maintaining the core
value propositions around transfer, transparency, and immutability of blockchain technology. Some of the key benets we aim to
highlight in the conceptualization of our hybrid OCBS framework are the following:
Ensuring that privacy-by-design and regulatory compliance is built into the software infrastructure of the proposed system. This
would represent an improvement over traditional healthcare data storage and transfer systems that rely on other administrative
forms of compliance.
Focusing on integration with current healthcare information management systems as opposed to re-implementing all core com-
ponents of healthcare data storage and transfer already available in off-chain systems. This is an improvement over other
blockchain-based healthcare data management systems by reducing potential migration time. This also enables a tiered approach
to converting to the new proposed architecture that is more practical.
Enabling modularity in information system architecture as a critical improvement over other health data information systems in
order to enable adaptive design responsive to different forms of healthcare data and their respective privacy and compliance
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Information Processing and Management 58 (2021) 102535
3. Related work
3.1. Limitations of current healthcare information management systems
One of the main challenges of current healthcare information management systems (e.g. EHRs, computer-based, client-server-
based, cloud-based) is that the centralized and siloed storage of healthcare data in physical locations causes signicant friction in
sharing and transferring healthcare data (Ismail, Materwala, Karduck, & Adem, 2020; Norgeot, Glicksberg, & Butte, 2019).
Furthermore, these siloed data systems create concerns about a single point-of failure, data fragmentation, system vulnerabilities,
incompatible formats of data storage, and generally have failed to meet growing needs for data ingestion from non-clinical health data
sources (such as Internet-of-Medical-Things, mHealth sources, sensors and wearables) that could improve the quality of diagnosis and
care (Ismail et al., 2020). Another problem with these systems is the lack of active patient participation in facilitating access, man-
agement and sharing of healthcare data, as most of these systems only passively allow read access and do not have tools to facilitate
data exchange (Dubovitskaya et al., 2019). Hence, current systems have yet to satisfactorily enable patient-centric and participatory
information management approaches that are now in growing demand in modern medicine (Chu et al., 2016; Chu, Shah, Rouholiman,
Riggare, & Gamble, 2018; Hoffman & Williams, 2011).
In response to these challenges, there have been concerted efforts by the U.S. Federal government under the Health Information
Technology for Economic & Clinic Health (HITECH) Act and rules/guidance set by the National Coordinator for Health Information
Technology (ONC) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to improve health information exchange (HIE) to reduce
cost and enhance utilization (Joshua R Vest, 2010). However, progress towards more meaningful use required by HITECH and
wide-scale adoption of HIE have been uneven, hampered by implementation and operational challenges including lack of interop-
erability across systems, data availability and quality, goal alignment and cooperation across different stakeholders, immaturity of
current information systems, and an absence of high-quality tools and processes for exchanging data (Berdik et al., 2021; Hochman,
Garber, & Robinson, 2019; Yeager, Vest, Walker, Diana, & Menachemi, 2017). Further, it is unclear if existing health information
technology systems actually improve the quality of care or reduce costs, emphasizing the importance of other factors such as ensuring a
combination of IT adoption and organization and technical innovation in driving productivity gains (Agha, 2014).
Given these challenges, development of health information systems that can facilitate a transition from institutional-centric to
patient-mediated data sharing and that change incentives for parties in managing healthcare data are now actively being explored
using blockchain technology (Gordon & Catalini, 2018). Though research and commercialization in the space of blockchain health
information systems has increased, few studies or commercial solutions (where information is publicly available), specically link the
use of OCBS technology features for the purposes of concurrently addressing privacy and security with needs of data storage and
scalability in a patient-centric manner as proposed in this paper. Next, we describe key components of blockchain systems, data
storage, and cryptography that will act as the fundamental building blocks for our proposed hOCBS framework.
3.2. Components of blockchain systems
The fundamental technology behind all three reference models proposed in this paper is blockchain. Blockchain is a digital ledger
technology comprised of near immutable, digitally recorded information in data structures called blocks. Each block is ‘chainedto the
next block using a cryptographic signature, hence the adoption of the term blockchain. Consensus algorithms are used to ensure
agreement in a distributed network of what operations are written to the blockchain, information which can be shared and accessed by
anyone with the proper permissions (Ferdous, Chowdhury, Hoque, & Colman, 2020). The structure of blockchain technology is
represented by a list of blocks with transactions in a particular order to establish data provenance. The fundamental data structure used
in blockchain are linked lists. The core concepts behind blockchain technology are:
Node: Any computer connected to the blockchain network is referred to as a node. A full node is a computer that can fully validate
transactions and download the entire data of a specic blockchain.
Transaction: smallest building block of information that can be stored in a blockchain system.
Block: a data structure used for keeping a set of transactions which are validated through consensus algorithms and distributed to
all nodes in the network.
Chain: a sequence of blocks in a specic order
Consensus: a set of rules and arrangements to verify and distribute blockchain operations
Digital Signatures: A string generated by public key encryption and attached to an electronically transmitted document in order to
verify the contents of the document.
Oracle: In a blockchain network an oracle (human or machine) helps communicate data to a smart contract which can then be used
to verify an event or specic outcome.
Smart Contract: Software programs whose terms are recorded in an executable code instead of legal language. Smart contracts are
automated actions that can be coded and executed once a set of conditions is met.
Our proposed hOCBS system utilizes these core components of blockchain technology as value propositions along with integration
with traditional data storage and information management concepts that enable privacy and scalability.
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3.3. Decentralized data storage concepts
OCBS systems enable users to store data external to a distributed system while enabling secure and standardized interaction be-
tween the distributed system and external storage. External data can be exposed to the distributed system upon meeting specic
criteria, such as the owner of external data opting in and validating their identity. Data storage in OCBS systems can be categorized into
three main groups: hardware storage, centralized cloud storage, and distributed storage. Hardware storage is often referred to as Direct
Attached Storage (DAS). DAS includes types of data storage that are physically connected to a computer and is generally accessible to
only a single machine. Some common devices in this category include:
Hard Drives
Solid-State Drives (SSD)
CD/DVD Drives
Flash Drives
Centralized cloud data storage is the storage of information such as les and databases shared between computing servers over a
network. Centralized cloud storage systems are currently popular in healthcare data information management systems. However, these
systems have raised issues regarding the restrictive nature of some services deployed on the cloud and broader concerns about security
(single point of attack/vulnerability). Specically, centralized cloud solutions have been vulnerable to issues such as data breaches and
hacking as well as ransomware (Fernandes, Soares, Gomes, Freire, & Inacio, 2014). Some common types of centralized cloud data
storage include:
Networked Attached Storage (NAS)
Storage Virtualization
Hyperconverged Storage (HCS)
Decentralized storage is a system in which information is stored on multiple computers (called nodes) on a decentralized network
(Andoni et al., 2019). Decentralized storage shares similarities with centralized cloud storage as users can request and receive data
upon authorization and authentication on the network. Decentralized storage secures data stored in the network by automatically
encrypting les, wherein only an encryption key can decrypt the data, ensuring security and proper access (Huang et al., 2020).
Furthermore, through a process of sharding data, no single entity holding your information has the entirety of it. This, along with
digital signatures and other traditional security techniques can ensure the security and privacy of data stored on decentralized net-
works. In comparison, centralized cloud storage keeps data in a central point, which can result in performance issues related to
competing for bandwidth (van Steen & Tanenbaum, 2016). The nature of decentralized storage enables retrieval of data to be handled
by nearby peers regardless of physical location. This can also result in higher transfer speeds due to utilizing local network bandwidth.
3.4. Cryptography concepts
Blockchain and traditional cyber security approaches heavily rely on cryptography to ensure security and privacy throughout
digital storage and transfer systems (Shi et al., 2020). Our proposed hOCBS system utilizes many aspects of and layers of cryptography,
along with a novel data storage and privacy-by-design infrastructure to create an optimal system for healthcare data storage and
transfer. Some of the core concepts used are:
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Asymmetric Encryption
Digital Signatures
Secure Multiparty Computation (SMPC)
Trusted Execution Environments (TEE)
Veriable Computation
The value of combining certain cryptographic techniques with specic data storage types can enable highly available and scalable
systems that maintain the security and privacy of traditional centralized data storage systems (Shi et al., 2020). Hashing, PKI, and
asymmetric encryption are core cryptography techniques that are the foundation of blockchain technology (Yaga, Mell, Roby, &
Scarfone, 2019). Digital Signatures is a broad scoped area of cryptography which underpins digital identity. In a healthcare infor-
mation management system focused on data storage and transfer, it is integrally important to collect, verify, and conrm identity in the
system due to the highly private nature and compliance requirements associated with data being accessed. SMPC, TEE, and veriable
computation are all security techniques used to mitigate the security and privacy issues that are introduced by distributed and
decentralized systems and will be discussed in the context of our proposed hOCBS framework.
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Information Processing and Management 58 (2021) 102535
4. Characteristics of OCBS systems
4.1. Central tenets of OCBS
Examining the central tenets of OCBS systems starts with a discussion of the general technical objectives of off-chain systems, which
focus on reducing computational load and data storage on blockchain networks (Eberhardt & Tai, 2017). Traditionally, data contents
are locally stored directly on distributed nodes of a blockchain, leading to higher operating costs and hampering scalability (Yu, Li, &
He, 2020). Hence, off-chaining is proposed as a method to enhance blockchain scalability and privacy, regardless of the permis-
siveness of a network (Eberhardt & Heiss, 2018).
Off-chain systems can enable scalability when the blockchain is used to reference or validate an off-chain data asset, without the
need to store the data explicitly on the blockchain (Hardin & Kotz, 2021; Hepp, Sharinghousen, Ehret, Schoenhals, & Gipp, 2018).
However, these off-chain systems lose their utility if they compromise fundamental properties central to blockchain advantages, such
as enhancing data security, trust, and immutability (Eberhardt & Tai, 2018). Two of the primary challenges in this area are ensuring
data integrity and data availability, as a blockchain loses an inherent advantage if it cannot ensure the trustworthiness of its associated
data (Warren & Bandeali, 2017). Off-chain systems can also slow down blockchain computational output due to the unavailability of
off-chain information that needs to be retrieved and veried before the computing phase (Eberhardt & Tai, 2017). Hence, existing
research on OCBS focuses on experimentation to mitigate the degradation of data integrity and data availability (Poon & Dryja, 2016).
Blockchain systems also face challenges with scalability when managing large data sets, a key factor hampering broader adoption
and moving blockchains into production in enterprise environments (Herrera-Joancomartí & P
a, 2016). One of the reasons is
the limited size of blocks on a blockchain, essentially making it difcult to store more complex data other than state of data, transaction
history, registry entries, and hashes on a block (Sadhya & Sadhya, 2018). One solution is to use off-chain storage to store and access
larger and higher complexity data through a hash pointer. For example, off-chain data may be linked with on-chain transactions that
contain relevant metadata or state of data that takes up much of the on-chain data storage (Xu, Weber, & Staples, 2019). The on-chain
metadata allows the secure proof and auditing mechanism that off-chain data was not tampered with or modied (Eberhardt & Heiss,
2018). Application developers can also determine what levels of availability, access and linkage they need between on-chain and
off-chain data processes (Paik et al., 2019). For example, there may be different security credentials such as a public-private key pair
protecting off-chain data (Lewison & Corella, 2016).
Critically, these off-chain systems must maintain certain functionality in order to be properly implemented on a blockchain through
hash pointers. Off-chain systems also need to be properly backed up and distributed to avoid single points of failure, maintain stability
with high accessibility, and offer unbreakable connectivity between the blockchain and off-chain storage sources during possible
attacks (Eberhardt & Tai, 2017). The data stored on-chain must be immutable and unmodiable and have a system to generate unique
signiers to integrate the blockchain network with off-chain storage locations. This is extremely important to maintain the deter-
ministic nature of blockchain technology as off-chain data must always be retrievable given the input from the application layer or a
smart contract (Eberhardt & Tai, 2017). Data stored off-chain may also be modied, though such modications must be tracked in the
on-chain network (Xiao, Zhang, Lou, & Hou, 2019). For example, if a row in an off-chain relational database table is modied, this
should be recorded in the on-chain network and a new signier should be generated wherein a new pointer is generated to the modied
4.2. OCBS design constructs
In order to strike a balance between maintaining utility of key blockchain features and also ensuring scalability and data integrity,
Table 1
OCBS design constructs.
Design Feature Denition Example
On-chain Transaction Execution [not OCBS but
default for most blockchain systems]
Standard blockchain architecture wherein all the data is stored on the blockchain and
distributed to connected nodes and all computation to write transactions, validate
transactions, and distribute blocks is done through the blockchain network.
Off-chain Storage Off-chain storage refers to storing data on an Off-chain node. An Off-chain node is an
arbitrary computing machine not necessarily part of the blockchain network.
Off-chain Computation Off-chain computation is an execution model where the state transition function is
computed by an Off-chain Node and the resulting state then persists on-chain after
verication of the computation of the state transition.
Hybrid Off-Channing Hybrid off-chaining, is the set of designs that combine off-chain state and off-chain
computations in arbitrary ways and potentially in conjunction with on-chain processing.
Raiden Network
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Information Processing and Management 58 (2021) 102535
Table 2.
Summary of off-chain storage approaches.
Off-chain storage
Description Storage Method Advantages
Swarm Swarm is a distributed storage platform and content distribution
service that stores data redundantly and distributed over
multiple nodes, built as a native layer to the Ethereum Web3
stack It is primarily designed to store Ethereums public records
but also can store other types of les.
Swarm is DDoS-resistant, fault-tolerant, and censorship-resistant
during large-scale operation. Swarm stores information in P2P
networks separate from on-chain Ethereum storage in basic units
called chunks, which are limited in size. Chunks of data are
assigned a unique identier known as a reference that allows
clients to retrieve and access les.
Swarm is DDoS-resistant, fault-tolerant, and censorship-
resistant during large-scale operation. Swarm philosophy is
very anti-censorship and utilizes an incentive system to
motivate peers to offer data storage, which can even penalize
a peer for losing the hosted data of another party.
File System)
IPFS is a distributed le management system with the goal of
connecting computing devices with the same les. IPFS is a
platform agnostic decentralized storage system and is linked to a
cryptocurrency called FileCoin to incentive consumers to make
storage available to the IPFS network.
IPFS identies a les content with its hash value while storing it
in a Merkle directed-acyclic graph (DAG) for fast access (Benet,
2014). Hash values created on IPFS are unique, enabling
distributed hash table (DHT) systems like Coral and Kademlia to
take advantage of their ability to enable constant lookup times.
This allows IPFS systems to act as a distributed repository for
data that can be queried and linked based on a unique hash value
through a DHT.
IPFS can transport large les, split into multiple parts called
chunks, each with by default, a maximum size of 256 kB. In
place of the le on the DHT, a list of the chunk addresses is
StorJ StorJ is a network of distributed and encrypted data storage that
splits a le into different shards, which then get encrypted on
the client site for uploading to different storage nodes. The hash
value of the original le is used and supplemented with ordering
information of the blocks. StorJ uses a DHT to locate all the
shards and piece them together. These les are also encrypted
before sharing and the person uploading it has their own private
key to validate ownership.
As individual/private computers or servers can be used, the
shards are stored redundantly on multiple machines. Further, the
storage owner gets an incentive payment after checking the
availability and integrity of the data from time to time. Splitting,
hashing and encrypting has to be done by the publisher of the
le, an approach that is generally computationally intensive for
the client.
The developer of StorJ (Storj Labs) also runs a for-prot
business that rents out its network to thousands of users and
charges for the network usage. This represents a more
centralized model and draws comparisons with traditional
cloud storage services such as Dropbox and Google Drive.
StorJ has recently developed an integration with IPFS where
users can upload and store les to the Storj network through
the IPFS system.
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OCBSutilize different design constructs (See Table 1). On-chain transaction execution is generally the default for standard blockchain
architecture, where data is not only stored on-chain, but also enables on-chain transactions to occur without the need to interface with
off-chain computational resources (Eberhardt & Heiss, 2018). Following, traditional on-chain storage and transaction environments,
there are generally three design constructs for OCBS including: (1) off-chain storage; (2) off-chain computation; and (3) hybrid
off-chaining (Eberhardt & Heiss, 2018).
Hybrid off-chaining refers to an OCBS that combines both off-chain storage and off-chain computation as further discussed below.
There are a number of different implementations of hybrid off-chain system due to all the potential combinations of off-chain storage
and computational design features. This makes it difcult to describe hybrid off-chain systems in a general manner. However, some
popular implementations of hybrid off-chaining include payment channel protocols such as the Lightning Network (Bitcoin) and the
Raiden Network (Ethereum). Computation/State transitions are agreed upon by participant signatures and transactions are tempo-
rarily stored off-chain and committed to the network upon verication. Plasma is another hybrid off-chain system that combines off-
chain state storage and off-chain computations by building a hierarchy of blockchains to achieve high scalability.
4.2.1. Off-chain data storage
Off-chain storage refers to any data storage that resides external to on-chain data. Therefore, traditional data stores such as DAS,
NAS, storage visualization, centralized databases, cloud computing, and physical servers, are considered off-chain storage and can be
incorporated into OCBS. However, other decentralized data storage platforms are being developed in order to better align with
blockchain technology different from traditional storage approaches. Off-chain storage is important for healthcare data storage for
both privacy and scalability reasons. Many types of healthcare data are subject to regulatory requirements that require controlled and
secure environments (e.g. HIPAA-compliant databases/storages), often not compatible with public storage (whether encrypted or not),
therefore requiring off-chain storage (Pasquale & Ragone, 2014). By connecting off-chain healthcare data stores the friction regarding
data transfer is signicantly decreased. Furthermore, access and modication of data can be tracked in order to establish better data
There are a variety of open-source projects for decentralized data storage. Three popular decentralized storage systems are Swarm,
IPFS and StorJ (Huang et al., 2020) (see Table 2). Overall, Swarm, IPFS, and StorJ have many similarities but also introduce different
approaches to decentralized storage that can be adopted for different use cases, including healthcare. IPFS represents a platform
agnostic approach to distributing data for purposes of linkage via hash values and is the most popular and mature of decentralized
storage solutions and has been proposed for other blockchain-based data storage systems (Khalid, et al., 2021). Swarm enables data
redundancy and anti-censorship incentivization for distributed storage, as well as being built into the base layer of the Ethereum Web3
stack. StorJ enables both distributed data storage and encryption on multiple personal and enterprise machines and offers
consumer-friendly and dynamic usability that promotes adoption.
P2P le sharing was made popular by torrenting platforms such as LimeWire. The decentralized storage platforms outlined above
improve on these P2P systems by incorporating incentivization mechanisms, along with encryption, security and integrity features.
However, certain use cases require a centralized data store to be used. Depending on the type of data, storage needs, regulatory re-
strictions, accessibility requirements, and functional integration needed to a blockchain system, all of these off-chain storage ap-
proaches have different and unique capabilities that can be deployed.
4.2.2. Off-chain computation
Public blockchains present a host of potential privacy issues due to transactions being distributed to all participating nodes, which
can also have a negative impact on the overall computational performance of the blockchain network (Eberhardt & Heiss, 2018).
Private blockchains improve privacy issues by specifying authorization rules to join the network. However, if there is a single breach or
mistake in authorization credentials, the improper participant could gain access to transactions distributed to participating nodes.
Off-chaining has been suggested as a solution to address these limitations by ofoading computational efforts and data-storage outside
of the blockchain environment (i.e. processing and validation of transactions) (Eberhardt & Tai, 2017). However, this architecture
introduces issues regarding the availability and immutability of data, which cannot be compromised as they are the dening aspects of
blockchain technology.
Off-chain computation is required in OCBS systems to validate the integrity and correctness of off-chain data storage, as well as
assisting with the scalability of blockchain-based healthcare data storage and transfer systems. Specically, distributed le storage,
such as IPFS, introduces new security and data integrity risks because the physical location of the storage is dynamic. Furthermore,
processing large amounts of data may be computationally expensive and slow down on-chain activity. For example, querying large
EHR, clinical, and genomic datasets may require signicant computational logic and processing (Schadt, Linderman, Sorenson, Lee, &
Nolan, 2010).
Off-chain computation can be used in a variety of ways and can integrate certain cryptographic techniques to mitigate issues that
arise from using OCBS. Off-chain computation is often used to perform state transition and computational logic to speed up and bypass
on-chain verication and data distribution. These types of off-chain computations often cannot be veried by the same consensus
algorithms used in on-chain computation (Eberhardt & Heiss, 2018). For example, when a payment channel is setup on the Bitcoin
Network through Lightning, the transactions are not veried until the payment channel is closed, improving the speed in which the
Bitcoin currency can be moved. While off-chain computation can reduce redundant processing, the mechanisms involved often
introduce trust issues between parties, which are avoided in traditional on-chain transactions (Eberhardt & Tai, 2017).
Theoretically, in a system where one entitys computers/nodes are validating all transactions on a network, all the other partic-
ipants must trust that entity to act in good-faith and that their validation mechanisms are correct and trustworthy. Hence, a number of
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different off-chain computational models have been conceptualized to address this challenge while also addressing scalability and
privacy (Eberhardt & Tai, 2017). Some popular approaches include Veriable Off-chain Computation, Enclave-based Off-chain
Computation, Secure Multiparty-based Off-chain Computation, and Incentive Driven Off-chain Computation, some of which will be
used in our proposed reference models (see Table 3 for summary).
Table 3.
Summary of off-chain computation approaches.
storage type
Description Technical Requirements/
Advantages Example(s)
Veriable Off-
Veriable Off-chain
Computation utilizes
cryptographic proofs to ensure
the integrity and correctness of
off-chain computations upon
being written to the
blockchain. Veriable Off-
chain Computation is a
technique where an off-chain
node (known as a Prover)
executes a computation and
then publishes the result of that
computational output and
generates a cryptographic
proof attesting to the
computations correctness,
which is then sent to the
blockchain (Eberhardt &
Heiss, 2018). An on-chain node
(known as a Verier) is
designated to verify the proof
and persists the result in case of
The underpinning
cryptographic techniques are
extremely complicated and
there has been extended
research resulting in many
variants of veriable
computation schemes.
Veriable Off-chain
Computation requires
functionality such as Non-
Interactivity, Cheap Verication,
Weak Security Assumptions, and
Zero Knowledge in order to
integrate properly and preserve
the value propositions of
blockchain technology (
Eberhardt & Heiss, 2018).
The major tenant behind
Veriable Off-chain
Computation, is that a
Cryptographic Proong Process
replaces the consensus
algorithm for transaction
Popular Off-Chain Computation
projects include zk-SNARK, the
underlying technology behind
zCash. Zk-SNARK stand for zero-
knowledge succinct Non-
Interactive Argument of
Knowledge and has strong
privacy guarantees enabling
fully encrypted transactions on
the blockchain, while still being
veried for correctness and
integrity. ZoKrates, is a popular
project which is the Ethereum
(Ethereum is a popular public
blockchain environment focused
on smart contract functionality)
implementation of zk-SNARK (
Eberhardt & Tai, 2018).
In this model Trusted
Execution Environments
(TEEs) are used to guarantee
condential and integral code
execution of computational
processes. A TEE is an isolated
and secure processing
environment that protects a
computational execution from
the rest of the system .
Therefore, TEEs can still
perform secure computation
even if a computer has been
accessed in an unauthorized
manner or a bug occurs
anywhere else in the computer.
To guarantee the enclaves
authenticity, an attestation
certied by a trusted external
entity is attached to every
message that is computed and
distributed by the TEE. For
example, private keys are often
embedded into the TEE portion
of the chip during
manufacturing and every
message may be encrypted with
a private key. The private key
ensures a message is coming
from the TEE as the associated
public key would not be able to
properly decrypt any message
signed by a different private
This approach enables
verication of TEE execution
and adds an extra security layer
if a TEE computational result
was intercepted .
An example of an Enclave-based
Off-chain computation is Intel
SGX, which is used as the
Trusted Execution Environment
(TEE) for the Hyperledger
Sawtooth PoET algorithm.
based Off-
This type of computation
enables a set of nodes to
compute functions on secret
data in a way that none of the
nodes ever has access to the
data in its entirety .
SMPC is a subeld of
cryptography that enables
parties to jointly compute a
function over their inputs while
keeping those inputs private.
SMTP assures security and
integrity of communication or
storage of participants privacy
from each other (in a shared
network) (Lindell, 1AD).
One Secure Multiparty-based
Off-chain computation is used
by a project called zkChannels,
designed to build a modular
privacy preserving transactional
layer on-top of many
blockchains created by Bolt
Incentive Driven
IOC utilize systems that assume
economical and rational
behavior of blockchain
participants who will strive to
maximize their own utility (
Eberhardt & Heiss, 2018).
System rules can be enforced by
retaining deposits as a leverage
against contravening activity
and by nancially rewarding
desired behavior. For example,
an entity may be required to
deposit collateral in order to use
their resources for off-chain
computation. In the event error
and malicious behavior occurs,
the collateral would be lost to
the system.
IOC systems use nancial rules
to ensure private and secure
One incentive driven off-chain
computation is called
ChainLink, which is a
decentralized Oracle designed to
eliminate any one point of
failure and incentive Oracle
smart contracts that are highly
secure, reliable, and
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5. Design characteristics of healthcare blockchains
We now pivot to an assessment of how to apply blockchain technology concepts and central tenets of OCBS to health-related
distributed data governance. Specically, these concepts are mapped to our proposed hOCBS framework that emphasizes a patient-
centered privacy-preserving approach to ensuring the resilience, provenance, traceability, and management of different forms of
healthcare data. Factors such a scalability, accessibility, portability, identity validation, and maintaining the overall utility of data to
effectuate healthcare transactions and processes, must be evaluated to determine optimal design features. Our modular framework also
focuses on ensuring system architecture maximizes the benets of OCBS in alignment with security and privacy legal requirements
across different types of healthcare data. In conceptualizing our hOCBS framework, we adopt the Fit-for-Purpose (FIP) design
framework by Mackey et al. Specically, the FIP considers the following key design principles: (a) the general type of blockchain being
developed (public, private, or consortium); (b) developing a data governance approach that includes identifying nodes in the
blockchain network, their respective roles, and their decision-making process; and (c) deciding on a permissions structure for
blockchain participants and assets (Mackey et al., 2019). Each of these hOCBS characteristics is described below and then discussed in
the context of specic reference models.
5.1. Healthcare-centric data governance
Data governance denes decision-making and responsibility rights for a system or organizations use of data, executed based on
agreed-upon models that describe the actions, actors, and circumstances to perform data-related processes (Abraham, Schneider, &
Brocke, 2019). Data governance related to the use of healthcare data is of particular importance due to strategic business and regu-
latory requirements specic to the industry, including interoperability with other data systems (such as in and between EHRs, patient
portals, and patient and provider directories), strict compliance with HIPPA and the management of PHI, and ensuring data maintains
utility for its diverse set of users including patients/consumers, providers, healthcare administrators, and researchers (Hripcsak, et al.,
It is also critical that healthcare data governance dene decision-making and responsibility rights between internal and external
organizations that may be involved in multiparty healthcare transactions. Healthcare delivery is not only complex, but also involves
the coordination of care across multiple stakeholders, including different clinicians/providers, hospital systems, healthcare admin-
istrators, payers/insurers, and of course the patient and their families (DAmore, Sittig, & Ness, 2012). Hence, distributed governance
needs to ensure not only that information is communicated safely and securely, but also in a manner where robust identication and
authentication schemes can validate identify of involved parties (Berdik et al., 2021).
Adding an additional layer of complexity is the policy environment that governs healthcare practice, coverage, and reimbursement,
which can directly impact the availability and usability of healthcare data (Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Regional Health
Data Networks, Donaldson & Lohr, 1994). For example, national and state-level health and insurance policy often dene different
levels of healthcare coverage, which can lead to data silos, lack of health data portability, and challenges with interoperability in
comparison to single-payer or universal healthcare systems (Institute of Medicine (US)National Academy of Engineering (US)
Roundtable on Value & Science-Driven Health Care, 2011). All these factors need to be considered when devising good governance
approaches to managing healthcare data regardless of technology utilized.
5.2. Blockchain system design for healthcare
Healthcare-related blockchains are often structured as private or consortium (also known as hybrid) designs. This differs from
public or openblockchain systems that allow public participation and have a wider user base to maximize decentralization, yet with
no central authority. Public blockchain networks are the common design for many popular cryptocurrencies (e.g. the bitcoin block-
chain). In contrast, private blockchain networks require participants or nodes to have their identity validated and pre-determined and
are closed to the public (Zhuang, Sheets, Shae, Tsai, & Shyu, 2018). A private blockchain network, also known as a permission-based
blockchain, is preferred for healthcare use cases because of requirements for identity validation tied to levels of privacy and per-
missions to manage access to data (Pirtle & Ehrenfeld, 2018). By their denition, private blockchains have an owner or operator that
determines the governance of the blockchain (such as who can join, permission structures, and rules about reading and writing to the
ledger) and are inherently less decentralized than public blockchains.
Consortium-based blockchains combine elements of both public and private blockchains. In this sense, consortium blockchains are
similar to private blockchains as they are not open to public participation, but instead participation is granted to a group of entities/
organizations that meet certain pre-established credentials or criteria set by the consortium (Mackey et al., 2019). However, they are
also similar to public blockchains as their operation is not limited to a single entity, but instead granted in a semi-decentralized manner
by consortium members. Hence, consortium blockchains have their participation and authority more distributed and de-centralized
compared to private blockchains and also allow pre-dened participation of nodes to smaller groups that share a common goal in
the operation of the blockchain network.
Private and consortium blockchain approaches offer distributed networks that can enable more compatible health data governance
that validates digital identity for the purposes of data storage, access and sharing (Azaria, Ekblaw, Vieira, & Lippman, 2016). For
example, patients can leave and rejoin a blockchain system multiple times, for arbitrary periods, and always regain access to their
history by querying, linking and decrypting on-chain transactions written to the ledger associated with their validated digital identity.
As long as there are nodes participating in the network, the blockchain log is maintained along with the historical record and
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provenance of that data. Hence, both private and consortium-based blockchain designs can enable shared healthcare data management
tied to digital identity. These systems can also benet from other key blockchain advantages of immutability, creating a central record
of data management agreed to by all participants, an audit log, and enabling data access based on rules set by the network (Mackey
et al., 2019).
Further enabling private and consortium blockchain designs in healthcare are OCBS characteristics, which ensure the correct
balance between on-chain and off-chain storage and computation, while also enabling more dynamic permission structures. Other
Table 4.
Examples of healthcare data permission structures and roles adopted from MedRec.
Stakeholder Role Example of Implementation
Patients/Data Owners The patient role is the primary data owner of
information throughout the framework and choices
about data access and availability are dictated by
these preferences through smart contracts. The
patient smart contract functions as an authorizer for
patient data and an audit trail for participants in the
system to locate their medical record history or other
forms of healthcare-related data.
Relevant smart contracts contain references to
Patient-Provider Relationships (PPRs) or other
relationships with stakeholders in the system. These
references represent all the participants previous and
current engagements with other nodes in the system.
Patients, for instance, would have their timestamped
data structure populated with references to all care
providers they have been engaged with or anyone
who has accessed their data. The patient smart
contract also implements functionality to enable user
System Administrators This global role maps participant identication codes
to their blockchain wallet address used to identify
nodes performing transactions in the blockchain
network (e.g. healthcare administrators, staff
involved in reimbursement, etc.). Mapping
identication codes to blockchain wallet addresses
allows integration into existing healthcare ID
systems. Policies coded into the system administrator
smart contract can regulate registering new identities
or changing the mapping of existing ones. Identity
registration can thus be restricted only to certied
institutions, providers, and patients.
The system administrator will be connected to an
Oracle Smart contract that will enable the verication
of identication in third-party databases such as
licensing databases, patient and provider directories,
Medicare eligibility databases, etc.
Healthcare Providers The provider role is associated with licensed
healthcare providers and must be veried from
external data sources (e.g. provider directories,
National Practitioner Data Bank, etc.) in order to
obtain access into the system. Providers in the system
set the relationship status in their patientssmart
contract whenever they update records or as part of
creating a new physician-patient relationship.
Accordingly, the patients can poll their smart
contract and be notied whenever a new relationship
is suggested, or an update is available. Patients can
accept, reject or delete relationships, deciding which
records in their history they acknowledge.
The Provider Smart Contract establishes a PPR
between two nodes in the system when one node
stores and manages medical records for the other.
While we use the case of care provider and patient,
this notion extends to any pairwise data stewardship
interaction. The PPR denes an assortment of data
pointers and associated access permissions that
identify the records held by the provider. Each
pointer consists of a query string that, when executed
on the providers database, returns a subset of patient
data. The query string is afxed with the hash of this
data subset, to guarantee that data have not been
altered at the source. Additional information
indicates where the providers database can be
accessed in the network, i.e. hostname and port in a
standard network topology. The data queries and
their associated information are crafted by the care
provider and modied when new records are added.
To enable patients to share records with others, a
dictionary implementation (hash table) maps
viewersaddresses to a list of additional query strings.
Each string can specify a portion of the patients data
to which the third-party viewer is allowed access.
Other Third Parties that seek to access or
provide Healthcare Data (e.g.
Researchers, Population and Behavioral
Health companies, etc.)
Given our framework is based on a Consortium
blockchain design, other third parties such as
research entities, non-prot organizations, and
health and wellness companies seeking access to
healthcare data will need to go through a screening
process in order to be included as consortium
members. Consortium members will acknowledge
that any access to off-chain data will be governed by
smart contract provisions dictated by the individual
and relevant privacy regulations depending on the
type of data.
Third parties will only be able to access data wherein
the data owner has explicitly opted-in upon a third-
party request to access data. Furthermore, they will
only have specic rights in the blockchain network
such as read only, single-use access upon an opt-in
access grant from the data owner, verication
through an external database and extending the on-
boarding requirement process that can be agreed
upon through network consensus.
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fundamental technical components of this blockchain-based infrastructure critical in their integration with OCBS are validation,
consensus and digital identity.
5.3. Healthcare data permission structures
Structuring data permissions on a blockchain is driven by privacy considerations, which in turn can originate from different legal
interpretations. Generally, privacy includes the two fundamental concepts of anonymity and condentiality. In blockchain terms,
anonymity focuses on concealing the parties to a transaction, and condentiality addresses the need to hide transaction details. Certain
privacy regulations, including GDPR provisions, align with blockchain approaches that are geared towards improving data portability,
data traceability, lawful access auditability, and consent management (Hawig, Zhou, Fuhrhop, Fialho, & Ramachandran, 2019). This is
particularly true with private or consortium blockchain approaches, where transactions of digital records can be deleted or modied
depending on the use of off-chain storage and consensus algorithms (Puthal, Mohanty, Yanambaka, & Kougianos, 2020). However,
blockchain systems must also take into account other provisions of GDRP that may be less compatible with distributed information
systems, such as having the right to be forgottenor automated smart contract execution that may limit a users control and autonomy
over their data (Mirchandani, 2019).
Hence, the rst step in dening rules about privacy on a blockchain is by developing permission structures at a granular level with
appropriate verication and authentication to identity of parties (Berdik et al., 2021). This includes the use of smart contracts with
privacy features imbedded in their structural design, such as conferring access to a patients personal information only to those granted
lawful access (Dwivedi, Srivastava, Dhar, & Singh, 2019). Permission structures are also important when considering consortium
blockchains where participants may be in coopetition(i.e. when enterprises collaborate in the business network to achieve a mutual
objective, while also actively competing with each other) (Dagher, Mohler, Milojkovic, & Marella, 2018). In this case, not only is the
patient data subject to privacy restrictions, but underlying business and transaction data between parties can also be deemed as highly
sensitive and condential. For this reason, user identity should be mapped to specic smart contract addresses in order to ensure
proper use of the system and restrict user functionality based on their roles in the system. For example, a patient would only have the
functionality to change, modify, or specify access to data tied to their validated digital identify.
As private and consortium blockchain designs are the most compatible approach for healthcare use cases, understanding how to
formulate permissions structures as a critical interface between on-chain and off-chain data storage and computation while preserving
privacy is critical (Cao, Sun, & Min, 2020). The multi-stakeholder nature of healthcare necessitates that multiple parties have access to
data in order to effectuate optimal clinical decision-making, improve patient safety, and enable better population health outcomes.
Hence, validated digital identity on blockchains using pre-dened roles that dictate data access privileges (both read and write)
governed by smart contacts forms the basis for how we conceptualize a hybrid OCBS health information management system.
To further illustrate how this permission structure would work for different stakeholders, we describe blockchain permission-based
roles in Table 4 that are adopted from the blockchain solution MedRec operated by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Azaria et al.,
2016). However, we note that the privacy-preserving emphasis of our framework necessitates placing the patient/consumer at the
center of this permissions structure though validation of their digital identity as will be discussed in the reference models.
6. hOCBS health data framework reference models
6.1. Reference model framework design
We developed three reference models for our conceptual hOCBS framework in order to better illustrate the real-world utility and
application of the framework to different forms of healthcare data. We focused on three distinct types of healthcare data due to their
different purposes, sources of information, use and ownership, and legal treatment that include PHI, CHI, and genomic data.
Importantly, all of these approaches utilize a hybrid off-chain architecture that combines on-chain storage and off-chain storage as well
as off-chain computational approaches adapted to the specic needs of the healthcare data use case.
Different types of off-chain storage will be used based on the needs for distributed data storage, regulatory compliance, redun-
dancy, and security. Different off-chain computation approaches will focus on verifying the credentials and identity of the data owner
coupled with determining the integrity and correctness of data storage for purposes of on-chain and off-chain interaction. Issues related
to ensuring scalability of healthcare blockchain systems and enabling efcient computation of blockchain-related information stored
on-chain and off-chain are also important considerations incorporated into each of these reference models.
A core foundation of all three reference models is validating to the sovereign digital identity of the patient/consumer. Given this
identity-centric approach, all reference models utilize a Proof-of-Authority (PoA) consensus mechanism. PoA is a consensus method
that species a designated number of participants with the power to validate transactions or interactions on the network. As a general
approach, the on-chain storage of each reference model will only act as a de-identied access log and provide linkage to off-chain data
storage. The on-chain computation that occurs on these reference models will be used to validate the access logs and data linkage
pointers to off-chain datasets.
Each of our three reference models starts with a depiction of the general blockchain architectural components and its specic off-
chain functions and application layers. This includes the core functions of blockchain data, which may include certain transaction
data/metadata or state-of-data information residing on-chain. The data layer represents where and what data resides on-chain and off-
chain, as well as the interaction between these data assets. The core design features of the blockchain are also identied, including
whether the blockchain is private or consortium. Finally, an application feature layer that consists of blockchain-enabled technology
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applications (discussed below) are identied. A summary of the pros and cons of hOCBS design features is also summarized in Table 5.
Additionally, a summary of the design principles of each of the reference models is provided in Table 6.
6.2. hOCBS blockchain application and features layers
We also identify the blockchain application feature layers that should be incorporated into our reference models in order to enable
utility of a privacy-preserving health information management system, centered on patient/consumer digital identity verication. The
specic blockchain application and feature layers adopted in our proposed hOCBS framework include smart contracts, digital wallets,
and tokens. Smart contracts will dictate the ow of information creation, access, retrieval, and deletion, while also allowing records
and information to be stored on-chain via a digital ledger and off-chain via OCBS (Chatterjee, Goharshady, & Velner, 2018). A digital
wallet, a type of distributed application (Dapp) that holds veriable credentials about an identity and enables the signing and sub-
mitting of a transaction through an off-chain construct (e.g. private keys), will authorize healthcare data-related transactions in a
secure and patient-centric manner (Mikula & Jacobsen, 2018). Tokens, whether they be in the form of utility tokens (used for a specic
purpose) or security tokens (ownership in an asset), can be used to encourage certain behavior on the network, such as enabling
commoditization of healthcare data assets or encouraging positive health behavior change through token-based incentives (Dimitrov,
Our hOCBS framework envisions combining these different feature layers to address current challenges of fragmented healthcare
data governance for the purposes of improving data portability, transparency, and patient-centered data stewardship. For example, if a
patient moves from one provider to another, oftentimes there is no automatic way for healthcare records to be transferred and made
visible to the patient in a consolidated way (i.e. patients may have to access separate provider patient portals for their full medical
history). Similarly, healthcare providers often rely on multiple databases populated with different forms of patient information
(Vazirani, 2019). However, these siloed databases can be too restrictive in allowing for appropriate sharing of data between provider
parties, particularly in the absence of the patient serving as an intermediary to provide data access permission (Lokhande, Mukadam,
Chikane, & Bhonsle, 2020). To address this, our framework puts the patient/consumer as the central intermediary within a distributed
permissioned-blockchain network, allowing them to control the ow of data access per specic rules pre-determined in smart contracts
that are also subject to applicable privacy requirements depending on the type of data.
Specically, the terms of data access and sharing will be explicitly dened into the smart contract layer based on the health data
classication and relevant schema (e.g. PHI, CHI, genomic data). This will enable the individual to act as the data steward for their own
health information with associated visibility to the terms dictating how their data is shared, and who gained access to their data. This
user-centered decision-making is also important to enabling dynamic consent management, where the user has the ability to adap-
tively change their consent to who can access their data, an approach that aligns with HIPAA and GDPR requirements (European
Parliament, 2019). Importantly, permission preferences and consent versioning will be logged and recorded on-chain in a way that
does not expose the underlining off-chain healthcare data itself and ensures its underlining security.
In the absence of blockchain and smart contract functionality, conrming what the individual has consented to in regard to data
management falls back to paper and electronic-based consents that are static, or confusing terms of use and privacy statements dictated
by platforms and providers that are not patient-centric or participatory. This can lead to data portability and sharing being delayed,
mistaken, or potentially subject to greater risk of accidental disclosure, fraud or hacking.
6.3. hOCBS healthcare data reference models
6.3.1. Reference model 1: protected health information
The rst reference model will focus on the most highly regulated form of healthcare data; Protected Health Information (PHI). The
treatment of PHI is governed by the HIPAA Privacy Rule, which denes it as any information in a medical record that can be used to
identify an individual, and that was created, used, or disclosed in the course of providing a healthcare service (e.g. diagnosis or
treatment). In this sense, PHI focuses on information that identies an individual patient, is linked to medical records and is created in
the course of provisioning of healthcare services (National Academies, 2009).
Table 5.
Pros and cons of hOCBS features.
Design Feature Pros Cons
Distributed / Modular Data Storage and
access/modication logs
Non-Siloed Databases, Increased Transparency of
data to patient, Standardized Data Structures
Implementation Cost, Integration Issues, Attack Vectors of
distributed ledger technology
Transfer and Access Control of Data
controlled through Smart Contracts
Enhanced Security, Community Governance,
Automated execution of rules
Smart contract bugs, Updating Smart contract features,
incorrect/malicious information written to on-chain storage
Dual Traditional and Smart Contract
Enhanced Security, Identity tied to specic
functionality in the system
UI/UX of multi-factor authentication, added complexity to
identity system
Data Integrity/Correctness Verication Trust improved by automation/software, Enables
integration to modular and distributed data storage
Bugs with data integrity/correctness, added computational
processing to transfer data
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HIPAA also focuses on two specic healthcare stakeholders in its compliance obligations; the Covered Entity (e.g. the healthcare
provider, plan or clearinghouse, CE) and the Business Associate (i.e. an organization that performs services on behalf of the Covered
Entity and requires access or use of PHI, BA). Once deemed PHI, there are specic administrative, physical and technical controls and
safeguards that must be implemented by HIPAA BAs and CEs for the purposes of data condentiality, integrity, and availability
(including the right for patients to obtain a copy of PHI). De-identication of PHI in order to relieve it from HIPAA obligations requires
it to be stripped of 18 identiers that constitute personally identiable information (PII).
Given these regulatory obligations are focused on healthcare providers, administrators, and intermediaries, our rst reference
model (see Fig. 1) focuses on the management of PHI on a consortium blockchain model involving different organizations that are
legally classied as Covered Entities and Business Associates, but also includes the patient at the center of this network, a party not
traditionally included in this exchange process. Specically, this consortium blockchain would invoke smart contracts dictated by
Table 6.
Summary of design characteristics of reference models.
Protected Health Information (PHI) Consumer Health Information (CHI) Genomic Data
Network Type Consortium Consortium Consortium
Consensus Mechanism PoA PoA PoA
On-Chain Storage Access Logs, Linkage Access Logs, Linkage Access Logs, Linkage
On-Chain Computation Validation of Access Logs Validation of Access Logs Validation of Access Logs
Off-Chain Storage Central IPFS Modular
Off-Chain Computation Veriable Off-Chain Computation, TEE SMPC, Incentive Veriable Off-Chain Computation, SMPC
Incentive None (Regulatory) Token Token
Fig. 1. PHI reference model
Description: The PHI reference model is the most restrictive and wherein the smart contract that is executed is specied by the data owners pre-
dened consent and legal requirements of the relevant privacy policy (i.e. HIPAA) which requests validation of identity of requestor, maintains
private key and public key management, and grants or denies data access off-chain. Centralized Storage in Healthcare Facilities must still be
implemented to maintain regulatory compliance.
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patient data access privileges linked to each provider portal or EHR (retrieving medical records from these off-chain sources that hold
personal health records) and populating it into a digital wallet linked to a patients digital identity to enable greater health record
portability facilitated by the patients own participation.
Importantly, there are strict technical requirements for safeguards regarding where PHI is held. Distributed storage frameworks do
not meet these criteria due to their non-specied physical location of storage. Therefore, the off-chain storage mechanism will remain
located in healthcare facilities that generate PHI in an EHR or other sources. However, on-chain linkage is critical to enable the patient
to specify access and transfer of PHI. Specically, Veriable Off-Chain Computation can be used to generate proofs regarding access
granted to specic clinicians, healthcare facilities, and administrators. The verication process and data linkage from on-chain to off-
chain resources can be done within TEEs to ensure security and integrity as has been suggested for blockchain applications using
mHealth data (Hardin & Kotz, 2021). This will mitigate any improper access of the off-chain PHI data and will create an extra layer of
security dictated by the patient.
The PHI reference model is the most restrictive with rules governing the smart contract specied by the data owners pre-dened
consent and also applicable legal requirements of HIPAA. Records will be shared by the patients different providers who participate in
the consortium blockchain but operate their own distinct EHRs, based on the permission rules set by the patient and any underlining
HIPAA BA agreements, all executed through dynamic consent and smart contract logic/rules. The reference model requests validation
of identity of the requestor and source (BA or CE), maintains private key and public key management, and grants or denies data access
off-chain. Centralized storage in Healthcare Facilities must still be implemented to maintain data security and regulatory compliance
per HIPAA. Permission rules may utilize off-chain storage databases to determine credentials and access of specic entities (e.g. for
example making rules-based distinctions between a requestor who is validated as a licensed private health insurance provider versus
Medicare provider).
The primary use case of this reference model is to enable patient-mediated and centered management of PHI in a secure envi-
ronment with lower computational costs via hybrid on-chain and off-chain storage and computation. Data storage and computational
costs are reduced as data continues to reside off-chain and consensus to write to the chain is based on POA tied to the patient identity.
Costs can further be reduced by removing manual execution of HIPAA legal agreements via smart contract logic that facilities access
and permissions of BAs and CEs with electronic consent by the patient. The real-world application focuses on enhancing portability of
healthcare records subject to HIPAA requirements (the legislative intent of the HIPAA). As the current system is institutional-centric
between HIPAA BAs and CEs, patients currently do not have decentralized health information systems that allow their active
participation in accessing, sharing, and exchanging their healthcare data even though there are requirements for meaningful use.
Hence, the proposed framework will allow healthcare data to remain in off-chain secure storage per HIPAA, but also enable patients to
exchange data to a decentralized group of validated consortium healthcare providers and administrators in order to improve continuity
and quality of care that is currently fragmented between providers, facilities and payers.
The technical blockchain and OCBS components of the PHI reference model were designed to enable patient control and access to
their medical history from off-chain data sources and also have a veried history of all entities that processed or accessed their PHI in a
HIPAA compliant fashion. The PHI reference model is the most rigid and similar to existing health information systems that utilize
traditional data storage and transfer systems but emphasizes a blockchain-mediated form of health information exchange. As stated
previously, it is necessary to utilize existing health information systems (e.g. institutional EHRs) given the regulatory compliance
requirements needed to manage PHI. A summary of the key OCBS features of the reference model are provided below:
OCBS Feature Advantages: Allows data storage to stay on current HIPPA compliant systems, while utilizing the security and
auditability advantages of blockchain technology to enable health information exchange from existing EHR systems or patient
portals with the reference model.
Potential Challenges: Interoperability, integration and data standardization with existing health information systems are chal-
lenges with this model, requiring use of industry standardization of data formats (e.g. HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Re-
sources or IEEE P2418.6 standard for Framework of Distributed Ledger Technology Use in Healthcare and the Life and Social
Security Considerations: Security is added to ensure proper authorization and authentication of both access and modication of
data. Furthermore, cryptographic techniques are used to validate information stored on the connected databases such as TEE and
veriable computation. Multiple layers of security are used to mitigate mistakes, and misuse of the system.
6.2. Reference model 2: consumer health information
The second reference model in our framework is designed for healthcare data that is subject to less stringent privacy requirements;
Consumer Health Information (CHI). CHI generally refers to information on health and diseases that is created for and directed to the
general public, but also includes data that is generated and shared by consumers related to their health, lifestyle and well-being
(Sherif, Pluye, Tho
er, & Rodriguez, 2018). CHI-derived data is diverse, including aforementioned behavior, biometric and sensor
data generated by IoT, wearables, connected medical devices, mHealth apps, consumer health portals, online health coaching plat-
forms, blogs, online forums, social media posts, and other data sources that engage consumers in shared and interactive environments
regarding their health.
The treatment of CHI is not explicitly governed by the HIPAA Privacy Rule if it does not include PII or is not involved in the course
of care by a Covered Entity. In this sense, CHI data (generally any health-related data residing outside of the medical record or that is
not transmitted to a healthcare provider for treatment) is much more expansive in scope and diversity than PHI, and is estimated to see
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rapid increases in data volume (Demiris, 2016; S. Smith & Duman, 2009). Properly utilizing this data opens up many opportunities to
advance individually tailored and personally driven healthcare solutions, such as precision medicine and behavior change and
modication interventions. CHI also raises different privacy considerations regarding the treatment of PII that also includes
health-related status or information but does not legally constitute PHI.
Hence, our second reference model focuses on the control, management, and sharing of CHI that is consumer-centric and subject to
general privacy frameworks such as GDPR and the Federal Trade Commission Act. The second reference model maintains privacy as a
key feature of the architecture, wherein data sharing can be opted into explicitly by the consumer for distributed sharing across a
private blockchain or a trusted consortium or marketplace of vetted participants who agree to ethical principles of using CHI (see
Fig. 2). Distinctly different from the PHI framework is that this data is generated primarily from consumer-initiated sources, though
CHI may nevertheless be fragmented across different platforms, apps, websites, and other data stores. Specically, this model envisions
consumers managing their own CHI in a digital wallet tied to their validated identity governed by smart contracts.
Due to the diversity of types of CHI data, the utility of real-time and connected health data that can enable continuous and remote
monitoring, along with the inherent value of data aggregation to identify broader trends in population health, we adopt IPFS for off-
chain storage management. IPFS enables a fault tolerant, scalable, highly available distributed le store system that can be secured,
modied, and deleted by the user. Sharing data for aggregation and big data analysis means that correct proling of data is critical.
Therefore, TEE will be used to execute any modications to IPFS. Using this approach, CHI data can be retrieved from respective off-
chain sources (APIs, consumer web portal proles, etc.) and shared with participants in exchange for token payments with the con-
sumer deciding what underlining data, metadata, or PII is shared per dynamic smart contract terms. Consumers could also share their
Fig. 2. CHI reference model
Description: The CHI Reference Model utilizes a decentralized storage mechanism such as IPFS. Off-chain computation is executed using a trusted
execution environment (TEE) and using Distributed Hash Tables for fast access to data and verifying identity, and associated access and read
privileges. This, along with dynamic security settings for CHI data access, controlled via a smart contract and a token-based incentive system enables
and promotes sharing of CHI data while maintaining privacy and security of CHI data.
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CHI to researchers through active consent written to the blockchain for clinical, epidemiological and health outcomes research.
The primary goal of this reference model is to manage CHI for the purposes of enhancing sharing in a privacy-preserving manner,
while also helping to develop digital health tools that can provide more personalized care when augmenting clinical data. The
blockchain and OCBS technical components of the CHI reference model were chosen to maximize user control and shareability of data
as use is not as restrictive as PHI under HIPAA. Specically, the CHI reference model is more exible than the PHI reference model and
is designed to optimize data transfer speeds throughout the system. Distributed data storage leveraging IPFS allows users to not only
retrieve CHI, but also host their own content via hash values and content addresses in a platform agnostic environment similar to P2P
networks. Validation of access to and exchange of CHI linked to a consumers digital identity via POA can help ensure fast access,
querying, and sharing governed by smart contract logic specic to a consumers preferences.
Though generating a blockchain P2P distributed network for CHI might concern privacy advocates, the motivation for this
approach would be to enable a privacy-preserving OCBS framework that allows consumer-driven autonomy over CHI in a decen-
tralized manner. Currently, most CHI is subject to a process that is platform-centric, where data is stored and access controlled by
platform owners and their complicated legal terms of use and privacy agreements that do not involve active participation from
consumers who generate CHI (i.e. click thru agreements). Further, storage and computing costs for an IPFS-based CHI framework as
proposed here would likely be minimal (Huang et al., 2020). Currently, most CHI is stored on central server-client architecture,
limiting the speed and accessibility of CHI to both consumers and those who they may want to share it with (e.g. to their healthcare
provider, researchers, health behavior companies, etc.). Enhanced scalability and relative lower costs of computing and storage of IPFS
systems could reduce some of these barriers by decoupling CHI from origin servers, while at the same time ensuring content-addressing
is validated to digital identity/host (Treiblmaier & Beck, 2019). Benets in the context of security could also inure to such systems,
insulating CHI from discontinued services and shut down websites where CHI may be lost to the consumer or subject to DDoS attacks.
In exchange for this autonomy and data resilience, consumers may be more willing to share CHI with outside parties that can put
the data into action for better individual and population health level outcomes. Consumers would be able to change their preferences
based on dynamic consent via smart contracts and could also be incentivized to share data through tokenomics models (which could
also include incentives for health behavior interventions or gamication) in a transparent manner. Built into smart contracts in this
framework is also required legal compliance to FTC and GDRP consumer-focused protections. This includes smart contract requests
originating from the user for record deletion/removal (e.g. GDRP ‘right to be forgotten), rectication, or other revocation of access, all
cryptographically logged and hashed on the blockchain.
Our CHI reference model focuses on the real-world use case of enabling consumers to gain greater control of all the disparate CHI
data they generate on different platforms and applications while using blockchain and OCBS technology features to enable consumer-
centric data stewardship. Due to the distributed nature and massive amounts of CHI data that are subject to less stringent privacy
requirements than PHI, the main OCBS features of this reference model include:
OCBS Feature Advantages: Distributed storage through IPFS that allows faster transfer while also enabling users to store their data
only on their personal storage or devices while maintaining integration to the reference model. Enables opt-in governance to share
information dictated by the consumer and utilizes distributed hash tables for fast lookups in the massive data storage network of
CHI data.
Potential Challenges: Availability and ensuring appropriate data access is the biggest hurdle in the CHI reference model due to the
highly distributed and potentially sparse nature of data that largely still resides in platform-specic storage. Data schema stan-
dardization based on different types of CHI data will also be needed.
Security Considerations: Security is implemented to ensure data is not shared without proper authentication and authorization
from the consumer. Correctness verication is an important security aspect of the CHI reference model because the massive
amounts and sparse distributed nature of storage. End users of CHI data must be ensured that data on distributed storage system has
been collected correctly and not been modied due to a mistake or malicious source.
6.3. Reference model 3: genomics data
The third and last reference model focuses on a unique and growing form of health-related data; genomics data. Generally dened
as data about a persons genes generated by sequencing techniques, this data is also protected by certain regulations (e.g. The Genetic
Information and Nondiscrimination Act and HIPAA) and is a highly debated topic in relation to privacy. Genomic data is also diverse in
both its data characteristics and uses, including array data, exome sequence data, and Whole Genome Sequenced (WGS) data, and can
be collected in clinical, research, commercial, or consumer settings (e.g. direct-to-consumer genetic tests) (Navarro et al., 2019). As the
volume of cost-accessible genomic data exponentially grows (due to the reduction of cost in WGS), concerns about what and how to
store it, what phylogenetic/phenotypical data should be associated with it, deletion/expunging protocols, and whether physical DNA
samples should be stored or destroyed, remain unresolved issues (Gutmann & Wagner, 2013).
Though privacy concerns remain a key topic of debate, the immense value of genomics data to advance precision medicine and
pharmacogenomics has nevertheless been demonstrated by large scale collaboration projects, such as International Cancer Genome
Consortium, which has amassed over 800 terabytes of data on cancerous genomes (Phillips et al., 2020). Several genomics companies
are also attempting to use blockchain technology for purposes of enabling better management, sharing, and control of data in a
privacy-centric fashion (Eman Ahmed, 2019; Thiebes, Schlesner, Brors, & Sunyaev, 2020). Importantly, genomics data requires an
intermediary reference model that can handle large volumes of data (such as raw sequence data), that can facilitate off-chain
computationally intensive analysis, and which enables sharing while emphasizing individual-centered privacy and ownership
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(Ozercan, Ileri, Ayday, & Alkan, 2018). Hence, our third reference model (see Fig. 3) focuses on anonymized and secure multi-factor
consent processes that enables trusted participants on a consortium blockchain to query and access genomics data upon explicit
consent by the individual.
The genomics data reference model utilizes a consortium blockchain network made up again of pre-vetted participants (e.g.
biotechnology companies, researchers, etc.) that uses smart contracts dictated by data owner access privilege preferences similar to our
other reference models. Genomics data storage will be stored off-chain due to on-chain storage restraints and privacy issues. The exact
location of the genomic data storage will be specied by the user upon data generation. For example, a genomics data owner may
choose to store their genomics data in an off-chain private research or trusted third-party database, or they may choose to store their
own genomics data themselves using DAS. A researcher can query the system with a set of characteristics of features of interest, and
upon being identied by the system, a notication will go out to the data owner (if they opted-in) further requesting if they would like
to share their genomics data without explicitly revealing their PII. This design is similar to our CHI reference model, with an added
second layer of authentication, and the rst layer always being encrypted and anonymized.
The primary goal of this reference model is to manage genomics data differently from PHI and CHI, by adding a second layer of
authentication and using off-chain storage approaches that can accommodate larger volumes of data and higher off-chain computa-
tional demands. Aggregate analysis of genomics data can lead to powerful insights. However, the size of these datasets are often much
larger as a whole genome sequencing data is approximately 2.9GB for an individual. Further, as regulations, next generation
sequencing technology, and best practices change around genomics data management, a exible framework is required. Therefore,
modular off-chain storage, wherein the data owner can choose the off-chain storage medium to house their genomic data will be
Here again, distributed storage such as IPFS can improve the scalability and availability of sharing, while a data owner could also
store their data on their own servers/machines and share data upon explicit consent. All of the on-chain storage will be de-identied,
while a veriable off-chain computation approach will be used to prove a genomic dataset has not changed since generated. SMPC may
also be used to perform computational analysis on the genomics data. This is benecial for multiple reasons, as it enhances the security
of any translations made to the genomic data as well as speeds up performance of retrieving and computing large genomic datasets that
Fig. 3. Genomic data reference model
Description: The Genomic Data Reference Model has the most extensive modularity and dynamic settings based on user preferences. Off-Chain
storage can either be in distributed storage, personal storage, or through a third-party service. A second layer of authentication is added via a
phylogenetic off-chain storage mapping, that enables researchers to request access to data from owners without disclosing any private information.
A token-based system, along with a consumer-centric security design promotes sharing of genomic data.
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are stored.
A centralized off-chain database will store mappings of phylogenetic data associated with a de-identied code associated with a
user. When specic types of phylogenetic features are queried, a TEE will perform a query on the centralized off-chain database and
identify the codes associated with these features. This will invoke an explicit notication to the data owner regarding information
about the querying party and details about the proposed usage of the data. The data owner can then decide whether or not to share
their genomic data. The decisions and data transfer will be authenticated by a private key associated with the data owner.
The genomics data reference model is the most dynamic and modular reference model. The genomics reference model was also
designed with the ability to change over time based upon the ongoing regulatory guidance surrounding genomics data. Similar to the
CHI model, the genomics data reference model was designed to optimize data sharing and transfer mediated by the individual,
important due to the extremely impactful nature of genomics data to inform precision medicine and population health issues. Key
OCBS features of this reference model include:
OCBS Feature Advantages:Distributed storage through IPFS which allows faster transfer while also enabling users to store their
data on the storage modality of their choice while still enabling integration to the reference model. The model also utilizes SMPC
and veriable computation to ensure large genomics data maintains integrity and will use opt-in governance to share information.
Potential Challenges: Ensuring correctness and data loss resiliency is the biggest hurdle with the genomics reference model due to
the large le size of WGS.
Security Considerations: Extra security is added to verify the owner approves sharing while maintaining anonymity. This is due to
genomics data value having a high reliance on phylogenetic data.
7. Evaluation framework
7.1. Performance evaluation
In order to appropriately assess the potential utility of real-world deployment of our hOCBS framework, we propose an evaluation
framework adopted from the literature on health information systems. Specically, we adopt Yusof et al.s Human-Organization-
Technology Fit (HOT-t) framework for purposes of evaluating the potential performance of our reference models when compared
to traditional health information systems (Yusof, Kuljis, Papazafeiropoulou, & Stergioulas, 2008). The HOT-t framework is an
evaluation framework built on the Information Systems Success Model (IS Model) and the IT Organizational Fit Model (IT Model)
(Yusof, Paul, & Stergioulas, 2006). Holistically, the IT Model is an evaluation based on a dynamic equilibrium of organizational
components including business strategy, organizational structure, management processes, and roles and skills.
The HOT-t Framework can be broken down into eight dimensions: System Quality, Information Quality, Service Quality, System
Use, User Satisfaction, Organizational Structure, Organizational Environment and Net Benets. Both the human and organizational
aspects of the HOT-t framework will be evaluated in the future through iterative testing, industry use cases, and semi-structured
interviews with healthcare stakeholders and patient/consumer stakeholders who will utilize the user interface components of the
reference model solutions, an approach that has been used in other blockchain prototype evaluations (Putz, Dietz, Empl, & Pernul,
2021). Specic measures to evaluate performance of the system will include: (1) the response time and availability of data in the
hOCBS system compared to other healthcare data storage and transfer systems; and (2) quantitative measurement of storage and
computing costs of the system compared to current stand-alone information management systems.
Anticipated outcomes include that the modular architecture of hOCBSand its use of different combinations of OCBS technology
features over a distributed network to store and transfer data will reduce the friction caused by extra-organization data transfer in a
way that can be quantitatively measured by the costs of system operation, reduction in healthcare administrative-related costs
(currently estimated at 34.2% of national health expenditures in the U.S.), and increased speed and access to permissioned data. The
reliability and exibility of the data should also be improved due to a coherent system requiring data standardization and encouraging
interoperability. The security of the data will be built into the system with cryptographic techniques such as hashing, PKI, SMPC, and
veriable computation.
Relative computing costs are expected to be reduced due to lower requirements for systems integration based on reference models
utilizing existing health information systems (e.g. PHI reference model will focus on integration with existing EHRs and patient
portals) and decentralized platform agnostic applications and storage approaches (e.g. CHI and Genomics reference models using
IPFS). In relation to analytical evaluation of transaction performance, we will also explore the use of novel approaches used on other
blockchain frameworks (such as for permissioned blockchains on Hyperledger Fabric), including models developed to calculate
transaction latency based on different network congurations for performance bottlenecks (Xu et al., 2021). Other non-technical
components of the HOT-t model will also be important to incorporate into this evaluation, including user experience evaluations
to continuously iterate on the user interface and functionality of the system. Additionally, verifying the solution is privacy compliant
will also likely require other evaluations, such as a HIPAA Security Risk Assessment or a GDPR Data Protection Impact Assessment
(Campanile, et al., 2021).
7.2. Blockchain platform choice and evaluation
A variety of factors were considered when choosing the blockchain protocol and smart contract infrastructure that we will use to
implement our proposed hOCBS framework, which included purpose, mode of accessibility, programming language, consensus
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mechanism, ecosystem, and maturity. Ethereum was chosen as the blockchain protocol for future proof-of-concept (POC) development
of our hOCBS framework due to its ability to excel in a variety of aspects of our decision framework. First, Ethereum has the largest and
most mature smart contract blockchain ecosystem along with sophisticated tooling to enable developers to build complex and robust
applications (Hu et al., 2021). Furthermore, Ethereum has an extensive network of experienced developers, allowing for robust
development and maintenance of production services. The core development team along with its massive developer community has
continued to make improvements in functionality, which is a great sign for long-term success of this open source blockchain platform.
Ethereum is also a very accessible software, and due to its open-source nature, it is relatively easy to create private Ethereum
blockchains that are not connected to the public Mainnet. Solidity, the most popular programming language used to write Ethereum
Smart contracts is a developer friendly language based off principles of many traditional programming languages such as JavaScript,
Python, and C++. This enhances development speeds and enables application development for faster integration with other infor-
mation systems as we propose. Some may argue that Ethereum was created for public blockchain applications while Hyperledger was
designed specically for more business and enterprise solutions. However, Ethereum has multiple commercial healthcare applications
(e.g. projects supported by Consensys Health), enabling collaboration and re-usable code and healthcare specic smart contract
functionality. Overall, Ethereum was determined to be the blockchain protocol that would enable more rapid development of POCs
and offers the most mature and developed set of tooling to implement our proposed hOCBS system.
The inherent benets of blockchain technology are improvements to both the system quality and information quality as previously
described in this paper. Aligning with the HOT-t evaluation model, Ethereum currently offers application features that can enable
improvements in service quality, user satisfaction, system use, User Satisfaction, Organizational Structure, Organizational Environ-
ment and Net Benets over other platforms. For example, projects such as chainlink, Uniswap, and the Raiden Network enable
integration not currently supported by other protocols. However, we will also assess if other existing blockchain platforms (such as
Hyperledger Fabric that is used for business blockchain development) can offer greater utility in scaling up a specic hOCBS reference
model for business-to-business transactions, improve integration with other off-chain systems, or provide more modular architecture
needed for management of specic types of healthcare data. The distributed technology space is consistently changing at a high-
velocity and continuous evaluation will be conducted to ensure the best protocol is used for performance optimization.
8. Conclusion
This study sought to better understand and characterize OCBSfor the purposes of developing a privacy-preserving hybrid on-chain
and off-chain blockchain framework to better manage different forms of healthcare data. We conclude that the relative complexity,
regulatory requirements, and multiparty nature of modern health information systems would benet from distributed governance
facilitated by blockchain OCBS systems. The study proposes the hOCBS framework, which includes features that enable integration
with off-chain storage in a secure, scalable, and privacy and patient-centric manner. Underpinning the conceptualization of the hOCBS
is the fact that healthcare could signicantly benet from a privacy-by-design infrastructure that liberates current data silos currently
not governed by the patient/consumer (H. A, K, D, SA, & A, 2020; Hylock, 2019). Some of the primary benets for this architecture are
enabling greater sharing and processing of healthcare data, reducing storage requirements to facilitate scale-up of health blockchain
information systems, and developing dynamic privacy-persevering mechanisms, such as preserving anonymity and enabling dynamic
consent management.
Conceptualization of this framework also considered key off-chain and on-chain storage tradeoffs, the regulatory and legal con-
siderations of different types of healthcare data, and relevant storage and computational features in its adaptive design that are specic
to PHI, CHI, and genomic data. Adaptability of the system was one of the core principles of the FIP framework used to conceptualize
hOCBS, with a focus on ensuring modularity of blockchain design for healthcare. Specically, a blockchain privacy-preserving
framework needs to leverage the utility of different approaches for on-chain and off-chain storage while concomitantly adapting to
different needs of data sharing, storage, access, and computing execution in order to ensure such data remains useful and benecial for
healthcare processes and parties involved.
Our framework also places special emphasis on a single stakeholder in this network; the patient or consumer who is the rightful
subject of the data asset and associated digital identity. This is meant to align technology with patient-centered care approaches,
dened as care provision that is consistent with the values, needs, and desires of patients and is only achieved when clinicians involve
patients in healthcare discussions and decisions (Constand, MacDermid, Bello-Haas, & Law, 2014). Our framework makes a broader
push for patient-centered values in a distributed OCBS governance system for healthcare data, features we argue are currently lacking
in traditional healthcare information management systems (Hylock, 2019). We adopt this approach as any privacy-preserving system
also needs to consider concepts of self-sovereign identity, which recognizes that users should control and manage elements of their own
digital identity.
However, our framework also recognizes that in addition to control of identity, mechanisms need to be in place that ensure the right
to privacy and anonymity, particularly given the sensitive and personal nature of healthcare data (Bernabe, Canovas,
Hernandez-Ramos, Moreno, & Skarmeta, 2019). Though sharing of data is critical to improving the quality and performance of
healthcare (both at the individual and population level), this invaluable digital asset should be managed and controlled by the
patient/consumer, with technology facilitating this stewardship (Yue, Wang, Jin, Li, & Jiang, 2016). In this sense, blockchain tech-
nology provides a secure mechanism to track timestamped specied rights attributed to individual healthcare data all governed by
smart contracts, where personalized access rules can be set by the individual themselves underpinned by regulatory frameworks meant
to protect them.
It is our belief that a revolution to transform the utility of healthcare data will only occur when privacy protections are explicitly
K. Miyachi and T.K. Mackey
Information Processing and Management 58 (2021) 102535
linked to an individuals digital identity in a privacy-preserving fashion, and that blockchain systems using hybrid off-chain design
approaches represent the optimal way to achieve this goal by establishing enhanced trust, transparency, and sovereignty in a
distributed network. We also believe that an individuals healthcare data should be consistent and available across institutional
boundaries, and the terms of its access strictly dictated by said individual. Without such principles purposefully imbedded in tech-
nology, data governance, and privacy policy, healthcare data will remain siloed, not able to reach its full potential to improve the
health of all.
Ethics Approval and Consent to Participate: Not applicable/Not required for this study. All information collected from this study
was from the public domain.
Consent to Publish: Not applicable.
Competing Interests: Ken Miyachi is the principal owner of the blockchain startup company LedgerSafe. LedgerSafe has no
nancial relationship and no participation in this study. Tim K. Mackey is the CEO of the company S-3 Research LLC, a healthcare
startup funded by the National Institutes of Health. S-3 Research LLC, has no nancial relationships and no participation in this study.
Funding Statement: Authors received funding from the San Diego Supercomputer Center BlockLAB and greatly acknowledge this
Author Statement. KM and TKM jointly conceptualized, conducting data curation, formal analysis, investigation, project
administration, resources, software, visualization, and jointly wrote the original and nal draft including all editing. TKM provided
funding acquisition and supervision of the study.
Data availability statement
All data associated with this manuscript is available in the references provided.
Author statement
KM and TKM jointly conceptualized, conducting data curation, formal analysis, investigation, project administration, resources,
software, visualization, and jointly wrote the original and nal draft including all editing. TKM provided funding acquisition and
supervision of the study.
Authors thank the San Diego Supercomputer Center and LunaDNA PBC for their support and feedback associated with research
conducted in this manuscript.
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