Lotteries Regulation 2007
Current as at 19 April 2024
Lotteries Act 1997
© State of Queensland 2024
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Lotteries Regulation 2007
1 Short title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Commencement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Meaning of lottery random number generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4A Meaning of syndicate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4B Meaning of multi-week sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5 Prohibited words—Act, s 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6 Persons with whom lottery operator may enter into agency
agreements—Act, s 79 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7 Lottery tax—Act, s 94 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
8 Returns for calculation of lottery tax—Act, s 96 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
9 Calculation of monthly gross revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
10 Percentages for penalties for late payment—Act, s 97 . . . . . . . . 9
12 Places of operation for lottery agents—Act, s 125 . . . . . . . . . . . 9
13 Unclaimed major prizes—relevant amount—Act, s 131A . . . . . . 9
14 Evaluation of regulated lottery equipment—Act, s 133 . . . . . . . . 9
14A Declaration of approved entities—Act, s 134A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
15 Requests to review decisions on claims for payment—Act, s 138 10
16 Requests to resolve claims for payment—Act, s 138 . . . . . . . . . 11
17 Entities to whom information may be disclosed—Act, s 225 . . . . 12
17AA Opening a player account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
17AB Registration as a restricted player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
17AC Registration as an unrestricted player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
17AD End of registration as a restricted player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
17ADA Authentication of identity after 90 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
17AE Player account transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
17AF Access to player account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
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17AG Minimum deposit for player account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
17AH Limits on deposits to player accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
17AI Only cleared funds to be used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
17AJ Refusal to accept a deposit or purchase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
17AK Restricted players not to make withdrawals or close accounts . . 16
17AL Withdrawals by unrestricted players . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
17AM Closing an unrestricted player’s player account . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
17AN Accounting for account balances for restricted players . . . . . . . . 17
17AO Cancellation of a syndicate or syndicate shares . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
17AP No requirement to check ticket corresponds with entry . . . . . . . . 18
17AQ Cancellation of a lottery ticket by a lottery agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
17AR Cancellation of a lottery ticket by a lottery operator . . . . . . . . . . 19
17AS Void lottery tickets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
17AT Each drawing to be numbered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
17AU Announcement of provisional prize pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
17AV Publication of results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
17AW Registered player as prize winner in division 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
17AX Winning multi-week or twinpick lottery tickets and exchange receipts 21
17AY Paper ticket to be returned if not a winning ticket . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
17AZ Lottery operator not bound by agreement between members of group
17BA Bonus prize reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
17BB Payment of bonus prize reserve into the consolidated fund . . . . 24
17BC Pooling arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
17BD Jackpot and bonus prize reserve funds to be division 1 prize . . . 25
17BE Payment of jackpot prize pool into the consolidated fund . . . . . . 26
17BF Withdrawal of unsold lottery tickets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
17BG Guaranteed minimum prize payout for division 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
18 Regulated lottery equipment—Act, sch 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
19 Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
19AA Rounding of amounts expressed as numbers of fee units . . . . . 29
19A Fee for particular investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
19B How fee for investigation must be paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
20 Repeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Schedule 1A Approved entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Schedule 1 Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
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Schedule 2 Regulated lottery equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Schedule 3 Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Schedule 4 Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
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Lotteries Regulation 2007
1 Short title
This regulation may be cited as the Lotteries Regulation 2007.
2 Commencement
This regulation commences on the day the Lotteries
Amendment Act 2007 commences.
3 Definitions
The dictionary in schedule 4 defines particular words used in
this regulation.
4 Meaning of lottery random number generator
A lottery random number generator is a device designed and
used to select at random the numbers for—
(a) an entry to an approved lottery; or
(b) the drawing of an approved lottery.
4A Meaning of syndicate
A syndicate is an arrangement under which a type of entry, or
combination of types of entries, in a drawing of an approved
lottery is divided into a number of equal shares (each a
syndicate share).
4B Meaning of multi-week sale
(1) This section applies in relation to the sale of a lottery ticket for
drawings in a lottery.
(2) The sale of the ticket is a multi-week sale for the lottery if it is
for the following drawings of the lottery—
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(a) if the sale is recorded on a lotteries computer system as
a sale to a registered player—the next 2 to 52 drawings
of the lottery after the ticket is sold;
(b) otherwise—the next 2 to 10 drawings of the lottery after
the ticket is sold.
(3) However, if the ticket is a set for life lottery ticket, the sale of
the ticket is a multi-week sale for the lottery if it is for
drawings of the lottery that occur within the period starting on
the day the 8th next drawing of the lottery happens and
(a) if the sale is recorded on a lotteries computer system as
a sale to a registered player—52 weeks after the ticket is
sold; or
(b) otherwise—10 weeks after the ticket is sold.
(4) In this section—
set for life lottery ticket means a ticket for 7 drawings over 7
consecutive days in the approved lottery known as set for life.
5 Prohibited words—Act, s 6
The following words are prescribed for section 6(5)(c)(ii) of
the Act—
6 Persons with whom lottery operator may enter into
agency agreements—Act, s 79
(1) This section prescribes, for section 79(1)(b) of the Act, the
persons eligible to be lottery agents.
(2) If section 79(1)(a) of the Act applies, the person prescribed is
a person who is the owner and controller of a small business
(a) is a retail business; or
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(b) is operated or intended to be operated from retail
shopping premises.
(3) If section 79(1)(a) of the Act does not apply because of
section 79(2)(a), the person prescribed is the owner and
controller of a business to which a previous agency agreement
(4) If section 79(1)(a) of the Act does not apply because of
section 79(2)(b), the person prescribed is the owner and
controller of a mail order business.
7 Lottery tax—Act, s 94
(1) This section prescribes, for section 94(2) of the Act, the
calculation and payment of the lottery tax.
(2) The lottery tax is payable for each month.
(3) The lottery tax must be paid on or before the seventh day of
the month immediately following the month for which the tax
is payable.
(4) The gross tax amount for a month is the total of the following
(a) 73.48% of the lottery operator’s monthly gross revenue
for the month from declared lotteries;
(b) 55% of the lottery operator’s monthly gross revenue for
the month from the approved lottery known as instant
(5) The lottery tax payable for a month is the gross tax amount for
the month minus the smaller of the following amounts—
(a) the global GST amount for the month;
(b) the gross tax amount for the month.
8 Returns for calculation of lottery tax—Act, s 96
(1) This section prescribes, for section 96(1) of the Act, the
requirements for returns.
(2) A return must be given for each month.
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(3) A return must be given on or before the seventh day of the
month immediately following the month to which the return
(4) A return must state the following details for each classified
lottery for the month to which the return relates—
(a) the total amount paid for tickets for all drawings of the
(b) the total amount set aside from the amount mentioned in
paragraph (a) for payment of prizes;
(c) the lottery operator’s monthly gross revenue.
(5) Also, for a classified lottery that is a declared lottery, a return
must state the total amount of selling fees for tickets in the
lottery for the month to which the return relates.
(6) In addition, a return must state the lottery operator’s global
GST amount for the month to which the return relates.
9 Calculation of monthly gross revenue
(1) Monthly gross revenue, for a lottery operator, for a classified
lottery, for a month, is the amount calculated using the
following formula—
A means the total amount (the total receipts) paid for tickets
(excluding mail order fees and, for a relevant lottery, the
selling fees for tickets in the lottery) sold by the lottery
operator, and the lottery agents for the lottery operator, for all
drawings of the classified lottery that take place in the month.
MGR means the monthly gross revenue.
P means the amount, set aside from the total receipts, for
payment of prizes in the classified lottery.
(2) In this section—
mail order fee, for a ticket in a classified lottery, means any
amount, additional to the price of the ticket, charged by a
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lottery agent for selling the ticket (whether by mail or
otherwise) to a person outside Queensland.
relevant lottery means a classified lottery that is a declared
10 Percentages for penalties for late payment—Act, s 97
(1) For section 97(2) of the Act, the percentage prescribed is 5%.
(2) For section 97(4) of the Act, the percentage prescribed is 5%.
12 Places of operation for lottery agents—Act, s 125
For section 125(2)(a) of the Act, the following kinds of places
are prescribed as appropriate for a lottery agent—
(a) retail business premises;
(b) retail shopping premises;
(c) other commercial premises or offices.
13 Unclaimed major prizes—relevant amount—Act, s 131A
For section 131A(8), definition relevant amount, of the Act,
the prescribed amount is $500,000.
14 Evaluation of regulated lottery equipment—Act, s 133
For section 133 of the Act, an evaluation carried out by the
chief executive may include 1 or more of the following types
of evaluation—
(a) basic evaluation;
(b) intermediate evaluation;
(c) advanced evaluation.
14A Declaration of approved entities—Act, s 134A
Each entity mentioned in schedule 1A is declared to be an
approved entity for section 134A of the Act.
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15 Requests to review decisions on claims for
payment—Act, s 138
(1) This section prescribes, for section 138(4) of the Act, how the
chief executive must deal with a request, made by a claimant
under section 138(2) of the Act, to review a decision of a
lottery operator (the operator’s decision).
(2) The chief executive must either review, or refuse to review, the
operator’s decision.
(3) The chief executive may refuse to review the operator’s
decision only if—
(a) the request was not made within 10 days after the
claimant received the claim result notice for the
decision; or
(b) the chief executive considers the request was not made
in good faith or is frivolous.
(4) If the chief executive decides to refuse to review the operator’s
decision, the chief executive must give—
(a) the lottery operator written notice of the chief
executive’s decision; and
(b) the claimant written notice—
(i) of the chief executive’s decision; and
(ii) stating the reasons for the chief executive’s
(5) If the chief executive decides to review the operator’s
decision, the chief executive must give—
(a) the lottery operator—
(i) a copy of the claimant’s request; and
(ii) written notice inviting the lottery operator to make
a written submission to the chief executive about
the operator’s decision within 1 month after
receiving the notice (the submission period); and
(b) the claimant written notice inviting the claimant to make
a written submission to the chief executive about the
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operator’s decision within 1 month after receiving the
notice (also the submission period).
(6) The chief executive may investigate a matter the chief
executive considers is relevant to the review.
(7) As soon as practicable after the end of the submission period
for both the lottery operator and the claimant, the chief
executive must—
(a) consider all written submissions made in the submission
period by the lottery operator or claimant; and
(b) consider the outcome of any investigation under
subsection (6); and
(c) make a decision about the review; and
(d) give the lottery operator and claimant a written notice
stating the decision and the reasons for the decision.
16 Requests to resolve claims for payment—Act, s 138
(1) This section prescribes, for section 138(4) of the Act, how the
chief executive must deal with a request, made by a claimant
under section 138(2) of the Act, to resolve a claim for
payment of a prize in an approved lottery.
(2) The chief executive must ask the lottery operator to
immediately try to resolve the claim.
(3) Subsection (4) applies if, within 14 days of making the
request under subsection (2), the chief executive is not
advised by the lottery operator or the claimant that the claim
has been resolved.
(4) The chief executive must give written notice to the lottery
operator and the claimant inviting the operator and claimant to
make a written submission to the chief executive about the
claim within 1 month after receiving the notice (the
submission period).
(5) The chief executive may investigate a matter the chief
executive considers is relevant to the claim.
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(6) As soon as practicable after the end of the submission period,
the chief executive must—
(a) consider all written submissions made in the submission
period by the lottery operator or the claimant; and
(b) consider the outcome of any investigation under
subsection (5); and
(c) make a decision about the claim; and
(d) give the lottery operator and the claimant a written
notice stating the decision and the reasons for the
(7) However, the chief executive is not required to take, or
complete, action under subsection (6) if the chief executive is
satisfied, whether before or after the end of the submission
period, that the claim has been resolved.
17 Entities to whom information may be disclosed—Act,
s 225
The entities prescribed for section 225(3)(a) of the Act are
stated in schedule 1.
17AA Opening a player account
(1) A registered player may apply to a lottery operator to open a
player account with the lottery operator by giving the lottery
operator the information for a player account as required by
the lottery operator’s control system.
(2) A player account may be held in the name of only 1 registered
(3) Subject to sections 17AB and 17AC, the lottery operator may
register the person as a restricted player or an unrestricted
17AB Registration as a restricted player
(1) A lottery operator must not register a person as a restricted
player unless the lottery operator—
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(a) carries out the registration under the lottery operator’s
control system; and
(b) informs the person of the effect of sections 17AC,
17AD, 17AH, 17AJ(2), 17AK and 17AN(1) and (2).
(2) If the lottery operator registers a person as a restricted player,
the lottery operator must, as soon as practicable after
registering the person, give the person a notice stating the
effect of sections 17AC, 17AD, 17AH, 17AJ(2), 17AK and
17AN(1) and (2).
(3) A notice under subsection (2) may be given in electronic
17AC Registration as an unrestricted player
A lottery operator must not register a person as an unrestricted
player, unless—
(a) the person’s identity has been authenticated under the
lottery operator’s control system; and
(b) the person’s age has been verified under the lottery
operator’s control system to be at least 18.
17AD End of registration as a restricted player
(1) A person who is registered as a restricted player may be
registered as an unrestricted player.
(2) If a restricted player is registered as an unrestricted player, the
person’s registration as a restricted player is cancelled.
(3) If a person’s registration as a restricted player is not sooner
cancelled under subsection (2), the registration as a restricted
player ends 90 days after the day the person was registered as
a restricted player.
17ADA Authentication of identity after 90 days
(1) This section applies if—
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(a) a person’s registration as a restricted player ends under
section 17AD(3); and
(b) the person’s identity is authenticated and age verified
under section 17AC more than 90 days but less than 1
year after the day the person was registered as a
restricted player.
(2) The lottery operator must reinstate the person’s registration as
a restricted player.
(3) After acting under subsection (2), the lottery operator may
register the person as an unrestricted player under
section 17AD(1).
17AE Player account transactions
(1) A lottery operator may credit the following funds to a person’s
player account—
(a) an amount deposited by the person;
(b) a prize or refund;
(c) an amount debited against the account in error.
(2) A lottery operator may debit the following funds against a
person’s player account—
(a) an amount payable by the person for buying a lottery
(b) if the person is registered as an unrestricted player—a
withdrawal under section 17AL;
(c) if the balance of the account is more than the authorised
limit—an amount for payment to the person to reduce
the balance of the account, calculated under the lottery
operator’s control system;
(d) an amount credited to the account in error;
(e) another amount approved by the chief executive;
Example for paragraph (e)—
a fee payable by the lottery operator to a financial institution for
processing an electronic transfer of funds from the account
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(f) another amount allowed under this regulation.
17AF Access to player account
(1) This section applies if a person—
(a) wishes to use the person’s player account with a lottery
operator to authorise a transaction on the account; or
(b) seeks information about the account from the lottery
(2) The person must give the lottery operator the information
required by the lottery operator to authenticate the person’s
17AG Minimum deposit for player account
For depositing funds in a person’s player account, the person
must give the lottery operator at least the minimum deposit
amount decided by the lottery operator.
17AH Limits on deposits to player accounts
(1) A lottery operator must not allow the total amount of funds
deposited by a restricted player to the player’s player account
to be more than—
(a) $1000; or
(b) if an amount less than $1000 (an approved amount) is
stated in the lottery operator’s control system as the
maximum amount of funds that may be deposited to a
restricted player’s player account—the approved
(2) A lottery operator must not allow a person to deposit funds (a
deposit amount) to the person’s player account if the balance
of the account, including the deposit amount, would be more
than the authorised limit for the account.
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17AI Only cleared funds to be used
(1) A person may use the person’s player account to buy a lottery
ticket only if the price of the ticket is not more than the
cleared funds in the player account.
(2) If a person attempts to buy a lottery ticket for more than the
cleared funds in the person’s player account, the lottery
operator must not allow the account to be used to buy the
17AJ Refusal to accept a deposit or purchase
(1) A lottery operator may refuse to accept a deposit of funds to,
or the purchase of a lottery ticket with funds from, a player
account, if the lottery operator reasonably believes the
account is being, has been, or is about to be used in
contravention of a law of a State or the Commonwealth.
(2) A lottery operator must refuse to accept a deposit of funds to,
or the purchase of a lottery ticket with funds from, a restricted
player’s player account, if the lottery operator reasonably
believes it will not be able to authenticate the player’s identity
or verify the player’s age under section 17AC.
17AK Restricted players not to make withdrawals or close
A restricted player may not make a withdrawal from or close
the player’s player account.
17AL Withdrawals by unrestricted players
An unrestricted player may only make the following
withdrawals of funds from the player’s player account with a
lottery operator—
(a) a withdrawal of the whole or part of an amount credited
by the lottery operator to the account as payment of a
prize or refund;
(b) a withdrawal of another amount, if the withdrawal is
authorised under the lottery operator’s control system;
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(c) a withdrawal of the balance of funds in the account to
close the account.
17AM Closing an unrestricted player’s player account
(1) A lottery operator may close an unrestricted player’s player
(2) Subject to subsection (3), if a lottery operator closes an
unrestricted player’s player account, the lottery operator must
send the balance of funds in the account to the player.
(3) The lottery operator may deduct an account closing fee, in an
amount stated in the lottery operator’s control system, from
the balance of funds sent to the player.
(4) This section does not apply to the extent the Financial
Transaction Reports Act 1988 (Cwlth) applies.
17AN Accounting for account balances for restricted players
(1) This section applies if—
(a) a person’s registration as a restricted player ends under
section 17AD(3); and
(b) when the registration ends, an amount of funds (the
account balance) is standing to the credit of a player
account established by a lottery operator in the name of
the person.
(2) If, 1 year after the day the person was registered as a restricted
player, the person has not been registered as an unrestricted
player under section 17AD(1), the lottery operator must close
the account and pay the account balance to the chief
(3) If an amount of the account balance is not paid under
subsection (2) by the lottery operator, the State may recover
the amount from the lottery operator as a debt.
(4) This section does not apply to the extent the Anti-Money
Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006
(Cwlth) applies.
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17AO Cancellation of a syndicate or syndicate shares
(1) A syndicate may only be cancelled if all syndicate shares are
available for sale.
(2) A syndicate share may only be cancelled at the place where
the share was sold.
(3) To remove any doubt, it is declared that a syndicate share that
is sold but later cancelled, is a share that is for sale.
17AP No requirement to check ticket corresponds with entry
A lottery agent or a lottery operator is not required to check
that the information contained in a lottery ticket corresponds
with the information requested by a person for entering a
drawing of a lottery.
17AQ Cancellation of a lottery ticket by a lottery agent
(1) This section applies if a lottery agent gives a person a lottery
ticket and the person asks the agent to cancel the ticket.
(2) The lottery agent must cancel the lottery ticket only if—
(a) 1 of the following applies—
(i) for a ticket for a syndicate share—the cancellation
can be made at least 10 minutes before entries
close for the drawing of the lottery to which the
ticket relates;
(ii) for a ticket sold by a multi-week sale—entries have
not closed for the first drawing to which the ticket
(iii) for a ticket sold in a lucky lotteries game or set for
life—the request for cancellation is made on the
day the ticket was purchased;
(iv) otherwise—entries have not closed for the drawing
to which the ticket relates; and
(b) the agent, using a gaming terminal, is able to identify
and cancel the entry for the ticket on the lotteries
computer system.
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(3) If the lottery agent is not able to identify or cancel the entry
for the lottery ticket under subsection (2)(b), the agent must
ask the lottery operator to cancel the ticket.
(4) If the lottery ticket is cancelled under subsection (2) or
section 17AR(2), the lottery agent must—
(a) endorse the ticket as cancelled; and
(b) refund to the person who bought the ticket an amount
equal to the price of the ticket.
(5) Subsection (3) does not apply to a ticket for a syndicate share
that can not be cancelled at least 10 minutes before entries
close for the drawing of the lottery to which the ticket relates.
17AR Cancellation of a lottery ticket by a lottery operator
(1) This section applies if—
(a) a lottery agent asks a lottery operator to cancel a lottery
ticket under section 17AQ(3); or
(b) a lottery operator gives a person a lottery ticket and the
person asks the lottery operator to cancel the ticket.
(2) The lottery operator may cancel the lottery ticket only if—
(a) 1 of the following applies—
(i) for a ticket for a syndicate share—the cancellation
can be made at least 10 minutes before entries
close for the drawing of the lottery to which the
ticket relates;
(ii) for a ticket sold by a multi-week sale—entries have
not closed for the first drawing to which the ticket
(iii) otherwise—entries have not closed for the drawing
to which the ticket relates; and
(b) the lottery operator is able to identify and cancel the
entry for the ticket on the lotteries computer system; and
[s 17AS]
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(c) the lottery operator considers it is practicable to cancel
the ticket having regard to the procedures for cancelling
tickets stated in the lottery operator’s control system.
(3) If a lottery operator cancels a lottery ticket issued by the
lottery operator, the lottery operator must refund to the person
who bought the ticket an amount equal to the price of the
17AS Void lottery tickets
(1) A lottery ticket is void if—
(a) the lottery ticket is recorded in the lotteries computer
system as cancelled; or
(b) information forming part of the lottery ticket is changed
other than with the authority of the lottery operator.
(2) A person does not have a claim against a lottery operator for a
prize based on a void lottery ticket.
17AT Each drawing to be numbered
Each drawing of a lottery must be given a number and be
identified by the number.
17AU Announcement of provisional prize pool
(1) The amount of the provisional prize pool for a drawing of a
lottery must be announced at the drawing.
(2) In this section—
provisional prize pool, for a drawing of a lottery, means the
amount estimated, at the drawing, to be available to pay all
winning tickets in the drawing.
17AV Publication of results
(1) As soon as practicable after the drawing of a lottery, a lottery
operator must—
[s 17AW]
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(a) inform the lottery operator’s lottery agents of the
winning numbers; and
(b) make the winning numbers available on the lottery
operator’s website.
(2) Each agent must display the numbers at the agent’s place of
(3) An agent may also display the following information—
(a) the amount of the prize pool in each division;
(b) the number of prize winners in each division;
(c) the estimated value of a prize in division 1 and the value
of a prize in each of the other divisions.
(4) In this section—
place of operation, for a lottery agent, means the agent’s place
of operation under the Act, section 125(2).
17AW Registered player as prize winner in division 1
As soon as practicable after the drawing of a lottery, the
lottery operator must use the computer system to find out
whether a division 1 prize-winning entry is the entry of a
registered player.
17AX Winning multi-week or twinpick lottery tickets and
exchange receipts
(1) This section applies if—
(a) a person, for payment of a prize in a drawing of a lottery,
gives a paper ticket to a lottery operator or lottery agent;
(b) the ticket is for an entry in a drawing of the lottery,
bought on the basis of a multi-week sale or twinpick
sale; and
(c) the ticket is still current for 1 or more drawings of the
lottery (the remaining drawings of the lottery).
[s 17AX]
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(2) If the lotteries computer system identifies the ticket as a
prize-winning ticket (the original ticket), the lottery operator
or lottery agent—
(a) may use a gaming terminal to print the word ‘winner’ on
the original ticket; and
(b) must—
(i) return the original ticket to the person; and
(ii) pay the prize to the person; and
(iii) give the person another ticket for the remaining
drawings of the lottery (the exchange receipt).
(3) The exchange receipt must state—
(a) the date and time the exchange receipt was given to the
person; and
(b) the number or numbers identifying the remaining
drawings of the lottery; and
(c) if the person has entered the drawing of the lottery as a
registered player—the person’s player card number; and
(d) if the person has used the person’s registered numbers
for the entry—the person’s registered numbers; and
(e) if paragraph (d) does not apply—the numbers selected
in the entry; and
(f) if the entry is a standard entry, or system entry, for
powerball—the powerball number; and
(g) if the entry is a powerhit entry—an indication the entry
is a powerhit entry; and
(h) if the entry is a syndicate share—an indication the entry
is a syndicate share and the number of syndicate shares;
(i) the name of the lottery agent or lottery operator who
gave the exchange receipt; and
(j) the receipt number and bar code for the exchange
receipt; and
[s 17AY]
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(k) other information the lottery operator considers
appropriate for the remaining drawings of the lottery.
(4) The exchange receipt is taken to be the person’s paper ticket
for the remaining drawings of the lottery.
(5) In this section—
powerball has the meaning given by the rule.
powerhit entry has the meaning given by the rule.
registered numbers
(a) for a registered player for a lottery, means the numbers
that the player has registered under the rule; or
(b) for a lottery agent, means the numbers that the lottery
agent has registered under the rule.
standard entry has the meaning given by the rule.
system entry has the meaning given by the rule.
17AY Paper ticket to be returned if not a winning ticket
(1) If a person claiming a prize gives a paper ticket to a lottery
agent or a lottery operator, the lottery agent or lottery operator
must return the ticket if it can not be identified as a winning
ticket using a gaming terminal.
(2) However, subsection (1) does not apply if an investigation by
a lottery operator is required under the rule for a lottery ticket
that appears to be a prize-winning ticket but is not identified
by the lotteries computer system.
17AZ Lottery operator not bound by agreement between
members of group
A lottery operator is not bound by an agreement made
between the members of a group of persons on whose behalf a
person is a participant in a lottery.
[s 17BA]
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17BA Bonus prize reserve
(1) If the rule provides for a stated part of the total subscriptions
for a drawing of a lottery to be put aside to accumulate as part
of a bonus prize reserve, the bonus prize reserve must, to the
extent that it is not otherwise used for prizes under the rule, be
distributed in payment of a prize or an additional prize in the
(2) However, if a lottery operator stops conducting a lottery (the
former lottery) for which there is a bonus prize reserve, the
lottery operator must, with the chief executive’s approval,
distribute the bonus prize reserve for the former lottery in
payment of a prize or an additional prize in another approved
(3) The lottery operator must identify the bonus prize reserve in
the lottery operator’s accounting records as a bonus prize
reserve until it is dealt with under subsection (1) or (2).
17BB Payment of bonus prize reserve into the consolidated
(1) This section applies if a person stops being a lottery operator.
(2) The person must pay to the chief executive the amount of a
bonus prize reserve that has not been distributed under
section 17BA.
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to the bonus prize reserve for a
local lottery conducted as part of a scheme mentioned in
section 17BC.
(4) The chief executive must pay the amount received under
subsection (2) into the consolidated fund.
17BC Pooling arrangements
(1) This section applies if—
(a) there is an agreement between a lottery operator and a
foreign agency about the operation of a scheme by the
lottery operator and agency; and
(b) the scheme is a combination of—
[s 17BD]
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(i) a lottery (the local lottery); and
(ii) a gaming scheme (the foreign gaming scheme)
conducted by the foreign agency that is equivalent
to the local lottery; and
(c) for the scheme, the following amounts are pooled—
(i) amounts paid as subscriptions for the local lottery;
(ii) amounts paid by persons to the foreign agency in
taking part in the foreign gaming scheme; and
(d) the scheme has—
(i) a single drawing; and
(ii) a single set of prizes.
(2) The local lottery may be conducted as part of the scheme, and
the provisions of the rule about the local lottery have effect
subject to the operation of the scheme.
(3) For subsection (1)(b), a reference to equivalent, for a local
lottery, includes being equivalent with respect to—
(a) the local lottery’s prize structure; and
(b) the percentage the net prize pool for a drawing of the
local lottery bears to the total subscriptions for the
17BD Jackpot and bonus prize reserve funds to be division 1
(1) This section applies if—
(a) a jackpot prize pool is available for a drawing of a
lottery; and
(b) the lottery operator must distribute an amount from the
bonus prize reserve for the division 1 prize in the same
(2) The jackpot prize pool and the amount from the bonus prize
reserve are a single prize pool for the drawing and, for making
a claim, must be treated as a division 1 prize.
[s 17BE]
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(3) The lottery operator must identify the jackpot prize pool in the
lottery operator’s accounting records as a jackpot prize pool
until it is distributed in a drawing of the lottery.
17BE Payment of jackpot prize pool into the consolidated fund
(1) This section applies if a person stops being a lottery operator.
(2) The person must pay to the chief executive the amount of a
jackpot prize pool that has not been distributed in a drawing of
a lottery.
(3) The chief executive must pay the amount received under
subsection (2) into the consolidated fund.
17BF Withdrawal of unsold lottery tickets
(1) This section applies to a lottery if a person takes part in the
lottery through lottery tickets that are printed to enable the
person to find out immediately whether the person has won a
a lottery known as instant scratch-its
(2) A lottery operator may withdraw all unsold lottery tickets for
a drawing in the lottery—
(a) if the drawing for the lottery can not proceed in a way
that is substantially consistent with the prize structure
for the drawing because of the way the tickets have been
printed; or
(b) if the wording on the tickets is ambiguous or may result
in confusion about a person’s entitlement to a prize; or
(c) if prizes included in the prize structure for the lottery are
no longer—
(i) available; or
(ii) of any value; or
(d) on the closure of the lottery; or
[s 17BF]
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(e) if the chief executive considers it appropriate in all the
circumstances to withdraw the tickets.
Example for subsection (2)(c)(ii)—
some of the prizes for the drawing are tickets to a sporting event, but the
event is held before all lottery tickets have been sold
(3) If lottery tickets for a drawing in the lottery are damaged or
stolen, the lottery operator—
(a) may withdraw the tickets; and
(b) must advise the chief executive of the withdrawal.
(4) The lottery operator must not withdraw tickets under
subsection (2)(a), (b) or (c) without the chief executive’s
(5) Despite subsection (4), the lottery operator may withdraw
tickets under subsection (2)(a), (b) or (c) without the chief
executive’s approval if it is not practicable to obtain the chief
executive’s approval before the withdrawal.
(6) If the lottery operator withdraws tickets under
subsection (2)(a), (b) or (c) without the chief executive’s
approval, the lottery operator must, as soon as practicable
after the withdrawal, seek the chief executive’s approval.
(7) As soon as practicable after lottery tickets are withdrawn
under subsection (2)(a), (b), (c) or (e), the lottery operator
must advertise the withdrawal in a newspaper circulating
generally in the State, and may advertise the withdrawal in
any other way.
(8) If lottery tickets are withdrawn under subsection (2), the
withdrawal remains effective until—
(a) the chief executive decides the tickets—
(i) are available for sale; or
(ii) are to be destroyed; or
(b) if the chief executive refuses to approve a withdrawal
sought under subsection (6)—the chief executive’s
(9) In this section—
[s 17BG]
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instant scratch-its has the meaning given by the rule.
17BG Guaranteed minimum prize payout for division 1
(1) This section applies if—
(a) a minimum prize payout in division 1 in a drawing of a
lottery has been guaranteed; and
(b) there is not enough money in the division 1 share of the
prize pool and the bonus prize reserve for the payout.
(2) The lottery operator must make available the shortfall for the
payout from the lottery operator’s own funds.
(3) However, if there is no winner in division 1, the amount made
available from the bonus prize reserve or by the lottery
operator under subsection (2) must not be used to decide the
amount of a jackpot prize pool for a subsequent drawing.
(4) The lottery operator may be reimbursed from the bonus prize
reserve for money made available by the lottery operator
under subsection (2).
18 Regulated lottery equipment—Act, sch 3
For schedule 3 of the Act, definition regulated lottery
equipment, the lottery equipment stated in schedule 2 is
declared to be regulated lottery equipment.
19 Fees
(1) The fees payable under the Act are stated in section 19A and
schedule 3.
(2) A fee stated in schedule 3, item 4 may consist of, or include,
an amount for part of an hour that is the equivalent of the
relevant proportion of the hourly rate, stated in the schedule,
worked out using 15-minute periods (wholly or partly
[s 19AA]
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19AA Rounding of amounts expressed as numbers of fee units
(1) This section applies for working out the amount of a fee
expressed in this regulation as a number of fee units.
(2) For the purpose of the Acts Interpretation Act 1954,
section 48C(3), the amount is to be rounded—
(a) if the result is not more than $100—to the nearest
multiple of 5 cents (rounding one-half upwards); or
(b) if the result is more than $100 but not more than
$1,000—to the nearest multiple of 10 cents (rounding
one-half upwards); or
(c) if the result is more than $1,000 but not more than
$5,000—to the nearest dollar (rounding one-half
upwards); or
(d) if the result is more than $5,000 but not more than
$100,000—to the nearest multiple of 10 dollars
(rounding one-half upwards).
If a fee were 35 fee units and the value of a fee unit were $1.015, the
number of dollars obtained by multiplying 35 by $1.015 would be
$35.525. Because $35.525 is halfway between $35.50 and $35.55, it is
rounded upwards, so the amount of the fee would be $35.55.
19A Fee for particular investigations
(1) This section applies to any of the following persons for whom
the chief executive may undertake an investigation under the
Act, section 14—
(a) an applicant for a primary licence;
(b) a business or executive associate of the applicant.
(2) This section also applies to a person who is a business or
executive associate of a primary licensee for whom the chief
executive may undertake an investigation under the Act,
section 36(2).
(3) The person must pay to the chief executive the reasonable
costs of conducting the investigation.
[s 19B]
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Examples of costs of conducting the investigation—
costs of outsourcing professional services, for example, legal or
accounting services
internal costs, including staff costs
travel and accommodation costs incurred inside or outside the State
or overseas
19B How fee for investigation must be paid
(1) This section applies in relation to a fee payable by a person
(the relevant person) under section 19A for an investigation.
(2) The chief executive may require, in writing, the relevant
person to pay all or part of the fee in advance.
(3) The chief executive may make the requirement before the
investigation starts, and at any time during the investigation.
(4) If the requirement is made before the investigation starts, the
chief executive may decide not to start the investigation until
the fee or part of the fee is paid.
(5) If the requirement is made during the investigation, the fee or
part of the fee must be paid within 28 days after the
requirement is made.
(6) The fee or part of the fee payable in advance must be—
(a) an amount not more than the chief executive’s estimate
or latest estimate of the fee payable under section 19A;
(b) reduced by the amount, if any, already paid by the
relevant person to the chief executive under this section
in relation to the investigation.
(7) As soon as reasonably practicable after the investigation is
finished the chief executive must—
(a) give the relevant person a written itemised account of
the costs comprising the fee; and
(b) either—
(i) refund any overpayment to the relevant person; or
[s 20]
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(ii) require, in writing, the relevant person to pay to the
chief executive, within 28 days after the
requirement is made, the amount of any shortfall
between the amount already paid by the relevant
person under this section and the amount of the
(8) For subsection (7), an investigation is finished in relation to a
relevant person if—
(a) both of the following apply—
(i) the chief executive considers the relevant person
has failed to comply with a requirement made by
the chief executive under the Act, section 37 in
relation to the investigation;
(ii) the chief executive considers the investigation is
finished; or
(b) the chief executive considers the investigation has been
completed for the chief executive’s purposes under the
Act, section 36(2).
(9) A relevant person given a requirement under subsection (2) or
(7)(b)(ii) must comply with the requirement.
(10) A failure by the chief executive to comply with
subsection (7)(a) or (b) as soon as reasonably practicable after
the investigation does not affect the recovery of the amount of
any shortfall mentioned in subsection (7)(b)(ii).
(11) In a proceeding to recover the amount of a shortfall mentioned
in subsection (7)(b)(ii), a written itemised account of the costs
given to the relevant person for the investigation under
subsection (7)(a) is evidence of the costs.
20 Repeal
The Lotteries Regulation 1997, SL No. 231 is repealed.
Schedule 1A
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Schedule 1A Approved entities
section 14A
BMM Australia Pty Ltd ACN 084 016 044
ENEX Pty Ltd ACN 096 299 099
GTA Pty Ltd ACN 082 989 446
QALAB Pty Ltd ACN 136 553 832
Schedule 1
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Schedule 1 Entities
section 17
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission, Canada
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Canada
Australian Border Force
Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
Australian Crime Commission (commonly known as Australian
Criminal Intelligence Commission)
Australian Federal Police
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
Australian Taxation Office
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)
Bureau of Gambling Control, Department of Justice, California
Casino Control Commission, New Jersey
Commissioner, Consumer and Business Services, South Australia
Commissioner for Fair Trading, Queensland
Commissioner of State Revenue, Queensland
Commissioner, Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission
Crime and Corruption Commission, Queensland
Department of Home Affairs
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (Liquor, Racing and
Gaming), NT
Schedule 1
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Department of Internal Affairs, New Zealand
Department of Justice and Community Safety, Victoria
Department of Justice, Canada
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
(Racing, Gaming & Liquor), Western Australia
Department of Safety and Homeland Security, Delaware
Department of Service Nova Scotia and Internal Services (Alcohol,
Gaming, Fuel and Tobacco Division), Canada
Department of Treasury and Finance, South Australia
Department of Treasury and Finance, Tasmania
Division of Gaming, Colorado
Division of Gaming Enforcement, New Jersey
Gambling and Racing Commission, ACT
Gambling Commission, New Zealand
Gambling Commission, UK
Gambling Regulatory Authority of Singapore
Gaming and Wagering Commission, Western Australia
Gaming Board for the Bahamas
Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch, British Columbia
Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority, NSW
Indiana Gaming Commission, USA
Japan Casino Regulatory Commission
Liquor & Gaming NSW
Lotteries Commission, South Australia
Lotteries Commission, Western Australia
Louisiana State Police Gaming Enforcement Division, USA
Mississippi Gaming Commission, USA
Schedule 1
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Missouri Gaming Commission, USA
Missouri State Highway Patrol, USA
Mpumalanga Economic Regulator, South Africa
National Indian Gaming Commission, USA
Nevada Gaming Commission, USA
Nevada Gaming Control Board, USA
New South Wales Crime Commission
New South Wales Independent Casino Commission
New South Wales Police Force
New York State Police
New Zealand Police
Northern Territory Police Force
Office of Racing Integrity, Tasmania
Pueblo of Isleta Gaming Regulatory Agency, USA
Queensland Police Service
South Australia Police
South Dakota Commission on Gaming, USA
Tasmania Police
The International Criminal Police Organization—Interpol
Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
Victoria Police
Western Australia Police Force
Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board, South Africa
WorkCover Queensland
Schedule 2
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Schedule 2 Regulated lottery equipment
section 18
audit computer system
lotteries computer system (hardware and software)
lottery random number generator
lottery tickets in instant scratch-its
Schedule 3
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Schedule 3 Fees
section 19
Fee units
1 Application fee for primary licence (Act, s 9(3)) 19,580.00
2 Application fee for key person licence (Act, s 47(2)(c)) 566.10
3 Issue of replacement key person licence (Act, s 57(4)) 41.65
4 Evaluation by the chief executive of regulated lottery
equipment (Act, s 133(3)(a)), for each hour or part of an
hour involved in the following—
(a) carrying out—
(i) a basic evaluation 234.30
(ii) an intermediate evaluation 292.80
(iii) an advanced evaluation 344.80
(iv) administration for an evaluation 175.60
(b) giving advice for an evaluation 175.60
(c) holding a meeting for an evaluation 175.60
See section 19(2) in relation to a fee for part of an hour.
Schedule 4
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Schedule 4 Dictionary
section 3
advanced evaluation means an evaluation of any of the
following things relating to regulated lottery equipment—
(a) communications protocols;
(b) monitoring systems;
(c) random number generators.
audit computer system means a computer system, separate
from a lotteries computer system, used by a lottery operator to
check the amounts received from the sale of tickets, the
number of winners and the prizes payable in each drawing of
an approved lottery.
authorised limit means the amount of funds stated in a lottery
operator’s control system as the maximum amount that may
be held in a player account.
basic evaluation means an evaluation of any of the following
things relating to regulated lottery equipment—
(a) artwork;
(b) cabinet design;
(c) documentation, including, for example, operational
classified lottery means—
(a) a declared lottery; or
(b) an approved lottery known as instant scratch-its.
declared lottery means an approved lottery known as lucky
lotteries games, oz lotto, powerball, Saturday gold lotto, set
for life, super 66, Weekday Windfall or Monday and
Wednesday gold lotto.
division, for a drawing of a lottery, means a prize level
identified as a division in the schedule for the lottery.
Schedule 4
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The prize levels for powerball range from division 1 down to division 7.
gaming terminal means a terminal that—
(a) is part of a lotteries computer system; and
(b) is used to issue paper tickets; and
(c) can be used by a lottery agent or a lottery operator—
(i) to identify whether or not a paper ticket is a
winning ticket; or
(ii) to access the computer system.
global GST amount, for a lottery operator for a month, means
the global GST amount, calculated under the A New Tax
System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cwlth),
division 126, for the month for the conduct of lotteries under
the lottery operator’s licence.
instant prize means a prize that is known to be won when the
matter printed in a game panel or panels on a ticket is
instant scratch-its means a lottery in which—
(a) instant prizes are decided; and
(b) additional prizes may be decided.
intermediate evaluation means an evaluation of any of the
following things relating to regulated lottery equipment—
(a) hardware, other than hardware subject to basic
(b) software, other than software subject to advanced
(c) the mathematical treatise of the derivation of the
theoretical return to a player.
lotteries computer system means a computer system used for
the conduct of lotteries by a lottery operator under a lottery
operator’s licence.
lottery random number generator see section 4.
Schedule 4
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monthly gross revenue see section 9.
multi-week sale, for a lottery, see section 4B(2) and (3).
paper ticket means a lottery ticket issued by a lottery agent or
a lottery operator in paper form.
player account means an account established under
section 17AA.
player card means a card a lottery operator gives a person
when the lottery operator registers the person as a registered
player card number means a unique number allocated by a
lottery operator and stated on a player card.
prize includes a share of a prize for the holder of a syndicate
registered player means a person registered in a lottery
operator’s players register under the rule.
restricted player means a person registered in a lottery
operator’s players register as a restricted player under
section 17AA(3).
rule means a rule made under the Lotteries Act 1997,
section 121.
selling fee, for a lottery ticket, means—
(a) if the ticket is sold by a lottery agent—the amount to
which the agent is entitled, under the agent’s agency
agreement, for selling the ticket; or
(b) if the ticket is sold by a lottery operator—an amount that
is equal to the amount to which a lottery agent would
have been entitled under the agent’s agency agreement if
the agent had sold the ticket.
subscription means the amount calculated by deducting the
selling fee for a lottery ticket from the purchase price for the
syndicate see section 4A.
syndicate share see section 4A.
Schedule 4
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unrestricted player means a person registered in a lottery
operator’s players register as an unrestricted player under
section 17AA(3).