WI Exposure Notification App GO LIVE QA for LTHDs
What is the WI Exposure Notification app?
The WI Exposure Notification app is a new tool being launched by DHS that alerts
users of the app if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested
positive for COVID-19. This will help Wisconsin contain the spread of COVID-19.
How does WI Exposure Notification work?
The WI Exposure Notification app uses Bluetooth Low Energy technology (the kind
that won’t drain down your battery). This technology allows for the anonymous
exchange of Bluetooth keys with nearby smartphones that also have the app
For further information on how Exposure Notification technology works please
visit: https://www.google.com/covid19/exposurenotifications/
How does this help the app users?
Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 will receive a verification code that
they can activate through the app. After activating their verification code, the app
will notify other app users who they were nearby and exchanging Bluetooth keys
with when they were most able to transmit the virus. This notification lets them
know they are a close contact. This is why it is important for you to download or
enable the app now. This will allow you to be notified quickly, get the care you
need, and avoid exposing others in your family and community.
How can I join?
It’s important to have the app downloaded/installed or enabled with Bluetooth on
for it to work properly. You want to do this before you even get sick.
For iPhone users, the WI Exposure Notification app can be enabled directly in
iPhone settings with iOS version 12.5 or later.
1. Go into Settings
3. Scroll down to Exposure Notifications
4. Turn on Exposure Notifications
5. Select United States > Wisconsin
For Android users the WI Exposure Notification app can be downloaded from the
Google Play Store starting Wednesday, December 23.
For technical support enabling your app please call our Help Desk at 833-941-
How is my privacy protected?
The WI Exposure Notification app uses Google and Apple Exposure Notification
technology which has built-in safeguards for user privacy. The keys exchanged
with other smartphones are not linked to your identity or phone number, and
change every 10-20 minutes.
The WI Exposure Notification app does not collect or store physical location or
personal information. Neither location nor personal information will be shared
with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Google, Apple, or other app
Do I have to use WI Exposure Notification?
No. The use of the WI Exposure Notification app is entirely voluntary and you
may opt in or out at any time.
How does the app know if I have COVID-19?
Users who test positive for COVID-19 will receive a text notification with a link
that when clicked, will provide the user with the ability to notify close contacts.
Your identity will not be shared with these contacts.
Will my identity be shared if I test positive?
No. The only information that will be shared with other users if you test positive
and enter your code is the date of their exposure. We need to tell people this date
so they know how long to self-quarantine.
How does the app identify close contacts?
The app only exchanges randomly generated keys with smartphones that
approximate the current criteria for close contacts (i.e., being within
approximately six feet of someone with COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes in a
day). The randomly generated keys exchanged with other smartphones are
stored and periodically checked by your phone for a link to a positive COVID-19
case. If a match is found on a contact within the previous two weeks, an
exposure notification is sent. Again, smartphones will only send the keys to other
phones that all have the app installed.
How quickly will I be notified if I’m identified as a close contact?
If an app user you have been in close contact with gets a positive COVID-19 test
result, how quickly you will be notified depends on how quickly that person uses
the app to trigger notifications to close contacts. Users who qualify as close
contacts will be anonymously notified within a day of the code submission. You
will be notified of any close contact exposure that happened within the previous
two weeks.
What do I do if I receive an exposure notification?
The notification on your phone will direct you to a webpage with information
about your next steps as a close contact. This will include information on where to
get a COVID-19 test, how to prevent spread to your family and community, and
other helpful resources.
Is the Wisconsin Department of Health Services collecting my personal
No. The WI Exposure Notification app does not collect or share any personal
identifiable information or location data with Google, Apple, or the Wisconsin
Department of Health Services. DHS will not know who notified close contacts or
who received exposure alerts.
Where else is this approach being used?
This approach is currently being used in other states, territories, and countries,
and will launch in additional states soon.
What languages is WI Exposure Notification available in?
English and Spanish. Additional languages will be added at a later date.
Is WI Exposure Notification accessible to differently abled users?
WI Exposure Notification is designed to meet the Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines. The app is also compatible with smartphone assistive technologies for
the visually impaired including VoiceOver in iOS and TalkBack on Android.
What phones can support WI Exposure Notification?
iPhones with iOS 12.5 or later which includes all models after and including
iPhone 5s.
Android phones that support Bluetooth Low Energy with Android Version 6 (API
23) and above are also supported.
Will the WI Exposure Notification app work on tablets or smart
No. The WI Exposure Notification app is designed for smartphones and is not
supported on tablets or smart watches.
Will the Exposure Notification app drain my battery life or data plan?
No, the app uses Bluetooth Low Energy technology and shouldn’t have a
significant impact on your battery life or data usage.
Do I need to keep the app open?
No. You do not need to keep the app open for it to work. The app will run in the
Do I need to keep Bluetooth turned on for the app to work?
Yes. Bluetooth will need to be turned on for the app to work. This can be found in
Settings under Bluetooth for both iPhones and Androids.
Do I need to be connected to WiFi for the app to work?
No. The app uses Bluetooth technology, and does not need to be connected to the
Do I have to pay for the WI Exposure Notification app?
No. The app is completely free.
What did the state pay to use this technology in Wisconsin?
There is no cost for the Exposure Notification Express, the Apple/Google exposure
notification technology that we are employing. This is a no-cost solution being
offered to states.
Will this app work outside of Wisconsin?
The app will exchange random anonymous keys with other smartphones using WI
Exposure Notification, Google and Apple Exposure Notification, or other apps
using the National Key Server. A list of other states using the National Key Server
can be found here: https://www.aphl.org/programs/preparedness/Crisis-
Please review the current travel guidance here: