Chapter 296-809 WAC Introduction
Confined Spaces
Chapter 296-809 WAC
Safety Standards for Confined Spaces
(Form Number F414-068-000)
This book contains rules for Safety Standards for confined spaces, as adopted under the
Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act of 1973 (Chapter 49.17 RCW).
The rules in this book are effective February 2018. A brief promulgation history, set within
brackets at the end of this chapter, gives statutory authority, administrative order of
promulgation, and date of adoption of filing.
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Chapter 296-809 WAC Table of Contents
Confined Spaces
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Chapter 296-809 WAC
Safety Standards for Confined Spaces
WAC Page
WAC 296-809-099 Definitions................................................ 1
WAC 296-809-100 Scope. ...................................................... 8
WAC 296-809-200 Identify and control entry into permit-
required confined spaces. ..................................................... 9
WAC 296-809-20002 Identify permit-required confined spaces. ........................... 9
WAC 296-809-20004 Inform employees and control entry to permit-required
confined spaces. ..................................................................... 10
WAC 296-809-20006 Follow these requirements when you contract with another
employer to enter your confined space. .................................. 10
WAC 296-809-300 Permit-required confined space
program. ................................................................................. 11
WAC 296-809-30002 Develop a written permit-required confined space
program. ................................................................................. 11
WAC 296-809-30004 Meet these additional requirements if your employees enter
another employer's confined space. ....................................... 13
WAC 296-809-400 Employee Training. ............................... 13
WAC 296-809-40002 Provide employee training. ............................................... 13
WAC 296-809-40004 Certify employee proficiency. ........................................... 14
WAC 296-809-500 Permit-entry procedures. ..................... 15
WAC 296-809-50002 Implement procedures for safe entry into permit-required
confined spaces. ..................................................................... 15
WAC 296-809-50004 Use an entry permit that contains all required
information. ............................................................................. 16
Chapter 296-809 WAC Table of Contents
Confined Spaces
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WAC 296-809-50006 Keep and review your entry permits. ................................ 17
WAC 296-809-50008 Prevent unauthorized entry. ............................................. 17
WAC 296-809-50010 Provide, maintain, and use proper equipment. ................. 17
WAC 296-809-50012 Evaluate and control hazards for safe entry. .................... 18
WAC 296-809-50014 Make sure you have adequate rescue and emergency
services available. .................................................................. 19
WAC 296-809-50016 Use nonentry rescue systems or methods whenever
possible. ................................................................................. 20
WAC 296-809-50018 Make sure entry supervisors perform their responsibilities
and duties. .............................................................................. 21
WAC 296-809-50020 Provide an attendant outside the permit-required confined
space. ..................................................................................... 22
WAC 296-809-50022 Make sure entrants know the hazardous conditions and
their duties. ............................................................................. 23
WAC 296-809-50024 Implement procedures for ending entry. ........................... 24
WAC 296-809-600 Alternative methods. ............................ 24
WAC 296-809-60002 Make sure the following conditions are met if using
alternative methods. ............................................................... 24
WAC 296-809-60004 Implement alternative methods for each permit-required
confined space that meet the criteria. ..................................... 25
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
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WAC 296-809-099 Definitions.
Acceptable entry conditions. The conditions that must exist in a permit-required confined
space to allow safe entry and work.
Alternative methods. Permit-required confined space using alternative methods. An
alternative process for entering a permit space under very specific conditions outlined in WAC
296-809-60002 and 296-809-60004. The employer must complete documentation as required
to communicate to the workers the space conditions. For an example, see Appendix J
Alternative Method Documentation.
Atmospheric hazard. See definition of hazardous atmosphere.
Atmospheric testing. See definition of monitoring or testing.
Attendant. An individual stationed outside one or more permit-required confined spaces to
monitor the entrants. Attendants must perform the duties required in WAC 296-809-50020.
Barrier. A physical obstruction that blocks or limits access.
Blanking or blinding. The absolute closure of a pipe, line, or duct by fastening a solid plate
(such as a spectacle blind or a skillet blind) that completely covers the bore. It is capable of
withstanding the maximum pressure of the pipe, line, or duct with no leakage beyond the plate.
Calibration. Checking a direct reading instrument against an accurate standard such as a
calibration gas to determine deviation and correct for analytical errors.
Competent person. A person capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the
surroundings or working conditions including those that are unsanitary, hazardous, or
dangerous to employees, and has the authorization to take prompt corrective measures to
eliminate them. They must be knowledgeable in this chapter.
Confined space. A space that is all of the following:
(a) Large enough and arranged so an employee could fully enter the space and work.
(b) Has limited or restricted entry or exit. Examples of spaces with limited or restricted
entry are tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins, hoppers, vaults, excavations, and pits.
(c) Not primarily designed for continuous human occupancy.
Note: See Appendix A Frequently Asked Questions and Examples for
Confined Spaces.
Control. The action taken to reduce the level of any hazard inside a confined space using
engineering methods (for example, ventilation), and then using these methods effectively to
maintain the reduced hazard level. Control also refers to the engineering methods used for this
purpose. Personal protective equipment is not a control.
Controlling contractor (employer). The employer that has overall responsibility for
construction at the worksite. If the controlling contractor (employer) owns or manages the
property, then it is both a controlling employer and a host employer.
Double block and bleed. The closure of a line, duct, or pipe by closing and locking or tagging
2 in-line valves and by opening and locking or tagging a drain or vent valve in the line between
the 2 closed valves. See also chapter 296-803 WAC, Lockout/tagout (control of hazardous
Early-warning system. The method used to alert authorized entrants and attendants that an
engulfment hazard may be developing. Examples of early-warning systems include: Alarms
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
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activated by remote sensors; and lookouts with equipment for immediately communicating
with the authorized entrants and attendants.
Emergency. Any occurrence (including any failure of hazard control or monitoring
equipment) or event internal or external to the permit-required confined space that could
endanger authorized entrants.
Energy-isolating device. A mechanical device that physically prevents transmitting or
releasing energy. This includes, but is not limited to:
Manually operated electrical circuit breakers.
Disconnect switches.
Manually operated switches that disconnect the conductors of a circuit from all
ungrounded supply conductors if no pole of the switch can be operated
Line valves.
Similar devices.
Note: Push button, selector switches and other control circuit-type devices are
not energy isolating devices.
Engulfment. The surrounding and effective capture of a person by a liquid or finely divided
(flowable) solid substance that can be inhaled to cause death by filling or plugging the
respiratory system or that can exert enough force on the body to cause death by strangulation,
constriction, or crushing.
Enter (entry). The action where any part of a person’s body breaks the plane (passes through
an opening) into a confined space. Entry occurs as soon as any part of the entrant’s body
breaks the plane of the opening into the space whether or not such action is intentional or any
work activities are actually performed in the space.
Note: When the opening is large enough for the worker to fully enter the
space, a permit is required even for partial body entry. Permits are not
required for partial body entry, where the opening is not large enough
for full entry, although other rules such as chapter 296-803 WAC,
Lockout/tagout (control of hazardous energy), and chapter 296-841
WAC, Airborne contaminants may apply.
Entrant. An employee who is authorized by the employer to enter a permit-required confined
Entry employer. Any employer who has an employee enter a permit space.
Note: An employer cannot avoid the duties of the standard merely by refusing
to decide whether its employees will enter a permit space. DOSH
considers the failure to decide as an implicit decision to allow
employees to enter those spaces, if they are working in the proximity of
the space without the required worker protections.
Entry permit (permit). The written or printed document that is provided by you to allow and
control entry into a permit-required confined space and that contains the information required
in WAC 296-809-500, Permit entry procedures.
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
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Entry rescue. Occurs when a rescue service enters a permit space to rescue one or more
Entry supervisor. The qualified and trained person (such as the employer, crew leader, or
crew chief) responsible for identifying permit-required confined spaces and performing
responsibilities and job duties as outlined by WAC 296-809-50018. For example:
(a) Determining if acceptable entry conditions are present at a permit-required confined
space where entry is planned;
(b) Authorizing entry and overseeing entry operations; and
(c) Terminating entry as required by this standard.
Note: An entry supervisor also may serve as an attendant or as an authorized
entrant, as long as that person is trained and equipped as required by this
standard for each role he or she fills. The duties of entry supervisor may
be passed from one individual to another during the course of an entry
Hazard. A physical hazard or hazardous atmosphere. See definitions below.
Hazardous atmosphere. An atmosphere that may expose employees to the risk of death,
incapacitation, impair their ability to self-rescue (escape unaided from a permit-required
confined space), injury, or acute illness caused by one or more of the following:
(a) Flammable gas, vapor, or mist in excess of ten percent of its lower flammable limit
(LFL) or lower explosive limit (LEL).
(b) Airborne combustible dust at a concentration that meets or exceeds its LFL. The
concentration may be approximated as a condition in which the dust obscures vision
at a distance of five feet (1.52 m) or less.
(c) Atmospheric oxygen concentration below 19.5 percent or above 23.5 percent.
(d) Atmospheric concentration of any substance which may exceed a permissible
exposure limit. (PEL)
(e) Any other atmospheric condition that is immediately dangerous to life or health
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
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1 percent (%) = 10,000 parts per million (ppm).
For additional information about atmospheric concentration, see chapter 296-
62 WAC, General occupational health standards, Parts F, G, and I, and chapter
296-841 Airborne contaminants.
For immediately dangerous to life or health values see
An airborne concentration of a substance that is not capable of causing death,
incapacitation, impairment to self-rescue, injury or acute illness due to its health
effects in not covered by this definition.
For air contaminants, that have no WISHA-determined doses or permissible
exposure limits (PELs) use other sources of information that can provide
guidance in establishing acceptable atmospheric conditions, such as: Safety
data sheets required by WAC 296-901-14014, published information and
internal documents.
Hazard elimination. The temporary or permanent action taken to remove a hazard from the
work environment. For confined spaces, this definition includes isolation. It does not include
the use of forced air ventilation. For a hazard to be considered eliminated, the conditions that
create or cause the hazard must no longer exist within the confined space.
Host employer. The employer that owns or manages the property where the work is taking
place. In no case will there be more than one host employer.
Note: If the owner of the property on which the construction activity occurs
has contracted in writing wit h an entity for the general management of
that property and has in writing transferred to that entity the information
specified in WAC 296-809-20006, DOSH will treat the contracted
management entity as the host employer for as long as that entity
manages the property. Otherwise, DOSH will treat the owner of the
property as the host employer.
Hot work. Operations capable of providing a source of ignition (for example, riveting,
welding, cutting, burning, and heating).
Hot work permit. A written authorization to perform hot work operations, for example,
riveting, welding, cutting, burning, and heating, that can provide a source of ignition.
Immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH). Any of the following conditions:
(a) An immediate or delayed threat to life.
(b) Anything that would cause irreversible adverse health effects.
(c) Anything that would interfere with an individual's ability to escape unaided from a
permit-required confined space.
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
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Notes: Some materials - hydrogen fluoride gas and cadmium vapor, for
example - may produce immediate transient effects that, even if severe,
may pass without medical attention, but are followed by sudden,
possibly fatal collapse 12 to 72 hours after exposure. The victim “feels
normal” after recovery from transient effects until collapse. Such
materials in hazardous quantities are considered to be “immediately”
dangerous to life or health (IDLH).
For immediately dangerous to life or health values see
Inerting. The displacement of the atmosphere in a permit-required confined space by a
noncombustible gas (such as nitrogen or argon) to such an extent that the resulting atmosphere
is noncombustible. Inerting produces an IDLH oxygen-deficient atmosphere.
Isolation. The process of removing a permit-required confined space from service and
completely protecting the employees against the release of energy and material into the space
Blanking or blinding;
Misaligning or removing sections of lines, pipes, or ducts;
Double block and bleed system;
Machine guarding;
Blocking or disconnecting all mechanical linkages;
Placement of barriers to eliminate the potential for employee contact with a
physical hazard; or
Lockout of all sources of energy.
Note: When using lockout, you must follow all the requirements of chapter
296-803 WAC, Lockout/tagout (control of hazardous energy).
Limited or restricted means of entry or exit. A condition that has a potential to impede an
employee's movement into or out of a confined space. A space has limited or restricted means
of entry or exit, if an entrant's ability to escape in an emergency would be hindered. Examples
include, but are not limited to, trip hazards, poor illumination, slippery floors, inclining
surfaces and ladders.
Line breaking. The intentional opening of a pipe, line, or duct that is or has been carrying
flammable, corrosive, or toxic material, an inert gas, or any fluid at a volume, pressure, or
temperature capable of causing injury.
Lockout. Placing a lockout device on an energy-isolating device using an established
procedure to make sure the machine or equipment cannot be operated until the lockout device
is removed. For more information, see chapter 296-803 WAC, Lockout/tagout (control of
hazardous energy).
Lockout device. A device that uses a positive means, such as a key or combination lock, to
hold an energy-isolating device in the “safe” or “off” position. This includes blank flanges and
bolted slip blinds.
Lower flammable limit (LFL) or lower explosive limit (LEL). The minimum concentration
of a substance in air needed for an ignition source to cause a flame or explosion.
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
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Mobile worker. An employee who performs work in multiple locations such as: Customer
sites, company offices, private homes, vendor offices, or construction sites.
Monitor or monitoring (see also testing). The process used to identify and evaluate a
potential hazardous atmosphere after an authorized entrant enters the space. This process
checks for atmospheric changes. It is performed in a periodic or continuous manner after the
completion of the initial testing or evaluation of that space.
Nonentry rescue. Retrieval of an entrant from a permit-required space without entering the
permit space.
Nonpermit confined space. You will find the requirements for a nonpermit confined space in
WAC 296-809-600.
Oxygen deficient atmosphere. An atmosphere containing less than 19.5 percent oxygen by
Oxygen enriched atmosphere. An atmosphere containing more than 23.5 percent oxygen by
Permit-required confined space or permit space. A confined space that has one or more of
the following characteristics capable of causing death or serious physical harm:
(a) Contains or has a potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere;
(b) Contains a material with the potential for engulfing someone who enters;
(c) Has an internal configuration that could allow someone entering to be trapped or
asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor, which slopes downward
and tapers to a smaller cross section;
(d) Contains any physical hazard. This includes any recognized health or safety
hazards including engulfment in solid or liquid material, electrical shock, or moving
(e) Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard that could either:
(i) Impair the ability to self-rescue; or
(ii) Result in a situation that presents an immediate danger to life or health.
See Appendix B Examples of Permit-Required Confined Space Hazards.
Permit-required confined space program (also known as a confined space program). An
overall program for:
(a) Controlling and appropriately protecting employees from permit-required confined
space hazards; and
(b) Regulating employee entry into permit-required confined spaces.
Physical hazard. An existing or potential hazard that can cause death or serious physical
damage. Examples include, but are not limited to: Explosives (as defined by WAC 296-52-
60130); mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic energy; radiation; temperature
extremes; engulfment; noise; and inwardly converging surfaces. Physical hazards also include
chemicals that can cause death or serious physical damage through skin or eye contact (rather
than through inhalation).
Potential hazards. All reasonable anticipated conditions within a space and outside the space
that can adversely affect the conditions within the space.
Program administrator. The person who has overall responsibility for your program and has
sufficient training or experience with permit-required confined space entry to oversee program
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
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development, coordinate implementation, and conduct required evaluations of program
effectiveness outlined in WAC 296-809-50006.
Prohibited condition. Any condition in a permit-required confined space not allowed by the
permit during the authorized entry period. For example: A hazardous atmosphere is a
prohibited condition unless the employer can demonstrate that personal protective equipment
(PPE) will provide effective protection for each employee in the permit space and provides the
appropriate PPE to each employee.
Qualified person. A person who has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve problems
relating to the subject matter, work, or project, either by:
Possession of recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing; or
Extensive knowledge, training and experience.
Representative permit space. A mock-up of a confined space that has entrance openings that
are similar to, and is of similar size, configuration, and accessibility to, the permit space that
authorized entrants enter.
Rescue. Retrieving and providing medical assistance to one or more employees in a permit
Rescue service. The personnel designated to rescue employees from permit-required confined
Retrieval system. The equipment used for nonentry rescue of persons from permit-required
confined spaces including; a retrieval line, chest or full-body harness, wristlets or anklets if
appropriate, and a lifting device or anchor.
Serious physical damage. An impairment or illness in which a body part is made functionally
useless or is substantially reduced in efficiency. Such impairment or illness may be permanent
or temporary and includes, but is not limited to, loss of consciousness, disorientation, or other
immediate and substantial reduction in mental efficiency. Injuries involving such impairment
would usually require treatment by a physician or other licensed health care professional.
(a) Placement of a tagout device on a circuit or equipment that has been deenergized, in
accordance with an established procedure, to indicate that the circuit or equipment
being controlled may not be operated until the tagout device is removed; and
(b) The employer ensures that:
(i) Tagout provides equivalent protection to lockout; or
(ii) Lockout is infeasible and the employer has relieved, disconnected, restrained
and otherwise rendered safe stored (residual) energy.
Testing (see also monitoring). The process of identifying and evaluating the hazards that
entrants may be exposed to in a permit-required confined space. Testing includes specifying
the initial atmospheric tests that are to be performed in the permit-required confined space.
Note: Testing allows employers to devise and implement adequate controls to
protect entrants during entry, and to determine if acceptable entry
conditions are present.
Ventilate or ventilation. The process of controlling a hazardous atmosphere using continuous
forced-air mechanical systems. Ventilation is a method of hazard control, not hazard
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
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WAC 296-809-100 Scope.
This chapter applies to all confined spaces and provides requirements to protect employees
from the hazards of entering and working in confined spaces. This chapter applies in any of
the following circumstances:
(1) You have confined spaces in your workplace.
(2) Your employees will enter another employer's confined spaces.
(3) A contractor will enter your confined spaces.
(4) You provide confined space rescue services.
You can use Table 1 to help you decide which requirements to follow for confined spaces.
Table 1 Requirements for Confined Spaces
For confined spaces that are
The requirements in the following sections
Permit-required confined spaces.
Permit-required confined spaces
entered by a contractor (or other
outside employer).
Alternative methods.
Never entered
If you only:
Have a contractor (or outside
employer) enter your space, and you
never enter yourself.
Are a rescue service provider
Requirements in other chapters may apply to your work. You can find a list of
these rules in Appendix C Rules in Other Chapters that Cover Confined Spaces.
You will find some safety and health requirements addressed on a broad level
in this chapter, while being addressed for a specific application in another rule.
When this happens, both requirements apply and should not conflict. When a
conflict does occur, you need to follow the more specific requirement.
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
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WAC 296-809-200 Identify and control entry into permit-
required confined spaces.
Your responsibility: To identify your permit-required confined spaces and control entry.
You must meet the requirements…
in this section:
Identify permit-required confined spaces
WAC 296-809-20002
Inform employees and control entry to
permit-required confined spaces
WAC 296-809-20004
Follow these requirements when you
contract with another employer to enter your
confined space
WAC 296-809-20006
WAC 296-809-20002 Identify permit-required confined spaces.
You must identify all permit-required confined spaces in your workplace. Use a person with
the knowledge, skills, and abilities, capable of identifying actual and potential hazards related
to permit-required confined spaces and with the authority to take prompt corrective action,
such as an entry supervisor or competent person.
Identification of Permit-Required Confined Space(s) involves a two-step
Step 1: Identify confined spaces.
Confined space. A space that is all of the following:
Large enough and arranged so an employee could fully enter the space and
Has limited or restricted entry or exit. Examples of spaces with limited or
restricted entry are tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins, hoppers, vaults,
excavations, and pits.
Not primarily designed for continuous human occupancy.
See Appendix A Frequently Asked Questions and Examples of Confined
Step 2: Evaluate the actual and potential hazards of each confined space to
identify the permit-required confined space(s).
Permit-required confined space or permit space. A confined space that has
one or more of the following characteristics capable of causing death or serious
physical harm.
Contains or has a potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere.
Contains a material with the potential for engulfing someone who enters.
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
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Has an internal configuration that could allow someone entering to be
trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor, which
slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross section.
Contains any physical hazard. This includes any recognized health or
safety hazards including engulfment in solid or liquid material, electrical
shock, or moving parts.
Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard that could
(a) Impair the ability to self-rescue; or
(b) Result in a situation that presents an immediate danger to life or
See Appendix B Examples of Permit-Required Confined Space Hazards
WAC 296-809-20004 Inform employees and control entry to permit-required
confined spaces.
(1) You must provide information about confined spaces as follows:
(a) Make available to affected employees and their authorized representatives all
information and documents required by this chapter.
(b) Inform affected employees about the existence, location, and danger of any permit-
required confined spaces in your workplace by:
(i) Posting danger signs;
(ii) Using any other equally effective means to inform employees.
(2) You must take effective measures to prevent unauthorized employees from entering
permit-required confined spaces
A sign reading “Danger-Permit Required Confined Space, DO NOT ENTER”
or using pictures or other similar wording employees can understand would
satisfy the requirement for a sign.
Equally effective means must warn employees about the existence, location
and danger of permit-required confined spaces for all affected employees.
Examples of measures to prevent employee entry include: padlocks, bolted
covers, use of special tools to remove covers along with, employee training,
and permanently closing the space, such as welding it closed.
WAC 296-809-20006 Follow these requirements when you contract with another
employer to enter your confined space.
You must do all of the following if you arrange to have another employer (contractor) perform
work that involves entry into your permit-required confined space:
(1) Inform the contractor:
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
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(a) That the workplace contains permit-required confined spaces and entry is allowed
only if the applicable requirements of this chapter are met.
(b) Of the identified hazards and your experience with each permit-required confined
(c) Of any precautions or procedures you require for the protection of employees in or
near spaces where the contractor will be working.
(2) Coordinate entry operations with the contractor, when either employees or employers
from the different companies will be working in or near permit-required confined spaces.
(3) Discuss entry operations with the contractor when they are complete. Include the
following in your discussion:
(a) The program followed during confined space entry; and
(b) Any hazards confronted or created.
Note: All employers are responsible for following confined space
requirements in this chapter and in other chapters that apply.
WAC 296-809-300 Permit-required confined space program.
Your responsibility: To develop your permit-required confined space program and practices.
This section applies if employees will enter a permit-required confined space.
Before your employees enter you
must meet these requirements…
in this section:
Develop a written permit-required confined
space program
WAC 296-809-30002
Meet these additional requirements if your
employees enter another employer’s
confined space
WAC 296-809-30004
WAC 296-809-30002 Develop a written permit-required confined space program.
Identify and evaluate the hazards of permit-required confined spaces and the
work performed, to assist you in developing your entry program and entry
(1) You must develop a written program, before employees enter confined spaces, that
describes the means, procedures, and practices you use for the safe entry of permit-
required confined spaces as required by this chapter. Include the following:
(a) Documentation of permit entry procedures
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
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(b) Designation of employees that have active roles, including; attendants, competent
persons, entrants, entry supervisors, rescuers, program administrator, or those who
test or monitor the atmosphere in a permit-required space.
(c) Identification of each designated employee’s duties.
(d) Training employees on their designated roles.
(e) How to identify and evaluate hazards.
(f) Use and maintenance of equipment.
(g) How to prevent unauthorized entry.
(h) How to coordinate entry with another employer.
(i) How to rescue entrants.
(j) If you intend to enter using alternative methods for entry, the procedures must
address all measures used before entry to isolate and eliminate hazards from the
space and control potential atmospheric hazards.
(i) Identify the entry supervisor who authorize the use of the alternative methods
and has the responsibility for ensuring safe entry conditions.
(ii) The hazards of the space.
(iii) The methods used to eliminate hazards including verification.
(iv) The methods used to ensure that the hazards are eliminated.
(v) The methods used to test and monitor the atmosphere within the space, where
applicable, for all atmospheric hazards.
(vi) The methods used to determine if unsafe conditions arise before or during
(vii) The criteria and conditions for evacuating the space during entry (like
monitoring and test data).
(viii) Methods for training employees in these procedures.
(ix) The methods used to ensure employees follow these procedures.
(x) Documentation required. For examples of documentation, see Appendix J
Alternative Method Documentation
(2) You must consult with affected employees and their authorized representatives when
developing and implementing all aspects of your program.
(3) You must make the written program available to employees and their authorized
(4) You must update your written program as necessary when you have identified
deficiencies. Revise your program and entry procedures before allowing subsequent
(5) You must designate a confined space program administrator who has overall
responsibility for your program and has sufficient training or experience with permit-
required confined space entry to oversee program development, coordinate
implementation, and conduct required evaluations of program effectiveness outlined in
WAC 296-809-50006.
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
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Examples of safe work procedures, include, but are not limited to:
Communication, hazard identification, monitoring and testing, energy control
(lockout), ventilation (purging, flushing, use of local exhaust), inerting,
engulfment control, equipment use, equipment maintenance, coordination with
another employer, emergency evacuation, rescue, and hazard elimination
If you have multiple spaces assigned to one attendant, include the procedures
necessary to enable the attendant to fulfill their required responsibilities and
respond to an emergency. See WAC 296-809-50010, Table 2.
WAC 296-809-30004 Meet these additional requirements if your employees
enter another employer's confined space.
(1) You must obtain any available information about permit-required confined space hazards
and entry operations from the host employer.
(2) You must coordinate entry operations with any other employers whose employees will be
working in or near the permit-required confined space.
(3) You must inform the host employer, either through a debriefing or during entry
operations, about:
(a) The entry program you will follow; and
(b) Any hazards you confronted or created in the space during entry operations.
Note: This would include any additional permit-required confined spaces
identified by you.
WAC 296-809-400 Employee Training.
Your responsibility: To make sure employees are trained to perform their designated roles
You must meet these requirements
prior to entry into permit-required
confined spaces
in this section:
Provide employee training
WAC 296-809-40002
Certify employee proficiency
WAC 296-809-40004
WAC 296-809-40002 Provide employee training.
(1) You must provide training at no cost to each employee involved in permit-required
confined space activities. The training must be in a language and vocabulary they
understand, so they acquire the understanding, knowledge and skills necessary to safely
perform assigned duties.
(a) Establish employee proficiency in their confined space duties
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
Page 14
(b) Introduce new or revised procedures as necessary.
(2) You must provide training to each affected employee;
(a) Before an employee is first assigned to duties covered by this chapter.
(b) Before there is a change in an employee's assigned duties.
(c) When there is a permit-required confined space hazard for which the employee has
not already been trained.
(d) Retrain your employees if there are either:
(i) Deviations from your procedures for permit-required confined space entry; or
(ii) Employee knowledge or use of your procedures is inadequate.
Training topics include, but are not limited to:
Roles and responsibilities;
Hazards of the permit space;
Procedures from your program created to protect employees, such as
methods used to isolate and control hazards, equipment use, equipment
maintenance and evacuation;
For individuals not authorized to perform rescue, the dangers of
attempting unauthorized rescue.
Employers can determine employee proficiency by:
Systematically observing employee performance using safe work
procedures and equipment to perform specific job tasks during training
exercises that stimulate actual confined space conditions;
A comprehensive written exam; or
Any other method that is effective for the employer.
WAC 296-809-40004 Certify employee proficiency.
(1) You must determine and certify employee proficiency in their assigned duties.
(2) You must make sure the certification:
(a) Contains each employee's name, the trainer's written or electronic signature or
initials, and the dates of training.
(b) Is available for inspection by employees and their authorized representatives.
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
Page 15
WAC 296-809-500 Permit-entry procedures.
Your responsibility: To establish procedures for the safe permit-required entry of confined
You must meet the requirements…
in this section:
Implement procedures for safe entry into
permit-required confined spaces
WAC 296-809-50002
Use an entry permit that contains all
required information
WAC 296-809-50004
Keep and review your entry permits
WAC 296-809-50006
Prevent unauthorized entry
WAC 296-809-50008
Provide, maintain and use proper
WAC 296-809-50010
Evaluate and control hazards for safe entry
WAC 296-809-50012
Make sure you have adequate rescue and
emergency service available
WAC 296-809-50014
Use nonentry rescue systems or methods
whenever possible
WAC 296-809-50016
Make sure entry supervisors perform their
responsibilities and duties
WAC 296-809-50018
Provide an attendant outside the permit-
required confined space
WAC 296-809-50020
Make sure entrants know the hazardous
conditions and their duties
WAC 296-809-50022
Implement procedures for ending entry
WAC 296-809-50024
WAC 296-809-50002 Implement procedures for safe entry into permit-required
confined spaces.
(1) You must identify and evaluate, before employees enter, potential hazards from:
The permit-required confined space; and
The work to be performed.
(2) You must complete an entry permit before entry is authorized, documenting that you
have completed the means, procedures and practices necessary for safe entry and work.
(3) You must make sure that entrants or their representatives have an opportunity to observe
any monitoring or testing, or any actions to eliminate or control hazards, performed to
complete the permit.
(4) You must identify the entry supervisor and make sure the entry supervisor signs the entry
permit, authorizing entry, before the space is entered.
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
Page 16
(5) You must make the completed permit available to entrants or their authorized
representatives at the time of entry so they can confirm the implementation of the
preentry preparations. Do this by either posting the completed permit at the entry
location, or by any other equally effective means.
(6) You must make sure the duration of the permit does not exceed the time required to
complete the assigned task or job identified on the permit.
(7) You must note any problems encountered during an entry operation on the permit. Use
the information to make appropriate revisions to your program, entry operations, means,
systems, procedures and practices.
WAC 296-809-50004 Use an entry permit that contains all required information.
You must make sure your entry permit identifies all of the following that apply to your entry
(1) The space to be entered.
(2) Purpose of the entry.
(3) Date and the authorized duration of the entry permit.
(4) Hazards of the space to be entered.
(5) Acceptable entry conditions.
(6) Results of initial and periodic tests performed to evaluate and identify the hazards and
conditions of the space, accompanied by the names or initials of the testers and by an
indication of when the tests were performed.
(7) Appropriate measures used before entry to isolate the space, and eliminate or control
hazards. Examples of appropriate measures include the lockout or tagging of equipment
and procedures for purging, inerting, ventilating, and flushing permit-required confined
(8) Names of entrants and current attendants. Other means include the use of rosters or
tracking systems as long as the attendant can determine quickly and accurately, for the
duration of the permit, which entrants are inside the space.
(9) The current entry supervisor.
(10) The signature or initials of the original supervisor authorizing entry.
(11) Communication procedures for entrants and attendants to maintain contact during the
(12) Equipment provided for safe entry, such as:
(a) Personal protective equipment (PPE).
(b) Testing equipment, including equipment capable of detecting an increase in
atmospheric hazard levels in the event the ventilation system stops working.
(c) Communications equipment.
(d) Alarm systems.
(e) Rescue equipment.
(13) Rescue and emergency services available, and how to contact them. Include equipment
to use, and names and contact information.
(14) Other information needed for safety in the particular confined space.
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
Page 17
(15) Additional permits issued for work in the space, such as for hot work.
WAC 296-809-50006 Keep and review your entry permits.
(1) You must review your program and entry operations when measures taken under your
permit-required confined space entry program may not protect employees. Review your
program as necessary to correct deficiencies before allowing subsequent entries.
(2) You must keep the canceled entry permits for at least one year to facilitate the review of
the permit-required confined space program. Use the canceled entry permits within one
year following each entry to review and evaluate both your program and the protection
provided to employees entering permit-required confined spaces.
Update your written
permit-required confined space entry programs as necessary to correct deficiencies before
allowing subsequent entries.
(3) You must keep entry permits or other atmospheric monitoring records that show the
actual atmosphere an employee entered or worked in, as employee exposure records.
Examples of circumstances requiring the review of your program include the
There is unauthorized entry of a permit space.
A permit space hazard not covered by the permit is found.
A condition prohibited by the permit occurs.
An injury or near-miss occurs during entry.
There is a change in the use or configuration of a permit space.
An employee complains about the effectiveness of the program.
Employers may perform a single annual review covering all entries performed
during a twelve-month period. If no entry is performed during a twelve-
month period, no review is necessary.
Keep employee exposure records according to chapter 296-802 WAC,
Employee medical and exposure records.
WAC 296-809-50008 Prevent unauthorized entry.
(1) You must implement measures necessary to prevent unauthorized entry into permit-
required confined spaces, when conducting authorized entry.
(2) You must protect entrants and those outside the confined space from hazards when
removing entrance covers.
Note: Examples of measures to prevent unauthorized entry are signs, physical
barricades, warning tape, and an attendant.
WAC 296-809-50010 Provide, maintain, and use proper equipment.
(1) You must provide the equipment in Table 2, when needed and at no cost to employees.
(2) You must make sure that employees use provided equipment properly.
(3) You must maintain the provided equipment.
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
Page 18
Table 2 Equipment Provided to Employees at No Cost
Type of equipment
Used for
Testing and monitoring
Evaluating permit-required
confined space conditions
Ventilating equipment
Obtaining and maintaining
acceptable entry conditions
Communication equipment
Effective communication
between the attendant and the
entrants and to initiate rescue
when required
Personal protective equipment
Protecting employees from
hazards of the space or the
work performed
Lighting equipment
Employees to see well enough
to work safely and to exit the
space quickly in an emergency
Barriers or shields, such as
pedestrian, vehicle or other
Protecting employees from
hazards outside of the space
Safe entry and exit by entrants
Rescue and emergency
equipment, except for
equipment provided by the
rescue service provider
Safe and effective rescue
Any other equipment
Safe entry into and rescue
from permit-required confined
Note: Equipment that is unsuitable for retrieval must not be used including,
but not limited to, retrieval lines that have reasonable probability of
becoming entangled with the retrieval lines used by other authorized
entrants, or retrieval lines that will not work due to the internal
configuration of the permit space.
WAC 296-809-50012 Evaluate and control hazards for safe entry.
(1) You must evaluate and control hazards for safe entry into permit-required confined
spaces by doing all the following:
(a) Test for atmospheric hazards, in this order:
(i) Oxygen
(ii) Combustible gases and vapors.
(iii) Toxic gases and vapors.
(b) Provide each entrant or their authorized representative an opportunity to observe
any of the following:
(i) Preentry testing.
(ii) Subsequent testing.
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
Page 19
(iii) Monitoring of permit-required spaces.
(c) Reevaluate the permit-required space in the presence of any entrant, or their
authorized representative, who requests this to be done because they have reason to
believe that the evaluation of that space may not have been adequate.
(b) Upon request, immediately provide each entrant or their authorized representative,
with the results of any testing required by this rule.
(c) Continuously monitor the atmosphere in areas where entrants are working, when
isolation of the space is not feasible. Examples include large spaces or a space that
is part of a continuous system, such as a sewer.
(2) You must evaluate space conditions during entry as follows:
Table 3 Evaluating Space Conditions
You must:
In order to:
Test conditions before entry
Determine that acceptable entry
conditions exist before entry is
authorized by the entry
Test or evaluate space
conditions during entry
Determine that acceptable entry
conditions are being maintained
during entry operations
Evaluate entry operations
Make sure entrants of more than
one employer working at the
same time in or around a permit-
required confined space, do not
endanger each other
WAC 296-809-50014 Make sure you have adequate rescue and emergency
services available.
(1) You must make sure you have adequate rescue and emergency services available during
your permit-required confined space entry operations.
(a) Evaluate and select rescue teams or services who can:
(i) Respond to a rescue call in a timely manner.
Timeliness is based on the
identified hazards. Rescuers must have the capability to reach potential
victims within an appropriate time frame based on the identified permit space
(ii) Proficiently rescue employees from a permit-required confined space in your
workplace. Rescuers must have the appropriate equipment for the type of
(iii) Agree to notify you immediately in the event that the rescue service becomes
(b) Make sure that at least one member of the rescue team or service holds a current
certification in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
(c) Inform each rescue team or service about the hazards they may confront when
called to perform rescue.
(d) Provide the rescue team or service with access to all permit spaces from which
rescue may be necessary. This will allow them to develop appropriate rescue plans
and to practice rescue operations.
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
Page 20
(2) You must provide employees assigned to provide permit-required confined space rescue
and emergency services, at no cost to the employee, with:
(a) Personal protective equipment (PPE) needed for safe entry.
(b) Other equipment required to conduct rescues safely.
(c) Training so they are:
(i) Proficient in the use of the PPE and other equipment.
(ii) Proficient as an entrant of permit-required confined spaces.
(iii) Able to safely perform assigned rescue and emergency duties.
(iv) Knowledgeable in basic first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
(d) Practice sessions for permit-required confined space rescues at least once every 12
months where dummies, manikins, or actual persons are removed from either:
(i) The actual permit spaces; or
(ii) Representative permit spaces that simulate the opening size, configuration,
and accessibility, of permit spaces where rescue will be performed.
(3) You must establish procedures for:
(a) Contacting rescue and emergency services.
(b) Rescuing entrants from permit-required confined spaces.
(c) Providing necessary emergency services to rescued entrants.
(d) Preventing unauthorized persons from attempting a rescue.
The following is not considered to be adequate rescue and emergency
Planning to rely on a rescue service and posting a contact number (like
“911”) without contacting them and completing an evaluation in
advance to ensure they meet the criteria of this standard.
Timely rescue will vary according to the specific hazards involved in each
entry. For example, chapter 296-842 WAC, Respirators, requires that
employers provide a standby person or persons capable of immediate action
to rescue employee(s) for work areas considered to contain an IDLH
Note: See Appendix H Evaluating Rescue Teams or Services
WAC 296-809-50016 Use nonentry rescue systems or methods whenever
(1) You must use nonentry retrieval systems or methods to rescue entrants in a permit-
required confined space unless this:
(a) Would increase the overall risk of injury to entrants; or
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
Page 21
(b) Would not contribute to the rescue of the entrant.
(2) You must make sure each entrant uses a chest or full-body harness, with a retrieval line
attached to the harness at one of the following locations:
(a) At the center of the employee's back, near shoulder level.
(b) Above the employee's head.
(c) At another point which presents a profile small enough for the successful removal
of the employee.
(3) You must attach the retrieval line to a mechanical device or fixed point outside the space,
so rescue can begin as soon as necessary.
(4) You must make sure a mechanical device is available to retrieve entrants from vertical
spaces more than 5 feet (1.52 m) deep.
Note: When you can demonstrate that the use of a chest or full-body harness is
not feasible or creates a greater hazard, then you may use wristlets or
another method shown to be the safest and most effective alternative.
WAC 296-809-50018 Make sure entry supervisors perform their responsibilities
and duties.
You must make sure that an entry supervisor:
(1) Authorizes the entry into a permit-required confined space by signing the entry permit.
(2) Oversees entry operations.
(3) Knows about the hazards that may be faced during entry, including the mode, signs or
symptoms, and consequences of the exposure.
(4) Verifies and checks all of the following:
(a) The appropriate entries have been made on the permit.
(b) All tests specified by the permit have been conducted.
(c) All procedures and equipment specified by the permit are in place before approving
the permit and allowing entry to the space.
(5) Terminates the entry and cancels the permit when:
(a) The assigned task or job has been completed.
(b) A condition in the space that is not covered by the entry permit is discovered.
(6) Verifies rescue services are available and the means to contact them is operable; and the
employer will be notified as soon as the service becomes unavailable.
(7) Removes unauthorized individuals who enter or attempt to enter the permit-required
confined space during entry operations.
(8) Determines that entry operations remain consistent with the terms of the entry permit and
acceptable entry conditions are maintained:
(a) Whenever responsibility for a permit-required space entry operation is transferred;
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
Page 22
(b) At regular intervals dictated by the hazards and operations performed within the
space. If the rescue service becomes unavailable during the course of the permit-
required confined space entry, you must immediately cancel the entry and permit.
Make sure entry supervisors have the required knowledge and
proficiency to perform the job duties and responsibilities required by
this chapter.
The entry supervisor may also perform other duties under this chapter,
such as attendant or entrant, if they are trained and proficient in those
The responsibility of the entry supervisor may be passed from one
supervisor to another during an entry operation.
WAC 296-809-50020 Provide an attendant outside the permit-required confined
1. The number of attendants assigned should be tailored to the requirements
of the space and the work performed.
2. You need to assess if it is appropriate or possible to have multiple permit
spaces monitored by a single attendant, or have an attendant stationed at a
location outside each space. Video cameras and radios are examples of
tools that may assist an attendant monitoring more than one space.
3. Attendants may be stationed at any location outside the permit-required
confined space if the duties described in this section can be effectively
performed for each space that is monitored.
(1) You must provide at least one attendant who must remain outside the permit-required
confined space during entry operations.
(2) You must make sure each permit-required confined space attendant:
(a) Understands the hazards that may be faced during entry, including the mode, signs
or symptoms, and results of exposure to the hazards.
(b) Is aware of the behavioral effects of exposure to the hazard.
(c) Continuously maintains an accurate count of entrants in the space.
(d) Maintains an accurate record of who is in the permit-required confined space.
(e) Communicates with entrants as necessary to monitor their status or alert them of the
need to evacuate the space.
(f) Monitors activities inside and outside the space to determine if it is safe for entrants
to remain in the space.
(g) Orders entrants to evacuate the space immediately if any of the following
conditions occur:
(i) A prohibited condition.
(ii) The behavioral effects of hazardous exposure in an entrant.
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
Page 23
(iii) A situation outside the space that could endanger entrants.
(iv) The attendant cannot effectively and safely perform all the duties required in
this chapter.
(h) Takes the following actions when unauthorized persons approach or enter a space:
(i) Warn unauthorized persons to stay away from the space.
(ii) Tells the unauthorized persons to exit immediately if they have entered the
(iii) Informs entrants and the entry supervisor if unauthorized persons have
entered the space.
(iv) Performs nonentry rescues as specified by the rescue procedure.
(j) Has the means to respond to an emergency affecting one or more of the permit
spaces being monitored without preventing performance of the attendant’s duties to
the other spaces being monitored.
(k) Carries out no duties that might interfere with their primary duty to monitor and
protect the entrants.
(l) Calls for rescue and other emergency services as soon as entrants may need
assistance to escape from the space.
(m) Monitors entry operations until relieved by another attendant or all entrants are out
of the space.
WAC 296-809-50022 Make sure entrants know the hazardous conditions and
their duties.
You must make sure that all entrants:
(1) Know the hazards they may face during entry, including the mode, signs or symptoms,
and results of exposure to the hazards.
(2) Use equipment properly.
(3) Communicate with the attendant as necessary so the attendant can:
(a) Monitor entrant status; and
(b) Alert entrants of the need to evacuate.
(4) Alert the attendant whenever either of these situations exist:
(a) A warning sign or symptom of exposure to a dangerous situation such as,
behavioral changes, euphoria, giddiness potentially from lack of oxygen or
exposure to solvents.
(b) A prohibited condition.
(5) Exit from the permit-required confined space as quickly as possible when one of the
following occurs:
(a) The attendant or entry supervisor gives an order to evacuate.
(b) The entrant recognizes any warning sign or symptom of exposure to a dangerous
(c) The entrant detects a prohibited condition.
(d) An evacuation alarm is activated.
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
Page 24
WAC 296-809-50024 Implement procedures for ending entry.
You must make sure you terminate the entry when entry operations are completed, including
securing an entrance cover and canceling the permit.
WAC 296-809-600 Alternative methods.
Your responsibility: To know when you can use alternative methods and documentation.
Important: In addition to this section, you also need to meet the
requirements in the following sections of this chapter:
1. WAC 296-809-200 Identify and control permit-required confined spaces.
2. WAC 296-809-300 Permit-required confined space program.
3. WAC 296-809-400 Employee training.
You must meet the requirements…
in this section:
Make sure the following conditions are met
if using alternative methods.
WAC 296-809-60002
Implement alternative methods for each
permit-required confined space that meet
the criteria
WAC 296-809-60004
WAC 296-809-60002 Make sure the following conditions are met if using
alternative methods.
(1) You may enter permit-required confined spaces without a permit using alternative
methods when you have monitoring and inspection data that supports the following:
(a) You have eliminated all the hazards
; or
(b) You have eliminated all of the physical hazards
, and continuous forced air
ventilation controls the actual or potential hazardous atmosphere. You must also
have monitoring data that demonstrates the use of continuous forced air ventilation
will maintain the permit-required confined space for safe entry. In the event the
ventilation system stops working, entrants can exit the space safely.
(2) You must have written documentation for the entrants before each entry that includes the
following information:
(a) The location of the space;
(b) Date of entry;
(c) Duration of the entry;
(d) The hazards of the space and the work;
(e) The specific measures used to eliminate the hazards
(f) The ventilation system used to control atmospheric hazards, when applicable, direct
reading instruments used to test the atmosphere, and results of the atmospheric
testing that demonstrate the absence of a hazardous atmosphere;
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
Page 25
(g) All conditions that required evacuation of the space
; and
(h) The name, title, and signature of the entry supervisor ensuring safe entry
(3) You must make sure all documentation produced is available to each affected employee
and their authorized representative.
(4) You must make sure all monitoring and inspection data is documented and available to
each affected employee and their authorized representative.
(5) If you must enter prior to the completion of the hazard elimination, you must perform the
entry according to WAC 296-809-500 Permit entry procedures. For example To collect
monitoring inspection data or apply hazard elimination measures.
For the purposes of this section, energy control procedures must isolate the
space and result in the elimination of the hazards including applicable stored
energy. Evaluate your energy control procedures (lockout) to ensure they
fully eliminate the hazards when used. See chapter 296-803 WAC,
Lockout/tagout (control of hazardous energy. Tagout is an example of a
method not considered to eliminate hazards.
Controlling atmospheric hazards through forced air ventilation does not
eliminate the hazards.
Do not use alternative methods to enter a continuous system unless you can
do the following:
Completely isolate the area entered from the rest of the space.
Demonstrate that the conditions that caused the hazard or potential
hazard no longer exist within the system for the duration of the entry
including engulfment; and
You have sufficient quantities of continuous ventilation to control the
atmospheric hazard.
See Appendix J for Alternative Methods Documentation
WAC 296-809-60004 Implement alternative methods for each permit-required
confined space that meet the criteria.
(1) You must implement your procedures for hazard elimination and alternative methods
from your written program.
(2) Before entry, eliminate any unsafe conditions including removing an entrance cover.
When entrance covers are removed, promptly guard the opening with a railing, temporary
cover, or other temporary barrier to prevent any accidental falls through the opening and
protect entrants from objects falling into the space.
(3) For spaces with potential atmospheric hazards you must do all of the following:
(a) Test before an employee enters the confined space. Use a calibrated, direct-reading
instrument to test the internal atmosphere for all of the following, in this order:
(i) Oxygen content.
(ii) Flammable gases and vapors.
Chapter 296-809 WAC Confined Spaces
Page 26
(iii) Potential toxic air contaminants.
(b) Make sure the atmosphere within the space is not hazardous when entrants are
present. Continuously test the atmosphere within the space to ensure hazards do not
(c) Use continuous forced air ventilation, as follows:
(i) Wait until the forced air ventilation has removed any hazardous atmosphere
before allowing entrants into the space.
(ii) Direct forced air ventilation toward the immediate areas where employees are,
or will be working. Continue ventilation until all employees have left the
(iii) Provide the air supply from a clean source and make sure it does not increase
hazards in the space.
(4) Provide entrants, or their authorized representatives, with an opportunity to observe the
preentry and periodic testing.
(5) Evacuate employees from the space immediately when any of the following occurs:
(a) Detection of a hazardous atmosphere by air-monitoring instrumentation;
(b) Failure of a direct-reading instrument;
(c) Any failure of the ventilation; or
(d) Introduction of a hazard; a hazard develops; or conditions change within a space.
(6) When a space is evacuated, it cannot be reentered as alternative methods unless you do
all of the following:
(a) Correct conditions that necessitated evacuation.
(b) Treat any reentry as a new entry.
Chapter 296-809 WAC Statutory Authority
WAC 296-809-099 Definitions.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-099, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-099, filed 12/01/2015,
effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 14-07-086 (Order 13-08), § 296-809-800, filed
03/18/14, effective 05/01/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 07-05-062, 07-06-005 (Order 06-38), §
296-809-800, filed 02/20/07, effective 04/01/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-
15), § 296-809-800, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04]
WAC 296-809-100 Scope.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-100, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-100, filed 12/01/2015,
effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-100, filed
01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-200 Identify and control entry into permit-required confined spaces.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-200, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-200, filed 12/01/2015,
effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-200, filed
01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-20002 Identify permit-required confined spaces.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-20002, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-20002, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
20002, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-20004 Inform employees and control entry to permit required confined spaces.
Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-20004, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-20004, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
20004, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-20006 Follow these requirements when you contract with another employer to enter your
confined space.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-20006, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-20006, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
20006, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-300 Permit required confined space program.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-300, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-300, filed 12/01/2015,
effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-300, filed
01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-30002 Develop a written permit-required confined space program.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-30002, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-30002, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
30002, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-30004 Meet these additional requirements if your employees enter another employer’s confined
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-30004, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-30004, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
30004, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-400 Employee training.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-400, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-400, filed 12/01/2015,
effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-400, filed
01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-40002 Provide employee training.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-40002, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-40002, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
400, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-40004 Certify employee proficiency.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-40004, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-40004, filed
Chapter 296-809 WAC Statutory Authority
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
400, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-500 Permit entry procedures.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-500, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-500, filed 12/01/2015,
effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-500, filed
01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-50002 Implement procedures for safe entry into permit-required confined spaces.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-50002, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-50002, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
400, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-50004 Use an entry permit that contains all required information.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-50004, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-50004, filed 12/01/2015,
effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-50004, filed
01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-50006 Keep and review your entry permits.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-50006, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-50006, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
50006, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-50008 Prevent unauthorized entry.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-50008, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-50008, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
50008, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-50010 Provide, maintain, and use proper equipment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-50010, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-50010, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
50010, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-50012 Evaluate and control hazards for safe entry.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-50012, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-50012, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
50012, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-50014 Make sure you have adequate rescue and emergency services available.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-50014, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-50014, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 09-05-071 (Order 08-35), § 296-809-
50014, filed 02/17/09, effective 04/01/09]. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), §
296-809-50014, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-50016 Use nonentry rescue systems or methods whenever possible.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-50016, filed 12/01/2015, effective
01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-50016, filed 01/20/04,
effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-50018 Make sure entry supervisors perform their responsibilities and duties.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-50018, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-50018, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
50018, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-50020 Provide an attendant outside the permit-required confined space.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-50020, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-50020, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
50020, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-50022 Make sure entrants know the hazardous conditions and their duties.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-50022, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-50022, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
50022, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
Chapter 296-809 WAC Statutory Authority
WAC 296-809-50024 Implement procedures for ending entry.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-50024, filed 12/01/2015, effective
01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-50024, filed 01/20/04,
effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-600 Alternative methods.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-600, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-600, filed 12/01/2015,
effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-600, filed
01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-60002 Make sure the following conditions are met if using alternative methods.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-60002, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-60002, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
60002, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
WAC 296-809-60004 Implement alternative methods for each permit-required confined space that meet the
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 18-02-071 (Order 16-04), § 296-809-60004, filed 01/02/2018, effective
02/05/2018. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 15-24-102 (Order 14-18), § 296-809-60004, filed
12/01/2015, effective 01/05/2016. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, .040, .050, and .060. 04-03-081 (Order 02-15), § 296-809-
60004, filed 01/20/04, effective 05/01/04].
Chapter 296-809 WAC Appendices
Non-Mandatory Appendix A
Frequently Asked Questions and Examples of Confined Spaces
Use with chapter 296-809 WAC, Confined Spaces
Confined spaces occur in many industries like agriculture, aerospace, beverages making
including fermented beverages (like breweries and wineries); chemicals, construction, food
processing and storage, chemical processing, chemical storage, electrical power generation,
manufacturing, municipal and public utility systems, gas stations, metals, pulp and paper
manufacturing, water and wastewater treatment, transportation, and wood products.
The first step in identifying permit required confined spaces involves evaluating a space to
determine, if it meets the definition of a confined space.
1. What is a confined space?
A confined space meets all three of the following criteria:
Large enough and arranged so an employee could fully enter the space and work.
And has a limited or restricted means of entry or exit,
Not primarily designed for continuous human occupancy.
2. Under what circumstances will stairs or ladders constitute a limited or restricted
means of egress under the standard? A space has limited or restricted means of entry or
exit, if an entrant's ability to escape in an emergency would be hindered. Ladders, and
temporary, movable, spiral, or articulated stairs will usually be considered a limited or
restricted means of egress. Fixed industrial stairs that meet WISHA standards will be
considered a limited or restricted means of egress when the conditions or physical
characteristics of the space, in light of the hazards present would interfere with the entrant's
ability to exit or be rescued in a hazardous situation.
3. Does the fact that a space has a door mean that the space does not have limited or
restricted means of entry or exit and, therefore, is not a "confined space"? A space
has limited or restricted means of entry or exit, if an entrant's ability to escape in an
emergency would be hindered. The dimensions of a door and its location are factors in
determining whether an entrant can easily escape; however, the presence of a door does not
in and of itself mean that the space is not a confined space. For example, a space such as a
bag house or crawl space that has a door leading into it, but also has pipes, conduits, ducts,
or equipment or materials that an employee would be required to crawl over or under or
squeeze around in order to escape, has limited or restricted means of exit. A piece of
equipment with an access door, such as a conveyor feed, a drying oven, or a paint spray
enclosure, will also be considered to have restricted means of entry or exit if an employee
has to crawl to gain access to his or her intended work location. Similarly, an access door
or portal which is too small to allow an employee to walk upright and unimpeded through it
will be considered to restrict an employee's ability to escape.
4. How will DOSH assess a space which is entirely open on one plane, such as a pit, in
determining whether a space has limited or restricted means for entry or exit? In
determining whether a space has limited or restricted means for entry or exit, DOSH will
evaluate its overall characteristics to determine if an entrant's ability to escape in an
emergency would be hindered. Thus, a pit, shaft or tank that is entirely open on one plane
can be considered a confined space if the means for entering the space (stairway,
ladderway, etc.) are narrow or twisted, or otherwise configured in such a way as to hinder
Chapter 296-809 WAC Appendices
an entrant's ability to quickly escape. Similarly, the pit, shaft, or tank itself may be
confining because of the presence of pipes, ducts, baffles, equipment or other factors that
would hinder an entrant's ability to escape.
5. Are the hazards posed by a confined space to be considered in determining whether a
space meets the definition of a confined space? The determination whether a space has
limited or restricted means for entry or exit within the meaning of the standard’s
definition of confined space should include consideration of whether, in light of the
hazards posed by the particular space at issue, the configuration or other characteristics of
the space would interfere with an entrants ability to escape or be rescued in an emergency
6. Can a space that is initially designed for continuous human occupancy become a
confined space because of changes in its use? If the changes alter the character of the
space or if new or more serious hazards are introduced, those changes require reevaluation
of whether the space is fit for continuous employee occupancy. If the space is not fit for
continuous employee occupancy and the other criteria of the confined space definition are
met, the space would be reclassified as a confined space.
Confined spaces have many shapes, sizes, and uses. For example: tanks for storing or processing
liquids, pressure vessels, sewer systems, septic tanks, underground utility vaults and chambers,
open topped tanks, vats, secondary chemical containment, trenches, storage bins, silos and
Other specific examples include, but are not limited to:
Adhesive mixers
Adhesive tanks
Aggregate bins
Air pollution equipment including Air Scrubbers
Aircraft wing fuel tanks
Anaerobic Digesters
Bag houses+
Bins like grain bins
Blast furnaces
Blast recovery pits
Bleach tanks
Bridge box girders and enclosed beams
Caustic Soda Tanks
Cesspools and pits
Chimneys and stacks
Coal Bunkers
Cooling towers
Chapter 296-809 WAC Appendices
Clay Hopper
Controlled Atmosphere (CA) Rooms (sealed)
Concrete Mixers
Construction related:
Crawl spaces and attics
Excavation and Trenches
Associated confined spaces including manholes, piping, pits, sewers,
See also Chapter 296-155 WAC
manhole units
Precast concrete units
Sewers see water treatment systems
Conveyor Enclosures
Crane legs
Crawl spaces
Crude Oil Tank Cars/Trucks
Dip tanks
Dropped ceilings
Dikes and diked areas
Duct Work
Dust collectors (including wood dust)
Drying ovens
Food and beverage processing and storage including: breweries, wineries, milk
processing, eggs (including rotten eggs), fruit, corn syrup, water, chocolate, oil and
grease, and vegetables.
- Batch Cookers
- Bins
- Containers
- Controlled atmosphere rooms (CA rooms)
- Continuous cookers
- Conveyor Enclosures
- Drying ovens
- Grease pits and tanks
- Kettles
Chapter 296-809 WAC Appendices
- Mixers
- Ovens
- Heated lard tanks
- Heated liquid sugar bins
- Hoppers
- Hydrogenators
- Pits
- Silos for flour and grains
- Tanks
- See also Waste Water
- Vessels
Heating and cooling ventilation ductwork
Hydrogen Reformer Furnace
Ice “houses”
Irrigation dam outlet towers
Irrigation siphons
Manholes sewers, storm drains, communication and other utility
Precast concrete and other preformed manhole structures
Mixers and mix tanks
Bark blowers
Concrete mixers
Garbage trucks
Rail tanks
Tanker trucks including: gas, oil, milk
Vacuum truck tanks
Pressure vessels (including boilers)
Process and storage containers, kettles, pits, tanks and vessels:
See also Food processing
Chemical storage tanks and processing vessels like: Bio diesel, degreasing tanks,
gasoline, acids, bases, solvents, scrubbers (Air pollution), water treatment
Electroplating and pickling tanks
Water and waste water
Pits including:
Elevator pits
Manure pits
Chapter 296-809 WAC Appendices
Swimming pool surge pits
Pipes and Pipelines
Rail tank cars
Reaction and reactor vessels
Recycle and transfers station
Water and water treatment systems including:
Bar screen enclosures
Grease traps
Irrigation siphons
Lift and pumping stations
Manure pits
Sanitary, storm sewer and waste water systems
Septic tanks
Utility vaults
Water tanks and reservoirs
Wet wells
Valve pits
Silos and hoppers including:
- Animal feed
- Ash collection
- Chip
- Chemicals
- Cement
- Grain
- Sawdust
- Slag
- Silage (corn, hay, beet)
- Soaking
Sludge pits
Sulfuric acid Tanks
Tanks and Vats (including portable)
Chapter 296-809 WAC Appendices
Food processing
Sewer and septic tanks
Solvent and solvent recovery
Water and waste water
Tanker Vessels
Vaults including utility: dust, electrical, transformers, water, sewer, steam, valves
Water towers
Wind machines:
- Blades
- Nacelle
Note: This list is not all inclusive of all confined spaces in industry. It is intended to provide the
user with variety of examples for illustration.
For additional information, see the OSHA website for the Compliance Directive
CPL 2.100 Application of the Permit-Required Confined Spaces (PRCS) Standard, 29CFR
1910.146 and OSHA Confined Spaces Advisor
Appendix B
Non-Mandatory Appendix B
Frequently Asked Questions and Examples of Permit Required
Confined Space Hazards
Frequently asked Questions
1. What is a permit-required confined space?
A permit-required confined space or permit space means a confined space that has one or
more of the following characteristics capable of causing death or serious physical harm:
(a) Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere;
(b) Contains a material that has the potential for engulfing someone who enters;
(c) Has an internal configuration that could allow someone entering to be trapped or
asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor, which slopes downward and
tapers to a smaller cross-section; or
(d) Contains any physical hazard. This includes any other recognized serious health or
safety hazard including engulfment in a solid or liquid material, electrical shock, or
moving parts.
(e) Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard that could either:
(i) Impair the ability to self-rescue; or
(ii) Result in a situation that presents an immediate danger to life or health.
The Confined Space rule WAC Chapter 296-809 has an on-going requirement to identifying,
evaluate confined spaces for permit required confined space hazards. Based upon actual and
potential hazards associated with the actual confined space itself. Keep in mind, many spaces
and work processes may have unique hazards and hazards may come from many sources
Process chemicals and residues or equipment associated with the confined space like
flammable solvent or energized systems.
Developing hazards like hydrogen sulfide gas in a sewer line or oxygen deficient
atmosphere developing during a welding process.
Work processes brought into a space like:
Inerting a flammable atmosphere
Hazards from exterior of the space that could affect the entry like:
A poorly located air intake on a ventilation system that captures vehicle exhaust
containing carbon monoxide and transports the carbon monoxide containing
exhaust to the confined space.
Or physical hazards like large chunks of airborne concrete debris from a concrete
demolition job affecting the ability of the permit required confined space attendant
to maintain a safe entry
Appendix B
Prior to entry into permit required confined spaces, the standard requires a comprehensive hazard
assessment that includes potential and actual hazards from the confined space itself and the work
performed including the equipment in use. Hazards may vary depending upon the actual space,
and may change over time.
Common Examples Permit-Required Confined Space Hazards
It is not comprehensive and is not intended as a checklist.
Hazardous Atmospheres
Oxygen Deficiency - Processes that consume or displace oxygen:
Activated charcoal
Rusting metal
Decaying organic material (and methane production)
Inert gases: argon (Ar
), carbon dioxide (CO
) including dry ice and chemical
reactions producing carbon dioxide (CO
, helium (He
), nitrogen (N
). Some inert
gases are used to control a potential flammable atmosphere. The inerting of the
space with one of these gases will create an oxygen deficient atmosphere.
Oxygen Enrichment - Note: Enriched oxygen concentrations will increase the
flammability of many materials including clothing. Sources of oxygen enrichment
Failure to inadequately blank or disconnect oxygen lines
Leaking oxygen hoses or pipes
Use of oxygen instead of air for ventilation purposes
Combustible, flammable, and explosive atmospheres (Gases, vapors or mists). Note:
Many chemicals that create these atmospheres are also toxic at much lower
Combustible dusts
Hydrogen gas
Solvents toluene, xylene, mineral spirits, methanol, ethanol
Methane, propane, natural gas, hydrogen sulfide
Petroleum products
Chemical reactions that result in the formation of flammable or explosive
atmospheres like sulfuric acid contacting metal and forming hydrogen gas.
Toxic Atmospheres
Air Contaminants WAC 296-841
rules/chapter-pdfs/WAC296-841.pdf and Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health
Appendix B
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Burning or combusting fuels (incomplete combustion) for example:
Gas heaters, stoves, and grills
Portable generators
Propane powered industrial trucks (forklifts)
Internal combustible engines: vehicles, heavy equipment
Iron processing
Poorly ventilated mines
Chlorine gas (Cl
Chlorine dioxide (ClO
Hydrogen Sulfide (H
Oxides of nitrogen (NOX)
Carbon monoxide (CO)
Cleaning and degreasing chemicals
Hydrogen peroxide
Halogenated degreasing agents like methylene chloride
Chemical reactions that result in the formation of toxic materials
Process chemical residues
Engulfment Hazards Surrounding, suffocating, drowning, bridging materials
Corn syrup
Internal configuration - sloping walls or floor tapering to a smaller cross section trapping or
asphyxiating a worker
Physical Hazards
Crushed by (gravity and stored energy)
Falling objects, coke, scale, concrete, baled materials, tools and equipment)
Appendix B
Chemical reactions generating heat or reactive material (explosions, unstable or
reactive materials).
Flowable energy like steam, gas
Radiation (Ionizing or non-ionizing)
Stored energy
Systems under pressure
Heat and temperature extremes
Combustible dust and particulates. For additional information on combustible dust
o Enforcement and Consultation Guidance for Combustible Dust Hazards
(DD 12.85)
Organic dust
Walnut shells
Metal dusts
Pressurized lines
Mechanical hazards may also have associated electrical hazards
Moving or rotating parts
Augers, agitators, tumblers, mixers, rakes
Falls from heights
Ignition sources
Non-intrinsically safe equipment
An exposed light bulbs in a flammable atmosphere
Switches ventilation system motors
Appendix B
Spark producing equipment and processes like welding, cutting, burning, torching,
grinding, space heaters
Static discharge
Transferring liquids without bonding or grounding
Water sufficient quantity either to endanger the life of the entrant (like drowning) or to
interfere with escape from the space
Water combined with other hazardous conditions such as concealing trip and fall hazards
from abandoned machine pads or floor holes and openings
Water may also promote hazardous atmosphere formation like fermentation or rotting
Biological hazards
Disease causing organisms
Poisonous spiders and snakes
Appendix C
Non-Mandatory Appendix C Rules in Other Chapters that Cover Confined Spaces
General Safety and Health Standards, Chapter 296-24 WAC
WAC 296-24-69507, Confined Spaces
WAC 296-24-70007, Work in Confined Spaces
WAC 296-24-71507, Work In Confined Spaces
WAC 296-24-71509 through -71519, Ventilation in Confined Spaces
WAC 296-24-960(10), Working on or near Exposed Energized Parts
Safety Standards for Telecommunication, Chapter 296-32 WAC
Safety Standards for Electrical Workers, Chapter 296-45 WAC
Safety Standards for Longshore and Stevedore, Chapter 296-56 WAC
WAC 296-56-60053, Hazardous Atmospheres and Substances
WAC 296-56-60235(2), Welding, Cutting (hot work)
WAC 296-56-60235(6), Welding, Cutting (hot work)
Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mills and Converters, Chapter 296-79 WAC
WAC 296-79-230, Vessel or Confined Area Requirements
Safety Standards for Grain Handling Facilities, Chapter 296-99 WAC
WAC 296-99-040 What practices must an employer follow for entry into grain storage
Safety Standards for Construction Work, Chapter 296-155 WAC
WAC 296-155- 203 and 20307, Confined Spaces
WAC 296-155-280 (1)(b) and 280(5)(d)(ii), Temporary Heating Devices
WAC 296-155-410(7), Welding and Cutting Fire Prevention
WAC 296-155-415(2), Ventilation and Protection in Welding, Cutting, and Heating
WAC 296-155-415(3), Ventilation and Protection in Welding, Cutting, and Heating
WAC 296-155-655, General Protection Requirements
WAC 296-155-657, Requirements for Protective Systems
WAC 296-155 part Q, Underground Construction
Safety Standards for Shipyards, Ship Breaking and Repair, Chapter 296-304 WAC
Safety Standards for Fire Fighters, Chapter 296-305 WAC
Appendix D
Appendix E
Non-Mandatory Appendix E Permit Required Confined Space Entry Program
Information and Template
Use with the Confined Spaces book, Chapter 296-809 WAC
This appendix is provided for your information, and to help you determine the information
needed for your program. To develop an effective program for your facility or work
environment, you will need
to identify
work conditions and hazards typical to your industry,
unique to your workplace and confined spaces. You also need to consider other rules. For a
list of rules in other chapters that cover confined spaces, see the Appendix C.
This appendix includes a fill-in-the- blank form. You are responsible for developing,
implementing, and maintaining your written program and entry procedures.
The following is a fill-in-the-blank template for a confined space entry program. You are
responsible for:
Providing the actual content; and
Implementing and maintaining your written program.
Complete this document by adding your specific information to meet the requirements of WAC
296-809-30002, Develop a written permit-required confined space program.
(Insert company name)___________________________________________________________
This confined space entry program:
Identifies all permit-required confined spaces in our
workplace; and
Describes our procedures for worker safety and health in permit-required confined spaces
Employees will participate in developing and implementing the program in the following ways:
(Insert company name)___________________________________will treat all confined spaces
as permit-required spaces until hazards have been eliminated and the spaces meet alternative
methods requirements. All entries will require either a permit or alternative methods
The following table allows you to name the employees responsible for the tasks outlined:
Appendix E
For information only
Remove this box from your completed program after you complete Table 1
In addition to the roles below, you need want to designate:
A Confined Space Program Administrator - Someone with overall responsibilities
for your program.
Table 1 Confined Space Program Assignment and Responsibilities
Person assigned
this responsibility:
Evaluate our work locations and determine:
Determine confined space(s) exist at the worksite.
Identify Permit-required confined space(s) at
the worksite.
For example: Name of the Competent Person or
Entry Supervisor
Record information in the confined space catalog. See
Table 2 for more information.
Evaluate hazards and determine the appropriate entry
Procedure(s) for the space.
Classify all confined spaces as permit required
until you meet all the requirements of the 600
section Alternative methods.
Alternative methods Only apply after the
elimination of the physical hazards, and
monitoring data of the space demonstrates only
hazard remaining in the space is a potential
hazardous atmosphere controlled by the use of
forced air ventilation. Atmospheric monitoring
Create employee training program that results in the
necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for all the active
participants to implement your confined space entry
program including training on your program, entry
Determine employee proficiency in knowledge, skills and
Implement the corresponding confined space entry
Appendix E
Person assigned
this responsibility:
Re-evaluate the space when the use, configuration,
or hazards of a confined space change.
Monitoring and testing as follows:
Conduct initial monitoring to identify and evaluate
any potentially hazardous atmospheres.
Complete atmospheric testing in the following
Combustible gases
Toxic gases and vapors
Location of the instrument manual and operating
(specify location)
(specify location)
Record instrument calibration and functional
tests (Specify location
Keep these records on-site in (Specify
Inform exposed or potentially-exposed employees
of the existence and hazards of confined spaces
using the methods described below under “Control
Confined Space Entry.
Post permit required warning signs
Provide employees entering confined spaces, or their
designated representative, an opportunity to
observe pre-entry testing and any subsequent
- All test results will be provided to the entrants
or their representatives upon request.
- The space will be re-evaluated if entrants or
their representatives believe that the permit
space was inadequately tested.
Make sure that all equipment needed for safe entry into
any confined space is available and in proper working
Confined Space Program Administrator Conduct a
review using the canceled entry permits to identify
and correct any deficiencies in our program.
The following table provides a list of our confined spaces and hazards:
For information only
Remove this box from your completed program
Using the table below insert your list of confined spaces and their hazards here. Keep in
mind permit required confined space hazards come from a variety of source, and may change
over time like with different work processes - welding vs painting or inspecting. Or you can
attach this information as an appendix instead.
Table 2 Catalog of Confined Spaces and Hazards
Appendix E
(name or
Type of Space
(tank, hopper,
sump, pit etc.)
(length x width
x depth or
Access ( hatch,
through a pipe
chase etc.)
Hazards include
Potential and
Actual including
hazards from the
Available Y/N
(Insert your
We use the following method(s) to inform employees about the existence and hazards of confined
spaces, and prevent unauthorized entry:
(Check appropriate box(es))
Posting danger signs at each permit space reading Danger-Confined Space - Do Not
(Insert additional means you will use to prevent entry)
For information only
Remove this box from your completed program
- Using barriers that completely seal the permit required confined space
- Specialized tools under management’s control to open the space
- Supplementing these measures with training and signs
Our entry procedures for permit spaces include the following:
Either insert your safe work practices and procedures here. OR provide references to the actual
location of the procedures you expect your employees to use.
Appendix E
For information only
Remove this box from your completed program
You will likely have multiple entry procedures for each space. Specific examples of some
of the procedures you may use to enter and complete work include the following:
Procedure 001 Energy Control Lockout (LOTO) program and procedures
Procedure 002 Atmospheric monitoring including instrument calibration, functional
testing (calibration or “bump” check)
Procedure 003 Job Hazard Analysis (Hazard identification)
Procedure 004 Hazard identification
Procedure 005 Ventilation
Procedure 006 Inerting Process
Procedure 007 Equipment related procedures like testing, calibration, maintenance use
for all the equipment
Procedure 008 Rescue Procedure(s) non-entry and entry rescue
Procedure 009 Closing a permit required confined space(s) and canceling the permit
Procedure 010 Coordinating with an outside employer
Procedure 011 Communication procedures including emergency communications
Procedure 012 Specific hazard elimination procedures
Other examples of procedures include: using barriers and signs, monitoring or testing the
air , energy control (lockout), ventilation (purging, flushing, use of local exhaust), inerting,
engulfment control, equipment use, equipment maintenance, equipment inspections,
specialized equipment and tools, evacuation, coordination with another employer, rescue,
procedures to cancel the permit and close the permit required confined space, and hazard
elimination procedures to prepare for alternative methods like alternate entry. If you have
multiple spaces assigned to one attendant, include the means and procedures necessary to
enable the attendant to respond to an emergency affecting one or more of those permit-
required spaces without distraction from responsibilities as required by WAC 296-809-
See WAC 296-809-30002 Develop a written permit required confined space program for
additional information.
For information only
Remove this box from your completed program
Complete this section only when using alternative methods.
Our hazard elimination procedures for permit spaces include the following:
Either insert your safe work practices and procedures here. OR provide references to the actual
location of the procedures you expect your employees to use.
Our permit spaces that have had all hazards eliminated or all physical hazards and the only hazard
that remains an actual or potential hazardous atmosphere may use alternative methods. While
using alternative methods require the use of documentation to communicate the required
Appendix E
information to the entrant. See WAC 296-809-600 Alternative methods for additional
Alternate method procedures may be used for the spaces listed in the following table when the
hazard elimination procedures located (insert location here) have been implemented prior to
entry, and we have completed the required documentation for the entrant.
Confined Space
Name or
Method of
(insert your
insert your
insert your
insert specific
insert your
We will do all of the following when using alternate methods procedures:
Eliminate unsafe conditions and hazards by implementing our alternative methods
Including removing entrance covers safely, promptly guard the opening with a
railing, temporary cover, or other temporary barrier to prevent accidental falls
through the opening and protect entrants from objects falling into the space; using
hazard elimination procedures.
Certify that pre-entry measures and implementing hazard elimination procedures
on the documentation required for entry.
Make the pre-entry certification available to each entrant before entry.
Before an employee enters the confined space, check the calibration date on the
instrument to ensure that calibration is within the manufacture’s specification; complete
a calibration check or functional test with a known traceable gas test mixture; record the
results in the log, ensure you have the correct gas sensors in the instrument for the
hazardous atmospheric testing. Follow the confined space sampling procedure (insert
number or location here). Allow the instrument sufficient time to respond at each
sampling location. Record the results of the atmospheric tests on the documentation.
Test the internal atmosphere with a calibrated, direct-reading instrument for all of the
following, in this order:
1. Oxygen content
2. Flammable gases and vapors
3. Potential toxic air contaminants.
Provide entrants, or their authorized representatives, with an opportunity to observe the
pre-entry and periodic testing.
Appendix E
Make sure the atmosphere within the space is not hazardous when entrants are
Use continuous forced air ventilation, as follows:
Wait until the forced air ventilation has removed any hazardous atmosphere before
allowing entrants into the space.
Direct forced air ventilation toward the immediate areas where employees are, or
will be, and continue ventilation until all employees have left the space.
Provide the air supply from a clean source and make sure it does not increase
hazards in the space.
Test the atmosphere within the space as needed to make sure hazards do not accumulate.
If a hazardous atmosphere is detected during entry, we will do all of the following:
Evacuate employees from the space immediately.
Evaluate the space to determine how the hazardous atmosphere developed.
Implement measures to protect employees from the hazardous atmosphere before
continuing the entry operation.
Verify the space is safe for entry before continuing the entry operation.
The written documentation is available to each employee entering the space or to that
employee’s representative at the confined space bulletin board.
Alternative Methods Documentation Form
Location of the Space
Entry Date:
Entry Duration
List of Entrants
List of Physical Hazards in the space
List of (Potential or Actual) Atmospheric
Hazards in the space
List each action taken to eliminate physical and atmospheric hazards in the space
Is forced air ventilation
Appendix E
If “Yes” specify type of ventilation like local
Are multiple units required?
Amount of ventilation (cfm or AC/hr.)
Air Monitoring
Substance Monitored
Permissible Levels
Monitoring Results
Instruments used for Air Monitoring
Model number or type
Calibration Check Date
Additional notes about the space and entry (including whether evacuation was necessary)
Person Responsible for Ensuring the Space is Safe to Enter
Job Title:
We will provide permit space training to employees at the following times:
When hired, so new employees are aware of our confined spaces
Before they are assigned permit space entry duties
When their assigned duties change; and
When there is a change in a space that creates hazards for which they have not
been trained
Retraining for employees when you have any reason to believe they are not
proficient at their confined pace duties including procedural changes or not
following existing procedures.
Appendix E
For information only
Remove this box from your completed program
Following are 6 basic categories of training, based on duties and potential exposure:
1. Awareness training provided to all employees potentially exposed to permit spaces,
covering the following:
a. The location and hazard of each space
b. The company program for confined spaces
c. Emphasis on not entering the space for any reason
2. Identification of permit required confined spaces:
a. Competent person
b. Entry supervisors
3. Program administrator.
4. Entry and exit training for the following team members:
a. Entrants
b. Attendants
c. Entry Supervisors
d. Rescue team members
e. Competent Person
f. Confined Space Program Administrator
5. Training on how to manage confined space entries for entry supervisors.
6. Rescue rescue procedures, equipment, inspections, set up, and use:
a. Non-entry rescue including - attendants
b. Entry rescue team members
7. Pre-entry program and procedure training for all:
a. entrants
b. supervisors
c. Attendants
d. Rescue team members
8. Training on evaluating and testing confined spaces for:
a. Entry supervisors
b. Staff assigned to test and evaluate the space
9. Retraining for employees when you have any reason to believe they are not proficient at
their confined pace duties.
Appendix E
For information only
Remove this box from your completed program
Complete this section only when you hire a contractor to work in your confined space(s)
A copy of this Confined Space Entry Program will be provided to each contractor
involved in permit space entry work at our company. Each contractor will be briefed on
the following:
The location of the permit spaces at our insert location here
Entry into permit spaces is only allowed by following the written entry program.
The reasons for listing the space as a permit space, including both of the following:
The identified hazards
Our experience with the particular space.
Precautions we have implemented to protect employees working in or near the space.
Who will debrief the contractor at the completion of entry operations, or during entry if
needed, on whether any hazards were confronted or created during their work.
For information only
Remove this box from your completed program
Complete this section only when you are a contractor working in someone else’s confined
Our entry supervisor will do the following to make sure entry operations are
coordinated with host employers:
Obtain any information on the hazards of the permit space and information from
previous entry operations
Determine if other workers will be working in or near the space.
Coordinate entry operations with other workers
Inform the host employer of the permit space program that we follow.
Hold a debriefing conference at the completion of the entry operation, or during the
entry operation if needed, to inform the host employer of any hazards confronted or
created during work in the space.
We have developed the following rescue and emergency action plan:
For information only
Remove this box from your completed program
Insert your specific company rescue and emergency plan(s) here.
1. For more information about rescue from confined spaces, see the Helpful Tool-
Evaluating Rescue Teams or Services
Appendix E
For information only
Remove this box from your completed program
2. You need to use non-entry rescue procedures and equipment, unless this would
increase the risk of injury to the entrant or would be ineffective.
3. For entry rescue, see Entry Rescue Plans in this section.
4. This section is not required for the following confined space entries:
Classified and documented nonpermit spaces.
Proper use of alternative methods.
Permit Spaces Requiring Stand-by Rescue Services
Note: You must complete the evaluation of the rescue and emergency service and have an
agreement in place.
Permit space:
Stand-by rescue service name and telephone
For information only
Remove this box from your completed program
This section is not required if you only entering and use alternative methods.
At least every 12 months we will conduct a review using canceled entry permits to identify any
deficiencies in our program. We will conduct a review immediately if there is reason to believe
that the program does not adequately protect our employees, such as the following situations:
Unauthorized entry of a permit space
Discovery of a hazard not covered by the permit
Detection of a condition prohibited by the permit
An injury or near-miss during entry
Change in the use or configuration of the space; or
Employee complaints of permit space program ineffectiveness.
Corrective measures will be documented by revising the program. Employees will participate in
revising the program, and will be trained on any changes.
If no permit space entry operations are conducted during the year, no review is needed.
Appendix F
Non-Mandatory Appendix F Sample Confined Space Entry Permits
Use with Chapter 296-809 WAC, Confined Spaces
The following 3 fill-in-the-blank confined space entry permits can be modified to fit your
particular entry. Make sure you use the appropriate portions of the forms to create your own
entry permit.
To design your own entry permit, see WAC 296-809-50004. Use an entry permit that contains
all the required information.
Appendix F
Appendix F
Appendix F
Date and time issued:
Job site/space I.D.
Equipment to be worked on:
Standby personnel:
Date and time expires:
Job supervisor:
Work to be performed:
Atmospheric checks:
Oxygen _____________
Explosives ______________ L.F.M.
Toxic ______________PPM
Testers signature: _______________________________________________________
Source isolation (No Entry) N/A Yes No
Pumps or lines blinded, disconnected, or blocked
Ventilation modification N/A Yes No
Natural ventilation only
Atmospheric check after isolation and ventilation:
Oxygen: _________ >19.5
Explosive: _________L.F.M. <10
Toxic: _________PPM <10PPM H
Time: _______________
Tester’s signature: _________________________________________________
Appendix F
Communication procedures:
Rescue procedures
Entry standby and backup persons successfully completed
required training? Yes No
Is it current? Yes No
Direct reading gas monitor tested:
Safety harness and lifelines for entry and standby persons:
Hoisting equipment:
Powered communications:
SCBA’s for entry and standby persons:
Protective clothing:
All electric equipment listed: Class I, Division I, Group D and
non-sparking tools
Periodic atmospheric tests:
Oxygen % Time Oxygen % Time
Oxygen % Time Oxygen % Time Explosive
% Time Explosive % Time Explosive % Time
Explosive % Time Toxic % Time Toxic
% Time Toxic
% Time
% Time
We have review the work authorized by this permit and the information contained here. Written instruction
and safety procedures have been received and are understood. Entry cannot be approved if any squares are
marked in the “No” column. This permit not valid unless all appropriate items are completed.
Permit prepared by:___________________________________________________________
Entry Supervisor
Appendix F
Approved by: _________________________________________________________
Unit Supervisor
Reviewed by: _________________________________________________________
Operations Manager
This permit is to be kept at the job site. Return this job site copy to the unit supervisor following job
Entrants Name
Sign out
Site location/description:
Purpose of entry:
Supervisor (s) in charge of crews:
Type of crew:
Telephone #:
Communication procedures:
Rescue procedures (Telephone # at bottom):
Appendix F
Note: For items that do not apply, enter N/A in the blank
Lockout/De-energized Tagout
Full body harness w/”D”
Line(s) Broken-Capped-Blank
Emergency Escape
Retrieval Equipment
Purge-Flush and Vent
Fire Extinguishers
Secure Area (Post and Flag)
Lighting (Explosive
Breathing apparatus
Protective Clothing
Respirator(s) (Air-
Standby safety personnel
Burning and Welding
Continuous Monitoring Yes No
Periodic Monitoring Frequency: ________________________________________
Permissible entry level
Percent of oxygen
19.5% To 23.5%
Lower flammable limit
Under 10%
Carbon Monoxide
+ 35 PPM
Aromatic Hydrocarbon
+ 1 PPM * 5 PPM
Hydrogen Cyanide
(Skin) * 4 PPM
Hydrogen Sulfide
+ 10 PPM * 15 PPM
Sulphur Dioxide
+ 2PPM * 5 PPM
* 35 PPM
* Short-term exposure limit: Employees can work in the area up to 15 minutes
+ 8-hour Time Weighted Average: Employees can work in the area 8 hours (longer with
appropriate respiratory protection).
GAS TESTER NAME AND CHECK # _____________________________________________
INSTRUCTIONS USED: ________________________________________________________
Appendix F
MODEL AND/OR TYPE: ________________________________________________________
SERIAL AND/OR UNIT #: _______________________________________________________
____________________________________ ________________________________
____________________________________ ________________________________
____________________________________ ________________________________
____________________________________ ________________________________
____________________________________ ________________________________
____________________________________ ________________________________
____________________________________ ________________________________
____________________________________ ________________________________
____________________________________ ________________________________
____________________________________ ________________________________
Department or telephone number: _________________________________________________
Appendix G
Non-Mandatory Appendix G Sewer Entry Information
Use with Chapter 296-809 WAC, Confined Spaces
This appendix provides additional information on sewer system entries. These entries differ from
other permit required confined space entries in the following ways:
Usually, the space cannot be isolated from a continuous system.
The atmosphere may suddenly become lethally hazardous. For example: toxic,
flammable, or explosive atmospheres may enter the work area from another portion
of the system.
Unlike other types of work where permit require confined space entry is rare,
a sewer worker’s usual work environment is a permit-required confined
Your designated entrants should be employees who:
Are thoroughly trained in your sewer entry procedures; and
Can demonstrate that they follow entry procedures when entering sewers
Monitoring the Atmosphere
Consider the unique circumstances of your sewer system when preparing for entry, including the
unpredictability of the atmosphere. Choose monitoring or testing equipment based upon
knowledge, experience and a critical evaluation of the available instrumentation. best types.
Train and equip entrants with atmospheric testing equipment capable of identifying at
least the following:
Oxygen concentrations of less than 19.5%
Flammable gas or vapor of 10% or more of the lower flammable limit (LFL)
including methane.
Hydrogen sulfide of 10 parts per million (ppm) or more
Carbon monoxide of 35 ppm or more
The selected testing instruments should be carried and used by the entrants to:
Continuously monitor the atmosphere; and
Warn the entrants of any potential atmospheric hazards, in the direction of travel.
If several entrants are working together in the same immediate location, you will need to
decide how many test instruments are required.
Calibrate and use atmospheric testing equipment according to the manufacturer’s
Oxygen or broad range tests (like testing for the lower explosive limit [LEL]) are best
suited when actual or potential contaminants have not yet been identified.
Unlike substance-specific tests, these enable overall reading of the hydrocarbons
(flammables) present in the
They do not measure the levels of specific substance contamination.
Appendix G
Substance-specific tests, which measure levels of specific substances, are important
when actual and potential contaminants have been identified. They:
Are vitally important when deciding on appropriate entry conditions and proper
protection for entrants (for example, with ventilation and personal protective
May not detect other potentially lethal atmospheric hazards when the sewer
environment suddenly and unpredictably changes.
Protecting Against Surge Flow and Flooding
To the extent possible, sewer crews should develop and maintain a relationship with the local
weather bureau and fire and emergency services. In this way, sewer work may be delayed, or
interrupted and entrants withdrawn, whenever the following occur:
Sewer lines are suddenly flooded by rain or fire suppression activities
Flammable or other hazardous materials are released into sewers due to industrial
emergencies or transportation accidents.
Special equipment for sewer entry
You may need to use special equipment when entering sewers. This equipment could include
the following:
Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) for escape purposes
Waterproof flashlights (intrinsically safe)
Boats, rafts, and personal flotation devices (PFDs)
Rope stand-offs for pulling around bends and corners
Appendix H
Non-Mandatory Appendix H Evaluating Rescue Teams or Services
Use with the Confined Spaces book, Chapter 296-809 WAC
This appendix will help you do the following for permit-required confined spaces in your
Evaluate the type of rescue services you need; and
Determine how well rescue services perform
Select and use either on-site rescue teams or off-site rescue services that will minimize the
potential for harm to both entrants and rescuers.
For any rescue team or service, your evaluation should consist of the following two elements:
1. An initial evaluation where you decide whether a rescue team or service is adequately
trained and equipped to perform the kind of rescues needed at your workplace in a
timely manner.
2. A performance evaluation on the performance of the prospective or existing rescue
team or service during an actual or practice rescue.
For example:
During your initial evaluation you determined that an on-site rescue team would be more
expensive but not more effective than an off-site rescue service. As a result, you hire an off-site
rescue service.
After observing the off-site rescue service perform a practice rescue, you decide their training or
preparedness is not adequate. You decide to select another rescue service or to form an on-site
rescue team.
Initial Evaluation
The following information can help you determine the rescue service needs for your workplace.
For an off-site rescue service you need to, at a minimum, contact the service to plan and
coordinate the evaluations required.
The following are examples that do not meet the requirements of WAC 296-809-50014,
Make sure you have adequate rescue and emergency services available:
Posting a rescue service's number without contacting them
Planning to rely on 911 emergency services without checking to see if they are able to
provide them.
Whether a rescue service meets your workplace needs depends on all of the
The confined spaces from which a rescue may be necessary
The hazards likely to be encountered in those spaces.
The number of entrants needing rescue.
Appendix H
Table 1 can help you determine whether a rescue service meets your permit-required confined
space rescue needs. Use the column labeled “Results to answer the questions in the “Task”
Table 1
Initial Evaluation Worksheet
If you answer no to any of these questions, you will need to consider an alternative.)
1. Determine the rescue response time needs for your permit-
required confined spaces.
If entering an atmosphere that is potentially or
immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH),
the rescue team or service needs to be standing
by at the permit-required confined space, ready
to enter.
If the danger to entrants is restricted to
mechanical hazards that can cause injuries such
as broken bones or abrasions, a longer response
time of 10 or 15 minutes might be acceptable.
2. Consider the amount of time required for the rescue
service to:
Receive notification
Arrive at the scene
To find out how quickly the rescue team or service is able to get
from its location to our permit-required confined spaces, you
need to consider:
The location of the rescue team or service relative to
our workplace.
The quality of roads and highways, bottlenecks, or
traffic congestion that might be encountered in transit
The reliability of the rescuer’s vehicle
The training and skill of the rescuer’s drivers
Set up and be ready for entry
Receive notification
+ __________ minutes
Arrive at the scene
+ __________ minutes
Set up and be ready for entry
+ __________ minutes
= __________ minutes
Does this amount of time meet
your needs from Task 1?
Yes No
3. Determine the availability of the rescue service by
a. Is the rescue serviced available at all times of the day
when you will be entering permit-required confined
Yes No
Appendix H
b. Are key members of the rescue service available at these
Yes No
c. If the rescue services become unavailable while an entry
is underway, can they notify you so you can instruct the
attendant to abort the entry immediately?
Yes No
Determine if the rescue service meets all of the requirements in
the Performance Evaluation Worksheet found in Table H-2.
If you answered “yes” above,
how soon can the plan be
If you answered “no” and this
cannot be resolved, then you
need to consider an alternative.
Determine if a local emergency service (911) is willing to
perform rescues at your workplace
If you call 911, is a trained and equipped responder available?
Yes No 
Will the emergency service (like 911) responder be
willing to perform rescue?
Technical Rescue 
First Aid Only 
If you answered “first aid
only,” then an alternative is
Have you made sure the emergency services (911)
responders can perform rescues in your spaces?
Yes No 
Determine if there is an adequate communication method
between the attendant and the prospective rescuer:
Can a request for rescue be transmitted without delay:
Yes No 
Performance Evaluation
WAC 296-809-50014, Make sure you have adequate rescue and emergency services, requires
rescue practice at least once every 12 months if the team or service has not successfully
performed a rescue within that time. This practice exercise provides you with an opportunity to
evaluate the rescue service under conditions similar to your permit-required confined spaces.
First, as part of any practice session, the rescue service or another qualified party should perform
a critique of the practice rescue, so that deficiencies can be corrected in:
Number of people
Appendix H
Then, you should review the results of the critique and any corrections made for deficiencies
identified by a “no” answer in Table HT-2. This will help you determine whether the service
could be quickly upgraded to meet your needs.
Table HT-2 will help you determine:
If the rescue service meets all of the performance requirements in WAC 296-809-50014,
Make sure you have adequate rescue and emergency services; and
What changes may be necessary.
Use the right column labeled “Results” to answer the questions in the “Task” column.
Table 2
Performance Evaluation Worksheet
(If you answer no to any of these questions, you will need to take corrective action)
Have all team members been trained as entrants, including the potential
hazards of all permit-required confined spaces, or of representative spaces,
from which rescue may be needed?
Yes No
Can team members recognize the signs, symptoms, and consequences of
exposure to any hazardous atmospheres that may be present in those permit-
required confined spaces?
Yes No
Is every team member:
Provided with and properly trained in the use of any PPE that may
be needed to perform rescues in the facility, such as air-line
respirators or fall arrest equipment?
Yes No
Properly trained to perform functions during rescues, and to use
any rescue equipment, such as ropes and backboards, needed in a
rescue attempt?
Yes No
Are team members trained in the first-aid and medical skills needed to
treat victims injured or overcome by the types of hazards that may be
encountered in the permit spaces at the facility?
Yes No
Do all team members perform their duties safely and efficiently?
Yes No
Do the team members focus on their own safety before considering the
safety of the victim?
Yes No
If necessary, can the rescue service properly test the atmosphere to
identify acceptable entry conditions?
Yes No
Can the rescue team members identify the information that applies to the
rescue from:
Entry permits
Yes No
Appendix H
Hot work permits
Yes No
Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)?
Yes No
Has the rescue service been informed of any hazards that may arise from
outside the permit-required confined space, such as those caused by future
work near the space?
Yes No
If necessary, can the rescue service properly rescue injured
employees from a permit space that has any of the following:
A limited size opening (less than 24 inches (60.9 cm) in
Yes No
Limited internal space?
Yes No
Internal obstacles or hazards?
Yes No
If necessary, can the rescue service safely perform an elevated (high angle)
Yes No
Determine if the rescue service has a plan for each type of rescue
operation at your workplace.
Does the rescue service have a plan for each of the kinds of permit space
rescue operations at your workplace?
Yes No
Is the plan adequate for all types of rescue operations that may be needed at
your workplace?
Yes No
Rescue practice may occur in representative confined spaces or in the most
restrictive spaces. When planning a practice include any of the following
features that exist in your permit-required confined spaces:
Space Access
Horizontal -- The entrance is located on the side of the permit space.
Use of retrieval lines could be difficult.
Is this type of
rescue a
situation at
Yes No 
A description
is attached.
Appendix H
Vertical -- The entrance is located:
On the top of the permit-required confined space so that rescuers must
climb down; or
The bottom of the permit space so that rescuers must climb up, to enter the
Rescuers may need special knowledge to safely retrieve an injured
Is this type of
rescue a
situation at
Yes No 
A description
is attached.
Entrance Size
Restricted An entrance with a smallest dimension of 24 inches or less.
Entrances of this size are too small for a rescuer to enter the space while
using a self-contained breathing apparatus, or allow normal spinal
immobilization of an injured employee.
Is this type of rescue
a possible situation
at your workplace?
Yes No 
A description
is attached
Unrestricted An entrance with a smallest dimension greater than 24
inches. These entrances allow relatively free movement into and out of the
permit space.
Is this type of rescue
a possible situation
at your workplace?
Yes No 
A description
is attached.
Internal configuration
Open -- no obstacles, barriers, or obstructions within the space. For
example, a water tank.
Is this type of rescue
a possible situation
at your workplace?
Yes No 
A description
is attached.
Obstructed -- The space contains some type of obstacle, requiring a rescuer
to maneuver around it. For example, a baffle or mixing blade. Large
equipment such as a ladder or scaffold brought into a space for work purposes
is considered an obstacle if the positioning or size makes rescue more
Is this type of rescue
a possible situation
at your workplace?
Yes No 
A description is
Appendix H
Elevated -- A space where the entrance is above grade by 4 feet or more.
This type of space usually requires knowledge of high angle rescue
procedures because it is difficult to package and transport an injured
employee to the ground from the entrance.
Is this type of rescue
a possible situation
at your workplace?
Yes No 
A description is
Non-elevated -- A space with the entrance located less than 4 feet above
grade. The rescue team can transport an injured employee normally.
Is this type of rescue
a possible situation
at your workplace?
Yes No 
description is
Appendix I
Non-Mandatory Appendix I Atmospheric Testing or Monitoring in Confined Space
Use with Chapter 296-809 WAC, Confined Spaces
Chapter 296-809 WAC, Confined Spaces requires testing the atmospheric of a confined space for
two purposes. One to evaluate the potential and actual hazards of a confined space. Two to
verify acceptable conditions exist for entry and continued work in a confined space.
1. Hazard Evaluation or Pre-entry testing
Collect and analyze data on the potential atmosphere of your space. Use equipment with
sufficient sensitivity and specificity for any hazardous atmosphere that may arise. Ensure
you use equipment designed to detect the potential atmospheric hazards of your process
and at the levels that may be present.
This will enable you to:
Develop appropriate entry procedures; and
Maintain acceptable entry conditions to ensure the atmospheric conditions are safe for
a worker to enter and complete work.
2. Verification monitoring
Air monitoring does not end with the pre-entry testing. Hazardous atmospheres may evolve
and change rapidly in a confined space. You must continue to verify that acceptable entry
conditions exist for the duration of the entry. Test for all potential hazardous atmospheres
or contaminants.
Verify that acceptable entry conditions exist by doing the following:
Use the equipment specified on your permit, collect the sample at each location for
time specified by the manufacturer. Determine whether contaminants are within the
range of acceptable entry conditions. See the Air Contaminant Chapter 296-841
Using testing and monitoring equipment
Air monitors instruments and gas detectors have variety of features and can detect many
gases. Select air testing and monitoring equipment based upon the potential and actual
atmospheric hazards of the space and work processes. See manufactures information
regarding actual instrument capabilities like: sensors, data logging, docking stations,
extensions, hoses, and probes.
Ensure you use equipment designed to detect the potential atmospheric hazards of your
process(es) and at the levels that may be present. Use equipment that has sufficient
sensitivity and specificity to detect and measure the potential hazardous atmospheres
related to the space and work processes of the space you will enter.
Prior to using any instrument for testing, ensure you have trained the worker conducting
the monitoring and testing.
Use only a calibrated and functionally tested (bump test) instrument. The functional test
will confirm the instrument’s response to a known concentration of test gas. It will
Appendix I
confirm functionality of alarms and sensors per the manufacturer’s manual
Consult the
manufacture’s operations manual for information regarding type/mixture of gas needed.
Do not use expired calibration gas.
Overtime, all sensors will degrade and no longer function to accurately evaluate
atmospheric conditions. Do not use an instrument outside its calibration date or one
that fails the functional test. Recalibrate the instrument and sensors, if dropped or
damaged. See your manufacture’s operations manual for further information about
performing maintenance.
For each test required on the permit, you must allow sufficient time for the instrument to
draw air into the equipment and the sensor (or other detection device) to react to the
chemical. This is considered the “minimum response time”. See your manufacture’s
manual for the minimum response time for your instrument. If you have attached a hose
or probe extension to the instrument inlet, you will need to wait additional time to allow
the air to move through the hose or probe extension into the instrument inlet.
Stratified atmospheres (layered) will need additional sampling points to characterize the
atmosphere. For example: Test the atmospheric envelope at a distance of approximately 4
feet (1.22 m) in the direction of travel, and to each side. Allow sufficient time at each the
sampling location for the instrument to collect an air sample into the equipment and for
the sensor to complete the analysis before moving to the next sampling location. If using
a sampling probe, adapt the entrant's rate of progress to the sampling speed and detector
Test the atmosphere in the following order:
Oxygen. Most combustible gas meters are oxygen dependent and will not provide
reliable readings in an oxygen-deficient atmosphere.
Flammable or combustible gases. They present an immediate threat to life, through
inhalation, fire, or explosion.
Toxic gases
Note: Many multi-gas monitors will now measure five to six gases
simultaneously with several toxic sensors. It is common for a
multiple-sensor gas monitor to evaluate oxygen, combustible
gases, hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide. The standard are
requires monitoring for oxygen and combustible gas levels. Toxic
gas hazards can vary with significantly with different types of
confined spaces and work processes. Do not assume that the toxic
gases are limited to only hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide.
Evaluating other gases may require different or additional toxic
Calibration is defined by OSHA Bulletin SHIB 05-04-2004 an instrument’s measuring accuracy
relative to a known concentration of gas. Gas detectors measure the concentration of a gas in an
air sample by comparing the sensor’s response to the response generated by a calibration gas of a
known concentration. The instrument’s response to the calibration gas serves as the
measurement scale or reference point.” As a result of this sensor response, the Bulletin
Appendix I
emphasizes the need to calibrate the instrument in the same environmental conditions as the
monitor will be used in to help ensure accurate gas concentration readings.
Record the Results and Evaluate the Data
For all monitoring and testing results, record test results in the appropriate space on
the entry permit.
Have a technically qualified individual perform evaluate or at least review, the
data. Identify all serious atmospheric hazard. Develop appropriate entry
Examples of technically qualified individuals include:
Qualified industrial hygienists like Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH)
Qualified safety professional
Certified marine chemist
Duration of testing: Allow sufficient time at each the sampling location for the instrument
to collect an air sample into the equipment and for the sensor to complete the analysis. This
is particularly important, if using a sampling probe, adapt the entrant's rate of progress to
the sampling speed and detector response. See the instrument manufacture’s operations
manual of for additional information.
Appendix J
Non-Mandatory Appendix J
Alternative Methods Documentation Form
Use with Chapter 296-809 WAC, Confined Spaces
Location of the Space
Entry Date:
Entry Duration
List of Entrants
List of Physical Hazards in the space
List of (Potential or Actual) Atmospheric
Hazards in the space
List each action taken to eliminate physical and atmospheric hazards in the space
Is forced air ventilation
If “Yes” specify type of ventilation like
local exhaust? Are multiple units required?
Amount of ventilation (cfm or AC/hr)
Air Monitoring
Permissible Levels
Monitoring Results
Appendix J
Initial Test
during entry
Instruments used for Air Monitoring
Model number or type
Calibration Check Date
Additional Notes about the space and entry (including whether evacuation was necessary)
Person Responsible for Ensuring the Space is Safe to Enter
Job Title:
Appendix K
Non-Mandatory Appendix K
The permit-space program and the entry permit
If your employees will enter a confined space
that has one or more of the hazards shown in the
chart to the right, the space is a permit space
and you must prepare a written permit-space
program before they enter. Entry occurs when
any part of a worker’s body enters the space
An entry permit is required if
atmospheric and physical hazards
cannot be controlled or eliminated.
You can use alternate entry
procedures to enter a permit space
if all physical hazards can be
eliminated and all atmospheric
hazards can be eliminated or
controlled with continuous
Appendix K