Printed at East India Photo Composing Centre, 209A, Bidhan Sarani (3rd Floor), Kolkata-700006
Sl. No. : 2023-24/
Established by W.B. Act (XIX) of 1997, Recognized by Distance
Education Bureau (DEB) of University Grants Commission (UGC)
Accredited by NAAC with Grade ‘A’
H.Q. : DD-26, Sector - 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700 064
Website :, Phone No. : 033-4066-3220
Guidelines to be Followed Mandatorily:
rd th
A. In order to be enable to appear at the Term‐End Examination on completion of 3 and 5 semester, each learner
nd th
is required to pay their programme fees and studentship fees at the end of 2 and 4 semester as and when
notified by the University.
B. The Assignment for each theoretical course has to be submitted only by the learner having completed the
formalities of renewal, as stated in A, within the due date to be notified by the Examination Department of the
University from time to time.
C. Learners intend to appear at a Term‐End Examination having submitted the assignment for each course, as
stated in B, within due date of submission of assignment, are required to fill in and submit the application forms
as per notification issued by the Examination Department of the University.
D. Admit Card will be issued by the Examination Department before the respective Term‐End Examination only to
those learners having completed the formalities as indicated in A, B and C above.
E. Written assessed answer scripts for all University Term‐End Examinations shall not be preserved by the
University beyond three months from the respective dates of publication of results.
F. Learner should:
Interact with the coordinator of her/his respective Learner Support Centre.
Carry Enrollment Certificate‐cum‐Identity Card issued by the University whenever he/she visits Learner
Support Centre or any office of the University. NSOU official website: regularly for updated information.
Submit assignment only after getting valid Enrollment Certificate‐cum‐Identity Card.
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Dear Learner,
Netaji Subhas Open University is the only State Open University in West Bengal
that offers the Post Graduate (PG) Degree Programme through the Open and Distance
Learning (ODL) system. NSOU is one of the largestof such SOU’s in Eastern India,
both in terms of reach out and plethora of programmes offered. NSOU is also first
SOU’s in India to get accreditation by NAAC with Grade-‘A’.Therefore, take this
opportunity to congratulate you on the choice of the ODL Mode of higher studies.
On behalf of the entire family of Netaji Subhas Open University that is spread out
all across our state of West Bengal through a wide network of Learner Support Centres,
I extend a cordial welcome to you, dear learner, for the new academic session. As a
pedagogy of learning, ODL has the unique potential for blending dynamism and
flexibility while ensuring parity with the highest standards of academic engagement.
Such a blend, I am sure, will empower you with education that will stand in good
stead as you steer through the challenges of life.
As a University, NSOU has the rare credit of enrolling near about 4.85 lakhs learners
in different programmes across a wide spectrum of academic disciplines, both in
conventional and non-conventional programmes. Our aim is to reach out to learners
in every corner of West Bengal with a choice of options as may befit one’s acumen,
abilities and requirements in life. It is our time tested conviction that this Open University
is dedicated heart and soul to fostering empowerment through education.
With a vibrant green academic campus at Kalyani, Nadia fully operational; and a
number of Regional Centres at strategic locations coming up, the University is in
rapid expansion mode. Today we have with us the academic excellence of enthusiastic
faculty members who are continuously engaged in developing quality SLMs/SIMs
(Self Learning Materials/ Self Instructional Materials) in print. These print materials
are augmented with ICT based online and offline materials that strive to make learning
a happy activity for you. In fact, our protracted initiatives at introducing ICT both for
academic and administrative purposes have made NSOU a force to reckon with in all
processes related to learner support. The wide network of Learner Support Centres
across West Bengal ensure that you as a learner, are always in close connectivity
with your University, no matter how distant you may be geographically located.
To conclude, I wish you the fulfilment of your goals with the support of and in
conformity with the rules and regulations of Netaji Subhas Open University.
Professor Indrajit Lahiri
Netaji Subhas Open University
Established By W.B. Act (xix) of 1997, Recognized By U.G.C.
Accredited by NAAC with grade ‘A
DD-26, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064
Phone : (033) 4066-3220, Website :
Memo No. Reg/712 Date:- 22.06.2023
Learners enrolled, will have to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the University
relating to admission, examination including publication of results, Personal Contact
Programme (PCP) and continuation of studentship.
The University reserves the right to alter, variate, amend, repeal and interpret any of the
Rules/Regulations relating to programmes of Study, Eligibility and Admission criteria including
intake limit of Learners, Fee Structure and other related matters.
Merely submission of admission form and causing appearance in the counselling for
Admission does not confer any right of admission to a particular programme unless found
suitable in accordance with the eligibility criteria which may be altered, amended and/or
variated from time to time in the event, such action is felt necessary by the University
If it is found during the period of validity of enrollment that the learner admitted was not
eligible for admission to that programme, enrollment shall stand cancelled, at the discretion
of the University Authority.
The University Authority reserves the right to fix the Schedule of Examination and
reschedule the same with prior notice to learners through University Website and/or may
employ any other mode which the University Authority may feel convenient in its discretion.
Jurisdiction of Court of Law
All disputes, relating to Rules and/or Regulations of the University governing the processes
of admission, examinations including publication of results, PCP, continuation of studentship
and other related matters, shall be resolved within the jurisdiction in The High Court at
Registrar, NSOU
1. The Concept of Open University 5
2. Vision and Mission 6
3. Core Values 6
4. School of Studies 6
5. Post Graduate Degree Programme 11
6. Academic Year 11
7. Duration of the Programme 11
8. Programme wise Curriculum 12
9. Admission to PG 25
9.1 Admission Process 25
9.2 General Guidelines 25
10. Fees Structure 26
11. Renewal Rules 27
12. Refund Policy 27
13. Study Materials 27
14. Medium of Instructions 27
15. Methods of Instruction 28
16. Examination 29
17. Evaluation Method 30
18. Exit Provision in MSW 30
19. Evaluation Process 30
20. Degrees and Recognition 31
21. General Guideline of Examination System 32
22. Learner Support Centre(LSC) 33
22.1 List of Learner Support Centres along with approved PG Programme 34
22.2 District wise List of Learner Support Centre 44
23. Learner Support Service 47
23.1 Learners’ Facilitation Centre (LFC) 47
23.2 Library Support Services 48
23.3 ICT Support Services 49
23.4 Other Support Services 50
24. Whom to Contact 50
24.1(a) School of Studies 50
24.1(b) Faculty Details 50
24.2 Administrative Sections 51
25. Student’s Grievance 51
26. NSOU Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace 51
27. Education Loan Scheme of NBCFDC 51
28. Waive of Programme Fee 51
29. Financial Support/ Assistance 52
30. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 52
31. Definition-In this Prospectus, unless the context otherwise requires 54
32. Different Administrative and Academic Wings of NSOU 56
1. The Concept of Open University
The pedagogy of Open Learning places the primary responsibility of acquiring knowledge on
the learner. On its part, the University facilitates a flexible learning schedule, provides a kitty
of advanced support services and offers accreditation by way of examinations.
The Open University represents an alternative approach to higher learning. It stands apart
from a highly formal, institutionalized and centrally administered system of education. Its
philosophy is built around the principles of universality, flexibility and innovativeness. Its
ideas and institutions, its methods and procedures are all shaped accordingly. Conceptually,
it can be viewed as a system drawing upon the best elements in formal and non-formal
The ‘openness’ consists of a variety of features.
First, it offers easy access to the learners. The entry requirement is not too exacting. A
genuine interest in picking up knowledge is all that it expects. Consequently, it would try to
embrace as many learners as possible.
Second, its territorial reach is visibly wide. It aims at bringing education to the doorstep of
the learner, wherever he or she may be. Various methods of communication and contact are
used for this purpose. The classroom of the University, thus, is as wide as the entire land it
seeks to serve.
Third, the Open University is learner-oriented. It devises its courses and methods of teaching
to suit the needs of the learners. Their options and inclinations are given due priorities. A
variety of programmes—short-term or long-term, liberal or professional can be pursued under
the University.
Fourth, it believes in fair distribution of quality education, teaching aid, consultancy and
study materials. Whatever resources, the University has been made evenly available to all
learners wherever or whoever he or she might be. It eliminates variations and discrimination.
Fifth, its administration is decentralized. In promoting Distance Education, the University
creates a wide network of Learner Support Centres. Learners need only to come to the
nearest available centre for collecting all information, completing all formalities, discussing
their academic issues and appearing for evaluation of their work at intervals chosen by
Sixth, student assessment under Open University is based on continuous assessment and
credit system. It does not require learners to get bogged down in one final examination. One
can study at one’s own pace.
It short, the Open University seeks to open up the treasure house of knowledge to the
maximum number of users. Thereby it would enhance their skills for productivity and further
learning. Socially, too, the University promises steady empowerment of those who suffered
backwardness for want of these skills. Considering the current trends all over the world, the
Open University is going not only to complement the conventional system of higher education
but may soon occupy the centre stage also in developing countries where the resources do
not measure up to the vastness of the clientele.
2. Vision and Mission
The NSOU, the only State Open University in West Bengal, delivers to build up the quality human
resource base of the State and, along with other Open Universities of the country, and moves
towards the improvement of the quality of open distance education. It also intends to promote and
develop appropriate ambience to develop an international standard distance education scenario
in our country, keeping in view of the demands for education of the learners in tune with the
requirements of the twenty-first century.
To propagate quality education in flexible mode all over the State and to provide access to
different skills-enhancing educational programs.
To collaborate with other Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) for academic and research
To provide education in the vernacular language, i.e., Bengali and making it available at low
cost to the underprivileged people.
To provide facility of Life Long education to the intending learners.
To integrate technological tools in the pedagogy for facilitating the learning experiences.
To contribute to the existing body of knowledge through research and extension activities.
To render services for the development of the State in particular and the Nation in general
in order to sensitize the learners towards a humanistic and democratic ecosystem.
3. Core Values
“Reaching the Unreached”
Core Values õ)úƒˆÏÓyï
Inculcating Social Values ¢yõy!ãÑ˛ õ)úƒˆÏÓyˆÏïÓ˚ ≤âyÓ˚
Preservation & Promotion of Human resource õyòÓ¢¡ôî ˜Ó!â˛ˆÏeÓ˚ ¢ÇÓ˚«˛í Á v˛zÍÑ˛°Ï≈
Employability through Skill Development Ñ˛õ≈ˆÏ«˛e v˛z˛ôˆÏÎyÜ# ì˛yÓ,!k˛ !¶˛!_Ñ˛ !ü«˛y
Expanding learning opportunity through v˛zß¨ì˛ Á Ñ˛yˆÏúy˛ôˆÏÎyÜ# ≤ÃÎ%!_´Ó˚ õyÏõ !ü«˛yÓ˚ !Óhfl˛ÏyÓ˚
Pursuit Excellance in Open Education õ%_´!ü«˛yÓ˚ ¢y!Ó≈Ñ˛ v˛zÍÑ˛°Ï≈ Á ¢õì%˛úì˛y
4. School of Studies
School of Sciences:
The School of Sciences (SoSci) is one of the leading departments of the University in terms of
teaching in sciences. The School has well developed computing facilities viz. smart classroom,
well-equipped laboratories for Geography, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Physics and Environmental
Science state of art computer laboratory and a resourceful departmental library. The teaching
emphasis is on topics of Mathematics (Applied/Pure), Geography (Urban), Zoology, Physics,
Chemistry, Botany and Environmental Science. At present, the teaching of science subjects
through SoSci is spread over in the State of West Bengal through 105 Learner Support Centres.
In near future more Learner Support Centres will be opened with thrust on “Reaching the
Unreached” particularly in the disadvantaged sector of the rural community & minority with
application of IT. The research and teaching contributions of SoSci have been acknowledged in
many ways. The Under Graduates and Post Graduates passing out of SoSci have found subsequent
positions with great ease in different spheres of the society. The School organizes lectures/
Laboratory Counselling-cum-Evaluation Sessions (LCES)/ seminars/workshops periodically on
different topics. Many of the faculty members are frequent speakers at national and international
conferences. The faculty members regularly publish research papers in the best peer reviewed
international/national research journals. Faculties of SoSci have also take care of UGC-DEB
sponsored research projects. With all the faculties, learners and staff, SoSci is a progressive and
close-knit department.
The School offers following Post Graduate Degree Programmes:
Programme Code Eligibility Duration Registration No. of Chances
Valid for for Studentship
Non CBCS: Honours Graduate
(10+2+3) in Mathematics.
M.Sc. in PGMT CBCS: Honours Graduate (10+2+3)
Mathematics with Core Course (CC)/Discipline
Specific Elective (DSE)/Equivalent
in Mathematics.
Non CBCS: Honours Graduate
(10+2+3) in Geography.
M.Sc. in PGGR CBCS: Honours Graduate (10+2+3)
Geography with Core Course (CC)/Discipline
Specific Elective (DSE)/Equivalent
in Geography.
Non CBCS: Honours Graduate
(10+2+3) in Zoology.
M.Sc. in CBCS: Honours Graduate (10+2+3)
Zoology PGZO with Core Course (CC)/Discipline
Specific Elective (DSE)/Equivalent
in Zoology. *2 years *5 years
Non CBCS: Honours Graduate
(10+2+3) in Environmental Science,
any branch of bio/life science,
Chemistry, Geography (B.Sc.),
Geology/Earth Science,
Mathematics (B.Sc.), Statistics.
M.Sc. in PGES CBCS: Honours Graduate
Environmental (10+2+3) with core course (CC/
Science Discipline specific (DSC)/Equivalent)
in Environmental Science, any
branch of bio/life science,
Chemistry, Geography (B.Sc.),
Geology/Earth Science,
Mathematics (B.Sc.), Statistics.
School of Humanities:
The establishment of the School of Humanities (SoH) marks a reiteration
of the commitment of Netaji Subhas Open University to underline the need of devising strategies
for capacity building through Humanities. With this broad goal in mind, the SoH intends to pursue
serious academic research and offer programmes to learners within the precincts of the Open
and Distance Learning mode. With dynamic and vibrant faculty to moot, the vision of the School
is to intensify outreach through ODL so as to inculcate an ambience of cultural-literary pursuits
that has always been the forte of the state of West Bengal.
* The minimum duration of the programme is 2 (two) years from the date of registration. The
registration is valid for a period of maximum 5 (five) years provided the candidate pays programme
fees, studentship fees and other relevant fees within due time as and when notified by the
4 times during
validation period
(once per year)
The mission of SoH is to foster a community, cutting across institutional lines, that will disseminate
the study of language and literatures in vernaculars and English, encourage trans-literary activities,
become a centre for pan-India literary confluence and in due course of time evolve as a window to
the wider world from this part of the country. In a nutshell, the endeavour of the SoH will be to rear
itself in the true spirit of Open Learning.
Our hand-picked human resource is well augmented with a state of the art Interactive Learning
Centre that serves as a hub in the creation of next generation multimedia materials, a full-fledged
Editing laboratory for training learners of Journalism and Mass Communication programmes,
infrastructure for smart classrooms and a well-stocked library. The faculty of the SoH have engaged
themselves in UGC-DEB sponsored projects and this keeps them in constant interactions with the
wider academia. Our faculty are also invited for consultancy and special academic exchanges by
institutions both in the ODL and regular modes.
The School offers following Post Graduate Degree Programmes :
Programme Code Eligibility Duration Registration No. of Chances
Valid for for Studentship
Non CBCS: Graduate (10+2+3) and
must have studied at least 300 marks
M.A. in Bengali PGBG in Bengali.
CBCS: Graduate (10+2+3) with Core
Course (CC)/Discipline Specific Elective
(DSE)/Equivalent in Bengali.
Non CBCS: Graduate (10+2+3) and
must have studied at least 300 marks
M.A. in English PGEG in English.
CBCS: Graduate (10+2+3) with Core
Course (CC)/Discipline Specific Elective 4 times
(DSE)/Equivalent in English. during
Non CBCS: Graduate (10+2+3) and
*2 years *5 years registration
must have studied at least 300 marks validation
in English/Linguistics/Comparative period
M.A. in English Literature as Core Course (once per
Language PGEL (CC) or Elective. year)
Teaching CBCS: Graduate (10+2+3) with Core
Course (CC)/Discipline Specific
Elective (DSE)/Equivalent in English/
M.A. in PGJM Non CBCS & CBCS : Graduate
Journalism (10+2+3) in any discipline.
and Mass
School of Social Sciences: The School of Social Sciences (SoSS) is a newly constituted School
emanating from the erstwhile School of Humanities & Social Sciences. Since its emergence it included
within its realm a wide range of disciplines namely History, Political Science, Public Administration
and Sociology. The School of Social Sciences is proud to offer Post Graduation Courses in History,
Political Science and Public Administration. However along with the said disciplines, courses at the
Graduation level are also extended to the discipline of Sociology and Economics. The objective of
* The minimum duration of the programme is 2 (two) years from the date of registration. The
registration is valid for a period of maximum 5 (five) years provided the candidate pays programme
fees, studentship fees and other relevant fees within due time as and when notified by the
the School is not only to impart quality education through Open and Distance mode but also cater to
the need of the learners academically and professionally.
The School offers following Post Graduate Degree Programmes:
ProgrammeCode Eligibility DurationRegistration No. of Chances
Valid for for Studentship
Non CBCS: Graduate (10+2+3) and have
studied at least 300 marks in History.
CBCS: Graduate (10+2+3) with Core Course
(CC/Discipline Specific Elective (DSE)/
Equivalent in History.
Non CBCS: Graduate (10+2+3) and have
studied at least 300 marks in Political Science. *2 Years *5 Years
PGPS CBCS: Graduate (10+2+3) with Core Course
(CC)/Discipline Specific Elective (DSE)/
Equivalent in Political Science.
M.A. in PGPS Non CBCS & CBCS: Graduate (10+2+3) in
Public any discipline.
School of Education (SoE) : The School of Education (SoE) was established in 2013 with a view to
provide quality inputs in Education as a liberal discipline and Teacher Education in particular to pre
and in-service Teacher Education and development of academic output in Education and Special
Education. The School contours into a full-fledged department with ODL degree programmes, viz.,
UG, PG, B.Ed. Spl Ed ID & H.I.-ODL and Ph.D (in regular mode). The curriculum of PG in Education
programme has been framed to keep abreast with changing nature of structure of knowledge in
Education and meet the regional, national and global needs. SLMs are periodically reviewed to
meet the quality and standards of the programme. The School harbours well-knitted and dynamic
faculty members. The faculty members are constantly engaged in multifarious initiatives like academic,
research, rehabilitation and extension /outreach activities. All such activities ensure enriched
atmosphere of the School towards creating an inclusive culture. The contemporary outlook of the
School always eyes to provide its huge learners base state of the art curriculum transaction through
University ICT support in rejuvenating the academic mission of “Reaching the unreached”. The ICT
support encompasses online classes, tutorial sessions, digitized SLMs, A/V lectures, audio lectures
and all types of academic and administrative support through the support service cell. A dedicated
website ( is being maintained for this purpose. The learners can log on by their
log in ID and may have 24 × 7 learning experiences.
* The minimum duration of the programme is 2 (two) years from the date of registration. The
registration is valid for a period of maximum 5 (five) years provided the candidate pays programme
fees, studentship fees and other relevant fees within due time as and when notified by the
4 times
period (once
per year)
M.A. in
M.A. in
The School offers the following Post Graduate Degree Programme:
Programme Code Eligibility Course Registration No. of Chances
Duration Valid for for Studentship
Non CBCS: Graduate (10 + 2 + 3) *5 Years
With Education and have studied at
least 300 marks in Education and or
other Graduate (10+2+3) with B.Ed./ *2
M.A. in PGED B.Ed. (Spl. Ed.) duly approved by Years
Education the
respective regulatory authorities.
CBCS: Graduate (10+2+3) with Core
Course (CC)/Discipline Specific Elective
(DSE)/Equivalent in Education.
School of Professional Studies:
The establishment of the School of Professional Studies (SoPS)
reflects a holistic and pragmatic approach of the University towards the professional education in the
modern era. The School has been given the responsibility of conducting the courses on Commerce
& Management, Economics, Social Work and Library & Information Science.
The syllabi of all the courses have been framed to keep abreast with new developments in each
subject in order to, on the one hand, suit the needs of the job market and on the other, give a
comprehensive coverage. The School helps in creating individuals with specialized skills as required
by the job market relating to management, finance, library and information science and social work
with a strong theoretical, practical as well as experimental knowledge in the respective discipline.
The School has been established keeping an eye to rejuvenate this academic mission with a
difference to prepare value added human resources for the tailor made workforces.
The School is trying to reach its learners through ICT. Under ICT support, the learners enrolled in
M.Com., M.A in Economics, MSW, MBA, MLIS and BLIS will get digitized SLMs, A/V lectures and all
type of academic and administrative support through the Support Service Cell. A dedicated website
( is being maintained for this purpose. The learners can log on by their log in ID
and may have 24 × 7 learning experiences.
The School offers following Post Graduate Degree Programmes:
Programme Code Eligibility Course Registration No. of Chances
Duration Valid for for Studentship
Non CBCS: B.Com.(Commerce)/BBA
(Business Administration/ B.B.M
(Business Management) under
10+2+3 pattern.
 CBCS: Graduate (10+2+3) with Core
Course (CC)/Discipline Specific
*2 Years *5 Years
Elective (DSE)/Equivalent in
Commerce/Business Administration/
Business Management.
Non CBCS & CBCS: Graduate
Master of (10+2+3) Graduate (10+2+3) in any
Social Work PGSW discipline or LLB/BE/B, Tech./B. Voc,
(MSW) (three-year) in Child Protection/Child
Development from a recognized Institute.
* The minimum duration of the programme is 2 (two) years from the date of registration. The
registration is valid for a period of maximum 5 (five) years provided the candidate pays programme
fees, studentship fees and other relevant fees within due time as and when notified by the
4 times during
(once per year)
4 times during
(once per year)
Master of
Programme Code Eligibility Course Registration No. of Chances
Duration Valid for for Studentship
M.A. in PGEC Non CBCS: BA/B.Sc. in Economics/
Economic B.Com or Graduate (10+2+3) of any
other discipline with
CBCS: Graduate (10+2+3) with Core
Course (CC)/Discipline Specific
Elective (DSE)/Equivalent in
Master of MBA Non CBCS & CBCS: Any Graduate *2 years *5 years
Business under (10+2+3) or Degree in Medicine/
Administra- Law/Engineering/Pharmacy/Architecture.
tion (MBA)#
Master of MLIS Non CBCS: (i) Bachelor of Library and
Library & Information Science (BLIS) degree from **1 **3 Years
Information a recognized University or (ii) Other Year
Science Graduate (10+2+3) with at least 300
(MLIS) marks of study in Library Science/
Library and Information
Science/Information Science.
CBCS: (i) Bachelor of Library and
Information Science (BLIS) degree
(ii) Graduate (10+2+3)
with Core Course (CC)/Discipline Specific in
Library Science/Library and Information
Science/ Information Science.
5. Post Graduate Degree Programme
The University offers Post Graduate (PG) Degree Programmes for seventeen subjects at Post Graduate
Level from three different stream of studies viz. Arts, Commerce and Science. For Arts stream there
are eleven Post Graduate subjects which are Bengali (PGBG), English (PGEG), English Language
Teaching (PGEL), Journalism and Mass Communication (PGJM), History (PGHI), Political Science
(PGPS), Public Administration (PGPA), Economics (PGEC), Social Work (PGSW), Library & Information
Science (MLIS) and Education (PGED). For Science Stream University offers four subjects those are
Mathematics (PGMT),Zoology (PGZO), Geography (PGGR) and Environmental Science (PGES).
For commerce stream there are two Post Graduate subjects which are commerce (PGCO) and
Master of Business Administration (MBA).
6. Academic Year
University conducts PG admission for January Session. Courses are offered in annual system.
7. Duration of the Programmee
The minimum duration of the Programmee is 2 (two) years from the date of registration. The
registration is valid for a period of maximum 5 (five) years provided the candidate pays renewal
fees and other relevant fees within due time as and when notified by the University.
Master of Library & Information Science is of minimum 1 (one) year duration and the registration
is valid for a period of maximum 3 (three) years provided the candidate pays renewal fees and
other relevant frees within due time as and when notified by the University.
**MLIS: The minimum duration of the programme is 1 (one) year from the date of registration. The
registration is valid for a period of maximum 3 (three) years provided the candidate pays programme
fees, studentship fees and other relevant fees within due time and when notified by the University.
* The minimum duration of the programme is 2 (two) years from the date of registration. The
registration is valid for a period of maximum 5 (five) years provided the candidate pays programme
fees, studentship fees and other relevant fees within due time as and when notified by the University.
2 times during
(once per year)
4 times during
(once per year)
#MBA: Details of the MBA programme is covered in the “Hand Book, MBA, Academic Session
January 2024”. Please log on to official/ admission website to access the same.
Paper Paper
for Assign-
for Term
8. Duration of the Programmee
1st Year
Programme : M.Sc. in Mathematics (PGMT)
Abstract Algebra PGMT-1A Theory
Linear Algebra PGMT-1B Theory
Real Analysis & Metric Spaces PGMT-2A Theory
Complex Analysis PGMT-2B Theory
Ordinary Differential Equations PGMT-3A Theory
Partial Differential Equations PGMT-3B Theory
& Special Function
Numerical Analysis PGMT-4A Theory
*Computer Programming & PGMT-4B Theory
Its Application to Numerical Analysis
Principles of Mechanics PGMT-5A Theory
Elements of Continuum Mechanics PGMT-5B Theory
& Special Theory of Relativity
General Topology PGMT-6A Theory
Functional Analysis PGMT-6B Theory
Differential Equations, Integral PGMT-7A Theory
Integral Equations PGMT-7B Theory
Differential Geometry PGMT-8A Theory
Graph Theory PGMT-8B Theory
(i) Advanced Complex Analysis / PGMT- Theory
(ii) Operational Research 9A(i)/(ii)
(i) Advanced Topology / PGMT- Theory
(ii) Mathematical Models in Ecology 9B(i)/(ii)
(i) Advanced Differential Geometry / PGMT- Theory
(ii) Fluid Mechanics 10A(i)/(ii)
(i) Advanced Functional Analysis / PGMT- Theory
(ii) Mechanics of Solids 10B(i)/(ii)
*Computer training is integral part of PGMT Programme in Paper-4B and its successful completion
is mandatory.
Note: A learner may choose any one of the following groups for Paper 9 & 10 as Special Papers:
A. Pure Mathematics-9A(i), 9B(i), 10A(i),10-B(i)
B. Applied Mathematics-9A(ii), 9B(ii), 10A(ii), 10B(ii)
2nd Year
20% 80% 100
20% 80% 100
20% 80% 100
20% 80% 100
20% 80% 100
20% 80% 100
20% 80% 100
20% 80% 100
20% 80% 100
20% 80% 100
20% 80% 100
20% 80% 100
Paper Paper
for Assign-
for Term
1st Year
Programme : M.Sc. in Geography (PGGR)
Geotectonics & Geomorphology PGGR-1A Theory 20% 80% 100
Hydrology, Oceanography PGGR-1B Theory
Climatology PGGR-2A Theory 20% 80% 100
Soil & Bio-geography PGGR-2B Theory
Economic Geography PGGR-3A Theory 20% 80% 100
Social & Cultural Geography PGGR-3B Theory
Population & Settlement Geography PGGR-4A Theory 20% 80% 50
Quantitative Techniques PGGR-4B Practical 0 100% 50
Preparation of Thematic Maps PGGR-5A Practical 0 100% 50
Map Interpretation & PGGR-5B Practical 0 100% 50
Field Techniques
Geographical Thought PGGR-6A Theory 20% 80% 100
Historical & Political Geography PGGR-6B Theory
Environmental Issues in Geography PGGR-7A Theory 20% 80% 100
Regional Planning & Development PGGR-7B Theory
Special Paper (Urban Geography PGGR-8A Theory 20% 80% 100
& Geomorphology)
Special Paper (Urban Geography & PGGR-8B Theory 20% 80% 100
Regional Problems in India PGGR-9A Theory 20% 80% 50
Remote Sensing & GIS PGGR-9B Practical 0 100% 50
Special Paper Practical PGGR-10A Practical 0 100% 50
Field/Field Oriented Dissertation PGGR-10B Practical 0 100% 50
2nd Year
Programme : M.Sc. in Zoology (PGZO)
Structural Organization of Chordates PGZO-1A Theory
& Nonchordates 20% 80% 100
Taxonomy Biodiversity & PGZO-1B Theory
Ecology, Environment & Taxicology PGZO-2A Theory 20% 80% 100
Ethology & Evolution PGZO-2B Theory
Physiology & Biochemistry PGZO-3A Theory 20% 80% 100
Genetics & Molecular Biology PGZO-3B Theory
Basic Physical & Chemical Principles PGZO-4A Theory 20% 80% 50
Laboratory Course PGZO-4B Practical 0 100% 50
Laboratory Course PGZO-5A Practical 0 100% 50
Laboratory Course PGZO-5B Practical 0 100% 50
Quantitative Biology & Biotechnology PGZO-6A Theory 20% 80% 100
Immunology & Microbiology PGZO-6B Theory
Developmental Biology PGZO-7A Theory 20% 80% 100
Endocrinology, Cell & PGZO-7B Theory
Tissue Structure Function
Parasitology & Public Health PGZO-8A Theory 20% 80% 100
Agricultural Entomology & Aquatic PGZO-8B Theory
Resource Management
Review / Dissertation & Seminar PGZO-9A Practical 0 100% 50
Laboratory Course PGZO-9B Practical 0 100% 50
Laboratory Course PGZO-10A Practical 0 100% 50
Laboratory Course PGZO-10B Practical 0 100% 50
1st Year
Paper Paper
for Assign-
for Term
2nd Year
Paper Paper
for Assign-
for Term
Programme: M.Sc. in Environmental Science (PGES) under CBCS
Fundamentals of
EnvironmentalScience ENVS Theory 20% 80% 50 / 4
CC101 credits
Environmental Chemistry ENVS Theory 20% 80% 50 / 4
CC102 credits
Environmental Biology ENVS Theory 20% 80% 50 / 4
CC103 credits
Energy and Environment ENVS Theory 20% 80% 50 / 4
CC104 credits
Laboratory Course ENVS Practical 0 100% 50 / 4
P105 credits
Environmental Pollution, ENVS Theory 20% 80% 50 / 4
Degradation and Control CC201 credits
Environmental Geosciences and ENVS Theory 20% 80% 50 / 4
Climate Change CC202 credits
Solid Waste and Hazardous ENVS Theory 20% 80% 50 / 4
waste management CC203 credits
Risk & Disaster Management and ENVS Theory 20% 80% 50 / 4
Environmental Safety CC204 credits
Laboratory Course ENVS Practical 0 100% 50 / 4
P205 credits
Environmental Statistics and ENVS Theory 20% 80% 50 / 4
Environmental Health CC301 credits
GIS and Remote Sensing ENVS Theory 20% 80% 50 / 4
DSE302 credits
Hydrology and Water Management ENVS Theory 20% 80% 50 / 4
DSE303 credits
Laboratory Course ENVS Practical 0 100% 50 / 4
P304 credits
Field Visit and Report ENVS Practical 0 100% 50 / 4
P305 credits
Environmental Impact Assessment ENVS Theory 20% 80% 50 / 4
and Environmental Laws CC401 credits
Sustainable Development, ENVS Theory 20% 80% 50 / 4
Environmental Economics and CC402 credits
Environmental Toxicology and ENVS Theory 20% 80% 50 / 4
Ecotoxicology DSE403 credits
Environmental Microbiology and ENVS Theory 20% 80% 50 / 4
Biotechnology DSE404 credits
Laboratory Course ENVS Practical 0 100% 50 / 4
P405 credits
1st Year 2nd Year
Programme : M.A. in Bengali (PGBG)
Bangla Sahityer Itihas PGBG-I Theory 20% 80% 100
Bhashabigyan O Sahityatatwa PGBG-II Theory 20% 80% 100
Kabita-Prachin, Madhyajugiya, PGBG-III Theory 20% 80% 100
Upanyas O Chotogolpo PGBG-IV Theory 20% 80% 100
Probondhosahitya O Sailee Bigyan PGBG-V Theory 20% 80% 100
Natak O Bangla Manchavinayer PGBG-VI Theory 20% 80% 100
Special Paper (any one from the PGBG-VII Theory 20% 80% 100
A. Rabindra Sahitya
B. Adhunik Bharatiya Kathasahitya
C. Bangladesher Sahitya
D. Lokasahitya
Gabeshona Prakaran O Anubad PGBG-VIII Theory 20% 80% 100
1st Year
Paper Paper
for Assign-
for Term
2nd Year
Programme : M.A. in English (PGEG)
Poetry PGEG-I Theory 20% 80% 100
Aspects of Language PGEG-II Theory 20% 80% 100
British Drama PGEG-III Theory 20% 80% 100
British Novel PGEG-IV Theory 20% 80% 100
Literary Theory & Criticism PGEG-V Theory 20% 80% 100
American Literature PGEG-VI Theory 20% 80% 100
Indian English Literature and Indian PGEG-VI I Theory 20% 80% 100
Literature in Translation
Ancient & Modern European PGEG-VI 11 Theory
20% 80% 100
1st Year
Paper Paper
for Assign-
for Term
2nd Year
Programme : M.A. in English Language Teaching (PGEL)
Methods and Concept in ELT(LSRW) PGEL-I Theory 20% 80% 50 4
Methods and Concept in ELT-2 PGEL-II Theory 20% 80% 50 4
Phonetics and Phonology in English PGEL-III Theory 20% 80% 50 4
Introduction to Linguistics PGEL-IV Theory 20% 80% 50 4
Developing Speaking Skills PGEL-V Theory 20% 80% 50 4
Morphology in English PGEL-VI Theory 20% 80% 50 4
Syntax in English PGEL-VII Theory 20% 80% 50 4
Optional Papers (any one from the PGEL-VIII Theory 20% 80% 50 4
A. English as Language of Empowerment A
B. Application of Theories of ELT B
Optional Papers (any one from the PGEL-IX Theory 20% 80% 50 4
A. Figural Language and Stylistics A
B. Applied Grammar B
Critical Pedagogy PGEL-X Theory 20% 80% 50 4
Language Acquisition and Learning PGEL-XI Theory 20% 80% 50 4
Developing Reading Skills PGEL-XII Theory 20% 80% 50 4
Developing Writing Skills PGEL-XIII Theory 20% 80% 50 4
Course Design (LSRW) PGEL-XIV Theory 20% 80% 50 4
Course Design - 2 PGEL-XV Theory 20% 80% 50 4
ICT for Communicative English PGEL-XVI Theory 20% 80% 50 4
Testing and Evaluation PGEL-XVII Theory 20% 80% 50 4
Optional Papers (any one from the PGEL-XVIII Theory 20% 80% 50 4
A. Comparative Study of Speaking & Writing A
B. Semantics and Pragmatics B
Optional Papers (any one from the PGEL-XIX Theory 20% 80% 50 4
A. Project and ELT A
B. Syllabus Design B
Research Methodology PGEL-XX Theory 20% 80% 50 4
1st Year
Paper Paper
for Assign-
for Term
2nd Year
Note: The learners will have to opt for ONE course (either A or B) for PGEL-VIII, IX (at the time of admission)
& XVIII, XIX (at the time of renewal).
Programme : M.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication (PGJM)
[New Programme : Effective from January 2022 Academic Session]
Principles of Communication PGJM-IA Theory 20% 80% 50
History of Media PGJM-IB Theory 20% 80% 50
Media Laws and Ethics PGJM-IIA Theory 20% 80% 50
Print Journalism PGJM-IIB Theory 20% 80% 50
Advertising PGJM-IIIA Theory 20% 80% 50
Public Relations PGJM-IIIB Theory 20% 80% 50
Media Management PGJM-IVA Theory 20% 80% 50
Digital Media PGJM-IVB Theory 20% 80% 50
Print Journalism PGJM-VA Theory 20% 80% 50
Advertising and Public Relations PGJM-VB Theory 20% 80% 50
Broadcast Journalism PGJM-VIA Theory 20% 80% 50
International Communication PGJM-VIB Theory 20% 80% 50
Film Studies PGJM-VIIA Theory 20% 80% 50
Cultural Studies PGJM-VIIB Theory 20% 80% 50
Communication Research PGJM-VIIIA Theory 20% 80% 50
Development Communication PGJM-VIIIB Theory 20% 80% 50
Photo Journalism PGJM-IXA Theory 20% 80% 50
Current International Affairs PGJM-IXB Theory 20% 80% 50
Broadcast Journalism PGJM-XA Theory 0% 80% 50
Dissertation* PGJM-XB Theory 0% 80% 50
1st Year
Paper Paper
for Assign-
for Term
2nd Year
Programme : M.A. in History (PGHI)
History of India: 1526-1757 PGHI-I Theory 20% 80% 100
History of India: 1757-1885 PGHI-II Theory 20% 80% 100
History of India: 1885-1964 PGHI-III Theory 20% 80% 100
Historiography PGHI-IV Theory 20% 80% 100
History of Europe (1789-1945) PGHI-V Theory 20% 80% 100
World Politics Since- 1945 PGHI-VI Theory 20% 80% 100
Group-A Social History of India :
and 20
Centuries PGHI-VII Theory 20% 80% 100
Group-B Social History of India :
to 13
Group-A Economic History of India:
and 20
Centuries PGHI-VIII Theory 20% 80% 100
Group-B Economic History of India:
to 13
1st Year
Paper Paper
for Assign-
for Term
2nd Year
Note: The learners will have to opt for two papers either from Group-A or Group-B as Special Papers during
Programme : M.A. in Political Science (PGPS)
[New Syllabus : Effective from July 2015 Session]
Political Thought & Movement PGPS-I Theory 20% 80% 100
in Colonial India
Politics in India since PGPS-II Theory 20% 80% 100
Issues in Political Thought PGPS-III Theory 20% 80% 100
Issues in Political Theory PGPS-IV Theory 20% 80% 100
Comparative Politics PGPS-V Theory 20% 80% 100
Public Administration PGPS-VI Theory 20% 80% 100
International Relations PGPS-VII Theory 20% 80% 100
Politics and Society in Asia : PGPS-VIII Theory 20% 80% 100
Selected Regions
1st Year
Paper Paper
for Assign-
for Term
2nd Year
Programme : M.A. in Public Administration (PGPA)
State, Society and Public PGPA-I Theory 20% 80% 100
Advanced Administrative Theories PGPA-II Theory 20% 80% 100
Human Resource Management PGPA-III Theory 20% 80% 100
New Dimensions of Development PGPA-IV Theory 20% 80% 100
Public Policy Analysis PGPA-V Theory 20% 80% 100
Financial Administration PGPA-VI Theory 20% 80% 100
Local Government PGPA-VII Theory 20% 80% 100
Governance and Administration PGPA-VIII Theory 20% 80% 100
1st Year
Paper Paper
for Assign-
for Term
2nd Year
Programme : M.A. in Education (PGED)
Philosophy of Education & PGED-I Theory 20% 80% 100
History of Education in India
Psychological Foundation PGED-II Theory 20% 80% 100
of Education
Sociological Foundation of PGED-III Theory 20% 80% 100
Methodology of Educational PGED-IV Theory 20% 80% 100
Research & Statistical Treatment
of Data
Educational Technology & PGED-V Theory 20% 80% 100
Curriculum Studies
Educational Administration & PGED-VI Theory 20% 80% 100
Evaluation & Measurement in PGED-VII Theory 20% 80% 100
Education & Guidance & Counselling
Subject of Special Study PGED-VIII Theory 20% 80% 100
(any one from the following):
A. Special Education* E1
B. Teacher Education E2
C. Education of Women in India E3
D. Population Education E4
1st Year
Paper Paper
for Assign-
for Term
2nd Year
*Revised syllabus; w.e.f. 2017-19 academic year.
Programme : Master of Commerce (PGCO)
[New Syllabus : Effective from January 2022 Academic Session]
Organisational Behavior PGCO-I Theory 20% 80% 50
Managerial Economics PGCO-II Theory 20% 80% 50
International Business PGCO-III Theory 20% 80% 50
Business Environment PGCO-IV Theory 20% 80% 50
Taxation PGCO-V Theory 20% 80% 50
Corporate Financial PGCO-VI Theory 20% 80% 50
Accounting & Reporting
Statistics for Managerial PGCO-VII Theory 20% 80% 50
Corporate Governance & PGCO-VIII Theory 20% 80% 50
Business Ethics
Accounting for Managerial PGCO-IX Theory 20% 80% 50
International Accounting & Finance PGCO-X Theory 20% 80% 50
Strategic Management PGCO-XI Theory 20% 80% 50
Marketing Management PGCO-XII Theory 20% 80% 50
Human Resource Management PGCO-XIII Theory 20% 80% 50
Financial Management PGCO-XIV Theory 20% 80% 50
Financial Statement Analysis PGCO-XV Theory 20% 80% 50
Corporate Tax Planning and PGCO-XVI Theory 20% 80% 50
Security Analysis and Portfolio PGCO-XVII Theory 20% 80% 50
Research Methodology PGCO-XVIII Theory 20% 80% 50
Audit and Assurance Service PGCO-XIX Theory 20% 80% 50
Computer Applications PGCO-XX Theory 20% 80% 50
in Business
1st Year
Paper Paper
for Assign-
for Term
2nd Year
Programme : Master of Social Work (PGSW)
[New Syllabus : Effective from January 2022 Academic Session]
History and Philosophy of PGSW-I Theory 20% 80% 100
Social Work
Methods of Social Work-I PGSW-I Theory 20% 80% 100
(Case Work)
Methods of Social Work-II PGSW-I Theory 20% 80% 100
(Group Work)
Methods of Social Work-III PGSW-I Theory 20% 80% 100
Man & Society (Socialogy/ PGSW-V Theory 20% 80% 100
Contemporary Social Problem)
Human Growth & Behaviour/ PGSW-VI Theory 20% 80% 100
Health Care Management
Social Research and Statistics PGSW-VII Theory 20% 80% 100
(Social Work Research/Statistics)
Field Work (Placement Report) PGSW-VIII Practical ----- 100% 100
Field Work Viva-Voce PGSW-IX Practical ----- 100% 50
Social Welfare Administration and PGSW-X Theory 20% 80% 100
Social Policy
Rural & Urban Development PGSW-XI Theory 20% 80% 100
Child Right and Child Protection PGSW-XII Theory 20% 80% 100
Crime and Correctional PGSW-XIII Theory 20% 80% 100
Social Legislation and PGSW-XIV Theory 20% 80% 100
Social Security
Fields of Social Work PGSW-XV Theory 20% 80% 100
Optional Papers (any one from the PGSW-XVI Theory 20% 80% 100
A. Mental Health and Psychiatric Social Work A
B. Gender Justice B
*Dissertation PGSW-XVII Practical ----- 100% 100
Field Work Viva-Voce PGSW-XVIII Practical ----- 100% 50
1st Year
Paper Paper
for Assign-
for Term
2nd Year
Programme : M.A. in Economics (PGEC)
History of Economic Thought PGEC-I Theory 20% 80% 50
Statistics for Economics PGEC-II Theory 20% 80% 50
Indian Economy-I (Problems & PGEC-III Theory 20% 80% 50
Mathematics for Economics PGEC-IV Theory 20% 80% 50
Economics of the Social Sector PGEC-V Theory 20% 80% 50
Microeconomic Theory PGEC-VI Theory 20% 80% 50
Indian Economy-II (Reforms & PGEC-VII Theory 20% 80% 50
Contemporary Issues)
Macroeconomic Theory PGEC-VIII Theory 20% 80% 50
Basic Econometrics PGEC-IX Theory 20% 80% 50
Development Economics PGEC-X Theory 20% 80% 50
Public Economics PGEC-XI Theory 20% 80% 50
Financial Economics PGEC-XII Theory 20% 80% 50
Environmental & Resource PGEC-XIII Theory 20% 80% 50
International Economics PGEC-XIV Theory 20% 80% 50
Growth Economics PGEC-XV Theory 20% 80% 50
Project Work with Computer PGEC-XVI Practical ----- 100% 50
Special Paper Chose either Group A or Group B
Agriculture and Economic Development PGEC-XVIIA Theory 20% 80% 50
Agricultural Production and Farm Management PGEC-XVIIIA Theory 20% 80% 50
Contemporary Issues in Indian Agriculture PGEC-XIXA Theory 20% 80% 50
Application of Statistics and Econometrics PGEC-XXA Practical ----- 100% 50
in Agricultural Economics
Advanced Statistics PGEC-XVIIB Theory 20% 80% 50
Advanced Econometrics-I PGEC-XVIIIB Theory 20% 80% 50
Advanced Econometrics-II PGEC-XIXB Theory 20% 80% 50
Econometric Application PGEC-XXB Practical ----- 100% 50
1st Year
Paper Paper
for Assign-
for Term
2nd Year
Group A: Agricultural
Group B: Statistics
& Econometrics
Programme : Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS)
Information, Communication MLIS-I Theory 20% 80% 100
and Society
Information Sources, Systems MLIS-II Theory 20% 80% 100
and Services
Information Processing and MLIS-III Theory 20% 80% 100
Information Institutions, Products MLIS-IV Theory 20% 80% 100
and Services
Management of Library and MLIS-V Theory 20% 80% 100
Information Centres
Information Technology Application MLIS-VI Theory 20% 80% 100
Research Methodology MLIS-VII Theory 20% 80% 100
Elective Paper MLIS-VIII Theory 20% 80% 100
(any one from the following) :
Preservation and Conservation E1
of Library Materials
Academic Library System E2
Public Library System E3
*Dissertation MLIS-IX Project ----- 100% 80
Viva-Voce ----- 100% 20
One Year Programme
Paper Paper
Paper Type Weightage
for Assign-
for Term
* For Dissertation (MLIS-IX) Learners are directed to-(i) follow the respective manual available
at > Academics- > School of Professional Studies- > Dissertation (MLIS), (ii)
compulsorily attend the workshop which will be organised and notified by the University in due
time, (iii) participation certificate is to be enclosed in the final dessertation and (iv) contact the
empanelled guide for preparing their dissertation.
9. Admission to PG
9.1 Admission Process
Every year NSOU conducts an online admission process for January session, through which applicants,
fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria, can opt for one PG programme among fifteen different
programmes from Arts, Science and Commerce as mentioned earlier.
Before starting of the admission process NSOU circulates admission notification through leading
newspaper (indicated notification), respective Learner Support Centres and in its official website
Applicants are advised to go through the website admission notification for detail admission procedure
and guidelines.
9.2 General Guidelines
Incomplete and Late Applications: Submission of incomplete and late admission forms/ renewal /
examination forms and enrollment forms furnishing false information or any type of tampering with
form and in supporting document can be rejected forthwith without any intimation to the candidates.
The candidates are, therefore, advised to fill the relevant columns carefully and enclose authenticated
copies of all necessary certificates asked for, and submit the form on or before due date.
Simultaneous Registration: A learner is permitted to take admission for only one Post Graduate
(PG) Programme of NSOU during his/her tenure of enrollment in the University. Any violation of this
rule will lead to cancellation of the candidature of the learners concerned and in such cases no fees
will be refunded. However, a learner of the PG programme can take simultaneous admission in one
Diploma/ Advance Diploma/ Certificate/Training Programme of the University.
But, in the event of any clash of dates arises in counselling and/or examinations schedule between
the two programmes taken, the University will not be in a position to make any adjustments for its
Change of Learner Support Centre: Application for change of Learner Support Centre after taking
admission can be made together with a fee of Rs.500/- (payable through DD drawn in favour of Netaji
Subhas Open University payable at Kolkata) / log on to and click the link ‘‘Pay
Fees’’ to pay the fee online. Such application will be considered under circumstances like change of
place of service, shifting of family and change of marital status only with documentary evidence.
Application for change of Learner Support Centre after admission in Post Graduate Geography and
Zoology will not be entertained under any circumstances.
Selection/Change of Special Paper: A learner of PGMT (refer to page 12)/ PGBG (refer to page
15)/ PGHI (refer to page 18)/ PGED (refer to page 19)/PGSW (refer to page 21)/ PGEC (refer to page
22)/ MLIS (refer to page 23) have to exercise option for one special paper or two special papers as
mentioned in the respective pages. Option to be exercised mandatorily for MLIS and PGEL special
paper during online admission and for PGMT, PGBG, PGEL, PGHI, PGED, PGEC programmes has
to be provided during online renewal process.
Subject Change:
Application for change of subject after admission in PG programme will not be
entertained under any circumstances. The candidates should, therefore, be very careful as regards
the choice of programme/subject of study before taking admission.
Cancellation of Candidature/Awarded Degree: If at any point of time during or after enrollment a
learner found to have furnishing false information, his/her candidature/ studentship will be immediately
cancelled and fees paid by the said learner shall not be refunded. If furnishing of false information is
detected even after award of degree, the said degree will be immediately cancelled.
Seat Reservation/Marks Relaxation Policy: Seat Reservation/Marks Relaxation policy for SC/ST/
OBC-A/OBC-B/ PC candidates are followed as per Government of West Bengal rules.
Discontinuation of Programme: If the number of applicants in a particular programme is below 20,
the University will have the right to discontinue the programme. The learners enrolled in the programme
may get their fees refunded in such cases.
Option for Preparatory / Bridge Course: The University does not offer any Preparatory / Bridge
Course for admission into Master’s Degree Programme.
Note: Programme Fees, Admission Fees, Studentship Fees, Examination Fees once paid will not be
refunded (for further refund policy visit our admission website).
Examination Fees to be
paid separately as the
case may be for appearing
in the examinations
Examination Fees to be paid
separately as the case may
be for appearing in the
Examination Fees to
be paid separately as
the case may be for
appearing in the
10. Fees Structure
Fees structure for 2 Years Post Graduate Degree Programmes :
A learner enrolling for 2 years Post Graduate (PG) Degree Programmes shall have to clear all the
examinations within a period of 5 years (Registration validity period) from the year of enrollment.
A learner clearing the examination within first 2 years from the year of enrollment shall pay the fees
according to the following manner:
Sl. Year Fees *Examination Fees
1 1st Year 1/2 of Total Programme Fees
(At the time of Admission) + Other Fees
2 2nd Year 1/2 of Total Programme Fees
(At the End of 1st Year) + Studentship Fees
A learner failing to clear the examination within the period of first 2 years shall have to pay a renewal
fee annually in order to continue studentship up to the 5th year as detailed below:
Sl. Year Fees *Examination Fees
3 3rd Year Studentship Fees
(If continued after two years)
4 4th Year Studentship Fees
(If continued after three years)
5 5th Year Studentship Fees
(If continued after four years)
In order to appear in any examination within the stipulated time span of 5 years (3 years for MLIS)
a learner shall have to clear the respective Programme Fees, Admission Fees, Examination
Fees along with the mandatory Annual Studentship Fees.
Fees Structure for 1 Year Post Graduate Degree Programme (MLIS) :
A learner enrolling for 1-year Post Graduate (PG) Degree Programme shall have to clear all the
examinations within a period of 3 years (Registration validity period) from the year of enrollment.
A learner clearing the examination within 1 year from the year of enrollment shall pay the fees according
to the following manner:
Sl. Year Fees *Examination Fees
1 1st Year Total Programme Fees +
(At the time of Admission) Admission Fees +
Dissertation Fees
A learner failing to clear the examination within the period of 1 year shall have to pay a renewal fee
annually in order to continue studentship up to 3rd year as detailed below:
Sl. Year Fees *Examination Fees
2 2nd Year Studentship Fees
(If continued after one year)
3 3rd Year Studentship Fees
(If continued after two years)
In order to appear in any examination within the stipulated time span of 3 years a learner shall
have to pay the respective Programme Fees, Admission Fees, Examination Fees along with
the mandatory annual Studentship Fees.
* Examination Fees will be notified from time to time by Examination Department.
Examination Fees to be
paid separately as the case
may be for appearing in the
Amount of Programme Fees and Admission Fees for different Programme is available in admission
notification and e-prospectus.
Studentship Fees, Examination Fees and Other Fees (if applicable) will be notified through website
time to time by the University.
N.B.: Paying of Programme Fees, Studentship Fees and Examination Fees (as the case may
be) as mentioned above is/are mandatory to appear in the Term-End Examination.
11. Renewal Rules
The studentship of a candidate will be void if the candidate fails to renew his/her studentship by
paying the programme fees and or studentship fees in due time as mentioned in the Fees
Structure. Every year the University opens its online renewal portal (
for the PG learners to enable them to renew their studentship.
Paying of programme fees, studentship fees and examination fees as mentioned in the fees
structure is mandatory to appear in the Term-End Examination.
Learners are advised to preserve all the payment receipt related to any fees submission, as and
when notified by the University, for future reference.
12. Refund Policy
University may refund the fees paid during admission process following the instructions as notified by
the UGC in the month of October of 2018.
13. Study Materials
An enrolled learner can collect his/her SLM from the respective Learner Support Centre by producing
RECEIPT OF SLMs as and when issued by the University. Besides, a list of reference books for
suggested reading is also be made available in the SLM. For all courses the softcopy of the SLMs are
available in the NSOU website: Learners can download the softcopy. Efforts are
being made to make library services available at University Campuses.
14. Medium of Instructions
The Self Learning Materials (SLMs) for different courses are available either in English or in
Bengali. A list is given below for available medium of SLMs for mentioned courses:
Programme Code Paper wise SLM in Paper wise SLM in English
M.Sc. in Mathematics PGMT Not Available All Papers
M.Sc. in Geography PGGR Not Available All Papers
M.Sc. in Zoology PGZO Not Available All Papers
M.Sc. in Environmental
Science PGES Not Available All Papers
M.A. in Bengali PGBG All Papers Not Applicable
M.A. in English PGEG Not Applicable All Papers
M.A. in English PGEL Not Applicable All Papers
Language Teaching
M.A. in Journalism & PGJM Paper I, II, VI, VII, VIIIB Papers III, IV, VIIIA, IX
Mass Communication
M.A. in History PGHI All Papers Not Available
M.A. in Political Science PGPS All Papers All Papers
(Under New Syllabus) (Under New Syllabus)
M.A. in Public PGPA Not Available All Papers
M.A. in Education PGED Papers-II, IV,V, VI, VII, Papers-I, III and VIII(E1)
VIII(E2), VIII(E3)and VIII(E4)
* Examination Fees will be notified from time to time by Examination Department.
Master of Social PGSW Papers-I to VII, All Papers
Work (MSW)
M.A. in Economics PGEC Not Applicable All Papers
Master of Library & MLIS Not Available All Papers
Information Science
Master of Commerce PGCO Not Available All Papers
Master of Business
Administration (MBA) MBA Not Available All Papers
A learner is free to write answers to home Assignments and in Term-End Examinations in Bengali/
English. But, in such cases mixing of language that is some part in Bengali and some part in
English is not allowed.
N.B.: It may be noted that SLMs will be allotted to the prospective learners in either medium based
on the availability of the same.
15. Methods of Instruction
The University makes use of several methods to provide maximum possible exposure of the
learners to the course-contents and to each instructional programme. To start with, printed SLMs/
SIMs (Self Learning Materials/Self Instructional Materials) packages and contact programmes
involving face-to-face interaction with academic counsellors are available. Eventually audio-materials,
audio-visual presentations, teleconferences and occasional discussion sessions through Webcasted
and FM channels may be introduced.
Personal Contact Programme (PCP): PCP schedules for PG courses are prepared by concerned
School of Studies and circulated among the Learner Support Centres as well as notified in the
official website of the University well ahead of the schedule. PCPs are conducted at selected
accredited Learner Support Centres (known as PCP Centre) of this University from different regions
of West Bengal. PCP sessions are generally scheduled on weekends/ holidays, though, under
special circumstances, special sessions may be arranged on weekdays with a notification in the
University Website. Learners are recommended to read their SLMs/ SIMs thoroughly before
participating in the PCP session to find it immensely useful. For each 100 marks of a theoretical
paper there will be generally maximum 10 PCP sessions of 3 hours’ duration each and for 100
marks of a theoretical paper of science subject there will be maximum 12 PCP sessions of 3 hours’
duration each. During these sessions, teachers will help the learners with their course work.
Attendance at PCPs are optional for most Programmes, unless otherwise specified. PCPs are
conducted in both the languages as per convenience. Learners attending PCP will have to make
their own arrangements for boarding/lodging.
Practical Session: The PCP sessions for practical papers of PGZO & PGGR, PGJM held mainly
on the Sundays in the respective Learner Support Centres. A master routine is uploaded in the
University Website which include theory and practical papers for the full session.
Additional sessions for practical papers /computer training are organised often with a notification in
the University Website for PGZO, PGGR, PGMT & PGJM. For PGMT, the computer training programme
related to paper-4B is an integrated part of the syllabus and successful completion of their training
programme is mandatory. Circular with details of venue and schedule for practical sessions is distributed
to the respective Learner Support Centre and also published in the official Website
( ahead of the same.
For M.Sc. in Zoology (PGZO) (Paper–IXA):
1. For evaluation the full marks (50) is divided into three sections—(a) Content of the work : 20
marks, (b) Presentation : 20 marks and (c) Question and answer : 10 marks;
2. Both the soft copy and the hard copy of the review/dissertation are to be submitted to the
Controller of Examinations of the University by the Academic Co-ordinators after the examination
along with marks. No mark slip will be entertained without Soft and Hard copies of the
Dissertation/Term paper.
3. Each supervisor may act as a guide to five learners at most in each academic session;
4. The supervisor has to submit the proposed title, abstract of the review/dissertation along with
a declaration certificate (in a prescribed format) stating the originality of the work for each
learner to the Director, School of Sciences, Netaji Subhas Open University through the Academic
Coordinator one month prior to the examination.
For Master of Social Work (MSW) [Paper-XVII] and Master of Library and Information Science
(MLIS) [Paper-IX]:
Learners shall have to prepare 2 (two) copies of Dissertation – one copy for learner and one for the
Examination Department. All MSW & MLIS learners are strictly instructed to bring the copy of
Dissertation paper at the time of Viva-Voce test or else they will not be allowed to appear in Viva-
Voce. The learners of MSW and MLIS are advised to follow the Students’ Manual before preparation
of their Dissertation Report available on the University website. The Dssertation Report must be
typed either in english or bengali. Handwritten Dissertation Report will not be accepted.
Further, the learners have to attend workshop on “Dissertation” and the Participation Certificate is
to be enclosed mandatorily in the final dissertation report.
MLIS/MSW learners may contact the enlisted Guide/Supervisor at their respective Learner Support
Centre to carry out their Dissertation work. No Guide can supervise more than 5 (five) learners in a
particular year for MLIS and 10 (ten) learners for MSW.
For M.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication (PGJM) [Paper-PGJM XB]:
1. For evaluation the full marks (50) is divided into three sections—(a) Content of the work: 20 marks,
(b) Presentation: 20 marks and (c) Viva-Voce: 10 marks;
2. All M.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication learners have to prepare 3 (three) copies of
Dissertation – one copy for learner, one for Learner Support Centre and one for the Examination
Department. All learners are strictly instructed to bring the copy of Dissertation papers at time of Viva-
Voce or else they will not be allowed to appear in Viva-Voce.
* Every learner will have to carry out a dissertation in the final Year. For this, a learner will have to choose
specific topic related to any form of mass communication/Journalism/public relations/advertising/media etc.
and prepare a comprehensive project report after doing an in-depth study of the topic. The topics will be
decided in consultation with recognized Course Counsellors or media scholars, researchers or media
For M.A. in English Language Teaching (PGEL) [Paper-IXXA/ IXXB]:
Every learner will have to carry out a dissertation in the second year. For this, a learner will have to
choose specific topic related to Elective IXXA/ IXXB and prepare a comprehensive project report
after doing an in-depth study of the topic as assignment. The topics will be decided in consultation
with recognized Course Counsellors. For evaluation the full marks (50) of Assignment is divided into
three sections—(a) Subject Content: 20 marks, (b) Dissertation Presentation: 20 marks and (c) Viva-
Voce: 10 marks.
N.B.: For further information regarding Practical Sessions/Dissertation/Viva-Voce, the
respective Department/School of Studies may be contacted.
Field Work:
M.Sc. in Geography (PGGR): Participation in the Field work and submission of its report are
compulsory for the completion of 2nd year syllabus. Therefore, a Field Work for the PGGR 2
learners is conducted every year. The expenditure for the Field Work/ Excursion is to be borne by the
learners. Detailed notification of the Field Work is served to the respective Learner Support Centres
in due time. The PGGR learners shall have to submit one hard copy of the field work report for the
Examination Department and one soft copy (in PDF) of the report to the field work supervisor (NSOU
faculty) at the time of viva-voce or else they will not be allowed to appear in viva-voce.
Master of Social Work (PGSW) [Paper – VIII]: Learners shall have to prepare 2 (two) copies of
Field Work Report – one copy for learner, information related to preparation of Field Work Report.
The Field Work Report should be typed either in english or bengali. Handwritten Field Work Report
will not be accepted. Field Work Placement Certificate must be attached with the handkone for
Learner Support Centre and one for the Examination Department. All MSW learners are strictly
instructed to carry along with them a copy of Field Work Report or else they will not be allowed to
appear in viva-voce. The learner may visit the website to get information related to NGO list for
Field Work and check-up the relevant information related to empanelled guide for their dissertation
N.B.: For further information regarding Practical Sessions/Field Work/Dissertation/Viva-Voce,
the respective Department/School of Studies may be contacted.
16. Examination
University holds two Term-End Examinations — first year Examination at the end of the first year and
second year Examination at the end of the second year. Examination fees and Centre fees will be
announced before filling in forms for examination.
M.A./M.Sc./M.Com./MSW (for MSW please see the point 14: Exit Provision in MSW) degree will be
awarded on the basis of results of first year and second year examinations taken together. MLIS
being a one-year programme the degree will be awarded on the basis of results of one Term-End
Examination. Learners will have to pass in each and every paper, pass mark being 40%. Examination
will be held at Kolkata and at such other Centres as may be decided by the University. Pass marks of
PG laboratory subjects, both in theoretical and practical papers is 40%. A candidate is eligible to
appear at the Term-End Examinations along with backlog (i.e. subjects ‘not cleared’) subject to
submission of assignment at the Learner Support Centre within the due date.
NSOU always endeavours to adhere to the academic calendar for conducting examinations and
publishing the results on top most priority. However, being an Open University the functions of NSOU
depend a lot on the participation of the teachers and secretarial staff of the Learner Support Centres
which are located in the colleges affiliated to the other State Aided Universities of West Bengal. In
case of some unlikely events functioning of the Learner Support Centres may be affected which is
beyond the control of NSOU. These may lead to deviations from the academic calendar under the
existing system. Such unintentional deviations cannot be totally ruled out. In such cases NSOU will
always strive to minimise such delays. Despite its best efforts, NSOU, however, cannot guarantee
finalization of the results in some cases. In those cases pending finalization of the result of the last
examination, before the commencement of the next examination, the learners concerned may be
advised to fill in the application form for examination within the scheduled date. But in case a learner
is found to have cleared the earlier examination after filling up of the application form for the next
examination, the application shall be treated as cancelled.
17. Evaluation Method
In Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode of education in case of theoretical papers the learners
would be subject to continuous evaluation in the form of Assignments. In compiling results 20% will
come from the Assignment evaluation (A) and 80% from the performance in the Term-End Examination
In case of Dissertation, Field Work Report and Viva-Voce for PGGR, PGZO, MSW, MLIS and
Journalism and Mass Communication, 100% weightage is reserved for the Term-End Examination.
Continuous evaluation of theoretical papers is made on the basis of assignment which every learner
is required to submit before each Term-End Examination.
In case of Dissertation/ Field Work Report and Viva-Voce for PGEL 100% Weightage is reserved for
Assignment submission only. For Term-End Examination, Elective 19A and Elective 19B is 100%
Term-End Examinations are held at the end of every academic year. Learners who intend to appear
at a Term-End Examination are required to fill in application forms as per notification issued by the
Examination Department of the University (134/1, Meghnad Saha Sarani, Kolkata-700 029) from time
to time.
The learner who fails to appear in a particular Term-End Examination may avail himself/ herself in the
subsequent once to clear a backlog subject to submission of assignment within the due date at the
Learner Support Centre.
It is also noteworthy that the marks obtained in each paper would be a summation of Assignment
Marks (A) and Term-End Examination Marks (B) recalculated in 20% and 80% weightages respectively.
Rounding of marks (obtained out of 100), following the usual procedure, is allowed only paper-wise -
while calculating the ‘Marks Obtained’ (A + B) for each individual paper, as narrated in the Mark
18. Exit Provision in MSW
After successful completion of 1
year examination, all the eligible learners will get “Diploma in Social
Work (DSW)”. Accordingly, the certificate will be issued to such candidates of DSW. However, after
the successful completion of 2nd year they may get MSW degree.
19. Evaluation Process
The evaluation of each subject will be made in two ways:
a) Assignment/Internal Assessment:
Assignments have a very important role to play in the teaching-learning process in distance
education. There may be long spatial distance between a learner and distance education
institution which is bridged by sending assignments to the learners and requiring them to
reply the questions therein. The learners answer the assignment questions and send back
which are then evaluated by the evaluators/academic counsellors’ /distance teachers. The
assignment responses reflect what the learners have understood and learnt. The assignment
will be conducted on digital platform through MCQs. The assignments serve the purpose of
two-way communication between the learner and evaluator/ academic counsellors/distance
teacher despite physical distances between the two. Learners will be required to submit
assignment papers for each subject and the credit obtained on evaluation of those assignment
papers will be entered into his/her individual record of performance. This will constitute 20%
of the total credit points in the subjects. All the credit points secured by the learners will be
progressively entered into record.
Every learner is required to submit the assignment papers before each Term-End Examination
which is due at the end of each academic year. But in no case a learner shall be allowed to
fill in the Application Form to sit for the examination if he/she has not submitted assignment
paper within the due date as announced by the Examination Department of the University
from time to time. Learners are required to take back the copy of the evaluated assignment
papers from their respective Learner Support Centre.
NSOU Website: You may also access all relevant information and assignments from the
University Website at
Learners are advised to keep the following in mind:
For your own record retain a copy of all assignment responses which you submitted through
digital platform. Also the assignments are not subject to re-evaluation except for factual
errors, if any, occurred during the evaluation. The discrepancy noticed by you in the evaluated
assignments should be brought to the notice of the examination department through the
Coordinator of Learner Support Centre for necessary correction. Once the assignment marks
are received by the Department of Controller of Examinations, no further change in assignment
marks will be allowed.
b) Term-End Examinations:
80% of the total credit points of the subjects would be reserved for Term-End Examination
scheduled to be held at the end of each year.
c) Practical Examinations/ Dissertation/Viva-Voce:
For detailed information regarding Practical Sessions/ Dissertation Viva-Voce the respective
Department/ School of Studies may be contacted
Marks Obtained Class Grade
70% and Above 1st Class A+
60% to below 70% 1st Class A
55% to below 60% 2nd Class B+
40% to below 55% 2nd Class B
35% to below 40% 2nd Class C
Minimum qualifying marks in each course is 40% of the grand total of marks in that subject
(Term-End Examination Marks + Total Assignment Marks).
20. Degrees and Recognition
After successful completion of the programme the learners will get M.A./M.Com./M.Sc./
MSW (for MSW please see the point 14: Exit Provision in MSW) /MLIS degree awarded on
the basis of performance of the learners in the Assignments and the Term-End Examinations.
Recognized by:
University Grants Commission (UGC) u/s 2(f) vide letter No.F.9-2-97 (CPP-I) dated
26th August, 1998.
Distance Education Council (DEC) vide letter No.f:DEC/OU/Recog/2008 dated 8th
April, 2008 and thereafter UGC-DEB.
Govt. of West Bengal vide letter No.316-SE(Aptt.) dated 21st March 2000 and 501
-SE(A)/1 OM-51/99 dated 15th May 2000.
UGC-DEB for offering programmes through Distance Mode for 2016-17 and 2017-18
vide F.No. 12-3/2016 (DEB-l)/355 dated 6th July 2016.
UGC-DEB for offering programmes through Distance Mode for Academic Year 2018-
19 to 2022-23 vide F.No. 1-6/2018 (DEB-I) dated 09.08.2018 & 03.10.2018 and
F.No.l-18/2018 (DEB-I) dated 31.12.2018.
UGC-DEB for offering programmes through Distance Mode for Academic Year 2021-
22 to 2025-26 vide F.No. 1-5/2021 (DEB-I) dated 26.08.2021.
UGC-DEB for offering MA in Economics and MA in Journalism and Mass
Communication Programmes through Distance Mode for Academic Year 2021-22 to
2025-26 vide F.No. 1-5/2021 (DEB-I) dated 26.08.2021.
UGC-DEB for offering programmes through ODL mode for Academic Year 2023-24
onwards vide F. No. 30-22 (DEB-II) dated 31st October, 2023 and 5th November,
The University’s Degrees/Advance Diploma /Diplomas/Certificates are recognised by all
the members of the Association of Indian University’s (AIU) vide Circular No. EV/ll(499)/94/
176915-177115 dated January 14, 1994 and at per with the Degrees/Advance Diploma/
Diplomas/Certificates of all Indian Universities/ Deemed Universities vide Circular No.: F1-
25/03(CPP-ll) dated July 28, 1993 and F.1-52/ 2000(CPP-II) dated May 05,2004.
The Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resources and Development, Govt. of
India notified vide the Notification No.44 dated March 01,1995 published on Saturday, April
08,1995 in the Gazette of India that:
“on the recommendation of the Board of Assessment for Educational Qualification, the
Government of India has decided that all the qualifications awarded through Distance
Education by the Universities established by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature,
Institutions Deemed to be Universities under Section of the UGC Act, 1956 and Institutions
of National Importance declared under on Act of Parliament stand automatically recognized
for the purpose of employment to post and services under on Act of Parliament stand
automatically recognized for the purpose of employment to posts and services under the
Central Government, provided it has been approved by Distance Education Council.”
The Netaji Subhas Open University’s M.A./M.Com./M.Sc./MSW(for MSW please see the
point 14: Exit Provision in MSW) /MLIS degrees which is equivalent to any such degree
awarded by a recognized University of the country. Government of West Bengal, CSC,
PSC, UPSC, RRB etc. recognize the degrees awarded by the University as equivalent to
the degrees awarded by conventional Universities for the purpose of recruitment. Other
State Universities recognize the degrees of Open University.
Note: Updated recognition letters of UGC-DEB and list for approved programme by UGC-DEB are
available in the official Website
21. General Guideline of Examination
I. Examination System:
The structure of the syllabus is delineated in year-wise. However, at present the Term-End
Examination (TEE) are being held on completion of a year. The yearly TEE results are
shown in the Progress Report. However, the final result published after clearing of all this
papers will be given in the Mark Sheet.
II. Review System:
The University has no formal review system for PG programmes. As such, it takes all possible
precautions at every step of examination/evaluation/publication of results, so that no learner
may feel affected.
III. Change of Examination schedule:
As such the scheduled date of Examinations will not be changed (even to accommodate any
other/public examinations). However, in any unavoidable circumstances the date of
Examination may be changed and in such cases the decision of the University will be final.
IV. Examination Centre:
Examination may be conducted at Regional Centre of NSOU or at any Government Affiliated
Institution. However, decision of the University in this regard is final.
V. Examination Day
University can fix up the examination date either on weekends or on working days. However,
decision of the University in this regard is final.
VI. Cleared / Pass:
A learner who has cleared a paper in an examination shall not be permitted to reappear in
that paper in subsequent examinations. A learner who has successfully completed a course
he/she has registered for, shall not be permitted to reappear in that course.
VII. Irregular appearance:
If a learner appears in examination without valid Admit Card issued by Controller’s office or
without Roll No. his/her appearance in examination will be treated as irregular and his/ her
answer script will not be evaluated.
VIII. Availability of Answer Script:
Written assessed answer script for all university Examinations shall not be preserved by the
University beyond three months from the respective dates or publication of results. For any
other information related to examinations, the NSOU Website and/or the Examination
Department of the University may be visited or contacted.
22. Learner Support Centre (LSC)
The University provides various student-support services through a network of Learner
Support Centres. A list of Learner Support Centres along with the subjects offered is enclosed.
These Centres cover all the districts of the State and are located at convenient points
connected by public transport. A Learner Support Centre is placed under the supervision of
a Coordinator to be monitored by the Governing Body through the Principal of the College,
and assisted by the staff of his office. It provides all information including prospectus and
application forms for enrollment.
At the beginning of each session, Learner Support Centres invite the learners for an induction
meeting where they are familiarized with the aims, objectives and activities of the University
and the methodology of Distance Education.
Learner Support Centres distribute the home assignment papers received from the University
and arrange for their evaluation.
Prospectus, SLMs/SIMs, Assignments, Information etc. are not issued by the Headquarters
to the learners directly. Learners should contact the Learner Support Centres for all their
In short, each Learner Support Centre acts as the day-to-day link between the learners and
the University. Learners are expected to conduct themselves in a worthy and dignified manner
to maintain high academic and moral standards.
22.1 List of Learner Support Centres along with approved PG Programme
1. Dum Dum Dum Motijheel A-01 419 Dum Dum Cossipore Road PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
College Kolkata–700074 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Opposite Dum Dum Motijheel PGCO, PGED, PGMT
Rabindra Mahavidyaiaya
Phone No-2579-4053
2. Basanti Devi College A-02 147B, Rashbehari Avenue PGBG, PGEG, PGELT,
Kolkata–700029 PGHI, PGPA, PGPS, MLIS,
Phone No-2465-1345 PGSW,PGCO, PGED, PGMT
3. Gurudas College A-03 NarkeldangaKolkata-700054 PGBG, PGEG,PGELT,
Phone No-23537450 PGHI,PGPA,PGPS, MLIS,
4. Maharaja Manindra Ch. A-04 20, Ramkanto Bose Street PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
College Kolkata–700003 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-2543-9331 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
5. Goenka College A-05 210 B.B. Ganguly Street PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Kolkata–700012 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-24904038 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
6. Surendranath Evening College A-06 24/2, Mahatma Gandhi Road PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Kolkata-700009 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-2665-0176 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
7. Victoria Institution (College) A-07 78/ B, A.P.C. Road PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Kolkata-700009 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-23604451 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
8. Shibpur Dinabandhu College A-08 412/1, G.T.Road (South) PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Howrah–711102 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-26881789 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
9. Gurudas College of A-10 33C/1, Biplabi Barin Ghosh PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Commerce Sarani, Kolkata–700067 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No- 23565001 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
10. Bankura Christian College B-01 Pratap Bagan (North) PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
P.O.& Dist. Bankura –722101 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No- (03242)259724 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
11. Raja Narendra Lal Khan B-03 P.O. & Dist.-Midnapore PGBG,PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Women’s College (Paschim) Pin-721101 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03222-265317 PGCO, PGED, PGMT, PGZO,
12. Tramralipta Mahavidyalaya B-04 P.O.- Tamluk PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Purba Midnapore–721636 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03228-269424 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
13. Fakir Chand College B-05 P.O. Diamond Harbour PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist-South 24 Parganas-743331 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-(03174) 258401 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
14. Haldia Govt. College B-06 P.O. Debhog-721657 PGBG, PGEG, PGELT,
Dist- Purba Midnapore PGHI, PGPA, PGPS, MLIS,
Phone No-03224-255058 PGSW, PGCO, PGED, PGMT
15. Nistarini College B-07 Deshbandhu Road PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
P.O. & Dist.Purulia–723101 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03252229880 PGCO, PGED, PGMT, PGJM
16. Behala College Study Centre B-08 Parnasree, Behala PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Kolkata–700060 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-2445-9248 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
Name of the Learner
Suport Centre
Programmes on offer
17. Sonarpur College B-09 Sahid BiswanathSarani PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
P.O. Rajpur Dist. South 24 Pgs PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Kolkata-700149 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
Phone No-2434-0216
18. Hiralal Mazumdar Memorial B-10 Dakshineswar Kolkata PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
College for Women Dist. 24 Pgs (N)–700035, PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-2544-0932 PGCO, PGED, PGMT, PGEC
19. Burdwan Raj College C-01 Aftab House PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
P.O. & Dist. Burdwan–713104 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-0342-2559174 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
20. Banwarilal Bhalotia College C-02 Bir Ram Mohon Banerjee Road PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Burdwan–713301 PGCO, PGED, PGMT, PGJM
Phone No-0341-2201208
21. Suri Vidyasagar College C-03 P.O. Suri PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist-Birbhum, Pin-731101 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03462-255504 PGCO, PGED, PGMT, PGJM
22. Nabagram Hiralal Paul College C-04 P.O. Nabagram PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist-Hooghly–712246 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-26747447 PGCO, PGED, PGMT, PGJM
23. Chandernagore Govt. College C-05 Strand Road, Barabazar PGBG,PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
P.O. Chandernagore PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Dist. Hooghly–712136 PGCO, PGED, PGMT, PGZO,
Phone No-26850616 PGGR
24. Netaji Mahavidyalaya C-06 P.O. Arambag PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Hooghly–712601 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03211-257162 PGCO, PGED, PGMT, PGES
25. Acharya Prafulla Chandra C-07 P.O. New Barrackpour PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
College Dist. 24 Pgs (N)–743276 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-2537-4831 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
26. Bijoy Krishna Girls College C-08 Howrah 5/3, Mahatma Gandhi PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Road, Pin-711101, PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-24604729 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
27. Baruipur College C-09 P.O. Purandarmant PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. 24 Parganas (South) PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
P.S. Baruipur, Pin.- 743610 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
Phone No-2433-9566
28. Tarakeswar Degree College C-10 P.O. Tarakeswar PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Hooghly–712410 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-032012-279628 PGCO, PGED, PGMT, PGEC
29. Krishnanagar Govt. College D-01 P.O. Krishnagar PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Nadia Pin-741101 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03472-256534 PGCO, PGED, PGMT, PGJM
30. Barasat Govt. College D-02 P.O. Barasat–700124 PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. North 24 Parganas PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-25624525 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
31. Sree Chaitanya College D-03 P.O. Habra Prafulla Nagar, PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. North24 Parganas-743268 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-(03216)239556 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
Name of the Learner
Suport Centre
Programmes on offer
32. Mahadevananda D-04 Monirampur PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Mahavidyalaya P.O. Barackpur–743101 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Dist. North 24 Parganas PGCO, PGED, PGMT
Phone No-25920577
33. KarimpurPannadevi College D-05 P.O. K arimpur PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist-Nadia–741152 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03471-257805 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
34. Chakdaha College D-06 P.O. Chakdaha PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Nadia–741222 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03473-242934 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
35. Sudhiranjan Lahiri D-07 Majdia PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Mahavidyalaya Dist. Nadia–741507 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03472-275477 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
36. Egra S.S.B. College D-08 P.O. Egra , Pin-721429, PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Purba Midnapur PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03220-244073 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
37. Ghatal Rabindra Satabarsiki D-09 P.O. Ghatal PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Mahavidyalaya Dist.- Paschim Midnapore PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Pin- 721212 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
Phone No-03225-255015
38. Bolpur College D-10 College Road, Bolpur PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Birbhum–731204 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03463-254935 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
39. Balurghat College E-01 P.O.: Balurghat , Pin-733101 PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist: Daksin Dinajpur PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-(03522)271821 PGCO, PGED, PGMT, PGJM
40. Krishnath College E-04 P.O.- Berhampur PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Mursidabad–742101 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03482-252069 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
41. Vivekananda College E-05 Barisha, Kolkata-700008 PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
For Women Dist. 24 Pgs (S) PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-2445-5044 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
42. Sarojini Naidu College E-06 30, Jessore Road PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Kolkata-700028 Dist. 24 Pgs(N) PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-2559-2583 PGCO, PGED, PGMT, PGGR
43. Kidderpore College E-07 2, Pitamber Sircar Lane PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Kidderpore, Kolkata-23 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-2642-6645 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
44. Sammilani College E-08 STN/E.M. By Pass PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Kolkata-700075 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-2462-6869 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
45. Dr. Kanailal Bhattacharya E-09 Dharmatala, Ramrajatala, PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
College Santragachi, Howrah-711104 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-2627-2490 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
46. Bhairab Ganguly College E-10 Belgharia, Kolkata-700056 PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. 24 Pgs (N) PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-2553-2280 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
47. Siliguri College F-01 P.O. Siliguri–734401, PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Darjeeling PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-0353-2538420 PGCO, PGED, PGMT, PGJM
Name of the Learner
Suport Centre
Programmes on offer
48. Ananda Chandra College F-02 P.O. & Dist.- Jalpaiguri, PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Pin–735101 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-(03561) 224213 PGCO, PGED, PGMT, PGZO,
49. Coochbehar College F-03 P.O. Coochbehar PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Coochbehar–736101 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03582-256715 PGCO, PGED, PGMT, PGJM
50. Gobardanga Hindu College F-04 P.O. Khantura PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. 24 PGS. (N), Pin-743273 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-(03216)249210 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
51. Panskura Banamali College F-05 P.O. Panskura PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Purba Midnapore PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03228-252131 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
52. Sunderban Mahavidyalaya F-06 P.O. Kakdwip, PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Phone No-03210-255057 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
53. Manbhum Mahavidyalaya F-07 Vir Ganganarayan Road PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
P.O. Manbazar, Dist-Purulia PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No- -03253 –255759 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
54. Rampurhat College F-08 Rampurhat PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Birbhum, Pin-731224 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03461-255018 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
55. Prabhu Jagat Bandhu College F-09 Jhorehat, P.O. Andul-Mouri PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Howrah, Pin-711302 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-2669-0221 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
56. Gour Mohan Sachin Mondal F-10 P.O. Bireswarpur PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Mahavidyalaya Dist-24 PGS (South)–743336 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-033-24051316 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
57. Chanchal College G-01 P.O. Chanchal PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Malda–732123 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03513-252261 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
58. Garhbeta College G-02 P.O. Garhbeta PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist.-Paschim Medinipur PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03227-267520 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
59. Chandrakona Vidyasagar G-03 Chandrakona PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Mahavidyalaya Paschim Medinipur-721201 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03225-266294 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
60. Santipur College G-04 P.O.-Santipur PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Nadia–741404 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03472-2582-6443 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
61. Mankar College G-05 Mankar PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Burdwan, Pin.-713144 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-(0343)2517269 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
62. Katwa College G-06 P.O. Katwa PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist.-Burdwan, Pin.-713130 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03453-257653 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
63. Joypur P. Roy College G-07 P.O.-Jaypur-Fakirdas PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Howrah, Pin.-711401 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03214-234130 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
64. Lalbaba College G-08 117,G.T.Road, Belur Math, PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Howrah PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-2654-8447 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
Name of the Study Centre
Courses on offer
65. Bagnan College G-09 P.O.-Bagnan PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Howrah PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03214 272392 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
66. Tangrakhali Bankim Sardar G-10 P.O.- Tangrakhali PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
College Dist.-24-Pgs.(S)–743329 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone : 0321257279 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
67. Dhruba Chand Halder College H-01 P.O.-Dakshin Barasat PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist.-24-Pgs.(S) PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03218-222550 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
68. Taki Govt. College H-02 P.O.-Taki PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist.-24-Pgs.(N)–743429 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03217-234754 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
69. Raja Peary Mohan College H-03 Uttarpara PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Hooghly PGPS, PGPA, PGED, PGSW,
Phone No-26634155 PGCO, MLIS, PGMT, PGZO
70. Derozio Memorial College H-04
Rajarhat Main Rd. Action Area II,
PO, Rajarhat, Kolkata,
West Bengal 700136 PGJM
71. Belda College H-05 Belda Station- Contai Road PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist- Paschim Medinipore PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Pin-721424 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
Phone No-03229-255037
72. Kharagpur College H-06 P.O. Inda, Kharagpur PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist. Paschim Medinipur-721305
Phone No-03222-225958 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
73. Nahata J.M.S. Mahavidyalaya H-07 P.O- Nahata, PS- Gopalnagar PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Mahavidralaya Dist-24 Pgs (N) PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03215-253267 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
74. Sripat Singh College H-09 P.O- Jiagang PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist- Murshidabad, Pin-742123 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03483-255351 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
75. South Calcutta Girl’s College H-10 72, Sarat Bose Road; PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Kolkata-700025 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-24863654 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
76. Dinabandhu Mahavidyalaya I-02 Bongaon, PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist- 24 Pgs(N), Pin-743235 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Ph-03215-255044 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
77. Vivekananda Mission I-03 Viveknagar; P.O-Chaitanyapur PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Mahavidyalaya Haldia; Dist-Purba Medinipur PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Pin-721645 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
Phone No (03224)205636
78. Dumkal College I-04 Basantapur, P.O- Basantapur PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist- Murshidabad-742406 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
Phone No-03481230770
79. Nagar College I-05 Vill +PO- Nagar; PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist- Murshidabad PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03484-279614 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
80. Durgapur Govt. College I-06 J.N. Avenue PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Durgapur- 713214 PGPA, PGSW, PGCO, PGMT,
Phone No-0343-2500003 PGZO
Name of the Study Centre
Courses on offer
Name of the Study Centre
Courses on offer
81. Womens’ College I-07 P-29, Kshirode Vidyavinode PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGSW,
Avenue, Kolkata-700003 PGED, MLIS
82. Kalna College I-08 PO-Kalna PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist- Burdwan, Pin-713409 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03454-255983 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
83. Bidhan Nagar Govt. College I-09 EB-2, Salt lake CityKolkata-64
Phone No-03374761/82 PGZO
84. Mahishadal Girls’ College J-01 Vill- Rangibasan PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
P.O. Mahishadal PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Purba Medinipur-721628 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
Phone No-03224-240520
85. Uluberia College J-02 Uluberia, Howrah-711315 PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Phone No-24185882 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
86. Bhangar Mahavidyalaya J-03 Vill& P.O- Bhangar PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist- 24 Parganas( South) PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-03218-271975 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
87. Sree Gopal Banerjee College J-04 Bagati, Magra PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Hooghly-712148 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone No-26844172 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
88. Women’s Christian College J-05 6, Greek Church Row PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Kolkata-26 PGPS, PGPA, PGED, PGSW,
Phone No-24643341 PGCO, MLIS, PGMT, PGJM
89. Al-Ameen Memorial Minority J-06 Jogibattala, Baruipur PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
College Kolkata-700145 PGPA, PGPS, MLIS, PGSW,
Phone-32025521 PGCO, PGED, PGMT
90. Syamaprasad College J-07
92.Syamaprasad Mukherjee Road,
Kolkata-700026 PGPA, PGED, PGSW, PGCO,
91. Sitalkuchi College J-08
P.O-Sitalkuchi; Dist-Coochbehar
Ph- 03583-263351 PGPA, PGSW
92. Ramananda College J-09 Bishnupur, Bankura-722122 PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Phone-03244-256786 PGPA, PGED, PGCO, MLIS,
93. Jhargram Raj College (J-10) Jhargram, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGMT
Girl’s Wing
Dist- Paschim Medinipur-721507
94. Maharaja Nanda Kumar K-02 Bhabanipur, Kalyanchak PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Mahavidyalaya Purba Medinipur-721632 PGPA, PGED, PGSW, PGMT
95. Nani Bhattacharya Smarak K-03 Jaigaon-736182; PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Mahavidyalaya Alipurduar; West Bengal PGSW, MLIS, PGMT
96. Alipurduar Mahila K-04 Lohar Pool, New Town PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Mahavidyalaya P.O-Alipurduar-736121 PGPS, PGPA, PGED, PGSW,
Ph-03564-251962 MLIS, PGMT
97. Ramananda Centenary K-05 P.O-Laulara PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
College Dist-Purulia, Pin-723151 PGPS, PGED, PGSW, MLIS,
Ph- 03253-259217/ 259221 PGMT
98. Birpara College K-06 Dist-Alipurduar, Pin-735204 PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Phone-03563-266217 PGED, PGSW, PGCO, MLIS
Name of the Study Centre
Courses on offer
99. Nakshalbari College K-07 P.O-Nakshalbari PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist-Darjeeling, Pin-734429 PGPS, PGPA, PGED, PGSW,
100. APC Roy Govt. College K-08 Himachal Bihar, Matigara PGBG, PGEG, PGPS, PGSW
Phone- 08334031053
101. S. R. Fatepuria College K-09 Beldanga, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Murshidabad-742133 PGED, PGSW, MLIS, PGMT
102. Government General Degree K-10 Vill- Muragacha, PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
College at Kalna-I Post- Medhgachi, PGPS, PGPA, PGED, PGSW,
Dist- Burdwan, Pin-713405 MLIS, PGMT
103. P.R Thakur Govt. College L-01 P.O-Thakurnagar, PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
North 24 Pgs, Pin-743287 MLIS, PGMT
104. Budge Budge College L-02 7, Deshbandhu Chittaranjan PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Road, Budge Budge, PGPS, PGPA, PGED, PGSW,
24 PGS (S), Kolkata-700137 PGCO
Ph – (033)2470 1454
105. Muragachha Government L-03 Vill +P.O- Muragachha PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
College P.S-Nakashipara, PGPS, PGPA, PGED, PGSW,
Dist- Nadia, Pin-741154 PGCO, MLIS, PGMT
106. Sadhan Chandra L-04 Vill-Harindanga, P.O- Chaberia PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Mahavidyalaya P.S- Falta, PGPA, PGED, PGSW, MLIS
Dist- 24 Parganas (S)-743504
107. Balagarh Bijoy Krishna L-05 P.O- Balagarh; Dist- Hooghly, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Mahavidyalaya West Bengal; Pin-7152501 PGPA, PGED, PGSW, MLIS
108. Mrinalini Datta Mahavidyapith L-06 Vidyapith Road, Birati, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Kolkata-700051 PGED, PGSW, PGCO, MLIS,
Phone-25139100 PGMT
109. Trivenidevi Bhalotia College L-07 P.O:- Raniganj, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Dist- Burdwan, Pin-713347 PGPA, PGED, PGSW, PGCO,
Ph-0341- 2444780 / 2444275 MLIS, PGMT
110. S.B.S Government College L-08 Hili, P.O-Hili; Vill-Raynagar PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGED,
Dist- Dakshin Dinajpur-733126 PGSW,
111. Maynaguri College L-09 P.O. Maynaguri; Dist. Jalpaiguri PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
West Bengal; Pin-735224 PGED, PGSW, MLIS, PGMT
112. Parimal Mitra Smriti L-10
P.O-Mal, Dist. Jalpaiguri-735221
Mahavidyalaya Phone-03562-255212, 255171. PGSW, MLIS
113. Tufanganj Mahavidyalaya M-01 P.O- Tufanganj Newtown PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Dist- Cooch Behar Pin-736160 PGSW, MLIS
114. Michael Madhusudan M-02 Kabi Guru Sarani City Centre PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Memorial College Dist-BurdwanDurgapur- 713216 PGED, PGSW, PGCO, MLIS,
115. Ananda Mohan College M-03 102/1, Raja Rammohan Sarani PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Kolkata-700009, Ph : 23527327 PGMT, PGCO, PGSW, MLIS
116. Netaji Satabarshiki M-04 Ashokenagar Sahidbad PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Mahavidyalaya P.O.-Haripur, PGED
Dist.-North 24 Pgs-743223
Name of the Study Centre
Courses on offer
117. Kanchrapara College M-05 P.O-Kanchrapara; PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Dist. 24 Pgs (N)-743145 PGPA, PGED, PGSW, PGCO,
Ph-25855159/8790 MLIS
118. Raidighi College M-06 P.O + P.S-Raidighi, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Dist- South 24 Pgs-743383 PGED, PGSW, MLIS
119. Barjora College M-07 P.O-Barjora; Dist- Bankura; PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Pin-722202, Ph-(03241)257309 PGPA, PGED, PGSW
120. Sonamukhi College M-08 P.O-Sonamukhi, PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist-Bankura-722207, PGED, PGSW, MLIS, PGMT
Ph-03244 275251
121. Saldiha College M-09 P.O-Saldiha; PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist-Bankura; Pin-722173, PGPS, PGPA, PGED, PGSW,
Ph-03242 262224 PGCO, MLIS
122. Mahatma Gandhi College M-10 Lalpur; P.O-Daldali; PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist-Purulia-723130 PGPS, PGPA, PGED, PGSW,
Ph-03252 240251, PGCO, MLIS
123. Raghunathpur College N-01 P.O-Raghunathpur; PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Dist- Purulia-723133 PGPA, PGED, PGSW, MLIS
124. Srikrishna College N-02 P.O-Bagula; PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist-Nadia; Pin-741502, PGPS, PGPA, PGED, PGSW,
Ph-03473-272205 PGCO, MLIS1
125. Kalyani Mahavidyalaya N-03 City Centre Complex PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
P.O-Kalyani, Dist-Nadia-741235 PGPA, PGED, PGSW, PGCO,
Ph-033-2582-1390 MLIS
126. Memari College N-04 Memari College P.O-Memari; PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist-Burdwan, Pin-713146 PGPS, PGPA, PGED, PGSW,
Ph-0342-2250589 PGCO, MLIS
127. Gushkara Mahavidyalaya N-05 P.O-Gushkara; PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Dist-Purba Bardhaman-713128 PGPA, PGED, PGSW, PGCO,
Ph-03452-255105 MLIS
128. Gour Mahavidyalaya N-06 P.O-Mangalbari; PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist-Malda; Pin-732142 PGPS, PGED, PGSW, PGMT
129. Malda Women’s College N-07
Pirojpur;Shanti Gopal Sen Sarani
P.O& Dist-Malda; Pin-732101 PGPS, PGPA, PGED, PGSW,
Ph-03512-252597 MLIS
130. Kaliachak College N-08 P.O-Sultanganj; P.S-Kaliachak PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist-Malda ; Pin-732201 PGPS, PGPA, PGED, PGSW,
131. Dewanhat Mahavidyalaya N-09 Dewanhat; Dist-Cooch Behar; PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Pin-736134 Ph-03582-252664 PGPA, PGED, PGSW
132. Sukanta Mahavidyalaya N-10 Sukanta Nagar; P.O-Dhupguri; PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPA,
Dist-Jalpaiguri; Pin-735210 PGED, PGSW, MLIS
Ph-03563-250067, 8436238571(O)
133. Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Q-02 P.O-Bagdogra; Dist-Darjeeling, PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Mahavidyalaya Pin-734014, Ph -0353-2004707 PGPS , PGCO, PGSW, MLIS
134. Prasanta Chandra Q-03 111/3, B.T. Road (Bonhooghly) PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya Kolkata-700108 PGPS, PGPA, PGED, PGCO,
Ph-033-64596644 PGSW, MLIS
Name of the Study Centre
Courses on offer
135. Raiganj Surendranath Q-04 Sudarshanpur; P.O-Raiganj; PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Mahavidyalaya Dist.-Uttar Dinajpur; Pin-733134 PGPA, PGED, PGSW
Ph-03523-253055, 251231
136. Kaliyaganj College Q-05 P.O-Kaliyaganj; PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist- Uttar Dinajpur; Pin-733129 PGPS, PGCO, PGSW, MLIS,
Ph-03523-258100 PGMT
137. Saheed Nurul Islam Q-06 Gokulpur-Harishpur, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Mahavidyalaya P.O-Tentulia; PGPA, PGED, MLIS
Dist- North 24 Pgs-743703
138. Pingla Thana Mahavidyalaya Q-07 P.O-Maligram; PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Dist-Paschim Medinipur-721140 PGPS, PGPA, PGED, PGSW,
Ph-03222-241224 PGCO, MLIS
139. Sabang Sajanikanta Q-08 P.O-Lutunia; PGBG, PGEG, PGELT, PGHI,
Mahavidyalaya Dist-Paschim Medinipur-721166 PGPS, PGPA, PGED, PGSW,
Ph-03222-248221 PGCO, MLIS
140. Dr. Bhupendra Nath Dutta Q-09 Hatgobindapur, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGED,
Smriti Mahavidyalaya Dist. Purba Bardhaman-713407 PGSW, PGCO, MLIS
141. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Q-10 Plot BA-1, AA-1, New Town, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS
Govt. College Rajarhat, North 24 Parganas,
142. Jamini Roy College R-01 P.O-Beliatore, Dist-Bankura PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGED,
Pin-722203 MSW, MLIS
143. Baneswar Sarathibala R-02 Hatiduba, Baneswar, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGED,
Mahavidyalaya Coochbehar, Pin-736133 MLIS
144. Sagar Mahavidyalaya R-03 P.O-Harinbari, P.S Sagar, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Dist-24 Pgs(S), Pin-743373 PGED, MSW, MLIS
145. Sahed Kshudiram College R-04 Makakhyaguri, Alipurduar, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Pin-736202 MSW, MLIS
146. Jamini Mazumdar Memorial R-05 P.O-Patiram, Dist-Dakshin PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
College Dinajpur, Pin-733133 PGEC
147. Netaji Subhas Mahavidyalaya R-06
P.O-Haldibari, Dist-Coochbehar, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS
148. Dukhulal Nibaran Chandra R-07 Aurangabad, Murshidabad, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
College Sub Div-Jangipur, Pin-742202 PGED, PGMT, MLIS
149. Subhas Chandra Bose R-08
Lalbagh, P.O&Dist-Murshidabad
Centinary College Pin-742149
150. Seva Bharati Mahavidyalaya R-09 P.O-Kapgari, Dist-Jhargram, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGEC,
Pin-721505 PGED, MSW, MLIS
151. Nabadwip Vidyasagar College R-10 Nabadwip, Nadia, Pin-741302 PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
152. Plassey College S-01 P.O-Plassey, Kaliganj block, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Dist-Nadia, Pin-741156 PGED, MSW
153. Jatindra Rajendra S-02 P.O-Amtala, Dist-Murshidabad, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS
Mahavidyalaya Pin-742121 PGED, MSW
154. Dr. Meghnad Saha College S-03 Ranipur, P.O-Tilna; P.S: Itahar, PGBG, PGEG, PGED, PGHI,
Dist-Uttar Dinajpur; Pin-733128 PGPS, PGMT, MLIS, MSW
155. Asannagar Madan Mohan S-04 56, Majhdia Road, P.O- PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGED,
Tarkalankar College Asannagar, Nadia, Pin-741161 PGPS
156. Hiralal Bhakat College S-05 Nalhati, Birbhum, Pin-731220 PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGMT,
157. Deshbandhu Mahavidyalaya, S-06 P.O.-Chittranjan, Dist.-Paschim PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGEC,
Chittaranjan Burdwan, Pin-713331 PGCO, MLIS, PGJM, PGPS
158. Sarat Centenary College S-07 Dhaniakhali, Dist.-Hooghly, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Pin-712302 PGPA, GPMT
159. Gobinda Prasad
Mahavidyala S-08 Amarkanan, Bankura, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGED,
Pin-722133 PGPS
160. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar S-09 P.O.-Helencha Colony, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGED,
Satabarshiki Mahavidyalaya, P.S.-Bagdah, Dist.-24 PGPS, PGPA
Helencha Parganas (N), Pin-743270
161. Kandra Radha S-10 P.O.-Kandra, P.S.-Ketugram, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGED,
Kanta Kundu Mahavidyala Dist.-Burdwan, Pin-713129 PGJM
162. Serampore Grils’ College T-01 13, T.C. Goswami Street, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGED,
Serampore, Hooghly, PGPS, PGEC, PGSW
163. Birbhum Mahavidyalaya T-02 Suri (Baruipara), Birbhum, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Pin-731101 MLIS
164. Jangipur College T-03 P.O.-Jangipur, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
Dist.-Murshidabad, Pin-742213 PGPA, PGMT, MLIS
165. Kalinagar Mahavidyalaya T-04 P.O.-Kalinagarhat, Dist.-24 PGBG, PGHI, PGED
Pgs. (N), Pin-743442
166. Jogesh Ch. Chaudhuri College T-05 30, Prince Anwar Shah Road, PGBG, PGEG, PGHI, PGPS,
167. Rani Dhanya Kumari College T-06 Jiaganj, Murshidabad PGBG, PGEG, PGEL, PGJM,
N.B.: PG Geography (PGGR) and PG Zoology (PGZO) Programmes are available in the highlighted Learner
Support Centres.
Courses on offer
Name of the Study Centre
1. A-01 Dum Dum Motijheel College
2. C-07 Acharya Prafulla Chandra College
3. D-02 Barasat Govt. College
4. D-04 Mahadevananda Mahavidyalaya
5. F-04 Gobardanga Hindu College
6. H-02 Taki Govt. College
7. H-04 Derozio Memorial College
8. H-07 Nahata Jogendra Mondal Smriti Mahavidralaya
9. I-02 Dinabandhu Mahavidyalaya
10. D-03 Sree Chaitanya College
11. L-01 P.R. Thakur Govt. College
12. M-04 Netaji Satabarshiki Mahavidyalaya
13. M-05 Kancharapara college
14. Q-06 Saheed Narul Islam Mahavidyalaya
15. Q-10 Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Govt. College
16. S-09 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Satabar Shirti Mahavidyala
17. T-04 Kalinagar Mahavidyala
18. E-04 Krishnath College
19. H-09 Sripat Singh College
20. I-04 Dumkol College
21. I-05 Nagar College
22. K-09 S. R. Fatepuria College
23. R-07 Dukhulal Nibaran Chandra College
24. R-08 Subhas Chandra Bose Centinary College
25. S-02 Jatindra- Rajendra Mahavidyalaya
26. (T-03) Jangipar College
27. (T-06) Rani Dhanya Kumari College
28. D-01 Krishnanagar Govt. College
29. D-05 Karimpur Pannadevi College
30. D-06 Chakdaha College
31. D-07 Sudhiranjan Lahiri Mahavidyalaya
32. G-04 Santipur College
33. L-03 Muragacha Govt. College
34. N-02 Srikrishna College
35. N-03 Kalyani Mahavidyalaya
36. R-10 Nabadwip Vidyasagar College
37. S-01 Plassey College Mira Bazar
38. S-04 Asannagar Madan Mohan Tarkalankar College
39. G-01 Chanchal College
40. N-06 Gour Mahavidyalaya
41. N-07 Malda Women’s College
42. N-08 Kaliachak Mahavidyalaya
43. F-02 Ananda Chandra College
44. L-09 Mynaguri College
45. L-10 Parimal Mitra Smriti Mahavidyalaya
46. N-10 Sukanta Mahavidyalaya
47. J-08 Sitalkuchi College
48. F-03 Coochbehar College
49. M-01 Tufanganj Mahavidyalaya
50. N-09 Dewanhat Mahavidyalaya
22.2 District wise List of Learner Support Centre
Name of the Study Centre
Kalyani Regional
24 Parganas
Jalpaiguri Regional
Cooch Behar
51. R-02 Baneswar Sarathibala Mahavidyalaya
52. R-06 Netaji Subhas Mahavidyalaya
53. E-01 Balurghat College
54. L-08 S.B.S Government College
55. R-05 Jamini Mazumder Memorial College
56. Q-04 Raigunj Surendranath Mahavidyalaya
57. Q-05 Kaliaganj College
58. S-03 Dr. Meghnad Saha College
59. F-01 Siliguri College
60. K-07 Nakshalbari College
61. K-08 APC Roy Govt. College
62. Q-02 Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya
63. K-03 Nani Bhattacharya Smarak Smriti Mahavidyalaya
64. K-04 Alipurduar Mahila Mahavidyalaya
65. K-06 Birpara College
66. R-04 Saheed Kshudiram College
67. B-01 Bankura Christian College
68. J-09 Ramananda College
69. M-07 Barjora College
70. M-08 Sonamukhi College
71. M-09 Saldiha College
72. R-01 Jamini Roy College
73. (S-08) Gobinda Prasad Mahavidyala
74. C-03 Suri Vidyasagar College
75. D-10 Bolpur College
76. F-08 Rampurhat College
77. (S-05) Hiralal Bhakal College
78. C-02 Banwarilal Bhalotia College
79. (T-02) Birbhum Mahavidyala
80. G-05 Mankar College
81. I-06 Durgapur Govt. College
82. L-07 Trivenidevi Bhalotia College
83. M-02 Michael Madhusudan Memorial College
84. (S-06) Deshbandhu Mahavidyala
85. C-01 Burdwan Raj College
86. G-06 Katwa College
87. I-08 Kalna College
88. K-10 Government General Degree College, Kalna -I
89. Q-09 Dr. Bhupendra Nath Dutta Smriti Mahavidyalaya
90. N-04 Memari College
91. N-05 Gushkara College
92. (S-10) Kandra Radha Kanta Kand Mahavidyala
93. B-07 Nistarini College Learner Support Centre
94. F-07 Manbhum Mahavidyalaya
95. K-05 Ramananda Centenary College
96. M-10 Mahatma Gandhi College
97. N-01 Raghunathpur College
98. B-05 Fakir Chand College
99. B-09 Sonarpur College
100. C-09 Baruipur College
101. F-06 Sunderban Mahavidyalaya
102. F-10 Gour Mohan Sachin Mondal Mahavidyalaya
Name of the Study Centre
Durgapur Regional
Jalpaiguri Regional
Uttar Dinajpur
Head Quarters
Cooch Behar
24 Parganas
103. G-10 Tangrakhali Bankim Sardar College
104. H-01 Dhruba Chand Halder College
105. J-03 Bhangar Mahavidyalaya
106. L-04 Sadhan Chandra Mahavidyalaya
107. M-06 Raidighi College
108. R-03 Sagar Mahavidyalaya
109. A-02 Basanti Devi College
110. A-03 Gurudas College
111. A-04 Maharaja Manindra Ch. College
112. A-05 Goenka College
113. A-06 Surendranath Evening College
114. A-07 Victoria Institution (College)
115. A-10 Gurudas College of Commerce
116. B-08 Behala College
117. B-10 Hiralal Mazumdar Memorial College (North 24
118. E-05 Vivekananda College for Women
119. E-06 Sarojini Naidu College
120. E-07 Kidderpore College
121. E-08 Sammalini College
122. E-10 Bhairab Ganguly College (North 24 Parganas)
123. H-10 South Calcutta Girl’s College
124. I-07 Women’s College, Calcutta
125. I-09 Bidhan Nagar Govt. College
126. L-02 Budge Budge College (South 24 Parganas)
127. L-06 Mrinalini Dutta Mahavidyalaya
128. J-05 Women’s Christian College
129. J-06 Al-Ameen Memorial Minority College (South 24
130. J-07 Shamaprasad College
131. M-03 Ananda Mohan College
132. Q-03 Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya
(North 24 Parganas)
133. T-05 Jogesh Ch. Chaudhuri College
134. C-04 Nabagram Hiralal Paul College
135. C-05 Chandernagore Govt. College
136. C-06 Netaji Mahavidyalaya
137. C-10 Tarakeswar Deegree College
138. H-03 Raja Peary Mohan College
139. J-04 Sree Gopal Banerjee College
140. L-05 Balagarh Bijoy Krishna Mahavidyalaya
141. S-07 Sarat Centenary College
142. T-01 Serampore Girls College
143. A-08 Shibpur Dinabandhu College
144. C-08 Bijoy Krishna Girls College
145. E-09 Dr. Kanailal Bhattacharya College
146. F-09 Prabhu Jagat Bandhu
147. G-07 Joypur P. Roy College
148. G-08 Lalbaba College
149. G-09 Bagnan College
150. J-02 Uluberia College
Name of the Study Centre
Head Quarters
24 Parganas
Name of the Study Centre
151. B-03 Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women’s College
152. D-09 Ghatal Rabindra Satabarsiki Mahavidyalaya
153. G-02 Garhbeta College
154. G-03 Chandrakona Vidyasagar Mahavidyalaya
155. H-05 Belda College
156. H-06 Kharagpur College
157. Q-07 Pingla Thana Mahavidyalaya
158. Q-08 Sabang Sajanikanta Mahavidyalaya
159. J-10 Jhargram Raj College Girl’s Wing
160. R-09 Seva Bharati Mahavidyalaya,
161. B-04 Tramralipta Mahavidyalaya
162. B-06 Haldia Govt. College
163. D-08 Egra S.S.B. College
164. F-05 Panskura Banamali College
165. I-03 Vivekananda Mission Mahavidyalaya
166. J-01 Mahishadal Girls’ College
167. K-02 Maharaja Nanda Kumar Mahavidyalaya
To get further details about the above mentioned LSC/SC please logon to
and click on Study Centre List of Study Centres BDP/PG.
23. Learner Support Service
The main focus of academic and administrative structure of this University is to make the
system more learner friendly by the time. Begining from pre-admission stage till certification
stage, the learners receive continuous academic and other support in various forms.
23.1 Learners’ Facilitation Centre (LFC):
Learners’ Facilitation Centres at following three Regional Centres and HQ have been set up
by Netaji Subhas Open University. Intended eligible applicants/enrolled learners may visit
(during) office hour) respective LEF to get technical help for submissionof online PG admission
form, submissionof renewal form and information related to Term-End Examination of Netaji
Subhas Open University. Applicants/Learners of respective districts may visit respective
LFC as detailed below:
Districts Address Contact Person
Murshidabad, Nadia and Regional Centre, Kalyani, 033 2502-5066
North 24 Parganas Netaji Subhas Open University, [email protected]
Ghoshpara Station Road,
Kalyani, Nadia-741235
Burdwan, Birbhum, Bankura Academic building, Student 0343 2500418
Paschim Burdwan, Puba Facilitation Centre, [email protected]
Burdwan and Purulia Room No.-205
Regional Centre, Durgapur
Jawahar Lal Nehru Road,
Paschim Bardhaman-713214
Alipurduar, Cooch Behar, Regional Centre, Jalpaiguri 03561 257011
Dakshin Dinajpur, Darjeeling, Patkata, Kotwali, [email protected]
Jalpaiguri, Kalimpong, Malda Jalpaiguri-735102 (Inside the
and Uttar Dinajpur premises of Govt. Engineering
College, Jalpaiguri)
Hooghly, Howrah, Jhargram, Netaji Subhas Open University 033 4802-4277
Kolkata, Pashim Medinipur, DD-26, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, [email protected]
Purba Medinipur and Kolkata-700064
South 24 Parganas
Head Quarters
23.2 Library Support Services:
Library facility is one of important services in any higher educational institute. In addition to
the Self Learning Materials (SLMs) and other learning resources the University provides
library facility to all of its registered learners. The Library Department, Netaji Subhas Open
University is located at 2
and 3
floor of 4 storied building at Kalyani Campus, Ghoshpara
Station Road, Kalyani-741235.
Library Hours for Learners: Monday to Friday: 12.00 noon to 04.00 PM, Saturday and
Sunday (during PCPs and practical session): 12.00 noon to 04.00 PM.
Instructions to the learners for obtaining library service: Learners have to fill up a
membership registration form available at library office and have to submit that filled in
form in any working day. Thereafter, a membership card (not transferable) will be provided
to the learners. It is mandetory for learners to bring the library card and submit it to the library
personel at the time of use.
Library facilities and services for learners:
Reading and reference facilities: There is a readinghall at 3
floor of the library building at
Kalyani Regional Campus. Learners may visit there and use the service. Learners may borrow
book and reference books, printed journals, dissertations for reading. Printed resources for home
loan are not offered by the library.
Internet facility at Reading Hall: Learners may use this facility for accessing e-resources such
as e-books, e-aggregators, e-journals, online public access catalogue (OPAC) etc.
Website service: Library information and resources list and online public access catalogue are
regularly updated in the NSOU website under the heading Library Services.
Document delivery service: Learners can scan, download and save them to their own drive in
cloud. Useful links are shared for e-reference service.
Display of Publications: Library displays university publications.
Resource Sharing service: Library is having membership of DELNET and British Council Kolkata.
Online library service: Learner may make a phone call in the library for any quary related
to library and its resources. Also they may send e-mail.
Facilities for differently abled learners: A ramp is there from ground to third floor of the building,
(Non Visual Desktop Access) N.V.D.Asoftware is installed in two desktops of the reading hall for
visually impaired users.
Other facilities: Water purifier for fresh drinking water for learners.
NSOU Study Corners: To extend the library support service for distributed and distanced
learners the University has initiated the process of setting up a strategic partnership with the
existing network of Public Libraries of Govt. of West Bengal to offer library support to our
learners all over the State. This initiative taken by NSOU and the model is the first of its kind
in the country. With the active support from Department of Mass Education Extension and
Library Services, Govt. of West Bengal, the strategic partnership has been started with the
following Public Libraries at different locations.
State Central
Library, Kolkata
Kolkata Metropolitan
Library, Kolkata
Taki Govt. District
North 24 Parganas
Govt. District Library
Uttar Dinajpur Govt.
District Library
Uttarpara Jaikrishna
Public Library
North Bengal State
1/17, C.I.T. Scheme, VII M,
VIP Road, Ultadanga,
Kolkata-700 054
Kolkata Metropolitan Library,
2, Ballygunge Park Road,
Kolkata-700 019
P.O. Taki, Dist. : 24 Pga(N),
Pin: 743429
P.O. : Barasat, Dist. : 24
Pgs(N), Pin : 700 124 (Near
Kalikrishna Girls School)
P.O. : Karnojora, Dist.: Uttar
Dinajpur, Pin : 733 130
229, G.T. Road, Uttarpara,
Hooghly-712 258
M.J.N. Road, Sagardighi
Square (South-East Corner),
P.O. & Dist.: Cooch Behar,
Pin :736 101
(033) 2355-0415/
(033) 2287-2004
(03127) 234482
(033) 2584-3297
(03523) 246117
(033) 2663-8293
(03582) 223608
Mon to Sat (2nd &
4th Sat closed)
Mon to Sat (2nd and
4th Sat closed)
Mon to Sat (2nd and
4th Sat closed)
Mon to Sat (2nd and
4th Sat closed)
Mon to Sat (2nd and
4th Sat closed)
Mon to Sat (2nd and
4th Sat closed)
Mon to Sat (2nd and
4th Sat closed)
11 AM to 8 PM
11 AM to 8 PM
12 noon to 7 PM
12 noon to 7 PM
11 AM to 6 PM
12 noon to 7 PM
March to Oct :
12 noon to 7 PM;
Nov to Feb : 11
AM to 6 PM
Name of the Study
Working Day
Working Hours
E-resources and Self Learning Material (SLM) Libraries : E-resources and SLM Libraries of
the Library Department may be accessed from following locations :
Sl. No. Campus Location
1. Jalpaiguri Academic Building, 1st Floor, Room No. 201
2. Durgapur Guest House Building, Ground Floor Hall
3. Kalyani Kalyani Regional Centre Building, 1st Floor and
Library Department, Academic Building Computer
Laboratory Learner Facilitation Centre (LEC)
23.3 ICT Support Services:
Every year thousand of Learners take admission in various programmes of the University.
All the services are made available to the learners through a network of Learner Support
Centres and Regional Centres of NSOU. The University takes all possible steps to reach its
thousands of learners through Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The
University has established ICT based Student Support Cell which addresses the issues
raised by the learners either through mail or SMS. Learners are advised to follow the website
in regular interval for latest notice/ information etc. The learners may take full advantages
from the following services as provided by the University towards the completion of their
Programme successfully.
Online support services: The university has developed a mechanism for SMS alert to
communicate the registered learners with all information/ notice etc. A dedicated Student
Support Cell has been established to receive phone calls and redress the grievance of the
learners within two working days. Automatic ticket generation for each call is maintained.
Call at: 033-4058-5127; e-mail: [email protected]
Learning Management System (LMS): We have dedicated a web portal to host LMS.
Presently the PG learners of the following programme can access academic content with
their user ID and Password through this dedicated LMS. Academic content includes course
materials and audio-visual lectures to facilitate any time any where learning (http:/
School of School of School of School of Social School of
Professional Education Humanities Sciences Sciences
M.Com, MSW, Education, Bengali, English, History, Pol. Science, Mathematics,
MLIS, BLIS, B.ED.(Spl. Ed) English Language Public Admin. Zoology,
Economics, MBA Teaching, Journa- Geography,
lism & Mass Environmental
Communication Science
OER Repository: Only state aided university in West Bengal having the OER repository.
The course materials and audio-visual lectures with appropriate open license (Open
Educational Resources, OER) will be made available through this repository free of cost.
Learners of any university may access / get these academic resources online (http:/
nsouoer.krc. net. in).
A/V Lectures: To supplement face to face counselling, the university has taken initiatives to
develop audio-visual lectures delivered by eminent teachers/ experts. The A/V lectures are
made available through LMS and OER Repository. This is very helpful for the learners who
desperately need good teachers at rural areas. The learners may have a new learning
experience through
Mobile APP : The LMS is made compatible with the android application so that the learners
can get all the academic content through their mobile devices.
23.4 Other Support Services:
Pre-admission counselling at Headquarters, Regional Centres and Learner Support
Teaching support in the form of PCP (Personal Centact Programme), academic
counselling at Learner Support Centres.
Conduct of practical sessions under the supervision of experts for programmes having
practical component at selected Centres.
Conduct of workshops/excursion /extended contact programmes depending on specific
course requirements.
Continuous evaluation and feedback.
Conduct of examination at selected Learner Support Centres and Regional Centres.
24. Whom to Contact
24.1(a) School of Studies:
SI School of Queries Students of Telephone No. E-mail ID
No. Studies
1 School of Mathematics, Zoology 033 4066 3217/ director.sosc®
Sciences and Geography 033 2357 7644/
2 School of Bengali, English and 03340663214 [email protected]
Humanities English Language
3 School of History, Political 033 4066 3219/ [email protected]
Social Science, Public 033 2582 3336
Sciences Administration
4 School of Education 033 4004 7570/ schooledu@
Education 033 4004 7571
5 School of Commerce, Social 033 4066 9464/ [email protected]
Professional Work, Library and 033 2582 2529
Studies Information Science,
Economics, MBA
24.1(b) Faculty Details :
Logon to University website to view details of University faculty member:
Sl. School of Studies Site map to get faculty details
1 School of Sciences Academics School of Sciences Academic/Administrative Staff
2 School of Humanities Academics School of Humanities Academic Staff
3 School of Social Sciences Academics School of Social Sciences Academic Staff
4 School of Education Academics School of Education Academic Staff
5 School of Professional Studies Academics School of Professional Studies Academic Staff
Queries related PCP
Session, Practical
Dissertation, Field
Work and any other
queries related to
subject of studies
24.2 Administrative Sections:
Sl. Section Issues Telephone No. E-mail ID
1 Registration Issues related to Admission 033-4066 3220/ [email protected]
Issues related to Registration 033-4066 3215
Issues related to Renewal
2 Study Materials Issues related to Study Material 033-4066 3218 [email protected]
3 Examination Issues related to Admit Card 033-2463 0292 [email protected]
Issues related to Assignments 033-2463 0293
Issues related to Term-End
Issues related to Result
4 Study Centre Issues related to Study Centre 033-4066 3205 [email protected]
25. Student’s Grievance (SGRC)
Grievances related to Grivances related to other than Grivances related to other than
Examination matters Examination matters Examination matters
Shri Anjan Saha Smt. Nilanjana Chatterjee Dr. Ritu Mathur Mitra
Dy Registrar (Examination) Asstt. Director, Study Centre Associate Professor in History
Netaji Subhas Open University, Netaji Subhas Open University, Convener Students Grievance
Examination Dept., 2nd Floor, DD-26, Sector-1, Salt Lake City, Redressal Committee (SGRC)
134/1, Meghnad Saha Sarani, Kolkata - 700 064
Kolkata - 700 029 Phone : 033 4066 3205
Phone : 033 24630292 PIO-I
26. NSOU Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace
In compliance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and
Redressal) Act, 2013 and subsequent UGC directive, Netaji Subhas Open University has adopted a
policy that aims to prevent/prohibit/punish sexual harassment of women at the workplace and has
constituted Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) in order to deal with the complaints of sexual
harassment of women employees in the different campuses of the University.
Information on this policy, rules and procedures can be accessed on the UGC website (www.
[Incidents of sexual harassment at the Learner Support Centre may be reported to the Coordinator,
Learner Support Centre/ Principal of the Institute where the Learner Support Centre is located].
27. Education Loan Scheme of NBCFDC
Interested eligible and enrolled learners belonging to “Backward Classes” (as per Backward Classes
Welfare Department.Govt. of W.B.stipulation) may visit website in/
to apply for Educational Loan “at concessional rate of interest” as per vide memo no. NBCFDC/
PROJ/VC/2016-17/7398-7614, dated February 10, 2017 by National Backward Classes Finance &
Development Corporation (NBCFDC).
28. Waive of Programme Fee
This fee concession scheme is only applicable for transgender learners. Transgender applicants are
advised to submit an application after getting admission to PG programme and/or after submitting
renewal fees to the Learner Support Centres. The application should be addressed to the Registrar,
Netaji Subhas Open University and should be forwarded by the Coordinator of the respective Learner
Support Centre. Applicants must attach following documents along with written application in plain
A4 size paper.
1. Proof against payment of programme fee and/or Payment Confirmation Receipt issued by the
2. Any certificate issued by Central or State Govt. Medical Officer/any other competent authority/
Aadhaar card in support of the claim by the applicant.
The amount paid as programme fees may be refunded to concerned applicant after verification of
application along with all supporting document as forwarded by the Coordinator, Learner Support
29. Financial Support / Assistance
Enrolled and active learner(s) of Netaji Subhas Open University can avail the Student Credit Card
Scheme as outlined in gazette notification vide No.142L/OM–90L/2021 dated 30.06.2021. To get
financial support/ assistance of the Govt. ofWest Bengal, enrolled and active learner(s) of Netaji
Subhas Open University are requested to visit
30. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Answers of some anticipated question are given below in the form of Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I get an online application form? Where should I verify the filled-in admission form
or verify my eligibility criteria? Where should I submit my filled-in application form?
After publication of admission notification, you can access it online through admission website (Link
will be available in admission notification).
University will verify your online filled-in admission form or eligibility criteria with the uploaded documents
online (for Post Graduate Geography and Zoology eligibility criteria verification done during centralised
counselling process).
After paying the admission fees the filled-in admission form should be submitted online. However, for
Post Graduate Geography and Zoology admission fees are collected only after allotment of seat
during centralised counselling process.
Can I change my Learner Support Centre?
Application for change of Learner Support Centre after taking admission can be made together with
a fee of Rs. 500/- (payable through DD drawn in favour of Netaji Subhas Open University payable at
Kolkata)/ log on to and click the link ‘‘Pay Fees’’ to pay the fee online. Such
application will be considered under circumstances like change of place of service, shifting of family
and change of marital status only with documentary evidence. However, application for change of
Learner Support Centre after admission in Post Graduate Geography and Zoology will not be
entertained under any circumstances.
Lost my Enrollment-cum-ldentity Card, what should I do?
The applicant must register a General Diary (GD) with local police station at earliest. To get a duplicate
Enrollment-cum-ldentity Card you should write an application addressed to Registrar of this University
along with a DD of Rs. 500/- (drawn in favour of Netaji Subhas Open University payable at Kolkata) /
log on to and click the link ‘‘Pay Fees’’ to pay the fee online and the GD. The
application must be forwarded by Coordinator of the Learner Support Center with official seal.
Lost my Marksheet and or Certificate, what should I do ?
To obtain duplicate copy of Progress Report/Marksheet/Certificate or any other documents issued
by the Controller of Examinations, Netaji Subhas Open University, learners need to submit application
along with a GD and a Demand Draft of Rs.200/- (Two Hundred only) for each document. Demand
Draft should be drawn in favour of “Netaji Subhas Open University” payable at Kolkata (vide
Order No.COE/237/2022 dated 26.05.2022).
Can I choose my Learner Support Centre, or shall the University allot me the Learner Support
For all the Post Graduate (except Post Graduate Geography and Zoology) programmes where seat
capacity is not limited one can choose his/her Learner Support Centre as per their convenience.
However, since all programmes are not available at all the Learner Support Centres, applicants
should ensure that the programme they are applying for is available at the Learner Support Centre
opted by them. Normally the Centre opted by them shall be allotted to them. However, in exceptional/
unavoidable cases the University may allot a different Centre to him/her and in such cases the decision
of the University is final.
For Post Graduate Geography and Zoology selection of Learner Support Centre made strictly on the
basis of merit and subject to availability of seats in the respective Category, Programme and Learner
Support Centre.
How should I pay the programme fee?
The fee can be paid through online (via payment gateway), offline (through bank challan) and through
Bank Demand Draft (only for Post Graduate Geography and Zoology). For more details regarding
payment method, please see the detail admission notification or guideline for online admission process
in the University website.
What I am required to do after submission of my application form?
After submission of application form online and subsequently verified by the University authority if
you are found eligible for admission, you will receive an Enrollment- cum-ldentity Card from your
Learner Support Centre along with detailed information about your Enrollment Number, Learner Support
Centre, etc.
Can I change my programme/ course/ subject after admission?
Application for change of subject after admission in PG programme will not be entertained under any
circumstances. The candidates should, therefore, be very careful as regards to the choice of
programme/course/ subject of study before taking admission.
Can I join two programme of NSOU at a time?
A learner is permitted to take admission for only one Post Graduate (PG) Degree Programme of
NSOU during his/her tenure of enrollment in the University. Any violation of this rule will lead to
cancellation of the candidature of the learners concerned and in such cases no fees will be refunded.
However, a learner of the PG programme can take simultaneous admission in any one Diploma/
Certificate/ Training Programme of the University. But, in the event of any clash of dates arises in
counselling and/or examinations schedule between the two programmes taken, the University will
not be in a position to take any adjustments for its mitigation.
How can I receive support if I have doubts while studying the materials?
We provide face-to-face contact between learners and tutors/counsellors at Learner Support Centres
to clarify your doubts and answer your academic queries. This is called “Counselling” which is normally
held on weekends at designated Learner Support Centres of the University.
Is it compulsory for me to attend Personal Contact Programme (PCP)?
The PCP session are not compulsory for theory papers. However, it is advised to attend the session
as far as possible, in future which will be immensely useful in certain respects to share your views on
the subject with your counsellors and fellow learners; comprehend some of the complex ideas/concepts
or difficult issue discussed in your materials, and get clarifications for many of your doubts which you
would not have solved yourself.
How do I know about Personal Contact Programme (PCP) schedule?
Your Learner Support Centre will inform you about the PCP schedule. Normally PCPs are held on
Saturdays and Sundays. You should contact your Learner Support Centre Coordinator for the
counselling schedule which is also available in the website.
Why should I do assignments, are the assignments compulsory?
The purpose of assignment is to help you get through the programme. Your counsellor or evaluator
will write teaching type comments on your assignment responses to facilitate your learning. Assignment
is a process of formative evaluation. It will help you understand how you are progressing in your
Yes, the assignments for all theory paper are compulsory. It means you need to submit the assignments
per paper within the stipulated time for being eligible to appear in the Term End Examination. The
assignments carry 20% weightage in the final result.
When and where should I submit the assignments?
You should submit the assignment response at your Learner Support Centre/ Online as per the date
mentioned in the assignment and or as and when notified by the Examination Department.
If I cannot complete my programme in two years what will be the fate of submitted assignments?
All the assignments submitted earlier will be carried forward till your registration remains valid.
Can I improve my assignment grade by re-doing them?
No, you cannot improve an assignment grade in any circumstances.
31. Definition-In this Prospectus, unless the context otherwise requires
Academic Session: “Academic session” means duration of twelve months beginning either in January
to February or in the month of July to August, as the case may be, of every calendar year;
Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA): “Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA)” means
a Centre established by a Higher Educational Institution for ensuring the quality of programmes being
offered in Open and Distance Learning mode and Online mode.
Credit: “Credit” means the Unit award gained by a learner with study efforts of minimum number of
hours required to acquire the prescribed level of learning in respect of that Unit; Explanation: For the
purpose of this clause, a study effort for one credit shall mean time required by a learner to understand
the contents equivalent to 15 hours of classroom teaching or 30 hours including self-learning time
required to acquire the prescribed level of learning in respect of that Unit;
Degree: “Degree” means a degree specified under sub-section (3) of section 22 of the University
Grants Commission (Open and Distance Learning Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations,
Programme: “Programme”/ “Programme of study” means a higher education programme pursued
for a degree specified by the Commission under Section 22 (3) of the UGC Act;
Course: “Course” means combination of the specified units which comprises a programme of study;
e-Learning Material: “e-Learning Material” means and includes contents in the form of structured
course material, as a part of one or more courses in the Online Programme, in digital format delivered
through Learning Management System, which is inter alia self-explanatory, self-contained, self-directed
at the learner, and amenable to self-evaluation, and enables the learner to acquire the prescribed
level of learning in a course of study, but does not include text-books or guide-books; as defined in
these regulations;
Examination Centre: “Examination Centre” means a place where examinations are conducted, inter
alia, for assessment of the learners pursuing programmes under Open and Distance Learning mode
and Online mode and is having the requisite infrastructure relevant to respective mode of education
including adequate manpower for smooth conduct of examinations and adhering to such minimum
standards as specified in these regulations;
Learning Management System (LMS): “Learning Management System (LMS)” means a system to
keep track of delivery of e-Learning Programmes, learner ‘s engagement, assessment, results, reporting
and other related details in one centralised location;
Learner Support Centre (LSC): “Learner Support Centre (LSC)” means a centre established or
recognised by the Higher Educational Institution for advising, counselling, providing interface between
the teachers and the learners, rendering any academic and any other related service and assistance
required, inter alia, by the learners of Open and Distance Learning mode;
Learner Support Services: “Learner Support Services” means and includes such services as are
provided by a Higher Educational Institution in order to facilitate the acquisition of teaching learning
experiences by the learner to the level prescribed by or on behalf of the Commission in respect of a
programme of study under Open and Distance Learning mode and/or Online mode;
MOOCs: MOOCs shall have the same meaning as assigned to it under sub-regulation 3.6 of regulation
3 of UGC (Credit Framework for Online learning courses through SWAYAM) Regulations, 2016;
Online Mode: “Online Mode” means a mode of providing flexible learning opportunities by overcoming
separation of teacher and learner using internet, e-Learning Materials and full-fledged programme
delivery through the internet using technology assisted mechanism and resources;
Open and Distance Learning Mode: “Open and Distance Learning Mode” means a mode of providing
flexible learning opportunities by overcoming separation of teacher and learner using a variety of
media, including print, electronic, online and occasional interactive face-to-face meetings with the
learners or Learner Support Services to deliver teaching-learning experiences, including practical or
work experiences;
Open University: “Open University” means a Higher Educational Institution which imparts education
only through Open and Distance learning mode and/or Online mode using variety of media including
print, electronic, online, information and communication technology educational aids including Open
Educational Resources (OERs) or Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) etc. and is not having
any provision for offering higher education in conventional mode in its Act or Memorandum of
Association or other statutory documents governing the Higher Educational Institution;
Prospectus: Prospectus includes any publication, whether in print or e-form, issued for providing fair
and transparent information, relating to University and its programmes, to the general public (including
to those seeking admission in such Higher Educational Institution) by the management of the University
or any authority or person authorised by the University to do so;
Regional Centre: “Regional Centre” means a Centre established or maintained by the Netaji Subhas
Open University for the purpose of coordinating and supervising the work of the Learner Support
Centres in the region as per its territorial jurisdiction and for performing such other functions as may
be conferred on such Centre by the statutory authorities of this University;
Self-Learning Material (SLM): “Self-Learning Material (SLM)” for Open and Distance Learning mode
means and includes contents in the form of course material, whether print or in e- form, which is
interalia self-explanatory, self-contained, self-directed at the learner, and amenable to self-evaluation,
and enables the learner to acquire the prescribed level of learning in a course of study, but does not
include text-books or guide-books;
SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds): “SWAYAM” means the
learning management system as specified in the UGC (Credit Framework for online learning courses
through SWAYAM) Regulations, 2016. “SWAYAM” is a portal devised and managed by the Ministry
of Education, Govt. of India.
Academic Counsellor: “Academic Counsellor” is academic staff in the Study Centre or Learner
Support Centre who fulfils the minimum qualifications as laid down in the University Grants Commission
(Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in the Universities
and Colleges and other Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education) Regulations,
2018 and provide academic support services as per rules/ regulation laid down by the University.
Co-ordinator, Learner Support Centre: The Learner Support Centre is headed by a Coordinator
who is a regular teacher not below the rank of a qualified Assistant Professor of the concerned
College or Higher Educational Institution and assisted by the counsellors as decided by the University.
Learner: “Learner” means a person admitted to and pursuing a specified credit-based course/
programme of study in Netaji Subhas Open University.
32. Different Administrative and Academic Wings of NSOU
Vice-Chancellor’s Secretariat
DD-26, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 064
Registrar’s Office
DD-26, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 064, Phone: 033 4066 3211, Fax : 033 4062 3171
Study Centres Department
DD-26, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 064, Phone: 033 4066 3205
Office of the Controller of Examinations
2nd Floor, 134/1, Meghnad Saha Sarani, Kolkata-700 029, Phone: 033 2463 0292, Fax: 033 2465 6936
School of Sciences
City Campus: 1) DD-26, Sector-I, Salt Lake City Kolkata-700 064, Phone: 033 4066 3217,
2) 1st Floor, K-2, Bidhannagar Fire Station, Sector-V, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata-700 091, Phone: 033 2357 2947, 033 2357 7644
Academic Campus : 1) Kalyani Regional Centre, Academic Building, Ghoshpara Station Road,
Kalyani, Nadia, PIN-741 235, Phone: 033 2582 6611,
2) Durgapur Regional Centre (Adjacent to Durgapur Govt. College Campus), Jawahar Lal Nehru Road,
Durgapur, Dist. : Paschim Burdwan, PIN-713 214,
3) Jalpaiguri Regional Centre (Adjacent to Jalpaiguri Engineering College Campus), Pat Kata,
Dist-Jalpaiguri, PIN-735 101
School of Humanities
City Campus : DD-26, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 064, Phone: 033 4066 3214
Academic Campus: 1) Kalyani Regional Centre, Academic Building, Ghosphpara Station Road,
Nadia, PIN-741 235, Phone: 033 2582 0103,
2) Durgapur Regional Centre (Adjacent to Durgapur Govt. College Campus), Jawahar Lal Nehru Road,
Durgapur, Dist. : Paschim Burdwan, PIN-713 214,
3) Jalpaiguri Regional Centre (Adjacent to Jalpaiguri Engineering College Campus), Pat Kata,
Dist-Jalpaiguri, PIN-735 101
School of Social Sciences
City Campus: DD-26, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 064, Phone: 033 4066 3219
Academic Campus: 1) Kalyani Regional Centre, Academic Building,
Ghoshpara Station Road, Kalyani, Nadia, PIN-741 235, Phone: 033 2582 3336,
2) Durgapur Regional Centre (Adjacent to Durgapur Govt. College Campus), Jawahar Lal Nehru Road,
Durgapur, Dist. : Paschim Burdwan, PIN-713 214,
3) Jalpaiguri Regional Centre (Adjacent to Jalpaiguri Engineering College Campus), Pat Kata,
Dist-Jalpaiguri, PIN-735 101
School of Education
City Campus: CF-162, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 064, Phone: 033 4004-7569 / 70 / 71
Academic Campus: 1) Kalyani Regional Centre, Academic Building,
Ghoshpara Station Road, Kalyani, Nadia, PIN-741 235, Phone: 033 2582 3332
School of Professional Studies
City Campus: DD-26, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 064, Phone: 033 4066 9464
Academic Campus: 1) Kalyani Regional Centre,School of Professional Studies,
Ghoshpara Station Road, Kalyani, Nadia, PIN-741 235, Phone: 033 2582 2529,
2) Durgapur Regional Centre (Adjacent to Durgapur Govt. College Campus),
Jawahar Lal Nehru Road, Durgapur, Dist. : Paschim Burdwan, PIN-713 214,
3) Jalpaiguri Regional Centre (Adjacent to Jalpaiguri Engineering College Campus), Pat Kata,
Dist-Jalpaiguri, PIN-735 101
Regional Campus, Kalyani : Ghoshpara Station Road, Kalyani, Nadia,
PIN-741 235, Phone: 033 2582 2248
The Registrar
Netaji Subhas Open University
DD-26, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 064
Through :
The Co-ordinator
Sub. :- Application for Correction of ......................................................................
I, Shri / Smt. ..................................................................................................... have been admitted at
NSOU ............................................................................................................. Study Centre ( ).
I am submitting the form for correction of my Enrollment Certificate-cum-Identity Card as per details
given below :
Sl. No. Enrollment No. Correction For Existing Corrected Subject Code
Enclosed :
1) Original Enrollment Certificate-cum-Identity Card.
2) Photocopy of Marksheet of Class 10 & (10+2) Examinations (one copy each).
3) Photocopy of Admit Card of Class 10 Examination (one copy).
4) A DD of Rs. 200/- (two hundred only) bearing No. ............................... dated .........................
Co-ordinator (With Seal)
N.B. : A fee of Rs. 200/- should be remitted by way of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of Netaji
Subhas Open University and payable at Kolkata (one photocopy of Demand Draft should
be attached herewith) / log on to and click the link ‘‘Pay Fees’’ to pay the
fee online.
Yours faithfully,
Signature of the Student
The Registrar
Netaji Subhas Open University
DD-26, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 064
Through :
The Co-ordinator
Sub. :- Application for Change of Learner Support Centre
I, Shri / Smt. ....................................................................................... have been admitted at
NSOU .......................................................................................... Learner Support Centre
( ) in the following course & subject etc. My particulars are given below :
Sl. No. Name of the Learner Enrollment No. Subject
At present I want to change my Learner Support Centre from ...................................................
to ................................................................. because of Change of place of Service / Shifting
of Family / Marriage (please tick) in case of other reason please specify ...................................
Yours faithfully,
Signature of the Learner
Enclosed :
1) A DD of Rs. 500/- (five hundred only) bearing no............................ dated ..............................
2) Original Enrollment Certificate-cum-Identity Card.
3) Copy of documents in support of the reason stated for change of centre.
Co-ordinator (With Seal)
N.B. : A fee of Rs. 500/- should be remitted by way of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of Netaji
Subhas Open University and payable at Kolkata (one photocopy of Demand Draft should
be attached herewith).
Application will be considered under circumstances like change of place of service, shifting
of family and change of marital status only after admission with documentary evidence.
1. To be carried by the candidate
whenever he/she visits any
Centre/H.Q. of the University.
2. In case of loss of the card a
General Diary (GD) is to be
lodged immediately and the
respective Study Centre be
informed accordingly with a
copy of the GD.
3. If this card is found by anybody
it should be sent to the address
on the right.
DD-26, Sector-I, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata-700 064
Identity Card
1. To be carried by the candidate
whenever he/she visits any
Centre/H.Q. of the University.
2. In case of loss of the card a
General Diary (GD) is to be
lodged immediately and the
respective Study Centre be
informed accordingly with a
copy of the GD.
3. If this card is found by anybody
it should be sent to the address
on the right.
DD-26, Sector-I, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata-700 064
Identity Card
Enrollment No.
Name : ......................................................
Address : ..................................................
Telephone No. (If any) : .........................
Study Centre : ..........................................
Course : ....................................................
Signature of the Candidate : ...................
Identity Card
(To be filled in by the candidate)
Name of the Study Centre with Code :
(To be filled up by Centre)
(To be affixed by
Signature of the Coordinator
with seal
Enrollment No.
Name : ......................................................
Address : ..................................................
Telephone No. (If any) : .........................
Study Centre : ..........................................
Course : ....................................................
Signature of the Candidate : ...................
Identity Card
(To be filled in by the candidate)
Name of the Study Centre with Code :
(To be filled up by Centre)
(To be affixed by
Signature of the Coordinator
with seal
Printed at East India Photo Composing Centre, 209A, Bidhan Sarani (3rd Floor), Kolkata-700006
Sl. No. : 2023-24/
Established by W.B. Act (XIX) of 1997, Recognized by Distance
Education Bureau (DEB) of University Grants Commission (UGC)
Accredited by NAAC with Grade ‘A’
H.Q. : DD-26, Sector - 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700 064
Website :, Phone No. : 033-4066-3220