New York Class B Airspace Hudson River and
East River Exclusion Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA)
New York Class B Airspace Hudson River and
East River Exclusion Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA)
Preflight Planning
Be familiar with SFRA rules, procedures, and current charts
In BOTH Exclusions
Airspeed - Not more than 140 knots
Anti-colllision lights - ON
Aircraft position/navigation lights -ON
Landing lights - ON (recommended)
New York TAC or Helicopter Route ChartOnboard (current edition)
SKYLINE ROUTE (Class B VFR Transition Route)
Obtain clearance prior to
o Verrazano Bridge, Northbound127.85 (Newark Tower)
o Alpine Tower, Southbound 126.05 (LaGuardia Tower)
Fly in proper altitude range
o Transient operation* [1,000 ft up to, not including, 1,300 ft MSL]
o Local operation** [Surface up to, not including, 1,000 ft MSL]
Fly within the boundaries of the exclusion along the:
o Southbound - West shoreline
o Northbound - East shoreline
Self-announce at mandatory reporting points (CTAF 123.05)
o You must include: aircraft type, current position, direction of flight,
and altitude
* Transient operation: Aircraft transiting the Hudson River Exclusion from end
to end without intending to signicantly change heading, altitude, or airspeed.
** Local operation: Any aircraft within the Hudson River Exclusion that is
conducting an operation other than overflying.
EAST RIVER EXCLUSION (CTAF 123.075; LGA 126.05/263.00)
Fixed wing aircraft are prohibited unless authorized by ATC
o Contact LaGuardia Airport Traffic Control Tower prior to
Island on 126.05 or 263.00
ALSO, monitor and report on CTAF 123.075
Get trained at!
Mandatory reporting points shown.
Note: Not for navigational purposes.
Important Frequencies
East River operations
LGA Tower Authorization
126.05 or 263.00
Hudson River Operations
Skyline Route Southbound
126.05 (LGA)
Skyline Route Northbound
127.85 (EWR)
Get trained at!
Circling the Statue of Liberty
Do so at the highest practical altitude below 1,000 feet MSL
Circle in a counter-clockwise direction
Be aware that local helicopter tour operators fly an irregular
pattern near the Statue of Liberty at approximately 500 feet
Remain especially vigilant for other traffic in the vicinity of the
Statue of Liberty
Rev. 1 (11/09)
“Cessna, GWB, 900 feet, southbound.