Rules of the Lottery Commission
Proposed Readoption with Amendments: N.J.A.C. 17:20
Authorized By: New Jersey Lottery Commission, William T. Jourdain, Acting Executive
Authority: N.J.S.A. 5:9-7
Calendar Reference: See Summary below for explanation of exception to calendar
Proposal Number: PRN 2008 -354
Submit written comments by January 2, 2009 to:
William T. Jourdain, Acting Executive Director
Division of State Lottery
P.O. Box 041
Trenton, NJ 08625-0041
Fax: 609-599-5935
The agency proposal follows:
In accordance with the sunset provisions of N.J.S.A. 52:14B-5.1c, N.J.A.C. 17:20
expires on March 31, 2009. The Division of State Lottery has reviewed the rules and
with the exception of the rules amended in this proposal has determined them to be
necessary, reasonable, efficient, understandable and responsive for the purpose for which
they were originally promulgated. The Division proposes to readopt these rules with
several technical amendments.
Rules of the State Lottery Commission govern lottery ticket sales, the payment of
prizes, licensing procedures and related operations. The State Lottery Commission is
proposing several technical amendments in conjunction with the present readoption.
The following summarizes the current rules and the proposed amendments:
Subchapter 1, General Provisions, contains general provisions and includes a
description of those persons who are prohibited from purchasing tickets or shares.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-1.1 describes the scope of the rules.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-1.2 specifies the erroneous or mutilated tickets provisions. The
term “gaming system generated” was added before “lottery ticket” in N.J.A.C 17:20-
1.2(a) to reflect the broader technology of how tickets are processed now and in the
future. N.J.A.C. 17:20-1.2(b) was recodified as N.J.A.C. 17:20-1.2(c) and a new N.J.A.C.
17:20-1.2(b) was added to clarify another form of lottery products, instant game tickets,
that can be voided by an agent as permitted by game rules.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-1.3 specifies persons prohibited from purchasing tickets or shares.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-1.3(a)2 was amended in order to broaden the scope of those who are
prohibited from purchasing lottery tickets, by adding any State officer or employee, or
State contractual vendor, who participates in the oversight of a New Jersey Lottery game.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-1.4 requires background investigations as a condition of
employment and access. In N.J.A.C. 17:20-1.4(a), (a)4 and (a)5, the reference to
applicants was changed to “candidate” clarify the difference between an applicant for a
lottery license and a person applying for employment. In N.J.A.C. 17:20-1.4(a), the term
“but not limited to” was added to broaden the scope of background inquires to ensure the
integrity of the Lottery employment process. In N.J.A.C. 17:20-1.4(a)1, the phrase
“criminal background investigation checks” was added to revise the previous terminology
and be consistent with terminology used in other Treasury divisions for the same process.
Subchapter 2, Definitions, contains the definitions used in the rules.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-2.1 contains new definitions for “candidate,” “claim,” “gaming
system” and “validation.”
The word “candidate” was added to mean any person seeking employment with
the Division of State Lottery. This was added to distinguish between those applying to
become a lottery agent and those applying for employment. This word can be found in
N.J.A.C. 17:20-1.4.
The word “claim” was added to mean a process for submitting a ticket for prize
payment subject to applicable Lottery claims processing procedures. This word can be
found in extensively in the “Definitions” in N.J.A.C.17:20-2.1 and in 3.1, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5
and 7.12.
The term “gaming system” was added to mean the infrastructure necessary to
produce a point of sale terminal generated lottery ticket. This infrastructure includes the
central wagering system, the point on sale ticket terminal and the network connectivity
between the central system and point of sale terminals. This term can be found in
N.J.A.C. 17:20-1.2(a), 7.12 and 10.2.
The definition for “validation” was added to mean a successful authorization of a
winning ticket pursuant to game rules and subject to claim processing procedures. This
word can be found in other definitions in N.J.A.C. 17:20-2.1 and in the following other
sections, including N.J.A.C.17:20-7.4, 7.12 and 10.2(b)11.
The definition for “machine agent” has been amended for consistency to reflect
the use of “gaming system” as it applies to Lottery’s technological infrastructure. Also,
language has been amended in this definition to broaden the scope of equipment and
devices associated with gaming system technology. This expanded term can be found
in other definitions in N.J.A.C. 17:20-2.1 and in N.J.A.C. 17:20-4.4(a) and 4.8.
Subchapter 3, Director, outlines the role of the Director in resolving disputes of
lottery ticket ownership and validity.
Subchapter 4, Lottery Agent’s Application and License, outlines the processes
and requirements to apply for and renew a lottery license.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-4.1 describes the manner in which a person applies for a Lottery
license. Failure to disclose this information may cause denial of a New Jersey Lottery
N.J.A.C. 17:20-4.2 states the eligibility of an applicant for licensure.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-4.3 describes the procedures involved in processing an
N.J.A.C. 17:20-4.4 specifies the conditions for issuing a license. In N.J.A.C.
17:20-4.4(f), the term “business purpose” was added to expand the reporting of additional
information relative to the Lottery licensure. This amendment was made to ensure that
the business purpose is consistent with State Lottery Law, N.J.S.A. 5:9-11. This
amendment also reinforces that licensure information shall be reviewed and approved by
the Director. In addition, a provision is added which stipulates that all changes in status
will be subject to the review and approval of the Director and this approval will be
consistent with the standards used in the initial license approval.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-4.5 describes the license renewal process. This section was
amended to change the renewal period from an annual period to a biennial period. This
amendment is being made to reduce both the burden to the Lottery and the retail agents of
completing a license renewal on an annual basis. Licensing information is kept current
by retailers because of another rule, N.J.A.C. 17:20-4.4, that requires all changes in
licensing information to be reported within 10 days of occurrence to the Director for
N.J.A.C. 17:20-4.6 specifies that the Lottery license be displayed. This section
was amended to reflect a change in Lottery business practices. N.J.A.C. 17:20-4.6(b) that
requires decals to be mounted in the window of the agent business location was deleted.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-4.6(c) was divided into three paragraphs.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-4.7 specifies that Lottery agents submit a bonding fee.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-4.8 describes the conversion of an instant-only agent to a machine
agent or vice versa.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-4.9 states that Lottery tickets can only be sold at specific
N.J.A.C. 17:20-4.10 describes the rules for special or seasonal Lottery agents.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-4.11 states the procedures for the transfer of ownership of licensed
locations. N.J.A.C. 17:20-4.11(b), (f) and (g) were amended to remove “Lottery
Commission” and replace it with “Director” to reflect the statutory delegation of this
function by the Lottery Commission and ensure review by the Director.
Subchapter 5, Denial Revocation or Suspension of License, details the reasons for
and the procedures to follow when an application is denied or a license is suspended,
revoked or a civil penalty imposed on an agent.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-5.1 states the reasons for the denial, revocation and suspension of
a license and the imposition of civil penalties. N.J.A.C. 17:20-5.1(a)17 was amended to
add the title of the statutory provisions cited, “New Jersey Conflicts of Interest Law” for
ease of identification.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-5.2 states the termination procedures for an agent. At N.J.A.C.
17:20-5.2(a) the word “lottery” was inserted before “property” to describe the property to
be returned.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-5.3 describes the disciplinary procedures for an agent.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-5.4 describes the procedures for agent administrative hearings.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-5.4(e) has been amended to provide that the hearings are at Lottery
Headquarters and N.J.A.C. 17:20-5.4(f) is amended to indicate that hearings are
“recorded” rather than “audiotaped.” Subsection (f) is further amended to provide that
the Director will produce a transcript of the hearing internally or may send it out for
transcription services.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-5.5 states the provisions for reapplication for a lottery license after
N.J.A.C. 17:20-5.6 states the conditions for permanent revocation.
Subchapter 6, Distribution and Sale of Lottery Tickets and Deposit of Lottery
Monies, contains the rules which govern the distribution and sale of lottery tickets, the
method for reporting stolen tickets and associated disciplinary procedures.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-6.1 refers to the distribution of tickets and the conduct of business.
This section is amended to delete the word “delegee” and replace it with the term
“agent’s delegate” as the person authorized by the agent in N.J.A.C. 17:20-6.1(a) to be
responsible for transaction with lottery tickets. N.J.A.C. 17:20-6.1(c) was amended to
further clarify the conditions under which the agent accepts all tickets for the Lottery as
an express trust relationship and states that failure to remit the face value of the tickets to
the Lottery, less any commissions, bonuses and reimbursements for redeemed tickets to
which the agent is entitled will be considered a fraud or defalcation by a fiduciary.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-6.2 states the requirements for the sale and redemption of lottery
tickets. N.J.A.C.17: 20-6.2(b) has been amended to delete “legal” and insert “authorized”
in referring to New Jersey State Lottery tickets. N.J.A.C.17: 20-6.2(f) was amended to
revise “losing tickets” as “non-winning tickets.”
N.J.A.C. 17:20-6.3 describes the procedures for the deposit of Lottery monies. In
N.J.A.C. 17:20-6.3(b), “express” was added to clarify the legal trust relationship between
the Lottery and the agent.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-6.4 states how agents are to deal with lost or stolen tickets.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-6.4(c) amended to add the reporting timeframe of within two hours of
discovery for notifying the Lottery of lost or stolen tickets.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-6.5 describes the distribution of promotional items and the
authorization by Lottery of agents to manufacture, sell and distribute such items.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-6.6 contains prohibitions for the acquisition and distribution of
counterfeit items.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-6.7 requires compliance with this subchapter and describes
disciplinary procedures by cross-referencing N.J.A.C. 17:20-5.3.
Subchapter 7, Payment of Prizes, outlines the procedure a claimant must follow to
claim a prize, including a statement which permits the Lottery to use the names, addresses,
prize amounts and photographs of winners and outlines procedures for assignments.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-7.1 describes information required from a prize claimant. A
minor amendment is made to this section which does not change the intent of this section.
This amendment eliminates the word “data” and indicates that information and proof
required must be provided by the claimant.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-7.2 states that the Director may ask for additional information
from a prize claimant.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-7.3 describes the time for awarding prizes. N.J.A.C. 17:20-7.3(c)
is amended to stipulate that upon the death of a prize winner and presentation of a short
certificate issued within six months, payment will be made to the executor or
administrator of the decedent’s estate. Further, a “short certificate” as referenced in
N.J.S.A. 22A:2-30 is defined as a sealed document issued by the Surrogate’s Court
indicating that the named person was previously appointed by the Surrogate’s Court as the
fiduciary for the estate and the fiduciary’s appointment is still in effect.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-7.4 refers to the procedures for the payment of prizes. The
amendments to this section reflect the recent passage of legislation which requires the
claimant with a prize share greater than $600.00 to be subject to the offset law and
regulations identified in N.J.S.A. 5:9-13.17 and 13.18. This section applies to group and
individual prize winners and the awarding of non cash prizes. N.J.A.C. 17:20-7.4(c) was
amended to reflect the authority of the Director to liquidate a non-cash prize amount to
satisfy any eligible debts owed pursuant to N.J.S.A. 5:9-13.17 and 13.18.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-7.5 specifies the discharge of the State’s liability upon the
payment of an award.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-7.6 states the disposition of unallocated prize money.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-7.7 refers to the information that must be disclosed about lottery
N.J.A.C. 17: 20-7.8 sets out the criteria to evaluate all voluntary assignments
approved prior to May 15, 1998. Parties in the transaction shall present evidence to the
Lottery or the court that the assignment was approved prior to May 15, 1998 and that the
parties have agreed jointly in writing that the assignment or transaction is binding and
shall be relied upon by the Lottery.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-7.9 specifies the processing of voluntary assignments pursuant to
an appropriate judicial order. This section includes a description of the payment process,
timeframes for the payment, requirements for “consent to release” forms by the assignee,
assignor’s responsibility to notify the Lottery regarding any liens or offsets, procedures to
be used to calculate the payment to the assignee and how payments are processed when
there is a dispute. Also, this section contains the structure that the Lottery will use to
assess fees to process assignments. In keeping with current practice, no fees will be
charged for payment of a prize to the estate of a deceased prizewinner.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-7.10 authorizes the creation of security interests in Lottery
winnings consistent with the procedures involving assignments outlined in N.J.A.C.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-7.11 gives the Director of the Lottery the authority to develop
forms consistent with the governing statute and these rules for implementing the
assignment legislation.
N.J.A.C.17:20-7.12 has been added to stipulate the authorized payment periods
and procedure for lottery prize awards and define what one year means when the draw
date is on February 29 in leap year. All winners can be paid (for up to one year from the
drawing date for gaming system generated games and throughout the selling period up to
one year after the announced close of an Instant Lottery game) up to $599.50, by an
official New Jersey Lottery Agent after proper gaming system validation.
Subchapter 8, Lottery Vendors’ Code of Ethics, contains provisions regarding a
code of ethics for lottery vendors. N.J.A.C. 17:20-8.1 requires that each Lottery vendor
adhere to a code of ethics. In N.J.A.C. 17:20-8.1(a), the definition of “Lottery vendor” was
amended to include “Lottery retailer.” That subsection was also changed to eliminate the
phrase “having any duties or responsibilities in connection with the purchase, acquisition
or sale of any property or services by the Lottery.” This broadens the restriction of hiring
by a vendor consistent with the New Jersey Conflicts of Interest Law. The name of the
law was added to the statutory reference in the subsection. N.J.A.C. 17:20-8.1(b) was
amended and N.J.A.C. 17:20-8.1(c) eliminated to delete the provision which allows the
Commissioner, officer or employee of the Lottery to seek future employment with the
approval of the Director, as this provision is not consistent with the New Jersey Conflicts
of Interest Law. Removal of N.J.A.C. 17:20-8.1(c) resulted in the recodification of the
remaining subsections. In recodified N.J.A.C. 17:20-8.1(e), “New Jersey Conflicts of
Interest Law” was added to identify the statutory references. Also the reference to the
Executive Commission on Ethical Standards was changed to State Ethics Commission to
reflect a name change. N.J.A.C.17:20-8.1(g) was deleted since the requirements for
lottery retailers was addressed in the amendments to N.J.A.C.17:20-8.1(a).
N.J.A.C.17:20-8.1(i) was recodified as N.J.A.C.17:20-8.1(g) and amended to remove
language which is inconsistent with the New Jersey Conflicts of Interest law prohibition of
gifts from vendors.
Subchapter 9, Civil Penalties and Sanctions, outlines the penalties and sanctions,
and appeal processes for violations against the rules contained in this chapter.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-9.1 covers penalties not exceeding $10,000. An amendment is
made to add the statutory reference, “pursuant to N.J.S.A. 5:9-12.1(a).”
N.J.A.C. 17:20-9.2 describes the Director’s restitution power and the enforcement
of cease and desist orders. An amendment is proposed to change the Public Law statutory
reference to the more specific N.J.S.A. 5:9-12.1(b) and (c).
N.J.A.C. 17:20-9.3 states the procedures for conducting hearings involving civil
penalties. The proposed amendment modifies the rules referenced from N.J.A.C. 17:20-
5.3 to N.J.A.C. 17:20-5.3 through 5.6.
Subchapter 10, Division of State Lottery Mission, Organization and Public
Access, explains the Division’s mission, organizational structure and how to contact the
Public Information Office to request information.
N.J.A.C.17:20-10.1 describes the mission of the New Jersey Lottery.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-10.2 describes the Division of State Lottery organization. There is
a minor amendment to rename “Operations” to “Operations and Organization Support”
and amendments to include the function of that unit through this subsection. N.J.A.C.
17:20-10.2(b)2 is amended to add the phrase “with the assistance of deputy directors and
managers” to reflect the structure in place for the Deputy Executive Director’s
responsibilities. N.J.A.C. 17:20-10.2(b)4 was amended to expand the role of the Public
Information Officer to include coordination and support of the promotional events and
activities. N.J.A.C. 17:20-10.2(b)11 was amended to further describe the expanded
responsibilities of the Operations and Organizational Support Unit to include
reconciliation of instant ticket returns, pool closings processes, coordination of human
resources matters with the Department of Treasury and oversight of the Information
Management Services. N.J.A.C. 17:20-10.2(c) is added to advise that a detailed list of
current organization positions is posted on the Division of State Lottery website.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-10.3 provides information how members of the public can access
public information and general policies pertaining to the New Jersey Lottery.
Subchapter 11, Public Notice and Public Comments regarding Division
Rulemaking; Calendars; Additional Opportunities to Be Heard; and Petitions for
Rulemaking, outlines the procedures for rulemaking and petitions for rulemaking by the
public. This subchapter conforms to the New Jersey Administrative Procedure Act,
N.J.S.A. 52:14B-1 et seq.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-11.1 describes the public notice process regarding the Lottery’s
rulemaking. It identifies four types of public notice in accordance with the New Jersey
Administrative Procedure Act and the Office of Administrative Law Rules for Agency
Rulemaking, N.J.A.C. 1:30. N.J.A.C. 17:20-11.1(b), (c) and (d) were amended to add
the Department of the Treasury web site as part of the publication for notification of rule
N.J.A.C. 17:20-11.2 outlines the procedures for public comments on existing
rules and proposed rulemaking.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-11.3 outlines provisions for a rulemaking calendar. It identifies
the information in the rulemaking calendar, process for handling amendments and
requirement that the rulemaking calendar be filed with the Office of Administrative Law,
be available on the web site and to the media through the State House Press Office.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-11.4 describes the cost to obtain copies of documents filed with
the Office of Administrative Law by the Lottery. This section is amended to delete
specific costs to obtain copies of documents and establishes the fee schedule pursuant to
Open Public Records Law, N.J.S.A. 17:1A-1 through 13. The term “Open Public
Records Lawwas added to reference the statutory citation.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-11.5 describes the procedures for extension of the public comment
period by the Division when sufficient public interest warrants this extension.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-11.6 outlines the procedures for conducting a public hearing by
the Lottery.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-11.7 requires that the Lottery take appropriate action regarding
petitions for rulemaking.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-11.8 outlines the procedures for the public to petition the Lottery
to adopt a new rule or change existing rules.
N.J.A.C. 17:20-11.9 specifies the action the Lottery should take when receiving a
petition from the public.
As the Office of the Executive Director of the Division of State Lottery has
provided a 60-day comment period on this notice of proposal, this notice is excepted
from the rulemaking calendar requirement pursuant to N.J.A.C. 1:30-3.3(a)5.
Social Impact
These rules aid and assist the Lottery’s community of players and retailers in
performing their various tasks insofar as they clarify the function of the State Lottery.
They have the general beneficial impact of making governmental operations open,
regular, and comprehensible. Once readopted and amended, the rules will continue to
provide thorough guidelines for the administration and operation of the State Lottery.
The proposed technical amendments to the Lottery rules will better clarify definitions and
responsibilities of the Lottery’s 6,100 retailers and improve the Director’s ability to
manage the Lottery’s over $2.5 billion business in the State. The new amendments
clarify some of the rules for the public affecting claims, offset procedures, public notice
and give the public insight into the Lottery organizational structure and where to find
current information on this subject. The social impact of the Lottery’s program is broad.
In Fiscal Year 2008, the Lottery gave over $1.468 billion to almost 106.8 million
winners. Lottery retailers received over $139.6 million in commissions and bonuses. In
addition, the Lottery returned over $880 million to the State Treasury to fund various
education programs and State institutions. The programs and institutions serve the
citizens of the State including children, veterans, and the disabled and small businesses.
Subchapters 1, 2, 3 and 8 have some social impact on the public. Subchapter 1
deals with general provisions and includes a description of those persons who are
prohibited from purchasing tickets or shares. Subchapter 2 provides definitions and is
general in nature. Subchapter 3 deals with disputes regarding ownership or validity of
winning tickets and only affects winners of lottery prizes. Subchapter 8, which outlines
the Lottery Vendor Code of Ethics, applies to any person, firm or corporation or Lottery
retailer engaging or seeking to engage in business with the Division of the State Lottery.
It affects the public in that it ensures the integrity of the Lottery and its products. While
it does not affect the public at large, it assures adherence to a standard of behavior on
the part of the vendors to preserve the integrity of the Lottery and is consistent with the
provisions of the New Jersey Conflicts of Interest Law and its recent amendments.
More specifically, Subchapter 4 describes the application process to follow to be
licensed as a retailer of the Division of State Lottery, excluding minors, the review
procedures of such application including frequency (with continued protection for the
public) and the terms and conditions for issuance. Subchapter 5 details the reasons for
and the procedures to follow should an application be denied or a license be suspended,
revoked or a civil penalty imposed on a retailer. Subchapter 6 addresses the daily
conduct of business including to the distribution, sale and redemption of lottery tickets.
The deposit of lottery monies and the procedures for reporting lost or stolen tickets are
also addressed.
Subchapter 7 outlines the procedure a claimant must follow to claim a prize,
including a statement that permits the Lottery to use the names, addresses, prizes amounts
and photographs of winners, as well as the procedure to process voluntary assignments.
Currently, there are approximately 675 Lottery prizewinners receiving annuity payments
many of them are affected by the assignment portion of this subchapter. Only a small
portion of these winners who choose to assign their prize winnings in the future will be
affected. This subchapter also affects several State agencies. The Division of State
Lottery in the Department of the Treasury participates in the administrative aspects of the
assignments. The Division of Law in the Department of Law and Public Safety addresses
the legal aspects of the assignments requiring judicial orders and the Department of
Human Services, Office of Student Assistance and participating agencies and
departments through the State SOIL project administered by the Division of Revenue in
the Department of the Treasury evaluates all assignments to determine if the assignor
owes any obligation that is subject to an offset. Subchapter 7 will not affect the public as
a whole. However, all group Lottery winners whose winnings are greater than $600.00
are affected by the offset requirements contained in the amendments in this subchapter.
All winners are affected by the new section in this subchapter regarding ownership of
claimed tickets and the designation of the one year period to claim a winning ticket.
The terms and conditions under which the Director may impose civil penalties
and sanctions are discussed in Subchapter 9 and will only affect Lottery retailers.
Subchapter 10 that outlines the mission and organizational structure of the Lottery gives
the public information about the organizational structure of the Lottery and how to
request information about the Lottery and the fees to do so. Subchapter 11 outlines the
procedures for rulemaking and petitions for rulemaking by the public.
Economic Impact
The rule proposed for readoption and the amendments to N.J.A.C. 17:20-1
through 11 have minimal economic impact. These rules describe the operation of the
Lottery and the Lottery’s relationship with the Lottery players and the business
relationship with the Lottery retailers. To the extent that these operations are made more
efficient, there is an indirect impact that occurs when additional money is made available
by procedures that are more efficient and applied to the designated purposes of the
Lottery: aid to education and State institutions. The total amount provided in Fiscal Year
2008 was $880 million. This amount is expected to increase in Fiscal Year 2009.
The Lottery charges no fees to the public in general or to the applicants/retailers
for the administration of these rules. The retailers, however, are required to be bonded, at
a cost of $100.00 per year. The required security check involves an $18.00 fee paid to
the New Jersey State Police. This fee is set by the State Police. Retailers whose licenses
are suspended or are revoked may incur lost commissions or may have civil penalties
imposed due to the lack of compliance with State Lottery law and these rules. A
proposed amendment to this section clarifies the items to be surrendered upon
termination of a lottery retailer license to include the Lottery terminal and instant tickets.
While these items were always surrendered under the term “other lottery property,” the
change better defines the current situation, and the worth of these items warranted
specific mention.
The public may be affected by N.J.A.C. 17:20-7.4. This section states that
installment winners with gross winnings $5,000 and over may request the issuance of
separate checks. This provision ensures that the minimum Federal tax will be withheld.
For non-installment winners in a multiple ownership the rule requires that a group
representative be appointed. The winner will not be penalized in this instance, since the
Lottery does not impose any fees for processing winnings and the Lottery stands to gain
in efficiency.
Subchapter 7, which discusses voluntary assignments, will have an economic
impact on winners choosing to assign or reassign their winnings. The fee structure in this
subchapter is minimal in comparison to the complexity of the transaction and staff time
required to process assignments. A fee of $100.00 is charged by the Lottery to the
assignor for processing each assignment. An additional $50.00 will be charged to each
assignor for each installment affected by any partial assignment and a processing fee of
$50.00 shall also be payable by the assignor in connection with a change in the terms of
the assignment pursuant to N.J.S.A. 5:9-13p. This fee structure remains the same in the
readoption. Only top Lottery prizewinners or assignment companies who choose to
assign or reassign their winnings will incur a minimal fee in conjunction with the
processing of their assignment requests. Assignments will not be processed unless the
fee is paid in advance. In keeping with current practice, no fees will be charged for
assignments required because of a payment of a prize to a decedent’s estate.
There is no increased economic impact on applicants or retailers even though
there is a penalties section. These penalties are required to maintain the integrity of the
Lottery. These penalties have been not increased since established in 1984.
There is minimal economic impact associated with Subchapter 11 as it affects
rules to govern rulemaking and petitions for rulemaking. The charges for copies
specified in N.J.A.C. 17:20-11.4 is as established under N.J.S.A. 47:1A-2 of the Right to
Know Law.
Additional funding is not required to implement the proposed amendments and
maintain these rules.
Federal Standards Statement
A Federal standards analysis is not required because the rules of the Lottery
Commission are governed by N.J.S.A. 5:9-7. The rules proposed for readoption and the
proposed amendments are not subject to any Federal regulations or standards.
Jobs Impact
The rules proposed for readoption and the proposed amendments are not expected
to create or reduce jobs in the State of New Jersey. The Division of State Lottery will
continue to use existing staff to administer the Lottery. Any amendments proposed are
designed to improve the administration of the Lottery and communication with the
Agriculture Industry Impact
The rules proposed for readoption and the proposed amendments will have no
impact on the agriculture industry in New Jersey.
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Since the proposed amendments are minor and impose no major requirements on
small businesses, as defined under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, N.J.S.A. 52:14B-16 et
seq., the proposed amendments to these rules have some impact, but no adverse impact
on small business. The existing rules may affect small business, since such entities
comprise a majority of the approximately 6,100 Lottery retailers.
The lottery network by its very nature has a direct effect on small and minority
businesses in that most of the retailers come directly from this category. Strict
compliance to the amended rules as outlined in the Summary will impose neither
hardship nor additional financial burden among these businesses. (See Economic Impact
Businesses applying for licensure with the New Jersey State Lottery are required
to provide the application information set forth in revised Subchapter 4. Should an
application be denied, appeal procedures are set forth in amended Subchapter 5. Further
direction with respect to the conduct of business as a retailer for the New Jersey State
Lottery is described in amended Subchapters 6 and 7. Amendments to Subchapter 4
require agents to notify the Director regarding a change in the “business purposes” of
their business. This will not be an additional regulatory burden in that the Lottery
requires agents to notify the Director regarding other changes. No professional services
will need to be employed in order to comply with these rules.
The Division considers these rules and amendments to be fair and equitable to all
applicants, retailers and the community of players of the New Jersey Lottery.
The State Lottery Commission has determined that the rules proposed for
readoption, amendments embody the minimum amount of regulatory structure that is
consistent with the efficient operation of the Lottery and the maintenance of its integrity.
No differentiation can therefore be permitted based upon business size.
Smart Growth Impact
The Division of State Lottery anticipates that the rules proposed for readoption and the
proposed amendments will have no impact on the achievement of smart growth in New
Jersey or on the implementation of the New Jersey State Development and
Redevelopment Plan.
Housing Affordability Impact
The Division of State Lottery anticipates that the rules proposed for readoption and the
proposed amendments will have no impact on any aspect of housing, including its
affordability, as they regulate the State Lottery.
Smart Growth Development Impact
The rules proposed for readoption and the proposed amendments would not result in a
change in the housing production within Planning Areas 1 or 2, or within designated
centers, under the State Development and Redevelopment Plan. The basis for this finding
is that the rules proposed for readoption and the amendments regulate the State Lottery
and have nothing to do with housing production, either within Planning Areas 1 or 2,
within designated centers, or anywhere in the State of New Jersey.
Full text of the rules proposed for readoption may be found in the New Jersey
Administrative Code at N.J.A.C. 17:20.
Full text of the proposed amendments follows (additions indicated in boldface thus;
deletions indicated in brackets [thus]):
17:20-1.2 Erroneous or mutilated tickets
(a) [Lottery]Gaming system generated lottery tickets made out in error or
mutilated in any way prior to purchase shall be voided by the agent.
(b) Instant Game tickets that are stolen, unissued, unreadable, mutilated,
altered, counterfeit in whole or in part, miscut, misregistered, multiply-printed,
defective, printed or produced in error, blank or partially blank shall be voided by
the agent, as permitted by game rules.
[(b)] (c) (No change in text.)
17:20-1.3 Persons prohibited from purchasing tickets or shares
(a) In addition to those affected by N.J.S.A. 5:9-16, the following are prohibited
from purchasing tickets or shares in any New Jersey State Lottery and no prize
shall be paid to:
1. (No change in text.)
2. Any officer or employee of the State, or State contracted vendor, who
participates in the design, [or] manufacture or oversight of a New Jersey
Lottery game; or
3. (No change.)
17:20-1.4 Background investigations as a condition of employment or access
(a) The Division may conduct background inquiries on [applicants] candidates for
Division positions, and on other individuals seeking access to secure areas of the
Division’s offices, to ensure that only qualified individuals of good character are
appointed, or given access to secure areas of the Division’s offices, and to ensure that
information contained on Division employment applications is accurate and complete.
The inquiry shall be conducted and the acquired information shall be kept confidential in
accordance with any applicable laws (and, in the case of applicants for employment, in
accordance with the Civil Service Act (N.J.S.A. 11A:1-1 et seq.)), and may include, but
is not limited to, the following:
1. Appropriate [checks of records of criminal convictions and pending criminal
charges] criminal background investigation checks;
2. – 3. (No change.)
4. In the case of [applicants] candidates for employment, confirmation of any
education listed on a candidate’s application; and
5. In the case of [applicants] candidates for employment, other inquiries, including
interviews, which stem from the above inquiries and which directly relate to criminal
convictions or pending charges, employment history, references, education, or other
qualifications for the position sought.
17:20-2.1 Definitions
The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, shall have the
following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
“Candidate” means any person seeking employment with the Division of
State Lottery.
“Claim” means a process for submitting a ticket for prize payment subject to
applicable Lottery claims processing procedures.
“Gaming system” means the infrastructure necessary to produce a point of
sale terminal generated lottery ticket. This infrastructure includes the central
wagering system, the point on sale ticket terminal and the network connectivity
between the central system and point of sale terminals.
"Machine agent" means a person who has been licensed under the Act to sell
lottery tickets and in addition has been authorized by the Director to sell certain tickets
through the Lottery’s [vendor online] designated
gaming system(s), terminals and
other authorized equipment. When "person" is a corporation, the term includes
officers, directors, and shareholders (holding greater than a 10 percent interest thereof).
When "person" is a limited liability company, the term includes any person holding
greater than a 10 percent interest therein.
“Validation” means successful authorization of a winning ticket pursuant to
game rules and subject to claim processing procedures.
17:20-4.4 Issuance of license; conditions
(a) - (e) (No change.)
(f) All agents shall report any change in status, such as ownership, control,
address, business purpose or other data relevant to licensure, within l0 days of
occurrence. Failure to do so shall be cause for discipline under N.J.A.C. l7:20-5.l. All
such changes in status will be subject to the review and approval of the Director,
consistent with the standards used in the initial license approval.
l7:20-4.5 License renewal
The Director shall require license renewal applications on [an annual] a biennial basis,
to insure continuing compliance with the Act and with this chapter. The agent shall
provide such other information as the Director may deem necessary for the proper
administration of the Division's activities. Information required by the Division shall
include tax, employment, credit history, criminal history and wage records from both
private and governmental agencies. The Lottery may procure and exchange information
with other agencies regarding information required of applicants or agents as provided
by law.
l7:20-4.6 Display of license
(a) Every agent shall prominently display in an area visible to the general public:
1. The license; [and]
2. Lottery promotional materials [.];
3. Betting slips;
4. Game flyers; and
5. Other related circulating material.
[(b) In addition, the "Authorized Lottery Agent" decal shall be mounted on a
prominent public window of the agent's premises.
(c) The agent shall maintain and display all Lottery flyers, betting cards and other
circulating material in an area open to the public.]
3. Betting slips;
4. Game flyers; and
5. Other related circulating material.
17:20-4.11 Changes and transfers of ownership (of licensed premises)
(a) (No change.)
(b) The [Lottery Commission] Director shall be notified in writing at least 30
days prior to any change in ownership of the following: a sole proprietorship, corporate
stock transfer of 10 percent or more or change in the ownership interest of a limited
liability company of 10 percent or more. Immediate written notice is also due when an
agent lists, advertises or offers for sale the primary business. Failure to comply with
this requirement may result in immediate suspension or revocation.
(c) - (e) (No change.)
(f) An agent shall notify the [Lottery Commission] Director within five days of
receipt of any notice received or served pertaining to an eviction or foreclosure of the
licensed premises.
(g) Any holder of a financial interest in a mortgage, lease, or rental agreement of a
licensed premise shall notify the [Lottery Commission] Director of any intention or
attempt to evict or foreclose on the agent immediately upon commencing such action
for eviction or foreclosure.
17:20-5.1 Reasons for denial, revocation, suspension, renewal rejection or
imposition of civil penalties
(a) An application may be denied, or a license suspended, revoked or its renewal
rejected by the Director for any one or more of the following reasons:
1. - 16. (No change.)
17. Whenever an agent has made any offer or agreement to pay or has made
payment either directly or indirectly, any fee, commission, compensation, gift, gratuity,
or other thing of value of any kind to any State officer or employee as defined by the
New Jersey Conflicts of Interest Law (N.J.S.A. 52:13D-13b and c[,] ) in the
Department of Treasury or any other agency with which such an agent transacts and
offers or proposes to transact business, or to any member of the immediate family as
defined by the New Jersey Conflicts of Interest Law ( N.J.S.A. 52:13D-13i[,]) of any
such officer or employee, or any partnership, firm, or corporation with which they are
employed or associated, or in which such officer or employee has an interest within the
meaning of the New Jersey Conflicts of Interest Law (N.J.S.A. 52:13D-13g) under
circumstances from which it might reasonably be inferred that such offer, agreement or
payment was made for the purpose of influencing the recipient as to the discharge of
official duties regarding the agent by the recipient or by any person affiliated with the
recipient within the meaning of the New Jersey Conflicts of Interest Law (N.J.S.A
52:13D-13b, 13(c) or 13(d));
18. – 20. (No change.)
(b) - (e) (No change.)
17:20-5.4 Hearings
(a) – (d) (No change.)
(e) All hearings and contested cases will be held [in the Main Lottery Office] at
Lottery headquarters unless otherwise specified by the Director or unless referred to
the Office of Administrative Law.
(f) All proceedings before the Director shall be [audiotaped] recorded. Upon
receipt of a request for a transcript of a hearing held before the Director and recorded
[on audio tape], the Director [shall] will provide a transcript of the hearing internally
or may send the appropriate [tape or tapes] recording to an outside transcribing service
for preparation of the transcript. The cost of preparing said transcript shall be billed to
the party making the request, who shall also be responsible for any deposit which may
be required by the transcriber or by administrative rule.
17:20-6.1 Distribution of lottery tickets; conduct of business
(a) An agent may delegate authority to an employee regarding transactions with
the Lottery or distribution network. However, the agent shall remain liable to the
Lottery regardless of what the [delegee] agent’s delegate may do or fail to do.
(b) (No change.)
(c) The [agency] agent accepts all tickets in trust for the Lottery. Tickets in the
hands of an agent are the agent's sole responsibility and it is the agent's sole duty as a
fiduciary of the Lottery either to return the tickets to the Lottery within the specified time
or to remit the face value of the tickets to the Lottery, less any commissions, bonuses and
reimbursements for redeemed tickets to which the agent is entitled. Tickets shall remain
the property of the Lottery. The agent understands that this is an express trust
relationship between the Lottery and the agent with respect to tickets and sale
proceeds and any failure to remit the face value of the tickets to the Lottery, less any
commissions, bonuses and reimbursements for redeemed tickets to which the agent
is entitled, will be considered a fraud or defalcation by a fiduciary.
17:20-6.2 Sale and redemption of lottery tickets
(a) (No change.)
(b) The agent shall sell only [legal] authorized New Jersey State Lottery
tickets. No other lottery tickets or facsimiles thereof shall be sold by any agent.
(c) - (e) (No change.)
(f) Lottery ticket sales shall not be combined with the sale of any other product
or service without the express written approval of the Director. This prohibition shall
not apply to promotions, conducted entirely at the expense of the agent, involving
[losing] non-winning tickets, tickets for which the drawing date or claiming period has
expired, or other tickets which no longer have value for lottery purposes.
(g) (No change.)
17:20-6.3 Deposit of lottery monies
(a) (No change.)
(b) Monies received by an agent from the sale of lottery tickets are the property
of the Lottery and are held by the agent in trust for the Lottery. The agent
shall immediately segregate all monies received from the sale of lottery
tickets, and shall hold such monies in express trust for the Lottery in a bank
account specifically designated as a New Jersey Lottery account.
(c) - (h) (No change.)
17:20-6.4 Lost, stolen or cancelled tickets
(a) - (b) (No change.)
(c) Agents shall [make prompt] report[s] to the Lottery within two hours of
discovery regarding any theft from, or unauthorized entry upon, licensed premises,
whether or not any lottery monies or property appear to be missing at the time and shall
supplement such report regarding any lottery monies and property (including full and
partial pack numbers and ticket sequence numbers) that are missing.
(d) (No change.)
17:20-7.1 Information to be furnished by prize claimant
(a) - (c) (No change.)
(d) If more than one person claims ownership of a winning ticket, that fact must
be shown on the ticket or claim form submitted to the Lottery, and each claimant must
provide the information and proof required [data] by this section.
(e) (No change.)
17:20-7.3 Time of award of prizes
(a) - (b) (No change.)
(c) Upon the death of a prize winner, all monies or any portion thereof that remain
payable to the winner’s estate shall be paid either to an executor (executrix) or
administrator (administratrix) of the decedent’s estate, upon presentation of a short
certificate issued within six months, in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A.
54:35-19 and individual game rules. A “short certificate” as referenced in N.J.S.A.
22A:2-30 is a sealed document issued by the Surrogate’s Court indicating that the
named person was previously appointed by the Surrogate’s Court as the fiduciary
for the estate and the fiduciary’s appointment is still in effect.
1. - 2. (No change.)
(d) - (e) (No change.)
17:20-7.4 Manner of payment of prizes
(a) (No change.)
(b) In cases of multiple ownership, the following shall apply:
1. Single payment (non-installment) prize winners shall be issued one check to
the group representative designated on the claim form unless an appropriate
document is submitted requesting a split of the prize. The individual designated to
represent the group shall be responsible for filing the appropriate Internal Revenue
Service forms with the Lottery and distributing the monies to the co-winners. All
individuals in the group with prize shares greater than $600.00 will be subject to
offset regulations identified in N.J.S.A. 5:9-13.17 and 13.18.
2. Installment prize winners may request the issuance of separate checks. The
gross (pre-tax) value of each separate check, however, must be $5,000 or greater. All
individuals in the group with prize shares in excess of greater than $600.00 will be
subject to offset regulations identified in N.J.S.A. 5:9-13.17 and 13.18.
(c) Non-cash prizes such as trips, tickets to theaters or other places of
amusement, meals or tangible property shall be awarded by the Director in such manner
as is consistent with the dignity and integrity of the Lottery, the convenience of the
winner and of the provider of the prize. The Director may establish time limits for the
filing of claims for prizes where the event is one of limited duration. The Director may
authorize the liquidation of a non-cash prize in order satisfy any eligible debts
owed as per N.J.S.A. 5:9-13.17and 13.18.
17:20-7.12 Authorized payment period for Lottery prize award
All winners can be paid (for up to one year from the drawing date for
gaming system generated games and throughout the selling period up to one year
after the announced close of an Instant Lottery game) up to $599.50, by an official
New Jersey Lottery agent after proper gaming system validation. Validated and
paid tickets less than $600.00 will not be returned to the winner. If the winning
ticket entitles the holder to a prize that is more than $599.50, the agent shall validate
the ticket via the gaming system, the claimant and agent shall fill out a claim form
issued by the agent, and the claimant will mail the completed claim form, validated
winning ticket and validation receipt to Lottery headquarters in the claim form
mailer envelope. Once a winning ticket and claim form are received and verified by
the Lottery, the winning ticket is considered “claimed,” will be retained by the New
Jersey Lottery and will not be returned to the winner. For tickets validated and
scanned at an authorized New Jersey Lottery agent within the one-year claim
period, and then sent to Lottery headquarters for verification and claim processing,
said ticket must be received at the headquarters' office on or before the close of
business on the 30th day after the expiration of the official claim period in order to
be paid. One year means the anniversary date of the draw unless the draw date is
February 29 in which case the anniversary is considered to be March 1.
17:20-8.1 Lottery vendors' code of ethics
(a) No Lottery vendor shall employ any person or maintain any business
relationship with any person who is a Lottery Commissioner, officer or employee
[having any duties or responsibilities in connection with the purchase, acquisition or
sale of any property or services by or to the Lottery] or [with] his or her immediate
family or with any person, firm or entity with which he or she is employed or associated
or in which he or she has an interest within the meaning of the New Jersey Conflicts of
Interest Law (N.J.S.A. 52:l3D-13g). As used in this section, Lottery vendor means any
person, firm or corporation, or Lottery retailer engaging or seeking to engage in
business with the Division of the State Lottery.
(b) The maintenance of a business relationship shall be deemed to include, but not
be limited to, any interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, any business
transaction or professional activity involving a Commissioner, officer or employee,
including the sale of any interest in the vendor. [ However, it shall not be a violation of
this paragraph for a Lottery Commissioner, officer or employee to seek future outside
employment or to correspond with a Lottery vendor with respect thereto, provided that:
l. The Director is promptly informed of such activities; and
2. They are not violative of State law or such other ethical standards as may
apply. (Lottery Commissioners and Division Officers and employees are
covered by a separate Code of Ethics. See (i) below.)
(c) Any relationships subject to (b) above shall be reported in writing forthwith to
the Executive Commission on Ethical Standards, which may grant a waiver of this
restriction upon application of the State officer or employee or special State officer or
employee upon a finding that the present or proposed relationship does not present the
potential, actuality or appearance of a conflict of interest.]
Recodify existing (d) and (e) as (c) and (d) (No change in text.)
[(f)] (e) No Lottery vendor shall pay, offer to pay, or agree to pay, either directly
or indirectly, to any Lottery Commissioner, officer or employee or to any member of
the immediate family, as defined by the New Jersey Conflicts of Interest Law
(N.J.S.A. 52:l3D-13i), of any such person, or any partnership, firm, or corporation with
which such person is employed or associated, or in which such person has an interest
within the meaning of the New Jersey Conflicts of Interest Law (N.J.S.A. 52:13D-
13g), any fee, commission, compensation, gift, favor, service or other thing of value
under circumstances from which it might be reasonably inferred that such gift, service
or other thing of value was given or offered for the purpose of influencing the recipient
in the discharge of his or her official duties. The solicitation of any fee, commission,
compensation, gift, gratuity or other thing of value by any Commissioner, officer or
employee from any State vendor shall be reported in writing forthwith by the vendor to
the Attorney General and the [Executive Commission on Ethical Standards] State
Ethics Commission.
[(g) This Code of Ethics shall also apply to any licensed agent of the New Jersey
State Lottery.]
[(h)] (f) (No change in text.)
[(i)] (g) This code is intended to augment and not replace existing administrative
orders and pertinent codes of ethics. [It shall not be construed to prohibit a State officer
or employee or special State officer or employee from receiving gifts from or
contracting with vendors under the same terms and conditions as are offered or made
available to members of the general public subject to any guidelines the Executive
Commission on Ethical Standards may promulgate. If any part of this Code shall be
found ineffective or inoperative, such finding shall not affect the other parts of the
17:20-9.1 Penalties not exceeding $10,000
(a) The Director may, after notice and hearing, impose civil penalties on licensed
agents in an amount up to $10,000 per incident for violations of the Act or this chapter
pursuant to N.J.S.A. 5:9-12.1(a).
(b) - (c) (No change.)
17:20-9.2 Restitution; cease and desist orders
(a) The Director shall exercise the power to order restitution and/or enter cease
and desist orders pursuant to [P.L. 1983, c. 429] N.J.S.A. 5:9-12.1(b) and (c).
(b) (No change.)
17:20-9.3 Hearing; procedures
All determinations under this subchapter shall be made in conformity with
N.J.A.C. 17:20-5.3 through 5.6.
17:20-10.2 Division of State Lottery organization
(a) (No change.)
(b) The Division of State Lottery consists of the Executive Director, Deputy
Executive Director, Legislative Liaison, Public Information Officer and the operating
units consisting of Administration, Security and Licensing, Marketing, Sales, Finance,
Information Systems, Operations and Organization Support, and Game Research and
1. (No change.)
2. The Deputy Executive Director, who is second in command, is responsible for
the day-to-day administration of Lottery operations, and oversees the following
organizational units of Administration, Security and Licensing, Marketing, Sales,
Finance, Information Management Systems, Operations and Organization Support, and
Game Research and Development with the assistance of Deputy Directors and
3. (No change.)
4. The Public Information Officer processes information requests from the public
and press regarding matters related to public information and general policies and
coordinates and supports promotional events and activities.
5. - 8. (No change.)
9. Finance insures the financial integrity of the Division of State Lottery by
performing the routine audit of the [on-line] gaming system to verify financial
accountability to the Agent sales network and the State of New Jersey. The Finance Unit
also reports on the results of Lottery operations in conformance with generally accepted
auditing standards.
10. (No change.)
11. Operations and Organization Support ensures the validation and timely
processing of winners’ claims[,] and reconciliation of instant ticket returns, oversees
the games [drawing] pool closing processes; coordinates human resources matters
with the Department of the Treasury; oversees information management services
and maintains all warehouse activities and records retention[; and supports promotional
events and activities].
12. (No change.)
(c) A detailed list of the current organizational positions of the Division of
State Lottery is posted on the Division of State Lottery website.
17:20 –11.1 Public notice regarding proposed rulemaking
(a) The Division shall provide for the following four types of public notice for all
rule proposals in accordance with the New Jersey Administrative Procedure Act, N.J.S.A.
52:14B-1 et seq., and the Office of Administrative Law Rules for Agency Rulemaking,
N.J.A.C. 1:30:
1. (No change.)
2. The notice of the rule proposal, as filed with the Office of Administrative Law,
or a statement of the substance of the proposed rulemaking, shall be posted and
made available electronically on the Division's web[-]site and the Department
of the Treasury web site;
3. The news media maintaining a press office in the State House Complex shall be
provided notice of the rule proposal, as posted and made available
electronically on the Division's web site and the Department of the Treasury
web site; and
4. The notice of the rule proposal, as filed with the Office of Administrative Law,
or a statement of the substance of the proposed rulemaking and its availability
on the [Lottery] Division’s [website] web site and the Department of the
Treasury web site, shall be made available to the public through a press
release and distributed to the newspapers and radio stations not represented in
the State House Press Office to inform those persons most likely to be affected
or interested in the proposed rulemaking.
17:20-11.4 Copies of documents; fees
[(a)] Any person may obtain copies of documents filed with the Office of Administrative
Law from the Division, in accordance with the provisions of Open Public Records Law,
N.J.S.A. 47:1A-[2 et seq.]1through 13, as amended, upon payment of the then current
fee schedule for the documents produced pursuant to Open Public Records Law,
N.J.S.A 17:1A-1 through 13. [a fee as follows:
1. First page to 10th page: $.75 per page;
2. Eleventh page to 20th page: $.50 per page; and
3. All pages over 20: $.25 per page.]