Purpose: To ensure that all volunteers and VolunTeens are orientated to the standards
of Northside Hospital Forsyths policies to feel informed and safe during their volunteer
Policy: Every participant is required to complete and sign the Orientation Checklist
upon completion of the orientation session. Orientations will be held at least once a month or
by special request.
Volunteer and VolunTeen Orientation
Mission Statement of NHF Hospital
Northside Hospital is committed to the health and wellness of our community. As such, we
dedicate ourselves to being a center of excellence in providing high-quality health care.
We pledge compassionate support, personal guidance and uncompromising standards to
our patients in their journeys toward health of body and mind. To ensure innovative and
unsurpassed care for our patients, we are dedicated to maintain our position as regional
leaders in select medical specialties. And to enhance the wellness of our community, we
commit ourselves to providing a diverse array of educational and outreach programs.
Using This Handbook
This handbook is intended to give you important information that will enhance your experience
and as a reference guide for new and current volunteers of Northside Hospital Forsyth. All
Volunteers and VolunTeens are encouraged to review this information at the beginning of their
volunteer service and on a regular basis during their service.
If you have questions concerning any of the information outlined in this handbook, please
notify Volunteer Services staff, 770-844-3587.
Mission Statement of NHF Auxiliary
Northside Hospital Forsyth provides compassionate support and quality service to patients,
families, staff and visitors, as well as funding for special projects, which benefit the
Dear New Volunteer/VolunTeen,
Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer at Northside Hospital Forsyth. As
you begin the onboarding process, you are preparing to be a member of one of the most
trusted and distinguished healthcare organizations in Georgia. Staff members and
volunteers collaborate to play an important role in providing outstanding, quality
healthcare to patients and our community. We have many volunteers that donate their
time and talents to improve a patient’s healthcare experience and we are thrilled that
you have considered joining our ranks.
There are many deserving opportunities for service in north Georgia, and I am humbled
by the variety of reasons that bring volunteers to serve at our hospital. Our hope is that, should you choose
to volunteer with the Northside Hospital Forsyth Auxiliary, you will have a rewarding experience as you
impact the culture of our organization through your service. I look forward to working with you and am
devoted to providing the support you need to have a rewarding experience with NHF.
At your service,
Paula Malmfeldt
Coordinator of Auxiliary & Community Engagement (CA/CE)
NHF Administrative Management
NHF Auxiliary Officers and Committees
History of Northside Hospital Forsyth
On July 6, 1970, Northside Hospital opened its doors and treated its first
patient. The 288-bed acute care hospital, located
approximately 15 miles north of Downtown Atlanta, boasted 80 physicians
and 400 employees.
Today, Northside is one of Georgia’s largest and most respected health care delivery
systems, with five full-service hospitals in Atlanta, Cherokee County, Forsyth County and Gwin-
nett County more than 240 outpatient service locations across the state.
Across the Northside Hospital system, more than 3,500 physicians and 21,000 employees serve
more than 3 million patient visits annually across a full range of medical services. Each of
Northside’s hospitals has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval™ for health care
quality, receiving Disease-Specific Care Certifications in multiple specialties.
Northside Hospital Forsyth continues to expand and add services to meet the ever-growing
healthcare needs of Forsyth County and its surrounding communities. Forsyth now has 389 in-
patient beds. Northside Hospital has distinguished itself among the very best maternity and
newborn hospitals in the country. The Women’s Center at Northside Hospital Forsyth rivals the
nationally acclaimed Women’s Center at Northside-Atlanta, and offers comprehensive services
for labor and delivery, neonatal care, high-risk perinatal diagnostics, parenting and newborn
classes and lactation consultation to Forsyth County. Peace of mind, convenience, and the lat-
est technologies and facilities are just some of what Northside Hospital Forsyth has to offer the
History of Northside Hospital Forsyth Auxiliary
On February 21, 1958 the Forsyth County Hospital Auxiliary was organized.
The Hospital Administrator, Mr. Bruce Boggan and the Director of Nurses,
Mrs. Sara Blackwell met with approximately eighteen women to assist in or-
ganizing the Auxiliary.
One of the first projects of the Auxiliary was to assist with Red Cross Blood
Drives. The members provided refreshments, including homemade snacks, and volunteered to as-
sist with such tasks as registering donors, arranging and labeling the blood collection bags and
taking blood pressures.
The hospital Gift Shop opened in 1980. Over the years, in addition to the volunteer services
afforded the hospital, the Auxiliary provided funds for Scholarships and Endowments. The
Auxiliary also purchased many items needed to assist the patients in the hospital.
Since its inception, the Auxiliary has undergone several name changes due to changes in
hospital ownership. In 1986, the auxiliary became the Lakeside Community Hospital Auxiliary, in
1993, the Auxiliary became Baptist North Hospital Auxiliary, and in 1999, Baptist Medical
Center Volunteer Auxiliary.
In October 2002, Northside Hospital Atlanta purchased Baptist Medical Center and changed the
name to Northside Hospital Forsyth. Since the purchase, there has not been one day that some
kind of construction was not going on throughout the campus.
History of Northside Hospital Forsyth and Auxiliary
Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals and Mission
To continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other
stakeholders, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in
providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value.
The hospital is accredited by The Joint Commission. The Joint Commission is an
Independent, not-for-prot organizaon that accredits and ceres nearly 21,000 health
care organizaons and programs in the United States.
The Joint Commission accreditaon and cercaon is recognized naonwide as a
symbol of quality that reects an organizaons commitment to meeng certain
performance standards. The Joint Commission visits the hospital and conducts a
reaccreditaon survey tri-annually.
Evidence that individual's knowledge and experience and competence are appropriate
for his or her assigned responsibilies.
To maintain a constant state of readiness, all volunteers must be aware of the
Paent Condenality
Personal Privacy
Paents Bill of Rights
Security of Property
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA)
Joint Commission Naonal Paent Safety Goals
Hand Hygiene
Standard Precauons
Patient Privacy, Rights, Ethical Concerns & Confidentiality
Patient Privacy, Rights, Ethical Concerns & Confidentiality
Paent Privacy
Never discuss paent informaon
No informaon regarding a paent is to be discussed outside the hospital
Volunteers are bound by law to observe paents rights to condenality
Violaon of condenality is grounds for dismissal
Be respecul and culturally sensive
Do not allow others to speak for a paent when there are language/communicaon issues
Get an interpreter
Do not behave or make comments that could be construed as discriminatory or harassing
Report any domesc violence, abuse or neglect you observe
Follow paent safety goals
Ethical Concerns & Corporate Integrity
Northside Hospital has a corporate compliance program
Corporate Compliance Program
Address ethical concerns to the Corporate Compliance Line
(Number available in the Volunteer Oce)
Calls may be made anonymously
Calls may be made 24 hours a day
Naonal Paent Safety Goals
The purpose of the Naonal Paent Safety Goals is to improve paent
safety. The goals focus on problems (which should be reported
immediately) in health care safety and how to
solve them.
Idenfy paents correctly
Improve sta communicaon
Use medicines safely
Use alarms safely
Prevent infecon
Idenfy paent safety risks
Prevent mistakes in surgery
Non-Harassment, Discriminaon and Retaliaon Policy
Northside Hospital expressly prohibits discriminaon, harassment and retaliaon based on race, color, sex,
religion, creed, naonal origin, disability, age veterans status or any other category protected by law. Improper
interference with the ability of the other employees to perform their expected job dues is also prohibited.
Northside Hospital will not tolerate any actual or aempted reprisals or retaliaon against an employee who
raises a sincere and valid concern that this policy has been violated.
Northside Hospital takes all allegaons of discriminaon, harassment and retaliaon very seriously and is rmly
commied to ensuring a workplace free of those discriminatory acvies. Anyone engaging in discriminaon,
harassment, or retaliaon is subject to disciplinary acon up to and including discharge.
The Auxiliary does not tolerate harassment of any kind. In the case of harassment, correcve acon cannot be
taken unless the proper people have been informed. Any Volunteer who feels mistreated in this manner is urged
to contact the Coordinator Volunteer Services immediately for assistance.
Patient Privacy, Rights, Ethical Concerns & Confidentiality
Patient Privacy, Rights, Ethical Concerns & Confidentiality
Never discuss paent informaon
No informaon regarding a paent is to be discussed outside the hospital
Volunteers are bound by law to observe paents rights to condenality
Violaon of condenality is grounds for dismissal
Security Management
Security Management
There is 24 hour Security on this campus
Telephone: Emergency (using an in-house phone) 54321
Report Emergency or ask for escort: 770.844.3444 or using an in-house phone— 43444
Security will escort you to your car and provide Vehicle Assistance upon request
Code One – Security is needed immediately for a Combave Person or Paent Restraint Assist
Secure your personal belongings in your vehicle or if available in your assigned work area
Fire Safety and Emergency Codes
Fire Safety and Emergency Codes
Volunteers should always follow directions from the staff in their area
Volunteers should always follow directions from the staff in their area
Safety OfficerSafety Officer
House CoordinatorHouse Coordinator
Code Amber—Missing or Kidnap Child
Code Black—Bomb Threat
Code Blue—Cardio-Pulmonary Arrest
Code Brown—Evacuaon
Code CleanOn-Site Hazmat Spill
Code Dry—Water System Failure
Code MCI—Mass Casualty Incident
Code Orange—Hazmat Decon
Code Pink—Missing/Abducted Infant
Code Purple—Missing/Wandering Paent
Code Red—Fire
Code Silver—Acve Shooter
Code White—Snow/Ice Event
Tornado Watch Prepare
General Safety Management
General Safety Management
Wheelchair Safety
Place wheelchair close to the paent
Make sure chair is locked and foot pedals are up
Stand close alongside of wheelchair to assist paents
Move slowly
Back into elevators and down ramps
Push wheelchairs up inclines
Person picking up paent – put vehicle in park and let them assist the paent into the car
Clean the wheelchair aer each use by following the proper procedure for cleaning the chair.
Wheelchair Cleaning
Use provided cleaning wipes for cleaning
Wipe down wheelchair completely aer each use
Transporng Paents
You will not be asked to transport paents in isolaon
If you are called to an isolaon room, please nofy the sta immediately
Do not transport paent with IV or other equipment without staassistance
Back into elevators and down ramps
Move slowly
Push wheelchair up inclines
If you are uncomfortable transporng any paent, please ask an employee for assistance
VolunTeens must be accompanied by a sta member or volunteer to transport paents
Body Mechanics and Safety
Li and Lower
Get close to the object before liing
Li with your legs not your back
Do not push objects, pull
Do not twist with a load – pivot your feet
Balance – spread feet for support
Ask for assistance, if needed
Infection Control
Infection Control
Universal Precauons are ulized by health care facilies naonwide. These procedures treat all
paents as though they have an infecon of some kind. Employees use protecve clothing, gloves,
face masks, etc., because they interact with body uids. Volunteers are asked to protect themselves
by using proper hand washing”, never aempng to clean any kind of body uid, staying home
when sick and never entering a paent room marked isolaon”.
Hand Hygiene
Hand Hygiene is the single most important and most eecve way of prevenng the spread of
Use water, soap and fricon. Wash for 20 seconds. Wash all areas of your hands and rinse well.
Use towel to turn o faucets and to open the door
Use alcohol-based hand sanizer throughout the day
Make sure the hand sanizer works, rub hands together unl sanizer is dry , do not wipe it o
Even if you have had on gloves, they are no substute for handwashing.
Volunteers should wash their hands before and aer paent contact, whenever visibly soiled with
infecve material, aer using the toilet, before and aer eang, aer wiping eyes and noses and
aer applying cosmecs. Volunteer are must be clean.
If you have had fever, voming or diarrhea you need to be symptom free for 24 hours before
returning to volunteer. If you have had pink eye you need to be on your medicaon for 24 hours
before returning to volunteer.
Infection Control
Infection Control
Spread of Infecon & Infecous Materials
Infecons can spread by
Not using appropriate handwashing
Sneezing and coughing
Do NOT come to work if you are ill
Red bags/boxes are used for Infecous Waste
Bodily Fluid Exposure
Get immediate treatment from hospital sta
Wash aected area
Report to Employee Health for assistance
Nofy your supervisor and Employee Health or Coordinator of
Volunteer Services
Complete an Employee/Volunteer incident report
On weekends, call the operator for hospital supervisor or security
Go to ER ONLY if it is an extreme emergency
Wearing Eye Protecon
Eye protecon is recommended for all paent/visitor encounters
Eye protecon is reusable and should be assigned to one healthcare worker
or volunteer
It should be reused unl damaged, torn, or unl visibility is compromised
Eye glasses and contacts are not considered eye protecon
Only one form of eye protecon should be worn at a me
Face Masks Required
Mouth and nose are required to be covered
Worn for enre shi except when eang/drinking
Must be hospital approved mask
To prevent infecon and to slow transmission of COVID-19, do the
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or clean them with alcohol-based hand
Maintain at least six feet distance between you and people coughing or sneezing
Avoid touching your face
Most Important Numbers...
Thank you for volunteering at Northside Hospital Forsyth
Monday-Friday, 9a.m. - 5 p.m.
Closed Holidays
*Hours may change based on
volunteer availability.
BREAKFAST, 7:00 A.M.10:00 A.M.
LUNCH, 11:00 A.M.2:00 A.M.
DINNER, 4:30 P.M8:30 P.M.
Phone Directory
Coordinator of Auxiliary &
Community Engagement (CA/CE)
Paula Malmfeldt
Gift Shop Manager
Julie VanWagenen
Chaplain -
(enter call-back
number after the
Main Switchboard
Security (Non-Emergency Only)
Security (Emergency Only)
Employee Health
Volunteer Office
VolunTeen Coordinator
Free Hospital Interpretaon Services
In-house Spanish interpreter
–Mon-Fri 7:30a-3:00p / Ext. 43548
Interpreter request system on NSH Intranet
Agency interpreters
Telephone interpretaon
–Call ext. 43500
Video remote interpretaon via iPad
American Sign Language Interpretaon
Volunteer Requirements
Volunteer Requirements
On October 1 of each year, the Auxiliary Treasurer collects annual dues of $12.00. The
Treasurer will send an email to all volunteers as a reminder to pay their dues.
ID Badge
ID badges are required of all volunteers while on duty. Should you lose your badge, contact the
volunteer office.
A replacement badge will be at your expense. The current price is $10.00.
Health Screening
Health screening is required for each Volunteer and updated annually.
All active members will wear the approved uniform of the Auxiliary when serving at the Hospital.
Uniforms for both men and women include:
a choice of a royal blue vest or knit polo shirt with the Auxiliary logo
blue vests must be buttoned and Jackets zipped
black slacks or skirt (no leggings, capris, or blue jeans) and closed heel and toe shoes
socks or stockings should be black or natural color
black or white long or short-sleeved blouse/shirt
black or white unadorned turtleneck or sweater may be worn for warmth
logo t-shirts are NOT allowed
Your uniform must be clean and your appearance well groomed
Eating & Drinking While Volunteering
All food and beverages must be consumed in the cafeteria or a designated break room. The only
exception during your volunteering is a water bottle.
No Smoking
As a healthcare organization, we have an obligation to provide a healthy, tobacco-free
environment for our patients, visitors, facility, staff and students. Our healthcare facilities and the
entire Northside Hospital Forsyth campus are tobacco-free. All buildings are smoke-free; the
tobacco-free policy applies to all areas surrounding buildings, including sidewalks and parking
Cell Phone
Put your phone on mute or vibrate while on duty
In case of emergency, please move to a waiting room to make/take your phone call
Taking pictures of patients are prohibited.
Volunteer Requirements
Volunteer Requirements
Steps to Change an Assignment or Adding a new or additional placement
Fill out a Volunteer Status Change Form which is located in the volunteer office
Submit this form to VP of Membership. Once the change is completed, the VP of
Membership will contact you about the new or additional assignment
VP of Membership or Coordinator of Volunteer Services must complete all changes
Leave of Absence (LOA)
Volunteers who need to be away from their assignments for a period of time (3 or more
weeks) are placed on a Leave of Absence (LOA). The correct procedure for submitting a
LOA is:
1. Fill out a Volunteer Status Change Form located in the Auxiliary office
2. Inform your Team Leader and Department Head of the absence and expected return
3. Attempt to find a substitute to fill the position during the absence, and provide the subs
name to your Team Leader. If the Volunteer finds a substitute, then the positon will be
held for that Volunteer upon return from LOA. If the Volunteer does not find a substitute,
the Team Leader will secure a sub. In that case, upon return from LOA the Volunteer
may be assigned to another department/position
4. Turn in your ID badge and access card (if assigned) to be returned when the LOA ends
5. The Volunteers sign-in access to Volgistics will be deactivated during the LOA period
6. The LOA volunteer will continue to receive emails during the absence unless the person
requests to be removed from the automated distribution list
7. While on LOA, Volunteers are encouraged to keep the Auxiliary office updated on their
8. Procedure for returning from LOA:
a. Notify the Auxiliary office to discuss the return date and placement
b. Volunteers on medical LOA must submit a clearance letter from their doctor to
Employee Health
c. Check to make sure your Medical Clearance information has not expired
d. Pay your annual dues if expired
9. A Volunteer may not be on LOA for more than six months during the year, unless there
are extenuating circumstances and the Coordinator of Volunteer Services approves a
longer absence
Resigning from the Auxiliary
If you resign from the Auxiliary, please stop in the Auxiliary office to fill out the Volunteer
Status Change Form. It is the hospital procedure for all inactive volunteers to return their ID
badges and access cards if assigned
Volunteer Requirements
Volunteer Requirements
Dismissal of Volunteers
1. Volunteers who do not adhere to the rules and procedures of Northside Hospital Forsyth
or who fail to or are not capable of satisfactorily performing their volunteer assignments may
be dismissed. The dismissal of a member may be requested upon the recommendation of
the Coordinator Volunteer Services, a member of the Auxiliarys Executive Board, or a Hospi-
tal representative.
2. When a problem exists, a consultation shall take place with the Coordinator, Volunteer
Services, the Volunteer Auxiliary President or her/his representative, and supervisory staff,
where appropriate.
3. Dismissal of a Volunteer shall be a last resort, applied only when other available and ap-
propriate approaches have been attempted and failed.
4. Grounds for dismissal may include but are not limited to:
-Gross misconduct or insubordination;
-Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while performing volunteer assignment;
-Theft of property or misuse of hospital and/or Auxiliary funds, equipment, or
-Lies or falsification of records;
-Illegal, violent or unsafe acts;
-Abuse, mistreatment, discrimination, or harassment;
-Conflicts of interest that may result in monetary benefits to the volunteer or a relative
-Failure to abide by Hospital policy or procedure (i.e., smoking on campus)
-Failure to abide by Auxiliary policy or procedure (i.e., serving minimum hours per
year, paying dues, completing annual medical evaluation)
-Unwillingness or inability to support and further the mission of the organization and/or
the objectives of the program
-Complaints from Hospital employees about a volunteer seeking employment
Employee Health Services
The goal of Employee Health Services is to promote and ensure the health of all employees,
and to provide a safe working environment for our staff and Auxiliary members as well as for
our patients.
Medical Evaluations—In addition to performing the preplacement medical evaluation,
Employee Health Services will also screen volunteers on an annual basis for tuberculosis.
Employee Health offers at no cost volunteers, vaccinations for Hepatitis B, Varicella, Measles,
Mumps, Rubella and Influenza, if indicated.
INJURY—If you sustain an injury while on duty, you should follow proper reporting
procedures with your immediate Staff member and Coordinator of Volunteer Services.
Thereafter, the Employee Health Department will coordinate your medical treatment with you.
Complete Auxiliary By-Laws and Policies and Procedures
documents are available in the volunteer office.
Tracking Your Service
Each time you volunteer, it is very important that you track your Auxiliary ser-
vice hours by signing in and out on the computerized system in the Volunteer
Services Office, behind the main Information Desk or by using the link below
on your cell phone. This allows us to track your entire service while you vol-
unteer with us.
Your log in ID will be the last 4 digits of your phone number. Some
Policies & Procedures
Policies & Procedures are subject to change at the discretion of the
Auxiliary Board
Credit Union Access
Pharmacy Discount
Gi Shop Discount
New Friends
Tax Deducons
Complimentary Meal up to $10.00 for every 4
hours worked. 1 item in each category:
Entrée (pizza, large salad, soup, sandwich,
wings, burger, rice/pasta bowl, etc.,
Side: small/side salad, fries, onion rings,
fruit cup, etc.
Drink: Use cups at soda fountain only. Or
visit Auxiliary Oce for free boled water.
Free Flu Vaccine/Medical Screening
Recognion Award Pins
Open Board Meengs (1st Tuesday of each
NHF Auxiliary Observed Holidays
New Years Eve & New Years Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Christmas Eve & Christmas Day
If you are scheduled on a NHF Holiday, you are not
required to volunteer on that day.
Inclement Weather Days
If schools are closed due to inclement weather in Forsyth County,
volunteers are also encouraged to stay home.
The Northside Hospital Forsyth Auxiliary honors Volunteers by awarding service pins based on hours of service
rendered and on the number of years completed in increments of ve years. Pins also are awarded to Board
members at the me of their installaon, and to Past Presidents at the conclusion of their tenure.
Pins are awarded to Volunteers for 100, 300, and 500 service hours completed and thereaer in 500 hour
Pins are awarded for years of service in increments of ve years (i.e., ve, ten, een, etc.). A year
consisng of at least 100 hours is counted and credited towards this service award. These need not be
consecuve years.
Volunteer/VoluntTeen provided Orientation Handbook Date: ______________
Orientation Purpose & Policy
Auxiliary Officers, Committees &
History of Hospital & Auxiliary
The Joint Commission
Policy & Procedures
Patient Privacy Rights, ethical
concerns & confidentiality
Competency Evaluation
Security Management
Fire Safety & Emergency Codes
General Safety Management
Infection Control
Map of Northside Hospital Forsyth
Phone Directory
Volunteer Requirements
Volunteer Benefits
Service Standards
Print Name ______________________________________________
Signature ______________________________________________ Date:________________
Print Name _______________________________________________
Signature ______________________________________________Date________________
Schedule: Day of week: ______________ Time of Day: ___________________
Northside Hospital Forsyth Auxiliary
Volunteer/VolunTeen Orientation
Print Name: ____________________________________ Signature of Designated Officer: __________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________ Date signed by Officer: _____________________________
Date: ______________________