Illinois Notarial Certificates
In an individual capacity:
State of Illinois
County of __________
This instrument was acknowledged before me on _____________(date) by
__________________ (name of person acknowledged.)
(Seal) ____________________
Signature of person taking
(Title or rank)
(Serial number, if any)
For a corporation:
State of Illinois
County of _________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (date) by (name of officer or
agent, title of officer or agent) of (name of corporation acknowledging) a (state or place
of incorporation) corporation, on behalf of the corporation.
(Seal) ____________________
Signature of person taking
(Title or rank)
(Serial number, if any)
For a partnership:
State of Illinois
County of _________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (date) by (name of
acknowledging partner or agent), partner of (or agent) on behalf of (name of partnership),
a partnership.
(Seal) ____________________
Signature of person taking
(Title or rank)
(Serial number, if any)
For a partnership:
State of Illinois
County of _________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (date) by (name of
acknowledging partner or agent), partner of (or agent) on behalf of (name of partnership),
a partnership.
(Seal) ____________________
Signature of person taking
(Title or rank)
(Serialnumber, if any)
For an individual acting as principal by an attorney in fact:
State of Illinois
County of _________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (date) by (name of attorney
in fact) as attorney in fact on behalf of (name ofprincipal).
(Seal) ____________________
Signature of person taking
(Title or rank)
(Serial number, if any)
By any public officer, trustee, or personal representative:
State of Illinois
County of _________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (date) by (name and title of
(Seal) ____________________
Signature of person taking
(Title or rank)
(Serial number, if any)
In a representative capacity:
State of Illinois
County of __________
This instrument was acknowledged before me on _____________(date) by
__________________ (name of person) as ______________ (type of authority, e.g.,
officer, trustee, etc.) of _____________ (name of party on behalf of whom instrument
was executed).
(Seal) ______________________
Signature of Notary Public
Verification upon oath or affirmation
In an individual capacity:
State of Illinois
County of __________
Signed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me on _____________ (date) by
__________________ (name of person making statement).
(Seal) _______________________
Signature of Notary Public
In a representative capacity:
State of Illinois
County of __________
Signed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me on _____________ (date) by
__________________ (name of person) as ________________ (type of authority, e.g.,
officer, trustee, etc.) of ____________________ (name of party on behalf of whom
instrument was executed).
(Seal) _______________________
Signature of Notary Public
Witnessing or Attesting a Signature
State of Illinois
County of __________
Signed (or subscribed or attested) before me on _____________ (date) by
__________________ (name of person).
(Seal) _______________________
Signature of Notary Public
State of Illinois
County of __________
This instrument was acknowledged before me on _____________(date) by
__________________ (name of person) who made and acknowledged making his/her
mark on the instrument in my presence and in the presence of two persons who have
signed below.
(Seal) ________________________
Signature of Notary Public
_______________________ ______________________
Signature and Address Signature and Address
of Witness of Witness