UCCS Confined Space Program – October 2018 1
UCCS Confined Space Program – October 2018 2
Introduction and Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Responsibilities ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Hazard Evaluation for Permit Spaces .................................................................................................................. 3
Reclassification ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Preventing Unauthorized Entry ............................................................................................................................. 4
Non-Permit Entry Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 4
Permit Required Entry Procedures ....................................................................................................................... 4
Training Program .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Rescue and Emergency Services ........................................................................................................................ 8
Contractor and Multiple Employer Entry Procedures ........................................................................................ 8
Review and Recordkeeping .................................................................................................................................. 8
Appendices .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Entering confined spaces with an atmospheric hazard, a chance of engulfment or entrapment,
or any other recognized serious safety hazard can be life threatening. The purpose of this
program is to establish a best management program for the University of Colorado Colorado
Springs (UCCS) based on the OSHA Confined Space Standard, Title 29 Code of Federal
Regulations 1910.146, as well as other recognized safety standards. This program applies to all
personnel, including employees, faculty, students and visitors, who perform work in or enter
confined spaces at UCCS.
The purpose of this program is to ensure that safe work practices are utilized during all activities
regarding permit-required confined spaces to prevent personal injuries and illnesses. Copies of
this written program may be obtained from the Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS)
department in the Academic Office Building.
Anyone who enters a confined space is responsible for recognizing the hazards and following all
procedures listed in this program. Depending on the role during entry, the involved personnel
have more defined responsibilities listed below under Authorized Entrant, Authorized Attendant,
and Entry Supervisor.
The EHS department is responsible for the following:
Developing, maintaining, and revising this written program.
UCCS Confined Space Program – October 2018 3
Providing initial identification, risk assessment, classification and atmospheric monitoring
for all confined spaces.
Providing necessary training to all affected personnel.
Maintaining any and all records related to confined space.
Planning and coordinating confined space rescue drills with all interested parties.
Supervisors in each department are responsible for:
Implementing and enforcing this written program in their specified areas.
Purchasing any equipment necessary to perform the confined space entry safely.
Assisting in identifying confined spaces and the associated hazards.
EHS conducts initial hazard evaluation of all workspaces to determine the location of permit-
required confined spaces at UCCS. This evaluation identifies the existence and location of all
confined spaces and determined, if any, are permit-required confined spaces. The inventory and
identification of these spaces can be found in Appendix A. If at any time a new confined space
is added to the campus or modifications are made to an existing space, the inventory will be
Criteria used during the hazard evaluation included defining a confined space as one that is
large enough and so configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform work, has
limited or restricted means for entry and exit, and is not designed for continuous human
occupancy. Criteria for evaluating if it is a permit required confined space included:
Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere (i.e., toxic, explosive,
or asphyxiating).
Contains a material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant.
Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated by
inwardly converging walls or by a floor which slopes downward and tapers to a smaller
cross section.
Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard.
If any of the above criteria are met, the space was determined to be a permit-required confined
space until otherwise reclassified.
If a confined space is initially identified as a permit-required space, but it is determined all
hazards can be eliminated, the reclassification checklist in Appendix C may be filled out. This
form may only be filled out if there are no atmospheric hazards and all other hazards can be
eliminated from outside of the space through methods such a lockout tagout. This
reclassification might only apply to a specific task or scenario within that space and not the
entire space itself. Once reclassified, the permit requirement is removed for that task or space.
UCCS Confined Space Program – October 2018 4
Non-permitted spaces may also become permit-required based on alterations to the space or
change the atmospheric hazards such as welding or painting. In this case, although it is
normally a non-permitted space, the confined space is reclassified as permit-required and all the
required entry procedures apply.
In this document, entry means breaking the plane of the space with any body part. In order to
provide a safe work environment and to prevent exposed employees from accidentally entering
a permitted space, signage has been placed either on the confined space itself or at the entry of
the building or room to indicate the location of the confined space. All employees, faculty,
students, contractors, and visitors are instructed and expected to follow all posted safety
signage. In addition to signage, most entrances to the location of confined spaces are locked to
ensure that unauthorized employees do not enter and/or work in permit-required confined
spaces without authorized entry.
All confined spaces must be considered permit-required until it has been determined that either
the hazards do not exist or they have been eliminated. If all hazards have been eliminated, entry
can proceed without the use of an entry permit or an attendant. Confined space training is still
required for entering into non-permitted spaces.
All personnel entering a non-permit confined space must:
Visually check the space to ensure no modifications have been made that would change
the classification.
Guard or barricade entry opening to protect from unauthorized entry.
Wear all required personal protective equipment (PPE).
Be observant and aware of the effects of hazardous contaminants and evacuate the
space immediately if they are detected.
Have a means to summon assistance in an emergency (Two-way radio, cell phone, etc.)
All non-permitted spaces are identified in the UCCS Confined Space Inventory.
Entry into confined spaces with hazardous atmospheres, engulfment hazards, entrapment
hazards or other serious hazards must be performed under permit-required confined space
entry procedures as found on the entry permit.
The use of the entry permit is required for any entry into a permit-required confined space as
identified in the inventory. It is also required for any non-permitted space that becomes permit-
UCCS Confined Space Program – October 2018 5
required due to the nature of the work being performed. The permit can be obtained through
your manager, EHS, or printed offline. All sections of the permit must be filled out prior to
entering the space. Entry supervisors are responsible for filling out the permit and authorizing
entry into the space. The entry supervisor may serve another role such as entrant or attendant.
The permit must be canceled if the conditions outlined in the permit change, entry procedures
and conditions are no longer met, or the work is completed. Permits are to be returned to EHS
once complete or canceled and retained for a minimum of 1 year. Any problems encountered
during the entry must be noted on the permit so revisions to the procedures can be made as
necessary. This permit does not replace all other permits, and if hot work is being performed in
a confined space, the employees must have a hot work permit in addition to the confined space
entry permit.
To ensure the safety and health of our employees, UCCS provides equipment to all employees
who work in or near the permit-required spaces. All equipment is maintained in excellent
working condition and any equipment found to be faulty during the pre-use inspection is not to
be used and replaced as soon as possible. All employees who work in and around confined
spaces are trained in the correct usage of this equipment, and ensure that all equipment,
including that used for personal protection, is used properly.
Some of the equipment utilized at UCCS includes air movers, harnesses, PPE, air monitoring
equipment, lighting devices, barricading devices, communication equipment and any other
safety equipment necessary to complete the job.
Anyone who has completed the training and are authorized to enter permit-required confined
spaces (authorized entrants) are assigned specific duties and responsibilities that they must
perform prior to and while working in the space. Their duties and responsibilities include:
1. Identifying the hazards associated with the confined space.
2. Maintaining communication with the outside attendant(s).
3. Identifying any changes or modifications to the space that may cause danger to life,
safety or health.
4. Knowing the proper use of all equipment and utilizing equipment as necessary.
5. Promptly exiting the space whenever the authorized attendant says, whenever a
hazardous condition is detected, or whenever the air-monitoring instrument alarms.
6. Wear all required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
UCCS Confined Space Program – October 2018 6
Anyone who has completed the training and been designated as outside attendants are
assigned specific duties and responsibilities that they must perform before and during a
confined space entry. The attendant(s) are never allowed to enter the confined space
under any circumstance. Other duties and responsibilities include:
1. Maintaining communication with the entrant(s).
2. Knowing the hazards of the space and the behavioral effects of those hazards.
3. Monitoring the confined space atmosphere and ventilation equipment.
4. Summoning emergency response personnel when necessary.
5. Performing non-entry rescue steps when applicable.
6. Prohibiting unauthorized entry into the space.
7. Identifying any situations that may require entrants to exit the space.
8. Ordering the authorized entrants to exit the confined space immediately if: a hazardous
condition is detected inside or outside the space, the authorized entrant acts abnormally,
or it is not possible for the attendant to perform required duties.
9. Remaining outside the permitted space until entry is complete or relieved by another
10. Performing no other duties that interfere with the above listed duties.
Anyone who has completed the training and have been designated as permit space entry
supervisors are assigned specific duties and responsibilities that they must perform in prior to
authorizing entry into the space. Their duties and responsibilities include:
1. Knowing the hazards that may be faced during entry, including signs, symptoms, and
consequences of exposure.
2. Filling out the Entry Permit and authorizing entry by signing the permit.
3. Verifying that all Entry Permit requirements have been properly addressed before entry.
4. Verifying that rescue services are available and can be summoned.
5. Canceling the permit if unacceptable conditions arise during entry.
6. Ensuring that the terms of the Entry Permit are followed and that acceptable entry
conditions are maintained.
The authorized entrant or attendant can also be the entry supervisor if they are trained and
Atmospheric testing is required for both initial classification of a confined space and prior to
entering any permit-required confined space. This is accomplished through the use of a
handheld air meter. At a minimum, every space must be monitored for oxygen, combustible
gases and vapors, and toxic gases and vapors with oxygen being measured first.
Documentation of the testing must be recorded on the Confined Space Entry Permit.
UCCS Confined Space Program – October 2018 7
If the space can be isolated from the cause of the atmospheric hazard, only pre-entry and
periodic air testing are required, however continuous monitoring is always encouraged. In
spaces that cannot be isolated or there is a risk of changing atmospheric conditions, continuous
air monitoring must be used, and the monitoring device should be worn by the entrant or placed
near the work. If the air monitoring device turns off or goes into alarm, the entrant(s) must exit
the space. When performing atmospheric monitoring in vertical spaces, samples must be pulled
from multiple levels within the space before entry as atmospheric conditions can be stratified.
All air monitoring devices must be maintained according to manufacturer’s specification. The
calibration must be current prior to utilizing the meter for confined space entry. All entrants and
users of the atmospheric monitors must be thoroughly trained on the calibration and operation
of the specific air monitor. Each department is responsible for the maintenance and purchasing
of their own air monitoring devices.
Minimum entry conditions are listed below. If conditions are not met, then entry is prohibited. If
the space is occupied and the entry conditions are no longer met, the space must be evacuated
Acceptable Limits
Oxygen Between 19.5% and 23.5%
Flammable gasses
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
<35 ppm
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) <10 ppm
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
0.5% or 5000 ppm
Dust Visibility >5 ft.
Hazardous Flows and Energy
Secured and locked/tagged out
Engulfment Hazards None Present
Other Atmospheric Hazards
Every employee, faculty or student at UCCS who is involved in confined space entry is provided
with training that gives them the understanding, knowledge and skills necessary to perform
entry safely. The training is the same whether you are an entrant, an attendant, or entry
supervisor as all the required information for these duties is provided during the training.
EHS conducts permit required confined space training for all applicable new hires and annually
thereafter. Training can occur online, in a classroom, in the field, or any combination of those
three. When changes occur in permit required confined space areas, retraining is provided as
necessary. If new confined space equipment is purchased or a new confined space is added,
training on the specific equipment or space will be provided. If there is reason to believe that an
employee does not understand the proper entry procedures or that their knowledge seems
inadequate, EHS will provide retraining as necessary. All training related materials, documents,
and records are kept in EHS.
UCCS Confined Space Program – October 2018 8
In the event of an emergency, UCCS will provide non-entry rescue, if feasible, and will notify
outside authorities for assistance. UCCS utilizes the Colorado Springs Fire Department (CSFD)
to perform entry rescue services if necessary. Non-entry rescue is the preferred method of
rescue and retrieval systems will be put in place prior to entry whenever possible. Retrieval
systems may include a full body harness, retrieval line, a winch, tripod, or other forms of PPE. In
the event of an emergency, the outside attendant will also notify UCCS Police after calling 911.
No UCCS employee, student or faculty is trained to perform entry rescue. However, authorized
attendants are trained in non-entry rescue procedures that include, but is not limited to, staging
rescue equipment, utilizing hoist and tripod to pull up entrant(s), notifying UCCS Police and
CSFD, setting up and starting ventilation and air movement, and acquiring medical and/or first
aid equipment. Only CSFD or trained contractors can perform entry rescue.
EHS is responsible for planning, organizing, and executing routine confined space rescue drills
with the local Fire Department in conjunction with the UCCS. These drills can include either
non-entry or entry rescue and will be held in actual confined spaces or in like spaces where
confined space rescue would be necessary.
All outside employees/contractors must have their own permit-required confined space entry
program to follow when entering permit-required confined spaces at UCCS. This may include,
but is not limited to, air sampling requirements, training documentation, communications plan
and a rescue plan. Before entering the space, UCCS will inform the contractor of the location of
permit-required spaces and the hazards identified that make the space in question a permitted
If a contractor or outside employee is working in a permit-required space in conjunction with a
UCCS employee, a pre-planning meeting will be held with all parties before work is authorized
to begin so that all involved agree with regards to the requirements of confined space entry and
other safety concerns. One permit may be used for entry, but it must be signed by all involved
UCCS reviews the Permit-Required Confined Space Entry Program on a regular basis to ensure
the safety of employees. The program is also updated as issues, questions or concerns are
brought up, as well as with new equipment or any change in the procedures.
UCCS Confined Space Program – October 2018 9
All records in relation to confined space are kept in the EHS department. This includes this
program, completed permits, training records, and the confined space inventory.
Document Review Log
Appendix A
Confined Space Inventory
A list of UCCS Confined Spaces can be found on the EHS Website here:
Appendix B – Confined Space Permit
Reviewed by:
Changes Made:
Sept 2018
Kelley Hixson
Document Created
Oct 2018 Kelley Hixson Updated the permit based on
feedback from Facilities CS
July 2019
K. Hixson
Updated the EHS website
Confined Space Entry Permit
Version: 1
Last Updated:
Date: Time:
Location of Work:
Scope of Work:
Known Hazards of the Space (check all that apply):
Oxygen Deficiency
Combustible gas/vapor
Combustible dust
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Mechanical Hazards
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
Other gas/vapor:__________
Chemical Hazards
Electrical Hazards
Pipes under pressure
Extreme Temperatures
Fall Hazards
Other Hazards: __________
Before entry
Communication Method:
Two Way Radio
Other: ________________
Additional Lighting Needed:
Additional PPE (Check all that apply):
Hearing Protection
Work Boots
Face Shield
Head Protection
Body Protection
Rubber Boots
Knee pads
Dust Mask
Safety Glasses/Goggles
Additional Considerations (check all that apply):
Lockout Tagout
Hot Work (requires a permit)
Other: ________________
Tripod with Winch
Barricade Entry
Portable Ladder
Time Location of Air Sample
(Acceptable from
19.5% to 23.5%)
<35 ppm)
<10 ppm)
Instrument Model:
Date of Last Calibration:
In case of an emergency, call 911. Tell the operator you need a confined space
rescue and assistance from the fire department. DO NOT ENTER THE SPACE!
Then contact UCCS Police at (719) 255-3111 and begin any non-entry rescue
procedures, if applicable.
I have reviewed this permit and I am aware of the hazards and precautions necessary for performing
the designated work in the confined space. I certify that all existing and potential hazards have been
evaluated, necessary protective measures have been taken, and acceptable environmental
conditions exist
for entry.
Entry Title
(Entrant, Attendant,
Alternate, Supervisor, etc.)
Name Signature
This permit must be displayed at job site until work is complete, canceled, or the shift
has ended.
Comments/Problems During Entry:
The work is:
Complete Canceled Done for the day
Entrant Signature: ________________________ Date: ________________ Time: ___________
Appendix C
UCCS Confined Space Reclassification Checklist
Applicability: Confined spaces can be reclassified for various reasons. A permit-required confined
space can only qualify for reclassification if the following are met:
There are no actual or potential atmospheric hazards.
There are no hazards capable of causing death or serious physical harm.
All other hazards associated with the space can be eliminated from outside the space by
means such as lockout tagout.
If at any time there are modifications to the space, it must be re-evaluated. This reclassification only
applies to the work/purpose of entry described and if any other work is to be performed in the space,
it must be considered permit required until otherwise reclassified.
Date: ______________
Confined Space: _____________________________________________
Location of Space: ____________________________________________________________
Work to be performed/ Purpose of entry:
Hazards Associated with the Space How Hazards will be Eliminated
Authorized Entrant Employee Signature: _________________________ Date: _____________
EHS Signature: ______________________________ Date: _____________