United States Government Accountability Office
Report to Congressional Addressees
Exposure Notification
Benefits and Challenges of Smartphone
Applications to Augment Contact Tracing
September 2021
Accessible Version
The cover image displays a stylized depiction of the use of an exposure notification app by various individuals and an
example of an exposure notification message.
Cover source: GAO. | GAO-21-104622
United States Government Accountability Office
GAO Highlights
Highlights of GAO-21-104622, a report to
congressional addressees
September 2021
Exposure Notification
Benefits and Challenges of Smartphone
Applications to Augment Contact Tracing
What GAO found
Exposure notification applications (apps)which determine the proximity of users
and notify people who have been in close contact with another user who was likely
infectiousare expected to enhance the speed and reach of contact tracing and
help slow the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19. As of June 2021,
almost half (26/56) of U.S. states, territories, and the District of Columbia had
deployed an app for COVID-19, all using a system developed jointly by Google and
Apple (see figure). In the absence of a national app, states independently launched
apps, resulting in a staggered rollout over 10 months beginning in August 2020.
Map of deployment of exposure notification apps by U.S. states and territories, as of
June 2021
Reported app development costs for selected states varied, ranging from no cost
(provided by a nonprofit organization) to $700,000. Marketing costs for selected
states ranged from $380,000 to $3.2 million. Reported app download levels in the
selected states ranged from 200,000 to more than 2 million, as of June 2021.
GAO identified several challenges limiting app use and the ability of states and
others to determine whether the apps were effective:
Accuracy of
Technical limitations to measuring distance and exposure can result in
inaccurate exposure notifications.
Privacy and
security concerns
The public may lack confidence that its privacy is being protected, in
part, due to a lack of independent privacy and security assessments and
a lack of federal legal protections.
States have faced challenges attracting public interest in downloading
and using an exposure notification app.
Verification code
States faced challenges in promptly providing people who tested
positive for COVID-19 with a verification code necessary to notify other
close contacts of potential exposure using the app.
Evidence of
Limited data are available to evaluate the effectiveness of the apps.
Source: GAO. | GAO-21-104622
View GAO-21-104622. For more information,
contact Karen L. Howard at (202) 512-6888
or, [email protected] or Vijay A. D’Souza, at
(202) 512-6240, [email protected].
Why GAO did this study
With the emergence and rapid global
spread of COVID-19, smartphone
apps have been developed to
supplement manual contact tracing,
which is a public health measure used
to slow the spread of infectious
GAO was asked to conduct a
technology assessment of exposure
notification apps. This report
discusses (1) the benefits of exposure
notification apps; (2) the current level
of deployment in the U.S.; (3)
challenges affecting their use; and (4)
policy options that may help address
these challenges for future use.
To address these objectives, GAO
reviewed agency documentation, met
with officials from several federal
agencies, and conducted a review of
technical and policy literature. GAO
also interviewed representatives
from companies involved in the
development of exposure notification
apps, public health organizations,
federally funded research and
development centers, and academic
researchers. In addition, GAO
analyzed information from a selection
of states. GAO is identifying policy
options in this report.
GAO received technical comments on
a draft of this report from five federal
agencies and five organizations
included in the review, which it
incorporated as appropriate.
GAO developed the following four policy options that could help address challenges related to exposure notification apps. The policy
options identify possible actions by policymakers, which may include Congress, other elected officials, federal agencies, state and
local governments, and industry. See below for details of the policy options and relevant opportunities and considerations.
Policy Options to Help Address Challenges of Exposure Notification Apps for Future Use
Research and Development
(report page 41)
Policymakers could promote
research and development to
address technological
· Research on technological limitations could help
increase accuracy, encouraging users to download
and use the apps.
· Research on technologies and architectures other
than those used by U.S. states could lead to
· Partnerships with technology companies could spur
innovation and help with integrating improvements.
· The research needed may be costly.
· Improvements may not be cost-effective,
since existing apps may already be
sufficiently accurate.
· Research may result in apps that are not
functional for the next pandemic, since the
current apps were developed for COVID-19.
Privacy and Security
Standards and Practices
(report page 42)
Policymakers could promote
uniform privacy and security
standards and practices for
exposure notification apps.
· Uniform standards and best practices could help
address real and perceived risks to the public’s data,
potentially increasing adoption.
· Standards developed by a broad coalition of
stakeholders could increase the likelihood of
stakeholder agreement and buy-in.
· Policymakers would need to balance the
need for privacy and security with the costs
of implementing standards and practices.
· Implementation of privacy requirements
may need to be flexible, since jurisdictions
could use different approaches.
· Standards and practices could be
challenging to oversee and enforce.
Best Practices (report page
Policymakers could promote
best practices for
approaches to increasing
adoption and to measure
the effectiveness of
exposure notification apps.
· Best practices could help authorities better promote
app adoption.
· Best practices could help state public health
authorities by providing information on procedures
and potential approaches for distributing
verification codes in a timely manner.
· Best practices could help public health authorities
establish a more rigorous way to measure the
extent of app use and any resulting improvements
in notifying exposed people.
· Best practices could require consensus from
many public- and private-sector
stakeholders, which can be time- and
· Current best practices may have limited
relevance to a future pandemic.
· In some cases, stakeholders may lack
sufficient information or the experience to
develop best practices.
National Strategy (report
page 44)
Policymakers could
collaborate to enhance
the pandemic national
strategy and promote a
coordinated approach
to the development
and deployment of
exposure notification
· Enhanced national coordination that builds on
the underlying infrastructure and lessons
learned from COVID-19 could prompt faster
deployment of apps in the future.
· A future national marketing campaign with
cohesive and coherent messaging could result
in wider adoption.
· Policymakers could recommend a national app that
public health authorities could decide to use based
on their individual needs. A national app could add
more functions by integrating exposure notification
capabilities with test scheduling and vaccine
delivery coordination.
· A coordinated national approach would
likely have associated costs and require
sustained funding during the pandemic.
· Coordination of groups with divergent
perspectives and interests may pose
challenges to defining outcomes, measuring
performance, and establishing a leadership
· It is unclear whether potential users
would be more or less likely to trust a
national exposure notification app than
one developed by a state government.
Source: GAO. | GAO-21-104622
This is a work of the U.S. government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. The published
product may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety without further permission from GAO. However, because this
work may contain copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be necessary if you
wish to reproduce this material separately.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 i
Table of Contents
GAO Highlights .................................................................................................................... 3
Why GAO did this study ........................................................................................................... 3
What GAO found ..................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
1 Background ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 COVID-19 ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Manual contact tracing for COVID-19 ............................................................................... 4
1.3 Roles of states, federal agencies, and other stakeholders ................................................ 6
2 Benefits and Design of Exposure Notification Apps ........................................................ 9
2.1 Exposure notification apps are expected to provide enhanced speed and reach ............ 9
2.2 How exposure notification apps work ............................................................................. 10
2.3 Apps can use either a centralized, decentralized, or hybrid system to manage data ..... 12
2.4 States are widely using the Google and Apple Exposure Notifications system .............. 14
3 Deployment and Adoption of Exposure Notification Apps ........................................... 18
3.1 About half of the states have deployed an exposure notification app ........................... 18
3.2 About half of the states use a customized app ............................................................... 21
3.3 States reported that app development time and cost varied based on several factors . 25
3.4 Officials reported varying download levels and use........................................................ 26
4 Challenges Associated with Exposure Notification Apps ............................................... 27
4.1 Accuracy of measurements ............................................................................................. 27
4.2 Privacy and security concerns ......................................................................................... 28
4.3 Adoption and use of apps ................................................................................................ 31
4.4 Verification code delays .................................................................................................. 32
4.5 Limited evidence of effectiveness ................................................................................... 33
5 Policy Options That Could Help Address Challenges for Future Use ............................. 41
5.1 Policy option: Research and development ...................................................................... 41
5.2 Policy option: Privacy and security standards and best practices ................................... 42
5.3 Policy option: Best practices to measure effectiveness .................................................. 43
5.4 Policy option: Enhance the national strategy .................................................................. 44
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 ii
6 Agency and Expert Comments ....................................................................................... 46
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology ............................................................ 48
Appendix II: Exposure Notification App Adoption Rates for Selected U.S. States ........... 51
Appendix III: GAO Contacts and Staff Acknowledgments ................................................ 55
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 iii
Association of Public Health Laboratories
Bluetooth Low Energy
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Coronavirus Disease 2019
Department of Homeland Security
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Trade Commission
Global Positioning System
Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Standards and Technology
quick response
World Health Organization
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 1
441 G St. N.W.
Washington, DC 20548
September 9, 2021
Congressional Addressees
For more than a century, public health authorities have used contact tracing to track and limit
the spread of infectious diseases. Manual contact tracing involves interviewing infected people
to identify others they have been in contact with, notifying those contacts that may have been
exposed, and advising the infected individual and contacts to take appropriate measures.
Manual contact tracing can be effective, but it has limitations. Specifically, it is a resource-
intensive process, and it is most effective during the early stage of an outbreak, when case
numbers tend to be lower, or during phases with fewer cases.
In addition, its effectiveness
relies, in part, on prompt and complete identification of individuals and notification of contacts,
which could be difficult with a rapidly spreading disease. Other limitations of manual contact
tracing include the reliance on human recall of contacts and movements (which can be prone to
error), and the inability to identify strangers. Further, people may not be forthcoming in sharing
information about their contacts.
With the emergence and rapid spread of the highly infectious Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-
19), digital contact tracing technologies have been developed to supplement manual contact
tracing and help address its limitations. One such technology is a type of application (app)
developed for use on a smartphone.
Referred to as an exposure notification app,
it is intended
to be used to notify a smartphone user who has been in close contact with another user who
later tested positive for COVID-19.
This type of app is intended to reduce transmission by
notifying potentially exposed people faster than manual contact tracing, including contacts the
infected person may not have known.
Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, COVID-19: the CIDRAP Viewpoint, (Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota,
June 2, 2020).
An estimated 85 percent of adults in the U.S. own a smartphone, according to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.
However, this decreases to an estimated 61 percent for people 65 and older. In addition, the rate varies based on other factors,
including income level and whether a person lives in an urban or rural area. This estimate was based on a survey of U.S. adults,
conducted between Jan. 25 and Feb. 8, 2021. See Pew Research Center, Mobile Fact Sheet, (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 7, 2021),
accessed July 1, 2021, https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/mobile.
An exposure notification app can include both software that a user downloads to use on a smartphone, or a function built into the
phone’s operating system that can be activated by users.
While contact tracers have previously used smartphone apps, including for data entry, we are unaware of any exposure notification
apps in public use prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 2
In July 2020, we issued a Science & Tech Spotlight overview of exposure notification app
Since then, there has been an increase in the development and use of these apps.
You asked us to conduct an assessment of these technologies. This report discusses (1) the
benefits and design of exposure notification apps, (2) the current level of deployment in the
U.S., (3) challenges affecting their use, and (4) policy options that could help address key
challenges for future use.
To address all of these objectives, we reviewed documentation and met with officials from
selected federal agencies involved in providing guidance, funding research, and directing other
efforts related to exposure notification apps. In addition, we interviewed representatives from
entities involved in the development of exposure notification apps; public health organizations;
federally funded research and development centers; academic researchers; and
nongovernmental organizations. We also conducted a review of literature discussing exposure
notification apps, including their benefits, design, and challenges, as well as relevant policy
To identify the current level of deployment, we developed an inventory of exposure notification
apps that had been deployed by U.S. states, territories, and the District of Columbia (hereafter
referred to as states) as of June 2021. States that had an app in a pilot phase at the time of our
review were included the category of “states that had not deployed an app as of June 2021.”
To obtain additional information associated with the development and use of these apps, we
interviewed state public health officials from a non-generalizable sample of nine states that had
deployed an exposure notification app as of January 1, 2021: Alabama, Colorado, Connecticut,
Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington. We also reached
out to two other states (Louisiana and Utah) that deployed apps in the later stages of our
evidence collection and received written feedback to structured questions about the status of
their efforts to deploy an app, their rates of adoption, and other topics. We selected the sample
of nine states to obtain a range of views, based on factors such as deployment date,
geographical distribution, number of COVID-19 cases, and app developer. Because the selection
was based on a non-generalizable sample, the results were not used to make inferences about
all states that had deployed an app. In addition to our interviews with officials from the selected
states, we conducted a review of each of the selected states apps, including the key functions,
features, and privacy use policies for those apps.
To obtain perspectives from states that had not deployed an app, we collected information from
a non-generalizable selection of seven states that had not deployed an app at the time of our
review (Montana, Nebraska, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, and West Virginia).
GAO, Science & Tech Spotlight: Contact Tracing Apps, GAO-20-666SP (Washington, D.C.: July 28, 2020). While the terms exposure
notification apps and contact tracing apps have been used to describe these technologies, we will use the term exposure notification
apps in this review.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 3
For these states, we conducted an interview with officials from one state and obtained written
responses to a semi-structured set of questions for the other six.
We identified policy options that may address the identified challenges based on our literature
review and interviews. We assessed each policy option by identifying potential benefits and
considerations of implementing them, as identified over the course of our review. See appendix
I for a detailed description of our objectives, scope, and methodology.
We conducted our work from November 2020 to September 2021 in accordance with all
sections of GAO’s Quality Assurance Framework that are relevant to technology assessments.
The framework requires that we plan and perform the engagement to obtain sufficient and
appropriate evidence to meet our stated objectives and to discuss any limitations to our work.
We believe that the information and data obtained, and the analysis conducted, provide a
reasonable basis for any findings and conclusions in this product.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 4
1 Background
1.1 COVID-19
The outbreak of COVID-19 was first
reported on December 31, 2019, in Wuhan,
In the weeks that followed, the virus
quickly spread around the globe. On
January 31, 2020, the Secretary of Health
and Human Services declared a public
health emergency for the U.S., retroactive
to January 27, which followed a World
Health Organization (WHO) declaration on
January 30 that the outbreak constituted a
public health emergency of international
concern. On March 11, 2020, WHO
characterized the COVID-19 outbreak as a
global pandemic due to its levels of spread
and its severity. COVID-19 is highly
contagious and may be spread by people
who are not showing symptoms (i.e.,
“asymptomatic”) or before symptoms
appear (“pre-symptomatic”).
More than a year later, as we have
previously reported, the pandemic has
resulted in catastrophic loss of life and
substantial damage to the global economy,
and to the stability and security of our
This disease is caused by SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome, Coronavirus 2).
GAO, COVID-19: Key Insights from the GAO’s Oversight of
the Federal Public Health Response, GAO-21-396T
(Washington, D.C.: Feb. 24, 2021).
CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics COVID-19 death
counts in the U.S. are based on provisional counts from
death certificate data, which do not distinguish between
laboratory-confirmed and probable COVID-19 deaths.
Provisional death counts are incomplete due to an average
delay of 2 weeks (a range of 18 weeks or longer) for death
certificate processing. Data include deaths occurring from
January 2020 through the week ending on July 3, 2021.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center
for Health Statistics, (Atlanta, Ga.), accessed July 7, 2021,
In the U.S., there have been more
than 596,000 reported deaths
and 32
million reported confirmed and probable
cases as of July 2021.
In addition, despite
strides made in getting people vaccinated,
the threat of variants is growing, including
evidence of increased transmissibility. As a
result, uncertainty about the future of the
COVID-19 pandemic remains.
1.2 Manual contact tracing for
Contact tracing is a key component in
controlling the transmission and spread of
infectious diseases, according to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Contact tracing is intended to
separate the people who have (or may
have) an infectious disease from those who
do not and provide information on other
measures the potentially exposed contacts
should take, such as being tested for the
disease or self-isolating. Together, the test,
trace, and isolate strategy is part of the
Data on COVID-19 cases in the U.S. are based on aggregate
case reporting to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, COVID Data Tracker, (Atlanta, Ga.), accessed July
7, 2021,
, and include probable and confirmed cases as reported by
states and jurisdictions. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 counts are subject to change
due to delays or updates in reported data from states and
territories. According to CDC, the actual number of COVID-
19 cases is unknown for a variety of reasons, including that
people who have been infected may not have been tested or
may not have sought medical care.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Operational
Consideration for Adapting a Contact Tracing Program to
Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic in non-US Settings,
(Atlanta, Ga.: June 23, 2021).
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 5
broader effort to limit the transmission of
infectious diseases such as COVID-19.
Contact tracers are the people who
manually trace the contacts of each person
who has tested positive for COVID-19.
Contact tracers begin the process by
interviewing the person with the positive
test result in order to identify others whom
that person might have contacted. Next,
the tracer advises the person and the
contacts to take containment measures
(e.g., a 14-day quarantine for COVID-19),
and coordinates or provides information on
any needed care, testing recommendations,
and resources.
For COVID-19, CDC defines a close contact
as anyone who has been within 6 feet of an
infected person for a total of 15 minutes or
more over a 24-hour period (for example,
three individual 5-minute exposures for a
total of 15 minutes).
According to CDC,
infected persons can spread COVID-19
starting from 48 hours (or 2 days) before
they have symptoms or test positive for
In a public health emergency such as the
COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical that each
state has a sufficient workforce of contact
tracers in order to contain the disease.
Although state and local public health
Consistent with CDC guidance, except in certain
circumstances, people who have been in close contact with
someone who has COVID-19 should quarantine. However,
people who have been fully vaccinated and people who
were previously diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 3
months may not need to quarantine.
See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
“Appendices,” COVID-19, (Atlanta, Ga.: Updated July 2,
2021), accessed July 2, 2021,
agencies typically maintain an existing
capacity to conduct contact tracing for
infectious diseases, this capacity is generally
sufficient only to respond to relatively small
or isolated outbreaks.
Contact tracing is resource intensive,
because, as cases increase, the contact
tracer will need more time to contact all
potentially exposed persons. Hence, more
and more tracers will be needed to ensure
comprehensive contact tracing of all
diagnosed cases and potentially exposed
persons. The particular features of the
COVID-19 pandemicasymptomatic
persons and the ability to spread rapidly
require a significantly large workforce of
contact tracers. According to the National
Association of County and City Health
Officials, the benchmark rate is 30 contact
tracers per 100,000 people. This equates to
about 98,460 contact tracers needed to
cover the entire U.S. population.
According to CDC, state health departments
reported a total of 51,855 employed
contact tracers for the month of December
2020, which was about one month before
the peak of reported new cases in the U.S.
To supplement the capabilities of manual
contact tracing, several states have used
smartphone apps. These apps include those
that help people monitor their COVID-19
National Association of County and City Health Officials,
Position Statement: Building COVID-19 Contact Tracing
Capacity in Health Departments to Support Reopening
American Society Safely (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 16, 2020).
This number represents a best estimate for a 1-month
snapshot and may not include contact tracers employed at
the local health department or community level, according
to CDC documentation. Data are reported monthly, and
estimates will continue, and be updated regularly, according
to CDC. We used the reported estimates from December
2020 to illustrate capacity just before the peak cases
observed in January 2021.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 6
symptoms, assist people in recalling the
places they had visited when providing that
information to a contact tracer, and
exposure notification apps.
1.3 Roles of states, federal agencies,
and other stakeholders
Various entities have a role in the
deployment and use of exposure
notification apps within the U.S. These
entities include states, federal agencies, and
other stakeholders, such as national public
health organizations and organizations
involved in research and development of
the apps.
In the U.S., public health authorities at the
state, territorial, and local levels plan and
coordinate pandemic response actions
within their jurisdictions. In addition, these
authorities generally lead contact tracing
efforts, including the implementation of
related technologies, such as exposure
notification apps.
For example, in April 2020, Utah deployed an app which
allowed residents to check their symptoms, and privately
share a subset of their location information with public
health officials to aid in the contact tracing process. In
summer 2020, Utah disabled the locationbased services in
this app.
Federal agencies
Federal agenciesincluding CDC, the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS),
the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and
the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST)have taken various
steps to assist states in the development
and use of exposure notification apps,
including issuing guidance, distributing
funds to states, and funding research.
Specifically, in May 2020 and December
2020, CDC issued two guidance documents
on digital contact tracing tools, which
included discussion of exposure notification
The guidance is intended to provide
health departments with minimum and
preferred characteristics of the apps,
including those for contact notification and
data security.
In addition, CDC distributes
funds to statesthrough established
mechanisms such as its Epidemiology and
Laboratory Capacity for Prevention and
Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases
cooperative agreement, which currently
provides funds to 64 jurisdictions to detect,
prevent, and respond to the growing
threats posed by infectious diseases,
including for the development and use of
exposure notification apps, according to
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Preliminary
Criteria for the Evaluation of Digital Contact Tracing Tools
for COVID-19, version 1.2 (Atlanta, Ga.: May 17, 2020); and
Guidelines for the Implementation and Use of Digital Tools to
Augment Traditional Contact Tracing, version 1.0 (Atlanta,
Ga: Dec. 15, 2020).
These characteristics included that the apps should enable
health departments to define different exposure risk levels
used to identify contacts based on how close and how long
their exposure was and to require user consent before their
data are shared with a health department.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 7
CDC documentation.
(See ch. 3 for
additional information on uses of this
CDC has also funded research on exposure
notification apps, including research
performed by the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology’s Lincoln Laboratory, to
examine barriers to adoption and the
efficacy of the underlying technologies used
by various apps. Further, CDC officials
stated that the agency has provided
ongoing support and consultation to states
interested in implementing exposure
notification apps. For example, since early
August 2020, CDC has coordinated with
Lincoln Laboratory to host meetings with
state public health authorities where they
can discuss issues related to app
development and deployment.
In addition, DHS’s Science and Technology
Directorate provided funding to two
projects through its Silicon Valley
Innovation Program.
These projects are
intended to develop criteria the apps can be
tested against and to enable the capability
to test the apps using the criteria. According
to DHS officials, they expect that these
projects will be completed in the next 2
The 64 jurisdictions receiving awards under the
Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Prevention and
Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases cooperative
agreements include all 50 states, several large metro areas,
and U.S. territories and affiliates. A full list of recipients is
provided on the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention’s website. See Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic
Infectious Diseases, Division of Preparedness and Emerging
Infections, Recipients, Project Officers, and Jurisdictional
Assignment Listing, (Atlanta, Ga.: last reviewed June 16,
2021), accessed June 30, 2021,
years. NIH has also funded various projects
related to contact tracing tools.
In early 2020, NIST began work on a project,
which is currently ongoing, to study and
develop exposure notification systems with
strong privacy and cybersecurity
As a part of this project, NIST
held an event in June 2020 to help facilitate
research aimed at improving the
performance of these kinds of apps.
Further, in January 2021, NIST held a
workshop on challenges associated with
exposure notification apps.
Other stakeholders
National public health organizations have
issued guidance and provided other support
to state public health authorities to assist in
the development and deployment of
exposure notification apps. These
organizations include the Association of
Public Health Laboratories (APHL),
Association of State and Territorial Health
Officials, Council of State and Territorial
Epidemiologists, National Association of
County and City Health Officials, Linux
Foundation Public Health, the Public Health
Informatics Institute, and others. Other key
stakeholders include entities involved in the
research and development of exposure
DHS intends for this program to find new technologies
that strengthen national security.
These projects included tools to identify businesses and
hot spots visited by people with COVID-19 and development
of a digital health pass to enable businesses to verify health
A system (or protocol) provides a framework that
determines the function of a particular software application,
like an app on a smartphone.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 8
notification apps or analysis of their
performance. Specifically, researchers,
organizations, and technology companies
have played a key role in the design of the
systems used by exposure notification
In May 2020, Google and Applethe two
primary developers of operating systems
for smartphonescollaborated on the
development of an exposure notification
system used by the states discussed later in
the report. According to Google and Apple,
they developed this system to help
governments and the global community
slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition, Google and Apple collaborated
with Microsoft and APHL to establish and
host servers to facilitate the system.
Further, Google and Apple collaborated
with the MITRE Corporation to deploy the
Exposure Notification Private Analytics
portal, which provides public health
authorities with data on the performance of
the states’ apps. This effort involves several
other partners, including the Internet
Security Research Group and NIH.
These include, for example, the TCN Coalition and
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Pact developed
systemsreferred to as the Temporary Contact Numbers
Protocol, or TCN Protocol; and the Private Automated
Contact Tracing (PACT) protocol, respectively.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 9
2 Benefits and Design of Exposure Notification Apps
Exposure notification apps are intended to
automate and augment the manual contact
tracing process, with enhanced speed and
reach being among the expected benefits,
according to scientific literature, state
officials, federal agency documents, and
representatives of stakeholder
organizations we interviewed. They work by
using proximity detection to determine
when two smartphone users are in close
contact, then notifying all contacts of a user
who later reports a positive test result for
COVID-19. The apps can use a centralized,
decentralized, or hybrid system to collect,
store, and manage data. Many states within
the U.S. are using apps based on a
decentralized system that was developed
jointly by Google and Apple.
2.1 Exposure notification apps are
expected to provide enhanced
speed and reach
Exposure notification apps are expected to
provide two key benefitsspeed and reach.
Specifically, they are expected to allow for
more timely identification and notification
of contacts and greater (more complete)
coverage of contacts, according to the
majority of the selected states, CDC
John Hopkins University and Association of State and
Territorial Health Officials, A National Plan to Enable
Comprehensive COVID-19 Case Finding and Contact Tracing
in the US (Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University, Apr. 10,
2020), Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln
Laboratory, Realizing the Promise of Automated Contact
Tracing Technology to Control the Spread of COVID-19:
Recommendations for Smartphone App Deployment, Use,
and Iterative Assessment (Cambridge, Mass.: Massachusetts
documentation, and publications that we
Speed. Apps are expected to allow for
faster identification and notification of
contacts. After a positive test result is
received, apps automate the process of
identifying and notifying contacts. This
automation can lead to faster notification,
which in turn can lead to faster changes in
individual behavior aimed at helping slow
disease transmission, namely testing and
quarantine, according to selected studies.
Reach. Apps are also expected to provide
more complete and faster identification of
contacts because, unlike manual contact
tracing, they do not rely on a person’s
memory to identify the people they came
into contact with, according to CDC
documents. In addition, according to a Pew
Research Center report, 41 percent of
Americans asked about their views on
speaking with a public health official
reported that they are unlikely to talk with
contact tracers. The report also noted that
younger adults, those with lower incomes,
and those with less formal education are
especially unlikely to engage with manual
contact tracers.
Apps may provide a way
to increase coverage of these populations.
In addition, apps can reach people even
Institute of Technology, Oct. 29, 2020), and J.A. Moreno
Lopez et al., “Anatomy of Digital Contact Tracing: Role of
Age, Transmission, Setting, Adoption, And Case Detection,”
Science Advances, vol. 7, no. 15 (2020): eabd8750.
Pew Research Center, The Challenges of Contact Tracing
as U.S. Battles COVID-19, (last updated Oct. 30, 2020),
accessed July 2, 2021,
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 10
when manual contact tracing resources are
limited or overwhelmed.
2.2 How exposure notification apps
Exposure notification apps use proximity
detection to determine whether two app
users are in close contact. The app then
notifies a person if they had been in close
contact with another user who was likely
infectious at the time, and who voluntarily
confirmed their diagnosis in the app.
Proximity detection involves a series of
automated actions that determine the
proximity of two persons, notify them of
potential exposure, and provide guidance in
the case of exposure.
The proximity detection steps are described
more fully here.
· An exposure notification app
periodically broadcasts messages
(referred to as encounter messages)
using a wireless radio transmission
technologyBluetooth Low Energy
that contain, among other
things, a random identifier and the
strength of the signal sent (i.e.,
transmitted power).
Any other phone
that has the same or similar app
installed and is in range of the user’s
BLE is a wireless radio transmission technology with a
range of around 30 feet. BLE started to be included in
smartphones in 2011, and is now included on most
smartphones to enable communication between devices,
such as smart watches and wireless headphones.
To help preserve user privacy and to limit the ability to
track the movements of other users, the random identifiers
are changed on a periodic basis (e.g., every 10 minutes).
Further, the identifiers do not reveal any personal
information about other users.
signal can receive and store these
encounter messages. The distance
between two phones can be estimated
by comparing the strength of the BLE
signal when it was sent with its strength
when it is received.
· If one or more of the messages later
turns out to have been from a contact
who tested positive for COVID-19, a
central server or a user’s smartphone
analyzes the encounter message to
determine whether the user’s risk of
exposure exceeds a predetermined
threshold. The risk analysis includes
factors such as the time spent at
various distances and when the contact
occurred in relation to when the
contact was most infectious.
The formula used to calculate the level of
risk, including the specific risk factors, can
be set by the public health agency. The
assessment generally involves determining
whether the encounter meets the CDC’s
definition of a close contact (i.e., at least 15
minutes within 6 feet within 24 hours). The
apps do not consider other factors that
affect the risk of infection. For example,
they do not consider whether the users
were wearing masks, or whether the
encounter occurred in a well ventilated
location (e.g., indoors or outdoors).
The BLE signal will weaken as the distance between two
smartphones increases. The strength of the signal when it is
received is referred to as a received signal strength
indication measurement.
This can be determined based on when the person first
had symptoms or was tested.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 11
If a user’s risk of exposure exceeds the risk
threshold, the user receives an exposure
notification from the app.
The exposure
notification can also include other
information, such as when the exposure
occurred and the next steps the person
should take, such as getting tested,
monitoring symptoms, and self-
quarantining. See figure 1 for an example of
an exposure notification message.
The distance measured between two
phones using BLE is only an estimate, and
its accuracy can be affected by various
factors. See section 4.1 for additional
discussion of factors affecting the accuracy
In certain systems, a public health provider could provide
the notification in lieu of an app notification.
Other methods to determine a smartphone’s location
include assisted-GPS, the triangulation of cell towers, and
Wi-Fi access point identification.
of measurements and other potential
Location data can also be used instead of,
or in addition to, the data gathered using
the BLE messages. Location data are not
currently used by U.S. states. However,
other nations (e.g., Israel) have apps that
use Global Positioning System (GPS) data to
track and record a person’s location,
including the date and time.
Further, apps
can track user locations by having the user
scan a quick response (QR) code at a
specific location (e.g., venue, restaurant).
The app then records the location, date,
A QR code is a barcode with the ability to encode different
types of information. Each location needs to have a unique
QR code and it must be accessible (e.g., posted at the
entrance to a building).
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 12
and time.
See figure 2 for an example of a
QR code.
A user’s recent locations can be compared
with a list of locations of people who have
tested positive for COVID-19 to determine
the risk of exposure.
However, GPS
location estimates are only accurate within
about a 16-foot radius outdoors. In
addition, the accuracy decreases near
buildings, bridges, and trees, and indoors or
Thus, the location estimates
may not always be reliable in determining
whether two people were in close contact.
The app uses the phone’s camera to scan the QR code.
The list of locations from infected persons can also include
locations obtained through manual contact tracing.
National Coordination Office for Space-Based Positioning,
Navigation, and Timing, GPS Accuracy, (Washington, D.C.:
last update Apr. 22, 2020), accessed May 17, 2020,
2.3 Apps can use either a
centralized, decentralized, or hybrid
system to manage data
Exposure notification apps can use a
centralized, decentralized, or hybrid
architecture for collecting, storing, and
analyzing data.
The main difference
between these types of architecture is the
extent to which the information used to
determine exposure is stored and analyzed
on a central server or on an individual
smartphone. These differences affect the
privacy protections built into the system. A
decentralized architecture may help
preserve a user’s privacy more than a
centralized architecture. These types of
architecture are described more fully here.
· In a centralized architecture, most of
the data are stored on a central server,
which also analyzes the data to
determine which users may have been
exposed. For example, the central
server collects personal information as
a part of users’ registration and
generates the random identifiers used
for the encounter messages. A public
health authority can access this
information (including information on
which users were in contact) and
aggregate it to perform further analyses
of the data to identify additional
potential exposures and to identify
potential surges in cases to help inform
Data architecture is a framework that comprises of
models, policies, rules, and standards that govern the
collection, storage, arrangement, integration, and use of
data in organizations.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 13
broader mitigation and response
efforts. The central server can also
incorporate data from other sources,
such as manual contact tracing (e.g.,
locations an infected person visited).
However, storing data on a centralized
server can also reveal potentially
sensitive information to governmental
organizations, or others who gain
access to the server. An example of a
centralized app is one used by the
nation of Singapore, which it deployed
in March 2020.
· In a decentralized architecture, most of
the data are located on users’
smartphones, with only limited data on
a central server. Each user’s device
analyzes the data to determine whether
an exposure has occurred. This
approach may help preserve personal
privacy; however, it also limits the data
that are available to public health
authorities for determining the
effectiveness of the apps, informing
contact tracing efforts, and identifying
where infections may be occurring. For
example, this architecture does not
allow authorities to know who received
an exposure notification.
· A hybrid architecture incorporates
aspects of both architectures.
Specifically, the random identifier
generation for encounter messages
remains decentralized (i.e., handled by
user smartphones) to help preserve
privacy, while the risk analysis and
notifications are handled by the central
server. Hybrid systems have been
developed by researchers, but we are
not aware of their use at a national or
state level.
Table 1 provides a comparison of the
different architectures, including how data
are managed and the key advantages and
disadvantages to each approach.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 14
Table 1: Advantages and disadvantages of centralized, decentralized, and hybrid data architectures
used in exposure notification apps
Source: Based on GAO review of technical and industry documentation. I GAO-21-104622
The central server can also incorporate data from other sources, such as manual contact tracing (which can provide
the location of an infected person among other things).
2.4 States are widely using the Google
and Apple Exposure Notifications
U.S. states with apps are using the Google and
Apple Exposure Notifications system.
ch. 3 for additional information on
deployment of apps by state public health
authorities.) The Google Apple system was
released in May 2020 as an application-
programming interface to be used by public
health authorities in developing and
For the purposes of this report we refer to the Google and
Apple Exposure Notifications system as the Google Apple
customizing their own exposure notification
In September 2020, Google and Apple
provided public health authorities with an
additional option (referred to as the Express
option), which was intended to make it easier
for authorities to use the Google Apple
system by removing the need for the
authorities to build their own custom apps. In
this option, Google developed an app for
Android-based phones, and Apple deployed
app-less functionality, such that a person can
Where most information is
central server
smartphone device
smartphone device
Where random identifiers
are generated
central server
smartphone device
smartphone device
Where exposure data are
central server
smartphone device
central server
Level of data access by
public health authorities
Key advantages
Public health authorities
can access data to
perform analysis,
identify additional
exposure and potential
surges, and inform
response efforts.
Seeks to preserve
individual privacy by
limiting data accessible to
entities (e.g., public health
Seeks to preserve
individual privacy and
provides health
authorities with useful
Key disadvantages
Data could reveal
potentially sensitive
information to public
health authorities or
other entities that gain
access to the server.
Limits the data that are
available to public health
authorities for determining
how well the app works
and to inform response
Data could reveal
potentially sensitive
information to public
health authorities or
other entities that gain
access to the server.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 15
enable the system for their area (if available)
through the settings on an iPhone.
The Google Apple system uses BLE and a
decentralized architecture. In this system,
each user’s app creates a temporary key
(changes every 24 hours) that the app uses to
generate random identifiers, and to encrypt
information provided in the encounter
messages. The app then exchanges a random
identifier with other users’ apps, and
maintains a list of the encounter messages
that the user has received. To help preserve
the privacy of the users, the encounter
messages do not include personal information
or location data.
If the user tests positive for COVID-19, a
public health authority uses a verification
server to generate a verification code, and
then sends the user the code to verify the
positive test result. A user can then
voluntarily input this code in the app to
submit their recent temporary keys (e.g.,
prior 14 days) to a key server. If a user
chooses not to input the code in the app, the
user will not enable the notification of other
recent close contacts who were also using the
app of potential exposure.
Each exposure notification app periodically
downloads the temporary keys from people
who had recently tested positive from the key
server and then compares it with its list of
The Express option works differently on iPhones and Android
phones. For iPhones, the Express option is built into the
operating system and can be activated by users in the iPhone
settings. To receive exposure notifications, no app is required
and therefore it is said to have “app-less” functionality. For
Android smartphones, states develop the configuration
settings (e.g., risk parameters), and Google then develops the
app, which states can then use. For Apple devices, the Google
Apple system works on iPhones running at least iOS 12.5. For
Android, the system works for any smartphone capable of
running Android version 6.
encounter messages. If there is a match, the
app analyzes the risk of exposure based on
the method and parameters established by
the public health authority. If the risk exceeds
a predetermined threshold, the app displays
an exposure notification to the app user. The
notification can include guidance and
instructions. Figure 3 provides an overview of
this process.
In August 2020, Microsoft partnered with
APHL to establish a key server that could be
used by all U.S. statesthe National Key
Server. With its launch, apps from different
U.S. states could be interoperable, so that app
users can find out if they have been exposed
without needing to download and use apps
from multiple states.
This feature is
particularly important in regions where
commuters regularly cross jurisdictional
boundaries (e.g., in neighboring areas of
Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia).
Further, according to APHL, the server also
reduces the burden of each state’s public
health agency needing to build and host its
own key server.
In addition to the National Key Server, APHL
manages a central verification server,
referred to as the Multi-tenant Verification
Server, which was launched in September
2020. APHL made the verification server
available to reduce the effort needed by
public health agencies to bring an exposure
App interoperability means that a person using an app from
one state could receive an exposure notification based on an
encounter with any other person who had an app that also
used this server, such as a person from another state.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 16
notification app to their jurisdiction. As a part
of the Google Apple system, APHL noted that
a verification server is necessary to ensure a
user has received a positive test result before
uploading their temporary keys to the
National Key Server. APHL also noted that
rather than each public health agency
standing up its own verification server and
deciding on a verification approach, providing
one verification server reduces the time and
cost to deploy the Google Apple system. For
the states and territories with apps, nearly all
were using the National Key Server, while
over two-thirds were using the Multi-tenant
Verification Server as of August 2021,
according to APHL.
Although a verification server is necessary, it does not have
to be the Multi-tenant Verification Server, so some states
elected to use their own verification servers.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 17
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 18
3 Deployment and Adoption of Exposure Notification Apps
Almost half of U.S. states have deployed an
exposure notification app. In the absence of a
national exposure notification app, states
have independently launched their own apps
at different times, resulting in a staggered
rollout. States have developed and deployed
apps using the Google Apple system and
about half have customized their apps, which
provides the apps with more flexibility and
functionality. According to officials from
selected states, development time, costs, and
levels of adoption have varied.
3.1 About half of the states have
deployed an exposure notification
As of June 2021, 26 of 56 U.S. states
(including territories and the District of
Columbia) have deployed an app (see fig. 4).
Unlike other countries, the U.S. does not have
a national exposure notification app; instead,
states have independently deployed
individual apps.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 19
The patchwork of app deployment shown in
figure 4 arises from the fact that public health
authorities at the state and territorial levels
decide whether and when to deploy an app.
Furthermore, there was no existing option for
a national app that states could use,
according to CDC documentation. As of June
2021, 26 out of 56 states had deployed apps.
Officials from seven selected states that had
not deployed an app cited several reasons for
that decision, including limited cell phone
coverage in rural areas or other challenges
related to the deployment and use of an app
(see ch. 4 for additional detail). They also
cited competing priorities, such as natural
disaster response or vaccine distribution
efforts, and were concerned that exposure
notification app development would divert
limited resources away from other priorities.
The 26 states deployed apps over a span of 10
months, in a staggered rollout beginning in
August 2020. Figure 5 provides a timeline of
app deployment and related events. Virginia
was the first state to deploy an exposure
notification app, in August 2020, and
Massachusetts was the most recent, in June
2021. Seventeen of the states deployed an
app between October 2020 and June 2021,
which was after the Express option was made
available (see fig. 5).
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 20
Note: The timeline indicates the Google Apple exposure notification option that was initially deployed by the state
(i.e., custom or Express). Seven states deployed the Express option after initially deploying a custom app (Minnesota,
Nevada, Hawaii, New York, Virginia, Louisiana, and New Jersey) between January and April 2021. In addition to
exposure notification apps based on the Google Apple system, a few states developed smartphone apps to help
people monitor their COVID-19 symptoms or assist in recalling the places they had visited when providing that
information to a contact tracer. For example, in April 2020, Utah deployed an app which allowed residents to check
their symptoms, and privately share a subset of their location information with public health officials to aid in the
contact tracing process. In summer 2020, Utah disabled the location-based services in this app.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 21
3.2 About half of the states use a
customized app
Of the 26 U.S. states that had deployed
apps as of June 2021, all are using a version
of the Google Apple system.
With this
system, public health authorities can
choose to develop customized apps, use the
Express option, or use both in tandem (see
table 2). States could use, for example, a
customized app for Android and the Express
option for iOS smartphones.
In addition to the U.S., most countries with an app use BLE
(primarily using the Google Apple system); approximately
one-third use GPS. Some countries use both BLE and QR
codes; for example, the United Kingdom’s National Health
Service’s app uses both the Google Apple system and QR
codes to check-in to locations.
One of the selected states uses a customized app for both
Android and iOS and also enabled the Express option for iOS.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 22
Table 2: U.S. states deployment of apps using the Google Apple Exposure Notifications system
Legend: = State or territory that is using a version of the Google and Apple Exposure Notifications system; =
State or territory that is not using the identified version of the Google Apple system.
Source: GAO compilation of data from selected states, related documents, interviews, and other sources. I GAO-21-104622
Note: State public health authorities can deploy customized exposure notification apps, which may offer unique
functions and features. State public health authorities can also elect to use the Express option of the Google Apple
system. The Express option provides convenience and efficiency but potentially less flexibility to tailor exposure
notification functionality. The total in the table (33) does not equal the number of states with apps (26) because some
states use both a customized app and the Express option.
To build a customized exposure notification
app, public health authorities can seek
external technical support (e.g., third-party
developers, nonprofit organizations, or
university partners). For the Express option,
public health authorities can provide Google
and Apple an electronic configuration file that
includes instructions and content, including
Customized app
Express option
District of Columbia
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 23
the risk parameters for enabling an exposure
notification and messaging for app users.
While states can use their own internal
technical team or seek outside help to
develop their app, officials from all nine of the
selected states we interviewed said they had
limited technical expertise and resources and
received varying levels of external support to
deploy their apps, regardless of whether they
used customized apps or the Express option.
According to Google and Apple
representatives, the Express option was
developed to help states quickly and easily
deploy their app. However, the Express
option does not offer states the same
flexibility to tailor the functions and features
of their app as do customized exposure
notification apps.
For example, a customized app may help
users identify testing facilities and access
state-level statistics about COVID-19
infections and death rates. State officials
noted that they included these features to
provide information to the public outside of
their agencies’ websites, which they hoped
would encourage people to download and
use their app. Based on our observations of
exposure notification apps for the selected
states, a common customized function was
the ability to share the app with others.
Figure 6 shows screenshots for two
customized apps. These images illustrate how
an app can be tailored to offer unique
functions in the user interface. For example,
one screenshot illustrates a unique function,
“Healthcheck,” which allows app users to
report any COVID-19 related symptoms,
exposure history, and testing history to their
public health authority.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 24
Note: The number in the image on the left (490238) is an illustration of a verification code that would be provided by
a public health authority to an app user to verify the positive results of a COVID-19 test. A user can then voluntarily
input this code in the app to submit their recent temporary keys.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 25
Based on our review of the apps for the nine
selected states, among other qualitative
differences between state apps, we noted
variation in the depth and scope of guidance
information provided to app users.
Specifically, some states provided more
detailed information on symptoms, testing,
and quarantine. We also found that the apps
privacy use agreements provided varying
details on how the apps protect privacy,
including how users can delete their data.
3.3 States reported that app
development time and cost varied
based on several factors
Officials from each of the nine selected states
we interviewed and the two additional states
that provided written information varied in
their reported app development time frames
and costs.
Some public health authorities
from these states attributed these variations
to several factors, including legal review and
marketing efforts. Officials from nine of the
11 states reported that the time to develop
their apps ranged from less than 2 months to
over 5 months. This time included the
development of the apps, as well as
conducting legal reviews of contracts,
Some of the exposure notification apps had embedded links
to the public health authorities’ websites, which provided
access to the state’s privacy use agreement or other
We interviewed state public health officials from a non-
generalizable sample of nine states that had deployed an
exposure notification app as of January 1, 2020: Alabama,
Colorado, Connecticut, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina,
Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington. We also reached out
to two other states, Louisiana and Utah, which deployed apps
in the later stages of our evidence collection about the status
of their efforts to deploy an app and received written feedback
to our structured questions.
This includes the nine selected states we interviewed and the
other two states that provided written responses to our
preparing marketing campaigns, and choosing
to pilot the app prior to the full release. States
that chose the Express option generally noted
shorter development times.
The cost of app development also varied
according to the information reported to us
by officials from the 11 states.
One state
reported zero development costs because a
nonprofit organization developed the state’s
app, while another state reported
development costs of $700,000.
officials noted that their marketing costs also
varied; costs ranged from $380,000 to $3.2
million, as of June 2021.
States used federal funding for development
and marketing costs; some used state funding
as well. Six of the nine states reported that
they used CARES Act funding to support the
development of their apps or marketing costs.
However, according to the CDC, which
distributes certain CARES Act and
supplemental COVID-19 relief funds through
its Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for
Prevention and Control of Emerging Infectious
Diseases cooperative agreement,
notification apps are allowable expenses
through these awards, but the agency does
We did not independently verify the states’ reported costs.
As part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security
Act (CARES), Coronavirus Preparedness and Response
Supplemental Act, and Paycheck Protection Program and
Health Care Enhancement Act supplements, the cooperative
agreement awarded approximately $11 billion to support the
domestic response to COVID-19. See CARES Act, Pub. L. No.
116-136, 134 Stat. 281 (2020); Coronavirus Preparedness and
Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020, Pub. L. No.
116-123, 134 Stat. 146 (2020); Paycheck Protection Program
and Health Care Enhancement Act, Pub. L. No. 116-139, 134
Stat. 620 (2020). An additional award of $19.11 billion from the
Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations
Act of 2021, Pub. L. No. 116-260, Div. M was awarded to
continue to shore up domestic response efforts to COVID-19.
See Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, Div. M, Pub. L. No.
116-260, 134 Stat. 1182 (2020).
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 26
not require recipients to report on use of
funds to support exposure notification apps.
3.4 Officials reported varying
download levels and use
Different app download levels (or activations
for states using the Express option) were
reported by officials from the nine selected
states we interviewed and the two additional
states that provided written information.
Specifically, four states reported less than 1
million, four states reported 1 to 2 million,
and two states reported more than 2 million
downloads (or activations), as of June 2021.
The other state does not track these data.
According to Google and Apple
representatives, states that initially deployed
a custom app and then later added the
Express option, experienced a significant
increase in activations. Specifically,
representatives stated that the adoption rate
quadrupled for four states that added the
Express option (Nevada, New Jersey, New
York, and Virginia). However, there may be
other factors that affect adoption rates.
Further, the number of downloads and
activations is not an accurate reflection of the
number of people using the app. For example,
a person could download or activate the app
and not use it, or could download the app
multiple times. See section 4.5 for additional
information on this issue and appendix II for
additional information on state app adoption
Download data includes Android and iOS phones in states
with customized apps; downloads for Android phones in states
using the Express option; or “activations” for iOS phones in
states using the Express (“app-less”) option.
In addition, different levels of app use were
reported by officials from the nine selected
states we interviewed and the two additional
states that provided written information.
Specifically, for two states the number of
times their app users received exposure
notifications as of June 2021 were above
30,000 (31,000 for one state and 42,000 for
the other), while four states reported
notifications that ranged from about 900 to
3,800; the remaining five states did not track
these data. However, the number of
notifications depends on a variety of factors,
including the extent of the app users’
Further, limited data are available on the
extent to which exposure notifications
affected people’s behavior, according to
public health officials and studies we
reviewed. For example, public health
authorities do not know whether app users
are actually using the app and following
instructions for next steps contained in the
alerts. Seven of the nine selected states that
we interviewed said that they did not track
whether app users actually sought testing or
medical care based on the receipt of an
exposure notification from an app; one state
said it was done inconsistently and the other
remaining state did not respond to our
request for these data.
States with customized apps can calculate download levels
for Android and iOS smartphones from data obtained from
Google and Apple apps stores. However, for states using the
Express option, they can determine downloads for Android
devices but must estimate the number of users that activated
the app on iOS smartphone.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 27
4 Challenges Associated with Exposure Notification Apps
We identified the following five categories
of challenges associated with these apps:
· Accuracy of measurements
· Privacy and security concerns
· Adoption and use of apps
· Verification code delays
· Evidence of effectiveness
4.1 Accuracy of measurements
The techniques that exposure notification
apps use to measure distance have
technical limitations that can result in users
receiving false exposure notifications. For
example, BLE wireless radio technology,
used to measure the distance between two
smartphones, cannot always reliably
measure whether two smartphones are
within 6 feet of each other. In addition,
research has demonstrated that the BLE
signal strength does not always decrease
with distance, and can even increase with
distance under certain conditions.
example, objects in the environment
between a sender and a receiver (e.g.,
furniture, walls, people) can impact the
signal, causing the received signal strength
to vary substantially. Other factors include
the type of phone and antenna, whether
See Douglas Leith & Stephen Farrell, “Coronavirus Contact
Tracing: Evaluating the Potential of Using Bluetooth
Received Signal Strength for Proximity Detection,” ACM
SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, vol. 50, no.4
(2020); 1-11.
Like BLE, ultra-wideband is a wireless radio transmission
technology, but it could provide measurements that are
more accurate. However, ultra-wideband is only available on
certain newer smartphones. Ultrasound refers to the
transmission of inaudible acoustic pulses in the ultrasonic
frequency range between phones.
the phone is being held or is in a pocket or
otherwise obstructed location, and the
position of one phone with respect to the
other phone (e.g., if it has a 90 degree
rotation or is facing down).
As a result, a person could receive a
notification even if that person was far
away or separated by a physical barrier
from an infected person. Such a result,
known as a false positive, can lead a person
who has been notified to take unnecessary
steps, such as getting tested, or self-
quarantining. Further, false positives could
reduce that person’s confidence in the app,
which could lead to them not using the app
or using it less often. In addition, without
accurate measurements, an app could fail
to detect that two people are in close
proximity for a certain amount of time,
leaving the potentially exposed person with
a false sense of securitya false negative.
To help address these limitations, various
industry experts have highlighted the
potential of using other technologies to
perform measurements instead of or in
addition to BLE, including ultra-wideband
signals and ultrasound.
Several studies
have found that these other technologies
may be more accurate than BLE.
See, for example, N. Ahmed et al., “A Survey of COVID-19
Contact Tracing Apps,” IEEE Access, vol. 8 (July 2020):
134577-134601, accessed December 1, 2020,
https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3010226; and J.
Meklenburg et al., “SonicPACT: An Ultrasonic Ranging
Method for the Private Automated Contact Tracing (PACT)
Protocol,” arXiv.org (Dec. 2020): 1-14, accessed November
24, 2020, https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.04770.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 28
addition, researchers have suggested that
exposure notification apps could use sensor
technologies to improve distance
estimation based on BLE measurements,
such as by using a gyroscope, an
accelerometer, or a magnetometer.
example, these technologies could help to
detect the position of the phone. However,
thus far, there has been only limited use of
these technologies. Specifically, while some
entities with an exposure notification app
use ultrasound technology for distance
estimation, including several U.S.
universities, as of June 2021, we did not
find any exposure notification apps that use
ultra-wideband signals, a gyroscope,
accelerometer, or a magnetometer.
4.2 Privacy and security concerns
Officials from all nine of the selected states
identified privacy as an important factor in
determining whether to implement an
exposure notification app and in selecting
the system used by the app (i.e., Google
Apple system). In particular, officials stated
that users would likely not adopt an app
that collected their personal information,
including location data.
A gyroscope is a device used for measuring or maintaining
orientation and angular velocity. An accelerometer is a
device used to measure acceleration forces. A
magnetometer is a device that measures the strength and
sometimes the direction of magnetic fields.
An example of such an assessment is a privacy impact
assessment that is used by federal agencies in response to
requirements in the E-Government Act of 2002. Among
other things, the assessment is an analysis of how personally
identifiable information is handled to ensure compliance
with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy
risks. Also, a privacy impact assessment includes a formal
Despite the privacy protections built into
the apps by Google and Apple, the public
may lack confidence that their privacy is
protected, in part, due to a lack of
independent assessments and federal legal
protections for the privacy of app data. In
particular, CDC’s guidance on the
implementation and use of exposure
notification apps recommends that the
apps go through independent security and
privacy assessments,
and that the results
be made publicly available.
However, we
found that none of the nine selected states
had fully implemented this guidance.
Specifically, officials from five of the nine
selected states reported that security and
privacy assessments were performed;
however, the results were not made
publicly available. The remaining four states
reported that these assessments were not
Currently there is no federal law that
provides the public with clearly applicable
privacy protections for the information that
exposure notification apps gather.
Specifically, in January 2019, we reported
that the U.S. did not have a comprehensive
internet privacy law governing the
collection, use, and sale or other disclosure
of consumers’ personal information.
Accordingly, we recommended that
Congress consider developing legislation on
document detailing the process and the outcome of the
analysis. See Office of Management and Budget, Managing
Information as a Strategic Resource, Circular A-130
(Washington, D.C.: July 2016).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Guidelines for
the Implementation and Use of Digital Tools to Augment
Traditional Contact Tracing, version 1.0 (Atlanta, Ga.: Dec.
15, 2020) and Preliminary Criteria for the Evaluation of
Digital Contact Tracing Tools for COVID-19, version 1.2
(Atlanta, Ga.: May 17, 2020).
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 29
internet privacy that, among other things,
would enhance consumer protections.
Legislation governing the collection and use
of consumers’ personal informationin
particular for exposure notification apps
could help to safeguard their privacy, and
provide the public with greater assurance
that its privacy is protected. However, such
legislation has not been enacted.
In the absence of such legislation, individual
companies have set their own privacy
requirements for exposure notification
apps, including requirements on the
collection and use of the data. For example,
Google and Apple have each established
requirements for their exposure notification
system and their respective app stores
regarding data collection and privacy. These
requirements specify that only the
minimum amount of user data that is
necessary for response efforts should be
collected, and that the data may only be
used for such efforts.
In addition, the
requirements state that the apps cannot
collect any information to identify or track
the precise location of users.
GAO, Internet Privacy: Additional Federal Authority Could
Enhance Consumer Protection and Provide Flexibility,
GAO-19-52 (Washington, D.C.: Jan. 15, 2019). Other federal
laws governing health information, including the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, may not
provide consistent, clearly-applicable privacy protections for
the information that likely would be gathered and used in
digital contact tracing activities. See Congressional Research
Service, COVID-19: Digital Contact Tracing and Privacy Law,
LSB10511 (Washington, D.C.: July 9, 2020).
Congress has introduced several bills over its last two
sessions that address aspects of exposure notification apps
or digital contact tracing tools. Of the bills that have been
introduced, one that was enacted into law related to
implementing a national strategy for contact tracing and
enhancing information technology and data modernization
capabilities (American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Pub. L. No.
117-2, § 2401, 135 Stat. 4, 40 (2021)). However, it does not
To ensure that exposure notification apps
function as intended and that user privacy
is protected, it is important that developers
build in security protections. However,
security assessments of these apps are
Security considerations should include the
supporting infrastructuresuch as central
serversand address how the data are
stored and maintained, including
appropriate authentication and access
controls. Security incidents could lead to
privacy violations (e.g., identifying or
tracking users) or disrupt the functioning of
the app (e.g., inserting false data). This
would likely result in the public’s loss of
confidence in the apps, potentially leading
to decreased use. Researchers have
identified a variety of potential threats for
specifically address exposure notification apps or the
associated privacy issues. In addition, at least one state
passed a law regarding the use of location data for contact
tracing. Specifically, in June 2020 Kansas passed a law stating
that contact tracing shall not be conducted through the use
of any service or means that uses cell phone location data to
identify or track, directly or indirectly, the movement of
persons. See K.S.A. § 48-961 (2021).
See, for example, Google, Google COVID-19 Exposure
Notifications Service Additional Terms, (last modified May 4,
2020), accessed May 16, 2021,
Service_Additional_Terms.pdf; and Apple, Exposure
Notification APIs Addendum, (last revised May 4, 2020),
accessed May 16, 2021,
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 30
exposure notification apps.
Table 3
identifies several examples of these threats
and their potential effects.
Table 3: Examples of threats and their effects for exposure notification apps
Potential Effect
Comparing exposure notifications with
personal logs of a phone owner’s recent
The identity of an infected app user is revealed.
Denial of
Broadcasting fake encounter messages to
consume resources of other smartphones.
Loss of availability of a smartphone due to the
additional battery power, storage, and processing
time required to store and process the fake
Tracking a user’s location by analyzing the
information sent in encounter messages,
such as the random identifiers.
A user’s location and movements is revealed.
Relay (or
Re-transmitting captured encounter
messages at the same or a different
Smartphone receives exposure notification despite
not coming in close contact with an infected person
(i.e., false positive).
Source: GAO review of selected literature. | GAO-21-104622
The Google Apple system includes features
intended to mitigate these threats. In
addition, according to representatives from
these companies, they had a third party
perform a security assessment of the
system. There are also ongoing assessments
on the security of exposure notification
apps, including on the Google Apple
However, as exposure notification
See, for example, N. Ahmed et al., “A Survey of COVID-19
Contact Tracing Apps”; Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Lincoln Laboratory, “Exposure Notification
Security Assessment Considerations,” Lexington,
Massachusetts. Unpublished Article; and M. Chowdhury et
al., COVID-19 Contact Tracing: Challenges and Future
Directions,” IEEE Access, vol. 8 (Nov. 2020): 225703-225729,
accessed February 16, 2021,
For example, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s
Lincoln Laboratory has developed security assessment
considerations for the Google Apple system and conducted a
security assessment of one of the apps used in the states. In
addition, in February 2021, DHS’s Science and Technology
Directorate’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program awarded
funding to a company (AppCensus) for a project to develop
apps are a relatively new technology, these
assessments have, as of now, limited data
and results. Further, as previously stated,
the selected states have not provided the
results of independent security assessments
in a public format, as recommended by CDC
testing and validation services. In April 2021, the company
reported that it had identified a vulnerability with apps using
the Google Apple system. Specifically, the company reported
that preinstalled apps could gain access to system logs made
by exposure notification apps on Android devices. According
to the company, these logs could include information, such
as whether a person had received an exposure notification
and the random identifiers that a smartphone device had
sent and received. Google representatives stated that a fix
for this vulnerability was available as of May 5, 2021, and
that there is no evidence that it was exploited.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Guidelines for
the Implementation and Use of Digital Tools to Augment
Traditional Contact Tracing, version 1.0 (Atlanta, Ga.: Dec.
15, 2020).
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 31
4.3 Adoption and use of apps
States have also faced challenges attracting
public interest in downloading (or
activating) and using an exposure app. State
public health officials told us that, in spite
of their marketing and outreach efforts,
getting people to download (or activate)
and use their app is difficult for the
following reasons.
Lack of trust. Mistrust of governmental
health authorities and technology
companies can lead people to forgo using
apps, according to literature and state
officials. For example, officials from six of
the 11 states cited public concerns about
the use of apps for government surveillance
(e.g., using the apps to track users’ location)
as a leading obstacle to app adoption,
even though these apps do not collect
location data. In addition, the public may
not trust big technology companies with
their data. These concerns may be
exacerbated by reported vulnerabilities
with apps using the Google Apple system.
Specifically, as previously stated, a company
reported that other apps on a phone could
potentially gain access to sensitive
information, including whether a person
had received an exposure notification. In
addition, the lack of trust regarding the use
of apps may be intensified by other
incidents where technology companies
potentially misused consumers’ personal
information. For instance, in April 2018,
Facebook disclosed that a Cambridge
University researcher may have improperly
shared the personal data of 87 million of its
The 11 states include nine from our selected sample plus
two additional states.
users, which followed other incidents of
misuse of personal information.
multiple officials noted that the public was
skeptical of the Google Apple system, since
it is a joint initiative between U.S.
technology companies and the government
that involves personal health information.
In particular, officials from three states
indicated that the public expressed
concerns about the perceived “big brother”
nature of exposure notification.
Lack of understanding of how apps
function. Multiple officials said they
frequently had to counter misinformation
about how the apps work and the data they
collect. For instance, officials from one state
reported that they emphasized the app's
use as a public health communication tool
because of misinformation describing the
exposure notification app as a data
collection tool used to surveil and track the
Also, multiple officials said the public had a
limited understanding about the apps
privacy-preserving features. Officials from
three states said that they believed the
public did not understand the technical
aspects of the apps, which may include how
the random identifiers do not reveal
personal information.
misunderstandings may contribute to public
unwillingness to download or use the apps.
Further, such misunderstandings may also
contribute to hesitance to enter verification
codes for people who had downloaded an
app on their device. Specifically, sometimes
people receive positive COVID-19 test
According to Google and Apple documentation, the
random identifiers exchanged with other smartphones are
not linked to the app user’s identity or phone number and
change on a periodic basis (e.g., every 10 minutes).
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 32
results long after the app has been
downloaded. Because people may not have
initially understood (or have forgotten) how
the app works, including the apps’ built-in
privacy preserving features, some app users
many not want to input their verification
codes to prompt exposure notifications to
other people, according to officials from
selected states.
Lack of awareness of the availability of the
apps. Officials from several states noted
that it was difficult to make people aware of
the apps. For example, officials from
multiple states noted that they thought
building awareness in closely connected
communities with influential leaders would
encourage people to download and use an
app. However, one state tried, but was
unsuccessful, in recruiting support from
some of these groups, including churches
and a college football program. One official
said the lack of support was a lost
opportunity to build awareness and
increase that state’s app adoption rate.
Further, some states reported having
minimal resources for marketing, which one
official said resulted in low awareness of
the state’s app. Three states reported that a
federally led national marketing campaign
would have helped promote their app and
drive higher rates of adoption. Similarly,
officials from a national health organization
reported that a national public awareness
campaign led by the CDC would help
encourage adoption and be more cost-
effective than individual state campaigns.
Limited access. Another reason it can be
difficult to get people to download and use
an exposure notifications app is lack of
access to a smartphone, reliable cellular
coverage, and broadband internet service,
according to selected states and literature.
Indeed, officials in a few states told us one
reason they chose not to deploy an app was
the lack of necessary supporting
infrastructure or internet service in rural
areas. To be effective, exposure notification
apps need to be downloaded and used by a
critical mass of the general public. While
the levels of adoption needed to achieve
certain measures of effectiveness are not
well established (see section 4.5), increasing
the number of people using the app should
result in a greater likelihood that users who
come in close contact with an infectious
person will be notified of potential
exposure, according to CDC and the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s
Lincoln Laboratory.
4.4 Verification code delays
States were challenged in distributing
verification codes quickly to the public. As
previously stated, these codes are used to
confirm that a person had a positive test or
diagnosis before they are able to upload
their recent temporary keys to the National
Key Server. For people to be notified of
potential exposure quickly, these
verification codes need to be distributed in
a timely manner and users need to
voluntarily decide to use them to notify
recent contacts.
Officials from several of the selected states
reported that their initial process for
distributing the codes required a public
health official, such as a contact tracer, to
provide a person with the verification code
via phone after the person had received a
positive test result or a confirmed diagnosis.
However, states reported that, due to
staffing shortages, in particular as cases
surged, it sometimes took several days to
provide the code. As a result, some app
users who had tested positive for COVID-19
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 33
were delayed in submitting their
verification codes to notify others of
possible exposure, according to officials
from selected states.
In addition, there
can be delays in test results being available
and provided to health care providers who
report the results to local or state health
officials. In particular, earlier in the
pandemic, testing availability and
turnaround time for results could take a
week or more. Following the receipt of test
results, the health care provider or
laboratory then reports the results to local
or state health officials. Any delays in this
process could also contribute to delays in
public health authorities’ distribution of
verification codes to individuals after the
individual has received the confirmed
In addition, a few states noted that contact
tracers did not always follow the state’s
processes for providing app users with a
verification code to enter COVID-19 test
results in the app. For example, when a
contact tracer was conducting an interview
with a person, they were supposed to ask if
the person had downloaded the state’s app,
and if so, to provide them with a
verification code. However, officials from
one state stated that this was not always
To help address this challenge, five of the
nine selected states implemented an
automated process to distribute the codes.
Instead of providing the codes entirely
through phone calls, some states also send
text messages with the code or a link to a
If the user tests positive for COVID-19, a public health
authority generates a verification code and then sends the
user the code to verify the positive test results. A user can
then voluntarily input this code in the app to submit recent
temporary keys.
website with instructions for how to obtain
the code. State officials reported that this
automated distribution resulted in an
increase in the number of verification codes
disseminated to app users. For example,
following implementation of the new
process, one state's average distribution of
verification codes increased from 15 to 85 a
day, according to public health officials. In
addition, officials from a different state
reported that they had seen an increase in
the number of codes redeemed, and
improved the timeliness of code
redemption following implementation of
the new system. However, another state
noted that, even after automating the
process, it still took 4 days, on average, for
a person to receive a verification code
following a positive test result.
4.5 Limited evidence of
We found limited evidence that exposure
notification apps are effective at enhancing
the speed or reach of manual contact
tracing or at reducing the spread of disease.
One reason for the dearth of evidence is
that states collect limited data from
exposure notification apps due to the
emphasis on data privacy. In addition, little
to no guidance exists on what data to
collect and how to collect the data. As for
slowing the spread of COVID-19, studies
have not yet sufficiently demonstrated that
exposure notification apps are having an
effect. CDC and others have, therefore,
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 34
highlighted the need for additional research
into the effectiveness of exposure
notification apps in preventing the spread
of disease.
4.5.1 States collect limited data from
exposure notification apps
The privacy protections that are
incorporated into the functionality of the
existing apps limit the data available to
public health authorities, which reduces the
ability to measure and improve the
effectiveness of the apps. For example,
officials from all nine selected states said to
preserve personal privacy, they do not
collect data on who has installed an app,
including who has received an exposure
notification. In addition, states have limited
data on how well the apps are working,
including how changes to the formula used
to calculate the level of risk affects the
number of people provided with exposure
In addition, states do not
collect location data, so they are unable to
identify where disease spread is occurring.
Furthermore, states do not collect data on
the speed of exposure notification,
according to our review of information
provided by selected states. Metrics on the
speed of notification are not provided as
part of the Google Apple system, though
these data could be collected by the states
individually, should they choose to,
according to Google and Apple
representatives. With fast-spreading
MITRE is planning to enhance the Exposure Notification
Private Analytics portal with additional features, including
the ability to analyze how changes in risk parameters affect
the number of exposure notifications. The portal and the
exposure notification analytics data it provides are only
available to states using the Express option.
diseases like COVID-19, the speed of
contact tracing plays a critical role in
reducing disease spread, allowing those
who may have been exposed to take action
more quickly. States could use the speed of
notification as one indicator or metric of
app effectiveness. According to Google and
Apple representatives, the time between
when a user submits their temporary keys
to the key server and when a person would
be notified is estimated to be between 4
and 10 hours. However, a few factors can
delay the submission, including the amount
of time it takes to receive a test result (e.g.,
time for test processing and reporting to
the health care provider and to the local
health officials) and when that person
receives and uses the verification code.
4.5.2 States lack guidance on measuring
States lack guidance for measuring the
effectiveness of exposure notification apps.
Officials from nearly all the selected states
told us they wanted to gauge the impact of
their apps and assess effectiveness, such as
the enhanced reach through electronic
notification. Officials from several of the
selected states said that they had reached
out to CDC for guidance regarding
recommended approaches and indicators
for measuring app effectiveness, which was
confirmed by CDC officials. However, the
requested information was not available.
CDC officials indicated that they considered
developing additional guidance to evaluate
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 35
app effectiveness. However, they
acknowledged there are limited app
evaluation strategies available due to the
lack of data from exposure notification apps
and, as a result, they are not planning to
develop additional guidance. Because of the
lack of federal guidance, officials from
states said they were “on their own” and
began reaching out to other states and
countries that had deployed apps for advice
and best practices, such as metrics for
measuring effectiveness. Officials from the
majority of the selected states said they
wished there had been additional guidance
available, including how to measure app
effectiveness; officials from three states
used the analogy of “building the plane
while flying it,” to describe their experience
deploying their apps with limited direction.
CDC has developed general guidance on
exposure notification apps, such as
minimum and preferred characteristics.
CDC also developed guidance to measure
the success of manual contact tracing
efforts, including both process and outcome
metrics, but has not developed specific
guidance on criteria to use in measuring
app effectiveness, such as increased speed
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Preliminary
Criteria for the Evaluation of Digital Contact Tracing Tools
for COVID-19, version 1.2 (Atlanta, Ga.: May 17, 2020); and
Guidelines for the Implementation and Use of Digital Tools to
Augment Traditional Contact Tracing, version 1.0 (Atlanta,
Ga.: Dec. 15, 2020). CDC’s May 2020 and December 2020
guidance and website information on digital contact tracing
tools did not include a definition for effectiveness or any
standardized metrics for states or indicators for measuring
app effectiveness.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Evaluating
Case Investigation and Contact Tracing Success, (Atlanta,
Ga.: May 26, 2020), accessed June 9, 2021,
or reach compared to manual contact
The lack of standardized metrics was
identified as a challenge in President
Biden’s National Strategy for the COVID-19
Response and Pandemic Preparedness in
January 2021. The strategy noted that
states use and report different metrics for
tracking COVID-19 response activities,
including contact tracing, and called for
common federal metrics to evaluate
progress and the identification of areas
where additional federal resources should
be directed.
In part due to the lack of federal guidance,
selected states varied in the types of data
that they are collecting to measure the
overall effectiveness of their own apps and
have developed their own metrics and
indicators for determining how well the
apps are working. States are using one or
more of these metrics:
· App downloads or activations
· Verification codes issued
· Verification codes claimed
The White House, National Strategy for the COVID-19
Response and Pandemic Preparedness, (Washington, D.C.,
Jan. 21, 2021).
As previously mentioned, download data includes Android
and iOS phones in states with customized apps; downloads
for Android phones in states using the Express option; or
“activations” for iOS phones in states using the Express
(“app-less”) option.
Verification codes issued refers to the codes that are
disseminated to app users with a positive COVID-19 test
result. The codes may be provided on the phone by contact
tracers or through other methods, such as text message.
Verification codes claimed refers to the codes entered by
app users with a positive COVID-19 test result that enables
them to send the recent temporary keys to the National Key
Server to notify others that they may be at risk.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 36
· Exposure notifications generated
Yet, officials from eight of the nine selected
states noted that some of these metrics
provide a limited understanding of app
effectiveness. Data on downloads,
verification codes, and exposure
notifications provide public health
authorities some information to gauge how
effective they are. However, these metrics
do not indicate how quickly people were
notified of exposure or timeliness relative
to manual contact tracing alone. With
Exposure notifications are alerts provided to close
contacts of the app users who confirm a positive test or
diagnosis using a verification code they enter into the app.
However, they are only an estimate, as app users voluntarily
provide this information.
regard to reach, the number of downloads
gives an approximate, but not actual sense
of the number of app users.
The number of downloads is not an
accurate reflection of app usage. Officials
from one state speculated that some
people were downloading the apps out of
curiosity but never enabling them on their
smartphone. Further, after a person
downloads the app, they need to perform a
series of actions for it to be used as
intended (see fig. 7). Therefore, a user
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 37
could download but not use the app or
download it more than once, according to
public health officials from several selected
states. Also, people could choose to not
enable receiving exposure notifications;
ignore notifications; and if they do test
positive, not voluntarily provide that
information. While download totals may
represent the possible population of app
users that could receive benefits (i.e.,
notification) from these apps, these
limitations hinder states from
understanding the effectiveness of using
exposure notification apps.
Verification codes claimed by the people
who have tested positive for COVID-19 and
who entered the information in the app
(which prompts exposure notifications to be
sent to others) may also provide an
indication of app use. Similarly, the number
of exposure notifications gives a sense of
how many people are notified of potential
exposure to COVID-19, but it may provide
limited insight into the effectiveness of the
public health intervention because users
need to voluntarily provide this information
in their apps. Finally, none of the data
indicate whether people changed behavior
as a result of the notification.
While people seeking testing or medical
care could be asked whether they sought
testing or care due to an exposure
notification from an app, such information
may violate a user's expectations of privacy,
Infectious disease models are simplified versions of reality
that help to characterize disease spread (see GAO-20-372
for an overview of infectious disease modeling). Other types
of epidemiological studies of contact tracing apps that could
be conducted in real world settings, rather than via
modeling, face methodological, logistical, and ethical
challenges, including the lack of empirical data, confounding
factors that affect disease spread, and other issues.
according to officials from one state.
Further, because states do not track who
receives an exposure notification, states
have a limited understanding of what
impact, if any, these notifications have on
disease spread and the overall effectiveness
of their apps.
Nonetheless, public health officials from
seven of the nine selected states said they
believe the exposure notification apps have
been effective and that their apps had been
worthwhile. Officials from two states said
they think adoption even at relatively low
levels would help slow disease spread.
Furthermore, exposure notification apps
provided a new tool for states to useat a
time of urgent needto limit the spread of
4.5.3 Evidence of reduced disease
spread has been limited but additional
studies are underway
We reviewed seven selected modeling
studies that have sought to measure the
effects of the use of apps on the spread of
COVID-19. However, there are important
limitations to these studiessuch as limited
evidence to support assumptions about
behavioral changeswhich hinder the
ability to draw high-confidence conclusions
about the apps effectiveness.
The studies
we reviewed generally suggested that the
use of exposure notification apps can
reduce disease transmission.
In general,
The selected studies we reviewed covered a range of
geographic areas, including Washington State, the United
Kingdom, Spain, and Switzerland, and were published
between April 2020 and May 2021. Five of the seven papers
are peer-reviewed publications. We identified the papers
from our interviews with subject matter experts and a
search of the literature. Studies we reviewed include:
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 38
the studies suggested that app usage can
decrease COVID-19 infections and deaths,
with the size of the estimated effects
depending on the level of app adoption,
among other things. For example, one peer-
reviewed study estimated that, when 15
percent of the population used an exposure
notification app, infections could be
reduced by approximately 8 percent and
deaths by about 6 percent. Another peer-
reviewed study in the United Kingdom
estimated that a 30 percent app uptake
averted approximately one infection for
every four infections that arose over a 4½-
month period.
However, there are significant limitations to
these modeling studies. For example, the
models estimated outcomes by relying on
assumptions about app usage and
behavioral changes associated with
notifications. These assumptions covered
factors such as how many people used an
app, how many app users had a positive
test result, and how many app users self-
R. Hinch, et al., Effective Configurations of a Digital Contact
Tracing App: A Report to NHSX, (April 16, 2020), accessed
December 9, 2021,
M. Abueg, et al., “Modeling the Effect of Exposure
Notification and Non-pharmaceutical Interventions on
COVID-19 Transmission in Washington State,” npj Digital
Medicine, (4, 49), (March 12, 2021) accessed March 12,
2021, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-021-00422-
C. Wymant, et al., “The Epidemiological Impact of the NHS
COVID-19 App,” Nature, Vol. 594, no. 7863 (2021).pp. 408-
412, accessed February 25, 2021.
P. Rodríguez, et al., “A Population-Based Controlled
Experiment Assessing the Epidemiological Impact of Digital
Contact Tracing,” Nature Communications, (January 26,
2021), accessed February 22, 2021,
S. Marcel, et al., “Early Evidence of Effectiveness of Digital
Contact Tracing for SARS-CoV-2 in Switzerland,” Swiss
Medical Weekly, (December 16, 2020), accessed March 9,
2021, https://smw.ch/article/doi/smw.2020.20457.
isolated. In some cases, particularly with
studies earlier in the pandemic, these
assumptions were not grounded in research
and were not otherwise well supported. For
· Assumptions in one study were that
everyone notified of a potential
exposure would self-isolate, with a 2
percent drop-out rate each day, and
that 18 percent of infected people
remained asymptomatic, with no
variation in this rate across age
These assumptions were not
grounded in evidence because little to
none was available at the time.
· A study of three counties in Washington
State assumed in its simulations that it
would take 2 days from symptom onset
to receive a COVID-19 test result, which
the authors characterized as a key
assumption underlying the findings.
However, in the earlier months of the
D. Menges, et al., “A Data-Driven Simulation of the Exposure
Notification Cascade for Digital Contact Tracing of SARS-CoV-
2 in Zurich, Switzerland,” JAMA Network Open, (4
(4):e218184), (April 30, 2021), accessed July 13, 2021,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory,
Simulated Automatic Exposure Notification (SimAEN):
Exploring the Effects of Interventions on the Spread of
COVID,” Private Automated Contact Tracing (PACT)
Technical Report #3, (December 8, 2020), accessed March 1,
2021, https://pact.mit.edu/simulated-automatic-exposure-
Estimates of the COVID-19 asymptomatic rates vary
widely by age group, according to information from CDC.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Estimated
Disease Burden of COVID-19,” COVID-19, (Atlanta, Ga.:
updated May 19, 2021), accessed July 13, 2021,
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 39
pandemic, wait times for test results in
U.S. could be a week or more.
· Oxford University researchers
associated with the United Kingdom
studies told us that the recent rise in
variant strains and vaccinations has
increased uncertainty in assumptions
about disease transmission.
In addition to the studies on disease spread,
some studies have estimated shorter-term
outcomes, such as the number of close
contacts detected by exposure notification
apps. In one simulation study, the findings
implied that the app prompted quarantine
recommendations for, at most, an
estimated 5 percent more exposed contacts
than manual contact tracing. However, as
with the modeling studies we reviewed on
disease spread, these studies of shorter-
term outcomes are also subject to
important limitations, such as model inputs
derived from studies with limited sample
sizes or national estimates applied to states
or local regions.
Since we originally identified papers for our
review, additional studies are now
D. Lazer, et al., Report #8: Failing the Test: Waiting Times
for COVID Diagnostic Tests Across the U.S.in The State of
the Nation: A 50-State COVID-19 Survey, (OSF Preprints,
August 2020), accessed July 13, 2021,
See, for example, C. Segal, et al., Early Epidemiological
Evidence of Public Health Value of WA Notify, a Smartphone-
based Exposure Notification Tool: Modeling COVID-19 Cases
Averted in Washington State (June 2021), accessed July 1,
57951v4; and J. Masel, et al., Quantifying meaningful
adoption of a SARS-CoV-2 exposure notification app at the
campus of the University of Arizona (June 2021), accessed
June 1, 2021,
underway that suggest the use of apps can
help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
addition, some states are conducting their
own evaluations of the effectiveness of
exposure notification apps in reducing
disease spread.
4.5.4 CDC and others have highlighted
the need for additional research and
Exposure notification apps are a relatively
recent public health intervention. As a
result, additional primary research on the
benefits and effectiveness of exposure
notification apps is needed, according to
CDC and other public health researchers.
This includes a need for primary research
into the use of digital tools in conjunction
with manual systems, since public health
authorities are unlikely to use digital tools
in isolation, according to all selected states
and most literature we reviewed.
· CDC has noted that more data are
needed from preliminary
implementation efforts to quantify the
public health value of these apps.
A. Anglemyer, et al., “Digital contact tracing technologies
in epidemics: a rapid review.” Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews. (2020).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Guidelines for
the Implementation and Use of Digital Tools to Augment
Traditional Contact Tracing, version 1.0 (Atlanta, Ga.: Dec.
15, 2020).
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 40
Also, the agency has highlighted the
need for more studies on the
effectiveness of digital tools, including
exposure notification apps, to support
contact tracing and reduce the spread
of infectious disease. In addition, CDC
has identified a specific research need
to comprehensively compare the
effectiveness of manual contact tracing
with exposure notification apps and has
initiated work to study these issues with
the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology’s Lincoln Laboratory,
according to CDC officials.
· WHO has called for additional research
on the minimum adoption levels
required for these apps to be effective
in light of the limited evidence to
In addition, since some
populations have limited access to
digital technology, WHO identified the
potential for the systematic exclusion of
individuals who cannot access such
technologies. It called for additional
research and sufficient regulatory
oversight of these issues.
· Linux Foundation Public Health noted
that additional research on the
effectiveness of exposure notification
apps is needed, since there is currently
a limited understanding of the extent to
which apps may have changed the
course of the pandemic in the U.S.
The organization called for a data
driven approach and research on app
efficacy to help app developers and
others, including the federal
government, decide whether to
improve apps for potential future use or
abandon the approach if research
showed that desired outcomes had not
been achieved.
Moreover, the need for additional research
on the effectiveness was identified as a
challenge in President Biden’s National
Strategy, issued in January 2021. The
strategy notes that the federal government
should work with public health authorities
and the private sector to collect COVID-19
data on a range of issues, including the
effectiveness of contact tracing.
World Health Organization, Contact Tracing in the Context
of COVID-19, Interim Guidance, February 1, 2021.
Linux Foundation Public Health was founded in summer
2020 with an initial focus on helping public health
authorities deploy apps based on the Google Apple system.
The White House, National Strategy for the COVID-19
Response and Pandemic Preparedness, (Washington, D.C.,
Jan. 21, 2021).
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 41
5 Policy Options That Could Help Address Challenges for Future Use
We identified four policy options that, when
implemented, could help address the
challenges we have identified for both
current and future use of exposure
notification apps.
Policymakers could also
choose to maintain the status quothat is,
allow current efforts to proceed without
intervention. The relevant policymakers
could include Congress, other elected
officials, federal agencies, state and local
governments, academic research
institutions, and industry. While some
challenges described in this report may be
addressed through current efforts, other
challenges may not be resolved, may be
exacerbated, or may take longer to resolve
without intervention. The four policy
options are in the following areas: research
and development, privacy and security,
data collection and measurement, and
national strategy.
5.1 Policy option: Research and
Policymakers could promote research and
development to address technological
Research could seek to address the
technical limitations we identified that can
We present policy options that were within the scope of
this technology assessment. This is not an exhaustive list of
all potential policy options, nor are policy options intended
to be recommendations to federal agencies or matters for
congressional consideration. They are not listed in a specific
rank or order, and we are not suggesting that they be
completed individually or combined in any particular
fashion. We did not conduct the detailed additional analysis
result in users receiving false exposure
notifications, such as by improving the
accuracy of the distance measurements
performed by exposure notification apps.
For example, apps could use additional
sensors (e.g., the gyroscope and
magnetometer that certain smartphones
already have) or other technologies, such as
ultra-wideband and ultrasound. In addition,
research could examine methods for
evaluating other factors that affect the risk
of disease transmission, such as whether
the encounter occurred indoors or
Policymakers could promote research in
multiple ways, including by providing grants
to academic and research institutions or by
setting up a public-private partnership.
Further, the research could build off of prior
and ongoing research by various entities.
· Research on technological limitations,
such as inaccurate distance
measurements, could help increase the
accuracy and speed of exposure
notification apps, incentivizing users to
download and use them.
· Research on technologies and
architectures other than those used by
U.S. states could also improve the apps,
for example by increasing the speed
that would be needed to fully implement a specific policy
option or combination of optionsfor instance, on potential
design and legal issuesnor did we assess how effective the
options may be. We express no view regarding the extent to
which legal changes would be necessary to implement them.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 42
and reach of notifications. Such
alternatives include GPS and centralized
or hybrid data architecture.
· Partnerships with technology
companies could help with integrating
improvements into smartphone
operating systems. These collaborations
could spur further technological
· Research into new technologies could
be costly and is generally considered a
long-term investment with uncertain
· The roles for government, the private
sector, and academia in researching
new technologies for exposure
notification apps would need to be
defined, planned, and coordinated to
ensure that research and costs are not
· Research may not produce cost-
effective improvements, because
existing apps may still be sufficiently
accurate for notifying a person of
potential exposure. Moreover, other
alternative technologies also have
accuracy limitations, and other data
architectures may increase the risk of
revealing sensitive user information.
· Research into new technologies based
on the COVID-19 pandemic may also
result in apps that are not functional for
future outbreaks or pandemics.
Diseases that are not transmitted
through the air, such as sexually
transmitted diseases, would require
apps that use different methods to
determine potential exposure. In
addition, the continuous changes in
smartphone technology would require
ongoing research.
5.2 Policy option: Privacy and
security standards and best
Policymakers could promote uniform
privacy and security standards and best
practices for exposure notification apps.
Policymakers could support the
development of privacy and security
standards and best practices for exposure
notification apps to ensure that these apps
function as intended and that user privacy
is protected. One way to do this would be
to specify standards for public health
authorities to ensure that personal data are
encrypted when stored, and to specify
limits on the types of data that can be
collected and how the data may be used
and disclosed. In addition, the standards
could specify that the data can only be used
for disease response efforts and that
personal data cannot be shared with other
agencies, law enforcement, or immigration
authorities without a user’s consent.
Another action policymakers could take is
to require that standards be developed and
agreed on by a broad coalition of
stakeholders. Best practices could also be
developed by government agencies (e.g.,
NIST) or the private sector.
· Developing and adopting uniform
privacy and security standards and
related best practices could help
address real and perceived risks that
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 43
the public’s data might be misused or
otherwise not appropriately protected.
· Standards developed and agreed on by
a broad coalition of stakeholders could
increase the likelihood of still broader
stakeholder agreement and buy-in.
· Independent security and privacy
assessments could evaluate apps based
on these standards and best practices,
and these assessments could be made
publicly available.
· Policymakers would need to balance
the need for privacy and security with
the direct and indirect costs of
developing and implementing these
standards and practices.
· Implementing these privacy
requirements may require flexibility
because different jurisdictions could
use different technologies (e.g., BLE or
GPS) and data architectures to collect
and use the data.
· It could be challenging to determine
how to oversee and enforce the privacy
and security standards and practices.
5.3 Policy option: Best practices to
measure effectiveness
Policymakers could promote best practices
to increase adoption and measure the
effectiveness of exposure notification apps.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and
Medicine, Encouraging Participation and Cooperation in
Contact Tracing: Lessons from Survey Research,
(Washington, D.C.: Aug. 2020).
Policymakers could assess the approaches
that states have used to increase adoption
and then develop best practices based on
those results. Best practices could also
include standardization of the metrics
collected and reported to measure
effectiveness as well as the procedures for
verification code distribution. The
development of best practices could be led
by a broad coalition of stakeholders and
result in guidance to states. These efforts
could help address the challenges we
identified related to app adoption,
verification code delays, and efficacy
· Best practices could help state public
health authorities share strategies to
improve app adoption. For example, if a
state found that translating the app into
multiple languages improved adoption
among non-English speaking people,
this information could be shared with
other states. Also, understanding and
appealing to user motivations could
promote app adoption. Further,
partnering with trusted sponsors could
encourage cooperation in COVID-19
contact tracing, as published by the
National Academies of Sciences,
Engineering, and Medicine.
· Such practices could help state public
health authorities by providing
information on potential methods and
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 44
processes for distributing verification
codes in a timely manner.
· In addition, best practices can help
states to measure the effectiveness and
impact of these apps. Best practices
could also leverage outside knowledge
to promote app adoption. More
accurate measurement of app
effectiveness would help public health
authorities identify opportunities for
improvement, both to the technology’s
function and to its widespread use.
· The creation of best practices could
require consensus from many public
and private sector stakeholders, which
can be time- and resource-intensive.
· If the best practices are not updated,
they may not be relevant or useful in a
future pandemic.
· In some cases, stakeholders may lack
sufficient or complete information or
the experience to develop best
practices. If best practices are put in
place without sufficient basis, it could
limit further innovation.
5.4 Policy option: Enhance the
national strategy
Policymakers could collaborate to enhance
the national strategy and promote a
coordinated approach to the development,
The White House, National Strategy for the COVID-19
Response and Pandemic Preparedness, (Washington, D.C.,
Jan. 21, 2021).
deployment, and use of exposure
notification apps.
Policymakers could evaluate whether to
enhance the current national strategy or a
future pandemic response strategy to
enable a coordinated nationwide approach
to the development and deployment of
exposure notification apps.
This could
help address the challenges we identified
related to the adoption of these apps and
evidence of their effectiveness. An
enhanced strategy could include specifying
federal, state, and local roles and
coordination efforts. Further, an enhanced
strategy could identify what other
infectious diseases (e.g., tuberculosis,
measles) may be applicable to exposure
notification apps in the future.
As part of this strategy, the federal
government could decide to repurpose
apps that were developed for state use
during the COVID-19 pandemic, or use
comparable technology to develop new
contact tracing solutions. Policymakers
could recommend a national exposure
notification app that public health
authorities could decide to use based on
their individual needs, resulting in a generic
exposure notification app tailored to state
needs or a federally managed exposure
notification app that is made available for
states to use.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 45
· Enhanced national coordination could
prompt faster deployment of apps in
the future if that coordination builds
upon the underlying infrastructure and
leverages the lessons learned from
· A federally led national marketing
campaign with cohesive and coherent
messaging could result in wider
adoption of exposure notification apps.
Increased federal promotion and
support of the exposure notification
apps could potentially help with
increasing public trust in the apps.
· A national app could allow integration
of exposure notification capabilities
with other disease prevention and
response activities, such as test
scheduling or vaccine delivery
· Implementing a coordinated national
strategy would likely have associated
costs and require a source of sustained
funding during and after the pandemic.
· Without clear roles and responsibilities,
coordination culd be challenging. For
example, coordination of groups with
divergent perspectives and interests
may pose challenges to defining
outcomes and measuring performance
and effectiveness of apps.
· It is unclear whether the public would
be more or les likely to trust and use a
national exposre notification app than
one developed by their state
government. Some states, including
Virginia, Colorado, and California, have
passed state-wide privacy laws. Due to
the absence of a federal privacy law in
the U.S., the public may be less likely to
trust the federal government’s privacy
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 46
6 Agency and Expert Comments
We provided a draft of this report to the Departments of Health and Human Services (including
CDC and NIH), Homeland Security, and Commerce, Federal Communications Commission, and
Federal Trade Commission for their review. The agencies provided technical comments, which
we incorporated as appropriate. Representatives from Apple, the Association of Public Health
Laboratories, Google, Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Lincoln Laboratory, and MITRE
Corporation also reviewed a draft of this product; we incorporated their technical comments as
We are sending copies of this report to the appropriate congressional committees and other
interested parties. In addition, the report is available at no charge on the GAO website at
If you or your staff have any questions about this report, please contact Karen L. Howard at
(202) 512-6888 or how[email protected] or Vijay A. D’Souza at (202) 512-6240 or
[email protected]. Contact points for our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs
may be found on the last page of this report. GAO staff who made key contributions to this
report are listed in appendix III.
Karen L. Howard, PhD
Science, Technology Assessment, and Analytics
Vijay A. D’Souza
Information Technology and Cybersecurity
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 47
List of Congressional Addressees
The Honorable Patrick Leahy
The Honorable Richard Shelby
Vice Chairman
Committee on Appropriations
United States Senate
The Honorable Ron Wyden
The Honorable Mike Crapo
Ranking Member
Committee on Finance
United States Senate
The Honorable Patty Murray
The Honorable Richard Burr
Ranking Member
Committee on Health, Education, Labor,
and Pensions
United States Senate
The Honorable Gary C. Peters
The Honorable Rob Portman
Ranking Member
Committee on Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs
United States Senate
The Honorable Rosa L. DeLauro
The Honorable Kay Granger
Ranking Member
Committee on Appropriations
House of Representatives
The Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr.
The Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Republican Leader
Committee on Energy and Commerce
House of Representatives
The Honorable Bennie G. Thompson
The Honorable John Katko
Ranking Member
Committee on Homeland Security
House of Representatives
The Honorable Carolyn B. Maloney
The Honorable James Comer
Ranking Member
Committee on Oversight and Reform
House of Representatives
The Honorable Richard Neal
The Honorable Kevin Brady
Republican Leader
Committee on Ways and Means
House of Representatives
The Honorable Morgan Griffith
Republican Leader
Subcommittee on Oversight and
Committee on Energy and Commerce
House of Representatives
The Honorable Brett Guthrie
Republican Leader
Subcommittee on Health
Committee on Energy and Commerce
House of Representatives
The Honorable Michael C. Burgess
House of Representatives
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 48
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology
We were asked to assess smartphone
applications (apps)commonly referred to as
exposure notification appsthat are intended
to notify persons of potential exposure to
infectious diseases. This report discusses:
· the benefits and design of exposure
notification apps;
· the current level of deployment in the
· challenges affecting their use; and
· policy options that could help address key
challenges for future use.
Scope and methodology
To address these objectives, we reviewed
documentation and met with officials from
selected federal agencies and entities
involved in providing guidance, funding
research, and other efforts related to
exposure notification apps. These agencies
· Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) and National Institutes
of Health (NIH) within the Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS),
· Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
Agency, Science and Technology
Directorate, within the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS),
· National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST), Federal Trade
Commission (FTC), within the Department
of Commerce, and
· Federal Communications Commission
In addition, we interviewed representatives
from companies involved in the development
of exposure notification apps (Google, Apple,
and PathCheck Foundation); public health
organizations (Association of Public Health
Laboratories, Public Health Informatics
Institute, Council of State and Territorial
Epidemiologists, Association of State and
Territorial Health Officials); federally funded
research and development centers
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s
Lincoln Laboratory and MITRE Corporation);
and academic researchers from Oxford
University’s Big Data Institute, Nuffield
Department of Medicine. We identified these
entities through our interviews and document
reviews. During our interviews with officials
and representatives, we discussed topics such
as exposure notification app functionality;
benefits of its use; levels of deployment in the
U.S.; technological limitations; and challenges
to its development, deployment, and use. We
also obtained written responses from two
organizations: the National Association of
County and City Health Officials and Linux
Foundation Public Health.
Further, we conducted a literature search for
articles regarding exposure notification apps,
including their benefits, capabilities, and
challenges, as well as policy options
associated with the apps. A research librarian
conducted searches of various databases
including Inspec, Scopus, Policy File,
ProQuest’s COVID-19 Research Database, and
the Harvard Kennedy School’s Custom Google
Think Tank Search. We used synonyms of the
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 49
following search terms to identify relevant
articles: contact tracing, exposure
notification, Google Apple exposure,
application, app, system, platform, digital,
mobile, smartphone. We paired these search
terms with additional synonyms for privacy,
security, policy, legislation, opportunities, and
challenges. We considered articles that met
the following criteria: published from 2016
through January 2021 in academic journals,
working papers, trade journals, legislative
materials, and reports by government
agencies and nonprofit organizations. From
the results produced by this search, we
reviewed a selection of articles to provide an
overview and additional context for our
research objectives. We also used the results
to help inform our development of an
inventory of states by app deployment status,
among other sources noted below.
To identify the current level of deployment in
the U.S., we developed an inventory of
exposure notification apps that had been
deployed by U.S. states and territories as of
June 2021. We developed the inventory by:
· reviewing inventories that had been
developed by other organizations;
· reviewing state health department
websites related to COVID-19 to identify
whether they identified an available app,
or plans to deploy one;
· conducting Google searches; and
· reviewing Android and iPhone app stores.
The inventories included those developed by MIT Technology
Review, the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials,
and the Ada Lovelace Institute.
Specifically, whether states used the Association of Public
Health Laboratories’ National Key Server and Multi-tenant
Verification Server.
We also contacted several individual states to
verify their status in deploying an app. We
analyzed the inventory to identify the extent
to which states and territories had deployed
apps, the underlying technologies used (e.g.,
Bluetooth Low Energy), and the use of
national servers.
States that had an app in a
pilot phase at the time of our review were
included in the category of “states that had
not deployed an app as of June 2021.”
To obtain additional information associated
with the development and use of the apps,
we interviewed state public health officials
from a non-generalizable sample of nine
states that had an exposure notification app
as of January 1, 2021: Alabama, Colorado,
Connecticut, Minnesota, Nevada, North
Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and
We selected this sample based
on deployment date, geographical
distribution, the number of COVID-19 cases
and deaths, and app developer. We aimed for
a selection of states that would allow for the
selected states to provide a broad overview
and context for assessing our engagement’s
research objectives. Because the selection
was based on a non-generalizable sample, the
results cannot be used to make inferences
about all states that had deployed an app. We
also received written feedback to structured
questions from two additional states
(Louisiana and Utah) that deployed apps in
the later stages of our evidence collection.
We also conducted a review of each of the
selected states apps on both a phone using
We considered a state as having an app if it had an official
application available for download or the state officially
supported an exposure notification system that exists in a
smartphone operating system. As of January 1, 2021, we had
identified 20 states with an exposure notification app. After we
selected our sample, we learned that one additional state
Wisconsinhad deployed an app in late December 2020.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 50
the iOS (iPhone 6) and Android (Samsung
Galaxy S9) operating systems. As a part of this
review, we reviewed the general functions,
features, and usability of the apps. To help
understand how privacy considerations
applied to the apps, we examined and
compared each state’s privacy policies with
recommended practices identified in federal
guidance, such as CDC’s guidelines for digital
In addition, to obtain perspectives from states
that had not deployed an app, we collected
information from a non-generalizable
selection of seven states that had not
deployed an app at the time of our review
(Montana, Nebraska, Oregon, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, Texas, and West Virginia),
which included an interview with one state
and written responses to a semi-structured
set of questions for the other six. We selected
these states based on geographical
distribution, suggestions from stakeholders
we interviewed, and information we gathered
during our review regarding challenges
certain states may have faced.
We identified policy options based on our
literature review and interviews with federal
agencies, the selected states, and other
stakeholders, including national health
organizations and researchers. We assessed
each policy option by identifying potential
benefits and considerations of implementing
them, as identified over the course of our
review. Based on the evidence collected, we
identified four policy options. The list is not
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Preliminary
Criteria for the Evaluation of Digital Contact Tracing Tools for
COVID-19, version 1.2 (Atlanta, Ga.: May 17, 2020); and
Guidelines for the Implementation and Use of Digital Tools to
Augment Traditional Contact Tracing, version 1.0 (Atlanta, Ga.:
Dec. 15, 2020).
intended to be inclusive of all potential policy
options and are neither recommendations to
federal agencies nor matters for
congressional consideration. They are also not
listed in any specific rank or order. We are not
suggesting that they be done individually or
combined in any particular fashion.
Additionally, we did not conduct work to
assess how well they may lead to a particular
We conducted our work from November 2020
to September 2021 in accordance with all
sections of GAO’s Quality Assurance
Framework that are relevant to technology
assessments. The framework requires that we
plan and perform the engagement to obtain
sufficient and appropriate evidence to meet
our stated objectives and to discuss any
limitations to our work. We believe that the
information and data obtained, and the
analysis conducted, provide a reasonable
basis for any findings and conclusions in this
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 51
Appendix II: Exposure Notification App Adoption Rates for Selected
U.S. States
As previously discussed, states may use the rate of adoption to measure the success of their
efforts to promote exposure notification apps. However, officials from the 11 states in our
review reported that they used differing methods to calculate adoption rates. App adoption
rates can be determined by dividing the total number of smartphone downloads, or
activations, (numerator) by the size of a given population (denominator). However, states use
different methods for determining the denominator, which affects the adoption rates.
Specifically, two states used the total state population, three used populations aged 18 or
older, and three used the percent of the population with a smartphone (either age 18 or older
or 18 to 65), according to state officials. These inconsistent methods impede comparative
assessments across states. The following table provides information on the apps deployed by
the nine U.S. states selected for our review, plus Louisiana and Utah.
Table 4: Reported exposure notification app adoption rates for 11 U.S. states, as of June 2021
(custom or
App name
downloads and/or
Not provided
The combined
number of iOS and
activations taken
from several
Not provided
Custom and
This includes the
combined number
of iOS and Android
app downloads for
the custom app, as
well as the
Android app
downloads and
the estimated
number of
activations for iOS
for the Express
(18 and older)
Based on U.S.
Census Bureau
estimate for the
adult population.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 52
(custom or
App name
downloads and/or
Custom and
This includes the
combined number
of iOS and Android
app downloads for
the custom app, as
well as the
Android app
downloads and
the estimated
number of
activations for iOS
for the Express
(Total population)
Based on U.S.
Census Bureau
Custom and
This includes the
combined number
of iOS and Android
app downloads for
the custom app, as
well as the
Android app
downloads and
the estimated
number of
activations for iOS
for the Express
(80% of state
population, a
proxy for the
number of people
Based on U.S.
Census Bureau
The combined
number of iOS and
Android app
(18 and older)
Based on North
Carolina’s Office
of State Budget
and Management
estimates for the
adult population.
The combined
number of iOS and
Android app
(18-65 years old)
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 53
(custom or
App name
downloads and/or
Based on U.S.
Census Bureau
estimates for the
adult population
and Pew Research
Center estimates
that 85% of the
adult population
has a smartphone.
UT Exposure
Data are not
tracked. However,
officials estimated
there were
activations in the
initial phase of app
Custom and
This includes the
combined number
of iOS and Android
app downloads for
the custom app, as
well as the
Android app
downloads and
the estimated
number of
activations for iOS
for the Express
(18-65 years old)
Based on U.S.
Census Bureau
estimates for the
adult population
and Google and
Apple statements
that 80% of the
adult population
has a smartphone.
WA Notify
The number of
Android app
downloads and
the estimated
number of
activations for iOS.
(18 and older)
Based on
Office of Financial
estimates for the
adult population
and Pew Research
Center estimates
that 85% of the
adult population
has a smartphone.
Legend: N/A = A state that does not track the number of app downloads or its adoption rate.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 54
Source: GAO compilation of data from selected states, related documents, interviews and other sources. I GAO-21-104622
Notes: The “as of “date for the data provided by the states ranged from May 31, 2021 to June 11, 2021.
For states using the Express option, daily activations for Android are from the Google Play app store, while the
Apple activations numbers are an estimate based on counting the number of times people accessed the app’s logo
image and using a multiplier provided by Google and Apple to estimate the number of people who go on to install
the Express option.
The adoption rates were provided to us by the states; we rounded the rates up to the nearest whole number. We
did not calculate the adoption rates; however, the rates can be calculated with the provided numerators and
denominators for the states that provided this information.
Exposure Notification GAO-21-104622 55
Appendix III: GAO Contacts and Staff Acknowledgments
GAO contacts
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Adkins, Daniel Emirkhanian, Donna Epler, Nancy Glover, Anika McMillon, Melissa Melvin,
Monica Perez-Nelson, Ben Shouse, Amber Sinclair, and Umesh Thakkar made key
contributions to this report. Rebecca Gertler, Tim Kinoshita, Eleni Orphanides, and Ethiene
Salgado-Rodriguez also contributed to this report.
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